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TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 57LCD SOURCEBOOK KEY INDEX page reference othe sere IMPORTANT Focord he sea iri Wofh bntor of he unt ane item espace bom, The serial Pair stu tyne words BEBLA. NO."on the Doin case. eter a fs wlormaien h ry correspondence Seal No. Purchase Date TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 57LCD SOURCEBOOK A colocton of tacts, examples, infomation and techniques iutatng how you can use your Advanced Profestnal Calculator a8 power ecisionamaking tool in busness, Sere and everyoay le stustons soso Sg Sea Nop ac rd ey ia tn an snes a wm ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. rac ae Bas beat vs "he Sox Cada " The Sat le Pretare Ovi Togs arunors ant Te Sih oie tos harumenes lering Cone Ths OP LOD Sowwebaik “ Kernen €, Hach Chager1—The Keys o ay Katy thrower ut oar he Secon eyicar ard lay is He We oon Lat ‘Teka i ‘Sea Ean twee Crector ° ‘ ts et Progam nde a aa Sitdadincior seats ug The Sat fie Unvery of Deer Mahonaes Latortny inverse functen near i Belkin Hotnan, Deter ‘agul Mode ndeare 4 Mites! Zacooky 200 itamati ove! Gown i dames oes Set 2—Data Ey and eng Kaye 15 Sa gta Sota g Wa enue Docral Pa 1s erry oon 1 fan Mein crane Si key 8 Earns erating te nor Meokuen Sennen i “rw alec wre cooled an executed by Dey Formas ts "Slr nuica ie caper ter Seth ky i ane secon 3—Aaaaia Funct un Dison and Sonenck Asan ‘Smactoye cH Aes gett Opting Stn ae IMPORTANT Soares W Tous navumets rakes 10 waranty, ote expres of moe, eon Key te ekki tute! bdo ay ped wararte ot eraeatty Sis eta Sairye te Ti tgs lr a prtouar aopoee,regurng ese bax rte Uiercal over and ot eye 4s "ij mbes such metas ae sy an "a" ta Legendia Roe ie tae ever tial Tras Insurer be ii to ene fr spect Nive orton Res tl Cee ned es Srsenentacamcge comes wth or Peck Key te Ser fe puchase oun these Suter arth soe Memory Options te easily b fom arent reparee othe fo of ea tomo ky te Bee ex cxcod te puree pe os book Sere Memory Key tg a Foca em Roy ts Erchange roy Ky ts Memary acne te Ged cor conv xen Seton 4 Cararson Ka Segoe to Decimal overs Kaye Pores Cowen Keys Scion Progamming Keys Panton Key ‘The Lean Mods. eam Ker Forviop eat ara Pause Keys Sea Pogentr ang rogams Shige Sep anc Backsup Keys Gotouaboikey Beaty Progam Trends ro LabalKey Sauce ‘ha "Ge To" Key Sequence Sen aking actors Doctrines ‘ata alt hay Sons The Ment Esuao Key Soawence The Ns X rene than & Eqalio? The pb Len ani Key Square The Decrement and Sup Key Somes key Coos ‘chapter 2—Inreducory Progaming What Shou bein Program Funcione Havieg One input and One Output Using RST as Program Step Memory and Mute use of an input ‘The at Sop asa Transer Pmt trong Belore Processing Input ‘Using Partofa Number airy Mameory Dabugging Programe (Chapter 3—Advanced Programming Fwcharting ‘Uncoraltonl Tanlers (Condtona Transters| £ rao oF comes sou Feo ron AEE subroutine Looping Program Constants Program Optenzaton CChapior 4--Matheratical Applications ‘rea oa Tangle 3 € 3 i Graphing 2 Function FoarRetangular Cowersons (Quacraic Ecuations rats (Chapter 5—Sciontfc Appesions ‘Astonomical Numbers ElctialRestance and Crs Law Vectors reo Fal Racoscive Ha ie Conduction (Chapter 6Economics Appications Solving Interest Problems quia Undorm Arnal Gash Flow Depreciation ‘Sraigh Line Deprecaion Sumotihe Years DGte Desiring Balance Probably in Economies ‘R Eirer Cancttone 8. Accuracy Information CC. Sence and Waranyilornaion In Case t Dieuty Battery Replacement (re-Year Linted Wartariy (Catulter xenange Centers Malin insrucions I'You Need Service nition For Tectncal Assistance ‘Bibliography Ingen eeoases 8lanne meooogogcomne INTRODUCTION THE STORY OF CALCULATORS: ae Handheld caculstors, such as he TH57 LCD, have made mathematics easer. From aroundthe house math chores © evanood compulsions, hard-held caloualrs provise oonvonionc, ‘contierce, ad accuracy n tnding souion le mahemateal robles, Mary techniques tal revs reqied erge values of ‘ables, tadous Calculations, O acous to olrgo comutr Comer Can now be Caried ou wih afew Kaysrckes On @ hanced alot, ‘This book praants many fundamental pineal of eyatoko programming anc nding So Surves fe Teerence te Ma tatures ‘and funaton® ofthe THT LCD, The tet concertates on how fo use these fanetons, and sates them in a stighoneard ranner th ‘examples and keystroke eons ‘The Story af Calculators: In 1642, the French scent philosopher, Baie Pascal averted the fest actual “adcing machine". Pasca’s Work nth area Dogan fie ‘tcltien of ho mechan caleuator. The fst machines handled Caleulatons rer sowly withthe aid of comglex ervansiements of ‘sering goare, whzzng cranks, wheels. and windows. This evolton ‘Sontnued on ip throug 189, when the panchd 03 helped to take the 1890 US. Census. The led the way fo later elect rey views which contnued fo evove ip aige scala comeuars ‘A fow yoars 290, peccle working in the Seton incustry mado ‘Several breakthrough at resuted fy Texas insyument's creation of the ngrated crc QC} ietegrates orcas made t posite to process and sore large emourts of srmaton in very sal sacos tit tle CONE ane af tow cost. Those Gevices, coupled wih the doveiopment otha inexpensive “Lauid Crystal Disay" (LCD) ‘made hardneld calcu a realy. Recent aavances in intorated ‘Geoske ate conenuing fo merease fe aMoun of formation storage? fre pracessing that dan be handled on a ang "iG ene." Ch {erm “iC chip" refers foe try piece of sloan upon which sn integrated cuts fatvicated ) ‘Now highly versatile C chips are msking today's advanced ‘rsa! and programmebie hanced caleulators possbe. Wah Frese advanced machines, highy ezpex malharaical calbulaions ‘can be executed rapidly anc accurately wh the touch of key - wrnooveTon eel THe 1157 Lc0 souncesoox The TES7 Sourcebook : Mathematics is an important aspect ot vtualy al sonic and base aches. ho 187 LOD can guy and sce Pace mary ofthe math tasks you encounter. lo, your advanoad Programmable calculator can be a powerful aly 28 you solve problems This book has boon designed fo show you how. “This book provides compact, cosssibe, sep tystep techniques fnabling you to lake vary of mat riaod stustons and anayze them wth keyboard sluvors. The book was Gesined 0 work ‘recy with te casual. so be sure to use them togeer. An important rst tapi 0 get theroughly acquainted wih your ‘cseulor Chapter ofthis book & @ quick explanation oa the feature and keys of fhe cacuor, along wth biel exameles ustaing the uve ot each fest. Chapter 1 6 divided io Te majo sector: Section 1—Keyboare and Display Basics Secton 2 Dita Enty and Clearing Keys Secton 3 —Mathomstcal Funeiors Section 4—Converson Keys Secton 8 Prograrnneg Keys Chapters 2 and 3 presen prooramming concepts and techniques. INTRODUCTION THE 1157 LCD SOURCEBOOK Lx CChaptors 4,5, and 6 give oxarples that iustate how you ean work veth your machine 0 sve many kings of protien In mary cases ‘3 matnemates, sence, or business eluaion fs anaiyod for you. ‘he appleatons chacters, each example s broken down into the folowing segments. each lentfie’ wih ts own grape symbol as Target: A tne! statement of wha ypos of calculation are used fo analyze he problem, and how to begin implementing the calelaton “Tools: The formules and facts nesded 1 soe tha problom slong wih a bre slater a o why ach Used, where the techniques come rom, and How by ae talored tote specie example, (Gong fe dala given n fs example) long wih wha Keying ite: Sample keystokes to execute the scutinn oul ee in the spay al kay poms the calculate, fr concldons may be drawn tom the calulation jut Going Further: Fe some examses, 3 going futher a fection nuded. it decuseas how cctional information = completes While yulre busy using your caleter, det forget that even though fs a pomarll problem sating device, ftean stl be an imeresing amusement, Use t fr exporing and "what fing,” 28 wet ‘ust cle deoaing on the Keys. You may ind yourself exponing patleme and telabonships which can lead you t @ new apprecaton fine tascnatng aspects of pumbers anc mathemabes. THEKEYS CHAPTER nstpopUCTON lager) inroducton The TH57 LCD nas many capabies that make ita very good Chote for appkoaions where progremmavityf ces, te ostures| ‘cde: ‘= AOS™ Aigobraie Operating Systom ‘Comprehensive data ony withthe number ond docimel keys, a key. key to exchange X and t values, and parentheses, NMutipioaton, awison, aceton ang sutiracton may be used with the Algebraic Operating System (ution allows to ery of most problems as they ar writ) wih up To four oparatons 2nd 15 parentnooes ponding, andthe resute sored upto seven wer ‘ata memes. Dela may be erred ahd clgplayed in standard format (nth he necessary number of decenal paces) 0° soln format Mathematical and Scientife Functions Matematcal and scents hays for many froquent needs, incuding rocprocal, square, sauaro rool, universal powere and ‘00's, lator, abeolze vale, tactonal pat rteper Da, Bath common an natural iogarthms, an all ermon tigonomales ‘nctons and ther inverses. Angular messues are displayed ‘Gogroes rac, or rede ang easly converte’ rem ene 1 ‘other ‘+ FulyFeature Programming An aray of programming key, including runsop, learn, reset ‘gle sep, bscksop, delete, and pause. The calculator can remember up to 48 program sieps, win meget! codes fr cera {unetions.Inrucien erty nthe form ot automa sen ‘Advanced prograrang features include labels, rarstorsto tabla subroutines, equalty and inaqualy comparcons, 2nd lo This chapter explains the kay and essential features ofthe calito. Included Some inirmaion on why each Key frgorant eg wal 23 ow tus -ousnan__mexevs TweKers ou (Ea section 1—xevaonan ano osseuar BACs SECTION 1 KEYBOARD AND DISPLAY BASICS fgg) ‘Te Sectons of his chapr are Stet betow.H you are tia wth the bases of he calculator jou may wisn ta go mmediatoy tthe ‘applesions chapters: Secon +—Keyeoatd and Deplay Basics Socton 2-—Data Eniry and Cesnng Keys Section $ Mathematical Funcions Secton 4—Camerson Kays Secon S—Programing Keys The keys are grouped by function, each group indicated by colo. Functons used in program wing. edting, and runrang have 8 Bue background. Blue second tuneons are also program rested. The umeric operations potion ofthe keyboard has & gray background, ‘Tha brushed atuminum areas ae ithe general keys: gis, C2) (23, GE), GR) (Bs), anc CH). To pater tha nverse furcion ofa kay, press the GB) hoy and then the kay fo ho function. Wen (HD 's pressed before a function kay, the caoultor execies the ewerse Of he function indealed by tal key. For eample, pressing (=n) ‘Sect ceyoard And Display Basics faethe aca (ooo nario the cei. Pressng (2) _ ent twee returns he flowing hoy fot reerse futon. The verse ‘This Soon isa quick explanation of the bases. Paso kee the function kay s often Used wt the sand foneton kay. The keys sSandard notation wih a tating decrnal pont. Display ‘Comments (Gear csp and pending ‘operations Fesul of vison Fx docimal to 6 plaoos. Gniy 5 can be shown Fx decimal o 2 plaoas ix cima ta 0 pane estore foating decimal point ier scenic nation Fc decimal 6 places Fx decimal 2 places Fix decimal 0 places Leave scenic notation Restore fling decal THEKEYS _GWPTER ‘SECTION 3—MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS. ‘Section 3—Mathomatical Functions “Tho kaye discussed inthis Section perform tasks tht are equetly needed in mathematica and sini operations NOTE: Limts onthe range an accuracy ofthese keys are ‘decussed the Apparat ©, @,@, S—armmenc keys “The base arihretc operaions of action, subtacten, multiplication and dus are performed wih thse ine keys. The equa kay ‘ormpltes al pondng operations and rescies ta calcuatcr fr now ‘aleletons Several operations can be combined fone expression and ened io te caeualo as writen om i 0 night The cauator Nes & ‘special feature Caled the Algebraic Operatng System to sot the ‘Operations and porto hem inthe comet orca. AOS™M ALGEBRAIC OPERATING SYSTEM The AOST™ Algebraic Operating System alows entenng numbers and combined operations into the calbulator nthe same order winch thoy ae writen mathemetcaly. Coméined operons re Perfarned lowing the universaly accepted ries of the algebraic FRearchy whch assgn prorns to the varus mathematical ‘opetaions, Wihout such a foc set of rues, exprssons wih Several ‘operators coud have more an one corect nerpetaon. For ‘example, he expression Se4x3-2 caulg have several arent esuts, However, the es ofthe ‘agebrac Nerarchy ale tha mutplcaions and cwgens should be pettomed oefore acions and subtractons. Using these pros, {he eaultor fds the corec soubon le 15, The compte sigebale herarhy, in descending oer of pronty, 1. The folowing peroum the indlcated function on the dapayed. value mmedctely tigoromelnc, square, square roo, factor, ‘exponential ecprocs, comerson, abscbte va, nieger, {restora par, as loparrc Koys, 2. The uvetsal powers and roots Kays 3. Mutigieaton and dison keys 4 Adon and eubtacten hays 5. The equals key CE) completes al pending operations. Up to ‘our levels of pening operations are alowed. CuseTER THE KEYS SECTION 3—MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS. mwexeve ove: SECTION S-MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS (quay) NOTE; The GSE key secuence cancels any pening catculstions, bee a“ Te js ons Hg So he cals ae poston wo you to remember the AOS™ hierarchy. fe oe ‘Operations wih He sane prety in an expression ate period it ‘Dgnt To uate Be Agtrac Operating Sytem crac te ‘ramet. The calor ait be nthe cays mode Te ‘ot res 35 ul the degree mode breach Era: 488x743 5790" = 92619008 Press Deoay Commons ° (ar sla ae pends cpertone The ison f ponding 2s porormes immed Fr ciston permed Matpisten pertemes, ‘con ponding Secor munpteaton ponding Univeral exponent pend os cane spared ‘modelo, 24r3209 ual key completes ending operators NCTE: an neorect operat i err while there ae pon calculations, ssf fo press ISS and ei apc (CO, C_paRENTHESES KEYS Some calculations require eneciying the exact order a which rumbers and operations aré tn ba grouped. Placing @ sores of rumbers and operations in pafenmoves ndicates that they are to be (valytod fat stead o inthe oer creted by the norma: Sigebrae herarhy. Winn each Sof parentheoes te caer Sperales according 0 the reso! he aga herachy. Use Parentheses f there f any douet about Row the cleulor wil Mande fan expression, Bram: TxQ-+4)=49 ross Display Comments =n ° ear seriay and pending ‘operaions 700s ew 7 Adon parormes, ‘mutipieston pending Ss 2 Fest ‘The open parenthesis has the ational capably of upping 2 -ressng number, Example: 4~(64+ 2) Pross Display Comments CGicar aepiay and pending ‘operatons ona 4 Emer ihe number 4. The ‘open parenthess followed by aC) causes ho 4 to bo repeated 2S ~2 Anawat “The close parenthesis dows nat supaly a missing pubs. does, however, compote the operabon sated wih the most recent ope parenthese. thro open parenthess & pending, the cose parents empltes al pending operations, ‘There ae list how many operations and assocakod numbers can be pening, As mary as ean paren can be open al ary ‘ne lene and four persons can be panting, aut only in the mask Complex sitions wil ese ims be aporoached. 1 SECTION 3—MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS ‘You may sce equations or expressions writen with parerthesee oo tornchoate phos mutton (21222) 16. Ihe calclaor ‘dogs not pero impied mtipicatons. You mus enter the mutipisaon sign, Dee o@DsSene ‘The folowing Musates the se of parentheses, Bramble: Eveusie @ + 9) x —19= ~173:99908 419-7 In prblems of this type, the caleulator must evaluate the entre ‘numerator, thon dice by te ene denominete, To be sure that this takes plane, uso an exe Set of parentheses arourd the, moratoria denominatr Prose Dispiay Comments ° (Gear display and pending ‘operators (+9) displayed The wave of te numerator The value ofthe aaRcoT ay sno B cos o= tare ‘The Fwerse functons ofthe tiganametts keys give the angi, in he its Slectoa, wise sna, cosne, of tangents n te dspey (ase cacwatoe no arcine (or), Cm) calculates the ‘rcodane (o08~'), and (REISS) calculates the artangent tan) Note the oloaing ranges of angles caculted wath the inverse ‘egonomete functions, ‘Ac Function flange of Reautant Angle arceinx 910909, +2 racans, or 1008, faresin =x Ot -908, ~e2 radians, of ~ 1000 farceosx” 016 90°, = 2radane, of 100, frccos —x 90° lo 180%, w+ 2 10% raans, oF 100G to 2006, eter x 010809, 7-2 racana, or 1006 faecan «010 90% —w=2 radians, or ~ 1006 (GBB, (NM, GaN UMBER PORTION KEYS (GBI calevictes and cispiays the absolute value ofthe number in ‘he display. The absolo valu of 3 number & te magntude of fe ‘umber, fegaraless ofits Sn. Thus th veut of Sabnays @ Peat number splays the integer na ofthe number inthe splay regater and dacards tno ractoral pan. See net curren THEKEYS —cwverER ___ cusps _mienevs [edad scorn o—yeariiemaricat Funcrions SECTION 3—MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS (CHENEED cispays tho fractal part of the number in tho play ‘exter and dispar to. ager pat Soe noo. NOTE: The CDE ac CGE Keys operate on the 11 interna lots the diplay rogister, rat the 8 cigs shown in the dspay ‘Tis moans that when. 's pressed and 49990000009 in the ceply regsernieraly (hich round toa value of the ‘spy that wil Le the eter that remains n te dspay. ‘Sat, GEES wil gve a Gsplay of 1, wih the actual vale beng ‘9999588908, (EB— FACTORIAL Te factorial key acts on the number nthe spay, and dogs not. = SSP, the ea price can be found by muitgying the calaiog pice by 05. There ae several {ems hat you ae merested in buying. 85 you uso te cleo: to find each Gale pros Poe CX) 88 C2). To fed he sale pees lor 25 diferent tems, you have io press ths key sequence 25 ines However, caculiors that have fo be cone repentedy ae easy tung the programming feature ofthe TS? LGD. The program ‘enter only ence. Thon gach catlog pice entered converted to sale pre. aay se Pree Prose Display ‘Comments ° CGleerdopiay and pending ‘operatens =o 484 Select 48 programming ‘stops and usor data memory 0 Enter he learn mode and ‘lar the program memory Take the displayed value (entered separaiely fr ‘each problem) and ind 2596 of ts pics| Tals he program to tp ‘and display the resuts When the program i ished, leave the lam made by pressing again Press os s of 12 os Comments The display before the loam mode was ertered 'sresored Display 48.1 CHAPTER INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING. (Zed usnic GSD AS A PROGRAM STEP. Before running the progam, the GD key must bo use to se the program counter tor the sartng pont: Each ima the program s ‘un you must santa the srt orn, Si wit Find the reduced prices on ters discount 15% at an original cost 101 89.05, 51295, anc $49.95. While werkng wen money, fx the ‘ecm at wo places 2) &. Prose Prose Display ‘Comments os coms 2 0.00 (lear deplay and pending = ‘operations and ie = doom at wo places = 0.00 eso o sar port a= 9.95 6) 26 995-159-646 42.95 fa 1295 Erter next pice and eat fcas} a0 Next denount orce 4995 43.95 Enter price an e501 @ 4246 Discount prc ‘his crobiem can be done repeatedly by ettring the price to be scoured, rasating the peogram, and sang k Using G0 as a Program Step The above example shows that programming can save many sep wth repottve calcuatons. The discaue progrsm can be impxoved, however, by usng (S80 Each te (8) encountered. the rogrern sransiore to Sep U0 and execulen centinuae. Facing Daher the (G2 atows executon fo stop and depiay the resu. When excc.tion 'sresurned, (#5 ansfrs execution tb step 00 andthe program ‘uns agar When a new price = enered and (Dis prested, the program repeats andl causes he next Seoount roe, TH Wy, Fest does not have be pressed each tne, §2475 Press =e nam 2 1495 75 2415 ee a 2 ae INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING CHAPTER USING (388 AS A PROGRAM STEP Diaplay oo 3 a Display 0.00 wan 638 21.04 Ine: The progrem can be changed ty inding the GD key y code 19) ip 08 and insert in step 08. Comments ier he arn mode aor = Poston the program Gis sored ‘automaticaly Exteemn mode and eset The dpi rested Ta ty the program, fn he discount rice or $1496, $7.50, and Comments Gear ceolay anc pending ‘operations and fe Coca ative places ‘CANPIER__ INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING. INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING CHAPTER ‘Memory and Multiple Use of an Input “The resulting program looks like this: See et amin fee ‘memory. Then each ime the vale & needed, the program can Code Step Comments. ne 61.00 OO Store the dapey register content Sree ones ge nrmeresrerenacenrecae Vy Cy cog Serepatamayeomsra a iene e 3 ete 8 2 Bee, 8 5 Reman 7 en |e |. § Bg, eee a 5 8 SS Complete pending operations oe BS Semen 2B Sees Ee oe fa = Settee a Sn ee oemED (Cear asp and pending See eee? Fun te program for X=7 ana x= 4 to fostng decimst Press Display Comments =p Set partionng 1940 758 128 Valve of ¥ when X18 7 srogranaing sens ens 9 (a) ry Nave c!¥ wren Xi sot ‘uppoge you wantto change hs program 9 evaluat the equation Ear eam mede and clear | Y5xe— fx. Rehr han keying a mow program ts ero roaram henge he program you aready have. Al you need Todo is change Sere the dspayrogster | asd toa =k the sus to 2 tru), and add her? a he one anton in ver daa teeny 0 sive rumber end may Number to util by, add “tee number memory 0 a= Fish perding operations, display result, and roset tot uWeTER ah INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING MEMORY AND MULTIPLE USE OF AN INPUT ‘You can change any evagram slep to a new one by entrng the learn mode, gong W the sep 1o be changed, delaing, and keying in wrRooscroRYeRCaRAMING HET: MEMORY AND MULTILE USE OF aN INPUT ggZy! Fun he program and get the new values of ¥, ce The display restored new. “The CE) is at step 04 (key code 85), Press GH) and Press Display: Comments fen low hese eps = 7 Vata of ¥ when Xie 7 = mo gaaue 4 ia Velo oY ren Xi 4 eee Surgog you need to chenge he presram back to eating 2 jim 3 ramon = J EERE ERECT at naa, oS ot a S 2 Press Biol Commons = eo rr = $ Sapte bechanges a cio ao 02 03 Step isdaletod, oackstep 4 Gen a o te atomic = =e «@ =a 75 Oh Noweode at step 08. Pus midis as boon changed a) 708 Th ete ove tor omnes ‘eh you orange Now add +7 130 on fhe egal pear. The ay code fr beck 3 thet hoy's 95ers Sb nw arg program: You | EN Septet ‘need to insert a +7 at that port. So step to O7 with the GE key, oe 85 4 New code at step 04, ir hes boon ch Press Dispiay ‘Comments e fee hanged @ = io a 04 05 ws S ob a eos © no or = Saari e Nom kaysrokes are acmaticaly ness ate tp OF. = a) = 7 0 Fstap 00. alt wo bine) Dispay mn ope eon ot S 08 TheEhastom mows Tome ws 10 siep 08 = 71.0007 7 07 09 The nas oon moved Gott ioo te wev ance ce sy to step 10 ‘belongs and +7 nas a 95 10 Sdatsten 10 pear Diees S Bon Baan poe oupeu capucinecnn a 's part yeu have corpse he chang ihe program. so a 3112S te conn 708 ahd CSE) Th program sendy se eps acorsngiy CHAPTER INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING. Bead ric rinsr STEP As A TRANSFER PONT ‘The First Stop as a Transfer Point In most cases, he frst tap of program does nat need to be labsleg a8 a tancler pont Te rest nsructon Wansfare execution to he fret step o program rmomory oping is Brocid to the frst ‘Sep, being ne fs Sn fs unaceseary ses exeouion conus ‘ch time tho resol nevucton occurs However, her sa circumstance in which the fist stao of ho ‘rogram should be a label (SN cloats the subrule feu regier ‘Sal bus provers executor fem rung to the man prograr # Gee na subroutna. ta sutroutre contans a rarer to Pe fist sop, (HH should nck be used. Label te program's frst stop and (Use @ Bin th subvouthe for the vansor. Ths preserva tho umber inthe subroutine retum repr und ho actual return INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING —_cHErTE INITIALIZING BEFORE PROCESSING INPUT Initializing Before Processing the Input You may sometines inten for a program to siaize he same way Jor each execution ofthe program, itiakeion souls then be eluded atthe Beginning ofthe program. Ina program which uses memory artnet, the new content the memory depends on tha splay number and the previous content of tha memory. Pravous orient of the memory should not bela to chance. thar times you may fin it preferable inikae outsce the rogram If an input so be stored in maory or program i 10 50 esuls om the evous execuien,mitalgation shod be kf ‘ouside the program. In sors cases, a program which corkaine nalzaton may be eighty to large for te avatable progr. roace, jnough tof Lesung inalzation ose the program may redune t Iniang in & progam @ Iniaizing outside @ program Eee Tames @ ‘The program is executed wt Tye intazaton ise or he the same nal conctions programmer to perio nor each time is ran to each axzeuton ol the progiam. INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING CXAPTER USING PART OF A NUMBER hay) Using Part of a Number ‘Several programming tasks are best accomplished by using pat of q ‘pamber. The eager kay uses only the pt fo hela of Die dla fon and the facton key uses ony the part tothe right ofthe ‘ecral ait. ‘To copay 3 number as an integer, SEMIN 0 can be used te round the number or CHEK can be usid fo truncate the number. Fa FV=PV (141 1000)" ‘eoimal fers fom the rloger Lnction because elven is are Seared fiery tx decal, The toga uncon ebmnaes St ets Day Comments 10 eng the coca bot meray ar the Goes 323 Two memories noses 9 °° . : sas Gomme -- Ere eam mode {2 program oeeds wo ceteine at a nurber a adr o ante umber, NMED & veel Divde the number by t proposed actor, 8 set coundewen ff Supetsamarctona tarenk ou crac ice fit Se soci oes ea pce see ene wae Stay apo Woe pope tenet runt bn. re a OS cera echelon nanke jwoe oe Fame eee siete | @ | anda a 2 ‘Stop program Note { wes Sastre ee tere running the progran, irtalze memcxy 0 with cumber of : years, eialze merry Twi the annus iret, and inate ‘mory 2 wth aurber of campaunng prods pet Ye Find the value of $1000.00 compourded daly for 25 years at 1240 Comments useiER__INTRODUC INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING —_CiveTER (Za sis rar or anue ee REY Ur i Pres Day comments Sens en e& we -- we ‘Save for later use ‘The integer portion is unchanged but @2e the atonal porion fe moved eight ‘Sor ‘places to the lett i Sorin etree arate eee oof Mowsmnanecounmens [ter] | ba Oe crams aaaoe hermes. || ise || 1 tea tz, | display 1 The two are added together causing the | @: ‘bint gto bao heir em Dep te sored net ian the otsay sree cE funn e roam, Daemine wna low nant 20H page ee eo ft ems 23 Pros Sam -- w wm S sO ae ramen seca <3) 02 Dept on by 107 aa Fora eo pt coum tae Sim 7 Bot © he Youray sonia nt ncaa ka pram rearange a geardee «tot nar Sicha g bop snare sare i anes Si sows yuo nanpue owslagisora ange ont af SE) ee aaa oo (Sea nods ne xan: Wo a potent a coders or ee coma mene Seo G1 mu canner bale unnecessary, Fraciona) parton is muti by 10° ‘The dislay i estore (CHAPTER INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING, UTILITY MEMORY Running the program. Shit et the ys of he number 1234aaaa Press: Display rzaasaas OD assess ‘seaaenra BS eaaar23 ‘The program i easly mocfed to shit any numer of digs tem O'9: B10 he rant Press Display awe 7 1 om 5 @o 7100 ot co 7 FRurning the progarn. Shit ight 4 digs ofthe number 11118888, Press Display ‘4 sesstttt The cepa 6 restored 40 118886 = Utility Memory ‘Tha {egies las a unity memory. Whon the Lrogster © act needed for @ comparson. i can be used to sore values wou the value occupying & memory: Example: Sole 2.7711808585- Prese splay arrii68 Te ssss 189 49.555 ~5.7781405 Comments 9565 2.771188's stored in te rediser and thet roger content place! hare ‘thin is then replace by 3558. 3.565 ie sored in het register and 2.771188 is laced here. 3.565 is oeoed ere oes 277188 cme 3.855 a 5.7781405 ‘Natoe that each numer was entered only once bu was used twos INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING CHAPTER DEBUGGING PROGRAMS Debugging Programs (ten, «progam wich you tink is caect 8 mising aniston, ‘has an err! koysoks, of ena er cota case. Your rogram has a "bug" Frcs evo eters and eoscing ME 8 @ {Geous bt neces chore. To asst you dobu9909 proyams te Tr57 LED ean excels programs one Sop tina. ‘Suppose you wish for your program to matic wo numbers and ‘scetarulao he reat memory 1 but sacl te secon ofthe tw furs Beng accumuaios. Your program might Gok Ike Tue! mo eat In he instance, te muticaion not competed before ore pus ‘oo0urs_ To corect hs, seer an equals or appropie parentheses ster 60 COD 0 ac: I orf payed whe nunning a rogram, press DIED to enor tho loam mode al the eter. Tie gives You a ce a 0 Whe went wong, exesiion Sopa aD feyoode 220N) 0 2 FReseode 260N) you may be aterotng i vant to ponent Isbl executon stops at 2 (BB) theycous 6.08), 2 GED Geycode 71.0), or an 5 (code 81 ON). you may be atempiing acoass @ memory whic & not provided by the curert pagong, Excouten can abo scp at sous of numerical er square rat of ‘negate nurber, dvisng by ze, ogerthn of a negatve number (120, ofa negative number toa power oF roo, See Apandtx A {ora compete iat of ero condone uNPIGR_ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING ADVANCED PROGRAMMING CHAPTER Advanced Programming FLOWCHARTING GTA ABWANCED PROGRAMMING FLOWCHARTING, ADVANCED PROGRAMMING — O1N-TER LUNCONDITIONAL TRANSFERS Unconditional Transfers i, and GRDERD ate cae “uncondtona” ranster ‘nreuaions, When a raster instruction is encouneted in @ program, ‘reculon vansters egaraless oD eonssion tay comoaison | ‘purer. (3D aulomapealy places the program panier at locaton St (BD ato clears te subroune rtyn rite) N and as N ‘lace he pointer a labo! N wthout lacing ales in oragess. Th Go To Instruction ED) When encountered in a rogram, GAB ss he programe pit to the sep cocuped by the spectiod label. Exeextom procoods wahout ‘errubton Wom ine abel witout aecing caluistons m progrest Key in ho folowing counting erogra. i 0 i press Disty Comments Tent IY om ‘e int, aor aieet eet a 1% 00 Start counting from zero @: mor ft Tansee osu ao 8 4 Incsmmant the court oa 5 OS Daly cout close pegs cunt by one arg wh he. Te eco Car Gtehin ti roahed Tse popes we usd arn ne Me @2 1 Zo! _ 08 Repeats saqustee chapter. as 0 a ° a cating pocceds unt 2 Fepogamie seered 3 a ‘cuceseh__ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING [ead conomionas raanseers Conditional Transfers ‘A decision-making instruction in combiasion wih a raster scaled § conatonal ansler. Dopenting on the result of the decison ‘raking nsrucien, a vangor may Or may nek be encountered. A transfer placed immediate after @ decesonmakeg musrucion¥ skipped when the Cordon tess & not saushed -Bxampte: Key the flloning program which cours 1o four Ns he ‘count end 1's the comparison valu. Transl to ts 6p Iroremont the count Dspiay te count The count fess than make te ator ‘ners, skip Tha vaneter ei Repeat he sequence a ‘Sop execution erem Funning the program Press Dsplay = BS 49 not ees than tso the "rrlereskepec and exccuton stone ADVANCED PROGRAMMING ‘Subroutines subroutine isa segment ofa program designed to be used repeated. AV subrovtnes must end wih To ratruct procassing to rlu to the stop that cae ‘To make any series of program steps ito @subroutins Start the program sagment wah a abot ‘nc the program segment wih an CCDS hey sequence Subroutine Cautions: ‘Avoid using (BD. “Use parentheses instead of {Dp not cal a subauine tam win a euteouth (One function of GB tht tears the subroutine return register thereby preventing the subroutne om rturang To the stp wher was cated. When the program encoutters GaN=DRE and the ‘vouine reum regster & clear, exzeuten saps CE completes al pencing operations including those ofthe main gregaria faa fo Sore ve 2 coer pede, fo Mot uae Cd unt i tm te comple me aperadon, Use parenineses instead of CS) to parton operations n a subrostne You may include up to ten subvuines na program onthe 7-57 LCD. Each may be called al any poit nthe mai program but Should ot be ead em within @sutcoutna, The caleuloor remembers ony one ren par or subroutines. Wa subroutine has tot yet returned and anaher one called the erga ru coos ot ooo, Subroutines may te labetd 0 tough 8 and should pot have the ‘Se label as another subroutine or tansfe’ pom the mah Program. You shoul record the purpose ofeach Subroutine $0 YOU Can callin progam whenever tB appicabe CHAPTER cusoumnes lg) (useTER ADVANCED PROGRAMMING (ede susaournes “he fatowng sequence ovauaies Mog(k-2) for X stored regster 0: eee SSMS SRR ae eae See, oi = cite ae Bsa 85 03 Calculate the function me of ¢ cee nit ea a ao 8 or are tities |e Se 8 08 a 4% Endat main program ae Aan seal eee Betti ae am 33 16 z aaa Bin og wo 54 2 uaa i ADVANCED PROGRAMMING —_CH!PTER LOOPING Using subroutines ie good programming pracice. Subroutines fo" you © organize your prearems logical and can heb recuce the potential fr ertor. When your program iain sinc! segments, tHe Program's tuncien is mote eal Undersicc when you are wri ped easier fo express fo Ober programmers once # © wien Looping ‘Consecutive reettion ofa program sega is cal looping Looping is pazhaps the most commen Wed totus in roprarrieg. Repeating a sequerce wifoutprovigeg an exe i {reendtional loping, fan ects reachod afer a cartan numbo’ of [pops has occurred or a Comparsen f 6, the icopng 6 orion ‘Tris counting program was used to Rustate he TD nus. page 83. The op OOISSIS of eps one HOUBA si Prose Display Comments oma: 484 or s = 15 Ban. courting tom 10 m1 230 Ot Trenstert an 95 Incroment me count eo 98 05. Dsplay the count oi 2201 06 Repest ne sequence we ° ical ° ico 4 Caunting proceeds unt 2 the program ig oppes 3 @ 4 Notice that ares 90 Gor (BD ening the program —execution never exis ne loop (ne program sops when gn eror actus oF "Bren he cainualor ued of), Sopping te progres accomplshod by pressing TH hos We Keyboard, | aay QUEPTER __ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING. LOOPING CCondtonal raster used io ext looping resutin conor eoing. ‘This counting program was previously yd to ustate condtonal trareers page 94. The oop conse of sops ree trough nino. Display Comments 464 3, Transtor to this step 9508 Increment he count 8 OF Dap the court, 27 08 the counts less than ‘ake the tans ctnerwise, SKB the transfer wi 2201 08. Repeai tre sequence 1310 Sep execution @ oes ° 8 0 ADVANCED PROGRAMMING CHEE LOOPING: ‘Operations Net=net N aise to splay! Deocement memory ‘by 1 and compar to 2010 Nevanod W Pauee to deplay: Decernant emery 0 by 1 and compare fo 2210 Nene 1 Pause io splay: Decrement memory O by 1 and compare to 2e00, Net=ne N Pause to display, Decreront momary by 1 and compare to 2ar0 Progrem stops since memory Desplay Comments x Zero he depiay Transit ms 9p ‘eererent the caunt iepiay he count (Geererent memory 0.1 ‘amery 2070 isn, sake te wansler its 0 ggseee kb the rancier 2201 09. Repeat tho sequence 13 10 Slop execution see The daply is restored CHAPTER ADVANCED PROGRAMMING LOOPING You may have noticed that X 1688 han ox equal to tar! X grey than C comparisons are act oteres. Ths comparcans may 3 be made by using conbnatons of avaleble comparsons Exam: Xs less than or equal ot, go fo label 1 cerwise go to faba 2 ae 1X not equa 0, skp tho neat kop, 1 17x equal tanto bo 1 ' teste fist sroe the next comparisen alsa ‘covers equaty om 1% not greater han WX ateady coveras, skp be ned st, wee 2 greater hart, arse a label 2 coy 2 pol greater thant, transit o label 1 ADVANCED PROGRAMMING —cHAPTEF 0071S flawSyy Imngraved sequence far Xess that oF sual to HX, go f abet 10, go 10 Fabel 2 Lael 1X equal 10, ske the net ste. Tc nots Can sp the rest eo, Xi es hn ce ent, arf f abe! | Xs not alt and nt las man, rae io faoel2 Example: Xi greater han t, 90 to label 1 aerwice ge to abel 2 wom Gentoo eS gor @a2 COPTER _ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING ADVANCED PROGRAMMING — CHAPTES LOOPING LOOPING == 112s not equal ot, skip the neat stan. (2 112c equal, anster 0 tbe 2 Xe is tested frst snow the next comparison also Sco ine seis aernates postive and negative terms, the program ‘soa up allemaivety 00 or sutract othe accumulation marery Ratner than using 2m 1 To obtain O04 lagers, te program counts ‘overs equal. by tes Begining with —T. When the value of a tern is sal em WX not greater than Wt already covered, ‘Srcugh, compulaion stops. Terms beyond that poi! are sip he nan se, ‘rormicart 1 Xi grestr nan ranslero label 1 a2 Xis not greater than transfer to tabel 2 Imgeoved sequence for X greaor thant: X> 1, Quo nel 1. # ne 0 label 2 a Carpe om “ ‘Bias for 7 ‘eam Lovet UD | Xbox cy sto noon sen 1X e pat teas tant, Shp the nen ep, @2 Xig not greatr thant. Vander to label 2 eat ig grater than trast To label 1 Instuctions othr than transfers ean be used. The sternata sequences Could have a (8) nslaad tS 2 ang canine xeon instead of (5) 1 Example: Wie a program to compute the geometre series of he ‘ane functon, Sin XOX RS! EIS ACITI + (AEGAN A where X's a radian angle anc i the ter umber, GuPTER _ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING LOOPING. Irivaiz te ocd eur ‘taize accumulation S888R a88e ‘memory 2.02 (Compute tem 185.02 08 Add to memory 2 28 I the termi ess than or hiwatd enry zoe 18 20 16 | 29 1B Mutply an decrement ior X? 20 2 | wo at 2125 Display 1H zero was erterod or compte pending mutieaton j for vas onties | we 02 cae 228. Ospky Erortor inva { oom 481 Extleam moce Fun progam or X=, ~2, 6,73, 98 and 7, | oa mo Hele) Error vai, ose than 2070 i icc 1 oF } DBZ does nat afc the slay. Each loop ofthe program mutioies 3 73 2D) Error —_lnvakd, pensinager | the accumulated predut (wih @ pending mupicaton) by the 7 Error invald, 270 } cutrere valve of remy wane 20987882 46 33! (CHAPTER. ADVANCED PROGRAMMING CBD Prociam constants Program Constants 1 you need a constant number in program. use the most sfcient ropresentaton ofthe Renter. program may be Svea! Sonticany by raptaong coretan numbers wih shorer erDtessons forthe numbers. 25183 stops, COD is ony wo steps, 10000 js §stees, 4 GRICE is cnt 2 steps Some consis may eaquee caveral steps ragarcies.# the constant ‘Smnzeded eeaugh besa subrouine can Ge used ‘or he constant ADvaNcED PROGRAMMING OUTER PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION 43) Program Optimization ‘fhe many reasons o optimize @ program, two are especialy ‘anfcanl, One to make the program casket to use, and the second Is 0 condense the program ta fein the avalse ogra erasy Programming Techniques to Simplify Usage | Whether or not a program is easy io use depends on your o¥m panieular needs and petaronces, As a rua, nowever, @ wll rion rogram can be eaoHy executed by ust afew kayaroes (ven by 2 fotson edhe than the programmer. } Many programs requre tht the entre problem bs restated if ‘prog Keystroke fs made. Ths can be quit anoying and time ‘consume, especialy when werking wth inveved programs. ‘Smglving eter recovery procedures is one wa to mate a progr fase fo uso. Usually, you can accomplish mis By slong tne orginal ‘ia. Neo, booing routes ha per Memory armed with = [Ge9 rerucion # a geod practoe since the ‘ovine Gan rerun who having to deer any dala register Programming Techniques for Minimizing Steps Condensing program to a snater cumber cf se 6 fen a tne consusring exercise. a program is within be cree program { rmamory pantonng and operates prcpery, any ime spert fo Condense the program i unnecessary exce or the Persona Sstvacion of dg Lean atemeting to reduce the number of program stops, 0% tr Sequences tat appear mare than once I repested sequence ‘eng enough and needed ofen enough ga that replacing tah 2 subroutine recoces the arto! program soace needed, epace | tho sequences, Any sequorce cour ef more sepa, even ## as i only two eoourencse, soul be changad tra subroutine, Any Setuenoa naving four or Mare Ccautones, van # tie chy tO | ‘ops, shoul be crarded 0 subroutne. Keon 9 mind \ Sulvoutine shou nol Be cated om win a subroutine GIRS and ENED 1 twice 1048 22 COS) 3 ISIE tare =i Snes using a memox.teduces the aim numberof avaliable program sepe by eight, and a subroutine does nt, ho sucroutre in fhe stance le more effet. | program requeng numerous subroutines may sl exceed the unde o program memery. Opimzabon cf subrauines en besemes imparant QUPTER _ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION ‘hare ata many methods of combining separate program pa to sve space For inna, Wo subsoUtnes Ger atthe begrng bul end he same, you may combre them ino one suerouine nat Stans win les ad Nas two labels ste. Use 2 GD sructon| {wi ho fg bel a ts Gestation to skp te mids of te routine. (Gating the rst be executes oni the Irs anc last sagas of the subrounne. Caling the second label executes tom tat aba otha fend. The technsque Mey be madfed for more than te subroutines. these wo subroutines Bo @ ‘can be combined ke tis oaere Ins instance, a savings of several steps is vesleed 'As anchor ilustration, consider the toe sequences below: Workable Sogreent Improved Segment Efcient Segment =o Sr 1 1 ws wa cor 1 ws a The purpose hare isto sore 1 or @ 1 depending upon the esuts ‘ofthe test. Those routnes perorm tne same function: however, he Second and thd routines are shoring cave, two segs ae saved ADVANCED PROGRAMMING CHAPTER | eouere ges) ‘3 you become more acqusiied withthe cpablties of your ‘aout. you wil undoubtedly decover shot cus that your needs, Ue sure o record these sequences for tuo Use sre they wiessen tm programming task you si have trouble ting program ito the ated space, you may be foosd te break your program ino ugments and comouse Inlemedite resus bere eprograing ihe calculeor to termine the fal soluton. Somatenas, programming 100 staightorward a manner 6 nefiewrt. Pursuing an aerate ‘approach can resud a mere compact rogram as irate in te ron oar, Service Charge Program As the manager ofa loca tank. you need a fast and easy method of eterminng the morshiy sewece charge lor he many custoners wo. have accounts wih your bank 30.10 per creek fr the West ve checks, 1~6, 30.09 per crock fr the ne fvo, 6-10, $0.05 per chook fr the pc fuo, 1-15, $8007 per eheok foreach check over 15, For more than 15 creck, te charge i 7 ants per check plus 5% 8000 +5%5002+5x $001. The compensates for te 10.9, anc 8 cant charges fr the fst itsen chock Servee charg 0.07 per check +030 # there are over 15, checks, = 108 per check +018. mare ae 1910 15, checks 1 0.09 ber creck +005 here are 6to 10 chooks. = 010 per check there ate 1 to § checks GuPTER __ ADVANCED PROGRAMMING PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION | srighlorwardapptoach of song this problem is demonstrated by te leg Sow Bagram, tempting 10 wite 2 program folowng tis appxoach woud probably require testy rogram ste. Since this co forge a (Grthe catculter, ancther luton shoul be used. Consider tne ‘eiowing approach, Tris progam seas nn the progam mero of your exter Ths resunig bain! some of he Saves, omer ‘ea epparet, Exar te ogi eter a nome Starting and Ending with Steps: 00 o cy ADVANCED PROGRAMMING —_CHAPIE: PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION The program i faey tisghforward yi lection 15 where the munication in step 145 lef pending who an adjustment & made {on and tes ao completa, Tho oop 18 used o reduce the charge fon bath chock over 6 8008: ever 1010 80.08: ancl over 15 ta ‘90.07. The Ca)EBB ets the orogram to tee reductons. For acpe 1-3 718 compwved o 2270 nie negaive, 200 1 Paced inte Seplay 1 complete te pening muliploaton ana he program © {erminaiod upon compuing the oa Series charge Ifa outh redaction ta09 i reached, the pancing éutpletion is completed wth zero, site th chase on each eet ove 25 woul > Getise be reduced 1 $0.06, The program hen determina the teal sence charge and hals ho program. This last loo not necessary lor cometaaton, however, 8 elminaicn Would requ the ze of atonal program insnsctions ‘Only wo approaches have been made o tis save charge program. Rasiaing Via here are any ways program the soliton {fo prcbiom, hese tno enremos show ust how diferent programming lecwngues can be, Nataly, there ae aes br {hg netance, the eecond method requires less man ha the program Space nese fr the fst mathos. However the frst example mans lass tme for Ye program to run. Hepat fe fperoach you take progranening, bear mid that he cewek meted s the one that wotks best 1 you stot ot 34 oF s “4 oo 100 ° os eS sree 03 GMM? ci7so1 16 GBI) cr {7 Get nc 3 =a eB 13 Gs Ss 7 © 2 Gee Toros Ga 2 Be 2302 G2 22 D3 5 0S 2% 0. eon aoe o we 8 2 Tot the program, key in the number of checks and press (BET For insane, 1 chock costs $0.10, 6 chooks Goe $059, ‘nc 68 checks cost $4.71 CHAPTER _ MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS. MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS CHAPTER AREA OF A TRIANGLE Mathematics oan be fascinaling, Dut can also turn ino a tedious chore. Cumeersome numbers 8 tepelve caculaiens can ‘bscure the iniexesing benawor of ratrematea uncons However, lath the TLS7 LCD handing the artrmete you can concerate oa the concep and techniques of mathematics. This chapter shows 3 fen ofthe ways you can apply this programmable cals 10, ‘Area Of A Triangle Suppose you are considering buying a venguit piece of propesty fs an nyootmert. The owner warts $50,000 fer he plot which founded on ll ee des by unpaved reac, OU Pe nt sure how much fang there actualy is. You plan to subdvde and sel the ot bythe ate, so you need an esha othe Cos par aca to predict what your profs wal be. Useg te odometer m your ea YOU fd the gis ofthe treo Slee of ba pot © be 03, 05, and O75 mies “Target: You wart 0 ealcuste the aoa of he propery anc tha ost por acre ‘Toole: The Heron formula can help sole is probe The formula uses he enats ofthe sds ofthe tangle to deatmne ts aoa, and wrtten 35 Mathematical Applications ‘iva The sonar reo of SIS~axS-H}S-€) here a,b, and. ave te lengths ofthe des and Sis gen by Selaeb+ae2 ‘An ace of tana i 43,600 square fst, ad a squere mile conins S20 square leat The conerson a i une mis ess 5280? 49600 Fee QLAPTER__ MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS cach tects maori ae Pythagorean Theorem Frequently in mathematics a spocia kind of tang cated right langle i used. Aight nangle @ ane which has @ $0° angle, Because these Vangie rave spoil conctons they also ave Comments special provers, Acie pooper, tags 680-209 20) decom te can nan canna eae GO SO} crt te eudcosat sat OF oc Seraaeay Sateen st era aya 27 tetas Pate le oa a formula the Pythagorean Theorem is writian of ir the computations increment ihe varables, and display the resutng paint. “argo: Dotormine how the equation 2X2 + Y= 25 behaves cover the interval tom X=0 to X=6 rtccceueangey & ams Z seem = XXto-generate a data abe om which you ean eons the graph 402 Gear display and pending ‘operations and parton fo {D program stops ant rmemares 0 and 1 ‘St Enter lear mode and clear Keying itn: The program pauses and displays the x ate tr in sop ae in conesponig vaio & res oan Spies When 2) pressed eg ek ae has 710009 teen hetererted ty 1: fe row X mises depyed 9508 -2x?+25 ened ino and ne coreaporcng wales show, The pega 1 progam mena he may be Ypea orb many cata pots needa Sa tobe vealbe fom ramery 6 610109 Stree eh 96° Fave, deo Curent ve or 61.85.00 13. Ade one to X vas 710144 Fecal curent value for ¥ 39°18: Sop o dspay rest a 36 Reset o stop 00 ana ‘execate the program Leave iain mace and ese to st St. The splays rescrad sarees Pricing couseccnncuanccnensons fad Se ser fee eae KEE. The curva stars at ¥=25, Sopes gery down through the fst “poeta Gta oon 2 then fas aay at an ncreasg rata 2 X {WATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS: = Ba examin a runcron “To run the program, seve ha staring vale fr Xn memory 0, The Pca tegia Deplay Comments SSeHe 0 © Gear dey ant senda Sees he mum rae shee ana sore Sring veto n PolarfRectangular Conversions ° 2 oder ype of gragh ves ha ol dria sytem, The polar foal 8 estate, ‘Cocrdnets sytem consets of a pont clad te org and a sed ve ecitocenees Gly aang nr tom bog Ary port ep 0 ‘Shrcnats syn may arent by the oo pa valve ftenbes by soon Pat fe he detnce rn he cao he pot to4 rd @ te eng masse me red yt ra we a4 isete orn and ne por poste fneasoed 2 8 Entrrloctoe aa nepave& eased ose i ed ort which are renecertad 8 cinder oars ca 7 8 oreetoa apolar Soranates andes ves. Tha THEY LOD has 48 feyn to perm hc conerson 9 at ese syn Can Ee a % (aay erage @ ae ‘Start: A nn as a pit and aol Wo es rooney : 7 Sn nge 0! 90° Me hn wr anc faves oot or hve Me, tums again and raves southeast (~45°) foro mies, tne ‘gan and travels due south {90°} or one mie, and completes his ey by eaeing on isin errant 60) Secon sort peaye2s as is el cies tae (Rao soserecriiusr comersens rousmecrcusn conrad “Targa: Determine ta ange for 8 aig tp tom paint Display Comments ‘te pot Band re enath ofa svagrt tp ram pom A © Clear diay ane pening ‘2 pin. ‘operatons 2 mo 1 Enters pa ct pote cordnales and conven Teo: chan alt pl corte + gbigeng exerts ‘ogiangUar coors and sung tho X a Y vaio mary \eumn ie aeurea tavena tom ho Ba thon ones 7 1.7820608 Shor Xl moray 1 by convering na sums back o polar cootntes 500 em © Erte sooo pat of plat ‘contain an carver to roctangarsoornaies © aid now Y visto “The kay sequences fr the conversions are arte fodanguar etngu to Pola remy Ener corde Ener coordinate 5 Akt nen Xsalue 0 tress merry 1 fee coe =e omen = 14142196 Ener he pat ef polar ae depiyed frat aetyeo corned cme 0 bros ree SD teoergsr corsa 14142196 Aesd now Y vale X'value dsplyed valve deployed Nata213e fd new Xvaie 1° Enlr fourth pal of polar ‘coords a corwert Keying it in otis sluton the sum of he ¥ coordina i sored in to recsengdar eons rremoxy O and the sum ofthe X coords is sored memory 1 <1 Aes new vate Wine eacuatr i notin he dagree mode, press I unt the ene Add new Xue ‘dagroe mode is reached, 1OGHCOTRNED — esnas¢ Enter tn par of par ‘oardrtes and convert tb recanguty coordinates 660254 Add new Y vse 5 Ado now Xue 13140064 Taal oFXvaues 7260205 Total et Y vaues 28.862961 Ange une AB tom the hotontd 18010875 Osianco fem pont A to pow 8 EEE eee CHAPTER MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS Cues Quadratic Equations Equatone are often encountered in sire and enginearing ccaculatons tat have te fom ak® +bk'rc=0. Equator of this {oem are known as quacratc equations. Soving or X. oF tnding ho ‘ote ofthe equation, may be cone by several macs. some ‘case, you may be ae fo factor the aquation a fs baste ‘Campanents by inspecton. Somotmes, noweve,fsctonng 2 ‘quscratc equation can be difcut. or nearly moss, For ‘Sample, consider Ibe queda equaton 2x +SK+ 10 Tagg: Determine the o's of he quate equation Bere tco “Tools: in cases whore factoring proves cficuk, you may wish to uso he quadratte formula, when gives the roots of any quae ‘equation is writen ae 2a where ab, and cars takon fromthe general form of he quadratic quate aX? + bse =O. 3 [MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ‘Keying iin: The folowing program calcuates the real 008s ot a ‘qvadrti equation, wah 3 n memary 0, Bin memory 1, and ¢ memory 2 Fo" & pracical example ofthe use of is rogram se the Free Fad exampie n Chapter 5, Sctie Apeicasons Press: Display Comments eS aIED 3 323 Clear dspiay and pending ‘operaions and partion ta 32 program steos and user memories 0 trough 2 St Enter eam rode and cl program memory Determine ‘sua Axe Square (oot of be ae ‘orea 1 memory 2 subtracing © trom the equare ool the sme eb Bae Tris ding by 28 using the advantages of AOS Stop and csply rst root of eauaies Determine car Ths 18 icing by 28 weg the advantages af AOS Dislay second roo ofthe ceavetion and reset ‘The dstiay i restored MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS cau) os “To use ne program, put ain memory 0 in memory ¥, arin memory 2 lib2— 4c i negaive. Evers deplayed when te ‘aul ates Uo square roc. When running the program. Imernory 216 used fo held intermedia results. Tereore, rerun ‘Be progam, © must bo roortred in memory 2 Press Display Comments as © Chee depiay and pening ‘perstons 20m 2 Sore abe tora 5@01 5 Quo vabe orb 4 (8) 2 1 Soe vate fore a 02192286 Frstrootof oxation a 22807764 Seoand ret of ecuation Limits ‘A funcarnental concer in eaulus the Kit, hich fs used to ‘ewestigale Ie Sehavor of a union a ts varie approaches {ome space valve I ha bet ofa function exe, may converge Ba single value or were nity. The lof & funciona ts vatlabe apprcaches ome spent vale is wrllen matheratcaly as be 198 To determine the init of the function, te variate Xe continualy madi cose othe lve pa during ie process, but never ‘clay reaches it: ten a funcion wil have an undlned vale whan Xs equa toh, Fr examete, conser te mt ofthe natal logarthm of X avid by 0-1} as X approaches 1 fim, IX 2A, The ime converges o a single vale, though he functon has the Undefne value of whan Xe equal ‘The caleator can easly find the lis of many functions tough ie abity 10 rapid repeet eaclaions “Targot Find the lime of he function x)= © 13 X approaches 1 MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS, ce Tools: The uncon is sai! o be ndeerminate sine, X=. boin in X ane 0-1) equa 200 ane 0D an “undetrec! quanaty. Nowaver you Can generata a series ‘of value fot X and dspay them ib show what happens {o he vale of he funtion a8 X approaches Keying tin: This rogram teks the curt vlue of X tom mem’ OG, takes na to datance Letween t and 1 fhe val to be ‘pproacnec), ads 10 1, and datesnnes the value of he function, i aplays the X valve being used nthe function, the value of he funeton, and then reset 0 te start ofthe programe (tear opty and pencing ‘operatns ana parton fo 48 program steps and {ser data merry O Enlo ear mode and clear Previous program Catutte erent value of ‘op to slay current X Caulaterew tncton ‘Stop to say the new Tuncton val, Fun to bagaring ot program. Leave an made an rexel The lay 8 ‘restored LuMiTs “To approach the lit qu, stan wth vale near 1 in memory 0 Press Display Comments 1001 Bo 1.001 Store value trom wha ‘sboroach sets ams e010 Fcc poeta places. a 4.0005 Value of x oo 0.9096 Faneton value fc 1.0003 New valu ot wal ©9998 Now funeion value a 10001 New vue of = 9599 Now function vale Gai 10001 New value at wa 10000 Function value 2x ‘2pproathes the bent value Going further: Cocasionally you may tna tht the euler amt ave at& Srgle Het wae lot & function. in is case, Wy eoping LHospta's Ful, viich sates tat the Servsves 8) and g 0 tthe im 109 Xoh ga XH goo inthe previous exami, 1X9 =InK, £00). GO 1. Then fom U Hospta's Fale vahich was aeady found using the program, a” CASTER _ SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS. wet Scientific Applications ‘Mathematics, simple and complex s used in apoting siotie Prnees The sortie proce ivcherd may Do taucietng but {he todious math may make rustabrg. The T'S? LCD auleay and ‘accurately hances te mah slowing you © concentrate onthe sbonce. This chapter shows 3 fow of he possive serie eppieations. ‘Astronomical Numbers, science Hogue desl wth very large and very smal numbers. A simple way 1o wre these numbers em eSenbtcnotaion. When a ‘ramibe wit Seenticnotabon, tis axpresgod 2s & number {the mares) tne 10 raised Yo some power the expanent. Fnegabve mantssa ndostes a negave number A nagalve exert Feseates how many places the decimal pit must be shies fo the [fio display me number in Standard nation. A pestva exponett indeates how many places the Geomal pont must be shited 19 he fight to dept the numbor in standard rotation Standard Notation _Sciontte Notation. 3500 35x19 20.00 ete 0025 2x 10-3 486,123,000 = 4156125108 ‘Example The universe is 20 lage tat he tahtyear the dance F lpetraves na year) is oten used to describe &. 627s nearest paighborng sa other than the sur is aperoxmately 43 Whereas sway, “Target: Determine the length of te t would take a car, 58 mies po hour ta travel 43 ght years “Toole: Light travels atthe rate of 2.96792 108 meters por seoand whieh equse 16281 mies Per sooond. Te Sve the problom al values mui ra care uns oh ‘measurement. For this oxampse, tg eases @ convert bah uni fo years o obtain the number el years avec Ce eee eee ‘SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS. — enc ees ne scm ressuee ao cusuw fade Keying tn: Note hat he calculator cornu to excl vais Keying tin ‘lent nolaton und 8 canceled by presng CRATE, Bo _ tring calc far Back on a sey, Commas Presa Display Comments Goss eae © Char dsciy and ponding eG 4 C=) 1.159462 05 eau in yours dapayed in peratone ent aon CD oss Ds vats os =O 1189452 Rast m sanded roeton 2 Dawu 2 Electrical Fesistance And Ohm's Law Cel oes25 985.25 Aeplances ae pugged into wal outs connected n paral cess eos 252773 13 43 ghtyo0s in mies Serhouso supe votage, Gacrge mon Crm (ITEP 08) 8 scan agli Soman piysest wrote a pamphit'on doce carers, The rest 20525) 48219 05 Mics waved in-yxt at 55. important pan eam caled Ohne Law i staos tha € he where mies go hour atous avestaree te al erat that ows feough ho 2 s.2aagea4 07 Yans needed 1 Yat 42a fetter mssiretn amperes ites Fhe ll essence ahtyears aepaved in measured in crs so/ntiie rotation woe 52429684 eau in stands notation Press ve epplancos wih individual reazance of § ohms, 12 ohms, 17 ‘fms, 23 ohms, and 49 ohms respecivey 2a lugged rxo house val outs. Assuming te house Supply votage fe TS eas, an Slocinoan would araw a diagram ike the one below, (to save tis rest for use the net exam Going further: Astronauts going tothe moon have traveled at about 25,000 mls per hau That's much fasierthan the $5 mie per hour speed imi but oven at PERG ths speed takes a long time to reach the next st. 157 sa S120 S:7a Sean Suen, Using the value om the previous calculation, matty Oy 55 mies per hour an cde by 25,000 miss per nour. The eau & he tme ‘h years takes to revel 4.9 ight-years at @ speed of 25,000 mies per nour Se teeta es Bene weareneaela vectors ods) Target: Determine the current hat to ve appliances wil SHE The cost for ane hous the bulb watlage divided by 1000 tmes the raw oy oe a trned on at he same tno. cost per kiowalt hour. Thon the cost per year I the cot for one hour tmes the nour a ay times the days ma year. Press Display Comments Toots: Saving ft | otal eurant that vl flow) Ohm's ae © Clear dsolay and pending Law obtains [= E-R. Before using this formula, However. ‘peratons yall need to determine eta resstace), 60 5) 1000 8 oS 1.0088 Cost for one hour wih ‘The law of paral restore states that 1=F=1= Ry +1 =A, wao0 ne Law of pa shat t= Fa 1= Ay + 1=F+ 24.00 305.25 “Vs Figs .- Substting to known reir vues ho te Yamal, . ‘eset entree ino» cin wen One La, hei fe EDO 98570 os yu 60 wa Currant demand may be obtaned bulb stored in memary 0 0.006 Cost er one hae wth 100 ‘wat bul 4 se825 a 52.596 Cost for year ior 100 watt uit ‘Comments eS 21.0884 Amount saved in one year iar slay a pens By swichng © 3 Govt cpmatone oe sc@ac3 Vectors: io a ers have ade arty of aepeatons racic physics and 2 Grond away o vauseeprotrs. Yecre oo aanreio co Aan “uantes al hve bth mognaide ena Grete A esos sown eB 0 ‘The reciprocal of 1/R, "na dagram by a directed ine segment whose drection represents ee Eicon karte igrbdlhvonetinmeataae magntude. Without the vector diagram, the next example would be tis then frase - ‘more dificull to understana. . oy : 12 Tiecm anaes MME jean) samt i ty Pat cn Hs ti Oo aseotera se cate nortof your hae alls The wear saves nes 2dvoad jou era er tay cl store 3 ne {oe bea ye ety ca as fh ebarree riche woctergwetroxrmcs ify of Someries ay guste sce ge Rerehen Ricteeed nae emg saeco MM AD So ree Orie Soe mute Sibi Soe he Iolo Ue lease Se’ rane ea a patod new Soles ‘eons seco HAPTER __ SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS aul VECTORS “Taxgt:Daernno te tle fa 80 me er hour Qn “Tools: A good way to visualize this problem is to craw a vector dagram i scale, as Shown. Voor [AC dostates te rue arspood (TAS). Vector CB Myra the crosswind speed (WS), while vecor [AB shows the grouncapeed vecior (GS). The angie (9 Beheading angie taken to courtrac the win. a ‘SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS, ot [A problom tke this, wath diferent stances, ue aspaods, and ‘rosswind speed, may need to be soled mary es 9 8 ‘ppropits to wre a eeogram. Ths program calculates the troundspeed in miles b= hour usng the Pynagevoanthecrom. X then detormnes the length of te he igh (aes n NOUS oy hding te dtance by te grouncspaed. Fina tho hoading in degroes scalousted by takng tho iclangent of he resul vector C8 divided by vector AB. HAPTER _ SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS, SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS cies vectow fas Before ning the peogram, th rue atspeed mus be putin momar 0. he crosswne n marmory 1. ane the dance to he _aportin memory 2. The groundsped i sored ny memory 3 whe 1 cables. the calcula ie nt m the cares mock, prees ‘uni he degree mode s reached, Press Dispiey Comments Keying I in: Te following program assumes that tne tue arsoed ie Inmemory 0, the erosswind memory 1, and he deta toe ror sh money 2 Seno SS neet Press Display Comaneni, memory 0 a a ae 2 een Sine @ ora a ENS nem en wo SEEwartn ae ‘stops and user date E mecnory 2 nl ees EE a auatae cel ue am ee St Enter team mose and ceaé ‘pet hour ee as arses Spite e qm SET Tvenm meaty es a Rc wie aw eSoumarne recence ca sous esa 8 06 Groundspeed in miles por 2.6809 seconds coca HE an sae ST oe wm so amano 2 psmieors Be ¢ | Sc ee By eee 8 of sSeerer tates Sail . se Eee reset fo step St. The sepia vetoes — Csaba SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS. Ba ere ras Free Fall Galeo Gali (1564— 1622} iscoverad in the 17% cortry tht ab ‘jes fal wih constant acceleraton us tothe froo ot gray. Tha foceeraion due le graviy is usualy labod wih the erg and qu fo 981 mist, or 222 Wee Target Suppose rock i thrown iy a well 214 meters deop () at an al vlocty 0478 fh Determine ow ‘much ime wit 335 Btere the rook hts be bation othe wel ‘ool: The formula for distance talon is d= 2 Vat where g 8 he gravtatonal constant, tie be, ad Vo 'S the daring velocty. Ths rma may te wien as 2 ee Sag ae ant i aa emg ee ee 1B Sete oe fae DiGi Va ee inde 2 a=1-2%981 melas por second per second, bed meters per second, and c= 214 meters Using the program fer the quadkats formula gen in Chap 4, Malyemateal Appleaiens, gies the i tors, nce ime cana be ‘hogalve this exampe, the postive root Me ie & takes te Foe. Aphitihe baton oe wel oh 2 respodtvaly 1. or 9 3 9 a SCIENTIFICAPPLICATIONS — ciipit rset gy Orsclay Comments 323 oe 2 (lar spy and pending operations and st Barong 1 22 pore Sp and vst da amore Otoup) 2 Ener tear mode and car or a 07 Sera ac 10. Sau ont? sot nramy 2 18 Sibtering me ‘aus roast mobsyeoae 18 Ts is viding by 2a ueng the aovartages of AOS 18. Sip and display fst root ‘of equation 26-0 VBA 28. This dicing by 2a using the advantages of AOS 3 Oisclay sonore ret of equation ard atu to begining ef progam To se the rogram, enter he values of a,b, ark in memos 0) CHAPTER, SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS ‘SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS, [eae e1000ncTIVE Hau Pure vse om lay Commons © Cesar cispay and pending ome ence saicme ie 8 4805 calat ve ot aan “ae oven # aren many 0 : Perley Comments 1631 4 Socvlnmmety e Get daa an peng sw EE 2

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