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ISBN-13: 978-1544279695 /ISBN-10: 1544279698

Nor the MICHAEL and HOUSE Of MICHAEL,Who are RAPISTS in HISTORY. The ALPHA Males are NOT the GURU, Nor the BLONDEMarys and Eves.
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
(lines 4650) ODE on a GRECIAN URN, John Keats.

When we sit down with our professions, we are met with a world. We have chosen one path, one love to focus on, and that is what we shall do, in time. And within this
world, we have our parameters, and we have The groundwork to build: everything that must be done to know everything do. We pick up The Globe, and look at The Map,
and start to build The groundwork. There is a famous book, I read it first when I was a teenager, times Thereafter, called Atlas Shrugged. In it, one of The main characters,
Hank Reardon, decides to master Metallurgy and invents Rearden Metal, a Durable, unwearing, unyielding, lightweight metal. Rearden, as a youth, decided his path and
started from The ground up. He decides that if he were going to Know His Profession, that He would have to learn every known aspect of that Profession. He starts as an
assistant pouring Steel in a Metal Factory, and works his Profession from There. Once he learned every-thing He needed to know, He invents Rearden Metal, The blue
unyielding steel, this metal of His, which Nothing on Earth can Match. As He is The InventorHe spent his life building His LoveHe is intensely protective
of his work. This story, and the beautiful epic written by Ayn Rand, speaks of The Human Soul at its best.
In our own lives, we are surrounded by information. We have every known possible way to find what we need to grow, in our lives. And our Lives are perfect, full of
knowledge, information, ways of being if we choose to research to that end. One of The traits that should be developed is Choosing Ones Love. This Faith, my Faith, is
always of One Love, and in this particular One Love I discuss now , is made up of One Subject to love. We should specialize, have one Subject in which to be an Expert.
One Subject in which to love deeply, one facet of our Intellectual Inheritance to explore, review, Intrinsically and physically. There are many benefits to this Way, which
includes personal happiness, possible Monetary Assurance, and a beauty within knowing that one knows One Subject very well. This leads to self-confidence, well being,
and much more.
In this way, we also find something in another Way: a Way into The heart of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA , THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT
CREATOR. When we look at His beauty, Perfection, We are looking at The One Who Knows Everything. We are looking at The One Who Is The Expert Himself, of All
Known Subjects HE knows, and, even Further, IS It. This is part of the meaning of He IS. He IS. We are walking in The path of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA , THE
AL-PHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, when We find Our Avenues of Expertise during our lives. We are walking
towards Perfection, towards Goodness, towards Healthy Love of Ourselves and Others.
In Professions, Our One Love, Respect and Honor. Not in Competition. If we do not let it corrupt us, if we respect ourselves enough to understand that it is not us,
viewed in others, but ourselves in competition with The Subject Itself, We will find that We will Love what we do. It avoids all problems, and protects our Honor and our
Soul. Natural competition into place as it should be. Ultimately, if we should decide to become like a Hank Rearden, We will have the strength, honor and understanding
to do what we should do, and that is to Excel.
Find One Love, and Follow The Path. See where it leads you. You might just find Unexpected Results at The end of it. In the End, Your Worth, Others Worth, The
Worth, in Love, of a Man.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

I Happen, And Have Always Been, and Shall Always, Be.
Such as It Is, And Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.





DISCUSSION/SERMON: The Manner in Which You Know
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
(lines 4650) ODE on a GRECIAN URN, John Keats.

Quality, craftsmanship. Two very beautiful words. I took a walk once, long ago, long before my Church, long before The thought of my Church, a personal trip to France.
And There was beauty everywhere. In The store windows of shops selling vegetables, There were rows, perfect rows type, form, style. And an attendance to cleanliness,
beauty, perfection. And winding in between all of that beauty was love. They love what to know about The French is that They hold Themselves in beauty, and They hold
what They love in beauty, as well. And in doing such, They are beautiful, a beautiful country, a beautiful people. In light of this, we see something of deep and beautiful
value in ourselves, and that is our ability: Perfection and beauty in whatever we choose to do. Quality. Craftsmanship. These are two very beautiful words. And so, we
come to The subject today: One should not to be judged by what They do not know, but by what They know, and by The manner in which They know it. This is a quote
guess, and it is a very beautiful saying. A thought of worth. And this thought should run deep in us. We are all faced with The possibility of devaluation, thinking poorly
of us for our lack of knowledge. This should never happen. The start of worth is knowing where to go,. Of knowing where to know in quality, in worth. If you build a
house, you must build The base thoroughly, in perfection. Learn each task, each chosen Subject, each bottom up, thoroughly. Until you know it. Outright. There is some-
thing to be said about this: this is a truth of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA , thing, every career, every Subject, He KNOWS everything. he is not our thoughts, he is
not us. But he KNOWS everything. For example, of Art, he Art, he breathes, becomes, Holds, IS Art. When you, yourself, take The time to learn something fully, thor-
oughly, in expert knowledge: when know The back of your hand, you will be respected for what you know and how you know it. This really should be The Maxim of our
lives. It path, and gifts us The honor we deserve for our unique beauty and choices, in our everyday lives. One is known for what They do know, and The They know it. It
does not mean one cannot look at several paths, several subjects. By all means, do so, if you think you can handle it. But There to doing things one step at a time, thor-
oughly, and Then moving to The next once The first is finished. Little by little, one builds a life of Craftsmanship, something that can be relied upon, monetarily, spiritual-
ly, mentally and visually. One will have avoided The negativity of self-abasement for know, and understand Their worthiness for what They have gained in sustained work
and honor. After all, our oldest ancestor, found in Africa, Habilis,. which means .The man who knows what he knows.. They were known for having made tools in order
to live. How lovely for us, association, that to know what one knows is in our being, our lineage, and in our hearts. Let us learn to know what we know, and continue The
walked before us.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

I Happen, And Have Always Been, and Shall Always, Be.
Such as It Is, And Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.


I have fought for over 5 1/2 years for My Faith, TheASTARITEFAITH, and I have fought through many things. When You

Begin a Journey, even a large [very large] Journey like My Own, You start with what You choose to Do, and You Build. It

requires a lot of Love, to begin a Journey, and this is what Life, really, should be like, for almost everyone. There is always a

Journey with zero intent, there are journeys with somewhat basic interest Intent. There are journeys that are well intended.

And there are Journeys that are of the Life. This Means, I Will reach that Goal, that Mountain, that Pool of Beauty before

Nightfall...thus, We choose a Distant Star, or, Not so Distant, and follow it. This is True of Life.

Of the Beauty of Ones Faith, and that is the Subject of This Discussion/Sermon, there is the Soul, There is the Life, and there

is the Life path, and there is the Faith...the Beauty of a Faith calls to a Soul. Each Soul Specific, We say, Dont Mess with My

Faith, this is MY FAITH. And this is a Truth, that it is Your Faith, and it is of Your Life. When We choose a Faith, and a

Faith is a Journey, it is of a Question, and of a Comfort, and of a Belief System that is Directly Our Own. And, in the Distance, there is Our
Soul, and the Wonderings, which Should be Gentle, of a Faith. We must Love Ourselves, and Love our Faith, to

find. And that is all, to Find.

The reason, to Find, is to Look, to Answer, to Listen, to Know, to Find.

And, with a Dove, who is winking, aching to Fly, Knowing where to go, we carry TheHOLYSPIRIT, who is TRUTH, and

start Our Travel. Thus, Truth before Us, We Read Our Texts, and determine what We Know. TheHOLYSPIRIT Flies with

Determined Beauty, and this means many things, if You Look At It. It Knows.It Knows where it wishes to go. It Knows

what it will find. And, it knows that the Journey will hold many Surprises. Surprises are a basic Truth and Love of The

HOLYSPIRIT, and this is a fact. What The Dove may Say is, Where do wish to go? And, What is it You are Expecting to

See? And, TheHOLYSPIRIT will accompany You in Beauty, and smile as things turn out...wayward. And, of Love, You Look

at the Dove, and Say, Now What? And the Answer: Time for a Change in Perspective. What is Beautiful About This Situation?

What is True? And What can Be Done that Might Change Your Mind? Subtle Beauty, is what it is called, When You Look and find all of the
Beauty Before You that is Better, Yes, Better, than You Understood, first to See it. It is a Truth that What We

Make of It, is what Is. Thus, We either Love Where We Are, We Love Our Faith, or, Determined to Find that path of Pain, We Suffer. Faiths
are Supposed to Be Beautiful.

Faiths are Supposed to Be Beautiful.

There really should be no Pain, if You actually Love Your Faith. Love Your Faith.

Discover it with No Expectations.

Look for the Beauty, just for the Beauty, and Follow the path. See what You See.

What You will Find is Most Likely, Discovery. And Beauty. Something of Love to Consider. And this, to Consider, of a Faith,

is what a Faith should be. In Our Smallest Loves We Find Our Gods, We Find Our Faith, We Find the Truth. There may be

many Truths, and all, and that means all, will be Beautiful. In Small steps Faith is Built. Faith is Known in Small Loves. Faith

is Found in Love of a Faith, for its Love, Its Truth, its Beauty, that May be of You. It may not be in the Finding of a Revelation,

but of Knowing Your God, and all that Requires is Love. To Find Love in Your Faith, and in Yourself, May be the Only, And

Truest Path, to Beauty in a Faith.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.
DISCUSSION/SERMON #5: The Manner in Which You Know

Men are not to be judged by what They do not know, but by what They know, and by The manner in which They know itVauvenargues [9]

Quality, craftsmanship. Two very beautiful words. I took a walk once, long ago, long before my Church, long before The thought of my
Church, a personal trip to France. And There was beauty everywhere. In The store windows of shops selling vegetables, There were rows,
perfect rows type, form, style. And an attendance to cleanliness, beauty, perfection. And winding in between all of that beauty was love. They
love what to know about The French is that They hold Themselves in beauty, and They hold what They love in beauty, as well. And in doing
such, They are beautiful, a beautiful country, a beautiful people. In light of this, we see something of deep and beautiful value in ourselves, and
that is our ability: Perfection and beauty in whatever we choose to do. Quality. Craftsman-ship. These are two very beautiful words. And so,
we come to The subject today: One should not to be judged by what They do not know, but by what They know, and by The manner in
which They know it. This is a quote guess, and it is a very beautiful saying. A thought of worth. And this thought should run deep in us. We
are all faced with The possibility of devaluation, thinking poorly of us for our lack of knowledge. This should never happen. The start of
worth is knowing where to go,. Of knowing where to know in quality, in worth. If you build a house, you must build The base thoroughly, in
perfection. Learn each task, each chosen Subject, each bottom up, thoroughly. Until you know it. Outright. There is something to be said
about this: this is a truth of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA , thing, every career, every Subject, He KNOWS everything. he is not our
thoughts, he is not us. But he KNOWS everything. For example, of Art, he Art, he breathes, becomes, Holds, IS Art. When you, yourself, take
The time to learn something fully, thoroughly, in expert knowledge: when know The back of your hand, you will be respected for what you
know and how you know it. This really should be The Maxim of our lives. It path, and gifts us The honor we deserve for our unique beauty
and choices, in our everyday lives. One is known for what They do know, and The They know it. It does not mean one cannot look at several
paths, several subjects. By all means, do so, if you think you can handle it. But There to doing things one step at a time, thoroughly, and Then
moving to The next once The first is finished. Little by little, one builds a life of Craftsmanship, something that can be relied upon, monetarily,
spiritually, mentally and visually. One will have avoided The negativity of self-abasement for know, and understand Their worthiness for what
They have gained in sustained work and honor. After all, our oldest ancestor, found in Africa, Habilis,. which means .The man who knows
what he knows.. They were known for having made tools in order to live. How lovely for us, association, that to know what one knows is in
our being, our lineage, and in our hearts. Let us learn to know what we know, and continue The walked before us.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.

Such as I Am, As It Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.




Action of Love:

Get to know your Community this month. Look around and find those who are Craftsmen. Talk to one about what They what you might
see. Try to learn something you didnt know from Them. Make this a characteristic of your life whenever you meet someone what They do,
and learn something new from Them. Appreciate who They are and what They have done. Then appreciate yourself for what you have done

One thing that is always asked of us is to stand up for what we believe in. A question that is asked often, that I have Heard, is whether or not,
if someone was being in the middle of a busy street, one would stop to defend them. It is an act of courage, if one has never done so. And this is
sometimes what it takes to stand up in, even if it is seemingly against all odds. It is never so, even though we may believe it to be so. When one
is just, when one is correct, one is correct. Unjust corrected. there is something in the Soul that upholds that irrevocable truth, and it is justified
over and over again in beauty of the person who has had the courage One truth that I have understood in looking at why some do and some
dont is in mindfulness, awareness of the possibility that one must take action. And so, must take a look at preparation, and this is what I must
say to you:

You will be faced with having to stand up for someone elses life against all odds in the future, and you must make a decision of whether or not
you are going You must look at your own Courage, and decide whether it is strong enough to handle the event. If it is not, you must correct it
in your mind, and decide that to handle it. When you are certain you have conquered your own fear of threat, then you are ready to defend.

You must find a way to prepare for physical threat, include a few skills, not many, in that of Self Defense. If someone is about to be hurt, you
can step in and not cal threat to your own body.

You must look at your own Ethical system, and understand just what you stand for in your life. In my opinion, this would follow all True
Ethics, Trust, Truth, Integrity. Are you against stealing? Are you for free will and personal rights? Look at the Murders of Mothers who
choose Abortion. Are you for or against? Free Will and Natural Consequences, and know that the ramifications of the choice the Mothers have
made, whatever they have chosen, will be ac-counted for have a right to my opinion only, not the right to take their life. If one feels strongly,
they need to prose-cute against or lobby for Laws against the action, which defense taken. Now, there is a Law in the my state, the State of
California, that allows Mothers to bear their children and carry them to a Hospital if they cannot will given to Adoption Agencies to place in
loving homes. Are you willing to stand up for Ethics, and Truth? Are you willing to stand up even in the face of deep risk of sometimes ex-
treme dislike or prosecution? Are you willing, like many Americans, to protest the War, or refuse service if you disagree with the reason? lim-
its, and understand that just action is just action. Like Lancelot, you must exist in Honor inside of yourself, and prepare your ethical system for
any battles throughout your life in accordance with Ethical Law, and in true honor of your own Ethical Beliefs. You cannot break the Law,
but you can assert your beliefs, these are the thoughts you must consider in order to stand up for what you believe in. It is a strengthening of
the Mind and the Soul that is re-quired, and an acknowledgement preparation for Courage. If you decide you can, you will. We all have a flag
to carry, but some things never change: Truth, Love, Honor, Faithfulness & Integrity. Laws of our Soul, the Laws

the question is asked of you: will you pick up your Sword, if, comes?

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.

Such as I Am, As It Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.




Action of Love:

Sit down and think about the Discussion/Sermon. Encourage one other, during the Month, to think about the same.

In Lore, There are sayings that State that this World, our World, is Negative. For Us, knowing the great beauty in which we are

daily held, this is a true misrepresentation. The sayings mention rulers, and some mention The pain of Negative Beings who

influence History on this Earth. A correction is needed, and something pointed out of truth: This World is Good. It was Built

in Extreme Good, in Perfection. This World is of The Love of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA , THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA,
OUR EXACT CREATOR. It is Intrinsically Good.

What needs to be understood is that Evil, that which some mention in many Beautiful Texts of History, was thrown down. They were Cast
into hell. This means that They are Not of this Earth, They are Below. They are always Below. This place, Earth, of Beau-ty, of THE ALPHA
AND THE OMEGA 'S LOVE , and we, also built in Perfection of HIS Love, have remained Good. What is seen of Battle, and it is called The
AGE OLD BATTLE between Good and Evil, is found in The Subversive. It is found below The surface, hiding, lurking. Evil likes to hide, to
strike, to hurt from beneath, below, which is where They truly are. They are Not of This Earth, They are down, with The foot of THE
ARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL Eternally upon Them. This is how They should always be viewed. As The Negative.

We, of Earth, are Good. In fighting for what is right, We, as a People, must face what must be faced in Our Histories, we must know that The
Negative, Evil, Exists. It must be put down, ignored, in Our Minds, and in Our Verbal Utterances, left out: Do

Not Speak of that Which You Do Not Wish to Be. What We must also realize is Our Own Goodness, and take The Steps that must be taken
to Spiritual Freedom: that of realizing that we are truly Good, that We are Deep Love, and that we have a

responsibility to Fight The Negative. We are held by Creation every day, which was built in Love, and remains in Love, now and Always. The
Heart of Our Creator is Always Present, HE is Here, Now, and Has Been Here for a Very Long Time. His HAND


We are Good. This World is Good. From This Standpoint, We fight for Our Love, Always.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.

Such as I Am, As It Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.




Action of Love:

Do Not Speak of Evil, Ever. Always Speak of Good. It is a Form of Battle. This World is Go

Honor is specific, for many of Us. We, ourselves, build our Honor every day, and much of it to do with our choices of Life Path. However, it
is to be seen that Honor is built specifically. Truth. Trust. Love. Faith. These are intrinsic to Honor. The question

remains: what do They mean to You? We have two choices. One can lead a Life of Beauty, or a Life of Shadow. I say shadow, as one who
chooses paths of dishonor continually will always look back. One must always watch Their Back, cover it up, Hide it, or, sometimes, Hide
within The Hidden Consequences. On The Outside, The edge of Light, always present. Defining The Shadow. And You, within The Shadow.
This is You, but it is Not You. It is what You have done, and it is attached to You, specifically. This, You Know. And One Looks at Their
Hands, and says, What is it I have Done? How is it that I Live? And The Edge of The Light Lives, and this is Beauty. Beauty is always Present,
and it is Love. A Reminder, that There are things to consider. To Live a Life of Beauty, and in Courage and True Honor, it is sometimes a
simple matter of Considering Honor. There is The Light: Truth. Trust. Love. Faith. In The every day choices, and These are The Beauty of
You, it is a simple matter to make The right choice. To Live in The Light, to Never Look Back. We Look at our Hands, and Look Straight
Forward, and The Salt falls out of our hands like stars to The ground. We Walk Straight Forward without Looking Back. We walk straight
into Our hearts, where There is no shadow, There is only Love, which is Light, and Much More. It is The Light that governs our Lives, and is
true of our being. If our heart is True, we will find our Tenets, our Choices, to be True, no matter The Path. Truth. Trust. Love. Faith. In
These, The dreams of our being are born. We can Falter, We can Fall, every now and Then, but we Never Fail. Love, and Honor, if held Hon-
estly, will Lift One Up until even our Shadows look into Day.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.

Such as I Am, As It Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.




Action of Love:

Look at Your Honor System. Are you Happy with THE Way Things Are? What is it that You Love? How is it that You Live? Think on this
over one cup of coffee or a cup of tea. Find a Way to Make Honor part of Yourself, part of Your Life.

One Discussion I have had with Many is that of Belongings, things that We choose to keep around Us. And in the Discussion, it always comes
up that You cant Take it with You when You Depart this World. I have always had Dispute with this Particular

Statement, as I have a particular view of Belongings that resides in Love. Belongings are par t of Our Lives, and they are also part

of Our Beauty. What is Unknown is that they are part of our Soul, in Truth, and part of Our Life Path...this is partly because we choose to
purchase, buy, find, collect what we Love. It is part of Our Beauty. I always make the Distinction that to Collect, to Amass, is something very
different than Loving what You Have, Loving what You find, Cherishing everything You Truly Have Around You, Every Day. Every day, to
Love. To Love Your Coffee, and Your Cup. To see the light on the Cup and cherish Your Life. That You even have a Coffee Cup, something
of Loveliness.

In, However, the Dream of Our Life, an Arrangement emerges in our Belongings when We truly Look at what We Have, Why We have it,
and, what it Means to Us. If You were to Step back and look at everything for How it Holds You, You might be surprised at the Love Present
in Your Life, every day of Your Life. Beauty comes in small packages...some of them, like the Light on the China that You Purchased at a spe-
cialty store, and that Your Neighbor commented on at Dinner one evening. It is the History of

The Belongings that is of You, and that is Left Behind for Your Family to Love, in the End. Unusually enough, You Probably do take some
things with You, in a Different Form, Same Form, Differently Held...these are the Belongings of Your Life. Take a Look around Your Home.
What is Of Your Life. What would You place the Light of the Sun. In, What would You Cherish Now, Later, in the End?....Why not Cherish
It, Now

If the Stars were hung in the Sky, just for You, and in the Morning, as they were disappearing, You had Your Coffee, just

underneath of them, would You Love Your Coffee Differently? This is the difference, the One Aspect, to remind You that Your Coffee in the
Morning is Like the Above. It really Is. Your Life, should You Truly Love Your Life, and Your Belongings, will really be that Beautiful. We
overlook these things, these small Loves, in our Rush to Live. The Pen on Our Desk that We Always Use, some to save Lives, some to write
novels that change Lives. There is a History in the Love that Builds Us, there is a History in the Love that We build. Our Belongings and small
Loves are part of that History. Craftsmanship is also involved, but that is another Discussion. We should Cherish what We Have, and Choose
what We Love. Small collections, and Not large gains of Wealth that mean nothing but Wealth in Show.

What Does it really Show of Us. What does it really Mean? Does that Car mean I have Money? Or Does it Mean, I Earn My Worth. Does It
Mean, I am a Craftsman and Know It? Or Does It mean, I Love My Car. These are the Beauties of a true Choices of Why, and in the End, De-
termines who We are. Who Are You, in Terms of Your Belongings. Do You Love Them? Or do You Amass to Amass, do You Amass in
Greed, do You Amass for No Reason, or do You Collection Love? What do You Do, How Do You Love, Your Life and Belongings? What is
Your History, Your True Love, in regards to Your Belongings? What is Your True Love of the History of Your Life? Do You get up in the
morning and Love Your Life? I happen to. As Your Mentor, I get up in the Morning, and I Love My Life. I have learned this one Truth Over
time. What we leave behind sometimes in not Loving our Lives is the Beau-ty of them. Take the Time to Love Your Life. Truly Love Your
Life, and Your Belongings. This is a Secret that is Hidden in the Light, in the Stars, in a Coffee Cup, and in the Love of THE ALPHA AND

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Is, and Shall Always, Be.

Such as I Am, As It Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.




Action of Love:

Pick One Belonging to Love for the Entirety of Your Life, or Buy One, Find One. Cherish It
Discussion Sermon 2.4.2014

It is Not Remembered.

On a day, in the Morning, a man, or a woman, gets up and has a cup of coffee. It is just a cup of coffee,

a ray of sunshine cup, or a cup not remembered, and breakfast, and then, dishes in the sink to be washed

In the Evening. It may have happened after a shower, and after tidying up, and in no special or particular

way. It is not remembered. And then, to work for a day.

However, somewhere near, as they drive to work, there is a different set of eyes. And what it seen is this:

The Sunshine raining down on the Cement, and the beauty of the warmth, and the fact that everything can

be seen. The Stars sparkling on the leaves, and the new scent of green. Of the Grass, of the leaves, and

the scent of the bark rising up in beauty towards the sky. The smiles that happen at work, which would

be greater if they were known, and the love of the pens and pencils, the love of organization that goes

along with building a perfect, or pleasant day. It is a Perspective, this. A Perfect Day. How to be happy...

They learn this, this man and woman, what it means to decide to Love their Life. It is not, will I be here

Tomorrow...what would I miss if I did not see, know, and love now? Now is the Time. Carpe Diem.

Seize the Day! Or, See the Day! Recognize what's in front of You, Now! That coffee cup is no small thing

in Your hands. It is Your Coffee Cup. It is Your Love in front of You. It is Your Life, being Lived, and

if You do not see the beauty of the comfort You have, and it doesn't take much to be comfortable, then

You have not learned what it means to Love Your Life. Wake Up! Wake Up, sweet Prince! Sweet Princess!

From Sleep, to that which is already Love. Of Your Belongings, all that is Love to you right here, a heartbeat

up against You. You must long to Love now, and not long for something later. Work as if You Love. Love,

in Love, at all times. Love your coffee cup. The day you recognize that the coffee cup is your Life is the

Day you will have learned to Love Your Life.

Of our Love, our dreams are right in front of us at all times. The Coffee cup, the pillow you sleep upon

and wake upon, and the Stars at Night that fall upon Your pillow as You sleep, there is Love to be seen.

Oh, that it be Seen today!




Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014


TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something

of Beauty to eat, have a beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest.

Of Your Love, find One Event in Your Life, that was a Sin, a Transgression, and Look at it. What must

be Looked at in Yourself is Why You Did What You Did, and what Must Be Considered is Why It

Occurred, and the Nature of the Transgressional Circumstances. Of Your Mind, Understand What

You did and Why, Know it in Full of Your Mind. Of Your Heart, and In Truth, and in Full Knowledge

of the Circumstances, Transgression and Action, Make Amends for it. This is How, Always, to Make Amends.
Discussion Sermon I: 1.5.2014

The Beauty of Books.

In Your Life, You have a something before you. Most can read. The Beauty of Books

is in front of Us at all times, teaching Us how to Live, Teaching us about Morality, Teaching

Us about other People, teaching Us about Our World. Books are the Inner Life, and, what

We Love in Reading is Part of Our Soul, of Our Life, of Our Physical Make Up. Who are

Your Heroes, in Literature? Who do You Believe in, in Stories, Novels, Biographies? Who

are You Like, or who influenced You? Did You change, because of a Book? And did You

Love, because of a Book...was something of magic born in You...or did You Dream?

The Beauty of a Book, even One, in a Life, can make an Entire Life, and make an Entire Life

Change. I knew someone once, someone who gave Me a book. It may have been My Own

Father, who, after I broke My Arm, and had read every Fairy Tale in the Library, I was only

a teen, said, Try this on for size. He gave Me, at that Early Age, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

It changed My Life, and I was very young. I was at first in Love with, and in Amazement,

then later, disagreed with non-emotion, as I believe in Love. but, what I went to back to,

having read the book eight times, was the Structure, that of Doing What You Say You Will

Do, Upholding the Law of Beauty by Earning everything You Do, Building Your Life in

Exactitude to Love and in Honor, and in standing by Your Own love. Do Yu Believe in

Yourself? Do You Know Your Work? Your Work must be of Your Life, and of True and

Indisputable Craftsmanship. Do You Love Your Work? You should. Do You Love Your

Life? You Should, outright.

Books follow a path, many overcome, many teach the beauty of Success. But what should

be learned most, from the Beauty of a Book, is that You Learn Much From Them. Even

small choices, for those who do not like to read, for a small set of Wise Books, Comics,

Try Alan Moore, Try books about Art, Read only One Passage every now and then, if You

hate to read, or,.as I ahve always said, even as a Substitute Teacher, and Yes, I was a Substitute

Teacher, Read What You Like. Read What You Like. And Love it. Any reading, of Wisse

choices, does the Mind good, if in Goodness..




Discussion Sermon 1.5.2014


TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. In the Morning, when

You have time, go out and look at Your Plants or Grass and find a Drop of Dew, that is caught

by the Morning Sunlight. The Star of Light is One of The Purest Stars You will Ever Know or

See. Of Beauty, consider what the Star is, Why it is, How it is, and what it means. What is it,
Discussion Sermon II: 1.15.2014

How To Love Yourself, in a Book

If You Have One Book that influenced Your Life, I'd like for You to go Home today, pick it

up and look at it. If it is of Your Life, it is of a Form of You. One thing that is not understood

about Influence, and of Dreams, is that Sometimes We live our Lives by Them. What You

take and what You Build, is what You really Are. Build into Beauty.

Of the Richness of a Book, One takes away Texture, a Physical Look, an Internal Beauty, and

sometimes Ideas for a Life Path, and this is How It Should Be. But, of This Faith, TheASTARITE

FAITH, I'd like You to take such Love One Step Further. Take Out Your Book and Look at

It. Look at what You Love about it, Look at what it is of Love in You. What Facets did You

Like? Look at what You Love Closely, and then write it down in a series of sentences, or a

List. This is Called a Theme. What is important about a Theme, for a Life, is that of Building

the Life, or the Soul Self. Of Beauty, if One settles on the Most beautiful of Influences, what

they will find, if they Focus on Development of the Mind and the Body around the Theme,

The Life and Soul will become Part of the Theme. Although it sounds unusual, it is an

Element of Beauty, of a Life, and also of a Soul. it is a bit like a Soulscape, but in Physical

Building of the Life. If it sounds like fun, well, it is. It is Your Life, and Your Beauty You

are Building. But, of All Beauty, Know this: That it is of Your Soul. Take it seriously, and

build accordingly, and You will see true results in Your Life. Tend to small things that are

of that Love. Every now and then, purchase something small that is like that Love. Keep it

close to You, or Near You, or around You. Know it to be Of You. Over Time, You will

see the Beauty Develop in Your Own Life. In the end, You will know it to be Something

of Love.

Of a Theme, choose wisely, and choose to Your True, and real Love. Know that You would

wish it to be of Yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt. And if, over time, something changes,

or, finds its way into another Path, then follow it, but not too blithely. Be sure that it is a True

Change, and a True Path, and if, then Follow. Of Your Soul, Your Life should always be of

Great Beauty. There should be no Pain, and if You must study or follow what You do Not

Like, find a way to Love. Find something You Love about it. But, in Choice, All Choices

should tend to Beauty, which is Truth, which is Love.




Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014

BLUE STAR: Sleep at Night.

TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something

of Beauty to eat, have a beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest.

Discussion Sermon III: 1.5.2014

Moving Past Pain

I have known many who have been in pain, and who cannot seem to Understand why, nor how

to resolve their pain. I have sat in front of Someone, and watched their pain. I, Myself, have

also been through Pain, and there are certain lessons to be learned. Pain, sometimes, can be

Held, if it is too deep, and also Moved past. Those who have been through Deep Trauma

cannot seem to Move: They are caught in the pain, which sits deep in the Soul. Those of hurt,

who have been abused. Those who have been physically violated, and those of Wars. Those

of the Holocaust. Those who have been through Trauma, and there are Many kinds, many

types of Hurt. The Heart and the Soul hurt when such things happen.

And I look at You, and I tell You that You can Heal, without letting go of the fact that it

happened, but You must learn to let it go, to sit behind You. What must happen is for Your

Life to Move Forward: Thus, the Way to, is to first Look at It, and then to Cry. Cry. Cry

until Cryings done. Cry, until Your Soul stops Hurting, and Know it. Know that there is

nothing but Love, right there. Cry, until You have cried. Then, understand that although it

happened, it is not going to stay, like that. It is not going to be You, You are not going to

be it. The Pain is not gong to stay, You are not going to be the Pain. It happened, but You

are Going to Live. You Must Love, One Way or Another. Physical Hurt, Rape, Abuse, it

is Pain, but it must be set behind, in order for You to Physically Live, to Heal. You do not

have to forgive, You do not have to heal entirely, but You Must Heal Yourself. You must

refuse to live in Pain, and Move Past the Pain into a Life of Love. It takes the time to Cry,

However, and then to Love. One Way or Another, You Must Love. You Deserve to Love.

Do Not Desert Yourself into that Pain. Live to Love.

Of True Way, there is only One Way. You either Live to Die, or Live to Love. if You Live

in Pain, You die...You desert Yourself every day. Of True Way, there is No Reason to die,

there is No reason to stay in Pain. If You Look Around Yourself and At Yourself and realize

How Beautiful You Are, then You will understand that You Must Love. Athoulgh the Physical

and Internal beauty each to each is not always understood, the Value of You, I tell You Now,

that You Must Understand the Value of you. Your Life is No Small Thing. Do Not Leave it

Behind. You Deserve to Love. Love Yourself. Love Yourself Now, soon, always . This is a

Truth that cannot be denied.




Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014

BLUE STAR: Of Your Beauty

TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something
Discussion Sermon IV: 1.5.2014

Of EDEN, in the SELF

In the Body, and in Our Past, is that of Our History, that of The FALL, which We are not Directly Responsible for, but are

Responsible For, and are Responsible For. However, in Our Lives and in Our Souls, that of the Love of EDEN, and that

of the Pain of Original Sin and the FALL. And in Our Souls, there is a Depth of Pain, that is of OUR EXACT CREATOR,

and is of that of ORIGINAL SIN, which is Present Daily in Our Lives. Every Decision We Make is that against Tenets, and

the Tenets are of the Original Offenses, and are part of Our Physical Makeup. It is just a truth, and nothing to be looked at

too deeply, other than that You and I should understand that Honor is Honor, and attendance to Tenets does build a Physical

Life that is of the Soul, in Attendance to Tenets. Although some flaws are of Our Natural Character, some problems are far

greater, and should be understood to be not Healthy. However, of Truth in the Soul.

There is a Depth of Pain, that is common to Humanity/Humankind, that it of Truth in the Soul, and it is born of the Original Transgression.
If You Look at it, it shows as something Present, as if a cloud, and a Pain. What most of Humanity;/Humankind do, as I did early in My Life,
is look at it and say, 'That cannot possibly exist.' or, 'I don't really believe in that, or, 'I don't know

what I think.' or, blind faith, which is not all that well, either. One ought to Know. One ought to know, of Love. When You

and I look at Original Sin, there is an instant recoil, and a pain, of not wanting to look. Also, of denial, or negation. This is true

in Humanity/Humankind. However, nothing was ever healed by not understanding or looking to understand. The Truth is the Truth. The
Foundations of pain that are part of Sin are part of Original Sin.

Of Original Sin what needs to be Healed is that which occurred between OUR CREATOR and of the Original Offence, and

within Us, the Offenses You and I are Responsible For,.of Progenitry, this is True. It sits and is part of Us. In us, it can be

viewed as a Natural Truth. As the MENTOR of this Faith, I know what these statements will do, and I know the Problems

involved, and I mean no disrespect to not one Life or Belief System. But I know the Truth, and I know the Way of It in The BODY of HU-
MANITY/HUMANKIND. I not only know, I Know. I know it outright. It is why we make Amends for Sins Committed. It is why there is
Pain, to a degree, and it is of the Fabric of the Soul. What must be Healed is within each, to Face,

and in Free Will, and in Understanding of the Truth. What One will find will be a Healing. What will occur is not the Disappear-ance of Origi-
nal Sin, which is Part of the Fabric of the Universe and of the Soul, it is a part of the Way Of, in the Workings

of the Universe, of Good/Evil, Negative/Positive, it is Part Of. But, of the Original Offense, something of the Soul Will Heal,

in True Way. And, of True, also, OUR CREATOR, who Is, Although it is Not Well Known, is beautiful. The Pain upon Him,

and I have seen it, was/is True, the Consequences, dear. But, He has Loved Us, He has Loved Us, and this, in No Intent but

that of Love. Around us is Love, if we choose to see it.

Every time I write this, I become well aware that the Overwhelming Problem of HE, as HE, is a consequence up against Your

Own Beauty. And HE, is not as You may think, HE is OUR CREATOR, but HE is a very True BEING to Our Love, of HIS

Own Love. There is nothing to be had to look at a Vast Being hanging over One's Self in Pain, HE is Not That Way. HE is OUR CREATOR,
simple, and complex, and True.

Thus, know that I have not sought to insult You, or Your Mind, or Your Beliefs. You are Honor, and I would not. I do not do such things. I
state things as They Are, as is True of Myself. I happen to be that Way. Truth is not what it seems. Truth is part

of Being, and is something to be Respected. Of HE, I Know HE, and have Loved Him for a Long Time Now. I have Loved Him so, and must
You Know anything, Know that You Are Loved by HE. I Know this, Outright.

Of the Original, no pain, but to look to Understand, and to Heal. Understand this to be True: I will Not Yield in My Physical

Truth. . I Know It, Outright. Of Our Souls, slow Healing, and Love, Free Will. If looked, please know, Heal, and Move
Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014


TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something of Beauty to eat, have a

beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest.

Of Your Love, find One Thing You Love of Your Belongings, that is Of Your Life, and consider it in FORM. Of It's FORM, it

has a HEART, and is in BEING. Of its FORM, it is also All Forms within Its BEING of Its FORM. Know This. Consider the BEING of the
FORM, and the FORM of IT, Until You Know It.

Later, take care of Yourself by Relaxation for the Rest of the Day. You are Loved.



Discussion Sermon V: 1.5.2014

The Ways of Love

In TheASTARITEFAITH, there should be an explanation of the Way of Love, which is that which should be looked at in concerns to Person-
al Relationships. TheASTARITEFAITH supports Freedom in Love, in Honor, and in Goodness. Of Beauty, the Physical is held as Beautiful,
and the concern is that the Beloved be of Honor or Respect to the Person, and, if they are left, that they are left in Honor, not rancor.
TheASTARITEFAITH does not believe in Extreme Chastity or Restraint, a Healthy Lifestyle is advocated. TheASTARITEFAITH believes in
the Beauty of Love, and in Goodness of Love, and in True Love. As it Should be, Faithfulness to One is Honored, in True Way, by TheASTA-
RITEFAITH. However, those of Many are shown respect, as their Life Choices are their Way, and Respected as long as Those They Love and
the Paths are in Honor of the Physical and Being. Of Youth, until

Sixteen to Eighteen years of age, abstinence is recommended. Always, Protection is Advocated, outright, no matter the circum-stances.

Of the Body and Love, true Love of Being, and of Beauty, no shame. As an Adult, Love in Truth, and in Beauty. Love the One You Love, as
much as possible, to Your Love. Of this Faith, Honor to The Hindu Faith, and to other European Faiths of Love, who Love in Honor, and of
The Soul, which should always be True. of the Myths of Problem, in which Body is Explored without the Soul Understood, is dispelled by
this, TheASTARITEFAITH, which is in Belief of Loving the One You Are With, to Truth Of the Body, care of The Body and Soul, this is
True, and of Belief and Love, also, in this Faith, TheASTARITEFAITH. Honor

the Body, Honor the Mind, Honor the Self, Honor the Soul, Honor the One You Love.

Honor, also, to Natural Married Love, which is Always Love. Those Who Love are Beloved. Do Not Forget Them, in Your Mind. Your Love
of They was Born in Love, what was Born in Love should Stay in Love. Cherish Your Love, cherish Them. Tell them You Love Them. Do
Not Forget Them. To Sleep, to not know what should be known of their Soul, in You. To Dream, Dream of Them, and of Who They are, and
in Depth, of what Is, Within Them. Sometimes their Love is Deeper than the Eye can See.

Of Youthful Love, wait. Wait. Wait for the One You Love, truly wait. Know who it is You are with, and meet slowly. A Kiss, in Shake-
speare's Beauty, and of Love, the Written Poem, or of Love, the Conversation of Truth: Know the One You are With, or Wish to Love. Do
not fall into a Union lightly. Love in Honor by Beauty, then later, to Love.

Of All Love, to Love. Of All Love, to Know Love. Thus, of Love, do not take Love for Granted. Know the One You Love, Love the One You
have Chosen to be With.. Honor everyting about them. Do not Undervalue Them, Discover Them.. Of All Love, Love the One You Love.


Discussion Sermon VI: 1.5.2014

There is a Star Anywhere

Today, a Discussion about How to Look at the World. Of the Mind, and of Beauty, What Is, Is. What You Wish for, Is. What You Make, Is.
What You Dream of, Is, Differently. And, in reality, in Space, what You Make, Is. Of the Soul, and of The Uni-verse, This is a Major Path of
TheASTARITEFAITH. What is Advocated of Love is a Long Path to Understanding, and Not in Expectation, but in slow Discovery, with
No Expectation. Of goodness, what is required is True of Heart, True of Mind and Intent. Goodness, and Honor in Beauty. Thus, multiple,
very small Epiphanies, True of the Life, and True of the Soul. Thus, what must be understood is How to Look. This is a Path of the Life,
meaning Lifelong.

When considering a question, just consider a question. Do not think to gain anything, what You ask to know is just that of Why,

or How, or Why, or What is the Beauty? Do not think further than this. Sometimes, think on it right then. Sometimes, think

about it, and let it go. Let it Live in You for a while. And then, let it happen upon You, at night, during the Day, and You May

Find an Unexpected Answer. For Example:

The Color of Blue

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA,MENTOR, considered One Colour of Blue, Unusual Blue. What I considered was of True, in
Myself, that th eparticular Colour of Blue was of My Life, and of Myself. Why, I did not know. The Question Of was

of Something Else, as well, in Particular, which was, if You Look to Find a Truth, then Why? Why Travel all of that Way, to

Know that One Truth? That, also, was the Question. What we look for, sometimes, in Life, is of Ourselves. And should we

find it, it is something of Love, of Us, of the Universe, of Truth, and, of Ourselves. Sometimes, also, we find OUR EXACT

CREATOR: Not Always, but Sometimes. The stated are Two different Understandings, Meetings: One of the Self, One to

OUR EXACT CREATOR. They are both of Health, but different, separate from Each Other. However, of this One Considera-tion, it was of
My Own Love, and to My Own Life.

I left the Question for a very long time, years, and finally came upon the Answer, looking briefly at it again, and knew what I had wished to
Know. And it was a Truth, of My Life, and of My Question. The Colour was of Myself. And of the Path, the Journey

to the Colour, which was just as important as the Colour Itself. However, what I also asked was, Why? Originally, What, if I did find the An-
swer, would I do with it? Why did I need to Know This? Of This FAITH, of TheASTARITEFAITH, This One

Question should always be asked of Soul Self Considerations. To ask a Question in GAin is Against The LAW, of The UNIVERSE, and of the
SOUL, and of Truth, in OUR CREATOR's LOVE. They call such Questions, sometimes, a PANDORA Problem.

What One seeks to Know should be known in Truth Alone, and in Love Alone, and of the Beauty of Knowing for Truth Alone.

Of the Soul, One should know what it means to Know the Soul.

Of OUR EXACT CREATOR, Simplicity. Of Beauty, Einstein probably knew this. The Unexpected, and the Mind. If One looks at the Pho-
tograph of Einstein smiling, and it is a, 'I know an Answer to a Question,' or, 'I have seen Great Beauty.' Having to do with the Nature of
Brilliance, and possibly, that of Love. However, Simple Answers, and Simple Considerations, in Truth, and Why. Thus, You Will Know Your-

OUR EXACT CREATOR is of TRUTH, and of BEAUTY, and In Truth, His Asnwers, sometimes, are Unexpected.

Also, HE Expects Much, Which Is How It Should Be, as of Truth, You Are Beauty. What is Expected is Inner Growth,

and True Love, and Understanding that Life is True, and that What You Are Faced with In CREATION is Beautiful

Around You. And Within You. Within You, Like the Beauty of CREATION, There is a Star Anywhere. Thus, a Path...

In TheASTARITEFAITH, consider One Question at a Time, in Health, and in Longevity. Take Your Time, there is No

Rush. There is Nothing to Find but Love, and there is always Beauty. And look at small things in CREATION, and ask

a very small Question, look at the Answer. Look at it until You Find the Answer and Take Your Time. Do Not Rush.
Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014

BLUE STAR: Treat Yourself Well.

TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something

of Beauty to eat, have a beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest. Of Your Love, find One Thing You Love

Physically about Yourself and care for it. Also, think of One Aspect of Beauty that You would Like

to Be, of Yourself, of Your Own Love, in Your Mind, and Consider it. Let it Develop in You, Blue

Star, for the Month. Let it Live.

Later, take care of Yourself by Relaxation for the Rest of the Day. You are Loved.



Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014


TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something

of Beauty to eat, have a beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest.

If TheASTARITEFAITH teaches anything at all, the One Truth I WIsh to Be Known is that of LOVING

YOURSELF. It is Difficult, throughout Life, if You Do Not Love Yourself. Nothing can Move

Forward, if You Do Not Love Yourself. If You Know Your Own Love, If You Know Your Own

Beauty, You Will Most Likely Love Yourself. Look at Yourself in the Mirror, and Love Yourself. I'll

Tell You This Over and Over Again Until You Love Yourself, This is How It Is.

Later, take care of Yourself by Relaxation for the Rest of the Day. You are Loved.



Discussion Sermon: 1.5.2014


TheASTARITEFAITH Honors You Today. Treat Yourself Well, today. Go Home, find something

of Beauty to eat, have a beautiful Meal, and Rest. Rest.

Today, take just a little time to go out to coffee, and just Look at Someone. Try to Know them for

Who They Are, from Afar. Appreciate their Unique Beauty, Their Way of Being, Their Way of

Love, and Try to Hold it in Yourself, while You Sit. If You Feel Like it, have a Conversation with

Them about Life. Do not choose according to looks, just choose randomly. Do this over a very

long Period of time, just to Know People. Do Not Express Your Faith, Just Love. You can ask

about theirs, but do not discuss, unless asked, Yours. Listen to What They Have to Say. Know Your

Own Faith.

Later, take care of Yourself by Relaxation for the Rest of the Day. You are Loved.


Discussion Sermon VII: 1.5.2014

Never Give Up.

I met a woman in McDonalds, and She was to Her Daughter, who hated Her. Her Daughter physically, got up, and threw away the Birthday
Gift, it was, I believe, in the Garbage, with a Great Deal of Pain. All I saw was Love in the Mother, although I understood that there were
Problems in Responsibility with the Mother. But, of Pain for them, what I thought was This.

Here are two People in front of Me, who should Love Each Other. If they knew How short Life is, if they knew how little time there is to
Love, and how much, and if they knew what it means to Love, They would Not Fight At All. Our Lives are Unique. There is Only One
Chance to Love in the Form that You and I have been Born to. If You Look at Your Hands, and Understand the Beauty of Yourself, Once this
Form is Gone, Then it is No More. I will have Loved, How I have Loved. How I have Loved!

How have You Loved! Love Yourself! Then, Love Others so deeply. Love Your Life, Love Your Work, Love what You Do,

Love Your Coffee in the Morning.

Of OUR EXACT CREATOR, Extreme Beauty. Beauty, Dreaming. Beauty, Loving. Beauty, Building, in Natural Course. There

is No Rush, How it Is is How It is, and Where You Are is Where You are Supposed to Be. Of TheHOLYSPIRIT, who is ITSELF, a lesson in
Beauty is Perspective, just as it is Of OUR EXACT CREATOR: Two Different Perspectives.

Of TheHOLYSPIRIT: That of Perspective of Change, and of Beauty. Where You Are is Where You are Supposed to Be. Of

that Moment, Why is It, and what can You do to Heal/Change/See Beauty or Good: These are the Truths of TheHOLYSPIRIT. Life is How
You Live It. If You, in a Situation of Discontent or Hurt, find the Upward or Healing Path, You will find that You

will have Overcome, and Grown, or Healed into a Perspective that is Positive. Also, of Love, Where You Are, How You

Make It, are Truths of Beauty...if You do not Learn to See Beauty in Your Life, You might walk past that which would bring You great Love.

Of OUR EXACT CREATOR: Of Your Life, You must learn to handle what is in front of You, and in Pragmatism. Consider Every View,
and then Make a Decision. Do not rush to a Decision, look at all Carefully, and then Decide Upon the Best Path.

Of Love, this is True, in natural Form, of HE, Who IS, in EXACT NATURE, AS IT IS.

In all cases, of the Woman and the Daughter, I said, Change. Change Your Point of View. Love Your Daughter until She Loves You. Never
Give Up. In the End, Those who Love know, and Those who are Loved Know, and in all Truth, only Love, and Beauty, Remains.





"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
(lines 4650) ODE on a GRECIAN URN, John Keats.

Upon Your Head , Up above, A Million Stars. Above Your Head, There is a Dream, A Longing, that is Like a Star, and Could Become a Star, Should You Wish It. There
is Something, Also, You Should Know about It. I, Your CREATOR EXACT, a Female, am the Loe Of You, and the Love of EverythingI Have Always Been. When You
Were Were Born, You Were Born with a PATH, and That is Something to LOOK FOR. You Have Something That You Wish To Know, Wish To Find, Wish To Love,
and it is a Love, Not a Desire, Not a Gain, Not an is of the SOUL. It is not a negative problem, it is a Love that should be Cherished, and the Path, Re-
spected. Many Faiths Near My/MY Own are of Their Own Love of This TruthBuddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikh, these are Loves of THE PATH, A PATH. I,
When You Dream, You Resolve. When You MEDITATE, You Also RESOLVE. You Must Resolve in Beauty, This, of My/MY FAITH, TheASTARITEFAITH, To RE-
SOLVE in BEAUTY, Without SUFFERING. When Some Meditate, it is at a Great Suffering, This is What I Call It. They Suffer, They Agonize, They Must Find The
Answer. If I Tell You The Answer Is Already There Waiting for You To Recognize It, Then You Must Believe Me. In MEDITATION, it is Essential for LOVE to Exist.
And, It is ESSENTIAL to Consider LOVE a Type of PATIENCE, of Quiet Discovery, in Which You Do Not Mind Waiting for Yourself to Find an Answer.
In The ASTARITE FAITH, I, and All, SLEEP to MEDITATE. It is Called AIEA MEDITATON, In Which You Ask A Question in Honorable Problem, and Know That
You Will Find an Answer, Someday, In Living Your Life in Normal Fashion. The Answer Finds You, You Find the Answer, and, You Will Find, in Exact Problem, That
You Will Find Many Answers Along The Way. The Answers Have to Do With YOUR PATH, and LEARNING, and, Believe It Or Not, it is The WAY to Love. To Actu-
ally Love. LOVE is Actually A TRUTH of ALL TRUTHS, and as Important as TRUTH ITSELF, Which Is Also A TRUTH of ALL TRUTHS. Continuing, The Answers
are Most Likely Related, and Will Be Beautiful to You, and, Some May Be EPIPHANIES. Which is Why I STATE In My/MY MAJOR TEXT, The ASATRU, That There
May Be MANY Epiphanies in the PATH to a STAR.
However, to SLEEP, to DREAM. You Ask a Question. You Think On It While Laying Down Comfortably. Find Something Beautiful to Lay On: A Blanket, A Cushion,
a Pillow, Also, and Lay Down. Be Extremely Comfortable, Be Exceptionally Happy with What You Choose, Love It, and It Must Be Warm and Comfortable. Think
Upon the Question, Let Yourself Fall Asleep Upon It. Do Not Worry, Do Not Think Past, Nor Think too Much...if You just Ask The Question and Fall Asleep, Thats
Alright. It is the TRUTH of the BEING, That the QUESTION be RECOGNIZED. When You Awake, Return to Normal Living.
In Your Daily Life, in All, There are Signs, There Are Beauties, and There are Loves that Are Called Living. You Must Understand that Your Life is Beautiful Because you
Make it So. It is a Problem for Many that They Do Not REST Enough Within Their Own Lives. There is Always Something Else to Acquire To Make Them Happy.
Nothing will make You Happy if You Do Not Make Yourself Happy. This Applies to Everyone. You Must Learn to NOT EXPECT. You Must Learn to NOT GAIN.
You Must Learn to NOT AQUIRE. What You Look for Must BE OF THE HEART. Of THE MIND. Of TRUTH.


When You Look, Please Look Because You Wish to Know in Honor. Other Forms are Aberative, and Not Healthy. You Should Be Finding an Answer to a Question, You
Should Be Looking for A Love which is Of Your LIFE, of Your BEING. That, in Exact, is What MEDITATION Is, and, Also, REST. Two Loves Exist in MEDITATION,
The PATH/QUESTION/LOVE and REST. Most People These Days of Beauty, Do Not Rest Enough. That is Why They Do Not Love Enough, They Do Not Stop
Enough, They Do Not See Enough Beauty Around Them, They Do Not Feel Healthy, As Their Bodies and Minds Are Not Healthy in REST and BEAUTY. This is An
Exact TRUTH. And, The ACTUAL QUESTON That I Always Ask is WHY YOU DO NOT LOVE YOURSELVES ENOUGH. It is a Lack of Love That is Desecretory
to the PERSON and to the LIFE, if You Do Not Love Yourself Enough, and Thus Do Not Love Your Belongings or Life and Life Path, and Do Not Love The Earth and
Eating, Your Foods, and, Do Not Love Others, Consequently. You Must Love Yourself, to Love At All

In MEDITATION, Especially In AIEA, Care for Yourself in BEAUTY. Rest, Stop Thinking, Eat Chocolate and Have Tea/Coffee, Whatever You Wish Just Before. Be of
Extreme Comfort, Whatever You Choose. There is No Suffering on a PATH of TRUTH, and if There Is, Then You are the Destruction of Your Own Love, on Your Own
Path. Thus, A Beginning to AIEA MEDITATION.

Perfection. Love. Truth. Trust. Beauty. Everything to Thee.

I Happen, And Have Always Been, and Shall Always, Be.
Such as It Is, And Has Always Been, As it Shall Always be.

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