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Kuder Career Interests Assessment

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment

Date Completed: 1/23/2017 Date Completed: 1/23/2017

Pathway Results Pathway Results
1Correction Services 1Professional Support Services

2Logistics and Inventory Control 2Visual Arts

3Agribusiness Systems 3Design/Pre-construction

4Security and Protective Services 4Journalism and Broadcasting

5National Security 5Personal Care Services

Correction Services People who work in this group of occupations Professional Support Services People who work in this group of
are concerned with youth or adults who have broken the law. Some occupations provide a variety of special services in school setting
investigate and solve crimes. Some guard criminals after they have These individuals help students with personal, physical, and
been placed in jail or prison. Others work with offenders who will educational problems. Examples of these occupations are school
soon leave prison or have already left to help them find and keep counselors, social workers, psychologists, and speech pathologist
work. Still others monitor prisoners for a period of time after they Visual Arts People who work in this group create works of art, us
have been released. oils, watercolors, photography, plaster, clay, or computer software
Logistics and Inventory Control People who work in this group of Some create art simply to express their own creative ability. Othe
occupations focus on getting materials needed to the right place at the create the images requested by customers to be used in their prod
right time. They may talk with traffic managers to find out if, when, or marketing pieces.
and how materials have been shipped. When they arrive they unload Design/Pre-construction People who work in this group prepare
them and put them in the right place. They may also keep records detailed plans for the construction of buildings and other kinds of
about how and when materials are used in order to make sure that things. These plans make it possible for workers to carry out all th
they do not run out of supplies. details described in those plans to build homes, office buildings,
Agribusiness Systems People who work in this group of occupations bridges, roads, streets, and airports.
apply technology to many activities in the field of agriculture. These Journalism and Broadcasting People who work in this group ga
activities include preparing food, marketing it, and shipping it. information, write news stories, and get them out to the public.
Security and Protective Services People who work in this group of Reporters get the facts by observation and interviews and write th
occupations protect buildings or specific locations from harm or loss news. Broadcast and sound technicians, supervised by engineers,
of contents. They may check the identity of people or scan the operate the equipment used to distribute the news by radio and TV
contents of items that they are carrying as they enter. They also Personal Care Services People who work in this group of
protect people by setting up and monitoring security systems in occupations improve the physical appearance of others. They pro
homes and public buildings. Some screen passengers before they can services such as cutting and coloring their hair, suggesting attract
enter an airplane. makeup, doing their nails, or helping them improve their physical
National Security People who work in these occupations are helping fitness.
to protect the security of our nation in some way. Many are members
of the branches of the armed forces. Many work in airports to assure
that weapons are not taken onto airplanes. Others work to gather
information about possible attacks on our country or our armed
forces. Special Note: This pathway is new and emerging, and as such,
occupations beneath it have yet to be classified. As the U.S.
Department of Labor continues to update information, occupations
will be organized under the pathway for exploration.

Kuder Work Values Assessment

Composite Report
Date Completed: 1/23/2017 Date completed Interests Assessment: 1/23/2017
LowMediumHigh Date completed Skills Assessment: 1/23/2017
Pathway Results

Workplace Correction Services


Logistics and Inventory Control

Innovation Having the challenge and opportunity to do my work in 3
new ways and with independence and variety.
Prestige Having the sense of being highly regarded by others because
of the nature of my work or the leadership I provide.
Income Having the desire to achieve earnings and rewards that
Agribusiness Systems
strongly support my economic and financial advancement.
Workplace Having the pleasure of working in a comfortable, 4
attractive work space where the supervisors and co-workers are
supportive and friendly.
Accomplishment Having the feeling that what I do in my work is
important and making a contribution. Security and Protective Services

National Security

One Page Report

Prepared For: Brevin Knight
Date Printed: 3/8/2017 10:39 AM

Copyright Kuder, Inc.

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