Magnetic Materials and Applications: M - (El) /2m

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Magnetic Materials and Applications

Period: T=2r/v


Magnetic moment due to electric current i: m=i*A=-(erxv)/2

M=-(el)/2me: connection of angular momentum and magnetic moment

Gyromagnetic ratio: -e/2me =

mz = *ml*(h/2) where ml = 0, +-1, +-2,

Bohr magneton: = e*h/2me -> mz = - * ml

**Sometimes magnetization is considered as the average magnetic moment per


Spin produces magnetic moment -> however, the magnetic moment produced by
the angular momentum is smaller than the m.m. produced by the spin (spin has a
bigger gyromagnetic ratio ).

Spin is an essential factor in ferromagnetic materials!

In Fe the magnetization depends only on the electron spins and not on the orbital
magnetic moment because of the angular momentum.

Nd2Fe14B -> Nd has spin-orbit coupling j = L + s (magneto-crystalline anisotropy

although s has a fixed direction) -> permanent magnet

In iron there is no spin-orbit coupling -> magnetization changes easily -> non-
permanent magnet

Results & Conclusions:

1. Change in the energy levels occurs

2. Spin rotation in the presence of an external magnetic field is hard
3. (weak interaction): Absence of orbital contribution in magnetism

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