Edc291 M2a2 Formal Lesson Observation

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Formal Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kristin Ingram Pima Course: EDC291

Subject: Science Topic: Science Grade Level: 5 Duration of Lesson: 60

Components Description of Plan
1 Content Standard: Strand 1: Inquiry Process Concept 2: Scientific Testing PO 2.
Choose ONE standard. Be Formulate predictions in the realm of science based on observed cause
sure to write out the entire
and effect relationships.
standard, not just the number.
2 Learning Objective: SWBAT make predictions and analyze their observations about three different
Choose ONE objective chemical mixtures.
that leads toward
mastery of the standard
Must be specific,
measurable, and
Must have at least two
parts: learning and # of
behavior mins
3 Anticipatory Set: TW ask students to discuss with a partner what steps they think a scientist takes when 3
Sometimes called a they conduct their own experiment.
"hook" to grab the TW let students know that they will all be scientists today, because they are going to be
student's attention taking those same steps.
Focuses student TW state the objective for the students and the students will discuss at their table how
attention on the they think this objective will make them better scientists.
objective and the
purpose of the lesson
Activates prior
Requires ACTIVE
ALL learners
4 Teaching-Input: Teacher will review what a solution is. Students may refer to our Mixtures and Solutions 7
Using effective and varied word wall to help them. To do this, teacher will list a few things on the board that we have
strategies, the teacher worked with and students will discuss with a partner which ones are solutions, which
provides information for arent, and why (things listed include gravel and water, salt water, citric acid and water,
students to gain the concept, gravel and diatomaceous earth).
strategy, or skill.
TW let students know today we will be using citric acid, baking soda and calcium chloride.
TW have students discuss with their partner which chemicals we have used and if they
made a solution or not. (We have only worked with citric acid and it did make a solution)
TW tell students that before we begin, we need to find out if baking soda and calcium
chloride make a solution when mixed with water.
TW have two cups, both with 50mL of water and will stir one scoop of baking soda and
one spoon of calcium chloride into each of the two cups.
TW carry this around to each of the groups and ask students if they made mixtures (they
will agree that the calcium chloride did, but baking soda did not fully dissolve).
TW have students partner pair share about the baking soda solution SW decide that we
can add more water to make it dissolve and TW add 25 mL of water.
TW confirm that all three chemicals form solutions when mixed with water.
TW ask students to partner pair share what a mixture is. Students may refer to our word
TW pose a question what do you think will happen when mixtures of these chemicals
are mixed with water? Do you think a solution will form? SW partner-pair-share their
Formal Lesson Plan Template

5 TW hand out the Fizz Quiz Place Mat and the Fizz Quiz Observations Sheet 10
Teaching-Modeling: (see appendices).
TW Project on the TV screen her fizz quiz place mat and have three cups, labeled
Demonstrate and show 1, 2 and 3.
examples of what students TW let students know that we will be making mixtures of chemicals and testing
are expected to do (how to
solve the problem, answer the them with 50 mL of water to see if they create solutions. The students will need to
question, do the activity etc.). set up their placemats just as the teacher has hers.
Before they begin creating their solutions, they should make predictions. TW
review how to make a prediction and where they should record it.
TW review what kinds of observations we can make and record student answers
on the board color, smell, how it dissolves, etc.
TW remind students not to taste any chemicals and to be very careful, as calcium
chlorite can sometimes irritate the skin. It is important to wear our goggles and
treat materials respectfully.
TW have students restate the directions with their partner.
SW give the teacher a fist to five outlining their understanding of the task.
6 Check for TW ask for partner-pair-share many times throughout the Teaching-Input and the
Understanding: Teaching-Modeling portions.
Various strategies that TW ask students to restate the directions.
are ongoing throughout TW circulate and check student predictions before they gather their materials.
the entire lesson. TW circulate throughout the experiment to ensure students are recording their
Enables teacher to observations and successful throughout the experiment.
determine whether ALL TW have students complete a journal reflection at the end of the experiment.
students have "gotten it." Twitter Post In the students Journal Reflection, they will include a twitter post that
explains what they learned about chemical reactions using 140 or less characters.
Students will also write in the closure what confuses them the most about chemical
TW ask for a Fist to Five for the students level of understanding after the teaching-
7 Guided Practice: SW first make predictions based on what they think may happen with their three chemical 25
An opportunity for each mixtures.
student to demonstrate new SW gather their materials with their partner.
learning by working through SW create the three chemical solutions, making sure to do one at a time so they can
an activity or exercise with the effectively record their observations before they move on to the next chemical mixture.
teachers guidance.
SW compare their predictions to their observations and analyze these results.

8 Closure: TW ask students what some of the things they observed were. TW make a T-Chart on the 15
Actions or statements board and record these observations.
made by teachers AND TW ask students what they think caused the fizzing in cups 1 and 3.
students that summarize Students will partner-pair-share their ideas.
lesson objectives. TW confirm that the fizzing is caused by gas escaping and coming to the surface. When
Essential for helping calcium chloride and baking soda are mixed with water, the gas Carbon Dioxide was
students integrate ideas, formed.
make sense out of what
TW ask what the white stuff is in cup 3? Students will partner pair-share.
has just been taught,
and to improve their TW tell students it is a precipitate. When calcium chloride and baking soda come
chances of retention and together with water, it forms chalk, and this new solid material that settles is called a
transfer. precipitate.
Must be done BEFORE TW let students know that these are changes that occurred when two chemicals come
Independent Practice together and form changes, these are called chemical reactions.
TW restate the objective and let students know they will be answering one question of
Formal Lesson Plan Template

their choice in their science journals in order to analyze their observations (In the
appendices). TW give students a few minutes to write this down, and then they will

TW then give students a few minutes to complete two checks for understanding in their
journals. .as well as creating a twitter post, summarizing what they learned about
chemical reactions in 140 characters or less. They will also write underneath what
confuses them the most about chemical reactions.

9 Independent Practice: Students will read a story in our science books called What a Reaction! during their
AFTER proper closure, it is independent work plan time.
important to provide time for
additional practice. It may be
group or individual work in
class or it might be
10 Assessment:
The formative and/or TW assess students based on their predictions, observations, and journal entry reflection
summative assessments that in the closure of the lesson.
are aligned with the objective. TW also informally assess students based on their responses during partner-pair shares
and group discussions.

11 Differentiation: I will create partner groupings that pair higher level students with students who have a
How you will reach diverse more challenging time with science concepts, so that they are hopefully able to help each
learners by varying the: other out.
Content I will provide more assistance as needed during the process to students needing
Process additional help. Students who are more proficient in these concepts will be able to have a
Product more independent approach to their guided practice.
Directions for the experiment are listed on the place mat and the observation sheet for
students to reference if needed.
TW put some sentence starters on the board to record observations for students who are
having a difficult time beginning their observations.
Students will all need to complete the observations, predictions, and journal entries, but
teacher will help students with these depending on their needs.
For their journal reflection at the end, students will choose just one cup to discuss
whether or not they think a chemical reaction happened and explain why. That way, if
they are having difficulties understanding what happened in one cup, they can choose
one they feel more comfortable understanding.
12 21st Century Learning: This lesson does not incorporate technology, but does use three of the four Cs:
Includes technology as well
as the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking,
Critical Thinking This mixtures and solutions unit requires a lot of critical thinking, as
Creativity, Collaboration, and
many of the concepts such as a chemical reaction, are difficult to grasp at first glance.
Students must use their observations and all of their knowledge from the unit to help
them deeply think about this investigation.
Collaboration Students must work with a partner for this investigation, making sure that
they are effectively working together and sharing ideas to be successful.
Communication Students must communicate throughout the entire investigation to be
successful, whether it be during partner-pair-shares, during the guided practice, or
communicating to me their understanding of chemical reactions through their closure
13 List of Materials, Handouts and other Supplemental Documents:
Formal Lesson Plan Template

Formal Lesson Plan Template


3. Questions for Closure Journal Reflection:

- Did a chemical reaction take place in cup 1? If so, how do you know?
- Did a chemical reaction take place in cup 2? If so, how do you know?
- Did a chemical reaction take place in cup 3? If so, how do you know?

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