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Colonialism (is) awesome or awful?

Two hundred years ago, every country in Southeast Asia except Thailand had
been colonized by Western countries. The past that each countries had been
colonized or havent been colonized led them to who they are today. This essay will
compare three difference countries in Southeast Asia: Brunei, Cambodia and
Thailand on three main themes which are economic, political structure and culture.

Before we go directly to our theme, these three countries had experienced

difference way of imperialism and colonization. To give you more clear
understanding on what happen to each countries, this is their background. Brunei or
Negara Brunei Darussalam which mean place of peace is a small, rich and sultanate
country on the northwest coast of Borneo. Their early history is not well know but in
1511 Brunei achieved all coastal area of Borneo and southwest of Philippines.
During the colonization era, Brunei signed a treaty of commerce with Great Britain.
British recognized their control over Sarawak. In 1888, the treaty made Brunei a
colony of them. Then oil was discovered in Seria (town in Brunei) which is the most
important goods from that time to now. After WWII Brunei got immediate
independence and democracy where introduced. A Bruneian Peoples Party was
formed in 1956. Cambodia or Khmer Empire has genuinely long history since 3 rd
centuries. Cambodia is one of the most civilized countries in Southeast Asia until
16th century which they fell under Thai control. They sought the protection of France
from Thai rule. Thai king at that time is Rama V signed treaty with France to
exchange Battambang and Siem Reap for abnegated of Cambodia colony. Cambodia
was protectorate of France from 1867 to 1953. Under the France rule economic
development appeared in Cambodia. In 1953, France gave full independent back to
Cambodia because of two reasons. First, King Narodom Sihanouk made a high-
stakes gamble on independence or dismissed with good strategy and good fortune
that France had deteriorating military situation in Indochina at that time. This
reasons forced France to give Cambodia Independence. Thailand or Siam, the center
of the Indochinese peninsula in Mainland Southeast Asia had truly long history as
Cambodia. Thailand is the one and only country in Southeast Asia that havent been
colonized by Western country but they still experienced some imperialism. In king
Rama III - V Era, Thailand experience more than 10 times of western country that
want to take control and get benefit from us. Strategy that we used is to give
western countries what they want and give minority territory and protect the
majority land. England and France both wanted to colonized Thailand but they afraid
and dont want to fight each other. So, Thailand had been used as buffer state. Also,
King Rama V was very talented in balanced power. He went to visited and be very
close friends with Russia king which made England and France obligated and dont
want to have problem with Russia.

From the different background in colonized Period, it effects who each country
are today. When we compare political structure of these three countries we can see
that every country is monarchy but different in government from. While Brunei is
Unitary Islamic absolute monarchy, Cambodia is unitary parliamentary Constitution
Monarchy and Thailand is Constitutional monarchy which is now under military
junta. Even we are all monarchy but the role that monarchy had are totally different.
Cambodia Monarch is just a symbol of the country but dont have any power to rule
the country any more. Conversely, Brunei monarch is absolute monarchy. The sultan
of Brunei is the head of state and also head of government too. Thailand is in the
middle of these two countries. Our king is not only the symbol of our country but he
also had a power to appoint people of the government. If the prime minister didnt
get appoint by him. They cant work. Because Thailand hasnt been colonized by
western country our monarchs still have the power and Democracy was introduced
by the King Rama VII. Thai people really respect our monarch because they always
help Thai people to get the best we can. On the other hand, When France colonized
Cambodia, They force Cambodia king to control only the rule and after they give
back independence democracy was introduced. While Cambodia king was force to
be only a symbol, Brunei Sultan had very strong power to rule the country in
absolute. Politics stability is one of the important factors that economics depends
on. When I read through the research I noticed that Cambodia and Brunei politics is
really stable. Hun Sen, prime minister of Cambodia are in office since 1998 and

Therere always good sides and bad sides of everything same as colonization.
Education, one of obvious difference, Brunei and cambodia are now in higher
education rank than Thailand. When france and britain came in they developed and
change there education system. Also, these two country english is really good even
cambodia didnt use it as national languague. Brunian and cambodian are tougher
than Thai people because the condition of war and impoverishment in there country
make them fight harder. Thai people never have to fight that hard. We always said it
all right to everything. This make our country develop slower than other two. France
and Great britain also organize many system for Brunei and Cambodia. Forexample,
government and infrastructure had been develop and build to the latest technology
a that time. They learn how western people think and work. On the other side,
Thailand had to adapted ourself to be modern. So, western country cant said we
werent modernlized but it just the outside that change. Inside our country the
system still unorganize and reveal.
Reference Resources :
IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO). (2015, October 1). Retrieved November 12,
2015, from
Cotterell, A. (2014). 11 Independence: The mainland nation states. In A history of
Southeast Asia (pp. 332-340). Singapore: Marshel Cavendish international.

Volodzko, D. (2015, February 5). Was Colonialism Good for Asia? Retrieved November
22, 2015, from

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