Effectiveness of Airport Advertising

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Effectiveness of Airport Advertising


22nd October 2009

Confidential & Proprietary • Copyright © 2009 The Nielsen Company

Research Context
• Airline passengers are forecasted to go up to 2.75 billion in 2011.

• Huge investments in infrastructural development coupled with a long dwell time at the
airports offer marketers an opportunity to advertise their brands to a captive and relevant

• OOH being (primarily) a static advertising medium advertising faces a problem of its recall
getting clouded by multimedia campaigns plans.

• Currently there is no isolated measure of the effect of airport advertising.

• Times OOH & Nielsen conducted a research to measure the isolated effect of airport
advertising on a brand in terms of salience & message recall.

• The following document details the methodology adopted for the research and the key

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Copyright © 2009 The Nielsen Company
Research Objective

To measure the
isolated effect of an
average weight
advertising campaign
at an airport, based
on the recall for a
fictitious brand.

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Research Methodology
• Advertising creative for a fictitious passenger car brand “Hustle” was made and put up at various media
properties within the airport complex.

• The creative was of average weight to ensure that the recall scores are not affected by the strength of
the creative.

• Face to face interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire.

• The study was conducted on the following days:

– Domestic: 17th – 19th Sep & 22nd – 24th Sep
– International: 29th Sep - 1st Oct

• A total of 508 interviews were conducted at the domestic & international terminals of the IGI Airport:

– Terminal 1A: Domestic Departure (34)

– Terminal 1D: Domestic Departure (128)

– Terminal 1C: Domestic Arrival (158)

– International Departure (89)

– International Arrival (99)

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The Fictitious Brand Advertisement

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Research Findings

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1. Effectiveness of Airport Advertising
(Represented by effectiveness scores of “Hustle” Ad)

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Overall Recall Scores

95% respondents recalled seeing at-least one ad at the airport

2.6 number of ads a respondent recalled spontaneously

4.15 total number of ads recalled by a respondent

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The total awareness for the fictitious “Hustle” is close to 40%, completely attributed to the
campaign at the airport. This represents a high number of passengers that can be reached by
advertising through this medium.

Close to 1 out of every 10

respondents recalled seeing the
Spont Recall 11% “Hustle” ad spontaneously. Higher
among SEC A1 & Age 26-35 years
Recall of Hustle

Prompt by Category 3% Additionally, a few more respondents

recalled “Hustle” on prompting them to
recall advertisements of cars and
Prompt by Brand Name 3% aiding the recall with brand name.

On aiding with the ad creative,

a high number of respondents
Prompt by Ad Creative 22%
recalled the brand taking the
overall score to 39%

Total 39%

% respondents

Base: 508 (All)

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About a third of the respondents spontaneously recall the main message of the ad. 2 out of
every 3 respondents were able to recall at least one of the elements from the ad. This suggests
that airports provide the audience an appropriate setting to retain the content of advertising.

Something about
the speed of the
car – 4%
What did they recall
from the ad?
Picture of a car –

A compact car –

Fastest car on
Indian Roads –

A new car coming

soon – 6%

Base: 96 (those who recall seeing the Hustle ad without aiding with creative)

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More than 2/3rd of the respondents who recalled seeing the ”Hustle” ad agreed to having the
impression about the car as intended by its main message. A negligible number of respondents
did not agree.

Not at All, 1% Very Strongly,

DK/CS, 7% 25%
Not Really, 6%

Maybe, 18%

To an Extent,

How strongly does the advertisement give you an

impression that Hustle is a car with high speed?

Base: 96 (those who recall seeing the Hustle ad without aiding with creative)

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A high number of respondents who recalled the ad attributed seeing it only at the airport. This
suggests that without any influence from other media or existing brand usage; perception etc,
airport offers an effective advertising medium.

Now here Else 68%

Outdoor 16%

TV 1% Where else have

they seen the ad?
Print 1%

Internet 1%

Don’t Know 16%

% respondents

Base: 212 (those who recall seeing the Hustle ad without or after aiding with creative)

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2. Profile of Travelers

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Primarily a young and affluent audience with the
average age of 35 years and more than 3/4th
belonging to SEC A.
Female, 10%

45 Age (Yrs)

Male, 90%



16 16 2%
10% 59%
11 10%

5 3 3 4

0 19%
26 - 30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60


Base: 508 (All)

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Agreement with a statement: Top 2 Box (T2B)
(derived through agreement Disagreement with a statement: Bottom 2 Box (B2B)

scores for statements)

“I like a lot of variety in my
life” 95% T2B
“I like the challenge of
“I often crave excitement” doing something new”
95% T2B 95% T2B

“I would like to spend a

year or more in a foreign “I follow latest trends &
country” 90% T2B fashion” 91% T2B

“I like outrageous people &

things” 70% B2B “My interests are narrow &
limited” 63% B2B

“I am really interested in only a “I would rather make something

few things” 47% B2B than buy it” 40% B2B

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Copyright © 2009 The Nielsen Company
• Airports provide advertisers an opportunity to reach an audience which is:
– Young & Affluent (High percentage of the age 26-35 years & 59% SEC A1)
– Consumer of high-end goods and services
– Keen to try new products & services

• Travelers spend a long time at the airports spread across locations, giving this
advertising medium an ample opportunity to be noticed.

• The performance of the fictitious brand campaign shows that airport advertising
has a huge potential to achieve the following objectives:
– Build salience for a brand (A total recall of 39% for a fictitious brand that was only advertised
at this medium)

– Cut through the media clutter (More than 2/3rd of those recalling the fictitious brand ad
attributed seeing it only at the airport)

– Ensure that the advertising message is delivered to the audience (a 3rd of the respondents
who had seen the ad correctly recalled the main message)

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Thank You!

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