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532 insular shelves, and other submarine areas

over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
LAW OF 1974
b. Vessel. Any vessel or watercraft used for
WHEREAS, reports from law-enforcement transport of passengers and cargo from one
agencies reveal that lawless elements are still place to another through Philippine Waters. It
committing acts of depredations upon the shall include all kinds and types of vessels or
persons and properties of innocent and boats used in fishing.
defenseless inhabitants who travel from one
place to another, thereby disturbing the peace, c. Philippine Highway. It shall refer to any
order and tranquility of the nation and stunting road, street, passage, highway and bridges or
the economic and social progress of the other parts thereof, or railway or railroad within
people; the Philippines used by persons, or vehicles, or
locomotives or trains for the movement or
WHEREAS, such acts of depredations circulation of persons or transportation of
constitute either piracy or highway goods, articles, or property or both.
robbery/brigandage which are among the
highest forms of lawlessness condemned by d. Piracy. Any attack upon or seizure of any
the penal statutes of all countries; and vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part
thereof or its cargo, equipment, or the personal
WHEREAS, it is imperative that said lawless belongings of its complement or passengers,
elements be discouraged from perpetrating irrespective of the value thereof, by means of
such acts of depredations by imposing heavy violence against or intimidation of persons or
penalty on the offenders, with the end in view force upon things, committed by any person,
of eliminating all obstacles to the economic, including a passenger or member of the
social, educational and community progress of complement of said vessel, in Philippine
the people; NOW, waters, shall be considered as piracy. The
offenders shall be considered as pirates and
THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, punished as hereinafter provided.
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the
powers vested in me by the Constitution and e. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. The
pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, dated seizure of any person for ransom, extortion or
September 21, 1972 and No. 1104, dated other unlawful purposes, or the taking away of
January 17, 1973 and General Order No. 1, the property of another by means of violence
dated September 22, 1972, do hereby order against or intimidation of person or force upon
and decree as part of the law of the land the things of other unlawful means, committed by
following: any person on any Philippine Highway.

SECTION 1. Title. This Decree shall be SECTION 3. Penalties. Any person who
known as the Anti-Piracy and Anti Highway commits piracy or highway robbery/brigandage
Robbery Law of 1974. as herein defined, shall, upon conviction by
competent court be punished by:
SECTION 2. Definition of Terms . The
following terms shall mean and be understood, a. Piracy. The penalty of reclusion
as follows: temporal in its medium and maximum
periods shall be imposed. If physical
a. Philippine Waters. It shall refer to all injuries or other crimes are committed
bodies of water, such as but not limited to, as a result or on the occasion thereof,
seas, gulfs, bays around, between and the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall
connecting each of the Islands of the Philippine be imposed. If rape, murder or
Archipelago, irrespective of its depth, breadth, homicide is committed as a result or on
length or dimension, and all other waters the occasion of piracy, or when the
belonging to the Philippines by historic or legal offenders abandoned the victims
title, including territorial sea, the seabed, the
without means of saving themselves, DONE in the City of Manila, this 8th day of
or when the seizure is accomplished by August, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen
firing upon or boarding a vessel, the Hundred and Seventy-Four.
mandatory penalty of death shall be
imposed. RULE 112, Section 6

Section 6. When warrant of arrest may

b. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. The
issue. (a) By the Regional Trial Court.
penalty of reclusion temporal in its
Within ten (10) days from the filing of the
minimum period shall be imposed. If
complaint or information, the judge shall
physical injuries or other crimes are
personally evaluate the resolution of the
committed during or on the occasion of
prosecutor and its supporting evidence. He
the commission of robbery or
may immediately dismiss the case if the
brigandage, the penalty of reclusion
evidence on record clearly fails to establish
temporal in its medium and maximum
probable cause. If he finds probable cause,
periods shall be imposed. If kidnapping
he shall issue a warrant of arrest, or a
for ransom or extortion, or murder or
commitment order if the accused has
homicide, or rape is committed as a
already been arrested pursuant to a
result or on the occasion thereof, the
warrant issued by the judge who conducted
penalty of death shall be imposed.
the preliminary investigation or when the
SECTION 4. Aiding Pirates or Highway complaint or information was filed pursuant
Robbers/Brigands or Abetting Piracy or to section 7 of this Rule. In case of doubt
Highway Robbery/Brigandage. Any on the existence of probable cause, the
person who knowingly and in any manner judge may order the prosecutor to present
aids or protects pirates or highway additional evidence within five (5) days
robbers/brigands, such as giving them from notice and the issue must be resolved
information about the movement of police by the court within thirty (30) days from
or other peace officers of the government, the filing of the complaint of information.
or acquires or receives property taken by
(b) By the Municipal Trial Court. When
such pirates or brigands or in any manner
required pursuant to the second paragraph
derives any benefit therefrom; or any
of section 1 of this Rule, the preliminary
person who directly or indirectly abets the
investigation of cases falling under the
commission of piracy or highway robbery
original jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial
or brigandage, shall be considered as an
Court, Municipal Trial Court in Cities,
accomplice of the principal offenders and
Municipal Trial Court, or Municipal Circuit
be punished in accordance with the Rules
Trial Court may be conducted by either the
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code. It
judge or the prosecutor. When conducted
shall be presumed that any person who
by the prosecutor, the procedure for the
does any of the acts provided in this
issuance of a warrant or arrest by the judge
Section has performed them knowingly,
shall be governed by paragraph (a) of this
unless the contrary is proven.
section. When the investigation is
SECTION 5. Repealing Clause. Pertinent conducted by the judge himself, he shall
portions of Act No. 3815, otherwise known follow the procedure provided in section 3
as the Revised Penal Code; and all laws, of this Rule. If the findings and
decrees, or orders or instructions, or parts recommendations are affirmed by the
thereof, insofar as they are inconsistent provincial or city prosecutor, or by the
with this Decree are hereby repealed or Ombudsman or his deputy, and the
modified accordingly. corresponding information is filed, he shall
issue a warrant of arrest. However, without
SECTION 6. Effectivity. This Decree shall waiting for the conclusion of the
take effect upon approval. investigation, the judge may issue a
warrant of arrest if he finds after an
examination in writing and under oath of
the complainant and his witnesses in the AN ACT PROHIBITING CERTAIN ACTS
form of searching question and answers, INIMICAL TO CIVIL AVIATION, AND FOR
that a probable cause exists and that there OTHER PURPOSES
is a necessity of placing the respondent
under immediate custody in order not to SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any
frustrate the ends of justice. person to compel a change in the course or
destination of an aircraft of Philippine
(c) When warrant of arrest not necessary. registry, or to seize or usurp the control
A warrant of arrest shall not issue if the thereof, while it is in flight. An aircraft is in
accused is already under detention flight from the moment all its external
pursuant to a warrant issued by the doors are closed following embarkation
municipal trial court in accordance with until any of such doors is opened for
paragraph (b) of this section, or if the disembarkation.
complaint or information was filed pursuant
to section 7 of this Rule or is for an offense It shall likewise be unlawful for any person
penalized by fine only. The court shall then to compel an aircraft of foreign registry to
proceed in the exercise of its original land in Philippine territory or to seize or
jurisdiction. (6a) usurp the control thereof while it is within
the said territory.
RULE 113, Section 5
SECTION 2. Any person violating any
Section 5. Arrest without warrant; when provision of the foregoing section shall be
lawful. A peace officer or a private punished by an imprisonment of not less
person may, without a warrant, arrest a than twelve years but not more than
person: twenty years, or by a fine of not less than
twenty thousand pesos but not more than
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be forty thousand pesos.
arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an The penalty of imprisonment of fifteen
offense; years to death, or a fine of not less than
twenty-five thousand pesos but not more
(b) When an offense has just been than fifty thousand pesos shall be imposed
committed, and he has probable cause to upon any person committing such violation
believe based on personal knowledge of under any of the following circumstances:
facts or circumstances that the person to
be arrested has committed it; and 1. Whenever he has fired upon the pilot,
member of the crew or passenger of the
(c) When the person to be arrested is a aircraft;
prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving
final judgment or is temporarily confined
while his case is pending, or has escaped 2. Whenever he has exploded or attempted
while being transferred from one to explode any bomb or explosive to
confinement to another. destroy the aircraft; or

In cases falling under paragraph (a) and (b) 3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by
above, the person arrested without a murder, homicide, serious physical injuries
warrant shall be forthwith delivered to the or rape.
nearest police station or jail and shall be
proceeded against in accordance with SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for any
section 7 of Rule 112. (5a) person, natural or juridical, to ship, load or
carry in any passenger aircraft operating as
a public utility within the Philippines, any
explosive, flammable, corrosive or
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6235 poisonous substance or material.
SECTION 4. The shipping, loading or arsine, bromobenzyle cyanide,
carrying of any substance or material bromoacetone and other similar
mentioned in the preceding section in any substances or materials.
cargo aircraft operating as a public utility
within the Philippines shall be in SECTION 6. Any violation of Section three
accordance with regulations issued by the hereof shall be punishable by an
Civil Aeronautics Administration. imprisonment of at least five years but not
more than ten years or by a fine of not less
SECTION 5. As used in this Act than ten thousand pesos but not more than
twenty thousand pesos: Provided, That if
(1) "Explosive" shall mean any substance, the violation is committed by a juridical
either solid or liquid, mixture or single person, the penalty shall be imposed upon
compound, which by chemical reaction the manager, representative, director,
liberates heat and gas at high speed and agent or employee who violated, or
causes tremendous pressure resulting in caused, directed, cooperated or
explosion. The term shall include but not participated in the violation thereof:
limited to dynamites, firecrackers, blasting Provided, further, That in case the violation
caps, black powders, bursters, percussions, is committed in the interest of a foreign
cartridges and other explosive materials, corporation legally doing business in the
except bullets for firearm. cd Philippines, the penalty shall be imposed
upon its resident agent, manager,
representative or director responsible for
such violation and in addition thereto, the
(2) "Flammable" is any substance or
license of said corporation to do business
material that is highly combustible and
in the Philippines shall be revoked.
self-igniting by chemical reaction and shall
include but not limited to acrolein, allene, Any violation of Section four hereof shall be
aluminum dyethyl monochloride, and other an offense punishable with the minimum of
aluminum compounds, ammonium chlorate the penalty provided in the next preceding
and other ammonium mixtures and other paragraph.
similar substances or materials.
SECTION 7. For any death or injury to
persons or damage to property resulting
from a violation of Sections three and four
(3) "Corrosive" is any substance or
hereof, the person responsible therefor
material, either liquid, solid or gaseous,
may be held liable in accordance with the
which through chemical reaction wears
applicable provisions of the Revised Penal
away, impairs or consumes any object. It
shall include but not limited to alkaline
battery fluid packed with empty storage SECTION 8. Aircraft companies which
battery, allyl chloroformate, operate as public utilities or operators of
allytrichlorosilane, ammonium dinitro- aircraft which are for hire are authorized to
orthocresolate and other similar materials open and investigate suspicious packages
and substances. and cargoes in the presence of the owner
or shipper, or his authorized
representatives if present; in order to help
(4) "Poisonous" is any substance or the authorities in the enforcement of the
materials, except medicinal drug, either provisions of this Act: Provided, That if the
liquid, solid or gaseous, which through owner, shipper or his representative
chemical reactions kills, injures or impairs a refuses to have the same opened and
living organism or person, and shall include inspected, the airline or air carrier is
but not limited to allyl isothiocyanate, authorized to refuse the loading thereof.
ammunition (chemical, non-explosive but
containing Class A, B or poison), aniline oil,
SECTION 9. Every ticket issued to a against humanity, and against the law of
passenger by the airline or air carrier nations. cDAITS
concerned shall contain among others the
following condition printed thereon: "Holder In the implementation of the policy stated
hereof and his hand-carried luggage(s) are above, the State shall uphold the basic rights
subject to search for, and seizure of, and fundamental liberties of the people as
prohibited materials or substances. Holder enshrined in the Constitution.
refusing to be searched shall not be
allowed to board the aircraft," which shall The State recognizes that the fight against
constitute a part of the contract between terrorism requires a comprehensive approach,
the passenger and the air carrier. comprising political, economic, diplomatic,
military, and legal means duly taking into
SECTION 10. The Civil Aeronautics account the root causes of terrorism without
Administration is hereby directed to acknowledging these as justifications for
promulgate within one month after the terrorist and/or criminal activities. Such
approval of this Act such regulations as are measures shall include conflict management
provided in Section four hereof and cause and post-conflict peace-building, addressing
the publication of such rules and the roots of conflict by building state capacity
regulations in the Official Gazette and in a and promoting equitable economic
newspaper of national circulation for at development.
least once a week for three consecutive
weeks. Such regulations shall take effect Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as a
fifteen days after publication in the Official curtailment, restriction or diminution of
Gazette. constitutionally recognized powers of the
executive branch of the government. It is to be
SECTION 11. This Act shall take effect after understood, however that the exercise of the
the publication mentioned in the preceding constitutionally recognized powers of the
section. executive department of the government shall
not prejudice respect for human rights which
Approved: June 19, 1971 shall be absolute and protected at all times.

Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 67, SECTION 3. Terrorism. Any person who
No. 40, p. 7875 on October 4, 1971 commits an act punishable under any of the
following provisions of the Revised Penal Code:

a. Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9372 the High Seas or in the Philippine Waters);

AN ACT TO SECURE THE STATE AND b. Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection);

c. Article 134-a (Coup d'Etat), including acts
committed by private persons;

SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall d. Article 248 (Murder);

henceforth be known as the "Human Security
Act of 2007." e. Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. It is
declared a policy of the State to protect life, f. Article 324 (Crimes Involving Destruction), or
liberty, and property from acts of terrorism, to under
condemn terrorism as inimical and dangerous
to the national security of the country and to (1) Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Law on
the welfare of the people, and to make Arson);
terrorism a crime against the Filipino people,
(2) Republic Act No. 6969 (Toxic Substances Articles 17 and 18 of the Revised Penal Code,
and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act takes part subsequent to its commission in any
of 1990); of the following manner: (a) by profiting
himself or assisting the offender to profit by the
(3) Republic Act No. 5207 (Atomic Energy effects of the crime; (b) by concealing or
Regulatory and Liability Act of 1968); destroying the body of the crime, or the
effects, or instruments thereof, in order to
(4) Republic Act No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law); prevent its discovery; (c) by harboring,
concealing, or assisting in the escape of the
(5) Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and
principal or conspirator of the crime, shall
Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974); and,
suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one
(6) Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.
(Decree Codifying the Laws on Illegal and
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the
Unlawful Possession, Manufacture, Dealing in,
penalties prescribed for accessories shall not
Acquisition or Disposition of Firearms,
be imposed upon those who are such with
Ammunitions or Explosives)
respect to their spouses, ascendants,
thereby sowing and creating a condition of descendants, legitimate, natural, and adopted
widespread and extraordinary fear and panic brothers and sisters, or relatives by affinity
among the populace, in order to coerce the within the same degrees, with the single
government to give in to an unlawful demand exception of accessories falling within the
shall be guilty of the crime of terrorism and provisions of subparagraph (a).
shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) years of
imprisonment, without the benefit of parole as
provided for under Act No. 4103, otherwise REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7438
known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law, as
Persons who conspire to commit the crime of THE DUTIES OF THE ARRESTING,
terrorism shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) DETAINING AND INVESTIGATING OFFICERS
years of imprisonment. AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR
There is conspiracy when two or more persons
come to an agreement concerning the
commission of the crime of terrorism as
defined in Section 3 hereof and decide to SECTION 1. Statement of Policy. It is the
commit the same. policy of the State to value the dignity of every
human being and guarantee full respect for
SECTION 5. Accomplice. Any person who, not human rights.
being a principal under Article 17 of the
Revised Penal Code or a conspirator as defined SECTION 2. Rights of Persons Arrested,
in Section 4 hereof, cooperates in the Detained or under Custodial Investigation;
execution of either the crime of terrorism or Duties of Public Officers. a) Any person
conspiracy to commit terrorism by previous or arrested, detained or under custodial
simultaneous acts shall suffer the penalty of investigation shall at all times be assisted by
from seventeen (17) years, four months one counsel.
day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment.
b) Any public officer or employee, or anyone
SECTION 6. Accessory. Any person who, acting under his order or his place, who arrests,
having knowledge of the commission of the detains or investigates any person for the
crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit commission of an offense shall inform the
terrorism, and without having participated latter, in a language known to and understood
therein, either as principal or accomplice under by him, of his rights to remain silent and to
have competent and independent counsel, The person's "immediate family" shall include
preferably of his own choice, who shall at all his or her spouse, fianc or fiance, parent or
times be allowed to confer privately with the child, brother or sister, grandparent or
person arrested, detained or under custodial grandchild, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece,
investigation. If such person cannot afford the and guardian or ward. cd
services of his own counsel, he must be
provided with a competent and independent As used in this Act, "custodial investigation"
counsel by the investigating officer. cd i shall include the practice of issuing an
"invitation" to a person who is investigated in
c) The custodial investigation report shall be connection with an offense he is suspected to
reduced to writing by the investigating officer, have committed, without prejudice to the
provided that before such report is signed, or liability of the "inviting" officer for any violation
thumbmarked if the person arrested or of law.
detained does not know how to read and write,
it shall be read and adequately explained to SECTION 3. Assisting Counsel. Assisting
him by his counsel or by the assisting counsel counsel is any lawyer, except those directly
provided by the investigating officer in the affected by the case, those charged with
language or dialect known to such arrested or conducting preliminary investigation or those
detained person, otherwise, such investigation charged with the prosecution of crimes.
report shall be null and void and of no effect
whatsoever. The assisting counsel other than the
government lawyers shall be entitled to the
d) Any extrajudicial confession made by a following fees:
person arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation shall be in writing and signed by a) The amount of One hundred fifty pesos
such person in the presence of his counsel or in (P150.00) if the suspected person is chargeable
the latter's absence, upon a valid waiver, and with light felonies;
in the presence of any of the parents, elder
b) The amount of Two hundred fifty pesos
brothers and sisters, his spouse, the municipal
(P250.00) if the suspected person is chargeable
mayor, the municipal judge, district school
with less grave or grave felonies;
supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel
as chosen by him; otherwise, such extrajudicial c) The amount of Three hundred fifty pesos
confession shall be inadmissible as evidence in (P350.00) if the suspected person is chargeable
any proceeding. with a capital offense.

e) Any waiver by a person arrested or detained The fee for the assisting counsel shall be paid
under the provisions of Article 125 of the by the city or municipality where the custodial
Revised Penal Code, or under custodial investigation is conducted, provided that if the
investigation, shall be in writing and signed by municipality or city cannot pay such fee, the
such person in the presence of his counsel; province comprising such municipality or city
otherwise the waiver shall be null and void and shall pay the fee: Provided, That the Municipal
of no effect. or City Treasurer must certify that no funds are
available to pay the fees of assisting counsel
f) Any person arrested or detained or under
before the province pays said fees.
custodial investigation shall be allowed visits
by or conferences with any member of his In the absence of any lawyer, no custodial
immediate family, or any medical doctor or investigation shall be conducted and the
priest or religious minister chosen by him or by suspected person can only be detained by the
any member of his immediate family or by his investigating officer in accordance with the
counsel, or by any national non-governmental provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal
organization duly accredited by the Code.
Commission on Human Rights or by any
international non-governmental organization SECTION 4. Penalty Clause. a) Any arresting
duly accredited by the Office of the President. public officer or employee, or any investigating
officer, who fails to inform any person arrested, SECTION 2. Statement of Policy. It is hereby
detained or under custodial investigation of his declared the policy of the State:
right to remain silent and to have competent
and independent counsel preferably of his own (a) To value the dignity of every human person
choice, shall suffer a fine of Six thousand pesos and guarantee full respect for human rights;
(P6,000.00) or a penalty of imprisonment of not
less than eight (8) years but not more than ten (b) To ensure that the human rights of all
(10) years, or both. The penalty of perpetual persons, including suspects, detainees and
absolute disqualification shall also be imposed prisoners are respected at all times; and that
upon the investigating officer who has been no person placed under investigation or held in
previously convicted of a similar offense. custody of any person in authority or, agent of
a person in authority shall be subjected to
The same penalties shall be imposed upon a physical, psychological or mental harm, force,
public officer or employee, or anyone acting violence, threat or intimidation or any act that
upon orders of such investigating officer or in impairs his/her free will or in any manner
his place, who fails to provide a competent and demeans or degrades human dignity;
independent counsel to a person arrested,
detained or under custodial investigation for (c) To ensure that secret detention places,
the commission of an offense if the latter solitary, incommunicado or other similar forms
cannot afford the services of his own counsel. of detention, where torture may be carried out
with impunity, are prohibited; and
b) Any person who obstructs, prevents or
prohibits any lawyer, any member of the (d) To fully adhere to the principles and
immediate family of a person arrested, standards on the absolute condemnation and
detained or under custodial investigation, or prohibition of torture as provided for in the
any medical doctor or priest or religious 1987 Philippine Constitution; various
minister or by his counsel, from visiting and international instruments to which the
conferring privately chosen by him or by any Philippines is a State party such as, but not
member of his immediate family with him, or limited to, the International Covenant on Civil
from examining and treating him, or from and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Convention on
ministering to his spiritual needs, at any hour the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention
of the day or, in urgent cases, of the night shall on the Elimination of All Forms of
suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and
than four (4) years nor more than six (6) years, the Convention Against Torture and Other
and a fine of Four thousand pesos (P4,000.00). Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CAT); and all other relevant
The provisions of the above Section international human rights instruments to
notwithstanding, any security officer with which the Philippines is a signatory.
custodial responsibility over any detainee or
prisoner may undertake such reasonable SECTION 3. Definitions. For purposes of this
measures as may be necessary to secure his Act, the following terms shall mean:
safety and prevent his escape.
(a) "Torture" refers to an act by which severe
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9745 pain or suffering, whether physical or mental,
is intentionally inflicted on a person for such
AN ACT PENALIZING TORTURE AND OTHER purposes as obtaining from him/her or a third
CRUEL, INHUMAN AND DEGRADING person information or a confession; punishing
TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT AND him/her for an act he/she or a third person has
PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR committed or is suspected of having
committed; or intimidating or coercing him/her
or a third person; or for any reason based on
discrimination of any kind, when such pain or
SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall be suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of
known as the "Anti-Torture Act of 2009". or with the consent or acquiescence of a
person in authority or agent of a person in (4) Cigarette burning; burning by electrically
authority. It does not include pain or suffering heated rods, hot oil, acid; by the rubbing of
arising only from, inherent in or incidental to pepper or other chemical substances on
lawful sanctions. mucous membranes, or acids or spices directly
on the wound(s);
(b) "Other cruel, inhuman and degrading
treatment or punishment" refers to a deliberate (5) The submersion of the head in water or
and aggravated treatment or punishment not water polluted with excrement, urine, vomit
enumerated under Section 4 of this Act, and/or blood until the brink of suffocation;
inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a
person in authority against a person under (6) Being tied or forced to assume fixed and
his/her custody, which attains a level of stressful bodily position;
severity causing suffering, gross humiliation or
debasement to the latter. (7) Rape and sexual abuse, including the
insertion of foreign objects into the sex organ
(c) "Victim" refers to the person subjected to or rectum, or electrical torture of the genitals;
torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading
treatment or punishment as defined above and (8) Mutilation or amputation of the essential
any individual who has suffered harm as a parts of the body such as the genitalia, ear,
result of any act(s) of torture, or other cruel, tongue, etc.;
inhuman and degrading treatment or
(9) Dental torture or the forced extraction of
the teeth;
(d) "Order of Battle" refers to any document or
(10) Pulling out of fingernails;
determination made by the military, police or
any law enforcement agency of the (11) Harmful exposure to the elements such as
government, listing the names of persons and sunlight and extreme cold;
organizations that it perceives to be enemies of
the State and that it considers as legitimate (12) The use of plastic bag and other materials
targets as combatants that it could deal with, placed over the head to the point of
through the use of means allowed by domestic asphyxiation;
and international law.
(13) The use of psychoactive drugs to change
SECTION 4. Acts of Torture. For purposes of the perception, memory, alertness or will of a
this Act, torture shall include, but not be limited person, such as:
to, the following:
(i) The administration of drugs to induce
(a) Physical torture is a form of treatment or confession and/or reduce mental competency;
punishment inflicted by a person in authority or or
agent of a person in authority upon another in
his/her custody that causes severe pain, (ii) The use of drugs to induce extreme pain or
exhaustion, disability or dysfunction of one or certain symptoms of a disease; and
more parts of the body, such as: DHETIS
(14) Other analogous acts of physical torture;
(1) Systematic beating, headbanging, and
punching, kicking, striking with truncheon or
rifle butt or other similar objects, and jumping (b) "Mental/Psychological Torture" refers to acts
on the stomach; committed by a person in authority or agent of
a person in authority which are calculated to
(2) Food deprivation or forcible feeding with affect or confuse the mind and/or undermine a
spoiled food, animal or human excreta and person's dignity and morale, such as:
other stuff or substances not normally eaten;
(1) Blindfolding;
(3) Electric shock;
(2) Threatening a person(s) or his/her cases, the sex, religion, age and state of health
relative(s) with bodily harm, execution or other of the victim. DcICEa
wrongful acts;
SECTION 6. Freedom from Torture and Other
(3) Confinement in solitary cells or secret Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or
detention places; Punishment, an Absolute Right. Torture and
other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
(4) Prolonged interrogation; or punishment as criminal acts shall apply to all
circumstances. A state of war or a threat of
(5) Preparing a prisoner for a "show trial", war, internal political instability, or any other
public display or public humiliation of a public emergency, or a document or any
detainee or prisoner; determination comprising an "order of battle"
shall not and can never be invoked as a
(6) Causing unscheduled transfer of a person
justification for torture and other cruel,
deprived of liberty from one place to another,
inhuman and degrading treatment or
creating the belief that he/she shall be
summarily executed;
SECTION 7. Prohibited Detention. Secret
(7) Maltreating a member/s of a person's
detention places, solitary confinement,
incommunicado or other similar forms of
(8) Causing the torture sessions to be detention, where torture may be carried out
witnessed by the person's family, relatives or with impunity, are hereby prohibited.
any third party;
In which case, the Philippine National Police
(9) Denial of sleep/rest; (PNP), the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) and other law enforcement agencies
(10) Shame infliction such as stripping the concerned shall make an updated list of all
person naked, parading him/her in public detention centers and facilities under their
places, shaving the victim's head or putting respective jurisdictions with the corresponding
marks on his/her body against his/her will; data on the prisoners or detainees incarcerated
or detained therein such as, among others,
(11) Deliberately prohibiting the victim to names, date of arrest and incarceration, and
communicate with any member of his/her the crime or offense committed. This list shall
family; and be made available to the public at all times,
with a copy of the complete list available at the
(12) Other analogous acts of respective national headquarters of the PNP
mental/psychological torture. and AFP. A copy of the complete list shall
likewise be submitted by the PNP, AFP and all
SECTION 5. Other Cruel, Inhuman and other law enforcement agencies to the
Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Other Commission on Human Rights (CHR), such list
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or to be periodically updated, by the same
punishment refers to a deliberate and agencies, within the first five (5) days of every
aggravated treatment or punishment not month at the minimum. Every regional office of
enumerated under Section 4 of this Act, the PNP, AFP and other law enforcement
inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a agencies shall also maintain a similar list for all
person in authority against another person in detainees and detention facilities within their
custody, which attains a level of severity respective areas, and shall make the same
sufficient to cause suffering, gross humiliation available to the public at all times at their
or debasement to the latter. The assessment of respective regional headquarters, and submit a
the level of severity shall depend on all the copy, updated in the same manner provided
circumstances of the case, including the above, to the respective regional offices of the
duration of the treatment or punishment, its CHR.
physical and mental effects and, in some
SECTION 8. Applicability of the Exclusionary other appropriate order of a court relative
Rule; Exception. Any confession, admission thereto, shall be executed or complied with
or statement obtained as a result of torture immediately.
shall be inadmissible in evidence in any
proceedings, except if the same is used as SECTION 11. Assistance in Filing a Complaint.
evidence against a person or persons accused The CHR and the PAO shall render legal
of committing torture. assistance in the investigation and monitoring
and/or filing of the complaint for a person who
SECTION 9. Institutional Protection of Torture suffers torture and other cruel, inhuman and
Victims and Other Persons Involved. A victim degrading treatment or punishment, or for any
of torture shall have the following rights in the interested party thereto.
institution of a criminal complaint for torture:
The victim or interested party may also seek
(a) To have a prompt and an impartial legal assistance from the Barangay Human
investigation by the CHR and by agencies of Rights Action Center (BHRAC) nearest him/her
government concerned such as the as well as from human rights nongovernment
Department of Justice (DOJ), the Public organizations (NGOs).
Attorney's Office (PAO), the PNP, the National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the AFP. A SECTION 12. Right to Physical, Medical and
prompt investigation shall mean a maximum Psychological Examination. Before and after
period of sixty (60) working days from the time interrogation, every person arrested, detained
a complaint for torture is filed within which an or under custodial investigation shall have the
investigation report and/or resolution shall be right to be informed of his/her right to demand
completed and made available. An appeal physical examination by an independent and
whenever available shall be resolved within the competent doctor of his/her own choice. If such
same period prescribed herein; person cannot afford the services of his/her
own doctor, he/she shall be provided by the
State with a competent and independent
doctor to conduct physical examination. The
(b) To have sufficient government protection State shall endeavor to provide the victim with
against all forms of harassment, threat and/or psychological evaluation if available under the
intimidation as a consequence of the filing of circumstances. If the person arrested is a
said complaint or the presentation of evidence female, she shall be attended to preferably by
therefor. In which case, the State through its a female doctor. Furthermore, any person
appropriate agencies shall afford security in arrested, detained or under custodial
order to ensure his/her safety and all other investigation, including his/her immediate
persons involved in the investigation and family, shall have the right to immediate
prosecution such as, but not limited to, his/her access to proper and adequate medical
lawyer, witnesses and relatives; and treatment. aEH

(c) To be accorded sufficient protection in the The physical examination and/or psychological
manner by which he/she testifies and presents evaluation of the victim shall be contained in a
evidence in any fora in order to avoid further medical report, duly signed by the attending
trauma. physician, which shall include in detail his/her
medical history and findings, and which shall
SECTION 10. Disposition of Writs of Habeas be attached to the custodial investigation
Corpus, Amparo and Habeas Data Proceedings report. Such report shall be considered a public
and Compliance with a Judicial Order. A writ document.
of habeas corpus or writ of amparo or writ of
habeas data proceeding, if any, filed on behalf Following applicable protocol agreed upon by
of the victim of torture or other cruel, agencies tasked to conduct physical,
degrading and inhuman treatment or psychological and mental examinations, the
punishment shall be disposed of expeditiously medical reports shall, among others, include:
and any order of release by virtue thereof, or
(a) The name, age and address of the patient principal to the crime of torture or other cruel
or victim; or inhuman and degrading treatment or
punishment for any act or omission, or
(b) The name and address of the nearest kin of negligence committed by him/her that shall
the patient or victim; have led, assisted, abetted or allowed, whether
directly or indirectly, the commission thereof
(c) The name and address of the person who by his/her subordinates. If he/she has
brought the patient or victim for physical, knowledge of or, owing to the circumstances at
psychological and mental examination, and/or the time, should have known that acts of
medical treatment; torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading
treatment or punishment shall be committed,
(d) The nature and probable cause of the
is being committed, or has been committed by
patient or victim's injury, pain and disease
his/her subordinates or by others within his/her
and/or trauma; aAEIHC
area of responsibility and, despite such
(e) The approximate time and date when the knowledge, did not take preventive or
injury, pain, disease and/or trauma was/were corrective action either before, during or
sustained; immediately after its commission, when he/she
has the authority to prevent or investigate
(f) The place where the injury, pain, disease allegations of torture or other cruel, inhuman
and/or trauma was/were sustained; and degrading treatment or punishment but
failed to prevent or investigate allegations of
(g) The time, date and nature of treatment such act, whether deliberately or due to
necessary; and negligence shall also be liable as principals.
(h) The diagnosis, the prognosis and/or
disposition of the patient. Any public officer or employee shall be liable as
an accessory if he/she has knowledge that
Any person who does not wish to avail of the torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading
rights under this provision may knowingly and treatment or punishment is being committed
voluntarily waive such rights in writing, and without having participated therein, either
executed in the presence and assistance of as principal or accomplice, takes part
his/her counsel. subsequent to its commission in any of the
following manner:
SECTION 13. Who are Criminally Liable. Any
person who actually participated or induced (a) By themselves profiting from or assisting
another in the commission of torture or other the offender to profit from the effects of the act
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or of torture or other cruel, inhuman and
punishment or who cooperated in the degrading treatment or punishment;
execution of the act of torture or other cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment or (b) By concealing the act of torture or other
punishment by previous or simultaneous acts cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or
shall be liable as principal. punishment and/or destroying the effects or
instruments thereof in order to prevent its
Any superior military, police or law discovery; or
enforcement officer or senior government
official who issued an order to any lower (c) By harboring, concealing or assisting in the
ranking personnel to commit torture for escape of the principals in the act of torture or
whatever purpose shall be held equally liable other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
as principals. or punishment: Provided, That the accessory
acts are done with the abuse of the official's
The immediate commanding officer of the unit public functions.
concerned of the AFP or the immediate senior
public official of the PNP and other law
enforcement agencies shall be held liable as a
SECTION 14. Penalties. (a) The penalty of (g) The penalty of prision correccional in its
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the minimum and medium period shall be imposed
perpetrators of the following acts: if, in consequence of torture, the victim shall
have been ill or incapacitated for labor for
(1) Torture resulting in the death of any person; thirty (30) days or less.

(2) Torture resulting in mutilation; (h) The penalty of arresto mayor shall be
imposed for acts constituting cruel, inhuman or
(3) Torture with rape; degrading treatment or punishment as defined
in Section 5 of this Act.
(4) Torture with other forms of sexual abuse
and, in consequence of torture, the victim shall (i) The penalty of prision correccional shall be
have become insane, imbecile, impotent, blind imposed upon those who establish, operate
or maimed for life; and HDcaAI and maintain secret detention places and/or
effect or cause to effect solitary confinement,
(5) Torture committed against children.
incommunicado or other similar forms of
(b) The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be prohibited detention as provided in Section 7 of
imposed on those who commit any act of this Act where torture may be carried out with
mental/psychological torture resulting in impunity. IDTSaC
insanity, complete or partial amnesia, fear of
(j) The penalty of arresto mayor shall be
becoming insane or suicidal tendencies of the
imposed upon the responsible officer/s or
victim due to guilt, worthlessness or shame.
personnel of the AFP, the PNP and other law
(c) The penalty of prision correccional shall be enforcement agencies for failure to perform
imposed on those who commit any act of his/her duty to maintain, submit or make
torture resulting in psychological, mental and available to the public an updated list of
emotional harm other than those described in detention centers and facilities with the
paragraph (b) of this section. corresponding data on the prisoners or
detainees incarcerated or detained therein,
(d) The penalty of prision mayor in its medium pursuant to Section 7 of this Act.
and maximum periods shall be imposed if, in
consequence of torture, the victim shall have SECTION 15. Torture as a Separate and
lost the power of speech or the power to hear Independent Crime. Torture as a crime shall
or to smell; or shall have lost an eye, a hand, a not absorb or shall not be absorbed by any
foot, an arm or a leg; or shall have lost the use other crime or felony committed as a
of any such member; or shall have become consequence, or as a means in the conduct or
permanently incapacitated for labor. cADTSH commission thereof. In which case, torture shall
be treated as a separate and independent
(e) The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum criminal act whose penalties shall be imposable
and medium periods shall be imposed if, in without prejudice to any other criminal liability
consequence of torture, the victim shall have provided for by domestic and international
become deformed or shall have lost any part of laws.
his/her body other than those aforecited, or
shall have lost the use thereof, or shall have
been ill or incapacitated for labor for a period
of more than ninety (90) days. SECTION 16. Exclusion from the Coverage of
Special Amnesty Law. In order not to
(f) The penalty of prision correccional in its depreciate the crime of torture, persons who
maximum period to prision mayor in its have committed any act of torture shall not
minimum period shall be imposed if, in benefit from any special amnesty law or similar
consequence of torture, the victim shall have measures that will have the effect of
been ill or incapacitated for labor for more than exempting them from any criminal proceedings
thirty (30) days but not more than ninety (90) and sanctions.
SECTION 17. Applicability of Refouler. No Philippines, or any military camp or installation,
person shall be expelled, returned or extradited communications networks, public utilities or
to another State where there are substantial other facilities needed for the exercise and
grounds to believe that such person shall be in continued possession of power, singly or
danger of being subjected to torture. For the simultaneously carried out anywhere in the
purposes of determining whether such grounds Philippines by any person or persons,
exist, the Secretary of the Department of belonging to the military or police or holding
Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Secretary of the any public office or employment, with or
DOJ, in coordination with the Chairperson of the without civilian support or participation, for the
CHR, shall take into account all relevant purpose of seizing or diminishing state power."
considerations including, where applicable and
not limited to, the existence in the requesting SECTION 4. Article 135 of the Revised Penal
State of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
or mass violations of human rights.
"Art. 135. Penalty for rebellion, insurrection or
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6968 coup d'tat. Any person who promotes,
maintains or heads a rebellion or insurrection
AN ACT PUNISHING THE CRIME OF COUP shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
AND 136 OF CHAPTER ONE, TITLE THREE "Any person merely participating or executing
OF ACT NUMBERED THIRTY-EIGHT the commands of others in a rebellion or
HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN, OTHERWISE insurrection shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
"Any person who leads or in any manner
SECTION 1. The heading of Chapter One, Title directs or commands others to undertake a
Three of the Revised Penal Code is hereby coup d'tat shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
amended to read as follows: "REBELLION, perpetua.
cdasia "Any person in the government service who
participates, or executes directions or
SECTION 2. Article 134 of the Revised Penal commands of others in undertaking a coup
Code is hereby amended to read as follows: d'tat shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
temporal in its maximum period.
"Art. 134. Rebellion or insurrection. How
committed. The crime of rebellion or "Any person not in the government service who
insurrection is committed by rising publicly and participates, or in any manner supports,
taking arms against the Government for the finances, abets or aids in undertaking a coup
purpose of removing from the allegiance to d'tat shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor
said Government or its laws, the territory of the in its maximum period. cdtai
Republic of the Philippines or any part thereof,
of any body of land, naval or other armed "When the rebellion, insurrection, or coup
forces, or depriving the Chief Executive or the d'tat shall be under the command of unknown
Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their leaders, any person who in fact directed the
powers or prerogatives." cdasia others, spoke for them, signed receipts and
other documents issued in their name, or
SECTION 3. Chapter One, Title Three of the performed similar acts, on behalf of the rebels
Revised Penal Code is hereby further amended shall be deemed a leader of such rebellion,
by adding a new article as follows: insurrection, or coup d'tat."

"Art. 134-A. Coup d'tat. How committed. SECTION 5. Article 136 of the Revised Penal
The crime of coup d'tat is a swift attack Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat,
strategy or stealth, directed against duly "Art. 136. Conspiracy and proposal to commit
constituted authorities of the Republic of the coup d'tat, rebellion or insurrection. The
conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'tat efficiency or accuracy of a firearm but will not
shall be punished by prision mayor in its constitute any of the major or minor internal
minimum period and a fine which shall not parts thereof such as, but not limited to, laser
exceed eight thousand pesos (P8,000.00) scope, telescopic sight and sound suppressor
or silencer.
"The conspiracy and proposal to commit
rebellion or insurrection shall be punished, (b) Ammunition refers to a complete unfired
respectively, by prision correccional in its unit consisting of a bullet, gunpowder,
maximum period and a fine which shall not cartridge case and primer or loaded shell for
exceed five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), and use in any firearm.
by prision correccional in its medium period
and a fine not exceeding two thousand pesos (c) Antique firearm refers to any: (1) firearm
(P2,000.00)." which was manufactured at least seventy-five
(75) years prior to the current date but not
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10591 including replicas; (2) firearm which is certified
by the National Museum of the Philippines to
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A be curio or relic of museum interest; and (3)
COMPREHENSIVE LAW ON FIREARMS AND any other firearm which derives a substantial
AMMUNITION AND PROVIDING PENALTIES part of its monetary value from the fact that it
FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF is novel, rare, bizarre or because of its
association with some historical figure, period
ARTICLE I or event.

Title, Declaration of Policy and Definition of (d) Arms smuggling refers to the import,
Terms export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or
transfer of firearms, their parts and
SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall be
components and ammunition, from or across
known as the "Comprehensive Firearms and
the territory of one country to that of another
Ammunition Regulation Act".
country which has not been authorized in
SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy. It is accordance with domestic law in either or both
the policy of the State to maintain peace and country/countries.
order and protect the people against violence.
(e) Authority to import refers to a document
The State also recognizes the right of its
issued by the Chief of the Philippine National
qualified citizens to self-defense through, when
Police (PNP) authorizing the importation of
it is the reasonable means to repel the unlawful
firearms, or their parts, ammunition and other
aggression under the circumstances, the use of
firearms. Towards this end, the State shall
provide for a comprehensive law regulating the (f) Authorized dealer refers to any person, legal
ownership, possession, carrying, manufacture, entity, corporation, partnership or business
dealing in and importation of firearms, entity duly licensed by the Firearms and
ammunition, or parts thereof, in order to Explosive Office (FEO) of the PNP to engage in
provide legal support to law enforcement the business of buying and selling ammunition,
agencies in their campaign against crime, stop firearms or parts thereof, at wholesale or retail
the proliferation of illegal firearms or weapons basis. SCHIac
and the illegal manufacture of firearms or
weapons, ammunition and parts thereof. (g) Authorized importer refers to any person,
legal entity, corporation, partnership or
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. As used in business duly licensed by the FEO of the PNP to
this Act: engage in the business of importing
ammunition and firearms, or parts thereof into
the territory of the Republic of the Philippines
(a) Accessories refer to parts of a firearm which for purposes of sale or distribution under the
may enhance or increase the operational provisions of this Act.
(h) Authorized manufacturer refers to any established for the purpose of propagating
person, legal entity, corporation, or partnership responsible and safe gun ownership, proper
duly licensed by the FEO of the PNP to engage appreciation and use of firearms by its
in the business of manufacturing firearms, and members, for the purpose of sports and
ammunition or parts thereof for purposes of shooting competition, self-defense and
sale or distribution. collection purposes.

(i) Confiscated firearm refers to a firearm that

is taken into custody by the PNP, National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Philippine Drug (p) Gunsmith refers to any person, legal entity,
Enforcement Agency (PDEA), and all other law corporation, partnership or business duly
enforcement agencies by reason of their licensed by the FEO of the PNP to engage in
mandate and must be necessarily reported or the business of repairing firearms and other
turned over to the FEO of the PNP. weapons or constructing or assembling
firearms and weapons from finished or
(j) Demilitarized firearm refers to a firearm manufactured parts thereof on a per order
deliberately made incapable of performing its basis and not in commercial quantities or of
main purpose of firing a projectile. making minor parts for the purpose of repairing
or assembling said firearms or weapons.
(k) Duty detail order refers to a document
issued by the juridical entity or employer (q) Imitation firearm refers to a replica of a
wherein the details of the disposition of firearm firearm, or other device that is so substantially
is spelled out, thus indicating the name of the similar in coloration and overall appearance to
employee, the firearm information, the specific an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable
duration and location of posting or assignment person to believe that such imitation firearm is
and the authorized bonded firearm custodian a real firearm.
for the juridical entity to whom such firearm is
turned over after the lapse of the order. (r) Licensed citizen refers to any Filipino who
complies with the qualifications set forth in this
(l) Firearm refers to any handheld or portable Act and duly issued with a license to possess or
weapon, whether a small arm or light weapon, to carry firearms outside of the residence in
that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, accordance with this Act. TSEAaD
shot, slug, missile or any projectile, which is
discharged by means of expansive force of (s) Licensed juridical entity refers to
gases from burning gunpowder or other form of corporations, organizations, businesses
combustion or any similar instrument or including security agencies and local
implement. For purposes of this Act, the barrel, government units (LGUs) which are licensed to
frame or receiver is considered a firearm. own and possess firearms in accordance with
this Act.
(m) Firearms Information Management System
(FIMS) refers to the compilation of all data and (t) Light weapons are: Class-A Light weapons
information on firearms ownership and which refer to self-loading pistols, rifles and
disposition for record purposes. carbines, submachine guns, assault rifles and
light machine guns not exceeding caliber
(n) Forfeited firearm refers to a firearm that is 7.62MM which have fully automatic mode; and
subject to forfeiture by reason of court order as Class-B Light weapons which refer to weapons
accessory penalty or for the disposition by the designed for use by two (2) or more persons
FEO of the PNP of firearms considered as serving as a crew, or rifles and machine guns
abandoned, surrendered, confiscated or exceeding caliber 7.62MM such as heavy
revoked in compliance with existing rules and machine guns, handheld underbarrel and
regulations. mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-
aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless
(o) Gun club refers to an organization duly rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank missile
registered with and accredited in good and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-
standing by the FEO of the PNP which is
aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a and skills development, firearm testing, as well
caliber of less than 100MM. as for sports and competition shooting either
for the exclusive use of its members or open to
(u) Long certificate of registration refers to the general public, duly registered with and
licenses issued to government agencies or accredited in good standing by the FEO of the
offices or government-owned or -controlled PNP.
corporations for firearms to be used by their
officials and employees who are qualified to (cc) Short certificate of registration refers to a
possess firearms as provided in this Act, certificate issued by the FEO of the PNP for a
excluding security guards. government official or employee who was
issued by his/her employer department,
(v) Loose firearm refers to an unregistered agency or government-owned or -controlled
firearm, an obliterated or altered firearm, corporation a firearm covered by the long
firearm which has been lost or stolen, illegally certificate of registration.
manufactured firearms, registered firearms in
the possession of an individual other than the (dd) Small arms refer to firearms intended to
licensee and those with revoked licenses in be or primarily designed for individual use or
accordance with the rules and regulations. that which is generally considered to mean a
weapon intended to be fired from the hand or
(w) Major part or components of a firearm shoulder, which are not capable of fully
refers to the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, automatic bursts of discharge, such as:
cylinder or the bolt assembly. The term also
includes any part or kit designed and intended (1) Handgun which is a firearm intended to be
for use in converting a semi-automatic burst to fired from the hand, which includes:
a full automatic firearm.
(i) A pistol which is a hand-operated firearm
(x) Minor parts of a firearm refers to the parts having a chamber integral with or permanently
of the firearm other than the major parts which aligned with the bore which may be self-
are necessary to effect and complete the loading; and
action of expelling a projectile by way of
combustion, except those classified as (ii) Revolver which is a hand-operated firearm
accessories. with a revolving cylinder containing chambers
for individual cartridges.
(y) Permit to carry firearm outside of residence
refers to a written authority issued to a (2) Rifle which is a shoulder firearm or
licensed citizen by the Chief of the PNP which designed to be fired from the shoulder that can
entitles such person to carry his/her registered discharge a bullet through a rifled barrel by
or lawfully issued firearm outside of the different actions of loading, which may be
residence for the duration and purpose classified as lever, bolt, or self-loading; and
specified in the authority.
(3) Shotgun which is a weapon designed, made
(z) Permit to transport firearm refers to a and intended to fire a number of ball shots or a
written authority issued to a licensed citizen or single projectile through a smooth bore by the
entity by the Chief of the PNP or by a PNP action or energy from burning gunpowder.
Regional Director which entitles such person or aDcTHE
entity to transport a particular firearm from
and to a specific location within the duration (ee) Sports shooting competition refers to a
and purpose in the authority. defensive, precision or practical sport shooting
competition duly authorized by the FEO of the
(aa) Residence refers to the place or places of PNP.
abode of the licensed citizen as indicated in
his/her license. (ff) Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
refers to any firearm whose serial number or
(bb) Shooting range refers to a facility other identification or ballistics characteristics
established for the purpose of firearms training have been intentionally tampered with,
obliterated or altered without authority or in (f) The applicant must present a police
order to conceal its source, identity or clearance from the city or municipality police
ownership. office; and

(gg) Thermal weapon sight refers to a battery (g) The applicant has not been convicted or is
operated, uncooled thermal imaging device currently an accused in a pending criminal case
which amplifies available thermal signatures so before any court of law for a crime that is
that the viewed scene becomes clear to the punishable with a penalty of more than two (2)
operator which is used to locate and engage years.
targets during daylight and from low light to
total darkness and operates in adverse For purposes of this Act, an acquittal or
conditions such as light rain, light snow, and permanent dismissal of a criminal case before
dry smoke or in conjunction with other optical the courts of law shall qualify the accused
and red dot sights. thereof to qualify and acquire a license.

ARTICLE II The applicant shall pay the reasonable

licensing fees as may be provided in the
Ownership and Possession of Firearms implementing rules and regulations of this Act.

SECTION 4. Standards and Requisites for An applicant who intends to possess a firearm
Issuance of and Obtaining a License to Own owned by a juridical entity shall submit his/her
and Possess Firearms. In order to qualify and duty detail order to the FEO of the PNP
acquire a license to own and possess a firearm
or firearms and ammunition, the applicant SECTION 5. Ownership of Firearms and
must be a Filipino citizen, at least twenty-one Ammunition by a Juridical Entity. A juridical
(21) years old and has gainful work, occupation person maintaining its own security force may
or business or has filed an Income Tax Return be issued a regular license to own and possess
(ITR) for the preceding year as proof of income, firearms and ammunition under the following
profession, business or occupation. conditions:

(a) It must be Filipino-owned and duly

registered with the Securities and Exchange
In addition, the applicant shall submit the Commission (SEC);
following certification issued by appropriate
authorities attesting the following: (b) It is current, operational and a continuing
(a) The applicant has not been convicted of any
crime involving moral turpitude; (c) It hascompleted and submitted all its
reportorial requirements to the SEC; and
(b) The applicant has passed the psychiatric
test administered by a PNP-accredited (d) It has paid all its income taxes for the year,
psychologist or psychiatrist; as duly certified by the Bureau of Internal
(c) The applicant has passed the drug test
conducted by an accredited and authorized The application shall be made in the name of
drug testing laboratory or clinic; the juridical person represented by its
President or any of its officers mentioned below
(d) The applicant has passed a gun safety as duly authorized in a board resolution to that
seminar which is administered by the PNP or a effect: Provided, That the officer applying for
registered and authorized gun club; the juridical entity shall possess all the
qualifications required of a citizen applying for
(e) The applicant has filed in writing the a license to possess firearms.
application to possess a registered firearm
which shall state the personal circumstances of
the applicant;
Other corporate officers eligible to represent (g) Engineers; and
the juridical person are: the vice president,
treasurer, and board secretary. (h) Businessmen, who by the nature of their
business or undertaking, are exposed to high
Security agencies and LGUs shall be included risk of being targets of criminal elements.
in this category of licensed holders but shall be
subject to additional requirements as may be RA 8293
required by the Chief of the PNP. ICTaEH
SECTION 168. Unfair Competition, Rights,
SECTION 6. Ownership of Firearms by the Regulation and Remedies. 168.1. A person
National Government. All firearms owned by who has identified in the mind of the public the
the National Government shall be registered goods he manufactures or deals in, his
with the FEO of the PNP in the name of the business or services from those of others,
Republic of the Philippines. Such registration whether or not a registered mark is employed,
shall be exempt from all duties and taxes that has a property right in the goodwill of the said
may otherwise be levied on other authorized goods, business or services so identified, which
owners of firearms. For reason of national will be protected in the same manner as other
security, firearms of the Armed Forces of the property rights.
Philippines (AFP), Coast Guard and other law
enforcement agencies shall only be reported to 168.2. Any person who shall employ deception
the FEO of the PNP. or any other means contrary to good faith by
which he shall pass off the goods manufactured
SECTION 7. Carrying of Firearms Outside of by him or in which he deals, or his business, or
Residence or Place of Business. A permit to services for those of the one having
carry firearms outside of residence shall be established such goodwill, or who shall commit
issued by the Chief of the PNP or his/her duly any acts calculated to produce said result, shall
authorized representative to any qualified be guilty of unfair competition, and shall be
person whose life is under actual threat or subject to an action therefor.
his/her life is in imminent danger due to the
nature of his/her profession, occupation or 168.3. In particular, and without in any way
business. limiting the scope of protection against unfair
competition, the following shall be deemed
It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove guilty of unfair competition:
that his/her life is under actual threat by
submitting a threat assessment certificate from (a) Any person, who is selling his goods and
the PNP. gives them the general appearance of goods of
another manufacturer or dealer, either as to
For purposes of this Act, the following the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the
professionals are considered to be in imminent packages in which they are contained, or the
danger due to the nature of their profession, devices or words thereon, or in any other
occupation or business: feature of their appearance, which would be
likely to influence purchasers to believe that
(a) Members of the Philippine Bar; the goods offered are those of a manufacturer
or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer
or dealer, or who otherwise clothes the goods
with such appearance as shall deceive the
(b) Certified Public Accountants; public and defraud another of his legitimate
trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods
(c) Accredited Media Practitioners;
or any agent of any vendor engaged in selling
(d) Cashiers, Bank Tellers; such goods with a like purpose;

(e) Priests, Ministers, Rabbi, Imams;

(f) Physicians and Nurses; (b) Any person who by any artifice, or device,
or who employs any other means calculated to
induce the false belief that such person is the remedy given by this Act in cases involving
offering the services of another who has goods refused entry or seized. (Sec. 30, R.A.
identified such services in the mind of the No. 166a)
public; or
(c) Any person who shall make any false
statement in the course of trade or who shall AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS TWO
commit any other act contrary to good faith of THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWO,
a nature calculated to discredit the goods, AND TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED
business or services of another. AND THREE OF THE REVISED
168.4. The remedies provided by Sections 156,
157 and 161 shall apply mutatis mutandis. SECTION 1. Section two thousand seven
(Sec. 29, R.A. No. 166a) hundred and two of the Revised Administrative
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 169. False Designations of Origin;
False Description or Representation. 169.1. "Sec. 2702. Unlawful importation of
Any person who, on or in connection with any merchandise. Any person who shall
goods or services, or any container for goods, fraudulently or knowingly import or bring into
uses in commerce any word, term, name, the Philippines, or assist in so doing, any
symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, merchandise, contrary to law, or shall receive,
or any false designation of origin, false or conceal, buy, sell, or in any manner facilitate
misleading description of fact, or false or the transportation, concealment, or sale of
misleading representation of fact, which: such merchandise after importation, knowing
the same to have been imported contrary to
(a) Is likely to cause confusion, or to cause law, shall be punished by a fine of not less than
mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, six hundred pesos but not more than five
connection, or association of such person with thousand pesos and by imprisonment for not
another person, or as to the origin, less than three months nor more than two
sponsorship, or approval of his or her goods, years and, if the offender is an alien, he may
services, or commercial activities by another be subject to deportation.
person; or
"When, upon trial for a violation of this section,
the defendant is shown to have or to have had
possession of the merchandise in question,
(b) In commercial advertising or promotion, such possession shall be deemed sufficient
misrepresents the nature, characteristics, evidence to authorize conviction, unless the
qualities, or geographic origin of his or her or defendant shall explain the possession to the
another person's goods, services, or satisfaction of the court."
commercial activities, shall be liable to a civil
action for damages and injunction provided in SECTION 2. Section two thousand seven
Sections 156 and 157 of this Act by any person hundred and three of the Revised
who believes that he or she is or is likely to be Administrative Code is hereby amended to read
damaged by such act. as follows: cdtai

"Sec. 2703. Various fraudulent practices

against customs revenues. Any person who
169.2. Any goods marked or labelled in makes or attempts to make any entry of
contravention of the provisions of this Section imported or dutiably exported merchandise by
shall not be imported into the Philippines or means of any false or fraudulent invoice,
admitted entry at any customhouse of the declaration, affidavit, letter, paper, or by
Philippines. The owner, importer, or consignee means of any false statement, written or
of goods refused entry at any customhouse verbal, or by means of any false or fraudulent
under this section may have any recourse practice whatsoever, or shall be guilty of any
under the customs revenue laws or may have willful act or omission by means whereof the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines "4. taking into account all known
might be deprived of the lawful duties, or any circumstances, it may be perceived that the
portion thereof, accruing from the merchandise client's transaction is structured in order to
or any portion thereof, embraced or referred to avoid being the subject of reporting
in such invoice, declaration, affidavit, letter, requirements under the Act;
paper, or statement, or affected by such act or
omission, shall, for each offense, be punished "5. any circumstance relating to the transaction
by a fine of not less than six hundred pesos but which is observed to deviate from the profile of
not more than five thousand pesos and by the client and/or the client's past transactions
imprisonment for not less than six months nor with the covered institution; CAaDTH
more than two years and, if the offender is an
alien, he may be subject to deportation." "6. the transaction is in any way related to an
unlawful activity or offense under this Act that
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9194 is about to be, is being or has been committed;

"7. any transaction that is similar or analogous

AN ACT AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9160, to any of the foregoing."

SECTION 3. Section 3(i) of the same Act is

further amended to read as follows:

"(i) 'Unlawful activity' refers to any act or

SECTION 1. Section 3, paragraph (b), of omission or series or combination thereof
Republic Act No. 9160 is hereby amended as involving or having direct relation to the
follows: following:

"(b) 'Covered transaction' is a transaction in "(1) Kidnapping for ransom under Article 267 of
cash or other equivalent monetary instrument Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the Revised
involving a total amount in excess of Five Penal Code, as amended;
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) within
one (1) banking day." "(2) Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
and 16 of Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise
known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
Act of 2002;
SECTION 2. Section 3 of the same Act is further
amended by inserting between paragraphs (b) "(3) Section 3 paragraphs B, C, E, G, H and I of
and (c) a new paragraph designated as (b-1) to Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise
read as follows: known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
"(b-1) 'Suspicious transaction' are transactions
with covered institutions, regardless of the "(4) Plunder under Republic Act No. 7080, as
amounts involved, where any of the following amended;
circumstances exist:
"(5) Robbery and extortion under Articles 294,
"1. there is no underlying legal or trade 295, 296, 299, 300, 301 and 302 of the Revised
obligation, purpose or economic justification; Penal Code, as amended;

"2. the client is not properly identified; "(6) Jueteng and Masiao punished as illegal
gambling under Presidential Decree No. 1602;
"3. the amount involved is not commensurate
with the business or financial capacity of the "(7) Piracy on the high seas under the Revised
client; Penal Code, as amended and Presidential
Decree No. 532;
"(8) Qualified theft under Article 310 of the Act to be disclosed and filed with the Anti-
Revised Penal Code, as amended; Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do
"(9) Swindling under Article 315 of the Revised
Penal Code, as amended; SECTION 5. Section 7 of the same Act is hereby
amended as follows:
"(10) Smuggling under Republic Act Nos. 455
and 1937; "SEC. 7. Creation of Anti-Money Laundering
Council (AMLC). The Anti-Money Laundering
"(11) Violations under Republic Act No. 8792, Council is hereby created and shall be
otherwise known as the Electronic Commerce composed of the Governor of the Bangko
Act of 2000; Sentral ng Pilipinas as chairman, the
Commissioner of the Insurance Commission
"(12) Hijacking and other violations under and the Chairman of the Securities and
Republic Act No. 6235; destructive arson and Exchange Commission as members. The AMLC
murder, as defined under the Revised Penal shall act unanimously in the discharge of its
Code, as amended, including those perpetrated functions as defined hereunder:
by terrorists against non-combatant persons
and similar targets; "(1) to require and receive covered or
suspicious transaction reports from covered
"(13) Fraudulent practices and other violations institutions;
under Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known
as the Securities Regulation Code of 2000; "(2) to issue orders addressed to the
appropriate Supervising Authority or the
"(14) Felonies or offenses of a similar nature covered institution to determine the true
that are punishable under the penal laws of identity of the owner of any monetary
other countries." instrument or property subject of a covered
transaction or suspicious transaction report or
request for assistance from a foreign State, or
SECTION 4. Section 4 of the same Act is hereby believed by the Council, on the basis of
amended to read as follows: substantial evidence, to be, in whole or in part,
wherever located, representing, involving, or
"SEC. 4. Money Laundering Offense. Money related to, directly or indirectly, in any manner
laundering is a crime whereby the proceeds of or by any means, the proceeds of an unlawful
an unlawful activity as herein defined are activity.
transacted, thereby making them appear to
have originated from legitimate sources. It is "(3) to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and
committed by the following: all other remedial proceedings through the
Office of the Solicitor General;
"(a) Any person knowing that any monetary
instrument or property represents, involves, or "(4) to cause the filing of complaints with the
relates to, the proceeds of any unlawful Department of Justice or the Ombudsman for
activity, transacts or attempts to transact said the prosecution of money laundering offenses;
monetary instrument or property.
"(5) to investigate suspicious transactions and
"(b) Any person knowing that any monetary covered transactions deemed suspicious after
instrument or property involves the proceeds of an investigation by AMLC, money laundering
any unlawful activity, performs or fails to activities, and other violations of this Act;
perform any act as a result of which he
"(6) to apply before the Court of Appeals, ex
facilitates the offense of money laundering
parte, for the freezing of any monetary
referred to in paragraph (a) above.
instrument or property alleged to be the
"(c) Any person knowing that any monetary proceeds of any unlawful activity as defined in
instrument or property is required under this Section 3(i) hereof; HCaEAT
"(7) to implement such measures as may be deemed to have violated Republic Act No.
necessary and justified under this Act to 1405, as amended, Republic Act No. 6426, as
counteract money laundering; amended, Republic Act No. 8791 and other
similar laws, but are prohibited from
"(8) to receive and take action in respect of, communicating, directly or indirectly, in any
any request from foreign states for assistance manner or by any means, to any person, the
in their own anti-money laundering operations fact that a covered or suspicious transaction
provided in this Act; report was made, the contents thereof, or any
other information in relation thereto. In case of
"(9) to develop educational programs on the violation thereof, the concerned officer and
pernicious effects of money laundering, the employee of the covered institution shall be
methods and techniques used in money criminally liable. However, no administrative,
laundering, the viable means of preventing criminal or civil proceedings, shall lie against
money laundering and the effective ways of any person for having made a covered or
prosecuting and punishing offenders; suspicious transaction report in the regular
performance of his duties in good faith,
"(10) to enlist the assistance of any branch,
whether or not such reporting results in any
department, bureau, office, agency or
criminal prosecution under this Act or any other
instrumentality of the government, including
law. SIDEaA
government-owned and -controlled
corporations, in undertaking any and all anti- "When reporting covered or suspicious
money laundering operations, which may transactions to the AMLC, covered institutions
include the use of its personnel, facilities and and their officers and employees are prohibited
resources for the more resolute prevention, from communicating directly or indirectly, in
detection and investigation of money any manner or by any means, to any person or
laundering offenses and prosecution of entity, the media, the fact that a covered or
offenders; and suspicious transaction report was made, the
contents thereof, or any other information in
"(11) to impose administrative sanctions for
relation thereto. Neither may such reporting be
the violation of laws, rules, regulations and
published or aired in any manner or form by
orders and resolutions issued pursuant
the mass media, electronic mail, or other
similar devices. In case of violation thereof, the
concerned officer and employee of the covered
institution and media shall be held criminally
SECTION 6. Section 9(c) of the same Act is liable."
hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 7. Section 10 of the same Act is
"(c) Reporting of Covered and Suspicious hereby amended to read as follows:
Transactions. Covered institutions shall
report to the AMLC all covered transactions and "SEC. 10. Freezing of Monetary Instrument or
suspicious transactions within five (5) working Property. The Court of Appeals, upon
days from occurrence thereof, unless the application ex parte by the AMLC and after
Supervising Authority prescribes a longer determination that probable cause exists that
period not exceeding ten (10) working days. any monetary instrument or property is in any
way related to an unlawful activity as defined
"Should a transaction be determined to be both in Section 3(i) hereof, may issue a freeze order
a covered transaction and a suspicious which shall be effective immediately. The
transaction, the covered institution shall be freeze order shall be for a period of twenty (20)
required to report the same as a suspicious days unless extended by the court."

"When reporting covered or suspicious

transactions to the AMLC, covered institutions SECTION 8. Section 11 of the same Act is
and their officers and employees shall not be hereby amended to read as follows:
commission of the crime. If the offender is a
juridical person, the court may suspend or
"SEC. 11. Authority to Inquire into Bank revoke its license. If the offender is an alien, he
Deposits. Notwithstanding the provisions of shall, in addition to the penalties herein
Republic Act No. 1405, as amended, Republic prescribed, be deported without further
Act No. 6426, as amended, Republic Act No. proceedings after serving the penalties herein
8791, and other laws, the AMLC may inquire prescribed. If the offender is a public official or
into or examine any particular deposit or employee, he shall, in addition to the penalties
investment with any banking institution or non- prescribed herein, suffer perpetual or
bank financial institution upon order of any temporary absolute disqualification from office,
competent court in cases of violation of this as the case may be. SIcTAC
Act, when it has been established that there is
probable cause that the deposits or "Any public official or employee who is called
investments are related to an unlawful activity upon to testify and refuses to do the same or
as defined in Section 3(i) hereof or a money purposely fails to testify shall suffer the same
laundering offense under Section 4 hereof; penalties prescribed herein.
except that no court order shall be required in
"(d) Breach of Confidentiality. The punishment
cases involving unlawful activities defined in
of imprisonment ranging from three (3) to eight
Sections 3(i)(1), (2) and (12). HTaSEA
(8) years and a fine of not less than Five
"To ensure compliance with this Act, the hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) may inquire 500,000.00) but not more than One million
into or examine any deposit or investment with Philippine pesos (Php 1,000,000.00) shall be
any banking institution or non-bank financial imposed on a person convicted for a violation
institution when the examination is made in under Section 9(c). In the case of a breach of
the course of a periodic or special examination, confidentiality that is published or reported by
in accordance with the rules of examination of media, the responsible reporter, writer,
the BSP." president, publisher, manager and editor-in-
chief shall be liable under this Act."


SECTION 9. Section 14, paragraphs (c) and (d)
of the same Act is hereby amended to read as AN ACT PROHIBITING COUNTERFEIT
"(c) Malicious Reporting. Any person who, with THEREFOR
malice, or in bad faith, reports or files a
completely unwarranted or false information SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known as
relative to money laundering transaction the "Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs."
against any person shall be subject to a
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby
penalty of six (6) months to four (4) years
the policy of the State to protect and promote
imprisonment and a fine of not less than One
the right to health of the people and instill
hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php
health consciousness among them as provided
100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred
in Section 15, Article II of the Constitution.
thousand Philippine pesos (Php 500,000.00), at
the discretion of the court: Provided, That the
It is also further declared the policy of the State
offender is not entitled to avail the benefits of
that in order to safeguard the health of the
the Probation Law.
people, the State shall provide for their
protection against counterfeit drugs.
"If the offender is a corporation, association,
partnership or any juridical person, the penalty
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes
shall be imposed upon the responsible officers,
of this Act, the terms:
as the case may be, who participated in, or
allowed by their gross negligence, the
a) Drugs shall refer to any chemical compound labeling bearing without authorization the
or biological substance, other than food, trademark, trade name or other identification
intended for use in the treatment, prevention mark or imprint or any likeness to that which is
or diagnosis of disease in man or animals, owned or registered in the Bureau of Patent,
including but not limited to: Trademark and Technology Transfer (BPTTT) in
the name of another natural or juridical person;
1) any article recognized in the official United
States Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary 2) a drug product refilled in containers by
(USP-NF), official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia unauthorized persons if the legitimate labels or
of the United States, Philippine National Drug marks are used;
Formulary, British Pharmacopoeia, any National
Compendium or any supplement to any of
3) an unregistered imported drug product,
2) any article intended for use in the diagnosis, except drugs brought in the country for
cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of personal use as confirmed and justified by
disease in man or animals; accompanying medical records; and

3) any article other than food intended to affect 4) a drug which contains no amount of, or a
the structure or any function of the body of different active ingredient, or less than eighty
man or animals; percent (80%) of the active ingredient it
purports to possess, as distinguished from an
4) any article intended for use as a component adulterated drug including reduction or loss of
of any articles specified in clauses (1), (2), (3) efficacy due to expiration.
not including devices or their components,
parts, or accessories; and c) Brokering shall refer to any act of facilitating
the disposal or sale of counterfeit drugs,
5) herbal and/or traditional drugs which are including acts of agency.
articles of plant or animal origin used in folk
medicine which are: (a) recognized in the d) Bureau shall refer to the Bureau of Food and
Philippine National Drug Formulary; (b) Drugs (BFAD) of the Department of Health
intended for use in the treatment or cure or (DOH).
mitigation of disease symptoms, injury or
bodily defect in man; (c) other than food, e) Department shall refer to the Department of
intended to affect the structure or any function Health.
of the body of man; (d) in finished or ready-to-
f) Business establishment shall refer to any
use dosage form; and (e) intended for use as a
entity, whether a single proprietorship,
component of any of the articles specified in
partnership or corporation engaged in, or doing
clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d).
business in the Philippines.
b) Counterfeit drug/medicine refers to
g) Owner shall refer to a person or group of
medicinal products with the correct ingredients
persons who is the registered owner of a
but not in the amounts as provided hereunder,
license to operate a business or business
wrong ingredients, without active ingredients,
undertaking in the Philippines or the branch
with insufficient quantity of active ingredient,
manager or operator, licensee, franchisee, or
which results in the reduction of the drug's
any person acting on behalf of the corporate
safety, efficacy, quality, strength or purity. It is
a drug which is deliberately and fraudulently
mislabeled with respect to identity and/or h) Residence shall refer to a private dwelling or
source or with fake packaging, and can apply abode where a person lives, either as owner or
to both branded and generic products. It shall lessee, or usufructuary including, for purposes
also refer to: of this Act, its yard, garage, storage rooms or
1) the drug itself, or the container or labeling
thereof or any part of such drug, container or
SECTION 4. Prohibited Acts. The following batch and lot numbers, as well as the expiry
are declared unlawful and therefore prohibited: dates such drugs; or

a) The manufacture, sale, offering for sale,

donation, distribution, trafficking, brokering,
exportation, or importation or possession of 2) presentation of certificates and other
counterfeit drugs as defined in Section 3 hereof documents evidencing the importation or
not otherwise covered by Republic Act No. exportation of the counterfeit drugs found in
3720, as amended. The presence or availability his possession as required by existing laws
of such counterfeit drugs within the premises including those documents required in the
of any entity engaged in the sale, manufacture preceding paragraph covering the commercial
or distribution of drugs and/or pharmaceutical transactions involving counterfeit drugs.
products or in a private residence, or in public
or private vehicle, or in the premises not In both cases, the subject counterfeit must not
covered by a valid license to operate from the on their face, appear to be as such, or do not
Bureau, shall constitute a prima facie evidence bear any marking or any patently unusual
of violation of this Act: Provided, however, That characteristic sufficient to arouse the suspicion
this presumption shall not apply to the of a reasonable and prudent person that such
legitimate owners of trademarks, trade names drugs are counterfeit. Furthermore, the amount
or other identifying marks, or the legitimate or or volume of counterfeit drugs held is such that
authorized representatives or agents of such it does not negate or is inconsistent with the
owners, who have in their possession averment that the same are for personal use,
counterfeit drugs which bear the trademarks, notwithstanding the presentation by the
trade names or marks if they can show the possession of medical records and other similar
sales invoices or official receipts evidencing documents accompanying and justifying the
their purchase from a drugstore, manufacturer use of such drugs.
or distributor suspected by them of dealing in
c) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating or falsely
counterfeit drugs involving the trademarks,
representing, or without proper authority, using
trade names and other similar identifying
any mark, stamp, tag, label or other
marks registered in their names: Provided,
identification mark or device authorized or
further, That such counterfeit products shall be
required by Republic Act No. 3720, as
reported and immediately turned over to the
amended, and/or the regulations promulgated
Bureau: Provided, finally, That compliance with
under this Act.
the preceding proviso shall be made within a
reasonable period from the date of purchase of d) Photocopying, duplicating, altering, printing,
such counterfeit drugs as indicated in the sales transferring, obliterating or removing the
invoice, official receipt, or other similar approved label or any part thereof, lawfully
documents abovementioned to the time the belonging to another person, for the purpose of
counterfeit drugs are reported and turned over using such label or a part thereof on any
to the Bureau. counterfeit drug: Provided, That if the person
who committed any of the acts enumerated in
b) Possession of any such counterfeit drugs.
this paragraph and the person who used the
However, any person found in possession of
labels produced thereby are not one and the
counterfeit drugs in violation of this subsection,
same person and the former had knowledge of
shall be excepted from liability under the
the purpose for which the labels are intended,
provisions of this Act after:
the former shall also be liable under this Act
1) presentation of sales invoices, official notwithstanding the failure of the latter to
receipts, or other legally acceptable documents achieve the intended purpose; and
evidencing his purchase thereof from a
e) Making, selling, or concealing any punch,
drugstore, distributor, manufacture, hospital
dye, plate or any other equipment or
pharmacy or dispensary, or any other person
instrument designed to print, imprint or
or place duly licensed to sell and/or dispense
reproduce the trademark, trade name or other
drugs or medicines, and indicating therein the
identifying mark of another registered producer a) upon verified information on the existence of
or any likeness thereof, upon any drug product suspected counterfeit drugs in the possession
or device or its container or label without of any manufacturer, seller or distributor, the
authority from the legitimate owners of the duly authorized officers of the Bureau or any
trademark or trade name. officer deputized by the Bureau for the purpose
shall segregate, seal and, after having obtained
SECTION 5. Parties Liable. The following a valid search warrant from a competent court,
person shall be liable for violation(s) of this Act: seize such counterfeit drugs and take them
into custody: Provided, That in case the
a) the manufacturer, exporter or importer of suspected counterfeit drugs are found in a
the counterfeit drugs and their agents: private residence, as defined in Section 3 of
Provided, That the agents shall be liable only this Act or in other premises not covered by a
upon proof of actual or constructive knowledge valid license to operate issued by the Bureau,
that the drugs are counterfeit; the duly authorized officer of the Bureau or
deputized officer thereof shall secure a search
b) the seller, distributor, trafficker, broker or
warrant for the purpose of seizing and taking
donor and their agents, upon proof of actual or
custody such suspected counterfeit drugs;
constructive knowledge that the drugs sold,
distributed, offered or donated are counterfeit b) if, after the appropriate examination of the
drugs; samples by the Bureau, the seized drugs are
determined or found to be counterfeit, the
c) the possessor of counterfeit drugs as
Bureau shall, within fifteen (15) days from their
provided in Section 4 (b) hereof;
seizure, issue an order directing the preventive
d) the manager, operator or lessee of the closure of the business establishment for a
laboratory facilities used in the manufacture of period not exceeding thirty (30) days.
counterfeit drugs; Thereafter, administrative proceedings shall be
initiated by the Bureau against the parties
e) the owner, proprietor, administrator or concerned where they shall have the
manager of the drugstore, hospital pharmacy opportunity to be heard and present evidence
or dispensary, laboratory or other outlets or on their behalf; and
premises where the counterfeit drug is found
who induces, causes or allows the commission c) to ensure the effective enforcement of the
of any act herein prohibited; foregoing, the Bureau may enlist the assistance
of the national or local law enforcement
f) the registered pharmacist of the outlet where agencies.
the counterfeit drug is sold or found who, sells
or dispenses such drug to a third party and SECTION 7. Administrative Sanctions. Upon
who has actual or constructive knowledge that finding that the drugs examined are counterfeit
said drug is counterfeit; and and the determination of the parties liable
therefor, the Bureau shall impose any or all of
the following sanctions:

a) permanent closure of the establishment

concerned and the revocation of its license to
g) should the offense be committed by a do business;
juridical person, the president, general
b) a fine of not less than One hundred
manager, the managing partner, chief
operating officer or the person who directly thousand pesos (P100,000) but not more than
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000);
induces, causes or knowingly allows the
commission of the offense shall be penalized.
c) upon order of the Court, forfeiture,
confiscation, and destruction of products found
SECTION 6. Administrative Proceedings. The
Bureau is hereby further authorized to to be counterfeit and the equipment,
undertake the following administrative actions:
instruments, and other articles used in used by the Bureau to identify those
violation of this Act; segregated drugs as provided for under Section
6 (a) of this Act. Any other person who breaks,
d) filing of an appropriate proceedings against alters or tampers any mark or seal used by the
the registered pharmacist with the Professional Bureau to identify the segregated drugs shall
Regulations Commission for cancellation of suffer the penalty of not less than six (6)
professional license; months and one (1) day, but not more than six
(6) years imprisonment; or
e) filing of criminal charges against the
violator(s), which can be instituted e) if, as a result of the use of the drug found to
independently from the administrative case: be counterfeit, the illness sought to be cured is
Provided, That the dismissal of the criminal aggravated or physical injury or suffering
case shall not lift the closure order, except results therefrom, a punishment of
when it is a dismissal on the merits or for lack imprisonment from twelve (12) years to fifteen
of basis: Provided, further, That the withdrawal (15) years and a fine ranging from One
of the private criminal complaint shall not be a hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) to Five
ground for the dismissal of the administrative hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) shall be
proceedings; and meted out; or

f) permanent disqualification of the person f) should a counterfeit drug be the proximate

concerned, whether natural or juridical, from cause of death of a victim, who unknowingly
owning or operating an establishment engaged purchased and took a counterfeit drug, the
in any business activity under the supervision penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of Five
of the Bureau. hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) to Five
million pesos (P5,000,000) shall be imposed.
SECTION 8. Penalties. The commission of
any of the acts prohibited under Sections 4 and In case any act prohibited in Section 4 hereof is
6 of this Act shall be punished by: also punishable under other laws, the offender
shall, if warranted by the evidence, be
a) imprisonment of not less than six (6) months prosecuted under the law prescribing the
and one (1) day, but not more than six (6) highest penalty.
years for mere possession of counterfeit drugs
as provided for in Section 4 (b) hereof; or REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165

b) imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1)

day, but not more than ten (10) years or a fine
of not less than One hundred thousand pesos AN ACT INSTITUTING THE
(P100,000) but not more than Five hundred COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT
thousand pesos (P500,000) or both such OF 2002, REPEALING REPUBLIC ACT NO.
imprisonment and fine at the discretion of the 6425, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE
court in any other case mentioned in Section 4 DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 1972, AS
c) imprisonment of not less than six (6) months
and one (1) day, but not more than two (2)
years and four (4) months if the counterfeit
drug is intended for animals; or ARTICLE II

d) imprisonment of not less than six (6) years Unlawful Acts and Penalties
and one (1) day, but not more than ten (10)
years for any manufacturer, seller or distributor SECTION 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs
who shall conceal, substitute, dispose or and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential
destroy any drug as may have been Chemicals. The penalty of life imprisonment
segregated and sealed by the Bureau, or who to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred
shall break, alter or tamper any mark or seal thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million
pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give
any person, who, unless authorized by law, away to another, distribute, dispatch in transit
shall import or bring into the Philippines any or transport any dangerous drug, including any
dangerous drug, regardless of the quantity and and all species of opium poppy regardless of
purity involved, including any and all species of the quantity and purity involved, or shall act as
opium poppy or any part thereof or substances a broker in any of such transactions.
derived therefrom even for floral, decorative
and culinary purposes. The penalty of imprisonment ranging from
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from (20) years and a fine ranging from One
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five
(20) years and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five be imposed upon any person, who, unless
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall authorized by law, shall sell, trade, administer,
be imposed upon any person, who, unless dispense, deliver, give away to another,
authorized by law, shall import any controlled distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any
precursor and essential chemical. controlled precursor and essential chemical, or
shall act as a broker in such transactions.
The maximum penalty provided for under this
Section shall be imposed upon any person, If the sale, trading, administration,
who, unless authorized under this Act, shall dispensation, delivery, distribution or
import or bring into the Philippines any transportation of any dangerous drug and/or
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor controlled precursor and essential chemical
and essential chemical through the use of a transpires within one hundred (100) meters
diplomatic passport, diplomatic facilities or any from the school, the maximum penalty shall be
other means involving his/her official status imposed in every case.
intended to facilitate the unlawful entry of the
same. In addition, the diplomatic passport shall For drug pushers who use minors or mentally
be confiscated and canceled. incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers
and messengers, or in any other capacity
The maximum penalty provided for under this directly connected to the dangerous drugs
Section shall be imposed upon any person, who and/or controlled precursors and essential
organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of chemicals trade, the maximum penalty shall be
any of the illegal activities prescribed in this imposed in every case.
If the victim of the offense is a minor or a
The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) mentally incapacitated individual, or should a
day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and dangerous drug and/or a controlled precursor
a fine ranging from One hundred thousand and essential chemical involved in any offense
pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand herein provided be the proximate cause of
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon death of a victim thereof, the maximum
any person, who acts as a "protector/coddler" penalty provided for under this Section shall be
of any violator of the provisions under this imposed.
The maximum penalty provided for under this
SECTION 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Section shall be imposed upon any person who
Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of
Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or any of the illegal activities prescribed in this
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. Section.
The penalty of life imprisonment to death
and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1)
pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and
(P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any a fine ranging from One hundred thousand
person, who, unless authorized by law, shall pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any of the illegal activities prescribed in this
any person, who acts as a "protector/coddler" Section.
of any violator of the provisions under this
Section. The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1)
day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and
SECTION 6. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or a fine ranging from One hundred thousand
Resort. The penalty of life imprisonment to pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand
death and a fine ranging from Five hundred pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million any person, who acts as a "protector/coddler"
pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon of any violator of the provisions under this
any person or group of persons who shall Section.
maintain a den, dive or resort where any
dangerous drug is used or sold in any form. SECTION 7. Employees and Visitors of a Den,
Dive or Resort. The penalty of imprisonment
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from
(20) years and a fine ranging from One One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall shall be imposed upon:
be imposed upon any person or group of
persons who shall maintain a den, dive, or (a) Any employee of a den, dive or resort, who
resort where any controlled precursor and is aware of the nature of the place as such; and
essential chemical is used or sold in any form.
(b) Any person who, not being included in the
The maximum penalty provided for under this provisions of the next preceding paragraph, is
Section shall be imposed in every case where aware of the nature of the place as such and
any dangerous drug is administered, delivered shall knowingly visit the same.
or sold to a minor who is allowed to use the
same in such a place. SECTION 8. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs
and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential
Should any dangerous drug be the proximate Chemicals. The penalty of life imprisonment
cause of the death of a person using the same to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred
in such den, dive or resort, the penalty of death thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million
and a fine ranging from One million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon
(P1,000,000.00) to Fifteen million pesos any person, who, unless authorized by law,
(P15,000,000.00) shall be imposed on the shall engage in the manufacture of any
maintainer, owner and/or operator. dangerous drug.

If such den, dive or resort is owned by a third The penalty of imprisonment ranging from
person, the same shall be confiscated and twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty
escheated in favor of the government: (20) years and a fine ranging from One
Provided, That the criminal complaint shall hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five
specifically allege that such place is hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall
intentionally used in the furtherance of the be imposed upon any person, who, unless
crime: Provided, further, That the prosecution authorized by law, shall manufacture any
shall prove such intent on the part of the owner controlled precursor and essential chemical.
to use the property for such purpose: Provided,
finally, That the owner shall be included as an The presence of any controlled precursor and
accused in the criminal complaint. essential chemical or laboratory equipment in
the clandestine laboratory is a prima facie
The maximum penalty provided for under this proof of manufacture of any dangerous drug. It
Section shall be imposed upon any person who shall be considered an aggravating
organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of circumstance if the clandestine laboratory is
undertaken or established under the following
(a) Any phase of the manufacturing process with intent to deliver equipment, instrument,
was conducted in the presence or with the help apparatus and other paraphernalia for
of minor/s; dangerous drugs, knowing, or under
circumstances where one reasonably should
(b) Any phase or manufacturing process was know, that it will be used to plant, propagate,
established or undertaken within one hundred cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture,
(100) meters of a residential, business, church compound, convert, produce, process, prepare,
or school premises; test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain or
conceal any dangerous drug and/or controlled
(c) Any clandestine laboratory was secured or precursor and essential chemical in violation of
protected with booby traps; this Act.
(d) Any clandestine laboratory was concealed The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six
with legitimate business operations; or (6) months and one (1) day to four (4) years
and a fine ranging from Ten thousand pesos
(e) Any employment of a practitioner, chemical
(P10,000.00) to Fifty thousand pesos
engineer, public official or foreigner.
(P50,000.00) shall be imposed if it will be used
The maximum penalty provided for under this to inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce
Section shall be imposed upon any person, who into the human body a dangerous drug in
organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of violation of this Act.
any of the illegal activities prescribed in this
The maximum penalty provided for under this
Section shall be imposed upon any person, who
The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) uses a minor or a mentally incapacitated
day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and individual to deliver such equipment,
a fine ranging from One hundred thousand instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia
pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand for dangerous drugs.
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon
SECTION 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs.
any person, who acts as a "protector/coddler"
The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a
of any violator of the provisions under this
fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
SECTION 9. Illegal Chemical Diversion of (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. person, who, unless authorized by law, shall
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from possess any dangerous drug in the following
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty quantities, regardless of the degree of purity
(20) years and a fine ranging from One thereof:
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five
(1) 10 grams or more of opium;
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall
be imposed upon any person, who, unless (2) 10 grams or more of morphine;
authorized by law, shall illegally divert any
controlled precursor and essential chemical. (3) 10 grams or more of heroin; CTEDSI

SECTION 10. Manufacture or Delivery of (4) 10 grams or more of cocaine or cocaine

Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus, and Other hydrochloride;
Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs and/or
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. (5) 50 grams or more of methamphetamine
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from hydrochloride or "shabu";
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty
(20) years and a fine ranging from One (6) 10 grams or more of marijuana resin or
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five marijuana resin oil;
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall
be imposed upon any person who shall deliver, (7) 500 grams or more of marijuana; and
possess with intent to deliver, or manufacture
(8) 10 grams or more of other dangerous drugs (P400,000.00), if the quantities of dangerous
such as, but not limited to, drugs are less than five (5) grams of opium,
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine
"ecstasy", paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA), hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana
trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), lysergic acid resin oil, methamphetamine hydrochloride or
diethylamine (LSD), gamma hydroxybutyrate "shabu", or other dangerous drugs such as, but
(GHB), and those similarly designed or newly not limited to, MDMA or "ecstasy", PMA, TMA,
introduced drugs and their derivatives, without LSD, GHB, and those similarly designed or
having any therapeutic value or if the quantity newly introduced drugs and their derivatives,
possessed is far beyond therapeutic without having any therapeutic value or if the
requirements, as determined and promulgated quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic
by the Board in accordance to Section 93, requirements; or less than three hundred (300)
Article XI of this Act. grams of marijuana.

Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than SECTION 12. Possession of Equipment,
the foregoing quantities, the penalties shall be Instrument, Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia
graduated as follows: for Dangerous Drugs. The penalty of
imprisonment ranging from six (6) months and
(1) Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from one (1) day to four (4) years and a fine ranging
Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Fifty
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), if thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall be imposed
the quantity of methamphetamine upon any person, who, unless authorized by
hydrochloride or "shabu" is ten (10) grams or law, shall possess or have under his/her control
more but less than fifty (50) grams; any equipment, instrument, apparatus and
other paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking,
consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting,
or introducing any dangerous drug into the
(2) Imprisonment of twenty (20) years and one
body: Provided, That in the case of medical
(1) day to life imprisonment and a fine ranging
practitioners and various professionals who are
from Four hundred thousand pesos
required to carry such equipment, instrument,
(P400,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos
apparatus and other paraphernalia in the
(P500,000.00), if the quantities of dangerous
practice of their profession, the Board shall
drugs are five (5) grams or more but less than
prescribe the necessary implementing
ten (10) grams of opium, morphine, heroin,
guidelines thereof. CAaEDH
cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana
resin or marijuana resin oil, methamphetamine The possession of such equipment, instrument,
hydrochloride or "shabu", or other dangerous apparatus and other paraphernalia fit or
drugs such as, but not limited to, MDMA or intended for any of the purposes enumerated
"ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those in the preceding paragraph shall be prima facie
similarly designed or newly introduced drugs evidence that the possessor has smoked,
and their derivatives, without having any consumed, administered to himself/herself,
therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed injected, ingested or used a dangerous drug
is far beyond therapeutic requirements; or and shall be presumed to have violated Section
three hundred (300) grams or more but less 15 of this Act.
than five hundred (500) grams of marijuana;
and SECTION 13. Possession of Dangerous Drugs
During Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings.
Any person found possessing any dangerous
drug during a party, or at a social gathering or
(3) Imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one
meeting, or in the proximate company of at
(1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging
least two (2) persons, shall suffer the
from Three hundred thousand pesos
maximum penalties provided for in Section 11
(P300,000.00) to Four hundred thousand pesos
of this Act, regardless of the quantity and plants, or materials of such dangerous drugs
purity of such dangerous drugs. for medical experiments and research
purposes, or for the creation of new types of
SECTION 14. Possession of Equipment, medicine, the Board shall prescribe the
Instrument, Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia necessary implementing guidelines for the
for Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social proper cultivation, culture, handling,
Gatherings or Meetings. The maximum experimentation and disposal of such plants
penalty provided for in Section 12 of this Act and materials.
shall be imposed upon any person, who shall
possess or have under his/her control any The land or portions thereof and/or
equipment, instrument, apparatus and other greenhouses on which any of said plants is
paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking, cultivated or cultured shall be confiscated and
consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting, escheated in favor of the State, unless the
or introducing any dangerous drug into the owner thereof can prove lack of knowledge of
body, during parties, social gatherings or such cultivation or culture despite the exercise
meetings, or in the proximate company of at of due diligence on his/her part. If the land
least two (2) persons. involved is part of the public domain, the
maximum penalty provided for under this
SECTION 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs. A Section shall be imposed upon the offender.
person apprehended or arrested, who is found
to be positive for use of any dangerous drug, The maximum penalty provided for under this
after a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a Section shall be imposed upon any person, who
penalty of a minimum of six (6) months organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of
rehabilitation in a government center for the any of the illegal activities prescribed in this
first offense, subject to the provisions of Article Section.
VIII of this Act. If apprehended using any
dangerous drug for the second time, he/she The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1)
shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and
ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to a fine ranging from One hundred thousand
twelve (12) years and a fine ranging from Fifty pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two hundred pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon
thousand pesos (P200,000.00): Provided, That any person, who acts as a "protector/coddler"
this Section shall not be applicable where the of any violator of the provisions under this
person tested is also found to have in his/her Section.
possession such quantity of any dangerous
drug provided for under Section 11 of this Act, SECTION 17. Maintenance and Keeping of
in which case the provisions stated therein Original Records of Transactions on Dangerous
shall apply. Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and
Essential Chemicals. The penalty of
SECTION 16. Cultivation or Culture of Plants imprisonment ranging from one (1) year and
Classified as Dangerous Drugs or are Sources one (1) day to six (6) years and a fine ranging
Thereof. The penalty of life imprisonment to from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Fifty
death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall be imposed
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million upon any practitioner, manufacturer,
pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon wholesaler, importer, distributor, dealer or
any person, who shall plant, cultivate or culture retailer who violates or fails to comply with the
marijuana, opium poppy or any other plant maintenance and keeping of the original
regardless of quantity, which is or may records of transactions on any dangerous drug
hereafter be classified as a dangerous drug or and/or controlled precursor and essential
as a source from which any dangerous drug chemical in accordance with Section 40 of this
may be manufactured or derived: Provided, Act.
That in the case of medical laboratories and
medical research centers which cultivate or An additional penalty shall be imposed through
culture marijuana, opium poppy and other the revocation of the license to practice his/her
profession, in case of a practitioner, or of the with which the particular unlawful act was
business, in case of a manufacturer, seller, committed, unless they are the property of a
importer, distributor, dealer or retailer. third person not liable for the unlawful act, but
those which are not of lawful commerce shall
SECTION 18. Unnecessary Prescription of be ordered destroyed without delay pursuant
Dangerous Drugs. The penalty of to the provisions of Section 21 of this Act.
imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years
and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine After conviction in the Regional Trial Court in
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos the appropriate criminal case filed, the Court
(P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos shall immediately schedule a hearing for the
(P500,000.00) and the additional penalty of the confiscation and forfeiture of all the proceeds
revocation of his/her license to practice shall of the offense and all the assets and properties
be imposed upon the practitioner, who shall of the accused either owned or held by him or
prescribe any dangerous drug to any person in the name of some other persons if the same
whose physical or physiological condition does shall be found to be manifestly out of
not require the use or in the dosage prescribed proportion to his/her lawful income: Provided,
therein, as determined by the Board in however, That if the forfeited property is a
consultation with recognized competent vehicle, the same shall be auctioned off not
experts who are authorized representatives of later than five (5) days upon order of
professional organizations of practitioners, confiscation or forfeiture.
particularly those who are involved in the care
of persons with severe pain. aCTHDA During the pendency of the case in the
Regional Trial Court, no property, or income
SECTION 19. Unlawful Prescription of derived therefrom, which may be confiscated
Dangerous Drugs. The penalty of life and forfeited, shall be disposed, alienated or
imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from transferred and the same shall be in custodia
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to legis and no bond shall be admitted for the
Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be release of the same.
imposed upon any person, who, unless
authorized by law, shall make or issue a The proceeds of any sale or disposition of any
prescription or any other writing purporting to property confiscated or forfeited under this
be a prescription for any dangerous drug. Section shall be used to pay all proper
expenses incurred in the proceedings for the
SECTION 20. Confiscation and Forfeiture of the confiscation, forfeiture, custody and
Proceeds or Instruments of the Unlawful Act, maintenance of the property pending
Including the Properties or Proceeds Derived disposition, as well as expenses for publication
from the Illegal Trafficking of Dangerous Drugs and court costs. The proceeds in excess of the
and/or Precursors and Essential Chemicals. above expenses shall accrue to the Board to be
Every penalty imposed for the unlawful used in its campaign against illegal drugs.
importation, sale, trading, administration, TCacIA
dispensation, delivery, distribution,
transportation or manufacture of any SECTION 21. Custody and Disposition of
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor Confiscated, Seized, and/or Surrendered
and essential chemical, the cultivation or Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous
culture of plants which are sources of Drugs, Controlled Precursors and Essential
dangerous drugs, and the possession of any Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
equipment, instrument, apparatus and other Laboratory Equipment. The PDEA shall take
paraphernalia for dangerous drugs including charge and have custody of all dangerous
other laboratory equipment, shall carry with it drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs,
the confiscation and forfeiture, in favor of the controlled precursors and essential chemicals,
government, of all the proceeds and properties as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or
derived from the unlawful act, including, but laboratory equipment so confiscated, seized
not limited to, money and other assets and/or surrendered, for proper disposition in
obtained thereby, and the instruments or tools the following manner:
(1) The apprehending team having initial representative from the media and the DOJ,
custody and control of the drugs shall, civil society groups and any elected public
immediately after seizure and confiscation, official. The Board shall draw up the guidelines
physically inventory and photograph the same on the manner of proper disposition and
in the presence of the accused or the person/s destruction of such item/s which shall be borne
from whom such items were confiscated and/or by the offender: Provided, That those item/s of
seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a lawful commerce, as determined by the Board,
representative from the media and the shall be donated, used or recycled for
Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected legitimate purposes: Provider, further, That a
public official who shall be required to sign the representative sample, duly weighed and
copies of the inventory and be given a copy recorded is retained;
(5) The Board shall then issue a sworn
(2) Within twenty-four (24) hours upon certification as to the fact of destruction or
confiscation/seizure of dangerous drugs, plant burning of the subject item/s which, together
sources of dangerous drugs, controlled with the representative sample/s in the custody
precursors and essential chemicals, as well as of the PDEA, shall be submitted to the court
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory having jurisdiction over the case. In all
equipment, the same shall be submitted to the instances, the representative sample/s shall be
PDEA Forensic Laboratory for a qualitative and kept to a minimum quantity as determined by
quantitative examination; the Board;

(3) A certification of the forensic laboratory (6) The alleged offender or his/her
examination results, which shall be done under representative or counsel shall be allowed to
oath by the forensic laboratory examiner, shall personally observe all of the above
be issued within twenty-four (24) hours after proceedings and his/her presence shall not
the receipt of the subject item/s: Provided, That constitute an admission of guilt. In case the
when the volume of the dangerous drugs, plant said offender or accused refuses or fails to
sources of dangerous drugs, and controlled appoint a representative after due notice in
precursors and essential chemicals does not writing to the accused or his/her counsel within
allow the completion of testing within the time seventy-two (72) hours before the actual
frame, a partial laboratory examination report burning or destruction of the evidence in
shall be provisionally issued stating therein the question, the Secretary of Justice shall appoint
quantities of dangerous drugs still to be a member of the public attorney's office to
examined by the forensic laboratory: Provided, represent the former;
however, That a final certification shall be
issued on the completed forensic laboratory (7) After the promulgation and judgment in the
examination on the same within the next criminal case wherein the representative
twenty-four (24) hours; sample/s was presented as evidence in court,
the trial prosecutor shall inform the Board of
(4) After the filing of the criminal case, the the final termination of the case and, in turn,
Court shall, within seventy-two (72) hours, shall request the court for leave to turn over
conduct an ocular inspection of the the said representative sample/s to the PDEA
confiscated, seized and/or surrendered for proper disposition and destruction within
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the
drugs, and controlled precursors and essential same; and
chemicals, including the
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory (8) Transitory Provision: a) Within twenty-four
equipment, and through the PDEA shall within (24) hours from the effectivity of this Act,
twenty-four (24) hours thereafter proceed with dangerous drugs defined herein which are
the destruction or burning of the same, in the presently in possession of law enforcement
presence of the accused or the person/s from agencies shall, with leave of court, be burned
whom such items were confiscated and/or or destroyed, in the presence of
seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a representatives of the Court, DOJ, Department
of Health (DOH) and the accused and/or his/her dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor
counsel, and, b) Pending the organization of and essential chemical;
the PDEA, the custody, disposition, and burning
or destruction of seized/surrendered dangerous (c) Maintenance of a den, dive or resort where
drugs provided under this Section shall be any dangerous drug is used in any form;
implemented by the DOH.
(d) Manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or
SECTION 22. Grant of Compensation, Reward controlled precursor and essential chemical;
and Award. The Board shall recommend to and
the concerned government agency the grant of
compensation, reward and award to any person (e) Cultivation or culture of plants which are
providing information and to law enforcers sources of dangerous drugs.
participating in the operation, which results in
SECTION 27. Criminal Liability of a Public
the successful confiscation, seizure or
Officer or Employee for Misappropriation,
surrender of dangerous drugs, plant sources of
Misapplication or Failure to Account for the
dangerous drugs, and controlled precursors
Confiscated, Seized and/or Surrendered
and essential chemicals.
Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous
SECTION 23. Plea-Bargaining Provision. Any Drugs, Controlled Precursors and Essential
person charged under any provision of this Act Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
regardless of the imposable penalty shall not Laboratory Equipment Including the Proceeds
be allowed to avail of the provision on plea- or Properties Obtained from the Unlawful Act
bargaining. Committed. The penalty of life imprisonment
to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred
SECTION 24. Non-Applicability of the Probation thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million
Law for Drug Traffickers and Pushers. Any pesos (P10,000,000.00), in addition to absolute
person convicted for drug trafficking or pushing perpetual disqualification from any public
under this Act, regardless of the penalty office, shall be imposed upon any public officer
imposed by the Court, cannot avail of the or employee who misappropriates, misapplies
privilege granted by the Probation Law or or fails to account for confiscated, seized or
Presidential Decree No. 968, as amended. surrendered dangerous drugs, plant sources of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and
SECTION 25. Qualifying Aggravating essential chemicals, instruments/paraphernalia
Circumstances in the Commission of a Crime and/or laboratory equipment including the
by an Offender Under the Influence of proceeds or properties obtained from the
Dangerous Drugs. Notwithstanding the unlawful acts as provided for in this Act.
provisions of any law to the contrary, a positive
finding for the use of dangerous drugs shall be Any elective local or national official found to
a qualifying aggravating circumstance in the have benefited from the proceeds of the
commission of a crime by an offender, and the trafficking of dangerous drugs as prescribed in
application of the penalty provided for in the this Act, or have received any financial or
Revised Penal Code shall be applicable. material contributions or donations from
natural or juridical persons found guilty of
SECTION 26. Attempt or Conspiracy. Any trafficking dangerous drugs as prescribed in
attempt or conspiracy to commit the following this Act, shall be removed from office and
unlawful acts shall be penalized by the same perpetually disqualified from holding any
penalty prescribed for the commission of the elective or appointive positions in the
same as provided under this Act: government, its divisions, subdivisions, and
intermediaries, including government-owned or
(a) Importation of any dangerous drug and/or -controlled corporations. HACaSc
controlled precursor and essential chemical;
SECTION 28. Criminal Liability of Government
(b) Sale, trading, administration, dispensation, Officials and Employees. The maximum
delivery, distribution and transportation of any penalties of the unlawful acts provided for in
this Act shall be imposed, in addition to imposed upon any person found violating any
absolute perpetual disqualification from any regulation duly issued by the Board pursuant to
public office, if those found guilty of such this Act, in addition to the administrative
unlawful acts are government officials and sanctions imposed by the Board.
SECTION 33. Immunity from Prosecution and
SECTION 29. Criminal Liability for Planting of Punishment. Notwithstanding the provisions
Evidence. Any person who is found guilty of of Section 17, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of
"planting" any dangerous drug and/or Criminal Procedure and the provisions of
controlled precursor and essential chemical, Republic Act No. 6981 or the Witness
regardless of quantity and purity, shall suffer Protection, Security and Benefit Act of 1991,
the penalty of death. any person who has violated Sections 7, 11,
12, 14, 15, and 19, Article II of this Act, who
SECTION 30. Criminal Liability of Officers of voluntarily gives information about any
Partnerships, Corporations, Associations or violation of Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 16,
Other Juridical Entities. In case any violation Article II of this Act as well as any violation of
of this Act is committed by a partnership, the offenses mentioned if committed by a drug
corporation, association or any juridical entity, syndicate, or any information leading to the
the partner, president, director, manager, whereabouts, identities and arrest of all or any
trustee, estate administrator, or officer who of the members thereof; and who willingly
consents to or knowingly tolerates such testifies against such persons as described
violation shall be held criminally liable as a co- above, shall be exempted from prosecution or
principal. punishment for the offense with reference to
which his/her information of testimony were
The penalty provided for the offense under this given, and may plead or prove the giving of
Act shall be imposed upon the partner, such information and testimony in bar of such
president, director, manager, trustee, estate prosecution: Provided, That the following
administrator, or officer who knowingly conditions concur:
authorizes, tolerates or consents to the use of
a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, equipment or other (1) The information and testimony are
facility, as an instrument in the importation, necessary for the conviction of the persons
sale, trading, administration, dispensation, described above;
delivery, distribution, transportation or
manufacture of dangerous drugs, or chemical (2) Such information and testimony are not yet
diversion, if such vehicle, vessel, aircraft, in the possession of the State;
equipment or other instrument is owned by or
under the control or supervision of the (3) Such information and testimony can be
partnership, corporation, association or corroborated on its material points;
juridical entity to which they are affiliated.
(4) The informant or witness has not been
SECTION 31. Additional Penalty if Offender is an previously convicted of a crime involving moral
Alien. In addition to the penalties prescribed turpitude, except when there is no other direct
in the unlawful act committed, any alien who evidence available for the State other than the
violates such provisions of this Act shall, after information and testimony of said informant or
service of sentence, be deported immediately witness; and
without further proceedings, unless the penalty
is death. (5) The informant or witness shall strictly and
faithfully comply without delay, any condition
SECTION 32. Liability to a Person Violating Any or undertaking, reduced into writing, lawfully
Regulation Issued by the Board. The penalty imposed by the State as further consideration
of imprisonment ranging from six (6) months for the grant of immunity from prosecution and
and one (1) day to four (4) years and a fine punishment.
ranging from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00)
to Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall be Provided, further, That this immunity may be
enjoyed by such informant or witness who does
not appear to be most guilty for the offense AN ACT INCREASING THE PENALTIES FOR
with reference to which his/her information or ILLEGAL NUMBERS GAMES, AMENDING
testimony were given: Provided, finally, That CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF PRESIDENTIAL
there is no direct evidence available for the DECREE NO. 1602, AND FOR OTHER
State except for the information and testimony PURPOSES
of the said informant or witness.

SECTION 34. Termination of the Grant of

Immunity. The immunity granted to the SECTION 1.Declaration of Policy. It is the
informant or witness, as prescribed in Section policy of the State to promote a just and
33 of this Act, shall not attach should it turn out dynamic social order that will ensure the
subsequently that the information and/or prosperity and independence of the nation and
testimony is false, malicious or made only for free the people from poverty through policies
the purpose of harassing, molesting or in any that provide adequate social services, promote
way prejudicing the persons described in the full employment, a rising standard of living,
preceding Section against whom such and an improved quality of life for all. It is
information or testimony is directed against. In likewise the policy of the State that the
such case, the informant or witness shall be promotion of social justice shall include the
subject to prosecution and the enjoyment of all commitment to create economic opportunities
rights and benefits previously accorded him based on freedom of initiative and self-reliance.
under this Act or any other law, decree or order EcTDCI
shall be deemed terminated.
Hence the State hereby condemns the
In case an informant or witness under this Act existence of illegal gambling activities such as
fails or refuses to testify without just cause, illegal numbers games as this has become an
and when lawfully obliged to do so, or should influential factor in an individual's disregard for
he/she violate any condition accompanying the value of dignified work, perseverance and
such immunity as provided above, his/her thrift since instant monetary gains from it are
immunity shall be removed and he/she shall being equated to success, thereby becoming a
likewise be subject to contempt and/or criminal widespread social menace and a source of
prosecution, as the case may be, and the corruption. CDTAbench
enjoyment of all rights and benefits previously
accorded him under this Act or in any other Towards this end, the State shall therefore
law, decree or order shall be deemed adopt more stringent measures to stop and
terminated. eradicate the existence of illegal numbers
games in any part of the country.
In case the informant or witness referred to
under this Act falls under the applicability of SECTION 2.Definition of Terms. As used in
this Section hereof, such individual cannot avail this Act, the following terms shall mean:
of the provisions under Article VIII of this Act.
a)Illegal Numbers Game. Any form of illegal
SECTION 35. Accessory Penalties. A person gambling activity which uses numbers or
convicted under this Act shall be disqualified to combinations thereof as factors in giving out
exercise his/her civil rights such as but not jackpots.
limited to, the rights of parental authority or
b)Jueteng. An illegal numbers game that
guardianship, either as to the person or
involves the-combination of thirty-seven (37)
property of any ward, the rights to dispose of
numbers against thirty-seven (37) numbers
such property by any act or any conveyance
from numbers one (1) to thirty-seven (37) or
inter vivos, and political rights such as but not
the combination of thirty-eight (38) numbers in
limited to, the right to vote and be voted for.
some areas, serving as a form of local lottery
Such rights shall also be suspended during the
where bets are placed and accepted per
pendency of an appeal from such conviction.
combination, and its variants.
c)Masiao. An illegal numbers game where k)Protector or Coddler. Any person who lends
the winning combination is derived from the or provides protection, or receives benefits in
results of the last game of Jai Alai or the any manner in the operation of any illegal
Special Llave portion or any result thereof numbers game.
based on any fictitious Jai Alai game consisting
of ten (10) players pitted against one another, SECTION 3.Punishable Acts. Any person who
and its variants. participates in any illegal numbers game shall
suffer the following penalties:
d)Last Two. An illegal numbers game where
the winning combination is derived from the a)The penalty of imprisonment from thirty (30)
last two (2) numbers of the first prize of the days to ninety (90) days, if such person acts as
winning Sweepstakes ticket which comes out a bettor;
during the weekly draw of the Philippine
Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), and its b)The penalty of imprisonment from six (6)
variants. years and one (1) day to eight (8) years, if such
person acts as a personnel or staff of an illegal
e)Bettor ("Mananaya", "Tayador" or variants numbers game operation;
thereof). Any person who places bets for
himself/herself or in behalf of another person, The same penalty shall likewise be imposed to
or any person, other than the personnel or staff any person who allows his vehicle, house
of any illegal numbers game operation. building or land to be used in the operation of
the illegal numbers games.
f)Personnel or Staff of Illegal, Numbers Game
Operation. Any person, who acts in the c)The penalty of imprisonment from eight (8)
interest of the maintainer, manager or years and one (1) day to ten (10) years, if such
operator, such as, but not limited to, an person acts as a collector or agent;
accountant, cashier, checker, guard, runner,
d)The penalty of imprisonment from ten (10)
table manager, usher, watcher, or any other
years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years, if
personnel such similar functions in a building,
such person acts as a coordinator, controller or
structure, vessel, vehicle, or any other place
where an illegal numbers game is operated or
conducted. e)The penalty of imprisonment from twelve
(12) years and one (1) day to fourteen (14)
g)Collector or Agent ("Cabo", "Cobrador",
years, if such person acts as a maintainer,
"Coriador" or variants thereof). Any person
manager or operator; and,
who collects, solicits or produces bets in behalf
of his/her principal for any illegal numbers f)The penalty of imprisonment from fourteen
game who is usually in possession of gambling (14) years and one (1) day to sixteen (16)
paraphernalia. years; if person acts as a financier or capitalist;

h)Coordinator, Controller or Supervisor g)The penalty of imprisonment from sixteen

("Encargado" or variants thereof). Any (16) years and one (1) day to twenty (20)
person who exercises control and supervision years, if such person acts as a protector or
over the collector or agent. coddler.

i)Maintainer, Manager or Operator. Any SECTION 4.Possession of Gambling

person who maintains, manages or operates Paraphernalia or Materials. The possession
any illegal numbers game in a specific area of any gambling paraphernalia and other
from whom the coordinator, controller or materials used in the illegal numbers game
supervisor, and collector or agent take orders. operation shall be deemed prima facie
evidence of any offense covered by this Act.
j)Financier or Capitalist. Any person who
finances the operations of any illegal numbers SECTION 5.Liability of Government Employees
game. and/or Public Officials. a) If the collector,
agent, coordinator, controller, supervisor, SECTION 8.Immunity from Prosecution. Any
maintainer, manager, operator, financier or person who serves as a witness for the
capitalist of any illegal numbers game is a government or provides evidence in a criminal
government employee and/or public official, case involving any violation of this Act, or who
whether elected or appointed, shall suffer the voluntarily or by virtue of a subpoena
penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to testificandum or duces tecum, produces,
twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from identifies, or gives testimony shall be immune
Three million pesos (P3,000,000.00) to Five from any criminal prosecution, subject to the
million pesos (P5,000,000.00) and perpetual compliance with the provisions of Presidential
absolute disqualification from public office. Decree No. 1732, otherwise known as Decree
Providing Immunity from Criminal Prosecution
In addition to the penalty provided in the to Government Witnesses and the pertinent
immediately preceding section, the accessory provisions of the Rules of Court.
penalty of perpetual disqualification from
public office shall be imposed upon any local
government official who, having knowledge of
the existence of the operation of any illegal
numbers game in his/her jurisdiction, fails to
abate or to take action, or tolerates the same PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1602
in connection therewith.
b)In the case of failure to apprehend ILLEGAL GAMBLING
perpetrators of any illegal numbers game, any
law enforcer shall suffer an administrative
penalty of suspension or dismissal, as the case WHEREAS, Philippine Gambling Laws such as
may be, to be imposed by the appropriate Articles 195-199 of the Revised Penal Code
authority. (Forms of Gambling and Betting), R.A. 3063
(Horse Racing Bookies), P.D. 449
SECTION 6.Liability of Parents/Guardians.
(Cockfighting), P.D. 483 (Game Fixing), P.D. 510
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6)
(Slot Machines) in relation to Opinion Nos. 33
months and one (1) day to one (1) year or a
and 97 of the Ministry of Justice, P.D. 1306 (Jai-
fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos
Alai Bookies) and other City and Municipal
(P100,000.00) to Four hundred thousand pesos
Ordinances or gambling all over the country
(P400,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
prescribe penalties which are inadequate to
parent, guardian or person exercising moral
discourage or stamp out this pernicious
authority or ascendancy over a minor, ward or
activities; cda
incapacitated person, and not otherwise falling
under any of the foregoing subsections, who WHEREAS, there is now a need to increase
induces or causes such minor, ward or their penalties to make them more effective in
incapacitated person to commit any of the combating this social menace which dissipate
offenses punishable in this Act. Upon the energy and resources of our people;
conviction, the parent, guardian or person
exercising moral authority or ascendancy over NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
the minor, ward or incapacitated person shall President of the Republic of the Philippines, by
be deprived of his/her authority over such virtue of the powers vested in me by the
person in addition to the penalty imposed. Constitution, do hereby order and decree:

SECTION 7.Recidivism. The penalty next SECTION 1. Penalties. The following

higher in degree as provided for under Section penalties are hereby imposed:
3 hereof shall be imposed upon a recidivist who
commits any of the offenses punishable in this (a) The penalty of prision correccional in its
Act. medium period or a fine ranging from one
thousand to six thousand pesos, and in case of
recidivism, the penalty of prision mayor in its
medium period or a fine ranging from five the player, promoter, referee, umpire, judge or
thousand to ten thousand pesos shall be coach in case of game fixing, point shaving and
imposed upon: cdt machination.

(1) Any person other than those referred to in

the succeeding sub-sections who in any
manner, shall directly or indirectly take part in (d) The penalty of prision correccional in its
any illegal or unauthorized activities or games medium period or a fine ranging from four
of cockfighting, jueteng, jai-alai or horse racing hundred to two thousand pesos shall be
to include bookie operations and game fixing, imposed upon any person who shall, knowingly
numbers, bingo and other forms of lotteries; and without lawful purpose in any hour of any
cara y cruz, pompiang and the like; 7-11 and day, possess any lottery list, paper or other
any game using dice; black jack, lucky nine, matter containing letters, figures, signs or
poker and its derivatives, monte, baccarat, symbols pertaining to or in any manner used in
cuajo, pangguingue and other card games; the games of jueteng, jai-alai or horse racing
paik que, high and low, mahjong, domino and bookies, and similar games of lotteries and
other games using plastic tiles and the like; slot numbers which have taken place or about to
machines, roulette, pinball and other take place.
mechanical contraptions and devices; dog
racing, boat racing, car racing and other forms
of races, basketball, boxing, volleyball, bowling,
(e) The penalty of temporary absolute
pingpong and other forms of individual or team
disqualifications shall be imposed upon any
contests to include game fixing, point shaving
barangay official who, with knowledge of the
and other machinations; banking or percentage
existence of a gambling house or place in his
game, or any other game or scheme, whether
jurisdiction fails to abate the same or take
upon chance or skill, wherein wagers consisting
action in connection therewith. casia
of money, articles of value or representative of
value are at stake or made;

(2) Any person who shall knowingly permit any (f) The penalty of prision correccional in its
form of gambling referred to in the preceding maximum period or a fine ranging from five
subparagraph to be carried on in inhabited or hundred pesos to two thousand pesos shall be
uninhabited place or in any building, vessel or imposed upon any security officer, security
other means of transportation owned or guard, watchman, private or house detective of
controlled by him. If the place where gambling hotels, villages, buildings, enclosures and the
is carried on has a reputation of a gambling like which have the reputation of a gambling
place or that prohibited gambling is frequently place or where gambling activities are being
carried on therein, or the place is a public or held.
government building or barangay hall, the
malefactor shall be punished by prision
correccional in its maximum period and a fine
of six thousand pesos. LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 816

(b) The penalty of prision correccional in its WHEREAS, it is the intent of Presidential Decree
maximum period or a fine of six thousand No. 1602 to discourage and prohibit gambling
pesos shall be imposed upon the maintainer or not regulated or sanctioned under existing
conductor of the above gambling schemes. cdt laws;

(c) The penalty of prision mayor in its medium WHEREAS, there is need to exclude therefrom
period with temporary absolute disqualification certain games like domino, bingo, poker when
or a fine of six thousand pesos shall be not played with five cards stud, cuajo,
imposed if the maintainer, conductor or banker pangguingue and mahjong when exclusively
of said gambling schemes is a government intended for parlor games or for home
official, or where such government official is entertainment;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, the result of any game, races and other sports
President of the Philippines, do hereby order contest.
that the games of domino, bingo, poker when
not played with five cards stud, cuajo,
pangguinge and mahjong, provided that they
are played as parlor games or for home b. Game-fixing any arrangement,
entertainment; and provided further, that they combination, scheme or agreement by which
are not played in places habitually used for the result of any game, races or sports
gambling and the betting is not disguised to contests shall be predicted and/or known other
defeat the intent of Presidential Decree No. than on the basis of the honest playing skill or
1602, are hereby exempted. ability of the players or participants.


PENALIZING BETTING, GAME-FIXING OR c. Point-shaving any such arrangement,

POINT-SHAVING AND MACHINATIONS IN combination, scheme or agreement by which
SPORTS CONTESTS the skill or ability of any player or participant in
a game, races or sports contests to make
points or scores shall be limited deliberately in
order to influence the result thereof in favor of
WHEREAS, the evil that is gambling has again one or the other team, player or participant
shown its ugly head in the recently-discovered therein. casia
game-fixing or point-shaving scandals during
sports contests;

WHEREAS, one of the objectives of the New d. Game machination any other fraudulent,
Society is the development and promotion of deceitful, unfair or dishonest means, method,
desirable moral and cultural values; manner or practice employed for the purpose
of influencing the result of any game, races or
WHEREAS, there is urgent need to protect our sports contests.
youth and sports programs and the morality of
our society, especially the youth, from the
eroding influence of unscrupulous persons who,
through fraudulent schemes of game-fixing or SECTION 2. Betting, game-fixing, point-shaving
point-shaving and other machinations, have or game machination unlawful. Game-fixing,
made basketball and other sports contests, point-shaving, machination, as defined in the
games and races their media of subverting the preceding section, in connection with the
aims and goals of true Philippine games of basketball, volleyball, softball,
sportsmanship; baseball; chess, boxing bouts, "jai-alai", "sipa",
"pelota" and all other sports contests, games
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, or races; as well as betting therein except as
by virtue of the powers vested in me by the may be authorized by law, is hereby declared
Constitution, and pursuant to Proclamations unlawful.
No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972 and No.
1104, dated January 17, 1973; and General SECTION 3. Penalty. Any violation of this
Order No. 1, dated September 22, 1972, do Decree, or of the rules and regulations
hereby order and decree that the following promulgated in accordance herewith, shall be
shall be part of the law of the land: cdasia punished in the manner following: cdt

SECTION 1. Definitions. For purposes of this a. When the offender is an official, such as
Decree, the following terms shall mean and be promoter, referee, umpire, judge, or coach in
understood to be as hereunder indicated: the game, race or sports contests, or the
manager or sponsor of any participating team,
a. Betting betting money or any object or individual or player therein, or participants or
article of value or representative of value upon players in such games, races or other sports
contests, he shall, upon conviction, be NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
punished by prision correccional in its President of the Philippines, by virtue of the
maximum period and a fine of 2,000 pesos with powers vested in me by the Constitution, do
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, hereby decree and order to be part of the laws
at the discretion of the court. This penalty shall of the land, the following: cda
also be imposed when the offenders compose a
syndicate of five or more persons. SECTION 1. Title. This Decree shall be known
as the "Cockfighting Law of 1974".

SECTION 2. Scope. This law shall govern the

b. In case of any other offender, he shall, upon establishment, operation, maintenance and
conviction, be punished by prision correccional ownership of cockpits.
in its medium period and a fine of 1,000 pesos
with subsidiary imprisonment in case of SECTION 3. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby
insolvency at the discretion of the court. declared a policy of the government to insure
within the framework of the New Society
maximum development and promotion of
wholesome recreation and amusement to bring
c. When the offender is an official or employee about the following goals:
of any government office or agency concerned
with the enforcement or administration of laws (a) To effectively control and regulate
and regulations on sports the penalty provided cockfighting towards its establishment as a
for in the preceding Section 3a shall be national recreation, relaxation and source of
imposed. In addition, he shall be disqualified entertainment;
from holding any public office or employment
for life. If he is an alien, he may be deported.

(b) To provide additional revenue for our

tourism program; and

(c) To remove and prevent excessive and

COCKFIGHTING LAW OF 1974 unreasonable business operation and profit
considerations in the management of cockpits
and, instead preserve Philippine customs and
traditions and thereby enhance our national
WHEREAS, cockfighting has been and still is a identity.
popular, traditional and customary form of
recreation and entertainment among Filipinos
during legal holidays, local fiestas, agricultural,
commercial and industrial fairs, carnivals or SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. As used in
expositions; this law, the following terms shall be
understood, applied and construed as follows:
WHEREAS, by reason of the aforestated
meaning and connotation of cockfighting in (a) Cockfighting shall embrace and mean the
relation to Filipino customs and traditions, it commonly known game or term "cockfighting
should neither be exploited as an object of derby, pintakasi or tupada", or its equivalent
commercialism or business enterprise, nor terms in different Philippine localities.
made a tool of uncontrolled gambling, but
more as a vehicle for the preservation and
perpetuation of native Filipino heritage and
thereby enhance our national identity. (b) Zoning Law or Ordinance Either both
national or local city or municipal legislation
which logically arranges, prescribes, defines
and apportions a given political subdivision into
specific land uses as present and future (b) Establishment of Cockpits. Only one
projection of needs warrant. cd cockpit shall be allowed in each city or
municipality, except that in cities or
municipalities with a population of over one
hundred thousand, two cockpits may be
(c) Bet Taker or Promoter A person who calls established, maintained and operated. cdt
and takes care of bets from owners of both
gamecocks and those of other bettors before
he orders commencement of the cockfight and
thereafter distributes won bets to the winners (c) Cockpits Site and Construction. Cockpits
after deducting a certain commission. shall be constructed and operated within the
appropriate areas as prescribed in Zoning Law
or Ordinance. In the absence of such law or
ordinance, the local executives shall see to it
(d) Gaffer (Taga Tari) A person that no cockpits are constructed within or near
knowledgeable in the art of arming fighting existing residential or commercial areas,
cocks with gaff or gaffs on either or both legs. hospitals, school buildings, churches or other
public buildings. Owners, lessees, or operators
of cockpits which are now in existence and do
(e) Referee (Sentenciador) A person who not conform to this requirement are given
watches and oversees the proper gaffing of three years from the date of effectivity of this
fighting cocks, determines the physical Decree to comply herewith. Approval or
condition of fighting cocks while cockfighting is issuance of building permits for the
in progress, the injuries sustained by the cocks construction of cockpits shall be made by the
and their capability to continue fighting and city or provincial engineer in accordance with
decides and make known his decision by work their respective building codes, ordinances or
or gestures and result of the cockfight by engineering laws and practices.
announcing the winner or declaring a tie or no
contest game.
(d) Holding of Cockfights. Except as provided
in this Decree, cockfighting shall be allowed
(f) Bettor A person who participates in only in licensed cockpits during Sundays and
cockfights and with the use of money or other legal holidays and during local fiestas for not
things of value, bets with other bettors or more than three days. It may also be held
through the bet taker or promoter and wins or during provincial, city or municipal,
loses his bet depending upon the result of the agricultural, commercial or industrial fair,
cockfight as announced by the Referee or carnival or exposition for a similar period of
Sentenciador. He may be the owner of fighting three days upon resolution of the province, city
cock. or municipality where such fair, carnival or
exposition is to be held, subject to the approval
of the Chief of Constabulary or his authorized
representative: Provided, that, no cockfighting
SECTION 5. Cockpits and Cockfighting: In on the occasion of such fair, carnival or
General. exposition shall be allowed within the month of
a local fiesta or for more than two occasions a
(a) Ownership, Operation and Management of year in the same city or municipality: Provided,
Cockpits. Only Filipino citizens not otherwise further, that no cockfighting shall be held on
inhibited by existing laws shall be allowed to December 30 (Rizal Day), June 12 (Philippine
own, manage and operate cockpits. Independence Day), November 30 (National
Cooperative capitalization is encouraged. Heroes Day), Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
Election or Referendum Day and during
Registration Days for such election or
(e) Cockfighting for Entertainment of Tourists or SECTION 8. Penal Provisions. Any violation of
for Charitable Purposes. Subject to the the provisions of this Decree and of the rules
preceding subsection hereof, the Chief and regulations promulgated by the Chief of
Constabulary or his authorized representative Constabulary pursuant thereto shall be
may also allow the holding of cockfighting for punished as follows:
the entertainment of foreign dignitaries or for
tourists, or for returning Filipinos, commonly a. By prision correccional in its maximum
known as "Balikbayan", or for the support of period and a fine of two thousand pesos, with
national fund-raising campaigns for charitable subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency,
purposes as may be authorized by the Office of when the offender is the financier, owner,
the President, upon resolution of a provincial manager or operator of a cockpit, or the gaffer,
board, city or municipal council, in licensed referee or bet taker in cockfights; or the
cockpits or in playgrounds or parks: Provided, offender is guilty of allowing, promoting or
that this privilege shall be extended for only participating in any other kind of gambling in
one time, for a period not exceeding three the premises of cockpits during cockfights.
days, within a year to a province, city, or
municipality. cdtai
c. By prision correccional or a fine of not
less than six hundred pesos nor more
(f) Other games during cockfights prescribed. than two thousand pesos or both, such
No gambling of any kind shall be permitted imprisonment and fine at the discretion
on the premises of the cockpit or place of of the court, with subsidiary
cockfighting during cockfights. The owner, imprisonment in case of insolvency, in
manager or lessee of such cockpit and the case of any other offender.
violators of this injunction shall be criminally
Presidential Decree 1563
liable under Section 8 hereof.
SECTION 6. Licensing of Cockpits. City and ERADICATION OF MENDICANCY,
municipal mayors are authorized to issue PROVIDING PENALTIES,
licenses for the operation and maintenance of APPROPRIATING FUNDS
cockpits subject to the approval of the Chief of THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER
Constabulary or his authorized representatives. PURPOSES
For this purpose, ordinances may be
SECTION 2. Purpose. This Decree
promulgated for the imposition and collection
shall be interpreted so as to, among
of taxes and fees not exceeding the rates fixed
others: cdt
under Section 13, paragraphs (a) and (b); and a. Prevent the commission of
19; paragraph (g) 16 of Presidential Decree No. mendicancy;
231, dated June 28, 1973, otherwise known as
the Local Tax Code, as amended. cd i b. Prevent the exploitation of infants
and children through mendicancy and
SECTION 7. Cockfighting Officials. Gaffers, provide habilitative services for those
referees or bet takers or promoters shall not already exploited or in immediate
act as such in any cockfight herein authorized, danger of exploitation; and
without first securing a license renewable
every year on their birth month from the city or c. Promote the rehabilitation of minors
municipality where such cockfighting is held. found begging and mendicants by
Cities and municipalities may charge a tax of providing an integrated developmental
not more than twenty pesos. Only licensed package of preventive, habilitative
gaffers, referees, bet takers or promoters shall interceptive, remedial, and/or
officiate in all kinds of cockfighting authorized rehabilitative services.
in this Decree.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. As potential and productive energy of the
used in this Decree, the following shall, mendicant infant, child, youth, or adult
unless the context otherwise requires, to offset the effect of factors
be construed thus: aisa dc contributing to mendicancy;
a. "Mendicant" refers to any person,
except those enumerated in Section 4 4) Remedial services refer to measures
of this Decree, who has no visible and intended to meet the basic needs and
legal means of support, or lawful improve living condition of the
employment and who is physically able mendicant; and cdt
to work but neglects to apply himself to
5) Rehabilitative services refer to
some lawful calling and instead uses
medical, social, educational,
begging as a means of living.
psychological and vocational measures
b. "Exploited Infant" or "Child" refers to to develop and/or restore the
an infant or child 8 years and below mendicant to the fullest state of well-
who is used in begging or one who being or economic usefulness of which
accompanies a habitual vagrant or he is capable, and to engage in a
beggar. gainful occupation.

c. "Habitual Mendicant" refers to one SECTION 4. Apprehension of and

who has been convicted of mendicancy Services for Persons Found Begging.
under this Decree two or more times. Any infant or child 8 years old and
below who is found begging or is being
d. "Duly Licensed Child Placement utilized by a mendicant for purposes of
Agency" or "Individual" is an institution begging shall be apprehended as a
or person licensed by the Department neglected child under Article 141 of PD
of Social Services and Development to 603 and shall be committed to the
assume the care, custody, protection custody and care of the Department of
and maintenance of children for Social Services and Development or to
placement in any child-caring any duly licensed child placement
institution or home under the care and agency or individual. aisa dc
custody of any person for purposes of Any minor over 9 years of age and
adoption, guardianship or foster care. under 15 found begging or is being
utilized for purposes of begging and
e. Integrated Developmental Package who acted without discernment shall
of Services include the following: be apprehended as a neglected child
under Article 141 of Presidential Decree
1) Preventive services refer to
No. 603 and shall be committed to the
measures that forestall the occurrence
custody and care of the Department of
of situations identified as contributory
Social Services and Development or to
to mendicancy;
any duly licensed child placement
2) Habilitative services refer to agency or individual.
measures which provide environmental Any minor over 9 years of age and
or socio-economic conditions for the under 15 who is found begging or is
exploited infant or child which being utilized for the purpose of
maximize possibilities and begging and who acted with
opportunities for the enjoyment of a discernment shall be proceeded
satisfactory equality of life before the against in accordance with the
formation of undesirable attitudes and provisions of Chapter 3, Title VIII of
values or the onset of conditions most Presidential Decree No. 603.
Any person not otherwise covered in
conducive to mendicancy;
the preceding paragraph of this Section
3) Interceptive services are measures who is found begging and who is
which channel or direct the growth physically or mentally incapable of
gainful occupation shall be provided
the integrated package of services by "Any person found guilty of any of the
the Department of Social Services and offenses covered by this article shall be
Development, the welfare units of local punished by arresto menor or a fine not
governments and other cooperating exceeding 200 pesos, and in case of
agencies. recidivism, by arresto mayor in its
medium period to prision correccional
SECTION 5. Criminal Liability. A in its minimum period or a fine ranging
mendicant as defined in Paragraph (a) from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both, in
Section 3 hereof, shall, upon the discretion of the court."
conviction, be punished by a fine not
exceeding P500.00 or by imprisonment SECTION 2. Effect on Pending Cases.
for a period not exceeding 2 years or All pending cases under the provisions
both at the discretion of the court. of Article 202 of the Revised Penal
cdtai Code on Vagrancy prior to its
A habitual mendicant shall be punished amendment by this Act shall be
by a fine not exceeding P1,000.00 or dismissed upon effectivity of this Act.
by imprisonment for a period not aCTHEA
exceeding 4 years or both at the
discretion of the court. SECTION 3. Immediate Release of
Parents of exploited infants or minors Convicted Persons. All persons
under Section 4 of this Decree shall be serving sentence for violation of the
proceeded against in accordance with provisions of Article 202 of the Revised
Articles 59 and 60 of Presidential Penal Code on Vagrancy prior to its
Decree No. 603, unless they are amendment by this Act shall be
themselves mendicants. immediately released upon effectivity
Any person who abets mendicancy by of this Act: Provided, That they are not
giving alms directly to mendicants, serving sentence or detained for any
exploited infants and minors on public other offense or felony.
roads, sidewalks, parks and bridges
shall be punished by a fine not SECTION 4. Repealing Clause. All
exceeding P20.00. laws, presidential decrees, executive
orders, rules and regulations and other
issuances, or any part thereof,
inconsistent with this Act are hereby
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10158 repealed, modified or amended

SECTION 1. Article 202 of the Revised

Penal Code is hereby, amended to read
as follows:

"Article 202.Prostitutes; Penalty. For

the purposes of this article, women REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9208
who, for money or profit, habitually
indulge in sexual intercourse or AN ACT TO INSTITUTE POLICIES TO
lascivious conduct, are deemed to be ELIMINATE TRAFFICKING IN
MECHANISMS FOR THE knowledge, within or across national
PROTECTION AND SUPPORT OF borders by means of threat or use of
TRAFFICKED PERSONS, PROVIDING force, or other forms of coercion,
PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATIONS, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES power or of position, taking advantage
of the vulnerability of the persons, or,
SECTION 1.Title. This Act shall be the giving or receiving of payments or
known as the "Anti-Trafficking in benefits to achieve the consent of a
Persons Act of 2003." person having control over another
person for the purpose of exploitation
SECTION 2.Declaration of Policy. It is
which includes at a minimum, the
hereby declared that the State values
exploitation or the prostitution of
the dignity of every human person and
others or other forms of sexual
guarantees the respect of individual
exploitation, forced labor or services,
rights. In pursuit of this policy, the
slavery, servitude or the removal or
State shall give highest priority to the
sale of organs.
enactment of measures and
The recruitment, transportation,
development of programs that will
transfer, harboring or receipt of a child
promote human dignity, protect the
for the purpose of exploitation shall
people from any threat of violence and
also be considered as "trafficking in
exploitation, eliminate trafficking in
persons" even if it does not involve any
persons, and mitigate pressures for
of the means set forth in the preceding
involuntary migration and servitude of
persons, not only to support trafficked
persons but more importantly, to (b)Child refers to a person below
ensure their recovery, rehabilitation eighteen (18) years of age or one who
and reintegration into the mainstream is over eighteen (18) but is unable to
of society. fully take care of or protect
It shall be a State policy to recognize himself/herself from abuse, neglect,
the equal rights and inherent human cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination
dignity of women and men as because of a physical or mental
enshrined in the United Nations disability or condition.
Universal Declaration on Human
Rights, United Nations Convention on (c)Prostitution refers to any act,
the Rights of the Child, United Nations transaction, scheme or design
Convention on the Protection of involving the use of a person by
Migrant Workers and their Families, another, for sexual intercourse or
United Nations Convention Against lascivious conduct in exchange for
Transnational Organized Crime money, profit or any other
Including its Protocol to Prevent, consideration.
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in
Persons, Especially Women and (d)Forced Labor and Slavery refer to
Children and all other relevant and the extraction of work or services from
universally accepted human rights any person by means of enticement,
instruments and other international violence, intimidation or threat, use of
conventions to which the Philippines is force or coercion, including deprivation
a signatory. of freedom, abuse of authority or moral
ascendancy, debt-bondage or
SECTION 3.Definition of Terms. As deception.
used in this Act:
(e)Sex Tourism refers to a program
(a)Trafficking in Persons refers to the organized by travel and tourism-related
recruitment, transportation, transfer or establishments and individuals which
harboring, or receipt of persons with or consists of tourism packages or
without the victim's consent or activities, utilizing and offering escort
and sexual services as enticement for (b)To introduce or match for money,
tourists. This includes sexual services profit, or
and practices offered during rest and material, economic or other
recreation periods for members of the consideration, any person or, as
military. provided for under Republic Act No.
6955, any Filipino women to a foreign
(f)Sexual Exploitation refers to national, for marriage for the purpose
participation by a person in prostitution of acquiring, buying, offering, selling or
or the production of pornographic trading him/her to engage in
materials as a result of being subjected prostitution, pornography, sexual
to a threat, deception, coercion, exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
abduction, force, abuse of authority, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
debt bondage, fraud or through abuse
of a victim's vulnerability. (c)To offer or contract marriage, real or
simulated, for the purpose of acquiring,
(g)Debt Bondage refers to the buying, offering, selling, or trading
pledging by the debtor of his/her them to engage in prostitution,
personal services or labor or those of a pornography, sexual exploitation,
person under his/her control as security forced labor or slavery, involuntary
or payment for a debt, when the length servitude or debt bondage; DCATHS
and nature of services is not clearly
defined or when the value of the (d)To undertake or organize tours and
services as reasonably assessed is not travel plans consisting of tourism
applied toward the liquidation of the packages or activities for the purpose
debt. of utilizing and offering persons for
prostitution, pornography or sexual
(h)Pornography refers to any exploitation;
representation, through publication,
exhibition, cinematography, indecent (e)To maintain or hire a person to
shows, information technology, or by engage in prostitution or pornography;
whatever means, of a person engaged
(f)To adopt or facilitate the adoption of
in real or simulated explicit sexual
persons for the purpose of prostitution,
activities or any representation of the
pornography, sexual exploitation,
sexual parts of a person for primarily
forced labor, slavery, involuntary
sexual purposes.
servitude or debt bondage;
(i)Council shall mean the Inter-
(g)To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or
Agency Council Against Trafficking
abduct a person, by means of threat or
created under Section 20 of this Act.
use of force, fraud, deceit, violence,
SECTION 4.Acts of Trafficking in coercion, or intimidation for the
Persons. It shall be unlawful for any purpose of removal or sale of organs of
person, natural or juridical, to commit said person; and
any of the following acts:
(h)To recruit, transport or adopt a child
(a)To recruit, transport, transfer, to engage in armed activities in the
harbor, provide, or receive a person by Philippines or abroad.
any means, including those done under
SECTION 5.Acts that Promote
the pretext of domestic or overseas
Trafficking in Persons. The following
employment or training or
acts which promote or facilitate
apprenticeship, for the purpose of
trafficking in persons shall be unlawful:
prostitution, pornography, sexual
exploitation, forced labor, slavery, (a)To knowingly lease or sublease, use
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; or allow to be used any house, building
or establishment for the purpose of condition of involuntary servitude,
promoting trafficking in persons; forced labor, or slavery.

(b)To produce, print and issue or SECTION 6.Qualified Trafficking in

distribute unissued, tampered or fake Persons. The following are
counseling certificates, registration considered as qualified trafficking:
stickers and certificates of any
government agency which issued these (a)When the trafficked person is a
certificates and stickers as proof of child;
compliance with government
(b)When the adoption is effected
regulatory and pre-departure
through Republic Act No. 8043,
requirements for the purpose of
otherwise known as the "Inter-Country
promoting trafficking in persons;
Adoption Act of 1995" and said
(c)To advertise, publish, print, adoption is for the purpose of
broadcast or distribute, or cause the prostitution, pornography, sexual
advertisement, publication, printing exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
broadcasting or distribution by any involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
means, including the use of information
(c)When the crime is committed by a
technology and the internet, of any
syndicate, or in large scale. Trafficking
brochure, flyer, or any propaganda
is deemed committed by a syndicate if
material that promotes trafficking in
carried out by a group of three (3) or
more persons conspiring or
(d)To assist in the conduct of confederating with one another. It is
misrepresentation or fraud for deemed committed in large scale if
purposes of facilitating the acquisition committed against three (3) or more
of clearances and necessary exit persons, individually or as a group;
documents from government agencies
(d)When the offender is an ascendant,
that are mandated to provide pre-
parent, sibling, guardian or a person
departure registration and services for
who exercises authority over the
departing persons for the purpose of
trafficked person or when the offense is
promoting trafficking in persons;
committed by a public officer or
(e)To facilitate, assist or help in the exit employee;
and entry of persons from/to the
(e)When the trafficked person is
country at international and local
recruited to engage in prostitution with
airports, territorial boundaries and
any member of the military or law
seaports who are in possession of
enforcement agencies;
unissued, tampered or fraudulent
travel documents for the purpose of (f)When the offender is a member of
promoting trafficking in persons; the military or law enforcement
agencies; and
(f)To confiscate, conceal, or destroy the
passport, travel documents, or (g)When by reason or on occasion of
personal documents or belongings of the act of trafficking in persons, the
trafficked persons in furtherance of offended party dies, becomes insane,
trafficking or to prevent them from suffers mutilation or is afflicted with
leaving the country or seeking redress Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
from the government or appropriate or the Acquired Immune Deficiency
agencies; and Syndrome (AIDS).

(g)To knowingly benefit from, financial

SECTION 7.Confidentiality. At any
or otherwise, or make use of, the labor
stage of the investigation, prosecution
or services of a person held to a
and trial of an offense under this Act,
law enforcement officers, prosecutors, SECTION 10.Penalties and Sanctions.
judges, court personnel and medical The following penalties and sanctions
practitioners, as well as parties to the are hereby established for the offenses
case, shall recognize the right to enumerated in this Act:
privacy of the trafficked person and the
accused. Towards this end, law (a)Any person found guilty of
enforcement officers, prosecutors and committing any of the acts enumerated
judges to whom the complaint has in Section 4 shall suffer the penalty of
been referred may, whenever imprisonment of twenty (20) years and
necessary to ensure a fair and a fine of not less than One million
impartial proceeding, and after pesos (P1,000,000.00) but not more
considering all circumstances for the than Two million pesos
best interest of the parties, order a (P2,000,000.00);
closed-door investigation, prosecution
(b)Any person found guilty of
or trial. The name and personal
committing any of the acts enumerated
circumstances of the trafficked person
in Section 5 shall suffer the penalty of
or of the accused, or any other
imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and
information tending to establish their
a fine of not less than Five hundred
identities and such circumstances or
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not
information shall not be disclosed to
more than One million pesos
the public.
In cases when prosecution or trial is
(c)Any person found guilty of qualified
conducted behind closed-doors, it shall
trafficking under Section 6 shall suffer
be unlawful for any editor, publisher,
the penalty of life imprisonment and a
and reporter or columnist in case of
fine of not less than Two million pesos
printed materials, announcer or
(P2,000,000.00) but not more than Five
producer in case of television and
million pesos (P5,000,000.00);
radio, producer and director of a film in
case of the movie industry, or any (d)Any person who violates Section 7,
person utilizing tri-media facilities or hereof shall suffer the penalty of
information technology to cause imprisonment of six (6) years and a
publicity of any case of trafficking in fine of not less than Five hundred
persons. thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not
SECTION 8.Prosecution of Cases. Any more than One million pesos
person who has personal knowledge of (P1,000,000.00);
the commission of any offense under
this Act, the trafficked person, the (e)If the offender is a corporation,
parents, spouse, siblings, children or partnership, association, club,
legal guardian may file a complaint for establishment or any judicial person,
trafficking. the penalty shall be imposed upon the
owner, president, partner, manager,
SECTION 9.Venue. A criminal action and/or any responsible officer who
arising from violation of this Act shall participated in the commission of the
be filed where the offense was crime or who shall have knowingly
committed, or where any of its permitted or failed to prevent its
elements occurred, or where the commission;
trafficked person actually resides at the
time of the commission of the offense: (f)The registration with the Securities
Provided, That the court where the and Exchange Commission (SEC) and
criminal action is first filed shall acquire license to operate of the erring agency,
jurisdiction to the exclusion of other corporation, association religious
courts. group, tour or travel agent, club or
establishment, or any place of
entertainment shall be cancelled and prescribe in ten (10) years: Provided,
revoked permanently. The owner, however, That trafficking cases
president, partner or manager thereof committed by a syndicate or in a large
shall not be allowed to operate similar scale as defined under Section 6 shall
establishments in a different name; prescribe in twenty (20) years.

(g)If the offender is a foreigner, he shall The prescriptive period shall

be immediately deported after serving commence to run from the day on
his sentence and be barred which the trafficked person is delivered
permanently from entering the country; or released from the conditions of
bondage and shall be interrupted by
(h)Any employee or official of the filing of the complaint or
government agencies who shall issue information and shall commence to run
or approve the issuance of travel exit again when such proceedings
clearances, passports, registration terminate without the accused being
certificates, counseling certificates, convicted or acquitted or are
marriage license, and other similar unjustifiably stopped for any reason not
documents to persons, whether imputable to the accused.
juridical or natural, recruitment
agencies, establishments or other SECTION 13.Exemption from Filing
individuals or groups, who fail to Fees. When the trafficked person
observe the prescribed procedures and institutes a separate civil action for the
the requirements as provided for by recovery of civil damages, he/she shall
laws, rules and regulations, shall be be exempt from the payment of filing
held administratively liable, without fees.
prejudice to criminal liability under this
Act. The concerned government official SECTION 14.Confiscation and Forfeiture
or employee shall, upon conviction, be of the Proceeds and Instruments
dismissed from the service and be Derived from Trafficking in Persons.
barred permanently to hold public In addition to the penalty imposed for
office. His/her retirement and other the violation of this Act, the court shall
benefits shall likewise be forfeited; and order the confiscation and forfeiture, in
favor of the government, of all the
(i)Conviction by final judgment of the proceeds and properties derived from
adopter for any offense under this Act the commission of the crime, unless
shall result in the immediate rescission they are the property of a third person
of the decree of adoption. not liable for the unlawful act:
Provided, however, That all awards for
SECTION 11.Use of Trafficked Persons. damages shall be taken from the
Any person who buys or engages the personal and separate properties of the
services of trafficked persons for offender: Provided further, That if such
prostitution shall be penalized as properties are insufficient, the balance
follows: shall be taken from the confiscated and
forfeited properties.
(a)First offense six (6) months of
When the proceeds, properties and
community service as may be
instruments of the offense have been
determined by the court and a fine of
destroyed, diminished in value or
Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00); and
otherwise rendered worthless by any
(b)Second and subsequent offenses
act or omission, directly or indirectly, of
Imprisonment of one (1) year and a
the offender or it has been concealed,
fine of One hundred thousand pesos
removed, converted or transferred to
prevent the same from being found or
SECTION 12.Prescriptive Period. to avoid forfeiture or confiscation, the
Trafficking cases under this Act shall offender shall be ordered to pay the
amount equal to the value of the public official or employee concerned
proceeds, property or instruments of in the discharge of his official functions.
the offense. Included within the prohibition is the
throwing of parties or entertainments
RESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 46 in honor of the official or employee or
of his immediate relatives. cd
For violation of this Decree, the penalty
of imprisonment for not less than one
(1) year nor more than five (5) years
and perpetual disqualification from
public office shall be imposed. The
WHEREAS, under existing laws and the official or employee concerned shall
Civil Service Rules, it is prohibited to likewise be subject to administrative
receive, directly or indirectly, any gift, disciplinary action and, if found guilty,
present or any other form of benefit in shall be meted out the penalty of
the course of official duties; suspension or removal, depending on
WHEREAS, it is believed necessary to the seriousness of the offense.
put more teeth to existing laws and Any provision of law, executive order,
regulations to wipe out all conceivable rule or regulation or circular
forms of graft and corruption in the inconsistent with this Decree is hereby
public service, the members of which repealed or modified accordingly.
This Decree shall take effect
should not only be honest but above
immediately after its publication.
suspicion and reproach; and
DONE in the City of Manila, this 10th
WHEREAS, the stoppage of the practice
day of November, in the year of Our
of gift-giving to government men is a
Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-
concrete step in the administration
program of reforms for the
development of new moral values in PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 749
the social structure of the country, one
of the main objectives of the New GRANTING IMMUNITY FROM
MARCOS, President of the Philippines, THEIR ACCOMPLICES IN BRIBERY
by virtue of the powers vested in me AND OTHER GRAFT CASES AGAINST
by the Constitution as Commander-in- PUBLIC OFFICERS
Chief of all the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, and pursuant to WHEREAS, public office is a public
Proclamation No. 1081, dated trust: public officers are but servants of
September 21, 1972, and General the people, whom they must serve with
Order No. 1, dated September 22, utmost fidelity and integrity; casia
1972, do hereby make it punishable for
WHEREAS, it has heretofore been
any public official or employee,
virtually impossible to secure the
whether of the national or local
conviction and removal of dishonest
governments, to receive, directly or
public servants owing to the lack of
indirectly, and for private persons to
witnesses: the bribe or gift-givers being
give, or offer to give, any gift, present
always reluctant to testify against the
or other valuable thing on any
corrupt public officials and employees
occasion, including Christmas, when
concerned for fear of being indicted
such gift, present or other valuable
and convicted themselves of bribery
thing is given by reason of his official
and corruption;
position, regardless of whether or not
the same is for past favor or the giver WHEREAS, it is better by far and more
hopes or expects to receive a favor or socially desirable, as well as just, that
better treatment in the future from the
the bribe or gift giver be granted
immunity from prosecution so that he 1. The information must refer to
may freely testify as to the official consummated violations of any of the
corruption, than that the official who above-mentioned provisions of law,
receives the bribe or gift should be rules and regulations;
allowed to go free, insolently remaining
2. The information and testimony are
in public office, and continuing with his
necessary for the conviction of the
nefarious and corrupt practices, to the
accused public officer;
great detriment of the public service
and the public interest. casia 3. Such information and testimony are
not yet in the possession of the State;
MARCOS, President of the Philippines, 4. Such information and testimony can
by virtue of the powers in me vested be corroborated on its material points;
by the Constitution, do hereby decree and
and order that:
5. The informant or witness has not
SECTION 1. Any person who voluntarily been previously convicted of a crime
gives information about any violation of involving moral turpitude.
Articles 210, 211, and 212 of the
Revised Penal Code; Republic Act SECTION 2. The immunity granted
Numbered Three Thousand Nineteen, hereunder shall not attach should it
as amended; Section 345 of the turn out subsequently that the
Internal Revenue Code and Section information and/or testimony is false
3604 of the Tariff and Customs Code and malicious or made only for the
and other provisions of the said Codes purpose of harassing, molesting or in
penalizing abuse or dishonesty on the any way prejudicing the public officer
part of the public officials concerned; denounced. In such a case, the public
and other laws, rules and regulations officer so denounced shall be entitled
punishing acts of graft, corruption and to any action, civil or criminal, against
other forms of official abuse; and who said informant or witness. i
willingly testifies against any public
official or employee for such violation SECTION 3. All preliminary
shall be exempt from prosecution or investigations conducted by a
punishment for the offense with prosecuting fiscal, judge or committee,
reference to which his information and and all proceedings undertaken in
testimony were given, and may plead connection therewith, shall be strictly
or prove the giving of such information confidential or private in order to
and testimony in bar of such protect the reputation of the official
prosecution: Provided; that this under investigation in the event that
immunity may be enjoyed even in the report proves to be unfounded or
cases where the information and no prima facie case is established.
testimony are given against a person
SECTION 4. All acts, decrees and rules
who is not a public official but who is a
and regulations inconsistent with the
principal, or accomplice, or accessory
provisions of this Decree are hereby
in the commission of any of the above-
repealed or modified accordingly. cdtai
mentioned violations: Provided, further,
that this immunity may be enjoyed by SECTION 5. This Decree shall take
such informant or witness effect immediately.
notwithstanding that he offered or
gave the bribe or gift to the public DONE in the City of Manila, this 18th
official or his accomplice for such gift day of July, in the year of Our Lord,
or bribe-giving; and Provided, finally, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Five.
that the following conditions concur:
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3019 (a) Persuading, inducing or influencing
another public officer to perform an act
ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT constituting a violation of rules and
PRACTICES ACT regulations duly promulgated by
competent authority or an offense in
SECTION 1. Statement of policy. It is
connection with the official duties of
the policy of the Philippine
the latter, or allowing himself to be
Government, in line with the principle
persuaded, induced, or influenced to
that a public office is a public trust, to
commit such violation or offense. cdtai
repress certain acts of public officers
and private persons alike which (b) Directly or indirectly requesting or
constitute graft or corrupt practices or receiving any gift, present, share,
which may lead thereto. percentage, or benefit, for himself or
SECTION 2. Definition of terms. As
for any other person, in connection
used in this Act, the term
with any contract or transaction
(a) "Government" includes the national
between the Government and any
government, the local governments,
other party, wherein the public officer
the government-owned and
in his official capacity has to intervene
government-controlled corporations,
under the law.
and all other instrumentalities or
agencies of the Republic of the (c) Directly or indirectly requesting or
Philippines and their branches. receiving any gift, present or other
pecuniary or material benefit, for
(b) "Public officer" includes elective and
himself or for another, from any person
appointive officials and employees,
for whom the public officer, in any
permanent or temporary, whether in
manner or capacity, has secured or
the classified or unclassified or exempt
obtained, or will secure or obtain, any
service receiving compensation, even
Government permit or license, in
nominal, from the government as
consideration for the help given or to
defined in the preceding subparagraph.
be given, without prejudice to Section
(c) "Receiving any gift" includes the act thirteen of this Act.
of accepting directly or indirectly a gift
(d) Accepting or having any member of
from a person other than a member of
his family accept employment in a
the public officer's immediate family, in
private enterprise which has pending
behalf of himself or of any member of
official business with him during the
his family or relative within the fourth
pendency thereof or within one year
civil degree, either by consanguinity or
after its termination.
affinity, even on the occasion of a
family celebration or national festivity (e) Causing any undue injury to any
like Christmas, if the value of the gift is party, including the Government, or
under the circumstances manifestly giving any private party any
excessive. unwarranted benefits, advantage or
preference in the discharge of his
(d) "Person" includes natural and
official administrative or judicial
juridical persons, unless the context
functions through manifest partiality,
indicates otherwise.
evident bad faith or gross inexcusable
SECTION 3. Corrupt practices of public negligence. This provision shall apply
officers. In addition to acts or to officers and employees of offices or
omissions of public officers already government corporations charged with
penalized by existing law, the following the grant of licenses or permits or
shall constitute corrupt practices of any other concessions.
public officer and are hereby declared
( f ) Neglecting or refusing, after due
to be unlawful:
demand or request, without sufficient
justification, to act within a reasonable (k) Divulging valuable information of a
time on any matter pending before him confidential character, acquired by his
for the purpose of obtaining, directly or office or by him on account of his
indirectly, from any person interested official position to unauthorized
in the matter some pecuniary or persons, or releasing such information
material benefit or advantage, or for in advance of its authorized release
the purpose of favoring his own date. cdasia
interest or giving undue advantage in
favor of or discriminating against any The person giving the gift, present,
other interested party. share, percentage or benefit referred to
in subparagraphs (b) and (c); or
(g) Entering, on behalf of the offering or giving to the public officer
Government, into any contract or the employment mentioned in
transaction manifestly and grossly subparagraph (d); or urging the
disadvantageous to the same, whether divulging or untimely release of the
or not the public officer profited or will confidential information referred to in
profit thereby. subparagraph (k) of this section shall,
together with the offending public
(h) Directly or indirectly having officer, be punished under Section nine
financing or pecuniary interest in any of this Act and shall be permanently or
business, contract or transaction in temporarily disqualified in the
connection with which he intervenes or discretion of the Court, from
takes part in his official capacity, or in transacting business in any form with
which he is prohibited by the the Government.
Constitution or by any law from having SECTION 4. Prohibition on private
any interest. individuals. (a) It shall be unlawful
for any person having family or close
(i) Directly or indirectly becoming
personal relation with any public official
interested, for personal gain, or having
to capitalize or exploit or take
a material interest in any transaction or
advantage of such family or close
act requiring the approval of a board,
personal relation by directly or
panel or group of which he is a
indirectly requesting or receiving any
member, and which exercises
present, gift or material or pecuniary
discretion in such approval, even if he
advantage from any other person
votes against the same or does not
having some business, transaction,
participate in the action of the board,
application, request or contract with
committee, panel or group.
the government, in which such public
Interest for personal gain shall be official has to intervene. Family relation
presumed against those public officers shall include the spouse or relatives by
responsible for the approval of consanguinity or affinity in the third
manifestly unlawful, inequitable, or civil degree. The word "close personal
irregular transactions or acts by the relation" shall include close personal
board, panel or group to which they friendship, social and fraternal
belong. connections, and professional
employment all giving rise to intimacy
( j) Knowingly approving or granting which assures free access to such
any license, permit, privilege or benefit public officer.
in favor of any person not qualified for (b) It shall be unlawful for any person
or not legally entitled to such license, knowingly to induce or cause any
permit, privilege or advantage, or of a public official to commit any of the
mere representative or dummy of one offenses defined in Section 3 hereof.
who is not so qualified or entitled. SECTION 5. Prohibition on certain
relatives. It shall be unlawful for the
spouse or for any relative, by
consanguinity or affinity, within the SECTION 7. Statement of assets and
third civil degree, of the President of liabilities. Every public officer, within
the Philippines, the Vice-President of thirty days after the approval of this
the Philippines, the President of the Act or after assuming office, and within
Senate, or the Speaker of the House of the month of January of every other
Representatives, to intervene, directly year thereafter, as well as upon the
or indirectly, in any business, expiration of his term of office, or upon
transaction, contract or application his resignation or separation from
with the Government: Provided, That office, shall prepare and file with the
this section shall not apply to any office of the corresponding Department
person who, prior to the assumption of Head, or in the case of a Head of
office of any of the above officials to Department or chief of an independent
whom he is related, has been already office, with the Office of the President,
dealing with the Government along the or in the case of members of the
same line of business, nor to any Congress and the officials and
transaction, contract or application employees thereof, with the Office of
already existing or pending at the time the Secretary of the corresponding
of such assumption of public office, nor House, a true detailed and sworn
to any application filed by him the statement of assets and liabilities,
approval of which is not discretionary including a statement of the amounts
on the part of the official or officials and sources of his income, the
concerned but depends upon amounts of his personal and family
compliance with requisites provided by expenses and the amount of income
law, or rules or regulations issued taxes paid for the next preceding
pursuant to law, nor to any act lawfully calendar year: Provided, That public
performed in an official capacity or in officers assuming office less than two
the exercise of a profession. months before the end of the calendar
SECTION 6. Prohibition on Members of year, may file their first statements in
Congress. It shall be unlawful the following months of January.
hereafter for any Member of the SECTION 8. Dismissal due to
Congress during the term for which he unexplained wealth. If in accordance
has been elected, to acquire or receive with the provisions of Republic Act
any personal pecuniary interest in any Numbered One thousand three
specific business enterprise which will hundred seventy-nine, a public official
be directly and particularly favored or has been found to have acquired
benefited by any law or resolution during his incumbency, whether in his
authored by him previously approved name or in the name of other persons,
or adopted by the Congress during the an amount of property and/or money
same term. manifestly out of proportion to his
The provision of this section shall apply salary and to his other lawful income,
to any other public officer who that fact shall be a ground for dismissal
recommended the initiation in or removal. Properties in the name of
Congress of the enactment or adoption the spouse and unmarried children of
of any law or resolution, and acquires such public official may be taken into
or receives any such interest during his consideration, when their acquisition
incumbency. through legitimate means cannot be
It shall likewise be unlawful for such satisfactorily shown. Bank deposits
member of Congress or other public shall be taken into consideration in the
officer, who, having such interest prior enforcement of this section,
to the approval of such law or notwithstanding any provision of law to
resolution authored or recommended the contrary. aisa dc
by him, continues for thirty days after SECTION 9. Penalties for violations.
such approval to retain such interest. (a) Any public officer or private person
committing any of the unlawful acts or
omissions enumerated in Sections 3, 4, under the provisions of the Revised
5 and 6 of this Act shall be punished Penal Code on bribery is pending in
with imprisonment for not less than court, shall be suspended from office.
one year nor more than ten years, Should he be convicted by final
perpetual disqualification from public judgment, he shall lose all retirement
office, and confiscation or forfeiture in or gratuity benefits under any law, but
favor of the Government of any if he is acquitted, he shall be entitled to
prohibited interest and unexplained reinstatement and to the salaries and
wealth manifestly out of proportion to benefits which he failed to receive
his salary and other lawful income. during suspension, unless in the
Any complaining party at whose meantime administrative proceedings
complaint the criminal prosecution was have been filed against him. casia
initiated shall, in case of conviction of SECTION 14. Exception. Unsolicited
the accused, be entitled to recover in gifts or presents of small or
the criminal action with priority over insignificant value offered or given as a
the forfeiture in favor of the mere ordinary token of gratitude or
Government, the amount of money or friendship according to local customs
the thing he may have given to the or usage, shall be excepted from the
accused, or the value of such thing. provisions of this Act.
(b) Any public officer violating any of Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted
the provisions of Section 7 of this Act to prejudice or prohibit the practice of
shall be punished by a fine of not less any profession, lawful trade or
than one hundred pesos nor more than occupation by any private person or by
one thousand pesos, or by any public officer who under the law
imprisonment not exceeding one year, may legitimately practice his
or by both such fine and imprisonment, profession, trade or occupation, during
at the discretion of the Court. his incumbency, except where the
The violation of said section proven in a practice of such profession, trade or
proper administrative proceeding shall occupation involves conspiracy with
be sufficient cause for removal or any other person or public official to
dismissal of a public officer, even if no commit any of the violations penalized
criminal prosecution is instituted in this Act.
against him.
SECTION 10. Competent court. Until REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6713
otherwise provided by law, all
prosecutions under this Act shall be AN ACT ESTABLISHING A CODE OF
within the original jurisdiction of the CONDUCT AND ETHICAL
proper Court of First Instance. STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC
SECTION 11. Prescription of offenses. OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, TO
All offenses punishable under this Act UPHOLD THE TIME-HONORED
shall prescribe in ten years. PRINCIPLE OF PUBLIC OFFICE
No public officer shall be allowed to INCENTIVES AND REWARDS FOR
resign or retire pending an EXEMPLARY SERVICE,
investigation, criminal or ENUMERATING PROHIBITED ACTS
administrative, or pending a AND TRANSACTIONS AND
prosecution against him, for any PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR
offense under this Act or under the VIOLATIONS THEREOF AND FOR
provisions of the Revised Penal Code on OTHER PURPOSES
SECTION 13. Suspension and loss of SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be
benefits. Any public officer against known as the "Code of Conduct and
whom any criminal prosecution under a Ethical Standards for Public Officials
valid information under this Act or and Employees."
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policies. It accommodations intended to ensure its
is the policy of the State to promote a approval. cdasia
high standard of ethics in public
service. Public officials and employees (f) "Substantial stockholder" means any
shall at all times be accountable to the person who owns, directly or indirectly,
people and shall discharge their duties shares of stock sufficient to elect a
with utmost responsibility, integrity, director of a corporation. This term
competence, and loyalty, act with shall also apply to the parties to a
patriotism and justice, lead modest voting trust.
lives, and uphold public interest over
(g) "Family of public officials or
personal interest.
employees" means their spouses and
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. As
unmarried children under eighteen (18)
used in this Act, the term:
(a) "Government" includes the National years of age.
Government, the local governments,
(h) "Person" includes natural and
and all other instrumentalities,
juridical persons unless the context
agencies or branches of the Republic of
indicates otherwise.
the Philippines including government-
owned or controlled corporations, and (i) "Conflict of interest" arises when a
their subsidiaries. public official or employee is a member
of a board, an officer, or a substantial
(b) "Public Officials" includes elective
stockholder of a private corporation or
and appointive officials and employees,
owner or has a substantial interest in a
permanent or temporary, whether in
business, and the interest of such
the career or non-career service,
corporation or business, or his rights or
including military and police personnel,
duties therein, may be opposed to or
whether or not they receive
affected by the faithful performance of
compensation, regardless of amount.
official duty.
(c) "Gift" refers to a thing or a right to
(j) "Divestment" is the transfer of title
dispose of gratuitously, or any act or
or disposal of interest in property by
liberality, in favor of another who
voluntarily, completely and actually
accepts it, and shall include a
depriving or dispossessing oneself of
simulated sale or an ostensibly onerous
his right or title to it in favor of a
disposition thereof. It shall not include
person or persons other than his
an unsolicited gift of nominal or
spouse and relatives as defined in this
insignificant value not given in
anticipation of, or in exchange for, a
favor from a public official or (k) "Relatives" refers to any and all
employee. persons related to a public official or
employee within the fourth civil degree
(d) "Receiving any gift" includes the act
of consanguinity or affinity, including
of accepting directly or indirectly, a gift
bilas, inso and balae.
from a person other than a member of
his family or relative as defined in this SECTION 4. Norms of Conduct of Public
Act, even on the occasion of a family Officials and Employees. (A) Every
celebration or national festivity like public official and employee shall
Christmas, if the value of the gift is observe the following as standards of
neither nominal nor insignificant, or the personal conduct in the discharge and
gift is given in anticipation of, or in execution of official duties:
exchange for, a favor. (a) Commitment to public interest.
Public officials and employees shall
(e) "Loan" covers both simple loan and always uphold the public interest over
commodatum as well as guarantees, and above personal interest. All
financing arrangements or
government resources and powers of language, ensure openness of
their respective offices must be information, public consultations and
employed and used efficiently, hearings whenever appropriate,
effectively, honestly and economically, encourage suggestions, simplify and
particularly to avoid wastage in public systematize policy, rules and
funds and revenues. procedures, avoid red tape and develop
an understanding and appreciation of
(b) Professionalism. Public officials the socio-economic conditions
and employees shall perform and prevailing in the country, especially in
discharge their duties with the highest the depressed rural and urban areas.
degree of excellence, professionalism,
intelligence and skill. They shall enter (f) Nationalism and patriotism. Public
public service with utmost devotion officials and employees shall at all
and dedication to duty. They shall times be loyal to the Republic and to
endeavor to discourage wrong the Filipino people, promote the use of
perceptions of their roles as dispensers locally produced goods, resources and
or peddlers of undue patronage. technology and encourage appreciation
and pride of country and people. They
(c) Justness and sincerity. Public shall endeavor to maintain and defend
officials and employees shall remain Philippine sovereignty against foreign
true to the people at all times. They intrusion.
must act with justness and sincerity
and shall not discriminate against (g) Commitment to democracy.
anyone, especially the poor and the Public officials and employees shall
underprivileged. They shall at all times commit themselves to the democratic
respect the rights of others, and shall way of life and values, maintain the
refrain from doing acts contrary to law, principle of public accountability, and
good morals, good customs, public manifest by deeds the supremacy of
policy, public order, public safety and civilian authority over the military. They
public interest. They shall not dispense shall at all times uphold the
or extend undue favors on account of Constitution and put loyalty to country
their office to their relatives whether by above loyalty to persons or party.
consanguinity or affinity except with
respect to appointments of such (h) Simple living. Public officials and
relatives to positions considered strictly employees and their families shall lead
confidential or as members of their modest lives appropriate to their
personal staff whose terms are positions and income. They shall not
coterminous with theirs. acd indulge in extravagant or ostentatious
display of wealth in any form.
(d) Political neutrality. Public officials
and employees shall provide service to (B) The Civil Service Commission shall
everyone without unfair discrimination adopt positive measures to promote (1)
and regardless of party affiliation or observance of these standards
preference. including the dissemination of
information programs and workshops
(e) Responsiveness to the public. authorizing merit increases beyond
Public officials and employees shall regular progression steps, to a limited
extend prompt, courteous, and number of employees recognized by
adequate service to the public. Unless their office colleagues to be
otherwise provided by law or when outstanding in their observance of
required by the public interest, public ethical standards; and (2) continuing
officials and employees shall provide research and experimentation on
information of their policies and measures which provide positive
procedures in clear and understandable motivation to public officials and
employees in raising the general level incentives and rewards is hereby
of observance of these standards. established in order to motivate and
SECTION 5. Duties of Public Officials inspire public servants to uphold the
and Employees. In the performance highest standards of ethics. For this
of their duties, all public officials and purpose, a Committee on Awards to
employees are under obligation to: Outstanding Public Officials and
(a) Act promptly on letters and Employees is hereby created composed
requests. All public officials and of the following: The Ombudsman and
employees shall, within fifteen (15) Chairman of the Civil Service
working days from receipt thereof, Commission as Co-Chairmen, and the
respond to letters, telegrams or other Chairman of the Commission on Audit,
means of communications sent by the and two government employees to be
public. The reply must contain the appointed by the President, as
action taken on the request. aisa dc members.
It shall be the task of this Committee to
(b) Submit annual performance reports.
conduct a periodic, continuing review
All heads or other responsible
of the performance of public officials
officers of offices and agencies of the
and employees, in all the branches and
government and of government-owned
agencies of Government and establish
or controlled corporations shall, within
a system of annual incentives and
forty-five (45) working days from the
rewards to the end that due recognition
end of the year, render a performance
is given to public officials and
report of the agency or office or
employees of outstanding merit on the
corporation concerned. Such report
basis of the standards set forth in this
shall be open and available to the
public within regular office hours. The conferment of awards shall take
into account, among other things, the
(c) Process documents and papers
following: the years of service and the
expeditiously. All official papers and
quality and consistency of
documents must be processed and
performance, the obscurity of the
completed within a reasonable time
position, the level of salary, the unique
from the preparation thereof and must
and exemplary quality of a certain
contain, as far as practicable, not more
achievement, and the risks or
than three (3) signatories therein. In
temptations inherent in the work.
the absence of duly authorized
Incentives and rewards to government
signatories, the official next-in-rank or
officials and employees of the year to
officer in charge shall sign for and in
be announced in public ceremonies
their behalf.
honoring them may take the form of
(d) Act immediately on the public's bonuses, citations, directorships in
personal transactions. All public government-owned or controlled
officials and employees must attend to corporations, local and foreign
anyone who wants to avail himself of scholarship grants, paid vacations and
the services of their offices and must, the like. They shall likewise be
at all times, act promptly and automatically promoted to the next
expeditiously. higher position with the commensurate
salary suitable to their qualifications. In
(e) Make documents accessible to the case there is no next higher position or
public. All public documents must be it is not vacant, said position shall be
made accessible to, and readily included in the budget of the office in
available for inspection by, the public the next General Appropriations Act.
within reasonable working hours. The Committee on Awards shall adopt
its own rules to govern the conduct of
SECTION 6. System of Incentives and its activities.
Rewards. A system of annual
SECTION 7. Prohibited Acts and Public officials and employees shall not
Transactions. In addition to acts and use or divulge, confidential or classified
omissions of public officials and information officially known to them by
employees now prescribed in the reason of their office and not made
Constitution and existing laws, the available to the public, either:
following shall constitute prohibited
acts and transactions of any public (1) To further their private interests, or
official and employee and are hereby give undue advantage to anyone; or
declared to be unlawful:
(2) To prejudice the public interest.
(a) Financial and material interest.
Public officials and employees shall not, (d) Solicitation or acceptance of gifts.
directly or indirectly, have any financial Public officials and employees shall
or material interest in any transaction not solicit or accept, directly or
requiring the approval of their office. cd indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
i entertainment, loan or anything of
monetary value from any person in the
(b) Outside employment and other
course of their official duties or in
activities related thereto. Public
connection with any operation being
officials and employees during their
regulated by, or any transaction which
incumbency shall not:
may be affected by the functions of
(1) Own, control, manage or accept their office.
employment as officer, employee,
As to gifts or grants from foreign
consultant, counsel, broker, agent,
governments, the Congress consents
trustee or nominee in any private
enterprise regulated, supervised or
(i) The acceptance and retention by a
licensed by their office unless expressly
public official or employee of a gift of
allowed by law;
nominal value tendered and received
(2) Engage in the private practice of as a souvenir or mark of courtesy;
their profession unless authorized by
(ii) The acceptance by a public official
the Constitution or law, provided, that
or employee of a gift in the nature of a
such practice will not conflict or tend to
scholarship or fellowship grant or
conflict with their official functions; or
medical treatment; or
(3) Recommend any person to any
(iii) The acceptance by a public official
position in a private enterprise which
or employee of travel grants or
has a regular or pending official
expenses for travel taking place
transaction with their office.
entirely outside the Philippine (such as
These prohibitions shall continue to allowances, transportation, food, and
apply for a period of one (1) year after lodging) of more than nominal value if
resignation, retirement, or separation such acceptance is appropriate or
from public office, except in the case of consistent with the interests of the
subparagraph (b) (2) above, but the Philippines, and permitted by the head
professional concerned cannot practice of office, branch or agency to which he
his profession in connection with any belongs.
matter before the office he used to be
The Ombudsman shall prescribe such
with, in which case the one-year
regulations as may be necessary to
prohibition shall likewise apply.
carry out the purpose of this
(c) Disclosure and/or misuse of subsection, including pertinent
confidential information. reporting and disclosure requirements.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed
to restrict or prohibit any educational,
scientific or cultural exchange aforestated documents shall also
programs subject to national security execute, within thirty (30) days from
requirements. cdtai the date of their assumption of office,
SECTION 8. Statements and Disclosure. the necessary authority in favor of the
Public officials and employees have Ombudsman to obtain from all
an obligation to accomplish and submit appropriate government agencies,
declarations under oath of, and the including the Bureau of Internal
public has the right to know, their Revenue, such documents as may
assets, liabilities, net worth and show their assets, liabilities, net worth,
financial and business interests and also their business interests and
including those of their spouses and of financial connections in previous years,
unmarried children under eighteen (18) including, if possible, the year when
years of age living in their households. they first assumed any office in the
(A) Statements of Assets and Liabilities Government.
and Financial Disclosure. All public Husband and wife who are both public
officials and employees, except those officials or employees may file the
who serve in an honorary capacity, required statements jointly or
laborers and casual or temporary separately.
workers, shall file under oath their The Statements of Assets, Liabilities
Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net and Net Worth and the Disclosure of
Worth and a Disclosure of Business Business Interests and Financial
Interests and Financial Connections and Connections shall be filed by:
those of their spouses and unmarried (1) Constitutional and national elective
children under eighteen (18) years of officials, with the national office of the
age living in their households. Ombudsman;

The two documents shall contain (2) Senators and Congressmen, with
information on the following: the Secretaries of the Senate and the
(a) real property, its improvements, House of Representatives, respectively;
acquisition costs, assessed value and Justices, with the Clerk of Court of the
current fair market value; Supreme Court; Judges, with the Court
Administrator; and all national
(b) personal property and acquisition executive officials with the Office of the
cost; President.
(c) all other assets such as (3) Regional and local officials and
investments, cash on hand or in banks, employees, with the Deputy
stocks, bonds, and the like; Ombudsman in their respective
(d) liabilities, and;
(4) Officers of the armed forces from
(e) all business interests and financial
the rank of colonel or naval captain,
with the Office of the President, and
The documents must be filed: those below said ranks, with the
(a) within thirty (30) days after Deputy Ombudsman in their respective
assumption of office; regions; and

(b) on or before April 30, of every year (5) All other public officials and
thereafter; and employees, defined in Republic Act No.
3019, as amended, with the Civil
(c) within thirty (30) days after Service Commission.
separation from the service.
(B) Identification and disclosure of
All public officials and employees relatives. It shall be the duty of
required under this section to file the every public official or employee to
identify and disclose, to the best of his The requirement of divestment shall
knowledge and information, his not apply to those who serve the
relatives in the Government in the Government in an honorary capacity
form, manner and frequency prescribed nor to laborers and casual or
by the Civil Service Commission. temporary workers.

(C) Accessibility of documents. (1) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262

Any and all statements filed under this
Act, shall be made available for AN ACT DEFINING VIOLENCE
inspection at reasonable hours. AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR
(2) Such statements shall be made PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR
available for copying or reproduction VICTIMS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES
after ten (10) working days from the THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER
time they are filed as required by law. PURPOSES

(3) Any person requesting a copy of a SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall
statement shall be required to pay a be known as the "Anti-Violence Against
reasonable fee to cover the cost of Women and Their Children Act of
reproduction and mailing of such 2004". ISCcAT
statement, as well as the cost of SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. It is
certification. hereby declared that the State values
the dignity of women and children and
(4)Any statement filed under this Act guarantees full respect for human
shall be available to the public for a rights. The State also recognizes the
period of ten (10) years after receipt of need to protect the family and its
the statement. After such period, the members particularly women and
statement may be destroyed unless children, from violence and threats to
needed in an ongoing investigation. their personal safety and security.
Towards this end, the State shall exert
(D) Prohibited acts. It shall be efforts to address violence committed
unlawful for any person to obtain or against women and children in keeping
use any statement filed under this Act with the fundamental freedoms
for: guaranteed under the Constitution and
the provisions of the Universal
(a) any purpose contrary to morals or
Declaration of Human Rights, the
public policy; or aisa dc
Convention on the Elimination of All
(b) any commercial purpose other than Forms of Discrimination Against
by news and communications media Women, Convention on the Rights of
for dissemination to the general public. the Child and other international
human rights instruments of which the
SECTION 9. Divestment. A public Philippines is a party.
official or employee shall avoid SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. As
conflicts of interest at all times. When a used in this Act, (a) "Violence against
conflict of interest arises, he shall women and their children" refers to any
resign from his position in any private act or a series of acts committed by
business enterprise within thirty (30) any person against a woman who is his
days from his assumption of office wife, former wife, or against a woman
and/or divest himself of his with whom the person has or had a
shareholdings or interest within sixty sexual or dating relationship, or with
(60) days from such assumption. whom he has a common child, or
The same rule shall apply where the against her child whether legitimate or
public official or employee is a partner illegitimate, within or without the
in a partnership. family abode, which result in or is likely
to result in physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering, or 1. withdrawal of financial support or
economic abuse including threats of preventing the victim from engaging in
such acts, battery, assault, coercion, any legitimate profession, occupation,
harassment or arbitrary deprivation of business or activity, except in cases
liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, wherein the other spouse/partner
the following acts: objects on valid, serious and moral
A. "Physical violence" refers to acts grounds as defined in Article 73 of the
that include bodily or physical harm; Family Code;
B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act 2. deprivation or threat of deprivation
which is sexual in nature, committed of financial resources and the right to
against a woman or her child. It the use and enjoyment of the conjugal,
includes, but is not limited to: community or property owned in
a) rape, sexual harassment, acts of common;
lasciviousness, treating a woman or her 3. destroying household property;
child as a sex object, making 4. controlling the victim's own money
demeaning and sexually suggestive or properties or solely controlling the
remarks, physically attacking the conjugal money or properties.
sexual parts of the victim's body, (b) "Battery" refers to an act of
forcing her/him to watch obscene inflicting physical harm upon the
publications and indecent shows or woman or her child resulting to
forcing the woman or her child to do physical and psychological or
indecent acts and/or make films emotional distress.
thereof, forcing the wife and (c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers
mistress/lover to live in the conjugal to a scientifically defined pattern of
home or sleep together in the same psychological and behavioral
room with the abuser; symptoms found in women living in
b) acts causing or attempting to cause battering relationships as a result of
the victim to engage in any sexual cumulative abuse.
activity by force, threat of force, (d) "Stalking" refers to an intentional
physical or other harm or threat of act committed by a person who,
physical or other harm or coercion; knowingly and without lawful
c) Prostituting the woman or her child. justification follows the woman or her
BenchStat child or places the woman or her child
C. "Psychological violence" refers to under surveillance directly or indirectly
acts or omissions causing or likely to or a combination thereof.
cause mental or emotional suffering of (e) "Dating relationship" refers to a
the victim such as but not limited to situation wherein the parties live as
intimidation, harassment, stalking, husband and wife without the benefit
damage to property, public ridicule or of marriage or are romantically
humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and involved over time and on a continuing
marital infidelity. It includes causing or basis during the course of the
allowing the victim to witness the relationship. A casual acquaintance or
physical, sexual or psychological abuse ordinary socialization between two
of a member of the family to which the individuals in a business or social
victim belongs, or to witness context is not a dating relationship.
pornography in any form or to witness (f) "Sexual relations" refers to a single
abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or sexual act which may or may not result
unwanted deprivation of the right to in the bearing of a common child.
(g) "Safe Place or Shelter" refers to any
custody and/or visitation of common
home or institution maintained or
D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that managed by the Department of Social
make or attempt to make a woman Welfare and Development (DSWD) or
financially dependent which includes, by any other agency or voluntary
but is not limited to the following: organization accredited by the DSWD
for the purposes of this Act or any
other suitable place the resident of (3) Depriving or threatening to deprive
which is willing temporarily to receive the woman or her child of a legal right;
the victim. (4) Preventing the woman in engaging
(h) "Children" refer to those below in any legitimate profession,
eighteen (18) years of age or older but occupation, business or activity or
are incapable of taking care of controlling the victim's own money or
themselves as defined under Republic properties, or solely controlling the
Act No. 7610. As used in this Act, it conjugal or common money, or
includes the biological children of the properties;
victim and other children under her (f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict
care. physical harm on oneself for the
SECTION 4. Construction. This Act purpose of controlling her actions or
shall be liberally construed to promote decisions;
the protection and safety of victims of (g) Causing or attempting to cause the
violence against women and their woman or her child to engage in any
children. sexual activity which does not
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against constitute rape, by force or threat of
Women and Their Children. The force, physical harm, or through
crime of violence against women and intimidation directed against the
their children is committed through any woman or her child or her/his
of the following acts: immediate family;
(a) Causing physical harm to the (h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or
woman or her child; reckless conduct, personally or through
(b) Threatening to cause the woman or another, that alarms or causes
her child physical harm; substantial emotional or psychological
(c) Attempting to cause the woman or distress to the woman or her child. This
her child physical harm; shall include, but not be limited to, the
(d) Placing the woman or her child in
following acts:
fear of imminent physical harm; (1) Stalking or following the woman or
(e) Attempting to compel or compelling
her child in public or private places;
the woman or her child to engage in
conduct which the woman or her child (2) Peering in the window or lingering
has the right to desist from or to desist outside the residence of the woman or
from conduct which the woman or her her child;
child has the right to engage in, or (3) Entering or remaining in the
attempting to restrict or restricting the dwelling or on the property of the
woman's or her child's freedom of woman or her child against her/his will;
movement or conduct by force or (4) Destroying the property and
threat of force, physical or other harm personal belongings or inflicting harm
or threat of physical or other harm, or to animals or pets of the woman or her
intimidation directed against the child; and
woman or child. This shall include, but (5) Engaging in any form of harassment
not limited to, the following acts or violence;
committed with the purpose or effect (i) Causing mental or emotional
of controlling or restricting the anguish, public ridicule or humiliation
woman's or her child's movement or to the woman or her child, including,
conduct: but not limited to, repeated verbal and
(1) Threatening to deprive or actually emotional abuse, and denial of
depriving the woman or her child of financial support or custody of minor
custody or access to her/his family; children or denial of access to the
(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive woman's child/children.
the woman or her children of financial SECTION 6. Penalties. The crime of
support legally due her or her family, violence against women and their
or deliberately providing the woman's children, under Section 5 hereof shall
children insufficient financial support;
be punished according to the following jurisdiction over cases of violence
rules: against women and their children
(a) Acts falling under Section 5(a) under this law. In the absence of such
constituting attempted, frustrated or court in the place where the offense
consummated parricide or murder or was committed, the case shall be filed
homicide shall be punished in in the Regional Trial Court where the
accordance with the provisions of the crime or any of its elements was
Revised Penal Code. If these acts committed at the option of the
resulted in mutilation, it shall be complainant.
punishable in accordance with the SECTION 8. Protection Orders. A
Revised Penal Code; those constituting protection order is an order issued
serious physical injuries shall have the under this Act for the purpose of
penalty of prision mayor; those preventing further acts of violence
constituting less serious physical against a woman or her child specified
injuries shall be punished by prision in Section 5 of this Act and granting
correccional; and those constituting other necessary relief. The relief
slight physical injuries shall be granted under a protection order
punished by arresto mayor. should serve the purpose of
Acts falling under Section 5(b) shall be safeguarding the victim from further
punished by imprisonment of two (2) harm, minimizing any disruption in the
degrees lower than the prescribed victim's daily life, and facilitating the
penalty for the consummated crime as opportunity and ability of the victim to
specified in the preceding paragraph independently regain control over her
but shall in no case be lower than life. The provisions of the protection
arresto mayor. order shall be enforced by law
(b) Acts falling under Section 5(c) and enforcement agencies. The protection
5(d) shall be punished by arresto orders that may be issued under this
mayor; Act are the barangay protection order
(c) Acts falling under Section 5(e) shall
(BPO), temporary protection order
be punished by prision correccional;
(TPO) and permanent protection order
(d) Acts falling under Section 5(f) shall
(PPO). The protection orders that may
be punished by arresto mayor;
(e) Acts falling under Section 5(g) shall be issued under this Act shall include
be punished by prision mayor; any, some or all of the following reliefs:
(f) Acts falling under Section 5(h) and (a) Prohibition of the respondent from
Section 5(i) shall be punished by threatening to commit or committing,
prision mayor. personally or through another, any of
If the acts are committed while the the acts mentioned in Section 5 of this
woman or child is pregnant or Act;
committed in the presence of her child, (b) Prohibition of the respondent from
the penalty to be applied shall be the harassing, annoying, telephoning,
maximum period of penalty prescribed contacting or otherwise communicating
in the section. with the petitioner, directly or
In addition to imprisonment, the indirectly;
perpetrator shall (a) pay a fine in the (c) Removal and exclusion of the
amount of not less than One hundred respondent from the residence of the
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not petitioner, regardless of ownership of
more than Three hundred thousand the residence, either temporarily for
pesos (P300,000.00); (b) undergo the purpose of protecting the
mandatory psychological counseling or petitioner, or permanently where no
psychiatric treatment and shall report property rights are violated, and, if
compliance to the court. respondent must remove personal
SECTION 7. Venue. The Regional Trial effects from the residence, the court
Court designated as a Family Court shall direct a law enforcement agent to
shall have original and exclusive accompany the respondent to the
residence, remain there until the court shall order the offender to
respondent has gathered his things and surrender his firearm and shall direct
escort respondent from the residence; the appropriate authority to investigate
(d) Directing the respondent to stay on the offender and take appropriate
away from petitioner and any action on the matter;
designated family or household
member at a distance specified by the (i) Restitution for actual damages
court, and to stay away from the caused by the violence inflicted,
residence, school, place of including, but not limited to, property
employment, or any specified place damage, medical expenses, childcare
frequented by the petitioner and any expenses and loss of income;
designated family or household (j) Directing the DSWD or any
member; appropriate agency to provide
(e) Directing lawful possession and use petitioner temporary shelter and other
by petitioner of an automobile and social services that the petitioner may
other essential personal effects, need; and
regardless of ownership, and directing (k) Provision of such other forms of
the appropriate law enforcement officer relief as the court deems necessary to
to accompany the petitioner to the protect and provide for the safety of
residence of the parties to ensure that the petitioner and any designated
the petitioner is safely restored to the family or household member, provided
possession of the automobile and other petitioner and any designated family or
essential personal effects, or to household member consents to such
supervise the petitioner's or relief.
Any of the reliefs provided under this
respondent's removal of personal
section shall be granted even in the
(f) Granting a temporary or permanent absence of a decree of legal separation
custody of a child/children to the or annulment or declaration of absolute
petitioner; nullity of marriage.
(g) Directing the respondent to provide The issuance of a BPO or the pendency
support to the woman and/or her child of an application for BPO shall not
if entitled to legal support. preclude a petitioner from applying for,
Notwithstanding other laws to the or the court from granting a TPO or
contrary, the court shall order an PPO.
SECTION 9. Who may File Petition for
appropriate percentage of the income
Protection Orders. A petition for
or salary of the respondent to be
protection order may be filed by any of
withheld regularly by the respondent's
the following:
employer for the same to be
(a) the offended party;
automatically remitted directly to the (b) parents or guardians of the
woman. Failure to remit and/or offended party;
withhold or any delay in the remittance (c) ascendants, descendants or
of support to the woman and/or her collateral relatives within the fourth
child without justifiable cause shall civil degree of consanguinity or affinity;
render the respondent or his employer (d) officers or social workers of the
liable for indirect contempt of court; DSWD or social workers of local
(h) Prohibition of the respondent from government units (LGUs); AcHSEa
any use or possession of any firearm or (e) police officers, preferably those in
deadly weapon and order him to charge of women and children's desks;
surrender the same to the court for (f) Punong Barangay or Barangay
appropriate disposition by the court, Kagawad;
including revocation of license and (g) lawyer, counselor, therapist or
disqualification to apply for any license healthcare provider of the petitioner;
to use or possess a firearm. If the (h) at least two (2) concerned
offender is a law enforcement agent, responsible citizens of the city or
municipality where the violence against (a) the circumstances of the abuse
women and their children occurred and suffered by the victim and (b) the
who has personal knowledge of the circumstances of consent given by the
offense committed. victim for the filing of the application.
SECTION 10. Where to Apply for a When disclosure of the address of the
Protection Order. Applications for victim will pose danger to her life, it
BPOs shall follow the rules on venue shall be so stated in the application. In
under Section 409 of the Local such a case, the applicant shall attest
Government Code of 1991 and its that the victim is residing in the
implementing rules and regulations. An municipality or city over which court
application for a TPO or PPO may be has territorial jurisdiction, and shall
filed in the regional trial court, provide a mailing address for purposes
metropolitan trial court, municipal trial of service processing.
court, municipal circuit trial court with An application for protection order filed
territorial jurisdiction over the place of with a court shall be considered an
residence of the petitioner: Provided, application for both a TPO and PPO.
however, That if a family court exists in Barangay officials and court personnel
the place of residence of the petitioner, shall assist applicants in the
the application shall be filed with that preparation of the application. Law
court. enforcement agents shall also extend
SECTION 11. How to Apply for a assistance in the application for
Protection Order. The application for protection orders in cases brought to
a protection order must be in writing, their attention.
signed and verified under oath by the SECTION 12. Enforceability of
applicant. It may be filed as an Protection Orders. All TPOs and PPOs
independent action or as an incidental issued under this Act shall be
relief in any civil or criminal case the enforceable anywhere in the
subject matter or issues thereof Philippines and a violation thereof shall
partakes of a violence as described in be punishable with a fine ranging from
this Act. A standard protection order Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) to
application form, written in English with Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00)
translation to the major local and/or imprisonment of six (6) months.
languages, shall be made available to SECTION 13. Legal Representation of
facilitate applications for protection Petitioners for a Protection Order. If
orders, and shall contain, among the woman or her child requests in the
others, the following information: application for a protection order for
(a) names and addresses of petitioner the appointment of counsel because of
and respondent; lack of economic means to hire a
(b) description of relationships between counsel de parte, the court shall
petitioner and respondent; immediately direct the Public
(c) a statement of the circumstances of Attorney's Office (PAO) to represent the
the abuse; petitioner in the hearing on the
(d) description of the reliefs requested application. If the PAO determines that
by petitioner as specified in Section 8 the applicant can afford to hire the
herein; services of a counsel de parte, it shall
(e) request for counsel and reasons for
facilitate the legal representation of the
petitioner by a counsel de parte. The
(f) request for waiver of application
lack of access to family or conjugal
fees until hearing; and
(g) an attestation that there is no resources by the applicant, such as
pending application for a protection when the same are controlled by the
order in another court. perpetrator, shall qualify the petitioner
If the applicant is not the victim, the to legal representation by the PAO.
application must be accompanied by
an affidavit of the applicant attesting to
However, a private counsel offering of the hearing on the merits of the
free legal service is not barred from issuance of a PPO.
representing the petitioner. SECTION 16. Permanent Protection
SECTION 14. Barangay Protection Orders. Permanent Protection Order
Orders (BPOs); Who May Issue and (PPO) refers to protection order issued
How. Barangay Protection Orders by the court after notice and hearing.
(BPOs) refer to the protection order Respondents non-appearance despite
issued by the Punong Barangay proper notice, or his lack of a lawyer, or
ordering the perpetrator to desist from the non-availability of his lawyer shall
committing acts under Section 5(a) and not be a ground for rescheduling or
(b) of this Act. A Punong Barangay who postponing the hearing on the merits of
receives applications for a BPO shall the issuance of a PPO. If the
issue the protection order to the respondents appears without counsel
applicant on the date of filing after ex on the date of the hearing on the PPO,
parte determination of the basis of the the court shall appoint a lawyer for the
application. If the Punong Barangay is respondent and immediately proceed
unavailable to act on the application with the hearing. In case the
for a BPO, the application shall be respondent fails to appear despite
acted upon by any available Barangay proper notice, the court shall allow ex
Kagawad. If the BPO is issued by a parte presentation of the evidence by
Barangay Kagawad, the order must be the applicant and render judgment on
accompanied by an attestation by the the basis of the evidence presented.
Barangay Kagawad that the Punong The court shall allow the introduction of
Barangay was unavailable at the time any history of abusive conduct of a
for the issuance of the BPO. BPOs shall respondent even if the same was not
be effective for fifteen (15) days. directed against the applicant or the
Immediately after the issuance of an ex person for whom the applicant is made.
parte BPO, the Punong Barangay or The court shall, to the extent possible,
Barangay Kagawad shall personally conduct the hearing on the merits of
serve a copy of the same on the the issuance of a PPO in one (1) day.
respondent, or direct any barangay Where the court is unable to conduct
official to effect its personal service. the hearing within one (1) day and the
The parties may be accompanied by a TPO issued is due to expire, the court
non-lawyer advocate in any proceeding shall continuously extend or renew the
before the Punong Barangay. TPO for a period of thirty (30) days at
SECTION 15. Temporary Protection each particular time until final
Orders. Temporary Protection Orders judgment is issued. The extended or
(TPOs) refers to the protection order renewed TPO may be modified by the
issued by the court on the date of filing court as may be necessary or
of the application after ex parte applicable to address the needs of the
determination that such order should applicant.
be issued. A court may grant in a TPO The court may grant any, some or all of
any, some or all of the reliefs the reliefs specified in Section 8 hereof
mentioned in this Act and shall be in a PPO. A PPO shall be effective until
effective for thirty (30) days. The court revoked by a court upon application of
shall schedule a hearing on the the person in whose favor the order
issuance of a PPO prior to or on the was issued. The court shall ensure
date of the expiration of the TPO. The immediate personal service of the PPO
court shall order the immediate on respondent.
personal service of the TPO on the The court shall not deny the issuance
respondent by the court sheriff who of protection order on the basis of the
may obtain the assistance of law lapse of time between the act of
enforcement agents for the service. violence and the filing of the
The TPO shall include notice of the date application.
Regardless of the conviction or (a) "Child" refers to a person below
acquittal of the respondent, the Court eighteen (18) years of age or over, but
must determine whether or not the PPO is unable to fully take care of
shall become final. Even in a dismissal, himself/herself or protect
a PPO shall be granted as long as there himself/herself from abuse, neglect,
is no clear showing that the act from cruelty, exploitation or discrimination
which the order might arise did not because of a physical or mental
exist. disability or condition.
For the purpose of this Act, a child shall
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9775 also refer to:
(1) a person regardless of age who is
AN ACT DEFINING AND PENALIZING presented, depicted or portrayed as a
THE CRIME OF CHILD child as defined herein; and
PORNOGRAPHY, PRESCRIBING (2) computer-generated, digitally or
PENALTIES THEREFOR AND FOR manually crafted images or graphics of
OTHER PURPOSES a person who is represented or who is
made to appear to be a child as
SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall
defined herein.
be known as the "Anti-Child (b) "Child Pornography" refers to any
Pornography Act of 2009". CIAHDT representation, whether visual, audio
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. The
or written combination thereof, by
State recognizes the vital role of the
electronic, mechanical, digital, optical,
youth in nation building and shall
magnetic or any other means, of a
promote and protect their physical,
child engaged or involved in real or
moral, spiritual, intellectual, emotional,
simulated explicit sexual activities.
psychological and social well-being.
Towards this end, the State shall: (c) "Explicit Sexual Activity'' includes
(a) Guarantee the fundamental rights
actual or simulated
of every child from all forms of neglect, (1) sexual intercourse or lascivious act
cruelty and other conditions prejudicial including, but not limited to, contact
to his/her development; involving genital to genital, oral to
(b) Protect every child from all forms of
genital, anal to genital, or oral to anal,
exploitation and abuse including, but
whether between persons of the same
not limited to: (1) the use of a child in
or opposite sex;
pornographic performances and (2) bestiality;
materials; and (2) the inducement or (3) masturbation;
coercion of a child to engage or be (4) sadistic or masochistic abuse;
involved in pornography through (5) lascivious exhibition of the genitals,
whatever means; and buttocks, breasts, pubic area and/or
(c) Comply with international treaties anus; or
to which the Philippines is a signatory (6) use of any object or instrument for
or a State party concerning the rights lascivious acts.
of children which include, but not (d) "Internet address" refers to a
limited to, the Convention on the website, bulletin board service, internet
Rights of the Child, the Optional chat room or news group, or any other
Protocol to the Convention on the internet or shared network protocol
Rights of the Child on the Sale of address.
(e) "Internet caf or kiosk" refers to an
Children, Child Prostitution and Child
establishment that offers or proposes
Pornography, the International Labor
to offer services to the public for the
Organization (ILO) Convention No. 182
use of its computer/s or computer
on the Elimination of the Worst Forms
system for the purpose of accessing
of Child Labor and the Convention
the internet, computer games or
Against Transnational Organized Crime.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. related services.
(f) "Internet content host" refers to a (e) To knowingly, willfully and
person who hosts or who proposes to intentionally provide a venue for the
host internet content in the Philippines. commission of prohibited acts such as,
(g) "Internet service provider (ISP)" but not limited to, dens, private rooms,
refers to a person or entity that cubicles, cinemas, houses or in
supplies or proposes to supply, an establishments purporting to be a
internet carriage service to the public. legitimate business;
(h) "Grooming" refers to the act of (f) For film distributors, theaters and
preparing a child or someone who the telecommunication companies, by
offender believes to be a child for a themselves or in cooperation with
sexual activity or sexual relationship by other entities, to distribute any form of
communicating any form of child child pornography;
pornography. It includes online (g) For a parent, legal guardian or
enticement or enticement through any person having custody or control of a
other means. child to knowingly permit the child to
(i) "Luring" refers to the act of engage, participate or assist in any
communicating, by means of a form of child pornography;
computer system, with a child or (h) To engage in the luring or grooming
someone who the offender believes to of a child; ATCEIc
be a child for the purpose of facilitating (i) To engage in pandering of any form
the commission of a sexual activity or of child pornography;
production of any form of child (j) To willfully access any form of child
pornography. DEICaA pornography;
(j) "Pandering" refers to the act of (k) To conspire to commit any of the
offering, advertising, promoting, prohibited acts stated in this section.
representing or distributing through Conspiracy to commit any form of child
any means any material or purported pornography shall be committed when
material that is intended to cause two (2) or more persons come to an
another to believe that the material or agreement concerning the commission
purported material contains any form of any of the said prohibited acts and
of child pornography, regardless of the decide to commit it; and
(l) To possess any form of child
actual content of the material or
purported material.
SECTION 5. Syndicated Child
(k) "Person" refers to any natural or
Pornography. The crime of child
juridical entity.
SECTION 4. Unlawful or Prohibited Acts. pornography is deemed committed by
It shall be unlawful for any person: a syndicate if carried out by a group of
(a) To hire, employ, use, persuade, three (3) or more persons conspiring or
induce or coerce a child to perform in confederating with one another and
the creation or production of any form shall be punished under Section 15 (a)
of child pornography; of this Act.
(b) To produce, direct, manufacture or SECTION 6. Who May File a Complaint.
create any form of child pornography; Complaints on cases of any form of
(c) To publish, offer, transmit, sell, child pornography and other offenses
distribute, broadcast, advertise, punishable under this Act may be filed
promote, export or import any form of by the following:
child pornography; (a) Offended party;
(d) To possess any form of child (b) Parents or guardians;
pornography with the intent to sell, (c) Ascendant or collateral relative
distribute, publish or broadcast: within the third degree of
Provided, That possession of three (3) consanguinity;
(d) Officer, social worker or
or more articles of child pornography of
representative of a licensed child-
the same form shall be prima facie
caring institution;
evidence of the intent to sell,
distribute, publish or broadcast;
(e) Officer or social worker of the access to an internet address which
Department of Social Welfare and contains any form of child pornography.
Development (DSWD); All ISPs shall install available
(f) Local social welfare development technology, program or software to
officer; ensure that access to or transmittal of
(g) Barangay chairman; any form of child pornography will be
(h) Any law enforcement officer; blocked or filtered.
(i) At least three (3) concerned An ISP who shall knowingly, willfully
responsible citizens residing in the and intentionally violate this provision
place where the violation occurred; or shall be subject to the penalty provided
TEDAHI under Section 15 (k) of this Act.
(j) Any person who has personal The National Telecommunications
knowledge of the circumstances of the Commission (NTC) shall promulgate
commission of any offense under this within ninety (90) days from the
Act. effectivity of this Act the necessary
SECTION 7. Appointment of Special
rules and regulations for the
Prosecutors. The Department of
implementation of this provision which
Justice (DOJ) shall appoint or designate
shall include, among others, the
special prosecutors to prosecute cases
installation of filtering software that will
for the violation of this Act.
block access to or transmission of any
SECTION 8. Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction
form of child pornography. cDTHIE
over cases for the violation of this Act
SECTION 10. Responsibility of Mall
shall be vested in the Family Court
Owners/Operators and Owners or
which has territorial jurisdiction over
Lessors of Other Business
the place where the offense or any of
Establishments. All mall
its essential elements was committed
owners/operators and owners or
pursuant to Republic Act No. 8369,
lessors of other business
otherwise known as "Family Courts Act
establishments shall notify the PNP or
of 1997".
the NBI within seven (7) days from
SECTION 9. Duties of an Internet
obtaining facts and circumstances that
Service Provider (ISP). All internet
child pornography is being committed
service providers (ISPs) shall notify the
in their premises: Provided, That public
Philippine National Police (PNP) or the
display of any form of child
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
pornography within their premises is a
within seven (7) days from obtaining
conclusive presumption of the
facts and circumstances that any form
knowledge of the mall
of child pornography is being
owners/operators and owners or
committed using its server or facility.
lessors of other business
Nothing in this section may be
establishments of the violation of this
construed to require an ISP to engage
Act: Provided, further, That a
in the monitoring of any user,
disputable presumption of knowledge
subscriber or customer, or the content
by mall owners/operators and owners
of any communication of any such
or lessors of other business
person: Provided, That no ISP shall be
establishments is established if,
held civilly liable for damages on
through the exercise of ordinary
account of any notice given in good
diligence, mall owners/operators and
faith in compliance with this section.
Furthermore, an ISP shall preserve such owners or lessors of other business
evidence for purposes of investigation establishments should know or
and prosecution by relevant reasonably know that a violation of this
authorities. Act is being committed in their
An ISP shall, upon the request of proper premises.
authorities, furnish the particulars of
users who gained or attempted to gain Photo developers, information
technology professionals, credit card
companies and banks and any person to prevent violation of the provisions of
who has direct knowledge of any form this Act.
of child pornography activities shall SECTION 13. Confidentiality. The
have the duty to report any suspected right to privacy of the child shall be
child pornography materials or ensured at any stage of the
transactions to the proper authorities investigation, prosecution and trial of
within seven (7) days from discovery an offense under this Act. Towards this
thereof. end, the following rules shall be
Any willful and intentional violation of observed:
this provision shall be subject to the (a) The judge, prosecutor or any officer
penalty provided under Section 15 (l) of of the law to whom the complaint has
this Act. been referred to may, whenever
SECTION 11. Duties of an Internet necessary to ensure a fair and
Content Host. An internet content impartial proceeding and after
host shall: considering all circumstances for the
(a) Not host any form of child best interest of the child, conduct a
pornography on its internet address; closed-door investigation, prosecution
(b) Within seven (7) days, report the or trial;
presence of any form of child (b) The name and personal
pornography, as well as the particulars circumstances of the child, including
of the person maintaining, hosting, the child's immediate family, or any
distributing or in any manner other information tending to establish
contributing to such internet address, his/her identity shall not be disclosed
to the proper authorities; and to the public;
(c) Preserve such evidence for (c) Any record regarding a child shall
purposes of investigation and be confidential and kept under seal.
prosecution by relevant authorities. Except upon written request and order
An internet content host shall, upon the of the court, a record shall be released
request of proper authorities, furnish only to the following:
the particulars of users who gained or (1) Members of the court staff for
attempted to gain access to an internet administrative use;
address that contains any form of child (2) The prosecuting attorney;
pornography. DAaIEc (3) Defense counsel;
An internet content host who shall (4) The guardian ad litem; DAEcIS
knowingly, willfully and intentionally (5) Agents of investigating law
violate this provision shall be subject to enforcement agencies; and
(6) Other persons as determined by the
the penalty provided under Section 15
(j) of this Act: Provided, That the failure
(d) Any form of child pornography that
of the internet content host to remove
is part of the court records shall be
any form of child pornography within
subject to a protective order that
forty-eight (48) hours from receiving
provides as follows:
the notice that any form of child (1) Any form of child pornography may
pornography is hitting its server shall be viewed only by the parties, their
be conclusive evidence of willful and counsel, their expert witness and
intentional violation thereof. guardian ad litem;
SECTION 12. Authority to Regulate (2) Neither form of child pornography
Internet Caf or Kiosk. The local nor any portion thereof shall be
government unit (LGU) of the city or divulged to any other person, except as
municipality where an internet caf or necessary for investigation,
kiosk is located shall have the authority prosecution or trial; and
to monitor and regulate the (3) No person shall be granted access
establishment and operation of the to any form of child pornography or
same or similar establishments in order any part thereof unless he/she signs a
written affirmation that he/she has
received and read a copy of the and a fine of not less than Two million
protection order; that he/she submits pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but not more
to the jurisdiction of the court with than Five million pesos
respect to the protective order; and (Php5,000,000.00);
that, in case of violation thereof, he/she (b) Any person found guilty of violating
will be subject to the contempt power Section 4 (a), (b) and (c) of this Act
of the court; and shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
(e) In cases when prosecution or trial is temporal in its maximum period and a
conducted behind closed doors, it shall fine of not less than One million pesos
be unlawful for any editor, publisher (Php1,000,000.00) but not more than
and reporter or columnist in case of Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00);
printed materials, announcer or (c) Any person found guilty of violating
producer in case of television and Section 4 (d), (e) and (f) of this Act
radio, producer and director of a film in shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
case of the movie industry, or any temporal in its medium period and a
person utilizing the tri-media facilities fine of not less than Seven hundred
or information technology to publish or fifty thousand pesos (Php750,000.00)
broadcast the names of the victims of but not more than One million pesos
any case of child pornography. (Php1,000,000.00);
Any violation of this provision shall be (d) Any person found guilty of violating
subject to the penalty provided for Section 4 (g) of this Act shall suffer the
under Section 15 (m) of this Act. penalty of reclusion temporal in its
SECTION 14. Care, Custody and minimum period and a fine of not less
Treatment of a Child Victim. The than Five hundred thousand pesos
DSWD shall ensure that the child who (Php500,000.00) but not more than
is a victim of any form of child Seven hundred thousand pesos
pornography is provided appropriate (Php700,000.00);
care, custody and support for their (e) Any person found guilty of violating
recovery and reintegration in Section 4 (h) of this Act shall suffer the
accordance with existing laws. penalty of prision mayor in its
The child and his family shall be maximum period and a fine of not less
entitled to protection as well as to the than Three hundred thousand pesos
rights and benefits of witnesses under (Php300,000.00) but not more than
Republic Act No. 6981, otherwise Five hundred thousand pesos
known as "The Witness Protection, (Php500,000.00);
Security and Benefit Act". DTcACa (f) Any person found guilty of violating
The child shall also be considered as a Section 4 (i) of this Act shall suffer the
victim of a violent crime defined under penalty of prision mayor in its
Section 3 (d) of Republic Act No. 7309, minimum period and a fine of not less
otherwise known as "An Act Creating a than Three hundred thousand pesos
Board of Claims under the Department (Php300,000.00) but not more than
of Justice for Victims of Unjust Five hundred thousand pesos
Imprisonment or Detention and Victims (Php500,000.00); EICDSA
of Violent Crimes and for Other (g) Any person found guilty of violating
Purposes", so that the child may claim Section 4 (j) of this Act shall suffer the
compensation therein. penalty of prision correccional in its
SECTION 15. Penalties and Sanctions. maximum period and a fine of not less
The following penalties and than Two hundred thousand pesos
sanctions are hereby established for (Php200,000.00) but not more than
offenses enumerated in this Act: Three hundred thousand pesos
(a) Any person found guilty of (Php300,000.00);
syndicated child pornography as (h) Any person found guilty of violating
defined in Section 5 of this Act shall Section 4 (k) of this Act shall suffer the
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua penalty of prision correccional in its
medium period and a fine of not less Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00)
than One hundred thousand pesos for the first offense. In the case of a
(Php100,000.00) but not more than subsequent offense, the penalty shall
Two hundred fifty thousand pesos be a fine of not less than Two million
(Php250,000.00); pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but not more
(i) Any person found guilty of violating than Three million pesos
Section 4 (l) of this Act shall suffer the (Php3,000,000.00) and revocation of its
penalty of arresto mayor in its license to operate and immediate
minimum period and a fine of not less closure of the establishment; and
than Fifty thousand pesos HEISca
(Php50,000.00) but not more than One (m) Any person found guilty of violating
hundred thousand pesos Section 13 of this Act shall suffer the
(Php100,000.00); penalty of arresto mayor in its
(j) Any person found guilty of violating minimum period and a fine of not less
Section 11 of this Act shall suffer the than One hundred thousand pesos
penalty of prision correccional in its (Php100,000.00) but not more than
medium period and a fine of not less Three hundred thousand pesos
than One million pesos (Php300,000.00).
(Php1,000,000.00) but not more than SECTION 16. Common Penal Provisions.
Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00)
for the first offense. In the case of a
subsequent offense, the penalty shall (a) If the offender is a parent,
be a fine of not less than Two million ascendant, guardian, step-parent or
pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but not more collateral relative within the third
than Three million pesos degree of consanguinity or affinity or
(Php3,000,000.00) and revocation of its any person having control or moral
license to operate and immediate ascendancy over the child, the penalty
closure of the establishment; provided herein shall be in its
(k) Any ISP found guilty of willfully and maximum duration: Provided, That this
knowingly failing to comply with the provision shall not apply to Section 4
notice and installation requirements (g) of this Act;
under Section 9 of this Act shall suffer (b) If the offender is a juridical person,
the penalty of a fine of not less than the penalty shall be imposed upon the
Five hundred thousand pesos owner, manager, partner, member of
(Php500,000.00) but not more than the board of directors and/or any
One million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) responsible officer who participated in
for the first offense. In the case of the commission of the crime or shall
subsequent offense, the penalty shall have knowingly permitted or failed to
be a fine of not less than One million prevent its commission;
pesos (Php1,000,000.00) but not more (c) If the offender is a foreigner, he/she
than Two million pesos shall be immediately deported after the
(Php2,000,000.00) and revocation of its complete service of his/her sentence
license to operate; and shall forever be barred from
(l) Any mall owner/operator and owner entering the country; and
or lessor of other business (d) The penalty provided for in this Act
establishments, including photo shall be imposed in its maximum
developers, information technology duration if the offender is a public
professionals, credit card companies officer or employee.
and banks, found guilty of willfully and SECTION 17. Confiscation and
knowingly failing to comply with the Forfeiture of the Proceeds, Tools and
notice requirements under Section 10 Instruments Used in Child Pornography.
of this Act shall suffer the penalty of a In addition to the penalty imposed
fine of not less than One million pesos for the violation of this Act, the court
(Php1,000,000.00) but not more than shall order the confiscation and
forfeiture in favor of the government of (e) Livelihood and skills training; and
all the proceeds, tools and instruments (f) Educational assistance.
used in the commission of the crime, Sustained supervision and follow
unless they are the property of a third through mechanism that will track the
person not liable for the unlawful act: progress of recovery, rehabilitation and
Provided, however, That all awards for reintegration of the child victims shall
damages shall be taken from the be adopted and carried out.
SECTION 19. Programs for Victims of
personal and separate properties of the
Child Pornography. The Inter-Agency
offender: Provided, further, That if such
Council Against Child Pornography
properties are insufficient, the
created under Section 20 of this Act
deficiency shall be taken from the
shall develop and implement the
confiscated and forfeited proceeds,
necessary programs that will prevent
tools and instruments.
All proceeds derived from the sale of any form of child pornography, as well
properties used for the commission of as protect, heal and reintegrate the
any form of child pornography shall child into the mainstream of society.
accrue to the special account of the Such programs shall include, but not
DSWD which shall be used exclusively limited to, the following:
(a) Provision of mandatory services
for the proper implementation of this
including counseling, free legal
When the proceeds, tools and services, medical or psychological
instruments used in the commission of services, livelihood and skills training
the offense have been destroyed, and educational assistance to the child
diminished in value or otherwise pursuant to Section 18 of this Act;
rendered worthless by any act or CaDEAT
(b) Sponsorship of a national research
omission, directly or indirectly, of the
program on any form of child
offender, or it has been concealed,
pornography and other acts covered by
removed, converted or transferred to
the law and the establishment of a
prevent the same from being found or
data collection system for monitoring
to avoid forfeiture or confiscation, the
and evaluation purposes;
offender shall be ordered to pay the
(c) Provision of necessary technical and
amount equal to the value of the
material support services to
proceeds, tools and instruments used
appropriate government agencies and
in the commission of the offense.
nongovernmental organizations;
SECTION 18. Mandatory Services to
(d) Sponsorship of conferences and
Victims of Child Pornography. To
seminars to provide venue for
ensure recovery, rehabilitation and
consensus building amongst the public,
reintegration into the mainstream of
the academe, government,
society, concerned government
nongovernmental and international
agencies and the LGUs shall make
organizations; and
available the following services to (e) Promotion of information and
victims of any form of child education campaign.
pornography: SECTION 20. Inter-Agency Council
(a) Emergency shelter or appropriate against Child Pornography. There is
housing; hereby established an Inter-Agency
(b) Counseling;
Council Against Child Pornography to
(c) Free legal services, which shall
be composed of the Secretary of the
include information about the victim's
DSWD as chairperson and the following
rights and the procedure for filing of
as members:
complaints, claims for compensation
(a) Secretary of the Department of
and such other legal remedies
available to them in a language (b) Secretary of the Department of
understood by the child; Labor and Employment;
(d) Medical or psychological services;
(c) Secretary of the Department of issues and problems attendant to child
Science and Technology; pornography;
(d) Chief of the Philippine National (e) Conduct and coordinate massive
Police; information dissemination and
(e) Chairperson of the Commission on campaign on the existence of the law
Human Rights; and the various issues and problems
(f) Chairperson of the Commission on attendant to child pornography;
Information and Communications (f) Direct other agencies to
Technology; immediately respond to the problems
(g) Commissioner of the National brought to their attention and report to
Telecommunications Commission; the Council on the action taken;
(h) Executive Director of the Council for (g) Assist in the filing of cases against
the Welfare of Children; individuals, agencies, institutions or
(i) Executive Director of the Philippine
establishments that violate the
Center for Transnational Crimes;
provisions of this Act;
(j) Executive Director of the Optical
(h) Formulate a program for the
Media Board; aIAEcD
reintegration of victims of child
(k) Director of the National Bureau of
pornography; TIcEDC
Investigation; and
(i) Secure from any department,
(l) Three (3) representatives from
bureau, office, agency or
children's nongovernmental
instrumentality of the government or
organizations. These representatives
from NGOs and other civic
shall be nominated by the government
organizations such assistance as may
agency representatives of the Council
be needed to effectively implement
for appointment by the President for a
this Act;
term of three (3) years and may be
(j) Complement the shared government
renewed upon renomination and
information system relative to child
reappointment by the Council and the
abuse and exploitation and ensure that
President, respectively.
the proper agencies conduct a
The members of the Council may
continuing research and study on the
designate their permanent
patterns and schemes of any form of
representatives, who shall have a rank
child pornography which form the basis
not lower than assistant secretary or its
for policy formulation and program
equivalent, to meetings and shall
receive emoluments as may be
(k) Develop the mechanism to ensure
determined by the Council in
the timely, coordinated and effective
accordance with existing budget and
response to cases of child
accounting rules and regulations.
The DSWD shall establish the
(l) Recommend measures to enhance
necessary Secretariat for the Council.
cooperative efforts and mutual
SECTION 21. Functions of the Council.
assistance among foreign countries
The Council shall have the following
through bilateral and/or multilateral
powers and functions:
(a) Formulate comprehensive and arrangements to prevent and suppress
integrated plans and programs to any form of child pornography;
(m) Adopt measures and policies to
prevent and suppress any form of child
protect the rights and needs of the
(b) Promulgate rules and regulations as victims of child pornography who are
may be necessary for the effective foreign nationals in the Philippines;
(n) Maintain a database of cases of
implementation of this Act;
(c) Monitor and oversee the strict child pornography;
(o) Initiate training programs in
implementation of this Act;
(d) Coordinate the programs and identifying and providing the necessary
projects of the various member intervention or assistance to victims of
agencies to effectively address the child pornography;
(p) Submit to the President and the neophyte or applicant in some
Congressional Oversight Committee embarrassing or humiliating situations
created herein the annual report on the such as forcing him to do menial, silly,
policies, plans, programs and activities foolish and similar tasks or activities or
of the Council relative to the otherwise subjecting him to physical or
implementation of this Act; and psychological suffering or injury.
(q) Exercise all the powers and perform The term organization shall include any
such other functions necessary to club or the Armed Forces of the
attain the purposes and objectives of Philippines, Philippine National Police,
this Act. Philippine Military Academy, or officer
SECTION 22. Child Pornography as a and cadet corp of the Citizen's Military
Transnational Crime. Pursuant to the Training, or Citizen's Army Training. The
Convention on Transnational Organized physical, mental and psychological
Crime, the DOJ may execute the testing and training procedure and
request of a foreign state for assistance practices to determine and enhance
in the investigation or prosecution of the physical, mental and psychological
any form of child pornography by: (1) fitness of prospective regular members
conducting a preliminary investigation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
against the offender and, if and the Philippine National Police as
appropriate, to file the necessary approved by the Secretary of National
charges in court; (2) giving information Defense and the National Police
needed by the foreign state; and (3) to Commission duly recommended by the
apply for an order of forfeiture of any Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the
proceeds or monetary instrument or Philippines and the Director General of
property located in the Philippines used the Philippine National Police shall not
in connection with child pornography in be considered as hazing for the
the court: Provided, That if the DOJ purpose of this Act. aisa dc
refuses to act on the request of the SECTION 2. No hazing or initiation rites
foreign state, it must inform the foreign in any form or manner by a fraternity,
state of any valid reason for not sorority or organization shall be
executing the request or for delaying allowed without prior written notice to
the execution thereof: Provided, the school authorities or head of
further, That the principles of mutuality organization seven (7) days before the
and reciprocity shall, for this purpose, conduct of such initiation. The written
be at all times recognized. notice shall indicate the period of the
SECTION 23. Extradition. The DOJ, in initiation activities which shall not
consultation with the Department of exceed three (3) days, shall include the
Foreign Affairs (DFA), shall endeavor to names of those to be subjected to such
include child pornography among activities, and shall further contain an
extraditable offenses in future treaties. undertaking that no physical violence
aHcACI be employed by anybody during such
initiation rites.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8049 SECTION 3. The head of the school or
organization or their representatives
must assign at least two (2)
representatives of the school or
organization as the case may be, to be
present during the initiation. It is the
duty of such representative to see to it
SECTION 1. Hazing as used in this Act that no physical harm of any kind shall
is an initiation rite or practice as a be inflicted upon a recruit, neophyte or
prerequisite for admission into applicant.
membership in a fraternity, sorority or SECTION 4. If the person subjected to
organization by placing the recruit hazing or other forms of initiation rites
suffers any physical injury or dies as a require medical attendance for the
result thereof the officer and members same period. cd i
of the fraternity, sorority or
organization who actually participated g) The penalty of prision mayor in its
in the infliction of physical harm shall minimum period if in consequence of
be liable as principals. The person or the hazing the victim shall have been ill
persons who participated in the hazing or incapacitated for the performance of
shall suffer: the activity or work in which he was
a) The penalty of reclusion perpetua if habitually engaged from one (1) to
death, rape, sodomy or mutilation nine (9) days, or that the injury
results therefrom cdt sustained shall require medical
attendance for the same period.
b) The penalty of reclusion temporal in
its maximum period if in consequence h) The penalty of prision correccional in
of the hazing the victim shall become its maximum period if in consequence
insane, imbecile, impotent or blind. of the hazing the victim sustained
physical injuries which do not prevent
c) The penalty of reclusion temporal in him from engaging in his habitual
its medium period if in consequence of activity or work nor require medical
the hazing the victim shall have lost attendance.
the use of speech or the power to hear
or to smell, or shall have lost an eye, a The responsible officials of the school
hand, a foot, an arm or a leg or shall or of the police, military or citizen's
have lost the use of any such member army training organization, may
shall have become incapacitated for impose the appropriate administrative
the activity or work in which he was sanctions on the person or persons
habitually engaged. charged under this provision even
before their conviction
d) The penalty of reclusion temporal in The maximum penalty herein provided
its minimum period if in consequence shall be imposed in any of the following
of the hazing the victim shall become instances:
deformed or shall have lost any other a) when the recruitment is
part of his body, or shall have lost the accompanied by force, violence, threat,
use thereof or shall have been ill or intimidation or deceit on the person of
incapacitated for the performance of the recruit who refuses to join;
the activity or work in which he was
b) when the recruit, neophyte or
habitually engaged for a period of more
applicant initially consents to join but
than ninety (90) days.
upon learning that hazing will be
e) The penalty of prision mayor in its committed on his person, is prevented
maximum period if in consequence of from quitting.
the hazing the victim shall have been ill
c) when the recruit neophyte or
or incapacitated for the performance
applicant having undergone hazing is
on the activity or work in which he was
prevented from reporting the unlawful
habitually engaged for more than thirty
act to his parents or guardians, to the
(30) days.
proper school authorities, or to the
f) The penalty of prision mayor in its police authorities through force,
medium period if in consequence of the violence , threat or intimidation;
hazing the victim shall have been ill or
d) when the hazing is committed
incapacitated for the performance of
outside of the school or institution: or
the activity or work in which he was
habitually engaged for ten (10) days or
more, or that the injury sustained shall
e) when the victim is below twelve (12) engaged in hazing as a requirement for
years of age at the time of the hazing. employment in the manner provided
herein. Acd
The owner of the place where hazing is
conducted shall be liable as an REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7610
accomplice, when he has actual
knowledge of the hazing conducted AN ACT PROVIDING FOR STRONGER
therein but failed to take any action to DETERRENCE AND SPECIAL
prevent the same from occurring. If the PROTECTION AGAINST CHILD
hazing is held in the home of one of the ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND
officers or members of the fraternity, DISCRIMINATION, PROVIDING
group, or organization, the parents PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION,
shall be held liable as principals when AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
they have actual knowledge of the
hazing conducted therein but failed to Title, Policy, Principles and Definitions
take any action to prevent the same of Terms
from occurring. SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be
The school authorities including faculty known as the "Special Protection of
members who consent to the hazing or Children Against Abuse, Exploitation
who have actual knowledge thereof but and Discrimination Act."
failed to take any action to prevent the SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy
same from occurring shall be punished and Principles. It is hereby declared
as accomplices for the acts of hazing to be the policy of the State to provide
committed by the perpetrators. special protection to children from all
The officers, former officers, or alumni forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty
of the organization, group, fraternity, or exploitation and discrimination and
sorority who actually planned the other conditions, prejudicial their
hazing although not present when the development; provide sanctions for
acts constituting the hazing were their commission and carry out a
committed shall be liable as principals. program for prevention and deterrence
Officers or members of an organization, of and crisis intervention in situations
group, fraternity, or sorority who of child abuse, exploitation and
knowingly cooperated in carrying out discrimination. The State shall
the hazing by inducing the victim to be intervene on behalf of the child when
present thereat shall be liable as the parent, guardian, teacher or person
principals. A fraternity or sorority's having care or custody of the child fails
adviser who is present when the acts or is unable to protect the child against
constituting the hazing were abuse, exploitation and discrimination
committed and failed to take any or when such acts against the child are
action to prevent the same from committed by the said parent,
occurring shall be liable as principal. guardian, teacher or person having
The presence of any person during the
care and custody of the same. Cdpr
hazing is prime facie evidence of It shall be the policy of the State to
participation therein as a principal protect and rehabilitate children
unless he prevented the commission of gravely threatened or endangered by
the acts punishable herein. circumstances which affect or will
Any person charged under this
affect their survival and normal
provision shall not be entitled to the
development and over which they have
mitigating circumstance that there was
no control.
no intention to commit so grave a The best interests of children shall be
wrong. the paramount consideration in all
This section shall apply to the
actions concerning them, whether
president, manager, director or other
undertaken by public or private social
responsible officer of a corporation
welfare institutions, courts of law,
administrative authorities, and
legislative bodies, consistent with the (3) Living in or fending for themselves
principle of First Call for Children as in the streets of urban or rural areas
enunciated in the United Nations without the care of parents or a
Convention of the Rights of the Child. guardian or any adult supervision
Every effort shall be exerted to needed for their welfare;
promote the welfare of children and
(4) Being a member of a indigenous
enhance their opportunities for a useful
cultural community and/or living under
and happy life.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. conditions of extreme poverty or in an
(a) "Children" refers to person below area which is underdeveloped and/or
eighteen (18) years of age or those lacks or has inadequate access to basic
over but are unable to fully take care of services needed for a good quality of
themselves or protect themselves from life; cdphil
abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or
(5) Being a victim of a man-made or
discrimination because of a physical or
natural disaster or calamity; or
mental disability or condition;
(6) Circumstances analogous to those
(b) "Child abuse" refers to the
abovestated which endanger the life,
maltreatment, whether habitual or not,
safety or normal development of
of the child which includes any of the
(d) "Comprehensive program against
(1) Psychological and physical abuse,
child abuse, exploitation and
neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and
discrimination" refers to the
emotional maltreatment;
coordinated program of services and
(2) Any act by deeds or words which facilities to protect children against:
debases, degrades or demeans the
(1) Child Prostitution and other sexual
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as
a human being;
(2) Child trafficking;
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his
basic needs for survival, such as food (3) Obscene publications and indecent
and shelter; or shows;
(4) Failure to immediately give medical (4) Other acts of abuse; and
treatment to an injured child resulting
in serious impairment of his growth and (5) Circumstances which threaten or
development or in his permanent endanger the survival and normal
incapacity or death. development of children.

(c) "Circumstances which gravely ARTICLE II

threaten or endanger the survival and Program on Child Abuse, Exploitation
normal development of children" and Discrimination
include, but are not limited to, the SECTION 4. Formulation of the
following; Program. There shall be a
comprehensive program to be
(1) Being in a community where there formulated by the Department of
is armed conflict or being affected by Justice and the Department of Social
armed conflict-related activities; Welfare and Development in
coordination with other government
(2) Working under conditions agencies and private sector concerned,
hazardous to life, safety and morals within one (1) year from the effectivity
which unduly interfere with their of this Act, to protect children against
normal development;
child prostitution and other sexual amended, the Revised Penal Code, for
abuse; child trafficking, obscene rape or lascivious conduct, as the case
publications and indecent shows; other may be: Provided, That the penalty for
acts of abuse; and circumstances lascivious conduct when the victim is
which endanger child survival and under twelve (12) years of age shall be
normal development. reclusion temporal in its medium
ARTICLE III period; and
Child Prostitution and Other Sexual
Abuse (c) Those who derive profit or
SECTION 5. Child Prostitution and Other advantage therefrom, whether as
Sexual Abuse. Children, whether manager or owner of the establishment
male or female, who for money, profit, where the prostitution takes place, or
or any other consideration or due to of the sauna, disco, bar, resort, place of
the coercion or influence of any adult, entertainment or establishment serving
syndicate or group, indulge in sexual as a cover or which engages in
intercourse or lascivious conduct, are prostitution in addition to the activity
deemed to be children exploited in for which the license has been issued
prostitution and other sexual abuse. to said establishment.
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its
medium period to reclusion perpetua SECTION 6. Attempt to Commit Child
shall be imposed upon the following: Prostitution. There is an attempt to
(a) Those who engage in or promote, commit child prostitution under Section
facilitate or induce child prostitution 5, paragraph (a) hereof when any
which include, but are not limited to, person who, not being a relative of a
the following: child, is found alone with the said child
inside the room or cubicle of a house,
(1) Acting as a procurer of a child
an inn, hotel, motel, pension house,
apartelle or other similar
(2) Inducing a person to be a client of a establishments, vessel, vehicle or any
child prostitute by means of written or other hidden or secluded area under
oral advertisements or other similar circumstances which would lead a
means; reasonable person to believe that the
child is about to be exploited in
(3) Taking advantage of influence or prostitution and other sexual abuse.
relationship to procure a child as There is also an attempt to commit
prostitute; child prostitution, under paragraph (b)
of Section 5 hereof when any person is
(4) Threatening or using violence receiving services from a child in a
towards a child to engage him as a sauna parlor or bath, massage clinic,
prostitute; or health club and other similar
establishments. A penalty lower by two
(5) Giving monetary consideration, (2) degrees than that prescribed for the
goods or other pecuniary benefit to a consummated felony under Section 5
child with intent to engage such child hereof shall be imposed upon the
in prostitution. principals of the attempt to commit the
crime of child prostitution under this
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual
Act, or, in the proper case, under the
intercourse or lascivious conduct with a
Revised Penal Code.
child exploited in prostitution or
subjected to other sexual abuse; Child Trafficking
Provided, That when the victims is SECTION 7. Child Trafficking. Any
under twelve (12) years of age, the person who shall engage in trading and
perpetrators shall be prosecuted under dealing with children including, but not
Article 335, paragraph 3, for rape and limited to, the act of buying and selling
Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as
of a child for money, or for any other obscene exhibitions and indecent
consideration, or barter, shall suffer the shows, whether live or in video, or
penalty of reclusion temporal to model in obscene publications or
reclusion perpetua. The penalty shall pornographic materials or to sell or
be imposed in its maximum period distribute the said materials shall suffer
when the victim is under twelve (12) the penalty of prision mayor in its
years of age. medium period.
SECTION 8. Attempt to Commit Child
Trafficking. There is an attempt to If the child used as a performer, subject
commit child trafficking under Section or seller/distributor is below twelve (12)
7 of this Act: years of age, the penalty shall be
(a) When a child travels alone to a imposed in its maximum period.
foreign country without valid reason Any ascendant, guardian, or person
therefor and without clearance issued entrusted in any capacity with the care
by the Department of Social Welfare of a child who shall cause and/or allow
and Development or written permit or such child to be employed or to
justification from the child's parents or participate in an obscene play, scene,
legal guardian; act, movie or show or in any other acts
covered by this section shall suffer the
(b) When a pregnant mother executes penalty of prision mayor in its medium
an affidavit of consent for adoption for period.
a consideration; ARTICLE VI
Other Acts of Abuse
(c) When a person, agency, SECTION 10. Other Acts of Neglect,
establishment or child-caring institution Abuse, Cruelty or Exploitation and
recruits women or couples to bear Other Conditions Prejudicial to the
children for the purpose of child Child's Development.
trafficking; prcd (a) Any person who shall commit any
other acts of child abuse, cruelty or
(d) When a doctor, hospital or clinic exploitation or be responsible for other
official or employee, nurse, midwife, conditions prejudicial to the child's
local civil registrar or any other person development including those covered
simulates birth for the purpose of child by Article 59 of Presidential Decree No.
trafficking; or cd 603, as amended, but not covered by
the Revised Penal Code, as amended,
(e) When a person engages in the act
shall suffer the penalty of prision
of finding children among low-income
mayor in its minimum period.
families, hospitals, clinics, nurseries,
day-care centers, or other child-caring (b) Any person who shall keep or have
institutions who can be offered for the in his company a minor, twelve (12)
purpose of child trafficking. years or under or who is ten (10) years
or more his junior in any public or
A penalty lower by two (2) degrees
private place, hotel, motel, beer joint,
than that prescribed for the
discotheque, cabaret, pension house,
consummated felony under Section 7
sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or
hereof shall be imposed upon the
other tourist resort or similar places
principals of the attempt to commit
shall suffer the penalty of prision
child trafficking under this Act.
ARTICLE V mayor in its maximum period and a
Obscene Publications and Indecent fine of not less than Fifty thousand
Shows pesos (P50,000): Provided, That this
SECTION 9. Obscene Publications and provision shall not apply to any person
Indecent Shows. Any person who who is related within the fourth degree
shall hire, employ, use, persuade, of consanguinity or affinity or any bond
induce or coerce a child to perform in recognized by law, local custom and
tradition or acts in the performance of Penal Code, for the crimes of murder,
a social, moral or legal duty. cdrep homicide, other intentional mutilation,
and serious physical injuries,
(c) Any person who shall induce, respectively, shall be reclusion
deliver or offer a minor to any one perpetua when the victim is under
prohibited by this Act to keep or have twelve (12) years of age. The penalty
in his company a minor as provided in for the commission of acts punishable
the preceding paragraph shall suffer under Article 337, 339, 340 and 341 of
the penalty of prision mayor in its Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised
medium period and a fine of not less Penal Code, for the crimes of qualified
than Forty thousand pesos (P40,000); seduction, acts of lasciviousness with
Provided, however, That should the the consent of the offended party,
perpetrator be an ascendant, corruption of minors, and white slave
stepparent or guardian of the minor, trade, respectively, shall be one (1)
the penalty to be imposed shall be degree higher than that imposed by
prision mayor in its maximum period, a law when the victim is under twelve
fine of not less than Fifty thousand (12) years of age.
pesos (P50,000), and the loss of The victim of the acts committed under
parental authority over the minor. this section shall be entrusted to the
care of the Department of Social
(d) Any person, owner, manager or one
Welfare and Development.
entrusted with the operation of any ARTICLE VII
public or private place of Sanctions for Establishments or
accommodation, whether for Enterprises
occupancy, food, drink or otherwise, SECTION 11. Sanctions for
including residential places, who allows Establishments or Enterprises which
any person to take along with him to Promote, Facilitate, or Conduct
such place or places any minor herein Activities Constituting Child Prostitution
described shall be imposed a penalty of and Other Sexual Abuse, Child
prision mayor in its medium period and Trafficking, Obscene Publications and
a fine of not less than Fifty thousand Indecent Shows, and Other Acts of
pesos (P50,000), and the loss of the Abuse. All establishments and
license to operate such a place or enterprises which promote or facilitate
establishment. child prostitution and other sexual
abuse, child trafficking, obscene
(e) Any person who shall use, coerce, publications and indecent shows, and
force or intimidate a street child or any other acts of abuse shall be
other child to; immediately closed and their authority
or license to operate cancelled, without
(1) Beg or use begging as a means of
prejudice to the owner or manager
thereof being prosecuted under this Act
(2) Act as conduit or middlemen in and/or the Revised Penal Code, as
drug trafficking or pushing; or amended, or special laws. A sign with
the words "off limits" shall be
(3) Conduct any illegal activities, shall conspicuously displayed outside the
suffer the penalty of prision establishments or enterprises by the
correccional in its medium period to Department of Social Welfare and
reclusion perpetua. cdt Development for such period which
shall not be less than one (1) year, as
For purposes of this Act, the penalty for the Department may determine. The
the commission of acts punishable unauthorized removal of such sign shall
under Articles 248, 249, 262, be punishable by prision correccional.
paragraph 2, and 263, paragraph 1 of cdasia
Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised
An establishment shall be deemed to (a) The employer shall ensure the
promote or facilitate child prostitution protection, health, safety and morals of
and other sexual abuse, child the child;
trafficking, obscene publications and
indecent shows, and other acts of (b) the employer shall institute
abuse if the acts constituting the same measures to prevent the child's
occur in the premises of said exploitation or discrimination taking
establishment under this Act or in into account the system and level of
violation of the Revised Penal Code, as remuneration, and the duration and
amended. An enterprise such as a arrangement of working time; and;
sauna, travel agency, or recruitment
(c) The employer shall formulate and
agency which: promotes the
implement, subject to the approval and
aforementioned acts as part of a tour
supervision of competent authorities, a
for foreign tourists; exhibits children in
continuing program for training and
a lewd or indecent show; provides child
skill acquisition of the child.
masseurs for adults of the same or
opposite sex and said services include In the above exceptional cases where
any lascivious conduct with the any such child may be employed, the
customers; or solicits children for employer shall first secure, before
activities constituting the engaging such child, a work permit
aforementioned acts shall be deemed from the Department of Labor and
to have committed the acts penalized Employment which shall ensure
herein. observance of the above requirement.
Working Children The Department of Labor Employment
SECTION 12. Employment of Children. shall promulgate rules and regulations
Children below fifteen (15) years of necessary for the effective
age may be employed except: implementation of this Section.
(1) When a child works directly under SECTION 13. Non-formal Education for
the sole responsibility of his parents or Working Children. The Department
legal guardian and where only of Education, Culture and Sports shall
members of the employer's family are promulgate a course design under its
employed: Provided, however, That his non-formal education program aimed
employment neither endangers his life, at promoting the intellectual, moral
safety and health and morals, nor and vocational efficiency of working
impairs his normal development: children who have not undergone or
Provided, further, That the parent or finished elementary or secondary
legal guardian shall provide the said education. Such course design shall
minor child with the prescribed primary integrate the learning process deemed
and/or secondary education; or most effective under given
(2) When a child's employment or
participation in public & entertainment SECTION 14. Prohibition on the
or information through cinema, theater, Employment of Children in Certain
radio or television is essential: Advertisements. No person shall
Provided, The employment contract employ child models in all commercials
concluded by the child's parent or or advertisements promoting alcoholic
guardian, with the express agreement beverages, intoxicating drinks, tobacco
of the child concerned, if possible, and and its byproducts and violence.
the approval of the Department of SECTION 15. Duty of Employer.
Labor and Employment: Provided, That Every employer shall comply with the
the following requirements in all duties provided for in Articles 108 and
instances are strictly complied with: 109 of Presidential Decree No. 603.
SECTION 16. Penalties. Any person
who shall violate any provision of this
Article shall suffer the penalty of a fine SECTION 20. Discrimination. Children
of not less than One thousand pesos of indigenous cultural communities
(P1,000) but not more than Ten shall not be subjected to any and all
thousand pesos (P10,000) or forms of discrimination.
imprisonment of not less than three (3) Any person who discriminate against
months but not more than three (3) children of indigenous cultural
years, or both at the discretion of the communities shall suffer a penalty of
court: Provided, That, in case of arresto mayor in its maximum period
repeated violations of the provisions of and a fine of not less than Five
this Article, the offender's license to thousand pesos (P5,000) nor more than
operate shall be revoked. Ten thousand pesos (P10,000).
ARTICLE IX SECTION 21. Participation.
Children of Indigenous Cultural Indigenous cultural communities,
Communities through their duly-designated or
SECTION 17. Survival, Protection and appointed representatives shall be
Development. In addition to the involved in planning, decision-making
rights guaranteed to children under implementation, and evaluation of all
this Act and other existing laws, government programs affecting
children of indigenous cultural children of indigenous cultural
communities shall be entitled to communities. Indigenous institution
protection, survival and development shall also be recognized and respected.
consistent with the customs and ARTICLE X
traditions of their respective Children in Situations of Armed Conflict
communities. SECTION 22. Children as Zones of
SECTION 18. System of and Access to Peace. Children are hereby declared
Education. The Department of as Zones of Peace. It shall be the
Education, Culture and Sports shall responsibility of the State and all other
develop and institute an alternative sectors concerned to resolve armed
system of education for children of conflicts in order to promote the goal of
indigenous cultural communities which children as zones of peace. To attain
is culture-specific and relevant to the this objective, the following policies
needs of and the existing situation in shall be observed.
their communities. The Department of (a) Children shall not be the object of
Education, Culture and Sports shall also attack and shall be entitled to special
accredit and support non-formal but respect. They shall be protected from
functional indigenous educational any form of threat, assault, torture or
programs conducted by non- other cruel, inhumane or degrading
governmental organizations in said treatment;
(b) Children shall not be recruited to
SECTION 19. Health and Nutrition.
become members of the Armed Forces
The delivery of basic social services in
of the Philippines or its civilian units or
health and nutrition to children of
other armed groups, nor be allowed to
indigenous cultural communities shall
take part in the fighting, or used as
be given priority by all government
guides, couriers, or spies;
agencies concerned. Hospitals and
other health institution shall ensure (c) Delivery of basic social services
that children of indigenous cultural such as education, primary health and
communities are given equal attention. emergency relief services shall be kept
In the provision of health and nutrition unhampered;
services to children of indigenous
cultural communities, indigenous (d) The safety and protection of those
health practices shall be respected and who provide services including those
recognized. involved in fact-finding missions from
both government and non-government
institutions shall be ensured. They shall (c) Immediate notice of such arrest to
not be subjected to undue harassment the parents or guardian of the child;
in the performance of their work; cdtai and

(e) Public infrastructure such as (d) Release of the child on

schools, hospitals and rural health units recognizance within twenty-four (24)
shall not be utilized for military hours to the custody of the Department
purposes such as command posts, of Social Welfare and Development or
barracks, detachments, and supply any responsible member of the
depots; and community as determined by the court.

(f) All appropriate steps shall be taken If after hearing the evidence in the
to facilitate the reunion of families proper proceeding the court should find
temporarily separated due to armed that the aforesaid child committed the
conflict. acts charged against him, the court
shall determine the imposable penalty,
SECTION 23. Evacuation of Children including any civil liability chargeable
During Armed Conflict. Children shall against him. However, instead of
be given priority during evacuation as pronouncing judgment of conviction,
a result of armed conflict. Existing the court shall suspend all further
community organizations shall be proceedings and shall commit such
tapped to look after the safety and child to the custody or care of the
well-being of children during Department of Social Welfare and
evacuation operations. Measures shall Development or to any training
be taken to ensure that children institution operated by the
evacuated are accompanied by Government, or duly-licensed agencies
persons responsible for their safety and or any other responsible person, until
well-being. he has had reached eighteen (18)
SECTION 24. Family Life and Temporary
years of age or, for a shorter period as
Shelter. Whenever possible,
the court may deem proper, after
members of the same family shall be
considering the reports and
housed in the same premises and
recommendations of the Department of
given separate accommodation from
Social Welfare and Development or the
other evacuees and provided with
agency or responsible individual under
facilities to lead a normal family life. In
whose care he has been committed.
places of temporary shelter, expectant The aforesaid child shall subject to
and nursing mothers and children shall visitation and supervision by a
be given additional food in proportion representative of the Department of
to their physiological needs. Whenever Social Welfare and Development or any
feasible, children shall be given duly-licensed agency or such other
opportunities for physical exercise, officer as the court may designate
sports and outdoor games. subject to such conditions as it may
SECTION 25. Rights of Children
Arrested for Reasons Related to Armed The aforesaid child whose sentence is
Conflict. Any child who has been suspended can appeal from the order
arrested for reasons related to armed of the court in the same manner as
conflict, either as combatant, courier, appeals in criminal cases.
guide or spy is entitled to the following SECTION 26. Monitoring and Reporting
rights: of Children in Situations of Armed
(a) Separate detention from adults Conflict. The chairman of the
except where families are barangay affected by the armed
accommodated as family units; conflict shall submit the names of
children residing in said barangay to
(b) Immediate free legal assistance;
the municipal social welfare and
development officer within twenty-four the film in case of the movie industry,
(24) hours from the occurrence of the to cause undue and sensationalized
armed conflict. cdasia publicity of any case of violation of this
ARTICLE XI Act which results in the moral
Remedial Procedures degradation and suffering of the
SECTION 27. Who May File a Complaint.
offended party.
Complaints on cases of unlawful acts SECTION 30. Special Court
committed against children as Proceedings. Cases involving
enumerated herein may be filed by the violations of this Act shall be heard in
following: the chambers of the judge of the
(a) Offended party;
Regional Trial Court duly designated as
(b) Parents or guardians; Juvenile and Domestic Court.
Any provision of existing law to the
(c) Ascendant or collateral relative contrary notwithstanding and with the
within the third degree of exception of habeas corpus, election
consanguinity; cases, and cases involving detention
prisoners and persons covered by
(d) Officer, social worker or Republic Act No. 4908, all courts shall
representative of a licensed child- give preference to the hearing or
caring institution; disposition of cases involving violations
of this Act.
(e) Officer or social worker of the ARTICLE XII
Department of Social Welfare and Common Penal Provisions
Development; SECTION 31. Common Penal Provisions.

(f) Barangay chairman; or (a) The penalty provided under this Act
shall be imposed in its maximum
(g) At least three (3) concerned, period if the offender has been
responsible citizens where the violation previously convicted under this Act;
(b) When the offender is a corporation,
SECTION 28. Protective Custody of the partnership or association, the officer
Child. The offended party shall be or employee thereof who is responsible
immediately placed under the for the violation of this Act shall suffer
protective custody of the Department the penalty imposed in its maximum
of Social Welfare and Development period;
pursuant to Executive Order No. 56,
series of 1986. In the regular (c) The penalty provided herein shall be
performance of this function, the officer imposed in its maximum period when
of the Department of Social Welfare the perpetrator is an ascendant,
and Development shall be free from parent, guardian, stepparent or
any administrative, civil or criminal collateral relative within the second
liability. Custody proceedings shall be degree of consanguinity or affinity, or a
in accordance with the provisions of manager or owner of an establishment
Presidential Decree No. 603. which has no license to operate or its
SECTION 29. Confidentiality. At the license has expired or has been
instance of the offended party, his revoked;
name may be withheld from the public
until the court acquires jurisdiction (d) When the offender is a foreigner, he
over the case. shall be deported immediately after
It shall be unlawful for any editor, service of sentence and forever barred
publisher, and reporter or columnist in from entry to the country;
case of printed materials, announcer or
producer in case of television and radio (e) The penalty provided for in this Act
broadcasting, producer and director of shall be imposed in its maximum
period if the offender is a public officer that will ensure the observance of
or employee: Provided, however, That international standards of child
if the penalty imposed is reclusion protection, especially those to which
perpetua or reclusion temporal, then the Philippines is a party. Proceedings
the penalty of perpetual or temporary before any authority shall be
absolute disqualification shall also be conducted in the best interest of the
imposed: Provided, finally, That if the child and in a manner which allows the
penalty imposed is prision correccional child to participate and to express
or arresto mayor, the penalty of himself/herself freely. The participation
suspension shall also be imposed; and of children in the program and policy
formulation and implementation
(f) A fine to be determined by the court related to juvenile justice and welfare
shall be imposed and administered as a shall be ensured by the concerned
cash fund by the Department of Social government agency.
Welfare and Development and (c) The State likewise recognizes the
disbursed for the rehabilitation of each right of children to assistance,
child victim, or any immediate member including proper care and nutrition, and
of his family if the latter is the special protection from all forms of
perpetrator of the offense. neglect, abuse, cruelty and
exploitation, and other conditions
prejudicial to their development.
(d) Pursuant to Article 40 of the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child, the State recognizes the
right of every child alleged as, accused
of, adjudged, or recognized as, having
infringed the penal law to be treated in
a manner consistent with the
promotion of the child's sense of
dignity and worth, taking into account
TITLE I the child's age and desirability of
Governing Principles promoting his/her reintegration.
CHAPTER 1 Whenever appropriate and desirable,
Title, Policy and Definition of Terms the State shall adopt measures for
SECTION 1. Short Title and Scope. dealing with such children without
This Act shall be known as the "Juvenile resorting to judicial proceedings,
Justice and Welfare Act of 2006." It providing that human rights and legal
shall cover the different stages safeguards are fully respected. It shall
involving children at risk and children ensure that children are dealt with in a
in conflict with the law from prevention manner appropriate to their well-being
to rehabilitation and reintegration. by providing, among others, a variety
SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy.
of disposition measures such as care,
The following State policies shall be
guidance and supervision orders,
observed at all times:
counseling, probation, foster care,
(a) The State recognizes the vital role
education and vocational training
of children and youth in nation building
programs and other alternative to
and shall promote and protect their
institutional care.
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual
(e) The administration of the juvenile
and social well-being. It shall inculcate
justice and welfare system shall take
in the youth patriotism and
into consideration the cultural and
nationalism, and encourage their
religious perspectives of the Filipino
involvement in public and civic affairs.
people, particularly the indigenous
(b) The State shall protect the best
peoples and the Muslims, consistent
interests of the child through measures
with the protection of the rights of
children belonging to these (4) coming from a dysfunctional or
communities. broken family or without a parent or
(f) The State shall apply the principles guardian;
of restorative justice in all its laws, (5) being out of school;
policies and programs applicable to (6) being a streetchild;
children in conflict with the law. (7) being a member of a gang;
SECTION 3. Liberal Construction of this (8) living in a community with a high
Act. In case of doubt, the level of criminality or drug abuse; and
(9) living in situations of armed conflict.
interpretation of any of the provisions
(e) "Child in Conflict with the Law"
of this Act, including its implementing
refers to a child who is alleged as,
rules and regulations (IRRs), shall be
accused of, or adjudged as, having
construed liberally in favor of the child
committed an offense under Philippine
in conflict with the law.
(f) "Community-based Programs" refers
SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. The
to the programs provided in a
following terms as used in this Act shall
community setting developed for
be defined as follows:
(a) "Bail" refers to the security given purposes of intervention and diversion,
for the release of the person in custody as well as rehabilitation of the child in
of the law, furnished by him/her or a conflict with the law, for reintegration
bondsman, to guarantee his/her into his/her family and/or community.
(g) "Court" refers to a family court or,
appearance before any court. Bail may
in places where there are no family
be given in the form of corporate
courts, any regional trial court.
security, property bond, cash deposit,
(h) "Deprivation of Liberty" refers to
or recognizance.
any form of detention or imprisonment,
(b) "Best Interest of the Child" refers to
or to the placement of a child in
the totality of the circumstances and
conflict with the law in a public or
conditions which are most congenial to
private custodial setting, from which
the survival, protection and feelings of
the child in conflict with the law is not
security of the child and most
permitted to leave at will by order of
encouraging to the child's physical,
any judicial or administrative authority.
psychological and emotional
(i) "Diversion" refers to an alternative,
development. It also means the least
child-appropriate process of
detrimental available alternative for
determining the responsibility and
safeguarding the growth and
treatment of a child in conflict with the
development of the child.
law on the basis of his/her social,
(c) "Child" refers to a person under the
cultural, economic, psychological or
age of eighteen (18) years.
(d) "Child at Risk" refers to a child who educational background without
is vulnerable to and at the risk of resorting to formal court proceedings.
(j) "Diversion Program" refers to the
committing criminal offenses because
program that the child in conflict with
of personal, family and social
the law is required to undergo after
circumstances, such as, but not limited
he/she is found responsible for an
to, the following:
(1) being abused by any person offense without resorting to formal
through sexual, physical, psychological, court proceedings.
(k) "Initial Contact With the Child"
mental, economic or any other means
refers to the apprehension or taking
and the parents or guardian refuse, are
into custody of a child in conflict with
unwilling, or, unable to provide
the law by law enforcement officers or
protection for the child; EcSCHD
(2) being exploited including sexually private citizens. It includes the time
or economically; when the child alleged to be in conflict
(3) being abandoned or neglected, and with the law receives a subpoena under
after diligent search and inquiry, the Section 3(b) of Rule 112 of the Revised
parent or guardian cannot be found; Rules of Criminal Procedure or
summons under Section 6(a) or Section (r) "Status Offenses" refers to offenses
9(b) of the same Rule in cases that do which discriminate only against a child,
not require preliminary investigation or while an adult does not suffer any
where there is no necessity to place penalty for committing similar acts.
the child alleged to be in conflict with These shall include curfew violations,
the law under immediate custody. truancy, parental disobedience and the
(l) "Intervention" refers to a series of like.
activities which are designed to (s) "Youth Detention Home" refers to a
address issues that caused the child to 24-hour child-caring institution
commit an offense. It may take the managed by accredited local
form of an individualized treatment government units (LGUs) and licensed
program which may include counseling, and/or accredited non-government
skills training, education, and other organizations (NGOs) providing short-
activities that will enhance his/her term residential care for children in
psychological, emotional and psycho- conflict with the law who are awaiting
social well-being. AcaEDC court disposition of their cases or
(m) "Juvenile Justice and Welfare transfer to other agencies or
System" refers to a system dealing jurisdiction.
with children at risk and children in (t) "Youth Rehabilitation Center" refers
conflict with the law, which provides to a 24-hour residential care facility
child-appropriate proceedings, managed by the Department of Social
including programs and services for Welfare and Development (DSWD),
prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re- LGUs, licensed and/or accredited NGOs
integration and aftercare to ensure monitored by the DSWD, which
their normal growth and development. provides care, treatment and
(n) "Law Enforcement Officer" refers to rehabilitation services for children in
the person in authority or his/her agent conflict with the law. Rehabilitation
as defined in Article 152 of the Revised services are provided under the
Penal Code, including a barangay guidance of a trained staff where
tanod. residents are cared for under a
(o) "Offense" refers to any act or structured therapeutic environment
omission whether punishable under with the end view of reintegrating them
special laws or the Revised Penal Code, into their families and communities as
as amended. socially functioning individuals.
(p) "Recognizance" refers to an
Physical mobility of residents of said
undertaking in lieu of a bond assumed
centers may be restricted pending
by a parent or custodian who shall be
court disposition of the charges against
responsible for the appearance in court
of the child in conflict with the law,
when required. (u) "Victimless Crimes" refers to
(q) "Restorative Justice" refers to a
offenses where there is no private
principle which requires a process of
offended party.
resolving conflicts with the maximum CHAPTER 2
involvement of the victim, the offender Principles in the Administration of
and the community. It seeks to obtain Juvenile Justice and Welfare
reparation for the victim; reconciliation SECTION 5. Rights of the Child in
of the offender, the offended and the Conflict with the Law. Every child in
community; and reassurance to the conflict with the law shall have the
offender that he/she can be following rights, including but not
reintegrated into society. It also limited to:
enhances public safety by activating (a) the right not to be subjected to
the offender, the victim and the torture or other cruel, inhuman or
community in prevention strategies. degrading, treatment or punishment;
(b) the right not to be imposed a minimum, and where discretion is
sentence of capital punishment or life given by law to the judge to determine
imprisonment, without the possibility of whether to impose fine or
release; imprisonment, the imposition of fines
(c) the right not to be deprived, being preferred as the more
unlawfully or arbitrarily, or his/her appropriate penalty;
liberty; detention or imprisonment (l) in general, the right to automatic
being a disposition of last resort, and suspension of sentence;
which shall be for the shortest (m) the right to probation as an
appropriate period of time; alternative to imprisonment, if qualified
(d) the right to be treated with under the Probation Law;
humanity and respect for the inherent (n) the right to be free from liability for
dignity of the person, and in a manner perjury, concealment or
which takes into account the needs of a misrepresentation; and DISHEA
person of his/her age. In particular, a (o) other rights as provided for under
child deprived of liberty shall be existing laws, rules and regulations.
The State further adopts the provisions
separated from adult offenders at all
of the United Nations Standard
times. No child shall be detained
Minimum Rules for the Administration
together with adult offenders. He/She
of Juvenile Justice or "Beijing Rules",
shall be conveyed separately to or from
United Nations Guidelines for the
court. He/She shall await hearing of
Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency or
his/her own case in a separate holding
the "Riyadh Guidelines", and the United
area. A child in conflict with the law
Nations Rules for the Protection of
shall have the right to maintain contact
Juveniles Deprived of Liberty.
with his/her family through
SECTION 6. Minimum Age of Criminal
correspondence and visits, save in
Responsibility. A child fifteen (15)
exceptional circumstances;
years of age or under at the time of the
(e) the right to prompt access to legal
commission of the offense shall be
and other appropriate assistance, as
exempt from criminal liability. However,
well as the right to challenge the
the child shall be subjected to an
legality of the deprivation of his/her
intervention program pursuant to
liberty before a court or other
Section 20 of this Act.
competent, independent and impartial
A child above fifteen (15) years but
authority, and to a prompt decision on
below eighteen (18) years of age shall
such action; EScAID
likewise be exempt from criminal
(f) the right to bail and recognizance, in
liability and be subjected to an
appropriate cases;
(g) the right to testify as a witness in intervention program, unless he/she
his/her own behalf under the rule on has acted with discernment, in which
examination of a child witness; case, such child shall be subjected to
(h) the right to have his/her privacy the appropriate proceedings in
respected fully at all stages of the accordance with this Act.
proceedings; The exemption from criminal liability
(i) the right to diversion if he/she is herein established does not include
qualified and voluntarily avails of the exemption from civil liability, which
same; shall be enforced in accordance with
(j) the right to be imposed a judgment existing laws.
in proportion to the gravity of the SECTION 7. Determination of Age.
offense where his/her best interest, the The child in conflict with the law shall
rights of the victim and the needs of enjoy the presumption of minority.
society are all taken into consideration He/She shall enjoy all the rights of a
by the court, under the principle of child in conflict with the law until
restorative justice; he/she is proven to be eighteen (18)
(k) the right to have restrictions on years old or older. The age of a child
his/her personal liberty limited to the may be determined from the child's
birth certificate, baptismal certificate or (d) Public Attorney's Office (PAO);
any other pertinent documents. In the (e) Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR);
absence of these documents, age may (f) Parole and Probation Administration
be based on information from the child (PPA);
(g) National Bureau of Investigation
himself/herself, testimonies of other
persons, the physical appearance of
(h) Philippine National Police (PNP);
the child and other relevant evidence. (i) Bureau of Jail Management and
In case of doubt as to the age of the Penology (BJMP);
child, it shall be resolved in his/her (j) Commission on Human Rights
favor. (CHR);
Any person contesting the age of the (k) Technical Education and Skills
child in conflict with the law prior to the Development Authority (TESDA);
filing of the information in any (l) National Youth Commission (NYC);
appropriate court may file a case in a and
summary proceeding for the (m) Other institutions focused on
determination of age before the Family juvenile justice and intervention
Court which shall decide the case programs.
within twenty-four (24) hours from The JJWC shall be composed of
receipt of the appropriate pleadings of representatives, whose ranks shall be
all interested parties. lower than director, to be designated
If a case has been filed against the by the concerned heads of the
child in conflict with the law and is following departments or agencies:
pending in the appropriate court, the (a) Department of Justice (DOJ);
person shall file a motion to determine (b) Department of Social Welfare and
the age of the child in the same court Development (DSWD);
(c) Council for the Welfare of Children
where the case is pending. Pending
hearing on the said motion,
(d) Department of Education (DepEd);
proceedings on the main case shall be
suspended. (e) Department of the Interior and
In all proceedings, law enforcement
Local Government (DILG);
officers, prosecutors, judges and other (f) Commission on Human Rights
government officials concerned shall (CHR);
exert all efforts at determining the age (g) National Youth Commission (NYC);
of the child in conflict with the law. and
TITLE II (h) Two (2) representatives from NGOs,
Structures in the Administration of one to be designated by the Secretary
Juvenile Justice and Welfare of Justice and the other to be
SECTION 8. Juvenile Justice and Welfare
designated by the Secretary of Social
Council (JJWC). A Juvenile Justice and
Welfare and Development.
Welfare Council (JJWC) is hereby The JJWC shall convene within fifteen
created and attached to the (15) days from the effectivity of this
Department of Justice and placed Act. The Secretary of Justice and the
under its administrative supervision. Secretary of Social Welfare and
The JJWC shall be chaired by an Development shall determine the
undersecretary of the Department of organizational structure and staffing
Social Welfare and Development. It pattern of the JJWC.
shall ensure the effective The JJWC shall coordinate with the
implementation of this Act and Office of the Court Administrator and
coordination among the following the Philippine Judicial Academy to
agencies: ensure the realization of its mandate
(a) Council for the Welfare of Children and the proper discharge of its duties
(CWC); and functions, as herein provided.
(b) Department of Education (DepEd);
(c) Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG);
SECTION 9. Duties and Functions of the
JJWC. The JJWC shall have the The JJWC shall setup a mechanism to
following duties and functions: ensure that children are involved in
(a) To oversee the implementation of research and policy development.
this Act;
(b) To advise the President on all (h) Through duly designated persons
matters and policies relating to juvenile and with the assistance of the agencies
justice and welfare; provided in the preceding section, to
(c) To assist the concerned agencies in conduct regular inspections in
the review and redrafting of existing detention and rehabilitation facilities
policies/regulations or in the and to undertake spot inspections on
formulation of new ones in line with the their own initiative in order to check
provisions of this Act; compliance with the standards
(d) To periodically develop a provided herein and to make the
comprehensive 3 to 5-year national necessary recommendations to
juvenile intervention program, with the appropriate agencies;
participation of government agencies (i) To initiate and coordinate the
concerned, NGOs and youth conduct of trainings for the personnel
organization; of the agencies involved in the
(e) To coordinate the implementation of administration of the juvenile justice
the juvenile intervention programs and and welfare system and the juvenile
activities by national government intervention program;
agencies and other activities which
may have an important bearing on the (j) To submit an annual report to the
success of the entire national juvenile President on the implementation of this
intervention program. All programs Act; and
relating to juvenile justice and welfare (k) To perform such other functions as
shall be adopted in consultation with may be necessary to implement the
the JJWC; provisions of this Act.
(f) To formulate and recommend SECTION 10. Policies and Procedures on
policies and strategies in consultation Juvenile Justice and Welfare. All
with children for the prevention of government agencies enumerated in
juvenile delinquency and the Section 8 shall, with the assistance of
administration of justice, as well as for the JJWC and within one (1) year from
the treatment and rehabilitation of the the effectivity of this Act, draft policies
children in conflict with the law; and procedures consistent with the
(g) To collect relevant information and standards set in the law. These policies
conduct continuing research and and procedures shall be modified
support evaluations and studies on all accordingly in consultation with the
matters relating to juvenile justice and JJWC upon the completion of the
welfare, such as, but not limited to: national juvenile intervention program
(1) the performance and results as provided under Section 9 (d).
achieved by juvenile intervention SECTION 11. Child Rights Center (CRC).
programs and by activities of the local The existing Child Rights Center of
government units and other the Commission on Human Rights shall
government agencies; ensure that the status, rights and
(2) the periodic trends, problems and interests of children are upheld in
causes of juvenile delinquency and accordance with the Constitution and
crimes; and international instruments on human
(3) the particular needs of children in rights. The CHR shall strengthen the
conflict with the law in custody. monitoring of government compliance
The data gathered shall be used by the
of all treaty obligations, including the
JJWC in the improvement of the
timely and regular submission of
administration of juvenile justice and
reports before the treaty bodies, as
welfare system.
well as the implementation and declared a violation of the child's
dissemination of recommendations and rights.
conclusions by government agencies SECTION 15. Establishment and
as well as NGOs and civil society. Strengthening of Local Councils for the
TITLE III Protection of Children. Local Councils
Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency for the Protection of Children (LCPC)
CHAPTER 1 shall be established in all levels of local
The Role of the Different Sectors
government, and where they have
SECTION 12. The Family. The family
already been established, they shall be
shall be responsible for the primary
strengthened within one (1) year from
nurturing and rearing of children which
the effectivity of this Act. Membership
is critical in delinquency prevention. As
in the LCPC shall be chosen from
far as practicable and in accordance
among the responsible members of the
with the procedures of this Act, a child
community, including a representative
in conflict with the law shall be
from the youth sector, as well as
maintained in his/her family.
SECTION 13. The Educational System. representatives from government and
Educational institutions shall work private agencies concerned with the
together with families, community welfare of children.
The local council shall serve as the
organizations and agencies in the
primary agency to coordinate with and
prevention of juvenile delinquency and
assist the LGU concerned for the
in the rehabilitation and reintegration
adoption of a comprehensive plan on
of child in conflict with the law. Schools
delinquency prevention, and to oversee
shall provide adequate, necessary and
its proper implementation.
individualized educational schemes for
One percent (1%) of the internal
children manifesting difficult behavior
revenue allotment of barangays,
and children in conflict with the law. In
municipalities and cities shall be
cases where children in conflict with
allocated for the strengthening and
the law are taken into custody or
implementation of the programs of the
detained in rehabilitation centers, they
LCPC: Provided, That the disbursement
should be provided the opportunity to
of the fund shall be made by the LGU
continue learning under an alternative
learning system with basic literacy SECTION 16. Appointment of Local
program or non-formal education Social Welfare and Development
accreditation equivalency system. Officer. All LGUs shall appoint a duly
CaSAcH licensed social worker as its local social
SECTION 14. The Role of the Mass
welfare and development officer tasked
Media. The mass media shall play an
to assist children in conflict with the
active role in the promotion of child
rights, and delinquency prevention by SECTION 17. The Sangguniang
relaying consistent messages through Kabataan. The Sangguniang
a balanced approach. Media Kabataan (SK) shall coordinate with the
practitioners shall, therefore, have the LCPC in the formulation and
duty to maintain the highest critical implementation of a juvenile
and professional standards in reporting intervention and diversion programs in
and covering cases of children in the community.
conflict with the law. In all publicity CHAPTER 2
concerning children, the best interest Comprehensive Juvenile Intervention
of the child should be the primordial Program
and paramount concern. Any undue, SECTION 18. Development of a
inappropriate and sensationalized Comprehensive Juvenile Intervention
publicity of any case involving a child Program. A comprehensive juvenile
in conflict with the law is hereby intervention program covering at least
a 3-year period shall be instituted in
LGUs from the barangay to the TITLE IV
provincial level. Treatment of Children Below the Age of
The LGUs shall set aside an amount Criminal Responsibility
necessary to implement their SECTION 20. Children Below the Age of
respective juvenile intervention Criminal Responsibility. If it has been
programs in their annual budget. determined that the child taken into
The LGUs, in coordination with the custody is fifteen (15) years old or
LCPC, shall call on all sectors below, the authority which will have an
concerned, particularly the child- initial contact with the child has the
focused institutions, NGOs, people's duty to immediately release the child
organizations, educational institutions, to the custody of his/her parents or
and government agencies involved in guardian, or in the absence thereof, the
delinquency prevention to participate child's nearest relative. Said authority
in the planning process and shall give notice to the local social
implementation of juvenile intervention welfare and development officer who
programs. Such programs shall be will determine the appropriate
implemented consistent with the programs in consultation with the child
national program formulated and and to the person having custody over
designed by the JJWC. the child. If the parents, guardians or
The implementation of the nearest relatives cannot be located, or
comprehensive juvenile intervention if they refuse to take custody, the child
program shall be reviewed and may be released to any of the
assessed annually by the LGUs in following: a duly registered
coordination with the LCPC. Results of nongovernmental or religious
the assessment shall be submitted by organization; a barangay official or a
the provincial and city governments to member of the Barangay Council for
the JJWC not later than March 30 of the Protection of Children-(BCPC); a
every year. AECIaD local social welfare and development
SECTION 19. Community-based officer; or, when and where
Programs on Juvenile Justice and appropriate, the DSWD. If the child
Welfare. Community-based referred to herein has been found by
programs on juvenile justice and the Local Social Welfare and
welfare shall be instituted by the LGUs Development Office to be abandoned,
through the LCPC, school, youth neglected or abused by his parents, or
organizations and other concerned in the event that the parents will not
agencies. The LGUs shall provide comply with the prevention program,
community-based services which the proper petition for involuntary
respond to the special needs, commitment shall be filed by the
problems, interests and concerns of DSWD or the Local Social Welfare and
children and which offer appropriate Development Office pursuant to
counseling and guidance to them and Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise
their families. These programs shall known as "The Child and Youth Welfare
consist of three levels: Code".
(a) Primary intervention includes TITLE V
general measures to promote social Juvenile Justice and Welfare System
justice and equal opportunity, which CHAPTER 1
tackle perceived root causes of Initial Contact With the Child
offending; SECTION 21. Procedure for Taking the
(b) Secondary intervention includes Child into Custody. From the moment
measures to assist children at risk; and a child is taken into custody, the law
(c) Tertiary intervention includes enforcement officer shall:
measures to avoid unnecessary contact (a) Explain to the child in simple
with the formal justice system and language and in a dialect that he/she
other measures to prevent reoffending: can understand why he/she is being
placed under custody and the offense necessary, the child shall be secured in
that he/she allegedly committed; quarters separate from that of the
(b) Inform the child of the reason for opposite sex and adult offenders;
such custody and advise the child of (l) Record the following in the initial
his/her constitutional rights in a investigation:
language or dialect understood by (1) Whether handcuffs or other
him/her; cdphil instruments of restraint were used, and
(c) Properly identify himself/herself and if so, the reason for such;
present proper identification to the (2) That the parents or guardian of a
child; child, the DSWD, and the PAO have
(d) Refrain from using vulgar or profane been duly informed of the
words and from sexually harassing or apprehension and the details thereof;
abusing, or making sexual advances on and
the child in conflict with the law; (3) The exhaustion of measures to
(e) Avoid displaying or using any determine the age of a child and the
firearm, weapon, handcuffs or another precise details of the physical and
instruments of force or restraint, unless medical examination or the failure to
absolutely necessary and only after all submit a child to such examination;
other methods of control have been and
exhausted and have failed; (m) Ensure that all statements signed
(f) Refrain from subjecting the child in by the child during investigation shall
conflict with the law to greater restraint be witnessed by the child's parents or
than is necessary for his/her guardian, social worker, or legal
apprehension; counsel in attendance who shall affix
(g) Avoid violence or unnecessary his/her signature to the said statement.
force; A child in conflict with the law shall
(h) Determine the age of the child only be searched by a law enforcement
pursuant to Section 7 of this Act; officer of the same gender and shall
(i) Immediately but not later than eight not be locked up in a detention cell.
(8) hours after apprehension, turn over IDTSaC
custody of the child to the Social SECTION 22. Duties During Initial
Welfare and Development Office or Investigation. The law enforcement
other accredited NGOs, and notify the officer shall, in his/her investigation,
child's parents/guardians and Public determine where the case involving the
Attorneys' Office of the child's child in conflict with the law should be
apprehension. The social welfare and referred.
development officer shall explain to the The taking of the statement of the child
child and the child's parents/guardians shall be conducted in the presence of
the consequences of the child's act the following: (1) child's counsel of
with a view towards counseling and choice or in the absence thereof, a
rehabilitation, diversion from the lawyer from the Public Attorney's
criminal justice system, and reparation, Office; (2) the child's parents, guardian,
if appropriate; or nearest relative, as the case may be;
(j) Take the child immediately to the and (3) the local social welfare and
proper medical and health officer for a development officer. In the absence of
thorough physical and mental the child's parents, guardian, or
examination. The examination results nearest relative, and the local social
shall be kept confidential unless welfare and development officer, the
otherwise ordered by the Family Court. investigation shall be conducted in the
Whenever the medical treatment is presence of a representative of an
required, steps shall be immediately NGO, religious group, or member of the
undertaken to provide the same; BCPC.
After the initial investigation, the local
(k) Ensure that should detention of the social worker conducting the same may
child in conflict with the law be do either of the following:
(a) Proceed in accordance with Section phases of the proceedings including
20 if the child is fifteen (15) years or judicial level.
below or above fifteen (15) but below SECTION 25. Conferencing, Mediation
eighteen (18) years old, who acted and Conciliation. A child in conflict
without discernment; and with the law may undergo
(b) If the child is above fifteen (15) conferencing, mediation or conciliation
years old below eighteen (18) and who outside the criminal justice system or
acted with discernment, proceed to prior to his entry into said system. A
diversion under the following chapter. contract of diversion may be entered
CHAPTER 2 into during such conferencing,
Diversion mediation or conciliation proceedings.
SECTION 23. System of Diversion. SECTION 26. Contract of Diversion. If
Children in conflict with the law shall during the conferencing, mediation or
undergo diversion programs without conciliation, the child voluntarily
undergoing court proceedings subject admits the commission of the act, a
to the conditions herein provided: diversion program shall be developed
(a) Where the imposable penalty for
when appropriate and desirable as
the crime committed is not more than
determined under Section 30. Such
six (6) years imprisonment, the law
admission shall not be used against the
enforcement officer or Punong
child in any subsequent judicial, quasi-
Barangay with the assistance of the
judicial or administrative proceedings.
local social welfare and development
The diversion program shall be
officer or other members of the LCPC
effective and binding if accepted by the
shall conduct mediation, family
parties concerned. The acceptance
conferencing and conciliation and,
shall be in writing and signed by the
where appropriate, adopt indigenous
parties concerned and the appropriate
modes of conflict resolution in
authorities. The local social welfare and
accordance with the best interest of
development officer shall supervise the
the child with a view to accomplishing
implementation of the diversion
the objectives of restorative justice and
program. The diversion proceedings
the formulation of a diversion program.
shall be completed within forty-five
The child and his/her family shall be
(45) days. The period of prescription of
present in these activities.
the offense shall be suspended until
(b) In victimless crimes where the
the completion of the diversion
imposable penalty is not more than six
proceedings but not to exceed forty-
(6) years imprisonment, the local social
five (45) days.
welfare and development officer shall
The child shall present himself/herself
meet with the child and his/her parents
to the competent authorities that
or guardians for the development of
imposed the diversion program at least
the appropriate diversion and
once a month for reporting and
rehabilitation program, in coordination
evaluation of the effectiveness of the
with the BCPC;
(c) Where the imposable penalty for
Failure to comply with the terms and
the crime committed exceeds six (6)
conditions of the contract of diversion,
years imprisonment, diversion
as certified by the local social welfare
measures may be resorted to only by
and development officer, shall give the
the court.
offended party the option to institute
SECTION 24. Stages Where Diversion
the appropriate legal action.
May be Conducted. Diversion may
The period of prescription of the
be conducted at the Katarungang
offense shall be suspended during the
Pambarangay, the police investigation
effectivity of the diversion program,
or the inquest or preliminary
but not exceeding a period of two (2)
investigation stage and at all levels and
years. SACTIH
SECTION 27. Duty of the Punong (d) The influence of the family and
Barangay When There is No Diversion. environment on the growth of the child;
If the offense does not fall under (e) The reparation of injury to the
Section 23(a) and (b), or if the child, victim;
his/her parents or guardian does not (f) The weight of the evidence against
consent to a diversion, the Punong the child;
(g) The safety of the community; and
Barangay handling the case shall,
(h) The best interest of the child.
within three (3) days from SECTION 30. Formulation of the
determination of the absence of Diversion Program. In formulating a
jurisdiction over the case or diversion program, the individual
termination of the diversion characteristics and the peculiar
proceedings, as the case may be, circumstances of the child in conflict
forward the records of the case of the with the law shall be used to formulate
child to the law enforcement officer, an individualized treatment.
prosecutor or the appropriate court, as The following factors shall be
the case may be. Upon the issuance of considered in formulating a diversion
the corresponding document, certifying program for the child:
to the fact that no agreement has been (a) The child's feelings of remorse for
reached by the parties, the case shall the offense he/she committed;
be filed according to the regular (b) The parents' or legal guardians'
process. ability to guide and supervise the child;
SECTION 28. Duty of the Law (c) The victim's view about the
Enforcement Officer When There is No propriety of the measures to be
Diversion. If the offense does not fall imposed; and
under Section 23(a) and (b), or if the (d) The availability of community-based
child, his/her parents or guardian does programs for rehabilitation and
not consent to a diversion, the Women reintegration of the child.
and Children Protection Desk of the SECTION 31. Kinds of Diversion
PNP, or other law enforcement officer Programs. The diversion program
handling the case shall, within three (3) shall include adequate socio-cultural
days from determination of the and psychological responses and
absence of jurisdiction over the case or services for the child. At the different
termination of diversion proceedings, stages where diversion may be
forward the records of the case of the resorted to, the following diversion
child under custody, to the prosecutor programs may be agreed upon, such
of judge concerned for the conduct of as, but not limited to:
(a) At the level of the Punong
inquest and/or preliminary
investigation to determine whether or
(1) Restitution of property;
not the child should remain under (2) Reparation of the damage caused;
custody and correspondingly charged (3) Indemnification for consequential
in court. The document transmitting damages;
said records shall display the word (4) Written or oral apology;
"CHILD" in bold letters. (5) Care, guidance and supervision
SECTION 29. Factors in Determining orders;
Diversion Program. In determining (6) Counseling for the child in conflict
whether diversion is appropriate and with the law and the child's family;
desirable, the following factors shall be (7) Attendance in trainings, seminars
taken into consideration: and lectures on:
(a) The nature and circumstances of (i) anger management skills;
the offense charged; (ii) problem solving and/or conflict
(b) The frequency and the severity of resolution skills;
the act; (iii) values formation; and
(c) The circumstances of the child (e.g.
age, maturity, intelligence, etc.);
(iv) other skills which will aid the child information, and place of detention of
in dealing with situations which can the child in conflict with the law.
lead to repetition of the offense; Upon determination of probable cause
(8) Participation in available by the prosecutor, the information
community-based programs, including against the child shall be filed before
community service; or the Family Court within forty-five (45)
(9) Participation in education, vocation days from the start of the preliminary
and life skills programs. investigation.
(b) At the level of the law enforcement CHAPTER 4
officer and the prosecutor: Court Proceedings
(1) Diversion programs specified under SECTION 34. Bail. For purpose of
paragraphs (a)(1) to (a)(9) herein; and recommending the amount of bail, the
(2) Confiscation and forfeiture of the privileged mitigating circumstance of
proceeds or instruments of the crime; minority shall be considered.
(c) At the level of the appropriate court: SECTION 35. Release on Recognizance.
(1) Diversion programs specified under Where a child is detained, the court
paragraphs (a) and (b) above; shall order:
(2) Written or oral reprimand or (a) the release of the minor or
citation; recognizance to his/her parents and
(3) Fine;
other suitable persons; AHDcCT
(4) Payment of the cost of the
(b) the release of the child in conflict
proceedings; or
with the law on bail; or
(5) Institutional care and custody.
(c) the transfer of the minor to a youth
Prosecution detention home/youth rehabilitation
SECTION 32. Duty of the Prosecutor's center.
Office. There shall be a specially The court shall not order the detention
trained prosecutor to conduct inquest, of a child in a jail pending trial or
preliminary investigation and hearing of his/her case.
SECTION 36. Detention of the Child
prosecution of cases involving a child in
Pending Trial. Children detained
conflict with the law. If there is an
pending trial may be released on bail
allegation of torture or ill-treatment of
or recognizance as provided for under
a child in conflict with the law during
Sections 34 and 35 under this Act. In all
arrest or detention, it shall be the duty
other cases and whenever possible,
of the prosecutor to investigate the
detention pending trial may be
replaced by alternative measures, such
as close supervision, intensive care or
SECTION 33. Preliminary Investigation
placement with a family or in an
and Filing of Information. The
educational setting or home.
prosecutor shall conduct a preliminary
Institutionalization or detention of the
investigation in the following instances:
child pending trial shall be used only as
(a) when the child in conflict with the
a measure of last resort and for the
law does not qualify for diversion; (b)
shortest possible period of time.
when the child, his/her parents or
Whenever detention is necessary, a
guardian does not agree to diversion as
child will always be detained in youth
specified in Sections 27 and 28; and (c)
detention homes established by local
when considering the assessment and
governments, pursuant to Section 8 of
recommendation of the social worker,
the Family Courts Act, in the city or
the prosecutor determines that
municipality where the child resides.
diversion is not appropriate for the In the absence of a youth detention
child in conflict with the law. home, the child in conflict with the law
Upon serving the subpoena and the
may be committed to the care of the
affidavit of complaint, the prosecutor
DSWD or a local rehabilitation center
shall notify the Public Attorney's Office
recognized by the government in the
of such service, as well as the personal
province, city or municipality within the
jurisdiction of the court. The center or of the offense, which shall be enforced
agency concerned shall be responsible in accordance with law.
for the child's appearance to court SECTION 40. Return of the Child in
whenever required. Conflict with the Law to Court. If the
SECTION 37. Diversion Measures. court finds that the objective of the
Where the maximum penalty imposed disposition measures imposed upon the
by law for the offense with which the child in conflict with the law have not
child in conflict with the law is charged been fulfilled, or if the child in conflict
is imprisonment of not more than with the law has willfully failed to
twelve (12) years, regardless of the comply with the conditions of his/her
fine or fine alone regardless of the disposition or rehabilitation program,
amount, and before arraignment of the the child in conflict with the law shall
child in conflict with the law, the court be brought before the court for
shall determine whether or not execution of judgment.
diversion is appropriate. If said child in conflict with the law has
SECTION 38. Automatic Suspension of reached eighteen (18) years of age
Sentence. Once the child who is while under suspended sentence, the
under eighteen (18) years of age at the court shall determine whether to
time of the commission of the offense discharge the child in accordance with
is found guilty of the offense charged, this Act, to order execution of
the court shall determine and ascertain sentence, or to extend the suspended
any civil liability which may have sentence for a certain specified period
resulted from the offense committed. or until the child reaches the maximum
However, instead of pronouncing the age of twenty-one (21) years.
judgment of conviction, the court shall SECTION 41. Credit in Service of
place the child in conflict with the law Sentence. The child in conflict with
under suspended sentence, without the law shall be credited in the services
need of application: Provided, however, of his/her sentence with the full time
That suspension of sentence shall still spent in actual commitment and
be applied even if the juvenile is detention under this Act.
already eighteen years (18) of age or SECTION 42. Probation as an
more at the time of the pronouncement Alternative to Imprisonment. The
of his/her guilt. court may, after it shall have convicted
Upon suspension of sentence and after and sentenced a child in conflict with
considering the various circumstances the law, and upon application at any
of the child, the court shall impose the time, place the child, on probation in
appropriate disposition measures as lieu of service of his/her sentence
provided in the Supreme Court Rule on taking into account the best interest of
Juveniles in Conflict with the Law. the child. For this purpose, Section 4 of
SECTION 39. Discharge of the Child in Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise
Conflict with the Law. Upon the known as the "Probation Law of 1976,"
recommendation of the social worker is hereby amended accordingly.
who has custody of the child, the court CHAPTER 5
shall dismiss the case against the child Confidentiality of Records and
whose sentence has been suspended Proceedings
SECTION 43. Confidentiality of Records
and against whom disposition
and Proceedings. All records and
measures have been issued, and shall
proceedings involving children in
order the final discharge of the child if
conflict with the law from initial contact
it finds that the objective of the
until final disposition of the case shall
disposition measures have been
be considered privileged and
The discharge of the child in conflict confidential. The public shall be
with the law shall not affect the civil excluded during the proceedings and
liability resulting from the commission the records shall not be disclosed
directly or indirectly to anyone by any in a register exclusively for children in
of the parties or the participants in the conflict with the law. No child shall be
proceedings for any purpose admitted in any facility where there is
whatsoever, except to determine if the no such register. AHSaTI
child in conflict with the law may have SECTION 46. Separate Facilities from
his/her sentence suspended or if Adults. In all rehabilitation or training
he/she may be granted probation facilities, it shall be mandatory that
under the Probation Law, or to enforce children shall be separated from adults
the civil liability imposed in the criminal unless they are members of the same
action. IcDCaT family. Under no other circumstance
The component authorities shall shall a child in conflict with the law be
undertake all measures to protect this placed in the same confinement as
confidentiality of proceedings, adults.
including non-disclosure of records to The rehabilitation, training or
the media, maintaining a separate confinement area of children in conflict
police blotter for cases involving with the law shall provide a home
children in conflict with the law and environment where children in conflict
adopting a system of coding to conceal with the law can be provided with
material information which will lead to quality counseling and treatment.
the child's identity. Records of a child in SECTION 47. Female Children.
conflict with the law shall not be used Female children in conflict with the law
in subsequent proceedings for cases placed in an institution shall be given
involving the same offender as an special attention as to their personal
adult, except when beneficial for the needs and problems. They shall be
offender and upon his/her written handled by female doctors, correction
consent. officers and social workers, and shall
A person who has been in conflict with be accommodated separately from
the law as a child shall not be held male children in conflict with the law.
under any provision of law, to be guilty SECTION 48. Gender-Sensitivity
of perjury or of concealment or Training. No personnel of
misrepresentation by reason of his/her rehabilitation and training facilities
failure to acknowledge the case or shall handle children in conflict with the
recite any fact related thereto in law without having undergone gender
response to any inquiry made to sensitivity training.
SECTION 49. Establishment of Youth
him/her for any purpose.
TITLE VI Detention Homes. The LGUs shall set
Rehabilitation and Reintegration aside an amount to build youth
SECTION 44. Objective of Rehabilitation detention homes as mandated by the
and Reintegration. The objective of Family Courts Act. Youth detention
rehabilitation and reintegration of homes may also be established by
children in conflict with the law is to private and NGOs licensed and
provide them with interventions, accredited by the DSWD, in
approaches and strategies that will consultation with the JJWC.
enable them to improve their social SECTION 50. Care and Maintenance of
functioning with the end goal of the Child in Conflict with the Law.
reintegration to their families and as The expenses for the care and
productive members of their maintenance of a child in conflict with
communities. the law under institutional care shall be
SECTION 45. Court Order Required. borne by his/her parents or those
No child shall be received in any persons liable to support him/her:
rehabilitation or training facility without Provided, That in case his/her parents
a valid order issued by the court after a or those persons liable to support
hearing for the purpose. The details of him/her cannot pay all or part of said
this order shall be immediately entered expenses, the municipality where the
offense was committed shall pay one- community. Under the supervision and
third (1/3) of said expenses or part guidance of the local social welfare and
thereof; the province to which the development officer, and in
municipality belongs shall pay one- coordination with his/her
third (1/3) and the remaining one-third parents/guardian, the child in conflict
(1/3) shall be borne by the national with the law shall participate in
government. Chartered cities shall pay community-based programs, which
two-thirds (2/3) of said expenses; and shall include, but not limited to:
in case a chartered city cannot pay (1) Competency and life skills
said expenses, part of the internal development;
revenue allotments applicable to the (2) Socio-cultural and recreational
unpaid portion shall be withheld and activities;
(3) Community volunteer projects;
applied to the settlement of said
(4) Leadership training;
obligations: Provided, further, That in (5) Social services;
the event that the child in conflict with (6) Homelife services;
the law is not a resident of the (7) Health services;
municipality/city where the offense was (8) Spiritual enrichment; and
committed, the court, upon its (9) Community and family welfare
determination, may require the services.
city/municipality where the child in In accordance therewith, the family of
conflict with the law resides to shoulder the child in conflict with the law shall
the cost. endeavor to actively participate in the
community-based rehabilitation.
All city and provincial governments Based on the progress of the youth in
must exert effort for the immediate the community, a final report will be
establishment of local detention homes forwarded by the local social welfare
for children in conflict with the law. and development officer to the court
SECTION 51. Confinement of Convicted for final disposition of the case.
Children in Agricultural Camps and If the community-based programs are
other Training Facilities. A child in provided as diversion measures under
conflict with the law may, after Chapter II, Title V, the programs
conviction and upon order of the court, enumerated above shall be made
be made to serve his/her sentence, in available to the child in conflict with
lieu of confinement in a regular penal the law.
SECTION 53. Youth Rehabilitation
institution, in an agricultural camp and
Center. The youth rehabilitation
other training facilities that may be
center shall provide 24-hour group
established, maintained, supervised
care, treatment and rehabilitation
and controlled by the BUCOR, in
services under the guidance of a
coordination with the DSWD.
SECTION 52. Rehabilitation of Children trained staff where residents are cared
in Conflict with the Law. Children in for under a structured therapeutic
conflict with the law, whose sentences environment with the end view of
are suspended may, upon order of the reintegrating them in their families and
court, undergo any or a combination of communities as socially functioning
disposition measures best suited to the individuals. A quarterly report shall be
rehabilitation and welfare of the child submitted by the center to the proper
as provided in the Supreme Court Rule court on the progress of the children in
on Juveniles in Conflict with the Law. conflict with the law. Based on the
DacASC progress of the youth in the center, a
If the community-based rehabilitation is final report will be forwarded to the
availed of by a child in conflict with the court for final disposition of the case.
law, he/she shall be released to The DSWD shall establish youth
parents, guardians, relatives or any rehabilitation centers in each region of
other responsible person in the the country.
SECTION 54. Objectives of Community- General Provisions
Based Programs. The objectives of CHAPTER 1
community-based programs are as Exempting Provisions
SECTION 57. Status Offenses. Any
(a) Prevent disruption in the education conduct not considered an offense or
or means of livelihood of the child in not penalized if committed by an adult
conflict with the law in case he/she is shall not be considered an offense and
studying, working or attending shall not be punished if committed by a
vocational learning institutions; child.
(b) Prevent separation of the child in SECTION 58. Offenses Not Applicable to
conflict with the law from his/her Children. Persons below eighteen
parents/guardians to maintain the (18) years of age shall be exempt from
support system fostered by their prosecution for the crime of vagrancy
relationship and to create greater and prostitution under Section 202 of
awareness of their mutual and the Revised Penal Code, of mendicancy
reciprocal responsibilities; under Presidential Decree No. 1563,
(c) Facilitate the rehabilitation and and sniffing of rugby under Presidential
mainstreaming of the child in conflict Decree No. 1619, such prosecution
with the law and encourage community being inconsistent with the United
support and involvement; and Nations Convention on the Rights of
(d) Minimize the stigma that attaches the Child: Provided, That said persons
to the child in conflict with the law by shall undergo appropriate counseling
preventing jail detention. aCATSI and treatment program.
SECTION 55. Criteria of Community- SECTION 59. Exemption from the
Based Programs. Every LGU shall Application of Death Penalty. The
establish community-based programs provisions of the Revised Penal Code,
that will focus on the rehabilitation and as amended, Republic Act No. 9165,
reintegration of the child. All programs otherwise known as the
shall meet the criteria to be Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
established by the JJWC which shall of 2002, and other special laws
take into account the purpose of the notwithstanding, no death penalty shall
program, the need for the consent of be imposed upon children in conflict
the child and his/her parents or legal with the law.
guardians, and the participation of the CHAPTER 2
child-centered agencies whether public Prohibited Acts
SECTION 60. Prohibition Against
or private.
SECTION 56. After-Care Support Labeling and Shaming. In the
Services for Children in Conflict with conduct of the proceedings beginning
the Law. Children in conflict with the from the initial contact with the child,
law whose cases have been dismissed the competent authorities must refrain
by the proper court because of good from branding or labeling children as
behavior as per recommendation of the young criminals, juvenile delinquents,
DSWD social worker and/or any prostitutes or attaching to them in any
accredited NGO youth rehabilitation manner any other derogatory names.
center shall be provided after-care Likewise, no discriminatory, remarks
services by the local social welfare and and practices shall be allowed
development officer for a period of at particularly with respect to the child's
least six (6) months. The service class or ethnic origin.
SECTION 61. Other Prohibited Acts.
includes counseling and other
The following and any other similar
community-based services designed to
acts shall be considered prejudicial and
facilitate social reintegration, prevent
detrimental to the psychological,
re-offending and make the children
emotional, social, spiritual, moral and
productive members of the community.
TITLE VII physical health and well-being of the
child in conflict with the law and An initial amount of Fifty million pesos
therefore, prohibited: (P50,000,000.00) for the purpose of
(a) Employment of threats of whatever setting up the JJWC shall be taken from
kind and nature; ACIDTE the proceeds of the Philippine Charity
(b) Employment of abusive, coercive Sweepstakes Office.
and punitive measures such as cursing, TITLE VIII
beating, stripping, and solitary Transitory Provisions
confinement; SECTION 64. Children in Conflict with
(c) Employment of degrading, inhuman the Law Fifteen (15) Years Old and
and cruel forms of punishment such as Below. Upon effectivity of this Act,
shaving the heads, pouring irritating, cases of children fifteen (15) years old
corrosive or harmful substances over and below at the time of the
the body of the child in conflict with the commission of the crime shall
law, or forcing him/her to walk around immediately be dismissed and the child
the community wearing signs which shall be referred to the appropriate
embarrass, humiliate, and degrade local social welfare and development
his/her personality and dignity; and officer. Such officer, upon thorough
(d) Compelling the child to perform assessment of the child, shall
involuntary servitude in any and all determine whether to release the child
forms under any and all instances. to the custody of his/her parents, or
CHAPTER 3 refer the child to prevention programs,
Penal Provision
as provided under this Act. Those with
SECTION 62. Violation of the Provisions
suspended sentences and undergoing
of this Act or Rules or Regulations in
rehabilitation at the youth
General. Any person who violates
rehabilitation center shall likewise be
any provision of this Act or any rule or
released, unless it is contrary to the
regulation promulgated in accordance
best interest of the child.
thereof shall, upon conviction for each
SECTION 65. Children Detained Pending
act or omission, be punished by a fine
Trial. If the child is detained pending
of not less than Twenty thousand pesos
trial, the Family Court shall also
(P20,000.00) but not more than Fifty
determine whether or not continued
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or suffer
detention is necessary and, if not,
imprisonment of not less than eight (8)
determine appropriate alternatives for
years but not more than ten (10) years,
detention. If detention is necessary and
or both such fine and imprisonment at
he/she is detained with adults, the
the discretion of the court, unless a
court shall immediately order the
higher penalty is provided for in the
transfer of the child to a youth
Revised Penal Code or special laws. If
detention home.
the offender is a public officer or SECTION 66. Inventory of "Locked-up"
employee, he/she shall, in addition to and Detained Children in Conflict with
such fine and/or imprisonment, be held the Law. The PNP, the BJMP and the
administratively liable and shall suffer BUCOR are hereby directed to submit
the penalty of perpetual absolute to the JJWC, within ninety (90) days
disqualification. from the effectivity of this Act, an
inventory of all children in conflict with
Appropriation Provision
SECTION 63. Appropriations. The the law under their custody.
amount necessary to carry out the
SECTION 67. Children Who Reach the
initial implementation of this Act shall
Age of Eighteen (18) Years Pending
be charged to the Office of the
Diversion and Court Proceedings. If a
President. Thereafter, such sums as
child reaches the age of eighteen (18)
may be necessary for the continued
years pending diversion and court
implementation of this Act shall be
proceedings, the appropriate diversion
included in the succeeding General
authority in consultation with the local
Appropriations Act.
social welfare and development officer and are serving sentence at the time of
or the Family Court in consultation with the effectivity of this Act, and who were
the Social Services and Counseling below the age of eighteen (18) years at
Division (SSCD) of the Supreme Court, the time of the commission of the
as the case may be, shall determine offense for which they were convicted
the appropriate disposition. In case the and are serving sentence, shall likewise
appropriate court executes the benefit from the retroactive application
judgment of conviction, and unless the of this Act. They shall be entitled to
child in conflict with the law has appropriate dispositions provided
already availed of probation under, under this Act and their sentences shall
Presidential Decree No. 603 or other be adjusted accordingly. They shall be
similar laws, the child may apply for immediately released if they are so
probation if qualified under the qualified under this Act or other
provisions of the Probation Law. applicable law.
SECTION 68. Children Who Have Been ||| (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of
Convicted and are Serving Sentences. 2006, Republic Act No. 9344, [April 28,
Persons who have been convicted 2006])

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