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SDB Team Data Analysis Protocol

Data Team Members:


Setting the Context (5 mins)

What does it measure? / What are the learning targets?:

Analyze the Data (10 mins)

What skills, knowledge, and concepts do students have mastery of as evidenced by the
Which have they not mastered?
How did various groups (e.g. gender, race, socioeconomic, disability, English proficiency)
of students perform?

Interpret the Data (10 mins)

What are some contributing factors to the lack of student understanding?
What inferences and explanations can we draw from these data sets?
Which concepts require focused and direct instruction? (whole group/small group?)

School District of Beloit, 12/16

Identify Actions (10 mins) identify 1-3 strategies
What action(s) will we take to address the identified learning need(s)?
What will each of us do to increase the level of student proficiency?

Monitor Results (5 minutes)

What should we see students applying after 5 days of instruction, 10, and 20?
How will we monitor progress?/When will we assess (re-assess) student learning?

Next Meeting - We all agree to bring Date.

Unanswered Questions:

Off-Topic Discussion Points:

School District of Beloit, 12/16

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