Listening - Přepis

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Jaro 2016

1. st poslechu

A: Hey, Jim. I hope youve bought new shoes because youll need them for biking
B: Dont worry. My fathers lent me his hiking boats. He said the walking in new shoes for
20 kilometres isnt a good idea.
A: Great. So I can pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning.
B: Could it be a bit later? After I get up and eat. I need to take Max for a walk. You know
hes a big dog and he needs regular exercise. But Ill be back by 9.
A: OK, so what about 9 then? Be ready.
B: I will. Ive already packed all the things for the hike so Ill be waiting for you with my
backpack outside.
A: Great. We sohuld be in the mountains by noon so after lunch we can start hiking
through the countryside.

Hi Rob. Its Alex. Listen. I know we should meet tomorrow at 4 at the train station but the
train station is too far from the cinema. Wed have to travel all the way back across town
and you know how I dont like the underground. Id rather meet you somewhere in the city
center, not too far from the cinema. I was thinking about meeting in front of the museum
but its under reconstruction now so its probably not the best idea. However, theres a
park next to the museum so I could for you there on one of the benches. Let me know if
you agree and dont be late. We have to be at the cinema by 4.45.

A: Oh, tell me. What is Brenda wearing to the dates?

B: Why?
A: Every year she wears the most beautiful dress. The long black dress she was wearing
last year was amazing.
B: So if I tell you, you are going to buy something better?
A: Of course. Ive already bought a long white dress with flowers but if Brenda is wearing
something better, I can return it. Tell me. Is she planning to wear the long dress again?
B: Actually, this year shes got a short one.
A: Really? Not the black dress with flowers that we were looking at together?
B: No, she doesnt like dresses with flowers on them. She bought a white one and cant
wait to wear it for a dance.

Hi Carrol, this is Anne. Come and see me as soon as you get my message. Id like you to
meet Richie. Hes our new Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Dilan brought him home yesterday in
a shoe box. Imagine, hes so small. We wanted to buy him a dog house but they dont
make such small dog houses so finally we just bought a dog basket. Dilan promised to
make him a dog house himself. Oh. And guess what. We couldnt find him anywhere this
morning. I even checked my shoes. I heard puppies love hiding in shoes and slippers.
Jaro 2016

But he got into the shoe box and spent the whole night there. He simply doesnt want to
sleep in his dog basket. OK, well talk later. Bye.

2. st poslechu
A: Hi Linda. Were happy youve decided to train with us. My name is Tim.
B: Nice to meet you Tim. Anything I should know before I start?
A: Well, its always good to consult your ..... before you start training. Its compulsory for
people who are over 25 ....
B: Actually, Im only 23.
A: I see. So its not necessary for you. But Id reccomend it for any beginner runner
B: You know Im back after a break but Im not completely new to running.
A: All right then. So what experience do you have with running?
B: I always ran just for fun but about a year ago I also took part in some school running
A: Great. The next important thing is motivation. I started to run to loose some extra
weight but now my goal is to run faster. But people in your group run for different
B: To loose weight sounds motivating but my reason for running is different. Its been my
dream to run 5 kilometres in some official run.
A: Yeah, a five-kilometer run is very popular. A lot of people think that they need at least 8
weeks to prepare for this running distance. I used to think the same. But thanks to my
training and experience I know that 2 weeks less than that will be enough for you.
B: Oh, I see. Ive read I must run six times a week. Ive already printed out the schedule.
A: Your training plan must be running, walking and resting. If you go running six times a
week, your body wont have enough time to rest. So forget about it. 4 days of running will
work much better for you.
B: And what should I do for the other days of the week?
A: Those days should be for walking. And one day in week is rest. For me its Friday, but
most people in our group relax on Saturday. Anything else you want to know?
B: Yes. I wonder if listening to music helps people run better.
A: I used to think so. When I started, I always went running with music in my phone. I felt
it was giving me energy. But for some time now, I have been training without it. I love the
feeling of clearing my head in silence. Try it both ways. Youll see what is best for you.

3. st poslechu
So, here we are at the Londons Millenium Bridge. The bridge, which is made of steel, is
1066 feet long, which is 325 metres. As you can see, it links the city of London and Saint
Pauls Cathedral with the modern gallery at bank side. The bridge was designed in 1996
by the architects Norman Foster together with the sculptures architects and enginners
from the arab company. Technically, the construction of bridge is very unusual because
the supporting cables are hidden below the level of the walking path. Thanks to this, the
Jaro 2016

people walking on the bridge can enjoy an amazing view without any distractions. The
construction of the bridge began in the late 1998 and the bridge was completed only two
years later at the cost of 18 million pounds. This was 2,5 million pounds over the planned
cost of the bridge and it was paid mainly by the London Bridge trust. The Queen opened
Londons Millenium Bridge on 10th of June, 2000, but only two days later on the 12th of
June the bridge had to be closed because something unexpeted happened on the day of
its opening. So many people were interested in crossing the bridge on that day but it
soon started to move dangerously from side to side. Small vibrations of a bridge are
normal but these sideways moves were so great that the people felt seasick and had
problems standing straight when crossing the bridge. This is why the Londoners
nicknamed the bridge the Wobbly Bridge, spoken W O B B L Y. Well this bridge was not
the only one which moved from side to side too much that year. Just a month after the
Millenuim Bridge was closed, a one hundred year old bridge in Othua Canada had the
same problem when the crowd crossed it during a firework show. It took 2 years of
analyses and tests until the problem of Londons Bridge was solved and the Millenium
Bridge was successfully opened again. However, five years later, in 2007, it was closed
again for short time. This time it was because of the weather. There was such a strong
wind in London that people could have been blown off the bridge when crossing it. But
enough for talking, lets cross the bridge.
4. st poslechu

A: Who are you buying this for?

B: Its a birthday present for Mark. Hes returning from China tomorrow.
A: But its March now. His birthday was a couple of months ago.
B: Yeah, but he hasnt been in the country since December so we couldnt give him
anything. We wanted to visit him there in February to celebrate his birthday and see
China. Unfortunately, you were ill, remember?
A: But you called him in January on the day of his birthday, didnt you?
B: Yeah, but I think we should give him something. Eventhough its already March so Im
buying this.

I really want to like Valentines Day. I know my girlfriend would be happy. So I try hard to
celebrate it every year. You see, she loves the decoration and the music but I dont want
to hear all those old-fashioned love songs like Love Is All Around ten times a day
eventhough I normally like music. I also hate the red hearts all around the city. You cant
even go into a shop for something without bumping into Valentines hearts, teddybears,
candles, cushions and other ugly Valentines gifts everywhere. The shopkeepers think
that the more romantic decorations there are in the shop, the more presents people buy.
They dont want to make a really pleasant atmosphere. Their goal is to sell as many
things as they can. I think thats what destroys the magic of the day.
Jaro 2016

A: How was the food in the steak house? Was it better than last time?
B: Well, to be honest, I was dissapointed. First, I was wondering what to order and
couldnt decide between the English or the Texas steak. But because last time I had the
Texas one, today I chose the English one with potatoes. Bat that wasnt a good choice
either. This time the steak wasnt cold and it was salty enough but I cant say that about
the potatoes. They were cold and not salty. However, I would ignore that, but what I cant
excuse is the fact that I asked for my steak to be well done. It was still bloody. I think the
cook should know that the well done steak needs at least ten minutes to be done and not
half of that time, like the one I got on my plate this time. It was my last time in that
restaurant for sure.

A: Excuse me, Id like to return this shirt, please.

B: Is it the wrong size?
A: Well, Im a big guy and most clothes are usually small for me but no, this shirt actually
fits me. But I dont feel good in it.
B: So, would you like another color thenn?
A: The colour is fine. You see, the problem is when I put it on my skin turns red.
B: Oh dear. Im sorry to hear that, sir. It must be an allergy.
A: Im afraid so, thats why Im here. Id like to choose a shirt from a different material but
in the same colour and size.
B: Im afraid we dont have your size anymore, sir. The only thing I can do is to return you
the money.
A: OK. Ill take the money then.
B: No problem, sir.

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