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EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kristin Ingram Pima Course: EDC274 Instructor: Dr. Eagleton

Subjects: ELA & Science Topic: Global Warming Grade Level: 5 Duration: 60

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents:

Photo Galleries for Five Different Stations
Graphic Organizer
Self-Assessment Rubric

Essential Question: How does global warming affect our world?

Components Description of Plan

Content Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.9
Choose ONE science or social studies Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
standard and ONE AZCCRS ELA and research.
standard (RI, W, or SL).
Science Strand 3: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives//Concept 1:
Changes in Environments//PO 1. Explain the impacts of natural hazards on habitats
(e.g., global warming, floods, asteroid or large meteor impacts).
Learning Objectives Content Objective: SWBAT explain how global warming affects our world.
Write ONE content objective that is
ONE simple sentence with ONE ELA Objective: SWBAT draw evidence from multiple informational sources.
carefully chosen verb.
Write ONE ELA objective that is
ONE simple sentence with ONE
carefully chosen verb.
Est ENGAGEMENT Teacher will: Students will:
# of Describe how the teacher 1. TW play this video for students 1. SW partner-pair share,
will captivate students to review the concept of global discussing the video and
5 interest. warming that they began discussing questions they have
What questions should learning about yesterday and about global warming and
students ask themselves to start to get them thinking questions that the teacher
after the engagement? about the effects of global poses.
warming :

2. TW ask students to discuss the

video with a partner. What
questions do they have? Do
you think global warming is a
big deal why? What kinds of
effects do you think global
warming has on our planet?
Est EXPLORATION Teacher will: Students will:
# of Describe the hands- 1. TW provide students with a 1. SW rotate through five different
on/minds-on activities graphic organizer. stations that each focus on a
students will be doing. 2. TW set up five different different aspect of global
35 List big idea conceptual stations around the room that warming effects.
questions the teacher will have a collection of pictures 2. SW complete their graphic
use to encourage and/or (printed from the galleries organizer as they rotate
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

focus students exploration below) with captions describing through the five stations.
This is the heart of the effects of global warming on
lesson and should have the five different aspects of our
most minutes assigned to it. planet:
Fresh water:
Plants and Animals:
Weather and Climate:

3. TW ask students to examine

the pictures and the
accompanied captions and
think about the different effects
that global warming has on our
world. What would our world
be like without global warming?
4. TW ask students to think about
how else they think global
warming affects our world that
they may not have learned at
their stations.
Est Teacher will: Students will:
# of 1. TW create a chart on the board 1. SW discuss with their tables
s with each of the 5 categories how global warming affects our
Student explanations must listed: oceans, fresh water, air, planet by sharing the evidence
7 precede teacher plants and animals, and weather they found in each of the five
explanations. and climate. stations.
List higher order thinking 2. TW have students return to their 2. SW work together to write one
questions to solicit student tables and give each of the effect of global warming for
explanations and help them tables 5 post it notes. each category on their post it
to justify their explanations. 3. TW ask students to think about notes.
Check for understanding all of the different ways that 3. SW place their post its on the
Students MUST engage with global warming affects our board in the appropriate
world. What are some of the category and discuss this with
effects that stood out the most the class when their table is
to you? How did you draw these called.
conclusions? What evidence did 4. SW engage with the objectives
you use? Do you think these by discussing at their tables
effects are permanent or how these objectives will make
reversible? Based on what you them better scientists.
learned about global warming
yesterday and the effects you
learned today, how important of
an issue do you think this is?
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

What do you think is the most

destructive consequence of
global warming?
4. TW call one group up at a time
to put their post it notes in the
appropriate columns they will
share with the class their
thoughts and also pose any
questions they may have about
the topic.

Est ELABORATION Teacher will: Students will:

# of Describe how students will 1. TW give students a rubric for 1. SW do a quick write explaining
develop a deeper self assessment and ask that global warming and its effects.
10 understanding of the they do a quick write as an exit 2. Once they finish their letter,
concept. ticket explaining to someone they will use their self
What vocabulary will be the effects of global warming. assessment rubric to assess
introduced and how will it 2. TW help students begin to their understanding of global
connect to students
think about this by asking warming (science objective)
How is this knowledge questions: How does this affect and the level of evidence that
applied in our daily lives? our day to day lives? If they discovered in their
Check for understanding. someone didnt realize that stations (ELA objective)
global warming affected so
many different parts of a world,
how would you best explain it
to them? What questions do
you have about global
Est EVALUATION & Closure Students will:
# of How will the teacher know 1. SW chorally state the ELA and science objectives.
that ALL students have 2. SW discuss with their tables what they think the most important impact of
3 achieved the lesson global warming and what they would do to find out more information about
objectives? this topic.
How will all students self-
assess their mastery of the
Students MUST re-engage
with the OBJECTIVES.
Differentiation Options Content: All learners can draw evidence from the different stations, but their level of
Describe how you will reach diverse analysis will be able to differ.
learners (ability & learning style) by
varying the: Process: TW help the student with sentence starters at each station if they are
Content having difficulties.
Product: TW modify the length of the letters based on students ability levels. Lower
level students may only write a few sentences, while higher level students may be
able to write a couple of paragraphs.
21st Century Learning Technology: All of the stations for this activity are based on galleries from NASAs
Describe how you will incorporate online global warming site for kids.
technology and/or the 4 Cs:
Critical Thinking Critical Thinking: Students must use critical thinking to draw conclusions and
Creativity evidence at each of the stations.
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

Communication Creativity: Students must be creative in their analysis of the pictures and text.

Collaboration: Students must collaborate with each other at the stations, as well as
collaborate with their tables and partners during discussions.

Communication: Students must be able to communicate their analysis through their

graphic organizer, letter, and discussions with neighbors.

Appendices/Additional Information:

Self-Assessment Rubric:

Score 1 2 3 4

SWBAT explain how Im still not really sure I would be able to tell I could tell someone I could tell someone
global warming affects how global warming someone one or two three or four ways that five or more ways that
our world. affects our world. ways that global global warming affects global warming affects
warming affects our our world. our world.
SWBAT draw evidence I wasnt able to draw I was able to draw one I was able to draw I was able to draw five
from multiple conclusions from the or two conclusions three or four or more conclusions
informational sources. different stations from the different conclusions from the from the different
about global warming. stations. different stations. stations.

How responsible and I wasnt staying on I stayed on task and I mostly stayed on I was on task the
on task was I at the task or I wasnt followed directions task and followed whole time and
stations? following instructions. some of the time, but almost all of the followed instructions
not all of the time. directions. without any questions.

Graphic Organizer:

Global Warming What evidence did you find?

Affects Our I noticed ___________ happens with global warming.
______________ is affected by global warming because ____________.
In the picture, I noticed ___________________.
In the caption, I noticed ___________________.

EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

Fresh Water

Plants and

Weather and


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