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Arabic AS ee oe For Beginners i Zafar H. Qureshi KAZI PUBLICATION INC. ARABIC WRITING + for | Beginner KAZI PUBLICATIONS INC., 3023 West Belmont Avenue, INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS & PARENTS Everyone Likes neat and beautiful writing in any language. This skill requires a lot of practice and patience. However, following sone basic rules, even a begin” ser can start writing Clearly in a relatively short time. Arabic is a beautiful fanguage to write. For a beginner or anybody who wants to improve his/her writing skills in Arabic the following guidelines are suggested. 1 Closely observe the shape of all the alphabets shown on page 2. In parti- cular the proportionality between the thickness and the size of each letter is quite essential. time ah To achieve variable thickness of each letter a special pen should be used. Calligraphic pens are usually expensive. Any ordi- nary fountain pen (e.g. Sheaffer as shown, $2.00 approx.) can be modified for Arabic writing. Grind the nib according to the figure shown. A fine grain stone or sand paper may be used. For this book a nib thickness of 1 mm is suggested. mn Each letter has a specific position with respect to a horizontal line (e.g. i ei }. On each page this is shown in the extreme right hand column The direction in which a letter should be written is indicated by fine arrows fas shown in the extreme right hand column on each page (e.8- Q, Stand )- Start writing on the second line starting from the right hand side. Try to {ill the outlined letter (e.g. ) by a single movement of the pen. Do not repeat again on the same letter. ‘Atvays complete the main body of the letter first and then place the dots Gott, + i For the best results Complete line 2 through 4 on each page, then 5 through 7 and finally 8 through 10. The number of letters in lines 8 through 10 should be exactly same as given in the above lines. Write slowly and carefully. At least five books are reconmended for practice. Number and date all the books completed to keep track of your progress. i 3 L & |p "| — [2 (3, SICIZ >, Sle [e [ss] (Ale ord || fm LI] NT SEE ae Ie | = 7 — [ea] |e PPE E Eee eeeY — 4 Hie ag Clit tie aed | Gam [ | ag [@ SCCCCECECCEE BE alalalalalalalalalea 23335555555 355 55T5] id ee) ee ee) el}Teyef eee good SIS SI DL L +— . Be) eee oly i ae TERE EE Sn er Lea an ees CITT OO OU OT ) a [oF | oa EE] a IP PPP UP UP -L ( Pe ( ( t 4 t t ( te t i SLLLLLSSIISIEIUL IS Tw GB SELELELLSLLSLLSS \ an | s>weibebbeE i tk 2? 2% 29 29 29 23 25 29 29 39 Je Js 2° Js js js ¥ $ $ 5 =als| ae i Bs i at CCE CRE CCEE Ole ) am (E]) aaasasae ee (le (ee | SSGSGGUGGGGGG 22 — JSADIS III I & ch zi v. & —) | EL I be & aI & Ele ; | rs eh - LL . j ppudJJJddJId C[efef[cjejcjcjcjcjc = 3 —] — rererrerererer ee | pay [Oo BOWIO8OBOUO YO —f | GCicle/C/C]/C] eC] Cc; \ Cc C 27 PRD DSS aad maaan nl sw i | > = i | 1| > jis Ee » = ae i »b a atte 2 | ms ma ab | | 99°39 99-9 9.959 9) 929 91959 9 1 = TT GIalalalalalc] IL 1 relate BX SL BOOS FOR ISLAMIC SCHOOLS DO CI ON RCT ECR R On NR CED A.B. C. ISLAMIC READER PON RU CORON is OR NOS ene TN CaLipus oF ISLAM (Ser OF 4 Books) Cutpren’s Book oF IsLam Part 1 AND 2 COLOR AND LEARN ALLAH'S 99 NAMES CeO UNO CORTE COLOR AND LEARN THE NAMES OF THE FAMILY OF THE PROPHET CO eN UNECE ea rd COLOR AND LEARN SALAH (PRAYER) ee eee OT ee Nt ELEMENTARY TEACHINGS OF ISLAM rN eee) One kere HEROES oF ISLAM (SET OF 12 Books) History oF THE PRopuets oF ISLAM, Part I History oF THE PRopHEts OF ISLAM, PART 2 AMMA (30TH Part): ARABIC, ENGLISH, TRANSLITERATION Iman (Basic BELIEFS) Pen ent OR en cee A Istamic Ernics Sertes: Grapes 1,2 ano 3 IsLaMic ETHICS AND PERSONAL CONDUCT Lessons IN ISLAM (SET OF 5 BOOKS) NY ROOT OSes ae MUHAMMAD, THE Last PROPHET Teena Munamman's Companrons I: Essays on Some Wio Bore Witness NNER RU et aA) Uae Oe ORO eC) PRIMER OF ISLAM QURAN FOR CHILDREN QURAN MADE Easy (YASSAR-NAL-QURAN) See RU AS SON One OCC CUO San ZEENAT'S MOSQUES OF THE WORLD COLORING Books I, I KAZI PUBLICATIONS, INC. RIPE R AEN Teen ced DEAS YeU DER REELED) PRR Ce Re CCA Sean SES LOLS SOON K.P. VAS ce seu see EDO OL L. Au sone K.P. K.P. PST CO A. RAUF ary SONG AC CTY PNET NT Ian ONS Sean Nae Cay Sy PAR

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