Shooting Schedule For Wanderin

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Shooting Schedule

5/9 Test filming

MON - Intial landscape footage of woodlands, and tesing
of the light in order to decide wether or not a
reflector would be needed

Stinchcombe woods

6/9 Test filming

TUE - Going over the intial interview scene with chosen
actor in the TV studio and deciding on how it should
be filmed in regards to lighting and position and
movement of the camera

7/9 Filming Interview scene

WED After test filming the day before, I decided to use
a reflector and one simple LED light to create a
mysterious effect when filming, this scene took 2
hours to film in small chunks
8/9 Woodlands Filming
THU Location: Stinchcombe woods (sunny day)

On this day, all the filming for the woods scene was
completed, taking around 3-4 hours to finish, the
weather was mildly sunny which gave a lot of natural
light, meaning the use of the reflector wasn't
needed, however this meant that before actual
filming, further test filming was required to get
the right lighting.

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