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a. Wikimedia Foundation cannot meet the criteria of an agile company, because wikimedia
is a non-profit organization and by definition an agile company has to make a profit.
b. Wikimedia is the ultimate virtual company since without the Internet the company would
not even exist. Hundreds of thousands of people volunteer with the foundation on-line
every day. Wikipedia depends on volunteers to create and edit original content under the
condition that contributors provide their work without copyright.
c. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to
encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual, knowledge.
On the main page written Imagine a world where every human being can freely share all
knowledge. That is our commitment.
Explicit knowledge is the whole purpose of Wikimedia and exploits that to an extreme.
Meeting that criteria alone make it one of the largest knowledge creating foundations in
the world. There is a tacit knowledge base in the company as well since the volunteers
who write the primary content for the foundation retain the know-how for research and
data entry.
d. I think Encyclopedia Britannica should provide free services as public fascination. might
be able to provide 20% to 40% free service and the rest remain as rent-seeking activities.
although not completely free, but it can add to visitors because of the Encyclopedia
Britannica has a sound scientific, editorial process, based on the fact, and well-written
article. so that the Encyclopedia Britannica could rise from the 2,858 th place.

Bayangkan sebuah dunia di mana setiap manusia dapat berbagi segala

pengetahuan dengan bebas. Itu adalah komitmen kami.

Read carefully the text below and answer the question at the end of text.

Competing against Free

Wikipedia Faces Down Encyclopedia Britannica
The record and movie industries are not the only industries
to find themselves affected by free access to
their products. Encyclopedia Britannica faces challenges
by a nonprofit competitor that provides its
services without charge or advertising, .
Wikipedia depends on volunteers to create and edit
original content under the condition that contributors
provide their work without copyright.
Who would work for free? During the creation of
the Oxford English Dictionary in the 19th century, the
editors solicited word articles and references from the
general public. In the 20th century, found
thousands of volunteers to monitor its chat rooms. coaxed more than 100,000 readers to
post book reviews on its retail Web site. Outdoing
them all in the 21st century, Wikipedia published its
one-millionth English language article in March 2006.
Wikipedia includes more than two million articles in
more than 200 languages, all created and edited by
more than one million users.
Can Wikipedia compete on quality? Wikipedia
provides its users both editing and monitoring tools,
which allows users to self-police. Wikipedia also uses
voluntary administrators who block vandals, temporarily
protect articles, and manage arbitration processes
when disputes arise. A paper published by Nature in
December 2005 evaluated 50 Wikipedia articles and
found an average of four factual errors per Wikipedia
article compared with an average of three errors per article
in the Encyclopedia Britannica. More significantly,
Wikipedians (as the volunteers call themselves) corrected
each error by January 2006. rated as the 17th most visited Web site on the
Internet, while came in 2,858th place
(Yahoo and Google ranked in the 1st and 2nd places).
Wikipedia has already built on its success. In addition
to offering foreign language encyclopedias, it also
provides a common media archive ( commons.wikimedia.
org ), a multilingual dictionary ( ),
and a news service ( ).
a. How does the Wikimedia Foundation meet the
criteria for an agile company?

b. How does the Wikimedia Foundation meet the

criteria for a virtual company?
c. How does the Wikimedia Foundation meet the
criteria for a knowledge-creating organization?
d. How would you recommend that Encyclopedia
Britannica adapt to this new threat? Show Less
Wikimedia Foundation cannot meet the criteria of an agile company. Wikimedia is a non-profit

organization and by definition an agile company has to make a profit. (Pg. 60)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->b. <!--[endif]--> Wikimedia is the ultimate virtual company since without

the Internet the company would not even exist. Hundreds of thousands of people volunteer with

the foundation on-line every day.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->c. <!--[endif]-->Well explicit knowledge (Pg. 64) is the whole purpose of

Wikimedia and exploits that to an extreme. Meeting that criteria alone make it one of the largest

knowledge creating foundations in the world. There is a tacit knowledge base in the company as

well since the volunteers who write the primary content for the foundation retain the know-how

for research and data entry.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->d. <!--[endif]-->I dont think Encyclopedia Britannica can or even needs to

adapt to this new threat. Encyclopedia Britannica invests is time and money into creating a

product that is inspected, accepted, and respected by the collegiate community as a source for

information, where as, Wikipedia may never get that kind of acceptance. How can any for-profit

business try to compete with a foundation that has millions of volunteers providing the bulk of its

product for free? It would be like Warner Brothers trying to compete with the video volume of


I think Encyclopedia Britannica should provide free services as public fascination. might be able to

provide 20% to 40% free service and the rest remain as rent-seeking activities. Although not

completely free, but it can add to visitors because of the Encyclopedia Britannica has a sound

scientific, editorial process, based on the fact, and well-written article. So that the Encyclopedia

Britannica could rise from the 2,858 th place.

Saya pikir Encyclopedia Britannica harus menyediakan layanan gratis sebagai daya
tarik publik. mungkin bisa memberikan 20% sampai 40% layanan gratis dan sisanya
tetap sebagai kegiatan mencari keuntungan. Meskipun tidak sepenuhnya bebas,
tetapi bisa menambah pengunjung karena Encyclopedia Britannica memiliki ilmiah,
proses editorial suara, berdasarkan fakta, dan artikel yang ditulis. Sehingga
Encyclopedia Britannica bisa naik dari tempat ke-2858

Baca dengan seksama teks di bawah ini dan menjawab pertanyaan di akhir teks.

Bersaing dengan Gratis

Wikipedia Wajah Bawah Encyclopedia Britannica
Rekor dan film industri bukan satu-satunya industri
untuk menemukan diri mereka dipengaruhi oleh akses gratis ke
produk mereka. Encyclopedia Britannica menghadapi tantangan
oleh pesaing nirlaba yang menyediakan nya
layanan tanpa biaya atau iklan,
Wikipedia tergantung pada relawan untuk membuat dan mengedit
konten asli di bawah kondisi yang kontributor
menyediakan pekerjaan mereka tanpa hak cipta.
Siapa yang akan bekerja secara gratis? Selama penciptaan
Oxford English Dictionary pada abad ke-19,
editor diminta artikel kata dan referensi dari
masyarakat umum. Pada abad ke-20, ditemukan
ribuan relawan untuk memantau nya chat room. membujuk lebih dari 100.000 pembaca untuk
posting resensi buku di situs Web ritel. outdoing
mereka semua di abad ke-21, Wikipedia diterbitkan nya
satu-juta artikel bahasa Inggris Maret 2006.
Wikipedia mencakup lebih dari dua juta artikel dalam
lebih dari 200 bahasa, semua dibuat dan diedit oleh
lebih dari satu juta pengguna.
Bisa Wikipedia bersaing pada kualitas? Wikipedia
menyediakan para penggunanya baik editing dan monitoring tools,
yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk diri polisi. Wikipedia juga menggunakan
administrator sukarela yang memblokir pengacau, sementara
melindungi artikel, dan mengelola proses arbitrase
ketika perselisihan muncul. Sebuah makalah yang diterbitkan oleh Alam di
Desember 2005 dievaluasi 50 Wikipedia artikel dan
menemukan rata-rata empat kesalahan faktual per Wikipedia
Artikel dibandingkan dengan rata-rata tiga kesalahan per artikel
dalam Encyclopedia Britannica. Lebih penting lagi,
Wikipediawan (sebagai relawan menyebut diri mereka) dikoreksi
setiap kesalahan pada Januari 2006 dinilai sebagai 17 situs web yang paling banyak dikunjungi di
Internet, sementara berada di posisi 2858
(Yahoo dan Google di peringkat 1 dan tempat-2).
Wikipedia telah dibangun di atas keberhasilannya. Selain itu
menawarkan ensiklopedi bahasa asing, juga
memberikan media umum arsip (commons.wikimedia.
org), kamus multibahasa (,
dan layanan berita (
a. Bagaimana Wikimedia Foundation memenuhi
kriteria untuk sebuah perusahaan tangkas?
b. Bagaimana Wikimedia Foundation memenuhi
kriteria untuk sebuah perusahaan virtual?
c. Bagaimana Wikimedia Foundation memenuhi
kriteria untuk sebuah organisasi pengetahuan menciptakan?
d. Bagaimana Anda akan merekomendasikan bahwa Encyclopedia
Britannica beradaptasi dengan ancaman baru ini? Tampilkan Kurang

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