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Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Lucao District, Dagupan City

First Semester 2016-2017

(Requirement Analysis, Logic Design, and System

Submitted by:

Group 7

Leader: Pidlaoan, Brylle Ace

Members: Barrozo, Angelyn

Cachin, Hersey Joyce

Cobus, Marinuel

De Vera, Krissha Camille

Ferrer, Joan

Taluban, Hylene Flor

Submitted to:

Mr. Moises Almendares, CPA

1 1st Business Process: Operational Process
ITP1: Proper Management of Staf
a A1: Having a training
F1: Set a date for training
F2: Teach them based on experience
F3: Help them find what are the things they can improve
F4: Helping them to be more responsible
b A2: Incentives Activity Process
F1: Give them task
F2: Set a due date for that task
F3: introduce those benefits/incentives
F4: Completes the task
F5: Reward them
ITP2: Inventory Management Process
a A1: Setting up proper arrangement activity
F1: Arranged inventory
F2: Classify into different classes
F3: Physical count
F4: Add if it is out of stock
b A2: Setting up proper segregation activity
F1: Proper sanitation
F2: Proper cleaning
F3: Proper segregation
F4: Proper Caring
ITP3: Order Management Process
a A1: Order Activity
F1: Ask the order
F2: Give the order
F3: Receive the payment

2 2nd Business Process: Investing Process

ITP1: Investing Management Process
a A1: Investing Activity
F1: Acquire new equipment
F2: Depreciate the property
F3: Determine book value
F4: Exchange the Equipment
F5: Sell the old Equipment
F6: Realized some gain PURCHASE OF GOODS

Order to

Pay the

Get the


Ask the

Write to Write the

your record order

Receive Give the

Payment order
I. Introduction
A. Purpose

The main purpose of our system is to have a good and improve

of serving. Secondarily, through proper segregation of duties and

proper arrangement of products, chairs and tables can maximized its

full capacity to admit customers efficiently and serve customers more

conveniently. Cafeteria will also receive incentives or let me say profits

for having a good service to customers.

B. Background of the Project Leading to this report

Cafeteria serves as one of the most important part or body in a

particular school. It is a great opportunity to build and make services

for the customers to gain profits and customers loyalty especially if

you don't have competitor. But, problem also arises as the opportunity

had been claimed. The cafeteria faces many problems when it comes

to making and giving services to customers, but there is a problem

that should be observed and should be solved. Lacking of space to be

served for the customers for them to feel more convenient when

having their meal is the main problem that do cafeteria faced.

Oftentimes, Cafeteria way of serving people is very tardy that piss the

mood of the customers and lead them to leave the place.

Cafeteria has only limited space to accommodate customers,

because of its limited resources. The students rather choose to eat

outside than to wait for a space where to eat. So this can affect the

profit of the cafeteria, and it can also affect the perceptions of the

students about the cafeteria. So we should create a system in order for

the cafeteria will achieve their purpose and objectives. We should think

of a system where we can improve our service and make it the best for

our customers.

Our foremost priority is to provide excellent food services to the

students and staff of the Kingfisher School of Business and Finance by

establishing successful social enterprise.

C. Scope of the project

Inside the canteen there are approximately 50 maximum

capacity of individuals that can be occupied by the place. There are

also about 5-10 servers present in the canteen. Considering their snack

counter, about 50 and above varieties of foods and snacks are being

offered including also the meals prepared for lunch and merienda. Each

snacks have 20-30 pieces reserve for the customers. On the other

hand, the canteen had also about 20-30 kinds of drinks for which we

can classify as softdrinks, energy drinks, bottled waters and so on. Also

they offer coffee and drinks it depends on what flavor do customers

want. Cup noodles and simply ordinary kinds of noodles are also

present inside the place.

Utensils and other materials and equipment are the things also

can be seen like chairs, tables, spoons and forks, glasses or cups, rice

cooker, ceiling and electric fans and so on and so forth. Normally, there

are about 30-50 chairs, 5-10 tables, 20-30 pieces of spoons and forks,

10-20 glasses or cups and 1-3 rice cookers with matching 1 steamer

and many more. Lastly, there are about 2 trash cans inside the

canteen, and outside that there is one faucet near on it.

II. Tools and Techniques Used

A. Solution Generated

There are different processes/solutions to improve the customer

care and to solve the problem of the cafeteria.

We know that cafeteria has a limited space but by proper

arrangement of tables and chairs that will give an enough space for

more epuipments.
Putting a signage BAWAL MAG-ISTAMBAY so that no students

are staying in cafeteria especially during lunch time to have more

The customer must fall in line every time they buy and pay their

bills to have a organize service

Having a self-service especially after they eat the customer must

put their used utensils and plates in the proper area.

The cafeteria must also have a good and clean ambiance.
But the most important process is that cafeteria must know the

insights of their customers. So they can continually improve there

That are just some of the processes they can to improve their

service and solve the cafeterias problem. Other things, they can

observe, do, improve or change the other processes as the time goes


B. Feasibility Analysis (Cost-Benefited)

This is the more important part in fulfilling the project, without

this, the project will not go through and this will affect the fulfillment of

the project. Lacking of budget has a big impact in fulfilling of a project,

this can limit the performance of the project. Which 100,000 pesos

may complete the project. This restrict group to use materials that has

good quality and long lasting and push the project be finished at

specified amount.

III. Information System Requirements

Information System is part of all the projects done. But these are

sometimes not enough to fulfill the project. So lack of these can affect the

project, and the fulfillment of the project. But mostly, we used different

kind of Information System is the technologies to make the work easier. In

cafeteria, we can use different types of technologies such as appliances

for storing and processing foods and payments. We also use phones to

communicate with the suppliers and customers.

IV. Alternative Solutions and Feasibility Analysis

Some alternative solution and feasibility Analysis will discuss as the

time goes by. We cannot determined yet if what are other solutions if a

new problem doesnt exist yet.

V. Recommendation
Therefore, we must improve and develop more our system. We should

monitor every aspect of it as the time goes by. Putting in perspective that

we must always satisfy what our stakeholders wants and needs in able for

us to fulfill our assumptions. Risk doesnt matter as long as the return is

higher. We must face every risk to learned and to correct some mistakes

we encounter.

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