Mayan Zodiac

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Mayan Zodiac: Imix Crocodile

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Imix

Alternative Name: Crocodile, Alligator

Important Keywords:

Imix/Crocodile people should meditate on are water, creator, beginning, original, ancient, and

Position In Mayan Astrology

The crocodile is the first day sign of the Mayan day signs. It is also known by the name Imix
and symbolizes a new beginning and new potential. The Mayans believed that an ancient
Crocodile lived in the underworld of the ocean. The world was carried on his back and the
crocodile gave humanity a connection to the earth.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Crocodiles in Mayan astrology symbolize new beginnings. Water is a key element for the
Crocodile sign and also symbolizes the birth process and motherhood. It is the first sign and
every other signs will follow it. It is the beginning catalyst of creation.

The crocodile goes hand in hand with psychic abilities, other worlds and dimensions. Imix
represents communication with the other world or other side of reality. It also symbolizes
insanity, doubt, and mental disorders.

Imix also represents collaboration, with one side working together with the other in cooperation.
On the opposing side of the imix you have resentment, envy, and malice. Like the water of the
ocean this Mayan Day sign has emotions that run deep.
Positive Traits
The crocodile held the sacred knowledge of the underworld and helped to connect that
knowledge into our physical reality. Many people born under the Mayan crocodile zodiac sign
do the same thing in our modern world. They are the connectors of knowledge and the key to
bridging ancient wisdom with modern teachings.

People born under the sign of the crocodile may do great in creative endeavors such as
philosophers, creative directors, producers and artists.

They can also use their leadership abilities to become mangers or CEOs. Their protective
instincts can lead them to pursue social work or care taking. Volunteering for different charities
would help balance out their more aggressive traits.

Negative Traits
People born under the crocodile are combative and aggressive, but are also protective of their
loved ones. They are full of energy. They usually take the lead in life and are natural creators
which is second nature since they are the first sign of creation. If they dont use their creative
abilities they have the tendency to become too dominating.

Because they are closely associated with water they have extreme mood swings that may become
violent. If they have the support of family or friends to help calm their unpredictable moods they
can avoid these extreme mood changes. Their health will vary depending on if they find balance
and peace.

Crocodile zodiac people like to begin or create new projects, but have a hard time following
projects through to the end. Many of their projects may be left unfinished because of this.
Imix/Crocodile Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

On the days that Imix is honored the Maya would give appreciation for the water and offer
prayers for their dreams to bring wisdom instead of deception. They would often pray for their
and their families mental health.

The sign of the crocodile has two polar opposites and can be wise and beautiful or unstable and
mentally insane. The best way to spend an Imix day was in meditation near the water.

Crocodile Symbolism
Lucky Direction: In the Maya tradition, crocodile is associated with the cardinal direction EAST.

Lucky Color: The Mayan day sign Imix is associated with color RED.

Lucky Gemstone: The gem that brings good luck to the Alligator people is the RED JASPER.

Animal Totems: Animal totems of the Imix include many aquatic creatures such as the Dolphin,
Fish, and Whales.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Imix / Crocodile Maya Day Sign: Walt Disney, Tom Hanks, Mao
Tse Tung

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: Crocodile people are compatible with those that are from the
East direction like them such as the Reed, Knowledge, Serpent and Offering signs. They are
also compatible with people from the West like Bird, Monkey, Rainstorm and Dawn.

Mayan Zodiac: Ik Wind

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Ik

Alternative Name: Wind
Important Keywords:

Words for wind people to meditate on are: telepathic, communication, intelligence, psychic,
grounding, and inspiration.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The second day sign of the Mayan zodiac is Wind. Wind is symbolic of communication and
intelligence. People born under the Ik sign are changeable, adaptable and natural romantics. They
often have trouble with commitment in relationships.

In Mayan culture the wind is symbolic of the breath of life. They are the communicators who will
inspire many with their words.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Like the traveling winds people born under the Maya Wind energy have the gift of
communication. The wind is a symbol of spirit and those born under wind or Ik often feel the
need to ground themselves.

The gift of communication and sharing of ideas comes naturally to wind signs. They are close to
spirit and these people will find their words drifting like the wind to touch many people. They
will often find themselves in positions as counselors to those closest to them because of their
inspiring words and intelligent insight.

The mind of Mayan Wind Horoscope Sign people is very active. They are constantly thinking,
which often makes them overlook things that are happening around them. Despite being lost in
their own thoughts other people love having conversations with wind people. They are very
interesting conversationalists.

Positive Traits
The Mayan astrology Ik sign people are knowledgeable with a wonderful sense of awareness
about themselves and of their surroundings. They have many interests and will often have more
than one career. They can make great public speakers, musicians and singers.
Spiritually they have the gift of telepathic communication and psychic abilities. They can make
great psychologists, managers or politicians. They also may pursue becoming an inventor or

working in a civil office position.

They are sensitive to how things look around them and are very mindful of their own appearance.
They have a strong imaginations which will go a long way in helping them find solid romantic

Negative Traits
A Wind Mayan zodiac sign persons moods can change like the wind and they can become cold
and distant. This can negatively affect their relationships.

Their changing minds can make them indecisive over thinkers and prone to self destruction. Their
indecision makes them have commitment issues. Their minds also have a tendency to drift like
the wind.

They can become dishonest and may be inconsiderate of the feelings of others and try to do
whatever they please no matter how others may feel. They need to remain focused. Their
immense personal power can make others feel a sense of hatred and anxiety around them.

The lesson in life for the Ik Maya sign is to be patient and believe in themselves. They should try
not to react negatively to their surroundings or get hung up in their insecurities. They are more in
control of things than they realize.

As their mind drifts off to day dreams they can be here one day and gone the next. This can lead
them to be very imposing and dishonest towards others.

Ik/Wind Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

On Wind days the Maya would give thanks for all of the blessings of the creator. If you suffer
from depression it is a good day for healing those with imbalance.

Wind Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The best direction for the Wind Maya sign is the NORTH.

Lucky Color: The colour that will bring luck to the Mayan Ik sign is WHITE.

Lucky Gemstone: The Lucky gemstone for the Wind Mayan astrology sign is SODALITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totems for the Ik Maya sign are the Hummingbird, Weasel and

Famous Celebrities Born Under Ik / Wind Maya Day Sign: Elizabeth Taylor, Ben Affleck, Will

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The Ik Wind sign is compatible with the Mayan signs of Dog,
Death, Jaguar, North and Flint. Mayan zodiac compatibility is good with those from the South
such as Road, Wisdom, Sun, Seed, and Net.

Mayan Zodiac: Akbal House

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Akbal

Alternative Name: House, Night, Dawn

Important Keywords:

Some keywords to meditate on are abundance, harmony, intuition, dreams, higher knowledge,
dawn, and night.
Position In Mayan Astrology
Dawn is the third Mayan Day sign. It is also known by the name Akbal, Night or House. It is
believed that Dawn people are in charge of passing on traditions and making sure things stay in

Akbal was the guardian of the caves and known as the earth father. He was also known as the
guardian of the dawn, when the night becomes day. From the space of night the Dawn comes
forth making it easier to make dreams happen.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Night Maya astrology sign people are very mindful of their actions and thoughts. They have an
optimistic attitude and work hard at accomplishing their goals to provide security for themselves
and their families.

They have original, ground breaking ideas that require patience. Combined with their natural
poise, strength and open-minded attitude they can have optimal happiness in life.

People born during dawn rise early. Their optimistic energy makes others feel alive, enthusiastic,
refreshed and cheerful. They are natural leaders and problem solvers. They have a love for travel
and as friends they are loyal and patient.

You generally look young, seemingly blessed with eternal youth. Your youthful appearance may
be the result of your positive attitude. In later years you will eventually age,but it will be a slow

Positive Traits
The positive outlook of this Mayan day sign keeps their health good. Because they are so open
and kind they will need to look out for their health and others zapping their energy.

They might pursue careers as a psychologist, doctor, writer, or mathematics teacher. They are
naturally domestic so they might have large families or be attracted to careers that are domestic in
nature such as nanny, housekeeper or school counselor.
Because you have many interests it will be hard for you to settle on just one. You can see many
paths of life and will spend a lot of time deciding which path to take.

House Mays sign people have the ability to achieve what others might consider impossible. Once
they set their mind to something there is nothing that will stand in their way to reach your goals.
Other people have a lot of respect for them and admire what they can accomplish because you
they are genuinely good people.

Negative Traits
The Akbal Maya horoscope sign have a lot of self doubt and can be rigid and inflexible. If they
can be more open-minded then they can find true happiness and balance.

Their sensitivity can make their usual positive attitude become negative. This can throw them
into depression and feelings of inadequacy. This will isolate them from those they are close to
who are used to their usual sunny disposition.

They love their privacy and it is hard for people to get close to them because they only let people
know small pieces of them.

Akbal / Dawn Days

Mayan Zodiac Sign

Dawn days are ideal for prayers for peace and support in business. The energy gives formation of
new ideas and the ability to understand the mysteries of the earth. It is a good time to ask
forgiveness for any mistakes youve made.

House or Night Symbolism

Lucky Direction: The direction of Dawn is the WEST.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for the House Akbal Maya sign is BLUE or BLACK.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for this Maya sun sign is SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN.

Animal Totems: The Macaw and the Fawn are the animal totems for this Mayan Astrology.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Akbal / House Maya Day Sign: Fidel Castro, Uma Thurman,
Jack Nicholson
Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The people of the House or Night Maya sign are compatible
with other signs from the west such as Bird, Deer, Rainstorm, and Monkey. They are also
compatible with signs from the east such as Dawn, Crocodile, Knowledge, Reed, and Offering.

Mayan Zodiac: Kan Lizard

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Kan

Alternative Name: Lizard, Snake, Seed

Important Keywords:

Keywords for Lizards to meditate on are Kundalini, justice, wisdom, strength, and flexible.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The fourth Mayan Day Sign is Snake also known as Seed, Lizard or Kan, the creator of the
universe. It symbolizes an inner fire that is the foundation of life force. In some cultures they
refer to that energy as the Kundalini.

Kan has the energy of human growth and evolution as well as developing humans spiritually. It
involves the process of the planets orbiting around the sun. It symbolizes wisdom, seduction and

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

The snake Maya astrology sign is a charmer and perfectionist. They dont mind being in the
spotlight and want people to notice everything they do. They need people around them to offer
support, and people love to be around them. People are generally attracted to them which makes
it easy to always find themselves in a relationship.
Their natural athleticism will keep them strong and healthy over their lives. If their energy goes
to their lower selves they can have chronic illnesses.

They require a lot of personal space and room to think to themselves. They have high goals for
themselves and aim to achieve them through their hard work and dedication.

In tough times they remain on top because of their brave and fearless personality. They are also
the voice of the people, often times speaking up for what they believe in.

Positive Traits
Lizard Maya horoscope sign have a lot of sexual energy and can use their creativity as a
positive outlet. They are natural leaders that choose to stay behind the scenes.

Despite being highly intelligent they lean more towards roles in athletics than in leadership. They
need the physical outlet that athletics provides. They may pursue a career as an athlete, engineer
or spiritual leader.

They are passionate people. In social settings they are the life of the party and have a lasting
impact on others. They dont like to be around superficial people. Their family and friends are
very important to them and their passion will come out in defense of them.

Negative Traits
Seed Maya sun sign people can lose themselves over flattery. On the outside they appear to have
bold egos, but on the inside they can suffer from low self esteem. They are not fond of being in
the spotlight which can make them shy away from their true potential.

They are aggressive and manipulative and overly sensitive to criticism from others. They are
sneaky and can be deceitful. They can be so self absorbed in their own interests and pursuits that
they fail to notice what other people think of them.

When they are passionate about something they can be a bit too obsessive about it. They need to
learn to focus their impulses into artistic outlets. This will also help them channel their high
sexual energy to find some balance.

Kan/Lizard Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

A lizard day is a good time to ask for positive thoughts and for the bringing together of couples.
You may also wish to increase your strength and to ask for loved ones youve lost touch with to

Lizard Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The cardinal direction of the Seed Maya sign is EAST.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for the Mayan Lizard sign is YELLOW.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for Maya Seed sign Kan is DUMORTIERIE.

Animal Totems: The Mayan Kan sign animal totems are Alligator and Lizard.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Kan / Lizard Maya Day Sign: Bill Cosby, Jennifer Lopez, Hugh
Mayan Astrology Compatibility: They are compatible with signs from the same direction such as
Crocodile, Reed, Offering, and Knowledge. The Maya compatibility for this sign is also seen
with their opposite signs from the West such as Monkey, Deer, Bird, Rainstorm and Dawn.

Mayan Zodiac: Chicchan Serpent

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Chicchan

Alternative Name: Serpent

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are: Kundalini, Shakti, balance, life force, magic, and

Position In Mayan Astrology

The fifth Day Sign of the Mayan zodiac is the Serpent. It is also known as Chicchan.

The serpent was the bringer of rain and in Mayan culture there were four Chicchans. These
Chicchans formed a circle around the world and were the guardians of the four corners. Serpent
energy symbolizes life force that moves through the body.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

The serpent Maya sign is a powerful sign that is hard to put in a box. It holds magical powers
and is known as creature that has an intuitive knowing. They have an energy of mystery about
them that make it hard for others to get to know them well.

They are natural performers with a strong sex appeal that will entice many. They will likely find
themselves having a flair for the dramatic, pursuing careers as actors or entertainers.
Their dramatic side can also make them prone to temper flairs and dramatic outbursts. Others will
steer clear and will not want to be around them at this time.

Positive Traits
Serpent Mayan astrology sign people gravitate towards subjects that involve spiritual
transformation and the workings of the mind such as psychology.

When they have their minds set on a goal they set a clear path to achieving it. They are very
charismatic and will have a number of followers over their lifetime. People are interested and
intrigued by the serpent energy.

Negative Traits
Maya Chicchan horoscope sign people are strongly influenced by their feelings and they can
become deeply affected by them. If they become too imbalanced this could lead to various states
of depression. They need to try to relax and not be so controlling of themselves.

They are not at ease with who they are and may need to work on making their self esteem
stronger. Because they are so self aware of their own problems they can be great counselors or
just listening ears to friends and family.

They must learn to stay grounded so they can avoid unnecessary stress in their lives. If they can
achieve balance it will bring out their best traits and make them the most powerful.

Since they are so prone to the extremes of life they will need to seek out their own powerful
energy to bring them back into balance mentally as well as spiritually.

The Mayan serpent zodiac sign can be on the extreme side of life. They are fascinated with
death and everything that involves death. This can also include the death of a relationship, death
of a career, or just death of a period in their life.
They may go through many transformations and this would have them going through a death of
one thing to a rebirth of something new.

Chicchan / Serpent Days

Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Serpent days are good to meditate and ask for a positive outlook on life. It is good to ask for your
life force to be energized with positive energy so that you can spread that energy into the world.
Couples can ask for reconciliation on Serpent days.

Serpent Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for Maya sun sign Chicchan is EAST.

Lucky Color: The lucky color for the Mayan serpents is RED.
Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for this Maya day sign is AMETHYST.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Chicchan Mayan sign is the Serpent.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Chicchan / Serpent Maya Day Sign: Marilyn Monroe, Angelina
Jolie, Clint Eastwood

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: According to Maya zodiac compatibility, serpents are a sign
from the east and they are compatible with other signs from the same direction such as
Crocodile, Reed, Offering, and Knowledge. They are also compatible with signs from the west
such as Monkey, Bird, Rainstorm, Deer, and Dawn.

Mayan Zodiac: Cimi Death

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Cimi

Alternative Name: Death, Transformer, Worldbridger

Important Keywords:

Keywords they can use to mediate on are: transformation, ancestors, history, rebirth, new,
beginnings, mysteries, calm, and strength.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The sixth day sign of the Mayan zodiac is Death also known as Cimi, Worldbridger or

Cimi is considered a lucky day to be born because death was a day of transformation, not dying.
The sign of Death symbolized the ancestors and getting guidance from the ancestors was central
to Mayan cultural practices.

Death is connected to the crown Chakra and so the sign of death brings the world transformation,
rebirth and knowledge.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart

Date of Birth:

People born on Mayan astrology sign of Death have a lot of strength. They have a strong
connection to the universe and things unseen. They are the people who will strive to make a
difference in the world around them, even in their own backyards.

Wealthy people and those in power are drawn to the energy of Death people which often puts
them in a position of leadership. This could lead them to traveling the world for business and to
help those in need.

They are open to new ideas and will make sacrifices for the greater good of others. They have a
calming energy and will be attracted to a career in which they can use that energy to mediate such
as becoming a manager, mediator, or business owner.

They Mayan Cimi sign people will often lose sight of their personal needs to tend to the needs of
others, so its important that they dont lose sight of caring for themselves. If they over-exert
themselves this can cause them to feel resentful towards those they were trying to help.

Positive Traits
Mayan zodiac sign Death people are agreeable and know how to keep their ego in line. Their
lives could become so wrapped up in the lives of others that it will be hard for them to keep their
self interests in the fore front.

It can be hard for them to process any kind of loss because of their sensitive nature. They can use
that selflessness to help better their families and communities and add peace to their own lives in
the process.

They instinctively know that there are many mysteries in life and have faith that they dont have
to understand everything in order to learn from it. They are drawn to conventional religion.

Negative Traits
Maya horoscope sign Death or Transformer can suffer from mood swings and bouts of anger if
they dont pay attention to their gifts.

They are perfectionists and feel that they always need to be in control. They often feel obligated
to make sacrifices for others and this may have a negative effect on their own well-being.

If they resist making changes to how they do things they could suffer unnecessarily. They need to
face their imperfections head on and embrace a new way of doing things. They need to move past
the mindset of being a victim and have more positive thoughts.

Cimi/Death Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

A Death/Transformer day is a good day to remember those that came before you. Honor your
ancestors for the knowledge they have left for you. Honor your elders for the wisdom they have
given you.

Death Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Cimi sign is NORTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Death sign is WHITE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Transformer sign is CARNELIAN.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Cimi Mayan sign is OWL.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Cimi / Death Maya Day Sign: Bill Gates, Robin Williams, Laura

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: Death/Transformers are compatible with other day signs from
the same direction, North such as Flint, Dog, Jaguar, and Wind. They are also compatible with
day signs from the South such as Net, Road, Wisdom, Seed, and Sun.
Mayan Zodiac: Manik Deer
Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Manik

Alternative Name: Deer

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are: accomplishments, intuition, family, ancestors, power,
community, and spirit.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Deer is the seventh day sign of the Mayan zodiac. It is also known as Manik.

It symbolizes an opening for all to show the spirituality of life. They symbolized the relationship
between humans and nature.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Just like the Deer in the forest, Maya Deer people love to wander. They need solitude in order to
experience all the simple pleasures of life. They can wander around aimlessly.

Family is very important and they love to be a part of their community, but they also love their
freedom and personal space. If they feel that someone is trying to diminish that space they will
react immediately.

This may make it difficult to establish relationships because their need for freedom conflicts with
traditional relationships. They can be surrounded by children, but may not have any of their own
due to their love of personal space and freedom. They can make good advisers or even school
The Mayan astrology Deer sign hide their true selves from public view. They can be prone to
falling in love easily and will try everything to make the relationship work. They are hurt easily
by people who dont keep their promises.

Deer are graceful and elegant. They are naturally drawn to any artistic pursuit. Because of their
high morals and ideals they make good role models. They are good protectors and stand for all
that is good and in balance. They make great psychologists, musicians, poets or writers.

Positive Traits
The Maya horoscope sign Manik have strong instincts and will do well to follow their feelings.
They have a strong intuition and stand solid in the decisions they make. They have a sensitive
side to them and only those close to them will get to see that private part of them.

They would be excellent executives or high level officials because they are intelligent, good
listeners and have great senses. They know how to use their senses to find good career resources
and opportunities.

Their health will be good because they have a natural strength and perseverance. They must be
aligned spiritually to make sure the energy that is internal is also reflected in the external. If this
falls out of balance they could become weak and sick.

Negative Traits
Maya day sign Deer have high expectations and it is hard for people to measure up to their high
standards. They are the defenders of others, but when it comes to themselves they are defenseless.
If they dont have inner peace they become bitter, angry, demanding and violent.

They can become too dominant when they are out of balance. They demand authenticity on other
people, but may be too by the book to do any good to themselves or others.
Manik/Deer Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

A Deer day is an excellent day for initiation. Thanking the ancestors for all of the wisdom and
spiritual guidance is also a good way to honor the day. Ask for protection, healing, harmony and
balance on this day. Rituals were performed on the day of the Deer to give thanks to the

Deer Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Manik sign is WEST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Deer sign is BLUE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Maya zodiac sign Manik is AMAZONITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Manik Mayan sign is DEER.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Manik / Deer Maya Day Sign: Ellen DeGeneres, Meryl Streep,
Miley Cyrus

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: Deer has the direction of the West and is most compatible with
other signs from the West such as Bird, Monkey, Dawn, and Rainstorm. They are also
compatible with signs from the East such as Serpent, Offering, Knowledge, Reed, and

Mayan Zodiac: Lamat Rabbit

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Lamat

Alternative Name: Rabbit, Star

Important Keywords:
Keywords they should meditate on are calm, creation, abundance, star, renew, and growth.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The eighth day sign sign of the Mayan zodiac is the Rabbit, also known as Lamat. Lamat
correlates with fertility and new beginnings. It symbolizes transforming into a new you so you
can live a life of creation, abundance and love.

The symbol for Lamat represents the planet Venus. The Mayan culture associated the planet
Venus with death and rebirth.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Maya zodiac sign Rabbit people are playful and carefree. They are clever people who think that
life is a game and they know how to play it. They crave competition and will often create ways to
be at odds with people just for the adrenaline it may bring. They love to seek out puzzles to figure

They enjoy debating, reading, writing, talking and anything that will stimulate their minds and
work out some of their energy. In high school they were probably on the debate team as they love
to mentally spar with others, sometimes taking the opposing side just for the fun of it.

They may have many children and make great parents. They can be overprotective which could
make them too smothering when it comes to their children. They make great community leaders
or heads of sports teams.

They will make good doctors, administrators or farmers. They enjoy taking care of people and
will be successful at whatever they start.

Positive Traits
The Maya Star horoscope sign are physically energetic as well as mentally powerful. They love
to be the center of attention and have a very competitive side. They love to indulge in competitive
sports, games of chess or anything that stimulates them mentally and physically.
Because of their constant quest for stimulation many rabbits will be successful and wealthy. They
will naturally work hard because it helps to balance their energy. They are also naturally
responsible workers and very patient.

Their gift of communication helps them to be good in positions of authority and to communicate
what those in need may want, especially when they arent able to communicate it for themselves.
They are competitive, but also very productive.

Negative Traits
Mayan sign Rabbit can be too competitive and arrogant. When their arrogance comes out they
think theyre better than others and begin to gossip causing a problem with those they care about.

They have a lot of nervous energy and become self-centered because they can be insecure. If they
can remain in control of themselves they can use their energy to create positive outcome for

When they feel stressed they should stay away from substance abuse of any kind or self-
destructive patterns can set in. When they feel stressed out they can find an outlet in reading a
book and going out in nature.

This Maya astrology sign can find a lot of inner peace in these things. Those that have good
balance can work with others in a doctors office or hospital and find great satisfaction in it.

Lamat/Rabbit Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign

Date of Birth:

The Mayan Lamat / Rabbit day is excellent for harmony, peace and fertility. Start this day with
mediation. Think of how you can expand your perspective and get a deeper look into your inner

Rabbit Symbolism
Lucky Direction:The lucky direction for the Maya Star Sign Lamat is SOUTH.

Lucky Color:The lucky colour for the Mayan Rabbit sign is YELLOW.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Maya Star sign is HEMATITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Lamat Mayan sign is RABBIT.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Lamat / Star Maya Day Sign: Salma Hayek, Kate Winslet,
Jessica Simpson

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: According to Maya horoscope compatibility, the Rabbit sign is
compatible with those from the same direction such as Wisdom, Sun, Net, and Road. They are
also compatible with those from the North such as Wind, Death, Seed, Dog, Flint, and Jaguar.

Mayan Zodiac: Muluc Water

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Muluc

Alternative Name: Water, Offering

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are water, emotions, wisdom, creativity, and leadership.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Water is the ninth sign of the Mayan zodiac. It is also known as Muluc or Offering.
It is a sign of peace and freedom, but it also encompasses the challenges that we face to maintain
those things. It represent paying off your past due debts which can either be spiritual or physical.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Mayan Water day sign people are natural leaders who have excellent emotional wisdom. Water
is known to be a symbol for emotions so it makes sense that this sign has emotions that run deep.
They are wise and aware when it comes to their emotions.

Water people are imaginative and will be attracted to careers that can encompass their deep
emotions such as an artist where they can use their deep emotions to create their vision.

They love to dream big and are very intuitive and even psychic. Their intuition coupled with their
powerful emotions can lead to a career as a detective, or a forensic psychologist.

In relationships the Maya zodiac sign Offering can find that special someone and deeply commit.
This commitment and drive will also be helpful in achieving their ultimate goals.

They have a vision for their life and will try with everything they have to make it come to
fruition. They go all the way trying to achieve whatever they desire. This will make them
successful in any career they put their minds to.

They need to take special care of their health as their immune system can become weak if they let
their emotions get the best of them.

Positive Traits
The Mayan horoscope sign Water are very giving and their compassion for others helps them
create good relationships and achieve their highest goals. Their best qualities are their strong
ideals and creativity.

If they learn how to follow their intuition and tap into their emotions, they can instinctively see
and know what others dont, giving them the advantage in their careers.
This Maya astrology sign are independent and capable of seeking out solutions to their problems.
Working to gain balance in their lives and their emotions will make them a more powerful and
effective leaders.

Negative Traits
Maya Water day sign really put their all into the struggles of other people. They can do so at the
detriment of their own well-being. They can lose their power and focus on positivity and turn
their focus more on negativity.

If they feel provoked they can let their emotions run wild and start to become obsessive and
abusive of their power. They may also turn to addictive behaviors such as drug use, gambling or

Their negative emotions can take over their usual compassionate, calm demeanor. They need to
stay away from feeling like they have to get revenge or teach someone a lesson.

Muluc/Water Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Water days are a good time to analyze your wishes and prayers and connect them to any rituals or
practices you follow. Find the connection between your wishes and what you do to manifest
them. It is also a good time to ask for protection for yourself and loved ones.

Be thankful for everything you have and ask to be free of negative energy.

Water Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Muluc sign is EAST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Water sign is RED.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Offering sign is LAPIS LAZULI.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Muluc Mayan sun sign is PUMA & SHARK.
Famous Celebrities Born Under Muluc / Water Maya Day Sign: John Travolta, Julia Roberts,
Rihanna, Oprah Winfrey

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: According the to Maya calendar, the direction of water is East
and they are compatible with other signs from the East such as Reed, Knowledge, Crocodile,
and Serpent. They are also compatible with signs from the West such as Deer, Dawn, Bird,
Rainstorm, and Monkey.

Mayan Zodiac: Oc Dog

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Mayan Day Sign Oc

Alternative Name: Dog

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are loyalty, truth, courage, protection, and dedication.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The tenth Mayan day sign is the dog also known as Oc. Oc symbolizes new beginnings, new
consciousness, and new friends. You will begin to show the world your true self and draw those
who see the real you closer to you. You have the capacity to make your dreams a reality.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Just like a real dog, the Mayan zodiac sign Dog is loyal and dependable. They love to explore
new places, people, and ideas, but never stray too far away from what they already know. They
work well with others, especially in teams and are always aiming for positions of power and
They have high aspirations for themselves and they instinctively know how to judge a situation
and assess everything that is going on. Their natural instinct for protection can make them
excellent community leaders, judges, policemen or business advisers.

They are very loyal to their friends and family. They crave freedom in their movements to do
what they feel is necessary to protect their loved ones. They will work with a steady purpose to
provide for their families and to offer a wealthy legacy. They will often assume the role of the
leader in many situations.

Endurance and patience come naturally to the Maya Oc sign and they can work for years on
something without losing momentum or focus. They have a love for history and the stories that
surround historic moments. They may do well as history teachers or archaeologists.

Positive Traits
The Mayan horoscope Dogs are very courageous and protective. They are dedicated to the
people they love. They are loving, trustworthy and have a keen instinct to do what needs to be

They crave order and structure and function better in life when there is organization and control.
They are very intellectual and logical. If they ever feel things around them are too cluttered they
can fall out of balance with their positive side.

Negative Traits
When the Maya astrology Oc sign negative energy is out of balance they can be too sensitive
and often lazy. They will have a hard time getting along with other people because their short-
sightedness will make their way seem like the only way.

They can be manipulative and flashy. They need to maintain balance in order to keep up an
acceptable level of maturity. They may have a hard time in relationships because they can lack

Their emotions can be unstable and they can come across as insecure. They can also be sexually
promiscuous and violent when out of balance. When their emotions are out of balance they
should avoid addictions at all costs as this can lead them to an early death.

Oc/Dog Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

The energy of the Maya Dog day is a good time to ask for assistance with legal troubles. You can
perform ceremonies on this day to neutralize negative energy. You should ask for forgiveness for
any negative thoughts.

If you need advice before acting on a particular issue in your life, the day of the Dog is a good
day to ask for guidance.

Dog Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Oc sun sign is NORTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Dog day sign is WHITE.
Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Maya Dog sign is BLOODSTONE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Oc Mayan sign is OWL.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Oc / Dog Maya Day Sign: Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe, Paris

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: Based on Maya zodiac compatibility, the direction of the sign
Dog is the North and they are compatible with other signs from the North such as Death, Jaguar,
Flint, and Wind. They are also attracted to signs from the South such as Net, Road, Wisdom,
Sun, and Seed.

Mayan Zodiac: Chuen Monkey

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Mayan Day Sign Chuen

Alternative Name: Monkey

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are beginning, art, confidence, assurance, connection, birth,
and creation.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Monkey is the eleventh day sign of the Mayan zodiac. It is also known by the name Chuen.
Monkey is a symbol for joining the past, present and future. It gives us a connection to our
subconscious awareness through common ground that we all share. It is the sign of creation and
bringing forth creation to humanity.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:
Maya Monkey sign is a dramatic sign. They love to immerse themselves in theater arts or acting.
They love to put themselves in a position for any occasion to be on center stage and performing
for others. Life is a stage for the Monkey. They love to be in social situations and they love
entertaining people.

Surpassing their love of the limelight, they strive to be recognized for their great performances. A
good career move for Chuen sign would be acting, acting coach or to seek out careers in the arts
so they can do what they love. They are good at careers such as actor, news anchor person,
musician, or sales.

They have good health, but they have to watch out for their sometimes careless lifestyles as this
could lead them to addictions and situations that could negatively affect their health.

Positive Traits
Mayan zodiac Monkey people are very creative and intelligent. They are generally self
motivated and have the gift to motivate others and spread their optimism. They are natural leaders
and generally prefer to either be the leader or be independent.

They will do things that constantly advertise their good qualities, which many people find
attractive. Their confidence and assurance of themselves and their abilities leads them to many
great career opportunities especially those in the spotlight

They take how others perceive them seriously and they are meticulous in the way they present
themselves to others. They have a good sense of humor and love to be the laugh of the party.

Negative Traits
People born under Monkey Mayan energy can be unfocused. Their thoughts can be scattered and
unorganized. They may have a difficult time solving their problems. They need to work at being
more patient. Instead of spending so much time on the finer details, they should try looking at the
larger picture to stop from getting stuck and completing projects.

The Maya Chuen horoscope sign have strong personalities that can make other people feel
inadequate or inferior. They dont do this intentionally, but it comes across this way to other
people who feel their personality is overbearing.

This will make them have a hard time forming personal relationships. They have to be aware of
how theyre coming across to others if they want to have beneficial relationships. When they are
out of balance they may be insecure and will make up for this by trying to make the world

recognize how special they are.

Chuen/Monkey Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Monkey day energy is good for getting inspiration and completing any art projects you may have.
Ask for things that relate to the Monkey such as protection of your family, inspiration for an artist
or even starting a new job. It is also a good day to throw parties or plan weddings or

Monkey Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Chuen sign is WEST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Monkey sign is BLUE.
Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Monkey Maya astrology sign is AVENTURINE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Chuen Mayan sign is MONKEY.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Chuen / Monkey Maya Day Sign: Brendan Fraser, Robert De
Niro, Lindsay Lohan

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The Monkey day sign direction is West. According to Maya
horoscope compatibility, they are compatible with other signs from the West such as Deer,
Dawn, and Bird. They are also compatible with signs from the East such as Crocodile, Serpent,
Reed, Knowledge, and Offering.

Mayan Zodiac: Eb Grass

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Mayan Day Sign Eb

Alternative Name: Grass, Road

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are destiny, healing, compromise, heaven, earth, and growth.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Grass is the twelfth day sign of the Mayan zodiac. It is also known by the name Eb or Road. It
symbolizes the path in life you take that helps you grow spiritually.

In the Mayan tradition Eb was a symbol of a ladder that reached from heaven to earth. Climbing
the ladder was a spiritual journey that everyone must go through. This journey became known as
the Road of Life.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:
People born under the Grass Mayan astrology sign are very sensitive people. They are very
competitive in life, but are easily hurt by any kind of defeat or rejection. They are good at solving
problems and they are very practical in their thinking.

They could make great engineers or designers. They love investigating things and may also be
attracted to careers as a private detective, scientist, or police detective. Their competitive nature
would make them good at buying goods and trading stocks.

Because of their peaceful nature the Maya road sign people will make good spiritual guides or
ministers. They also make great teachers and counselors. They are risk takers who have the
ability to stay focused on the end result they are trying to achieve. This makes it easy for them to
achieve whatever they set out to gain.

Others are attracted to them because they have a very sincere and caring nature. They have no
problem finding a relationship, but they may have a hard time staying in one. When they are out
of balance they can be unfaithful, but at their best they are committed and happy.

Positive Traits
The Mayan Eb horoscope sign generally have an easy-going attitude and laid back personality.
They love peaceful surroundings and will do what it takes to achieve peace in everyday life.

They like to live on their time and would do best working for themselves or for a company that
gives them complete freedom of their schedule. Their views on life often go along with the
majority which makes them very likeable and easy to get along with.

It takes them a while to get going on a project, but they always work hard to achieve the goals
they have set for themselves. They are great organizers and work hard to lead their community by

Negative Traits
Grass Maya day sign people are reserved and can work so hard that they wear themselves down.
They have a nonchalant attitude and can be manipulative which turns people off. It also keeps
them too carefree even in unsafe situations. They can be indecisive about things.

When their feelings are hurt they can have a hard time expressing it. They keep these negative
emotions inside which can later on explode at the wrong times. They have good health, but are
prone to illness if they dont keep their feelings in balance.
Eb/Grass Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Grass days are good to ask for food or if you grow your own ask for protection for your crops. It
is also a good day to negotiate any business contracts or agreements. If you are planning a trip,
its a good day to travel. Communication with others will be effortless.

Grass Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Eb sign is SOUTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Grass sign is YELLOW.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Mayan Road sign is MALACHITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Eb Mayan sign is MOUNTAIN LION.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Eb / Road Maya Day Sign: Ben Stiller, Heidi Klum, Paula Abdul
Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The Mayan day sign Grass is compatible with others signs from
the South such as Net, Sun, Wisdom, and Seed. They are also compatible with signs from the
North such as Jaguar, Fling, Dog, Wind, and Death.

Mayan Zodiac: Ben Reed

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Mayan Day Sign Ben or Aj

Alternative Name: Reed

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are family, home, peace, balance, nature, harmony, wealth and

Position In Mayan Astrology

Reed is the thirteenth sign of the Mayan zodiac. It is also known as Ben and Aj. Reed
symbolizes renewal, and abundance. It is about life and death and the victory of life over death. It
is about being in balance with others and finding your power from that balance.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

People born under Reed Maya sign are comfortable being the person in charge. They are
authoritative by nature. This take charge attitude make them extremely confident.

Their leadership tendencies make them good at solving problems. Adhering to rules is important
to them, but they also like peaceful and harmonious relationships. They make good supervisors
and managers.

They may be judged as being too rigid, but to them any job worth doing is worth doing to the best
of your ability. They are good at careers in justice, law or campaigning for human causes.
This Mayan Aj horoscope sign can easily take criticism. Most importantly they love to learn,
and will willingly do so if that what it takes. Reed people work hard to provide security for their
families. This trait makes those close to them feel stable and protected.

Positive Traits
Mayan astrology Reed sign people are very ambitious and driven to accomplish high goals. Their
goal driven attitude makes the path they have to take to succeed very clear and straight forward.

Other people admire them because they have accomplished so much in life. They have an
integrity about the job theyre doing that is not common in general.

They are very disciplined and consistent. They dont mind taking risks if thats what it takes to be
successful. They have so much personal confidence that even their enemies will stand up and take

Negative Traits
The determination of the Mayan Reed sun sign can make them overly aggressive. They dont
intentionally seek to make others feel uncomfortable, but their ambition and stern demeanor can
make others keep their distance.

They may find themselves involved in more conflict than others. They love a good competition
even if no one is willing to compete. They create situations where others will find themselves
struggling to prove themselves because the Reed person wants everyone to know theyre the best.
This will cause them problems in personal and business relationships.

The Ben Maya sign can be confrontational and difficult for others to get along with. They are too
authoritative at times. They go to extremes to achieve their goals.

They will often become obsessed with learning everything they need to know to the point of
burning themselves out. This will lead them to self-destructive behaviors such as not eating
healthy or lack of sleep.
Their family may depend too much on them causing the Reed person to feel overwhelmed and
stressed out. This could cause their mental and physical health to suffer.

Ben/Reed Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

A Reed day is a good day for the energy of giving thanks. Give thanks for your protection and
the protection of your family. It is also a good day to pray for the peace and safety of humanity in

Reed Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Ben sign is EAST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Maya Reed sign is RED.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Mayan Aj day sign is TURQUOISE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Ben Mayan sign is ARMADILLO and BEE.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Ben / Reed Maya Day Sign: Helen Hunt, Mel Gibson, Cate

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: Reed has energy that is coming from the direction of the East.
They are compatible with other signs from the East such as Crocodile, Serpent, Knowledge,
and Offering. They are also compatible with signs from the West such as Bird, Monkey,
Rainstorm, Dawn, and Deer.

Mayan Zodiac: Ix Jaguar

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Mayan Day Sign Ix

Alternative Name: Jaguar, Ocelot, Wizard

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are spirit, passion, healing, psychic, wisdom, art, and

Position In Mayan Astrology

The Jaguar is the fourteenth Mayan day sign. It is also known by the name Ix or Wizard or

The Jaguar is a symbol for feminine energy. It is a connection of the cosmic essence with earthly
spirituality. It is associated with high magical and powers. It is believed that Jaguar energy can
change negative energy into positive energy.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart

Date of Birth:

Maya Jaguar zodiac sign are natural artists and passionate about their craft. They are intelligent
and can make wonderful artists, philosophers and scientists.

There are myths of the Jaguar having super-natural abilities. This translates into someone who
has many gifts and can be very popular and successful in life. They can tap into their
subconscious for ancient wisdom that will help them go far in life.

Their dreams are vivid and offer guidance and ancient knowledge. They have a strong intuition
and can come across as very mysterious, especially since they dont disclose too much of
themselves to anybody.

They are physically strong making them well suited for positions that require strength such as
hunters or soldiers in the military. Their intelligence in science would make them great at careers
as a doctor, biologist or mathematician.

The Maya Ix horoscope sign people love to live near mountains and plains. This gives them
great satisfaction as there is energy there that can nurture their health and spirit keeping them in
good health. They can also benefit from living close to, or with animals as they have a natural
closeness to them.

Positive Traits
The Mayan astrology sign Jaguars are full of charm and enjoy a very good love life. They get
along well with and will have many friends of the opposite sex. Many of their mannerisms are cat
like. They are protective of those they love and are very sensuous, moving with an elegant,
sophisticated, easy grace.

People are attracted to the mystery and spiritual energy that Mayan Jaguars possess. They have
an air of trust about them that makes them seem authentic, and people love to confide in them.
They know they have a higher purpose and will be very passionate in seeking out what it is.

Negative Traits
Jaguars or Ix sign who are out of balance can be angry and unpleasant. They can become
restless and irritable. They tend to keep things to themselves making it hard for others to help or
get to know them. This leads them to becoming depressed.
They can be very competitive and manipulative. They have to be careful of not letting the wrong
people into their circle. They need to focus more on positive people and the relationships they

They should learn to be open to the ideas of others and to let others get a turn at the spotlight.
Their attention quickly goes from one thing to another, making them fickle and easily distracted.

ge Source:

Ix / Jaguar Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

The energy of a Jaguar day is good to fine tune your intuition as psychic abilities are enhanced
on this day. Ask for good things to happen like expansion of land, protection of your home, or for
improvement of your finances.

Use this day to meditate and think over your life. Make a new strategy going forward and ask for
understanding of your magic and psychic abilities.

Jaguar Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Ix sign is NORTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Jaguar sign is WHITE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Ix sign is MOONSTONE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Ix Mayan sign is JAGUAR.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Ix / Jaguar Maya Day Sign: Emma Watson, Orlando Bloom,
Tiger Woods

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The Jaguars directional energy comes from the North. They are
compatible with other signs from the North such as Flint, Wind, Death, and Dog. Maya
horoscope compatibility also shows you get along well with signs from the South such as Seed,
Net, Wisdom, Road, and Sun.

Mayan Zodiac: Men Eagle

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Mayan Day Sign Men

Alternative Name: Eagle

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are prosperity, freedom, wealth, clarity, and destiny.

Position In Mayan Astrology

The Eagle is the fifteenth Mayan day sign and considered one of the most powerful day signs. It
is also known by the name of Men. In Mayan legend the sun was a symbol for an eagle. The
eagle has double symbolic meanings to it. It represents the sun and the moon.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:
Like the bird, Maya Zodiac Sign Eagle people love their freedom. They love to be free to explore.
They are free spirits who prefer to spend time alone vs. spending time with people. They love to
escape from reality, from rules, and from society in general.

They need their freedom to find who they are so they can express themselves to their community
and anyone who can benefit from their high view on life.

Their minds are always in the clouds and their imaginations know no bounds. They love to talk
about philosophy and life and often make great professors as they have a lot of wisdom to pass on
to their students.

In relationships the Maya Eagle horoscope sign are quite lucky. They will have an easy time
finding and keeping a relationship. Wealth comes just as easily to these people.

They tend to have wonderful lives when they are in balance both spiritually and mentally. They
can make good spiritual advisers, teachers or anything in the healing profession such as doctor,
psychologist or even massage therapist.

Positive Traits
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

The Mayan Men sun sign tend to be perfectionists who pay attention to every little detail. They
are very left brained in that they think in very technical terms. They are attracted to subjects in
science and philosophy and any subject they find mentally stimulating.

They are very intelligent and independent. They are outgoing and friendly and have a personal
magnetism that attracts and influences many people. They will focus their analytical minds to
plot out a course of action, and calculate what needs to be done in order to produce the best

Negative Traits
Eagle Maya sign people can get bored very easily and lose interest. When they are out of balance
this makes it hard to have a successful relationship as they are prone to being unfaithful.
Their drive and uncontrolled ambition can make them over-step their boundaries to get what they
want. They can be too opportunistic and irresponsible. They can keep their distance from others
and are considered stand-offish and aloof.

Despite their powerful intellect they can also be very by the book. They can be stubborn and
stuck in their ways making it hard to break negative habits.

If they want to be more in balance they should remember to not take everything so seriously.
Have a more laid back attitude which will improve their personal and business relationships.

If they dont take their mission in life seriously they are prone to have health problems that stem
from worrying too much and from uncontrolled anger.

Men/Eagle Days
An Eagle day is a good time to ask for wealth or love. If you need protection for your business an
Eagle day is a good day to ask. Ask for protection of your family and friends. Those who are
farmers or have crops may ask for them to be harvested without damage.

Eagle Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Men sign is WEST.
Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Eagle sign is BLUE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Eagle Maya sign is UNAKITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Men Mayan zodiac sign is EAGLE or QUETZAL.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Men / Eagle Maya Day Sign: Michael Jordan, Christian Bale,
Rachael Weisz

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The direction of the day sign Eagle is the West and it is
compatible with others signs from the West such as Deer, Monkey, Rainstorm, and Dawn. It is
also compatible with signs from the East such as Serpent, Crocodile, Reed, Offering, and

Mayan Zodiac: Cib Vulture

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Mayan Day Sign Cib

Alternative Name: Vulture, Wisdom, Warrior

Important Keywords:

Keywords you should meditate on are ancestors, forgiveness, wisdom, knowledge, harmony and

Position In Mayan Astrology

The Vulture is the sixteenth Mayan day sign. It is also known by the name of Cib or Wisdom.
The Vulture is symbolic of clearing away old Karma and re-birthing new ways of thinking.
Vultures are regarded as teachers and the guardians of ancient knowledge. They are highly
intuitive and can communicate directly with the spirit.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:
The Mayan Astrology of vulture is symbolic of beginners luck. They are very aware of
themselves and the status they have in the world. They place a lot of emphasis on how they
measure up compared to other people.

They love to learn as much as they can from all of their life experiences and mistakes. They are
great advice givers and are serious about life and being successful in it. They maintain a great
sense of humor which attracts most people to them.

While other people may indulge in their daydreams, vultures are very realistic and practical. They
are great at giving advice and will often make great counselors. They are good judges of others
character and can easily sense when someone is not being themselves around them.

Positive Traits
The Mayan horoscope sign Cib dont easily forget small details in life. They are patient and
respect others point of view even if it doesnt coincide with their own. They have a clear vision
for what they want to do in life and will often use that vision to teach large audiences of people.

They are very wise and will take the lessons they learn in life and use them for spiritual guidance.
They need to trust their inner voice to reap the benefits of their full spiritual power.

Negative Traits
When the Maya astrology sign Vulture are out of balance they can become very self-conscious,
especially around those they feel have the upper hand. They often feel they are lacking and will
become overly concerned with their status and social position in life.

When their self-esteem becomes low they make themselves vulnerable to being deceived by
others. They loathe being judged because it causes negative thoughts about themselves to

When they take the time to forgive themselves for not being perfect they can overcome their self-
esteem issues. In order to hide their insecurities they will sometimes form superficial
relationships so they can avoid the deep feelings that come from a more genuine connection. This
will make it hard for them to form lasting relationships as people will feel they are insincere.

The Mayan zodiac sign Cib can grow bored of others quickly and will cut them off with
coldness and malice. They use their hard and cold demeanor as a defense mechanism against
being judged when they are around others they feel they dont measure up to.
Their health can suffer and they can become weak and needy if they allow their self-destructive,

negative energy to take over.

Cib/Vulture Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

The day of the Vulture is a good day to ask for forgiveness for things you might have done
wrong. It is a good day to ask for healing for any illness or disease you may have.

Ask for solutions to any family problems. You may also ask for material increase and more
understanding spiritually. Ask for blessings of health for your children.

Vulture Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Cib sign is SOUTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Vulture sign is YELLOW.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Wisdom sign is SMOKEY QUARTZ.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Cib Mayan sign is VULTURE or BEE.
Famous Celebrities Born Under Cib / Vulture Maya Day Sign: Katy Perry, Chris Rock, Owen

Mayan Zodiac Compatibility: The direction of the Mayan sign vulture is the South and they are
compatible with others signs from the south such as Net, Seed, Sun, and Road. They are also
compatible with signs from the North such as Death, Dog, Wind, Jaguar, and Flint.

Mayan Zodiac: Caban Earth

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Caban

Alternative Name: Earth, Earthquake, Knowledge

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are clarity, logic, Earth, laughter, creativity and balance.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Earth is the seventeenth Mayan day sign. It is also known by the name of Caban or
Knowledge. The Mayans considered the day sign earth to symbolize a literal force within the
earth that corresponded to forces in the human body. It represents a creative energy that is within
the earth and within humans.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Those born under the energy of the Maya Earth day sign have busy minds that are also at work.
They think very rationally about most things and believe that problems can be solved with a
logical solution. They have very self-controlled behavior and are good at making sure they stay
on the straight and narrow path.
The Mayan Caban sign seek out positions of leadership, but may also gravitate towards working
alone. It is hard for them to be followers and let others lead which will make it difficult to let
anyone else be in charge.

Even if they dont hold the official title, they will often assert themselves as being in charge.
Those in charge may find this personality a little threatening.

Positive Traits
The Mayan Zodiac Sign Earth are intelligent and often well-educated. They always have an
inventive, new idea because their minds are in constant motion.

They have a good sense of humor and generally like others. Laughter to them acts as a boundary
between feeling comfortable around others or that awkward feeling they may sometimes get.

They are self-confident and conservative with all of the resources they have. They know how to
be both efficient and resourceful. They are community service-oriented and can be an inspiring
presence for others. They will be attracted to careers in the medical field, law, entrepreneurship,
or any position that lets them lead the way.

Negative Traits
People born under the Maya Earth energy can be so logical that they come across as
condescending to other people. They have strong beliefs and are arrogant and often too
independent. They can come across as elitist and snobbish. This causes problems for them in their
personal and professional lives.

They may have a problem cooperating with others because their mi

nds are focused so much on

themselves and their thoughts. If they attract a romantic partner who is too emotional they may
have problems relating and the relationship will not last long.

Because this Mayan horoscope sign lean more on their logic, they can be very sensitive
emotionally. They have a hard time expressing and understanding their emotions. If they dont
learn to balance their energy they can become overwhelmed with depression leading to problems
with their physical and mental well-being.

In order to use their intellect and mental acuity for prosperity they will need to learn how to focus
their attention and their energy. They should also consider that life is more than logic. They need
to let their emotions have equal balance with their logic.

Caban/Earth Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Earth days have good energy to ask for forgiveness for all those youve done wrong. You may
also ask for a resolution to any family problems and for strength in your spirituality. Ask for
clarity with any emotional problems you are having and give thanks for your mental clarity and

Earth Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Caban sign is EAST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Earth sign is AGATE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the knowledge sign is RED.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Caban Mayan sign is WOODPECKER.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Caban / Earth Maya Day Sign: Cameron Diaz, Jay Leno, Dolly

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The Earth day sign has a direction influenced by the East and
are compatible with others signs from the East such as Serpent, Crocodile, Reed, and Offering.
Mayan zodiac compatibility shows that they are also compatible with signs from the West such as
Deer, Monkey, Dawn, Bird, and Rainstorm.
Mayan Zodiac: Etznab Flint
Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Etznab or Tijax

Alternative Name: Flint, Knife, Mirror

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are health, balance, strength, security, patience, vision,
healing and respect.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Flint is the eighteenth Mayan day sign. It is also known by the name of Etznab or Tijax. It
symbolizes eloquence, grace, and healing. It also symbolizes the duality of life and a spiritual
warrior who will fight to uphold a moral and balanced life. It represents strength and courage.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

People born under the Mayan day sign of Flint are full of strength. They are the signs with an
abundance of courage. They are not afraid to do things that most other people wouldnt. They are
logical, preferring to deal with cold, hard facts vs. changing emotions.

When they are passionate about something they can become obsessive about it. They are good at
problem solving. They can see with clarity the solutions to others problems, but when it comes to
their own emotional issues they have more of a technical mind. They are not good with dealing
with their emotions or showing much emotion.

They are great friends because they are always accommodating and are good conversationalists.
They are nurturing and emit a very calming energy. They would be good at careers in the healing
arts such as spa owner, massage therapist, herbalist or alternative medicine. They can also make
great surgeons, doctors and midwives.
Positive Traits
This Mayan Zodiac sign Knife are comfortable in intimate groups and are the person others go
to for personal advice and a listening ear. They can suppress some of their feelings for the good
of others around them. This can cause them to internalize things they shouldnt and lead to
unnecessary stress.

Others love to be around them because they are very considerate and will go out of their way to
make others feel at ease. They are good people to talk to because they actually listen.

They are great public speakers and would do well in a political career or as a motivational
speaker. They have the ability to naturally mediate and get people to talk and work out their

Negative Traits
When Flint Mayan astrology people let their negative energy take over they can be resentful and
angry. They keep things that have hurt them inside, not saying anything until one day they
explode. They can resort to violence and use sharp words to cut others.

When they get engrossed in a project they can become workaholics. They are already naturally
reserved and they will become more solitary until they grow bored or complete the project.

They are perfectionists with their work and may procrastinate or take longer on projects than
normal because they are nitpicking at the fine details. They become very concerned about how
others will receive the project and may decide to never complete it due to insecurities.

The Maya Etznab horoscope sign people can have health problems because of their outbursts of
anger and resentment. They are accident prone, but can remove that negative energy by helping
others and giving back to their community
Etznab/Flint Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Flint days are good to find balance for your life. Ask for good health and to get rid of negative
energy. Ask to be free of problems. This is a good day to ask for healing of all emotional troubles.
If you need to cut someone out of your life or get rid of clutter you no longer need, this is a good
day to do so.

Flint Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Etznab sign is NORTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Flint sign is WHITE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Knife sign is RHODONITE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Etznab Mayan sign is FISH.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Etznab / Flint Maya Day Sign: Katie Holmes, Britney Spears,
Goldie Hawn

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The direction of the Mayan day sign Flint is the North and they
are compatible with other signs from the North such as Wind, Dog, Jaguar, and Death. They are
also compatible with signs from the South such as Seed, Road, Net, Wisdom and Sun.

Mayan Zodiac: Cauac Rain

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Cauac

Alternative Name: Rain, Storm

Important Keywords:
Keywords they should meditate on are cleanse, karma, meditation, compassion, nurturing and

Position In Mayan Astrology

Rain is the nineteenth Mayan day sign. It is also known as Storm or Cauac. Rain is a symbol
of change and life lessons. It symbolizes transformation from old Karma into a new person
stripped of all negativity from the past.

The water symbolizes a cleansing that takes place to wash away any past regrets and to spiritually
connect you to your divine path in life.

General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

Maya Rain astrology sign people are forever young. They have a glow of youth that shines all
over them. They dont appear to ever grow old. Their interests lie in mysticism, the esoteric and
spiritual subjects in life. They use these interests to explain their life experiences and put those
experiences into the right perspective.

They have busy, curious minds that love to discover new ways of thinking. They have to keep
moving or they will soon get bored and restless. They love to be in social situations, but also
crave alone time to reflect on their life.

They are attracted to careers as healers, teachers, and spiritualists. People naturally lean on them
with all of their personal problems and the Rain person loves to offer them insight.

The Maya Rain or Storm zodiac sign are devoted to their families and thrive when they are
with the people they love the most. They feel the most at ease when they are in their homes and
are often very domesticated. If they focus their attention on their home life they will be calm,
healthy and happy people.

Positive Traits
Like the calming rain the Mayan Cauac horoscope sign have a soothing, nurturing personality
that makes others want to be around them. Similar to the rain that cleanses the earth, they love to
physically clean. It gives them a sense of renewal and acts as a way for them to start over and
begin anew.

They have a genuine concern for other people and in times of trouble will be the first one there to
help. They have a healing energy about them and people naturally gravitate towards them in
social situations. They are always surrounded by many friends and love being the person they all
seek out for help.

Negative Traits
When Rain energy is out of balance it can turn to addictions such as alcohol, drugs, and smoking.
They use this as a form of escape when they are feeling overwhelmed. They can hold in
resentment towards others.

They can become impatient with themselves for not reaching a goal fast enough. They can also
use food to soothe away the stress they feel from heavy pressure.

When the Maya sun sign Rain people feel the need to clean they can be overly obsessive about
being thorough. They could balance this negative energy out if they learn to take it easy. Their
health is usually strong except when they are feeling too much pressure to be perfect.

Cauac/Rain Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:
The energy of the Rain days are good for asking for the ending of any disputes you have. It is
also good to ask for cleansing rain for your plants or crops. Give thanks for the beauty of the
earth such as the rain, sunrise, sunset and natural habitat.

Rain Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Cauac sign is WEST.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Rain sign is BLUE.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Storm sign is JADE.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Cauac Mayan sign is TURTLE.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Cauac / Rain Maya Day Sign: Brad Pitt, Nicholas Cage, Jim

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: The direction of the Mayan sign Rain is the West. In Maya
horoscope compatibility, they are compatible with other signs from the west such as Deer,
Monkey, Dawn, and Bird. They are also compatible with signs from the East such as Serpent,
Crocodile, Offering, Reed, and Knowledge.

Mayan Zodiac: Ahau Flower

Shantel Williams 0 Comments

Mayan Day Sign Ahau

Alternative Name: Flower, Sun

Important Keywords:

Keywords they should meditate on are beauty, dreams, wishes, transformation, light, nature, love,
and radiance.

Position In Mayan Astrology

Flower is the twentieth Mayan day sign. It is also known by the name of Sun or Ahau. In
Mayan culture this day was considered to be a very sacred day.

It is a day of transformation and artistic energy. It symbolizes the warrior and the traveler. It
symbolizes all of the beauty and hopes we can imagine if we align our energy to be positive.
General Characteristics
Mayan Astrology Birth Chart


Date of Birth:

The Mayan horoscope sign Flower is the picture of beauty. They are daydreamers who become
lost in the visions of a perfect life. They are creative people who love recreating real life into their
vision of beauty.

People will love getting to know the Flower, although they are socially awkward. They mean
well, but are often too caught up their own minds to be aware of how they come across to other

They daydream of having the perfect romantic relationship. In real life they may have a hard time
keeping a relationship. They have high ideals they are not willing to change.

Sometimes their expectations may be too unrealistic. They should remember to be more grounded
in reality or they will face disappointments. If they remain in balance with their energy they will
have strong health. If they are out of balance, illness could occur.

Positive Traits
The Mayan astrology flower sign care deeply about the beauty of ideas. They see into the future
with great enthusiasm. They have an interest in anything that is exquisite. They may be attracted
to beautiful jewelry, art, or nature.

This Maya Sun Sign are truly devoted and affectionate in any relationship even long after it is
over. They are wonderful role models and will be great in careers as a teacher or artist.

Negative Traits
The Maya Sun zodiac sign have such unrealistic expectations of themselves that they have
trouble dealing with disappointment when things dont go as they envision. There is no
compromise on their dreams and this makes it hard for them to face reality at times. In order to
avoid facing things they dont want to do they throw themselves into menial tasks and superficial

ways to be busy.

They are very rigid with themselves and this makes it hard for them to fully accept the person
they are. This leads to issues with self esteem. They will also give up their personal power for
another person, leading to stress.

If they are unbalanced their emotional issues could cause illness. They have a lot of strength in
them but when used negatively could turn into anger and rage.

The Mayan flower sign should focus on giving love to others and not on being perfect. They
should enjoy what they have now instead of what they think the future may bring.

Ahau/Flower Days
Mayan Zodiac Sign


Date of Birth:

Flower days are good for celebrating beauty internally and externally. Celebrate the beauty that
you have inside and the beauty that you see all around you. It is a good time to meditate and to
spend time with those you love. Put all of your wishes and desires out there believing that they
will come true.

Flower Symbolism
Lucky Direction: The lucky direction for the Maya Ahau sign is SOUTH.

Lucky Color: The lucky colour for the Mayan Flower sign is YELLOW.

Lucky Gemstone: The lucky gemstone for the Sun Maya sign is ROSE QUARTZ.

Animal Totems: The animal totem for the Ahau Mayan sign is SNAIL.

Famous Celebrities Born Under Ahau / Flower Maya Day Sign: Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, Kate

Mayan Astrology Compatibility: They Mayan sign Flower has the direction of South and is
compatible with other signs from the south such as Seed, Road, Net, and Wisdom. They are also
compatible with signs from the North such as Wind, Dog, Death, Jaguar and Flint.

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