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The State News Communication Plan

Fall 2016


The State News is a nonprofit news outlet that is published by the students of Michigan State University in
print Mondays and Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer. The
independent student paper has been in operation since 1909.

The State News is consistently recognized as one of the best college newspapers in the country. They
have received awards from the Associated Collegiate Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, the
Michigan Press Photographers Association and the College Media Business & Advertising Managers.

State News alumni have had successful careers at The New York Times, ESPN, NowThis, The Wall
Street Journal, NASA, Google, Microsoft, NPR, Chicago Tribune, CNN, Yahoo and Politico.

Situation Analysis

The State News publishes 14,500 copies twice a week, and distributes to more than 250 drop locations
reaching from Okemos, East Lansing, to the capital building in Lansing. With an outdated readership of
85%, the student paper has lost the favor of students over the years as students have chosen other news
sources to stay updated. Additionally, the student organization has gained an unpopular image around the
campus due to sensitive story content and negatively developed personas.

Strengths Weaknesses

Age of the organization Lack of experience among staff

College tradition and history Lack of funds

Relatable student content Lack of external communication resources

MSU Sports teams Extremely liberal persona

Opportunities Threats

Incoming students Competing news outlets (Lansing City

Pulse, Lansing State Journal, the Black
Trending campus news Sheep)

Negative social media posts


1. Michigan State students, professors, and administrators

2. Parents of Michigan State students
3. Local Okemos, East Lansing, and Lansing community members


1. Rebrand the State News in a positive light as the leading local news source
2. Increase readership among all audience samples


1. Use a media relations campaign to increase:

a. Placement of State News among state news organizations
b. Awareness of philanthropic events the State News hosts

2. Utilize social media campaigns to engage with the young college audience


1. Distribute a press release to forward to Michigan media outlets that both touches on upcoming
student discussions and the history of the State News, the nonprofit background, the
philanthropic efforts, and the overall brand of the student voice
a. Sample press release
b. Sample media pitches
c. Sample media list

2. Reorganize the Instagram to include Instagram takeovers during State News hosted events,
State News appreciation posts of coworkers praising one another, and guest posts of students
posting pictures of their favorite State News covers
a. Sample Instagram post

3. Facilitate a weekly live Twitter chat with a predetermined topic to allow students to share their
thoughts on important and relevant topics
a. Sample discussion topics

4. Create a viral video series showcasing local community members and their unique stories with
the tag I am the State News
a. Sample social media editorial calendar
Sample Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 1, 2016

CONTACT: Emalie Parsons / 517.295.1680 /

Michigan States Student Voice Celebrates More Than 100 Years of Groundbreaking News

EAST LANSING, MI Michigan States independent student paper celebrates longstanding history with
student-lead campus-wide debate. Raise Your Voice will provide students with the platform to share their
stances on national political and social issues, and campus concerns.

Over the years our students have begun their journalism careers at the State News and gone on to work
for media giants like the New York Times, ESPN, and the Wall Street Journal, says Marty Sturgeon,
general manager. As someone who has been a part of the organization for more than forty years, I have
had the pleasure of seeing young students use their voices to speak on behalf of our readers.

The State News began providing news to students, professors and the local community more than a
hundred years ago. In addition to providing breaking news in the Greater Lansing area, the outlet
continues to serve as the professional foundation for advertising, journalism, graphic design, and
photography students jumpstarting their careers.

I came to the State News as a freshman where I first had the opportunity to report on MSU organizations
and administration, the kind of news I knew my fellow classmates should be aware of, says Jake Allen,
editor-in-chief. Now as I lead our newsroom, I have the hope that Michigan State students have their turn
to talk about the things that really matter to them.

State News editor-in-chief will be joined by ASMSU Director of Public Relations in leading the discussion
open to all MSU students and faculty. Topics will include upcoming elections, transgender legislation, and
various sexual assault cases surrounding Michigan State news.

When our community lost our beloved Princess Lacey, or when the Spartans won the Rose Bowl it was
the State News reporting that brought us together to grieve or celebrate, says Breanna Ratering, ASMSU
Director of Public Relations. The Associated Students of Michigan State University happily co-hosts
Raise Your Voice to bring our University together.

Raise Your Voice will take place in B119 Wells Hall on September 15. Doors open at 8pm and the
discussion will begin at 8:30pm.

About The State News

The State News is published by the students of Michigan State University in print Mondays and
Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer. The independent student
paper has been in operation since 1909.

The State News is consistently recognized as one of the best college newspapers in the country. They
have received awards from the Associated Collegiate Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, the
Michigan Press Photographers Association and the College Media Business & Advertising Managers.

Sample Pitches

Raise Your Voice

Hi [Reporters Name],

I noticed your recent reporting on Michigan colleges and thought you may be interested in learning how
the State News, Michigan States independent student paper, will be unifying students to discuss
important topics surrounding todays culture.

On September 15 the State News will the partnering with the Associated Student of Michigan State to
lead a campus-wide discussion of national and local news. The event will allow Michigan State students
and faculty to voice their opinion of the upcoming elections, transgender legislation, and sexual assault
cases surrounding the University.

The full press release is below. If you are interested in learning more about or attending the event I am
happy to connect you with the editor-in-chief, Jake Allen, in the next couple days.


The State News History

Hi [Reporters Name],

I noticed your recent reporting on college media and thought you may be interested in learning how the
State News, Michigan States independent student paper, will be celebrating their century of journalism.

The State News will host a campus-wide discussion of the upcoming elections, transgender legislation,
and sexual assault cases surrounding the University. Considered one of the top college newspapers in
the country, the papers journalism students are interested in hearing from the other side of the
newspaper and learning what news their readers are interested in.

The full press release is below. If you are interested in learning more about or attending the event I am
happy to connect you with the editor-in-chief, Jake Allen, in the next couple days.

Sample Media List
Sample Instagram Posts

Instagram Take Over

State News Appreciation

Student Favorite Editions
Sample Twitter Discussion Topics

1. As the world begins to convert to mainly gender-neutral spaces, what do you think of MSU
closing the female only study lounge? Should the only remaining all female dorm be closed as

2. Over the year Michigan State has been harshly criticized for the longstanding tradition of rioting
post wins or losses in our sports program. As students, are riots a communal tradition, or a
reckless pastime?

3. From the eyes of the student body, what makes Michigan State unparalleled to any other Big Ten

4. Michigan State University has over 700 student organizations to choose from, but what is the best
group to become involved in?

5. MSU Police release advisory text messages and emails to inform campus of gas leaks, bomb
threats, sexual assaults, robberies, shootings, and other violent crimes. What can the student
population be doing to ensure the safety of our fellow Spartans?
Sample Viral Video Social Media Calendar

I am the State News Video Series

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4
History of
the State
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
of State
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 28 29 30 31

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
ng Series
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 MSU 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4
5 6 State 7 8 9 10 11
Meet the
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

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