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Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 61, 2, 2017, 1600552 DOI 10.1002/mnfr.

201600552 (1 of 12) 1600552


Reduction in cardiometabolic risk factors by a

multifunctional diet is mediated via several branches of
metabolism as evidenced by nontargeted metabolite
profiling approach
Juscelino Tovar1 , Vanessa D. de Mello2 , Anne Nilsson1 , Maria Johansson1 , Jussi Paananen2 ,
Marko Lehtonen3 , Kati Hanhineva2 and Inger Bjorck

Food for Health Science Centre, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland,
Kuopio Campus, Kuopio, Finland
School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

Scope: Multifunctional diet (MFD), a diet based on multiple functional concepts and ingredi- Received: July 1, 2016
ents with anti-inflammatory activity, was previously shown to improve different cardiometabolic Revised: September 5, 2016
risk-associated markers in healthy subjects. Here, we assessed the impact of MFD on plasma Accepted: September 11, 2016
metabolome and explored associations of the differential metabolites with clinical parameters,
searching for metabolic determinants related to the effects of MFD.
Methods and results: Forty-four overweight healthy volunteers completed a randomized
crossover intervention comparing MFD with a control diet devoid of the active components of
MFD. Fasting plasma samples were analyzed with nontargeted metabolite profiling at base-
line and at the end (4 wk) of each diet period by LC coupled to quadrupole-TOF-MS system,
revealing a vast impact of MFD on metabolic homeostasis. Main metabolite classes affected
included acylcarnitines, furan fatty acids, phospholipids (plasmalogens, phosphatidylcholines,
phosphatidylethanolamines), and various low-molecular weight products from the bioactivity
of gut microbiota. Circulating levels of several of these metabolites correlated with changes in
clinical blood lipid biomarkers.
Conclusions: The metabolomics approach revealed that consumption of MFD affected different
areas of metabolism, highlighting the impact of a healthy diet on plasma metabolome. This
seems linked to reduced cardiometabolic risk and provides mechanistic insight into the effects
of MFD.
Cardiometabolic diseases / Dietary prevention / Functional foods / Metabolic syn-
drome / Plasma metabolomics

 Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at
the publishers web-site

1 Introduction

Although cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs) are the main

cause of morbidity and mortality in contemporary societies
Correspondence: Dr. Juscelino Tovar [1], efforts to prevent these illnesses are relatively scarce.
E-mail: As modification of dietary habits can contribute to healthy
ageing [2], customary healthy dietary patterns, such as the
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CMPF, 3-carboxy-4-
methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoic acid; CD, control diet; CMD, Mediterranean diet, may be promoters of lifelong health,
cardiometabolic diseases; LPC, lysophosphatidylcholine; LPE,
lysophosphatidylethanolamine; MFD, multifunctional diet; PC,
phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; TAGs, tria- Current address: Dr. Juscelino Tovar, Food for Health Science Cen-
cylglycerols tre, Lund University, Medicon Village, SE-223 81, Lund, Sweden

C 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1600552 (2 of 12) J. Tovar et al. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 61, 2, 2017, 1600552

reducing the risk for cardiovascular complications [3]. Sim- to join the study. Inclusion criteria were age between 50 and
ilarly, more defined, evidence-based regimens may also 73 years old, body mass index in the 2533 kg/m2 range, and
contribute to facilitate the adoption of healthier eating fasting plasma glucose value 6.1 mmol/L. Forty-four (36
habits. women, 8 men) completed the study and yielded usable data.
We have designed a mixed diet that encompasses mul- Baseline characteristics of the participants are presented in
tiple functional ingredients and foods that exert beneficial Supporting Information 1.
effects related to cardiometabolic risk. The diet follows the
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, but it specifically targets
subclinical inflammation, combining whole barley kernel- 2.2 Study protocol
and soy protein containing products, plant stanols, almonds,
oily fish, foods, and ingredients rich in natural antioxidants, The dietary intervention is described in detail elsewhere [4].
oat and barley products rich in viscous dietary fibers, low The study was a randomized, controlled, crossover trial of
glycemic index meals, and a probiotic strain [4]. The phys- the effect of MFD on biomarkers related to cardiometabolic
iological effects of this multifunctional diet (MFD) were risk [4]. MFD was compared with a CD (see below). Each
evaluated in a randomized controlled trial in healthy subjects diet phase lasted 4 wk separated by a 4 wk washout interval,
considered at risk of developing cardiometabolic complica- consisting of the subjects habitual diet.
tions, i.e. age 50 years old and overweight (BMI 25) [4]. Clinical outcomes measured were: body weight, BP and
The study compared MFD with a control diet (CD) also formu- fasting circulating concentrations of glucose, insulin, glycated
lated according to the general Nordic Nutrition Recommenda- hemoglobin (HbA1c), cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL), tria-
tions. Four week consumption of MFD resulted in markedly cylglycerols (TAG), C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), apoA1, apoB,
reduced values of circulating CMD-related biomarkers, while IL-6, TNF-, free fatty acids, and plasminogen activator in-
CD had no effect. The biomarkers affected by MFD were total hibitor 1 levels.
and LDL-cholesterol levels, triglycerides, CRP, HbA1c, and The study aimed to evaluate diet-related metabolic
systolic blood pressure (BP), with 30% decrease in estimated changes under conditions favouring weight maintenance.
coronary heart disease risk [4]. MFD may thus be a potential Accordingly, participants did not alter their physical activ-
tool for implementing innovative dietary strategies for the ity habits during the intervention and recorded their body
prevention of CMDs. weight weekly. Variations larger than 1 kg led to nutritionist-
Metabolomics analyses of human fluids and tissues can guided compensatory dietary modifications, without altering
reveal changes in endogenous metabolites that may lead to the intake of key components of MFD. The study was ap-
the identification of novel, disease-staging biomarkers of par- proved by the Regional Ethical Review Board, Lund, Sweden
ticular conditions, such as CMDs [5,6]. In addition, metabolite (Dnr 5932008). Details about the study protocol are provided
profiling approaches have applications in nutritional studies, in [4] and Supporting information 1.
providing information at molecular level that can be used to
establish reliable markers of consumption of specific foods
groups [79]. They also allow to monitor diet-related changes 2.3 Diets
in endogenous metabolites, thus helping to understand the
effects of certain foods and dietary regimens on metabolic The nutritional profiles of CD and MFD were described
pathways and illnesses [10, 11]. Moreover, when diet-related previously [4] and are summarized in Table 1. Both diets
metabolic differences are investigated for associations with conformed to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations [12],
clinical parameters, further mechanistic understanding may except for dietary fiber contents which were higher in MFD
be achieved and novel hypotheses drawn [5]. (49 and 62 g/day for women and men, respectively) and lower
Here, fasting plasma samples from the above-mentioned in CD (22 and 26 g/day for women and men, respectively).
intervention study [4] were analyzed with a nontargeted The diets supplied 25002600 Kcal/day for men and 2000
LCMS based metabolite profiling approach. Evaluation of 2100 Kcal/day for women, combining foods from plant and
the metabolite profiles against conventional clinical vari- animal origin. For a detailed list of products included in MFD
ables revealed that consumption of MFD promotes impor- see ref. 4.
tant metabolome changes, providing additional insight into MFD combined several functional concepts capable of in-
the beneficial effects of this regimen. fluencing different biomarkers related to the inflammatory
tonus and cardiometabolic risk, including: (i) foods rich in
natural anti-inflammatory antioxidants, with BP and blood
2 Methods lipid improving features; (ii) omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish
and rapeseed oil, with anti-inflammatory and triglyceride-
2.1 Participants lowering properties; (iii) ingredients with prebiotic activity,
i.e. beta-glucans and resistant starch in intact barley ker-
Nonsmoking healthy volunteers, were recruited through ad- nels, whole kernel rye flour, oats, and isolated barley fiber.
vertisement in local newspapers and gave written acceptance An experimental guar gum containing bread was another

C 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 61, 2, 2017, 1600552 (3 of 12) 1600552

Table 1. Nutritional profiles of CD and MFD Table 2. Main functional action and average content of active
components in MFDa)
Main functional Content in MFD
Women Men Women Men role (g/day)

Energy (kcal/day) 2045 2570 2100 2615 Women Men

Protein (E%) 15 14 19 18
Carbohydrate (E%) 56 55 51 50 Soybean/soy Cholesterol- 21 25
Fat (E%) 29 30 31 31 protein lowering,
Saturated fat (E%) 12.8 13.2 5.9 5.9 anti-
Monounsaturated fat (E%) 10.5 11.1 13.0 13.6 inflammatory
Polyunsaturated fat (E%) 3.6 3.7 8.2 8.4 Viscous fibers Cholesterol-
-6 fatty acids (E%) 2.9 3.1 4.2 4.3 lowering,
-3 fatty acids (E%) 0.8 0.8 2.2 2.3 prebiotic,
-6/-3 ratio 3.8 3.8 1.9 1.9 GI-reducing
Dietary fiber (g/day) 22 26 49 61 -glucans 5.8 6.2
Cholesterol (mg/day) 200 240 140 160 Guar gum 5.6 6.7
Total 11.4 12.9
Mean daily values from 14 days (2-week rotating menu plan) [4] Long chain 3 Triglyceride- 2.4 3.0
fatty acids (20:5 lowering,
+ 22:6) anti-
source of viscous fermentable fiber. A probiotic Lactobacillus inflammatory
plantarum strain was also included; (iv) low glycemic impact Almonds Cholesterol- 28 28
foods/meals, which are associated with reduced risk for car- lowering
Plant stanols Cholesterol- 2.0 2.7
diometabolic problems and inflammatory tonus. Besides low
glycemic index foods, MFD included ingredients that lower Cinnamon Antioxidant 3.0 3.0
the postprandial glycemic response (whey protein and vine- Blueberries Antioxidant, 74.5 94.5
gar); (v) blood cholesterol normalizing ingredients: soybean prebiotic
products, a margarine enriched in stanol esters and dry al- Vinegar GI -reducing 22.5 22.5
monds. Whey proteinb) GI-reducing 4.3 4.3
The mean daily quantities and functional properties con- a) For further details see ref. [4] and Supporting Information 2.
sidered for the selection of key components of MFD are b) Whey protein (10 g) was only consumed simultaneously with
summarized in Table 2. None of the active ingredients were high glycemic index meals (potatoes, parsnip), three times per
present in the CD, except for minor amounts of -3 fatty
acids. Further details on the functional concepts and the ba-
sis for their inclusion in MFD are provided in Supporting mass qTOF spectrometry. The samples were analyzed using
Information 2. RP and hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) in
positive (+) and negative (-) polarity. For technical details see
Supporting Information 3.
2.4 Clinical analyses

The Clinical Chemistry Laboratory/Skane

University Hospi- 2.5.1 Data collection and alignment
tal Malmo (Sweden) performed routine blood analyses on
fasting plasma (total and HDL cholesterol, TAG, apo A-1, Data were collected with Find by Molecular Feature al-
apo B, hs-CRP), serum (insulin), or on total blood samples gorithm (MassHunter Qualitative Analysis B.05.00, Agilent
(HbA1c). LDL cholesterol concentrations were calculated [13]. Technologies, USA). The peak collection threshold was 200
All other analyses were performed as described in ref. 4. counts, and the allowed ion species were limited to [M+H]+
EDTA plasma samples were kept frozen at 40C for the and [M+Na]+ in ESI(+), and [M-H] and [M+Cl] in ESI().
LCMS metabolite profiling analysis. Data files (.cef-format) were exported to Mass Profiler Profes-
sional (Agilent Technologies) for peak alignment. After the
first initial alignment, the data were combined in one .cef file,
2.5 Nontargeted LCMS metabolite profiling against which the original raw data were reanalyzed. For this
analysis recursive analysis, compound mass tolerance was 15 ppm,
retention time 0.2 min, and symmetric expansion value
Plasma samples were analyzed by the UHPLC-qTOF-MS for chromatograms 10 ppm. Resulting compounds were
system (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Karlsruhe, Ger- reexported to Mass Profiler Professional software for peak
many) that consisted of a 1290 LC system, a Jetstream elec- alignment and data cleanup resulting in 3532, 3511, 1347,
trospray ionization (ESI) source, and a 6540 UHD accurate- 1441 metabolite features from RP(+), RP(), hilic(+), and

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hilic() respectively, which were subjected for chemometri- was a minor weight reduction with both diets (0.9 %, CD;
cal and statistical evaluation. 1.8%; MFD, p < 0.05). CD did not modify the metabolic
variables measured but MFD promoted changes in total
serum cholesterol (26 1% versus baseline; p < 0.0001),
2.6 Statistical analysis LDL-cholesterol (34 1%; p < 0.0001), TAG (19 3%;
p = 0.0056), LDL/HDL (27 2%; p < 0.0001), apoB/apoA1
To account for nonnormal distributions, metabolite data were (10 2%; p < 0.0001), HbA1c (2 0.4%; p = 0.0013),
transformed using rank-based normal transformation. Each hs-CRP (29 9%; p = 0.0497), and systolic BP (8 1%;
metabolite was analyzed using linear mixed-effect model with p = 0.0123). The differences remained significant after
the metabolite as a dependent variable. Included independent adjustment for weight change [4]. After consumption of
fixed-effect terms were diet (MFD, CD), time point, treatment MFD, both the Framingham cardiovascular risk estimate
order, and interaction between study group and time point, and the Reynolds cardiovascular risk score were reduced
while subject identifier was included as a random term. Inter- by one-third (30 4%; p < 0.0001 and 35 3%; p < 0.0001,
action between diet and time point was the main outcome. All respectively).
p-values were adjusted for multiple testing using Benjamini
Hochberg false discovery rate (p-FDR). p-FDR < 0.05 was
considered as statistically significant. Statistical analyses were 3.2 Metabolomics analysis of fasting plasma
performed using R (version 3.1.2) and nlme package (version
3.1-118). Additionally, multivariate assessment of the data Nontargeted metabolite profiling of plasma samples revealed
was performed with supervised clustering algorithm par- marked changes in numerous metabolites after the MFD
tial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA; Simca-13, period of the intervention while only modest variations
Umetrics, Sweden) for the samples collected at the end of the were recorded with CD. After strict filtering of the data,
interventions. The data were log10-transformed, paretoscaled the number of metabolic features considered as differen-
and the model was validated by the Simca-13 internal cross tial was 242, 181, 69, 49 in RP(+), RP(), hilic(+), and
validation. hilic() modes, respectively, therefore comprising altogether
All the data with combined results from the statistical 541 metabolite features. The examination of the MS/MS
and chemometrical analysis were exported in excel (Mi- spectral and chromatographic features showed that major-
crosoft Office 2013) for further processing. The most sig- ity of the differential signals were belonging to different
nificantly altered metabolite signals were filtered out from classes of compounds in lipid metabolism, namely phos-
the data matrix in each of the four analytical conditions by phatidylcholines (PCs), lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs),
matching with the following criteria: signal was present in phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs), plasmalogens, carnitines,
at least 80% of samples in one replicate group; p-FDR < furan fatty acids, and other compounds resulting from the
0.05; fold change < 0.8 or >1.2; and variable importance bioactivity of the colonic microflora, including indolepropi-
for projection (VIP) > 1 in partial least-squares discriminant onic acid (Table 3, Fig. 1).
The differential metabolites were identified based on
the MS/MS spectral comparison of pure standard com- 3.2.1 Furan fatty acids
pounds and on the search of the candidate compounds
in databases, including the Human Metabolome database, Plasma 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoic acid
METLIN, ChemSpider, and SciFinder, and the results ver- (CMPF) was clearly increased after ingestion of MFD,
ified with the MS/MS spectral features included in the whereas a significant decrease was recorded for CD.
databases or reported in earlier publications. In addition to CMPF, four other compounds that were el-
Spearman correlation coefficients (rs ) were used to test evated by the MFD intervention were tentatively identified as
the relationship between the changes in the cardiometabolic- furan fatty acids. These included 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-pentyl-
related biomarkers and in the significantly differentiated 2-furanpropionic acid and three other signals (Table 3). The
metabolites. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically signifi- compound with molecular weight of 238.158 has elemental
cant. composition of C14H22O3, which refers to the furan fatty
acid 3,4-dimethyl-5-pentyl-2-furanpropanoic acid identified
from crayfish [14], whereas the compound with molecular
3 Results weight of 226.084 refers to molecular formula C11H14O5.
This formula returns several furan fatty acid hits from the
3.1 CMD-related outcomes SciFinder database, among which, e.g. 3-carboxy-5-propyl-2-
furanpropanoic acid exhibits a chemical structure that would
The results of the intervention in terms of cardiometabolic match the neutral loss of 44 amu (COO) twice from the molec-
risk-associated markers have been reported earlier [4] and ular structure as visible in the MS/MS spectrum in analogous
can be summarized as follows: compared to baseline, there manner with CMPF. Likewise, the compound C15H24O3

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Table 3. Main differential metabolites analyzed in the nontargeted LC-qTOF-MS metabolite profiling analysisa)

Compound Compound Mass Retention Column ESI p-FDR av FC MFD av FC CD PLS-DA

class Time mode VIP

Hydroxybutyrylcarnitine Carnitines 247.1422 4.16 hilic pos 0.00 1.58 1.05 1.37
Carnitine (8:2) Carnitines 283.178 1.04 hilic pos 0.01 1.49 1.03 1.74
Carnitine (8:1) Carnitines 285.1939 0.93 hilic pos 0.04 1.45 1.03 1.50
Carnitine (10:2) Carnitines 311.209 0.77 hilic pos 0.00 1.44 1.01 1.70
Carnitine 345.26@10.4 Carnitines 345.2683 10.45 RP pos 0.00 1.74 1.19 1.56
Carnitine (13:1) Carnitines 355.2721 8.05 RP pos 7.81 109 2.33 1.01 2.48
Carnitine (13:0) Carnitines 357.2879 8.33 RP pos 9.42 1011 4.32 1.10 2.77
Carnitine (14:2) Carnitines 367.2722 0.65 hilic pos 0.01 1.92 1.39 1.36
Carnitine (14:1) Carnitines 369.2876 0.65 hilic pos 0.01 1.47 1.22 1.08
Carnitine 391.27@8.1 Carnitines 391.2722 8.06 RP pos 2.11 106 2.07 1.01 2.34
Palmitoylcarnitine (16:0) Carnitines 399.3346 9.25 RP pos 0.01 0.86 1.03 1.65
Stearoylcarnitine (18:0) Carnitines 427.366 9.64 RP pos 0.00 0.73 0.93 2.25
Furan fatty acid Furan fatty 226.0842 6.80 RP neg 5.38 1019 3.09 0.30 3.31
226.08@6.8 acids
3-4-dimethyl-5-pentyl-2- Furan fatty 238.1576 9.35 RP neg 0.00 1.28 0.91 2.00
furanpropanoic acids
CMPF Furan fatty 240.0998 7.45 RP neg 2.18 1016 2.77 0.69 3.56
(3-carboxy-4-methyl-5- acids
Furan fatty acid Furan fatty 252.1722 9.54 RP neg 0.00 1.42 0.91 2.63
252.17@9.5 acids
3-carboxy-4-methyl-5- Furan fatty 268.1311 8.54 RP neg 1.86 108 1.49 0.82 2.34
pentyl-2-furanpropionic acids
EPA (20:5) Fatty acids 302.2246 10.26 RP pos 1.17 107 1.98 0.56 2.03
DHA (22:6) Fatty acids 328.2399 10.48 RP neg 7.60 105 1.52 1.06 2.17
FA (22:1) Fatty acids 338.3188 11.46 RP neg 0.00 2.16 0.83 1.93
LPC (14:0) PCs 527.3234 9.67 RP neg 2.07 105 0.66 1.01 2.41
LPC (20:5) PCs 541.317 9.67 RP pos 4.83 1012 2.57 0.89 3.02
LPC (20:3) PCs 545.3486 10.13 RP pos 9.88 108 0.64 1.07 3.13
LPC (22:6) PCs 567.3333 9.91 RP pos 1.62 105 1.98 1.27 2.25
LPC (15:0) PCs 481.3169 9.73 RP pos 0.03 3.81 1.85 1.37

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Table 3. Continued

Compound Compound Mass Retention Column ESI p-FDR av FC MFD av FC CD PLS-DA

class Time mode VIP

LPC (18:3) PCs 517.3167 9.68 RP pos 0.02 0.75 1.03 1.57
PC (32:2) PCs 729.5308 11.73 RP pos 0.00 0.77 1.04 2.01
PC (32:1) PCs 731.5473 12.05 RP pos 2.31 108 0.60 1.11 2.46
PC (18:2/16:1) PCs 755.5472 11.88 RP pos 5.69 105 0.67 1.03 2.64
PC (18:2/16:1) isomer PCs 755.5472 11.81 RP pos 0.04 0.77 1.32 1.81
PC (36:4) PCs 765.566 12.14 RP pos 1.72 1012 2.39 0.80 2.90
PC 779.54@11.8 PCs 779.549 11.80 RP pos 2.93 108 12.31 3.01 2.80
PC (38:6) PCs 789.5662 12.24 RP pos 3.27 1017 1.96 0.91 3.38
PC (20:5/18:2) PCs 803.5461 11.62 RP pos 0.00 2.24 0.93 1.77
PC (20:5/18:2) isomer PCs 803.5463 11.65 RP pos 0.00 1.86 0.79 2.10
PC (18:2/20:4) isomer PCs 805.5613 12.33 RP pos 6.44 1011 1.94 1.01 2.97
PC (18:2/20:4) PCs 805.5623 12.02 RP pos 1.04 108 1.36 1.02 2.37
PC (38:5) PCs 807.5786 12.29 RP pos 3.73 1013 1.96 0.99 2.93
PC (38:5) isomer PCs 807.579 12.32 RP pos 6.44 1011 2.02 1.02 3.08
PC (18:1/20:3) PCs 809.5925 12.48 RP pos 5.28 105 0.80 1.37 2.27
PC (18:0/20:3) isomer PCs 811.6061 12.92 RP pos 0.00 2.41 1.03 2.93
PC (18:0/20:3) PCs 811.6084 13.07 RP pos 1.01 1014 0.43 1.34 2.83
PC (40:6) PCs 817.5961 12.48 RP pos 3.07 1016 1.68 0.99 3.23
PC 831.57@11.9 PCs 831.5754 11.99 RP pos 1.16 1011 0.49 1.29 1.84
PC (18:1/22:6) PCs 831.5779 12.11 RP pos 1.95 1011 1.76 1.07 2.65
PC (22:6/18:0) PCs 833.5934 12.58 RP pos 3.36 1010 1.62 1.06 2.44
PC 859.60@12.7 PCs 859.6055 12.68 RP pos 7.96 1014 3.15 1.09 3.07
PC 877.55@11.6 PCs 877.5578 11.64 RP pos 1.82 108 2.70 0.97 2.54
LPE (16:1) PEs 451.2708 9.78 RP neg 8.05 107 0.59 1.16 2.12
LPE (20:5) isomer PEs 499.2704 9.63 RP neg 0.00 6.27 2.21 1.63
LPE (20:5) PEs 499.2709 9.70 RP neg 2.87 108 1.84 0.94 3.00
LPE (20:4) PEs 501.2869 9.95 RP neg 2.84 106 0.78 1.11 2.47
LPE (20:3) PEs 503.302 10.13 RP neg 7.92 1014 0.50 1.17 3.33
LPC (18:3) PCs 517.3167 9.68 RP pos 0.02 0.75 1.03 1.57
LPE (22:6) PEs 525.2866 9.91 RP neg 0.00 3.66 1.69 1.48
LPE (22:5) PEs 527.3021 10.07 RP neg 3.61 107 0.67 1.08 2.48
PE (20:4/16:0) PEs 739.5161 12.13 RP neg 0.01 0.80 1.18 1.95
PE (20:5/P-16:0) Plasmalogens 721.5044 11.93 RP pos 1.24 109 1.92 0.85 2.79
PE (20:4/P-16:0) Plasmalogens 723.5192 12.23 RP pos 0.00 0.72 0.95 2.39
PE (20:4/P-18:1) Plasmalogens 749.5353 12.33 RP pos 0.00 0.76 0.96 2.34

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Table 3. Continued

Compound Compound Mass Retention Column ESI p-FDR av FC MFD av FC CD PLS-DA

class Time mode VIP

PE(16:0/22:6) PEs 763.5179 11.93 RP pos 0.03 1.32 1.07 1.16
PE (22:6/P-18:1) Plasmalogens 773.5353 12.24 RP pos 1.43 105 1.43 1.03 2.37
Pipecolic acid Other 129.0789 3.81 hilic pos 0.02 1.30 0.99 0.75
Dihydroxybenzoic acid Other 154.0263 0.97 hilic neg 4.46 106 1.74 0.90 1.84
Aminophenol sulfate Other 189.0097 1.82 RP neg 7.63 105 3.09 0.61 3.37
Aminophenol sulfate Other 189.0099 1.94 RP neg 3.34 109 3.52 0.67 2.63
Indolepropionic acid Other 189.0792 5.54 RP neg 0.00 2.15 1.32 1.89
Pyrocatechol sulfate Other 189.9943 0.48 hilic neg 0.01 1.77 1.08 1.15
Unknown 210.12@8.4 Other 210.1257 8.48 RP neg 6.72 107 3.20 1.20 1.48
Unknown 238.08@5.1 Other 238.085 5.14 RP pos 0.02 1.31 1.07 1.19
Unknown 250.12@8.4 Other 250.1207 8.48 RP pos 4.29 1010 1.48 0.80 2.23
Unknown 392.29@9.5 Other 392.2933 9.53 RP neg 0.01 3.38 2.10 1.91
Bile acid 449.31@9.4 Other 449.3142 9.41 RP neg 0.01 2.23 1.41 1.54
Unknown bile acid Other 492.3304 9.14 RP neg 6.90 1012 6.45 0.48 3.31
Unknown (steroid Other 657.351 8.62 RP pos 1.33 1013 4.10 0.30 2.48
glucuronide) 657.35@8.6
Unknown (steroid Other 659.3664 9.25 RP pos 6.18 1015 5.13 0.32 2.23
glucuronide) 659.36@9.2
a) Included are the neutral molecular mass of the compound (mass), retention time either in HILIC or RP chromatography, ESI, tentative
identification based on the evaluation of msms spectral data (detailed msm spectra included as Supporting Information 4), FDR corrected
P values from the mixed model analysis, average fold changes (Av FC) between the baseline and end of the diet, variable importance for
projection (VIP) value from the partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA).
DHA (22:6), docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6), EPA (20:5), eicosapentenoic acid (C20:5), FA, erucic acid (C22:1).

eluting in the same chromatographic region as the other fu- Notably, modified fatty acid composition of lipids
ran fatty acids (M 252.172) refers to furan fatty acid structures, was observed also in the case of plasmalogens, as
e.g. 3-methyl-5-pentyl-2-furanpentanoic acid. This structure, the plasmenylethalomines PE(20:4/P-16:0) and PE(20:4/P-
however, was not confirmed with MS/MS. 18:1), which were decreased after the MFD interven-
tion, whereas PE(20:5/P-16:0) and PE(22:6/P-18:1) were

3.2.2 Lipids and fatty acids

The levels of numerous PCs, LPCs, PEs, and lysophos- 3.2.3 Carnitines
phatidylethanolamines (LPEs) decreased after the MFD diet.
The most significant ones were PC (18:0/20:3), LPC (20:3), Several compounds affected by the dietary scheme showed
LPE (20:3), and LPE (16:1), with fold changes <0.5 and characteristic MS/MS fragmentation patterns of acylcar-
p < 6 107 . Likewise, a large number of lipid species were nitines. These included carnitines C13:0 and C13:1, which
increased after the MFD intervention, including LPC (20:5), were both clearly increased after MFD (p-values 9.4 1011
LPC (22:6), PC (20:5/18:2). and 7.8 109 , and average fold change for MFD of 4.3

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Figure 1. Correlation heatmap

of the changes in metabolites
and changes in clinical biomark-
ers and anthropometric mea-
surements. Correlations were
calculated using Spearman rank
correlation and red and blue col-
ors indicate positive and neg-
ative correlation, respectively.
Size of the circles describe statis-
tical significance (log10 trans-
formed p-value) where a larger
circle indicates a higher statisti-
cal significance.

and 2.3, respectively). Other acylcarnitine species that in- were not altered by the different diets when examined
creased after MFD included carnitines with fatty acid con- from the hilic- (short-chain) and RP (medium-chain) LCMS
figuration C14:2, C14:1, C8:2, C8:1, all exhibiting increased data.
number of unsaturated bonds, and hydroxybutyrylcarnitine
which exhibited a 1.6-fold change. In contrast, two long-
chain acylcarnitine species, palmitoylcarnitine C16:0, and 3.2.4 Other compounds
stearoylcarnitine C18:0, decreased after the MFD diet. No-
tably, the most common short-chain acylcarnitines (acetyl-, There was a marked increase in the concentration of several
butyryl-, propionyl-, and valerylcarnitine) and medium chain- small compounds resulting from the bioactivity of colonic-
length acylcarnitines (hexanoyl-, octanoyl-, nonaoylcarnitine) microbiota, such as indolepropionic acid, pyrocatechol sul-

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fate, and aminophenol sulfate, which showed fold changes in plasma metabolome of healthy overweight subjects. Main
the 1.73.5 range after MFD. Additionally, clear increase was changes were recorded for fatty acid-containing furans and
observed for several compounds not amenable for identifica- different lipidic compounds, namely acyl-carnitines, phos-
tion but suggesting most likely steroid structure, such as bile pholipids, and fatty acids, as well as for metabolites related to
acids or derivatives of plant stanols. the activity of the gut microbiota.
Furan fatty acids levels, particularly CMPF and 3-carboxy-
4-methyl-5-pentyl-2-furanpropionic acid, increased during
3.3 Correlation between changes in metabolite the MFD intervention. This observation is explained mainly
concentration and CMD-related outcomes on the basis of the significant supply of oily fish that char-
acterizes MFD. Elevated plasma levels of CMPF have been
After finding the metabolites that were most significantly recently shown in an intervention study where they strongly
changed during the intervention, we performed correlation correlated with the total intake of fish [7]. Additionally, in-
analyses to investigate how the metabolic changes are related creased circulating levels of 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-pentyl-2-
to the measured clinical biomarkers (Fig. 1, Supporting Infor- furanpropionic acid were reported also after intervention
mation 5). Overall, changes in most of the differential plasma with a Mediterranean-type diet [11]. These observations, to-
metabolites were mainly associated with changes in the clas- gether with the higher post-MFD levels of three other com-
sic circulating lipid biomarkers, such as cholesterol fractions, pounds classified as furan fatty acid species (Table 3), in-
Apo B, and triglycerides. The strongest correlations were dicate that the variety of diet-derived furan fatty acids is
observed for changes in total and LDL cholesterol and the far more diverse than known so far. Moreover, the inverse
LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio with particular metabolites, as correlation observed between the levels of circulating fatty
strong inverse correlation was observed with changes in furan acid containing furan metabolites and LDL cholesterol and
fatty acids, including CMPF and 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-pentyl- LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio suggests that furan-derived com-
2-furanpropionic acid, and other lipid compounds such as pounds could be involved in the beneficial action of MFD.
PC(38:6), PC(34:6), PC(40:6) as well as two compounds tenta- The notable radical-scavenging ability of this chemical group
tively identified as steroid glucuronides. In contrast, marked has been previously claimed relevant for the cardiometabolic-
positive correlation with the changes in cholesterol fractions protective effects of the intake of fish and seafood in
was observed for various lipids, the strongest one for the 20:3 general [1517].
fatty acid-containing phospholipids: LPC(20:3), LPE(20:3), The PUFAs EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6)
and PC(20:3/18:0). Other lipid species and fatty acids, such (DHA), and various PUFA-containing phosphatidylcolines,
as eicosapentenoic acid (C20:5) (EPA), also showed strong phosphatidyletanolamines, and their lyso- derivatives in-
inverse association with the changes in both LDL cholesterol creased after the MFD intervention. Again, these raised lev-
and the LDL to HDL ratio as well as with the cardiovascular els of PUFA-containing compounds most likely reflect the
risk predictors. relatively high fish intake associated with this diet. Cor-
Opposite associations with clinical lipid markers were also relation analyses confirmed that the change in concentra-
observed for other metabolites within the same metabolic tion of several PUFA-containing phospholipid species is
classes. Long-chain acylcarnitines, for instance, showed posi- inversely associated with the variation in circulating choles-
tive correlation with changes in cholesterol fractions whereas terol fractions. On the other hand, the positive correlation
the short-chained ones were inversely associated. Likewise, between three C20:3-containing phospholipid species (PC
two plasmalogens, PE(22:6/P-18:1) and PE(20:5/P-16:0), were (18:0/20:3), LPC(20:3) and LPE(20:3)) and LDL-cholesterol,
inversely correlated with total and LDL cholesterol, while two total cholesterol, and the cardiovascular risk estimates, seems
other species, PE(20:4/P-18:1 and PE(20:4/P-16:0), showed in line with the proposed association between blood lipid
positive association. profiles high in this fatty acid and cardiometabolic risk
The correlation with changes in body weight, glucose and [18, 19]. Additionally, we have recently identified LPC(20:3)
insulin levels were less consistent and weaker, but neverthe- as a compound related to higher risk of developing type
less many were statistically significant (Fig. 1, Supporting 2 diabetes, thus further highlighting the potential harm-
Information 5). There was no important correlation trend be- ful effect of 20:3 fatty acid-containing lipids on health
tween the changes in BP or inflammatory markers and the (de Mello et al, submitted).
changes in metabolome. Reduced plasma concentrations of LPC(18:2) have been
recently proposed as a prediabetes-specific marker [20]. Our
study, however, did not reveal differences between consump-
4 Discussion tion of CD and MFD in relation with this metabolite. In fact,
the level of LPC(18:2) was increased after consuming either
The present study shows that the beneficial effect of MFD, a diet, and no clear correlation pattern was observed between
diet based on a combination of functional food concepts, on circulating glucose or insulin and the various LPC species.
cardiometabolic risk factors is mediated via several branches An interesting observation relates to the elevated concen-
of metabolism, as evidenced by the notable changes in the tration of LPC (15:0) after the MFD period, since circulat-

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ing levels of C(15:0)-containing phospholipids have been in- carnitine has been suggested to promote insulin resistance
versely associated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes [21,22]. [29]. Surprisingly, MFD increased the concentration of this
It is generally accepted that human cells do not produce odd- compound, which showed negative association with clinical
chain fatty acids and their occurrence in adipose tissue and lipid markers (Fig. 1). It is also worthwhile mentioning that
blood is determined by the diet. Plasma pentadecanoic acid no appreciable changes were registered in plasma levels of
(C(15:0)) and heptadecanoic acid (C(17:0)) are thus regarded short-chain acylcarnitines, including acetylcarnitine, a com-
as markers of the intake of dairy products [23] and fish [24,25]. pound that qualifies as an early biomarker of type 2 diabetes
Since MFD does not include particularly important levels of [20]. Evidently, more research on physiopathological aspects
milk and derived products, the fourfold elevation recorded of acylcarnitines would be needed for comprehensive inter-
for LPC (15:0) may originate from the abundance of oily pretation of present observations.
fish in MFD. However, production of odd-chain fatty acids There was an increase in the plasma concentration of dif-
by particular gut microorganisms cannot be ruled out [26]. ferent low molecular mass compounds that are product of
The relevance of this putative activity of gut microbiota for gut microbial metabolism of dietary phenolics (pyrocathecol
the host cardiometabolic health and its modulation by diet sulfate), aminoacids (indolepropionic acid), and benzoxazi-
should be further investigated. Odd-chain fatty acid contain- noids (aminophenol sulfate) [30, 31] that are abundant in
ing lipids have also been related to lower type 2 diabetes risk nonrefined cereals and other plant foods [30]. Since MFD
in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (de Mello et al, is rich in ingredients with prebiotic activity and contains a
submitted). probiotic bacterial strain, the increase in microbiota-derived
Ethanolamine plasmalogens were another group of lipids compounds might be consequence of both enhanced bioac-
markedly affected by consumption of MFD. Levels of plas- tivity of the colonic flora and the higher amount of potential
malogens containing fatty acid C(20:4) decreased, while those precursor compounds included in the diet. Although rela-
with fatty acids C(20:5) and C(22:6) increased after MFD. tively little is known about the possible metabolic role of
In addition, the changes in C(20:4)-containing plasmalogens these molecules in humans, the importance of microbiota-
correlated positively with the clinical lipid biomarkers and mediated metabolism in maintenance of good human health
those with C(20:5) or C(22:6) showed negative association. is being increasingly stressed [32]. In this respect, the positive
These observations clearly indicate the influence of diet on correlation shown here between aminophenol sulfate and the
the metabolism of this unique type of molecules. However, changes in total and LDL-cholesterol deserves further inves-
their interpretation awaits further insights on the biology tigation. We have recently found that high plasma levels of
of plasmalogens. Although plasmalogens are generally ac- indolepropionic acid are related to lowered risk of develop-
knowledged as natural protectants against oxidative stress ing type 2 diabetes (de Mello et al., submitted). Additionally,
and reservoirs of second messengers [27] our knowledge there were appreciable elevations in the circulating levels of
on the physiological meaning of circulating plasmalogens a number of compounds exhibiting most likely steroid struc-
is still limited [28]. While certain choline-based plasmalogens ture, such as bile acids. Alternatively, these partially iden-
have been suggested as potential antiatherogenic biomarkers, tified compounds could represent derivatives of the plant
decreased total serum levels of ethanolamine plasmalogens stanols included in MFD as part of the cholesterol-lowering
may be associated with reduced cognitive performance [28]. strategy.
Our results suggest that the fatty acid composition of plas- In conclusion, the present study revealed a set of impor-
malogens might be important in the maintenance of healthy tant changes in the plasma metabolome of healthy overweight
metabolic homeostasis, as evidenced by the clear shift caused subjects in a controlled intervention with a diet based on mul-
by the dietary regimens evaluated. tiple functional properties, and thus demonstrates clearly the
Various circulating medium- and long-chain acylcar- utilizability of nontargeted metabolite profiling as discovery
nitines (C8-C13), including two species with unsaturated fatty approach for unforeseen metabolic alterations. Some of the
acids, increased after MFD consumption and were inversely changes may be associated with the composition of the diet
correlated with changes in cholesterol fractions and cardio- (markers of exposure) but others seem to reflect actual diet-
vascular risk estimates. This probably reflects the overall im- dependent modifications of the metabolic status of the sub-
proved fat quality of MFD [4]. On the other hand, the levels jects, particularly regarding lipid metabolism. Changes in cir-
of two long-chain species, palmitoylcarnitine and stearoylcar- culating concentrations of several metabolites, including gut
nitine, decreased markedly after MFD and were positively microbiota-produced compounds, were correlated with ben-
correlated with the clinical lipid markers. Besides provid- eficial variations in the conventional clinic lipid profile, thus
ing a clear evidence of the effect of diet on acylcarnitine providing further insight to the metabolic control related to
metabolism, these changes might be considered of potential clinically relevant lipid markers. Although the investigation
benefit since, in general terms, plasma long-chain acylcar- was performed in a predominantly female group, there are
nitines are associated with insulin resistance and increased reasons to infer that our conclusions may be valid for the
short-chain species may reflect improved efflux of mithocon- healthy segment of the general population [4]. The metabolic
drial fatty acids, a process of protective action against the impact of MFD in patients affected by CMD remains to be
inhibition of glucose catabolism [29]. Plasma hydroxybutyryl- studied.

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