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Conduction along a composite bar


Study the conduction of heat along a composite bar and evaluate the overall heat transfer

Determine the thermal conductivity of a metal specimen.

Determine the thermal conductivity of an insulator.

Theory and Introduction:

(a) Determining overall heat transfer coefficient

The heated, intermediate and cooled sections are clamped tightly together, so that the end
faces are in good thermal contact, and create a composite bar with a Stainless steel section
sandwitched between tow Brass sections as shown below.

K hot K int K cold


X hot X int X cold

For continuity, the steady heat flow through the successive sections must be the same so
Fouriers Law can be applied to the three sections as follows:

Q k T k T k T
= = =

From which it follows that:

= + + = + +


= = + + =

Where U is the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and 1/U is the resistance to heat flow R.
(b) Determining thermal conductivity of a metal

The heated, intermediate and cooled sections are clamped tightly together, so that the end
faces are in food thermal contact, and create a composite bar with a metal specimen of
unknown thermal conductivity sandwiched between two brass sections.
T hot face T cold face
A cold
A hot Q A int T8

x int

From Fouriers Law

= where = and is the length of the

intermediate specimen(=0.03m)

Therefore =

Thermocouples T3 and T6 are located 7.5mm from the end face compared with a distance of
15mm between adjacent thermocouples (half the distance), therefore:

In the case of heated section the temperature of the end face (hot face) will be lower than T3
and can be calculated as follows:

2 3
= 3

Similarly = 6 +

(c) Determining thermal conductivity of an insulator

Materials such as paper and cork have very low values of thermal conductivity which means
that only a small amount of heat will pass through the material even through a high
temperature difference may exist across its two faces. Such materials are known as insulators
and are practically utilised in situations where it is required to reduce heat loss from a hot
body to its surroundings.

The heated and cooled sections are clamped tightly together with the cork disk in between to
create a composite bar with the insulated disk of unknown thermal conductivity sandwiched
between two brass sections.
T hot face T cold face

? x
X ins

Because of the low value of k for an insulator the dimension mist be small and only a small
amount of heat(low power) must flow through the specimen to prevent a large temperature
difference which will trip the thermostat.

= =

Therefore =

In the case of heated section the temperature of the end face (hot face) will be lower than T3
and can be calculated as follows:

2 3
= 3
In the case of cooled section the temperature of end face (cold face) will be higher than T6
and can be calculated as follows

6 7
= 6 +

Familiarize yourself with the conduction experimental station.

Attach nine thermostat cables to the connectors on the back of the control module and to the
temperature measuring points on the sample.
Attach the heater supply cable to the three-prong electrical outlet on the front of the control
Turn on the cold water supply to the right of the testing area and assure a slow and steady
flow of cooling water.
Turn on the control module and set the heater power control to 15 Watts.
Record the temperature (T) at all sensor locations and the input power readings. Repeat this
step at one-minute intervals until temperature changes become insignificant.
Reset the input power to P = 10 W and turn off the control module. Disconnect the thermostat
cables but do not remove the sample. Caution, the sample may be very hot. Continue with
the next section while allowing the sample to cool.
Turn off the cooling water supply.

Time T1 T2 T3 T6 T7 T8 V I FW

The distance between thermocouple T1 and the hot face = 0.0375 m

Distance between hot face and cold face = 0.30m

The distance between thermocouple T8 and the cold face = 0.0375 m

Diameter of the bar = 0.025m

The distance between each thermocouple = 0.015m

The distance between thermocouple T3 or T6 and the end face = 0.0075m

Conductivity of brass section is approximately 121 W/mC

Conductivity of stainless steel is approximately 25 W/mC


(a) For determining overall heat transfer coefficient

For each set of readings, the derived results are tabulated as follows

Heat flow (Power to heater) = Q = VI (Watts)

Cross sectional area = (m2)

Temperature across the wall T18 = T1-T8 (C)

Resistance to heat flow = R = = + +

Overall heat transfer coefficient = U = Q/A(T1-T8)

Estimate the cumulative influence of the experimental errors on the calculated

values for Q, T18, R and U and measured values for xint, xcold and D.

Compare the two values obtained for the overall heat transfer coefficient.

(b) For determining thermal conductivity

Heat flow (Power to heater) = Q = VI (Watts)

Cross sectional area = (m2)

= 3 (C)

= 6 + (C)

Tint = (Thotface-Tcoldface) (C)

kint = Q xint/Aint(Thotface-Tcoldface) (W/mC)

Estimate the cumulative influence of the experimental errors


At a minimum, your report should include at least the following information:

A plot of Tss vs. time for each location. Use the Excel software to determine the equation of
the graph using trendline. Once you obtain the equation. Differentiate the equation and set the
differential to zero and find the steady temperature (Tss).
Plot the steady state temperatures of all locations in one graph and discuss the significance of
this plot.
Extrapolate the temperature profile plots in the heater and cooler to determine the respective
outer surface temperatures. These temperatures should be used to determine the overall heat
Transfer coefficient.

The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient obtained using this method should be
compared with the value calculated from the thermal geometry equation. Students should
account for differences between the values for overall heat transfer coefficient obtained using
each method. What is the practical significance of the overall heat transfer coefficient?

What is the effect of varying heater power?

Determine the thermal conductivity of the conductor and insulator.

Perform an uncertainty analysis on the experimental and theoretical values of thermal

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