Timeline Mayan

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Date in Category Detail of event, picture Depth & Initials of

numbers person, thing Complexity contributor

only icon

-1532 People Francisco Pizzaro finds J.A

the Inca Empire .

-1525 People Huascar Inca chieftain J.A

becomes Inca ruler.

-1425 -1532 Art Art of the Inca J.S 1


-1400 Art The Chripa culture J.S 1

existed in 1400 BC and
850 BC
100 Art The Tiwanaku culture J.S 1
developed around 100
BC and ended around
1000 AD

400 Art Pukara culture was J.S 1

located 65 miles

600 Science Quipus was their form of R.B

Technology writing

1100-1199 Other Established their capital R.B

at Cuzco
1200 Art The Titcaca Basin did J.S 1
not appear until the late

1200 Other Incas rise to

prominence in Cuzco R.B

1300 Warfare Inca expands and raids J.S 2

villages under rule of
Mayta Capac.

1438-1471 Warfare Inca conquers territory J.S 2

south to the Titicaca
Basin and north to
present day Quito
1438 Art It was founded in 1438 J.S 1
but sadly ended in 1533

1438 People Pachacuta fights the J.A

invading Chanca army
at Cuzco.

1471 People Topa Inca Yupanqui J.A

was ruled emperor of
Inca .

1525 People Spanish explorers J.A

triggered the collapse of
the state.
1525 Science Deadly small pox strikes R.B
Technology the Inca

1529-1532 Warfare Huascar and Atahualpa J.S 2

had a civil war known as
the Inca Dynastic War
for the throne.

1532 People Atahullpa captures J.A

1533 Warfare Battle of Cuzco was J.S 2
fought between Spain
and Inca

1572 Warfare Inca's were J.S 2

overwhelmed by the
weaponry of Spanish
invaders eventually
leading to their fall.

1572 Science Were overwhelmed by a R.B

Technology disease
1741-1781 People Tupac Amoru leader of J.A
people in Peru .

1800 Art Ceramic pottery did not J.S 1

make an appearance in

1911 Other Machu Picchu R.B


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