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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882

Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

Electrical Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste of Kanpur City

Shubham Rathi Dr. Pradeep Kumar
M.Tech (Environment Science and Engineering) Assoc. Professor
Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Department
HBTI, Kanpur (UP) HBTI, Kanpur (UP)

ABSTRACT According to Union Health Ministry, India is an

The energy crisis and environmental degradation are agriculturally based country having population of about
currently two vital issues for global sustainable 1237 million [Census India website, 2014]. Due to
development. Rapid industrialization and population unchecked relocation of peoples from rural and semi-
explosion in India has led to the migration of people urban areas to towns and cities from long time, the share
from villages to cities, which generate thousands tons of of urban population has increased from 10.84% in 1901
municipal solid waste daily, which is one of the to 26.15% in 1991 [Manual on municipal solid waste
important contributors for environmental degradation at management, 2000]. The increase in population of Class
national level. Consequently the Kanpur city has serious X cities is very high as compared to that of Class Y,
crisis of electricity, load shedding is now impractical as where Class X cities are those where the population
living standards and become a great barrier in socio- density is very high and Class Y cities are those which
economic growth. Municipal solid waste management is have relatively less population as compared to Class X.
one of the major environmental problems of Indian cities The urban population accounts for almost one-fourth of
including Kanpur. Improper management of municipal the total population and is increasing at a faster rate than
solid waste causes hazards to inhabitants. Massive the rural population in India. The population in the urban
volume of solid waste is generated every day in the areas have doubled in 2010 than in 1900, while the
Municipal areas and unfortunately solid waste quantity of MSWs generated is tripled. The number of
management is being deteriorated day by day. Class X cities with population exceeding 1,00,000 has
A study on the potential of such energy resources is increased from 212 to 300 during 19811991 [Manual
presented in this paper. The study conducted by on municipal solid waste management, 2000].
collecting data from 100 solid waste collection points of The uncontrolled urbanization has left many
Kanpur city; MSW sample collection of 5 kg is taken Indian cities devoid of many infrastructural services such
from each of these 100 solid waste collection point. as water supply, sewerage and municipal solid waste
Using Dulongs formula heat energy is calculated for management. Most of urban centers in India are
each of above 100 solid waste collection points. Finally, overwhelmed by severe problems related to solid waste
electrical energy is calculated of all the Kanpur city solid due to lack of grave efforts by town/city authorities,
waste which comes out to be 33MWor 804MWh/day. It garbage and its management. Great increase in the
is found that electricity production from MSW could be amount of municipal solid waste has been reported in the
an alternative way of power generation as well as waste cities due to an improved lifestyle and social status.
management. This also solves the problem of large Quickening urbanization accompanied with increasing
volume of solid waste as the final product is ash of very per capita incomes have also led to rapid increases in
less volume. Hence, both the above problems of Energy MSW generation that have dramatically expanded the
(Electricity) as well as Solid Waste management can be burden on local governments in India for collection,
solved by this paper. processing, and disposal of MSW in efficient ways.
Municipal corporations in India are unable to handle
Index TermsSolid Waste, Energy, Electricity, increasing quantities of waste, which results in
Dulongs Formula, Incinerators uncollected waste on roads and in other public places.
The most old-fashioned and popular MSW disposal
I. INTRODUCTION practice worldwide is landfilling or open dumping. Due
Rapid urbanization, industrialization and population to limited land availability in India and various
growth have led to severe waste management problems environmental problems associated, such as gas
in several cities of developing or under developed world emissions and leachate production, the technology of
like India, Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. Although landfilling needs to be improved.
MSWs, a vital part of any society, does not have the There is an urgent need to work towards a
disastrous potential of either global warming or sustainable solid waste management system, which is
stratospheric ozone depletion, has long posed threats to environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.
environmental quality and human health. WTE generation option is an alternative for sustainable
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

management of this waste and will be it helpful in wastes, (2) Analysis of particle size, (3) Moisture content,
tackling this huge quantity of waste. and (4) Density of solid wastes

II. SOLID WASTES TABLE 1: Typical composition of municipal solid

Solid wastes are all the wastes arising from human and waste
animal activities that are normally solid and that are Percent by mass
discarded as useless or unwanted. The term as used in Range Typical
this thesis is all-inclusive, and it includes the Food wastes 6 26 14
heterogeneous mass of throwaways from residences and Paper 15 45 34
commercial activities as well as the more homogenous Plastics 28 5
accumulations of a single industrial activity. Refuse Textiles 04 2
Garden trimmings 0 20 12
often used interchangeably with the term solid wastes.
Wood 14 2
A. Types of Solid Wastes
2) Chemical Composition
Solid wastes is characterized into three parts namely
Information on the chemical composition of solid
Municipal Wastes, Industrial Wastes and Hazardous
wastes is important in evaluating alternative processing
Wastes [Environmental Engineering textbook, Peavy &
and energy recovery options [Environmental Engineering
textbook, Peavy & Rowe]. If solid wastes are to be used
as fuel, the four most important properties to be known
1) Municipal Wastes
Municipal waste consist of food wastes, rubbish, ash
a) Proximate analysis
and residues, demolition and construction wastes, special
Moisture (loss at 105oC for 1h)
waste & treatment-plant wastes.
Volatile matter (additional loss on ignition at 950oC)
Ash (residue after burning)
2) Industrial Wastes
Fixed carbon (remainder)
Industrial wastes are those wastes arising from
b) Fusing point of ash
industrial activities and usually include rubbish, ashes,
c) Ultimate analysis, percent of C (carbon), H
demolition and construction wastes, special wastes and
(hydrogen), O (oxygen), N (nitrogen), S (sulfur) and ash
hazardous wastes.
d) Heating value (energy value)
3) Hazardous Wastes
C. Types of Energy Recovery Techniques from Solid
Wastes that pose a substantial danger immediately or
over a period of time to human, plant or animal life are
Many solid waste management techniques can be used to
classified as hazardous wastes. A waste is classified as
produce electricity as well. Following are the MSW
hazardous if it exhibits any of the following
management methods capable of producing electricity
characteristics: (1) ignitability, (2) corrosivity, (3)
reactivity, or (4) toxicity. In the past, hazardous wastes
1) Thermochemical conversion technologies
were often grouped into the following categories: (1)
WTE generation via incineration/combustion
radioactive substances, (2) chemicals, (3) biological
wastes, (4) flammable wastes and (5) explosives. The WTE generation via gasification
chemical category includes wastes that are corrosive, WTE generation via pyrolysis
reactive or toxic. The principal sources of hazardous
biological wastes are hospitals and biological research 2) Biochemical conversion technologies
facilities. WTE generation via landfilling and
engineered landfilling
B. Properties of Solid Wastes Anaerobic digestion/fermentation under
Information on the properties of solid waste is important controlled conditions.
in evaluating alternative equipment needs, system and
management programs and plans, specially with respect In this paper electricity generation calculation is done via
to the application of disposal and resource and energy incineration process as it has following advantages:
recovery options [Environmental Engineering textbook, a) The majority of wastes will burn without giving
Peavy & Rowe]. rise to noxious products of combustion (HCI,
HF, SO2 and NOx) in significant quantities
1) Physical Composition b) The volume and mass occupied by the waste is
Information and data on the physical composition of greatly reduced
solid wastes including (1) Identification of the c) The incineration process produces an effectively
individual components that make up municipal solid sterile ash residue.
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

III. METHODOLOGY is Chennai with 0.667 kg/capita/day and second is

To understand the methodology, energy recovery process Lucknow with 0.64 kg/capita/day. All the other major
must be understood before that. Energy recovery process cities generation rate can be seen in Fig. 2
is shown in Fig. 1 first of all the solid waste is collected
from all the collection points it is then transported to
receiving station. After this solid waste is fed to
shredder, here solid waste is cut down into small pieces
so that can be managed easily at subsequent stages. Now
this shredded solid waste is passed through dryers to
remove extra moisture. After this air is blown on solid
waste which blows out light materials and heavy
material like ferrous metal is separated and sent for
recycle as these materials cant be burned in incinerators.
The light solid waste is again passed through second
stage shredder to cut them into smaller pieces. Now
these small solid waste pieces is burned into incinerators FIG. 2: Per capita generation rate of MSW for Indian
which reduce solid waste into ash and produce heat cities [CPCB, 2004]
energy and gases. The gases are passed through air filters
if needed and subsequently released into atmosphere To make solid waste management more efficient Kanpur
through stacks. Heat energy is used to boil water in City is divided into 6 zones namely zone 1, zone 2, zone
boilers to produce this this steam in turn runs turbine 3, zone 4, zone 5 and zone 6. Out of these six zones, five
which is coupled with generators. As turbine runs it zones collection points are managed (collection and
cause generator to rotate and produce electricity. This transportation) by A2Z limited and remaining one zones
electricity is exported to the grid and some of it used for collection points are managed (collection and
plant itself. transportation) by Kanpur Nagar Nigam (KNN). There
are total of 203 collection points in Kanpur city [KNN,
2014], which keeps on increasing each year as new
collection points are needed to satisfy the increasing
generation rate of solid waste. All the waste from 203
collection points is dumped at A2Z limited, which do
sorting, processing and disposal of all the solid waste.
Total average of 1200 1250 tons/day of solid waste is
collected from Kanpur city [A2Z, 2014], which increases
to 1400 1500 tons/day on rainy days as rain increase the
moisture content of solid waste which in turn increase the
total weight of solid waste.

TABLE 2: Number of collection points, Truck and

FIG. 1: Flow sheet for the recovery of energy from solid Rickshaw in each zone [KNN, 2014]
wastes [Environmental Engineering textbook, Peavy & Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Rowe] Total
1 2 3 4 5 6
No of
Methodology can be organized into analysis of problem, collection 41 42 24 20 33 43 203
collection of data, calculation and heat energy for better points
understanding. Truck 10 14 10 10 14 12 70
Rickshaw 55 90 110 70 130 80 535
A. Analysis of Problem
Kanpur is the most populous city and the largest urban B. Collection of Data
agglomeration in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is Main objective of the paper is to calculate total
the second largest industrial city in of the Hindi belt in electric power generated by Kanpur city, to calculate this
North India. It is the administrative headquarters of first of all quantity of solid waste collected from Kanpur
Kanpur Nagar district and Kanpur division and is known city should be known, it is 1200 1250 tons/day [A2Z,
as Leather City of the world as it contains some of the 2014]. 100 random collection points from each zone are
largest and finest tanneries in the world. Kanpur is one of selected. 5 kg of random sample of solid waste is
North India's main commercial and industrial centers. As collected from each of these 100 collection points. From
per CPCB report of year 2004 Kanpur solid waste this random 5 kg sample, bifurcation of solid waste is
generation rate is 0.623 kg/capita/day, which comes on done to know the composition of solid waste. Solid waste
third number as compared to all other cities of India. First
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

of Kanpur city generally have paper, plastics, food

wastes, garden trimming, textiles, wood and tin cans.

TABLE 3: Sampled solid waste collection in each zone

Zones Number of collection points
1 21
2 16
3 18
4 20
5 14
6 11

From the collected data net weight of food wastes,

paper, plastics, textiles, garden trimmings, wood and tin FIG. 3: Total weight of bifurcated solid waste from all
cans from all 100 collection point is calculated than total 203 collection point of Kanpur city
weight of each type of waste is calculated taking solid
waste collected per day from Kanpur city as 1200 C. Calculation
tons/day, total weight is calculated using Eq. 1 and % In previous section all the Kanpur city wet mass or
weight is calculated by using Eq. 2 all this is summarized total weight of food wastes, plastics, paper, garden
in Table 4. trimmings, textiles, wood and tin cans are calculated (Fig.
3). Now using typical moisture content data, dry mass of
each type of waste is calculated. Tin cans dry mass is not
% weight = (1) considered as it have got vey less moisture and also tin
cans give zero energy in incinerators.
Once dry mass is calculated than amount of carbon,
Total Weight or Wet Mass = kg
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and ash content is
calculated for each type of waste using standard table of
ultimate analysis of combustible waste and Eq. 3.
TABLE 4: Net weight, % weight and total weight of each
waste type Element content = Standard ultimate
Net weight Total weight analysis mass percent kg
Type of waste % weight
(kg) (kg) (3)
Food wastes 163.90 32.78 39,336.00
Now revised mass is calculated for solid waste, as
Plastics 75.65 15.13 18,156.00
Paper 120.70 24.14 28,968.00
moisture in solid waste converts into hydrogen and
Garden oxygen due to heat in incinerators. The final revised mass
99.70 19.14 23,928.00 of element content of whole Kanpur solid waste can be
Textiles 38.85 7.77 9,324.00 seen in Table 5.
Wood 0.49 0.10 117.60
Tin Cans 0.71 0.14 170.40 TABLE 5: Revised of element content
Element Revised Mass (kg) Percent by mass
From Table 4 many important observations can be Carbon 37,422.1104 31.22
determined like how much net weight of food wastes, Hydrogen 9,798.2428 8.17
plastics, paper, garden trimmings, textiles, wood and tin Oxygen 66,725.2229 55.68
Nitrogen 1,100.1331 0.91
cans is sampled from 100 collection points. It is observed
Sulphur 143.0581 0.11
that food waste have highest weight composition
Ash 4,645.0284 3.87
percentage of 32.78% followed by paper (24.14%), Total 119833.7958
garden trimmings (19.14%), plastics (15.13%), textile
(7.77%), tin cans (0.14%) and wood (0.1%).
D.Heat Energy (Dulongs Formula)
Once percentage weight composition is calculated from
To calculated heat energy generated by whole Kanpur
sampled data, total weight of whole 203 collection points
citys solid waste Dulongs formula needs to be applied.
of Kanpur city can be easily found out by using Eq. 2.
Dulongs formula described in Eq. (4)
Total weight of solid waste of Kanpur city is shown in
Fig. 3. Heart Energy (kJ/kg) =
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

where C = carbon percent Unaccounted heat loss = 45190.78368 kWh/day

H = hydrogen percent Net electric power generation = Electric power
O = oxygen percent generation (station service allowance + unaccounted
S = sulfur percent heat loss)
Putting percent by mass value from Table 5 into Net electric power generation = 903815.6735
Dulongs formula net heat generated by Kanpur citys (54228.94041 + 45190.78368)
total waste is obtained Net electric power generation = 804395.9495 kWh/day =
Heat Energy Generated (kJ/kg) = 804.3 MWh/day
The above generated electricity is for one day and one
kJ/kg day has 24 hours, so using this net electric power is
Heat Energy Generated = 12260.69 kJ/kg calculated for per hour basis.
(5) Net electric power generated = 804.3 MWh / 24h
(Sulphur percent by mass is taken 0 as its very small
quantity) Net electric power generated = 33.5 MW 33 MW
Hence, if WTE incineration method is applied on all the
IV. ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY 1200 tons/day solid waste of Kanpur city than total of
GENERATED 804MWh/day units can be generated which is equal to
Various steps are done to calculate electricity. First, heat 33MW.
energy generated is used to calculate steam energy which Kanpur city electricity demand is 580MW, which will
is 70% of heat energy. Finally after steam energy likely to increase to 976MW by 2021-22 (Hindustan
calculation, net electric power generated by solid waste Times, 2014). Electricity generated from solid waste can
is calculated after accounting station service allowance fulfill 5% of this demand. Besides electricity generation
and heat losses. All this is shown below: solid waste volume is greatly reduced (upto 90%) due to
conversion of solid waste into ash which solves solid
Steam energy available = 70% of heat energy (6) waste management problem.
Now putting heat energy value from Eq. 5
Steam energy available = (0.70 12,260 .69) kJ/kg V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
Steam energy available = 8,582.483 kJ/kg SCOPE
Above calculated steam energy is used to run the A. Summary
turbines, these turbines are coupled with generators The objectives stated in chapter one is accomplished
which produces electricity. Heat rate is the heat input by taking 5kg random sampling from 100 solid waste
required to produce one unit of electricity (kWh). collection points, than applying Dulongs formula to
1 kW = 3,600 kJ/h (7) calculate net electricity generated from these 100 solid
From the above equation it is interpreted that if the waste collection points. Dulongs formula is applied on
energy conversion is 100 % efficient then to produce one WTE incineration technique. Incineration technique is
unit of electricity 3600 kJ energy is required. But chosen because it has many advantages over other
practically no energy conversion is 100% efficient, techniques like the majority of wastes will burn without
considering the conversion efficiency of 31.6% in a giving rise to noxious products of combustion (HCI, HF,
power plant heat input of 3600 31.6% = 11395 kJ/kWh SO2 and NOx) in significant quantities, the volume and
is required. mass occupied by the waste is greatly reduced, it
So, to produce 1kWh electrical energy 11395 kJ of steam produces an effectively sterile ash residue etc. The
energy is required. Therefore, recovery of energy from wastes also offers other benefits
Electric power generation = Steam energy 11395 as follows a. the total quantity of waste gets reduced by
kJ/kWh nearly 60% to over 90% depending upon the waste
Electric power generation = (8,582.483 11395) kWh/kg composition and the adopted technology, b. demand for
Electric power generation = 0.753179728 kWh/kg land, which is already scarce in cities for land filling is
Total weight of solid waste collected from Kanpur city = reduced, c. the cost of transportation of waste to far-away
1200 tons/day landfill sites also gets reduced proportionately and d. net
Total electric power generation = (0.753179728 reduction in environmental pollution.
1200000) kWh/day Now, applying net energy generated result on all the
Total electric power generation = 903815.6735 kWh/day waste of Kanpur city. It is found that total of 33MW
Now, electricity can be generated from all the Kanpur city solid
Station service allowance = 6% of total electric power waste which fulfills 5% current demand of Kanpur city.
generation Besides electricity it also solves the huge problem of
Station service allowance = (0.6 903815.6735) kWh/day SWM by reducing 90% volume of solid waste into fly
Station service allowance = 54228.94041 kWh/day ash. Fly ash can be used in many ways like concrete
Unaccounted heat loss = 5% of electric power generation production, embankments and other structural fills, grout
Unaccounted heat loss = (0.5 903815.6735) kWh/day
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 5, August 2014

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