Reading Notes For Access To Academics 2 3

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Reading Notes for Access to Academics

You can work with colleagues as long as you have a deep understanding of the content
in each chapter. Use the Key Issues Chart at the beginning of each chapter to guide your
thinking. Read and tab/underline key points in each chapter. Add descriptions, page
numbers, or lists as part of your note keeping. This is the foundation for your study for
teaching English as a second language and is very important that you come to a deep
understanding of this material.

Take notes on these key points and add missing points based on the Key Issues Chart at the
beginning of each chapter. Your notes must be sufficient for you to attain and retain the basic
information in each chapter and to effectively lead a class group discussion when asked to do so.
You will be defining, summarizing and/or describing the various key components in each chapter.
Ch. 1: 1. Explain language of school
Langu Distinct multifaceted type of English primarily used in the school setting
age of English learners must learn the language to participate in classroom activities
They acquire social and academic language that is used inside and outside the classroom
2. Social Language
Language students use with one another
3. Academic Language
Language that students use in the classroom environment
Ex. Vocabulary content area words
4. Linguistic Features/content areas- Explain
Students use the academic language in the classroom and the social less formal language both in and out of the
5. BICS- Explain
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
BICPs refers to the conversational language that is used among the students
6. CALP- Explain
Cognitive academic language proficiency
CALP refers to the language that students use when they are reporting content area knowledge
7. Google academic language register and define
In particular, the features of vocabulary and grammar that help to create the academic 'feel' of
the language. Vocabulary. In general, we can say that writers choose more formal words when
writing academic texts. Example: The following pairs of words those are similar in meaning.
Ch. 2: Language Proficiency
Defined as the ability to use language accurately and appropriately in oral and written forms
Language Domains
Receptive: listening and reading
Productive: speaking and writing
Can Do descriptors pg.29
Level one: match icons with words/concepts
Level two : identify facts
Level three: interpret
Level four :classify
Level five :summarize
Elements of Communicative Competence
Grammatical or linguistic competencies: accuracy of language used
Sociolinguistic: use of language in an appropriate manner in given context
Discourse: ability to connect sentences into a message

Ch. 3 Learning Strengths and Needs of EL Students List/describe

Collect general information of the learner
Ex. General background, survey, moving questions, dialogue journals, school files
Assessing students language needs
Ex. Roleplaying, playing games, story, retelling, oral reporting
Discover content background and Knowledge
KWL charts assist the teacher in understanding some things about the students interest and engages
students in the content
Teachers can also have conversations with their students to gain understanding of content background
Guidelines for understanding student strengths and needs: List/describe
Teachers should model techniques effectively
Do not assume what the student may or may not know
Teachers must also embrace variety and diversity int heir classroom
Ch. 4 Explain- all teachers are language teachers
Objective writing statements of quantifiable, attainable lesson outcomes that guide the activities and
assessment of the lesson
Measurable Verbs: Link to Common core State Standards p.57
ELD Adaptations
Language objectives emphasizes facts ideas and content processes that support the language development
Teaching the Language of the Discipline: Vocabulary lesson model introduced
Sample language objective
SWBAT use reading strategies to uncover main ideas from a reading of the civil war.
General Assessment information across disciplines
Teaching to Language Objectives Guidelines: List and summarize
1. Its authentic
2. Language is taught both explicitly and implicitly
3. Its multimodal
4. It is re;evant]ot is based on social interaction

Ch. 5 Connecting to Students: How do you do this? Summarize supporting research.

Through surveys, conversations and taking the time to getting to know your students.
Personal connections
Academic connections
How do you make academic connections?
Connections can be made to linking to their previous learning and their lives outside of school
Building Background Knowledge: Explain How and Why
Teachers can pre teach and reinforce vocab
Cue to do review
Field trips and hands on experiences
Visuals to aid instruction
What is an anticipatory Set? How do you use them to engage learners? Provide an example.
An anticipatory set builds background for the students that will help them in the lesson
Ex. Pg75
Language arts
Grade 3 Begin the lesson by talking about guessing and have students make guesses about certain ideas.
Using VAPA and PE Content for making connections to students explain the guidelines for connections (p.76)
Be deliberate: carefully plan to make connections to the lesson
Help students transfer connections back to their lives
Consider culture: connections can be made in different ways depending on the culture of the students.
Ch. 6 Student Engagement: Explain engagement and tasks
Engagement is referred to the persistence an absorption with reading writing speaking listening and
thinking when there are other choices available pg.80
A task refers to what happened when the learning takes place.
Pedagogical Connections
think about the backgrounds and interests of their students while designing tasks
Connections or supports that support the achievement for all learners work with personal and academic
connections to provide students with both access and reasons to engage.
List/explain elements of task process and product
What happens when the learning takes place?
Can be seen as an outcome of the process or end result of the task
List /explain guidelines for task for connecting instruction to students lives
Give students a reason to listen
Have students take notes, ask students to present
Do not do what students can do
Teachers need to gove student choices, more autonomy
Give students a list of options for the assignments they are required to complete
Ch. 7 How do you assess before, during and after a lesson?
You asses before during and after
Assessing student process and product: Explain
Assessment refers to the general process of gathering data about something or someone
Teachers should asses that students are correctly following directions in order to create the desired product.
It is important to asses while the processing order to achieve the product correctly
Developing assessments to measure content standard achievement: Explain
Teachers need to develop multiple ways of showing student learning
Teachers can create traditional assessments or alternative assessments that measure students
Creating multiple opportunities for students to learn content: How and Why?
Students all learn in different ways and can show their understanding through visuals or through writing
depending on the type of learner
Ch. 8 ELD: Language of the disciplines: Explain key points in each discipline
Unlocking language of science
Students should learn the inquiry principle through
Making observations
Posing questions
Examining books and other content material
Planning investigation
Reviewing what is already known
using tools to gather information
Proposing answers and communication results
Adaptations in disciplines
Describe relationships of taxonomy comparison cause and effect hypothesis and interpretation
Describe procedures explicitly
Connect abstract ideas to media
Use generalized verbs to describe certain phenomena
Appear to be objective
Use many new and big words
Integration of PE and content Areas
Students can learn certain concepts of movement that apples to their PE lesson
Language of the discipline applied to VAPA and PE
Students can use the vocabulary that applies to certain content area to help in their VAPA and PE lessons
Ch. 9 ELD: Language of the disciplines: Explain key points in each discipline
Adaptations in disciplines
Use a variety of instructional formats and supports
Visuals, graphic organizers, diagrams
Introduce new vocabulary in a thoughtful and meaningful manner
Limit the vocab to 12 words per lesson and do not have students do different activities to learn the definitions
Identify and highlight key words with multiple meanings
Some math terms can have multiple meanings when it comes to learning certain signs of operations
Modify your speech
Enunciate clearly and pause in between sentences and concepts
If needed repeat rephrase and restate important facts
Use cooperative learning
Teach organizational skills
Create an atmosphere for risk taking and making mistakes
Integration of PE and content Areas
Teachers can ensure to use visuals when trying to teach the students about a certain movement.
They can connect to concepts and vocabulary that is learned in math if it appiles
Language of the discipline applied to VAPA and PE
Students can sue geometric terminology to draw shapes
Teachers can modify their speech when teaching a lesson to ensure they are pausing and rephrasing whne
necessary to make the rules or activity clear.
Ch. 10 ELD: Language of the disciplines: Explain key points in each discipline
Adaptations in disciplines
Include pre reading strategies
Anticipation guides, discuss critical terms and concepts, establish a purpose for reading
Include strategies for readers according to their level
Strategies include direct instruction, diverse, texts, effective instructional principals and intensive writing
instruction, strategic tutoring technology and text based collaborative learning
Integration of PE and content Areas
Collaborative learning will help a student when learning how to perform certain movements in a PE lesson or
learn a certain technique in the visual arts.
Language of the discipline applied to VAPA and PE
Ongoing assessment will benefit the ELL learner in the area of VAPA PE to correctly perform the lesson
Ch. 11 ELD: Language of the disciplines: Explain key points in each discipline
Adaptations in disciplines
Develop a socially supportive classroom. Include a safe place for learning
Link topics to prior knowledge
Use collaborative groups to tackle complex reading passages
Make the students the teachers and the teacher the student
Build on the funds of knowledge of students families and communities
Promote an oral history approach
Integration of PE and content Areas
Students can work together to tackle difficult physical education movements
Students can also work together to model a difficult technique that they are trying to create in the arts
Language of the discipline applied to VAPA and PE
Students learn the different layers of vocabulary that exists. Some students may refer to certain concepts
depending on their language
Ch. 12 Review and discuss learning for EL students across all disciplines.
List 5 key points that are new learning that you will use in instructional practice from this reading.
Reflect: How will you bring this research in to your professional practice?

Connect abstract ideas to media (math and science)

Teach general vocabulary in fun ways
Use a variety of instructional formats and supports
Limit the vocab to 12 words per lesson
establish a purpose for reading

I will make sure to plan ahead when it comes incorporating the learning od EL in all disciplines. There is an
opportunity for them to learn in every lesson. The key to ensuring that the learner is being catered to is to plan
effectively taking into account the students level of knowledge. When it comes to difficult content in the area of
science and math it is important to include visuals that will aid the EL Learner as well as the entire class. The
visuals help learners see what is being taught. The student may not fully understand the lesson yet but it does not
make them feel completely left out. Students do not want to simply memorize vocabulary words so I will make
vocabulary activities vary week by week to ensure that the students are having a fun learning experience. I will
also make sure that students are no over whelmed with a long list of words. When it comes to reading I will make
sure that the student feels like there is a purpose behind everything that they are reading by connecting the
material to background knowledge.

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