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Henderson Testimony 1




6 Plaintiff, )
7 )
9 YAREIMA CARMEN ) DR 2015-900861
11 Defendant. )


14 C A P T I O N

16 The above-styled case was heard before

17 the Honorable Patricia Stephens on the 26th
18 day of September, 2016, at the Jefferson
19 County Domestic Relations Courthouse, 2124
20 Seventh Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama
21 35203.



25 Commissioner: Karen Hinch

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1 A P P E A R A N C E S


4 Virginia P. Meigs
5 Attorney at Law
6 The Alexander House
7 2320 Arlington Avenue South
8 Birmingham, AL 35205


11 Daniel H. Chambers
12 Attorney at Law
13 2081 Columbiana Road, Suite 21
14 Birmingham, AL 35216

17 Jacqueline Morrette
18 Attorney at Law
19 413 Main Street, Suite B
20 Trussville, AL 35173





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3 Examination of Charles Todd Henderson:

4 Direct Examination 4
5 Cross-Examination (Mr. Chambers) 24
6 Cross-Examination (Ms. Morrette) 28

















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2 being first duly sworn, was examined and
3 testified as follows:
6 Q Please state your name.
7 A Charles Todd Henderson.
8 Q Mr. Henderson, give us a little
9 bit of background information on you. Where
10 do you live?
11 A , Pleasant Grove,
12 Alabama 35127.
13 Q Is your house for sale at this
14 time?
15 A It is.
16 Q But it's not been sold, correct?
17 A We're waiting. It's supposed to
18 have been sold last week. It has not been
19 sold yet.
20 THE COURT: What is the relevance
21 to whether his house is sold? Relevance.
22 MS. MEIGS: It has to do with his
23 residence, is he still living there.
25 Q (By Ms. Meigs) Give us your
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1 educational background, please.

2 A Bachelor of science degree in
3 chemistry and biology Samford University,
4 masters of forensic science for the
5 University of Alabama. I have a teaching
6 certification from East Carolina, and I'm a
7 graduate of Birmingham School of Law.
8 Q Are you certified by the state of
9 Alabama for guardian ad litem for 2016?
10 A Certified?
11 Q Yes.
12 A I'm not aware of what that is.
13 Q Okay. All right. And are you in
14 private practice right now?
15 A I am.
16 Q And how long have you been in
17 private practice?
18 A Just completed my fourteenth
19 year.
20 Q Okay. And how do you know the
21 plaintiff Mr. Akl?
22 A Just from serving as the guardian
23 ad litem in this case.
24 Q Okay. And what time did you
25 serve as the guardian, sir?
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1 A I believe I was appointed

2 sometime in January until about May.
3 Q Of this year, correct?
4 A That's correct.
5 Q All right. And how do you know
6 Ms. Akl?
7 A I Ms. Akl? I met her in the
8 latter part of August last year.
9 Q Okay. And under what
10 circumstances did you meet her?
11 A I received a phone call from one
12 of my clients/friends, said that she had a
13 person that wanted to talk to a lawyer about
14 a divorce.
15 Q Okay. And did you in fact talk
16 to her?
17 A I did.
18 Q Okay. Was she represented by
19 another attorney at that time, Daniel
20 Chambers?
21 A She was.
22 Q Okay. And did you talk to her in
23 a legal capacity or what other form would
24 you describe it?
25 A Well, I'm a lawyer, so I would
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1 assume it's in a legal capacity.

2 Q Did you advise her and give her
3 legal advice?
4 A No, I did not.
5 Q Okay. So she did not retain your
6 services, correct?
7 A No. I chose not to.
8 Q You chose not to?
9 A Right. I advised her that she
10 had a great lawyer, Mr. Chambers, and she
11 needed to stay with.
12 Q Okay. And again, I'm not trying
13 to get into your communications with her.
14 A Right.
15 Q Now, after you met her in August,
16 what relationship continued after that from
17 September to December of 2016?
18 A She attended a couple of
19 political functions that I invited her to,
20 one of them being a voter registration in
21 Ensley Park, and I believe that was in
22 September, Party With a Purpose at
23 Councilman Hoyt's function. She worked
24 there with You decide Alabama, which is a
25 function that -- which a is group that
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1 promotes voter registration, voter

2 empowerment, restoration of rights to those
3 that have been convicted of felonies.
4 I also had a booth there because,
5 obviously, I was in the middle of a campaign
6 as well.
7 Q And what month was that, sir?
8 A I'm sorry?
9 Q What month was that, sir?
10 A That would have been September,
11 first or second week of September I believe.
12 Q All right.
13 A Could have been October. I'm not
14 sure.
15 Q Okay. September or October. Did
16 she do any other campaigning for you that
17 you recall in September?
18 A Campaigning in September? No.
19 Q Okay. Did she visit your home or
20 did you visit her home or did y'all visit
21 each other during that time in September?
22 A No.
23 Q Okay. What about October, sir?
24 A I don't know. I mean, visit my
25 home or her home in October? Is that what
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1 you're asking?
2 Q Did you visit with each other
3 either in campaigning --
4 A We may have. I don't recall the
5 specific dates. She attended a couple more
6 functions in the fall of 2015, but I'm not
7 specific about which month that was.
8 Q And she was on your Facebook page
9 for your campaign also, wasn't she?
10 A I'm sure she is, along with about
11 twenty-five hundred other people.
12 Q Sir --
13 MS. MEIGS: Move to strike.
14 Q Was she on your Facebook page?
15 THE WITNESS: I answered the
16 question. I said "yes."
17 THE COURT: Hold on. Don't argue
18 back and forth.
19 THE WITNESS: I answered the
20 question, Your Honor.
21 Q (By Ms. Meigs) So that would be
22 yes?
23 A I said "yes."
24 Q Okay. Do you know how many times
25 she was on your Facebook page?
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1 A I have no idea.
2 Q Have you removed her from your
3 Facebook page in the last month or so, from
4 your campaign Facebook page specifically?
5 A I don't manage my campaign
6 Facebook page.
7 Q Has someone else removed her from
8 your Facebook page?
9 A I have no idea.
10 Q Okay. So you don't monitor your
11 Facebook page?
12 A I do not.
13 Q Okay. So when you put comments
14 on your Facebook page, those are not your
15 comments, those are someone else's comments,
16 sir? And I'm talking specifically about --
17 A Let me explain.
18 Q Let me finish my question.
19 THE COURT: Let her finish.
20 Q You may have a Facebook page
21 that's individual. I'm specifically talking
22 about your campaign Facebook page.
23 A If I post -- if anything posts on
24 my campaign Facebook page, it's posted from
25 my individual page.
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1 Q Okay.
2 A But there are other
3 administrators to my campaign Facebook page,
4 yes.
5 Q So when you post from your
6 individual page, you don't check and see if
7 the posting took for your campaign page,
8 that it actually posted?
9 A Sometimes I do. If I post it,
10 yes.
11 Q Okay. Now, in January, what
12 relationship or what times did you meet with
13 Ms. Akl that month?
14 A Well, I know we came to court
15 that month.
16 Q Okay. Yes, sir. I believe it
17 was around January 26th; is that correct?
18 A I'm not sure. I know it was in
19 January.
20 Q For the GAL appointment?
21 A Whatever day it was, the Court
22 has it as part of the court record.
23 Q Okay. Now, did you meet Ms. Akl
24 with a friend from Aruba January 2nd at the
25 Outback Steakhouse somewhere in Jefferson
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1 County?
2 A I did.
3 Q And what was the purpose of that
4 dinner?
5 A To have dinner.
6 Q Okay. Now, in sometime around
7 November or December of 2015, did you agree
8 or talk about representing with Ms. Akl the
9 minor child, ?
10 A Yes. She asked me to if I would
11 consider being her GAL. Yes.
12 Q Not her attorney?
13 A No.
14 Q Okay. Now, when you became her
15 GAL in March of 2016, do you recall an
16 e-mail where I specifically asked you about
17 your representation with prior to your
18 appointment. Do you recall that, sir?
19 A I believe I became the GAL in
20 January, if I'm not mistaken.
21 Q Yes, sir. And this would be
22 March.
23 A Could you ask the question again?
24 What about March?
25 Q In March an e-mail was sent to
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1 you where I specifically asked did you

2 represent prior to the appointment.
3 A I believe I did, and I said no.
4 Q Yes.
5 THE COURT: Okay.
6 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure where
7 we're going with this, Your Honor.
8 MS. MEIGS: I do.
9 THE COURT: Hold on. Because I'm
10 not sure where we're going either. We had a
11 prior hearing in which Attorney Henderson
12 was removed as the GAL based on some
13 pleadings that are a part of the court
14 record. We're here today to get testimony
15 to divorce these parties and to make a
16 determination on who is going to be the
17 primary custodian. So I'm just not sure
18 where we're going with all of this testimony
19 from Attorney Henderson.
20 MS. MEIGS: Well, Your Honor, I'm
21 leading up to foundation, and I can't
22 just -- the rules of procedure require that
23 I lay the proper foundation.
24 THE COURT: For what, though?
25 For their divorce? For child custody?
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1 Foundation for what?

2 MS. MEIGS: The relationship
3 between the two parties, Your Honor.
4 THE COURT: A relationship -- I'm
5 just not sure where you're going.
6 MS. MEIGS: Well, if you would
7 allow me to lay the foundation, you will
8 know in just a few minutes.
9 THE COURT: We will give you just
10 a few more minutes, but that's it.
11 MS. MEIGS: Yes, ma'am.
12 Q (By Ms. Meigs) When did Ms. Akl
13 start actively campaigning for you?
14 A Actively campaigning?
15 Q Yes.
16 A If you consider voter
17 registration, it would have been in
18 September, October of 2015.
19 Q Okay. Now, since she has been
20 campaigning for you, has there been a time
21 where you have spent the night at her
22 apartment?
23 A No.
24 Q No?
25 A No.
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1 Q So if we were to ask you as far

2 back as just last weekend --
3 A Right.
4 Q -- have you spent the night at
5 her apartment, and I'm talking Saturday
6 night into Sunday morning, that you spent
7 the night there with her without her
8 daughter present --
9 THE COURT: Don't answer. Let's
10 go in the back.
11 (Off the record.)
12 THE COURT: We're back on the
13 record. I don't know where Attorney Meigs
14 is going with this line of questioning. If
15 the child wasn't present, I don't care who
16 spent the night at her house on Friday
17 night, Saturday night. I need to know who
18 is a better parent, and we already know that
19 these two folks want a divorce. So I'm just
20 not sure where you're going with this line
21 of questioning.
22 MS. MEIGS: I would say, Your
23 Honor, that the best interest of the child
24 is at issue today.
25 THE COURT: It is.
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1 MS. MEIGS: And as a result, we

2 need to evaluate both parents.
3 THE COURT: Absolutely.
4 MS. MEIGS: Their character and
5 fitness as a parent. And if one parent is
6 acting an adulterous way with the child
7 present at times, then --
8 THE COURT: Ask that question,
9 then. If that's what we need to know, get
10 it out.
11 Q (By Ms. Meigs) From January of
12 2016, January 2nd, when you had dinner with
13 Ms. Akl, who was present at Outback.
14 MR. CHAMBERS: Judge, objection.
15 You gave her a specific question to ask, and
16 that's not the question that was directed to
17 be asked.
18 MS. MEIGS: He answered he was
19 there.
20 THE COURT: Can I rule?
21 MS. MEIGS: Yes, ma'am.
22 THE COURT: Your objection is
23 overruled, and hopefully you will get to
24 where you're trying to go.
25 You may answer that question.
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1 Q (By Ms. Meigs) Was the minor

2 child there?
3 A I don't recall if the minor child
4 was there.
5 Q If I showed you a picture, would
6 that refresh your memory?
7 A Maybe.
8 Q Is this when you were at Outback?
9 A I believe it was.
10 Q With Ms. Akl?
11 A Yes.
12 Q And her minor child is present,
13 correct?
14 A Yes.
15 THE COURT: Can we get a date?
16 THE WITNESS: Looks like it said
17 January 5th.
18 MS. MEIGS: January 2nd, 2016.
19 THE COURT: Everybody's talking
20 at the same time. Attorney Henderson just
21 said something about January 5th. Which one
22 is it?
23 Q (By Ms. Meigs) Please refer to
24 the date, sir.
25 A I'm sorry. January 2nd, 2016.
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1 Q All right. And in fact,

2 Mr. Henderson, there have been several
3 occasions this year that you have involved
4 the minor child and Ms. Akl on several trips
5 together, correct?
6 A That's not true.
7 Q You've taken ice cream -- you've
8 taken them to have ice correct, correct?
9 A I met them, yeah, to have ice
10 cream on Highway 150 somewhere. I met them
11 there. Yes, I did. At that time I was the
12 GAL.
13 Q On more than one occasion,
14 correct?
15 A No.
16 Q You understand that is
17 going to be testifying?
18 A I do understand she's going to be
19 testifying.
20 Q And isn't it true that you have
21 taken Ms. Akl and the minor child on the
22 campaign trail together?
23 A They may have met me on the
24 campaign trail, yes. I don't specifically
25 recall any particular time, though.
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1 Q Okay. And isn't it true that

2 your guardian ad litem report was stricken
3 from the record?
4 A I think that's part of the court
5 record now, isn't it?
6 Q It's a "yes" or "no," sir.
7 A It's part of the court record,
8 isn't it?
9 THE COURT: I made the ruling so
10 I'm not sure where you're going with has it
11 been stricken from the record.
12 MS. MEIGS: Well, I want to
13 reference it, Your Honor.
14 THE COURT: A report that has
15 been stricken from the record?
16 MS. MEIGS: Only to the effect
17 that it shows the bias that he had against
18 my client. If you don't want to go down
19 that road, then I will move on to the next
20 question.
21 THE COURT: Let's get where we
22 need to get to.
23 Q (By Ms. Meigs) Are you aware that
24 in November and December of 2015, that
25 Ms. Akl testified that she considered you
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1 the lawyer for her daughter, ?

2 A No. I'm not aware of that.
3 Q So if she --
4 THE COURT: How would he be aware
5 of that? Was he here or was there some
6 formal hearing and he was present and he
7 heard that? So I'm not sure what you --
8 MS. MEIGS: There's an e-mail
9 that was sent.
10 THE COURT: We won't go into
11 that, but he's answered that question. He
12 was not here.
13 And there's an objection?
14 MR. CHAMBERS: I would object to
15 leading at this point. She hasn't
16 necessarily called him as an adversarial
17 witness.
18 MS. MEIGS: Well, I think he is a
19 hostile witness, Your Honor, given the fact
20 that I was the one who asked that he
21 removed.
22 THE WITNESS: I think --
23 THE COURT: No. She's giving an
24 objection.
25 What's your next question? You
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1 said you believe he's a hostile witness.

2 It's on the record.
3 Q (By Ms. Meigs) You aware Ms. Akl
4 testified under oath that she considered you
5 to be her daughter's lawyer in November or
6 December when she sent that e-mail to
7 Mr. Akl?
8 A It's asked and answered. I said
9 no.
10 MR. CHAMBERS: Object to
11 mischaracterization of testimony. She's
12 saying what the wife testified to, whether
13 he has knowledge.
14 THE COURT: There's no way for
15 him to have direct knowledge of that. Are
16 you alleging in any way he was present?
17 There's no way for him to be able to answer
18 that question.
19 MS. MEIGS: Well, Your Honor, did
20 she just make this up? There was an
21 understanding --
22 THE COURT: No. We will go on to
23 your next question. Objection is sustained.
24 Q (By Ms. Meigs) I'll go to the
25 specific page and quote it.
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1 THE COURT: Why? He won't know.

2 Has he seen that? I'm a little bit
3 confused. Has he seen this transcript? How
4 could he know what she said from the
5 transcript even if you go to the page? I'm
6 just not sure.
7 MS. MEIGS: Your Honor, they had
8 a relationship. She went to him in August.
9 They talked. Why would the mother send an
10 e-mail to the father saying that the
11 daughter has an attorney if there wasn't a
12 discussion between them? Do you think she
13 just made it up?
14 THE COURT: I don't know.
15 MS. MEIGS: Well, that's what I'm
16 trying to find out.
17 THE COURT: I can't get inside of
18 her head.
19 MS. MEIGS: I can't get inside of
20 her head either so my question to
21 Mr. Henderson is: "Were you aware that she
22 considered you the daughter's attorney?"
23 THE WITNESS: I said "no" for the
24 third time.
25 Q (By Ms. Meigs) But in January,
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1 Daniel Chambers requested that you represent

2 her daughter as the GAL.
3 A That's correct.
4 Q Were you aware of that?
5 A I was.
6 Q Okay. So instead of the capacity
7 of an attorney, it was the capacity of a
8 guardian ad litem, correct?
9 A I'm not sure what you mean by
10 your question. I'm an attorney. Most
11 guardian ad litems are attorneys. So what's
12 the difference? I would say yes.
13 THE COURT: Next question.
14 MS. MEIGS: He's being
15 argumentative.
16 THE COURT: Let's go to the next
17 question. Maybe you can clarify your
18 question since he's not sure of what you're
19 asking.
20 Q (By Ms. Meigs) Did you ask to be
21 the guardian ad litem?
22 THE WITNESS: I've answered that,
23 Judge, and I said "no." Ms. Akl asked me to
24 be -- if I would consider being the guardian
25 ad litem. I said "yes."
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1 THE COURT: That's answered.

2 Q (By Ms. Meigs) And this was after
3 you had already had a consultation with her
4 where you denied representing her or
5 retaining services for her, correct?
6 A Yes.
7 Q In August? But yet you continued
8 the relationship at that point, and she was
9 campaigning for you in the fall, correct?
10 A She's a friend.
11 Q Okay.
12 MS. MEIGS: That's all I have,
13 Your Honor.
14 THE COURT: I think the answer is
15 "yes."
18 Q Did we speak on or about December
19 15, 2015, related to you being appointed as
20 guardian ad litem?
21 A Yes, we did.
22 Q During that conversation did we
23 discuss your educational background and your
24 experience related to being a guardian ad
25 litem on cases?
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1 A Yes, we did.
2 Q Have you been appointed a
3 guardian ad litem in the juvenile court at
4 any point in time?
5 A I have represented juveniles in
6 both delinquency and dependency hearings in
7 juvenile court, yes.
8 Q As an attorney rather than a
9 guardian ad litem?
10 A Yes.
11 Q Are you aware that in the state
12 of Alabama currently there is a
13 certification that guardian ad litems have
14 to go through in order to represent in the
15 juvenile court?
16 A Yes, I am.
17 Q Are you aware of any such
18 certification required to be a guardian ad
19 litem in the domestic relations court?
20 A There is none.
21 Q During your three months as
22 guardian ad litem, what investigation did
23 you perform?
24 A Well, I began my investigation by
25 sending a questionnaire out to both parties.
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1 It's about a 25 --
2 MS. MEIGS: Your Honor, I'm going
3 to object to this line of questioning
4 because you were asking what was the
5 relevance of it so I moved on, that he had
6 been removed.
7 THE COURT: I was trying to
8 determine the relevance of the entire line
9 of questioning since he had been removed as
10 GAL and since we had had an earlier hearing.
11 So at this point I have allowed the
12 questioning so I'll overrule your objection.
13 You may answer.
14 THE WITNESS: Thank you.
15 A Yes. When I began my initial
16 investigation as a guardian ad litem I sent
17 questionnaires to both parties. It's a
18 pretty detailed questionnaire. I have a
19 copy of it with me. It asks general
20 questions about lifestyle, education,
21 activities with the child, health, what each
22 parent thought about the other parent, were
23 they both involved in 's activities,
24 whether at school or extracurricular. It
25 was about as detailed as I could get. And I
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1 got a response from both parties.

2 Q Did you also meet with any third
3 parties?
4 A Part of the questionnaire
5 included listing witnesses that each party
6 would provide that would give some kind of
7 background information into their abilities
8 as parents and/or any observations they may
9 have had while the parties and the child
10 were together. So, yes, I did. I met on a
11 couple of occasions personally with a couple
12 of the witnesses that the mother provided,
13 and I spoke with the only witness that the
14 father provided on the phone.
15 Q And who were the -- who was the
16 witness provided by the father?
17 A I believe her name was Venus
18 Reynolds.
19 THE COURT: Now I will stop you
20 there. What's the relevance of who the
21 witnesses were?
22 MR. CHAMBERS: Well, it was based
23 on his investigation, what information he
24 was gathering from third parties and what
25 those witnesses talked to him about related
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1 to the parental abilities of both parties.

2 THE COURT: Okay. I don't think
3 we need to go down that road on that
4 testimony because this Court has already
5 ruled and removed him as the guardian ad
6 litem and stricken the GAL report. So I
7 think that speaks for itself.
8 MR. CHAMBERS: Judge, I have no
9 further questions.
12 Q Mr. Henderson, have you ever had
13 an occasion to spend the night with
14 Akl?
15 A No.
16 Q How many trips other than to
17 Outback Steakhouse and to an ice cream shop
18 have you taken where has been
19 involved?
20 A Well, I think I testified that
21 she may have -- they may have come to some
22 political functions, both her and her mother
23 were present.
24 Q Any other restaurant, dining,
25 or --
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1 A Not that I'm aware of. Not

2 saying that it didn't happen. Not that I'm
3 aware of.
4 Q When would be the last occasion
5 that you saw ?
6 A Oh, my lord, I don't know.
7 Q Can you give me just a general
8 idea?
9 A Probably two months ago maybe,
10 three months.
11 MS. MORRETTE: That's all I have,
12 Judge.
13 THE COURT: Any further
14 questions?
15 MS. MEIGS: No, ma'am.









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1 C E R T I F I C A T E


5 I hereby certify that the above

6 and foregoing deposition was taken down
7 by me in stenotype, and the questions and
8 answers thereto were reduced to computer
9 print under my supervision, and that the
10 foregoing represents a true and correct
11 transcript of the deposition given by
12 said witness upon said hearing.

14 I further certify that I am

15 neither of counsel nor of kin to the
16 parties to the action, nor am I in
17 anywise interested in the result of said
18 cause.

20 ______________________________
Karen Hinch, Commissioner
21 ACCR #96




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Henderson Testimony 31
WORD INDEX ACTION 1:8 asked 12:10, 16 campaigning 8:16,
30:16 13:1 16:17 20:20 18 9:3 14:13, 14,
<1> actively 14:13, 14 21:8 23:23 20 24:9
128th 4:11 activities 26:21, 23 asking 9:1 23:19 capacity 6:23 7:1
15 24:19 AD 2:16 5:9, 23 26:4 23:6, 7
150 18:10 19:2 23:8, 11, 21, asks 26:19 care 15:15
25 24:20, 24 25:3, assume 7:1 CARMEN 1:9
<2> 9, 13, 18, 22 26:16 attended 7:18 9:5 Carolina 5:6
2015 9:6 12:7 28:5 Attorney 2:5, 12, case 1:16 5:23
14:18 19:24 24:19 administrators 11:3 18 6:19 12:12 cases 24:25
2015-900861 1:9 adulterous 16:6 13:11, 19 15:13 cause 30:18
2016 1:18 5:9 adversarial 20:16 17:20 22:11, 22 certification 5:6
7:17 12:15 16:12 advice 7:3 23:7, 10 25:8 25:13, 18
17:18, 25 advise 7:2 attorneys 23:11 certified 5:8, 10
2081 2:13 advised 7:9 August 6:8 7:15 certify 30:5, 14
21 2:13 ago 29:9 22:8 24:7 Chambers 2:11
2124 1:19 agree 12:7 Avenue 1:20 2:7 3:5 6:20 7:10
2320 2:7 AKL 1:5 5:21 aware 5:12 19:23 16:14 20:14 21:10
24 3:5 6:6, 7 11:13, 23 20:2, 4 21:3 22:21 23:1 24:17 27:22
25 26:1 12:8 14:12 16:13 23:4 25:11, 17 28:8
26th 1:17 11:17 17:10 18:4, 21 29:1, 3 character 16:4
28 3:6 19:25 21:3, 7 CHARBEL 1:5
2nd 11:24 16:12 23:23 28:14 <B> Charles 3:3 4:1, 7
17:18, 25 AL 2:8, 14, 20 Bachelor 5:2 check 11:6
ALABAMA 1:2, 20 back 9:18 15:2, 10, chemistry 5:3
<3> 4:12 5:5, 9 7:24 12 child 12:9 13:25
35127 4:12 25:12 30:3 background 4:9 15:15, 23 16:6
35173 2:20 Alexander 2:6 5:1 24:23 27:7 17:2, 3, 12 18:4, 21
35203 1:21 alleging 21:16 based 13:12 27:22 26:21 27:9
35205 2:8 allow 14:7 began 25:24 26:15 chose 7:7, 8
35216 2:14 allowed 26:11 BEHALF 2:3, 10 CIRCUIT 1:1
answer 15:9 16:25 believe 6:1 7:21 circumstances 6:10
<4> 21:17 24:14 26:13 8:11 11:16 12:19 CIVIL 1:8
4 3:4 answered 9:15, 19 13:3 17:9 21:1 clarify 23:17
413 2:19 16:18 20:11 21:8 27:17 client 19:18
23:22 24:1 best 15:23 clients 6:12
<5> answers 30:8 better 15:18 Columbiana 2:13
5th 17:17, 21 anywise 30:17 bias 19:17 come 28:21
apartment 14:22 biology 5:3 comments 10:13,
<9> 15:5 BIRMINGHAM 15, 15
96 30:21 appointed 6:1 1:3, 20 2:8, 14 5:7 Commissioner 1:25
24:19 25:2 bit 4:9 22:2 30:20
<A> appointment 11:20 booth 8:4 communications
abilities 27:7 28:1 12:18 13:2 7:13
able 21:17 argue 9:17 <C> completed 5:18
above-styled 1:16 argumentative call 6:11 computer 30:8
Absolutely 16:3 23:15 called 20:16 confused 22:3
ACCR 30:21 Arlington 2:7 campaign 8:5 9:9 consider 12:11
acting 16:6 Aruba 11:24 10:4, 5, 22, 24 11:3, 14:16 23:24
7 18:22, 24

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Henderson Testimony 32
considered 19:25 December 7:17 EXAMINATION give 4:8, 25 7:2
21:4 22:22 12:7 19:24 21:6 3:1, 3, 4 4:4 14:9 27:6 29:7
consultation 24:3 24:18 examined 4:2 given 20:19 30:11
continued 7:16 decide 7:24 EXCERPT 29:17 giving 20:23
24:7 Defendant 1:11 experience 24:24 go 15:10 16:24
conversation 24:22 2:10 explain 10:17 19:18 20:10 21:22,
convicted 8:3 degree 5:2 extracurricular 24 22:5 23:16
copy 26:19 delinquency 25:6 26:24 25:14 28:3
correct 4:16 6:3, 4 denied 24:4 going 13:7, 10, 16,
7:6 11:17 17:13 dependency 25:6 <F> 18 14:5 15:14, 20
18:5, 8, 8, 14 23:3, deposition 30:6, 11 Facebook 9:8, 14, 18:17, 18 19:10
8 24:5, 9 30:10 describe 6:24 25 10:3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 26:2
Councilman 7:23 detailed 26:18, 25 14, 20, 22, 24 11:3 graduate 5:7
counsel 30:15 determination fact 6:15 18:1 great 7:10
COUNTY 1:2, 19 13:16 20:19 group 7:25
12:1 determine 26:8 fall 9:6 24:9 Grove 4:11
couple 7:18 9:5 difference 23:12 far 15:1 GUARDIAN 2:16
27:11, 11 dining 28:24 father 22:10 27:14, 5:9, 22, 25 19:2
COURT 1:1 4:20 dinner 12:4, 5 16 23:8, 11, 21, 24
9:17 10:19 11:14, 16:12 felonies 8:3 24:20, 24 25:3, 9,
21, 22 13:5, 9, 13, Direct 3:4 4:4 find 22:16 13, 18, 22 26:16
24 14:4, 9 15:9, 12, 21:15 finish 10:18, 19 28:5
25 16:3, 8, 20, 22 directed 16:16 first 4:2 8:11
17:15, 19 19:4, 7, 9, discuss 24:23 fitness 16:5 <H>
14, 21 20:4, 10, 23 discussion 22:12 folks 15:19 happen 29:2
21:14, 22 22:1, 14, DIVISION 1:3 follows 4:3 head 22:18, 20
17 23:13, 16 24:1, divorce 6:14 13:15, foregoing 30:6, 10 health 26:21
14 25:3, 7, 15, 19 25 15:19 forensic 5:4 heard 1:16 20:7
26:7 27:19 28:2, 4 Domestic 1:19 form 6:23 hearing 13:11
29:13 25:19 formal 20:6 20:6 26:10 30:12
Courthouse 1:19 DR 1:9 forth 9:18 hearings 25:6
cream 18:7, 10 duly 4:2 foundation 13:21, Henderson 3:3 4:1,
28:17 23 14:1, 7 7, 8 13:11, 19
Cross-Examination <E> fourteenth 5:18 17:20 18:2 22:21
3:5, 6 24:16 28:10 earlier 26:10 Friday 15:16 28:12
currently 25:12 East 5:6 friend 11:24 24:10 Highway 18:10
custodian 13:17 education 26:20 friends 6:12 Hinch 1:25 30:20
custody 13:25 educational 5:1 function 7:23, 25 Hold 9:17 13:9
24:23 functions 7:19 9:6 home 8:19, 20, 25,
<D> effect 19:16 28:22 25
Daniel 2:11 6:19 either 9:3 13:10 further 28:9 29:13 Honor 9:20 13:7,
23:1 22:20 30:14 20 14:3 15:23
date 17:15, 24 else's 10:15 19:13 20:19 21:19
dates 9:5 e-mail 12:16, 25 <G> 22:7 24:13 26:2
daughter 15:8 20:8 21:6 22:10 GAL 11:20 12:11, Honorable 1:17
20:1 22:11 23:2 empowerment 8:2 15, 19 13:12 18:12 hopefully 16:23
daughter's 21:5 Ensley 7:21 23:2 26:10 28:6 hostile 20:19 21:1
22:22 entire 26:8 gathering 27:24 House 2:6 4:13, 21
day 1:18 11:21 evaluate 16:2 general 26:19 29:7 15:16
Everybody's 17:19

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Henderson Testimony 33
Hoyt's 7:23 lawyer 6:13, 25 12 18:4, 21 Okay 5:13, 20, 24
hundred 9:11 7:10 20:1 21:5 minutes 14:8, 10 6:9, 15, 18, 22 7:5,
lay 13:23 14:7 mischaracterization 12 8:15, 19, 23
<I> leading 13:21 21:11 9:24 10:10, 13
ice 18:7, 8, 9 28:17 20:15 mistaken 12:20 11:1, 11, 16, 23
idea 10:1, 9 29:8 legal 6:23 7:1, 3 monitor 10:10 12:6, 14 13:5
included 27:5 lifestyle 26:20 month 8:7, 9 9:7 14:19 19:1 23:6
INDEX 3:1 line 15:14, 20 26:3, 10:3 11:13, 15 24:11 28:2
individual 10:21, 8 months 25:21 29:9, order 25:14
25 11:6 listing 27:5 10 Outback 11:25
information 4:9 LITEM 2:16 5:9, morning 15:6 16:13 17:8 28:17
27:7, 23 23 19:2 23:8, 21, Morrette 2:17 3:6 overrule 26:12
initial 26:15 25 24:20, 25 25:3, 28:11 29:11 overruled 16:23
inside 22:17, 19 9, 19, 22 26:16 mother 22:9 27:12
interest 15:23 28:6 28:22 <P>
interested 30:17 litems 23:11 25:13 Move 9:13 19:19 page 9:8, 14, 25
investigation 25:22, little 4:8 22:2 moved 26:5 10:3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14,
24 26:16 27:23 live 4:10 20, 22, 24, 25 11:3,
invited 7:19 living 4:23 <N> 6, 7 21:25 22:5
involved 18:3 long 5:16 name 4:6 27:17 parent 15:18 16:5,
26:23 28:19 Looks 17:16 necessarily 20:16 5 26:22, 22
issue 15:24 lord 29:6 need 15:17 16:2, 9 parental 28:1
19:22 28:3 parents 16:2 27:8
<J> <M> needed 7:11
Jacqueline 2:17 ma'am 14:11 neither 30:15
January 6:2 11:11, 16:21 29:15 night 14:21 15:4,
17, 19, 24 12:20 Main 2:19 6, 7, 16, 17, 17
16:11, 12 17:17, 18, manage 10:5 28:13 Park 7:21
21, 25 22:25 March 12:15, 22, no, 19:6 part 6:8 11:22
JEFFERSON 1:2, 24, 25 North 1:20 13:13 19:4, 7 27:4
18 11:25 masters 5:4 November 12:7 particular 18:25
Judge 16:14 23:23 mean 8:24 23:9 19:24 21:5 parties 13:15 14:3
28:8 29:12 meet 6:10 11:12, 25:25 26:17 27:1,
juvenile 25:3, 7, 15 23 27:2 <O> 3, 9, 24 28:1 30:16
juveniles 25:5 Meigs 2:4 4:5, 22, oath 21:4 Party 7:22 27:5
25 9:13, 21 13:8, object 20:14 21:10 Patricia 1:17
<K> 20 14:2, 6, 11, 12 26:3 PAUL 1:5
Karen 1:25 30:20 15:13, 22 16:1, 4, objection 16:14, 22 people 9:11
kin 30:15 11, 18, 21 17:1, 18, 20:13, 24 21:23 perform 25:23
kind 27:6 23 19:12, 16, 23 26:12 person 6:13
know 5:20 6:5 20:8, 18 21:3, 19, observations 27:8 personally 27:11
8:24 9:24 11:14, 24 22:7, 15, 19, 25 obviously 8:5 phone 6:11 27:14
18 14:8 15:13, 17, 23:14, 20 24:2, 12 occasion 18:13 picture 17:5
18 16:9 22:1, 4, 14 26:2 29:15 28:13 29:4 Place 4:11
29:6 memory 17:6 occasions 18:3 Plaintiff 1:6 2:3
knowledge 21:13, met 6:7 7:15 18:9, 27:11 5:21
15 10, 23 27:10 October 8:13, 15, pleadings 13:13
middle 8:5 23, 25 14:18 Pleasant 4:11
<L> minor 12:9 17:1, 3, Oh 29:6 Please 4:6 5:1
Law 2:5, 12, 18 5:7 17:23

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Henderson Testimony 34
point 20:15 24:8 record 11:22 28:3 spoke 27:13
25:4 26:11 13:14 15:11, 13 rule 16:20 start 14:13
political 7:19 19:3, 5, 7, 11, 15 ruled 28:5 state 4:6 5:8
28:22 21:2 rules 13:22 25:11 30:3
post 10:23 11:5, 9 reduced 30:8 ruling 19:9 stay 7:11
posted 10:24 11:8 refer 17:23 Steakhouse 11:25
posting 11:7 reference 19:13 <S> 28:17
posts 10:23 refresh 17:6 sale 4:13 stenotype 30:7
practice 5:14, 17 registration 7:20 Samford 5:3 Stephens 1:17
present 15:8, 15 8:1 14:17 Saturday 15:5, 17 stop 27:19
16:7, 13 17:12 related 24:19, 24 saw 29:5 Street 2:19
20:6 21:16 28:23 27:25 saying 21:12 stricken 19:2, 11,
pretty 26:18 Relations 1:19 22:10 29:2 15 28:6
primary 13:17 25:19 School 5:7 26:24 strike 9:13
print 30:9 relationship 7:16 science 5:2, 4 Suite 2:13, 19
prior 12:17 13:2, 11:12 14:2, 4 22:8 second 8:11 Sunday 15:6
11 24:8 see 11:6 supervision 30:9
private 5:14, 17 relevance 4:20, 21 seen 22:2, 3 supposed 4:17
Probably 29:9 26:5, 8 27:20 send 22:9 sure 8:14 9:10
procedure 13:22 removed 10:2, 7 sending 25:25 11:18 13:6, 10, 17
promotes 8:1 13:12 20:21 26:6, sent 12:25 20:9 14:5 15:20 19:10
proper 13:23 9 28:5 21:6 26:16 20:7 22:6 23:9, 18
provide 27:6 report 19:2, 14 September 1:18 sustained 21:23
provided 27:12, 14, 28:6 7:17, 22 8:10, 11, sworn 4:2
16 represent 13:2 15, 17, 18, 21 14:18
Purpose 7:22 12:3 23:1 25:14 serve 5:25 <T>
put 10:13 representation services 7:6 24:5 taken 18:7, 8, 21
12:17 serving 5:22 28:18 30:6
<Q> represented 6:18 Seventh 1:20 talk 6:13, 15, 22
question 9:16, 20 25:5 shop 28:17 12:8
10:18 12:23 16:8, representing 12:8 showed 17:5 talked 22:9 27:25
15, 16, 25 19:20 24:4 shows 19:17 talking 10:16, 21
20:11, 25 21:18, 23 represents 30:10 sir 5:25 8:7, 9, 23 15:5 17:19
22:20 23:10, 13, 17, requested 23:1 9:12 10:16 11:16 teaching 5:5
18 require 13:22 12:18, 21 17:24 testified 4:3 19:25
questioning 15:14, required 25:18 19:6 21:4, 12 28:20
21 26:3, 9, 12 residence 4:23 sold 4:16, 18, 19, 21 testifying 18:17, 19
questionnaire response 27:1 sorry 8:8 17:25 testimony 13:14, 18
25:25 26:18 27:4 restaurant 28:24 South 2:7 21:11 28:4
questionnaires restoration 8:2 speak 24:18 Thank 26:14
26:17 result 16:1 30:17 speaks 28:7 thereto 30:8
questions 26:20 retain 7:5 specific 9:5, 7 think 19:4 20:18,
28:9 29:14 30:7 retaining 24:5 16:15 21:25 22 22:12 24:14
quote 21:25 Reynolds 27:18 specifically 10:4, 16, 28:2, 7, 20
right 5:13, 14 6:5 21 12:16 13:1 third 22:24 27:2,
<R> 7:9, 14 8:12 15:3 18:24 24
recall 8:17 9:4 18:1 spend 28:13 thought 26:22
12:15, 18 17:3 rights 8:2 spent 14:21 15:4, three 25:21 29:10
18:25 Road 2:13 19:19 6, 16 time 4:14 5:24
received 6:11 6:19 8:21 14:20

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Henderson Testimony 35
17:20 18:11, 25 22:15 25:24 27:22
22:24 25:4 28:20
times 9:24 11:12 went 22:8
16:7 We're 4:17 13:7,
today 13:14 15:24 10, 14, 18 15:12
Todd 3:3 4:1, 7 wife 21:12
trail 18:22, 24 WITNESS 4:24
transcript 22:3, 5 9:15, 19 13:6
30:11 17:16 20:17, 19, 22
trips 18:4 28:16 21:1 22:23 23:22
true 18:6, 20 19:1 26:14 27:13, 16
30:10 30:12
Trussville 2:20 witnesses 27:5, 12,
trying 7:12 16:24 21, 25
22:16 26:7 worked 7:23
twenty-five 9:11
two 14:3 15:19 <Y>
29:9 y'all 8:20
<U> yeah 18:9
understand 18:16, year 5:19 6:3, 8
18 18:3
University 5:3, 5

Venus 27:17
Virginia 2:4
visit 8:19, 20, 20,
24 9:2
voter 7:20 8:1, 1
VS 1:8

waiting 4:17
want 15:19 19:12,
wanted 6:13
way 16:6 21:14,
16, 17
week 4:18 8:11
weekend 15:2
Well 6:25 8:6
11:14 13:20 14:6
19:12 20:18 21:19

Freedom Court Reporting, Inc 877-373-3660

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