GMOs Short Paper

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Reyes !

Priscilla Reyes

Professor Debora Williams

Writing for the Sciences

Feb 8, 2017

GMOs are the way of our future

According to World Food Programme, nearly 800 million people are living

in hunger all around the world. This results in 1 out of every 6 children being stunted.

Now the question is, what can we do about this? The answer is GMOs: Genetically Mod-

ified Organisms.

GMOs are the result of the mixing of genes. Their main goal is to provide for this

worlds fast-growing needs. For instance, GMOs would help the yielding of crops. This is

because crops can be modified to grow taller, bigger, and faster. Not only this, but by

having crops be genetically modified, we can change the environment in which the

crops can grow. For instance, planting GM crops would be ideal in places where temper-

ature, soil and water are not otherwise suiting for the normal crops. This would make

food more widely available and therefore help to greatly combat world hunger.

Another great benefit that comes along with the use of GMOs is that there would

be less use of pesticides. This is because GMOs are specially designed to withstand dis-

eases and pests that would otherwise kill the natural crop. And as scientists have

proved after decades of study, pesticides are very bad for both living organisms and

their environments. According to Nature, pesticide use is directly linked to cancer,

Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, and even birth defects. Not only this, but when pesticides
Reyes !2

escape in runoff, they can contaminate water which sickens and even kills marine life,

which can very negatively impact the balance of many ecosystems.

Therefore, GMOs are the food of the future. Not only would they provide food to

feed millions of people every day, but they can help reduce the side effects that pesti-

cides bring to the agriculture industry. GMOs would be nothing short of extraordinary!

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