Woods An Evidence-Based PS

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An Evidence-Based Strategy

for Problem Solving

DONALD R. WOODS as a framework142; others as a map139 and others show the strate-
Chemical Engineering Department gy in the context of a computer program rather than as a strategy to
McMaster University guide individuals or students.150 Only a few authors143,150,151 cite pub-
lished research to support the names used in these basic strategies.
For complex problem situations, the published strategies may be
ABSTRACT notably different.58,152161 The strategies proposed for such complex
problems usually can be represented as a series of subproblems; sub-
Over 150 published basic strategies for problem solving are docu- problems that can be solved using a basic strategy similar to those
mented and compared. Nested strategies are described. Re- given by references 1151. We refer to this application as the use of
search is summarized of the cognitive and attitudinal processing nested strategies. For example, Kepner Tregoe58 solve a trouble-
used when we solve problems. The connection between past prob- shooting situation as a series of four subproblems: 1) Prioritize the
lems that have been solved successfully, the subject knowledge, the problem, 2) Find the cause, 3) Correct the cause, and 4) Prevent the
current problem to be solved, and the problem solving process is cause from reoccurring. A strategy published for Pharmacists can
described. Problems are distinguished from exercises. Based be represented as a nested strategy that applies the same basic strat-
on the research evidence, eleven criteria are posed for the creation egy to different parts of the overall problem.151 In the analysis that
of an evidence-based strategy. A resulting strategy is described. follows, the focus is on basic strategies1151 and not ones requiring
Suggestions are given about how to overcome the propensity to use nesting or the multiple application of a basic strategy.
the strategy as a series of linear, sequential steps. Evidence is sum-
marized of the use and effectiveness of the proposed evidence-
based strategy. Most successful problem solvers use a strategy. In II. IS A STRATEGY USEFUL?
this paper, we survey published strategies, consider the research ev-
idence about the appropriateness of using and teaching via strate- Since there are so many different strategies and since few are sup-
gies, summarize pertinent research evidence about the problem ported by research evidence, is it useful to have a strategy to solve
solving process and apply criteria to devise an evidence-based problems? On the one hand, some authors noticeably avoid provid-
strategy for problem solving. ing a strategy; they prefer to use the word heuristics.162166 Some sug-
gest that using a strategy is not useful because the strategy suggests a
linearity that is not typical of the actions successful problem solvers
I. 150 PUBLISHED STRATEGIES use when they attack difficult problems.108,162 Non-linearity in the ap-
plication of the stages in a strategy is well documented. Successful
More than 150 basic strategies to solve problems in business, problem solvers do not use the stages sequentially.26,108,128,140,141,151
science, mathematics, engineering, design, military, music, art, psy- On the other hand, using a strategy has been proven to be
chology, history, nursing, medicine, and policing have been pub- effective.
lished.1150 An analysis of these basic strategies shows: Researchers analyzing protocols of successful problem
The published strategies are similar. Most start with words solvers (the so-called novice versus expert evidence169) identi-
describing an awareness of a problem; most close with an fy stages that show natural breaks corresponding to the
evaluation or verification. Most have a definition stage. stages in the problem solving process.26,85,167,168
Most have between two and seven stages. Using a strategy reinforces attributes identified with success-
A few59,81,82,96,113,143,150 explicitly link the problem solving process ful problem solvers169: characteristics of being positive and
with subject knowledge (context-specific knowledge), past willing to tackle difficult problems, being systematic and or-
experience and past solved problems. ganized.141, 169
Some strategies use a mnemonic acronym to aid recall and ap- Using a strategy as an intervention has developed students
plication: DO IT, 77 IDEAL, 99 SOLVE, 131 ABCDE, 146 and problem solving skills. Data show that those receiving practice
PHARMA.152 Some are variations on Polyas classic four-stage applying a strategy outperform, on numerous measures, stu-
strategy,6 on the Creative Problem Solving strategy from the Cre- dents who did not receive such an experience.59,60,80,81,123,141,170174
ative Education Foundation,1115 or on the McMaster Problem Using a strategy was well-received by students in the McMas-
Solving (MPS) program.140,141 Only the Nursing Profession uses a ter Problem Solving program (described in reference 141):
consistent strategy63,57g worldwide, although variations have been
published.61,62,102 Some propose different strategies for problem solv- By using a standard, well-defined procedure I can overcome my initial panic
ing, decision-making, and writing.115,127,139,142 Some refer to a strategy and gradually work my way into the problem.

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 443

I discovered that the same, organized approach can be applied to actively solve 3) Solutions to problems that have been solved successfully
technical problems and to the problems of understanding new concepts and learning. I with links and cues to the subject domain.
learned how to present my ideas and my assignments in a logical order following an 4) Pattern recognition skills to classify a new situation as either
organized format. This helps me to see where I am, where Ive been, where Im going an exercise or a problem.
and to identify any obstacle that is preventing me from getting to the next stage. 5) Generic problem solving skills.
The problem we solve is our mental internal representation of
I have also developed a new style in getting started on a problem. Previously I the situation. The creation of the internal representation seems to
delayed getting my ideas down. Now I have an identified procedure, and I can be a most challenging task. We refer to this activity as defining the
start writing down ideas about the problem following that procedure. real problem.
Problem solving occurs in short term memory (STM), which is
Using a strategy helps problem solvers
limited to four to nine chunks of information at a time.
1. Overcome any initial distress encountered naturally when Most mistakes unsuccessful problem solvers make tend to be
they begin an ambiguous and challenging problem. Having a made when they are trying to define the problem. The differences
strategy gives one an immediate task to do. between unsuccessful (novices) and successful (expert) problem
2. Focus on the different cognitive and attitudinal skills used in solvers are documented.169 Successful problem solvers use a broad
each stage. set of metacognitive and cognitive skills and attitudes. Table 1 gives
3. By providing natural times at the start and end of each stage an example listing.127,128,151,164,165,167171,177180
to explicitly monitor and reflect. Indeed, an identified transi-
tion stage might be inserted between stages.26 B. Criteria for Selecting a Strategy
4. By giving a common language to improve communication In selecting one universally-applicable, basic strategy, the criteria
and help teams stay on task. might be:
5. Improve their confidence and skill in problem solving. 1. The strategy should be general but specific enough to be use-
ful; it should provide a systematic and organized approach
that can be used for all kinds of problems, independent of the
III. SELECTING AN EVIDENCE-BASED STRATEGY subject domain: puzzles, social, family, professional, political,
artistic, or historical problems.
Here we summarize some cognitive research about problem 2. It must be consistent with the fundamentals listed in section
solving, list criteria, apply the criteria to create a strategy, and sug- A representing our understanding of how we solve problems.
gest how to overcome linearity in application. 3. If possible, none of the stages should include titles describing
a skill or attitude listed in Table 1 since that skill or attitude
A. An Evidence Base about Problem Solving could be used in many different stages. For example, brain-
The following model for problem solving has been developed storming can be used whenever we need to create ideas and
based on research findings from cognitive science: options. Hence, if a stage is labeled brainstorming we
What some perceive as being a problem others perceive as an might incorrectly infer that this is the only time when we use
exercise. The mental processes we use differ depending on the skill.
whether we are problem solving or exercise solving. In exercise 4. The number of identified stages should be more than three
solving, we retrieve a plan that was used in the past. We use pattern and less than nine, to facilitate application and recall in
recognition and identify a match between the current problem situ- STM.
ation and our internal collection of problems we have solved suc- 5. The strategy should be useful and not an academic invention.
cessfully in the past. We may need to modify things slightly. How- 6. The strategy should promote flexibility in its application.
ever, basically, we see connections between the given information 7. The strategy should be easy to describe in the classroom, yet
and the goal. We tend to work forwards from the given inputs. not be trivial. For example, read the problem and then,
Other terms used for exercise solving include algorithmic,108 re- solve it is trivial.
productive,143 and typical problems.175,176 On the other hand, in 8. To select effective methods to develop problem-solving
problem solving, we must create a plan. We are unable to find a skills, the stages in the strategy that most people perform the
match between the current problem situation and our internal col- same way should be separated from those steps where every-
lection of problems we have solved successfully in the past; no im- one applies his/her own style. For example, most people do
mediate connection can be made between the given information the following tasks essentially the same: read a problem
and the goal. We tend to work backwards from the goal toward the statement, classify information, develop a plan, and
given inputs. Other terms used for problem solving include produc- carry out a plan. On the other hand, most people differ in
tive and ill-defined143 and atypical.175,176 In this paper the focus is their approach to the following tasks: create the internal
on a strategy for problem solving. representation, make connections with their knowledge
We use five sets of cognitive skills and knowledge when we solve base, and simplify and generalize.
problems: 9. Special emphasis should be placed on stages where the re-
1) Subject knowledge that should be hierarchically stored in search evidence suggests people have the most difficulty.
memory and linked to past experience with cues. 10. The strategy should be related to results expected from the
2) Numerical order-of-magnitude experience and ancillary stage rather than to the methods; where methods are select-
knowledge in the subject domain to anchor that subject ed, then these should relate to the types of cognitive and atti-
knowledge in reality. Some refer to this as tacit knowledge. tudinal skills used.

444 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

Table 1. Metacognitive, cognitive and attitudinal skills needed for problem solving.127, 128, 151, 164, 165, 167171, 177180

11. The strategy should promote behaviors of successful prob- fined, open-ended problems and well-defined but difficult prob-
lem solvers. For example, successful problem solvers moni- lems (not exercises). Based on their input, we modified the trial
tor the process about once per minute.26 The stages selected strategy until we satisfied our criteria and the concerns of our ex-
should correspond to natural pauses in the process128 where perts. We then used that model with students for about five years,
monitoring is most appropriate. and monitored its effectiveness and the pertinence of the stages with
These criteria suggest that 1) a focus should be on the define the findings of more recent research. We modified the five-stage
stage since this is where most unsuccessful problem solvers go strategy to a six-stage strategy and changed the visual representation
wrong and 2) the define stage is complex with at least three differ- from a serial one to circular one with a central transition region. We
ent stages: engage, define the stated problem and create the internal emphasized the importance of nested strategies. Figure 1 shows our
representation. best effort at this time. Table 2 lists the tasks, and the cognitive and
attitudinal skills corresponding to the different stages. The frequent
C. An Evidence-based Strategy monitoring of the performance should be based on the behavior of
Our approach was to apply the criteria and create a trial strategy. successful problem solvers.169 Following is a description of the six
Then, we asked experts to use the strategy when they solved ill-de- stages.

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 445

Table 1 (Continued).

1) Engage: I want to and I can: We engage in reading, listen- When this six-stage strategy was used successfully with Grade 6
ing, seeing, and/or hearing about the situation and sense that a students,181 we describe this stage as a room.
problem exists. For written, text-book problems, Larkin179 found
that successful problem solvers spent two to three times longer In the room is a confidence cape that you put on when you enter the room. Also
reading an initial problem statement than did unsuccessful problem included in the room are super-sensitive gloves that help us touch or feel the parts of
solvers. Once we have identified the existence of a problem and the problem, glasses to help us read the problem statement, a big nose to aid our
have understood the given information, our next task is to motivate sense of smell and big ears to help us listen carefully to what is said about the situa-
ourselves to continue and to have confidence that we can solve it. tion. We cannot leave the room without passing Mr. Checker, seated by the door
The mantra I want to and I can summarizes this task. who asks, Are you sure you are ready to leave this room? Have you checked and

446 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

Figure 1. A strategy for problem solving: the MPS 6-stage strategy with typical cognitive and attitudinal skills noted for each stage (repro-
duced with permission from Woods, 1994151).

double checked everything? Have you put on your confidence cape and said I c. The constraints: on the inputs, on the solution and on the
want to and I can? process we can use. For example, You have three weeks to
consider the case.
2) Define-the-stated-problem: The next part of defining the d. The criteria by which we will judge an acceptable answer.
problem is to understand the stated problem statement as it is For example, Your solution must satisfy your initial criteria;
given to us. Typically, but not necessarily, this stage follows En- the evidence must substantiate your hypothesis. Often
gage: I want to and I can. We classify the given information. constraints become criteria.
Problem statements usually include: Some prefer to transform the problem first to help them define
a. The stated objective. For example, Find the force. the problem: to draw a picture, select nomenclature, consider the
b. The situation, conditions or context. What are the inputs? inferred constraints and criteria and translate the problem statement
What is the system? What is included and what is excluded? into a visual, symbolic or verbal format. Because many mistakes are

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 447

Table 2. Skills and attitudes used in different stages of a recommended strategy for problem solving.151,26,169

made during the task of transformation, we recommend that the lem, not on understanding what the problem really is and not on cre-
goal, the inputs/situation, and the constraints and criteria be identi- ating the internal image of the problem. Classify the information to
fied before transformation is attempted. The focus for this stage is to define-the-stated problem is a recommended second part of the task
classify the given information. The focus is not on solving the prob- of defining the problem We monitor this stage by asking such

448 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

Table 2. (Continued).

questions as, Have all of the conditions of the problem been 5. Do It: Methodically and systematically we carry out the
noted? Has the stated goal been stated correctly? plan.
3) Explore: This stage is probably the most underrated, most 6. Look Back: This evaluation stage is usually not done very well,
challenging and least understood stage of all the stages. In this stage if it is done at all. Yet, this stage holds the greatest potential for the
we play around with the problem statement, with our background acknowledgement of success and for improving our ability to solve
subject knowledge and with our set of problems that we solved suc- problems. Included in this stage are
cessfully in the past. We use pattern recognition to decide if this is managing the thrill (and positive stress) of having successful-
an exercise or a problem. We try to discover what the real problem ly completed the task and taking time to look back;
is. We patiently build a rich goal statement that satisfies the six checking that the answer is reasonable, error-free, and satis-
characteristics of well-stated goals.113,182 These are fies the criteria and the goal;
1. The goal is written. reflecting on what we learned about problem solving;
2. The goal is in a defined context: general and specific; now identifying and memorizing experience factors;
and then; constrained. elaborating on the situation by creating other problems that
3. The goal focuses on causes and not on symptoms. could be solved using the same subject fundamentals;
4. The owner of the goal is defined. identifying cues that connect this worked solution, the sub-
5. The achievement of the goal affects others: the stakeholders ject knowledge used, and the problem statement.
are identified. implementing, communicating, and preventing the problem
6. The goal is expressed in observable and unambiguous terms from reoccurring.
and as results to be achieved rather than actions, has mea- The monitoring questions might include, How do I terminate
surable criteria, and is capable of being achieved with the re- this stage? How might I monitor this stage?
sources available. 7) Transition: A transition stage exists after each of the six listed
The tasks we want to accomplish include: above. In figure 1 this is shown as a central hall. This stage is mainly
1. Create a reasonable internal representation of the problem a monitoring stage where we ask:
with connections to the subject domain. Highlight the criti- Where am I in the process of obtaining a solution? How do
cal features, simplify the problem, generalize by removing I assess my progress?
the constraints and by asking What if ? and Why?. How can I salvage and store valuable components from a
Guesstimate an answer. Explore the situation from many failed avenue of attack?
conflicting points-of-view. Elaborate. What do I do now? What new avenue or stage should I fol-
2. Transform the situation to ones preferred mode of expres- low? How does what I have just done affect my decisions?
sion (visual, symbols or words). What do I anticipate the outcomes to be from this next
3. Decide if this is an exercise or a problem. stage?
4. Choose the real goal and express it in terms of the six charac-
teristics listed above. D. Overcoming the Linearity in Application
5. Connect the goal and the given data. Successful problem solvers do not use the strategy serially.
6. Analyze the data; identify missing data; check the reliability Hence, we want to prevent those learning a strategy from acquiring
of the given data. the linearity mindset. Three possible options include how we pre-
4) Plan: The separation line between Explore and Plan is often sent it, what we call it and how we develop their experience with it.
very blurred because the Exploration often includes mapping out We can refrain from presenting the strategy
the subproblems and the steps to be taken; listing the data to be col- as a sequence of numbered stages: stage 1, stage 2;
lected and noting the hypotheses to be tested. The plan is often se- as a sequenced list;
lected from such options as working backwards, systematic trial- as a linear diagram. Figure 1 provides a recommended option.
and-error, creating subproblems, proving contradiction or We prefer to use the words stage, zone, or episode26 instead of
contrapositive, or making inferences.166,183,184 The monitoring ques- step. The latter tends to suggest a linear sequence of actions.
tions we use during this stage might be, What is the overall, orga- Finally, we can provide students with a workshop experience
nized plan? Is this plan well-structured and relevant? How can I as- that illustrates the non-linearity in the application of the strategy.
sess the quality of the plan and monitor progress? Details are available.151,185,186

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 449


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92. Koberg, D., and J. Bagnall, The All New Universal Traveller, 120. Kujawski, R.A., and L.L. Smith, Creative Problem Solving,
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93. Anon, Engineers Toolkit: A First Course In Engineering, Addison 121. Chambers, D. Teaching Cognitive Skills to Unprepared Stu-
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95. Conger, S., Life Skills Coaching Manual: Basic Course, Life Skills College, Memphis, TN, personal communication, 1991.
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Physics, International Summer Workshop, Research on Physics Education, Venezuela, 1990.
La Londe les Maures, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scien- 124. Swanson, R.W., Problem Solving Improvement, McGraw Hill,
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98. Metros, Susan E., Electronic Thinking Cap, Leonardo, vol. 18, ver, BC, 1991.
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99. Bransford, J.D., and B.S. Stein, The IDEAL Problem Solver, 127. Beyer, B.K., Developing a Thinking Skills Program, Allyn Bacon,
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100. Flower, L., Problem Solving Strategies for Writing, 2nd ed., Har- 128. Kimbell, R., et. al., The Assessment of Performance in Design and
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101. Reif, John, University of California, Irving, Model for Writing, Assessment Council, Newcombe House, London, UK, 1991.
personal communication, 1988. 129. Kelly, M.R., Everyones Problem Solving Handbook, Quality Re-
102. Nehring, W.M., et al., Effective Teaching: A Problem Solving sources Press, White Plains, NY, 1992.
Paradigm, Nurse Educator, vol. 11, no. 3, 1986, pp. 2326. 130. Chang, R.Y., and P.K. Kelly, Step-by-Step Problem Solving, Dut-
103. Pridham, Hansen and Conrad, cited by Nehring et al., reference ton, New York, NY, 1993.
102. 131. Allen, R.E., and S.D. Allen, Winnie-the-Pooh on Problem Solving,
104. Whetton, D.A., and K.S. Cameron, Developing Management Dutton, New York, NY, 1995.
Skills, Scott Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1984. 132. Walkup, L.E., Creativity in Science through Visualization,
105. Krulik, S., and J.A. Rudnick, Problem Solving - A Handbook for Journal of Creative Behavior, vol. 1, no. 3, July 1967, and cited by Bailey,
Teachers, Allyn Bacon Inc., Boston, 1980. #137.
106. Goldstein, H., The Problem-Oriented Approach to Improving Police 133. Diesel, H.R., Die Entstehung des Dieselmotors, Berlin, 1913,
Service, University of Wisconsin, Law School, Madison, WI, 1981. cited in Bailey, #137.
107. Holdroyd, C., in Problem Solving: Is There a Problem?, Royal Soci- 134. Asimow, M., Introduction to Design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
ety, UK, 1985. Cliffs, NJ, 1962.
108. Bodner, G.M., Toward a Uniform View of Problem Solving: 135. von Fange, E.K., Professional Creativity, Prentice-Hall, Engle-
A View from Chemistry in Toward a Unified Theory of Problem wood Cliffs, NJ, 1959.
Solving, M.U. Smith, ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 136. U.S. Army, Workbook for Military Creative Problem Solving, U.S.
1990. Army Management School, 1964, cited by Bailey, #137.

452 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

137. Bailey, R.L., Disciplined Creativity for Engineers, Ann Arbor Sci- 165. Marzano, R.J., et al., Dimension of Thinking: A Framework for Cur-
ence Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI, 1978. riculum and Instruction, Association for Supervision and Curriculum De-
138. Raybould, E.B., and A.L. Minter, Problem Solving for Manage- velopment, Alexandria, VA, 1989.
ment, British Institute of Management, London, 1971. 166. Wickelgren, W.A., How to Solve Problems, Freeman, San Francis-
139. Swartz, R.J., and D.N. Perkins, Teaching Thinking: Issues and Ap- co, CA, 1974.
proaches, Midwest Publications, Pacific Grove, CA, 1989. 167. Lin, H., Problem Solving in Introductory Physics: Demons and Diffi-
140. Woods, D.R., et al., Teaching Problem Solving Skills, Annals of culties, Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1979, and
Engineering Education, vol. 1, no. 1, 1975, pp. 238243. The Hidden Curriculum of the Introductory Physics Classroom, Engi-
141. Woods, D.R., et al., Developing Problem Solving Skills: The neering Education, vol. 70, no. 3, 1979, pp. 289294.
McMaster Problem Solving Program, Journal of Engineering Education, 168. Larkin, J.H., Cognition in Learning Physics, American Journal of
vol. 86, no. 2, 1997, pp. 7591. Physics, vol. 49, no. 6, 1981, pp. 535541.
142. Halpern, D.F., Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical 169. Woods, D.R., Novice vs. Expert Research Suggests Ideas for Im-
Thinking, 3rd edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 1996. plementation, PS Corner, Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 18, no. 1,
143. Greeno, J., The Structure of Memory and the Process of Solving 1988, pp. 7779; no. 2, 1988, pp. 138141; no. 3, 1989, pp. 193195.
Problems, in Contemporary Issues in Cognitive Psychology: Loyola Sympo- 170. Larkin, J.H., Processing Information for Effective Problem Solving,
sium, R. Solso, ed., Winston, Washington, DC, 1973. paper, American Association of Physics Teachers, Chicago, IL, Feb.,
144. Ausubel, D.P., Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View, Holt 1977; Larkin, J.H., Developing Useful Instruction in Thinking Skills, unpub-
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145. http://www.cotf.edu/ETE/pbe.html, May 18, 1997. ley, CA., 1975, and Reif, F., J.H. Larkin, and G.C. Brackett, Teaching
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147. McAllister, H.C., http://www2.hawaii.edu/suremath/learn4.htm, 171. Reif, F., and J.I. Heller, Knowledge Structures and Problem
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148. Applied Computer Technology, http://www.acomtech.com/act/ 102127.
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150. Newell, A., and H.A., Simon, Human Problem Solving, Prentice- 173. Felder, R.M., et al., A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Stu-
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151. Woods, D.R., Problem-based Learning: How to Gain the Most from taught students, Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 87, no. 4, 1998,
PBL, Woods, Waterdown, ON, 1994. pp. 469480, http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/
152. Ponting, A., et al., PHARMA Learn: Karen Yee, a Patient Study Papers/long5.html.
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AB, 1997. neering Education, vol. 69, 1979, pp. 384398.
153. Ford Motor Company, Team Oriented Problem Solving, 3rd edi- 175. Patel, V.L., and C.L. Frederiksen, Cognitive Processes in Com-
tion, Powertrain Operations, Ford, 1989. prehension and Knowledge Acquisition by Medical Students and Physi-
154. Lawson, B., How Designers Think, The Architectural Press, Lon- cians, Tutorials in Problem-based Learning: New Directions in Teaching the
don, 1980. Health Professionals, H.G. Schmidt and M.L. de Volder, eds., Van Gorcum,
155. EPA, The EPA Manual for Waste Minimization Opportunity As- Maastricht, 1984.
sessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, 176. Perkins, D.N., and G. Salomon, Are Cognitive Skills Context-
1988. Bound, Educational Researcher, Jan.Feb. 1989, pp. 1625.
156. Gerbis, M.B., Planning and Implementation Approaches for Waste 177. Paul, R., Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a
Reduction Programs, M.Eng. Thesis, Chemical Engineering, McMaster Rapidly Changing World, 2nd edition, Foundation for Critical Thinking,
University, Hamilton, ON, 1992. Santa Rosa, CA, 1992.
157. Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, Waste Manage- 178. Reif, F., Millikan Lecture 1994: Understanding and Teaching
ment Planning: Vol. 1, Environmental Assessment Branch, Toronto, 1994. Important Scientific Thought Processes, American Journal of Physics, vol.
158. Barrows, H.S., and G.C. Pickell, Developing Clinical Problem- 63, no. 1, 1995, pp. 1732.
Solving Skills, Norton Medical Books, New York, 1991. 179. Larkin, J.H., Spatial Reasoning in Solving Physics Problems, De-
159. Cooper, R.G., Winning at New Products, Gage, Toronto, 1987. partment of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
160. Sherwood, T.K., A Course in Process Design, MIT Press, Cam- 1983.
bridge, MA, 1963. 180. Woods, D.R., et al., Major Challenges to Teaching Problem
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Canada, Sept. 1966, pp. 46. 277284.
162. Koen, B.V., Discussion of the Method, Mechanical Engineering 181. Thomson, A., Teaching Thinking in Grades 4 to 6, PS News,
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163. Starfield, A.M., K.A. Smith, and A.L. Bleloch, How to Model It: 182. Woods, D.R., MPS 31, Defining Real Problexsms and MPS 54, Goals,
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164. Rubinstein, M.F., and I.R. Forstenberg, Patterns in Problem Solv- 183. Stonewater, J.K., Introduction to Reasoning and Problem Solving,
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October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 453

184. Solow, D., How to Read and Do Proofs, John Wiley and Sons, New 13, 14. [General] 1. The mess, 2. Fact finding, 3. Idea finding,
York, NY, 1982. 4. Solution finding, 5. Acceptance finding.
185. Woods, D.R., Problem Based Learning: Resources to Gain the Most 15a. [General Creative problem solving] 1. Define the prob-
from PBL, Woods, Waterdown, distributed by McMaster University lem, 2. Introspection, 3. Internal/past experience infor-
Bookstore, Hamilton, ON, 1999. mation retrieval, 4. External information retrieval (Inter-
186. Woods, D.R., MPS 4, Strategy, http://chemeng/mcmaster.ca/ net, library), 5. Idea generation, 6. Modify ideas to make
innov1.htm, MPS program, April 1999. them practical, 7. Selection of best idea, 8. Develop work
187. Heppner, P.P., The PSI Manual, 210 McAlester Hall, University plans, 9. Implement selected work plan.
of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, 1986; Available as the Problem 15b. [General Synectics] 1. Problem-centered phase (prob-
Solving Inventory, PSI, from Psychological Assessment Resources. lem as given, understand problem, immediate response,
188. Fogler, H.S., Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice- problem as understood), 2. Idea generation by Fantasy
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986. phase using triggers, 3. Second problem-centered phase,
189. Fogler, H.S., and S.L. LeBlanc, Strategies for Creative Problem force fit fantasy into reality and 4. Evaluate.
Solving, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. 16. [Engineering] 1. Choose a point of view, 2. Compose the
190. Wankat, P.C., Equilibrium Staged Processes, Elsevier, New York, problem, 3. Assess composed problem, 4. Choose most
NY, 1988. valuable problem to try to solve, 5. Sort information,
191. Beckman, O., et al., Energilara, Almquist and Wiksell, Stock- 6. Propose potential solutions, 7. Evaluate, 8. Recom-
holm, 1984. mend action.
17, 18. [Guided design] 1. Recognize problem, 2. State basic ob-
jective, 3. Gather information, 4. State constraints, facts,
APPENDIX assumptions, 5. Generate possible solutions, 6. Evaluate
and make decision, 7. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation
Example Strategies of the solution, 8. Report results and recommend action.
1. [Science] 1. General orientation (recognize the problem 19. [Guided decision making] 1. Identify the problem,
exists and be positive in approach), 2. Problem definition 2. State the problem, 3. Gather information, 4. List as-
and formulation, 3. Generation of alternatives, 4. Deci- sumptions, facts, 5. List possible solutions, 6. Choose the
sion making, 5. Verification. best solutions, 7. Analyze, 8. Synthesize, 9. Evaluate the
2. [Science] 1. Understand nature of the problem, 2. Un- plan, 10. Implement the plan, 11. Check the results.
derstand ideas contained in the problem, 3. Procedures 20. [Guided decision making] 1. Define the situation,
used, 4. Attitude towards the solution. 2. State the goal, 3. Generate ideas, 4. Prepare a plan,
3. [Science] 1. Preparation, 2. Incubation, 3. Inspiration, 5. Take action, 6. Think about thinking.
4. Verification. 21a. [General, word problems] 1. Read the problem state-
4. [Science] 1. Difficulty felt, 2. Problem clarified and de- ment, 2. Check the units, 3. Build relationships, 4. Solve,
fined, 3. Search for clues is made, 4. Various suggestions 5. Check the result.
appear and are tried out, 5. Suggestion solution is accept- 21b. [General, word problems] 1. Goal, 2. Situation, 3. Plan,
ed, 6. The solution is tested. 4. Action/solve, 5. Check.
5. [Entrepreneurship] 1. Idea generation or identify the 22. [Business] 1. Problem formulation, 2. Data collection, 3.
problem, 2. Initial screen, 3. Complete the problem Abstraction, 4. Quantitative modeling, 5. Deduction, 6.
statement and define critical steps, 4. Translate, 5. Sketch Analysis, 7. Interpretation, 8. Data collection and verifi-
a diagram, 6. Sketch or guess a better answer, 7. List as- cation.
sumptions and try simplest analysis, 8. Estimate the solu- 23. [Science] 1. Define the problem, 2. Plan the attack,
tion, 9. Evaluate and explore implications. 3. Execute the plan, 4. Check, 5. Learn and generalize.
6. [Science] 1. Define, 2. Plan, 3. Carry out the plan, 24. [Engineering Design] 1. Recognition, 2. Preparation, 3.
4. Look back. Analysis, 4. Synthesis, 5. Evaluation, 6. Implementation,
7. [Engineering] 1. Identify the objectives, 2. Identify im- 7. Communication.
portant variable, 3. Use dimensionless analysis, 4. Identi- 25. [Engineering Design] 1.Recognition and definition,
fy apparatus to be used, 5. Plan tests, 6. Plan data collec- 2. Preparation, 3. Analysis, 4. Synthesis, 5. Evaluation,
tion activities, 7. Interpret control curves, 8. Evaluate, 6. Presentation.
9. Decided how to report results. 26. [Mathematics] 1. Analysis (understand, simplify, refor-
8. [General hypothesis testing] 1. Observe and gather data, mulate), 2. Design the structure, the argument, decom-
2. Formulate hypothesis, 3. Design test of hypothesis, pose from global to specific, 3. Explore, to look for essen-
4. Interpret data, 5. Evaluate ? is hypothesis confirmed? tially equivalent problems, slightly modified problems
9. [Physics] 1. Set up the problem, 2. Analyze physics, and broadly modified problems, recycle to analysis to
3. Analyze mathematics. gather more information, 4. Implementation, step by
10. [General] 1. Fact finding, 2. Problem finding, 3. Idea step execution with local verification, 5. Verification via
finding, 4. Solution finding, 5. Acceptance finding. specific and general tests.
11. 12. [General] 1. Mess finding, 2. Data finding, 3. Problem 27. [Philosophy General] 1. Difficulty felt, 2. Difficulty lo-
finding, 4. Idea finding, 5. Solution finding, 6. Accep- cated and defined, 3. Possible solutions suggested,
tance finding. 4. Consequences, 5. Solutions accepted.

454 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

28. [Philosophy] 1. Need or difficulty observed, 2. Problem 42. [General] 1. Formulate the problem, 2. Interpret the
formulated, 3. Available information surveyed, 4. Solu- problem, 3. Construct courses of action, 4. Make deci-
tions formulated, 5. Solutions critically examined, 6. New sion, 5. Implement.
ideas formulated, 7. New ideas tested and accepted. 43, 44. [General] 1. Problem finding (choose model, compare
29. [Group process] 1. Orientation, decide what the situa- with reality, identify difference, select differences), 2.
tion is like, 2. Evaluation, deciding what attitudes should Problem solving (consider alternatives, evaluate conse-
be taken toward the situation, 3. Control, deciding what quences, select an operator, execute an operator).
to do about it. 45a. [General] 1. Problem exploration, 2. Knowledge explo-
30. [Group process] 1. Personal-need oriented not group- ration, 3. Preliminary review, 4. Design and implementa-
oriented, 2. Maintain the group task. Group-oriented but tion, 5. Evaluation and review.
routine, 3. Group focussed work with new methods of at- 45b. [General] 1. Fact finding (problem search and data gen-
tack, goal establishment and idea testing, 4. Creative in- eration), 2. Evaluation (information synthesis, screening
tegrative interpretation with immediate relevance to pre- and choice).
sent problems and group task. 46. [Business] 1. Review and adjust rational conditions, per-
31. [Group process] 1. Forming, attempt to identify the task, ceptions and attitudes, 2. define problem: group identifi-
2. Storming, emotional response to the task, 3. Norming, cation of needs and values, 3. Search process, 4. Reach
expressing opinions, 4. Performing, solutions emerge. consensus as to decision and action.
32. [Group process] 1. Orientation, 2. Conflict, 3. Emer- 47. [Business] 1. Problem definition, 2. Full problem review,
gence, 4. Reinforcement. 3. Develop range of alternatives, 4. Debate alternatives, 5.
33. [Scientific method] 1. Observation and experiment, 2. Search for solutions, 6. Evaluate solutions, 7. Weigh al-
Analysis, synthesis of an hypothesis, 3. Inference, 4. ternatives, 8. Review, 9. Discuss, 10. Select.
Comparison and analogy. 48. [Business] 1. State of the environment, 2. Evaluation by
34. [Scientific method, SM-14] 1. Curious observation, 2. Is superior based on potential effects on organization, per-
there a problem? 3. Goals and planning, 4. Search, ex- sonality of superior and actions of others, 3. Problem
plore and gather the evidence, 5. Generate creative and solving actions of candidate based on personality, actions
logical alternative solutions, 6. Evaluate the evidence, 7. of others, opportunity to act, evaluation by superior, ef-
Make the educated guess, create an hypothesis, 8. Chal- fects on organization.
lenge the hypothesis, 9. Reach a conclusion, 10. Suspend 49. [Business] 1. Evaluation, 2. Objectives, 3. Appraisal, 4.
the judgement, 11. Take action, with supporting ingredi- Decision, 5. Implementation, 6. Recycle to evaluate.
ents, 12. Motivation and sensitivity, 13. Personal attrib- 50. [Business] 1. Sizing up, 2. Objectives, 3. Analyze poli-
utes, 14. Thinking skills, methods and processes. cies, control, leadership, industrial relations, 4. Decide
35. [Business] 1. Problem concisely formulated, 2. Localize, action.
analyze the important parameters, 3. Construct morpho- 51. [Business] 1. Evaluation, 2. Problem sensing, 3. Problem
logical box containing all potential solutions, 4. Evaluate definition, 4. Generate alternatives, 5. Evaluate, 6. De-
solutions, 5. Optimize solutions selected and apply. cide on action, 7. Plan action, 8. Do action, 9. Recycle to
36. [Physics] 1. Type the problem, identify the area or con- evaluate.
cept it deals with, 2. Identify the knowns and unknowns, 52. [English, writing] 1. Preparation: initial awareness, for-
3. Identify relationships or operations to go from the mulation of difficulty as a problem, exploration of the
knowns to the unknowns, 4. Use the relationships with problem, 2. Incubation, subconscious, 3. Illumination:
the knowns to find the unknowns, 5. Review quickly the imaginative leap to possible solution or hypothesis, 4.
content of the problem and your approach. Verification: test of hypothesis {similar to #3}.
37. [General] 1. State the problem, 2. Get the facts, 3. Focus 53. [Architecture] 1. Analysis, design brief be issued, situa-
on the important facts, 4. Generate ideas, 5. Choose the tion explored, problems structure perceived and trans-
best idea. formed, boundaries located, subsolutions described and
38. [Business] 1. Intelligence: problem recognized, informa- conflicts identified, 2. Synthesis, subsolutions combined
tion gathered and definition is formulated, 2. Design, de- into alternative design, 3. Evaluation, alternative designs
velopment of the problem, 3. Choice, solution alterna- evaluated and final design selected.
tives are selected and implemented. 54. [Physics] 1. Set up the problem, visualize, diagrams, list,
39. [General] 1. Aware, 2. Search to define problem, 3. Idea 2. Digest the problem, elaborate, abstraction, comparison
generation, 4. Choose idea, 5. Implement. to get connections, synthesis, working back from the an-
40. [General] 1. Existence of a gap in the environment, 2. swer, 3. Solve, equations systematically, 4. Check with ei-
Identification of a gap, as perceived to be affected by or- ther a result or agonize and recycle.
ganizational objectives, previous actions, training and ex- 55. [General] 1. Goals, 2. Causes, 3. Symptoms, 4. Obsta-
perience, reward system and roles and norms, 3. State ini- cles, 5. Tools for overcoming obstacles, 6. Problem mod-
tial perception of the problem, 4. Solve problem based on els, 7. Tests for success.
motivation, problem solving ability and ability to imple- 56. [Xerox-General] 1. Identify and select the problem, 2.
ment solutions, 5. Results in an effect on the initial state. Analyze the problem, 3. Generate potential solutions, 4.
41. [General] 1. Identify cause, 2. Consider alternatives, 3. Select and plan solution, 5. Implement the solution, 6.
Implement decision. Evaluate the solution.

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 455

57a. [General] 1. Recognize general problem context, 2. Ana- 58d. [KT-Potential problem analysis, PPA] 1. Identify poten-
lyze the problem, 3. Describe or define the specific problem tial problem, 2. Separate what could go wrong in each
to be solved, 4. Design solution alternative, 5. Select and subproblems and set priority, 3. Anticipate possible caus-
implement best solution alternative, 6. Evaluate solution. es, 4. Assess probabilities, 5. Take preventative action, 6.
57b. [Art] 1. Perception of a general problem, 2. Problem-task Set contingency plans, 7. Set controls.
identification, 3. Examine potential approaches, 4. Con- 59. [Science-SAP] 1. Read the problem carefully, 2. Make a
tact with the media, 5. Act the creation, 6. Complete the scheme, 3. Is it a familiar or standard problem? 4. Write
task, 7. Critique. down possibly useful key relations from subject funda-
57c. [Education] 1. Identify the problem, 2. Analyze the mentals, 5. Check that the relations pertain to this prob-
problem, 3. Formulate a concise, clear and accurate hy- lem, 6. Convert the problem situation to a familiar prob-
pothesis, 4. Test the hypothesis, 5. Evaluate. lem, 7. If not soluble, then check whether it is knowledge
57d. [History] 1. Identify the problem, 2. Analyze the prob- that is lacking through key relations or assumptions, 8.
lem, 3. Define the specific historical problem to be solved, Execute routine operations, 9. Check answer against esti-
4. Investigate historical problem, 5. State and test ex- mation of the unknown, 10. Check whether you made
planatory hypothesis concerning the historical situation, mistakes, 11. Check that all the problem is solved.
6. Evaluate relationship between historical situation and 60. [Science-SAP] 1. Analysis, read, mark, sketch, data,
contemporary process or institution. symbols, reword, estimate, get overall picture, 2. Trans-
57e. [Applied mathematics] 1. Recognize general problem, 2. formation, select relations, check relevance, transform, 3.
Analyze the problem, 3. Design tentative mathematical Explain or answer, 4. Check.
models, 4. Select the best mathematical model, 5. Evalu- 61. [Nursing] 1. Discover, 2. Delve, 3. Decide, 4. Do, 5. Dis-
ate model solution. criminate.
57f. [Theoretical mathematics] 1. Identify the general ques- 62. [Nursing] 1. Perception, 2. Interpretation, 3. Interven-
tion, 2. Analyze the problem, 3. State a tentative theorem tion, 4. Evaluation.
to be proven by deductive methods, 4. Prove theorem by 63. [Nursing] 1. Assessing, 2. Planning, 3. Implementing, 4.
deductive reasoning, 5. Formulate the established rela- Evaluation.
tionships, 6. Evaluate the theorem as it is related to the 64. [Education] 1. Assessing, 2. Planning, 3. Implementing,
general question. 4. Evaluating.
57g. [Nursing] 1. Assessment, 2. Planning, 3. Implementa- 65. [Industry] 1. Define the problem, 2. State the objective,
tion, 4. Evaluation. 3. List the alternatives, 4. Determine the restrictions, 5.
57h. [Scientific method] 1. Identify the general, broad ques- Gather information, 6. Eliminate unsuitable alternatives,
tion, 2. Design the specific question/hypothesis for a 7. Select the solution, 8. Implement the solution.
given investigation, 3. State hypothesis to be tested by 66. [Sociology] 1. Analyze varied facets of the problem, 2.
controlled experiment, 4. Design experimental procedure Select an appropriate available resource, 3. Understand
to test and verify the hypothesis, 5. Conduct repeated tri- how the outcomes depend on the response.
als of experimental test, 6. Analyze data, 7. Formulate 67. [General] 1. Analyze the problem, break into parts, judge
conclusions in the form of the possibility statement con- relative importance, assess value and validity of the com-
cerning the validity of the hypothesis, 8. Evaluate conclu- ponents, classify identify interrelationships, 2. Rely on
sions as related to the broad question of the investigation. prior experience, 3. Formulate tentative solutions, 4. Se-
57i. [Library Science] 1. Identify the problem, 2. Identify the lect best solution.
basic objective, 3. Return to the problem situation, 4. 68. [General] 1. Selective attention, 2. Sustained analysis, 3.
Generate possible solution, 5. Evaluate solutions and Analogizing, 4. Suspension of closure, 5. Autocensor-
make a decision, 6. Implement the solution and evaluate ship, test the solution covertly before affirmation.
its effectiveness. 69. [General] 1. Understand the problem, 2. Explore alter-
57j. [Music] 1. First insight, 2. Specification of the problem natives, 3. Establish goals, tactics, strategies.
task, 3. Preparation, 4. Incubation, 5. Illumination, 6. 70. [Engineering] 1. Preparation, objective setting, analysis,
Verification, 7. Performance, 8. Critique. data gathering, 2. Incubation, organize data, induction, 3.
58a. [KT-Situation analysis] 1. Recognize concerns, 2. Sepa- Verification, planning, pre-checking, activating.
rate into tractable subproblems via 5W2H, 3. Set priority, 71. [General] 1. Define the question, 2. Define the alterna-
4. Locate, 5. Select PA, DA or PPA. tives, 3. Gather information about alternatives, 4. Rate
58b. [KT-Problem analysis, PA] 1. State deviation, 2. Specify the overall worth of each alternative, 5. Select the best al-
precise deviation via is and is not for 5W2H, 3. Distin- ternative, 6. Test the conclusion.
guish between is and is not, 4. Identify what changes have 72. [Business] 1. Formulate the problem, 2. Construct the
caused distinctions, 5. Possible causes, 6. Testing, 7. Veri- model, 3. Test the model, 4. Derive a solution to the model,
fication. 5. Test and control the solution, 6. Implement the solution.
58c. [KT-Decision analysis, DA] 1. State decision, 2. List ob- 73. [Mathematics] 1. Form an image of the problem situa-
jectives, results produced and resources used, 3. Classify tion and make the necessary assumptions, 2. Search for
objectives, musts and wants, 4. Rank the wants, 5. Gener- relevant quantities to describe the problem situation, 3.
ate alternatives, 6. Evaluate the musts and wants, 7. Final Search for relevant relationships, 4. Design a plan of solu-
choice. tion, 5. Execute the plan, 6. Evaluate.

456 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

74a. [CoRT] 1. Target, 2. Expand, 3. Contract. 90. [Mathematics] 1. Entry, 2. Attack, 3. Extend, 4. Review.
74b. [CoRT] 1. Purpose, identify, 2. Input, the situation, 91. [Mathematics] 1. Analysis, 2. Interpretation, 3. Recogni-
scene, setting, 3. Solutions, generate alternatives, 4. tion, 4. Procedures, 5. Synthesis, 6. Evaluation.
Choice, decide on the best, priorities, criteria, conse- 92. [General] 1. Acceptance, 2. Analysis, 3. Definition, 4.
quences, 5. Operation, implement. Ideation, 5. Idea Selection, 6. Implementation, 7. Evalu-
75. [Girl Guides] 1. Investigate, 2. Select, 3. Plan, 4. Partici- ation.
pate, carry out the plan, 5. Evaluate. 93a. [Engineering] 1. Define the problem, 2. Collect informa-
76. [Leadership] 1. Problem identification, 2. Solution gen- tion, 3. Generate a solution, 4. Redefine and implement a
eration, 3. Evaluation, 4. Decision making, 5. Implemen- solution, 5. Verify and test the solution.
tation, 6. Evaluation. 93b. [Engineering] 1. Define the problem, 2. Gather perti-
77. [General, DO IT] 1. Define, 2. Open yourself to many nent information, 3. Generate multiple solutions, 4. An-
possible solutions, 3. Identify the best solution, 4. Trans- alyze and test a solution, 5. Test and implement the solu-
form it into action effectiveness. tion.
78 [Chemistry] 1. Define, 2. Select the appropriate informa- 94. [General] 1. Problem setting, 2. Question, 3. Alterna-
tion, 3. Combine the separate pieces of information, 4. tives, 4. Information, 5. Synthesis, 6. Conclusion.
Evaluate. 95. [Life Skills] 1. Describe the problem situation, 2. Define
79. [General] 1. Prepare, 2. Analyze, 3. Produce, 4. Verify, 5. the problem, collect facts, ask questions, 3. Choose a so-
Reapply. lution, brainstorm, apply criteria, 4. Apply the solution,
80. [Physics] 1. Focus the problem, 2. Describe the Physics, plan and carry out, 5. Evaluate the results.
3. Plan the solution, 4. Execute the plan, 5. Evaluate the 96. [Physics] 1. Problem description and analysis, obtain a
answer. basic description, obtain a theoretical description, explore
81. [Physics] 1. Visualize the problem, 2. Describe the prob- what if ? 2. Synthesis of a solution, decompose the
lem in physics terms, 3. Plan a solution, 4. Execute the problem using heuristics, explore by anticipating the con-
plan, 5. Check and evaluate. sequences, plan and progressively revise, satisfy the con-
82. [General] 1. Comprehend the problem, 2. Represent the straints, 3. Assessment. Through out all this there is in-
problem in formal terms, 3. Plan a solution, 4. Execute tense interaction with the Subject knowledge that
the plan, 5. Interpret and evaluate the solution. consists of form/content and structure.
83. [Education] 1. Presenting, 2. Defining, 3. Formulating 97. [Art] 1. Receive problem, 2. Define, 3. Relax, clear mind,
hypotheses, 4. Verifying hypotheses. 4. Enter cycle between left and right brain mental activi-
84. [Chemistry] 1. Clarify and define the problem, 2. Select ties, 5. Express yourself, 6. Test and perhaps recycle.
the key equation, 3. Derive the equation for the calcula- 98. [Art] 1. Motivate, 2. Fact find, 3. Define, 4. Ideate a so-
tion, 4. Collect data, check units and calculate, 5. Review, lution, 5. Select a solution, 6. Implement a solution, 7.
check and learn from the solution. Evaluate.
85. [Physics] 1. Read- review, 2. Define, 3. Plan, 4. Do it, 5. 99. [IDEAL] 1. Identify, 2. Define, 3. Explore, 4. Act, 5.
Look back. Look and learn.
86. [General] 1. Smoke out the issues, 2. State your purpose, 100. [Writing] 1. Plan, set goals, generate ideas, organize
3. Set your criteria, 4. Establish priorities, 5. Search for ideas, 2. Monitor, 3. Translate, 4. Review.
solutions, 6. Test the alternatives, 7. Troubleshoot your 101. [Writing] 1. Prewriting, 2. Precomposing, 3. Writing, 4.
decision. Sharing, 5. Revising, 6. Editing, 7. Evaluation.
87. [Engineering] 1. Understand the problem, 2. Create a 102. [Nursing] 1. Assessment, 2. Diagnosis, 3. Intervention,
model, reformulate into a quantitative representation, 3. 4. Evaluation.
Develop a solution strategy, 4. Apply the strategy, 5. Ver- 103. [General] 1. Scanning, 2. Formulating, 3. Appraising, 4.
ify the solution. Developmental willingness/readiness to problem solve, 5.
88a. [PBL] 1. Identify the learning objectives, 2. Interact with Plan, 6. Implement, 7. Evaluate.
the problem, 3. Identify the self-directed learning ques- 104. [Business] 1. Define the problem, 2. Generate alternative
tions, 4. Self-directed study, 5. Apply the acquired infor- solutions, 3. Evaluate and select alternative, 4. Implement
mation back to the problem, 6. Review and synthesize and follow up on the solution.
what has been learned, 7. Evaluate. 105. [General] 1. Read, 2. Explore, 3. Select a strategy, 4.
88b. [Clinical skills] 1. Perceive and interpret data, 2. Accu- Solve, 5. Review and extend.
rately formulate the problem based on the evidence avail- 106. [Police] 1. Define the problem, 2. Identify social interests
able, 3. Generate hypotheses, 4. Ask questions to elimi- and costs, 3. Document the current response, 4. Explore
nate, verify and rank hypotheses, 5. Decide when alternatives, 5. Identify criteria, 6. Choose.
sufficient evidence has been gathered and if the appropri- 107. [Chemistry] 1. Define, 2. Hypothesis formulation, 3.
ate diagnosis has been made, 6. Decide. Verification.
89. [Environment] 1. Goal setting, 2. Translate goals into 108. [Chemistry] 1. Read the problem, 2. Read it again, 3.
objectives, 3. Data collection, 4. Data analysis, 5. Genera- Write down what you hope is the relevant information, 4.
tion of alternative solutions, 6. Forecasting the outcomes Draw a picture, make a list, write an equation to help you
of the solutions, 7. Evaluation of alternatives, 8. Select begin to understand, 5. Try something, 6. Try something
the best solution, 9. Implementation, 10. Inspection. else, 7. See where it gets you, 8. Read the problem again,

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 457

9. Try something else, 10. See where that gets you. 11. determine the rules which would operate to solve the
Test intermediate results to see whether you are making problem, 4. Check your work as you are doing it, 5.
any progress toward an answer, 12. Read the problem Check your work after you have completed it.
again, 13. When appropriate, strike your head and say, 122. [Engineering] 1. Read; I want to and I can, 2. Define the
Son of ..., 14. Write down an answer, 15. Test to see if situation, 3. State the objective, 4. Explore the options, 5.
the answer makes sense, 16. Start over if you have to. Plan, 6. Do it, 7. Look back.
109. [Systems] 1. Problem definition, 2. Choice of objectives, 123. [Chemistry] 1. Understand the problem, 2. Plan, 3. Exe-
3. System synthesis, 4. Systems analysis, 5. System selec- cute, 4. Verify.
tion, 6. Systems development up to the prototype, 7. Sys- 124. [General] 1. Prepare, 2. Discover, 3. Create, 4. Plan.
tems realization. 125. [General] 1. Understand the issues, 2. Find solution, 3.
110. [Systems] 1. Define, 2. Formulate measures of effective- Plan your action.
ness, 3. Generate alternatives, 4. Evaluate alternatives, 5. 126. [Reasoning] 1. Statement, 2. Quick start, 3. Analysis, 4.
Select proposed system. Incubation, 5. Dialectic, 6. Implementation.
111. [Systems] 1. Set objectives, 2. Generate alternatives, 3. 127a. [General] 1. Recognize the problem, 2. Represent the
Determine costs and resources, 4. Create model, 4. Cre- problem, 3. Devise and choose a solution plan, 4. Execute
ate criterion. the plan, 5. Evaluate the solution.
112. [Systems] 1. Design on what system has to be designed, 127b. [Decision making] 1. Define the goal, 2. Identify the al-
2. Generate options, 3. Mathematical and experimental ternatives, 3. Analyze the alternatives, 4. Rank the alter-
evaluation based on a measure of effectiveness, 4. Select de- natives, 5. Judge the highest-ranked alternative, 6. Choose
sign, 5. Construct, test, train, evaluate the prototype. the best alternative.
113. [Systems] 1. Situation felt, 2. Gather information to cre- 127c. [Conceptualizing] 1. Identify examples, 2. Identify com-
ate a rich description of the current situation, 3. Adapt a mon attributes, 3. Classify attributes, 4. Interrelate cate-
variety of different points of view, 4. Create conceptual gories of attributes, 5. Identify additional examples and
models based on a selected point of view, 5. Compare non-examples, 6. Modify concept attributes and struc-
model with situation to identify opportunity for change, ture.
Validate with the owner of the problem, 6. Identify fea- 127d. [Problem solving] 1. Define the problem by becoming
sible and desirable changes, 7. Implement action plan. aware of a problem, making it meaningful and manage-
114. [General] 1. Problem finding, 2. Fact finding, 3. Prob- able, 2. Hypothesize a solution, 3. Test the hypothesis, 4.
lem definition, 4. Idea finding, 5. Evaluation and selec- Evaluate the hypothesis, 5. Tentative conclusion, 6. Con-
tion, 6. Plan, 7. Gain acceptance, 8. Action. clude.
115a. [Inquiry] 1. Initial response, 2. Identify inquiry question, 128. [Design] 1. Observe the context and identify the prob-
3. Explore options and issue, 4. Collect data, 5. Synthe- lem, 2. Investigate and do research, 3. Generate and de-
size data, 6. Assess the results, conclusion and recycle as velop ideas, 4. Select and detail, 5. Make mock ups and
necessary, 7. Express the conclusion, 8. Evaluate. models, 6. Make the design, 7. Evaluate.
115b. [Problem solving] 1. Problem setting, 2. Identify inquiry 129. [General] 1. Identify the problem, 2. Analyze, 3. Evalu-
question, 3. Explore alternatives, 4. Collect data, 5. Syn- ate alternatives, 4. Test and implement, 5 Standardize.
thesis, 6. Assess the conclusion, 7. Do it, solve the prob- 130. [General] 1. Define the problem, 2. Analyze potential
lem, 8. Evaluate. causes, 3. Identify potential solutions, 4. Select the best,
115c. [Writing] 1. Initial experiences, 2. Identify inquiry ques- 5. Develop an action plan, 6. Implement and evaluate
tion, 3. Create viewpoint, explore facts needed to support progress.
the view, 4. Collect data, 5. Synthesis, 6. Express conclu- 131. [General-SOLVE] 1. Select the problem, 2. Observe it
sion, 7. Evaluate. very carefully, organize and define the problem, 3. Learn
116. [Gifted] 1. Preparation stage, 2. Incubation stage, 3. Illu- all you can by questioning all parts of the problem by ask-
mination stage, 4. Verification stage. ing 5WH, 4. Visualize possible solutions, select one and
117. [General] 1. Sense problem and challenges, 2. Recognize refine it, 5. Employ the solution and monitor the results.
real problem, 3. Produce alternative solutions, 4. Evaluate 132. [Research] 1. Problem formulation, 2. Fact finding
ideas, 5. Implement. analysis, 3. Incubation, 4. Decision, 5. Action.
118. [Engineering] 1. Identify or select the problem, 2. Ana- 133. [Invention] 1. Idea conception, 2. Carry out, 3. Imple-
lyze the problem, 3. Generate potential solutions, 4. Se- mentation.
lect, 5. Implement, 6. Act to prevent a reoccurrence of the 134. [Engineering] 1. Analysis of problem situation, 2. Syn-
problem. thesis of solutions, 3. Evaluation and decision, 4. Opti-
119. [Education] 1. Gather the facts, 2. Define the problem, mization, 5. Revision, 6. Implementation.
3. Analyze the problem, 4. Generate ideas, 5. Elaborate 135. [Engineering] 1. Investigate direction, 2. Establish mea-
ideas, 6. Select a solution, 7. Elaborate the solution. sures, 3. Develop methods, 4. Optimize solution, 5.
120. [Engineering] 1. Ask the right question to identify the Complete solution, 6. Convince others.
real problem, 2. Identify all possible solutions, 3. Evaluate 136. [Military] 1. Problem identification, 2. Problem research,
alternatives, 4. Choose and implement. 3. Problem definition, 4. Idea hopper, 5. Idea filter, 6.
121. [General] 1. Define the objectives of the task, 2. Note the Idea tester, 7. Formulate plan for change, 8. Coordinate,
information given in the problem itself, 3 Plan a strategy, 9. Action.

458 Journal of Engineering Education October 2000

137. [Engineering] 1. Problem inquiry, 2. Specify goals, 3. and change the representation as needed, 6. Evaluate re-
Determine means, 4. Optimize solution, 5. Construct sults and recycle.
and verify, 6. Convince others. 151. [Pharmacy] 1. Patient encounter, gather data and identi-
138a. [Work study] 1. Select, 2. Examine, 3. Develop, 4. In- fy issues, 2. Identify drug-related problem, 3. Identify
stall, 5. Maintain. best therapeutic outcomes, 4. Generate therapeutic op-
138b. [General] 1. Define problem, 2. Find solutions, by either tions and optimize action and monitoring program, 5.
the analytical or creative approach, 3. Choose a solution, Formulate dose, formulation, regimen and duration, 6.
4. Implement. Do it, prescribe drugs and instructions, 7. Monitor.
139a. [Problem solving] 1. What is the problem? 2. What are 152. [Pharmacy PHARMA] 1. Pharmaceutical problem, 2.
the possible solutions? 3. What solutions are best? 4. Harmonize patient and pharmacotherapeutic outcomes,
How can I achieve them? 3. Alternatives, 4. Recommendations, 5. Monitoring
139b. [Decision making] 1. What makes a decision necessary? plan, 6. Action.
2. What are my options? 3. What options are the best? 4. 153. [Industry] 1. Become aware of the problem and use a
How can I do it? team approach, 2. Describe the problem 5W2H, 3. Im-
140. [Problem solving-MPS] 1. Define, 2. Think about it, to plement and verify containment actions, 4. Define and
figure out what the problem is really about, 3. Plan, 4. Do verify root causes, 5. Verify corrective actions, 6. Imple-
it, 5. Look back. ment permanent corrective actions, 7. Prevent recur-
141. [General-MPS] 1. Engage: I want to and I can, 2. De- rence, 8. Congratulate your team.
fine-the-stated problem, 3. Explore to create an accurate 154. [Architecture, RIBA] 1. Assimilation, accumulation of
internal representation of the real problem, 4. Plan, 5. Do information, 2. General study, general nature of the
it, 6. Look back with transitions between stages. problem and investigate possible solutions, 3. Develop-
142a. [Decision making] 1. Identification, recognition and ment and refinement of one of the tentative solutions iso-
framing of decision, 2. Generation of alternatives, 3. lated in phase 2, 4. Communication.
Evaluation of alternatives, 4. Selection of alternative and 155. [Environment] 1. Recognize need for waste reduction, 2.
action with extensive recycle throughout. Plan and organize, 3. Assess options, 4. Test feasibility, 5.
142b. [Problem solving] 1. Preparation or familiarization, 2. Implement.
Production of solution paths that define the problem 156. [Environment] 1. Determine need to change, 2. Evaluate
space, 3. Evaluation, with the use of 4. Incubation, in- opportunity, 3. Determine need, 4. Initial commitment,
sight and persistence throughout. 5. Get prepared, 6. Gain support, 7. Gain commitment,
143. [Problem solving] 1. Read text, 2. Interpret concept, 3. 8. Initial steps, 9. Plan, gather information, set goals, and
Retrieve relative information from LTM to create a rep- commit resources, 10. Implement, 11. Evaluate.
resentation and network of relationships, 4. Construct a 157. [Environment] 1. Identify alternatives, 2. Identify opti-
solution plan, 5. Carry out the plan, 6. Evaluate the solu- mum, 3. Define and describe alternatives, 4. Set criteria
tion. and identify evaluation methodology, 5. Carry out the
144. [Education] 1. Setting, 2. Defining, 3. Gap filling, 4. evaluation and identify preferred option, 6. Compare
Verifying. preferred option with do nothing alternative, 7. Prepare a
145. [Problem solving] 1. Read and analyze the problem sce- strategy for the preferred system.
nario, 2. List what is known, 3. Develop a problem state- 158. [Medicine] 1. Gather initial data from the patient, 2.
ment,4. List what is needed, 5. List possible actions, 6. Perception, 3. Analysis, 5. Problem synthesis, initial in-
Present findings. formation is synthesized into a patient problem, 6. Multi-
146. [Chemistry ABCDE] 1. Analyze, 2. Brainstorm for a ple hypotheses generation, 7. Inquiry strategy, 8. Clinical
plan, 3. Calculate, 4. Defend, by checking and presenting skills questions and examinations, 9. Recycle.
a solution, 5. Evaluate, the solution and what have you 159. [Marketing] 1. Idea, 2. Preliminary assessment, 3. Con-
learned? cept, 4. Development, 5. Testing, 6. Trial, 7. Launch.
147. [Physics] 1. Start with what is asked for; ignore the given 160. [Engineering] 1. Recognize social need or economic op-
material, 2. Ask How would I find out? What is it?, 3. portunity, 2. Conception, 3. Analysis, 4. Detailed process
Work left-right, top-down. and equipment design, 5. Implementation, construction,
148. [Computer] 1. Identify and define the problem, 2. Ana- 6. Operation.
lyze the causes, 3. Set targets, 4. Solve and implement, 161. [Engineering] 1. Idea, 2. Preliminary market study,
and 5. Measure, track and control. patent search, process calculations and economics, 3. Lab
149. [General] 1. Brainstorm topic related problems, 2. Iden- scale study, 4. Intermediate process calculations and eco-
tify an underlying problem, 3. Brainstorm solutions to nomics, 5. Detailed market research, pilot plant opera-
the underlying problem, 4. Develop criteria to judge their tion, equipment specifications, supplier quotations and
solutions, 5. Evaluate solutions to determine the best so- process optimization and evaluation.
lution. 6. Describe the best solution.
150. [GPS] 1. Read problem statement, 2. Translate input, 3.
Create the internal representation of the problem, 4.
With input from the subject-knowledge domain, select a
problem solving heuristic or method, 5. Apply heuristic,

October 2000 Journal of Engineering Education 459

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