MRM FactSheet13

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Fact Sheet 13

2007 Mine Management Plan

Overburden Emplacement Facility

Overburden Potentially-acid forming (PAF) materials are the types of

rock that when exposed to air and water, can generate
Overburden is the term used to describe the material an acidic water, soluble metals or salts that could impact
surrounding the zinc-lead ore. It is the naturally occurring the environment. Studies show that 11% of the total
rock and soil found in the region. Overburden is not overburden at MRM could be PAF material.
subject to any chemical processes at the mine.
For this reason, each section of ore and the different
For every tonne of ore mined at McArthur River Mining types of rock are scooped up separately by the diggers
(MRM), there is five times more overburden stored used to dump it into the back of large trucks. The trucks
within an area called the Overburden Emplacement
also identify whether they carry PAF, NAF or ore material.
Facility (OEF).
How they are categorised determines where they are
The overburden includes some topsoil, clay, and a variety deposited.
of rocks. Each of these is stored in distinct parcels in
NAF material is used in developing all mine structures:
order to reuse materials wherever possible. The OEF is
the tailings storage facility, mine levee walls as well as
designed to protect against any environmental impact.
the Overburden Emplacement Facility. PAF material is
isolated and fully encapsulated in the OEF.
Any clay extracted from mining is also put to use around
Identifying the ore, overburden and the different types of
rock within it is important for both the mining operation the mine site. A large amount is needed for the mine levee
and environmental protection. walls around the open pit. It is also used to seal the PAF
cells (see the section on Design for more information).
Geologists check each stage of mining using extensive There is enough clay material on site to meet the mines
studies, geochemical testing, maps, surveys and samples. requirements.
They physically walk the face to be mined and mark it up
with coloured paint and tape to differentiate between All topsoil moved during earthworks on site is stockpiled.
the ore and overburden. The geologists do more than the It is used in the progressive rehabilitation of mine
minimum standards required by industry guidelines to facilities.
make sure all ore and overburden is categorised accurately.
Overburden material testing
The overburden is categorised into two types of rock. The
majority of the overburden is non-acid forming (NAF) As part of the environmental assessment process, MRM
materials. These are types of rock which are chemically conducted a number of long-term tests to identify
stable and will not generate any by-products which both the NAF and PAF material. These identified the
could impact on the environment. Only NAF material specific type of materials most suitable for the external
is used on the external faces of all mine structures to faces of all mine facilities. The results were taken into
ensure that any runoff draining into the McArthur River consideration in the design of the OEF to protect against
system has no acid forming potential. environmental impact.

 November 2006

Fact Sheet 13 Overburden Emplacement Facility

The tests began in 2003, were extended in April 2006 haul road and temporary mine levee wall that will be
and covered over 650 samples representing all potential constructed south of Barney Creek.
overburden rocks to be mined. This is more than double
the number of samples required by other States for this This facility will have a capacity of 1.6 million m3
type of geochemical analysis and provides a high level of including 0.4 million m3 of PAF.
confidence in the results.
As it will be located within the mine levee wall, the test
pit is protected from a 1-in-500 year flood event. It is
When rocks or soil dissolve in water, the liquid is called a
therefore highly unlikely to be exposed to flood waters.
leachate. The key focus of the tests is on the properties of
the leachate produced from both NAF and PAF material.
Work will also start on the main facility that will be built
as part of the full open pit development, known as the
Weathered sandstone, teena dolomite, dolomitic
North OEF. This will occupy a 255 hectare area north of
sandstone and breccia were found to be the best types of
the existing test pit and Barney Creek and connected to
NAF rock for external use. The tests on these showed any
the mine site by a bridge and haul road.
leachate will be pH neutral, fresh and have concentrations
of metals and salts within the appropriate (livestock During 2007, the base of the North OEF will be
drinking) official ANZECC and NEPM guidelines. These prepared and compacted. Only clay and NAF material
types of rock are also hard and durable and will not break will be deposited in this first stage of works. A total of
down or erode over time. 2.6 million m3 will be dumped in the North OEF during
the year.
It is for all these reasons that these types of NAF
materials are used on the outer surfaces and base of The base of the North OEF will be located above the
the overburden facility. Other types of NAF materials 1-in-50 year flood level. Its outside wall will be lined with
like pyritic and bituminous shale are less durable and a durable rock material to minimise erosion. Historically,
therefore not suitable for external use. floods in this area do not flow at a speed that causes
erosion. The PAF cells will be located above the 1-in-500
Materials categorised as PAF are those which produce year flood level as well as fully encapsulated so will not
a leachate which can be acidic or have higher levels of be impacted by flood waters.
metals or salts.
Interestingly, the shape of the North OEF has been
Proactive testing of all types of rock will continue as open designed to ensure an archaeological site is protected.
pit operations commence to make sure the composition This is the site of a stone artefact quarry. Custodial elders
of the overburden is always identified and thoroughly and Traditional Owners of the Gurdanji people inspected
tested. Areas scheduled to be mined are tested six- this site and advised that it had no cultural significance.
months in advance to allow time for this testing. This However, an archaeologist has indicated it is a site of
enables MRM to continuously review management archaeological significance.
strategies and ensure there is no environmental impact.
As a result, MRM has altered the design of the OEF to
2007 Plan ensure the site is not disturbed. In conjunction with the
Department of Natural Resources, Environment and
During 2007, the OEF for the existing test pit will be the Arts, the site will be fenced and signposted for its
extended to the north. It will be located between the protection.

Fact Sheet 13 Overburden Emplacement Facility

Extended OEF location

Design The main overburden facility is designed so that PAF

is encapsulated in cells at the western end only. NAF
The extended OEF and the new northern facility will materials only will be placed in the eastern end.
both be designed with a number of layers:
Water catchment ponds will then be used for managing
The base of the facility is made from NAF material any water runoff from both ends of the facility as a
and the outside armoured with heavy rocks to further precaution against environmental impact.
prevent erosion. This base is then lined with
2m of compacted clay At the western end, surface water runoff will flow to
what is known as the PAF pond. While the PAF material
The PAF rock is isolated by placing it at the
is fully enclosed and the risk of any leachate forming is
centre of the facility at least 25m in from the
prevented this is a precautionary measure.
outer edges
Water from this pond is not discharged into the natural
The PAF rock is then fully enclosed by a layer of clay at
system of the McArthur River. It is fully contained in
least 1m thick which forms a hard layer that prevents
the mines water management system. The PAF pond
water from seeping through
water is pumped to the Tailings Storage Facilitys water
The clay is topped off by a minimum of 3m thick of management dam and reused in the processing plant.
NAF material.
At the eastern end, three sediment ponds will be
The surface of the facility is shaped to shed rain runoff developed which allow runoff from the NAF to be
into drainage channels which take the water to special monitored and managed. This runoff is not potentially
collection ponds. acid forming but can include some sediment. The water

will flow through the sediment ponds which are designed Groundwater
so the majority of the sediments are deposited.
Monitoring bores are installed around the mine site.
The water is tested prior to flowing to a discharge point Through these bores, groundwater is checked on a
downstream. quarterly basis and analysed for heavy metal content
and other characteristics.
MRMs environmental monitoring program has
demonstrated the mine has had no adverse impact on The topsoil stockpiles are inspected regularly to check
the McArthur River or Gulf environments. All current for wind and water erosion.
environmental monitoring used to check the overburden
facilities will continue with the new facilities.

Water quality

Water quality and sediments in the OEF runoff ponds are

monitored to make sure the PAF and NAF categorisation
and management strategies are working effectively.
Water samples are collected monthly from the ponds
and also after heavy storm events. They are tested for
the presence of heavy metals, acidity or alkalinity and
other properties.

MRM has on-site laboratory facilities to quickly

analyse metal concentrations in water. This enables
samples to be assessed in less than 24 hours by which
time decisions can be made regarding the need for
contingency actions.

Trigger levels are set for water monitoring so before the

metal concentrations get close to exceeding guideline
levels, corrective actions and safeguards can be taken.
This includes the ability to pump water from the NAF
sediment pond to the water management dam at the
tailings storage facility at any time when required.


Sediment samples are also taken in the dry season and

checked for the size of particles and the presence of
heavy metals.

McArthur River Mining

PO Box 36821 Winnellie NT 0821
Phone: 1800 211 573

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