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On Indian Government Shortcomings

Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi

Rahi Publications
Noida (U.P.)
Rahi Publications

All Copyright Reserved

ISBN -978-81-929392-5-4

Rahi Publications (A Unit of Bharti Films)
5th Floor, S. B. Tower,
1-A/1, Sector 16A, Film city
Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh
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First Edition

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Daryaganj, Delhi-110002

Price 175/-
Title: OIGS- On Indian Government Shortcomings

Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi
This book is dedicated to my fellow Indians with the
hope that we will be united for various causes and see
that we have achieved at least following and be served
batter from our bureaucrats- like separation of various
parts of Government like legislation executive and
judiciary also getting public opinion and public bills by
constitution and recall mechanics to the MP/MLA etc.
by constitution amendments and the bureaucrats do
not have constitutional guarantee of their jobs, it
should never be part of our constitution

-Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi


l 7
On India Government
Service (OIGS) 9
6 Questions
l 14
Bharat Public-opinion
Limited (BPL) 19
Blunders in Indian Constitution
l 21
l 23
Change the System
l 25
Discriminatory Rules
l 27
l 28
F E A R sure F E A R now
l 34
l 38
l 40
l 44
Frustration Removing Actions
l 46
l 52
How Much or What to Govern
l 54
India- Governance- Issues (IGI)
l 60
Law and Order
l 67
l 69
Mandi Vs MANDI
l 71
Mini Agricultural Network
Distribution Incorporation
(MANDI) How it can be done 73
l 76
"neta Ji Babu Ji Please Stop
Ruling And Start Serving
The Public" 78
l 80
Poverty alleviation: the role\of
the engineer David Singleton 84
l 101
l 103
l 105
l 106
Sir (last) name Fraud
l 108
Six Wonderful Ladies
l 110
l 115
l 117
Story of 3 P
l 118
The new Slogan is
for JAL(judiciary, administration
and Legislators 120
Then What
l 122
This is the way it happened
l 124
Training Manual for NRI-
Home Coming 137
l 156
l 159
Vichar Manch
(A thought process) 161
WAS To NOW 164
NRI Home Coming 168
Potential Uniting Motionless
Public (PUMP) 177
Akhand Bharat Chale
Dhire Ethalakey (ABCDE....) 183
Domestic Servants
l 185
l 186
Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi
l 190
Why this title let me tell you what I mean in OIGS On India
Government Shortcomings. Whenever we call our governance
GOVT it smells like British Raj and I may be allergic to this word but I
feel most of Indian also do not like to be associated with t as we have
removed the British Raj but did not change any bit of laws they
stared with during pre portion era.

We should not call the GOVT servants it should be public servants as

known all over the world for all governance employees. They should
feel that they are to serve public not ruling over public. All our rules
and regulations are based on mistrust of public vs GOVT. as it was
true then and even now we had very little trust in the system.

Why it is there because the constitution was written by THE ICS and
their intention was always to safeguard their interest in light of
freedom which we were supposed to get from the Bruisers to like us
subjects (Public). Unless you are proven guilty you are innocent and
burden of proof should be others. There is no separation between
the Legislators Administrator and Judiciary they should be
independent like we are now public is independent. Hence no
accountability of any one of these to public . Which is fundamental
of all the independent state. They should all be elected for top job by
public and then only public will have any control on these three
branches of governance. In democracy public is supreme but in our
country it is under the rules of inspectors .you cannot open any
primary school which the most difficult job where as you can open
any company etc.
Hence we should called them all GOVT servants as public servants
first and foremost then only we will get service from them rather
they behave as they are rulers over public rather than serving the
public for the reason they are in the job in first place. No minister
who is elected for legislation should sign any files of administration.
And IPS should never work for DM they are both selected by the
UPSC and can do their job wit out nay hindrance from each other
and publics will benefit.

When we have elected mayors by public then why we have DM who

has more power because of this worst system and very cumbersome
as well to understand by public. Police should take care of public
safety not the safety of NETA OR Bureaucrats. Last PM Manmohan
Singh ji said he will change the police rules.

he did nothing in this line the police rules are from the 1858 not
changed at all in free in Bharat. Unless these few fundamental
changes were made our system will not serve public but such public
as it was done during British Raj. IAS and minister even now fight to
live in kothies places which were made for Bruisers in all the capitals
of Indian states. Unless you have data that is mere opinion. Dividing
the states on language basis was biggest blunder of Nehru dynasty.

On India Government Service
Why it should be still called OIGS and all correspondence envelop
shows this? We are still following British raj rules. It should spell like
this now to reflect the reality like we are independent nation For
Public Governance (FPG) in short. What is India Government why
not India Governance federal or states Governance. There is no such
identity under Constitution of India. in democracy public is
supreme, and it should reflect everywhere in our Governance
system. Hence all those who for such governance should be known
as public servants including elected or selected temporary of
permanent employees. Most of public wish to enter these services
with a motive to have an easy life than to serve the public interest in
their heart, always look for more perks and have batter serving

In governance the service should be supreme, only in India and its

derivative countries, public service considered as privilege, and seek
after rather than an honor to serve the public. Honor is alright but
service part is missing, nowhere to be found. It should be considered
as chance to serve the public interest but everyone looks after
him/her self before service to the public. Remember all over world
democracies these workers are part of decent Governance get paid
well like ours but very less perks but always know as PUBLIC
SERVANTS not Government servants even in our model countries
like USA UK etc, we are copying everything from them why not start
from this small change which does not need any expenditure. Once I
talked to an MP and asked why we can't change this in our country
India. So far no response or action is seen on horizon why? Let us our
self start calling these people who is part of Governance as public
servants, than government officers or government servants.

Now let us see some of the perks our so called Government servants
get in our great country only.
Sr. No. Perk Government Servants Public Permanency Guaranteed
by Constitution public just exits on mercy
Housing Most of them have it only in India Almost have none
Education most have access central of state schools Majority have
guarantee only
Water Most of them have free access Majority waiting after 65 yrs
Electricity most have free or at nominal charges Only if you steel
with consent
Medical Best care under the roof free Most have none who cares
Pension everyone have it very generously + Old age pension not for
Security everyone have it only richer section of society
Price rise DA as per raise in PI Cut consumption/ bear it
Transportation Most get it free like free passes /cars Public had to
pay for
Pay & allowance Only pay commissions findings. Applied*. Un-
united public had no luck
House servants mostly who lives in Govt. bungalows only rich can
affords house servants + See what warren buffet says about
pensions for us Governance employees it is biggest threat for
future Governance to pay pensions to its employees. San Hose
municipality had passed a bill in April 2012 to abolish all pensions to
retired employees. It should be noted that life expectancy is
increasing so the pension expenses. It should be noted that only all 5
or more Pay - commission in India whose recommendations are
adopted always other commission's recommendations are though
binding but always shelved by all the government in majority.,
because they feel by adopting pay raise, it safe to presume at least
GOVT> servants will vote them for in next election, which may not
be true in most of the cases.

It should be not out of place to say Our India Governance spend

some 70% of all taxes collected on pay and allowance and other
perks for its employees whereas in most of the countries of the
world, Governance is before us in last 65 year of independence. Only
people who are running the administration and judiciary and rich
traders who can bend the all rules for their betterments and out of
Remember if we continue on this path we will continue to get the
same results so far we are getting, hence change is necessary now.

Think how a least educated people who pass one exam and test and
trained in five star facility in Missouri end up being master of all
knowing all and try to control all aspect of Government like IAS/IPS
/IFS etc without getting exposed to real problem facing the country
and freedom to act in favor of Public interest, even if one tries who
has a heart of helping public because all our rules and laws are made
to be bend in favor of ruling(not serving) Class like themselves and
serve the masters NETA's- which also like to be called ruling party.
Neta are more worried to save their seats and serve the agenda of
party than rules and regulation which are favorable to public
inertest. It is not against any one person or Neta but against the
system we inherited by British Raj or crown. One fails to understand
why a Indian elected citizen(Neta's) can't work with another Indian
citizen (IAS/IPS/IFS) selected by democratic Governance, as soon as
some party gets the majority there are thousands of transfers done
by new party in power? Can anyone explain this to us the public?
And Governance Servants or public servants are not to participate in
party politics? (This legacy of British raj is harming our society.) NO
MORE TRANSFER. Advantage these elected public servants will have
continuity and betterment and affinity towards local population
always at heart and will feel at home and make homes to their
choices in the locality they like, and lot of saving of public funds on
these flimsy transfers at whims. Family life of all the selected officers
will have stable family life to maintain be it education of their
children or parents etc. and they be more productive and pro public
than accountable to their local temporary bosses who interfere in
their line of duty. One who is not performing to the expectation
should not be transfer to unwanted station but three mistakes and
out of service without any retirement benefits.

We are known as secular democracy which means Governance did

not discriminate on basis of religion and Governance had no part to
play in lives of public how they worship or have their faith.
Everybody should be free to practice it under safe guard of
Governance. But is it happening? No big no Government had made
farce of it by passing different bills to distinguish different faith and
its laws. That is not secularism but anti secularism. Free subsidy to
one group and free managing the different faith fairs are farce and
had divided the basic fabric of secular India and it has become the
vote bank policy to have elected representative from every
community is not warranted nor desired in our democracy. It has
become appeasing proposition for one against other. Governance
should stop this policy so all approved parties. Honest and qualified
person should have the signatures from their respective electoral
constituencies in at least by 5% of registered voters to even
considered for elected representatives.

Now let us come to reservation for various casts. It was clearly

meant for initial stages of democracy to have such things but now at
least three generations had passed after our independence it has no
validity and worth continuing if the particular cast people are not
becoming mentor to their own kith and kin's. See our tragedy the
national wealth is considered on basis of economics but how come
caste become a factor for anybody backward of forward by birth in
one or other caste, creed or tribe. It is well meaning we should give
them proper tools but reservation for job or promotion bring
hardship to whole society. We need to have most proper selection
for a job on basis of his ore competency for the job not his or caste.
Who will deliver the right amount of service caste? It has not done
so far how it can do when they become a liability to the post. A poor
man born to a high cast has to do with the high cast and still remain
poor. Whereas rich man of a tribe still enjoy all reservation and
benefits in his life. This can't be called secularism not truly uplifting
the poor or country, because we are utilizing the full potential of our
population and equal opportunity to all under the constitution. This
reservation on basis of cast it a farce and it had created the cracks in
a cohesive mass of Indian people. Why so far we have no reliable
data of economic conditions of all Indians it should be part of our
Population or census process and it should be continuous part of
census sampling say of 3%. Educational and other benefit should be
given to all as it is done for girls up to 12tth grade had free ride
irrespective of family status or economics conditions.

In the end please stop patronizing the anti social element to be our
representatives who have any criminal cases pending should not be
selected by parties just to win election or have majority. In this
respect we should learn from our neighboring countries where one
had be at least degree holder to be representative of public as he or
she had to deal with at least degree holder elected public servants.
This one class will eliminate anti social element for sure.
Nobody should be allowed to have any elected position for more
than two times.

No pension for elected representative for god shake, as the politics

is not a profession, but honorable service and it is also not bread
butter for the representative and should stay that way before and
after the elected term is over. This way most of ills taking roots in
party system including dynastic tendencies will be curbed. In
democracy parties should also use secret ballot process to elect
their leader than unanimous consensus like words to be used in
order to milk a family name which may not be their true cast or
surname, as tradition goes family name had to change for a girl and
should not be used for getting votes or making public fool to believe
in misrepresentation.

Public fund should be open for any public member to check at any
time, these representatives either selected or elected are
custodians only real owner is always and will be public only. So be
faithful and miser in spending or borrowing on behalf of public. So
far it can be easily be said these people spend the public funds with
any consideration that our kids and their kids had to return this
borrowed money. Hence we the present representative or elected
officials cannot and should not mortgage our children or grand
children's future. Balancing the budget should always be job one.

Number of departments in present system had lost it meaning like

treasury dept. or collector refugee supply ration army canteens etc
should be abolished. Forms should be simplified what is meaning of
a citizen who is of age 21 or more can vote why his or father name
had be there in all records address can help to make a distinction or
any other way birth mark figure prints whatever but leave the father
mother out of their business and future as well.
In the end start the change in the system now otherwise a day is not
far the revolution will change all of us including our peaceful country
India. See the writing on wall and wind from west to east will travel

6 Questions
1. How fellowship fits in life Goal?
Fellowship will help me to achieve my Goal two ways one we shall be
traveling worry free so we can help more people in solving their
problems who are less informed all over the world. When you work
for money you always helping the people who have money and they
are employing you for making more money. In this way you are
making rich, richer. Now with the help of this fellowship I shall not
have that constraint but helping the people without they are
employing me hence we can influence economically disadvantage
people, in achieving their goals to become economically
independence. I am good listener and motivator hence quickly
come with solution to problems and come to solution depending
upon their local conditions. I believe that the Assets based solution
are sustainable and they are the best suited for advancement. Need
based solutions cannot be sustainable in long run. Most of my ideas I
had pen down but could not publish or share with wider audience of
the world. Some time or in limited time frame and resources I still
reach quite a few places like in Europe or Africa with the help of
yahoo groups and via internet. Nobody should be called poor but
lack of resources may be the reason for not able to take care of
challenges. I have 100+ articles, which are in English and Hindi wish
to publish in book form and then able to share with the world. I have
these available at my web site it might be noted
that instead of I we are used above, it will not be out of place to tell
that me and my wife always work as team and Fellowship will
benefit from it immensely. It was mentioned to us by various villages
during our visit to 400+ these villages in India that not many couple
come to work together. So it will be extension of our dreams.

2. Built community have been part something bigger than you self.
In 2001 In India a very big earth shattering earthquake occurred in
Gujarat. Me and my wife were traveling in India on our mission of
helping others were moved to heard the story about devastation to
such an extent. One thought came to mind why not help one person
who had lost his or her home and hope. Then there was big
question, how to select such a person. We contacted some local Non
Government Organizations (NGO), which we knew from our old
contact as we wish to do it personally. Advice was not right now but
after some time as it could be bad for our own safety and health. But
we visited that area took some pictures and realized it is not possible
to help a single person will not stand chance to survive as some to
communities were wiped out of map. After coming back to USA
many places people had collected lot of money but did not knew
what to do with money and get to the people instead of giving it to
big agencies. We put up a successful proposal for a new village for
100 people. We made 114 concrete homes on a 6+ acre plot which
are earthquake resistance and with solar lights without
Government interference or help in record time of 20 months, not
only built with their help but also taught them trades of making
homes like brick block maker mason welder iron worker digger and
how to be a general contractor. I had started the village fund for the
saving Rs 11 /per month /per family for cooperative efforts with in
the village. There were various committees were formed to do
different job with in community like water committee, food
committee etc.

3. Listening is your core competency.

Of course it is the best thing you can learn if you are in field of social
work. I will narrate the story here, which will make it very clear.
While we were in planning stages of making the village and being
Civil Engineer myself though I can plan a home with bath and two-
bed room house for these people of village. But after listening to the
need of people in village according to their way of living we had to
shelve our plan and adopt the sketch they made for one room
homes with a small open courtyard, two to four in a cluster than
independent so that at least we will share walls hence cost effective.
Similarly we had a meeting with small children who draw a sketch
for their own play ground which was very affordable within the
amount of money we had for the children playground. I can say with
conviction unless you have a clear picture of what people are
looking from you, you cannot deliver to them what they need.
Before making final decision about home design we made sure we
heard from women folks and their concern as well. Once you listen

than you analyze and see the resources and only than you can
suggest any solution otherwise it will be like someone say orange
and you will deliver apple. Learnt one good piece of advice from MIT
Prof. Wampler of Boston MA USA that community can only sustain
only those development which are based on community
participation and active ownership of the project. Hence we made
sure the new owner ship first in India that new homes should be in
name of husband and wives. How it can be more apparent from my
article: the way it happens.

4. Pick one word that describe you and why you pick this word
Compassionate. This is how I see myself. Compassion is the core
feeling of my life. That is what I feel I was born to do in this world.
This what I had done so far with my life that others need are as
urgent as mine and if someone approaches me, he/she may be of
any race religion and age had trust in me that is why they
approached me, I will have the answer and I must deliver his/her
faith with my ability, it is up to him/her to be satisfied with my
answer or approach. If I had given my 100% attention to them at that
time of their approach, I had done my job to best of my ability that
makes me feel good about myself. I am always approachable to any
or any time by my phone or by email. I feel strongly about the
compassion, which is also my core feeling of life as well If you do not
have spirituality you cannot do any social work or if you are not
doing any social work than you are not at all spiritual. Spirituality
and social work are inter- dependent I feel connected to people all
the time. Vision without action is dream. Action without vision is
simply passing time. Action with vision making a possibility and
positive changes in lives of others who are less fortunate and less
informed with your help is true compassion which I have, that is why
I choose this word to describe me. I wish to be mentor and teach
compassion rather than just showing or having it.

5. We believe learning from our failure and mistake is leadership

Someone said that when you fail or make mistake that always
teaches you some things and some total of all mistakes becomes
your experience and all the leaders not only have to have these but
can for see the troubles on the way so he can always have some way

out of the this predicament. But one my previous boss told me two
things and I believe in this myself. One do not make any mistake
twice in succession otherwise you had not learnt anything from
mistake and second when you have data the facts are with you
otherwise it is opinion and everybody can have one Revising the
route to success is important than the failure of reaching the goal.
Leadership is not good in always mending the way your
subordinates are doing their job, but a balance approach to warn
them enough in time to achieve the goal in time and resources at
hand. When we do a project we can spend time in research at
planning stage but during the execution stage change can be made if
it does not affect the outcome and other process which can derail
whole target. Leaders not only learn from his or her mistakes but
also from other mistake and failures.

6. Describe the your believe in social entrepreneurship in Global

The present day world of capitalism is too much centralized and it
has lost its vision of well being of all. Earning money is not bad
provided all have equal opportunity like you have or your children
have. It can only be achieved when you have when you are self-
sufficient to fulfill your need and desires. For this one had to be
entrepreneur enough to make the best of circumstance, and this is
the definition of the word entrepreneur for me whereas the
dictionary definition may vary. It is only possible when you have
complete knowledge of your surroundings. Let me introduce the
word cluster economy. If we divide the world in clusters and if each
cluster is self sufficient in its requirement without the help of
outsiders regarding its need for all the materials and services it
needed, we could develop the world in no time. This is very
important fundamental principal for the success of global economy
What I mean about the cluster is suppose ten or twenty villages are
there in a cluster and they have all the trades need in order to
survive than it will have enough jobs for local kids but all should have
the entrepreneur spirit than only it is possible, otherwise if they are
looking for jobs than they are looking for outside hand out which can
never be enough and locals will always feel they are left out. Initially
some input from outside is needed that is where informative people
like us come in who have vision and purpose to help others, but

ultimately their own initiatives and actions will be useful in long run.
The entrepreneurs always have the ownership of problems whereas
other wish the problems faced by them, are solved automatically.
They forget if others will solve their problem for you, will also have
their interest first and yours later.

Bharat Public-opinion Limited (BPL)
We need this in India badly for People Below Poverty- by Umesh
Rashmi Rohatgi July 2012 We are very much
divided as public vertically and horizontally. Vertically like rich poor
and middle class upper middle class poor very poor etc., horizontally
like Hindu Muslims, Shikhs, Christians, Jains, Jews Parsees etc. also
as Bhrahmin, Vaishya, Untouchable SC/ST. Because of this we can't
have one single choice of any popular issue effecting all in whole
society. So many parties are trying to get rid of BPL for last 65 tears
came to power to do the same but had make any dent in this issue of
NPL reduction. Reservation for SC/ST for so long beyond the
expectation of constitution has become a vote bank policy and had
divided our nation and affecting the unity of country. This all had
effectively made a rule of minority ruling over majority which is
divided on every issue under the sun. See our Govt. had not been
able to provide education, shelter and safe drinking water of food to
our population below poverty in spite of 12 five year plan and a
planning commission headed by ex World bank people and PM from
and ex world bank employee. This all because of an single strong
Public Opinion which can force the ruling party to act according to
public choices and priority for issues. Ration shop provide the
cheaper food grains and other commodities but real problem is not
removed BPL. Even the Banking facilities to all in spite hundred
thousands of Post offices.

Remember a mantra Divided we will be ruled but united we will be

served by Netas, Babus and Traders combine their resources and
unholy unity. And no public opinion works on these as we have no
single public opinion Institution exits in country of 1.02 Billion
people. One idea came why not we use the educated people who
have access to computer who have brains use it to collect data
honestly about various issues and how to resolve this data into an
action plan. Simultaneously talk to people associated with them in
horizontal and vertical way and get the feel and inform about the
issues which affects all of us as society. Collect the data for or
against. From this data come to the conclusion of a cohesive
solution and with that force try to get to the bottom of an issue and
the issue is resolved for a majority of the people affected.

Now take for example the forth coming Presidential election there
are many names are floating from ruling party, public and
opposition. But public is divided and can't put up a single candidate
who can oppose the ruling minority candidate and win this issue.
Suppose we had BPL as proposed above and have an informal
election before the real one and the best two candidates come out
of these poll fight election public can use their choice wisely and
decisive way without confusion provided we can persuade other
fringe candidate not to run for election as they have no fighting
chance to win the election. So this public opinion institute will
become a focal point in informing the public about issue and
perditions of result as well. Have the voting on an issue on line and
keep the operation honestly and not influenced by any single party
it should have non patrician members from various strata of society.
It can also work during general and state or local municipal
elections. It can weed out disturbance and can bring out people who
wish to serve the public than ruling the public. Another pre-
condition is worth mentioning that any person who is willing to
participate should be collecting at least 20,000 signature for Mp and
10,000 for MLA and 5,000 for municipal election and 100 signature
from real voters to be a candidate. This will always insure that
majority will win as in opinion polls.

Blunders in Indian Constitution
WE can all understand that our Indian constitution, which is the
most voluminous in the whole world, written by some of the most
revered respected people of our land at that time. We have no
intentions to blame these people here in this article. But we still
have to change some 50 or more times so far but all the drawbacks
are not corrected or even mentioned may be pointed out few times
but nothing is done so far to correct these and time has come to
make grass root efforts by the Public of India.

1. In democracy majority rules that was intention of

constitution but so far only minority vote getter ruled for 59Yrs
rather than serving. So majority is always dissatisfied, hence
unhappy with the Government. There should had been runoff
election method built in.
2. Article 370, two prime ministers in one country and
autonomy to one state only.
3. Guarantee of job, housing to public servants when most of
public have no homes.
4. Mixing Administration, judiciary and Legislation at top
5. Many commissions report are not implemented except
pay commissions
6. Pay increase in the hands of Administration not by public
7. Law making in the hands of public servants without any
direct input from Public.
8. Lack of check and balance, accountability at any level
9. Constitution is amended some 50+ times but most of them
are not implemented specially Panchayati Raj one as it will
reduce the power of Dist. Magistrates and increase power
of Village panchyats.
10. Lack of easy recall mechanism to elected and appointed
public office holders
11. Planning should be initiated by public opinion and for
public only, public feel neglected in decision-making
process for rules, which will affect them in future.
12. Police should be under local control as this is local issue
13. Duplicity by municipal, state and central Govt. work should
be avoided.
14. Lack of public referendum on various issues
15. Elected officials should be limited to make rules and all
administration is to do follow these two letters and its
intentions. In case of difference courts should be ruling for
its correctness will be final and expectable to all provided
judiciary is free from administration.
16. Local bodies should be allowed to raise money for local
requirements by issuing bonds supported by public or local
taxes (sharing the taxes method is not working very well.
17. Problem is public is not united, legislative elected people
are united for want of closeness to administration, public
servants break the rules on direction of legislative people
and suggest to make new rules to favor few. Too much
overlap and interference at every level of administration.
President has no choice of what he can do or not do, but
everything is done in president name, he can refuse only
three times but had to agree. Result is Hindu code bill
Muslim law and Christian laws in secular India. This list is
not exhaustive but a start in right direction.

If we will not speak, under the RTI 2005 now then when we will do
that. And administration and Bureaucracy will repel this act soon
and are trying to undermine our freedom.

There is no trap made so far for a cat, but public trap are many
especially in India. As you already started this article it is good before
we go further we will only talk about facts here in light of recent
Mumbai November incident. Now let us look the abbreviated
heading one by one.
CAT Corrupted Administration is of the Terrorist for the anti
nationals and by Gundas. Corruption led these terrorist enter the
Indian shore by bribing their way inside India. Administration is all
corrupt one senior custom officer had told in his email that if you
wish to export or import anything in India you need to know
someone name Ali fix a price and your work is done, also the fact he
is involved with some name Antulay. They have done some 35000
Crores transaction in last few years. No investigation is done and he
is removed from the scene because very high up of politics are
involved. Her it will not be out of place to mention that there is 1500
Billion dollars belongs to Indian in Swiss Banks but no body from
Administration care to find out as they themselves are involved, and
who cares about poor Indian Public. They are loathing in dungeon
and get killed. Remember here that we spent 11% of our resources
on Judiciary where as only 6% on Education. Are we getting our
worth spending so much on Judiciary, who gets it either very rich or
politicians ward. Questions why not ask for change let Judiciary pay
for self? Make it way so those who use it pay for it. Public is not
interested in such a corrupt judiciary. Justice delayed is justice
denied. Make this money available for education see how much
more we will progress.

Talk about our Parliament majority of its member including highest

office of President are having criminal records so what we will get
public interest or criminal coverage. Our new home minister was
serving the interest of corrupt against GOI in highest court. Earlier
was no batter he was involved in biggest bribing case of importing
out dated technology during 1980, only his credential are son of
some big name politician. Using some big past name of our nation
father figure they are fooling the public for last 40 years really they
are friends of Pakistan, more famous as Gandhi than Khan, as Khan
they could not be famous at least in India after Pakistan is created.
They should now resign and leave for Italy than staying in India
where they still have citizen ship. Now talk about the last word TRAP
because we are no more than anybody can tell about public, as we
are the one.

Be united and demand is the only condition needed.

TRAP - Transparency can Reforms in Administration for Public by
Police and for Politicians all improved and everybody is happy here

How we can achieve this. Organisations like Lok Satta comes in

1. Public opinion should always we used to change the
constitution not by Member of Parliament so the perks of MPS and
Mantries including pays etc. Majority of public opinion should be
supreme like any General body has more power than any executive
body formed by this public.
2. Public should have manifesto of Election not the parties
term limit a must.
3. Leaders should be allowed to have Question Answer type
of meeting not lecture during the election. It should be
better known as Town Hall Meetings.
4. Ask the judiciary to justify their existence. Police to be local
for more effective.
5. Any public servant (not GOVT. Servant) found guilty three
strike and out, no constitutional guarantee of job even for
IAS/IPS/IFS. Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi

Change the System
The present governing system of our Bharat is what we got from our
rulers after independence and instead of changing we adopted it
and enhanced more and more on the same lines after
independence. It is based on mistrust and we can't manage own
affairs ourselves.
Think from ruled public side, system which was introduced for
sucking the public, can it serve it also? Hell no! It cannot. Gandhi ji
said that but that time newly elected rulers did not agree and we are
seeing its ill effect in abundance now. It is still not late to talk about
changing it. We only lost 56 years. I had seen Commissions reports
which says, blame the system when accountability is questioned for
ministers or Public Servants. Our Governance principles should be
based upon trust and believes.

Why they did it because they thought in absence of any system we

had to give some system to India. They did not have time and no
inclination to let Indian past system to continue. In this reference
see the following Mc Caulay's statement he made when he just
reached India in early nineteenth locks in homes, no
beggars, no thieves ... hence we had to break the believes and
spirituality in order to break the lives and make them more
dependent on British Empire. Now when we are supposedly free we
should think about this system from scratch otherwise following
statement will hold good and we will have self prophesy. If we go on
doing what we had been doing we will get the result what we are
getting so far. In order to change the system we had to recognize
first that we had an antiquated old inefficient system of governance
which lacks accountability to public that is supreme in case of
democracy. If it is not serving the constituent for which it exists. It
had to be changed.

In Democracy the rules should be serving the people not to rule

them but let people abide by these rules which public formulated
and live with them. In most of the cases we inherited these rules and
had no say either way. Government word is frequently used before
independence for British Government now still used for
Government but it should be replaced with Public and hence
Government servants should be replaced with public Servant. Then
it will carry the meaning and public servant will serve the public,
which imply with its title and action. No more Government Officers
or Military Officers. Earlier it had value for the British Government
but not now. With the easy and efficient banking system we don't
need the Collector post what he is supposed to collect now when we
have efficient Sales tax, Income tax and Excise departments.
Government Officer is miss norm and in all democratically
controlled Countries this word is not there in their dictionary. We
should be ashamed to carry it so far as well. All top administrative
post should have the appointment system and when we have new
Government and all those should be changed. Even now it happens
whenever a new chief Minister comes. He / she makes hundred or
thousand of such transfers just after taking oath. Who pays for it?
Public pays. Where as if, these post are by appointment, then we will
save all the transfer costs.

Our Governance have becomes costly and it is not cost effective.

Presently the rule is that IAS should be the administrative head of
every Department, but Minister ji wants to work with his/ her
confident then there are two such officers with each Minister and
Chief Minister. This causes duplication of such posts. Some time
both think, other one will do the job, and No one does it. Work gets
delayed and so chain of command become longer. Except the
military position all other positions should be frozen so money spent
on transfer can be saved. There are two posts of DM one is known as
CEO. Whereas we don't need any in each one of 700 districts in 28
states reserved for IAS only. Question will come how we do it, by
public opinion polls. Have a list and do one by one.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things as they are, change
the things I can and give me the wisdom to know the difference.

Discriminatory Rules
Root cause of corruption is discriminatory law enforcements by
administration wing of governance. Why rules are not robust and
enforced is anybody guesses. Best w we can think of is how the laws
were framed by the British to rule the subject of India. Even now
India is so called free is still following most of these as is suits the
administration, legislators and judiciary in the name of. Good
governance, but its effects are just opposite. If I had the authority to
mend the rules I will certainly bend these rules under pressure from
the ministers or use that as leverage to resort to get bribe from the
other party. How can anybody that is for good governance and for
the benefit of public can tolerate this is beyond any body's
imagination. This is corruption pure and simple.

In my definition of corruption anybody that demand money while

doing his or her and is paid by public exchequers is guilty and adding
to corruption. In order to have good governance we should have
clean and clearly robust rules that are easily enforceable
encourages the public to do their job honestly, easily and in timely
fashion. This requires the change in present rule of labeling giver
and taker of bribes are liable to be prostituted. Only taker of bribe to
his duty should be guilty. Those who are in charge of power will not
like to change it unless public exerts pressure by unifying public
opinion. Powers of changing the rules should be in hands of
Legislators and enforced by Administration. Judiciary should be
there to check that both following are acting in accordance with law.

The administration is only there to apply the existing rules and

approve or disapprove the case before them and advice public what
they need to do in order their request can be positively dealt with.
To adopt this simple rule with certainly improve the Governance.
People will appreciate the timely disposal of their requests and
corruption will end eventually as we know it now. Public will justly,
so demand of scraping the non enforceable laws which are not
serving the public. God bless our Bharat , corruption free Bharat,
clean Bharat, wonderful Bharat happy Bharat.
We all have expectations from our Governance system compromise
of leaders, bureaucrats, traders, Police, Judges, armed forces etc. to
serve the public and save our borders and provide us security and
justice in time and swiftly when ever need arise of public safety or
national security and logical judgment when there is a dispute. Once
you have the expectation you will get some but may not be 100% of
your goals. Remember all three four components are here to serve
the public first and not to worry about their own requirements. But
when our goals were not met even less than half way of our
expectations frustration of public will rise and in the end everybody
gets frustrated. Now public had resolve not to get short handed in its
expectation. We have the largest voluminous constitution in the
world drafted by very smart people and nationalist of the time, but
unfortunately it is not fulfilling the desired expectation of public at
large, but serving well with all the above components of
Governance except public which is biggest share holder. The biggest
reason it has major drawbacks. The architect of this constitution
namely Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar quoted very rightly that if it was up
to me I shall tear it completely and start a fresh. So many
compromise in the name of accommodating various share holders it
is hotch potch. It overprotected bureaucracy and have no
accountability on part of party and leaders and allowed the British
System which Public were fighting against intact. Like a glowing
example there is no recall mechanism for public to unseat the
representative once he/she elected to the post and if appointed
can't be removed easily in case of not performing a constitutional
guarantee designed in constitution. The biggest of the joke is a
minority vote getting party can rule over majority , which was not
the intention of constitution framers and can be called democracy in
which majority should always rules so that minority is safe and living
happily not by pleasing but encouragement. You can see clearly the
so called all majority Government had less than 35% of poled voted
throughout these last 65 years. The result minority is ruling the
unsatisfied and un represented majority of 65%. And helpless 65%
have no course for next 5years when another form of divide and rule
will force the same in next elections. And public servants, as they are
called all over the world and they know that they are just to serve
the public first and last not the leaders only, are called Government
servant which does not represent their work to serve the public.
Constitution framers thought that future representatives will like to
serve the public before their own interest comes later which is not
the case now. All three branches of the governance is working so
much for each other interest but enhancing it so much and care for
their perks before public comes in picture even and if anything is left
public comes to get it last. And all these three factions working
independent of each other like well formed Governance system and
serving public, they are working with so much interference that
none is working smoothly and public interest is almost non
existence, Government has becomes so cumbersome and rules and
laws are formed without the consent of public and public opinions
are mostly ignored and issue is defused by creating fractionalization
of public views and most of time is spent on finger pointing rather
than solving the issue. Contentious rule only works when all well
meaning and contentious representatives/party and public as well.
We should not follow divide and rule but unity and serve the public
interest. If no party win the majority of votes in runoff election
unholy alliance of different parties will come together to rule the
public and remain in power but not serve the public well. Which is
very well seen in last many elections during last many last successive
Governments. Let us examine the various component of
governance System consists of Administration, Judiciary, and
legislation and see how well they are functioning as per norms,
and in public view in democracy. If no party wins the
majority votes, it is unconstitutional to be part of the

System: The rules and regulations were never examined by the

constitutional commission which spent 3 years almost in framing
constitution but had not given any thoughts about changing the
rules and law of free India but continued the raj rule even after
independence. There are some 3000+ rules and not even one is
enforced or applied for a common man, throughout India. I
challenge anybody who can prove me wrong. It is because the
discriminatory powers to superintendents of a department are
inbuilt in system because they wanted it that way so the rules are
twisted. Many leaders and parties said it should be changed one by
one but no such thing had been ever taken so far as it serves the
interests of so called rulers rather than serving the public. All rules
basically be for the pro public and must based on trust Also the
accountability be built in it and there should be stepped powers
from bottom to higher up in the system and no one should have all
powers and no accountability. It is unfortunate that people die
before they sometimes get their disputes settled by courts.
Common man dislikes to deal with the system of governance
harassment is norm not other way pleasant and helping

Leaders: All our leaders are loyal with party because the way party
tickets are allotted by one or two person rather than based on the
leader popularity on ground level. They never remember the
election manifesto and just follow the party and one or two people
rather than majority. No party has the democratic values at its core
and had no internal election for an issue but just follow the leaders
as if they all knowledge to solve the complex system, as matter of
fact most have no knowledge or education to understand the
problems. In Pakistan all MP/MLA are supposed to be graduate as
education as these people had to deal with the bureaucrats who are
also graduates. We the public of India had never tasted the majority
of rule in India as democracy but so far we have dynasties which can
be easily be dictator rule, and they feel it is their birth right to rule.
Where every leader feels that the interference in working in
administration is there birth right and public is at our mercy and had
to approach and Greece leaders in order to get the rightful work
done under rules, hence more corruption. We expect to have a clear
picture of how much money is spent on bureaucrats judiciary and
legislators and what we are getting in return, why not have white per
and pie chart about the expenditure as per budget and actual.

Administrators: These people should be fearless when they have

constitutional guarantee under constitution but on contrary they
are just follow orders rather than rules and law because of
repercussion by ministers in a way of frequent transfer or low level

posting or getting deputation allowance as perks. Is it worth it in
public interest no it is working so far in public interest. Follow rules
and law unless they changed by legislators, they should also rather
control release the powers to their subordinates to perform freely,
central control should be go but common sense and group powers is
expectation of public. Indian bureaucracy is most fearful and least
efficient in the world and fractioned as class one two or three forth
Government servants. Nonsense it should be all public servants as
to reflect their true nature of work in public office and governance
as they are known as all over. All our MPs and Mal were approached
by the public many times but no MP/ MLA is even ready to raise this
issue in LokSabha or assemblies. These people feel they exit
because of mercy of Leaders and serve their interest only not public
and they give a dam because of no accountable to anybody. Public is
suffering as we have no constitutional guarantee to public opinion
on any issue. That is what we expect see what happen in case of
Lokpal bill and public opinion? These public servants and leaders are
for public good and only public interests not for any other reason
they exits but public feels no way to achieve this under present
constitution. Question the set up why District Magistrate and mayor
who is elected duplication of powers in one town and police not
independent of DM.

Judges: These people are also feel they are at mercy of leaders and
feel no responsibility towards public this is not true but it serve their
own interest they can avoid the duties towards public expect these
people should do more for public and give them justice in time. Not
for the interest of leaders and VIP VVIP only. These are also public
servants and they should behave like one, not leader's servants.

Police: after of 65 years we still following the rules which were

stared after so called mutiny of
1857. The present PM said when he just becomes one in his first
term that these will change for good too public. Public when
demonstrate does not expect the firing only in Indian subcontinent
it is done in 21st century. The public avoid approaching police for fear
of harassment then getting any help in case of safety issues arise.
How come we spend more resources for VIP VVIP and police bosses
and their homes than common public who is paying for public funds

but what public get insecurity in return. Remember these people
are also public servant not VIP VVIP servants. Police

Railways: These are public property but at the same time have no
right to spread the garbage throughout Indian water ways air and
land masses with extract of their clients viz passengers. It can be
easily been done but no efforts are done in this light. They have to
give high priority to public cleanliness and health of their employees
and public rather than having more a/c trains and high speed trains.
Simply it can be done by collecting at source rather than spread
around in whole India. These all above are public servants and for
the public in the interest of public and each one of public be it leader
or VIP VVIP are equal. They all should be acting independent and
tolerate no interference in their rightful duty towards public as per
constitution. Public should control it by consultative local
committees. Public expect four things from governance in turn of
investing so much in system smooth reliable running One 24/7
Safety, Two safe drinking water and electricity, Three cleanliness
four trust worthy justice in time, Four free to act and earn their living
to have reasonable shelter food and clothing's. If our Governance
cannot provide these any of services let private companies provide
these under competitive rates and public had to pay as nothing
comes free someone had to pay. Electricity steeling is a crime public
is expected to report it. Nobody is as large in public eyes by virtue of
his /her election that need the Rashtrapati Bhawan which has 500
rooms so all our Governors place where public money is spend
indiscriminately spend in crores to upkeep one or two occupants.
There should be respect and expectation from all three Legislator to
make laws, judicial to see the laws were obeyed and Administrative
component to enforce the laws , Governance to run smoothly and
independently no interference which causes delay in service to
public How about single window service to public needs rather than
departments. Unless public have home more public servants
quarters. Need of quarters will be reduced if transfer is completely
stopped and local public servants will understand and solve the local
problems swiftly. Election commission should see that criminals do
not contest elections if justice is swift this problem will be avoided.
There should be special courts for public servants including leader
to dispose their cases. All MP/MLA should be a part time job and

should not be allowed to be a profession and no pension it is a
privilege not working right which need to have pension. Two terms
and out no more dynasty rule in making of family business to be a
leader. No minister should have Private Secretary Post of minister
should be abolished as secretary of dept are also Indian and can be
trusted and work together what is secret in their job which public
should not know they will know it any way by RTI so act as one team
rather than against public.

F E A R sure F E A R now
(F- freedom E- express A- act R- react Sure F-
foreign Exchange A- account R-register- Now)
Let us take the first FEAR it applies to Public, Politicians, and Public
servants. Question arises are these should be fearful; answer is
surely they should be except public, why? Because the people who
are elected or appointed they should be always fearful like our
prime minister, Mr.
Manmohan Singh who is appointed even if elected they are for term
only. Whereas public is neither elected nor selected they are just
there all the time, that is why these other two exits. But look what is
happening in our great nation India. Only public is fearful all the time
and politicians nor public servant are least fearful any time. You
know why because we the public is divided on any issue and
politicians and public servants are always hand in gloves and united
against public interests all the time and our poorly informed public is
never even united for any just cause in its own interest. Reason is
these two know the basic rule divide and rule the public. Take for
example why public including Anna Hazare could succeeded for Jan
Lok pal bill and Govt. because public acted as one for the cause, but
see the shrewdness of GOVT. for agreeing the Lok Pal Bill they
avoided all the hue and cry for corruption and created division
between civil society and its other component. Look what a version
of bill is going to be presented is a joke not even MP and minister or
judges pm and president and top public servants are not covered.
They cannot do it you know why? Because all are corrupt to the core
and do not wish to be accountable to public. Only way out is to put
all the force of public behind the Anna Hazare from 16th August
2011. Show the power of unity of purpose to GOVT. That public is
serious About Jan Lok Pal Bill 2011. Create an atmosphere so
Politicians and Public servants be fearful and public is fearless for
sure once. Public will be forever become fearless and these two will
always be fearful of public first. We can see the writing on wall as
well it is clear from Middle East countries recent turmoil United
public will always win as they nothing to lose. Divided Public will
always ruled not served by public servants and politicians as it
should be for a good governance.

Now come to second F E A R Now.

Please Start making the Foreign Exchange Account Register Now
How it can be done. I am ready to buy one computer with enough
memory to keep the data of all 1200 million divided by 5 say 240
Million households' data for a Non Government Organization

I can start the filling the names as well

Name Yes for FEA No for FEA
1. Sonia Vicki y
2. Rahall Vicki y
3. Man Mohan Singh y
4. Digvijay Singh y
5. Kapil Sibal y
6. Pranab Mukherji y
7. Anthony n
8. Raja y
9. Manthok Singh y
10 . P chidamram Y
11 . Kamladi Y etc. personally can add 200-300 but won't bore you

This must be noted that the names of MM Singh and Mantok Singh is
added to this list as they get their Pension from World bank a
previous employer. It just an example I am sure everybody can add
to this list and soon this will become complete. Because we can add
the two most important names of Ali and others regular who fly in
and out of Switzerland every week or every month for withdrawing
or deposit to various account for their clients. When this FEA
register is completed by personal information alone, ask Reserve
Bank of India (file an RTI application) to give a list of FEA holders. This
is our country law to have reserve banks permission in order to have
FEA. Verify the list and those who do not match their assets can be
sized. I can also mention that people who are on ISI roll and IAS IFS
officers CEO of PSU will be on this list soon so the Govt. servants
working abroad will have to be on. But most of the people need not

fear because they have reasons to be there in yes column. But only
those should be fearful who are avoiding the Preview by Jan Lok Pal
Bill. Still my suggestion is that Jan lokPal be elected by Public and let
thousands stand for election who feel honest and take the heat and
scrutiny of public and stand for truth. And once any body found
guilty by lok pal all his or her assets should be taken away except one
primary residence and one car to travel and earn living.

Now question comes how to add to the list there are few suggestion
to add to the list like actors who travel abroad for their verity show,
poets, Musicians, Gurus, Business people, Dharma Gurus, diamond
dealers, etc. one more point Amitabh Bacchan.s Brother living in
Switzerland can be big help in Getting FEA from Switzerland as he is
living in that country for at least 45 years. You must like to see this
following equation:

All wealth of India = Wealth of NRI = Wealth of F E A

1200 millions = 20 millions = 1 million

Can you appreciate the Strength of this wealth together? My

estimate is that only 1-5 millions Indian has FEA but all 1200 millions
getting a bad rap for them. The main reason for getting this
unofficial registry is to let politician and public servants come out of
closet and do what their clear conscious says, mind you we are
making this to clean the image of India it is a corrupt country. Once
you declare about FEA do what is per rule of country pay taxes. Even
think you will not do a favor but also this money which is stay away in
foreign country will work for India and Indian public. India's image
will improve two ways one India will be honest country and rich as
well. One thing I do not understand if as PM or President or MP or
even Judges and public servants if you are honest why fear of facing
Jan Lok PAL. If not honest, than FEAR for sure. If Honest F E A R now
declare your assets and be happy and make public happy as well. Let
me ask two very simple questions. One supposes you are not part of
Administration then will you be liked to govern by dishonest
people? Second even if you have FEA will you not like it to work for
India or a foreign country? If answer to these two question come out
to be in yes India will shine and I am sure if you are working in Indian
Administration then surely your number priority should be to

improve India's public and its Image. Remember to hide one false
we had to fabricate ten more false. Public always pay bribe and what
is bribe is when some demand some extra thing than salary one gets
for services appointed. Hence people who ask should only be
punished only under the law. The local corruption is another
chapter will not be covered by this article now.

Then if you F E A R now then you will never F E A R - sure.

Good Public Schemes it should be the new slogan for public service
by our leader's dreams. The Project should be initiated by the public
not by Govt. as was done for last 70 years in Our country. And it
should be done with the help of the local NGO. These schemes
should be directly funded by the Govt. no middle man like DM or cm
etc etc. With the advent of the Computers it should be easy and do
able. I am glad that the Planning commission was banned by our
stemmed Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi ji. This article was
written with the intend of speaking at the Chicago convention of
IDCA in Oct 2016.

Let me tell you one thing that nothing is free in this world some has
been paying for the lunch. As I skipped it as I am on strict diet and not
wish to eat out side food but my own strict diet. Let me tell you that
A B C D Assets Based Community Development Is always
sustainable. and N B C D Need based Community Development are
not sustainable in long run. This was said and written a book about it
one of the Chicago based man who is involved in Social work. Why
this is not possible because the unless the need comes from the end
users it will not be owned by them but it will be burden of them from
outside and they will not to very eager to sustain it as this is not
progress in their mind. It may be our minds products who are
planning from our side.

How it should be done take example of Shehgal Foundation they do

in all their projects this way and I am very much impressed and
utilized this technique in my many projects. Let the project initiators
pay first for what they want to achieve for them self and that is only
called progress . the ratio of money should be as follows 10% by
public and rest 90% should be from central GOVT. Execution will be
done y NGO and in time as allotted as money for the project was
already funded, it should be noted that the NGO should charge their
fee for doing the job and all payments to be done by bank so money
trail can be traced and verified.
I had done many such projects personally where the initiation had
come from public and I collected the seed money from them then
started the project like SURSARDHAM v a new village in Kutch
Gujarat state 114 houses built but each one had to give 1000 RS per
household to take up the project which casted some 75L lakhs or
more in 2001 this was Great earthquake affected area. Latrines in
West Bengal schools in Odisha libraries in Bihar and computers in
Chitrakoot and Hapur schools. I had not done the job myself but
with help of local NGO these were done and paid them 10% cost as
well to cover the overhead and personnel cost of NGO. I will tell you
many such success stories but this is not the place and hence not to
be told as well.

Gerber Overall Victimizing Tantra (SYSTEM) - this is my definition of
govt a short form of Government. We should examine the basic
principles of democracy. The founder of modern democracy
President Abraham Lincoln said we get the Government what we
deserve, as ultimately we are electing the Government- our

Are we living in democracy?

Why I am saying it is garber ( hotch- potch) GOVT. in our great land
Bharat, who was pioneer in democracy in its golden age.
1. As long as we give more power to the appointed Govt. servant
than our elected representatives. This the first litmus test and
in Bharat it is a- Failure for democracy.
2. Freedom to say, act and work as per our will are restricted by
rules and regulations. That is second failure of democracy.
3. Judiciary, Executive and Legislative part of Government should
be independent. Which is all Gerber in our present system of

That is third Failure. Now let us examine the system, which was
created by British to rule India by suppressing the initiative minds of
the people of India. It was also to destroy the age old well run system
based on local traditions. Then in no way it can now serve the
masses and empower them to do the need full themselves or be a
confidence builder. You want to know why because the mind set
which has created the problems positively cannot solve the
problems. On comparing you will find the same system does not
exist in USA/UK or any big democratic country. Like Governor/
commissioner / District magistrate/BDO/VO. Rules should be to
maintain law and order and it should serve the population as in the
favor of progress. Rules should be robust and should not change for
poor or rich powerful or weak of the society. Any such rules, which
are contrary to this, should be scraped. There can be long list of such

rules but this article is not intended for this list. There has to be a
recall provision in constitution to recall elected and appointed
officials, if they are not able to their duty satisfactorily.
Encouragement should be norm rather than punishment, which is
basis of most of present rules and education system.

I see ray of hope in this field for first time if you pay your house taxes
in time you pay less than what otherwise you would be paying
normally. And they are now based on Present day value of dwelling
than cost at time of construction. You want services at present day
and want to pay at old rate. How far it was correct? At least we are
moving in right direction. A+ . Planning process should start from
bottom up not as at present done on top at planning commission in
their New Delhi air condition offices. (One-person Vs masses) Input
of beneficiaries should be the prime concern. In this respect let me
state here a fact which I came across during Development by Design
02 conference in Bangalore, where I learnt that Bangalore Municipal
Palika (BMP) with the help of computer and 2.5 lakh persons
representing whole city is involved in decision making process.
Hurray for a new beginning. A+ Another first done in Karnataka is all
land records are stored in computers and kiosks were opened and
anybody just paying 15 Rs. as fee can check it. In this scheme Govt.
spent 18 cores and within a year they have recovered 11 corers.
Going on right Track A+ Central budget will be made public for the
first time about six months before it was adopted and public can
comment as per Jaswant Singh, Finance Minister of India. A+ There
should be a Majority rule rather than Minority rule as prevalent
since our Independence. Two tier of Election process. This happens
because same British policy of divide and rule which keeps the
masses out of democratic process.

When our economy is so vibrant, strong and large and controlled by

market principle, how come still RTO (Regional Transport Officer),
Inspectors controls it. Like RTO decides how many buses should ply
on certain routes, when shops should open and close rather than
controlling safety of passengers and comforts and interest of shop
workers. These are just two examples to mention you may know
many such rules which are redundant. These are the main reasons
of corruption. How we can have Economic Development when there

had been no economic survey done so far of whole country. If we
have our data based on sample we only will get sample
development. Unless we have exact data we cannot plan properly.
Results of our planning are in front of us, we had not achieved any
planned targets during last ten 5-year plans. There are many more
agencies talking about problem than there are solving these, or
doing something to solve any problems. There are more chiefs than
followers. There is no equality in any sphere. How come a
Government servant gets the home from Govt. sources while
masses are deprived of even basic amenities. Is it by virtue of
appointment one becomes entitled for such amenities like house
servants, houses etc. Evil cause of it is still prevailing, British
administrative system, which wants to attract tyrant subordinates
who can control other Indians, and as reward they get these perks.
Transfer of Government servants from one place to other is the
punishment sort of rule is another example, which breeds
corruption. I don't say that don't give them house allowance but real
estate owned by government can be used to offset loans by selling
these land and houses. My basic principle of equality is denied when
you give special preference to govt. servants. Openness of system is
key to successful democratic Government. Which in 55 years of
present rule we could not give to our public so far. Accountability is
another factor on which we had to work hard.

Government has become so cost ineffective that whatever it does,

Central govt. is 4 times costly, state is three times and municipalities
are about twice as costly. Why Government should be involved with
my letter delivery, provider of electricity, and cleaner of my town,
educator of our children, and our protector. Are we so stupid that we
cannot manage these at local levels? Let market economy control
these. Government has become so heavy and its burden on citizens
is so large that we cannot afford to support such inefficient
Government. In most of the cases they cannot raise enough
revenues in state that it has to borough the money from center to
pay its employees. Why it is that Center had to give money to state
and state to local government. We have learnt so far that at each
stage money changes hand it becomes costly to public. Why at every
stage our elected government should not raise capital from Public,
which public want to have level of services? More decentralization.

We should adopt the recommendation of constitution reform
Commission that anybody who has a criminal background should
not be allowed to stand for public office. And any public servant who
had three strikes, means valid complaint about misusing its
position, should be out of her / his position immediately. Public
should decide by majority voting system about the pay raises or
perks by voting for all public servants and public elected positions.
Trust that had been broken between GOVT. and public has to be
restored through action not by slogan. Attitude of public servants is
changing but at very slow pace speed has to be increased. I can
assure you one thing by sharing Knowledge increases never
decreases. Dream with no limitation whatever way you want to see
your Bharat it will reach one day to your collective expectation, this I
am saying from my own experience. More people feel and dream
about Bharat same things, someone's job will be easier. Govt. motto
should be Good Overall Valuable Trust that is what we need.

GAP Government Actuated Plan. Real meaning of gap I suppose
everybody knows. And in Bharatiya contest you don't have to
wander for this just go and read or hear some politician plan
orGovernment plan and see the action you will know the real
meaning of Gap. Kahte Kuch Hai and Karte Kuch hai. If you want to
see the meaning of Gap in natural surroundings, you had to travel to
some hill station where two hills appears to meet and really they are
apart and you have a Gap. Generally these are wonderful sights
where two streams meet. In Urdu it is called 'dariah' and in Hindi it is
known as Chatti or Sangam. Most famous Sangam where two rivers
meet is Allahabad where River Ganga and Jamuna meets with
invisible Saraswati and it is most secret for all of Indians.

Now let us go to the meaning in abbreviated. Form of GAP

Government Actuated Plan. As soon as we point one finger to Govt.
three fingers point out towards us. That is where we have to see
other three meaning as well. Go Activate People, Get Across
Permanency, Germinate Action Plan. As we know quite well when
Govt. Plan it is top trickle down plan most of the times. But in
Democracy we want to have government and its agencies to
responsible then we have to have active people participation.
Permanency for Government Jobs had to be thing of pas and we
have to cross out this permanency as soon as possible.

If somebody who made three proven mistakes than she/ he should

not have option to be in Government. Top post of secretary should
be time bound posting and on contract and should not be extended
unless it is a must. And these people should always mentor (groom)
someone else for the post. Third most important point is Germinate
Action Plan. As most of the plans meant for the people and of the
people the missing point is by the people and we should all get
involve in democracy otherwise it will not flourish. If Government
plans are top down we should all be ready for bottom up plans ready
and then only then we can force Government to adopt these plans.
This way not only many people will be involved but also benefit as
well. Bangalore Municipal Corporation is doing just that for last
many years. It s plans are prioritized by some 30,000 peoples active
involvement. We need to do this more places. Recently DMC and
Delhi Govt. plan to be checked by students of IIT and its staff on
regular basis.

Let us all remember that all of our resources are limited and wish
lists are getting longer and longer. The only ways we are going to get
these fulfilled by prioritized and get them fulfill one by one. Value
Engineering is a good tool. First step is to recognize the problem and
state it and all effected party should agree to reach some solution
and when we face problem in our way to implement solution be
prepared to make amendments.

First step is we should insist that all mail address to Government

should be replied in time bound fashion.

Let me tell you one story which I am part of it. We recognize that the
railway is biggest polluter of environment and I started writing
letters to all concern. But till to date did not get one single reply.
After three years and many ministers away I read news item that
railway is keen to clean the bogies and platform. We don't have to
dig the well but copy the western railways or Japanese railways how
to do this effectively and just do it mentioning the name of whistle
blower is not important as long as the problem get corrected.

Hence in order to get Gap reduced we have to be active

participation in process and its
solution as well as in planning.

Frustration Removing Actions
Governance should understand that public (people) are their clients
and the Governance can only exits when there is public. That is the
main reason Politician, Bureaucrats, or Judiciary exits. Hence public
should be treated like one client is treated by these
abovementioned three units of Governance. Public should not feel
frustrated or left out, and public should be treated with respect not
only during election but all the times.

Public is not a nuisance but the very core of their position, perks and
prestige all along their tenure, but not only during election or during
the time of crisis. Hence it is imperative for Governance system to be
pro public and proactive in order to reduce the frustration of public
or its concern. Question comes why after 62 years of independence
public still feel helpless and approaches to our leaders for small
favors. Answer is very clear we have not incorporated the right rules
and their implementation for common good of the public. That is
the reason public feels helpless after so many Governments, rules
and amendments to the constitution. Most of the rules are
cumbersome and tedious most of the public cannot understand nor
follow these rules. Rules should be simple and easy to follow, its
implementation always in the interest of public and proactive and
always interest of public, as is its core value and not anti public or
discouraging public to approach the Governance.

All Rules always for, pro public as well as encouraging and based on
trust. So public see Governance as helper than as impedance as we
have now. Public should be empowered to approach Governance
with confidence that with the help of Governance public should be
able to solve their problem without the aid of Neta ji or any external
power like corruption. Only than it can be called as real pro public
Governance System. How it is shameful, that to do their job for
which Bureaucrats get paid they accept money from public. That is
what we need to have a responsive Governance system that is for by
and public interest only. Anybody who is adult member of public
makes a statement should be taken at its face value and burden of
proof should be lie on Governance to verify or refute and if the
statement found contrary to truth he or she will face the
consequences. It is shame that after getting all the perks from public
fund for their perks, pay and privileges for our Bureaucrats, Judiciary
and Politicians, public still do not have such basic necessities like
drinking water or enough food or shelter even after more than 61
years of independence, who had sacrificed everything what they
have for all these three components of Governance. Reason being
there is no accountability in our Governance for inaction or no
action by these three components. There is no recall mechanism for
once they are appointed or elected for post, then how public can
recall them or remove them from their posts is absent from
Governance rules and regulations. That is why the corruption is so
high in our Governance system. Helplessness stage is biggest
impedance to our progress and national pride.

You can start any company up to few crores but you cannot start a
school or college without tons of paper work and hindrances on its
way and palm greasing of system. So as well any temple or mosque
or church can be built anyone anywhere in country and to your
amazement we had made more of God's place than for our own kids
future schools to ratio of three God place to one school. You know
the question as well answer what is more needed, schools of course.

Public have the following perception that more numbers of

IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS/IES is not necessarily resulting in the better
governance The divide and rule is working well for Politician or
bureaucrats but not for public. Net result is Governance is becoming
more costly for poor India and poor Indians. As per my calculation
for one less IAS we can have Homes of 25 families per year, who are
below poverty line. In last 62 years we would have about 15 lakhs
families having homes in India than having 20 folds more IAS. Do we
really need the DM /CEO/ Dy. Commissioners in each 850 districts
and Governors in 30 States. The most benefited people in formation
of new districts and States are IAS/Politicians and other bureaucrats
only not public who are paying for all these changes through their
nose. Think which are more required homes for BPL or IAS, which we
only have in whole wide world of Governments.

Now see another good for public servants but bad or worst for
public who should be master. All public servants lives in New Delhi
and other state capitals in buildings and home which are having
sprawling area in acres where as 40 % of the public don't have any
house even of some 100 S.F. my suggestion is sell all the
Government houses to public and pay off all the Government loan
and let all manage their own housing needs including
MP/MLA/Mayor. Only president and chief executive of state t are
provided with state houses than the Governance will understand
what it takes to go through for housing and how to make it public
supportive system of Governance. It will not be out of place
Government in past had sold state owned commercial units to
public or utility transmission to public and it worked well. Many
people linked to administration had said in past the corruption is not
bad for the country but it is not working good for public. See if one
member of public servant takes the bribe only one family get richer
for nearly forty years if he/she was penalized for wrong doing there
will be two effects happen the money loss to public fund will be
reduced and with the same money many more family's welfare will
be taken up every year for 40 years. We can do similar calculations as
it was done for IAS and Other services. Because a dishonest public
servant is not in any body will be good for public.

No land allotment to be done for any individually owned NGO by

Government immediately. Are they serving public or safeguarding
the interest of Public. They cannot even save public from anti social
elements who are known as Goondas. May we need both but
someone had to point out the mistakes we are making. There is no
other way to have a balanced development other than with help of
public as Public Governance Partnership (PGP). We need a balance,
power to increase salary perks and other benefits should be control
by the public for Public servants not with the legislation than only
we will have Governance, which is accountable to public and its
opinion. Here one should look the we elected legislator to make
rules for public good but they are more busy in helping Birla Tata,
Ambanies and themselves to become more richer and start ruling. If
that is true than why we have to have IAS, reason is there is no
separation of powers and demarcation of their fields between

interference in each other affairs, that when it comes to
accountability, very body else blame other and real looser is poor
public. The present Governance system is working very well for
Bureaucrats, politicians and Judiciary who is not accountable to
public but to themselves. That is why we don't see any change in
efficiency or betterments of Governance for poor helpless public in
last 62 years other than more and more for these three Governance
components. Now listen to this it takes more money to collect
lagans than it generates money for Governance coffer, Why not
leave it to Panchayat to collect Lagan and spend on School only in
each and every village of the country.

Panchayati Raj Constitution Amendment is passed by Lok Sabha but

not implemented because the IAS lobby is not ready to leave their
control on issues to local public. Are we so much afraid of failure and
have no trusted in our public it cannot manage its own well being.
Seeing believes once they see they will demand and get if allowed to
work for it. How and officer sitting in the cozy air condition of
Planning Commission building in New Delhi have clear cut idea what
are ground reality and how to deal with unless we have bottom up
development of villages demand should come from the villages
what they see as development not what so called expert all knowing
tells villages what they need to do, than trickledown economics
which we have so far. Even Chairman of planning commission is a
theoretical person who only knows how is system works on paper
but on ground it is not working in the way it was intended. We
should demand one fundamental rule that in democracy rules
should be for by and of the public interest, which are based on
Respect Trust and Attention to public which we do not find in any
prevailing rules in practice.

1. All the public relation officers be publicly appointed person

and selected from NGO and should be link between the
office and public.
2. In all office the rules and structure of Office should be
displayed in clear local languages and how and when, where
public can approach without any prior appointment.
3. A statement made by public should be taken at face value
and burden of proof should be on the office not b public. At
most office can only ask for a notarized statement.
4. There should be a time limit for any query made or letter
written, not indefinite like we have now.
5. All rules should be encouraging than hindrance as we have
now. Once a deviation or rule was made it should be for all
future cases without asking.
6. In all public offices newspaper reading or gossiping about
family matter should be stopped immediately.
7. No telephones calls, tea sipping or eating to be attended
while any public servant is talking to the member of public.
8. Rules should be robust so it is applicable to all not for few
chosen one or those bribing the public servant
9. Public when entered the office should feel powerful not
helpless, which is very much prevailing all over the country.
Now only handful gets he rule work for them only when they
are connected to governance system.
10. All transfer or deputation should immediately stopped as it
does not serve the public interest, if someone found guilty in
New Delhi, how he/she will be good for public in Kolkata or
Mumbai. Once someone is appointed or selected for public
Job should take oath that for him/her public interest will be
supreme. No more guzzted posts.
11. Many departments are meaningless like supply, ration and
rehabilitation etc.
12. Education should be local affairs and can be handled by
mayors of cities so the Police state or center should come out
of it.
13. Governance should issue a white paper how our money is
spend by bar /pie charts so each and every one of public
constituent can understand it. We are spending too much of
our resources on Governance than what we are able to
devote on other developmental works.
14. All we are looking for is a total devotion to public-by-public
Governance system to public and we should get it after all we
are spending so many resources to the system.
15. Remember this a good honest Governance is every member
of public dream and we are not Against any Government
Servant but only in public interest as all public servants are
also part of public as well.
16. A smaller Government is best form of Democratic form of
Governance, which we need in our country and states.

In conclusion we wish to sum up that we wish to have a responsive

accountable and simple Governance for the public by the public and
for the public and in public all are inclusive be it Bureaucrats,
Politicians or Judiciary, rules should be robust on person oriented
but for public interest at large. Perks to be reduced so the expense
on all three can be bearable to Public, of course we have no option
now with public after the voting is over till next election. Someone
sent me an email recently and I like to quote from it British ruled
India divide and then rule, now the politicians ruling, and dividing
the public. You the public should know that we the public suffered
then and now suffering because we are not united against the rouge
nexus of Politicians, Bureaucrats and Judiciary now and British in

His Master Voice
Help Milk Vendors
Health Milk & villagers
His master vice was a forgotten record company and it is dead in
India but may still be flourishing in UK. But these three words can
change the rural scene for good in its new concept. Let us see how
these three words can work as mantra.

Help Milk Vendors

There is a good news and bad news let us start with good news. India
is largest milk producer of dairy milk in whole wide world. But bad
news is per capita consumption and yield it may be one of the lowest
in the world. The news is not as bad as it sounds because our farm
animals consume much less and as compared to what they eat and
their milk yield. Milk to food intake ratio is much better than so
called high yield nations. Only problem is that we had to take care of
very large heard and it needs lot of water and fodder. Most of our
village water and green is consumed by this heard and the fodder
availability is many times becomes issue in places like Gujarat
Rajasthan Tamilnadu.

Let us teach our villagers to sell only 90% of milk to cooperative to be

distributed in cities. Rest they should use to make Cream and cream
extracting machines are easy to operate. This will give boost to their
income and separated milk should be use to make low fat milk, and
yogurt and can be consumed by family and neighbors specially
children. Price they fetch for their milk will increase as well because
demand will stay at the same level and supply will decrease. Cream
demand is increasing with the increase sale of ice cream and other
products. Cheese khoya butter ghee can also be made.

Health Milk & Villagers

We can see very well as the milk left over from cram making process
still have all the ingredients and vitamin required for our health and
consuming this will increase the health of our children and villagers
who presently sell the last drop of milk in order to get most needed
cash and our children in villages go for tea instead of yogurt or milk.
Remember why the King Kansha lost his life? I hope everybody
forgot that Krishna stopped the milk to be sent to Mathura from
Vrindavan unless the children of Vrindavana are fed the milk. What
we are doing now in Indian villages we are not only selling the last
drop of milk to cities but spending the same money in the cities as
well. Do we need to have another Krishna to come and make sense
to us villagers? Here is key ingredient to make economy of village to
grow and Make its people not only producer but also consumers as
well of milk. Another very stark loss to villagers is they lose their
green and water which both are scarce commodities.

How Much or What to Govern
Any Governance which empowers itself, than the public is useless
and defeating
Its own purpose, because the smaller the Governance the batter
the public.
There are five fundamental problems in our structure of
Governance they are as follows. Our Government wishes to control
each and every aspects of our life for its citizen than empower to act
freely. Basic problem with this type of Governance is as soon as the
freedom to act is taken away creativity of public is lost in jungle of
laws rules etc. Planned control atmosphere does not work always as
planned because of limitation of the people who planned it. There
should be public opinion should be taken and also consider what is
feasibility to govern and how much I will cost and can we afford and
it is serving the majority.
1. Trust
2. Duplications
3. Overlapping
4. Accountability
5. Separation

Now let us see what we mean by all above fundamentals taken one
at a time. In our country Bharat (India) all our rules which are there
to serve the public are based on mistrust. You as public had to prove
that you are right and prove your innocence or even a simple
statement. Which is fundamentally wrong? Why anybody will make
a wrong statement to Governance. If one found making a wrong
statement the system should be able to quickly take a appropriate
action against the person. In our system this is absent. Money spent
in transfer is useless and it does not serve public and its cost is very
large in term of resources and physical and emotional toll on people
who are transferred and its breed's corruption that does these
transfers. Basically each of us can work whatever we have or change
the personal who can't deliver the services.
Now look at another example why any new minister comes or
Governance comes they transfer hundreds of people. Question is
why we all are Indians and can't work with each other? It is simple
people also don't trust each other and if rules are robust anybody
should be able to implement provided there is resolve. Hence there
is a urgent need of a administrative reform commission which
should look in each and every rules and laws there are some 3700+ I
was told. Remember there is no sacred cows including IAS DM CEO
Commissioners Governor etc. why these are not require will be
covered in duplication. Public opinion is must to change the rules as
it directly involves public hence their opinions and input at right
time should be taken a must and sure sign of good governance. Our
Many Prime Ministers had promised that budget will made public
before presenting in parliament, but never done so far. In Age of
computers and competent administration it should not be a
problem and it should start very early not at nick of time.

Now let us talk of duplication. It is difficult for me where to start. Let
me try why there is Central Public works department and state
public works department, and local self Government Public works
department. Do we need this three tier system only to serve one
public? And cost of doing business is much different as CPWD is
most costly and last one was least costly why as public we have live
with this. These three agencies can never work in cooperation with
each other, otherwise we don't have to live with three time road
digging for different times and inconvenience. Now come to city
level we have Mayor of city elected by residents but still have DM,
CEO, Commissioner, and have more power just because they are
selected and appointed? It is a biggest joke of democracy in India. I
one time asked this question during All India DM's meeting in 2005
why we need them nobody could give answer nor I could find the
same system any democratic or dictatorial type of Governance in
world over. So we certainly don't need in our India. That is why we
immediately need a administrative reform Commission headed by
public not IAS or representatives (MP , MLA) They all are over
worked who finds difficult to even go to their own sessions. We may
not be require so called expert and intelligent just after passing an

exam and training of few months and expert in all fields be it
agriculture, engineering or costing judiciary etc. remember these
are not cheap any more each one pay and benefits cost very dearly
say in lakhs of rupees per month. So very serious thought is requires
to think a fresh for this type of duplications. We have banks and
traders to control for a free market every one Below Poverty Line be
given money in their bank accounts each month rather than supply
the fixed amount and price rice wheat and sugar kerosene etc. Why
have two tier system of pricing of same thing in one country, but
poor should be protected and supported all the time. The rationing
system is rotten and corrupt to the core and everybody can tell you
horror stories. Ration cards are made for the illegal person for want
of vote bank.

Let us see how funny it looks we have highest paid public servant
Presidents in center and Governors in States who do nothing and in
their name PM or CM takes care of Administration. Bhayya a man
can't do his own job (One man one job) principle PM had to control
Legislations and as well Administration and President do nothing. Is
it fair for public funds. Will you pay two people for one a job as your
personal job to be complete? Hence need a Administration Reform
Commission As soon as possible. Why public had to pay two pay
checks for one and same job. It is not very effective way to spend
public money. Let us talk in details about the situation of Governors.
Why they are there as mere monitors of central Government in
various states. There are two or little more that in big mansions left
behind the governors place left behind by masters British. They still
live same way some few hundred people with a budget of few corers
a month in salary and perks like free food and pay and most of these
are retired IAS or part people a rewards. Everyone knows we don't
need them but who wants to say because one day I may get such a
perk like Governor of states a public expanses. Same thing can be
said for DM CEO or Commissioner of City But who will Talk against
IAS it will be killing the chance of my own son or daughter not be an
IAS officer one day in future, who knows may be they could be
another Einstein or Columbus instead of an mere IAS . IAS and IPS
both are selected out of best of Indian boys and Girls but why they
are not allowed to work independent of each other one maintaining
law and other peace and security of public? Public will not shed a

tear not democracy will be undermine as they are appointed not
elected and they have no daily contact with general public some
handful see them every day. it comes in local papers even our name
came one time when I see one governor with my family. These are
reward post for faithful to party not to public.

If you have three tier system and two people doing the same job one
in name other actually doing through chain of ten commands to
control a small job or a big job will be able to fixed any accountability.
That is why we cannot fix any accountability for an error, always
there are other someone else to blame. Biggest joke is we have
millions of clerk who are expected to work but no authority to
dispense the lowest ordinary cases of administration and then we
talk about trust. How you can feel part of a team where you have no
clear cut laws and powers to dispense the cases and still feel part of
team. Rules are discriminatory and not at all robust, office head can
change the noting on file at his or her whims. No two cases which are
similar had same outcome in our system why and how nobody
seems to have answer, but is looking for answer and solution is
administrative reform commission as soon as possible. but all party
should be included in this not merely administrative people or
representatives only specially grieved public. Governance should be
as much as public can handle no more no less. There are few places
where public need to be control like public safety and defense of
country but not all the places but it need to be served by

Why Government had to have a supply department permit

department, Rationing, fair pricing system, shop timings, military
canteen, treasury, railway , air India, rehabilitation, power
production and distribution, education and thousands of public
undertakings of states and central. Our esteem business houses
can't do what Governance is doing. Answer is this question is very
simple but it may not look good for no. of IAS officers. Governance
job is to manage the system but required to do it make laws and
implement those. Why every personnel had be in New Delhi all the
time sitting in vicinity of secretary, in ministry building. With advent
of computers these can be sitting in district level offices and

communicate with their bosses daily as well serve the public batter.
IN each ministry there are secretary and there are personal
secretary to minister why? It is clear cut duplication and time
wasting and wasting of public funds. Why public had to travel and
waste time and money when they need the services rather than
these people come to public to serve. Secretary and these staff need
not be sitting next to each other on daily basis where as public need
these personnel's every day so they be close and available to public

There are three parts of Governance everybody knows, Legislation,
Administration and Judicial.
They must be able to work in unison and as well as separate and
interdependently all the time for the benefit of public not for their
own benefits pay and perks and promotion only. In our system this is
not possible PM had to see all no sharing of powers. Some of the
junior Ministers have no file to see but a big spacious office and staff.
PM should not be in charge of Legislative functions and
administration as well. Ministers should not be from legislative
members. He should appoint them or work with Secretary of
departments where they grow from ranks, why not? After all we are
all Indians and should be able to work under a set of rules and
regulations if at all we are talking about same thing serving the
public interests over our own smaller personal agendas. For
efficient system of governance we need strong and robust rules and
balanced budget which means within budget and tools to work
independently without interference of each other. Legislation
makes or amend rules and make laws. Administration applies law of
land and maintain law and order. And Judiciary should see the laws
are not only followed in spirit and letters but serve the public and
encourages them to meet the administration for help they need
time to time and within time. Judiciary should see the public get
justice at relatively ease and timely and it has respect of
administration and legislation as well. Similarly administration also
has respect of legislation and judiciary in applying laws and
maintaining order with public trust and service with regards for their
hard work. Legislative will have the satisfaction that the
administration and judiciary are following what they are expecting

to serve the public. This can all be done when there is interference to
each other work but admiration only in order to serve public. And
public had to be supportive whenever and wherever to all three
wings of Governance. Public will only do that when it get
encouragement from all three wings as the supreme and service.
Public will be happy and so the three parts Governance and their
personnel viz Legislators, administrators and Judges as they are
some or other time recipients of these services as well.

India- Governance- Issues (IGI)
In India we give more importance to People, Party and not to Issues.
Even in minutes of meeting for an issue you can see what M/s so and
so said than what was discussed on issue and what were decided
and action like who will do what and time frame. It could be as
important meeting of NIC or a thing. People will get few minutes to
talk on issue will talks more on anything but issues at hand but will
be given the importance as per their position not as per the
substance on the issues. That shows we have no respect for the issue
and how it will be dealt but who said what. This way issue becomes
secondary and never gets solved. And any no. of such useless
meeting becomes time wasting ways and baseless. Getting rid of
corruption remained the distant dream for public.

Take for instance the recent uproar about Jan Lokpal Bill and Anti
corruption two three or ten people became news and all were
talking about the people more for or against but the issue of
corruption is in back burner. Why it happen because of the people
worshiping or part affiliations etc. etc. And how to tackle the issue of
corruption never got any clear cut method to deal with the issue of
corruption in all places. Simple solution could be one deal with one
corrupt at a time. One fellow or two suggested some concrete plans
but those plans never saw alight of the day. Why can Pm say that he
will start with removing most corrupt person from each department
of Government who has the maximum votes from their pears alone
and labeled as most corrupt. This could be the exemplary and a
correct step in right direction. Every one become expert on all issues
but no resolve to do anything worthwhile, and step by step plan to
get rid of corruption from Governance, and public feel relived and
assured of good Governance which it deserves.

Public is frustrated from present form of Governance which has no

robust direction and clear policy. Prime Minister also made one very
important declaration that he wishes to stop discriminatory powers
of ministers, which many times are reason for the uproar and laws
are broken with the help of Administrators. Her it will not be out of
place to mention that people who ask for favor of money in
exchange of just doing their jobs in time should be charged for
corruption not as it is now the bribe taker as well as giver both are
stamped as guilty. Let us make a list of issues which are most
important in order to have good Governance. Few which come to
my mind are as follows.

1. Accountability; All public servants (netas and public servants)

comes under this category should be accountable to public
first. They all exist because of public for public and by the public
only. It is immaterial which party person they are working for or
getting direction to do their job or agenda. We all deserve the
best Governance
2. Police: These are for public safety and security first not for Neta
or big Babus only. The Netas and Big Babus all get enough
money and rich who can afford to appoint their own private
security. Most effective will be if they are under direct control of
local public.
We deserve the safety and security every day 24/7
3. Judges: To serve public and provide the justice to public
grievances only. They just do not exist for their own comforts or
save their masters who are responsible to appoint them in first
place. Justice delayed is justice denied. Laws were
implemented as per rules by administration-right or wrong.
4. Legislators: The basic responsibility is for public and elected by
public for representing public. They all should always be
reflecting public needs and demands and should always in
direct communication with public. Not taking bribes to just
raise a question in legislative place and ask for bribe. They
should not be depending on the administration only. Most bills
and laws are to be formulated by these representatives, how to
implement once these become law by administration. Hence
no MLA or MP or Councilor should be in charge of day to day
affairs of running a ministry and just sign hundreds of files each
day without reading any by becoming Ministers. All of our
representatives should not only be well versed in laws or get
training first time but always be minimum Graduate degree
holders as they had deal with Administrators who are all

educated as per minimum requirement degree holders. This is
public hue and cry and there is no dearth of educated people in
all walks of life be it a farmer. I know many farmers etc who
poses advanced degrees in their own profession. Even ST/SC
has educated people. This is also a law in our Next door country
Pakistan. Stop Appointing MP/MLA as CEO etc of Public
Enterprises, because after that the people who had elected
looses the representative and he or she had no time for
communicating with public or their wards. These
representatives never care about public opinion. The
Legislators are elected to make and uphold the laws not
implementing the laws. Hence should not be appointed
ministers and given extra perks because the check and balance
is lost between legislation and administration.
5. Administration: we need the experts in various fields to run
smooth Governance for public service on demand in Time
bound manner. A good start by Bihar and Delhi Administrations
recently, congratulation to both Chief Ministers and guilty
public servants will be punished. They just do not exist only for
Netas pleasure or BIG Babus (IAS. IPS, etc). These public
servants are provided good comfortable houses, free
electricity, domestic servants and perks etc to serve the public
but at present the public service is last priority. A new trend had
emerging that these public servants were stating this fact that
we are public servants not Nets or Big Babus's servants. Public
Demands timely service of their personal requirements.
6. Decentralization: Power and revenue sharing should be spelled
out clearly between central state and local bodies including
village panchayat. Like MP MLA and Councilor development
funds had to go through District Magistrate/Village officer or
Thasildar or Commissioner etc. More channel more delay and
time consuming. And why we need them now these
DM/Commissioner etc we can just by push a button disperse
the funds and only thing we need now the more in place
controls and transparency to stop shrinkage of public funds. We
need all NGO and Public limited companies also under the
preview of Right to Information (TRI)
7. Rules and Regulations: Need a preview of pre independence
laws and regulation. These all should be discussed with public

involvement. I think we all fought for independence to get rid of
the frivolous laws and rules but we continued with them
because Netas and Babus can enjoy what English man were
enjoying at the expense of public even now. Using
discriminatory powers to their advantage against public. We
need clear and simple robust rules for the encouragement of
public not harassing public for the rules. It is said once out of
some 3500 rules only less than thousand can be implemented
or useful for public all others are obsolete. Like police rules
were formulated after 1857 many times a demand for change
or in the heart of some minister this thought occurred but died
its own death as people who gets power does not wish to lose
8. All corruption cases are done within six months of its start once
all dept laws were done with and person should be removed
from job without pay even if he or she wins no loss of pay as no
work no pay. System is protecting the corrupt and corruption.
9. All Discriminatory powers be do away with unless there is law
passed by or approve by Loksabha or State assembly by all
including PM Minister or Administrators.
10. All bills to be discussed in local town house type meeting and
public opinion be sought and public opinion should be favoring
it otherwise it should be amended as per majority public
opinion. As we can see clearly that legislative, administrative
and judicial representatives are not able to handle the task at
hand alone, they still need public input which is not provided in
the system present. Constitution had be two way street not
dictating types which can lead to dictatorial system.
11. All transfer should be immediately stops as it against public
interest. There is no justification to do these in public interest.
Why we cannot work with each and every body as all public
servants are for public benefit not for or against one party or
other. If one is dishonest he or she will always be one in this
place or other and why other place is suffered at the hand of a
dishonest public servant. These mistakes and out of job and no
pension. The public servants never develop affinity to local
12. Why Public distribution system (PDS) or Gazette officer,
treasury, rehabilitation, supply and canteen etc many

departments are obsolete and should be eliminated as soon as
possible. Why Government should decide about min price for
farm products let supply and demand of economics take its

13. Constitution: There are many sections which are useless and
some of the issues like recall mechanism for elected
representatives is absent from constitution. Public servants
were give service Guarantee under constitution hence these
public servants become non accountable to public and fearless
and less productive and careless in their jobs. It has been
changed for 100+ times but many of its changes were not
implemented. Mainly Panchayati Raj and women reservation in
seat quota were not implemented. Transfer of powers from DM
to Local bodies. There should be a public debate about the
constitution in public forums.
All Government Officers should be called Public servants which
will reflect their true nature of job descriptions. And as they are
know all over the world.
14. Why we have appointed officers more powerful than elected
mayors in local self Governing Bodies like Nagar Nigam etc.
15. All departments other than defense, post telegraph, internal
security should be with state s not with Central Governance.
Especially Police and Education where public immediate
interference is required should be with local self Governance.
Police should not be Under District magistrate ever it delays
and waste very critical time in taking the decisions.
16. Elections: the majority party should always be enjoying majority
of public votes no Governance should be a minority
Governance otherwise majority will always be of those who are
dissatisfied with Governance as we can see now.

We need a fundamental change in the way election are done now

which cannot be called a majority rule but a minority rule over
majority, because majority is divided in fragmentation and rule of
divide and rule is working well for Netas and Babus but not for
Majority Public. In Past 64 years no central Government had a
majority of votes but always manage to retain the Majority seats or
representatives. The list is not complete and does not have to be

because the public perception could be different for various aspects
and should always be as per majority of public not by majority of
party candidates. Anybody who has a any case pending in court for a
criminal should not be allowed to run for any elected position as it is
not possible to have selected post as well all should require a police
clearance. My wish that we all united for a issue than we will be
served no matter which party is running the governance, otherwise
we will be ruled as it is now. Majority should rule in Democracy but
minority should never be discriminated but should always be able
live by rules of majority without any repercussions.

India is only country in the world where we take the brightest of our
youth and System makes them corrupt. Where teachers don't teach
in class but take class in homes to teach by tuitions. You can open
colleges but not primary schools.

Hence we have to change the system which is sheltering the corrupt

and corruption instead of serving the public with honesty. It should
be noted we are not here to talk about people but the System or
Issues only. Think the system which were made to collect more and
more because it was started by the company (British India Company
) and main aim of the company is always to make money for its
owners, our system is still doing the same. It takes care of the people
who have money power and resources but not the biggest
constituent of Governance - public. More over the system which had
created the problem cannot solve them for sure. For solutions we
had to think out of the box not within box as we are trying to do. The
people who are benefit from the system will never allow this to
happen but as public we have to not only demand but everything in
our power to talk over this discussed about it and had to find ways to
talk this but most important part should be unity for issue than will
come implementation later it will be tested and modified as time
demand or public wish.

Hence most important point which is not discussed above so far is

Constitution. How it can be done at the time of election few issues
be taken by public and public vote for the same and once it voted by
majority has to be made the law and group who brought the Issue

should be involved at all the level. Unless at least 25,00,000 people
sign for an issue for memorandum it should not be voted. Single one
can always have a opinion, but united public opinion will be an Issue.

Law and Order
Law of land should be universal like everybody has a right to protect
his /her property, dignity, no matter what laws says, even it means
using force. Law and order are two very distinct functions in any
society and it cannot be handled by a single agency only.
Unfortunately in our India it is the sad affair, IAS creed as DM/ADM
(J)/ADM (A) handle both like they are super human beings. They are
being transferred very frequently from one place to another like
shuttle cock, which had very bad effect on both law and order of one
particular place and public suffers as a result. This is because the
bureaucrats like to control public, which is presumed as uncivilized,
suppose we are not, then why any efforts are made during last 62
years of independence to make public civilized? Like some sort of
training for public is instituted like they have for IAS. None of these
IAS is become mentor for public to behave like mentor to public.

These people who have complete knowledge of laws rules and

regulations, laws and its intricacies had delivered any good to the
grieved public, might have delivered the justice but public is not
satisfied about them other than wish that our sons or daughters also
become IAS/APS etc by becoming part of Governance in order to
rules over others. Why leader and bureaucrats still wish to remote
control law and order situation in any locality or place, that is not
working, why not let locality take over this function on them to solve
Law and Order locally. Best solution is to have police and judges to
be locally elected. Why we wish to control others let them live the
way like.

Governance job should be to check that the people are safe, free to
act and no rule is anti constitutional or against national interests. I
had talked to many IAS in past most of them feel public is not ready
to behave and had be controlled not served same is the feeling
VO/BDO/DM have that Gram Panchayats had be controlled by
them, their function should be that the rules are followed and the
Panchayats are working properly if not the law should take action
against such Panchayats official, which will bring overall
accountability. Constitutional amendments were not followed that
some 40+ functions to be transferred from DM to Panchayats,
reasons are very clear that the no body wish to leave controls. The
village people should go to the court that the justice is not served
justice should be swift and cost effective, otherwise justice delayed
is justice denied.

Now let us talk about the order, police is there to maintain order as
per rule, but one unfortunate rule is the order had to come from DM
before this order can be maintained. Why because some else to
control and even the governance people are not trusted, under law
and free to act then how accountability will come in Governance,
everybody shirks the responsibility and points finger to others for
lapses. Root cause is all this is rules are based on mistrust. If the rules
are well defined, then why always this chain of command of orders
each time, each time in order to follow rules. It is clearly interference
in police work by administration. Here it will not be out of place to
demand that police should be local and under local control by
elected mayor or city head in each place. Even in village police
should be local as per their requirement and circumstances. Why we
need to change the police by transferring them to different cities
etc. let people and city pick the best available to them form pool of
the police force. Why police cannot work under the city manager
but can work under DM. You imagine under these jungle of rules
only public suffers and they don't get any safety or security when
needed in timely fashion. Look at another angle as police is always
from outside many times they have no affinity toward the problem
of local populace and their problem as their own backyard. The
public used to take the law in their own hands because they feel they
are at other side of rule, not see the rules as for their own. Good.

Lagan (land tax) Village Schools there is no relationship between
these three words but if a relationship can be established then
monumental job can be achieved. Then Panchayat can play a major
role in this concept. In Bharat (India) we will have a new revolution
and it will truly become the panchayat raj. Although we have passed
all the rules about what panchayats can do and not do but with the
financial freedom all rules are useless.

To understand this whole concept about the relationship in these

three words we have to go back few hundred years and we will find
reports that every village in India had the schools before British
came to India and teachers were respected and taken care of all
their needs by the whole villagers. Fortunately there was no Lagan
or Land Tax. Lagan was the first step in letting villages poor and
poorer. Now if we need to return this situation of post BR we have to
revert the same conditions in order to make our villagers
prosperous. How we can do this? It is simple by letting this Lagan to
back to village funds and in turn each and every Panchayat to start a
school in their own villages. If for some reasons a school cannot be
managed or feasible two or more village can join their resources and
start one. We have seen such schools, which are very successful in
West Bengal and they are not taking any help from Government. All
teachers are housewives and run the school in their spare time.
These are run on principle of no profit no loss basis.

Lagan should be paid back to village panchayat not to state, district,

city or taluka etc. These schools should be run by and for village
without any controls. What is taught in these schools should have
impact on village development. Education in these schools should
be producing entrepreneurs not the clerks for cities.

Now come to Lagan part. Question comes is it worthwhile to collect

it. Collecting Lagan is more costly than money thus collected.
Government spends more money in salary of persons who collect
Lagan then it is not good Governance, what is benefit to general
public. Than collectors are friendly people they are the most corrupt
/tyrant in entire Government system. Some time not only they
collect money but also produce to show them favors from farmers
without paying. If for any reason the weather is not favorable still
they will try to collect where as village panchayat will know the
situation first hand and can collect later or do away with its
collection. Money thus saved on salaries can also be reinvested in
village panchayats.

The only part who will be looser will be the present school system
which is not only obsolete but useless which makes and was meant
for making clerks for BR and has no bearing with local conditions.
Any school system that takes the students away from their roots is
not worth it. Education should conform to the needs of local
problem and conditions. Education should teach us how to solve the
local problems with local resources rather than solving the
problems other places. This will be real investment in the local
village arena not in the investment in Delhi /Bangalore or USA. The
resources of village will be reinvested in villages and who will
prosperous villages not far flung places. This will be a first step in
right direction in a long time and which will have panchayatraj

Hopefully these schools can work in complete freedom and

harmony with local conditions. Time has come now to trust our own
people to run these schools in the way they want and for their
advantage. If they need help and other resources to run these
schools they should be encouraged rather than have hassles as we
have in our present system. Try opening one school or upgrade them
then you will really understand what we are talking about. All our
present rules are made on assumption that we cannot run our own
affairs without the intervention of Government of Delhi or state
capital, which is far from truth.

Mandi Vs MANDI
It was Neta ji Subhash Chandra Bose who said that we only get alms
when we beg, we get rights when we snatch them. Time has come to
destroy the present Mandi system of Food produced Distribution
system and install MANDI (Mini Agriculture Network Distribution
Incorporation). Few years ago if someone had said to me that the
money lenders can be removed from villages in India, we would had
not believed him, rather laughed at him, ridiculed him as well. But
now we can say with surety that most of the villages are having SHG
(Micro credit) and the money lenders are not there anymore or are a
thing of past history. We should all be proud of this.

Let us take the SHG in another meaning Store Hold and Gain. That is
what Mandi Lala's (Middleman) do and earn money on the
Agricultural produce. This is what I wish to teach and tell our
Farmers to do. We will need a road map and Plan of action Which I
call ABCDE and as simple as, learning Alphabets ABCDE.(Agriculture
Based Community Distribution Enterprise or Action Based
Community Development and Enterprising ). We spelled differently
MANDI in order to have some commonality with present Mandi, so
our Govt. and its workers don't get confused. The Method I am going
to spell is simple and needs no permission of Govt. or its employees
it is well within our (Farmers) rights.
Agriculturist is the only person in whole wide world who can
produce something rather multiplies the input. In all other
professions we can manipulate and creates other things and energy
is wasted and hence value added. But unfortunately within the
present system Farmer does not get the enough return on his labor.
The method I am going to spell below is also as simple as ABCDE
(Action Based on Community Development Enterprise).

Most of our Self Help Group (SHG-Micro credit) keeps the money in
Nationalized Banks which in turn lends money to Lalls to hold our
produce and sell it at killer price and have a woofing profit up to 40%
in one year. What we get is only some 4-5 % on saving account when
we keep money in. It is clear who is making the killing with mostly
our own Money. Are we the Farmers not aiding to make rich Lallas
richer. This cycle has to be broken no Lalla or Govt will come and tell
you neither economist who are paid big money will tell this to you.
Use only half the money in SHG(micro credit) for keeping
emergencies and other half for procuring the produce inside the
villages. This what is exactly I wish our Farmers to do. Instead of
supplying raw produce, supply finished product to Customer and
keep the margin of profit in side villages and share with the others
who will be part of supply chain. With network of roads and other
transportation means available mostly to each and every village in
India now it would not be difficult. Pay Your Self First is a very good
tool to improve economic conditions of farmers. Following is a road
map to do it which is simple but lot of planning, and action is
required. Action not only by farmers but also by community and all
will be benefited.

Mini Agricultural Network
Distribution Incorporation (MANDI)
How it can be done
1. Each year Hold part of your production and sell only when
price is more than that at time of crop maturity or just before
new crop is about to come in Market. By reinvesting again you
will progressively increase your holding year by year.
Ultimately in 20-25 years you will be able to hold all your
production in your hands and all farmers will be out of
clutches of lallas and govt. Then farmers will be able to decide
about the price of their produce not the Government or
mandi. Investing first in storing the produce, then side by side
in infrastructures like silo for grain storage and cold storage. A
good Starting point is to store 5% of total products/year over
and above year before. Don't forget a system which is much
more older than I and you will take time to change, be patient
and persistence. Remember that everybody defends what he
/she has why Farmers should not save and hold the produce is
beyond me. Land is our Gold pot and save it from others with
your all might and strength.

2. Initially we can even borough the money against the goods

stored, in joint custody of bank and Farmers, or in partnership
of lallas. Let them know storing in the village is cheaper than
in cities. Is it not FCI doing same now? Finally Farmers will
have control when they have saved money over the years.
Remember the effect of mighty compound interest.
3. Sell the produce directly to consumer when price is better
than what you get at mandi.
4. Instead of selling paddy selling unpolished rice will fetch
more money.
5. Instead of selling Wheat selling flour in smaller bags, directly
to consumer or retailers will fetch more money. Fear is the
biggest deterrent of action.
6. Instead of Selling Mustered, sell oil in small packages.
7. Slowly enter into multi chamber Cold storage system by
forming Village companies. Now a days sun powered cold
storage facilities can be installed.
8. Slowly take over Food Corporation of India storage system.
Note, storage in village will be cheaper than it is in cities, as
price of land in cities are at a high premium.
9. Sell pickles muraba's preserves of fruits (Jam or Jelly), when
excessive fruits are produced.
10. Sun dried fruits sell at premium price like sun dried like Apple
Pear Apricot Prunes (dry plums) Tomatoes Banana chips
Resins etc.
11. Sell spices in small packages instead of large quantity.
12. Be a part of supply chain instead of just producer then you
will end up with more money in your pocket and more
employment inside villages.
13. With the use of computers telephones and fax it is easy to
supply small quantity to retailers directly. This way consumer
and producer both will benefit.
14. Slowly take over goods transporting system, as well as by
owning your own trucks.
15. The following Graphs will show how we can benefit.
16. Remember when we have data we are with facts otherwise it
is opinion and daydream.
17. Keep records of Income and expenses because difference
between poor and rich is very small. A rich man spends less
than what he earns, poor man spends more than what he
earns pays interest on borrowed money to rich people who
lend to poor in order to earn interest.
18. Always have your more than one source of income. Become
consumer of your produce.
19. Make your own power, water, and maintenance companies
of villager for villager by the villagers. Start new companies
for anything in village period.
20. Make small community colleges for non-formal education
but beneficial for community developments and cultural
revival including TV and radio stations handicraft etc .
21. Buy things which are produced by your nearest neighbor an

community member.
22. Community should also decide about type of crop, diversity,
it will yield more income by retaining higher value of your
hard labored produce.
23. Don't invest in Gold, Silver, Cigarettes, Wine, Tea, and Gutaka
but invest in your own and in infra structure and gain. So far
nobody had seen gold or silver giving egg as we knew it.
24. If all the labor done by Villagers and because Cities have
money and gain more than you think again what you will do
now it will be your decision and you can only control it.
25. Big farmers buy produce from small farmers of villages and
store gain by selling at profit.
26. Unless the problem is solved we had to modify our methods,
there is still room to improve

Everybody can become mentor if she / he had learnt correctly under
the auspices of spirituality. EACH ONE TEACHES ONE. Being a
mentor is requirement in present day Bharat. Mentor means one
who is trusted consular. Trust is one thing, which is most
uncommon in our present day Bharat. After the trust comes the
expectation. If you have trust and don't have expectation things
would not fall in place. If we have gathered some trust by any chance
we had not reached to the next stage to have expectation in positive
sense. If we have any expectation most likely it will be negative one.
Unfortunately we have more negative expectation for our trusted
recipients and more than often we get the same result, which is
negative as we expect. This happens for two reasons, we lack trust
and we have negative expectation and surely we get the same in
abundance. There may be another angle to it that we did not act as
mentor, as a mentor you don't leave things for chance but see it goes
as per plan all the way. More than often we might have to change
our course of action in the middle.

It is very important that we start our mentor program with the

positive expectation that recipients of our trust will give us expected
results in return one day. That expectation of mentor ship has one
positive thing to it let these recipients become mentor themselves
on other occasions when time demands. One thing I know that by
sharing the knowledge you loose nothing but it might increase.
Giving brings so much joy in return where as receiving only without
giving back always brings miseries with it. Take for example receiving
a ball or throwing a ball in cricket or in baseball. Our dream should
be to become in future a volunteer to make a change. Become
involved, become mentor and make a difference in someone's life,
like light the lamp from already lighted lamp which is you. Biggest
spirituality is not reading Geeta and memorizing it but doing
something for the society. Social work done in light of spirituality is
Pooja worship of God, Bhagwan or Allah for me. In all the religion

giving alms to the needy one is considered most important.

Hence when we are done taking care of our family which is second
stage of our life and reached at third stage of life first stage being
learning, we should start sharing by doing some volunteering /
mentoring and teaching compassion to someone we trust with
expectation. At this time think isn't that our society gave us this
opportunity to become what we are today and trusted us. This trust
will be greatest return we can offer to our great society wherever we
are living or being raised. The one who get scholarship to advance
his / her studies not only should be asked to pay in kind in future
when he is in a position but also should act as mentor right now to
his junior who is in exact same position. It will be better if it is
practiced outside of his /her creed cast family and friends. By
Mentoring not only one teaches but in turn learns more about life's
valuable lessons in humility from the people we teach. This is our
experience so far and we wish to share with you.

Neta Babu
N - Not elected not B- bureaucrats
E- Empowered A- administrators
T- To B- babbus
A- administration U- undeserving

Ji Ji
J- Justice J-judges
I - Indented I- industrialist and dukandars included

P- Plan
L- Legislations only for public to have
E- Essentials ( Roti Kapra aur Makan)
A- And
S- Service as motto
E- Enjoy the freedom

S-secure the
O- Of
P- Public

R- Restore to
U- Understand the needs of public as well other than yours
N- Normal
G- Governance
A- Assets based
N- No exclusion
D- Discloser

S- Secure the
T- Time bound
A- Administration
R- Reforms
T- Timetable

S- Start
E- Essentials
R- Reformative
V- Values for
I- Indians
N- Nationals
G- Growth if

T- Together
H- Honestly
E- Empower the public

P- People are
U- United
B- Basic
L- Laws
I-Intended good
C- Cooperation

The statistics on world poverty are frightening. Close to half the
world's 6bn people live on less than US$2 a day; conversely 1% of
the population has an income equal to that of the entire bottom
57%1. But poverty is not only about lack of wealth in monetary
terms; it also implies the 'denial of various choices and
opportunities basic to human development. These include the
ability to lead a long, creative and healthy life, to acquire knowledge,
to have freedom, dignity, self-respect and respect for others, and to
have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of
living.'2 Community infrastructure is key to alleviating poverty and
thus engineers have an essential role to play. Without ready access
to clean water and sanitation, productivity is severely reduced
through illness and time spent in water collection. Without roads,
the poor are unable to sell their goods at market. Basic
infrastructure is not a luxury that can wait for better economic
times, but a precondition for creating them and its provision is an
urgent and ongoing requirement. The Economist has observed that
'over the past 50 years rich nations have given US$1 trillion in aid to
poor ones. This stupendous sum has failed spectacularly to improve
the lot of its intended beneficiaries. Poor countries that receive lots
of aid do no better, on average, than those that receive very little'3.
Poverty is thus not being ignored, but alleviation strategies must be
more effective for relief to be achieved.

The origins of poverty

To begin solving poverty, its origins must be clearly understood.
The basic causes are:
l Lack of access to safe water and sanitation
l Lack of facilities for adequate health care
l Lack of access to educational opportunities
l Shortage of adequate nutrition
l Lack of adequately paid employment
l Inadequate or expensive transport facilities
l Limited or expensive power supplies.
Urban and rural poverty generally have different causes, though not
mutually exclusive. The main causes of urban poverty are likely to
l lack of adequate income or no income, due to
underemployment or unemployment
l inadequate housing, sanitation, and water supply
l limited opportunities for education
l inadequate or expensive transport facilities.
Poor health and lack of access to education tend to minimize skills,
compounding the problems of un- or underemployment, leading to
reduction of income-earning capacity.

The predominant causes of rural poverty are likely to be:

l Lack of access to health care and education
l Inadequate shelter, sanitation, and water supply
l Lack of access to markets for agricultural products
l Limited opportunity to earn income
l Inadequate or expensive transport facilities
l No access to power and telecommunications facilities. Poverty
in rural areas tends to be more widespread and more intense
than in urban areas, because:
l Employment opportunities are more limited.
l Access to a range of key facilities is much reduced.
l Many households are headed by women often due to
abandonment of families by the males, with commensurate
reduction in income.
l Sanitation and water supply deficiencies are more intense,
leading to ill health.
The trend in developing countries worldwide whereby male family
members gravitate to urban areas in search of employment - often
reduces the rural family's ability to survive in a subsistence

Poverty alleviation strategies

Historically, poverty alleviation strategies have focused on direct
intervention to provide facilities that are lacking. Investments by
international lending agencies over the past two to three decades
have concentrated on solutions to deficiencies in infrastructure that

are usually expensive, often with apparently limited thought to
ongoing operation and maintenance. Local observers in several
recipient countries, and other stakeholders, have commented on
inadequacies in the implemented projects and programmes:

l Lack of planning for ongoing operation and maintenance of the

l Limited attention to the development of a sense of ownership
by the local community
l Political interference and intervention
l Allocation of funds to countries without a poverty alleviation
strategy of their own
l Corruption, leading to ineffectiveness of investment.
At the recent Rio+10 Sustainability Summit, both the United Nations
and the World Bank called for alleviation strategies involving 'no
more hardware', noting that major investments over the last 20-30
years in water infrastructure schemes had often failed to benefit the
people at whom they were aimed. This is because most facilities
involving technology are generally abandoned within two years, as
revenue streams are insufficient to pay for repairs and maintenance
and because of the lack of local skills to carry out repairs. Corruption
is also often a barrier. In agreeing to a target to halve the number of
people without sanitation globally by 2020, the Summit noted that
emphasis should be on smaller-scale solutions suited to local
capabilities, understanding and skills. The role of engineers in
delivering infrastructure schemes needs to change significantly.
Again over the last 20-30 years, experience with implementing
large-scale infrastructure improvement projects has led to an
improved understanding of the conditions necessary for sustainable
reduction in poverty levels:
l The local community must be empowered by the decision-
making process.
l The local community must be involved in ongoing operation
and maintenance.
l National and regional governments must also be involved in
the project.
l Project selection must favour those projects that lead to
economic growth.
l Strength of the market economy is a prerequisite to economic

Close involvement of the local community will improve the
chances of project success; it needs to be 'owned'.

Poverty alleviation requires interventions that involve considerable

social and cultural change. Poverty has many aspects, and solutions
require more than a technical or engineering basis. Provision of
infrastructure alone will not alleviate poverty, without access to that

We can ask such questions as:

l What good is a road if there is no means of transport?
l What good is a latrine if it is not being used?
l What good is a water supply system if it is in disrepair?
In developing strategies to alleviate poverty, we must take account
of and address these wider issues.

Poverty alleviation: The role
of the engineer David Singleton
This article is an edited version of the Fourth Brunel International
Lecture 2002/03, given under the auspices of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, by David Singleton, Chairman of Arup Australasia.
1a & b. Problem and solution (see Case study 2, p5).


Sound engineering solutions to poverty alleviation Engineering
solutions are integral to mitigating poverty; however, engineering is
not the sole contributor to successful poverty alleviation
programmes, which also entail attention to social, economic, and
political influences. Sustainable engineering will be achieved when
the engineering solutions adopted take into account their use of
natural resources. Optimum solutions will have a positive or neutral
impact on natural resource consumption. Unsound engineering
solutions, by comparison, may leave the environment depleted and
society poorer over time. Life-cycle engineering takes into account
the operational and maintenance cost of the engineering solutions
proposed, such that the completed projects have effective and
affordable operational and maintenance regimes. Empowered
engineering will take into account the capabilities of the local
community, particularly its engineering and technical professions.
Where possible, the solutions developed will involve local
professional and technical staff and will establish an on-going
engineering and operational resource. Appropriate engineering will
consider various options that meet the engineering needs of the
project and may adopt techniques of labour-based construction,
which differs significantly from labour-intensive construction. The
latter basically substitutes men for machines, eg constructing a
concrete-framed building where the concrete is mixed by hand
without a mechanical mixer. Labour-based construction, by
contrast, aims to change the technology involved to what is
appropriate for manual labour, eg eliminating the concrete frame
and building the structure of load-bearing masonry. Labour-based
construction has been shown to compare favourably with plant-
based construction4. In addition, it facilitates knowledge transfer,
creates jobs, encourages private enterprise, creates ownership, and
may reduce cost. The following five case studies illustrate
engineering applications to poverty mitigation programmes and
identify the associated social, economic, and political actions put in
place. Each shows sound and appropriate engineering.

Case study 1:
Australian remote Aboriginal communities Arup has undertaken
many projects across the globe addressing the lack of access to basic
infrastructure. For example, we have extensive involvement in
water supply and sanitation projects in Botswana5, and in health,
housing, and community infrastructure projects for indigenous
communities throughout Australia6.
Project background The Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance
Project for the Aboriginal Co-ordinating Council (ACC) commenced
in 1999, with a budget of A$6M and a planned duration of three

The project was instigated in response to the challenges faced in

Queensland's remote indigenous communities in developing and
maintaining infrastructure. Limited recurrent funds and the
difficulties in acquiring appropriate technical and management
skills in remote communities resulted in low infrastructure
lifecycles, and thus lower standards of living and poor health.

Project details
This pilot project was implemented in six remote communities in
Queensland. It was a 'grassroots' initiative for indigenous
communities that aimed to:

improve the health and wellbeing of their people
develop and support a culture of asset management
protect investment of capital funds in their infrastructure.

Arup was appointed as project co-ordinator to oversee the project

and liaise with communities, funding and training agencies. The

firm's role included the development and implementation of
technical and management 'on the job' training (during Stage 1, 21
Trainees completed Certificate 2 in Essential Services for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander
Commission (ATSIC) communities through the Technical and
Further Education Programme (TAFE)), the implementation of best
practice in infrastructure asset management, raising awareness
among community members of the importance of caring for
infrastructure assets, and the need to establish mechanisms for
permanent Essential Services Officer positions.
3. Installation of piped water services.
2. Drilling a borehole.


De Aar
East London
Town Mosselbaal
Port Elizabeth
0 50 100 km
Area where roundabouts have been installed

Case study 2:
South African roundabout HIV/AIDS initiative Project background

The AIDS epidemic is tearing apart the social and economic fabric of
many African nations. 70% of the world's AIDS-infected adults and
80% of infected children live in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are 11M
child AIDS orphans, and grandparents are forced to assume the
responsibility for childrearing7. Affected families lose income-
earning capacity, both through the absence of the income earner
and the time and cost incurred in nursing the infected. The problem
compounds itself: poverty is a key factor leading to the behaviour
that exposes people to risk of HIV infections, and the resulting HIV
compounds the poverty.

Project details
The concept is simple: a child's playground roundabout bolted on
top of an existing borehole, with the energy of the children at play
harnessed to pump drinking water into an overhead storage tank
screened with billboards promoting HIV/AIDS awareness to the
children and communities. There is a communal tap at ground level.
Each roundabout/pump costs
US$5000, and is based on standard windmill equipment located
below ground8.

The above-ground equipment includes the tank and galvanized

sheet as advertising boards, available at any farm supply store.
Project construction and replication are helped by the use of
standard and easily procurable materials. 'Play power' has
advantages over conventional energy sources. It is clean,
renewable, and robust, and the borehole recovers naturally during
the night. There is no risk of pumping dry or engine burnout if the
pump is 'accidentally' left on overnight. At least 50% of the billboard
space promotes health-related information, in particular on HIV and
AIDS. This is an effective advertising medium in the absence of
conventional 'first world' media like newspapers, magazines,
television, and the Internet.
Revenue from commercial advertisers in the remaining space will
provide a regular flow of income for the manufacture of new

roundabouts and to cover maintenance costs. Women and young
girls benefit from the saving of time and energy previously spent
fetching water for daily needs from deep wells at long distances, and
are placed at less risk. Also, they benefit from the HIV/AIDS
awareness campaign.

Progress report
More than 300 roundabout pumps have been installed in South
Africa, each serving a community of over 2500 people. Various
improvements to standard of living have been noted, including the
ready availability of clean drinking water. This reduces water-borne
diseases like cholera, and helps in the development of thriving
vegetable farms providing fresh produce for schools and for sale at

6. Children at play turning a roundabout bolted above an existing

borehole. This action works a pump enabling drinking water to be
pumped into an overhead storage tank screened with billboards
promoting HIV/AIDS awareness to the community.
4. 'Play power'.
5. Southern Africa.



0 50 100 km

Case study 3:

Micro-finance in Bangladesh
Project background

Bangladesh is one of the poorest, most densely populated, and least

developed nations in the world. With more than 125M inhabitants,
it is the eighth most populous country in the world - but with a per
capita annual income estimated at around US$2809. Situated in a
low-lying delta where four major river systems come together, the
country is blessed with highly fertile soil, but also suffers regular and
severe flooding. Shelter is one of the most basic requirements, but
many Bangladeshis cannot afford the cost of housing able to
withstand the monsoon and winter periods. Typical houses are
made of jute sticks placed side-by-side and cost between US$25 and
US$30. Such houses tend to collapse in moderately severe weather.
Even if constructed with bamboo walls and hay/thatch roofing, at a
significantly higher cost, they are not very durable. As a result,
almost every year, people replace or repair the roof of their house at
a cost of up to US$40. This cost is increasing with the constant rise in
price of bamboo and hay. This ongoing expenditure is a heavy
burden on the poor. If they have no access to cash, people are forced
to borrow money from moneylenders at very high rates (10% per
month) 9. This situation could be avoided if more durable shelter
could be constructed; in turn this depends on finance.

Project details
The Grameen Bank10, the largest rural credit institution in
Bangladesh, with 2.4M borrowers (95% of them female), was
established in 1976. The Bank recognizes that it is lack of access to
collateral rather than inability to make loan payments that
perpetuates poverty. Regular micro-enterprise loans are typically
disbursed to individuals for one year and are paid back in weekly
instalments at 2% of the loan amount, which is normally no more

than US$20 for the first loan. To participate in the loan programme,
a member must gather five people with similar economic and social
backgrounds who will agree to apply for and sign together on loans
(a 'group'). A cluster of groups (between two and 10) constitutes a
'centre', which is presided over by two officials9. The borrower's
group and centre members must agree to stand behind the loan for
the individual member. The collateral system, based on peer
support, means that families help each other out with payment to
ensure that all repayments are made on time. Grameen Bank
operates as a specialized bank for the poor, generating income from
its investments; it is not reliant on donor funding. When the Bank
was formally incorporated in 1983, the original rural members
provided 40% of the initial capital: the Bangladesh government
contributed the rest. The Bank has since become largely self-
sufficient, with the government now holding less than 10% of the
equity. Housing loans: In 1984, the Bank started to lend money for
housing and to date 450 000 houses have been built using these
loans. An average of 7000-8000 new loans are made every month.
Although exceptions are made for the poorest of poor in dire need
of shelter, relatively strict rules govern these loans. To qualify for a
housing loan, a member must fulfil the following:

Be an existing Bank borrower, with a 100% repayment record,
and have completely repaid their first two loans from income
generating activities
prove that they have an adequate income and have acquired
have a history of regularly attending weekly meetings
provide legal documentation of land ownership where the
house will be built (if the member does not own land, he/she is
encouraged to use the loan towards land purchase), and
must submit a proposal on the type of house planned and
devise a repayment schedule. House design: The Grameen Bank
developed house designs for borrowers. The houses, although
varying in appearance, have the same basic structural
components: four reinforced concrete pillars on brick
foundations at the corners and six intermediary bamboo posts,
with bamboo tie beams, wooden rafters, and purlins supporting
corrugated iron roofing sheets.

This design provides stability in flood and strong monsoon winds
and protection from rain. Although the borrower is responsible for
the construction of the house, the Bank ensures that it meets basic
health and safety requirements and achieves minimum Grameen
standards. Since mid-1998, the Bank has required members to
install a sanitary latrine with each house.

Progress report
The Bank operates efficiently and is widely considered innovative,
progressive, and corruption-free. The rate of repayment for all loans
is 98%, and for housing loans it is close to 100%, compared to 25-
30% for other banks. Loans are currently available at 8% interest,
again comparing very favourably with the 20% interest charged for
regular or short-term loans from other banks9. The Bank provides
employment for 12 600 people. To date, the Grameen Bank housing
programme has assisted hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi
families to break out of the downward spiral of poverty. A sturdy,
well-built house is a symbol of social status, so borrowers gain
dignity and standing within the community.

The larger houses give improved environments for work and study,
and hence have directly contributed to higher income generation. It
is estimated that 95% of borrowers' children attend school, well
above the nationwide average. By demanding standardized
construction practices like the use of cement pillars and installation
of sanitary latrines, Grameen Bank assists in improving the health
and safety of borrowers.

In one survey, the general health of those with the new Grameen
houses compared well with those in pre-existing or more traditional
houses. Fever, influenza, and typhoid (among other diseases) were
down by almost 50%9. Micro-credit programmes based on the
Grameen experience have been established in 56 other countries.

9 above: Typical housing before and 10 below: after Grameen

8. A group of borrowers at their micro-credit weekly meeting with
the Grameen Bank manager.
7. Bangladesh.

0 50 100 km

Case study 4:
BP solar energy project, Philippines Project background. The
Philippines archipelago comprises around 7100 islands, 1000 of
them inhabited. Less than a half exceed 2.5km2 in area. Many of the
villages (Barangays) dotted over the country are remote and difficult
to access by land or sea, so for many connection to a national power
grid is not feasible. Most district hospitals and regional health units
have little or no electricity, and lack of lighting in community halls
limits opportunities for further education and involvement in
community affairs. Many villages rely on shallow wells or surface
springs for their water, hence water-borne disease is endemic.
Latrines are unsanitary, if existing at all. Solar power can provide a
highly effective, low-cost and environmentally friendly alternative
to extending power lines and/or transporting generator fuel to
these areas.

Project details
After the success of a solar power project completed in Sri Lanka in
1993/94, BP Solar Australia approached the Philippines government
with a concept for large-scale implementation of solar power across
rural communities, and received a favourable response. The initial
objective was to install about 1000 stand-alone solar-powered
equipment packages in 400 villages in remote areas of Mindanao
and Visayas provinces. At its time, this was the largest solar contract
in the world, at a total project cost of US$27M. Fundamental to the
project's success was the simplicity of the funding, via a single loan

recipient - the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
- through a grant (33%) plus a 'soft' loan (67%), both from the
Australian government. Community mobilization phase:
Community involvement throughout the entire duration of a
project, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility, is
essential for success. The Municipal Solar Infrastructure Project
(MSIP) was implemented with the help of two full-time BP staff from
Australia, but the other 500 staff involved were Filipino, selected
from the communities they were to work in, enabling
communication in local dialects. Prior to project finalization,
officials used community assemblies to introduce the project,
discuss the benefits both to individuals and the entire community,
and explain the basics of solar electricity. If the community - in
particular the mayor was interested, agreements were made to
proceed. Site and social surveys were used to determine the
development needs of each community and to identify the means
by which solar energy could be best used as the enabling technology
to meet these needs. BP also spent time with each Barangay,
exploring revenue-generating activities that would enable them to
pay for the services provided by the solar-powered systems.

Provision of systems: Solar systems were supplied and installed in

the specified areas, though the logistics were challenging, due to
the difficulty of getting construction materials, equipment, and
systems into the communities. As this was a 'tied-aid' project
funded by the Australian government, BP Australia was obliged to
source a minimum of 87% of components from Australia. However,
some construction items, videos, and televisions were sourced
locally/nationally11. Training and capacity building: In each
Barangay, two people were elected to form the Barangay Technical
Team (BTT) and trained on simple system maintenance: cleaning the
modules, topping up the battery electrolyte, etc. Municipal
engineers and operatives were trained on the more technical
repairs and maintenance of system components. Spare parts were
distributed to the municipality to give the communities easy access
to replacement parts. High-level training was provided for the
universities, with staff and students being able fully to dismantle,
repair, and reassemble the components. After the commissioning
and handover of each system, BP Solar carried out three separate

follow-up visits with the groups that had been formed.

Over 2000 people have been trained (including 'training of trainers')

on both project governance (how to organize meetings, accounting
and reporting; how to collect fees/local revenues for sustaining
services/maintenance, etc) as well as on the technical aspects
(maintenance, including local repair and replacement of parts).
Experience has clearly shown that without such training, systems
fall into disuse and disrepair and communities are then left

Progress report
MSIP commenced in November 1997 and completed in May 2001.
In total 1145 packaged solar systems were installed in 11 Provinces,
53 Municipalities and 435 Barangays. The quality of life for over 720
000 people in some of the most remote and poorest provinces of the
Philippines has been improved12. Improved health, safety,
education, governance, and easier access to potable water will bring
about poverty alleviation. The project improved local governance
by enhancing the ability of the Local Government Units (LGU) to
deliver essential social services and elicit the participation of
community organizations and individuals in improved governance.
Although it was necessary for BP Solar to pull out of several areas
over the life of the project due to political uncertainty, an impressive
list of community facilities were upgraded:

Four district hospitals, 11 rural health centres, and 104
Barangay health centres: More than half a million people will
directly benefit from improved services. Improved capacity to
store and utilize vaccines, and other medicines will reduce
infant maternal mortality rates, assist in tetanus prevention,
and improve general illness treatment.

289 areas of communal lighting for markets and fishermen's
wharves: These facilitate safer night vessel navigation and
reducing night fishing wharf accidents.

260 Barangay potable water supply systems: These will lead to
substantial reductions in water-borne disease. Women in

particular will benefit from time savings in water collection and
caring for ill family members.

l 266 schools, six municipal halls, and 201 Barangay halls: Access
to school facilities at night for adult education or
entertainment will further improve quality of life.
12 left: Lighting for improved education facilities.
13 below: Communal lighting to wharves.
11. The Philippines. THE ARUP JOURNAL 1/2003
0 100 200 km

Case study 5:
Communal sanitation, Myanmar Project background Access to
clean water and adequate sanitation is essential to the
development of a sustainable community. Access for the poor is a
key factor in improving health and economic productivity, and is
therefore an essential component in any effort to alleviate poverty.
In 2001, 16% of the world was without water supply and 40%
without access to adequate sanitation. Water-borne diseases are
responsible for more than 80% of all sicknesses in the world,
resulting in the deaths of over 4M children annually. Diarrhoeal
diseases are the third most significant child killer (after respiratory
infections and malaria), accounting for 15% of the under-five years'
mortality rate, especially in rural areas. Substantial decreases in the
frequency of contagious disease from inadequate sanitation and
water supply would result in substantial savings in healthcare costs.
These could be invested in national development, thus further
increasing national productivity.
In 1997, Myanmar was crippled by diarrheal disease, killing 30 000
children. Sanitation coverage stood at only 39% of the population,

and personal and domestic hygiene was poor13. Myanmar ranked
190th out of 191 in the WHO Report 200014.

Project details
Over the past decade, significant attempts have been made to
improve sanitation in Myanmar. In the mid-1990s the government,
in a bid to promote community participation, adopted a strategy in
which families were provided with free latrine pans. However this
proved too costly, failed to achieve community support, and was
phased out. The government then recognized that it could no longer
be the sole provider of sanitation services, and that the key role of
government should be to facilitate and stimulate local communities
to recognize and meet their own needs. This was to be carried out
through organizing and financing community mobilization and
household motivation, and running an awareness campaign, known
as the National Sanitation Week (NSW). For the past five years,
UNICEF has supported this programme. National Sanitation Week
activities are carried out under the guidance of the National Health
Committee and with the active involvement of the entire nation.

The Week has three key objectives:

l To educate the general public in the values of sanitation
l To assist people in actual implementation of sanitary work
l To reduce the spread of communicable disease.
Community mobilization: As individual users are the ultimate
'decision makers' who embrace or reject new technology,
community involvement is widely accepted as a key ingredient in
the success of any aid project. As noted in previous case studies,
participation of local people in all stages of a project, from design
and construction to operation and maintenance, is paramount in
fostering a sense of ownership and ensuring that facilities are
properly used and maintained.

Use of sanitation cannot be imposed - it has to be 'created' by

demand. In the past, supply-driven approaches to sanitation
provision have led to widespread disuse of latrines, leaving latrine
slabs as a health hazard and a negative influence on any future
sanitation attempts. Demand for use of sanitation systems are thus
not is easily generated, as rural populations do not often perceive

the health benefits arising from sanitation. It is therefore
fundamentally important that sanitation be effectively promoted,
as part of health education, to create demand.

Promotional campaign: This treated sanitation as a product to be

marketed to individual households, with all available and affordable
media and communication channels being used to promote
sanitation messages. The approach was broad-based, emphasizing
not only potential health improvements but also benefits such as
privacy and convenience, elevation of household status, respect
and dignity (especially for women), environmental awareness, and
the potential economic benefits of generating resources out of
waste. Social mobilization was intensified through community
meetings organized at various levels, supported by visiting health
teams and input non-governmental organizations, schoolteachers,
and local leaders. A range of information and communication
materials, such as posters, pamphlets, and models of affordable
latrines, was produced. National television and media also played a
significant communication role. UNICEF contributed about US$100
000 per year to these promotional activities15.

The communication and social mobilization package has been

improved each year to give greater attention to upgrading
unsanitary latrines and integrating washing of hands into the
sanitation cycle. Interested households form a village sanitation
committee, which plays a fundamental role in co-ordinating
activities. Implementation: Construction activities commenced only
after the awareness campaign had been launched and hygiene and
sanitation education provided. Thus construction took place only in
motivated communities and with the co-operation of the end users;
indeed, it was promoted as a 'do-it-yourself' construction
programme. Families were responsible for installing and financing
their own sanitation facilities, with subsidies only made available for
schools and for the communities that could not afford self-finance.
Households were in fact subsidized during the 1997 floods but even
then an element of self-help was expected. A low-cost (Kyat 900 or
US$2.75) locally manufactured plastic pan and pipe set was made
available to each household that had excavated (and lined where
necessary) a pit and then built as good a superstructure as it could

afford16. A wide range of low cost and appropriate latrine designs
was developed, suited to individual family preference and
affordability. Every effort was made to promote capacity and
income generation activities among community members, to allow
them to participate by contributing labour, cash, and/or materials
towards building the project. The private sector responded, to meet
the rising demand for parts. Local production of plastic latrine pans
has increased by a factor of six in the last five years, from about 40
000 in 1995 to more than 250 000 annually16. To reduce costs,
locally available materials were widely used and some village
leaders organized the bulk purchase of bamboo.

Progress report
In 1997, before the national campaign was launched, the sanitation
coverage throughout rural areas stood at 39%13. In 2001, sanitation
coverage stands at 57%17. Hand-washing with soap and water after
latrine use has also increased, from 18% in 1996 to 43% in 200118.
Too frequently, the success of sanitation programs is measured by
the total number of latrines constructed, with little attention to
actual operation, maintenance, or usage. Long-term success of
these systems depends on the availability of supplies, parts,
equipment, and the availability of trained people needed to
monitor, maintain and repair the systems, as well as continued
community demand for their use. As sanitation coverage in
Myanmar grows, campaigning continues. Programmed follow-up to
the National Sanitation Week is being provided in selected
townships through more intensive social mobilization targeted at
'hard to reach' households and communities, and activity-based
sanitation and hygiene education in selected schools. This approach
recognizes that schools create an excellent participatory and
enabling learning environment in which to promote sanitary habits
and hygienic practices. There continues to be widespread general
training of decision-makers, planners, and trainers in social
mobilization programmes for hygiene. The 2002 National Sanitation
Week accordingly gave special emphasis to activities to be carried
out in 73 of a total of 324 townships, where 50% or more of the
households still do not have access to a sanitary latrine18.
Myanmar's success is a model to other countries and has been
internationally recognized by South East Asian Region Countries.

Government delegates from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bhutan, China,
Vietnam and Laos have come to Myanmar to observe their activities
and learn from their experiences. Nepal launched its own National
Sanitation Action Week: March 2001.

15. Rural water supply.

14. Myanmar.
Author's acknowledgement:
Nicole Hahn undertook the research for this paper. Her enthusiasm
and personal commitment for this topic is unbounded and
exemplifies the commitment of many young engineering
professionals to 'make a difference'. I am grateful for her
contribution and support.

Each case study illustrates the application of relatively low
technology engineering in small-scale investments which
nonetheless enjoy high levels of community engagement. The
success of these programmes is due in significant measure to this
level of community commitment and to the extent of understanding
of social, economic and political influences in that local community.
As Sir Ove Arup said, 'Engineering problems are under-defined,
there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is to
arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity, involving
imagination, intuition and deliberate choice.' In these case studies
and in many similar scenarios, the solutions developed have not
been primarily engineering solutions, although engineering plays a
key part in the outcome adopted. It is not known which profession
took the lead in which scenario, but it is clear that engineers with
appropriate sensitivity could have led in all of them.

The case studies therefore illustrate the application of sound

engineering solutions to poverty alleviation:
l Sustainable engineering was achieved, as the solutions
adopted will have a positive or neutral impact on natural
l Life-cycle engineering took into account the operational and
maintenance cost of the engineering solutions. The completed

projects have effective and affordable operational and
maintenance regimes.
Empowered engineering took into account the capabilities of
the local community, in particular its engineering and technical
professions. The solutions developed involve local professional
and technical staff and will establish an on-going engineering
and operational resource.
Appropriate engineering considered various options that met
the engineering project needs and adopted labour-intensive
construction where relevant, so as to create community
involvement and knowledge of the projects' operations and to
stimulate community income. The challenge for the
engineering profession is to revisit our 'Brunel' roots and
develop a suite of solutions to the issues raised in this paper.
These should include solutions not only to the alleviation of
poverty when it occurs but also to the development of
sustainable urban infrastructure; solutions that recognize
rather than resist the inevitability of migration to urban centres
and then make provision for these rapidly growing populations.
Engineers can work effectively with other professions and
community leaders to develop sustainable solutions to
poverty. And engineers can take the lead in developing
sustainable concepts for the urban areas of the future,
concepts in which:
Access to and opportunities for employment are enhanced.
Housing, sanitation, and water supply are provided at
affordable prices.
Access to and opportunities for education are enhanced.
Affordable transport facilities are available.

Indian Railway /state of condition we spent a considerable time in
India recently, travelling through the length and breadth of India
mostly by Indian Railway in duration of 45 weeks, from 1996-2001 to
pursue the social work in about 15 states of India. I am forced to
draw attention of my fellow countrymen towards this issue. If there
is cleanliness, India can attract lot of International tourists. Local
tourist industry and Railway's own employees will
benefit from following observations and suggestions.

1. Railways are the largest polluters of Environment in India.

2. They are the largest water polluters in India. (Most
3. They are largest air polluters in India.
4. The Indian railways may be one of the largest contributors to
national health expenditure.
5. It is common sight wherever railway line passes, in entire
nation people can be seen doing their daily routine early
morning or any time of the day for that matter. The reason
being, there is already filth left by railway tracks. It does not
create a pretty sight from railway compartment to look outside
the window to admire the beauty of countryside.
6. Railway yards are dirtiest locations in any city, aesthetically
very deplorable and health hazards.
7. Drainage system in and around railway properties is in a mess.
8. The large number of people, each day travelling and number of
urinals disproportionately so inadequate for users of railway.
9. In countryside many buildings are abandoned by railways,
which are safety risk for neighbors.
10. The railway bogies are not cleaned before every next use; it is
hazardous to user's health.
11. Even outside of train body should be clean for the health
reasons of users, which is not done many times. Vomiting
marks can be seen on each and every bogie and sometimes on

Most appalling is spraying the excretion over the entire nation
without any consideration of fellow citizens. When an airplane
passes over head it does not spray urine or feces over the population
on ground, how and when railway got such an unwritten permission
to do it throughout, especially rural India. Anybody passing under a
railway bridge knows about it very well.

It only will cost railway about five hundred to thousand rupees extra,
to have a fiber glass tank and a system to clean up at major or any
intermediate stations with the help of pumps and they already have
enough cleaning employees. It can be achieved in following ways. A
team has to be assembled from bottom up, not top trickle down
order system. Make sure all members of these teams are active
believers in problem solving, i.e. positive thinker.

Time allowed should be only two years to clean up the mess and
start new system. There should be three phases, one- planning for
six month, two- procuring necessary equipment for six month,
three- one year to implement the tank under the entire urinal and
commodes in all the running bogies. There could be some three to
four lakh such bogies. The design of tank should follow the contour
of under bogie's shape and should be in cube shape, as far as
possible. Tank made of fiber glass, can stand the acidity of urine and
stool. This could be financed by levying 1% surcharge for two years
on every ticket sold in India and the funneling entire funds only for
this Project. There should be a transparency about it. So general
public is aware and can cooperate in planning process. In order to
improve air quality instead of sweeping method, which causes
inconvenience to users as they are forced to breath the dust in air
responsible for many potential health risks, air vacuuming (suction)
system to be used which will require less water and hence less
discharge system complications. Good thing they have done by
stopping the coal burning Engines, in Indian Railways. It can very
easily be proved that amount of money spend in this system can be
very easily be offset by saving in health bills.
In the end there is no need to say, if railway can clean its act all
together, countryside has a chance to be cleaner and desirable.
Please send this message to anybody you know in Indian Railways or
send this message to fellow Indian activist in India.
RUBY- Rural Urban Yoke Bondage
HIRA- Help India Rural Agriculturists
PANNA- Progressive Agriculturist National Network of Achievers

At present we have RUBY type of relation between our rural and

urban population in our Bharat. Urban people like the yoke type of
relation with rural people and who does not like bondage, only who
is under bondage. It is very difficult for rural people to come out of
this yoke unless they put a long fight with urban people. My aim to
write this article is not to create friction between urban and rural
population, but just draw the attention to the problem, which exist
now, and we certainly help to eradicate once we realized its

Now let us see HIRA- Help Indian Rural Agriculturists. How by simply
paying them fair market value of their produce. Take a pledge that
whatever we take from them we will pay fair market value and never
take advantage of our rural brothers by not taking anything from
them free of charge. I will state a simple observation, which I am
witnessing for last six decades. Whenever villagers bring sugarcanes
to sugar factory in any way lorry / truck / oxcart etc to city for selling
people will snatch sugarcane from them without paying any to them
it is simply steeling. This way poor farmers loose at least 1/10 of their
produce this way. We wish to eat sugar cane we certainly can buy
them by paying fair price to farmers. These poor farmers are meek
and no body will be there in city to help them. Can we locate these
sugar mills away from city will be one solution or as stated above pay
fair price for their produce. Thanks for reading the article and
remember to use this hint whenever you have chance to act.

See what is now PANNA- Progressive Agriculturist National Network

of Achievers After traveling to some 360 villages in 18 states of
Bharat we learnt that there are many Farmers who are big achievers
but not many of us knows about it from one state to other hence we
can't duplicate their feat. Whereas these success stories should be
duplicated, recorded, distributed to everywhere in Bharat. All of us
know that we can't increase the land area but only yield can be
increased. I will state the one real true story, which I witnessed in
India. This lowly educated farmer made his house of concrete leak
proof roof and put some three feet of soil on top it and started doing
producing various crops of vegetable and cereals on his roof. There
is one farmer in Orissa who produces 100 quintal of rice paddy per
acre using only green postures. Third one in Rajasthan who
produced grass in wasteland, which can be used by milk yielding
animals. These three are not the only real success stories you may
be knowing more such stories, what we need to do is to collect all
such stories and publish them with the help of (KVK) Krishi Vikas
Kendra which are existing throughout the land with help of Various
Agricultural Research Institutions or National Agricultural Research
Council. While we were traveling someone posed a Question to us in
Delhi do we have homemade pesticide we did not have the answer
but late someone in West Bengal showed how to make them
indigenously. We got both of them connected to each other.

Dictionary meaning of scam is the 'a fraudulent business scheme' or
'swindle'. Let us see if SCAM is an accur name then what it can mean,
Spread Corruption by Accountability Minimization (SCAM). Which
fulfills it true meaning and spirit as well. Remember the saying 'glass is
half full or glass is half empty' similarly it is true with this word 'SCAM'
Question will arise how come? IT is not only the real meaning of the
word but also has the opposite meaning inside this as well. If we are
interested in reducing the corruption it is as well come from the word
SCAM as well.

Stop Corruption by Accountability Maximization. (SCAM). It all depend

how you wish to define this word. Hence the title of this article could be
Accountability as well but here we will stick with the word SCAM only.
When we are discussing about corruption in general if accountability is
not there it will be spreading like a wild fire. But if we are looking for the
uprooting corruption then we have to have accountability at all levels
then only it can be scraped from the system. Wherever there is
accountability, secrecy will not be required at all; corruption cannot
germinate or flourish.

Let us all wok to take care of earlier scam to later SCAM. Let us all work
to stop corruption by making all elected or selected public servants and
leaders to be accountable only to public not to each others as it is the
situation now. What it will take is only unity of public against common
enemy public servants and leaders not following the rules, which can
do well of public at large. We should remember that very famous
saying that 'If you ask you get alms and if you snatch hen you get rights'
in democracy the public should be supreme, not government nor the
politicians but we must have absolute majority with you.

Another big point in the consumerism is the customer is always right

and we are customers for public servants and politician and we have to
be happy not other way, public keeps politicians and public servants
happy. How we can do that is simple keep using the 'Right to
Information act 2005' to maximum in order to break the unholy
alliance between politician and public servants against the interests of
A reduction in values is real Webster meaning of shrinkage. I am sure
you must have heard this quote that 'our values are shrinking'. Do
we want to live with this label? We wish to use this word in entirely
new context here, which by the way we learnt here in USA form
business world. Here it means product stole from stores by patrons
without paying its price. You would not believe that if we tell you it is
about 5% of total sale in some of the departmental stores. In
actuality it is about 10 Billion dollars per year.

Similarly in Bharat shrinkage is called corruption. From a rough an

estimate let us say figure is about 50% of our total Government
expenditure. Actual numbers could be much larger. In some of the
departments it could be much more, you know which departments
we are referring. If we take the words of our late Prime Minister Mr.
Rajiv Gandhi When Rupee one is allotted for rural development only
15 paisa reaches the recipient. It will be easily estimated that we can
do much more if all the allotted money is available for development
minus ten percent spent on its management. It will be wise to invest
in new system in order to scrap this present system. And rural
development can easily be made 5-6 times of present level. Let us
invest all our resources to put an end this antiquated system. Let all
pray and work to stop this Shrinkage and get involved. Some
estimates put our parallel economy to order of 2-3 times of our
economy in record Even we stick with numbers of 10% think what
changes we will see in our country's economy.

Today while I was writing this article CBI has unearthed cash of
Rs.2.7 crores plus some property worth more than few crores
Rupees from one Central Excise commissioner and his friend homes
in Mumabi. It is claimed as single most haul in a day from single
public servant CBI. We have Vigilance department and CBI. Is it
worth to pay their salary if we are not getting enough return or if we
don't need them scrap the department all together and we will save
more money for more development work. Public must have lost at
least 5 crores, just by one public servant.

Bad News:
one surpunch kills herself, than succumb to pressure of corrupt
officials for bribe. Simple solution to count all the corruption is when
ever some pays bribe please sent a post card to vigilance
department/ CBI. This is what this man did in above case his
company did some bungling and in order to get out of hook he paid
the above public servant Rs. 60,00,000 but he demanded Rs.
90,00,000 more to close the case. Then he went to CBI. I do that as
well, pay bribe to railway person and see his or her name and write a
post card to railway minister about the incident, this will be worth
spending 50 paisa on post card. Unless we report nobody will have
honest data about this let us create a data bank and then only we
will be able to deal the problem of Corruption properly.

Make sure you report to someone whenever you bribe some public
servant and it will be off your chest it is healthy for you as well. It will
be best public service you will ever do. If public will not take care of
public money then who else will do it in the democracy because
public servant will never do it for you as we had experienced in last
57 years as it is evident from definition of servant. Become master of
our own destiny public please wake up because you are only master.
If you want more government jobs schools and other services we
have to stop this shrinkage as soon as we care to have more
accountability from our public servants (Please stop calling them
Government officers). They are paid to their job enough in cash and
kind houses phones etc.etc. Main reason for the corruption is
discriminatory powers of administrative staff and no robust rules.
Because without correct data neither we know the real extend of
problem nor we can solve it and without data it is mere ones'
opinion. Let us make citizen corruption bureau (CCB).

Good News.
As per news direct taxes collection in India has 45% jumped just in
last quarter ended in June 2004. See what can be done with extra
25% of money we can probably pay off our loans early. Thanks to
Government of India for paying 1 Billion Dollars loan of Japan
Government in September 2004.

Sir (last) name Fraud
Bharat had seen many frauds after the independence, but none is
more obvious and nobody seems to care in public. Because nobody
think on behalf of public and everybody are just busy in
extinguishing his or her own little fire and move ahead in life by
following his or her hero or leaders. When the heroes make a
mistake no body tell them even their own followers that they are
wrong but pacify that everybody makes mistakes hence nothing is
new. This is root cause of all the frauds in India after independence
and we are paying a very heavy price in all walks of life. Second
biggest reason is fear of rules and leaders and Government. Nobody
knows what is government in a democracy.

Let us understand what is Government in democracy; I hope

everybody knows about it but do nothing about it. Democracy is of
the people by the people and for the people In our democracy
nobody is doing it right, neither leaders nor babus or judges and
public as well. Biggest winners are traders, leaders, babus and
judges and looser is public. Public has no tools once somebody is
once elected cannot be unseated by any other peaceful means than
killing someone in broad day light. Our great Constitution has no
provision about it. None of the ruling party talks about it because
they will be affected first. Another basic thing is which is missing in
our so-called constitution is separation of powers, responsibilities,
and accountability to the public. Everybody is taking shelter that we
are running a government.
We are to change that and congress had started this that they will
ask for cast and religion in coming census. Then why not everybody
is honest about it that one is Hindu or Muslim or Christian etc. etc.
When this is established than it should be illegal to claim otherwise
during elections that we are Hindu when we are not, or any other
race. At the same time it should be illegal to use some other name
sir name than what they are born into. This should be SIR NAME
FRAUD and unfortunately NEHRU GANDHI as these people are
neither Nehru nor Gandhi; this dynasty is biggest user of this fraud
against unsuspecting simple public. We should not hesitate to have
PIL against this biggest fraud of the independent India. Why public
keeps quite about it when this trump card is used to lure public
votes, nor our handpicked Election commission talks about it.

When making false promises during election is not permissible how

could nobody talks against it so far. This is very wrong to do it. If a
ordinary man changes name he or she has to go through lot of
trouble getting it published in paper take oath in front a judge and I
know for sure it has never been done in case of this dynasty in past
nor in present but we would like to made it clear in future that Rahul
Gandhi Sonya Gandhi, Indira Gandhi are not Nehru, nor related to
mahatma Gandhi. Public should educate all the people of India
about this fraud as well. So are the cremation of Indira Gandhi and
Rajeev Gandhi was wrong as they were Parasi and their body should
be left on tower of silence as it d done by paresis (no fun intended or
hat rated towards paresis) .How we would make public aware of this
is big task but we have to start somewhere.

Six Wonderful Ladies
During our 2009- 2010 we met many ladies in our social work tour
there will be lot to mentioned here but six stands out and we were
forced to write about them in this article. They are Sumanna ji, Dr.
Ratna Bharati, Dr. Uma Tuli, Dr. Nadita Pathak, Ritambhra ji, Dr. Jolly
Rohatgi. Now read briefly about each one separately below.

Sumanna Ji
She is about 70 years young about one hundred seventy miles she
was teacher and never married though raised and brought up in
same village - Bargulla. She started the basic school in Bargulla she
collected and funds and from Government of Andhra Pradesh
matched those funds and this school is now high school which has a
big multipurpose hall and all rooms have good decent furniture. It is
her hard work this village not only have a orphanage but also one
senior citizen house which caters to need of some 200 people, now
it has handlooms which gives employment to needy women. Whole
village is completely clean no dirty drains. The reason is because of
this one lady who has resolve and dedication for complete village up
liftmen. There is no organization of her own but after we try she was
thinking about it now. I don't think she need one as she herself is
more than many NGOs. Her students never refuse any thing she
demands from old students. This is what power she has to motivate
her students.

Dr. Ratna Bharati

She is also unmarried. Age is about forty plus only but she had a
married adopted daughter and two minor school going girl
daughters. She is dedicated to raise awareness about the girls and
their betterment. Let me explain how it she is doing these three girls
are the children of her patient who wish to have abortion once they
found out the unborn child is girl. She is only doctor who fought for
the village hospital to authorities and refused promotion to stay
with this hospital till it had operation room and other facility like
testing for blood stool urine x-ray machines and put up her all
income for this purpose but raised funds from family friends also her
mother and brother also live nearby Hissar Haryana. She started the
NGO for this purpose. She has a swimming pool in her own house
where one teacher teaches village girl swimming and earn a living
double purpose girls learning swimming and some employments.
For twenty years she ran this hospital and fought against the girl's
pregnancy termination. She is also integral part of the
administrations one high school for girls and other for boys.
Village name is Kameri which is not developed inspire of great
development of Haryana. She is so powerful that whatever she ask
from Government she gets it and people from anywhere in India but
also outside India are ready to help her she is so influential in her
approach towards development of this neglected village at border
of Haryana and Rajasthan.

Dr. Uma Tuli

Just after her brother got his leg broken and had to walk wth slightly
limp she took a oath that she will try to work and spend all her
earning to remove and help the handicapped persons. This oath she
took before married and luckily her now husband not only agreed
with her oath helps her now after forty five years ago her whole
family including her daughter-in-law is fully involved in her pursuit
to run Amar Joyti
Charitable trust in Karkarduma in old Delhi trans Jamuna area. She is
now pioneer in whole India. She was the sole responsible to host the
World Games (Olampic) in 2008 in New Delhi for Physically
Handicapped. She is responsible for making pro handicapped rules
and regulation in the country. Beauty is that these physically
handicapped children play with fully able kids like equal. WE saw the
these children though challenged in many faculty but totally
independent and earn a honest living young or old alike. It will not
be a complete article unless we mention about these two Sardar
Brothers who can't talk at all are perfect wood carver and working
and teaching this art to others and earning a living for many years
and happily married raising their family. In this school children
makes many thing for day to day use like jewelry, dresses, paintings
embroidery, wooden furniture printing electric repairs mobile
phone repairs etc. these thing bring money for the institution and
money is shared with the students so they get the confidence and

feel proud of earning citizen.. There are some six hundred such
students and staff of hundred not only take care of themselves but
also the hospital to give help to other hundreds day patients by
fitting artificial limbs and other helping operation . They are going to
open another branch of Amar Joyti in Gwalior land is already
purchased but need some six crores to start same institution there
in Madhya Pradesh as well.

Dr. Nadita Pathak

She is director of Udmita under Deen Dayal Research Institute in
Chitrakoot MP/UP border. Its Founder was Nana ji Deshmukh who
just expired in the year 2010. This small but powerful orators and
invited for women causes champion in various countries around
world and had a degree in making fruit preserve in various forms in
order o use its goodness throughout the year when they are not
freshly available. She is a great motivator and married with two
wonderful girls and she is also a perfect wife as well as mother.
Her husband is Bharat Pathak and director of DRI internationally
well know NGO ex president Abdul Kalam had mention in his PURA
program about this and GOI also has declared as PPO in
Chitrakoot.She is also a perfect host and whenever we visit
Chitrakoot she takes care of all of our needs at any time of day or
night. Chitrakoot has world class tourist place and hospital and its
Samaj Shilpi Dampathy (social serving pairs)where both graduate
husband wife take oath and work live within village on a small of
rupees 4000 rupees per month subsidence and solve problem of
village with villagers involvement. And many improvements in
village life like health cleanliness education adult employments,
recently Solar powered street light home lights and innovative hand
held fan operated by storage cell battery, and house hold income
generation as well.

Sadhvi Ritambhara JI
She is also unmarried but very powerful lady orator of first degree
and appears daily on Aastha TV programs. She has dedicated her life
for ladies Girl betterment. Her ashram is in between Mathura and
Vrindavan known as Vatsalya Gram. They have school and ten
homes for children with mother and mausi. They all get fixed money
per month and they have to buy everything for the home thses kids

are all orphans and these ladies are all either divorced or widows
and mausi is also same one head know as mother other helper
known as mausi (like mother). They have some ten homes and
about 75 children which are in various classes and attend local
school and high school. They have one small baby crib and a bell
anybody can leave a child there and ring the bell and after that this
child is there and are never given on adoption all are know the
children of ashram and are given all that one need as child cloth
place to live and school to study. Last name and name is given And
last name is always Parmanand on her Guru's name. They will not
take any child if someone comes in the gate to leave it. There is a
hotel with a/c and full satvik food for all guest where money is
charged nothing is free but very reasonable and comfortable
probably best in and around Mathura and Vrindavan. Hundreds of
people work in shop food place and keeping the place clean and
beautiful also have many temples and yoga sadhana center for
everybody to do yoga daily.

Dr. Jolly Rohatgi

She is very talented and dedicated lady I ever met and totally
absorbed to uplift the less fortunate and poor and neglected section
of our society. She is also unmarried and doing this for last thirty
years in greater Delhi are have two centers one in Jamroodpur in
south New Delhi and Aya Nagar near Haryana Border. W e are know
n to her and involved in her work as well, She is working with
physically and mentally challenged kids specially girls who are
neglected by family members as well but she and her teams makes
them actively gainfully members of society and treat these their
own family. They pick these kids from their home and bring it to the
center and teach them many trades like paper envelops and
groceries bags so they can earn a honest living and become earning
respectable member of their families, same family ignored them
before now loves them. Many such girls are supplying mid meal to
nearby office people and earn a living. The main thing of their
program is the create the confidence in these physically and
mentally challenged kids, that they are part of a greater society and
earning member rather than burden on the family finances. The
best part of their program is they all the workers of Janmadhyam
bring their own lunch and all of them comes from different part of

India and then they share all of it with each other and eat it together.
In a days work you can be eating idly, loochi or paratha, roti dal and
subji any thing Seve etc. when we visit them they share with us as
well what big hearted thing never seen anything like that in whole
India. They created a history by making Mulberry (Shatut) Jam in
India first time and we bought that too. When they share their
stories like first time they treated whole family simple ice cream
from their first earned income their pride and face lit like moon.

They have taken these program to many schools and instead of

collecting such kids they are advocating that these type of children
have a place in normal schools instead of laugh at them or help them
society should understand their needs and help when they asked
and give them a chance to shine in society we need to learn to
accept them as they are rather than ridicule them. Many of them are
good painters and artist and also embroiders as well and their
crafted articles are sold in very high end store in New Delhi.

There other ladies as well we met and seen working in various part
of our country we will name them without details here. Savitri
Narian in WB, Rama Subramaniam in TN, Vidhi jain in RJ, Dipti Raju in
GJ, Deepa choudhary in Od, SAI Padma in AP, Anu Gupta in UA,
Bhagwati Ben Desai in GJ, and many more I am sure we had not met.
God bless them for their dedication towards Women folks.

We should always arrive together to a solution of all social problems,
rather than borrowed it because it was successful elsewhere and
taken for us or dictated. Initiate of solution must always come from
the populous, which has stated the problem. Then only we will feel
that we are part of the solution and it is our duty to achieve the
desired results. Most of us have a solution for the entire problem
others are facing in our neck of wood, but these solutions may not
be appropriate because of local conditions and adoptability of
populous. Idea never benefit when it is borrowed, we might as well
modify & own it. Most us like me are very smart and hence quickly
come to the solutions before we had heard the complete problem
correctly or read it properly. Every one of us in rush to implement
our solution to more and more similar problems. Like take the case
study of village development in India's 600,000+ villages aspect of
water storage in small dams for irrigation. Everywhere we see
thousands of these dams are made, in most of the states where
there is water problem in dry seasons. Here see what is going to
happens downstream people, we have no consideration. In this case
we should think locally and control should we central. This is no
solution but pass the bug around and who so ever can pull the
mussels around get the benefit. In case of these dams also benefit
goes more to big landowners.

Let me share one story with you some thirty or forty years ago in
order to give boost to irrigation by well water, Government of Bihar
started giving grant cum loan. Soon the amount of loan, which was
given, becomes so much, that the area of wells alone become larger
than entire area to be irrigated. Still problem did not get solved.
Moral of story is that are we so much jealous to duplicate the
success stories elsewhere, we forget that the root cause of problem
lies somewhere else. It may be in adoptability and freedom of
choice, may not be just to follow rules. Spirit of rule is more
important to understand than its literal meaning. Monitoring is
important, spirit behind it should be, that unless majority had taken
a decision to include everybody in benefit, as well as priority for the
tasks, it should never be taken up. More money is not always
solutions to all the social problems, but attitude is.
Mahatma Gandhi was probably biggest thinker of our time but we
cannot solve all the ills of society just following his principle in Toto,
but we will we able to solve most of the ills by his principles probably
when we are given a free hand to change the principles to suit the
local conditions with loosing the basic values, complete with spirit.
More over we may have all the theory but have no tools and means
to solve; we will not be able to solve anything. Own the solutions in
your name and be proud of it rather than tried the proven ways.
Failures will be there either way you go and we should be always
ready to change our course. There is no free lunch otherwise Bihar
story will not be told over and over again. The problem solving
techniques should be instilled with our basic education like
Japanese do with their own kids, children given the task which is
impossible in our set of mind, may be someone can come with
solution and surprise us. There is no fixed solution we all are

If we want to solve the rural problem best way is study the problems
and plan your action and have alternate plan at hand, spent time
money and involvement of people and give them what they need
and absorb, not what we feel and can provide. Cooperative efforts
can only bring success and schemes suchas NRI-Home Coming,
Indicorp, or individual efforts for bringing together recipients and
donors act as link should be encouraged. The main thing is to write
down the problem and possible ways to solve and never hesitate to
change it, own the problem and solutions as well. No one to blame
but your-self if you succeed you will come out ahead of the game as
long as you are making the rules. When you get the success, nobody
asks you question about rules, but everybody will come to you &
learn from you. Main things we learn from others is what are the
rules and how we collect data and analyze it by applying others
experience to get the desire results, which is best suited for our
circumstances. Hence only the adopted and modified solution,
which you own, will be called successful, other will only be a remains
on paper to be seen and appreciated. Hands on approach are the

Sorry I can't give you recipe for any or all-social or civic problems, if
we own the solution, sweet success will be ours, but it is not
guaranteed. At the same time experiences we learn on the way
never go wasted.
The talk you hear about adopting to change is not stupid but it is
dangerous. The only way you can manage change is to create it.
When this seems to be my motto, then if someone calls me a
stagnant person or someone labels, our life has stagnation I don't
understand. It may prove that either I don't understand what is
stagnation or the person who is calling our life stagnant does not
know much about our life at all. Whenever you don't keep the
commitment to yourself, you tend to fail. That will also be your norm
for advising others, which will lead to failure as well.

Others may perceive me as stagnant, when I come out of collecting

mode, and stop buying things especially in this effluent country like
USA. In western world typically, thought of using resources is most
important thing to do. In order to be doing just that, we exhaust
ourselves getting more and more of what is vanishing. Finally when
a genuine idea comes, all our energies are gone. To let this setback
go, get rid of unnecessary things; practice a craft using little
resources, stop doing charity for people who scramble for more and

In East this thought is known as detachment. Living without

superfluous wealth and within ones means may be stagnation from
the western view of life but there is life beyond that too. When we
are ready to get that label of stagnation, when you stop changing
then it is really stagnation. Change to one person may be limited to
what she/he knows or perceive, but internal changes and spiritual
changes neither can be seen nor can be measured.

Hence no one can be stagnant ever from his or her point of view,
others' view on this issue is irrelevant. Persistence can be seen as
stagnation of thoughts but it is far from the truth.

Story of 3 P
P-Public \P-politician \P-public-servant (including police).

In democracy these are the three figures everywhere. The first and
foremost P should stand for Public because that exist first and then
they needed public servants and then they needed their
representatives politicians. When Politicians came, what they did
divided and started ruling instead of serving the public with the help
of public-servants (please note they are still called Government-
servants and I am avoiding using this term in Public).

Everybody loves the ruling part, as nobody wants to be servant of

public, because they like to be another part of another big P
(power). But everybody forgets soon that power is really vested in
Public and temporarily given to them, who in turn are like a sleeping
Giant and this Giant think that they don't have power and are
helpless because they are not united.

The correct order of this pyramid should be inversely proportion to

the letters each contains i.e. first public then politicians and last but
not the least public servants. But unfortunately at present system as
exist in India is opposite first politicians, then public servant and in
last comes public. There should not be any power struggle for ideal
conditions and all should live in Peace together.

Think now for a second why it is so answer comes right away. The
present rules and administration in by product of British rule and do
they want this for their subjects no but at the same time they
wanted a committed bureaucracy. Hence there is lot of
discrimination power given to this group instead of robust rule,
which can't be manipulated. All the rules in Democracy should be in
public interest rather than for discouragement. Encouragement
should be the norm not otherwise as it is now, if you make the
mistake you will be punished if caught. Enforcement of rules is not
possible but one who is caught will be punish only public. Similarly if
any Politicians or public servants are found breaking the rules are
punished as the ruler part was always British and they saved in the
name of British Crown service and Civil servants. This is certainly
misuse of Power. We have to go through the Following steps in order
to reverse the Pyramid of power.

1. Public should vote for increase of perk and pay for politicians,
public servants.
2. Rules, which are redundant, should be abolished.
3. For check and balance legislative, executive and Judiciary should
be independent of each other separated.
4. Permanency of Government Jobs is hindrance in progress of
democracy and providing housing and domestic servant should
be scraped. Appointment for positions for one term of four to
five years term. If rules are robust continuity is not a problem.
5. All housing of Government should privatized and then only
public Servants will realize how public is living. And the money
thus saved should pay off the Govt. Debt.
6. Make Public service and politicians services less lucrative and
people should come to serving attitude not ruling attitude.
Three time and out be it public office by appointment or
7. Politicians have no lucrative perks unless all public have Roti,
Kapara Aur Makan (Food Shelter and Job).
8. Schools can opened anywhere like business now, try to open the
school and you will know what we mean here. You can open up
to 5 crores industry without any paper work but for school.
Government had to control the Quality of schools not the
9. Encourage should be norm not the punishment as it exists.
10. Three strike should be rule and out in any profession or for
11. Dream India as you would like to see it in future.

The new Slogan is for JAL(judiciary,
administration and Legislators
This I just thought after I read that the 50 % of transfer in The Police
Dept from ( RTI report) starts from Dy CM of Maharastra.


N not
Essentails (Roti Kapara Aur makan/food,clothes and sheltor)
Time bound

That is the full meaning of the slogan in extended form

Then What
Let me start this article with a story I like. Once there were two
fishermen fishing in a lake. One in 50 feet fully equipped modern
yacht and the other in a small dinghy. The rich man asked, what are
you doing? The dinghy man said I am fishing. The yacht man boasted
you wasted your whole life, look at me. I went to Harvard for my
MBA and then I started working for a big company and became its
CEO. Having company I worked hard, married a wealthy woman,
bought a big house and a Yacht. Now I can fish in this big yacht and
do whatever I wish. Now came the turn of small boatman. He asked
the big guy what you think I am doing? The rich man replied,
Fishing. The poor man said, You wasted your whole life for
nothing. I am doing this for last 30 years, raising my family and
enjoying my life, as I wanted. You not only wasted your 30-40 years
but also must have gathered lot of worry and headaches, which I did
not have. Moral of this story is, important thing in life is your own
priority. Methods to achieve it could be different. We should always
ask our self, Then What? What I achieved so far ? Is it aiding me in
achieving my ultimate goal or do I have moving goals. If your goal is a
moving one then your satisfaction will be by moving target and you
will never be happy.

It is always good to have a good educational degree and good job,

good life partner, a home and ultimately good children but next
question will be then What? Knowledge is important but what you
do with that is more important. If life revolves around you then take
others around you also to new heights. Then it is worth living for
otherwise you will be very lonely up there at the top of your
pyramid. Our society should not struggle to survive in which we are
struggling to survive. The true wealth is not what we posses but
what we give to others. We cannot give what we do not have. If you
really want to be truly happy, think and do something for others
happiness. You cannot always take and take more but it is good
some time to give back to the same society.

Let me Quote
In the world we all live in. real success is not about status symbol or
impressing your neighbor, or what resides in your Garage. It is about
prosperity in your own terms. Internal rewards. It is all about what
resides in your head. It is that moment of pure quiet right before you
go to sleep, blissful absence of the nagging voice of ' how I am ever
going to and its evil twin, if only I had a... ' End of Quote.

In short what is not important is financial success in light of others.

On your own terms it is important and financial success does not
come from having lot of money. It comes from having not to worry
about money.
Then What? is a perfect example of moving goals and moving

This is the way it happened
We went to so many places and talked to the people about their
problems, some of the discussions followed as below: In Kachnera
(Rajasthan, Tarun Bharat Sangh-NGO ) we met with a group of 50 or
so villagers during noontime, suddenly one elderly looking
gentleman asked us, I smoke and I wants you to do something to
get rid of this habit. I hesitated for few minutes and said promptly, I
cannot do this but only you can leave if you want. But in order to
continue the dialogue we will talk little more. Then I asked how
many hand made cigarettes he smokes, he replied about worth four
rupees a day. And further I asked how old he is. He replied, 52 years
but he looked much older then me. I asked him if he could guess my
age. He said 45. I told him that my age was 57 years and added, do
you know why I don't look that old? Because I do not smoke and
drink tea. Further I asked how many children he had. He replied,
two sons. Incidentally, I also have two sons. I asked, do your children
go to school? He said yes. I asked How far is school? About 15 KM. He
said. How they go to school? I inquired. He told me by cycle. Both
have bicycles? My question was. No, he said only one has. I asked Do
you love both your children equally? Yes, he said. To which I said if
you love both then both could have cycles if you can leave the
smoking for one year. In India a cycle can be bought in 1400 Rupees.
Further more I added, if you could leave for few more years then you
can be debt free. But choice is certainly yours and you can do it. Look
at me I said if I can do it so can you.

In Chudadohar of Jharkhand (People Science Institute-NGO) we

went to, villagers thought that we are coming from US so naturally
will have lot of money to give. During one meeting when I inquired
what they need, suddenly one asked for Rupees 500,000. Then I
asked what for they need the money. They said they have
constructed the Dam and stored water but can not use it as land is at
higher level and they need to buy pump and pipe to take water up to
higher grounds. We replied that we do not have so much money and
that villagers are providing even the daily food for us since we are
travelling. But let us see how we can find the solution together. We
asked if everybody drank tea and chew tobacco? Everybody said
yes. How much you spend daily on tobacco? Five rupees per day, for
an average family. How many Families are there in this village?
Answer was about three hundred. Suppose instead of five you take
four pouches of tobacco, you can save one rupee per day. They said
sure sir this is not a big deal. Then I said could you donate the saved
money to your own village charity. Yes we can do that sir. Then I
asked, could everybody do that? Yes, yes we can all do that (Many
voices came from the crowd). I calculated quickly in my mind that in
six months this would become a handsome sum of 54,000 rupees.
They were amazed to hear that big an amount so easily can be
collected. We added further, note this donation of every household
by name in your village ledger. Take that amount to bank and show
them your record that you saved this much money in six months and
you need more 446,000 rupees loan for five years period. Bank will
be glad to loan you that amount. In rare case bank does not loan you
the amount, then we will come with you to the bank and fight for
your loan. And as incentive we will provide you a grant of rupees
10,000 after you have collected 54,000 rupees first. And we also
drew their attention to the fact that they are able to collect Rupees
9,000 per month and are capable to hire 9 persons at rate of rupees
1,000 per month. When village will be employing these people, they
will work for the village development unlike Government personnel
who want to rule over the villagers instead of serving them. What
these nine persons will do, was their next quick question? We
replied, there are jobs like doing research about village resources,
vegetation, earth quality, school - teacher, village writer to write
applications to government dept. Getting information about
government declared entitlements etc. etc. And best part is these
people will not leave your village.

In Boalia of West Bengal (Nai Azadi Andolan-NGO), we were eating

some local fruits, and one of the villager commented we sir cannot
efforts to eat fruits like you can. We were quick to reply that you can
drink tea five times a day, which is like spending RS 15 /person but
could not buy a Papaya, which is RS. 8/ per KG, and 1.5-Kg papaya
can be bought and eaten by full family. They were convinced that if
our priorities are right money is not the big issue.

In Ganeshpura of Rajasthan (TBS), people said that there are no jobs
for our boys. We were taken a back what should we say now. Again
discussion led us to believe, there has to be some way out of this
predicament. We asked, what do you have plenty in this village.
Everybody in unison said nothing. Think again, I said. We got the
same answer as if nobody was trying to think. Finally we drew their
attention to the scorching dry heat of the sun, and bounty of stones
we noticed lying everywhere in the village. Quickly we took out
some SUNMAID dry fruits packets out of our bag and showed them.
We suggested, when fruits like Grapes and Apple are cheap why
don't you dry and package them to sell for profit? Besides, people
will eat them instead of harmful tobacco. Collect the stones lying
around and give them some shape with a grinder and sell them. Go
to the market to see what sells, make similar or new art effects. Then
I asked, is there a school in this village? Yes there is a big school
having about 600 students they replied. Where do they buy
notebooks? I asked. They answered they get those from city and it
costs them a lot of money. We suggested that they buy paper in bulk
and make notebooks themselves, which can have a saving of 50
paisa per notebook. Suppose each student needs 10 notebooks per
year, 3000 rupees profit can be made easily by someone who takes
the job. There was a water shortage in this village as for last three
years rain failed. We were told lot of Berries bloom when there is a
dry spell. We suggested why not dry berries and sell. You don't even
have to go and buy them from the town. You can take school kids on
field trip to collect the berries. Part of the profit from these berries
can go to the school's general fund and rest can be distributed to the
participating children's families. We further suggested, they should
work for themselves rather than for some Seth in near by big town.
We were amazed to see in one Gujrat village women folk in their
spare time polishing diamonds and earning mere five rupees per
piece and improving their own economic condition and family's
wellbeing. This village was near Surat.

On our way in Ravali, Rajasthan (TBS) we saw, lot of women were

collecting dry sticks and branches of trees for fuel to make food. It
takes entire day for them to walk long distances to collect wood for a
week. A brain wave came to us and we decided to talk about this in
next village. Outcome was an idea we shared with them to eat some

sprouted grains and lentils instead of prepared food. Suppose if we
can eat one time prepared food and other time sprouted dals and
black gram with added salt and some onions. Following it not only
be healthy but also a substantial saving in fodder wood, they
accepted. Incidentally, we are ourselves following this lifestyle for
last five years; hence it was easy for us to say that way.

We were greeted very warmly with tea in Gadh Mora, of Rajasthan

(TBS). To their disappointment, we told them we do not drink tea.
We were touched by their innocence; we saw that after preparing
tea, lot of wood logs was left to burn out. What a waste we thought
and decided to talk about it. So as soon as we reached in the
Nayadera village, we announced, we do not drink tea so please don't
make it. They were amazed and this initiated dialogue. We told
them, It has three drawbacks, one: it spoils our health as nutrient
absorption power of body is reduced. Second, it is a big money-
drained for them as consequently the user gets poorer and tea
producer becomes richer and it is habit forming. Thirdly the sugar,
which is very harmful. There are other healthy and less expensive
alternatives to drinking tea, i.e. buttermilk
(chhaachh).. We talked to some milk producers in same village that
you think selling the milk is profitable business. Think again, you are
not selling the milk but your water and greenery, which you do not
have. The more you loose these; more dry your region will become,
in years to come. Is it going to be a profitable proposition in long run
for you and for your children and grand children to come?

In Amavara Rajasthan (TBS) we saw the teacher was going door to

door to collect students for the class. An idea creeped into our head
why force children to study and sit in class all the time and people
always complained about the cost of books and other supplies
needed for school education. Our observation was that the old
Mecauley - system presently used, is based on punishment where as
in order to make it attractive it should be based on encouragement.
We suggested, we should reward the students whenever he or she
finishes one book. After a successful completion of a test they
should be rewarded with some money and a certificate to
acknowledge their feat. This will lead to more interest in studies. Old
books can be collected from effluent students of city. Also to

organize the exchange of trips from city schools to village schools
and vice versa. To our pleasant surprise we learnt, such a system
exits and operated by some dedicated persons from New Delhi, but
on a very small scale.

In general seeing the condition of non-cooperation amongst

people. We talked about Maha Manav VS Vivash manav. What we
did: made a face with one stomach and a pair of hands and two legs
and told villagers that this person, works with two hands and fills his
stomach and when there is no work his feet will take him to different
place where there is work. You must be thinking he is free and
happy, but that is not the case, then we made another picture on a
paper with one stomach two legs and many heads and double
number of hands of as many heads. We called this as Maha Manav .
This guy works with all the hands, feeds only one stomach and so
many heads can think what work has be done. Science there is only
two legs, which can only be used for standing or move together. We
told them this stomach is your village and you can make it strong
only when you together. You have so many hands to work with and
so many heads to think together the solution any problem comes to
village and no body feels alone.

We saw the condition of non-cooperation amongst villagers, also

people are religious and god fearing, depending on god, and
Government to solve their problems. We asked them who made the
Idol of God in the temple. After a long pause Answer came, Artist
made it. Then we asked who made you, your neighbor and me. Of
course they said God is the one who made every body. OK we said.
Now man makes the idol and God, right, makes us all? Right, they
said. Then we asked whom you would love more, The idol that man
made or the one that God made. There was an expression of sudden
understanding in their eyes when they answered; we should love
the one God made. Then we proceeded; you are all very intelligent

We don't have to tell you much, I am sure tomorrow if your neighbor

is sick and in need you will take care of that, instead of going to
temple to worship the Idol made by man. That will be real worship of
God. Indian villagers are poor and there had never been any

economic survey done by Government or private agency.
Individually also people do not keep track of their income and
expenses. As a result what they earn they spend and always feel that
some things are beyond their reach. Unfortunately those some
things happen to be the important things. We showed them in
different places and meeting throughout our visit how to keep
account simply and easily. We took a clean sheet of paper on left
side we asked them to write all the money that comes in the family
through various sources, on right side write all the money spend by
the family members. If you can not write, ask your school going child
to write down for you. At the end of the month total both right and
left sides, write down the total of expense and income. If your
income is more than your expenses you are doing fine. And if you
invest the balance properly, you can buy things, which were beyond
your reach before. But if your expenses are more than your income,
then you should check from the list, which expense is unimportant
and can be cut down in future. The trick of becoming rich is to spend
less than what you earn, no matter who helps and give you money to
cover your additional expenses, but you will never be rich.

In one of the village in Orissa we were asked to say few words, we

asked the audience did anybody seen the gold is giving eggs?
Everybody was perplexed and hesitantly said no. We told them you
buy Gold because you want to make gold merchants rich and in
process you become poorer. We suggested them to invest money in
themselves, in order to make them self-richer. Earlier the gold used
to increase in value but not anymore because it is not any more
standard for currency. Basic point we wanted to bring to them that
self help schemes (SHS) especially for women as had been started in
Bangladesh. Where women save a pre fixed amount every week and
dith collected fund give to their members for starting their own
business which can uplift their own economic condition. Further we
gave him or her insight that nothing comes free someone is paying
for it somehow. When government does a job it cost you somehow
three times than you do it yourself. Like more people will be involved
will have their interest in it and in long run it will cost you more. We
have seen the same job if it is done by NGO costs one third of what it
would had cost if it was done by Sate Government. Four times more
if it is done by Central Government A very interesting fact came to

our notice that where there is Women self help group were formed
the women folk had come closer and trying them self to get rid of
social taboos, and protect them self against the high handedness of
men. For example some men was beating his wife every night after
drinking, women belonged to the group of WSH, told her story to
the group. The women of the group decided to talk the men, not to
do this but he took this threat lightly. Women again tried but in vain.
The third time they decided to beat the men good for some time to
remember. So this is a good sign that in case of urgency these
women are together not only for money matter but also for social
causes and can change their
Conditions if need be. In Badabalkani of Orissa we were asked, why
many entitlements were denied to them by Government Village
workers, and why their names were not listed in the list of Below
Poverty Limit (BPL). Though their income is much less and some
were included who earn lot of money. We asked them did you
reported this to anybody or wrote any letter to the authority.
Answer was No. The main problem we thought is people do not
know how Government works, whom to tell. We told them it is
democracy you have power to write to anybody directly and you will
not get in trouble. They may get results what they want some
times, if they approach higher authority and of course persistence
always pays in long run.

In another village of Orissa we met a dynamic lady who was

surpunch of some twenty-village panchayat. She told the audience
that women should not consider their husbands as god and act as
dummy in front of their husbands. They should feel, they are
partners, she gave our example, and commented that all other
times we see a man or women alone comes and talk to us but look at
them they are real partners in life and work hand in hand.
Another village of Orissa we were asked what we can do with our
time and were interested to get some money to buy a sewing
machine. We directed this Question to NGOS and asked them to
write a request and submit to them and if they can muster some
funds they will get them, as the people working with you day in and
day out really know your conditions.

Women can bring about the change required in the society to

enable people to think clearly and take some very important steps
towards eradicating poverty, wrong practices, improving children's
health etc. We visited Badabalkani village camp organized by HOPE
in Orissa, which is four kilometers dirt way from Sampur, which is
three hours drive from Bhuvaneshver. From Sampur to Badabalkani,
only walking and ride on back seat of a scooter could get us to the
camp. There were close to 200 people from surrounding villages
who walked long distances to attend this camp in hope to find some
help in medical or other matters.

There we met a woman (Anjali) who remained a very concerned,

sole head of her husband's extended family as her husband was
away from home, posted far away in Bihar on police job. Things had
become harder for her family, as her husband's brother who was
dumb but physically capable, was supporting his family by farming
on his small land. He died in cyclone leaving behind a young child
and wife Sumitra. Anjali, herself a mother, accommodated the
widow relative and child in her own small home. We were
impressed with the eagerness of Anjali to help her husband's
brother's family. The only problem was she did not know how, since
Sumitra was grief stricken, still in shock, unable to think and take
care of her child. Sumitra made great effort to bring Sumitra (crying)
and child to the camp and pleaded with us to help them. We had a
discussion in which she was very open in presenting and accepting
different ideas discussed to help make the widow woman self-
sufficient. We could clearly see the leadership qualities in Anjali
when she said, If I get a sewing machine, I could stitch clothes and
earn some extra money to help her and the small child. Since she
knew how to read and write, she was willing to teach her sister in law
and other women too. She said she wished she could help them
start some home based business like making papad or pickle. All she
wanted was little moral support and may be some information on
how she can get some financial help. We guided her a little in writing
a letter to HOPE about the case and requirement, which if fulfilled
could make a woman self-sufficient. We also wrote a letter on behalf
of the widow to district authority and get counter signed by local
surpunch of 27-village punchayat and gave copies of the same to
HOPE, CYSD, and other authorities to follow up such cases.

Unfortunately Sumitra's name was not listed in the BPL (below
poverty level) list by the village worker because she was not living
separately on her own so she did not qualify for the ex-gratia
payment, monthly subsidy given to the family of cyclone victims,
these are government entitlements. We wished if a self help group
existed in her village like we had seen in Rajasthan and Gujrat
villages, women folks could help each other in such circumstances. I
definitely see this incident as a proof that a literate and informed
woman has a great potential to make not only her family but also her
surrounding better. I believe that it is due to the eternal truth about
women that they have mother's instinct. Even HOPE thought Anjali
be an asset as an employee to the organization.

In Jharkhand, Daltonganj we met some small NGOs whom are

working in the area with PSI to help Adivasi local villages. One young
woman social worker named Ashrita made an impression on us. She
was from a tribal family but had an opportunity to receive gandhian
education then married in spite of tribal resistance, to a non tribal
who himself was a worker for village development. We went with
them to the villages like Bhaisasur where there is lot of poverty, lack
of education, depression in people and absolutely no enthusiasm.
Tribal are in general resistant to woman's education and they don't
welcome city people and new ideas in their village and they don't
have unity amongst themselves either. But we were told that with
Ashrita's long association, it is becoming possible to talk to women
and through them improve future of village children. There were no
bathrooms for ladies but I learnt that now since girls education is
becoming more common, some of them married in to city and visit
the village, this is being felt as one of the necessities as they feel
awkward going out in the open for daily routine. Ashrita was very
well respected for her leadership qualities in her organization as
well as favorite of villagers as they value her advice.

In Bikaner we went to Dhani Bhopalramji village with URMUL Setu

Sansthan, where we saw an all girls school. There were about 70,
very pleasant polite and friendly girls ages from 8 to 16 who missed
the regular schooling from the age 4 on ward. We were very happy
to learn that they were given residential crash course of six month,

in reading, math, civic and social studies, etc. to bring them to the
right level. They had missed schooling because of social stigma in
their cast, of not sending girls to school. Seventy families and their
surroundings would benefit as a result of this organization's
farsightedness and generosity of people involved. We met Women
Self Help Group in Kharoch village of Gujrat, who had RS 147,000
collection, which gives loan to their members. We told them to use
this money to establish businesses. We went to Tatam Dhar Village
with Anand of PSI. There we met Jahnavi from ANANDI. This
Organization had established three thousand WSHG. It has
experience in training women to do work in village and prepare
them for leader ship role. With her we went to Bhavnagar and
nearby area and attended a Mahila Mandal's meeting, all of them
were smart and open minded to suggestion and criticism. There
were about 30women in the meeting. Women had their own money
which they lend only to their members and emergencies, we
showed them the Multi-purpose mechanical plough and solar
energy pumps and with the ease can be used by men folk but
convenient to women as well and these thing are well within their
reach. It can make their life more productive, and this money can be
used as investment in their economic future. Such a large amount
was not needed for family emergencies and can only fetch small
amount of interest from bank.

We were very happy to meet women who was already doing

diamond carving at home with the help of small loan, from the
group to buy a power operated grinder. She was making only five
rupees a piece, but was fetching about 1000 rupees per month. The
whole work was done in her home using her leisure time. Man will
come from Surat, take the finished diamond and supply raw
diamond after paying her the labor. We went to Nallipur, Orissa with
Madhusudan of ABHIYAN where schedule cast women's self help
groups were having a meeting. A bank manager and a block
development officer spoke with the group About banking facilities
and other developmental activities to give them information, that is
a good sign.

It was such a pleasure to see these women coming in large number

and want to know the ways for progress. A woman who seemed to

be their leader spoke to the audience with remarkable confidence
and said that you (women) are in miserable condition because you
think you are inferior to men. You consider them God and accept the
wrong ways by which you are treated. Look at them (pointing to us)
they are partners in life (jeevan-sathi), they work together and
consider each other equal. We saw in women's eyes a shine of
understanding. It was a ray of hope that they want So far we had
talked to people about their problems, but we shall talk about the
problem NGOS have.

All the NGOS are working on the principal of raising the money and
get it to the person needs it. The person receives the money and
acknowledges it. That is end of the story. The problem does not
solve here, neither for donors and nor for receivers. Beneficiaries
never told to share the bounty of help received with the NGO or pass
the experience to others and help others with extra income they
generated, because of the help they receive. So that one good thing
happened, could be converted into a wave of change. And need for
more funds required by NGOS, will diminish as people start helping
each other. So the point to ponder is how to make the recipients part
of continuous improvement process so that others can take the help
of NGOS, as well the beneficiaries. We asked point blank to NGOS
what is their Annual Budget, most of them said that it is in order of
10 million or more. What percentage comes from the earlier clients,
answer was nil. In some cases the previous clients had their income
increase to ten times or more because of the help they receive from
NGOS in term of money, advice or material and all in some extreme
cases. The NGOS raise all their funds from foreign donors or from
Government programs. If you can see this becomes a money order
type of economics which has one engine, that is head of NGO and
nobody else. There is no built in mechanism, which can bring the
money automatically. Some places NGOS are working in the same
villages for twenty or more years and working on same problems as
they started with and problems had increased rather than reduced.
We suggested That let us share the profit of client from mare 10%
with NGO and keep them in fixed assets and from the interest on
these assets help more family. The response was positive but we
have to have this understanding from the beginning and better in
writing. Another way if villagers themselves can manage the

resources and such money can be pooled for other future use. What
we had observed that NGOS are making these villagers dependent
on them, where as they were depending on Government sources
before. Our objective must always be to teach independence
instead of leaning on one source or other. In this we had seen some
shining examples of cooperative movement, especially URMUL in
Rajasthan. This biggest dairy farming cooperative of Rajasthan and
the members are benefited greatly with the efforts of this
organization, in field of economics, education, water and health
areas. The biggest trouble of present system is we (NGOS and
Government) think they only help everybody and people are not
encouraged to help each other. Let me state one story, which I heard
while I was at IIT Kharagpur back in 1965. That Japanese imported
one Kaplan Turbine from Germany but never installed in any place
and that was the back in early 19th century. Now they export the
Turbines to produce Electricity to all over the world and we in India
know how to design and produce the turbines but sill imports the
turbines for our plants. The main reason for this is we lack ways to
impart acquired knowledge to others, as we fear for our own
survival. Whereas truth is far from this fact more you share your
knowledge more you become expert and we should not fear for
competition as long it is healthy and based on sound principles.

We talked to more and more NGOS that why they are afraid of
sharing knowledge with others, but we were delighted that now
they share knowledge as well but only on very limited scale and
personal basis. What we would like to share with you one more
thing that people of rural area do not know the meaning of investing
in them, pay yourself first. Why government should fixed min price
of wheat rice and potato etc., nobody wants to buy potato at any
price, when in high season. Many farmers in rich places like Punjab
and others places are committing suicide because of cost to
cultivate is going sky high and they cannot survive. Many other
questions are lurking on our mind why a District collector post is
there when an elected official like Mayor of city exits. And believe
me the former had more power than the later, who is elected by
public. Is it real Democracy in India? We use to tell everybody in
everyone who was listening to us in all those village to increase the
scope of their prayers to include his neighbor's children well being

instead of their own, and in the end please pray for my India's well
being also. I may ask you the reader to do so as well. In India water
problem is very acute and with the help of legislators who are always
stay in urban area, rural people are robed of their water. Catchment
area always lies in rural area and without any way to compensate
urban people steel the water of rural area. There is one organization
in Bharat WWW.COMPLAINTBHARAT.ORG which is recently
started. We should complain about big size of mostly useless state
governments, which sometimes cannot pay its own employees.
What to talk about development. Each one rupee worth of
development cost three to four rupee.
Recently when we were in India, we came across the article that
middle class is more responsible for poor people not to progress
because they always wants from government more and more, we
kind of agree with this statement.

Training Manual
for NRI- Home Coming
(Everything which is stated here under, is only suggestive lists are
short not exhaustive)
Let us start this with a small prayer, which goes as follows and
word god can be replaced with any other suitable word Alah,
Bhagwan , Jovah, Budha, Bhaey Guru etc.

GIVING God gives us everything, we should also learn to give.

Whatever God has given we should learn to distribute...(1)
Air, light and water we get from clouds free of charge.
If we don't give anything in return it will be cheating.
That's the reason we suffer, learn to remove these sufferings.
God gives us everything, we should also learn to give...(2)
For walkers tree gives shelter or shade in scorching heat.
Tree by not eating its own fruit, makes its life meaningful.
One tenth of our income first give for charity, then use the rest.
God gives us everything, we should also learn to give...(3)
Man's life is priceless we should make it more precious.
Bloomed flowers give smell, that the way we should be.
Worship, penance and social work should all be offered to God.
God gives us everything, we should also learn to give...(4)
This God's world is nor untrue, neither this is problematic.
If we use heart and mind in right way then life is pleasure.
God gives everything to man, but we learn to become man.
God gives us everything, we should also learn to give...(5)

If we are going to live in a village in India in any one of 28 States, life
will be hard and may not have all the sanitary facilities as we are
used here in USA like Latrines, Baths with Tap water, bed rooms
with light and mosquito proof screen windows. Hence it will
require lot of mental preparation before we even think of going
back in village for any period initially. The organizers of NRI-Home-
Coming will try their best, to have these basic amenities (not
luxury) available to you and your partner. This not to taken as
discourage but to give information about the real conditions. You
may have live there without even TV and Radio hence a battery
operated Radio will be a must to keep in touch with News of the
world. Regular Electricity supply will not be a normal thing to
expect. Most of the year will be hot and temperature sometime in
May June July will be in excess of 110 degree F.

These are all bad news now we will talk about the good news,
which is in plenty, and we will be creating news further with your
help. There are no expectations from you, we are sure you will
bring lot of new avenues and opportunities to the less informed
people on both sides. We all must thank you from bottom of our
heart even for showing up at this meeting, this is very brave first
step and you are one in million type of person , pioneer in this new
venture, you will be making a history and dream come true for real
Gram Swaraj for rural India.

Please let us know your special dietary or medical needs in

advance so that we can make some arrangements how those can
be met. We will only be a call away for your rescue. Seeing is
believing, when you see the conditions of the village where you
are going to live for extended time you will come up with radical
solutions, we are sure as you have achieved perfection in problem
solving by now, you will make a difference in many lives that you
will be touching in future. The satisfaction you will be getting is
going to be a milestone in your life and you will really be happy, as
you are not expecting any material return from your work. Be
ready to be a donor for any good cause. It will be a best decision
you ever made to become the happiest pair on block.

Congratulations! Welcoming your decision to join NRI-Home-

There are no short cuts and there is no substitute for hard work.

Chapter One
(Data collection / Understanding / making rapport with people)
Unless we have reliable data we will not be able to design the
future course of action Correctly. It is phase of taking account of
assets. Question will be asked do we have such data like
population, topography, geology etc.? If not can we get that; yes
we can get these from Census Bureau, Survey of India and
Geological Survey of India. Man/women/ children Ages Groups?
Source of lively-hood? Crop type of area and land type can also be
available from the informed farmers or block office. Have these
records available in village by creating a place to keep these
records may be with you initially. When we have reliable data we
are talking fact otherwise we have opinion like anybody else and
we can't plan well in absence of facts.

How these crops were sold and when? Pay yourself first. Return on
Investment (ROI). Remember SHG - Store Hold and Gain is basic
principle of economical success. It will help us to break away from
Mandi System prevailing now. Which means when every villager
takes his/her produce and prices come down immediately that
place is Mandi. Certain things like vegetable or fruits cannot be
stored without storage facilities created for them in advance and
so we think about grains as well but Neem can come to our rescue
to store grains for longer periods. Hence first phase of our stay
Collection of Data and Information in order to have good crop
yield we need a reliable weather condition known in advance
before even sowing,
Prof. Shukla can be our source in this case. During this time we
should talk to villagers what are their need and please document
these and keep a good record so every time we don't have to start
our conversation from scratch. Please allot time for each problem
so we don't have to get lost or drowned only in one problem,
which is very common in villages. After the entire
problem/problems discussed and the make a wish list.

What are the products made from these crops if any in the region;
it has profound effect on the village's well being. How many
landless families are in the village and are these people engaged in
gainful economic activities. As the needs of this category is
entirely different from others. We
should take inventory of their source of income. How the crop is
sold? What are the buying habits of villagers from the city? Do
they keep records of their income and expenses? Is there a
cooperative in the village? How many smokers, alcoholics are
there in Village? Health facilities? These are money drainers for
entire community and health cost goes up because of these
addictions. How is there general health? Is there a Self Help Group
in Village?
What are Saving Methods? Buying Gold? Keeping money in
Are there any Artisans in the Village and are they following their
family business?
Is there any factory in the village or nearby, who owns it? Is it
helping the economics?
Have estimate that this village is a net Exporter or Importer of
What percentage of women is gainfully employed? Time spend on
fuel, fodder, Water?
IS water source, adequate for drinking farming? Quality? How
much yearly is rainfall? Are there any sun/wind/ water based
energy equipments? What is normal wind speed?
What are revenue sources? Employment? Unemployment?
Education Level?

(This phase can last anywhere from one to three months.)

Chapter Two - Planning Phase.
India is not a poor country but poorly managed one. (Labor of love
and labor paid well so it is worth the labor done.) Remember these
people living in villages are not poor but very hard working, hard
work only pays when it is combined with knowledge, and
unfortunately that knowledge is not with them. From where
money /material will come and how shortfall be made? Make the
wish list of things, which they see as most important? How they
want to get
them completed. Who will do what and assignment be small and
simple? Any thing you do must have one prime factor that it is not
your planning but of villagers you are here as only facilitator hence
you are not emotionally involved for its success or failure. PSOUR-
Problem Solving Observation Utilizing Resources Please don't take
up any projects, which will benefit only few. Please don't take
sides in case of dispute, be observer.
Priorities are to be decided by them after all the options are
Never promise money for any cause in full.
Don't take responsibility in completing tasks but be there to listen,
enquire, & educate.
Help divide the tasks in such small pieces, so single person can
complete it.
Be realistic in making plans as conditions always may not favor us
Murphy's law if anything can go wrong will go wrong. Be patient.
Unity is the key of success of any project all times and every time.
Measure results but ignore shortcomings and see what can be
done next. Some young student of the village in a notebook
should note all meeting and no of people present should always
be recorded. This record should be kept in a bonded notebook or
legal size register. It can be used as future reference and will avoid
any confusion. Always remember first listen and understand then
speak and be understood. Remember villagers not only should
plan but have to execute you are mere catalyst in the development
process then only they will feel self-motivated and self-confident.
All meetings start by saying a prayer and end with prayer it can be
in any language and religion. Teach them to be tolerant of all
religion, people and faiths in harmony. No idea is stupid but all
ideas be discussed, decide the best one which suites the situation.
Once a decision is taken on any idea that is no more of some
particular person's plan but now it is owned by all involved and its
success is success of the village.
Planning should be in the following things but in any order:
Agriculture, Sericulture, Clean water, Health, Economics,
Education, Library, Children Information, Jobs, Politics,
Spirituality, Industry, Construction, Entertainment, Melas. Make
various committees and it should have enough people those who
want to work. This phase should also be of two to three months
depending upon availability of people and frequency of meetings.
Be patient and plan well. Know your mantra-Total Resource
Utilization as Enterprise (TRUE) of Money Manpower and
Materials (MMM) locally available. Do meetings in night as in day
they had to earn living and have meetings short. There is strength
in unity it is universal golden rule.

(This phase can take longer than phase I may be up to six month)
Chapter Three Execution
This is most important part and always ready to revise the plan at
moments notice where all your management skills will be used.
That will be the key of all the difference between success and
failure of our plan. No conflicts but cooperation is another key.

Teach Compassion don't show compassion

Always remember the Golden Triangle Rule At one end
Government other edge is you or
NGO with whom you are working and third and most important is
People. For stability all the edges must work together and remain
intact. Key is again, we are not working against but working with
each other and are complimentary to each other respect each
other role and wants to live in harmony like solid triangle. Rules
that does not encourage should make room for change. The key
difference between USA form of democracy and Indian form is this
US Government looks for encourage type of Governance whereas
Indian government looks for how to obstruct type of Governance
by proposing idealistic rules. Most of the rules are not enforced
but can and always used to obstruct progress.

I. Economics -* Income * Expenses * Record *Some

Statistics *saving way *Fodder and food *Pay Your Self First
*Money Trail *Rajeev Gandhi employment scheme *Gram kosh *
SHG *Sustainable Alternate Income, *Village companies
*Revolving Fund.

All the bullets are self-explanatory, but basic concept behind all
this is to send finished goods from village instead of raw material,
which became drain for jobs to cities. The best example is bakery
units should be in villages. Whatever is the trend, it now had to be
reversed. Such things do exits in India at Kutambakkam and
Chitrakoot that we know so far. For this we have to have good data
and village cluster concept (10 villages working together). The
companies here we mean that serve the village and have some
value added because when we add value we can add employment
opportunities. Like some place in village a radio or TV station,
Electric & water supply companies. City can have water
department and electric departments etc why not cluster of
villages have departments like this? Brown rice and organic
produce are in greater demand and fetch more money. Drip
irrigation is another way to save water for other things. Seri
cultural activities like silkworm and honeybee faming can fetch
cash, people have no land should encourage having such
activities. We have to have more and more farm products to save
in the village as we can sell them later to our own villagers at cost
or sell into market to earn more profit. We have seen food banks in
Rajasthan villages many places in Bikaner, Barmer. It is good to
Store and Hold and Gain (SHG) and sell at higher cost later do as
much as you can each year your capacity to hold more will
increase next year and ultimately you will be able to sell your
produce whenever you want. Leaving smoking drinking tea will
make you debt free ultimately it can be easily proved. We should
work on pay your self first principle.

II. Security- * Village protection force * Medical

EmergencyResponse Team. * Karate. These types of units in
village will give rise to cooperation which does not exits in the
villages, but in some places in Orissa we have seen it Villages
(Orissa Village Protection force). They don't allow the regular
police to come in village, which most of the time create groups and
take advantage of the situation. Divide and rule policy of old time
both are not good in present day context neither dividing nor
ruling the population. All women folks in city towns and village
should give compulsory training in Karate for self defense it will
not only increase their self confidence but also decrease the
hooligans. It is happening in many schools around the country but
should be done everywhere, we had witnessed in Sarswati Vidya
Mandir Balika Vidyalaya Hapur UP school ourselves.
III. Medical Cleanliness is next to God * Why we had to spend on
Medicine * Do medicine really cure * Yoga Whole world is after it
why not we restart using it. * Self-curing Techniques * Is
Dispensaries good * Swami's can play good part * Producing
Medicinal plant *Dadi Maa ka Batua * Ayurveda Chitra Koot
Declareation 2010. In case of medical we should know the golden
rule that prevention is batter than cure or treatment. For this we
have to cultivate new ways of eating etc. may be drastic from their
point of view but with data we can convince the greatest
opponents. Let us take example of smoking it looks like so easy not
a culprit a village of 300 families spent average 10 lakhs Rupees on
smoking alone in a year. But story does not end there and smoke
related medical expanses are many fold say 30-40 lakhs Rupees
from a village of some 1200-1500 people and again 300 families.
Are these villages poor or poorly informed about facts of health
maintenance? They bag for merely 5-10 lakh rupees needed for
Panchayat Hall or some School building, water structure. Often
they sell their only source of income like land in order to save some
loved one, some times unfortunately it is too late to save either
land or loved ones. Let us not even talk about alcohol drinking.
Here Rajendra Singh of Jal Biradari has one rule wherever he
agrees to work with villagers they have to take oath not to touch a
drink or hard addictive drugs, NRI-Home Coming should note.
India is exporting some 1000 Crores of Ayurveda drugs and market
is going to be exploded in near future so start thing producing
them in village where else. Never distribute the medicine without
the help of trained medical doctor at hand. Take help of Swami's
who can teach Yoga to villagers we recruited few our self. Some
seven eight items we can tell you works from our experience one if
you have constipation put a thumb on your chin center and rotate
it counterclockwise within minutes you will have urge to have
pressure. Second if you have head ache press between thumb and
finger skin and it will be fine. Press your finger pores for ten second
each day morning you will feel good throughout day good. If you
have sugar type II place your thumb at center of palm and press
each other hand for 20 seconds.

If you have Asthma press below the thumb at palm. If you have
back pain press other side hand below the thumb. What I wish to
say that acupressure is best cure without dispensing any
medicine. Use of green vegetable in diet is better than having
vitamin tablets. Sprouted beans are much more healthy than fried
food which became fashion from towns to villages. This can
substitute one meal imagine saving in fuel requirements and time
saving for women folk in terms of time and energy and water
savings. If you feeling drowned tighten your fingers in tight fist and
try to break them loose you will instantly feel batter. If you are
feeling like vomiting or travel sickness press little finger bottom
portion and you feel good. The good thing about acupressure is it
does not have side effect and can be learn very easily within few
weeks under some expert. One such expert we know Dr. K C Jain of
Ajmer Rajasthan and he can be called any place by just paying his
fare and travel cost. If you know any such thing it will help you
become friendly with villagers. We know and teach you some
eight to ten ashans which can keep you fit if you can invest 10
minutes per day for your own health we had done that too in few
Keep records of local remedies used by elders and locally available
medicinal plants as well. One day this will become may not be
national treasure but village secret. Whole family can take wet hot
towel bath each day in one bucket of hot water to keep family

IV. Politics - * How democracy works * Structure of Government

*How to protest * How to demand * How to raise money * Local
police * Panchayat Hall * Wall map* Republic a reality *MP's
Development fund *Committees. The politics used in village is
very shallow and dirty never get involved. As said above try to
explain the structure of Government. Explain there is no need to
be fearful of public servants, police and never feed them as they
get allowance for coming to you. Wall map of village with land
marking, water bodies, public land etc. it help a lot and avoid most
of unnecessary litigations. These we have seen in Rajasthan
villages and we like it to see on each and every Panchyat hall walls.
Politics aside if we are interested to take village forward we had to
give up our differences. Simple rule for the Rules shake should go.
The rule we make for village Panchayat can be overruled by any
body, and Rules, which cannot be enforced, should be scraped.
The Lagan should stay with Panchayat. Panchyat should be able to
change it when it deemed fit in the interest of Village. Preference
should be given to have a Panchyat hall and a meeting place and
record keeper be appointed to keep the history of village. Gram
swaraj only is possible when Panchyat have autonomy over their
territory and able to raise necessary funds to do their job
effectively and without interference. Freedom to act accordingly
to suit local conditions. In Democracy public can and should write
to any higher authority or elected leader to address their
grievances as they choose which can by pass any appointed public

V. Education * What is necessary * Question every thing * What is

good for village should be encouraged * Training first get it and
then train others * Library and Book Banks *Give scholarship but
ask them to return twice in future * Vocational training *Outdoor
teaching once a week *Keep school's surrounding clean *Opening
new colleges / Universities *RAM (Reliable Adoptable Methods)
Vs MAR (Methods Adopted Repeatedly). Open schools are best for
the village but education should be such that it connects students
with daily reality of village life not that it alienates the pupil from it
village roots, also it create opportunities to solve the day to day
problems like jobs, cleanliness water and power etc. etc. That is
why we need Reliable Adoptable Methods not Methods Adopted
Repeatedly that everybody wants to do and get over the problem
on paper not in actuality. Problem solving and getting acquainted
with local environment at an early age. Pupil who wishes/
perceived not to go out of village should get only working
knowledge of local language, which she/he can write, read and
speak in small time as possible. We have seen a crash course at
Bikaner for girls up to age of 12 never went to school got this done
in six-month. Pratham is doing similar things so is Swaraj/
Shiksantar. But library with local newspaper and small collection
of books on different subjects which matter to local
agriculture/sericulture local botanical plants Medicinal plants and
textbooks for all grades a must in all villages be priority. The
advantage of village clerks or record keeper is that any
entitlements, which can be beneficial to villagers, will be kept up
to date, and be told to everybody. Like old age pension, widow
pension blind pension Below Poverty Line (BPL) housing medical
etc. etc. All the correspondence done with Government should be
kept in record on various matters so that when time comes it can
be shown to all concern and unnecessary delay can be pointed out
as well. Here one thing can be written that why not open college
and other vocational institutions in villages, which can serve not
only cluster but also expensive city education. Key is standard and
less costly. Why there should be only Biswa Bharati in West Bengal,
another source of employment in village. People go from village
lives in unhealthy condition in cities, where as in village you can
provide cost effective and healthy clean atmosphere.

Now there is any body can open school/college/ universities but

have to follow guidelines laid by Government Prof Shukla, Prof
Chaudhry and Prof Rastogi they all started schools and college in
their villages and many others like him had shown the path that it
can be done. Trust and encouragement should be norm of
education. Handling tools at early age would enhance creativity,
which means more opportunities. Factory approach is not
working let us use freedom approach in education. But research is
necessary to have appropriate type of education, which caters the
need of local conditions. Once a week instead of classroom formal
education it should be informal outdoor education. One in a year
trip to a school in city and city students should visit village school.
Show and tell program because it give rise to expression and

VI. Information - *Internet * Entitlements * Water *Solar street

lights, Lanterns * Solar Powered Cycle *Wind Energy * Gobar gas *
Bullock Power Electric Generator* Mech. Plough * Golden
Triangle NGO/GOVT/Public Trust.* Bio Gas Individual Plants.
This is the most fundamental right of Democracy, right to
information, which is missing. Information bottleneck is biggest
problem in India. We are there to break this bottle and bring out
Gene out of Bottle. Some time by becoming a link in this chain or
tell them how to get the information, they want. Books are one
good source but for good book, fundamental is who will read them
and from where they can get. Buying is another way hence has
some budget to buy books for library. City library to be forced to
have extension counter in major cluster of villages. Remember if
we go on doing what we are doing so far results will not be
unpredictable same. Hence we have to think a fresh and come to
solutions. Where ever we don't have electric supply by overhead
wire. Try using alternate source of energy Solar hybrid Generators,
Use of solar power bicycles for transport which go up to 20km /hr
which at least need no diesel or fuel for 20 years. Initial cost is
between Rs. 5-6 thousand. Av speed of state buses are 15-20 km
and trains 30 km/hr and most advance trains on 80-90 km/hr.
Similarly a bullock generator will cost 50,000 Rs. and can light up
to 25/ 40 Watt bulbs and or a water pumping set for irrigation. If
one person can't spend this much money how about make
company of four or five and start this venture. Solar street lights
are nothing new we have seen in many remote areas in HP WB etc'
We are having in Sursardham a new village in making in Gujarat 20
such street lights. There is 50% Govt. subsidy on these and rest
80% loan can be taken From IREDA (India Renewable Energy
Development Agency). Solar lantern is another good thing and
similar schemes are there for them.

Another invention is worth mention is here is Mechanical plough

where a man or women can plough the field in 1/3 time and does
not need Diesel cost only Rs 20,000. Invented in new by LN MODI
Delhi India. Individual gobar gas plant can be set up if someone
had 6 or more cattle will supply enough fuel for family of 4 6
person cost again Rs. 4- 5 thousand. If wind speed is sufficient than
we can go for windmills it will be suitable in hilly tracks. Good part
is if you make extra electricity Govt. had to buy it from you and it
will be a source of income and wind is fee. How to cheaply purify
the water to drink on Rs. 40 for a Porcelain filter which can be fit
under a earthen water pitcher. Hence these types of information
are out there but villagers who need them seldom have it or it may
not show up in their priority list. Cooking gas from discarded
Vegetable wastes. In this field SPRERI (Sardar Patel Renewable
Energy Research Institute- Vallabh Vidya Nagar Gujarat) is doing
wonderful job and sending such schemes to villages but we can
become conduit for such thing. In Karnataka recently one
complete village is electrified with solar power and villagers are
very happy.

VII. Entertainments - * Revival of Festivals * Deepavalee Holi/ID

Milan * Games like kho kho Kabadi * Plough race * Games
competition *TV/Radios Studios, Drama groups. Everybody needs
a break from his or her daily routine and hence that is when he or
she has festival, games or religious ceremony. Every village had a
history but unfortunately that is not recorded in most of the cases.
But it can be done now when there are some young people who
know how to read and write, speaking everybody can do, but our
memory's capacity to remember are short and varied, which can
and does create confusion. It can be avoided when things are
written. There is a professor Pullman in 1980's of Linguistic in
University of Windsor Canada who used to go to Tamil Nadu every
year in different villages and only revived the old festivals. His idea
was very vital to bring the people together- through old festivals
and traditions of village. Games similarly can teach us to be
competitive and are essential for our physical well being. In this
reference cricket is worst game and best is hokey or footwall or
running need less money as well in equipments.

VIII. Temples Spirituality * is construction of temples necessary

God can live in same buildings as we live in * what is spirituality *
don't make priest rich, so they become moneylenders *
Discourses. The GOD certainly will not be a happy lone camper if
the most people live in huts but he is placed in solid concrete
house. Spirituality is same for mankind but religions can be
different. Every problem has a solution in spiritual world where as
in material world we cannot solve any problem unless we create
one/two for someone else. Suppose we wish to eliminate the
poverty from village people who are rich always need these poor
people to help them all the time at low cost to do many menial
daily chorus will not like the idea of removing the poverty. But if
you see this in spiritual world everybody has basic
needs/aspirations and these should always be met in order to be
sane, that is why I, you are going to villages and trying to improve
the lot of things. We need unity in order to achieve progress in the
villages, Unity is strength and to convince everybody that to work
to together will only take all of us to progress, this may be a new
thing for our culture. When we take everybody with us then only
village will be going forward.

IX. Construction * New Home (House building activities gives rise

to at least 24 trades as its by product) * New roads * Drainage
system *Garbage disposal system for Cities *Indira Awas Yogna *
Roadblocks. This I heard when I was young boy that Birlas were
told by some fortune-teller, as long as they have continuous
construction inside the Birla Temple in New Delhi their wealth will
increase. There is a truth in this statement and it can be translated
to all places and all the time. Home is very important unit, which
can take the economy forward. It was proved at Kutumbkkam,
Chitrakoot and realized by GOI and started Indira Awas Yojana for
people who are Below Poverty Line (Rs 23,000 /per house). But
there is lot of red tape involved in getting this money some time
the people were told that list is closed and many time it is not
monitored or enough funds are allotted by Various State
governments. Persistence always pays. Key is never going alone to
get the money, act in-group it works batter and less corruption you
have to face. Think it can teach few trade to the recipients as well
which we had done in Our own village Sursardham Gujarat we had
a condition that if we use any outside trader like Blacksmith brick
layer concrete laying mason they have to take few young youth of
the village and teach them the trade so they can earn a living in
future. We are glad to inform you one energetic person from the
village became civil contractor as well. Let us talk about Garbage
disposal system in village for city garbage it will generate lot of
opportunities and use less unproductive land can be used as
dump and organic manure can be produced and sold back to city
dwellers as well. This not that to leave them on ground but cut
open and make mound system. Technology is simple and available
but very labor extensive but lot of money can be made if city
Government can be convinced. Similar things can be thought of
after you can study local conditions.
X. Industry- * Resource based * Mandi system abolish*Food
Banks (SHG) * Dry fruits * Dry Spices in small packets * Paper bags
* Plastic Toys * Importing Used Water from Towns * Agriculture
organic, *Sericulture * Flour Mill *Pulse Processing * Note books *
Oil processing * Roof Top Farming. The basic Idea behind this is to
take back the labor-intensive part of the finish product (agro
based) any way is done by our own youth, which migrate to city,
but trade is now controlled by city dwellers. The idea of importing
used water is nothing new it had been done in Ahmadabad but not
done in planned way. I saw in the big open drains in city like never
moving Pythons and spreading foul smell all over the town and
dumped in most of the cases in nearby river where as nearby
Villages may have shortage of irrigation water. Plants have very
good natural filtration process to take good water and leave rest as
soil. Remember earlier this system was developed because of
infrequent transportation and storage problems. We can save lot
of money as real state and storage in big city are at premium and
storing at village could be cost effective and can easily be taken
whenever it is required at ease because of improved
transportation and communication. We had witnessed this roof
top farming. In one village in Maharashtra one former lives in a
concrete house on top of house he has spread three fit of soil and
have wheat and other crops. Industries, which need fewer
machines and can be driven by hand like plastic toy
manufacturing, can be done in villages. Fruits are produced in
villages most of the time and there is lot of sun hence the villages
are perfect choice to dry them and package and be sold. Pulse
processing and oil churning, peanut processing is now being done
in Chitrakoot and Kutambkkam. The notebooks, which are easily,
can be made in villages for their own use instead to import them
from city to village.

Villagers buy small quantities of pulses because of low purchasing

power why not make small package and sell them at premium
keep the profit in village. Example when they buy salt the price
they pay at village is much larger than price paid by city people.
Read the article by Harvard University Prof. Serving the poor for a
profit Harvard Business Review June 2002. Keep a book of Small
Scale Industries in village library or Panchayat office.

XI. Trade Trainings to Youth- * Types of trade in demand *Vocation

List * who is provider. The following trades are in demand as per
our observation: Welder, Electricians, TV Repairmen, Village
Writer, Hand pump repairer, Wind mil operator, Solar lights
repairer, Book Binder, Generator repairer, Cycle repairer,
Tire/tube repairer, Stone polisher, Detergent maker,
Packaging Fruits and other spices, Pickle making, Bakery, Hand
paper making, weaving, carpenter, Iron smith, Driving auto mobile
truck, Home repairing, Brick laying, Brick making, wooden toy
making, Musical instrument making. Health care workers like
Midwifery Compounders dispensors X-ray tech. blood testing Etc.
Maintenance is big problem and it can create lot of jobs if it can be
planned well in advance like preventing maintenance. Where it
can be done if there is sufficient no of pupil who wants to learn in a
cluster this training can be arranged locally otherwise there is one
Institute which we had seen in Mulhar Lucknow UP Schumaker
Institute of Appropriate Rural Technology which is ment for rural
youth only. Many such agencies and Govt. facilities can be traced
in the area. There should be list of such trades be kept within
village and time to time at younger ages should be exposed to
such information so that proper interest can be created for
different trades and job opportunities. I remember that when I
was in seventh grade we were given such list in our schools and I
was even tested by District Psy. Center for my aptitude in future,
and they correctly predicted that I would be an Engineer. That was
in 1956-57. I am sure such things do exits now but properly used is
another question. If they exists we should not only use but extend
such to villages as well with the cooperation with Government
agencies like one we met and are going to use in our village to gain
complete employment in our village Sursardham Center for
Employment Development Board of Gujarat Government. Why
we are writing this long story because various things, which exists,
in various parts of India, but people in all the area are not aware
and not properly utilized by persons for which they are created.
Remember the Biz word Information Bottleneck at all levels. We
had to break this bottleneck as soon as possible and then our
country will progress with the speed which we all dreaming. The
following mantra will help you to get to your Destination.

XII. * Shidhi Mantra for everybody welfare

I invoke your blessings
Kindly protect me
Kindly bless me
Kindly bless all
I invoke your blessings
Let sick be cured
Let sufferers be healed
Let this be done by my selfless service
I invoke your blessings to perform all these.

Normal Do's and Don't

1. Do recognize the poorest few to whom you and villagers both
wants to help first.
2. Do some small projects, which can complete and show result
during your visit.
3. Do try to start Library in the village and how to save
newspaper cuttings, which are important for villagers and
4. Try to start a revolving fund for sustainable alternative
5. Do try to cultivate the habit of going to use latrine, which may
be primitive but covered.
6. Do tell them about your own examples of your good habits,
be patient and persistent it pays in the end.
7. Try to start a Gram Kosh and bring the population together it
could be as little Rs.11/each family pre month.
8. Teach them about drip irrigation if you have not heard learn it
before you go.
9. Plant a tree and take care as and when someone gets a gift of
life a child.
10. Teach them how to solve problems and revise when things do
not work as planned in simple terms.
11. Write down all the problems on a piece of paper rather in a
notebook, refer these whenever a dispute. When written it
becomes facts otherwise everybody can have opinion or
12. Please teach them how to dream and fulfill these dreams give
them a road map.
13. You must go with a dream to a village and that dream should
become their dream as well.
14. Do teach them to keep and account for income and expanses
on a sheet of paper for each month.
15. Teach them methods to save money by changing eating
habits; it only takes 45 days to change a habit.
16. Try to subdivide the assignment in such a way these can be
handled by one person and independent of any body's else
mess up, but remember that working together to achieve
ultimate target is our aim. Hence working as group is
important lesson to learn and teach which all of Indian's lack.
17. Silver Gold is not best saving or investment vehicles.
18. Make a list of local remedies used in the village by elders
(Dadi Ma Ka Batua)
19. Collect data as much as possible, without which you have
opinion not facts.
20. Try recruiting retired civil, military personnel for mobilization
and motivation.
Vision without Action is dream; Action without Vision is simply
passing time. But Action with vision making a possibility and
positive change in lives of other who are less fortunate and have
less information, with your help.

1. Never take sides in case of dispute within village.
2. Never offer money as solution of a problem.
3. Never offer your own solution take them towards that and
let them feel it is their solution.
4. Never fall for projects, which can benefit few wealthy only
and powerful.
5. Unless they come up with some equity no projects.
6. Don't promise which you can't deliver.
7. Don't say you will raise money for some project.
8. Don't live there beyond planning time give them
assignment and let them complete it whatever way they
know best to do it.
9. Do not give scholarship unless they wish to return two in
Abbreviations: (For thinking and talk)
1. ABCD - Actions based on community development.
2. ABCDE Akhand Bharat Chale Dhire Ethalake.
3. EATS Encouragement Accountability Trust Service.
4. RAM Reliable Adoptable Methods.
5. MAR Methods Adopted repeatedly.
6. DAVP Department Audio Visual Publicity. (A govt. of
India Dept.?)
7. MMM M Material Money Manpower Management.
8. PMS - Problem Mentor Solutions / Post Menstruation
Syndrome (PMS).
9. PSOUR Problem Solving Observation Utilization of
10. PRAN People Retired but Active Nationalist.
11. PYF Pay Yourself First.
12. SAI - Sustainable Alternative Income.
13. SHG Self Help Group / Store Hold and Gain.
14. TRUE Total Resource Utilization as Enterprise
15. KISS Keep it simple so even Stupid (simple) can solve
16. SSMC- Space Saving Methods by Consolidation.
17. YNMTYSYNO You Never Move Till You Stick Your Neck
Out. (Turtle)
18. TYSMTOIST Teach Your Successful Methods to Others In
Simple Terms.
19. VAST- Village Adoption and Service Trust.
20. VOICE Volunteer of India for Charitable Establishments.
21. NGO / GOI - Non-Governmental Organization /
Government Of India.

India we spend nearly Rs.150,000 Millions (guesstimate) on
transfers of Government servants who are 30 million in numbers
and spent only Rs.170, 000 on Rural Development which cater to the
population of 650 millions. These figures are based on assumption
that nearly 10 million Government employees are transferred each
year and average expense is Rs. 15, 000 per transfer. Actual number
could be different, but we wanted to show the contrast. Who is
serving whom we can understand. If the cost of people who are
supposed to be serving us become unbearable, we cannot afford
them is it not as simple as it goes. We have to do something about

Question should be why we do transfer Government Servants who

are part our big Governmental System. The very notions that these
are Government servants are wrong they are in fact are public
servants. The system has been continued from British Raj and we as
usual call them the Government servants. We should stop using this
name will be the first step.
Let us see what purpose this transfer serve us from public point of
Are not there rules for dealing with corruption?

Earlier during RAJ thinking was that if we let a local person stay too
long he will have underhand
dealing with local subject and Raj will be at disadvantage, as there
was no trust in Indian subject. Now the situation is different, in this
fast age one can do the under handed dealings easily, it will not take
three years do that if someone is dishonest. One can witness this
easily everywhere, it does not take even a fraction of minute if you
are dealing with a Railway's conductor and you need ticket in hurry
and you have some cash to spare.

Another thing of concern is that transfer is now used as punishment

and this method is outdated you can increase productivity by
encouragement which has proven to be a batter tool than
punishment. In other cases one can even have him transferred to a
lucrative place of your choice by paying fee for it. Some see benefits
and harms of transfer policy are listed below for your review. Add
more if you can.

Benefits: Nothing other than to those is related to transfer

Harms: -
1. Money it consumes we cannot afford.
2. It disturbs family life.
3. It demoralizes people.
4. It is harmful for productivity.
5. It assumes that all employees are corrupt.
6. It gives bad tools for politicians. Like new Government or new
chief minister comes he does thousands of transfers at his/her
whim. Let them learn to deal with every type of system and people.
7. It needs lots of housing for Government to build and maintain.
8. No long-term commitment to local population or connectedness.

Transfer by Choice
1. It will give people to choose where they wish to work and make
employees more happy.
2. Mutual transfer is possible with no expenses to Government.
3. No hard ship allowances to be paid, there is so much
unemployment people will be glad to have a job. For example
Beharies go anywhere there is job of road construction or rickshaw
pulling. Hence please wish, pray and appeal to our esteem
Government to stop spending money on transfer and spend
money thus saved on village development we will almost double
the allocation for village development in hurry.

Let me add to above some real stories, which I know firsthand. One
of my sister who lives in Meerut lived without her husband some
twenty years in order to educate properly her children in Meerut
and her husband transferred throughout UP during those times and
he came Meerut every weekend on Friday and return to his work
Monday morning. I don't think he ever did complete work for 37.5
hours in one week. I know lot more people who just did that. I can

mane them but will not do that because it will not be any bodies

Recently we were in India traveling from Varanasi to Lucknow by

Dehradun Express and met a group of people who were going to
Lucknow and they all working in Varanasi's one of the nationalize
bank and they were all getting promoted and all were very happy
but sad also because they all be transferred to unknown location
where they were not aware of any suitable schools for their
children, places to stay and many other worries. This story does not
end here their children will be more worried who will be their new
friends and neighbor in the new place and where they will go to
school will there be central board or up board etc. etc. See such a
nice time becomes a bore and uncertain because of this transfer
business. After hearing the horror stories and the flight of these
people we thought we will write about their story in future and here
is the story Similarly Government servants who get occasional
transfer go through every third year and had to deal with it and
saying is that rolling stone gathers no mass. These people cannot
make their homes in spite of their capabilities and had to live in
substandard houses whatever is available locally and some had to
compromise with schools of not their choice etc. If you are not
provided with suitable conditions and can you work with your best
ability is always a question mark. How can be expect a class work
from disgruntle employees.

There is economical aspect of all this two-place living is not only

socially wrong but also burden on families budgeting and money
draining as well which sometimes or all the time give rise to corrupt
practices to make both ends meet. There is no such estimates are
made but can easily be done as two sets of utensils and gas
connection, news paper T.V. Radios etc. servants and of course rent
payments which is not a small change.
I am sure you all will have many such stories to add to this article of
your own.

No one can exist in this complex world today alone, so we have to
take help of others to survive. Others do not mean our kith and kin
but also whole animal and plant kingdom beside other human
being. This certainly nee a trust in our mind and it is one thing we
need plenty in practice, unfortunately we see trust more and more
in talk, which is cheap. Trust is a positive bonding, if you trust
someone you get trust most of the time in return, if you doubt than
certainly you don't get trust in return. Doubt is a negative
connotation. Why trust is so important part of life? As stated above
without trust fundamental life won't be exist as we see in this world.
Because of trust; faith, confidence, reliance, interdependence
exists. Trust also refers to feeling that a person or thing will not fail in
performance. Trust implies depth and assurance of such feelings,
which may not be supported by proof. Where ever and whenever a
trust is broken or breached problems will occur. In this way trust is
something you gain in life an as many things as proven to be trust
worthy. Trust also means less intensity of feeling but frequently
good evidence for being sure. Trust implies a decision to commit
oneself to another and to accept the consequences in case of
failure. When trust is also the commitment, not without a free
choice it could be lead to dependence.

Trust is also an alliance of similar business in order to rip off its

customers (clients in price gauging) then government had to have
anti-trust law to be in forced. We as user believe in the business to
get regular supply at reasonable rate. Above type of trust is really
mistrust, like we are seeing for last three years in case of gasoline
products pricing at pump. What you do when majority of rules of a
country like India are based on mistrust. We should speak out freely
and try to get rid of such rules or replaced them by proactive rather
than unproductive rules.
Otherwise lot of energy and time is wasted in following such rules
and it hinders the progress of the country or communities. Here I
will not go in details why such rules are there, but we are pretty sure
these are based on doubt about our integrity in the system. Doubt
always creates problems. We should have rules, which will proactive
and take our country forward, not which stop us so any times that
we become frustrated. New terminology of streamlining the rules is
called re-engineering. Let us take an example that an 18 year old can
vote and select MP/MLA but he cannot exist without his or her
father's name. You cannot show me any Government form where
this rule is not followed. Do we need this?

Whenever there is ambiguity trust won't be there. As a nation we

will have to work together.
Alliance between bad vibes is enamor us where as between good
virtues it is almost absent, reason being, the first are weak and need
to be together, where as later are strong and can be independent.
Still later is in majority but in news you hear more about the first one
because the news only sells, which is associated with bad vibes.
Think what good can be done in the world if the good tracts can work
together and become more strong. The trust between bad tract is
anti-trust not trust.

Let us all work towards unifying the good tracts based on simple
trust of each other irrespective of Race, Gender, Color, Creed,
language, Religion, Region, because:
God had trusted us to live together and at least we should trust
that we can live together

Vichar Manch (A Thought Process)
1. Abolish the district magistrate (DM), Commissioner, governor
etc. posts. Education, police, road water and sewage etc should
be moved from State government to local elected Mayor of
City. We are not democratic rather dictate-or ship yet from
central to state to city. Weight of Government had become too
large to bear by us public and its not cost effective and value
added. Status quo had not delivered the desired results and
producing more bottleneck and red tapism. Less Government
people are crushed under its weight, and not getting what they
wants, with present status quo of government machinery.
There is still room to abolish more post which is redundant
(think hard more).
2. Freedom of speech at all levels (constitution amendment):
More free Radio/TV stations in each area of 50x50 Km- will
create more than 1,225,000 jobs.
(Based on 1200 such zones in country, and 1000 jobs per zone
and other indirect jobs which are not counted, and funds will
and should be raised by private organization- but generous
loans may be granted).
3. Decentralize police at block level (constitutional amendment)
All local police and their respective chief should be responsible
to local electorate. Again there are local well paid job created
which people will be able to support. This will relieve the
money problem required for transfers.
4. Local people should have Power to incorporate cities
(Constitutional amendment) Local population should be able
to do this within a specified geographical area. They should be
able to start their own school system police system, fire
fighters and other civil amenities like water roads etc. (again
more local jobs will be created). And municipalities should
collect tax on present values of home not on cost at the time of
5. Changed Tax Structure (constitutional Amendment) Three-tier
system: Local 1-4%, State 1-5%, Central 10-35% max. More
freedom to state and local self-government. Everybody who so
ever earn more than RS. 50,000 should fill income tax form
compulsory. Trust should be basis rather than doubt.
6. Enhanced House Tax: House tax should be increased (on
present value system) and more importance should be given
on safety of house construction, with tax deductibility of loan
interest. This will create more jobs with more and more jobs in
housing industry.
7. Central Government- Revenue sharing: Central government
should share revenue on the basis of good schemes and
priority schemes rather than on the basis of population.
8. Cost Sharing Principles: No free bees, no subsidized food or
health benefit shares the cost as much as one can pay. If you
need anything in hurry pay more. Three-tier system of
government work completion, like it is done for passports, fee
is RS 1000, 300,100 if you want immediately, one month or
three-month respectively.
9. Uniform Civil Code: For all Indians we should have uniform civil
code if we want to be secular state in reality (Constitutional
10. Uniform law: Repeal article 370 (Constitutional Amendment).
11. Employment- Freedom to work. 5% central tax on activities to
pay unemployment benefit. More equitable distribution on
national wealth.
12. All political parties should submit their accounts annually to
proper authorities and periodic audit should be
done.(Constitutional Amendment)
13. Multi tier Election first tier everybody participate, finally only
top two should contest. That will be real majority government
will be formed.
14. Term Limit: Only two times anybody should be allowed to hold
one office, so that politics can get rid of professionalism
(Constitutional Amendment).
15. Recall of Elected and appointed Officials (constitutional
Amendment): If electorate are not satisfied with their
representatives performance can recall them back, and pay
raise and other amenities should be in hand of public and only
done by majority vote of general public.
16. In our post British System of administration, there had been

not many changes had been done. It is based on mistrust and
only sucks the population.
There is no check and balance. It was based on doubt
everybody. Administration and rule making Body is under one
head and hence the administration thinks they are not
answerable to anybody. Separation of Administration,
Legislation and Judiciary. Accountability towards public from
administration , legislation and judiciary will come
17. The Indian Administration is based on doubt everybody and
burden of proof is not with the administration. That was reason
they always brought outsider to rule local population and keep
on moving by transfer one city to another after three years.
Fear was the administration will become friendly to local
population and will revolt against the administration. Whereas
need of the time is to be use friendly administration? And
whole administration is based on punishment system rather on
encouragement. If one is not behaving the way we presumed
should be transferred to kalapani to teach everybody a lesson.
This type of administration can keep personnel fearful but we
will not be able to get best of them as it non-conducive to new
Administration is spending millions of dollar in bringing
outside consultants to suggest the changes rather than having
public feedback system of continuous improvement.
18. Save money, which is now spend in transfers and housing
should be private job Government should be out of this
19. Consultative committee at every government department to
which members taken from public for two years only. Open
system against secrecy in public departments.
20. Why not get away with all IAS and its system and people with
aptitude for service should be appointed for jobs appropriate
to their qualifications.
21. Let Kashmir be integrated in India, repel Art.370 as soon as
possible, all parties can cooperate in National Interest.

Dear friends you have raised few very interesting points in your
email and people like you can only make a difference. i am studying
this subject for last 30 years after i left India for usa. Remember few
basic fundamental of good democratic values for public good, which
are not there in our governance system and constitution.

was- w's alter s's

w are as follows - questions
* what need to change
* when to change
* wealth related to public to spread
* waste to stop
* Where to start changing rules
* Who will do it us public

List of s's
* Simple rules
* Short rules
* Soon to act
* System to be changed
* Service to public
* Shrinkage of public money to stop now.
How it can be done only one way public united will be serve
public divided will be ruled hence choice is clear but first thing
first. as general body is most powerful forum for an organisation
* Public opinion should be supreme in democracy it should be our
first goal to achieve.
* recall mechanism should be available for elected or appointed
public servants
they did pass the litmus test of service to majority public.
(Constitution change)
* Clear demarcation between legislation administration and
judiciary and all should be elected by public for a term of say
four to five years and let them prove to public that they are here
to serve and public decide.
* Now comes to rules of governance for public good. We have to
remember one very
Fundamental point that the system made by and in 1860 for
British subject cannot and will not serve public. That is the root
cause of all ills we have.
* All "government servants including Netas" be referred as public
servants. because that will reflect the purpose of their job
description call spade a spade.
* no guarantee for job for public servants as it is now under
constitution with this provision was there because at the time of
independence it was though it will useful for the livelihood
otherwise those who helped like ICS etc will be retaliated.
* Police should be local and all transfer at all levels should stop as
it has no public advantage if a person is found guilty should be
warned orally at first guilty second time written warning and
stop increment for five years and theirs time no discrimination
intended be fired from post. which will only bring accountability
and corruption will be stopped.
* Duplication of efforts should be stopped like local bodies
construction, state governance public works department,
central public works department and the difference of pay
doing the same job? Ministers have private secretaries and
secretary in each department a duplication should stop which
make the decision process longer and time consuming.
* Who should have more power public elected post like mayor or
district magistrate who is appointed in every district in
democracy we should have the right answer.
* We cannot afford to give our selected or appointed servants
houses and other perks like 12 casual leaves, annual leaves and
12 sick leave and 18 closed public holidays and scores of other
manned or unspecified perks like domestic help housing when
public who is master have no houses to live. is it in public
interest? are public working for them or they are here to serve
the public? Reduce perks now.
* All India services are needed and paid deputation pay when
they work same post but another location? Scrap all
IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS etc and have competitive people who study and

wish to serve people should be posted.
* All antiquated rules made in 1860 after the first struggle of
independence should be looked into and those are hindrance to
public advancement or cannot be reinforced as lack of funds
should be scraped. Government study had shown some 2500
rules for which we have a secretary to chaprasi guarding these
like hawks not because these are good for public but it surety of
their own jobs.
* Many departments like ration, refugee, supply, treasury,
gazetted post military canteens are not serving public but public
servants. We have so many good public banks and shops and
companies do we need all this. our public is mature enough to
take care of this functions by themselves we do not need public
* It should be on public governance service not on India
government service.
* Increase in pay scales should be by public opinion poll not by pay
commission, which is binding on all parties, which are never fair
to public inertest.
* Administration should be only for enforcing rules for public
interest and safety not breaking for selected few.
* Justice delayed is justice denied hence unless all the pending
cases are resolved in five years time no pay raise for judiciary.
* Public servants should be having less perks than they have now.
Is public working and giving taxes to pay for this inefficient
system which is not serving public but only public servants.
* We elect MLA/MP/MUNICIPLE COUNCILLARS to make rules not
to rule like ministers and have so many perks that we cannot
even afford.
* Rules should be for the public not otherwise that public works in
order to maintain the gang of three system. We have to break
the unholy alliance of netas public servants and judiciary. These
three have to separate independent and as well self sustaining.
not just draw from public funds unlimited though they have
budgets but body care how the money is laundered though we
have huge accountant general office in each state and central as
* All governance should balance the budget if you cannot pay
your employees to bad either retrech or take a pay cut.

* We should bring back the 1500 billion dollars kept by Indians in
Switzerland bank as soon as possible and book these people
irrespective of their rank post or other social status they are
thief and should be address as thief.
* Governance should affordable sustainable and cost effective
which we certainly not having now.
* Uniform acts or codes leave it public for all irrespective of cast
creed or religion under democratic governance in secular India.
* You can start any industry but cannot open a school or college
* Why public cannot organize the local radio of their choice?
* Change our country name to Bharat instead of India given by
others to us. All these things are in majority public interest not
against any particular person. RTI should be known as public has
right to know. Status quo is not acceptable and is not working
will not work as well in future unless we demand change and
work for it Nav Nirman ki jai ho.

NRI Home Coming
March 29, 2003
NRI Home Coming (NHC) can be considered somewhat similar to the
US Peace Corps program except the NHC program will consist
entirely of NRI's volunteering in India. The program will encourage
the selected NRI's to volunteer in their native state in India or their
district or village. They will be urged to work for 2 years, in that part
of India where they came from. They can work on any local project of
relevance that interests them. Rural village development projects
will be emphasized.

The following sections will provide more details:

l What is NRI Home Coming? (NHC)
How will this program help India?
l Where do we need the help in India?
l What are the main features of this program?
l How long should a NRI volunteer for this program?
l What will the NRI's receive while working on the project in
l Criteria for NRI selection?
l How will the program be administered in India?
l For each NRI volunteer, who will decide the nature of the
l Pre-planning during 2003
l Activities to coordinate the efforts of NHC volunteers in India
after Jan 2004
l Recognition for the volunteers
l Where to learn more information on this NHC program?
l Letter informing the general NRI's of this program.
l Letter requesting a present NRI volunteer in India to be a NRI
role model.
l NRI-Pioneer Questionnaire
l 10 Rural Project areas

What is NRI Home Coming? (NHC)

NRI's (Non-resident Indians) first started coming to the US in
significant numbers in the 60's and 70's. Most of these NRI's
consisted of engineers, doctors and other professionals. During the
last 30-40 years, these NRI have acquired various practical skill sets
and a career full of experiences and expertise. Many of the NRI's in
this group are looking for opportunities to give back to India. NRI
Home Coming (NHC) is a project or a framework to assist the NRI's in
'giving back'.

How will this program help India?

Each NRI identifies a particular city or village as his/her native place
in India. Or it could be where his/her parents or grandparents came
from. The NHC will emphasize rural village development. However,
the NRI volunteers can work in any place of their choice, including
large cities. Once the program gets underway in Jan 2004, we expect
around 5000 NRI's to volunteer by the fifth year.

Where do we need the help in India?

Almost 70% of the population lives in its villages and almost 50% of
this population lives below the poverty level (BPL) in India which is
about Rs 2,000 per month per family. While India can be justifiably
proud of its achievements in IT, software, space technology, food
production, the benefits of these developments have helped only
about 20% of the population of India. India will not become a
'developed nation' by ignoring its 70% of the people. Our large
metropolitan cities are overpopulated. Their infrastructure is
breaking down.

Our cities need attention too. But with the wealth and rich people in
large cities, they will have a better chance of being heard and
attended to. Not so the villages. Problems in large cities can be
partially attributed to migration from the local villages. By
increasing the number of villagers above the poverty level (and
beyond) and making the villages economically viable, we can reduce
the migration to the cities.

What are the main features of this program?

NHC can be considered somewhat similar to the US Peace Corps
program except the
NHC program will consist entirely of NRI's volunteering in India. The
program will encourage the selected NRI's to volunteer in their
native state in India or their district or 3 village. This immediately
solves common problems associated with the US Peace Corps
program such as language, food and cultural differences.

How long should a NRI volunteer for this program?

Each selected NRI will be urged to volunteer for a period of 2 years.
At the end of the 2 years, if they choose to continue their project,
they may do so. During the first 2 years, given their family
circumstances and other commitments in the US, they can decide to
stay part time at their project site. However, they will be requested
to stay in India at least for the first 3-4 months continuously to get
the project started.

What will the NRI's receive while working on the project in India?
The selected NRI's will pay the airfare to India themselves. While in
India, GOI (needs to be worked out) will pay a modest living and
domestic travel allowances connected with the project.

Criteria for NRI selection?

The NHC program is open to any NRI who can volunteer their skills,
time and passion to help India. However, to ensure the success of
the overall program as well as individual volunteer NRI's success, we
recommend the following criteria:
a. NRI's who can spare 2 years of time to work on this project.
b. NRI's who can contribute around $ 10,000 over the 2-year period
to support their own personal travel costs to India. We have
assumed a total of 4 trips during the 2 years at an approximate cost
of $ 2,500 per trip. (Airfare and expenses).
c. Our ideal NRI for this NHC program will be in the 50-60 age group
who are at the end of their first career and looking for some
adventure and purpose in India.
d. The specified age group will not be a limiting factor if the NRI can
meet the overall objectives of the NHC program.

How will the program be administered in India?

The NHC program will commence on Jan 9, 2004 and on the same
date every following year with fresh batches of NRI. GOI celebrated
Jan 9, 2003 as the NRI day or the
Parativa Bharathi Din. On this day, Mahatma Gandhi returned
from South Africa to
India and he is revered as the first NRI. The NHC program will be
centrally coordinated in India. This will allow a uniform set of
guidelines for all NHC volunteers. We hope to create a single point
authority to help the NRI's with a chief coordinator and a help desk
in Delhi. [More details to be worked out]

For each NRI volunteer, who will decide the nature of the project?
4 Each NRI volunteer can select a project of their choice, in the
native place of their choice.
In case they need guidance, the NHC program coordinator will
prepare suggested projects according to local needs. While the local
needs will vary, here are some of the projects common to many
parts of India. In the next few months, we will try to develop subject
experts in each of the following: (with rural village focus)
a. Water
b. Livelihood creation activities
c. Food
d. Medical
e. Education
f. Roads and infrastructure
g. Power
h. Telecom and Internet

Pre-planning during 2003

The first batch of NHC volunteers is expected to arrive in India by Jan
2004. Prior to that, we need to do the following:
April May 2003: Identify NRI role models
June July 2003: Group meetings gather NRI role models and design
the program
August 2003: Formally announce the program
Sept Oct 2003: Selection of the first batch of NHC volunteers
Nov Dec 2003: Training sessions for NRI's before they leave for
April May 2003 Identify NRI role models
Many NRI's are already in India working on projects of their choice in
places of their choice. Most of them are working in their own
individual capacities. In most cases they have had to forge ahead
individually, solving many obstacles in their path. And through sheer
perseverance and dedication to their projects, they have
succeeded. They are our NRI role models. By identifying some 50-60
such NRI role models during April and May of 2003, we will put
together a core group of NRI leaders who can help design our
program. We will develop a questionnaire that will request our NRI
leaders to tell us how they succeeded.

During April May 2003, we will collect and develop a database of

success stories, classify them by subject headings and geographic
sections of India.
June July 2003 Group meetings amongst NRI role models
We will conduct group meetings amongst the NRI role models both
in India and US. If we discover significant interest in this program
from NRI's living in other countries 5 outside of US, they are most
welcome. Many of our meetings will use the Internet and hence the
present geographic location of the NRI volunteer will not be a
limiting criterion. We will attempt to assign all of the NRI role models
as subject coordinators or state coordinator (within a state in India)
or in some cases both. These meetings will determine the finer
details of the NHC program.
August 2003 formally announce the program We will announce the
program in both print and internet ethnic media in the US. This may
consist of announcements in India-Abroad magazine, Sulekha.Com,, NRI World and other regional ethnic media. Internet
Yahoo and Alumni Groups will play a significant role.

Sept Oct 2003 Selection of the first batch of NHC volunteers

We will create a volunteer group to help screen the NRI candidates.
The screening process will aim to ensure the success of the overall
program as well as the volunteer's success.
Nov Dec 2003 Training sessions for NRI's before they leave for India.
It is quite likely that the NRI volunteer visited India many years ago
and may need some recent data about India. These training sessions
over the Internet will brief the volunteers with information on their
selected project area as well as the geographic region in India. If
possible, based on interest and number of volunteers from different
regions of US, we may hold 1-day weekend sessions in different
cities of USA to bring the volunteers face to face.

Activities to coordinate the efforts of NHC volunteers in India after

Jan 2004
We will conduct regional and periodical meetings of the NHC
volunteers in India. This will provide a forum for the NHC volunteers
to make presentations of their projects, interact with others, seek
solutions to unsolved problems. An electronic newsletter and a
website can help to provide up-to-date communications. NHC
volunteers after their graduation from this program can act as
mentors for fresh volunteers.

Recognition for the volunteers

Each NHC volunteer after their first successful completion of their
project will receive suitable recognition from GOI. It may be possible
to invite these NHC graduates to Delhi on a subsequent PBD or NRI
day and make the presentations.

Where to learn more information on this NHC program?

6 Yahoo Groups and Websites are being created. You may subscribe
to our recently created
Yahoo Groups called NRI-Home-Coming. The access to this group
is moderated.
When you first subscribe to this group, please send a short bio of
yourself to the moderator at Include
information about your subject area of interest and the region of
India that you hail from.

7 Letter informing the general NRI's of this program.

Dear NRI,
Most of us completed our education in India and arrived in US
looking to improve our career and livelihood. With hard work and
commitment, most of us can be proud of what we have achieved in
our career and family. If you are like me, we are thinking about a
second career or possibly helping India to achieve its goals but do
not know how to do it.
As an NRI, we have seen solutions to common day problems. The
same problems within
India may remain unsolved. As an NRI, we can bring a balanced
approach to solving common problems in India. You will be happy to
learn that a group of NRI's in the US is currently planning a program
called NRI Home Coming (NHC).
In brief, this NRI Home Coming program will assist you to donate
your skills and time to the region (or village) in India where you came
from, in a subject matter that interests you. It will partner you with
local Indian volunteers so that you can 'make a difference'. For more
help, please visit: (website not
ready yet) Can we count on you?
8 Letter requesting a present NRI volunteer in India to be a NRI role
Dear NRI Volunteer in India,
Groups of NRI's are in the process of creating a NRI-Home-Coming
program. This program will assist more NRI's to volunteer their time
and skills to India's rural development projects. They will return to
their own native places and work on projects that interests them.
In this regard, we are seeking your help and guidance. We have
learnt that you have been volunteering your efforts in India already
and succeeding in your projects.
We want you to share your experiences and act as mentors for fresh
NRI volunteers.
Please see for details.
During April May 2003, we are hoping to identify around 50 NRI
volunteers working in India, like yourself and bring them together
(physically or electronically) and help design the details of the NHC
program. To understand how you have succeeded in your projects,
please help us by completing this questionnaire at http://www.nri-
If you have any questions, please contact rk at.

9 NRI Home Coming Project NRI Pioneer Questionnaire

March 30, 2003
This questionnaire is to be completed by NRI Pioneers.
Who is a NRI Pioneer?
NRI Pioneer is an NRI who has already demonstrated their passion
to help India, with emphasize on RURAL India. These NRI pioneers
have volunteered their skills, passion for helping India and have a
success story to tell. The NRI Home Coming (NHC) program wishes
these NRI pioneers continued success and hopes to gain by their
personal efforts.

Personal bio:
E-mail address
Address in USA
Address in India
Professional background: (indicate here what is your Educational
background, what was your field of employment in USA etc)
Family and Children:
Project description in India:
Name of the State(s) in India District Village / City name
Brief description of project:
Internet / websites with more info on project:
Benefits obtained so far:
Continuing and future project plans:

10 Project lessons learnt:

Project phases: (if you were to divide your work so far into 4 phases,
how will you describe each phase)
Are you working with a local NGO or entirely on your own?
How did you learn the ground realities?
How and why did you select the project topic that you are working
What was the single most hurdle that you encountered and how you
solved it?
Key resources that you needed for the project manpower, finance,
technical etc
Looking back, is there any one thing, you will do differently in your
If you were designing this NRI-Home-Coming project, what will be 4
key items or aspects that we should design carefully (make your
During April May 2003, we hope to find 50 60 NRI pioneers like
yourself. Could you help us by giving the Names and email addresses
of NRI's like yourself.
Name: Email address:
Name: Email address:
Name: Email address:
Name: Email address:
In June July 2003, we hope to bring the 50+ NRI Pioneers in an
electronic forum to help define the details of the NHC program. Any
thoughts on how we should do that? Any other comments?

11 NRI Home Coming 10 Rural Project Areas

March 30, 2003
Rural India projects:
10 project areas
The local needs in different parts of rural India will vary. However,
these 10 project areas seem to be common to most parts of India.
We hope to find a subject expert for each of these 10 project
areas. They will then collect all the information in each subject, list
the problems, list the solutions etc.
1. Water Drinking water for people as well as irrigation water for
2. Food techniques to grow both wet agriculture as well as dry
3. Livelihood creation activities train villagers to engage in
livelihood creation activities. Learn useful trades, produce
products for internal consumption as well as external sale.
4. Roads, sewage, houses
5. Medical
6. Education for children and adults
7. Telecom services
8. Internet access
9. Power Electric and alternate forms (Solar and Gobar gas)
10. Micro-credit
For each subject, we hope to do the following:
a. Current situation in rural India, problems, shortage etc
b. How these problems have been solved in 'model villages'
c. Make a list of solutions and alternatives available
d. Find different institutes, research units in India with solutions.
For example, the CFTRI institute in Mysore that produces low-
scale implements to help with agriculture and food
processing. Or the Barefoot college in N. India that produces
Women technicians to install solar systems in villages

Potential Uniting Motionless
Public (PUMP)
(Please don't read this article if you are happy with present Indian condition
or system. because if we go on doing what we arc doing we will get the
results what we are getting, hence we have to think beyond the box in order
to get additional benefits. as thoughts are mother of all results.)
The chances are remote and least possible, but without this we cannot
achieve much about the progress of India.
We all must have heard the story of Akbar who had a minister named Birbal
asked him one day that "can you make the line I had drawn on the sand
smaller but condition is that you will not touch the this line". Birbal who was
a smart man, said after thinking for few minutes yes sir it is possible. And
coolly drew a bigger line next to the original line. In present situation we
have to ask this questions "Are people in India working to keep this system
running, is this system serving the public?" In order to do just that to the
system, we the people have to be
stronger than the system then only then this system will work for us.
System cost effective ness is necessary and we should do Value Analysis.
Do we still need the departments of rationing and the refugees (only to
mention a few) even we have surplus of food and 58 years after division of
India. We have done enough pumping for system and now it is time to
pump the public for a change as well for progress (balloons can be pumped
We all know that circular objects can be brought to motion and will have
smooth motion as well. But if we try to move a triangle it will be more
difficult and if it is square it will be most difficult. If you don't believe me see
the Pyramids of Egypt they have gone nowhere in last few thousand years as
they are both triangle and square.
I am going to use these three basic shapes to explain the present conditions
and problems our
India. Our population which can be represented with the circle as we can
draw a similarity from our national Flag; it has a wheel with 24 spokes. That
is different that our IAS (mind) & Ministers (heads) had made 30 states (old
formula of divide and rule). Triangle represents nexus of three P, Politicians,
Police and Public servant. Problem represented by Square.
Motion is progress
Stagnation sucks

It is as simple as it can be that are we here to invest in system or in

public? Choose Public. Even Public servant is bonded slave of system
and we are not against all of them.
Obviously we are doing the investment in the establishment, and system
does not want public to be in control over their affairs or let public be in
control of momentum to take over the system. So we can see the Chakra of
our flag that we as public of India are divided into many ways in cast creed
and statehood based on languages in the name of keeping the language
alive. This could not be far from the truth. As we are not united we cannot
take control of our destiny but these petty politicians for their narrow
mindset and interest will ruin our beautiful India and us (as if they have not
done yet during last 58 years). Three sides clutch the population of India,
representing the three big clamps, unluckily all three parts of these unholy
nexus, all start with P: Politicians, Police and Public servants. Now you see
the new picture as it emerges as a big triangle, which contains and covers all
the public in clutches. Public have to remember here that only few hundred
British ruled us for hundred of years, with the help of this rotten system. We
are still helping to continue this system if we don't try to change it, then can
be getting ahead?

Public is squeezed from three directions (clutches)

As we can see these three components are not tuned to public

* Middle Stage of pumping the public

In this stage public have handle over the unholy alliance of three P

The public have cushion between

them, and keep them apart then
they have no choice but to serve
Public. Hence happy public.

Now we see that the problems we are facing
in India like big square. Weknow how difficult
is to move square. But remember golden rule-
PUMP. The problem can be solved if the circle
of Public can cover them, i.e.Public is
surrounding the problems. I.e. population's
have ownership and handle over controls of the problems.
Process is not simple as it sounds. So far the tall claims of Politician, Police
and Public servants thatthey can only solve all the problems Public have,
so the public should sit and relax, did not worked yet..
These three component of society are having fun at our expense and
problems are still there and rather increasing. Hence we have to have the
ownership of the problems, and then only we will have solution as per our
own satisfaction as these will he under Peoplesguidelines. So get
* Final stage of pumping

Circle will move


Now we can see how we can own the problem and by pumping the
confidence and will in the people, we can take our population to new
heights. Think for a minute that we only with 300 of out of one Billion
people we are no. three economy in the world and with all as potential
middle class our economy will have to No. One (Uno) in the world for
long time to come. Our Bharat will be great as we just say it now. Once
we have the momentum going no body can stop our people they know
how to survive under worst and best conditions. Indus civilization is only
one civilization, which had survived the onslaught of time.
Now we can bring the analogy of inflated football to this final shape it
may still look like the Circular in shape but it need pumping in order to
have bouncing quality. Hence remember the Mantra PUMP.

It means here the Proactive Unbroken Mentoring of People. (PUMP)
How can this be translated into pumping process into a real action
plan? Public inflation program in seven steps:
I. Capacity building and empowering of our rural masses, by
explaining them how this
Government is working and how can this system work for us. We should
resolve not to work for the system. Let them know that in democracy we
the people are supreme and neither Politicians nor Public servants,
including police is the master or rulers. So we should have recall
mechanism for Politicians and Public servants and their perks including
raises we should decide by majority Ballot. Police, Educationshould be
transferred to local bodies as their needs depend on local conditions
these are not same everywhere hence had to be controlled by local
population. There should be provision in constitution to raise their
funds themselves not to be provided by Central Government. All public
services should be termed based, not permanent. Rules to be robust
and can only be changed by majority and by Ballot only. Least
governance is the best governance.All laws, which are antique, should
remain in museums only and had to be revised to reflect the pro-public
and based on encouragement not as they stand now, based on mistrust
and deterrent to public progress. There is no holy cow law. when it
comes to public benefits and interests.
Public right to know everything should be norm, Freedom of
Information Act.
Corruption and black money is about 50% of total economy and
unemployment is only 30% you figure out the relationship how easy
we can solve this problem. Unemployed please in your own interest
keep track of the thieves.
All Governance departments should have a local advisory commission
managed by local public and theVterm should not be more than two
years and some travel cost to be
reimbursed for such meetings. Balance the budget.See the effect of
system we have so far, in spite of our believe in social equality, what
we got more disparity between haves and not have daily necessities of
comfortable lives requirements of roof, shelter and food.
2. As we the Public don't have house for all of us, but can we afford the
houses for our N6 Vt "" Public servants and Politicians? All
housing of central and state Government should be sold to public and
money thus raised should pay off the loans. No transfers.Local will have
affinity to solve the problem and their alliance to local public as well. No
permission to open schools, college and university especially in rural
area (why we have only one rural University in Bharat Ravindra Bharati)
but independent authority should accredit them all. As we have done
for small scale and medium Industry can be opened and no permission
of Government needed. The post of all Judgesto be filled by election, for
a term of five to seven years, other than Supreme Court Judges, court
fee structure should be able to cover the cost of running a judiciary
system. But they can be expelled by majority of Lok Sabha members in
case of dispute. No free bees, neither to public nor to three P.
Rastrapati Bhawan should be made museum as suggested by Gandhi ji.
In order to reduce corruption

three-tier service should be there in each and every department, if you

pay more money your work will be done before but still as per laid down
norms that less paid also will be done in timely fashion (As it is being
done in railway and passport). All Governance jobs should be term jobs
and no more three terms for an assignment. And these should be open
to bids and if people are anyway going to make money that is why they
pay money as bribe to get jobs. Then why not government coffers
should be filled than individual's pockets.
3.All India services should be scraped like IAS, IPS, IFS and IRSetc. Also
posts of DM, Commissioner and Governors etc which are not adding any
value to public services, should be abolished, as they do not add any
value to serve public or add any thing for progress, rather they are
impediments and their big mansions should be sold at public options.
People with right 'serving the public attitude' are to be appointed as and
when, where they required by local bodies.
Again please note we are only talking against the system not the
people, we have to figure out together how to invest in people.
4. A white paper about how our tax Rupees collected and spend be
published every year and informed the public about it. Secrecy then
only corruption will come down. Secrecy should be only limited to
military and National security issues, all others issues including budget
provisions should be publicly debated.
5. At present our so-called Politicians, Police and Public servants (only
60 lakhs) spending 60 percent of resources on them selves. What is
then left for developments and to solve other problems? Our motto
"Small government is best government".
6. Ballot issue should be Prime mover for Money, Manpower.
Management (MMM). Three pronged Taxes are required Local, State
and Central so tax sharing is simple Public should be the prime mover
for economy not the Government.
7. That is my Dream of Bharat Mahan and you can have yours, but in the
end we all have to compromise on one dream and act on it then only
our Bharat will be Mahan We don't need the professional politicians
and their term should be restricted to two only. As we also don't need
the politics as family business. The Tulu pump is most popular in India
for a solution of water problem we are sure there must be more than 10
laks pumps working in Delhi alone,
we only need some 500,000 PUMP for rural India in order to take care
of poorest of poor.

These are all my way of saying things should be, order or extend can
be changed but these are seven steps to pump up the public.
Now some of the prevailing abbreviations and their new
meanings.Abbreviations OldPM Prime Minister PMO (Most influential
ot lice in India) Prime Minister Office
PUMP Pump MP Member Parliament New Public Managed Public
Managed Organizations Promote Uninterrupted Motion is Progress
Public Understand Mentorship Program Problem Understand
Mentoring Managed PublicIn the end this seven steps can be
summarized as first stage sharing the power (education, police) and
duties, second stage PMO (NGO now) empowering rural masses, third
stage as use of technology for improvement, forth stage mentoring
others who are under privileged then us, fifth stage confidence building
and modifying system, sixth stage real local control of problems and
solutions at local level and seventh and final stage supporting public
efforts in all fields. Once we own the problem we can have the
solutions to our satisfaction as
well with in our means and capacity.Don't forget we get the
Government what we deserve, first deserve and then desire.Stop
complaining but start collecting benefit once we get united.

Akhand Bharat Chale
Dhire Ethalakey (ABCDE....)
Hindi in Roman Lipi
Hum harat ki taraquee nahi chate hai. Chokiey nahi yeh sach hai.
Quonki agar bharat se garib mit gaye to hamre ghar ka chowa basan
kaun karega, kapre kuan dhoyega. Ghar ke nauker khanha se ayege.
Jab hum Bharat ke liye sonch he nahin rahe hai to bharat kese
sudhareyga. Aab aaye aur ek suchi banate hai or uap bhi esme
sanshodhan ker sakate hai.
Sarkar ka dhancha badal dalo
Sarkar ka bojh halka karo , choti sarker sukhi sansar.
Janta angreji raj me gulam thi per aab sarkar ki malik hai ise
goan goan me kahe.
Sarkar ki jababdehi janata ke sath hai kunki janata sarvopari
Commissiono ko band karo janata kare nayay janmat ke
Sarkari karmarchari ho ya neta janta janmat se barhey unki
Sarkar kisi ko bhi gharelu nauker nahi degi apane aap rakhey
IAS ko sampat karne ka beeda udha le.
President ka chunav seethe se ho.
Do bar election ho ek bar sab ka dusari bar srif do ka.
Do bar seva bad me ghar bapas muaka do ouro ko seva ka.
Transfer rajneeti band karo.
D.M./commissioner/governor ki kya jarurat hai ab.
Teen tax ho ek desh ka dusara prant ka theesra shar ka.
Ghar par tax aaj ke mulayankan per lage.
Gaon ke jameen ke sambandhi kagjat coputer per rahe.
Goan hamare dhoodh aur anna data hai unki raksha karna
hamara kartavya hai
Malgujari gaon ke pas rahani chanhey.
Jese tel per uadpadan sulk jamin bale ko diya jata he usi
terhey se her prakertic sampada ka uthan ko muabja diya
jana chahiey khas tor pe pani ke mamle me.
Desh ke surakcha antrik ba bahari ko chor ke sabhi sarkari
tunrt apana kharcha apne aap uthaey(self sufficient).
Kuch vibhago ko sampat ker dena chanhey jese ration, rahat,
saranarthi safai etayadi ethyadi.
Jese hame apna mat ko jahir karne ki choot hai usi thareny
hamey koi bhi kam karne ki choot honi chaney. Sarker upna
karcha chalaney ke liye he tax leti leti rahey per ham per raj
karna use jorna parega janata kei seva ka beeda uthaey.
Her kisee ko sapna dhekhana cahaney taki aap mare to bhi
aap ke bachey use pura ker sankey.
Pani ka upyoga safai me kam se kam kare taki kichar kum
Pani ka sabko mulay dena hoga jese bijlee ka dete hain.
Sarkar ko bijlee ke dhandhe se bahar ho jana chanhey.
Hum sab jab bijlee ke chori karna jan hi gaey hai to uska
bitran bhi hum ko aa hi jaeyga.
Rail bhi janata ko chalane de bahi aacha raheyga. Sarkar abhi
tak use safalata se chala nahi pai hay.
Sakari naukari theke per honi chanhey pakki naukri ki koi
jarurat nahin kunki netao ko dekh le kursi per ateh hi sab
kuch seekh jate hai.
Jab mittal ji duniya me lohe ke karhkaney chale rahey hai to
desh me kyo nahin chala saktey hai. Karchariyo ko bhukha
dore hi maregngey

Domestic Servants
Only in our India we provide domestic servants to our public
servants, as we continue to follow British traditions for Britishers.
We pay more than enough to our public sector employees so they
can afford the domestic servants like driver, gardener's cooks and
runners. This practice is more prevalent in Military services. You can
go all over the world and see for your self except past British colonies
Domestic servants are only provided by pubic to only head of states
like president only. Why can't we question this and scrap this
present system all together. Who so ever cannot do their own work
should hire help from their own source of income not at public
We should also not provide big and palatial buildings occupied by
British in Raj days. Only opposition will come from the people who
are enjoying these amenities will be opposed they should be free to
leave the job and there will be thousands who will like to serve why
public money to spent on them.
For example Govern place in West Bengal is a mansion of some
80,000 Square feet and have team of some 225 domestic servants
and their yearly salary is more than few 5 crores Rupees We are
doing this in name of democracy is it worth? Think we have some 30
states and how much we are spending on only Governors. Some 150
Crore Rupees.
Similarly the Government Cars for the secretary etc should be
scraped not only se they are misused but also unnecessary. These
people are important but reaching office in Time is not Government
Issue or public should provide.
They should be encouraged to buy one for their use and loans can
be provided but keeping drivers etc should be their own expenses.
Common pool car for official use is a different matter otherwise the
taxi and auto etc are readily available and as and when needed
should done on need basis. When these officials will fight the traffic
like common people then only they will be able to think for a
common man flight or problems.

Gerber Overall Victimizing Tantra (SYSTEM) - this is my definition of
govt a short form of Government.
We should examine the basic principles of democracy. The founder
of modern democracy President Abraham Lincoln said we get the
Government what we deserve, as ultimately we are electing the
Government- our representatives.
Are we living in democracy?
Why I am saying it is gerber ( hotch- potch) GOVT. in our great land
Bharat, who was pioneer in democracy in its golden age.

As long as we give more power to the appointed Govt. servant

than our elected representatives. This the first litmus test and
in Bharat it is a- Failure for democracy.
Freedom to say, act and work as per our will are restricted by
rules and regulations. That is second failure of democracy.
Judiciary, Executive and Legislative part of Government should
be independent.

Which is all Gerber in our present system of Government. That is

third Failure.
Now let us examine the system, which was created by British to rule
India by suppressing the initiative minds of the people of India. It
was also to destroy the age old well run system based on local
traditions. Then in no way it can now serve the masses and
empower them to do the need full themselves or be a confidence
builder. You want to know why because the mind set which has
created the problems positively cannot solve the problems. On
comparing you will find the same system does not exits in USA/UK or
any big democratic country. Like Governor/ commissioner / District

Rules should be to maintain law and order and it should serve the
population as in the favor of progress. Rules should be robust and
should not change for poor or rich powerful or weak of the society.
Any such rules, which are contrary to this, should be scraped. There
can be long list of such rules but this article is not intended for this

There has to be a recall provision in constitution to recall elected

and appointed officials, if they are not able to their duty

Encouragement should be norm rather than punishment, which is

basis of most of present rules and education system. I see ray of
hope in this field for first time if you pay your house taxes in time you
pay less than what otherwise you would be paying normally. And
they are now based on Present day value of dwelling than cost at
time of construction. You want services at present day and want to
pay at old rate. How far it was correct. At least we are moving in right
direction. A+ .

Planning process should start from bottom up not as at present

done on top at planning commission in their New Delhi air condition
offices. (One-person Vs masses)

Input of beneficiaries should be the prime concern. In this respect

let me state here a factwhich I came across during Development by
Design 02 conference in Bangalore, where I learnt that Bangalore
Municipal Palika (BMP) with the help of computer and 2.5 lakh
persons representing whole city is involved in decision making
process. Hurray for a new beginning. A+

Another first done in Karnataka is all land records are stored in

computers and kiosks were opened and any body just paying 15 Rs.
as fee can check it. In this scheme Govt. spent 18 cores and with in a
year they have recovered 11 corers. Going on right Track A+

Central budget will be made public for the first time about six
months before it was adopted and public can comment as per
Jaswant Singh, Finance Minister of India. A+

There should be a Majority rule rather than Minority rule as

prevalent since our Independence. Two tier of Election process. This
happens because same British policy of divide and rule which keeps
the masses out of democratic process.

When our economy is so vibrant, strong large and controlled by

market principle, how come still RTO (Regional Transport Officer),
Inspectors controls it. Like RTO decides how many buses should ply
on certain routes, when shops should open and close rather than
controlling safety of passengers and comforts and interest of shop
workers. These are just two examples to mention you may know
many such rules which are redundant. These are the main reasons
of corruption.

How we can have Economic Development when there had been no

economic survey done so far of whole country. If we have our data
based on sample we only will get sample development. Unless we
have exact data we cannot plan properly. Results of our planning are
in front of us, we had not achieved any planned targets during last
ten 5-year plans.
There are many more agencies talking about problem than there
are solving these, or doing something to solve any problems. There
are more chiefs than followers.

There is no equality in any sphere. How come a govt servant gets the
home from Govt. sources while masses are deprived of even basic
amenities. Is it by virtue of appointment one becomes entitled for
such amenities like house servants, houses etc. Evil cause of it is still
prevailing, British administrative system, which wants to attract
tyrant subordinates who can control other Indians, and as reward
they get these perks. Transfer of Govt servants from one place to
other is the punishment sort of rule is another example, which
breeds corruption. I don't say that don't give them house allowance
but real estate owned by government can be used to offset loans by
selling these land and houses. My basic principle of equality is
denied when you give special preference to govt. servants.
Openness of system is key to successful democratic Government.
Which in 55 years of present rule we could not give to our public so
far. Accountability is another factor on which we had to work hard.
Government has become so cost ineffective that what ever it does,

Central govt. is 4 times costly, state is three times and municipalities
are about twice as costly. Why govt should be involved with my
letter delivery, provider of electricity, and cleaner of my town,
educator of our children, and our protector. Are we so stupid that we
cannot manage these at local levels? Let market economy control

Government has become so heavy and its burden on citizens is so

large that we cannot afford to support such inefficient Government.
In most of the cases they cannot raise enough revenues in state that
it has to borough the money from center to pay its employees. Why
it is that Center had to give money to state and state to local
government. We have learnt so far that at each stage money
changes hand it becomes costly to public. Why at every stage our
elected government should not raise capital from Public, which
public want to have level of services? More decentralization.

We should adopt the recommendation of constitution reform

Commission that any body who has a criminal background should
not be allowed to stand for public office. And any public servant who
had three strikes, means valid complaint about misusing its
position, should be out of her / his position immediately.

Public should decide by majority voting system about the pay raises
or perks by voting for all public servants and public elected

Trust that had been broken between GOVT. and public has to be
restored through action not by slogan. Attitude of public servants is
changing but at very slow pace speed has to be increased.

I can assure you one thing by sharing Knowledge increases never

decreases. Dream with no limitation whatever way you want to see
your Bharat it will reach one day to your collective expectation, this I
am saying from my own experience. More people feel and dream
about Bharat same things, someone's job will be easier.

Govt. motto should be Good Overall Valuable Trust that is what we


Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi
Social Resume
(Married for 45 years, Two married Sons Yash and
Gaurav and three granddaughters , Two grandsons)

1 Advisor: University of Michigan Computer Science Dept. since

Aim: To prepare the Quality graduate according to market
2 Volunteer with Volunteer Impact (VI) since 1995
Aim: To make a difference in society where we live in,
wherever there is need
!3 Active Friends of The Homeless (AFOTH) 1988-2012
Aim: To stop few persons from being homeless.
Founder, Director, Treasurer and Project Director
Helped so far some 750 families not to become homeless.
Fund Raiser for other projects and for general funds.
Life Member.
4 American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin since 1983
Aim: Networking
Founder, Chairman India Affairs Committee, Co-Chairman
Second National Convention, Coordinated polio Vaccine with
MCOPI Doctors from India organization, Sent Books Robots
and micro-chips for training to Indian Engineering
Institutions, Started and Participated in Expert Knowledge
sharing programs with parent Indian engineering colleges.
Raised money for village development s in Bihar and West
Bengal in India.
Helped Indian New students and Immigrants to get job and
other needs like winter clothing and old furniture.
Life Member.
!5 Bharatiya Temple Troy MI Since 1980
Aim: Cater to Religion needs of Hindu Community in Detroit
Metro Area
Director, Fund Raising committee, Religious Committee,
Organizer and Co-Chairman of Youth Camp, Building
Committee, Organize other events and raised money for
Life Member, and Chairman Membership Committee. Starter
of Library.
6 Council of Asian Indian in Michigan (COAIM) since 1987
Aim: To bring various numerous Indian Organizations under
one Umbrella.
Founder Member, Director, organize First few Wayne
University Students coming from India. Organized first Great
Lake students conference and panelist
Started book lending & host family program for students
leaving their home in India first time. Organized Furniture and
winter clothing program for needy students coming from
7 Focus Hope walk in 1988
Aim: Community Involvement
Walked Eight Miles and Raised Money for their projects.
8. Hunger New York based, a world wide Organization- since
Aim: To eliminate hunger from the world.
Organized two years walk for Hunger and raised funds
9 Ganga Kaveri Bhagirathi Trust (GKBT) Flint MI since 1985
Aim: To Draw Attention to fellow Indians in America and in
India towards water scarcity.
Director, and founder member.
10 Global Energy Organization (GEO) Akron Ohio since 1985
Aim: Energy Conservation and use of Alternative sources to
produce electricity.
11 Hindu Temple (HT) of Canton MI since 1985
Aim: To cater the needs of Hindus living in southwest Metro
Detroit MI.
Founder, Director, Life Member
12. Arya Samaj Of Michigan(ASOM) since 1990, life member as

Aim: To fulfill desire of Arya Samajies in Indian community
Founder member, and raised funds for its own Building in
Farmington Hills MI..
13. Indo American Forum For Political Education (IAFOPE)
Aim: To make Indians part of political process in US
Founder Member of MI chapter.
14 India Development Society (IDS) Chicago IL since 1984
Aim: To help fellow Indians in India to improve their life.
Member , Presenter Alternative to rural development
Seminar in Chicago IL.
15 International Society of Productivity Enhancement (ISPE)
since 1988
Aim: To share the knowledge to increase the overall
productivity of world.
Chairman Reception Committee 3rd National Convention
about CARS & FOF.
16 Viswa Hindu Parishad Of America (VHPA) since 1984 Aim: To
make People Aware of Vedic Views In North America.
Member, Treasurer - Michigan Chapter.
17. Indian Trips For Social Work 1999-2000-2001,2002-
Aim: To under stand the rural India first hand.
Visited some 500+ villages and in 22 states out of 30 states.
Seen first hand devastation of Cyclone and Earthquake in
Orissa and Gujarat .
Seven people were helped to reconstruct their homes, after
one year of cyclone.
18. International Hindi Association USA since 1994
Aim: to increase the use of Hindi, and popularize it in Western
Life Member. Written some 85 articles in Hindi which were
published in India and USA.
19. World Hindi Foundation Inc. USA since 2001
Aim: To popularize Hindi as media of Technical Journal of
World Class.
Founder Trustee and Life Member.
20. India Trip to construct the entire village Jan2002- April 2002

and 5 year commitment,
for 114 homes and a population of 700+ namely
subdivision, Dist. Kutch Gujarat INDIA.
Aim: Not only to construct but also to make it self sufficient
and most modern village.
Project Director and Project Coordinator
21. Appointed Technical Advisor to Jal Biradari (India) 2002.
22. Wrote some 125 articles in English, Hindi -85 articles, which
are published in India and US magazines.
23. Went to meet inmate in local Michigan prison under outreach
24. Scholarship interview for Alumni of University Michigan
Dearborn (UMD) since 1995.
25. Connected with MIT, University of Madonna, University Of
Michigan (Dearborn) Scholarship and Buildings Construction.
26. sent 250+ computers froom USA to India for schools an office
in MP/UP.
27. Two schools in west Bengal in Malda and two in Odisha 2006-
28. Contributed money to endowment funds of MIT and few
more Universities in USA and IIT Kharagpur.
29. Three books of our articles in English were published by ERDS
under Reflection recent one was only in july 2013.
30. Life Memebers in Seven Temples in Metro Detroit area in USA
proud to be Hindu, they are Bharatiya Temple Troy, Hindu
temple Canton , Durga temple Detroit, Jain temple
Farmington Hills, Arya samaj Troy, Sai baba Livonia, Sri
Venkateswara temple of Novi, Kali Badi Temple.
31. Helped to Constructed 8 homes in Odisha,22 in Tamil Nadu,
and 44 latrines in West Bengal and 2 in Gujarat, temple in west
Bengal. Sent computer and T.V. to West Bengal.
32. PNAH YOG KAMRA at Rohatgi School Nai Sarak Delhi India
2015. 20X65 feet size money collected from Rohatgis.


lAward of Outstanding service by Detroit Board of Education
Zone IV 1981

Award of Dedicated Services by ASEI 1984 & 1986.
Award for Community Services (COAIM) 1988.
Certificate of Appreciation (International Society of
Productivity Enhancement) '88
Award for Outstanding Service by Bharatiya Temple 1987 &
Award for Outstanding Social Work by UMD Alumni 1996.
Award for Outstanding Social Work by Hindu Temple canton
Michigan 1997.
Award for Outstanding Social Work to Rashmi by Bharatiya
Temple Troy MI USA
Award from National Hindi Association at Merrut
Award from Agra School in Kamla Nagar for helping to construct
a Multi Purpose hall.
Award from Rohatgi Charitable Trust Delhi India from rohatgi of
the world organization.

Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi

24161 Nilan Drive Novi MI 48375-3754USA
Ph: 248-471-5786


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