Kensei Move List MacKingsly

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Kensei Move List

Move Forward: W Top Guard: ^

Move Left: A Left Guard: <
Move Back: S Right Guard: >
Move Right: D Hard Feint: *
Dash Forward/Left/Right/Back: dF/L/R/B Guard Break (Grab)/Throw: G/T
Dash Any Direction: dFLRB Light/Heavy Attack: a/A

Basic Moves:
Helm Splitter (Helm): dF+a
Attack lands top regardless of guard
Swift Strike (Swift): dL/R+a
Attack lands opposite dash direction regardless of guard
Grasping Pounce (Grasp): dF+G
Top Heavy Finisher (THF): After second hit in combo - ^A

Basic THF Mixups (Input during THF start):

Finisher Feint: *
Finisher Dash (FD): dFLRB
Finisher Side Attack Soft Feint (SA): </>+a/A
Finisher Side Feint (SF): </>+A*

Retreating Attack: S+a/A
Taking a step backwards, Kensei swipes with his sword (quickest from top stance).
Feint-Attack (FA): A*+any attack (a/A/Swift/Helm)
Cancelling any heavy attack to attack again, Kensei postpones the attack, confusing the opponent.
Dash Block (DB): Match guard with enemy attack+dFLRB
Kensei dashes, blocking or evading the opponents attack, negating stagger from heavy attacks.
DBGrab (DBG): (Match guard+dF)+G
Mixing DB and Grasp, Kensei blocks the attack and initiates an untechable** Grab.
DBHelm/Swift (DBH/S): (Match guard+dFLR)+a
With a slightly different timing than DBGrab, Kensei can use Helm/Swift after a DB
Divider (Div): Swift(Right)+^A (Just before Swift lands)
Kensei twists in the air with a quick downward strike, more powerful than any other follow-up to Swift
Divider counts as a follow-up attack, and can lead into THF Mixups.
Double Zone Attack (DZ): While not locked, turn back against enemy+aA - During first swing,
W towards enemy (Can lock on during end of second swing)
By turning his back towards the enemy, Kensei hits his backwards twirl, and then turns with his second
swing, giving him full use of his zone attack.
Feint-Grab (F-G): ^A*+G (Quickest with top attack)
After any (1st or 2nd) heavy top attack, Kensei feints quickly and grabs his opponent.
Wallstun THF (WTF): After Grab, Throw your opponent into a wall, then ^A
Kensei throws his opponent for a wall for a guaranteed THF hit, dealing massive damage.
Mixup Techniques (from THF):
Grasp Cancel (GC): THF dF+G
Kensei dashes out of his THF and grabs his opponent.
Helm/Swift Cancel (H/SC): THF dFLR+a
Kensei dashes out of his THF and strikes his opponent from a set direction.

Example Combos:
Parry + ^a + FA + ^A + SA

After countering the opponents attack or movement with a Helm or Swift, Kensei follows up with a
top heavy attack. Feinting this attack, Kensei quickly initiates a Grab.
This move utilizes different timings for different directions to be as fluent as possible, using Div for
Swift(Right). With enough speed, the opponents parry will be negated. This grab is both quicker and
more likely to hit the opponent than just grabbing after Helm/Swift.

[DBH/S + F-G + ^A + GC] + WTF (Close to wall) or + ^A + SA

After the previous DBH/S+F-G initiator, Kensei follows up with his best option, a top heavy attack.
From his THF he GCs into a second grab, and being close to a wall, Kensei chooses to throw his
opponent, getting a wall stun for a guaranteed THF. When not close to a wall, Kensei might instead
follow his second grab with a top heavy and finish with a SA.

DBG + ^A + H/SC + F-G + ^A + FD(Back)

After blocking the opponents attack, dashing in, Kensei grabs his enemy and follows up with top
heavy. From his THF he cancels into a Helm or Swift depending on the opponents guard, then feints
his second top heavy into a second grab. After landing the third top heavy, he cancels his THF and
dashes back to safety.

DBG + ^A + SF + Grasp + WTF

Close to a wall, Kensei manages to grab his opponent. He delivers a top heavy and then feints his
finisher side attack to confuse his opponent. Quickly thereafter, he dashes in for a second grab. Being
successful, this time Kensei throws the enemy into a wall, stunning him for a guaranteed THF.

Kensei cannot follow up a Heavy attack parry with an untechable grab, but if he parries a light attack, he can.
In some situations, such as the opponent standing close to a wall, Kensei might succeed with both, though.
In essence, a parried light is worse for the attacker than a parried heavy. This goes for you too.

From any parry, Kensei can get a guaranteed top light attack on his opponent, which can be followed by any
fitting technique.

**Untechable: By pressing Guard Break right as the enemy grabs you, you get out of the grab (Tech). Untechable
means not being able to perform this action

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