Energy Policy: Steven Sexton, Jonathan Eyer

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Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131

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Leveling the playing eld of transportation fuels: Accounting

for indirect emissions of natural gas
Steven Sexton a,n, Jonathan Eyer b
Duke University, 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708, USA
University of Southern California, 3710 S. McClintock Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA


 Natural gas used in transport causes indirect emissions in the electricity sector.
 These emissions result from increased coal use in electricity generation.
 They rival in magnitude indirect land use change (ILUC) emissions of biofuels.
 Natural gas fuels are estimated to be as carbon intensive as the petroleum fuels.
 Policy ignores indirect emissions from natural gas.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural gas transportation fuels are credited in prior studies with greenhouse gas emissions savings
Received 23 July 2015 relative to petroleum-based fuels and relative to the total emissions of biofuels. These analyses, however,
Received in revised form overlook a source of potentially large indirect emissions from natural gas transportation fuels, namely
17 March 2016
the emissions from incremental coal-red generation caused by price-induced substitutions away from
Accepted 16 April 2016
Available online 30 April 2016
natural-gas-red electricity generation. Because coal-red generation emits substantially more green-
house gases and criteria air pollutants than natural-gas-red generation, this indirect coal-use change
Keywords: effect diminishes potential emissions savings from natural gas transportation fuels. Estimates from a
Compressed natural gas parameterized multi-market model suggest the indirect coal-use change effect rivals in magnitude the
Liquied natural gas
indirect land-use change effect of biofuels and renders natural gas fuels as carbon intensive as petroleum
Transportation fuels
Low carbon fuel standard
Greenhouse gas emissions & 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Indirect emissions

1. Introduction to grow faster than any other transportation fuel to 2040 (EIA,
2015d, 2015e). Motivated largely by concern about climate impacts
Recent advances in shale gas production and growing demand of gasoline and diesel combustion, policy in the U.S. and elsewhere
for greenhouse gas emissions reductions have spurred interest in endeavors to overcome obstacles to expanded natural gas use in
natural gas as a competitor to petroleum-based transportation transportation, a sector responsible for nearly one-third of an-
fuels. Though natural gas presently powers a mere 394,000 light- thropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. (EPAct, 2005;
duty vehicles and 40,000 heavy-duty vehicles in the U.S., its share Knittel, 2012; EPA, 2013b; Obama, 2014; EPA, 2012). Federal tax
of transportation fuel rivals electricity and its eet far exceeds the expenditures in the U.S., for instance, promote natural gas vehicle
electric vehicle eet (EIA, 2015a). sales and refueling infrastructure investments. In his 2014 State of
Short-run substitutions to natural gas are constrained by lim- the Union address, U.S. President Barack Obama touted natural gas
ited refueling infrastructure and incompatible engine technology, as a bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the
yet natural gas vehicle fuel consumption is increasing, and, by one carbon pollution that causes climate change, and he advocated
estimate, will globally displace 1.5 million barrels of oil per day by policy to shift more cars and trucks from foreign oil to American
2030 (IHS, 2015). Natural gas vehicle fuel consumption is expected natural gas. Federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards
also favor natural gas vehicles by allowing manufacturers to count
Corresponding author. each natural gas vehicle sale as more than one vehicle sale in its
E-mail address: (S. Sexton). compliance calculations, effectively subsidizing natural gas vehicle
0301-4215/& 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
22 S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131

production. States also grant natural gas vehicles access to high- greenhouse gases than a typical natural gas plant (Spath and
occupancy-vehicle lanes and provide other incentives to en- Mann, 2000; Burnham et al., 2011; Fulton et al., 2011). A con-
courage adoption of a technology that is generally considered to be sequence of natural gas use in transportation, therefore, may be
less carbon-intensive than petroleum-based fuels combustion. increased carbon emissions in power generation. While life-cycle
These and other policies are catalogued in CRS (2014). Still, some emissions of electricity generation are estimated with uncertainty,
analyses suggest policy is necessary to level the playing eld of much like the life-cycle emissions of transportation fuels, a 2011
transportation fuels that disadvantages natural gas, e.g., Knittel Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) review of more
(2012). than 90 credible life-cycle assessments concluded that natural gas
Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liqueed natural gas (LNG) plants generate 53% fewer carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions
fuels are typically ascribed lower life-cycle carbon emissions than than coal plants 469 g per kilowatt-hour (kWh) versus 1001 g
gasoline and diesel, for which they respectively substitute (Burn- per kWh (von Stechow et al., 2011; Caulton et al., 2014). Coal
ham et al., 2011; Larive et al., 2011; Kyle and Kim, 2011; Ste- plants also emit far greater quantities of criteria pollutants than
phenson et al., 2012; Chan et al., 2013; Nigro and Jiang, 2013; Ou natural gas plants. These include nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide,
and Zhang, 2013), though Tong et al. (2015a, 2015b) estimate and particulate matter that are deleterious to human health (Jar-
greater emissions from natural gas than conventional fuels for all amillo et al., 2007).
heavy-duty truck technologies and for some medium and light- Thus, an indirect effect of greater natural gas use in transpor-
duty truck technologies depending upon modeling assumptions. tation is greater carbon and criteria pollutant emissions in the
Natural gas emissions are also generally thought to be lower than power sector. This effect is analogous to the well-studied and
the sum of direct and indirect emissions of biofuels from corn and controversial ILUC effect of biofuels: greater demand for agri-
soy (Fargione et al., 2008; Searchinger et al., 2008; ARB, 2009; cultural output raises the rental rate of cropland, which induces
Hertel et al., 2009; Laborde, 2011; European Commission, 2012; conversion of undeveloped land to farmland, releasing the carbon
Khanna and Crago, 2012). stored in the ground and biomass. To our knowledge, however, the
The conventional wisdom that natural gas is a clean, alternative magnitude of indirect coal-use change (ICUC) emissions from
transportation fuel implicitly assumes, however, the absence of natural gas has not been previously estimated.
considerable indirect emissions, like the indirect land-use change Were a global and economy-wide carbon price imposed to in-
(ILUC) emissions of biofuels that have attracted considerable at- ternalize the climate change externality posed by carbon emis-
tention in scholarly research and policy making since 2008, e.g., sions, e.g., via an optimal carbon tax or optimal tradable permit
Fargione et al. (2008), Searchinger et al. (2008), ARB (2009), Hertel standard, then an accounting of indirect effects of natural gas use
et al. (2009), Lapola et al. (2010), Laborde (2011), European Com- in transportation would be of little value to policy makers, as
mission (2012) and Khanna and Crago (2012). Despite the interest would be the analogous accounting for biofuels. Interest in the
in indirect biofuel emissions, the indirect emissions from other ILUC, however, derives from the implementation of second and
fuels like natural gas have been virtually ignored. In fact, in im- third-best policies to promote low-carbon technologies, including
plementing a rst-of-its-kind low carbon fuel standard that relies low carbon fuel standards.
upon accurate measures of carbon intensities across fuels, Cali- So long as carbon emissions are not priced appropriately across
fornia regulators identied only land use change as a signicant sectors and jurisdictions, and so long as planners pursue alter-
source of indirect emissions. This paper, however, presents a native carbon emissions abatement strategies, the ICUC is pre-
parameterized analytical model that estimates signicant indirect sumably as relevant to policy as is the ILUC. This is true even
emissions from CNG and LNG that are ignored in previous life cycle though some jurisdictions regulate carbon emissions in the elec-
assessments and in existing policy. These indirect emissions are tricity sector. Because natural gas ows relatively uninhibited
estimated to rival and even exceed the ILUC emissions of biofuels within the U.S., and at greater cost, around the world, sub-national
and to render natural gas fuels no less carbon intensive than the carbon policy is ineffective in avoiding indirect emissions from
petroleum fuels they are intended to displace. natural gas transportation use. The emissions leak from the
Intuitively, an exogenous increase in natural gas consumption regulated jurisdiction to unregulated jurisdictions. While direct
in transportation due to policy, for instance, must be met by an emissions leakage in the electricity sector may be constrained by
increase in the quantity of natural gas supplied, a decrease in restrictions on electricity imports to the regulated jurisdiction, a
natural gas consumption elsewhere in the economy, or by some sector-specic policy such as those in place today, cannot contain
combination of supply-side and demand-side responses. If the leakage in other sectors. Intuitively, if a unit of natural gas is used
increased demand for natural gas in transportation were fully met to power cars in a jurisdiction that prices carbon emissions in the
by an equivalent increase in natural gas production, i.e., if natural electricity sector, e.g. California, it raises the price of natural gas to
gas supply were perfectly elastic, then indirect emissions from electricity generators in the regulated and unregulated jurisdic-
natural gas would likely be nominal. If, however, the marginal cost tions. Substitutions toward coal will come from the unregulated
of natural gas production increases in the quantity of production jurisdictions where such substitutions are unencumbered by car-
(so that natural gas supply is upward sloping in price-quantity bon policy imposed in the regulated jurisdictions.
space), as ample empirical evidence suggests, then increased de- This paper proceeds in turn to develop an analytical model of
mand for natural gas raises the price of natural gas (Brown and ICUC emissions, to calibrate and simulate the model, to consider
Krupnick, 2010; Arora, 2014; Ponce and Neumann, 2014; Hausman key uncertainties in estimating indirect emissions, to discuss im-
and Kellogg, 2015). Higher natural gas prices, in turn, induce plications of the analysis, and to address limitations of the model
substitutions to other, potentially dirtier energy feedstocks else- before concluding.
where in the economy, including in electricity generation.
Electricity generation is responsible for more than forty percent
of natural gas consumption in the U.S. (EIA, 2013). As natural gas 2. A model of indirect emissions from natural gas
prices rise in response to increased demand for its use in trans-
portation, power generators are expected to substitute away from In order to estimate the magnitude of ICUC emissions, we de-
natural-gas-red electricity generation and toward generation velop and parameterize a multi-market model in which natural
from other feedstocks like coal. A number of life-cycle analyses gas is produced according to an upward sloping supply function. It
have concluded that a typical coal plant emits considerably more is demanded in the residential, commercial, industrial,
S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131 23

transportation and electricity sectors of the economy. Quantity equilibrium. Hence,3

demanded of natural gas is assumed to fall as prices rise. Because
our interest centers on the electricity market response to in- dQC = NG dQ ENG + dQ TNG .
creased demand for natural gas in the transportation sector, we Q C Q (1)
specify the residual supply of natural gas to electricity and trans- Given full pass-through of costs in rate setting, the change in
portation as total supply net of demand by the industrial, re- electricity price is equal to the marginal cost increase indicated in
sidential, and commercial sectors.1 Coal is also produced according (1), and the change in electricity demand is determined by its
to an upward sloping supply function. Electricity demand is as- price responsiveness as follows:
sumed to be inelastic in the short run, but declining in price in the
long run, as a sufcient time horizon allows end-users to adjust ED P NG
dED = dQ ENG + dQ TNG .
capital holdings in order to avoid higher costs, e.g., by investing in P E Q NG
energy efcient capital. Within this framework, ICUC emissions are
The equilibrium condition that changes in supply equal chan-
determined as the difference in equilibrium electricity sector
ges in demand, thus, yields:
emissions before and after an incremental increase in natural gas
use for transportation. 1 C 1 ED P NG
dQ + dQ ENG = E NG dQ ENG + dQ TNG .
In equilibrium, the quantity of electricity supplied, ES, is equal P Q (2)
to the quantity of electricity demanded, ED, in each period, and so
the change in electricity supplied is equal to the change in elec- As interest centers on changes in the electricity market equili-
tricity demanded: brium per unit change in natural gas demand in the transportation
sector, (1) and (2) are divided by dQNG
T and solved for , the
dE S = dED. dQ TNG
change in coal use in electricity generation per unit change in
The change in electricity supplied is equal to the change in dQ ENG
natural gas use in transportation, and , the change in natural
electricity generation from coal plus the change in electricity dQ TNG
generation from natural gas, i.e., gas use in electricity generation per unit change in natural gas use
1 C 1 in transportation. The former, for instance, equals:
dE S = dQ + dQ ENG,
where QC and QNG are, respectively, the quantities of coal and dQC P Q NG
E = .
natural gas consumed in electricity generation and s and are dQ TNG P NG E 2 QC P NG
1 2 NG E + 2 C
parameters reecting, respectively, the quantities of coal and Q P P Q NG
natural gas required to produce a unit of electricity.
The magnitude of the ICUC effect is the sum of the changes in
The change in electricity demanded is determined by the
coal and natural gas-red electricity generation multiplied by the
change in electricity price, PE, and by the responsiveness of elec-
emission intensities of the respective generation pathways:
tricity demand to electricity price, i.e.,
dED = dP . NG
+ ,

The change in electricity price is determined by the change in the where and are coefcients reecting the emissions per unit
cost of electricity generation and the rate at which the cost change generation from coal and natural gas, respectively. Given an up-
is passed onto consumers. Cognizant of the regulated nature of ward sloping natural gas supply, then < 0, i.e., incremental
electricity rates, it is assumed cost changes are fully passed onto
demand for natural gas in other sectors reduces gas-red elec-
consumers.2 We assume no other costs change as feedstock costs
tricity generation. In the short run, the decline in natural-gas-red
change; marginal costs other than feedstock costs are similar
generation is met by an equal increase in coal-red generation as
across coal and natural gas generation, covary in production levels,
the quantity of electricity demanded is unchanged, i.e.,
and constitute a small fraction of feedstock costs. Indeed, fuel costs NG
1 dQC 1 dQ E
are responsible for 77% and 86% of total variable costs of electricity dQ NG
+ dQ NG
= 0. But for downward sloping electricity demand
generation from coal and natural gas, respectively (Brown and in the long run, the reduction in natural-gas-red generation ex-
Andres, 2014; Nuclear Energy Institute, 2013). ceeds the increase in coal-red-generation because the quantity of
Electricity generators are assumed to minimize energy feed- 1 dQC
1 dQ E
electricity demanded declines in price, i.e., + < 0.
stock costs, taking prices as given, so that the marginal costs of dQ NG
electricity generation from natural gas and coal are equated in The parsimony of this model is afforded by the physical and
economic characteristics of electricity generation and natural gas
supply.4 In particular, and in order to avoid dependence upon
The residual supply elasticity facing the electricity and transportation sectors
Qtotal Qi Qr Qc
is dened as Sresid = S Di Dr Dc where Di , Dr , and cD are
Qresid Qresid Qresid Qresid 3
With thousands of rms producing natural gas, the wholesale natural gas
the elasticities of demand in the industrial, residential, and commercial sectors and market is highly competitive (Wells, 2006; EIA, 2015b; FERC, 2015). Hence, it is
Qtotal, Qresid, Qi, Qr , and Qc are total natural gas consumption, consumption in the assumed changes in wholesale prices are fully transmitted downstream to all
residual sector, i.e., electricity and transportation, and industrial, residential, and consumers regardless of the constant mark-up natural gas consumers face in dif-
commercial consumption, respectively. ferent sectors. This is similar to Linn et al. (2014) and Hausman and Kellogg (2015),
This is a conservative assumption. It assumes electricity demand declines for instance.
more in response to an increase in natural gas prices than if market power or rate This analysis abstracts from an assessment of regional impacts that would
regulation induced less than complete pass-through of feedstock cost increases. account for differences in electricity generating eets across control areas or in-
Electricity demand reduction in response to electricity price increases mitigates the terconnections because natural gas, unlike electricity, typically ows readily across
ICUC effect because the demand response avoids coal-powered generation. If such boundaries so that a CNG vehicle refueling in California may affect power
generators possess market power, costs would not be fully passed on to consumers sector emissions in New York. This is distinct from the effect of electric vehicles. In
because the power generator would face a tradeoff between selling at a reduced that context, economists have calculated region-specic marginal emissions from
margin if prices were not increased and selling fewer units if prices were increased. electric vehicles because the marginal emissions cannot leak beyond, e.g., Nuclear
24 S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131

Fig. 1. Natural gas and coal generation shares. Depicted are the shares of total
electricity generation produced by coal and natural gas plants, respectively, from
2000 to 2012. Source: EIA.

many additional and uncertain economic relationships, it is as-

sumed that marginal increases in natural gas prices induce sub-
stitution toward coal-red electricity generation alone.
While marginal gas and coal plants have long-competed for
generation share, gas and coal plants historically served distinct
roles in the electric grid. Until recently, the former performed
primarily a load-following function because of the relatively high
marginal costs and relatively low ramping costs of gas turbine
technologies. Coal served base-load generation because of higher
ramping costs and lower marginal costs. Shale gas production,
however, has yielded low feedstock prices that, in concert with
adoption of combined-cycle technologies, make natural gas plants
competitive with coal plants for base-load generation (EIA, 2012).
At the same time, increasing demand for ramping capacity due to
intermittent renewable generation has impelled some coal plants Fig. 2. EIA Southeastern U.S. dispatch curve. Depicted are modeled dispatch curves
to undertake more frequent cycling. Consequently, the two feed- which depict the order in which the electricity generating in eet is dispatched to
stocks are increasingly substitutable over a broad range of elec- meet electricity load at lowest cost. The range of load over which coal and natural
gas substitute is considerable in 2010 (panel A) and greater in 2012 (panel B) when
tricity generation.
natural gas prices were lower. Source: EIA (2012).
The substitutability of these feedstocks is exhibited in Fig. 1,
which shows the shares of coal and natural-gas-red electricity
generation in the U.S. from 2001 to 2013. The generation share of
thereby called up to meet only a few percent of total generation
natural gas is highly negatively correlated (r  89) with the
during peak demand. As natural gas and coal prices rise, these
generation share of coal. Moreover, Fig. 2 depicts the order in
peaking plants may be called up to serve base-load generation,
which generating units are dispatched in the Southeastern U.S. in
though this is unlikely given differences in plant efciency and fuel
order to meet electricity demand at lowest cost, according to a U.S. costs (EIA, 2015c). Nuclear and renewable wind and solar gen-
Energy Information Administration (EIA) model. The top panel eration are also unlikely to substitute for gas-red generation
shows the dispatch curve for the year 2010 and demonstrates that because those resources effectively operate at full capacity (EIA,
coal and natural gas plants substituted over a non-trivial range of 2014b). These plants are characterized by high xed capital costs
generation. The bottom panel shows the dispatch curve in 2012, but very low marginal costs of generation. Nuclear plants also have
when natural gas prices were lower than in 2010. Substitution little ability to ramp production, while renewables cannot be
between coal and natural gas generation occurred over the entire dispatched, making them poor substitutes for the dispatchable
range of coal and gas plant dispatch. Mason et al. (2015) sum- and rampable generation of coal and gas plants.
marizes the literature on coal and natural gas substitutions in Nevertheless, greater wind, solar, or nuclear capacity that dis-
electricity generation. places marginal coal or natural gas base-load generation in the
This model assumes a continuous and monotonic natural gas long run would reduce the indirect emissions of natural gas
supply function that relates higher levels of production to higher transportation fuels. The EIA, however, forecasts no considerable
marginal costs. Thus, even small changes in the quantity de- change in the share of generation from these feedstocks by 2040.
manded of natural gas induce changes in natural gas prices. Wind capacity is projected to increase from 6% of total capacity to
Moreover, motivated by the high-degree of substitutability be- 7%, solar from 0.3% to 1.5% and nuclear is projected to decline from
tween coal and natural gas, this analysis also assumes that even 10.5% of capacity to 8.6% (EIA, 2014a).
marginal increases in natural gas prices are sufcient to induce In spite of the power plant emissions regulations promulgated
marginal electricity generating units to respond, i.e., for a marginal by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, i.e., the Clean Power
coal plant to ramp up production as a marginal gas plant ramps Plan, coal and natural gas are likely to continue to dominate
down production due to a marginal increase in natural gas price. electricity generation (EIA, 2015a). The nuclear renaissance an-
Over the short-to-medium term, at least, it is unlikely genera- ticipated in the 1990s and early 21st century has not materialized,
tion sources other than coal plants substitute for gas-red gen- partly due to the nearly $10 billion cost of a typical reactor and to
eration. Generation from petroleum feedstocks is costly and renewed safety concerns following radioactive emissions from
Japan's Fukishima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011. Four U.S. nuclear
(footnote continued)
generators were permanently closed in 2013, and the prospects of
Energy Regulatory Commission regions or interconnections. See for instance Graff- capacity growth are dim (Lucas, 2012). Solar and wind generation
Zivin et al. (2014). remain the most costly forms of power generation, even
S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131 25

accounting for the cost of pollution emissions. They are competi- Table 1
tive only with policy support and with back-up generation from Calibration parameters.
dispatchable fossil fuels (Sovacool, 2009; Frank, 2014).
Parameter description Parameter

Coal consumption (million short tons) 824,758

3. Results and discussion Natural gas price (2012 $US/MMBtu) 2.66
Natural gas consumption - electricity (million cubic feet) 9,144,417
Natural gas consumption - residential (million cubic feet) 4,914,327
ICUC emissions are estimated by parameterizing the foregoing Natural gas consumption - commercial (million cubic feet) 3,278,856
model. For simplicity, all supply and demand relationships are Natural gas consumption - industrial (million cubic feet) 7,413,918
assumed to be linear in price. Thus, elasticities and equilibrium
quantities are substituted into the expressions for changes in coal
and gas use in the electricity sector to determine the magnitudes Table 2
of changes for a unit change in natural gas use in transportation. Elasticity assumptions.

We calibrate the model using price and quantity data for 2013. We Parameter Estimate range Baseline estimate
solve for the price of coal using the price of natural gas and the
equilibrium condition equating the marginal costs of coal and Coal supply 1.86 to 4.9 3.0
natural gas generation. The coal price implied by the model ap- Natural gas supply 0.2 to 0.81c 0.81
Residential natural gas demand  0.2 to  0.53d  0.2
proximates but is lower than the price reported by the EIA$40.05
Commercial natural gas demand  0.21 to  0.53e  0.23
per ton compared to $45.77 per tonas expected given that the Industrial natural gas demand  0.57 to  1.24f  0.57
model ignores operating costs other than feedstock costs. These Electricity demand  0.32g  0.32
calibration parameters are reported in Table 1. Coal-gas CO2e differential (gCO2e/ 350 to 650h 532
Estimates from the economics literature and modeling as-
sumptions of regulatory agencies are employed to characterize the Reported are the ranges of parameter estimates identied in the economics and
price-responsiveness of commodity supplies and demands.5,6 engineering literatures and implemented in Monte Carlo simulations. Also reported
are baseline parameter values used to estimate ICUC emissions.
The difference in carbon dioxide emissions (CO2e) between coal plants and
For at least several decades, economists have considered long-run coal supply natural gas plants.
to be elastic, though empirical estimates are sparse (Zimmerman, 1981; Joskow, b
Beck et al. (1991), Brown (1998) and EIA (2013), and authors' own estimate.
1988). In a study of the Appalachia region of the U.S., Harvey (1986) estimated a See footnote 5.
long-run supply elasticity of 3.1. Brown (1998) rely upon analysis in Brown et al. c
Arora (2014), Ponce and Neumann (2014) and Hausman and Kellogg
(1995) to calibrate a macroeconomic model of climate change policy impacts; They (2015).
assume a coal supply elasticity of 1.86. Burniaux and Martins (2012), however, d
Davis and Muehlegger (2010), CEC (2012) and Hausman and Kellogg
assume a coal supply elasticity of 7 in their general equilibrium analysis of carbon (2015).
leakage from climate change policy. They rely on estimates from Mellish (1998), e
Davis and Muehlegger (2010), CEC (2012) and Hausman and Kellogg
who employs two-stage least squares estimates of price responsiveness to over- (2015).
come the simultaneity of supply and demand. Beck et al. (1991) use mine-level cost f
Davis and Muehlegger (2010), CEC (2012) and Hausman and Kellogg
data to estimate smaller long-run supply elasticities for Australian coal of 1.9, 2.7, (2015).
and 3.5. Their estimates do not account for part of the supply response to price, e.g., g
Dahl and Roman (2004).
ignoring the role of price expectations on supply decisions, and they also fail to h
Spath and Mann (2000), Jaramillo et al. (2007), Jiang et al. (2011), and von
control for simultaneous supply and demand determination, as Mellish (1998) Stechow et al. (2011).
does. More recently, the EIA has estimated the coal supply elasticity to be equal to
4.9 based on model-produced coal supply curves. Staff judgement and historical
estimates, however, impelled the agency to adopt a more modest elasticity esti- Similarly, estimates of the emission rates of coal and gas plants are
mate of 2.5 in its implementation of the National Energy Modeling System. obtained from the engineering literature and government reports.
We generate our own elasticity estimate using the EPA's Integrated Planning Because the price relationships and emission rates are estimated
Modeling (IMP) upon which EPA relies for regulatory impact assessments. The
with error and because the available record presents a range of
model includes mine-level supply curves generated for the agency by Wood
Mackenzie, a consultancy with extensive experience in preparing mine-by-mine estimates for key parameters, as shown in Table 2, the magnitude
estimates of cash operating costs, as well as access to public and proprietary data of ICUC emissions is estimated for various scenarios using a range
sources. A detailed discussion of how these supply curves are generated is provided of plausible values for key model parameters. Monte Carlo simu-
in EPA (2013a). Using the 2016 cost and production forecasts obtained from the lations are also used to estimate ICUC emissions across the range
IMP, we estimate a quadratic supply function over the relevant range of coal pro-
duction and compute a point elasticity at current production levels. Specically, we
of parametric uncertainty and to characterize the magnitude of
regress cumulative annual production on price and the square of price. The esti- uncertainty.
mated supply function includes an intercept of  1665.919, and coefcients on the
price variables of 178.4253 and  1.961519, respectively. These coefcients are 3.1. Model estimates of indirect coal use change emissions
signicant at the 10% level or higher. This regression yields an R-squared of 0.9695.
It suggests a point elasticity estimate at current production levels of 3.0, which lies
approximately in the middle of the range of estimates generated by the prior Based upon our baseline model parameterizations, it is esti-
studies. This coal elasticity estimate is an input into our baseline ICUC estimate. mated that ICUC causes 28.1 g of CO2 equivalent emissions per
Arora (2014) provides the most extensive, recent estimates of natural gas megajoule of natural gas (g CO2e/MJ) in the long run. In the short
supply elasticities in the U.S. Relying on weekly, monthly, and quarterly observa-
run, absent electricity demand response, the ICUC is estimated to
tions on production and producer price index from 1993 to 2013, Arora (2014)
estimates vector-autoregressive models that exploit plausibly exogenous changes cause 37.2 g CO2e/MJ. These estimates assume power plant emis-
in demand. For each market shock, a unique long-run elasticity is estimated. These sion intensities reported by the IPCC, natural gas supply and sec-
range from 0.1 to 0.5, depending upon the market shock, and the frequency and toral demand elasticities estimated by Hausman and Kellogg
range of data employed in the estimation. More recent data yield larger elasticity
(2015), and our original analysis of coal supply curves employed by
estimates, suggesting that shale gas production is more responsive to price than
conventional gas production. Ponce and Neumann (2014) estimate a long-run the EPA in its Integrated Planning Model for carbon policy impact
supply elasticity of 0.6, while the EIA's NEMS model employs an elasticity of 0.5 assessment (see footnote 5). These results are reported in Table 3,
(Arora, 2014). For our baseline ICUC emissions estimate, we rely on the gas supply
elasticity estimated by Hausman and Kellogg (2015), which uses lagged weather as
an exogenous shock to contemporaneous demand that operates via competitive (footnote continued)
storage markets. Hausman and Kellogg (2015) estimate a long run supply elasticity Given that the Hausman and Kellogg estimate is the highest among these recent
of 0.81 using monthly marketed production and spot prices from 2001 to 2014. estimates, its use is a source of conservatism in our estimates of the ICUC.
26 S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131

Table 3 .05
Indirect coal use change emissions (g/MJ) in short and long run (in bold).

Coal supply elasticity Natural gas supply elasticity


0.2 0.5 0.81

2.5 46.8 39.7 34.4 .03

32.3 28.0 24.7

3.0 48.9 42.3 37.2
35.8 31.5 28.1

4.9 53.6 48.6 44.3

44.0 40.2 36.9 0
10 20 30 40 50 60
Reported are short-run and long-run (bold typeface) indirect coal use change ICUC (gCO2e/MJ)
emissions for preferred coal and natural gas supply elasticity assumptions (3.0 and
0.81, respectively) and alternative elasticity estimates from the literature (see Fig. 3. Distribution of simulated ICUC emissions. Distribution of modeled ICUC
footnotes 2 and 3). emissions from 10,000 independent draws of parameter values from uniform
parameter distributions.

along with model ICUC emission estimates for alternative coal and
gas supply elasticities as indicated in the table. within the specied ranges is equally likely, so that these simu-
ICUC emissions are reported for a low-to-mid-range gas supply lation estimates entail no researcher judgement. Similarly, the
elasticity estimate of 0.2 obtained from Arora (2014), the gas Monte Carlo framework assumes independence among the alter-
supply elasticity of 0.5 employed by the EIA in its National Energy native parameter distributions. Given that the different parameter
Modeling System (NEMS), and the Hausman and Kellogg (2015) estimates which underpin the uniform distributions were gener-
estimate of 0.81. ICUC estimates are also reported for an adjusted ated from independent studies, this seems reasonable. This Monte
coal supply elasticity of 2.5 employed by the EIA in its modeling in Carlo simulation yields an estimated average long-run ICUC effect
2014, our original point elasticity estimate of 3.0 derived from EPA of 37.2 g CO2e/MJ and a range of 13.364.4 g CO2e/MJ. The fth,
mining cost and production data, and for a pre-adjusted EIA esti- 50th, and 95th percentiles of the distribution are 24.4, 36.8, and
mate of 4.9 derived from the coal market module of NEMS. Long- 51.2 g CO2e/MJ, respectively. Fig. 3 reports the histogram of long-
run elasticity estimates are reported in bold typeface. The short- run ICUC estimates from the 10,000 independent, random draws.8
run ICUC estimates differ from the long-run ICUC estimates only in The ICUC estimate based upon our baseline parameterization is
that electricity demand is assumed to be inelastic in the short run; lower than the mean and median estimates from the simulation
the supply elasticities for coal and natural gas are the long-run because, in the baseline, we conservatively assumed the largest
elasticities employed in long-run ICUC estimates. natural gas supply elasticity available in the literature. ICUC
For these elasticity assumptions, long-run ICUC emissions vary emissions are decreasing in the price responsiveness of natural gas
from 24.7 g CO2e/MJ with a relatively elastic natural gas supply supply: the greater is the supply response to an increase in price,
and relatively inelastic coal supply to 44.0 g CO2e/MJ for relatively the greater is the share of diverted natural gas that is replaced by
inelastic natural gas supply and relatively elastic coal supply. new natural gas supply and the smaller is the share replaced by
Short-run ICUC emissions are estimated to vary from 34.4 g CO2e/ coal. The negative relationship between the natural gas supply
MJ to 53.6 g CO2e/MJ. If instead of IPCC coal and gas plant emission elasticity and ICUC emissions is depicted in Fig. 4 (a), which plots
intensities, we assume the smaller emissions differential esti- simulated ICUC emissions against model inputs for the natural gas
mated by Jiang et al. (2011), long-run modeled ICUC emissions supply elasticity. The strong linear relationship evidences the
range from 16.7 g CO2e/MJ to 31.5 g CO2e/MJ. If the mid-range sensitivity of modeled ICUC emissions to the gas supply elasticity.
emissions differential of Jaramillo et al., (2007) were assumed, the Modeled ICUC emissions are also sensitive to, though increas-
long-run ICUC estimate would be 19.836.5 g CO2e/MJ for the ing in, the coal supply elasticity. The more elastic is coal supply,
elasticity assumptions made in Table 3. If the point estimate of the greater is the coal replacement of any natural gas diverted to
natural gas supply elasticity from Hausman and Kellogg (2015) is the transportation sector and the smaller is any price-induced
increased by one standard error to 0.97 and other baseline as- electricity demand reduction. This positive relationship between
sumptions are maintained, then the long-run ICUC emissions es- coal elasticity and ICUC emissions is depicted in Fig. 4 (b), which
timate declines to 26.6 g CO2e/MJ; if the point estimate is in- plots the simulated ICUC emissions against the coal elasticity in-
creased by two standard errors, ICUC emissions are 25.2 g CO2e/ puts. The ICUC estimate produced by our preferred model para-
MJ.7 meters depends upon a mid-range coal supply elasticity estimate
As evidenced in Table 3, ICUC emissions estimates are sensitive (see footnote 5).
to parametric assumptions. To explore these sensitivities and the Differences in assumed carbon intensities across coal and nat-
magnitude of uncertainty in ICUC estimation, a uniform distribu- ural gas generating units are also important determinants of
tion is specied for each parameter across the range of estimates modeled ICUC emissions. Coal and gas emission rates are more
available in the literature and employed by regulators in the U.S.
Then ICUC emissions are computed for each of 10,000 sets of in- 8
A reviewer correctly cautions against interpreting this histogram as a prob-
dependent draws from these distributions. The uniform parameter ability distribution for the magnitude of the ICUC. In order for it to have a prob-
distributions imply that a random draw of each parameter value ability-distribution interpretation, we would need complete information on the
distributions of the underlying parameters, including their covariance structure.
Instead, the histogram represents the range of ICUC estimates that can be gener-
We are grateful to a reviewer for suggesting that we report ICUC estimates ated from alternative combinations of estimates for the underlying parameters that
accounting for uncertainty in the Hausman and Kellogg (2015) parameter estimate. have been set forth in the literature.
S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131 27

ICUC Sensitivity to Input Parameters reected in California's initial low carbon fuel standard are similar
in magnitude, though somewhat larger than other estimates of
biofuel land-use change emissions (Hertel et al., 2009; Edwards
et al., 2010; Tyner et al., 2010; Marelli et al., 2011; Dunn et al.,
2013). Regulators recently revised ILUC emissions from corn
ethanol to 19.8 g CO2e/MJ. Indirect emissions from soy biodiesel
50 decline to 29.1 g CO2e/MJ (ARB, 2015).
If even the smallest estimate of the long-run ICUC effect re-
ported in Table 3 (24.7 g CO2e/MJ) is added to the direct emissions
40 of natural gas fuels, then CNG rivals gasoline and diesel in carbon

intensity; LNG is more carbon intensive. The high-range estimate

30 of ICUC emissions suggests that natural gas is more carbon in-
tensive than all fuel pathways identied by California regulators
except some hydrogen fuels and electricity. Fig. 5 compares the
20 direct and indirect carbon emissions per MJ of select transporta-
tion fuels.
Because of differences in the efciency with which alternative
vehicle powertrains convert fuel into vehicle miles traveled, a
.2 .4 .6 .8
comparison of carbon emissions per vehicle mile traveled may be
Natural Gas Supply Elasticity
more appropriate for regulatory purposes like the implementation
(a) Sensitivity to Natural Gas Supply Elasticity of a low carbon fuel standard, though vehicle efciencies are es-
timated with some error. Fig. 6 compares the carbon emissions of
representative fuel pathways per vehicle mile for light-duty and
heavy-duty vehicles. Because natural gas powered vehicles are less
energy efcient than gasoline or diesel vehicles, natural gas fuels
compare even less favorably than they do on an emissions per MJ
50 basis (Burnham et al., 2011). CNG is a more carbon intensive fuel
than ethanol and gasoline, fuels for which it is intended to sub-
stitute to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Likewise, CNG and
40 LNG are more carbon intensive heavy-duty vehicle fuels than

diesel and biodiesel. Yet, pursuant to California's low carbon fuel

standard, the natural gas fuels generate carbon creditsrather than
carbon debitsbecause ICUC emissions are ignored.
While the impetus for transportation fuels policy is pre-
20 dominantly carbon emissions mitigation, impacts on other pollu-
tant emissions should also enter into policy decisions. Substitution
toward coal-red electricity generation increases criteria pollutant
emissions because of the substantially higher criteria pollution
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 intensities of coal plants relative to natural gas plants. Natural gas
Coal Supply Elasticity
plants emit approximately 1/5th as much nitrous oxide, 1/25th as
(b) Sensitivity to Coal Supply Elasticity much sulfur dioxide, and 1/100th as much particulate matter per
unit generation as coal plants (Spath and Mann, 2000). Our own
Fig. 4. ICUC sensitivity to input parameters. Modeled ICUC emission estimates are
calculation of smokestack emissions using 2012 Continuous
plotted against natural gas supply elasticity inputs (panel a) and coal supply elas-
ticity inputs (panel b). The strong linear relationship among ICUC estimates and
input parameters indicates the sensitivity of model estimates to parameter choice.
ICUC estimates are decreasing in natural gas supply elasticity. They are increasing
in coal supply elasticity.

highly correlated with simulated ICUC emissions than other model

inputs (r 0.23 and 0.36, respectively, versus r 0.17 and 0.18, for
coal and natural gas supply elasticities, respectively). The model is
insensitive to uncertainty in natural gas sectoral demand elasti-
cities; only industrial demand registers a Pearson correlation dif-
ferent from zero to two decimal places (r 0.03).

3.2. Indirect coal use change emissions and transportation fuels


These estimates of indirect emissions from natural gas fuels are

Fig. 5. CO2 emissions per megajoule. Depicted above are CO2 emissions per
comparable in size to the estimated ILUC emissions of biofuels Megajoule for several transportation energy sources for light-duty vehicles, buses,
(Fargione et al., 2008; Searchinger et al., 2008; ARB, 2009; Hertel and trucks. For each fuel, emissions are separated between direct emissions and
et al., 2009; Lapola et al., 2010; Laborde, 2011; European Com- any applicable indirect emissions. Direct emissions as reported by Burnham et al.
mission, 2012; Khanna and Crago, 2012). California regulators in- (2011), Rosenfeld and Jackson (2008), and the California Air Resource Board (ARB,
2014). Indirect land-use emissions are reported by the California Air Resource
itially imposed an indirect emissions penalty of 30 g CO2e/MJ on Board in the 2015 Low Carbon Fuel Standard reauthorization (ARB, 2015). Indirect
corn ethanol, 46 g CO2e/MJ on Brazilian sugarcane ethanol, and coal-use emissions use lifecycle emissions estimates from Jiang et al. (2011), Jar-
62 g CO2e/MJ on soy biodiesel (ARB, 2009). The indirect effects amillo et al. (2007), and Edenhofer (2011). Emissions are presented per megajoule.
28 S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131

Fig. 6. Depicted above are CO2 emissions per vehicle mile for several transportation energy sources for light-duty vehicles, buses, and trucks. For each fuel, emissions are
separated between direct emissions and any applicable indirect emissions. Direct emissions as reported by Burnham et al. (2011), Rosenfeld and Jackson (2008), and the
California Air Resource Board (ARB, 2014). Indirect land-use emissions are reported by the California Air Resource Board in the 2015 Low Carbon Fuel Standard reauthor-
ization (ARB, 2015). Indirect coal-use emissions use lifecycle emissions estimates from Jiang et al. (2011), Jaramillo et al. (2007), and von Stechow et al. (2011). Emissions are
presented per per vehicle mile.

Emission Monitoring data from the EPA nds that natural gas is paid in the electricity sector (Fowlie et al., 2012). Thus, lower
plants emit only 14% of the nitrous oxide emitted from coal plants emissions from tailpipes may be preferred to lower emissions at
and less than 1% of the sulfur dioxide. Assuming external damages power plants if the latter are effectively regulated, e.g., by an op-
of $300/ton of nitrous oxide emissions and $1200/ton of sulfur timal sector and economy-wide carbon tax or tradable permit
dioxide emissions (Muller and Mendelsohn, 2007), our preferred standard. However, to the extent emissions can leak out of jur-
long-run estimate of the ICUC implies that each gasoline gallon isdictions with regulated smokestacks, e.g., via a national market
equivalent unit of natural gas used in transportation causes $0.08 for natural gas, then there is little reason to prefer smokestack
in indirect health damages from the power sector. This exceeds the emissions to tailpipe emissions (Cuddington and Wang, 2006;
estimated $0.065 in direct health benets from replacing a gallon FERC, 2012; Joskow, 2013).
of gasoline with an equivalent unit of CNG (NRC, 2010). Third, this analysis estimates ICUC emissions under existing
Though coal and natural gas are expected to dominate electricity coal and gas plant emission intensities, and, therefore, are in-
generation at least through mid-century, were high natural gas pri- formative about the indirect effects of transportation fuels policy
ces or policy to induce substantial investment in low-carbon gen- given the existing generating eet. The generating eet, however,
eration capacity, the eet of generating units would change slowly. is likely to evolve in ways that impact the average emission in-
Natural gas transportation policy, would, therefore, create an initial tensities of generating sources. The EPA, for instance, promulgated
carbon debt as coal replaces natural gas generation in the short-to- regulations in 2015 to lower carbon emissions from existing and
medium run. Indeed, the carbon debt would not be repaid for ap- new power plants. The Carbon Pollution Standards for new power
proximately 20 years if fossil generation were replaced by new nu- plants would limit newly constructed coal plants to 500 g of CO2
clear capacity, approximately the same time-horizon over which the per kilowatt hour when they are enacted. Newly constructed
carbon debt from Brazilian sugarcane ethanol would be repaid natural gas plants would be limited to 454 g of CO2 per kilowatt
(Fargione et al., 2008). Even short-term increases in carbon emissions hour. Such a small relative emission differential would yield a
could have negative effects if the atmospheric carbon concentration negative ICUC as price-induced electricity conservation would
surpasses climate tipping points. For example, at 2013 emissions dominate emissions from incremental coal generation. The carbon
rates the carbon concentration will exceed 450 parts per million pollution standards are sufciently onerous, however, that they
between 2030 and 2038, causing detrimental and irreversible ocean are likely to delay the retirement of existing coal plants while
acidication (McNeil and Matear, 2008; Johnson et al., 2013). discouraging new coal capacity. If new natural gas plants are built
under the policy, as seems likely given their relatively lax stan-
3.3. Model limitations dards, then the emission intensities of the coal and gas eets are
likely to diverge, increasing the magnitude of ICUC emissions.
The foregoing model of ICUC emissions has some limitations. EPA also proposes to reduce the carbon intensity of existing
First, the analysis is of marginal changes in natural gas use in electricity generation capacity by 30%, though states are granted
transportation. Conceivably excess coal plant capacity may be ex- exibility to achieve unique emission abatement requirements via
ceeded in the short-to-medium run, inducing substitution toward a variety of channels, including improved power plant efciency,
peak-load-plant generation, as well as necessarily signicant greater building efciency, better transmission infrastructure, and
price-induced reductions in electricity demand. However, because increased biomass and renewable generation. Conceivably, State
the average capacity factor for coal plants declined from 73.4% to Implementation Plans could achieve abatement obligations absent
59.7% over the past half-decade, capacity factors would remain changes in power plant efciencies. If coal and gas plant emission
below 2008 levels even if the coal eet absorbed the natural gas rates were each reduced sufciently to comply with the regula-
generation displaced by 14 million CNG vehicles (8% of U.S. pas- tions, the emissions differential between a typical coal and gas
senger vehicle eet) (EIA, 2014a). plant would decline from the IPCC's estimated 532 gCO2e/kWh to
Second, if policy effectively regulates carbon emissions from 372 gCO2e/kWh, comparable to the estimate from Jiang et al.
smokestacks while leaving vehicle tailpipes unregulated, the ex- (2011). The long-run ICUC would still be estimated to be on the
ternal cost of indirect emissions is essentially nil as the carbon cost order of 16.731.5 g CO2e/MJ. Even if all reductions were achieved
S. Sexton, J. Eyer / Energy Policy 95 (2016) 2131 29

by reducing carbon intensity at existing coal plants, the ICUC 4. Conclusion and policy implications
would be positive.
Fourth, as this model addresses policy interventions that pro- In order to diminish pollution emissions from petroleum fuel
pose to increase demand for coal for electricity generation, we do combustion, policy makers and researchers, including some
not consider what alternative coal uses, i.e., coal exports, are economists, advocate for policy that increases natural gas con-
crowded out by the policy intervention. In much the same way, sumption in the transportation sector. This analysis of the ICUC
Searchinger et al. (2008) did not consider the alternative uses for effect, however, indicates that attendant emissions in the electric
converted land that would have occurred in the absence of bio- power sector may reduce carbon abatement from low carbon fuel
fuel-induced demand for cropland expansion. Such considerations policies like that of California, the EU, and British Columbia. In-
would be speculative. Moreover, the emissions impacts of coal attention to these indirect emissions may yield policies that induce
exports are typically excluded from carbon policy impact assess- a suboptimal balance of fuel consumption, e.g., too much natural
ments because of unreliable data from which to infer the magni- gas consumption and too little consumption of biofuel, gasoline,
tude of potential leakage and because such leakage would un- and diesel, which are estimated to be no dirtier than CNG and LNG
dermine the rationale for the policies themselves. For instance, a when accounting for ICUC. The ICUC is estimated to rival in
perfectly elastic export demand for U.S. coal would imply that all magnitude the ILUC emissions of biofuels that have garnered
carbon emissions reductions from displaced coal demand in the considerable scholarly and policy interest. The results of this
regulated jurisdiction would be fully offset by emissions from in- analysis suggest policy that accounts for ILUC emissions from
creased coal use in the rest of the world. Emissions anywhere pose biofuels but not ICUC emissions from natural gas are biased
the same rst-order threat of climate change, thus limiting the against biofuels, contrary to claims that policy is biased against
benets of state-level (national) carbon policy. CNG and LNG. Moreover, as this analysis suggests alternative fuels
Burniaux and Martins (2012) consider the role of coal exports other than biofuels may be associated with substantial indirect
on carbon leakage from any state-level climate policy. They con- emissions, it augers for a comprehensive approach, e.g., a general
clude that high transportation costs, differentiated coal products equilibrium approach, to evaluating transportation fuels policies
and other factors limit the degree of integration of world coal as a complement to the multi-market analysis undertaken here
markets and, thereby, the potential for carbon leakage, particularly and the partial equilibrium approach used in much of the ILUC
for elastic coal supply. Using a simple general equilibrium model, literature. Further exploration of other indirect emissions path-
they estimate leakage of 20% for a world coal supply elasticity of ways is also warranted.
2.0. This leakage rate declines rapidly as coal supply becomes more Because of uncertainty in values for model inputs, the magni-
elastic. The world supply is expected to be more elastic than do- tude of the ICUC is uncertain. This analysis has attempted to ac-
count for this uncertainty by estimating ICUC emissions for various
mestic supply, for which we estimate an elasticity of 3.0.
plausible model parameters and by conducting Monte Carlo si-
Light et al. (1999) estimate virtually no leakage for a coal supply
mulations across the range of estimated parameter values. How-
elasticity of 3.0 and conventional estimates for trade elasticities.
ever, further research is warranted to lessen the uncertainty in the
Further, it is argued that foreign demand for coal may be fairly
physical and economic relationships to which ICUC is sensitive.
inelastic, in which case reductions in coal demand at home do not
Moreover, this uncertainty, and the potential of other substantial
imply increases in coal exports abroad (Golden, 2013; Wolak,
indirect emissions from transportation fuels, demonstrates the
2014). Nevertheless, were this analysis to account for an elastic
inefciency of second and third-best policies for carbon abate-
foreign demand for coal, the carbon leakage would lower the cost
ment, including subsidies to specic fuels and technologies and
of displacing natural gas in electricity generation, i.e. lower ICUC
low carbon fuel standards that fail to account for general equili-
emissions, while also lowering the potential gain from carbon
brium effects. An economy-wide carbon tax could avoid these
policy like a low carbon fuel standard.
inefciencies and the implicit biases these policies may introduce.
Fifth, this model accounts for indirect emissions of CNG and
LNG in the electric power sector alone. However, natural gas and
coal compete in other sectors as well, including in the industrial
sector where both may be used to generate heat and power.
Likewise, in the residential sector, natural gas heat and electric
The authors declare no conicts of interest. No outside funding
heat are substitutable. To the extent natural gas prices rise, in-
sources were used for this paper.
dustrial consumption may shift to coal-generated heat and power.
In the residential sector, homes may substitute away from natural
gas heat and toward electric heat which may rely on coal gen-
eration. Thus, indirect emissions from coal-use change across the
economy are likely to be greater than the indirect emissions esti-
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