Listening and Reading Set 1 Word

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June Thanatcha jantanapongpun

Gam Nichanan Suteeduangsamorn

Phrare Bhudharhita teanwun
Section 10-06 (SY 2014-2015)

Listening Comprehension questions:
1. Which family of mammals do meerkats belong to?
2. How do meerkats work together?
3. What can be concluded about meerkats immune system?

Question 1-10

Professor Tim Clutton-Brock spent more than a decade studying meerkat society in
the Kuruman River Reserve in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The study focused on the
evolution of cooperative behavior among these charismatic animals.
The meerkats in this study were accustomed to human beings, and as a result
Line Earthwatch volunteers were able to walk with the groups as they foraged and run with them
(5) when they fought with neighbouring groups, to accurately record data such as births, deaths,
pregnancies, and changes in dominance status. Volunteers also documented group
contributions made by individual members, such as babysitting, pup feeding, sentinel duty,
(10) and burrow renovation. Volunteers also worked with individual meerkats, which were trained
to climb onto top-pan balances (using boiled egg crumbs) to be weighed three times a day.
The Kuruman River Reserve is home to the meerkats of the television show Brock's
habituated family groups. Part of the income from this has been used to improve the living
conditions of families living on the reserve, including providing electricity and running water
to every house and education to their children.

source :

1. The word charismatic in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. small
B. fascinating
C. flexible
D. strange

2. The word them in line 5 refers to

A. Earthwatch volunteers
B. meerkats
C. neighbours
D. groups

3. Which of the following does the author mention about the income from the television
A. A part of the income improves the living conditions of families living in the
Kuruman River Reserve.
B. The income is used to feed baby meerkats.
C. Professor Clutton-Brock is gathering money to renovate meerkats burrow.
D. A part of the income is to save the Kuruman River Reserve from meerkats.
4. The word foraged in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. search for food
B. search for new habitat
C. search for enemies
D. search for mates

5. It can be inferred from the passage that meerkats are like humans when
A. they look for mate
B. they look for a fight
C. they have their roles in the group
D. they take care of their family

6. The word sentinel in line 10 is closest in meaning to

A. guard
B. hunt
C. babysit
D. attack

7. What exactly does Professor Tim Clutton-Brock intend to study about meerkats?
A. how they form a family
B. how they cooperate as a group
C. how they weigh
D. how they defend themselves hunters

8. The word contributions in line 7 refers to

A. knowledge
B. work
C. donations
D. skills

9. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Earthwatch volunteers monitors group and individual meerkats
B. Professor Clutton-Brock owns a TV show that features meerkats behavior
C. The Kuruman River Reserve is located in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa
D. Meerkats in the reserve are regularly weighed by the volunteers

10. Which of the following statements does the passage support?

A. The television show called Meerkat Reserve captures the behavior of meerkats that
live in the Kuruman River Reserve.
B. Meerkats use most of the time building their habitat which causes the villagers to have
less income.
C. Professor Tim Clutton-Brock studies meerkats behavior for a long time
D. The Kuruman River Reserved is where thousands of meerkats came from
Listening Comprehension questions:
1. What is the talk all about?
2. What is the ale made from?
3. How did the man describe the taste of the ale?

Question 11-20

Scottish ales have four major categories. The three traditional scotch ales are
distinguished primarily by strength and bitterness: original gravity for 60/- light is in the
range 1.030-1.035, for 70/- heavy it is 1.035-1.040 and 80/- export comes in at 1.040-1.054.
Line Strong scotch wee heavy ales have very high gravities in the 1.070-1.130 range. Bitterness
(5) is low with about 10-15 IBUs for light and ramping up to 15-30 IBUs for the export
version. Even the strong ales has hop aroma or flavor. Scotch ales have an amber to light
brown colour. All have a target colour in the 9-17 SRM range, though the strong ale may be
darker (up to 25 SRM) due to the large amount of malt added.
Formulations for scotch ales vary, but they all start with a pale malt or pale extract
(10) base, generally making up about 70-80% of the grain bill. Crystal malt is used bill. Black or
roast malt provide colour and character in the 2% range, though most purists prefer roast malt
over black malt.
Interestingly almost all commercial examples use either wheat malt or sugar in the 5-
10% range, though sugar is rarely added to home-brewed versions. Other commonly added
home-brew grains in small amounts include chocolate malt, Cara Pils for body, Munich and
amber malts though these are not commonly added to commercial browns.


11. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. There are many categories and formulations of Scottish ale
B. The brewing of Scottish Ale depends on the ingredients used
C. The taste of Scottish Ale is interesting
D. The characteristic of Scottish Ale depends on its color

12. The word ales in line 1 refers to?

A. drinking water
B. alcohol beverage
C. malt ingredient
D. barrel container

13. What make ales darker?

A. type of charcoal
B. amount of malt
C. amount of water
D. type of sugar

14. It can be inferred that the color (hue) of amber compared to light brownis
A. lighter
B. stronger
C. darker
D. the same color (hue)

15. The word they in line 10 refers to

A. ales
B. formulations
C. malt
D. grain

16. The word home-brewed in line 12 is closest meaning to?

A. The brewing of beer on a large scale for a large family.
B. The brewing of beer on a large scale for putting it on sale
C. The brewing of beer on a small scale for personal, non-commercial purposes
D. The brewing of beer on a very large scale free for community

17. It can be inferred that home-brewed ales are

A. tastier than commercial ones
B. stronger than commercial ones
C. healthier than commercial ones
D. more bitter than commercial ones

18. What does IBUs measure?

A. volume
B. sugar
C. bitterness
D. color

19. How do traditional scotch ales differentiated?

A. price and popularity
B. Brewing method and ingredients
C. formulations and sweetness
D. strength and bitterness

20. Which of the following statement is true about the passage?

A. An important ingredient in making ales is malt
B. Scottish Ales are bitter
C. Wheat malt is perfect for home-brewed ales
D. The aroma of an ale depends on its strength

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