Keynote Ben Palmer The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Creating A Mentally Healthy Workplace

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The role of emotional

intelligence in creating a
mentally healthy workplace
Published Papers, Book Chapters, Theses, and Manuals Published Conference Abstracts/Presentations

Adams, Martin (2006) . An investigation into the ef fects of emotional intelligence Harmer, R. & Lutton, C. (2007) . Enhancing team per formance through emotional Adams, M. 5, Lobb, B. (2006) . Exploring the r elationship between emotional
on occupational str ess and career success. Unpublished masters dissertation, intelligence coaching. Or ganisations & People, 14, 41-48. intelligence and car eer success. In C. Stough, D. Saklofske, & K. Hansen (Eds.)
University of Auck land, New Zealand. Emotional Intelligence: Inter national Symposium 2005 (pp. 115-136) . Melbourne
Ilarda, E., Finlay, B.M. (2006) . Emotional intelligence and pr opensity to be a : Tertiary Press.
Bailie, K., & Eker mans, G. (2006) . An exploration of the utility of a self-r eport team player. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 19-29.
emotional intelligence measur e. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 3-11. Ciorciari, J. (2006) . Biological basis of emotional intelligence. In C. Stough,
Jennings, S., & Palmer, B. R. (2007) . Enhancing sales per formance through D.H. Saklofske, and K. Hansen (Eds.)., Emotional Intelligence: Inter national
Brand, T. (2007). An exploration of the r elationship between bur nout, emotional intelligence development. Or ganisations & People, 14, 55-61. symposium 2005 (pp. 15-28). Melbourne, Australia: T ertiary Press.
occupational str ess, and emotional intelligence in industry. Unpublished
masters dissertation, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. King, M., & Gardner, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence and occupational Findlay, B. (2006) . Emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing. In
stress among pr ofessional staf f in New Zealand. Inter national Jour nal of C. Stough, D.H. Saklofske, and K. Hansen (Eds.)., Emotional Intelligence:
Downey, L.A., Papageor giou, V., & Stough, C. (2006) . Examining the r elationship Organisational Analysis, 14(3), 186-203. International symposium 2005 (pp. 217-224). Melbour ne, Australia: Tertiary Press.
between leadership, emotional intelligence and intuition in senior female
managers. Leadership and Or ganisation Development, 27, 250-264. Palmer, B. R. (2007) . Models and measur es of emotional intelligence. Gardner, L. (2006). Emotional intelligence and occupational str ess. In
Organisations & People, 14, 3-10. C. Stough, D.H. Saklofske, and K. Hansen (Eds.)., Emotional Intelligence:
Downey, L. A., Godfr ey, J-L, Hansen, K., Stough, C. (2006) . The impact of social International symposium 2005 (pp. 225-236). Melbour ne, Australia: Tertiary Press.
desirability and expectation of feedback on emotional intelligence in the Palmer, B. and Stough, C. (2001) . Workplace SUEIT : Swinburne University
workplace. E-Jour nal of Applied Psychology, 2, 12-18. Emotional Intelligence T est Technical Manual, Or ganisational Psychology Hansen, K. (2006) . Emotional intelligence and clinical depr ession. In C. Stough,
Research Unit, Swinbur ne University, Hawthor n. D.H. Saklofske, and K. Hansen (Eds.)., Emotional Intelligence: Inter national
Downey, L. A., Johnston, P . J., Hansen, K., Schembri, R., Stough, C., T uckwell, V.,
symposium 2005 (pp. 237-250). Melbour ne, Australia: Tertiary Press.
& Schweitzer, I. (2008). The relationship between emotional intelligence and Palmer, B. R., Stough, C., Hamer, R., & Gignac, G. E. (in pr ess). Genos Emotional
depression in a clinical sample. Eur opean Jour nal of Psychiatry, 22(2), 93-98. Intelligence Inventory. In C. Stough, D. Saklofske, &, J. Parker (Ed.), Advances in Harmer, R., & Palmer, B. (2007). Does emotional intelligence focused coaching
the measurement of emotional intelligence. New Y ork: Springer. improve self and subor dinate ratings of team ef fectiveness? Australian Jour nal
Furnell, B. A. (2008) . Exploring the r elationship between bur nout, emotional
of Psychology, 59,a98.
labour, and emotional intelligence: A study on call centr e representatives. Rajendran, D., Downey, L. A., & Stough, C. (2007) . Assessing emotional
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. intelligence in the workplace: A pr eliminary reliability study. E-Jour nal of Applied Palmer, B.R. (2006). Developing finnce ex ecut i ves emo t i onal int el ligence.
Psychology, 3, 55-60. In C. Stough, D.H. Saklofske, and K. Hansen (Eds.)., Emotional Intelligence:
Gardner, L. (2002). Examining the r elationship between leadership and
emotional intelligence in senior level managers. Leadership and Or ganization International symposium 2005 (pp. 61-73). Melbour ne, Australia: Tertiary Press.
Rosete, D. (2007) . Does emotional intelligence play an important r ole in
Development, 23, 68-78. leadership ef fectiveness? Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Palmer, B. R., & Stough, C. (2001) . The measurement of emotional intelligence.
Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia. Australian Jour nal of Psychology, 53, 85.
Gardner, L. (2005). Emotional intelligence and occupational str ess. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, Swinbur ne University of T echnology, Melbour ne, Australia. Semadar, A., Robbins, G., & Ferris, G. R (2006) . Comparing the validity of Palmer, B. R., Gardner, L., & Stough, C. (2003) . The relationship between
multiple social ef fectiveness constructs in the pr ediction of managerial job emotional intelligence, personality, and leadership. Australian Jour nal of
Gignac, G. E. (2005) . Determining the dimensionality of a self-r eport emotional performance. Jour nal of Organizational Behaviour , 27, 443-461.
intelligence inventory (SUEIT) and testing its unique factorial validity. Unpublished Psychology, 55, 140-145.
doctoral dissertation, Swinbur ne University of T echnology, Melbour ne, Australia. Squire, R. (2007). An investigation of the interaction between manager EI and
Stough, C., Palmer, B.R., Walls, M., & Bur gess, Z. (2001) . Emotional intelligence
employee EI on job satisfaction and per formance in a high emotional labour
Gignac, G. E. (2008) . Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory: T echnical Manual. and effective leadership. Australian Jour nal of Psychology, 53, 85.
occupation. Unpublished masters dissertation, University of Northumbria,
Sydney, NSW. Genos Press. Newcastle, UK.
Gignac, G. E., Har mer, R. J., Jennings, S., & Palmer , B. R. (in pr ess). EI training and
Coetzer, W. C. (2014). The relationship between emotional intelligence and
sales per formance during a corporate mer ger. Cross Cultural Management:
job satisfaction amongst WESTCOL FET lectur ers (Unpublished masters thesis) .
An International Jour nal.
University of Johannesbur g, Johannesbur g, Gauteng, South Africa.
Godse, A., & Thingujam, N. S. (2010) . Perceived cemotional intelligence and
Jayawardena, L. N. A. C., & Gr egar, A. L. E. S. (2012, September). Emotional
conflit r esolution styles among information technology professionals: Examining
Intelligence and Academic Per formances of High SchoolsStudents; A Case
the role of personality. Accepted for publication in Singapor e Management
Study. In Proceedings of the firt W
S EAS Int er national Conference on Economics,
Review, 32(1)
Political and Law Science (pp. 119-124) .
Hamer, R. (2004). Generation X: The ef fect of work-life balance and emotional
Kumar, J. A., & e
Muniandy, B. (2012). The
e Influnce of De mo gr aphi c Pr ofils on
intelligence on well-b eing. Unpublished masters dissertation, Swinbur ne
Emotional Intelligence: A Study on Polytechnic Lectur ers in Malaysia.
University of Technology, Melbour ne, Australia.
International Online Jour nal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 62-70.

Gignac, G. E., Karatamoglou, A., W ee, S., & Palacios, G. (2014) . Emotional
intelligence as a unique pr edictor of individ ual differences in humour styles and
humour appreciation. Personality and Individ ual Differences, 56, 34-39.
The practice

Game changing for business, life changing for people 2015 Genos International 3
The role of emotional intelligence in
creating a mentally healthy workplace
Tasmanian research
How organisations are improving the EI
of employees
The science of emotions
Emotions influence

Decisions Behaviour Performance

The science
of emotional
Reactive Lack of
Problem responsibility
focused Defensive
Aggressive Absence of trust

Uncertain Victimised
Stressed Disempowered


Financial pressures, job insecurity, work hours, job complexity, constant
change (restructuring, mergers, tech), lack of flex
Research in Tasmania
Do levels of emotional intelligence
meaningfully relate to:
How stressed people feel
How resilient they are
How engaged they are at work
The study
1742 people working in the state of TAS
32% males, 67% females, 1% unknown
AVG age of 46; SD 10.8, range from 17-73
Levels of Education and different industries
well represented
Resilience .50 Resilience .43

Stress -.20 Stress .-20

Engagement .26 Engagement .26

Resilience .70 Resilience .34

Stress -.40 Stress -.20

Engagement .40 Engagement .18

Resilience .43 Resilience .50

Stress -.25 Stress -.30

Engagement .21 Engagement .29

The resilience questions
Adapt to change
Deal with whatever comes
See humorous side of problems
Bounce back after illness or hardship
Achieve goals despite obstacles
Stay focused under pressure
Not easily be discouraged by failure
Think of myself as strong person
Handle unpleasant feelings
Promote the Discretionary
Accountable Buy-in
brand Buy-in effort

Relaxed Empowered
Cared for


Financial pressures, job insecurity, work hours, job complexity, constant

change (restructuring, mergers, tech), lack of flex
Research in Tasmania
Levels of emotional intelligence meaningfully relate
How stressed people feel
How resilient they are
How engaged they are at work
There were no substantive differences in the levels
Tasmanians in this sample have of these important
variables in comparison to other States/Territories
Females are higher than males
How to develop emotional Intelligence

Programs need to focus on emotionally intelligent behaviour

Programs need to have practical tools and concepts that can be
applied in every day interactions
Programs need to have Mindset, Toolset, Skillset methodology
Programs need to be in a journey format with applications
between sessions
Programs need emotional intelligence assessments pre and
Case study
Time 1 Time 2
Assessment Assessment

The Science of
Insight & Self-Other Managing Sustaining the
Emotional Authenticity
Feedback Awareness Emotions development

Elapsed time of approximately 6 months

6 x 2hr sessions
Learning assignments and review between sessions with a learning
partner methodology
Time 1 and Time 2 assessments
ROI - a 24% improvement in EI
0 20 40 60 80 100

Total EI 42

Emotional Self-Awareness 53

Emotional Awareness of Others 44


Emotional Expression 38
58 time 1
time 2
Emotional Reasoning 38

Emotional Self-Management 37

Emotional Management of Others 36


Emotional Self-Control 49
Produced a 22% Increase in employee engagement

In summary
Levels of EI do meaningfully related to mental
health variables
We can develop peoples level of EI
Emotional intelligence development
represents a great strategy for creating a
mentally healthy workplace
Recommended guidelines
Provision of mental health education, policies and
Proactive mental health initiatives e.g., are u ok day?
Effective change management processes
Fair pay and rewards
Balance job demands with resources and job control
Flexible working arrangements
Guides that define effective culture
Develop managers and employees emotional
Thank you

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