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Program:MSc/BS Semester:4th/8th

Paper:AppliedMultivariateAnalysis Exam:MidTerm



Note:Dont write on question paper. Exchange of any thing and use of Cell Phone is

Q1. Wheredoweusemultivariateanalysis,writedownapracticalexampletoexplain
youranswer. (8)

Q2. IfAisasquarematrixandA1isitsinverse,writedownthepropertiesofinverse
ofamatrix. (8)

Q3. Findthesquarerootofthefollowingvariancecovariancematrixbyusingspectral
decomposition. (20)

13 4 2

4 13 2
2 2 10

Q4. Evaluatethebivariatenormaldensityintermsofindividualparametersand
(x )T 1 (x )
simplifythesquaredstatisticaldistance asaquadraticfunction
ofx1andx2if (14)

1 0, 2 1
11 1, 22 1
12 0.5

**** Good Luck ****

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