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Paper 2: Explaining a Concept

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be looking at the relationship between
money and several aspects of American culture. For instance, we will look at how money
influences race relations, gender, religion, and even how money has led to social unrest. Your
goal in this paper is to explain one of these relationships using a combination of outside research
and personal observations. You do not have to include personal anecdotes but if you have one
that fits, then feel free to use it. Outside research, including readings from Money, in-class
articles, and in-class films, is a requirement for this paper.

Central Task: Explain how money influences or has drastically changed an aspect of
American culture. Be sure to use outside research to justify your claim.

1. Your paper must be at least 5 to 6 FULL pages, double-spaced in MLA format.
2. You must include at least 3 outside, peer-reviewed sources.
3. For the most points possible, you must bring a 4-page draft to peer review
You will be graded on the following:
1. The strength of your initial claim that articulates the relationship between money and
culture. (You should not only say what two things you are looking at, but be specific
about how money changes/influences the other).
2. Your use of outside research and the integration of your quoted material (including proper
3. Your use of explanatory strategies (ie. metaphor, visuals, references, etc.)
4. Your use of proper grammar and syntax.
Important Dates:
Thesis/Outline work: 3/23
Peer Review: 3/30
Final Draft: 4/4
*Reminder* I strongly recommend that you take the time to visit the WRC at any stage of your
writing. At the least, try to come with a sample thesis but if you need help approaching the
prompt, they can help with that too. Also, I will be available via email as well as the hour before
class begins (just send me an email so I can be sure to stay in our classroom).

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