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A 2-m-high large tank is initially filled with water.

The tank water surface is open to the

atmosphere, and a sharp-edged 10-cm-diameter orifice at the bottom drains to the
atmosphere through a horizontal 100-m-long pipe. A pump is installed near the tank exit
to drain the tank faster. The pump uses 625 W and is known to have an efficiency of 85%.
The mass flow rate in the pipe is 50 kg/s. Determine the headloss in the system and draw
the HGL and EGL. Disregard the effect of the kinetic energy correction factors.


= = 0.85 625 = 531.25

50 / 3
= = = 0.050
1000 /3
= = = 1.083
9810 3 0.050

= 10 = (0.1)2 = 0.00785 2
1 12 2 22
+ 1 + 1 + = + 2 + 2 + +
2 2
1 = 2 = 0; 1 = 2; 2 = 0; 1 = 0, = 0
1 + = 2 +
0.050 3 / 3
= = = 6.37
0.00785 2
6.37 2
( )
2 + 1.083 = (1) +
2(9.81/ 2 )
= 2 + 1.083 2.07 = 1.015
The pipe shown has a 180 vertical bend in it as shown, while D1 = 30 cm and D2 = 15

cm. The discharge of water in the pipe and bend is 0.15 m3/s and the pressure in the pipe

at the 30 cm diameter section is 150 kPa gage. If the bend volume is 0.2 m3 and the bend

itself weights 1000 N, what force must be applied at the flanges to hold the bend in place?

Neglect head loss in the pipe.


Momentum diagram

= +

= 0 + 2 (1 ) = (2 + 1 )

= (2 + 1 )

Force acting on the bend

= 2 2 1 1
Combine the equations
2 2 1 1 = (2 + 1 )

= (2 + 1 ) + + + 2 2 + 1 1

= (2 + 1 ) + 1000 + ( ) + 2 2 + 1 1

0.15 3 /
1 = = = 2.12 /
1 (0.3)2
0.15 3 /
2 = = = 8.49 /
To find P2: use Bernoulli
P1 u1 2 P2
2 2
+ z1 + = + z2 +
g 2g g 2g
z1 = z2
u1 2 P2 u
P1 2 2
+ = +
g 2g g 2g
1 2 u
u 2 2
P2 = P1 + g ( )

3 )(9.81 2)
(2.12 m/s)2 (8.49 m/s)2
P2 = 150 000Pa + (1000 kg/m m/s ( )
2(9.81 m/s 2 )

P2 = 150 000Pa 33 778.11Pa = 116 221.89Pa

= (1000 3
0.15 ) (2.12 + 8.49 ) + 1000 + (9810 3 0.23 )

+ (150 000 (0.3)2 ) + (116 221.89 (0.15)2 )
4 4

= 1591.5 + 1000 + 1962 + 10602.9 + 2053.81

= 17 210
Question 3 (15 points):

Identify density of air changes affecting momentum (5/15)

Identify decrease in fluid density will produce less momentum (5/15)

Correctly state helicopter at higher altitude requires more power to hover (5/15)

Other answers accepted on case by case basis.

Question 4 (15 points):

Energy is dissipated by viscous forces (10/15).

Unrecoverable energy is converted to heat (5/15).

Other answers accepted on a case-by-case basis.

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