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My Views and Theories on Fascism

After doing much reading on many books, papers, articles, and listening to speeches

from all sides of the political spectrum; going from the republic views, the democratic views,

the marxist views, the socialist views, and the fascist views themselves, I have found what I

need to know. Most would think what I would say is horrid and not true in the slightest, that I

am a full supporter of the governmental form that is fascism and the ideas of white

nationalism. The reasons for this are quite numerous and I will cover in separate sections

depending on time period.

Starting with the mid 20th century I do say, I don't think the holocaust was necessary,

one for the fact that putting that much manpower in killing people is purely ineffective but also

because the Jews really weren't a big deal back then. The only thing that can be noted is by a

Jewish man by the name of Israel Cohen in 1912, the quote reading; We must realize that

our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness

of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to

the program of the Communist party in America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming

the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex

for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every

walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,

the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver

America to our cause. the entire legitimacy of if this quote was actually existent is still up for


The real problem I have noticed is after World War 2, after that you notice a serious

pattern. Racial tensions were not a big deal until about 10 years after World War 2, no one

really talked about it until all of a sudden it popped up everywhere. Then there was the
political correctness of the Vietnam war, wanting peace, peace is a lie and cannot be

achieved and expecting it is completely moronic. This was also quite sudden and quite

drastic, mainly being influenced by the media, taking images and information from the war

and changing it around to make it seem like our soldiers and country are horrible people. Two

things you can notice from this is, the Vietnam war destroyed nationalism within America, it

was horrible to love your country for a while after that, then the racial tensions, this caused

people to hate whites for past things, to make people feel victimized for their shortcomings.

But who was to blame for all these sudden occurrences? The blacks? No! They are victims it

couldn't be! The latinos? No! They are victimized too! What about the whites? Yes! They must

be it! They control the government and decide all these things and made all these things

happen to us.

That there you can see the pattern, the making the white race feel guilty for past

actions, we are reminded in school every year in history what we have done. That we killed

millions in camps, that we had slaves, that we attacked Asians in Vietnam, it was all the

whites. Our school system neglects the white slaves still in Arab countries, neglects the horrid

acts of countries in Africa and rituals and strange things, it feels we must be reminded

everywhere of what we did, and not that of the other races. There is one people though, that

has undergone to most horrid of acts but conveniently look just like white people, that's right,

the Jews. No one could ever think the Jews could hurt anyone after what happened, but they

sure can, abuse victims have shown to also engage into abusing others in the future, (look it

up) that doesn't sound far from what the Jews are doing to the whites, they can hide

themselves among the whites and use that as a disguise, to make everyone hate them. It

forces people to believe that whites can never be victims, they are the ones that kill people,

and as soon as the Jew is found for being white and accused of these acts, he can just pop

around and say I am Jewish! and everything is okay because of the holocaust! There is
some quotes that can be found on youtube videos which will be linked at the end of this paper

made by Jews that back up my theory. To put my theory on this matter simply, the Jews have

used the Holocaust as a weapon to make themselves immune to being found to be the

assaulter, in the process they have successfully made the populace believe the whites are the

enemy, giving them power in the end.

Now the actual idea of Fascism, after reading both Mussolini's rather short book on

Fascism and the political parts of Mein Kampf (Half the book is biography of Hitler) I have

found Fascism is less about the killing of other races but the improvement of one's own. The

idea of Fascism is shown within both books to be love in the state and pure nationalism.

Fascism has had a bad name in the media and schools for running every little thing, that is

not entirely true. The Fascist idea believes in the improvement of races and thinking

communism or diversity is a good thing is the opposite, it is stupid and not effective. Because

of this their ideas must be removed to eliminate the degeneracy, whether it be through hard

labor, re education centers or straight up shooting them, it must be fixed. This is also where

the idea of racism is derived, in a way that can be accurate but most prefer racialism.

Evidence throughout has shown, that anyone who is either not white or from the areas around

Japan have a lower IQ level, IQ level is a genetic trait and is very difficult to change and

requires either a fluke in the genetic code where from some reason a black man has an IQ of

a white man, or many hundreds of years of the same generation learning more and more

faster and faster. Fascism like I said believes in the idea of improvement, and blacks and

other races a side from Asians do not fit into that idea and must be removed from the country,

death is not required but must be enforced if the person refuses to leave. Once those people

have reached the same level of learning or higher then they may return, until then they must

leave to keep from degenerating our people.

The economic ideas of Fascism are actually relatively simple, they adopt a capitalist
format of the free exchange of goods between the people and throughout the country and

creating new ideas. The only difference is, that country must be helping the state in one way

or another, for instance, if company cannot produce profit, it will be removed. This format also

though requires everyone to work, if they are not working, they are starving, that is the Fascist

idea. If someone is not able to gain a skill within at least 24 years of schooling they have

shown they are unfit for society and natural selection must take it's course, the only safety net

will be homeless shelters with left over scraps and the person has 2 years to find a purpose in

life before they are thrown out to rot. If this was done today this would cause a large influx of

many dying off for not working, but eventually it will even out and the smart ones will live and

carry on, it follows nature. The only exception to this rule is being 65 and older, or if you

fought for your country and were wounded in combat. Healthcare and education would also

be given to the people that have earned it, if you have proven you can work hard and haven

proven your intellect you will be given better healthcare and education to improve yourself.

Fascism has also shown to be lacking of freedom for the people, this is half true. The idea

believes Freedom is a privilege not a right, you work for your ability to take breaks, the

freedom to worship whatever god you wish, as long as it is a sect of Christianity or Athiesm,

the freedom to own a weapon, the freedom to have a voice.

Some may think a method like this would never work, where the government would

eventually get greedy and it could never sustain itself, that is why you set the system to give

freedoms as you work, if you prove your loyalty to the state to the point where you can go into

a governmental position, you have proven you love the state too much to become greedy. But

there is always a back up plan, if there is any sign of someone becoming corrupt they will be

disposed of. The court system is also a complex one that isn't actually touched on in either

Mein Kampf or Mussolini's book so I can't say anything there.

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