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Reading Abstract

Fostering H.O.P.E.: Helping Overcome

Poverty through Education for Teen Moms
Angela Cunningham and Sherrill Sellers (Mentor), Social
This program was designed to address the prevalent issues of teen parenthood and poverty.
The idea was to introduce and reinforce the importance of obtaining a post secondary
education to teen mothers in their junior or senior year of high school. The program ran for
eight weeks during the summer of 2003. Participants met once a week to participate in
group building activities, get insights to what it will take to finish school, and receive
information on services that are available to help them along the way. The young women
also had the opportunity to tour the UW and MATC campuses. The participants walked away
from the program with a sense of hope that they are able to pursue their dreams despite their
difficult situations.

A. Technical vocabulary
B. Understanding abstracts
1. What is the research about?
2. How did they conduct the research? (What method did the researchers
3. What are the results of the research?
4. What do researchers hope to find?
5. What can the findings of the research do?

(A) reinforce, prevalent

(B1) This research is about the program which help teen parenthood to finish school
and pursue their dream during the poverty.
(B2) The participants need to met once a week and they will receive the information
on services
(B3) Teens moms will finish the school and reach their dream.
(B4) The program hope the parenthood will be to finish school.
(B5) The findings of the research help teens moms hope that they will be able to
finish school and pursue their dream in their difficult situations.
Commensal Viruses of Mosquitoes: Host
Restriction, Transmission, and Interaction
with Arboviral Pathogens
Recent advances in virus detection strategies and deep sequencing technologies have enabled
the identification of a multitude of new viruses that persistently infect mosquitoes but do not
infect vertebrates. These are usually referred to as insect-specific viruses (ISVs). These novel
viruses have generated considerable interest in their modes of transmission, persistence in
mosquito populations, the mechanisms that restrict their host range to mosquitoes, and their
interactions with pathogens transmissible by the same mosquito. In this article, we discuss
studies in our laboratory and others that demonstrate that many ISVs are efficiently
transmitted directly from the female mosquito to their progeny via infected eggs, and,
moreover, that persistent infection of mosquito cell cultures or whole mosquitoes with ISVs
can restrict subsequent infection, replication, and transmission of some mosquito-borne
viral pathogens. This suggests that some ISVs may act as natural regulators of arboviral
transmission. We also discuss viral and host factors that may be responsible for their host

A: Two technical vocabulary : persistently, mechanism

1.What is research about?
- The virus in mosquitoes and the transmit of this virus
2.How did they conduct the research?
- Most of female mosquitoes will transfer this ISVs viruses to their progeny via eggs.
3.What are the results of the research?
- Viruses are transmitted directly through female mosquitoes eggs.
What do researchers hope to find?
- They hope to find the host factors that may be responsible for their host restriction.
What can the findings of research do?
- The research tells people to be watchful to the mosquitoes because viruses are easily

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