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The linguistic intelligence paper

Chapter I

A. The Background
The science of psychology is the science study the behavior or psychological individuals
in the environment. In journalism course of Psychology science is closely related, a journalist
in interviewing must know the characters or the nature of a person who became an expert and
to know that the science of psikologilah who learn.
In Indonesia the influence not only on the model of the test based on the IQ intelligence.
But developed as though as a strategy and target learning, so that the learning process takes
place with the paradigm pursued the target of the curriculum for learners is more important
than on the mastery of science.
Howard Gardner, an expert biopsikologi give criticism of the condition of the
above. He revealed:
"most of our testing is based on the award is high on the skills of verbal and mathematics.
When if versed in the Bible and logic, test, IQ, you must be good and you may succeed with
good entered the prestigious college, but whether you have successfully after graduation,
might be depending on the extent to which you have and use the other intelligence, that I give
balanced attention".[1]
In Psychology science we learn the material intelligence or called with order. Intelligence
is the ability to provide seseoarang a good response to a received. In this paper we will
discuss about the intelligence in more detail again.

B. The formulation of the Problem

1. What is intelligence ?
2. What is the measure of intelligence ?
3. Explain the theory of the theory of intelligence ?
4. How the explanation about the idea of implementation ?

C. The Problem Statement

Statement (statement) stating that the language is something that is always complete
should dipersentasikan, meaning that each language has the word "vocabulary itself" for
everything that is the characteristic vocabulary. Exception in the Bible had loss of use. The
language always experience the things that difficult, even though the fact that the Bible
experience resistance movement of the new forms of which may often appear. When the
Bible is not user memungkinak or lowering to create the appropriate response to all things,
because vocabulary (vocabulary) so by characteristics of the "open" differentiated in
vocabulary between the two languages is a thing that the size that is inaccurate from the
difference in the efficiency or benefits from two words.
D. The purpose of the Problem
The objectives of the paper children have the linguistic intelligence:
1. Able to read what the visitor understand.
2. Able to hear well and provide a response in suatukomunikasi verbal.
3. Able to imitate sounds, learn foreign languages, capable membacakarya others.
4. Be able to write and speak effectively.
5. Interested in the paper jurnalism, argue, skillful convey ceritaatau fixes on the paper.
6. Able to learn by hearing and reading materials, writing and melaluidiskusi, or the debate.

E. The benefits of the Settlement

1. For his own personal can understand the material that has been given by the lecturers and
learn to know the contents of the linguistic keceerdan.
2. For the students can understand the linguistic intelligence learning and receive materials in
the school and outside the school.
3. For teachers can be made as one of a good learning model used in teaching and learning
about the first intelligence for fields of study bahasa Indonesia.
4. For the development of Indonesian language can make bahasa Indonesia one of the nature
of the Bible is unique and peculiar to different with other languages in the development of the
5. For Prodi bahasa Indonesia can make linguistic intelligence the study of Indonesian
language equivalent higher again.

Chapter II
The discussion
A. The definition of intelligence
According to the formulation of the specified world congress about the purpose of Islamic
education, was quoted as saying by M. Arifin:"education options aim at the ballanced growth
of the total personality of man through the training of mans' spirit, intelect the rational self,
26and bodily sense. Education solution therefore cater for the growth of man in all its
aspects; response, intellectual imaginative, physical, scientifc, for, both individually and
collectively, and motivate all these aspect toward goodnes and attainment of perfection. The
ultimate aim for education lies in the realization of complete submission to God on the level
of individual, the community and humanity at large".[2]
Then in Surat al-Baqara 151 God said,"As we have sent among you yanng rehearsing Our
Signs to you and purify you and teach you the book and al hikamah (assunnah) and will
teach you what you do not know"(Surat. 2:151).
In the Qur'an, the letter At Baraah (At-touba) verse 122 following:"ought not to those of the
believers who all go out to the battlefield) why not go from every sect among them some
people to deepen their knowledge about the religion and to give warning to his people when
they return to him so that they can keep himself"(Surat 9:122)
The history of hadith Imam Baihaqi also heightens:"according to knowledge is an obligation
for every Muslim" (HR.Imam Baihaqi). It is clear that the thinking or learn it is imperative for
every Muslim, whether male or female, good old or young man.

According to the experts as follows:

A. William Stern intelligence or intelligence is a capacity or general skills on the individuals
in sadara to adjust his thoughts on the situation that faced.
B. Carl Whitherrington intelligence is the perfection of acting as manifested in the abilities
or activities such as the following :
1. Facility in the use of numbers such as facility in using numbers and numbers.
2. Language fouling namely efficient use of language.
3. Speed of perpection namely the speed of observation.
4. Facility in memorizing namely facilities in remembering.
5. Facility in comprehending relationship namely facilities in understand the relationship.
6. Namely menghayal imagination.
C. An expert named S.C. Utami Munandar formulate in general intelligence as follows :
1. The ability to think abstract.
2. The ability to catch the relationship - the relationship and to learn.
3. The ability to adapt to the new situation situation.
D. Edward Thorndike define intelligence is demonstrable in ability of the individual to make
good responses from the stand point of the truth or fact or can be interpreted intelligence is
the ability of the individual to provide the right response ( good ) of stimulation it receives.
E. George D. Stodard intelligence is skill in stating the behavior that has attributes - the
following characteristics. So we can deduce that the intelligence or intelligence is an ability
that is owned by someone in any field and the individual can run and develop the ability that
he had with good.

B. A measurement of intelligence
The measurement of intelligence there are three namely IQS ( intellectual ), ( EQ emotional
intelligence ), SQ ( spiritual intelligence ). Keceerdasan intellectual property can be measured
because were quantitative. measure intellectual as follows:
A. Simon Binet Test
A measurement of cognitive intelligence was first created by Alfred Binet and Theodore
Simonpada 1905 at the request of the French government regarding the failure of the case
study school students. Tests that they create allocated children age 2 up to 15 years. The way
that they traveled to measure the ability is by comparing mental age (mental age) with
chronological age (chronological age).
B. The concept of Intelligence Quotient ( IQ )
It was mentioned that in measuring the rank of cognitive intelligence, Binet and Simon
compare mental age with chronological age. This formula is used with the assumption that a
child revealed normal ability when himself able to perform tasks or the work of the work
such as that done by most children her age. Next to avoid the number of fractions, results for
is dikali a hundred. So the formula can be written as follows. While for emotional intelligence
(EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ), until this time there is no tools that can measure it
clearly because two of the intelligence is not qualitative quantitative.
Those who have intellectual (IQ) high enough can be seen apart from the results of the test
can be seen also that usually the person , as follows:
1. Have the ability to mathematically
2. Have the ability to imagine the space
3. See the round by runtun or comprehensive
4. To search for the relationship between a form with other forms
5. Have the ability to identify, connect, and weaves the words and search for the relationship
between one word with the word echelons, memory has good enough.
A person with emotional intelligence (EQ) high diindikatori have such things as
the following :
A. Self-conscious, panada control, can be trusted, can adapt with good and have a creative
B. Can empathize, able to understand the feelings of others, can mengendaikan conflict, can
work together in a team,
C. Could interact and build a friendship,
D. Can affect other people,
E. Willing to bear responsibility,
F. Dare To aspire,
G. Attorneys high,
H. Always optimistic,
I. Have a great curiosity, and
J. Pleased to manage and organise activity.
The sign of the -who have SQ that developed with good/high, namely as follows:
1. Able to are flexible (adaptive spontaneously and active)
2. Have a high level of self-consciousness
3. To be able to face and take advantage of the suffering
4. To be able to face and beyond pain
5. Have a good quality of life constituted by the vision and values
6. Avoid the halyang can cause loss that do not need to
7. Tend to view all things related (holistic approach)
8. The real tendency to ask "Why?" or "what if" to seek answers fundamentally
9. Mandiri SQ that developed with good can make a person have "" meaning in his life. With
the "live" meaning is a person will have the quality of "Be", a mode of existence that can
make a person feel happy, using its ability to productively and can combine with the world.

C. The theory of intelligence

Raymon, Cattel dkk., classify the order into two categories:
A. Fluid intelligence (Liquid intelligence)
B. Crystallized intelligence (intelligence Crystal)
This theory induced on the 1960s by Raymond Cattell and John Horn. The theory of this
intelligence is a further development of the theory of General Intelegence. In the theory of
intelligence and liquid crystal intelligence stated that there are two kinds of general
A. Fluid intelligence (liquid) intelligence liquid intelligence is the intelligence based on
biological nature.
Liquid intelligence increased in accordance with the increase of old age, reaches peak at adult
and declined at the old because of the biological process of the body.Analytics fluid tends not
to change after the age of 14 years or 15 years,
B. Crystallized intelligence (intelligence) Crystals Crystal intelligence is the intelligence
obtained from the process of learning and life experience. The type of intelligence could
continue to increase, there is no limit to the maximum, during the man can still and willing to
learn. Order Crystallized still growing until the age of 30-40 years even more.
Theory of intelligence according to the experts namely :
1. The theory"TwoFactors"
This theory put forward by Charles Spearman (1904). He berpencan that in order to cover
the general capabilities that are given the code "g" (general factors), and special ability is
coded "s" (specific factors). Each individual has both the ability to mi that both determine the
appearance or behavior of his mental.
2. The theory"PrimaryMentalAbilities"
This theory put forward by Thurstone (1938). He holds floodwa order is the incarnation
and primary capabilities, namely (a) language ability: verbal comprehension (b) the ability to
remember: memory (c) the ability to reason or Thinking logically reasoning (d) the ability of
divination spatial space factor (e) ability numbers numerical ability (I) the ability to use the
words: word fluency and (g) the ability to observe the fast and precise perceptual speed.
3. "MultipleIntelligence theory"
This theory put forward by J.P. Guilford and Howard Gardner. Guilford holds that the
order can be seen and three basic categories or faces of intellect.

D. The idea of Implementation

The talent is hidden potential that is ready to diaktulisasikan and will be developed,
taken since birth that has been attached to individual personality, better if there is a synergy
with the environment that supports vicinity. As seen in the early Hadithic :"Each child who
was born to bring fitrah, father and a Jewish menjadiaknnya ibunyalah, or Majusi".[3] The
first verse of the Qur'an and early Hadithic above states that the son of man since birth has
brought fitrah or psychological nature inherited from parents, nature was a potential or ability
which is strength himself to search for the truth or serve the Lord. Islam knows that each
child born brought by nature and at the same time this pattern to distinguish one from the
other. The son has led to a potential or talent which is a precursors of strength in himself, but
acknowledged the actualisation of a child created as a result of interaction with their
environment. Synergistic keduanyalah who made the child for what it is.
Second, environmental factors, this is related to all sources of information that comes
from outside of themselves learners; as parents, family, friends, educators, society as human
sumerdaya, books, internet, multimedia. This also includes all the association and experience
or education that obtained the child in and outside of the schools. After borne it can be
concluded that the talent, fitrah and intelligence refers to a meaning and the meaning of the
same difference is a different perspective, this means that before the discovery of intelligence
plural. Gardner said People acres born with certainamount of intelligences[4] , that one of the
son of man is born into the world has more than one potential intelligence that might be
developed, even though the development was different from man to man. More information
Gardner add,after all, intelligences arise from the combination of a person's genetic heritage
and life condition in a given culture and the era.[5]
In accordance with the statement of the above talent tracking and its development as a
potential intelligence should have been carried out since the beginning of education started,
both formal and informal. For early education was conducted in household and formal
education in schools as educational preschool (preschool), KINDERGARTEN (kinder garten)
and SD (primary school education focusing toward the talent and tracking the development of
the potential of intelligence. In the business of tracking the talent and intelligence, each
learners sustainable must be presented with the choices of learning materials and the elect
who diminatinya so that the order of the interference and the desire of educators to impose his
will. This is an expression of the desire that in accordance with the call the talent and
capabilities of learners. Therefore the presentation of the material in the form of packets that
must be learned by learners no longer matches the talent tracking and development.

VERBAL linguistic intelligence in children EARLY AGE

The linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words effectively, both orally and in
writing. This intelligence includes sensitivity to the meaning of the word, the sequence of the
word, sound rhythm and intonation of words that in say. including the ability to understand
the strength of the word in the change state of mind and convey the information verbal
education process is a difficult process to trained, then this process should be done since the
children at the age of egresifnya at the age of childhood, sometimes parents takun when his
son is experiencing a lateral move to prohibit to move where she wants, finally progressive
children to do something haras undone because the fear of the Lord. The linguistic
intelligence related to language skills and in terms of its use. The talent in this field
happy playing with the Bible, fond of reading and writing, interested with the
voice, meaning dannarasi.
T h e y a r e o f t e n a g o o d S p e l l e r Awa r d a n d e a s y t o r e m e m b e r t h e
d a t e , p l a c e and the name. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l o t h e r t h i n g s t h a t
r e l a t e d w i t h f e a t u r e s u n i q u e t o this intelligence namely :
1. Able to write his daily experience
2. Opinions.better than the son of her age,
3. Have vocabulary that many compared to children her age and use it with the right,
4. Many read (books and newspapers, magazines, article in the internet and other
similar substances), many give opinion, inputs criticism, on others,
5. Spell the word stranger danbaru exactly,
6. Prefer to listen to the oral statements (story, ulasanradio, book tune), like pantun, word
game, a series of words spoken yangsukar
7. And the love story length or able menceritakanlelucon and stories.
Have you ever been amazed by someone when he addressed
ataumenjelaskan something? This is the advantages of those who have
kecerdasanlinguistic-verbal. They are very skillful play the words.
Those who have this intelligence have the ability to make up his mind
w i t h c l e a r. T h e y a r e a l s o a b l e t o r e v e a l t h e m i n d i n t h e f o r m o f w o r d s
s u c h a s s p e a k i n g , w r o t e , a n d r e a d . People with intelligence verbal is very
skilled in language, told the story, argue, discussions,perform interpretation,
submit reports and various other activities yangterkait with speaking and
writing. This intelligence is needed padaprofesi lawyers, author, broadcaster
radio/television, editor, teachers.
Those who have this intelligence such as John F Kennedy, Bung Karno (PresidenRI to-
1), Kak Seto and others.
The logic of intelligence think a child can be shown from the intelligence of the
language that he had. Children who are able to speak/speak with good and also smoothly,
allows the logic think improves will be good. In everyday habit, children tends to often use
the word "randomly-acakan". As mix Bahasa Indonesia with local language they, therefore a
child often one in the use of the word.
To stimulate intelligence verbal speaking a child, we can be studied in the following way
- often invites children talking
- often read story/myth
- often teach the song/songs
Smiths speak not only means rule over many languages, but also has the ability in
processing language. It is therefore very important to teach the language of the mother first to
encourage the logic of thinking a child. Not all of the smartphone and prepared to speak. An
example, if a child is not ready to receive multiple languages, so you do not give it
first. When done forced to crowd children with a variety of languages, is undeniable if
children will experience confusion language or perhaps even stress. Need to remember!
Stimuli from the environment is very great influence on the ability of the brain child that
ultimately will affect the skills of children in processing words and speak. The lack of
invitation communication from small businesses will have an impact on the lack of language
ability a child who make children tends to be so quiet.
Meanwhile Gardner , dkk (Dryden & Vos, 2001:342) describing the characteristics of
people who have linguistic intelligence as follows: sensitive to the pattern, regularly and
systematically, capable argued, liked listening to like reading, prefer to write, spelling easily,
like to play the word, has a sharp memories about things trivial, public speakers and
carpenters to debate.
There are several linguistic intelligence education model of verbal which can be
developed-kan through learning literature. Model is tells the story,
A) argue,
B) discussions,
C) interpret,
D) convey reports,
E) speaking and writing about literature.

The following is given some examples of the learning activities.

1. Tells the story of
(a) Understanding
The Model tells the story is the linguistic intelligence learning model of verbal through
literature learning with how to tell the story that was found in the literature that has been read
or heard the students. Because of the focus on the narrative stories, then literature heard or
read the students is the paper satra which contains the story, for example myth, lewd, novel,
drama or poetry ballads.
(b) Steps
1. The students are asked to listen to or read literature that
Has Been Prepared by the teacher.
2. Students recorded the main story heard or read.
3. Students retell the story that has been diengar or passage,
Both orally and in writing.
(c) things that need to be noted
1. Literature heard or read the students should be appropriate
With the development of students, both in terms of both content and language.
2. The time provided should be in accordance with the type of rich literature that
Return will be told, especially the thickness of the literature
Read and/or the duration of literature heard.
(d) Example
A) Read stories "Stories" paper Lidya Ronggo Katika following Goddess!
B) Write the main story that there is in the new bookshops
Only you read !
C) relate back in writing a story that there is in bookshops
While the attention to the main story that has you
Note !
(e) Variations
A) teachers can also read fairy tales to students.
B) while listening to the myth that read teachers, students recorded
Subject -grove story.
C) Myth read teacher is too long, but still
Reflect the integrity of the story.
2. Argue

(a) Understanding

The Model argue is linguistic intelligence learning model of verbal through literature
learning with how to maintain the opinion of events, behavior, or other phenomenon that was
found in the literature that read or heard. In order to smooth the implementation of this
model, the selected literature should literature that content could trigger a difference of
opinion for most of the students so that the purpose of arguing can be reached.

(b) Steps

A) the class divided into two groups pro and groups

The group cons. Pro approved the attitudes and behavior and the opinion leaders
Home. Contra groups rejected the attitudes and behavior and the opinion leaders
B) The students were asked to read the literature that had been prepared by
C) each group were asked to maintain their opinion with
How to show the various reasons that support the opinions.
(c) things that need to be noted
A) The Opinion of each group (either the pro or groups
Cons) should be clearly laid down by teachers so that
Easy for students (group) in search of the reasons that there are
In literature is read or heard.
B) Time provided to argue should be enough so that
Each group (both pro and contra) can
He argues membeikan thoroughly.
(d) Example
A) read "Eligi bookshops" paper Workshop Images Malang below.
B) Write the attitude, actions, and the opinion of the main characters!
C) for the pro, look for reasons why you agree or agree
Against the attitude of the action and the opinion of the main figure! On the contrary,
Cons, groups seek alasana why you reject or not
Agrees to the attitude of the action and the pendapa tokolh home!
D) after that, start arguing about the attitude of the action and the opinion leaders
Home on "Eligi bookshops" hosted nby teachers.
(e) Variations
A) teachers can also read the story of the story to the students.
B) while listening to the stories read teachers, students recorded subject-
Subject of the story, especially the attitude of the action and the opinion of the main
C) of the story of the read teacher is too long, but still
Reflect the integrity of the story.
D) Teachers sent students (Pro or Contra) to provide
The reason for each.
E) after that, continued with the debate between the pro and cons who assisted by teachers.

The linguistic intelligence components

This intelligence components include the ability to manipulate (tamper untouched and
control) grammar, sound system language (phonology), the system of the meaning of the
Bible (semantics), the use of language and the rules to be worn (remain pragmatic). The
linguistic intelligence verbal also includes the ability of the language skills include the ability
to pay attention to the (listen carefully and critical) oral information, the ability to read
effectively the ability of speaking and writing abilities. The individual who quickly captures
information orally and in writing can be in say in linguistic roots even though they may not
be so clever to speak or write.

VERBAL linguistic intelligence indicator

The linguistic intelligence verbal has several indicators or special characteristics of
intelligence. This intelligence in the show in the sensitivity of the sound, structure, the
meaning of the function of words and language. Individuals who have this intelligence tend
to show the following:
1. Happy and effectively communicate both orally and in writing
2. Happy and good in essay writing stories
3. Eager to talk and follow the debate an issue
4. Happy and effective learning a foreign language
5. Senaang playing the game language. They enjoy the game sound, sensitive to comic
confused identities that appears as a result of the exchange of sound, and sensitive to the
6. Love to read and able to reach high understanding. They are able to catch the meaning
behind the words
7. Easy to remember the quotation, expert speech, experts, verse
8. Not easy one paper or one spell
9. Smiths make jokes. They smiths make plecetan, associate the fact serious with the fact that
similar, but clearly not related and cause comic confused identities
10. Intelligent poetry
11. Right in the grammar. They are sensitive to the structure, rarely one ordering words.
12. Rich vocabulary. They were able to speak with many vocabulary and describe more
13. Write clearly. They are able to imagine what the readers are able to understand what is in

The linguistic intelligence indicator of VERBAL CHILDREN EARLY AGE

In children, linguistic intelligence emerged from the various forms and the following
1. Children happy to communicate those other, both with peers and adults aged 2-6 years
2. Children enjoyed telling a length of the daily experience of the day, what in see and know
(3-6 years)
3. The son of easy to remember the name of friends and family (age 2-6 years), the place or
trivial things that never heard or know, including advertising age 3-6 years)
4. Children like to take the book and hide thyself read (2-4 years), like the book and quickly
spell exceeds the children of her age (4-6 years)

Chapter III
The cover
It can be concluded that the linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words
effectively, both orally and in writing. This intelligence includes sensitivity to the meaning of
the word, the sequence of the word, sound rhythm and intonation of words that in
say. including the ability to understand the strength of the word in the change state of mind
and convey the information verbal education process is a difficult process to trained, then this
process should be done since the children at the age of egresifnya at the age of childhood,
sometimes parents afraid when his son is experiencing a lateral move to prohibit to move
where she wants, finally progressive children to do something haras undone because the fear
of the Lord. Every man have uniqueness or the nature and personality of each, this gives
meaning to that in education learners are given freedom to choose the appropriate materials
with potential seprti ability, talent, analytics, learning style, styles of thinking and morals
The four metodeologi lptk, educational method is an integral part of the; the four
approaches to the Lord the shari'ah (information/revelation), Philosophy (thinking), Tasauf
(qalbu or intuition) and the science of Kalam (qadar) combined with develop all potential for
the soul, heart, reason and emotions. One another walk to support each other by combining
all potential. The core of intelligence thought plural in Islam related to education is the
implications and the development of the concept of multiple intelligence as approach,
methoad and namely with classroom.

Alhamdulillah, author to complete this paper with the right time. authors say many thanks
to the work of the same friends who helped the author complete this paper. When in this
paper still have an error, then the author asked for criticism and suggesting and hopefully this
paper can be useful to us all.
A list of the Library

Ansharullah. 2011. The Islamic education based on intelligence plural Multiple

Intelligences. Mold I. Jakarta: STEP.
Azwar, Saifuddin, 2006. Introduction to the psychology of the Order. I edition, Mold V
Yogyakarta: The Library Students
Gardner, Howard. 2003. Compound intelligence, the theory in practice. Batam:

[1] Howard Gardner, multiple intelligence. Compound intelligence. The theory
in Ein, (Batam Center, Inter Askara 2003), p.30 24.
2 M. Arifin, knowledge of Islamic Education: a theoretical overview and
practical based
Interdisciplinary curriculum approach, (Jakarta: Earth characters, 1996), Cet.
The 4, hlmn. 40.
3 early Hadithic Bukhari Muslims. p.30 127.
4 Howard Gardner, Changing Minds, (Massachusetss, USA, Hardward Business
School Press, 2006). p.30 29.
5 Howard Gardner,. Multiple Intelligence, Intelligence Reframed, for the 21st,
(New York,USA, Basic Books 1999).p.30 41.
Ther site

For Kcecerdasan/verbal

Is the ability and the sensitivity on the meaning and order of words using the word
structures called ra effective, either in oral or written. Inteli-gensi this includes the ability
to the lasi sintax memanipu or the structure of the Bible, phonologi or voice language,
the meaning or semantics language, and dimension prgmatik or use the language of the
convenience of the rhetoric, mnemonics, explanasi, and meta language.

One of the intelligence presented by Gardner is intelligenceVerbal-Linguistik. This type of

intelligence is intelligence in using the Bible and the words, both orally and in writing.
Children with this type of intelligence have the ability to pay attention to the very good
and is those who articulate exactly.

The skills included in the intelligence verbal-linguistic intelligence is:listen/catching,

speak, wrote, tells, explains, teach,using humor, understand syntax offer important
exegetical clues and meaning of the words, menginngatinformasi, convince other people
against the opinions and analyze the use of language

The purpose of his son has the linguistic intelligence a. Able to read, understand what is
read.b. Able to hear well and provide a response in suatukomunikasi verbal.c. Able to
imitate sounds, learn foreign languages, capable membacakarya others.d. Be able to
write and speak effectively.e. Interested in the paper jurnalism, argue, skillful convey
ceritaatau fixes on the paper.f. able to learn by hearing and reading materials, writing
and melaluidiskusi, or the debate.

The linguistic intelligence related to language skills and in halpenggunaannya. The talent
in this field happy playing with the Bible, fond of reading and writing, interested with the
voice, meaning dannarasi. They often Speller Award is good and easy to remember the
date,place and the name.Besides, there are several other things that related with special
cirri this padakecerdasan namely : able to write his daily experience/opinions better than
the son of her age, have vocabulary that many compared to children her age and use it
with the right, many read (books and newspapers, magazines, article in the internet and
other similar substances), many give opinion, inputs criticism, on others, spelling foreign
words with the right danbaru, prefer to listen to the oral statements (story, ulasanradio,
book tune), like pantun, word game, a series of words spoken yangsukar and love story
length or able menceritakanlelucon and stories.Have you ever enchanted With a person
when he addressed ataumenjelaskan something? This is the advantages of those who
have kecerdasanlinguistic-verbal. They are very skillful play the words. The bonesetter
that has intelligence have the ability to arrange pikirannyadengan clear. They are also
able to reveal the mind in the form of words such as speaking, wrote, and read. People
with intelligence verbalini very skilled in language, told the story, argue,
discussions,perform interpretation, submit reports and various other activities related to
speaking and writing. This intelligence is needed padaprofesi lawyers, author,
broadcaster radio/television, editor, teachers. The bonesetter that has intelligence such
as John F Kennedy, Bung Karno (PresidenRI to-1), Kak Seto and others.D

The linguistic Verbal Intelligence indicator

1. Have the ability to communicate good.2. Smiths arrange the word3. Remember that
strong power4. Easy to learn the language

The characteristics of

1. Love to talk

2. Smiths authored

Career examples:

1. Advocates2. The Writer3. Politicians4. Comedians 5. Broadcaster

A suitable stimulation:

1. Activities intake tells2. Provide audio, video interesting for them3. Learn to be a
presenter 4. Give an opportunity to guide in the journey5. Give the books such as the
myth of the history, etc.

The intelligence Verbal-Linguistik Students

The statement Sandburg became a good example about the intelligence verbal-linguistic
intelligence when he describes the sharpness sensitifitasnya against the sound of the
rhythm of,and the meaning of the words and enthusiasm throughout their lives to study
reveals himself in his writings themselves. Gardner mengemukakanbahwa Bible is the
leading example of human intelligence yangmerupakan absolute requirements for human
society. He noted the importance of aspects of the rhetorical language, or the ability to
convince others tentangpelaksanaan an action; signals potential language, or
kemampuanmenggunakan words in remembering the list or process; bahasadi capacity
in explaining the concepts and values of the metaphor in act like; and the use of
language to reflect on the Bible, ataupenggunaannya in metalinguistik analysis.Use of
words in communicating and make the documentation,expressed a strong emotion,
changing the music in the form of songs,makes human beings different from other
animals. At the beginning of human history,Bible change specialization and the function
of the human brain through the offer the possibility to explore and expand the
intelligence of man. The words spoken katayang make this effort possible for our
predecessors in dalamberpikir that moves from the concrete toward the abstract when
they mengalamikemajuan in describe the objects by giving the name padabenda the
items and talk about objects although the objects of bendaitu there in front of them.
Read make man may mengetahuitentang objects, the place and the process and the
concepts in pribaditidak we experience, and writing has made possible we communicate
those where we have never met with the speaker. Through the ability to think in the
words of the then man can remember,analyze, solve problems, plan first,
danmenciptakan.hath guarded the fetus normal develop ability to hear when iamasih in
the womb, therefore the basis of intelligence verbal-linguistic roots formed before birth.
Many of the study, includes from kaumneonatolog as Thomar Verney, indicates that the
baby telahmembaca, singing, and speak before birth has formed kemajuanawal on the
development of intelligence verbal-linguistic intelligence.Verney, and also the national
association of the education of children early age,presents the importance of the creation
of rich environment where orangtuaatau language other caregivers involves the children
of early age in verbal interaction,includes playing the words, read the stories and
jokes,asking questions, stated opinions and explain the feeling sertakonsep concepts.
The children have to be involved in the discussion and memberipeluang to select and
determine the meaning of a small admiration ketikaseorang children born as in the
environment that can enrich bahasamemperoleh progress side became an audience,
speakers, competent danpenulis reader.On every field of study in the classroom at each
grade level, jugaharus become rich environment where language students often
speak,discuss and explain and above all was pushed to the students who want to know.
The growing interest in learning when students feel enough nyamanmengajukan
questions and argue about the point of view of.reveals the idea of verbal is important
metakognitif exercise,because often hear a conversation or read what telahkita paper will
increase our understanding of what we sebenarnyapikirkan and ketahuiKepercayaan
themselves grow when the students learn mempertahankanpendapatnya in discussion
and debate. They understand the lessons iapelajari with depth when they have the
opportunity to discuss or

To teach others about what they have learned. Namunobservasi workroom him class by
researchers such as John Goodlad membuktikanbahwa in most cases the teachers are
those who speak the biggest denganmayoritas using the time available to groups of
students who passively.Even workroom him class where the students especially is
penyimak,skills which rarely taught. Therefore through kemampuanmenyimak someone
learn to use the words spoken secarabenar, effectively, even with fluent. To pay attention
to the skills that are not effective shows many of the failure to follow the lessons,
menimbulkansalah understanding and even physical injury. Speaking is the skills of other
trees do not develop effectively without engaging in dalampraktek and enthusiastic. The
writings that effectively requires the exercise and jugamembaca widely and carefully.
Lessons in class that successfully, in setiapsubjek, all of the four skills is growing actively
and carefully.The Development of the four components of the verbal intelligence of this
linguistic dapatberpengaruh important to success in the learn a subject throughout his

The statement Sandburg became a good example about the intelligence verbal-linguistic
intelligence when he describes the sharpness sensitifitasnya against the sound of the
rhythm of,and the meaning of the words and enthusiasm throughout their lives to study
reveals himself in his writings themselves. Gardner mengemukakanbahwa Bible is the
leading example about human intelligence that is the absolute need for human
society. He noted pentingnyaaspek rhetorical language, or the ability to convince others
tentangpelaksanaan an action; signals potential language, or kemampuanmenggunakan
words in remembering the list or process; bahasadi capacity in explaining the concepts
and values of the metaphor in act like; and the use of language to reflect on the Bible,
ataupenggunaannya in metalinguistik analysis.

The following list shows some of the indicators of intelligence verbal-linguistic

intelligence. We realize that hearing disorders, speak, ataupenglihatan will develop
language skills and communication dengancara other ways, often through other
intelligence that will be discussed in the chapter of babkemudian. The possibility that a
person shows the intelligence verbal-linguistic well-developed with the following
characteristics:1. Listening to and reacted to the sound of the rhythm, color and various
words spoken katayang.2. Imitate the sound of the Bible, the reading and writing of
others.3. Learn through the ability to pay attention to the, reading, writing and
discussions.4. listens to effectively, understand and interpret, symbolize,
danmengingat what is said.5. Read effectively, understand, summarizes, defines
ataumenjelaskan, and remember what has been read.6. Speaking effectively to many of
the audience about various purposes and know how to speak with a simple fluent,
persuasive,or eager at the time of the time.7. Writing with effective; understand and
apply the rule of the rules of the grammar,pronounciation punctuation and use the
Treasury said secaraefektif.8. Demonstrate the ability to learn about the other
languages.9. Using the ability to scrutinize, speak, write and membacauntuk remember
communicate, discussion and explain, persuade,create knowledge, build meaning and
reflect renunganpada Bible itself.10. Attempting to improve the quality of the use of their
own language.11 shows an interest in journalism, poetry, narrative debate,talks, writing
or editing. Create a new linguistic forms or works of the original oral ataukomunikasi.

B. The learning process Verbal-Linguistik

The tendency of most of the teachers in an effort to teach keterampilanverbal with how
to isolated areas or outside the context can become one alasanmengapa many students
not mastering the skills of verbal. Although kitamembahas each of these skills separately
according to the following list, but this skill is closely related and must be integrated with
kedalamkurikulum good way.

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