TJ Rohleder - The Lazy Web Wealth Content System PDF

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The Lazy Web Wealth

Content System

Table Of Contents

Tape # 1 & # 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Tape # 3 & # 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Tape # 5 & # 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

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The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System i
TAPES 1& 2
THE LAZY WEB WEALTH _________________
CONTENT SYSTEM _________________
Hello and thank you for investing in this exciting new Lazy _________________
Web Wealth Content System. This is going to be an excit-
ing program. Were going to give you dozens of powerful
and proven ways that you can make huge profits on the _________________
Internet by selling specialized content to hundreds or even _________________
thousands of web site owners. There are millions of web
site owners all over the world and each one of them has a
desperate need for specialized content. Were going to _________________
show you how to produce and sell this content and poten- _________________
tially make a fortune. Youre going to discover how it is pos-
sible to earn massive profits of up to $100,000.00 a year or
much much more with all of the proven tips, tricks, and _________________
strategies on this program. _________________
This program is being produced by seven different compa- _________________
nies and all of us are working directly with customers and _________________
clients who are interested in making huge profits on the _________________
Internet. Were producing this program to show our cus-
tomers and clients all of the cutting edge ways that they _________________
can stay home and use the powerful methods in this Lazy _________________
Web Wealth Content System and potentially make a for- _________________
tune on the Internet. So, in alphabetical order here are the
seven individuals who are producing this program for you. _________________
Im going to quickly introduce them to you and then give _________________
you a chance to hear from each one. _________________
First, is Alan R. Bechtold of B.B.S. Press Service in _________________
Topeka, Kansas. Second is Don Bice of the Direct Market- _________________
ing Training Center in Glendale, California. Third is Ted
Ciuba of Parthenon Marketing of Nashville, Tennessee.
Fourth is Jeff Gardner of Success Achievement in Carls- _________________
bad, New Mexico. Fifth is Russ von Hoelscher of Publish- _________________
ers Media and The Hoelscher Marketing Group in El
Cajon, California. Sixth is Chris Lakey of Midwest Publish-
ing in Newton, Kansas. And seventh is myself. My name is

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 1
NOTES T. J. Rohleder. I am the marketing director for M.O.R.E.,
Inc. in Goessel, Kansas.
_________________ Now, all seven of us are experts in using little known mar-
_________________ keting techniques to turn small sums of money into for-
_________________ tunes. For instance, collectively all of the people youll be
listening to on this program have brought in many tens of
_________________ millions of dollars by using the same type of tips, tricks, and
_________________ strategies that were going to give to you on this powerful
_________________ Lazy Web Wealth Content System. So lets begin.

_________________ Now, some of our listeners are not familiar with each one
_________________ of our panel. So why dont we just start this program by
introducing ourselves to the listeners and maybe giving a
_________________ little preview of what our listeners are going to hear on this
_________________ program. Starting with you, Alan, and then going in alpha-
_________________ betical order why dont you introduce yourself and tell the
listeners why youre so excited about this program.
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
Okay, T. J., I am Alan Bechtold. I am president and founder
_________________ of B.B.S. Press Service, Inc. and this is the most exciting
_________________ program I have ever participated in because this is what I
_________________ do and have done for a living ever since the first days I
opened the doors of my business. Ive always been a pub-
_________________ lisher and distributor of information and text. I formed
_________________ B.B.S. Press Service in 1984 because I saw a growing
_________________ industry in the computer bulleting board systems, which
were the predecessors to the current Internet boom. These
_________________ were systems that you had to dial up with your computer
_________________ and a modem individually to get information, news, chat,
_________________ and e-mail. Just like the same stuff you get off the web
today but you had to dial each system individually and pay
_________________ long distance charges usually, unless you had a local sys-
_________________ tem. There were thousands of local systems.
_________________ I founded B.B.S. Press Service to syndicate news and
_________________ information to each of the operators of these systems
_________________ rather than to the individual users. I created a product that
I sold to the operators of the bulletin board systems and
_________________ they had syndication fashions. Just as news services syn-
_________________ dicate news and features to the newspapers, I saw that this
was a possible burgeoning market. I was able to make a
living doing this from day one. I continued doing it right up

The Lazy Web

2 Wealth Content System
through and including the birth and the growth of the com- NOTES & QUOTES
mercial Internet as we know it today. Today B.B.S. Press
Service now helps other people publish web sites, publish _________________
information, distribute news and what have you, and we
still publish and distribute some of our own news features _________________
and content which we make available to web site owners. _________________
We are now serving more than 10,000 web site owners on _________________
the world-wide web.
I want to point out another reason to be so excited about _________________
this program. In 1984 when I started this, I was looking at
a total market of probably three to maybe six thousand
local sysops, which is what they call the system operators _________________
of bulletin board systems. I had a total market of three to _________________
six thousand people to sell my products to. I was able to
make a living doing that. Writing my own news, gathering
news service information together, and putting together _________________
features that we sold to these operators. Also we then _________________
went out and found writers and people that wanted to dis-
tribute their information and made a profit selling their infor-
mation to these same people. We set up our own, basi- _________________
cally, syndicate. _________________
Today, as we record this, there are nearly one million own- _________________
ers of domain names in the United States alone. I dont _________________
even want to go world-wide. I mean, just figure world-wide _________________
is ten times that! These one million domain owners all are
at least usually one web site. Many of them may have 10, _________________
15, 20, 30, or 100 web sites under that domain as sub- _________________
sites. Therefore, current estimates indicate there are _________________
nearly 25,000,000 web sites on the Internet. What we are
here to show you today is how exactly to do what I have _________________
been doing for a living for 17 years now, and started with _________________
an audience of a complete market of three to six thousand _________________
people. Now, youve got a market of 25,000,000 and thats
estimated to double in the next five years. This is phenom- _________________
enal! Don? _________________
Wow, Alan. Thanks! Thats quite a market size! _________________
My name is Don Bice and I am with the Direct Marketing _________________
Training Center in Glendale, California. You can find me on
the web at My training center helps

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 3
NOTES people find and develop products of their own and helps
them discover ways to sell by mail order and over the Inter-
net. Ive been involved with promotions and marketing for
_________________ a little over 23 years and I have sold millions of dollars
_________________ worth of ideas to companies of all sizes. I focus my busi-
_________________ ness, primarily, on creating for corporations ranging from
small high-tech start up companies to large major corpora-
_________________ tions like Disney, Arco, and Universal Studios. I have
_________________ always dabbled in direct marketing and mail order promo-
_________________ tions, but ever since I got involved in the Internet Ive
devoted my time exclusively to mail order and Internet
_________________ sales. I find them both exciting and the Internet sales is
_________________ really just an adaptation of the same basic mail order skills.
I am excited about todays session because for most of us
_________________ we never take a close look at selling to those who are in
_________________ the business of being on the net. I mean, most of us have
_________________ focused on the surfers as our customers. I know Ive done
exactly that. When you start looking at the number of web
_________________ sites out there, and the majority of the newer sites at this
_________________ time are not just big corporations. Theyre medium sized to
_________________ small sized companies and entrepreneurs. These people
need information, and they need help, and they need sup-
_________________ port. When you look at that potential, this program makes
_________________ a great deal of sense. That is, selling to other web site
_________________ owners. Im really looking forward to this one! Im excited
about hearing the ideas that other people have! I think this
_________________ one is going to be a real eye opener! I think we are all
_________________ going to learn a lot by sharing!
_________________ Ted, how about you?
_________________ TED CIUBA
_________________ All right, Don. Thank so much. Boy, I couldnt agree more
_________________ wholeheartedly with you.
_________________ Welcome, listeners, to The Lazy Web Wealth Content Sys-
_________________ tem. My name is Ted Ciuba with Parthenon Marketing out
_________________ of Nashville, Tennessee. I happen to be a marketing con-
sultant so I am going to talk dramatically about marketing
_________________ consulting. I am also the author of Mail and Grow Rich
_________________ and you can find our web site at

I tell you what, I am so excited about this aspect. It is a

The Lazy Web

4 Wealth Content System
unique approach on the Internet and what were doing is NOTES & QUOTES
were really taking ourselves and speaking of ourselves as
marketing consultants, where our business is not coming _________________
from the end server such as you would, the retail buyer.
We are approaching business owners, and web site own- _________________
ers. As Don said, there are 25,000,000 of those people _________________
today. Excuse me, weve got a lot of opportunity here! And _________________
this is only the beginning!
Ive been on the web since 1994 and Ive seen it just grow- _________________
ing like all the estimates that you hear. It is really happen-
ing! Yet, while it is still happening, were still in the very
beginning stages. Ive heard some statistics recently that _________________
say that now the web accounts for 1% of all direct _________________
response marketing business. It is projected to be up to
30% in two years. Theyre talking about having a forty-fold
increase in the number of web sites by the year 2002, _________________
which is two years from now! Its incredible what it is doing! _________________
So, were here in the new medium. We are here in the _________________
beginning of a mass movement and, not only a mass _________________
movement of purchases being made, but a mass move- _________________
ment of people getting on the Internet as business owners.
All of these owners, every single one of them, must have _________________
something to attract the visitor, must have something to _________________
sell the visitor. Two of the greatest and easiest claims of _________________
information providers is to approach people and offer them
some kind of copy, some kind of marketing program that _________________
attracts people, that keeps people there, that converts _________________
them into buyers, and theyve got to have products to sell. _________________
Information products, of course, would appear to be the
coin of the realm in the information medium. Its fact, of _________________
course, a lot of people today...and its more and more _________________
every moment, are maneuvering their products over the _________________
Internet. There are no hard information products any more.
Basically, I just think of it as when we put on our consul- _________________
tants hat and recognize that the business owner is our
customer, and that their biggest concern and their biggest
desire, is to sell more, to more people, more often. Our job _________________
is to provide them with any of those things that will help _________________
them sell more, to more people, more often, make higher
conversion rates, and have products that attract people.
Basically, I am going to talk about coming from a consul-
tants role throughout this program and if per chance I

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 5
NOTES stress it more than others, its mainly because I use that as
one of the titles that I operate my business by. But every-
one of us are talking about marketing consulting and it is
_________________ real.
_________________ The industry is a giant! Providing information and content
to others to help them be successful is tremendous! One of
_________________ the best things about it is youre not limited to your own
_________________ site. You think, I can get 100% of the profit out of my own
_________________ site. Well maybe so, but we all know that 100% of the
profit is going to be anywhere from an extremely liberal
_________________ 50% of the growth down to maybe 1% of the growth. Or,
_________________ you can work with somebody and get paid a percentage of
_________________ the income. You can work with 100 people and youre mak-
ing three times the money you can make on your own, plus
_________________ you have diversification! So, the opportunities are unlim-
_________________ ited!
_________________ With that, I would like to turn it over to you, Jeff Gardner.
_________________ JEFF GARDNER
_________________ Great! Thank you very much. My name is Jeff Gardner. I
_________________ am the owner of Success Achievement Publishing out of
_________________ Carlsbad, New Mexico. I really got my start in the mail
order business with free advertising and that is really my
_________________ claim to fame. My little 15 minutes of fame there!
I want to really stress something that T. J. brought up. We
_________________ introduce ourselves and talk about our experience and it is
_________________ true that the experts on this panel have been responsible
_________________ for tens of millions of dollars worth of sales. That is so
important when you get any program like this, especially
_________________ an Internet program. Because you want people who have
_________________ actually done something, who have produced profits.
_________________ Because if your goal is to produce profits, you want to learn
from people who have done that exact thing. When I taught
_________________ people about free advertising, its not that I just read about
_________________ it somewhere and am passing it on. I had actually sat
_________________ down, used the techniques, literally created hundreds of
thousands of dollars with free advertising, and then I
_________________ started teaching people instead of doing it the other way
_________________ around.

Right now, there are people out there...there is a very hot

The Lazy Web

6 Wealth Content System
selling book on marketing on the Internet that was created NOTES & QUOTES
by someone who really has never made that much money
on the Internet. But, it is one of the top selling books on _________________
Internet success. It is laughable that they are so success-
ful, but the hunger out there for information on how to _________________
make money on the Internet is powerful. Youre really tak- _________________
ing a fantastic step because you have a product in your _________________
hands that not only is about the Internet but it is about the
Internet from a group of people who are responsible for _________________
millions, and millions, and millions of dollars worth of sales. _________________
So I congratulate you for having the forethought to get _________________
such a great package.
One of the reasons I am so excited about this particular _________________
program is that you are giving people something that they
want, that they desperately need to make serious cash
profits on the Internet. Zig Ziegler, a great motivational _________________
speaker and if you havent heard of him, I would suggest _________________
running out right now and getting a copy of his book See
You At The Top. It is a fantastic motivational book! One
thing that he teaches everyone he comes in contact with is _________________
a simple thing. It is you who can get what you want by help- _________________
ing enough people get what they want. If you want
money...a lot of people focus on, How do I get money? I
want to focus on how I get rich! _________________
Well, the way you do that is you focus on helping other
people get what they want. And on this program were _________________
going to teach you exactly how to do that! There are tons _________________
of web masters and Alan brought up some great statistics, _________________
tons of web site owners out there who desperately want to
make money. To do that they need a lot of customers, a lot _________________
of prospects, coming to their site over and over again and _________________
making purchases. _________________
One of the best ways to do that is to have hot, original con- _________________
tent on your site that pulls people in again, and again, and _________________
again. So by you helping people get what they want, by
delivering that content to them, helping them make sales,
youre going to profit too. Well show you how to cash in on _________________
this fantastic audio cassette program! I am super-excited! I _________________
dont know if you can tell by the way I am talking, but I am
thrilled to be here! Excited to be here! Im looking forward
to figuring out some of the secrets and listening to some of
the secrets from the other speakers!!! And now I am going

The Lazy Web

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NOTES to turn it over to a master marketer, Mr. Russ von
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ Thank you very much, Jeff. Hello, I am Russ von
Hoelscher of the Hoelscher Marketing Group and Pub-
_________________ lishers Media. I have been involved in direct response
_________________ marketing for over 30 years. I have never seen anything
_________________ like the Internet for a way for the common man and woman
to make uncommon huge sums of money!
_________________ I learned a long time ago to make money in business today
you have to jump on a hot trend. I was among the first to
_________________ get involved in information marketing and self-publishing. I
_________________ made a lot of money in 900 numbers, and then came the
_________________ B.B.S.s, the old bulletin boards. Then, working with Eileen
and T. J., we put out some courses and we made a lot of
_________________ money with that. Then came the Internet, which overcame
_________________ the bulletin boards and pushed them aside. And now we
_________________ have the hottest trend ever! And this trend is not going to
go away. It is going to be around for a long, long time. I
_________________ firmly believe the Internet is where the future of marketing
_________________ is.
I think this is going to be one of the best programs you
_________________ could ever invest in because its about something that
_________________ everyone on the Internet needs. Millions and millions of
_________________ web sites, what do they need most? They need better
information and we can call that content. And so, this is
_________________ a program that is going to address that. Well show you
_________________ how to make a lot of money by providing web site owners
_________________ the one thing that they desperately need, that they
absolutely must have, and that is content!
_________________ So lets buckle our seat belts up and get ready for a great
program because this is the program that can make you
_________________ huge sums of money. Nobody is doing this very well, or at
_________________ least very few, but when this program is over youre going
_________________ to know how to provide content to millions of web sites.
And of course, you dont have to sell to millions of them. A
_________________ few hundred sales to a few hundred web sites will make
_________________ you a lot of money.

So now lets see what Chris Lakey has for us.

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8 Wealth Content System

Thanks, Russ. My name is Chris Lakey and I am the pres- _________________

ident and owner of Midwest Publishing. Ive been making
money in direct mail and on the Internet for over three _________________
years now. I really was there towards the beginning and _________________
watched the Internet evolve into the world-wide web and _________________
just the tremendous growth potential that it has and that it
continues to have. Every day I am more amazed by the _________________
way technology is advancing the Internet and the world- _________________
wide web, and what people are able to do on the Internet. _________________
In fact, every day as I read the newspaper and watch the _________________
Internet for articles, you just see story after story about _________________
people who just started with an idea. Take,
for example, the guy just wanted to sell some books out of
his garage and turned it into a multi-multi-million dollar _________________
empire in just a few short years. _________________
Another example is the couple of guys who started E-bay. _________________
One of them wanted to help his girlfriend sell Pez dis- _________________
pensers and within the first 12 months, I believe, they had _________________
made several hundred million dollars. It all starts with just
a simple idea, and the Internet is just making it so much _________________
easier for the average person to get rich. I am excited to be _________________
a part of it! _________________
This brings me to this program and the reason that this pro- _________________
gram in particular excites me, is because it is a product that _________________
everybody on the Internet needs. If you have a .com, or
anybody who has a .com out there, or a .net, or anybody
who has a domain name needs content for their web site. _________________
Through this program you are going to learn how to pro- _________________
vide that content to them. Youre going to hear lots of dif-
ferent ideas on lots of different types of content that you
can provide. The main theme is that you can provide con- _________________
tent for all these web sites, or any number of them, and you _________________
can make lots of money and endless amounts of cash, as
much as you really want or need, just by showing other
web sites how to get the content that they need. _________________
Now like I said, there are lots of different ways you can pro-
vide content to them. There are lots of different types of _________________
content you can offer. But the main theme here is that all
web sites need content and after you listen to this program,

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 9
NOTES youre going to know how to give them the content. You
may sit there right now and you may be thinking to your-
self, I dont have any content to give people. I dont know
_________________ what I could possibly give to web site owners that they
_________________ could use that would be valuable to them.
Thats what were going to show you. Were going to give
_________________ you lots of different tips and strategies that you can use
_________________ even if you have no idea what to possibly sell to web sites,
_________________ how to possibly give them content. Youre going to know
exactly how to get started and exactly what kind of content
_________________ these web site owners are starving for. Youll learn what
_________________ kind of content they will pay you huge cash profits for just
_________________ providing it for them.

_________________ So, I am really excited because as much as I feel I can

_________________ bring to the table, I know that the rest of our panel has a lot
more ideas to share. I am looking forward to taking lots of
_________________ notes. I hope youll grab a note pad, grab a pen, sit down,
_________________ and listen as we reveal our greatest web content system
_________________ secrets. So, thats all for me. Ill turn it over to you, T. J.
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ All right. Well thank you, Chris. Ive enjoyed what every-
body has had to say. My name is T. J. Rohleder and I am
_________________ the marketing director for a company called M.O.R.E., Inc.
_________________ and my wife, Eileen, runs the company. She is the presi-
_________________ dent and C.E.O. and I just focus all my time and effort on
the marketing. Eileen and I started back in 1988 with
_________________ $300.00. It was the last of the money we had. We were
_________________ broke. We were sending away for all kinds of money mak-
_________________ ing programs and desperately, frantically searching for a
way to make money. Well, we got into the mail order busi-
_________________ ness. We spent $300.00 on a small ad back in September
_________________ of 1988. That small ad, within no time, was bringing us
_________________ about $15,000 to $16,000 a month. Then, we met market-
ing expert, Russ von Hoelscher, and Russ went to work for
_________________ us. Russ was responsible for helping us turn our fifteen to
_________________ sixteen thousand dollar a month business into almost
_________________ $100,000.00 in sales within the first nine months.

_________________ One of the ways Russ did that, or at least a way he helped
us make the most profit, was by putting together special
content for our customer. And with Russs help, (and Ill

The Lazy Web

10 Wealth Content System
make this more clear as we go along in this program of NOTES & QUOTES
exactly how he did it) we put together 27 different content
type products within a very short period of time and we _________________
ended up selling millions of copies of those to our cus-
tomers. We have built a huge business because of this _________________
large demand that is out there that people have for content. _________________
People need products to sell. They need special informa- _________________
tion. They need sales material. And that has helped us
make a fortune! _________________
Alan R. Bechtold came along in 1994 and started working
with us, helping us and our clients and customers get on _________________
the computer bulletin boards. And, again, we made mil- _________________
lions of dollars selling special web sites to our customers, _________________
putting everything together for them. All of the content was
put together with Alans help, of course, as our partner. _________________
There is such a growing demand, the profits are incredible! _________________
This is a very fun and creative kind of way to make money.
Thats what Eileen and I enjoy the most. Its not just the fact _________________
that the profits are so huge! It is the fact that you are really _________________
helping people by providing content to them and it is very _________________
fun, rewarding, creative work. But, you know, the most
exciting thing is the fact that now, thanks to the Internet, _________________
the demand that first made Eileen and I over ten million in _________________
our very first four years of business, that demand is so _________________
much more powerful now that it is not even funny! The
Internet has just opened the floodgates and now there are _________________
millions and millions of people that are scrambling online _________________
and each and everyone of those people need content. _________________
They need it! They dont just want it. They want it and they
need it! _________________
So this is a powerful way to get rich in the future. This is a
powerful way that is going to continue to grow and its the _________________
demand that is fueling it. Hundreds of millions of people will _________________
eventually be on the Internet. And I am talking about hun- _________________
dreds of millions of people, and all of them are looking for
this very specialized content that you can help provide to _________________
the web site owners. So, I would now like to open this up _________________
to a discussion. Weve got about 18 minutes to go here. _________________
Russ, I would like to throw it out to you because you were _________________
the one who first taught us the secret of getting rich by sup-
plying special information to other people. I would like to

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NOTES hear from you on maybe what the number one thing is, (I
hate to put you on the spot like this) but what is the num-
ber one thing that you see that stops other people. When
_________________ you first taught this to Eileen and I back in 1989 when we
_________________ first met you, we just soaked it up like a sponge. But why
_________________ havent other people you have tried to teach this to pick up
on it and cashed in?
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
Well, T. J., I think one of the major problems is getting
_________________ started. Ive said this before, and Ill say it again today. Get-
_________________ ting started, to me, is getting half the job done. But so
_________________ many people believe they have to have everything in
place. They have to have their technical tools. They have
_________________ to have their computer and the right kind of software. They
_________________ have to have their office set up in a certain way. They have
_________________ to do all these different things that really by themselves will
not make them a lot of money. They never have things just
_________________ right to get started immediately! So they are always think-
_________________ ing of things they have to learn, things they have to do, and
_________________ stuff they have to own before they can get started.

_________________ The successful people in the business, like yourself and

_________________ Eileen and the rest of our panel, we know were never
going to have it all right. Were never going to reach nir-
_________________ vana. Were never going to have it perfect, so we just start!
_________________ We start with the tools we have. We start with the ideas we
_________________ have. We grasp upon some expert advice, do some
research, but then we start! And we learn as we earn! And
_________________ if people can get that message through, that you learn as
_________________ you earn, rather than try to learn everything first before you
_________________ earn youll be a mile ahead of the competition. Because
most people want to have everything in place, everything
_________________ right, before the start. And guess what, my friend? It will
_________________ never happen! You will never have it perfect! There is
_________________ never a perfect way to start except to get started now and
then learn as you earn! You will be surprised at how smart
_________________ youll get, quick, once you just get into the race.
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Well, you know what I heard? I heard that for a lot of peo-
ple who are looking for ways to make money, the perfect
time to get started was several years ago or for some folks

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12 Wealth Content System
several decades ago. But the next best time to get started NOTES & QUOTES
is now!
Right. The best time to start was yesterday, or last year, but _________________
you didnt do it so the best time to start is today!
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Right. And, Jeff Gardner, I know you work with a lot of
clients. And I would like to hear from some of our other _________________
panel about what Russ is talking about and share some of _________________
your secrets maybe on how you encourage people to get _________________
off to a good powerful start.
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Well, basically, one of the things I do and Russ makes a
fantastic point because people too often want to do all the _________________
busy work. In some cases I think it is an excuse not to fail _________________
because they figure, Well, if I do the busy work and get
prepared, Ill do everything perfectly. Sooner or later times
goes by and they just run out of time to try anything. Its _________________
kind of a safety net for them. _________________
The thing to do, just like Russ said, is get out there and _________________
take action because action builds upon action. If you study _________________
almost any recently Ive been looking at how to _________________
draw cartoons and also, how to take pictures, and a whole
bunch of different hobbies for a product I am looking at cre- _________________
ating. One of the things that Ive found in every single _________________
book, in all these different trades, all these different hob- _________________
bies, is that the way they tell you to get better is just by
doing it. These books can only teach you so much and _________________
they say the biggest secret is just start doing it. Youre not _________________
going to be perfect, its not going to be fantastic when you _________________
get started, and you might even fall on your face a couple
times, but the real key to success whether its in raising fer- _________________
rets or in making money, the key to success is always tak- _________________
ing that first step, taking the second step, and the next _________________
three hundred steps and just continue stepping forward
until you reach your ultimate outcome and your ultimate _________________

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NOTES Russ, I think thats really the key point.

_________________ Well, another thing that you said, Jeff, that I think is impor-
_________________ tant to point out and to reiterate is that I think a lot of times
people feel if they are doing the busy work then somehow
_________________ in their mind it justifies the fact that they havent gotten
_________________ started. Because theyre doing the stuff that they need to
_________________ do to get ready to start and so in their mind, when they talk
to people, they can say, Well, yeah, Im getting ready to
_________________ start my business. Im getting ready to start my venture and
_________________ start making money. But, of course, all getting ready does
_________________ is it ends up making you spend money. Until you actually
get out there and do something youre never going to see
_________________ the results of your starting your business. Those people I
_________________ think a lot of times are just more concerned about the
_________________ impression that theyre getting ready to start and that they
are actually doing something rather than just sitting there
_________________ doing nothing. So by doing the busy work it makes them
_________________ feel better about themselves.
_________________ And getting ready is generally doing the work that you
already are comfortable in doing. Getting ready or doing
_________________ the things that you already know how to do, the things that
_________________ you like to do. If someone is artistically inclined, they spend
_________________ all their time designing their letterhead, their business
cards and brochures, instead of working on their offer
_________________ because maybe they dont know how to construct a strong
_________________ offer but they do know how to do good business cards.
So in doing what they already know how to do, in effect
_________________ youre postponing the risk. And I think thats what happens
_________________ is that I can stay very busy creating and starting my busi-
_________________ ness, but I am postponing the risk factor. I am delaying the
opportunity to fail. I think what you have to remember is
_________________ that failure is a label. You get to attach that label or not
_________________ attach that label to your activities.
_________________ As someone on this panel has said before that what we
_________________ have is outcomes. That outcome can be a learning experi-
ence or you could label it as a failure. Most of us had out-
comes rather than failures when we stayed in the busi-

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14 Wealth Content System
ness. In other words, we take actions and then they either NOTES & QUOTES
produce the results we anticipate or they dont. If they pro-
duced more than we anticipated, we learn something. If _________________
they produce less than we anticipated, we learn something
too. So, each time is feedback. Its growth. Its more infor- _________________
mation which we then turn around and use on the next _________________
step. So not taking action is delaying that risk. But, it is also _________________
delaying the chance to learn and the chance to profit.
JEFF GARDNER _________________
I have heard the analogy before and I think its a good one
that if you compare business to an airplane that takes off _________________
from England to New York and you could draw a straight _________________
line between the two cities, then you could say that it takes
off from Point A and it gets to Point B and it goes straight
there, but that is totally untrue. The fact is, that airplane _________________
makes a lot of minor adjustments that even people on the _________________
plane certainly arent even going to feel. That plane is
always adjusting its course just a little bit here and a little
bit there, and finally it reaches its destination. _________________
I think thats a good analogy here, too. You are always
going to be in a state of change. Youre always going to be _________________
tweaking this or tweaking that, changing the plan, and ulti- _________________
mately we never reach our goal because we always have _________________
new goals and new places we want to be. Whether it is
financially, or with out family situation, or whatever, were _________________
always in a constant state of change. If we always remem- _________________
ber that we are going to constantly be changing and that _________________
were always going to be tweaking our plan, then it makes
it a little easier to get started because you do know that you _________________
always have that chance to correct yourself through those _________________
minor adjustments along the way. _________________
DON BICE _________________
I think I read that the plane is off-course 50% of the time.
Fifty percent of the time during the trip, the plane is actu-
ally off-course and making a correction. Imagine if the pilot _________________
came on the speaker system every time and said, Oh, my _________________
God! Were off-course! Oh, my God! Were off-course!
What an unpleasant journey that would be! So if you label
everything as, Oh, my God! I made a mistake! youre
going to be just as unpleasant. If you say, Whoa, look

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NOTES what I just learned! and make the correction, then every-
thing works out fine.
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ You know, this reminds me of a true story just a couple
years ago. A guy in Chicago got in touch with me and he
_________________ was going to sell information by mail and on the Internet.
_________________ He had some pretty good things he wanted to sell, but he
_________________ said, I cant start until I get set up. I said, Well, you really
should start. When he called me back several months
_________________ later, he rented an office space in the Chicago Tribune
_________________ building, a beautiful office! I think it must have cost him
_________________ about $3,000.00 a month. He hired a couple of girls, and
he put in a complete computer system. He got all the hard-
_________________ ware and software he needed. He then spent $50,000.00
_________________ and then he called me back and said, Now what do I do?
_________________ Ive got everything I need but I dont know what to do!
Well, he shouldnt have spent his $50,000.00 so foolishly!
_________________ He should have spent it on marketing more so than the
_________________ hardware, the software, and all the other bells and whis-
_________________ tles. It just shows you that some people will go to great
lengths to get everything in place, but then they dont know
_________________ where to go from there.
_________________ JEFF GARDNER
_________________ I just have to jump in here quickly because Russ, you bring
_________________ up a great point. A lot of people that listen to this are going
to say, Well, I spent some money on this program and I
_________________ really dont have a lot of money now to spend on doing A,
_________________ B, C, or D. I honestly think, in my experience, and from
_________________ talking to people that have started in their own business,
that having a lot of money can almost be a handicap.
_________________ Because like your story, Russ, I talked to a gentleman that
_________________ was going to set up his own business and he called me up
a couple months later and said, Okay, weve laid the foun-
_________________ dation for my office. Now weve got the contractor out
_________________ here. Every couple of months he would tell me they were
_________________ putting in the pipes, theyre putting in the phone lines. He
spent tens of thousands of dollars building an office a cou-
_________________ ple feet from his backyard. Then, all of a sudden he was
ready to get started in business, whereas people who may
only have a couple hundred dollars or even less, find ways

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16 Wealth Content System
to get started. They make smarter decisions because they NOTES & QUOTES
know they cant spend a lot of money doing things frivo-
lously so they think smarter and their money works harder _________________
for them.
If you dont have a lot of money coming into this dont worry _________________
about it. Because I honestly believe that having a ton of
money to throw at this opportunity might be a handicap.
Think smarter and use the money that you have right now _________________
more wisely. _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Thats a good point, Jeff. I know Ted wanted to say some- _________________
thing here.
TED CIUBA _________________
Yes. And it ties right into what Jeff was saying. Basically,
we know when it is time to do something, all of us on the _________________
panel, and really the listeners who have bought the pro- _________________
gram because they are doing something. We know that a
wish (everybody wants to get rich) changes nothing! A
decision changes everything! At that point when you make _________________
a decision to get rich on the Internet, or it could be anything _________________
but were talking about getting rich on the Internet, then
you have a method. That is to gather the knowledge that
you can, as quickly as you can, and put it into action with _________________
flexibility. And it is really that simple! _________________
Tony Robbins talks about having a desire and so if we _________________
need the desire, we need to add it up and think about the _________________
horrible future that will happen if we dont follow through on _________________
our goals and ambitions. Then, think about all the great
things that will happen and then realize that were going to _________________
all have errors, mistakes, and adventures and just keep _________________
going! _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Well, good point! For the listener that is going, Why are
you guys talking about all this motivational stuff? Ive got
to say that a lot of success is how you are able to motivate _________________
yourself. A lot of it boils down to your mental attitude! Yes,
there are specific techniques, and by the time youre done

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NOTES with this program youre going to have dozens and dozens
of proven techniques. Unless you get out there and moti-
vate yourself and use some of these suggestions that the
_________________ panel is talking about, youre never going to experience the
_________________ success that you deserve.
_________________ What youll have is a bag full of techniques that goes
_________________ unused and that means theyre worthless techniques.
These are valuable techniques if put to work! And made
_________________ even more valuable by how you apply them!
I just wanted to stress, too, that I am sure everybody on
_________________ this panel agrees that most successful people failed their
_________________ way to success. It is what you do with that failure that is
_________________ important! The way I look at it is if I hadnt gone ahead and
failed as many times as I had and did not give up when I
_________________ did, I wouldnt be where I am today. If you sit there afraid
_________________ of failure, instead of embracing it and realizing youre going
_________________ to make some mistakes, you wont go out and start doing
it and youll never get anywhere.
_________________ DON BICE
Well, in the area that were talking about on these tapes
_________________ and selling content, we have to remember its a wide open
_________________ area. I mean, there are not a lot of people out there selling
_________________ content for web sites. I have several web sites and have
been on the Internet for some time and I have yet to be
_________________ approached by a single offer selling me any kind of content
_________________ for my web site. So were talking about taking steps in an
_________________ area that is absolutely wide open. It doesnt require a lot of
money to get started and the opportunity is overwhelming!
_________________ I think on these tapes you are going to learn a lot of ideas
_________________ that can be implemented easily and inexpensively. But this
_________________ is a new area to look at!

_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
Jeff Gardner?
_________________ JEFF GARDNER
Well, you know Ive always got something to throw in here.

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18 Wealth Content System
I just wanted to say that Alan made a great point about you NOTES & QUOTES
need to realize at the beginning that youre going to fail. A
lot of people start and they say, I want to make a million _________________
dollars. I am going to tiptoe across the mine field and I
hope I dont make a mistake! But if you sit back before you _________________
start and you say, Look, I am going to make mistakes and _________________
theyre not going to kill me! They are not going to be life _________________
threatening and I know I am going to make them. I dont
know how many I am going to make, it might be a dozen _________________
or it might be twenty dozen, but I know Im going to make _________________
them. Then you can have fun! Then the stress is gone _________________
because you realize thats a part of the process. You dont
worry about making them because you know you are going _________________
to make them. _________________
Sometimes you can laugh at them when you make them!
Boy, that was a stupid mistake! Ill make sure I dont make _________________
that one again! So, realizing youre going to stumble here _________________
and there is just a part of the process and the sooner you
realize that, the more fun you are going to have in the
process. And remember, success is about the process. It is _________________
not about the destination. You want to get to your destina- _________________
tion, but heck, have fun during the process. Youre going to
listen to us have a great time during this program. We love
getting to the end of them but we have a heck of a good _________________
time making them, too. So have fun during the journey as _________________
well, and it makes getting to the goal all that more fun and
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Thats a good point, Jeff. I just want to say that a lot of what _________________
success is, is that old clich of three steps forward and two _________________
steps back. This is constantly, at least, this is the story of _________________
our life, of Eileen and I. We are constantly moving forward
and then something happens and we have to retreat a lit- _________________
tle bit. Then, when were ready we just keep moving for- _________________
ward and something happens and were pulling back. It is _________________
constantly youre pushing and pulling back., pushing and
pulling back. Each time that you are pushing you are going _________________
further! That has been the formula for us being able to _________________
make millions and millions of dollars. Its not just motiva- _________________
tional. The motivation turns into cash!

Russ, what do you say to those folks that are just first now

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NOTES listening to this program and theyre saying, My God, this
sounds like a bunch of motivational stuff.
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ Well, I would just say what others have said, and that is
youve got to get motivated first before you can be suc-
_________________ cessful! So were not Tony Robbins and were not Zig
_________________ Zigler, but were doing the best we can to tell you to get off
_________________ your duff and get started now! Dont worry about the mis-
takes. When you are moving forward youll pick up that
_________________ back wind. Youll pick up that momentum and things will
_________________ get better and better and youll be smarter than you
_________________ thought you were three months ago. Youll make mistakes
but youll correct them. Youll take detours, but youll be
_________________ moving forward. Getting started is the most important
_________________ thing!
_________________ Okay. Weve got about a minute and a half left. Anybody
have anything to add to that?
_________________ JEFF GARDNER
I want to jump in here real quickly, again, but just to make
_________________ a quick analogy and that is, imagine someone coming up
_________________ to your house and they give you a brand new Porsche. And
_________________ were talking tens, and tens, and tens of thousands of dol-
lars. Lets say it is a $100,000.00 car, an incredible car! Its
_________________ a beautiful car and youve always wanted one! You get in
_________________ it, you turn the key, and nothing happens. It doesnt have
_________________ any gas. It doesnt have something inexpensive but some-
thing it needs to make it incredibly powerful. It is the same
_________________ way with these money making techniques or any money
_________________ making techniques. We can give you the most powerful,
_________________ the most profitable multi-million dollar money making tech-
nique, but if you dont have the gas, the motivation to make
_________________ them work, theyre not worth anything! So thats why were
_________________ giving you the techniques here because thats what is
_________________ going to power your success, using the techniques that we
give you on this program.

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20 Wealth Content System

Okay! Well, Jeff, thats a good place to wrap this up. You _________________
know, the myths of the millionaire entrepreneur, all of these
entrepreneurs running around so confident all the time and _________________
people that are just getting started, they think, My God, _________________
Ive got to be confident like that in order to make millions of _________________
dollars? Forget it! But you learn, and you grow, and you
develop the confidence as you develop your experience. _________________
The only way to get experience is to put it into action. _________________
So now lets go to tape number two and each of us are
going to give you our greatest strategies for getting rich _________________
with content. _________________
Okay, Alan, now lets hear one of your best strategies for _________________
getting rich by selling content to web site owners.
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
Sure, T. J., Im anxious to get started. Actually I dont have
a single idea to discuss. Theyre all trade secrets! No, Im _________________
just kidding!! _________________
In fact, what I am going to give you is one of my biggest
trade secrets. It is how to make $25,000.00 to $75,000.00 _________________
a year by letting other companies write for you. The secret _________________
two key words here are: press releases. I am going to
show you how to make that money right now, step-by-step.
Listen closely! _________________
You want to pick a subject that interests you because if it is
not interesting to you, how are you going to know what _________________
other people want to know? This could be something you _________________
already know something about, enjoy learning about, or it _________________
is a hobby, something that relates to your job, virtually any
subject. It doesnt matter because the world-wide web is so _________________
big you will find plenty. _________________
Then you want to go to any of the popular search engines
on the Internet and search for this topic. Do a little _________________
research, look for what other sites have information about
this topic. This is where, of course, being interested in the

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NOTES & QUOTES topic is really going to help you. Search for this topic.
Notice, particularly, companies that are listed with web
sites selling related products, services, and what have you
_________________ that relate to the subject youve picked. You want to focus
_________________ on companies that are selling products related to this, not
_________________ sites that deliver information and stuff, that comes later.
_________________ Visit these companies web sites. One thing I will tell you
_________________ about every company that has a web site that is of any size
_________________ at all, and has any kind of PR Department, theyre going to
have something on that site, a place to click for press
_________________ releases, for news, or press contacts. If nothing else,
_________________ theyre going to have a contact us e-mail address. What
_________________ you want to do is click on any place that says press
releases, news, or contact us and start capturing anything
_________________ that is press releases. Many companies will have a thou-
_________________ sand press releases. They will have any press release they
_________________ have ever written. Capture the last few. You can do this by
highlighting the text, just like you would in a word proces-
_________________ sor. Then, click on your right mouse button and it will give
_________________ you the option to save to a file. It is easy to just cut, click,
_________________ and save this. Youll get the latest news from these com-
_________________ Heres the key. If its a press release, its been written by
someone at that company solely for the purpose of you
_________________ and anybody else who is publishing to use it. They want
_________________ you to use it! It is free material and thats the whole key.
_________________ You are going to collect this information.
_________________ Now, once youve collected this information, any of the
_________________ sites that you dont find information on, any of the sites that
_________________ have a contact e-mail, even the ones you do find informa-
tion on, also e-mail that contact e-mail address and tell
_________________ them that you are interested in receiving all their new press
_________________ releases and news whenever they have it. And of course,
_________________ youre giving them your e-mail address and permission to
send that to you. Now, youve also set up a system so you
_________________ dont have to go out and collect this news and information
_________________ in the future. Youll start finding news coming to you. Theyll
_________________ be glad they found out about you! Because youre going to
find them new customers!
Now, you can take this news and put together your own
unique news feed covering this subject matter and you can

The Lazy Web

22 Wealth Content System
edit these pieces, you can shorten them, depending on NOTES & QUOTES
how energetic you are you can literally take the facts out of
them and re-write pieces. Many of these press releases _________________
have contact phone numbers where you can literally call
and interview the principals of the company. You will be _________________
surprised how may presidents of companies will sit down _________________
and talk to you if youre writing a news item that you are _________________
going to distribute. Tell them you are a press service. You
are a news service! _________________
Now you are seeing why this is a trade secret! The name
of my company is B.B.S. Press Service. I get press
releases every day by the hundreds and it is because we _________________
are a press service. We are listed in some directories. Peo- _________________
ple have picked this up and shared this name. I get news
releases that are totally unrelated to the Internet and it
doesnt matter. Sometimes, there are articles there of inter- _________________
est. _________________
But now you have material to put together as news feed. If _________________
you are not a writer and dont want to be a writer, you just _________________
take news items of interest to you that peaked your inter- _________________
est. Because if it peaks your interest, it is going to peak
other peoples interest. You can put this together weekly, or _________________
you can put this together monthly. I recommend weekly, it _________________
is a little more energetic. Size is not important either. If it is _________________
just three items a week, or two items a week, or one, or
five. Sometimes your biggest problem is going to be shav- _________________
ing it down to a reasonable size. You should put this news _________________
together in a text format in an e-mail. Now youve got an e- _________________
mailable newsletter or news feed.
Next, go back to your search. Go back to the search _________________
engines and now start focusing on the web sites that
popped up before that are information servers. Theyve got
customers that are coming to the web site for free infor- _________________
mation or news. And again, look for contact e-mails and let _________________
these people know youve got a news feed on that particu-
lar subject that you would be happy to provide to them, and
provide for them at a fee. I recommend you set this fee low _________________
enough that they cant refuse. I literally built my business _________________
on a $15.00 a month weekly news feed that went out to
that small market I mentioned on the first tape of three to
six thousand system operators. We had several hundred
that signed up and paid us $15.00 a month. It bought a lot

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NOTES of groceries and built my business. It can for you, too!

Now youve got a field of 25,000,000 web sites to go to so

_________________ no matter what subject matter you pick, there are thou-
_________________ sands interested in that very fine tuned subject matter. The
_________________ more fine tuned it is, the better!

_________________ Now, the other key to this whole thing is you can also give
_________________ away a separate news feed. Create two of them and the
other one, if you wish, you sell advertising in the news
_________________ feed. The only key is you give this one free to web sites
_________________ that want it, but in return you must know how many weekly
_________________ visitors they get to their web site. Unique visitors, not hits.
Ask for unique visitors.
_________________ This becomes your circulation figure. This is how you price
_________________ your advertising and you can start charging very little
because youve got thousands of readers theyve spent
_________________ money on, collecting and attracting to their web site. Youre
_________________ providing information that helps them attract visitors to
_________________ their web site, but youve got the eyeballs reading the news
feeds youre sending with the ads in them. The only thing
_________________ you have to do here, too, is stipulate that on the free one
_________________ they must include the ads. They must run it as it is sup-
_________________ plied. If they dont want to do that, of course, youve got a
news feed for $20 - $50 a month that youd be happy to
_________________ provide them with, with no ads and they could cut it up and
_________________ use whatever they want whenever they want.
_________________ Now, at $50.00 a month, it doesnt take a great mathe-
_________________ matician to see how you can build this easily into a
_________________ $25,000, $50,000, or $75,000 a year business. And, it
doesnt take that much work. Most of these companies are
_________________ doing the work for you!
_________________ Don?

_________________ DON BICE

Boy, thats a great idea, Alan! Now I am going to go just the
_________________ opposite way. You suggested the opportunity from special-
_________________ izing, I am going to suggest an opportunity by broadening.
_________________ Thats what is so great about the Internet and thats why
there are so many opportunities.

I am going to talk about how to create the shortest e-zine

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24 Wealth Content System
on the Internet that readers just cant wait to get, and that NOTES & QUOTES
earns you big profits for only a few hours of work month,
after month, after month. Now, every time we talk about the _________________
Internet, we always talk about how important it is for a com-
pany to have an e-zine on their site. An e-zine is a constant _________________
way to stay in touch with your customers. It is a constant _________________
way of keeping your name and information in front of them _________________
because when theyre ready to buy, you are there. The
opportunity of cycle selling. E-zines are inexpensive to _________________
send, it is free and customers like them. _________________
There are two real problems, actually. One is the cus-
tomers dont always read e-zines. I know that there is a _________________
growing trend of saving and deleting. I get so many e- _________________
zines, and I want them all. I have subscribed to them, but
they come so fast and furious that I tend to save them for
later when I have time to read them. Then, when they _________________
accumulate I say, Oh well, I dont have time to read that _________________
many. and so I delete them. Now that doesnt mean they
arent valuable to the sender because I am aware every
time I receive one that I just got a contact from the pub- _________________
lisher from the e-zine. It brings the name and their com- _________________
panys products to mind. Thats worth something!
Many of the e-zines never get read for a number of rea- _________________
sons, and one of them being that they are too long, and not _________________
always interesting. A lot of times they have the same mate-
rial recycled. Several different e-zines on the same topic _________________
will have the same article because writing an e-zine can _________________
quickly become work for someone. In the beginning it is _________________
fun, and then you have to have more and more to say. You
go out looking for articles that you can reprint, and in cer- _________________
tain fields thats really easy. If youre in the marketing area, _________________
or entrepreneurial circles, and things like that there are a _________________
lot of free articles out there that you can reprint or use in
your e-zine. _________________
But, if you are an ordinary business man, if you have a
specialty, or if you have a product like many companies,
theres just not a lot to say in an e-zine. You still would like _________________
to have the advantages, but you dont want to write one or _________________
you dont have that much to say. Thats the majority of web
site owners. They fall into that category! So what I am sug-
gesting is that you provide an e-zine to them that is easy to
write, short, sweet and fun to receive. An e-zine that their

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NOTES customers will enjoy receiving so much that they will be
hard pressed to ever stop buying from you.
_________________ So, youre going to create a very short, sweet and simple
_________________ e-zine that you will sell each month, or twice a month what-
_________________ ever is comfortable for you. You probably do it monthly, to
web site owners who want to maintain an e-zine but they
_________________ dont want to write and produce one. Now how are you
_________________ going to do this?
_________________ Well, it is going to be a very short e-zine that is a collection
_________________ of interesting pieces of information and facts, that will apply
_________________ to all sorts of interests and will be a gentle reminder and
nudge from a web site owner to their customers of what
_________________ they do. Theyll reward them by reminding them what they
_________________ do with some smiles and information. Now this is already
_________________ being done in the real world, in the brick and mortar world,
very successfully by a number of companies. To the best
_________________ of my knowledge, it hasnt been translated to the web yet.
_________________ And besides, it is such a great opportunity there is room for
_________________ a lot of publishers out there!
_________________ Essentially what youll do is get yourself a collection of
_________________ books, which are generally in the reference section of the
_________________ book store because they cant find a category to put them
in so they put them there. It is books of interesting facts
_________________ and information. There are dozens of books like this. You
_________________ could also check the newspapers on an ongoing basis.
_________________ Newspapers have fillers that are little items you see
where they have an inch or half an inch to fill between
_________________ columns, and theyll insert a little piece of filler information
_________________ in there. You collect these and youre going to arrange
_________________ those into an e-zine of no more than 20 paragraphs.
Twenty paragraphs will do the whole thing! Youll arrange
_________________ this information into a compact, simple e-zine that people
_________________ enjoy receiving.
_________________ My favorite e-zine that I receive is a list of 20, 30, or 40 lit-
_________________ tle paragraphs, no more than one or two sentences that tell
_________________ me about an article of interest. I click on that and can go
directly to it. I love that one. Its my favorite e-zine because
_________________ it is short, sweet, and it is a variety of information. The e-
_________________ zine that youre going to create is just a collection of 20
paragraphs of facts, information, or smiles that you provide
to the reader.

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26 Wealth Content System
I will give you some samples. For instance, What hap- NOTES & QUOTES
pened to us? Kids average about 400 laughs a day,
adults average only 15. The billionaire, J. Paul Getty, put _________________
a pay phone in his mansion to keep visitors from running
up phone bills. He put locks on all the other phones. He _________________
said, When someone talks 10 or 15 minutes, it really adds _________________
up. These little snippets of information, people enjoy read- _________________
What youre going to do is go through these books and _________________
youre going to collect these little pieces of information and
arrange them in a newsletter of around 20 pieces of this
information. Youre going to call it The Worlds Smallest E- _________________
Zine and at the last paragraph of the e-zine, you will cus- _________________
tomize that e-zine for the web site that you sell the service
to. It is just a very simple little paragraph.
Ill give you an example. Lets say you are working for a _________________
vitamin company called and the last
paragraph would be something like: _________________
has the largest selection of supplements on the net. Your _________________
first order gets you an extra months supply absolutely _________________
free! Thats all you have to write! If you have 50 sub-
scribers, 50 web sites, you can write 50 of these kinds of _________________
little paragraphs each month. Then, add them to your pub- _________________
lication and send them to your subscribers, and theyll pay _________________
you from $50 to $150 a month for doing that.
Now, I know that they will pay that because people that are _________________
in the brick and mortar world are paying a minimum of that
amount, to get the same thing done for them. You can
spend some time collecting material because you only _________________
have to put together one e-zine. You customize the last _________________
paragraph for each, e-mail it to them, and in just a few
hours you can serve 50-100 web sites. It can put a pretty
sizeable chunk of money in the bank. _________________
The nice part of it is, once someone subscribes, theyre
going to buy your service at least for a full year because _________________
thats what you make the subscription based on; a full _________________
years price. What happens, based on what these people _________________
who publish these have told me, is that it is very difficult to
stop publishing it after they start sending it to subscribers _________________
because their subscribers look forward to it every month.
Because it is short, interesting, and there are little quips

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 27
NOTES that they can talk about at the water cooler or over cocktail
conversation. Little interesting pieces of information that
they get to use in their talks and speeches, and in talking
_________________ with other people. So their customers find it valuable and it
_________________ is a gentle reminder and nudge from the sponsor of the
_________________ web site.
_________________ The web site owners will welcome the opportunity to get
_________________ this material from you each month so they can send it to
_________________ their subscribers without having to bother to write it. So,
once again, you are doing a small amount of collecting, 20
_________________ paragraphs, and it can pay a very lucrative return.
Thats my idea for selling content on the web. How about
_________________ you, Ted?
_________________ TED CIUBA
_________________ Good, Don, thanks so much and actually your final note is
_________________ a good place for me to start. Youre talking about the repet-
_________________ itive revenues that we can gather from people who are
buying our service over and over again. In your case, in a
_________________ subscription.
The title of my talk right now is called The One Mental
_________________ Blindness That Means Failure To Most Business Web Sites
_________________ And How You Can Use It To Make Millions From Them.
_________________ And again, thinking like a marketing consultant, it picks
exactly up on this. What is the one mental blindness? Well,
_________________ most people forget, and you will find it hard to believe, but
_________________ most people forget that their sole aim in business is to
_________________ serve a growing number of people over and over again,
and preferably continuously at a higher price level. And
_________________ this, by the way, is true on and off the net. You hear it time
_________________ and time again, but basically youve got to think service.
In fact, it can go one step beyond that. I like what Ken Evoy
_________________ talks about. He says, Youve got to become customer
_________________ crazed. And so, when we talk about approaching a web
_________________ site owner, we need to be thinking like this because a lot of
time theyre not. In fact, unsuccessful businesses started
_________________ with a successful product, but thats where they ended! Ive
_________________ known several authors, being a writer myself, who have
written a book and bingo when that book sells, its gone! Of
course, youve got to get the sale, too.

The Lazy Web

28 Wealth Content System
Then, you also want to have products to sell behind that NOTES & QUOTES
one product. So summing it up, what Id like to mention
now is one of the key things that we always talk about _________________
when we are working with someone that were trying to
bring into our organization as a marketing consultant, we _________________
say youve got to get your head on straight first and thats _________________
why were talking about the one mental blindness. But, _________________
there are only three ways to increase any business. That
is, to get more prospects, to convert more prospects to _________________
customers, and then service these customers more. You _________________
can do that by increasing up-selling, add-on selling, and _________________
also selling products over time, using a back-end.
So what we are talking about here is you can approach any _________________
web site owner and you can get paid for anything you can
do that can help the web site owner to advance any of
those purposes. That is to get more prospects, to convert _________________
more prospects to customers, and to sell those customers _________________
more money. How can you do that?
Well, lets talk about getting more prospects. Per chance _________________
you could design good banners. Per chance you could _________________
devise an e-zine that has an advertising link in it to a site.
You are the advertising copy. So, you are going to be work- _________________
ing with tried and true direct marketing principles. Of _________________
course, we will be putting them on the web. You want to get _________________
your message in front of the target market for this web site
owner, and you want to have it written in such a way as to _________________
get a response. And again, all of us direct marketers talk _________________
about the important words, and free is always a good _________________
one. Special report is always a good one. But youve got
to get your prospects up. Of course, thats not going to do _________________
you any good if you tell a web site owner, Hey, I can get _________________
more people coming to your site. Thats not going to do _________________
any good if they have a terrible site, a site that wont sell.
A site that is poorly designed, or a site that does not have _________________
a product or an offer on it. Therefore, comes your other _________________
opportunity, which is still combined with the first one. _________________
Not only are you getting more prospects, now you are con- _________________
verting your prospects to customers. Youre going to do _________________
that by helping create copy. The advertising words and the
advertising graphics. The path that a web site follows. Is
this offer on one long page, or does it go through a series
of 17 pages? Can they click out to the shopping cart at any

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 29
NOTES time? These are all questions that can help improve a web
site owners commerce.
_________________ Now, what is right in one case and what is right in another?
_________________ This is part of your research and development. You always
_________________ start with the best model that you have, knowing what you
know, and you test and find. Okay? So, now weve got
_________________ more prospects, weve converted more prospects to cus-
_________________ tomers, and of course, youve got to have the product to do
_________________ that. A lot of customers need product.

_________________ Ding! Ding! Ding! Heres a very big idea for you! You can
_________________ put together products, information products, and sell them
to web site owners. Sell them outright. Or you can sell
_________________ them for a percentage of the profit, a percentage of the rev-
_________________ enue. Affiliate programs are very popular with this right
_________________ now. You, as a merchant, have a product. You can
approach someone and say, Hey, Ill let you link to my
_________________ site. (This is just one way to do it.) Ill let you link to my
_________________ site and Ill give you 10% of all the sales that you make.
_________________ Well, youve given that web site owner something to use to
draw traffic from. And so that is important.
_________________ And, of course, the up-sell. If you find that youve got
_________________ something that is very related, you can bring an idea to
somebody. In other words, you see somebody lets say
_________________ selling a manual for $49.00. You can approach them and
_________________ say, I have an idea that you can increase the dollar vol-
_________________ ume from $49.00 up to $89.00 on 20-40% of your sales.
You dont tell them what it is, of course, but you know what
_________________ it can be. If you get them to execute it, it can be an add-on
_________________ cassette program that follows on top of this manual, and it
_________________ is for the best experience you can get!

_________________ In other words, you are bringing your ideas to the web site
_________________ owner. Of course, they need more products over time.
Thats our back-end. They will need more copy over time.
_________________ So your opportunities in this field are rich, rich, rich. I could
_________________ talk for hours and I would love to, but Ive got to pass the
_________________ baton. Im going to talk some more and I am going to be
giving you some specific examples.
_________________ And, Jeff Gardner, lets hear from you now.

The Lazy Web

30 Wealth Content System

Great information, Ted. Thank you very much. _________________

I am going to move on to another super Internet secret. I _________________
am going to reveal how to use guru power to build your _________________
own million dollar web content empire. Guru power! How
do you spell that? G-U-R-U. The power of the guru! What
is a guru? Basically, it is an expert. It is someone thats an _________________
expert on a topic, a field, a niche, or a market that you can _________________
go to and get advice from. A guru, and theyre very power-
This is a very powerful secret because its one of the most _________________
interesting and most successful ways to really get people
to come back to your site again and again. If you can _________________
reveal the secret to others, you can really cash in with it in _________________
a big way! _________________
So what is guru power? Well, on the Internet, many web _________________
sites have a lot of content and they spend a lot of time cre- _________________
ating this content. Ive been to sites that have maybe five,
ten, fifteen, or twenty different articles that theyve written.
It has taken them a long time. One particular web site that _________________
I visited, and I know the owner of the site, told me that even _________________
with all of his dozens and dozens of hot reports and articles
that he spent a lot of time creating, the most visited page
on his site that gets the most hits, and he gets the best e- _________________
mails from, is a page where he interviewed a guru. An _________________
Internet marketing expert about his experience and, basi-
cally, put the transcripts of that interview up on his web site.
He gets, literally, thousands of people to that page every _________________
single month because they want to hear some of the _________________
insider secrets. Thats one of the things that he mentioned
to me. I got the idea that he is going to do more interview-
ing in the future versus more creative writing because it is _________________
easier for him, first of all, to go out and find someone, inter- _________________
view them for maybe 30 minutes to an hour on the tele-
phone, and have that information transcribed. Plus, it gets
a lot of people excited because people want that type of _________________
information. _________________
A quick example of this offline is a book called Striking It _________________ This is a very high selling Internet book and the
reason it has done so well is because the person who

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 31
NOTES wrote it is not an Internet expert. But what theyve done is
theyve gone out and interviewed and researched different
web sites on the Internet. They have gone to the people
_________________ that created these web sites, theyve interviewed them,
_________________ theyve taken that information, put it into the book, and
_________________ people are eating it up like crazy. People like interviews!
_________________ So how do you profit with this? Well, one of the best ways
_________________ to do this now that you know the power of the guru is to
_________________ create your own interviews. Go out, find people in a partic-
ular niche market and interview them, and make tran-
_________________ scripts of those interviews available as content. This can
_________________ be very powerful because if you do even just an interview
_________________ a week, you are constantly creating new content that you
can make available to various web site owners all over the
_________________ Internet. They can be very simple. You will find that people
_________________ want to share what theyve learned with you, especially on
_________________ the Internet! It is so new, people are learning things all the
time, they want to share information with you!
_________________ It is true, you may not be able to interview the head of Ebay
or Yahoo, or, but one of the interviews out
_________________ there on the Internet right now is an interview with a guy
_________________ that has a very large web site presence and does about
_________________ five million dollars every single year. He was happy to give
an interview because he wanted to share some of the
_________________ secrets that he discovered. So you can set up these inter-
_________________ views, and you can do it by e-mail. Research various web
_________________ sites in your niche market. Then, e-mail the contact person
there, possibly youll be able to e-mail the web site owner
_________________ directly, and set up an interview with him.
_________________ You can do that two ways. You can set up a phone inter-
view, whatever time would be good for them. Hook up a
_________________ tape recorder to the phone so you can get a taped version
_________________ of the interview and have someone locally transcribe it for
_________________ you. Or, in some instances, people have actually just sent
over by e-mail a list of questions and asked the person, at
_________________ their leisure, to submit the answers to those questions.
_________________ Then you take out the part of having the tape transcribed.
_________________ You automatically have it in print. The challenge of doing
that is if you come across someone who is super busy,
_________________ they may not want to sit there for 15, 20, or 30 minutes and
have to type something up. But, you might find someone
willing to spend an hour with you if they just have to sit

The Lazy Web

32 Wealth Content System
there and talk to you on the telephone while you are tape NOTES & QUOTES
recording it. Figure out the best way for you and the busi-
ness, and the best way for the person that youre inter- _________________
There are two ways to profit from this. First of all, you can _________________
offer the content for a particular fee and this has been men-
tioned before. You can sign people up with a membership
into your content service, and for a particular fee they can _________________
have access to your interviews as they become available. _________________
You can have an e-zine that lets them know exactly what
interviews are now available and what you have planned in
the future. And if theyve got ideas for interviews theyd like _________________
to see, thats a great way to come up with new ideas. They _________________
can actually do the research work for you.
A second way to do it is, on every interview, at the bottom _________________
of every interview, you include a paragraph that basically _________________
states where the interview came from. You let web site
owners use the interviews absolutely free, but you include _________________
a paragraph at the bottom saying, This interview was cre- _________________
ated by (and give your web site address and maybe even _________________
your contact e-mail address.) What that is going to do is
every time someone goes to that interview, if they want _________________
more interviews or if theyre a web master and theyre look- _________________
ing for more content, they can link directly back to your site. _________________
Now what does that do for you? Well, that brings traffic to
your site. There are a lot of Internet people right now, a lot _________________
of web site owners, that want to get their advertising in _________________
front of the most people possible. So now instead of sell- _________________
ing your content, you can sell advertising on your web site
that offers free content. _________________
So, there are two really good ways to do that. That, in a
nutshell, is the power of the guru! Thats how to use guru
power to build your own million dollar web content empire. _________________
Now Ill throw the ball over to you, Russ. _________________
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
All right, Jeff, I like that guru idea. Because people do like _________________
to know what the gurus think! And some of the gurus are
self-proclaimed gurus, but still people like to hear from _________________

The Lazy Web

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NOTES Now I want to talk about how to make an easy $3,000.00
a month using old PT. Now we all know that old PM stands
for other peoples money. Now old PT stands for other peo-
_________________ ples talent. Heres the idea. There are millions and millions
_________________ of web sites out there that badly need content. We know
_________________ that! They have to have content to go with the offers theyre
making and the things they want to sell. No one wants to
_________________ go back to a site again and again that just has stuff to sell
_________________ and doesnt have good information. There are also an
_________________ abundance of writers on the web, and in print, writing arti-
cles and reports on every conceivable subject known to
_________________ man. Now lets bring them together and make $3,000.00 a
_________________ month or much more!
You choose the topic that interests you most! I dont care if
_________________ it is multi-level marketing, business opportunities, Internet,
_________________ Internet marketing, new technology breakthroughs, or
_________________ whatever. Whatever turns you on, you can do this with!
What you want to do is provide content to web sites that
_________________ deal in this subject matter. Articles and reports from gurus,
_________________ or at least good writers who provide good information. So,
_________________ you go to these offers. You look them up in places using
search engines like Yahoo, etc. and you find the people
_________________ who have the good articles on various subject matters. It
_________________ will be quite easy to do. Then, you make this offer to these
_________________ people. You say, I will submit your article along with some
articles of other authors to hundreds of web sites. Maybe
_________________ youll tell them youll do 500 different web sites and will
_________________ submit their article. You wont pay them for the article but
_________________ youll let them put a resource box at the end of the article
that has contact information about their services or prod-
_________________ ucts, or whatever. I think you can easily charge $99.00 to
_________________ receive articles and then submit them to web sites.
_________________ I got an idea, and to give credit where credit is due,
_________________ because there are several people in print. One in particu-
_________________ lar I know of, Gary Christensen, who will take articles from
different bys-op writers and then submit them to various
_________________ magazines and tabloids that deal with bys-ops. He has
_________________ done quite well with it on a relatively small scale. I think you
_________________ probably can do even better with the web because so
many people need content. Theyre willing to look over
_________________ anything that you submit to them. So now, if we get about
20 people to submit their articles to us, and pay $99.00
each. Lets call it 30 people because that would add up to

The Lazy Web

34 Wealth Content System
almost $3,000.00 a month. We then contact the web site NOTES & QUOTES
owners first in this area and we tell them what we have,
and would you be willing to look over a series of articles at _________________
no cost to you. Those are magic words to people who need
content on the web! And then, we submit, by e-mail, all of _________________
these articles. They can use them all. They can use one or _________________
two. They can pick and choose as they want. Well, with 30 _________________
people paying us $99.00, various authors of reports and
articles, well have almost $3,000.00. I think it is something _________________
that the web site owners need. I think the authors want _________________
more publicity and they want more coverage. So marrying _________________
the two, I think, can be very profitable.
Thats my idea for now and I am going to toss it to Chris _________________
CHRIS LAKEY _________________
Well thanks, Russ, thats a great idea. I love what every-
body else has been saying so far. _________________
What I am going to talk about is how to make big money
providing free cash producing content to hundreds of dif-
ferent web sites. Thats right. They get the valuable free _________________
content that makes them money, and you get paid huge _________________
amounts of cash! Right off the bat you may be wondering
how in the world? How is it possible for me to actually give
away free content and make money at the same time? _________________
Well, hopefully, youll have a clearer idea by the time I am _________________
finished with my talk here.
This is a simple idea where you put together advertising _________________
packages where web site owners get their banner ads dis- _________________
played on a certain number of web sites. So in essence
what your job would be would be to broker, basically, by _________________
connecting one web site with groups of web sites who are _________________
looking for advertisers. You become the middleman, or the _________________
broker, for the entire deal and you make cash by connect-
ing the web sites together. _________________
Now, since were talking about content here, the type of
content that Im talking about is actually providing banner
ads, which may sound like it is only advertising. In essence _________________
it is advertising those web sites that have the banner ads
on their sites that are basically selling advertising. But the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 35
NOTES trick here is that by having those banner ads on their web
site, they are actually also providing a valuable service to
their customers who are visiting their web site because
_________________ they also have places then to link off to. So that when a
_________________ person visits their web site they can not only see their con-
_________________ tent, but they can also find out where other places are that
are similar on the Internet. It is a valuable service even
_________________ though it is technically just advertising.
_________________ Now what you are going to do in this example, and there
are probably lots of ways you can modify this or even do
_________________ this same idea without using the exact same technique I
_________________ am going to share with you. Youll simply find dozens of dif-
_________________ ferent web sites that all cater to a specific marketplace.
Maybe it is a marketplace that youre interested in, or one
_________________ that you are actually in yourself. Youre going to e-mail
_________________ them and tell them that you are an advertising broker and
_________________ that you would like to help them make more money with
their web site, and that youre not going to charge them a
_________________ penny for it. In fact, youll tell them what youre going to
_________________ give them free. Just tell them that all you want is a small
_________________ commission for every banner ad that you bring them. So
you will actually bring them sales that they wouldnt have
_________________ normally gotten.
A lot of web sites really arent too familiar with how to actu-
_________________ ally charge people to put banners on their web site. So
_________________ actually you will be providing a very valuable service to
_________________ them. You could also do the reverse and simply arrange to
pay them a specific fee for every banner ad that you place
_________________ on their web site. You could either say that for every
_________________ $100.00 banner you bring them, you get a $20.00 com-
_________________ mission. Or you could simply flip it around and say that you
were going to pay them $80.00 for every banner that you
_________________ place on their site. That may actually work better to actu-
_________________ ally say that you are going to pay them for every banner
_________________ you put on their site. Now remember, its not going to be
any expense for you because you are going to be collect-
_________________ ing the fee from other web sites who want to advertise on
_________________ these dozens of web sites that you have gathered together.
_________________ So, youre not actually going to be paying that fee yourself,
but to the web site that youve worked out the arrangement
_________________ with, they will actually be getting paid from you.

So how do you make your money? Again, lets say you

The Lazy Web

36 Wealth Content System
have a hundred different web sites who have all said, Yes, NOTES & QUOTES
I would like to make money with banner advertising. Id like
that kind of content on my web site. You have a hundred _________________
of them that say that.
What you could do, and again this is just a suggestion, _________________
there are lots of ways you could work it, but you could
establish three different packages. Lets say you had a sil-
ver package, a gold package, and a platinum package. _________________
Maybe the silver package gets their banner ad on 25 dif- _________________
ferent web sites. The gold package gets their banner ad on
50 web sites. And the platinum package gets their banner
ad on all 100 web sites. Or something like that. You could _________________
do it in any combination. The key there is that you are _________________
going to separate or divide the hundred different web sites
into different packages so that the people you are actually
selling the advertising to dont have to purchase ads on _________________
every web site. They can divide it up if they only want to do _________________
25, 50 or 100, or a portion of them rather than the entire lot
of web sites that you have a deal worked out with. You then
simply would set a profitable price for each banner. _________________
For example, lets say that you actually worked out a deal
and every one of the web sites that you are going to work _________________
with was actually going to charge you $25.00 a month. This _________________
was actually the price theyre going to charge you for the _________________
ads that you put on their web site. Well, you could just
charge $30.00 or $35.00 to each of the people that you sell _________________
it to so that you make a profit on each one of those pack- _________________
ages you sell. So if you had a hundred web sites and you _________________
were making $5.00 profit per web site you actually sold,
you would be making $500.00 on that particular package. _________________
I am probably confusing you. If you go back and listen to
what I just said again, it might be a little less confusing.
Once you start to understand exactly what I am saying, it _________________
might be a little less confusing. Basically what I am talking _________________
about here is actually combining a bunch of web sites
together. They dont even have to know that they are part
of a package, although you could certainly tell them that. _________________
But by having a package of web sites where you can go to _________________
other individual web sites and sell them advertising in that
package, you can actually help them save money on the
web site advertising that theyre doing. You can make a
profit for yourself as well! It is very similar to a lot of the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 37
NOTES print advertising packages you see where you can call a 1-
800 number, you give them your credit card, and you
advertise in hundreds of newspapers all across the coun-
_________________ try. It is the same concept except it is on the Internet and
_________________ used with banner advertising.
You could also liken it to link exchange. It is the same kind
_________________ of principle except link exchange is actually just exchang-
_________________ ing banners and here you would actually be going to one
_________________ web site, or any number of individual web sites, and selling
them advertising on a package of web sites. There is a
_________________ very profitable way you can do this. You can help one set
_________________ of advertisers, that is the individual web site, reach a large
_________________ number of like web sites with their banner ads for a lot less
than if they actually went around to each individual web
_________________ site and tried to buy advertising on those web sites. On the
_________________ other end of it, you are providing valuable content for free
_________________ to those groups of web sites because then theyre provid-
ing a valuable service by having those links available to
_________________ their customers who visit their web site.
Thats my idea. Like I said, it may sound a little bit confus-
_________________ ing at first but if you go back and listen to it again, hope-
_________________ fully, it will be a little more clear and something you can def-
_________________ initely use to make some money and provide free content
to web sites all across the Internet that need that valuable
_________________ content. T. J., what do you have for everybody?
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Okay. Well, I would like to wrap this tape up by giving all of
_________________ our listeners the long term secret to Internet wealth. This is
_________________ kind of an over-all marketing strategy for building long-term
Internet wealth. It takes all of the specific ideas that youve
_________________ heard from our panel, as well as more specific ideas youre
_________________ going to hear on the other tapes in this program and puts
_________________ it together into a very simple formula you can use to make
as much money as you want, for as long as you want. It is
_________________ very simple!
First of all, find the best strategies from our panel. Maybe
_________________ you liked what Chris just shared with you, or Russs idea,
_________________ or any other of our panel members. Or maybe some of the
ideas youre going to hear on some of the other tapes of
this program. You find the best strategies that you like the

The Lazy Web

38 Wealth Content System
most, and the ones that excite you the most, and then you NOTES & QUOTES
just do something every day to attract new customers by
working that strategy. Every day youre just doing some- _________________
thing small to bring in a few customers a day. Thats all you
should think about! Just bring in a few new customers a _________________
day! And that can be very, very simple. So youre going to _________________
have a lot of time left over because all youre thinking _________________
about is just bringing in a few new customers a day. Now
this is assuming that it is just you working at home and you _________________
dont already have a company with a lot of overhead. If you _________________
have a lot of overhead, you need more than a few cus- _________________
tomers a day. But if it is just you and youre getting started,
a few customers a day works. Dont worry about getting _________________
any more than that! Spend the rest of your time serving _________________
your present and new customers. _________________
Now, just a few customers a day averaged out for a whole _________________
year, thats over a thousand new customers every year. _________________
Thats a thousand customers! If youll spend 20% of your
time thinking about ways, strategies, and methods to
attract those three new customers a day, and you spend _________________
the rest of your time focusing on serving your present cus- _________________
tomers, then you have the potential here to build long-term
wealth. All you have to do is focus on serving those cus-
tomers by giving them more of the same type of informa- _________________
tion you sold them the first time. Or, by giving them some _________________
of the other strategies youre going to hear on this pro-
So you start with the strategy that you like the most and _________________
you attract these new customers. Then, once you have
those new customers, you spend the majority of your time _________________
looking for other ways to serve them better! _________________
Listen! I like keeping things simple and somebody
explained to me one time that every single business in the _________________
world is really the same. That sounded pretty complicated _________________
to me! I mean, how can every business in the world be the
same? Its simple! All of us are in the same business and
that business is serving our customers and making a profit. _________________
If youll put 80% of your time into serving those customers, _________________
youll make tremendous profits. Put 20% of your time every
day in just doing the things to attract a few new customers.
Get a thousand customers a year who are spending an
average of a couple hundred dollars with you. That means

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 39
NOTES some may be spending two or three thousand dollars.
Some may be spending thirty or forty dollars. But across
the board, a thousand new customers every year spending
_________________ just a couple hundred dollars with you, and all of a sudden
_________________ youre making a couple hundred thousand dollars a year.
_________________ Now thats the kind of money that a lot of doctors make! So
were talking about a strategy that really can produce long-
_________________ term wealth.
_________________ But more important, once you have a group of customers
to serve, then you have a direction for your business. See,
_________________ a lot of times people are confused about what to do and
_________________ what to sell, and how to do it. But once they get a group of
_________________ customers, and they put all of the emphasis on serving
those people, then the confusion just goes right away.
_________________ Because now you know exactly what to do.
What you have to do is spend 80% of your time every day
_________________ thinking about how to give them more of what they bought
_________________ from you the first time. Or, using some of the other ideas
_________________ youre going to hear on this program, to give them different
kinds of content. Once you get a customer, that person will
_________________ re-buy from you again, and again, and again. And all you
_________________ have to do is have a large enough amount of customers
_________________ who re-buy from you enough times, at a large enough profit
per transaction, and you can get rich!
_________________ So thats my secret and thats wrapping this tape up. So
_________________ now lets go to the next tape to get even more powerful
strategies for getting rich selling content to web site own-
_________________ ers.

The Lazy Web

40 Wealth Content System
Tapes 3 & 4
THE LAZY WEB WEALTH _________________
CONTENT SYSTEM _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Alan, now it is time to hear another one of your best strate- _________________
gies for getting rich with content.
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
All right, T. J., Im going to discuss how to chat your way to
steady wealth and build an income that you cant believe. _________________
Just chatting with friends and making new friends, as a _________________
matter of fact. What I am talking about is building a mailing
list. A mail list server or a list server as they are called on
the Internet. _________________
Now these arent like mailing lists like we use for advertis-
ing or for sending out bulk mail or anything like that. Mail- _________________
ing lists have been around since about 1975, believe it or _________________
not. They were actually the first original type of online com- _________________
munity. What they are now are e-mail based discussion
groups. They are not news groups which is another type of _________________
Internet chat type thing, but that is public and anybody can _________________
go read all of the messages. To participate in a list serve _________________
Internet mailing list people need to subscribe by sending
an e-mail with a subscribe message in it or certain key _________________
words. Then, they receive all of the messages that any- _________________
body sends discussing different topics and can actually talk _________________
among themselves. But any time you send a message to
one of the other people in the mailing list, that message is _________________
sent to everyone in the mailing list. These are much more _________________
easy to moderate and, in my terminology, much easier to _________________
edit and control. Thus keep on topic and they are much
more useful in many ways, and they are more serious in _________________
many ways. _________________
Now what I want you to do is to keep in mind that you can
do this without even owning your own servers and all that _________________
stuff. There are companies out there that will host and han-
dle your mailing lists and all you really have to do is read

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 41
NOTES all the messages, act as moderator, and delete ones that
are inappropriate and direct the conversation. So you just
pick any topic that youre really interested in. I think news
_________________ and opinions are always good. Everyone of us have opin-
_________________ ions about the news. Controversy. If you like to stir up con-
_________________ troversy, that even helps. It gets people talking and it keeps
people going.
_________________ You can go to Thats They
_________________ have a promotion and listing service that is as low as $5.00
a month. A little more expensive option is a company
_________________ called Now what you are going to do is par-
_________________ ticipate and build a mailing list. Build a list around a spe-
_________________ cific topic of interest to you. Set a subscription fee of
$25.00 a year for anybody who participates. But of course,
_________________ youll waive that fee for the first 500 people who subscribe.
_________________ That adds a value to the list so the people will participate
_________________ more often and stay with it.

_________________ Once youve got your mailing list going you want to pro-
_________________ mote it, of course, and bring more people in. There are
actually web sites and companies out there that promote
_________________ mail lists and have lists of these servers that are available.
_________________ One of them has really a neat name: (Like
_________________ the composer.) Theyve got a great way to promote your
_________________ Now, once youve got a list and it is going and youve got
_________________ some people discussing (this will take a little time - a month
or so), now you can syndicate your list. This is something
_________________ I dont see anybody doing very much of this. The few who
_________________ are are being very successful with it. You set a low sub-
_________________ scription fee to a web site that wants to offer your list to
their users. This is where your subscription fee will come in
_________________ handy because you can say that it is normally $25.00 a
_________________ year, but for members of this web site it is free. So now
_________________ what you are doing is you are going to make your money
charging $20-$50.00 a month to the web site who then
_________________ make this list available to their users. You make a big deal
_________________ out of the fact that it is moderated and managed and stays
_________________ on topic and focused. You can literally make a living sitting
around chatting with people about various topics, and sell-
_________________ ing the lists youve created by accessing them as content
to web sites. It is valuable, updated frequently, sometimes
with hot controversial messages changing back and forth.

The Lazy Web

42 Wealth Content System
It is a really dynamic form of content that web sites dont NOTES & QUOTES
often have time to generate and manage on their own.

DON BICE _________________
Hey, thats a great idea, Alan! It is totally new to me. Good _________________
thinking! _________________
I would like to talk about how to create a steady stream of
profits month in and month out by just pointing out mis- _________________
takes that other web sites owners make. If there is one _________________
thing that will kill a site fast, prevent sales, and destroy
credibility, its a web site that is filled with spelling and
grammatical errors. I know, if youre like me, spelling is not _________________
the most important thing in the world and Im probably the _________________
worlds worst speller.
Let me give you an example. Last week I was looking for _________________
some software. I was looking at a site that offered some _________________
software that was somewhat pricey. The web site said that
there were two ways to order their software. The there _________________
were two ways, there was spelled t-h-e-i-r instead of t-h- _________________
e-r-e. Being a poor speller myself, I just figured it was a _________________
typo and I kept on going and ignored it. But a little while
later on the site it said, there were so many... and it was _________________
spelled t-h-e-i-r again. There were a couple more typos on _________________
the page and even though I am willing to give someone a _________________
wide leeway on spelling, it made me pause.
Did I buy the software? No. Why? Well, I didnt buy the _________________
software not because the company wasnt a good speller.
I didnt buy the software because it destroyed their credi-
bility with me. It said they werent paying attention to the _________________
details. If they didnt care about that, how were they going _________________
to care about their customer service and their follow-up? In
programming, detail is so very important! Gee, would their
code be sloppy? So, like any other sales situation, these _________________
doubts made me pause. When I pause, like any buyer that _________________
pauses, very frequently you lose the sale. Thats exactly
what happened here! I decided, well, I would wait. The
truth is, I found software some place else. _________________
It may not be that spelling and grammar are the most
important thing in the world. But when you are basing your

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 43
NOTES whole impression of a company on what you see on the
screen of the web site, it becomes very important. So, I am
suggesting you can solve this problem for a lot of compa-
_________________ nies by offering a proof-reading service for web masters. I
_________________ know everyone has a spell checker, and we spell check
_________________ everything that we put up. But, a spell checker wont point
out the difference between t-h-e-i-r and t-h-e-r-e. Or dear,
_________________ d-e-a-r or d-e-e-r. The word is spelled correctly. It doesnt
_________________ check for the improper use of the word, it checks for the
_________________ spelling of the word.
_________________ Grammatical errors are very common on web sites. I mean
_________________ really obvious ones, not subtle grammatical mistakes.
_________________ Believe me, from my own writing experience, once you put
something down on that screen or that page, when you go
_________________ back to look at it, if youve made a mistake you tend to miss
_________________ it over and over again. You are looking for content and you
_________________ see it correctly because subconsciously youre looking for
the content and not for the errors.
_________________ You can do a great service for other web sites if you, your
wife, or maybe you have a college student in your family
_________________ who is really good at grammar. You dont have to be the
_________________ worlds greatest speller, a good spell checker will do. A
_________________ good proofreader, someone who picks up on mistakes and
goofs really easy (small typos) is very important.
_________________ You can put together a service very easily, very low start-
_________________ up, offering the proofreading service right over the web.
You could call your company something like yourslipis-
_________________ or or
_________________ You get the idea. Something that has a little
_________________ catchy name. You put up a very simple web site. Make cer-
tain that you spell everything correctly! Then you can start
_________________ soliciting other web sites to do their proofreading and catch
_________________ mistakes for them.
_________________ It is a very easy business to start. I would begin by running
_________________ ads in other e-zines. It is easy to find these. Look under an
_________________ e-zine that is targeted to web masters or an e-zine that is
talking about marketing because these are the people who
_________________ are marketing over the Internet or have web sites. You can
_________________ use e-mail to solicit customers and you can post on news
groups that web masters and web marketers frequent.

The Lazy Web

44 Wealth Content System
You would offer your service by the page. That would prob- NOTES & QUOTES
ably be the best way to price it. Youd charge so much per
page for proofreading and checking a web site. While you _________________
are at it, you might also check to see that all their links are
working. Anything that you can add in value to the site that _________________
says, Hey, I caught a mistake. I caught something you _________________
overlooked. Or, Heres a bad link. Or, Heres a mis- _________________
spelled word. Heres a grammatical error. It is very sim-
ple. They send you their credit card number and the _________________
address that they want to use. You go to that site, print out _________________
the page (this is the best way), mark the corrections, and _________________
then you fax that to them. Or, if theyll send you the file, you
can correct it right on the file and e-mail it back to them. _________________
You charge their credit card and its all done. _________________
You dont have to stop at the web page. You can proofread
e-zines as well. Most people who are producing e-zines _________________
are not experienced writers. Were all very afraid of making _________________
mistakes on our e-zines and were all very afraid that we
will show our ignorance about common grammatical
usage. There is a very, very highly motivated target group _________________
to sell this kind of service to. Most writers are very insecure _________________
about their grammar. They didnt like grammar in school
any more than the rest of us! They are anxious to buy
peace of mind and confidence by paying you $20.00 or _________________
$25.00 for every page that youll check. If you have a _________________
knack for this kind of thing, it is a very easy way to make a
good income.
The e-zines are also a great market for you to advertise in. _________________
You can also do trades to get started. You offer an e-zine
publisher to proof his e-zine for him in return for an ad. _________________
Thats a great deal for both of you because he gets a little _________________
more confidence and is certain that it goes out without an _________________
embarrassment to him. At the same time he gives you an
ad which doesnt cost him anything. So it is a win-win situ- _________________
ation. Thats a good way to leverage a low amount of _________________
money to get started. _________________
A proofreading service is a very easy business to start. It _________________
takes a small investment and you are providing a very _________________
valuable service on the web.
Okay, how about you, Ted?

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 45
Thanks, Don, and boy, that is a true idea. Before I get
_________________ started Ive got to add one more point to that. You can even
_________________ go into the product. We have, for instance, one gentleman
_________________ who approached us (off of the web) and said, Hey, I
noticed a few spelling errors in your web site and Id like to
_________________ look at them. We said, Well, sure. Sure. He wanted sev-
_________________ eral products that we were marketing. He wanted them
_________________ very badly! This guy ended up getting $2,034.00 worth of
product that we had for sale. He ended up getting a mar-
_________________ keting license, which gives him the right to sell the product.
_________________ He did all of that for his proofreading services. To me, thats
_________________ a valuable and viable opportunity - proofreading.
_________________ Really, basically, along those same lines I would like to talk
_________________ about three easy services you can provide to web owners
_________________ to make tons of easy cash! In summary, these are transla-
tion services, digitizing services, and publicity services.
_________________ Again, I am going to give you a personal example. But first,
most of us tend to think because most of us are English
_________________ speakers, that the whole world is English. Well, its not and,
_________________ actually, one of the things that happens is, of course there
_________________ are more English speakers. Part of the reason for that is
because there is not as much of the other languages on
_________________ the web. You can offer to translate but, again, dont be lim-
_________________ ited. You can offer to translate a product. You can offer to
_________________ translate the persons copy. You can translate their web
site and their copy and the web site would be very related.
_________________ You could even offer to translate their foreign correspon-
_________________ dence that they receive.
Now, there are two ways to that. #1 - Do you need to be lit-
_________________ erate or fluent in the other language? The answer is: it
_________________ depends. The other side is that you dont. Yes, you would
_________________ need to be fluent to do web site translations and do prod-
uct translations.
_________________ We have a lady named Nora Corombo who contacted us
just the other day. Seeing our web site (she had bought
_________________ one of our products) she said, Listen, I could translate this
_________________ stuff to Spanish for you. I said, Well, thats great! And so,
again, we worked out a deal for her where she is going to
translate our copy. We are going to have a Spanish web

The Lazy Web

46 Wealth Content System
site. Were going to have an English web site. Were going NOTES & QUOTES
to have a product thats in Spanish. Were going to have a
product that is in English. We gave her 50% of all the prof- _________________
its that she can generate. We gave her a marketing license
in both languages, and guess what? She is going to be the _________________
leading light in selling to this Hispanic market, which is _________________
going to help her reputation. She stands to make a lot of _________________
money from this because she understood Spanish.
What she is going to do is, she is going to run it through _________________
one of the web translator programs. Software programs
that are available on the web. Then, she is going to clean
it up and doctor it up. Now you could translate, if you _________________
wanted, correspondence only. Again, with copy so impor- _________________
tant, it wouldnt be appropriate with a product. Its so impor-
tant, it wouldnt be appropriate. But with correspondence
you can communicate with the....let me give you the URL _________________
of two of them that will translate your web sites, your prod- _________________
ucts, from any language to any language (any of the basic
languages). The first one is The other
one is _________________
The second easy way you can make money providing web
owners with this service is offer to digitize their products. _________________
Today, more and more people are selling their products as _________________
a download. Im sure youve seen it, but if you havent, you _________________
will be in the future. I just bought the other day, 1,001 Killer
Internet Marketing Tactics. I sent them my credit card _________________
number on the online secure form. They sent me an e-mail _________________
that says, Here you go. You download. Heres your pass- _________________
word. You can help people by taking products that theyve
had in hard copy form and put it in a digitized form. One of _________________
the easiest and most user friendly is Adobe Acrobat. You _________________
get a small program. By small I mean it is cheap and _________________
affordable. I think it is about $125.00 or $150.00. It is called
Adobe Acrobat 4.0. You can actually get that online or at _________________
your computer store. Online it is at But, _________________
shoot, you just translate these products and then they can _________________
ship them online.
By the way, Corey Ruddle has a product that he has been _________________
selling for about 4-5 years. It is now digitized, but it is also
another opportunity for you because it is not digitized as a
download. It is digitized as a CD rom. And again, you can
put these Adobe pages on a CD rom. This is all technology

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 47
NOTES that is very easy and accessible to the ordinary person in
any computer store and youre off and running.
_________________ By the way, one other point I would like to add on this
_________________ before I move to the final point is that I, myself, have sev-
_________________ eral products. If you are interested, give me a call at 615-
662-3169 and well work out a deal. Youve got your first
_________________ lead!
Also, there is another thing that you can do to make money
_________________ off web site owners. It has become so incredibly easy with
_________________ the web, but not everybody knows about it, and that is your
_________________ inside secret! You can write and distribute press releases!
_________________ Monday evening I was sitting around waiting for my wife,
_________________ and in that hour (because I had my portable with me) I
_________________ wrote three press releases. Now, the normal fee for that is
$500.00. Guess what? I am going to give you the name of
_________________ an URL where if you dont want to write it, theyll write it for
_________________ $250.00, and you can still sell it for $500.00. You put
_________________ $250.00 in your pocket, plus distribution.

_________________ Basically, what youre doing is working on the web, and if

_________________ you want to go off the web, that is also a very viable option.
Primarily, on the web, there are several sources that are
_________________ going in this new age where everybody is online. They
_________________ have sources where they are connected with reporters and
_________________ you just connect with them. Let me give you a couple of
URLs on this: is a good one. Another
_________________ good one that has all kinds of sources where you can con-
_________________ nect directly one-on-one or through a group is:
_________________ Finally, there is
_________________ Again, youre talking about ABC World News Tonight, The
_________________ Chicago Tribune, CNN, Los Angeles Times, USA Today,
_________________ and The Washington Post. There is no limit to what prod-
uct you can promote, and where you can promote it, if you
_________________ follow-up on these URLs and following these sources.
So, Jeff Gardner, lets hear your million dollar idea for The
_________________ Lazy Web Wealth Content System.
_________________ JEFF GARDNER - Great! Thank you very much, Ted.

Well, I am going to reveal how to go from stone cold broke

to riding your own tidal wave of massive wealth with one of

The Lazy Web

48 Wealth Content System
the best kept cash-flow secrets on the Internet. The best NOTES & QUOTES
thing about this is you dont create a thing. You dont write
a single word! You simply create a site that features links _________________
to other web sites that offer valuable content to web site
owners. _________________
A great example of this is the search engine Yahoo.
( Yahoo has created, over the last few years,
a searchable index of web sites on the Internet. They dont _________________
list the most sites. They dont have the coolest graphics, _________________
and arguably there are better more complete search
engines on the net. But theyre still pulling in truckloads of
cash, and millions of hits daily, because they are offering a _________________
valuable service. _________________
You see, the way they make money is by selling advertis- _________________
ing on their site. For example, if you want to run a two week _________________
ad on the front page of Yahoo, it would cost you exactly _________________
$88,235.00. Remember, Yahoo has hundreds if not thou-
sands of pages on their site, which they can sell ads on. _________________
You can do the exact same thing! Instead of going to all the _________________
work to create original content to sell to web site owners, _________________
create a directory. Create a searchable index of web sites,
companies and sources offering content to web site own- _________________
ers. Instead of spending your time writing articles or what- _________________
ever, you can spend your time doing a little research on the _________________
net and creating your directory of content.
Lets say you go out, you do some research, and youve _________________
created this searchable directory of content for web site
owners. There are two ways you can seriously cash in with
this type of a web site. First, you can sell banner advertis- _________________
ing on your site. Lets say, for example, that you sell ban- _________________
ner advertising on your site for just $250.00 per week. In
one year, (now remember this is 52 weeks a year) one
banner on your site could produce a cash flow of _________________
$13,000.00. Remember, your cost is virtually nothing. You _________________
do have the overall cost of maintaining your site, but the
cost of that banner on your site (taking up just a little bit of
space) is basically nothing. Now, if you have only five _________________
pages on your web site and you run a banner at the top _________________
and the bottom of each page, your site could create an
annual cash flow of $130,000.00 in advertising revenues.
If your site starts getting a ton of hits, you can double or
even triple your banner ad prices and create an annual

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 49
NOTES cash flow of $260,000.00 to $390,000.00. Thats on a dinky
five page web site with only ten banner ad spaces.
_________________ Many web sites have dozens of pages and lots of spots for
_________________ banner ads, links, classified ads, and many more. A web
_________________ site with a lot of traffic is really a cash cow for selling adver-
tising. Plus you could also cash in by offering products or
_________________ services on your site that are of interest to web site own-
_________________ ers. For example, there is one company that will pay you
_________________ $200.00 whenever a web site owner gets a merchant
account through you, if you sign up with the program. If
_________________ your web site gets just one web site owner to sign up for a
_________________ merchant account every day, and you got $200.00 every
_________________ day, 365 days a year, you would make $73,000.00 in one
year. If youd do just two of these no work joint ventures
_________________ every year, you could create an additional cash flow of
_________________ $146,000.00. Of course Im throwing out these numbers,
_________________ these arent guaranteed. But you see the example of how
simple it really can be to make a six figure income from a
_________________ web site where youre not creating products. Youre not
_________________ creating content, youre basically selling advertising or
_________________ doing joint venture with other companies that want to do
99.9% of the work for you!
_________________ Now the best part of this idea is that you can start this in as
little as 30 to 60 minutes a day, doing a little research on
_________________ the Internet. And remember, you dont create any content.
_________________ You simply create an online index of web sites that do offer
_________________ content. Then, you promote it heavily to web site owners.
Once youre getting lots and lots of traffic, thats when you
_________________ cash in!
_________________ Well, thats my jealously guarded content secret. Now Ill
pass it on to a master marketer, Russ von Hoelscher.
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ All right. Good idea, Jeff!
_________________ Ive got a simple idea but I think it has real possibility. I call
it Money For You With Book Reviews. Simple concept,
_________________ but easy to do. It wont cost you much money and you can
_________________ make some easy money with it! There are millions of sites
on the web, we know that, and a vast audience from every-
thing from archaeology to zoology. It all starts with choos-

The Lazy Web

50 Wealth Content System
ing the subject of interest to you and, of course, if youre NOTES & QUOTES
smart youll pick a topic that is very, very popular. It could
be antiques, hobbies, Internet marketing, technology, busi- _________________
ness, home business, or whatever. Use something that is
in big demand! _________________
Now, what you want to do is offer weekly book reviews to
all the sites in this category and, because you are offering
them free, many many of them, hopefully hundreds or even _________________
more than several hundreds will sign up with you to take _________________
your book reviews because it covers books in their cate-
gory of interest. There is no cost for the service, like I said.
So how do you make money? _________________
Well, you become the supply source of all the books that
you review! You make arrangements with the publishers to _________________
get at least a 40-50% discount off the price that youll sell _________________
them for. Hopefully, much more. In some cases, they will _________________
even drop ship for you. So, some people will say, Okay, I
think I can get this book from at a discount. _________________
So you also make a deal with Amazon that youre a refer- _________________
ral source and you get a fee for that from Amazon, just in _________________
case they bypass you! So you offer the reviews to all the
sites you can. _________________
Now, some people are saying, Okay, sounds good, but I
dont know how to write. I dont know how to do book
reviews. Well, it is a lot easier than you think and heres a _________________
little secret. Almost everything you do to have a great _________________
review on a book is found either on the back cover of that
book, in the chapter headings of that book, and/or on the
inside in back cover flaps (if its a hardback with a cover _________________
dust jacket). Youll find it is so easy to do these short _________________
reviews of a few hundred words when you just look at the
table of contents, the back cover, and then if it has the dust
jacket the inside and outside flap. You can easily write a _________________
review! You dont write a word-for-word whats on the _________________
cover. You make some changes. It will not be difficult to do!
Youre offering a free service and one that really is of inter-
est to the web site owners because this is their topic of _________________
interest, the book reviews youll do, you could have a will- _________________
ing ready audience and do very, very good with this.
So a simple idea but one that can make you money quickly.
That is my idea and Im going to pass it to Chris Lakey.

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 51
Thanks, Russ. Thats a great idea!
_________________ The idea that I have for everybody is a little similar to what
_________________ Jeff Gardner said, and I have just another angle on that
same kind of concept. One that I think can make you a
_________________ tremendous amount of money! I am going to title my idea,
_________________ Content Wealth - How To Make Thousands Of Dollars
_________________ Giving Away Free Content That You Dont Even Own.
Now, it may sound a little strange that you could possibly
_________________ make money giving away free content, but by the time I am
_________________ done with this short presentation youll have a better
_________________ understanding of exactly how it works. If youll remember
what Jeff said with his idea, you maybe have already fig-
_________________ ured out what I am going to be talking about. Or, at least
_________________ the money making aspect of what I am going to be talking
_________________ about.

_________________ This is an idea, whereas Jeffs idea was similar to Yahoo

_________________ where you actually just provide the content for places that
people can go on the Internet, Ive got a little different take
_________________ on it. It is an idea that actually gives you content for your
_________________ own web site and it also gives content to other people for
_________________ their web sites. Then you end up with a big lump of cash in
the end.
_________________ I am sure you know what affiliate programs are, but if you
_________________ dont or arent quite clear on what an affiliate program is,
its basically a program where web site A advertises for
_________________ web site B and then web site B pays web site A a com-
_________________ mission for all the sales they generate from that web site.
_________________ It is basically like an online distributorship where if you put
an advertisement on your web site, is the
_________________ best example and, if you know what does,
_________________ Russ mentioned it briefly, you basically put a banner ad on
_________________ your web site that leads people back to and
then they pay you a commission for all your sales. Thats
_________________ what an affiliate program is.
Now, the great thing is that there are thousands and thou-
_________________ sands of affiliate programs available on the Internet. There
_________________ are so many of them that it would be hard for one single
person to find them all. Most people wouldnt have any
need for all of them, but certainly if youre a web site you

The Lazy Web

52 Wealth Content System
would have a need for several of the best affiliate programs NOTES & QUOTES
that cater to your specific market. That could be a valuable
piece of content to have on your web site, and provide a _________________
valuable service to your web site visitor.
So, what I recommend you doing is start a web site, and _________________
you call it something like or, or something like that. Both of
these names are probably already taken, in fact. I had not _________________
checked to see if they were, but you can certainly do that. _________________
So your web site simply becomes a one-stop affiliate shop
where other web sites can come to find out about dozens,
or even hundreds, of different affiliate programs that are _________________
available to their specific market. They simply would click _________________
the link from your web site and then go directly to that affil-
iate program to sign up. You could even offer a package
where you actually sign them up, so they wouldnt have to _________________
do that. I dont recommend you do that. It is simply easier _________________
if you just say, Click here to go directly to their web site
and sign up for their affiliate program.
So, you basically become an outlet. Everybody comes to _________________
you to find all of the appropriate affiliate programs in their
specific market. You might have hundreds, or even thou- _________________
sands, of different affiliate programs available. Basically, _________________
like Yahoo, you would become the Yahoo of the affiliate _________________
world where every web site owner that was interested in
affiliate programs could come to you to find out about the _________________
affiliate programs in their market. You would categorize the _________________
different affiliate programs so your visitors would have an _________________
easier time sorting through them. If they were a business
that catered to the opportunity market, they could see a list _________________
of opportunity type affiliate programs. If they were inter- _________________
ested in any kind of subject matter, they could instantly see _________________
a list of affiliates in that particular area of interest.
You might even also offer a search feature where if they _________________
knew exactly what affiliate program, if they knew the name
of an affiliate program but they werent sure what it was,
they could search for that affiliate program by name and it _________________
would immediately pull that up so they could go right to it. _________________
Maybe you also would list a brief description of each affili-
ate program. Instead of just having a link to the affiliate pro-
gram maybe it has a brief description telling them a little bit
more about it and how much money they can make. Maybe

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 53
NOTES you could even rate them. You could say, I believe this is
a two star affiliate program. Or, I believe this is a four
star. So, by doing this, they could get your recommenda-
_________________ tion for how powerful you believe each affiliate program is.
_________________ Those are the kinds of things you could do as you expand
_________________ and as you build your business. To start with you might just
want to start by offering the affiliate links themselves.
_________________ Okay. Now youve got your content on your site and youve
_________________ got other web sites getting their content from your web site.
How do you make your money? As I said, its a little bit like
_________________ what Jeff Gardner talked about. You can make your money
_________________ selling advertising. By having all these different affiliate
_________________ programs listed on your web site, what are you going to
get? Lots and lots of traffic! You could have tens of thou-
_________________ sands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of visitors every day
_________________ or every week. Certainly every month! And all of those vis-
_________________ itors are coming to your web site with one goal in mind.
They are looking for content, but they are also looking for
_________________ other types of things that they can get for their web sites,
_________________ other products and services. Theyre mostly in the busi-
_________________ ness to business market.

_________________ What you can do is sell banner advertising to other web

_________________ sites who would like to reach these people who are com-
ing to your web site. It is a great way to make money with
_________________ advertising. Just like Jeff Gardner mentioned, you can
_________________ make a ton of money if you just have a small web site with
_________________ five pages and youre charging $250.00 for those banner
ads. You make a substantial amount of money and it is so
_________________ low maintenance. You dont have a lot of work to do. It is
_________________ very easy! It can make you a lot of money and all you have
_________________ to do is provide that link for people to click from your web
site off to other places. Affiliate programs would be a good
_________________ product to have on your web site because lots of web sites
_________________ are looking for affiliate programs to advertise on their web
_________________ sites. It gives them great content to offer to their cus-
tomers, as well.
_________________ Thats my idea. T. J., what do you have for us?
Thank you, Chris. Powerful ideas from all of our panel on
this tape! I hope that those listening to this program are

The Lazy Web

54 Wealth Content System
taking notes and using some of these ideas! Because NOTES & QUOTES
some of the ideas that Ive heard, just on this one tape
alone, can put tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in _________________
our listeners pocket. So, they are powerful strategies and
Id like to add to those with our own powerful strategy. _________________
There is something that has made Eileen and I millions of _________________
dollars and I know that it can benefit the listeners greatly. I _________________
am going to show you how to own thousands of pages of
valuable content without writing a single word yourself! _________________
This can make you millions of dollars, so listen carefully! _________________
There are two basic approaches here. Number one, you
get a ghostwriter, or a team of ghostwriters. Go out there _________________
and hire them to write material for you that you can put _________________
your name on. This is one that is used all the time! Russ
von Hoelscher was the one who first introduced us to this
secret back in 1989 when we first started working with _________________
Russ. He introduced us to a friend of his, Steve Lockman, _________________
in Minnesota. Steve ended up writing over 1,000 pages of
material for us. Out of those thousand plus pages of mate-
rial, were still selling three-fourths of it today! Its in differ- _________________
ent forms than when Steve first wrote it for us, but were _________________
still selling three-fourths of that material to this day! Since
then we have hired other ghostwriters and through those
ghostwriters weve amassed another 2,000 (or a little over _________________
2,000) pages of material. This is material that we own for- _________________
ever! It is ours. It belongs to us. We can do anything we
want with it. Getting ghostwriters is so simple and so easy
to do. _________________
Let me just tell you how simple this is. Four or five years
ago we ran a small ad in two little tiny newspapers. One in _________________
Canton, Kansas and one in Hillsboro, Kansas. Both these _________________
towns just have a couple thousand people in them. Just _________________
those little tiny ads in those little newspapers pulled in 75
responses from people that wanted to ghostwrite for us. _________________
Im telling you, there are so many people out there that _________________
want to write! They want to stay home and write, and get _________________
paid good money for sitting at home and writing. Theyve
fantasized about being writers all their lives. _________________
All you have to do is run a simple ad that just says, Writ-
ers Wanted: Small company looking for a writer to work out
of their home. We provide the research materials. Then,
all you do is you give them the kinds of materials that you

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 55
NOTES want them to create and tell them to take the ideas without
plagiarizing. They cant copy anything word-for-word, but
just use the ideas. There are some legal issues otherwise,
_________________ and you need to talk to a lawyer if that concerns you.
_________________ Weve never run into any legal problems. You just tell them
_________________ that you just want the main ideas. You can amass a huge
amount of materials that you can recycle. You can find all
_________________ kinds of ways to use them! Put them in manuals, newslet-
_________________ ters, sell the reprint rights to the material. You own it and
_________________ content is power!
_________________ The second way is you can buy reprint rights from other
_________________ people. Eileen and I have been buying up reprint rights. As
_________________ of now, we own over 4,000 pages of material and we find
all kinds of ways to use this. Listen, writing is hard work but
_________________ re-writing is very simple. If you own this material, you can
_________________ simply re-write it and re-format it many different ways.
_________________ Now you have products that you can sell, or you can sell
the licensing rights to your products to other people. You
_________________ can do joint ventures with other web site owners that are
_________________ looking for products or reprint rights. You can re-package
_________________ and sell it in a variety of ways. You could have distributor-
ship opportunities. There are all kinds of opportunities here
_________________ and you never have to write a single word yourself! You
_________________ can either have other people do it for you, or you can buy
_________________ the reprint rights.

_________________ Russ, youve bought a lot of different reprint rights and you
_________________ have a lot of experience in these ideas that Ive just
shared. Can you add anything to what Ive just shared that
_________________ would benefit the listener?
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ I think you did a good job of outlining it. There are so many
_________________ writers in America. I wouldnt be surprised if theres a mil-
_________________ lion people who want to write and can write. So anything
you want done, you can absolutely get people to do it! Of
_________________ course, this could be the basis of a new idea where you
_________________ offer a ghostwriting service on the Internet. You charge X
_________________ amount per page. (Alan Bechtold mentioned this off the
air.) You could then double that amount and have all these
_________________ ghostwriters working for you, writing the information that
people want. You can double the money this way so you
make 100% of the profit (or I should say, out of every

The Lazy Web

56 Wealth Content System
$1,000 deal, youd make $500.) Half the money goes to NOTES & QUOTES
you and you did nothing but put this colony of ghostwriters
together and then made the service available to various _________________
web sites. It is a fantastic idea!
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
Russ, I wanted to point out, too, that for any of the ideas
that you hear on this entire tape series (and there are _________________
many more to come). Remember, if you dont want to do _________________
this yourself, just as with the ghostwriting, there are always
people in your town, or on the Internet, or anywhere else,
at work possibly, that would love to help you do this in the _________________
evenings. You basically broker their services. _________________
Say youre not a great speller but you want to offer this _________________
spell checking service that was discussed earlier, you _________________
could find a good copywriter, a good speller, a person that _________________
is really meticulous with spelling who can check the writing,
and pay them to do the work. You just broker their services _________________
to other web sites. Now, every one of these ideas that _________________
were discussing is open to you. You just have to bring _________________
them together with the web site owners.
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Another thing that I would like to point out again with the
whole ghostwriting issue is, if youre worried about ghost- _________________
writing just remember that there is rarely anything that is _________________
new anymore. All the ideas that are out there, they just get
recycled over and over again. People come up with new
ways to package them and new twists on them. So for you _________________
to hire someone to take lots of different sources and _________________
rewrite lots of material and put it in your own words, dont
feel bad about doing that at all because thats where a lot
of the material that youll find out there comes from. Just _________________
people taking new twists and new angles on old material _________________
and reworking it.
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
I would like to give an example of that quickly! Back in
1994 when computer bulletin boards first took off and _________________
everybody started getting excited about electronic market-
ing, at that time we had about 600 pages of material on

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 57
NOTES making money with mail order. All we did was, we went in
there and everywhere it said, mail order we just turned it
to electronic mail order. Just one push of a button on a
_________________ computer does that, and then we just rewrote a few little
_________________ paragraphs on each couple pages or so. Within just a few
_________________ days we had a 400 page product on how to get rich on
computer bulletin boards. It was a 400 page product that
_________________ together with Russ von Hoelscher we sold millions of dol-
_________________ lars worth of that product.
_________________ T. J., you said something that I dont want people to over-
_________________ look. You said, Writing is hard work, but rewriting is easy.
Well, rewriting is very easy! Someone who doesnt con-
_________________ sider themselves a writer can do a good job of a rewrite.
_________________ Particularly on a subject that interests them. You have to
_________________ keep in mind that because you are rewriting material, it
doesnt mean it is less. Generally, it means that it is more
_________________ valuable than the original.
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Great point!
DON BICE - You have taken the ideas that the first person
_________________ had, or if he rewrote it from someone else, and then when
_________________ you rewrite, you add thoughts of your own. When you reor-
_________________ ganize and rewrite it, you just cant help (if its a subject
that interests you) from adding your own unique perspec-
_________________ tive, your own ideas, and it grows and becomes richer. So,
_________________ nearly always a rewritten product is better than the original
_________________ product!

_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
Thats a very good point, Don! Rewriting is so easy. I dont
_________________ see why more people just dont do it. Why do you think that
_________________ is, Don?
_________________ I think it is because it is called writing. The word writing
scares most people. I think that rewriting is a great way to
get your feet wet in creating your own products. The words

The Lazy Web

58 Wealth Content System
just flow because youre not doing all the research that NOTES & QUOTES
most people dread. You just make a few notes of your own
thoughts and then you sit there with the original material _________________
next to you, and you read and add to it. It is real simple! It
flows very easily! _________________
The first writing project I ever did was done that way. So I
know from experience that I probably wouldnt have cre-
ated my first product, it would have been too frightening! _________________
But in rewriting a product and adding to it, that didnt scare _________________
me as much and it turned out very well.
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Thats probably a good place to wrap this tape up. I just
want to say this, its getting so much easier to rewrite now _________________
that theyve got these very simple and very easy to use _________________
word processing programs. I swear, it is so simple and so _________________
easy to just copy and paste, change things around, move
a few pages from this document over to that document, _________________
and just shuffle things around. Recently, Eileen and I sat _________________
down and wrote a 300 page manual in a matter of just a _________________
couple of weeks just by rewriting some very simple stuff.
I would encourage all of our listeners to use that and use _________________
the other ideas that people shared on this program. There
were some powerful ideas that we heard and none of these
ideas are going to work by themselves. You have to go out _________________
there and make it happen! Take little bits and pieces of the _________________
best of the best that you heard! I think it is important to lis-
ten to this tape again and again just to re-stimulate your
mind with new ideas. Because many of our panel are shar- _________________
ing so many different concepts with you, and you never _________________
know where your next million dollar idea is going to come
from. It can come from hearing several different ideas as
you are passively listening and subjecting yourself to all of _________________
this. You can stumble upon, just all of a sudden a flash of _________________
a brilliant idea will come into your mind! That could be the
one that makes you a multi-millionaire! So, with that in
mind, lets go to the next tape to get even more powerful _________________
strategies. _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________

Okay, Alan, now its time to hear another one of your best

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 59
NOTES strategies for getting rich with content.

_________________ Okay, T. J., I want to talk about how to make $25.00 with
_________________ the snap of a finger, and to be able to do that 100, 500, or
even 1,000 times a month. This is big, folks! This is content
_________________ that the web is hungry, starving for, and it is very easy to
_________________ create. I know you can sell this because people are doing
_________________ it! They are just not doing it enough! Weve had a few rare
individuals contact us offering this service, but they arent
_________________ any good and I know you are! You are better than they are!
It is digital photography, or any photography, actually. You
_________________ can do this with a regular camera and any scanner hooked
_________________ to a computer. Scanners these days, if you already have
_________________ a computer, theyre around $90.00 for a decent scanner.
You can take your regular camera and take pictures as you
_________________ usually do. Digital cameras have come down in price to
_________________ where you can get a really good quality digital camera for
_________________ a couple hundred dollars, and literally set yourself up into
a business capable of creating thousands of dollars a
_________________ month. Now, all youve got to do is browse the web and
_________________ focus on web sites that interest you and have subject mat-
_________________ ter that require photos. Study the sight. Look where photos
are required. Look for places where a photo would make
_________________ the site sizzle. Then take the picture and e-mail a copy of
_________________ the picture. Or, some of your samples to this site and offer
_________________ reprint rights to use your photos on their web site. And, in
fact, let them know that youll have others available. You
_________________ can literally sell these photos.
_________________ This is the beauty about digital photography. There is no
print paper and there is no mailing. There is no darkroom
_________________ work. You can do it all on your computer and spice it up,
_________________ make it bright, and make sure the size of the photo is right.
_________________ You can also include the ability for web sites to request
specific photos from you whenever they need them in the
_________________ future. You can set up a subscription fee based system
_________________ whereby youll offer them five photos a week for a month at
_________________ a set price. There are any number of ways that you can tai-
lor your own photo service for web sites. The trick is to cre-
_________________ ate a few good samples, like four or five, and attach them
as file attachments to a message and send them out to
various web sites that need photos. Believe me, they need

The Lazy Web

60 Wealth Content System
them! Photos are great copy, they dazzle a site! They NOTES & QUOTES
make it look great! They use them for backgrounds. They
use them as little highlights along text. They use them with _________________
their logos. They use them all over the place. They just
dont use them near enough so I know they need more. _________________
Size is important. The real key here is to make your pho-
tos (when youve created a digital image) down to 72 dpi.
(72-74 is really good) Most people work around 72 dpi. The _________________
idea is to keep it so that it loads fast but still looks good. _________________
Thats one of those...72 dpi is a magic number that seems
to still look great and sharp on the web, but it keeps the file
size down so it transfers quickly. Then, keep it relatively _________________
small. You can always blow it up or provide a larger one or _________________
a small one if they need it. You attach these samples to an
e-mail offer and just send it out to web site owners. Or, you
could actually set up your own web site if you have that _________________
capability and we can always help you there. (Somebody _________________
will be glad to help you with that.) Set up a web site with
rotating five or ten samples of your work that are available
as free to anyone who visits the site. Also include, of _________________
course, your sales pitch on this service that youll provide _________________
them with customized photos to order and a rotating num-
ber of additional photos that they can get free of charge.
This is a great way to spice up a web site, to offer content _________________
to web sites that theyre dying to get, and it is a relatively
easy way to create content that people need. Because if _________________
youve got a good camera, and a decent eye, it is really _________________
easy to create 100 photos, or even 1,000 photos, a month _________________
once you get going. Like we discussed a little earlier on the
previous tape, you can always get the help of other bud- _________________
ding young photographers or amateur photographers in _________________
your area, and offer even more photos, dozens of them! It _________________
could even expand into artists offering art work and design-
ing capabilities. The idea is not to limit yourself to just the _________________
photos you can take. Or, you dont even have to take any _________________
if you dont want to, just be a broker. This is one of the _________________
areas that I know the web is dying for and I know theyre
more than willing to pay for. It is a great business! You can _________________
start part-time, full-time, or whatever. _________________

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 61
Thats a great idea, Alan. It lets people combine two inter-
_________________ ests. So many people are interested in photography
_________________ already, this can justify the other hobby as well.
I would like to talk about how to make lots of money as a
_________________ web site matchmaker. When most of us build a site, our
_________________ entire concern and focus is on the site. We worry about our
_________________ domain name, giving that right. We worry about our search
engine placement. Are we going to be high in the search
_________________ engine? Can people find us? We worry about the right
_________________ headlines, the layout, how does this site look, does the
_________________ order form work, do we have a good shopping cart? The
very last consideration we get to is the links from other web
_________________ sites to ours. Now, the truth is that links from other web
_________________ sites are extremely important. Most visitors get to your
_________________ sites from other sites. More visitors will find you from other
sites than from search engines. They have to be in
_________________ place...those links have to exist before they can work for
_________________ you!
_________________ This is the way people surf. They go to a site of interest,
_________________ they look at the links, they see other sites that relate to the
_________________ same subject, and they travel there and follow those links.
Thats how they move through the Internet. So, links are
_________________ very important! When you are designing and putting up a
_________________ site, links are always the very, very last thing that we think
_________________ of. You can always look at a new site and therell be one or
two, maybe three, links and theyre seriously lacking.
_________________ I think I mentioned that when the search engines now rate
_________________ sites, one of the things that moves you up in the rankings,
moves you nearer the top, is the number of links to your
_________________ site. So, links are not only necessary to bring traffic to your
_________________ site, theyre also necessary to get you up in the search
_________________ engine rankings. The logic is very realistic, frankly, that the
search engines use. They say, If there are a lot of links to
_________________ the site, then there must be a lot of people who think this
_________________ site is useful and so, therefore, it deserves a higher rank-
_________________ ing.

_________________ What I am suggesting is that you form a matchmaking

service. You go out and you find sites that need links and
you provide additional links to that site for a fee, a simple

The Lazy Web

62 Wealth Content System
service. It is easy to sell and easy for someone to under- NOTES & QUOTES
stand. You give it a name like, or, linkget-, or, and you solicit other web sites _________________
to solicit and set up links for them from other sites. The
truth is, theyll have to be reciprocal links. The site will have _________________
to agree to give a link back to the other site but thats fine! _________________
That helps everyone and it also helps in the search engine _________________
ratings. This is a very valuable service!
If youve ever sat down and started establishing links to _________________
your site, youll know it is a very time consuming job that
people dont know a lot about how to go about it. They are
a little shy about asking for links. But you can do it! You can _________________
systemize it and you can make some good money doing it! _________________
It is a really valuable service! You begin by charging a base
fee. Then you charge so much per link that you add to the
site. Of course, your client would probably want to be able _________________
to set a limit so it wouldnt be open-ended, but you can get _________________
a respectable fee and then you can continue to build over
time by getting paid every time you add a link.
What you do is work out a system. Because youre experi- _________________
enced in direct response and direct marketing, you can
easily create a series of letters that are approach letters _________________
that can make a good case for someone allowing a link to _________________
the site that youre working for. You can systemize this _________________
whole thing and then do just what Alan suggested, and
some of the others, about hiring someone to do the work _________________
for you. What you do is contract with a bunch of college _________________
students who are looking for part-time work from their _________________
dorms and you pay them to actually go out and establish
the links for you, do the grunt work. That way they get paid _________________
for doing something they enjoy. They enjoy surfing the net! _________________
And you split the link charge with them. You make the base _________________
fee for the set-up, and then you give the student half of
what you make for each link they add. If they add a link, _________________
they just look at the site, see what the requirements are in _________________
terms of what it relates to, and then they go out and do _________________
searches. They then use the letters youve provided to
contact those other sites and offer to establish the links. Its _________________
a really easy business to manage! You can devote your _________________
time to soliciting sites and your college students can do the _________________
work for you by establishing the links. It can be a repeat
business because you can come back to the same cus-
tomers over and over, every few months, and add a few

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 63
NOTES links to help keep their site fresh and new traffic on their
_________________ Its a really simple, easy to start business! It doesnt take a
_________________ large investment and it really is a valuable service that can
_________________ make you money and really be of use to web site owners.
Thats my idea. How about you, Ted?
_________________ TED CIUBA
_________________ Well, thank you so much. I tell you what, Don, Im going to
_________________ build right off of you! Im going to talk about how to get a
_________________ crowd of hungry web marketers working for you and pay-
ing you handsomely for the privilege, of course, while get-
_________________ ting rich yourself! Basically, Don, youre not the only on
_________________ who has talked about this idea already. I am going to put a
_________________ different spin to it but Jeff Gardner was talking about it also.
_________________ What I am talking about is links. Basically, Im going to talk
_________________ about it in two different ways. I am going to talk about the
_________________ affiliate programs, and about licensing marketing rights. So
in this little section, with this great money making idea Im
_________________ making two assumptions. Number one, that you yourself
_________________ have a web site. Number two, that you have a product.
_________________ Again, I hope that we have helped you enough so that
youve got both a web site and a product. If you dont, see
_________________ practically any one of us and we can give you some direct
_________________ and specific guidance. That being said, lets again remind
_________________ ourselves what were going to do. Were going to be giv- were talking about the whole purpose of this
_________________ program, The Lazy Web Wealth Content System is how
_________________ we can make money providing materials for other web
_________________ owners. So, were going to be giving other web owners in
this system the thing they want the most, and thats
_________________ another method to make money.
Affiliate programs are something Jeff Gardner discussed.
_________________ Im glad he explained some of the basics on it. Basically,
_________________ though, when you have a product and a web site you can
_________________ offer affiliate links. You give people a percentage of the
profit when they have a link on their site, someone clicks
_________________ through on their link, comes to your site, and they purchase
_________________ the product. You, of course, have made the sale and for the
advertising, which this is great advertising because you
dont even pay for it until after youve got the sale. In effect,

The Lazy Web

64 Wealth Content System
you give them back a percentage or a fixed fee, however NOTES & QUOTES
you decide to do it.

Can this work? Well, it can work great! It can work tremen-
dously great with free links, but it is a little bit easier to get _________________
a bigger broader group if youve got a pay program. Can it _________________
work? Well, Corey Ruddle is just one of the outstanding
successes. He has said, I make over a million dollars a
year just from my affiliate programs. _________________
Well, it makes sense! Why? Because there are millions of
web owners and once you determine what your niche is, _________________
which for instance in Corey Ruddles niche area, it is cars. _________________
He is selling a program dealing with cars. Still, youve got _________________
thousands and thousands of web sites across the world
dedicated to your program. Now you offer to give them a _________________
percentage. There are a lot of ins and outs with it and I _________________
dont have the time today to talk about all of them. If you _________________
will spend, and I know it is a long time, but maybe you can
make it an enjoyable evening, a couple hours researching _________________
these two web sites that Im going to give you, you will find _________________
a lot of information. The first one is Corey Ruddles site. He _________________
has a very good associate program available for a modest
fee. Go to Again, _________________
thats Im going to publicly _________________
share a little secret with you. Be sure you key in the whole _________________
URL because that 37658 is my affiliate number to his pro-
gram! Right? And you will have, of course, the same _________________
opportunities to sign up. _________________
There are actually a lot of different programs. If you want
to get a broad picture go to Thats _________________ Associate programs are the _________________
same thing as affiliate programs. Go there and check with
them. There is third-party, there is first-party, and there is
in-house. Again, unfortunately, I dont have the time today. _________________
But spend two hours and these may be the richest two _________________
hours youve ever invested!
Lets move on to licensing web marketing rights for outra- _________________
geous up-front profits, an ongoing residual income. This is _________________
a practice that we do quite frequently. What do you do?
Well, again, were assuming youve got a web site, and _________________
assuming youve got a product. You can license the right to
sell your product. It is almost embarrassing to say, and you

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 65
NOTES might not believe it but I am only going to say it because
were talking about you making big money. I wouldnt say
this in a cocktail conversation, but we sell products for
_________________ $1,000.00 that cost us 35 cents. You can do the same
_________________ thing! What are we selling? We are duplicating on diskette
_________________ marketing copy that people can sell, or use to sell a prod-
uct. We give them the right to sell this product. We give
_________________ them the copy and say, Here, go put it on your web site.
_________________ Now, thats $997.00 per disk. They are also given one
_________________ piece of paper which says, You have licensing rights.
Contact me any time and Ill be glad to give you a form that
_________________ will show you how to do that.
_________________ You can do much, much more! We do sell those marketing
rights for up to $10,000.00 and it depends, of course, on
_________________ the package and everything. But, again, were giving peo-
_________________ ple the right to make money. This is what web owners
_________________ want. So if you have a product, if you have a web site,
youve made copy that you can sell to them.
_________________ Now, so far I have only talked about the beginning. The
residual income is the greatest part. Because you give
_________________ them the re-sell right. Now when they purchase that prod-
_________________ uct theyre going to be re-ordering through you. Of course,
_________________ youve given them a discount and that discount could
range anywhere from 50 to 60, to 30, 45 percent, you
_________________ name it. You are the one setting it up. But, they order
_________________ through you so you make a profit. In my book, Mail &
_________________ Grow Rich on page 164 and 165, I outline the whole story
of one distributor that we had. We took a two year slice of
_________________ his action. He was working before that two years, he has
_________________ been working several years after that two years. But in that
_________________ two year slice of action, he alone made us $99,629.23.
Now, thats an easy way to get wealthy!
_________________ Lets just assume for a moment that you had eleven of
_________________ these and you made almost $100,000.00 off of other peo-
ple doing the work! Off of them working their web site and
_________________ ordering products from you. Youve made over a million
_________________ dollars! With that, Jeff Gardner, I would like to hear your
_________________ multi-million dollar idea for The Lazy Web Wealth Content

The Lazy Web

66 Wealth Content System

Great! Thank you very much, Ted. _________________

I am going to reveal a shocking content breakthrough that _________________
can suck up cash like a turbo charged industrial vacuum. I _________________
know that sounds kind of crazy. In fact, actually, I had to
tone it down! I had on my notes here, An Internet market-
ing secret guaranteed to make you wet your pants! But I _________________
thought that was just too over-the-top! _________________
I am actually going to show you how you can get rich by _________________
giving away free computers on the Internet. Youve proba- _________________
bly seen a lot of free PC, free computer offers. This is com- _________________
pletely different. It is a great way to give out some amazing
content and really put a lot of cash in your pocket! The way _________________
you do this is you create an online contest. An online con- _________________
test giving away, every single month, a brand new hot off _________________
the assembly line computer. For a monthly fee you let other
web site owners put that contest on their site. _________________
Now I wish I could tell you that I woke up in a sweat one
night and had this brainstorm of an idea and grabbed a pad
of paper off my bed stand and quickly jotted down the idea _________________
before I forgot about it. But I cant claim that! It is some- _________________
body elses idea and they are actually doing it on the Inter-
net and they are raking in thousands of dollars every sin-
gle month, month after month. This is an idea that is now _________________
actually working and can make you a lot of cash. _________________
Let me tell you about this company. They are offering a _________________
monthly computer contest and to enter you simply go to _________________
their contest site, you sign up, and thats it! It takes about _________________
10-15 seconds and thats it! Youre entered! A drawing is
held every month for a brand new computer system. So far _________________
they have had dozens and dozens of winners. The way _________________
they make money and purchase computers is ingenious. _________________
For just $25.00 a month they allow web site owners to
include a link of their site to the computer contest site. The _________________
web site owner now has valuable content, this free com- _________________
puter contest, that they can advertise and promote heavily. _________________
These type of contests are very hot! People love to come
back to your site again, and again, and again to enter! _________________
There is no limit on how many times someone can enter.
They can go back to your site every minute if they want to,

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 67
NOTES to reenter again and again. This is a contest that pulls peo-
ple back in like steel to an electromagnet to your site. And
again, remember, when you get that traffic to your site,
_________________ those people are potential buyers. Of course, the company
_________________ that created the contest is making a nice profit and has
_________________ enough money to give away computers until the end of
_________________ Let me give you a quick example of this. At $25.00 a
_________________ month, each new web site owner that signs up to put this
computer contest on their site is worth $300.00 a year.
_________________ Three hundred dollars a year! So if you get just 100 site
_________________ owners, thats going to give you a monthly cash flow of
_________________ $2,500.00 or $30,000.00 a year. This is just with 100 peo-
ple who want to put this free computer drawing on their
_________________ web site. Now lets say you sign up 250 web site owners.
_________________ Youd have a monthly cash flow of $6,250.00 or
_________________ $75,000.00 a year. Five hundred web site owners would
make you $12,500.00 a month or $150,000.00 a year. Hey!
_________________ Lets say youve got this great goal that you want to make
_________________ over a quarter of a million dollars offering a simple free
_________________ computer or any type of a free drawing like this. Well, youd
only need to sign up 1,000 web site owners. That is 1,000
_________________ out of the thousands and thousands, tens of thousands,
_________________ possibly hundreds of thousands of web site owners
_________________ already out there. Of course, you have to buy and give
away a computer every month, but with the right wholesale
_________________ computer source you can virtually keep over 90% of your
_________________ online profits. Now the site currently using this amazing
_________________ content breakthrough has been so successful, listen to
what theyre doing now!
_________________ They are now offering weekly drawings for palm pilots,
DVD players, laser printers and ink jet printers. Thats how
_________________ successful this system has been! Every month, of course,
_________________ they give away the complete computer system. Now, every
_________________ single week theyre giving away something else as well. So
what you do you? Well, you can create your own computer
_________________ drawing or your own any type of contest drawing on the
_________________ Internet. You can use prizes such as TVs, maybe VCRs,
_________________ DVD players, or lap tops. There are companies using
exotic vacations. Remember, the web site owners that
_________________ want content are paying for everything! They are paying for
all the prizes because they want this hot contest put on
their site! Its just an idea but it is one that has raked in

The Lazy Web

68 Wealth Content System
thousands of dollars in cash for the smart web site owner NOTES & QUOTES
who is using it.
Thats what Ive got. Now Ill hand it over to you, Russ.
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
All right, Jeff, thats a great idea!
I am going to talk about another Internet content concept _________________
which I call How To Get Richly Paid For Content That You
Can Get Free. Its all about content on the Internet. Weve _________________
all been telling you that. Did you know that the companies _________________
like Ruders, and King Features, and Associated Press, _________________
Bloomberg and others make millions of dollars every year
providing news and content offline and online. That relates _________________
to my concept. _________________
You supply web sites in the category of your interest with
the news, the views, reviews, product information, etc. in _________________
the are of their expertise and the area of their interest. _________________
Specialized information. No, Im not saying that this idea
will be a direct competitor of Bloomberg or Associated
Press, theyre multi-million dollar corporations. You can _________________
carve out a very profitable niche market on the web. So, _________________
with technology information, financial information, busi-
ness information, antiques, photography, or whatever turns
you on, you can provide several web pages updated every _________________
week with content. You might also publish a weekly e-zine _________________
to do this.
Now, how do you get paid? Well, there are actually two _________________
ways that I see. Method #1, you charge a small fee for your _________________
information, for your content. The news, the reviews, the
product information, what the industry experts are saying, _________________
etc. Maybe you charge $10.00 a week. Now with just 200 _________________
sites that would pay you $10.00 a week for content in their _________________
field of expertise and their field of interest, you would make
$2,000.00 a week. That adds up to more than $100,000.00 _________________
per year. _________________
The second way you can get paid is to sell a few ads or a
few banners on your e-zine, with the content that youre _________________
providing. This could easily bring another thirty, forty, or
fifty thousand dollars a year for you on top of the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 69
NOTES $100,000.00 or more that you make by supplying the con-
_________________ Now where do you get all of this information? The product
_________________ information, the news, the reviews, the industry knowledge
_________________ that you want to provide to the specialized sites. Well, it is
going to be easier than you think because there is a rich
_________________ treasure trove of information on the web. There is more
_________________ information than you want to get. Youll have to pick and
_________________ choose a little bit, but you can just go to the search
engines. You can put in the topic of interest and you will
_________________ find sometimes thousands of sources to glean this infor-
_________________ mation from. In many cases this is not copywritten infor-
_________________ mation and you can just relay it to your e-zine and make it
available to the sites at no change whatsoever. In other
_________________ cases, youll have to make a few changes which will be
_________________ very minor. You simply reformat what youre doing in some
_________________ cases, and in some cases you can use it just the way it is.

_________________ I think this is an important service. I think it is a highly spe-

_________________ cialized service. But, I think this is a service that people can
do and it can be very, very profitable. Thats my idea. Now
_________________ I am going to pass the baton to Chris Lakey.
_________________ CHRIS LAKEY
_________________ Thanks, Russ. Thats a great idea and I love what Jeff
_________________ Gardner said. I have seen several different web sites offer-
_________________ ing the free computer and it is probably from the same
company. Boy, if a web site owner wouldnt pay $25.00 a
_________________ month to be able to have that incentive on their web site,
_________________ to be able to say, Come to our web site and you can win
_________________ a free computer. Thats an amazing opportunity so if you
can do something like that, whether its with computers or
_________________ any kind of product or service on the Internet. Thats just
_________________ an amazing idea!
_________________ I am going to show everybody how to automatically sell
_________________ and deliver up to 1,400 reports or even, potentially, a whole
_________________ lot more from your ordinary web site. Now, it may sound
hard to believe and impossible how you could possibly col-
_________________ lect 1,400 reports or even more. How could you possibly
_________________ put them on your web site, and deliver them automatically,
and sell them automatically? Well, hopefully, youll have a
better understanding of how it all happens by the time I am

The Lazy Web

70 Wealth Content System
finished. NOTES & QUOTES
What I am talking about is there are a lot of different com-
puter disks and CD roms floating around. You may have
seen some of them. There are lots of different ones that _________________
give you the reprint rights to dozens, if not hundreds, of _________________
information reports. They can be on a variety of different
topics. Some of them are money making and some of them
are related to marketing in general. There are just lots of _________________
different topics! All of these reports are available. You can _________________
buy the CD or buy the computer disk. When you pay the
fee, whether it is $100.00 or $200.00 for the CD rom or the
computer disk, you actually own the rights to reprint and _________________
distribute all of the reports, and sometimes manual and _________________
books that are on these disks and CD roms.
What I recommend you do is pay a small fee for as many _________________
of these different disks and CD roms that you can get that _________________
have these reports on them. Lets say you choose to fact there is one that M.O.R.E., Inc. sells thats _________________
called The Instant Publishers CD Rom. It contains 750 _________________
different reports that you can reprint, sell, and distribute. _________________
So what you can do is have a web site thats only purpose
is to categorize and sell the reports to other web sites that _________________
are looking for content. _________________
Now what do they do with those reports? Well, they can
give them away free. They can use them to drive traffic to _________________
their web site. If they do e-zine marketing or e-mail mar- _________________
keting, they can simply offer to give away the report free
and use that to get people to come back to their sites over
and over again. Lets say that the 750 reports from the _________________
Instant Publishers CD Rom were divided into ten differ- _________________
ent subjects. Your web site could list the subjects available
and then the web site owner would simply click on a given
subject and they could see a complete list of the reports _________________
available. You could actually have each report right on the _________________
Internet available for immediate download, and of course,
they would pay you before they would receive the report.
But, you could have it all automated so it is all right on the _________________
Internet and ready to go right there. _________________
My suggestion would be that you set different prices based _________________
on how many of the reports they took. If they took just one
report it might be $19.50. If they wanted the reprint rights

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 71
NOTES to that one report to put on their web site, or, if they take all
of the reports on a certain subject area, of course youd
charge a lower price per report. You could do that many dif-
_________________ ferent ways.
_________________ This is a great service to provide to other web site owners.
What they would be doing is pay just a small reasonable
_________________ fee to you and in turn they would immediately get one or
_________________ more reports that they can use as content for their web
_________________ site. A lot of them are starving for content. They want these
reports but they dont know where or how to get them.
_________________ They might use a banner ad to let people know that they
_________________ have these free reports available, or again, they might e-
_________________ mail them. They could e-mail an offer to their customer and
say, Visit my web site again. Ive got this new free report.
_________________ If they buy a handful of reports; maybe they buy a dozen
_________________ reports, they could offer a new one every week. If they did
_________________ one a month, maybe, and they bought twelve of them they
could have a new report on their web site available free to
_________________ their visitors. It would rotate every month so they could
_________________ bring traffic back again and again.
_________________ The nice thing is the people that buy just one or two reports
_________________ from you, they would be able to come back again and
_________________ again and purchase more reports after they see how much
business they were getting by having just one or two of
_________________ your reports on their web site. It gives you a chance to get
_________________ repeat business from people who might not have pur-
_________________ chased every single report that you have available.
_________________ Now I mentioned towards the beginning here that there are
_________________ several of these computer disks and CD Roms available. I
_________________ just told you about the Instant Publishers CD Romthat
contains 750. I also know of at least one other one that
_________________ contains 650 reports. If you invested in as many of these
_________________ as possible, you could build a pretty powerful web site that
_________________ contained possibly 1400 reports. There are a lot more of
them out there so you could have thousands of reports
_________________ available. Basically you position yourself as the content
_________________ king of the Internet where everybody goes to for new
_________________ reports that they can add to their web site. If you set up
your web site the right way, you could have all of it catego-
_________________ rized so that they could come to your site, they could say,
I need a report on marketing my web site. They click here
and they see whats available there. I need a report that I

The Lazy Web

72 Wealth Content System
can show people how to make money with e-mail. So they NOTES & QUOTES
click here. I need a report that shows people how to make
money with e-zines. So they click here. There is every _________________
kind of subject available in your reports. In your thousands
of reports. By purchasing the rights to these reports you _________________
can just have them available for immediate download on _________________
your web site. If youre set up the right way, they can actu- _________________
ally pay with their credit card and immediately download
the reports. So you have no delivery. The customer pays _________________
by credit card and the cash is automatically deposited into _________________
your bank account. _________________
Once you do the initial set up to get the web site running, _________________
it is all automated. There is nothing for you to do except _________________
maintain your web site. There is a perfect opportunity here
for you to, again, sell advertising to the people that want to
benefit from your traffic as well. You dont even have to do _________________
that, its all automated. If you have a merchant account, _________________
you just deliver the reports via the automatic download.
The money is deposited into your bank account. It is a
great way to automatically sell and deliver up to 1,400 _________________
reports or more using your web site that does it all auto- _________________
So thats my idea. T. J., what do you have for everybody _________________
today? _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Well, thank you, Chris. That was exciting and so was
some of the other ideas on just this one tape! The best
thing that our listener can do is find a way to use a combi- _________________
nation of these powerful ideas. Some of our listeners might _________________
be a little bit confused. You are hearing so many wonder-
ful ideas, you want to use all of them at once, but you know
you cant! You have to get started with the best ones and _________________
then as your business grows, you find ways to develop the _________________
So, with that in mind, I want to throw in another multi-mil- _________________
lion dollar idea for all of our listeners. The title of my pres- _________________
entation is How To Get Thousands Of Web Site Owners
To Stand In Line With Cash In Hand, Practically Begging _________________
You To Take It From Them. Now, again, I am just trying to
outdo Jeff Gardner on my title for my presentation. But, its

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 73
NOTES true! With the idea that I am going to share with you, you
can get thousands of web site owners to practically beg
you to take their money. I am saying that with all confi-
_________________ dence because Eileen and I have done it!
_________________ What I am talking about is very simple but profound. And
then I am hoping after I get done maybe Alan Bechtold,
_________________ Russ, and some other people can add to this. You sell
_________________ packaged web sites to people who already have sites. You
_________________ let them put a link from their web site to this packaged web
site you sell. Now what is a packaged web site? It is very
_________________ simple. Three things. All you need are three things to put
_________________ together a packaged web site.
_________________ Number one, you need a product. Now the more you can
_________________ have proprietary ownership of it, the better. You dont need
_________________ proprietary ownership of the product, but you do need a
product. Number two, you need sales material for that
_________________ product. And number three, if you dont know how to
_________________ design a web site, you need to go find somebody like Alan
_________________ R. Bechtold. Find a web master to design the web site.
Once you have those three ingredients, now you are in the
_________________ position, and its a powerful position, to sell these web sites
_________________ for anywhere from ...I dont know, we sell ours for $995.00
_________________ but there are other people that are selling theirs for three
or four thousand dollars. So, anywhere from a thousand to
_________________ three thousand is a good price. Thats a very competitive
_________________ price. Just in the last couple years of doing this with Alan
_________________ Bechtold as our partner, weve sold over 7,000 of these
packaged web sites. It is very simple!
_________________ Unlike an affiliate program, or unlike most affiliate pro-
_________________ grams, the benefit to the web site owner is the fact that
they get to keep a larger share of the money for each prod-
_________________ uct sold. Its their web site. So essentially theyre getting a
_________________ distributorship for the product but it is all packaged in with
_________________ a web site that can just be linked to their site. It is a heck
of an advantage for each web site owner because it gives
_________________ each of the people that comes to their web site new links
_________________ to click onto to go to these different web sites that you sell
_________________ them. They have more opportunities to make more money.
It adds credibility to their web site because it makes it big-
_________________ ger and it just gives them a great opportunity to make more
money than they could make with most affiliate programs.
Thats the real benefit!

The Lazy Web

74 Wealth Content System
So, youre letting them have a much bigger web site, which NOTES & QUOTES
every web site owner wants! It is kind of a macho thing!
People want to be the biggest on the Internet! They want _________________
theirs to be bigger than yours, or whatever! Lots of people
are into this idea of dominating the Internet! They want _________________
their web site to have a strong presence, or whatever! It is _________________
very easy to sell these! Since every web site owner is look- _________________
ing for a way to make more money, you do all the work for
them. See, thats another key to these packaged web sites. _________________
All they have to do is give you $1,000 and you put a link _________________
onto a web site that youve already packaged up, and you _________________
just stamp them out like a cookie cutter one after another.
You can just sell them all day, every day. _________________
Alan, did I leave any crucial step or idea out of this for our
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
I just wanted to stress the concept is a powerful one. Of _________________
course, you and I have done very well with this working _________________
together. The other angle I wanted to stress is a lot of peo- _________________
ple might be thinking, Well, the person I am selling this to
already has a web site. Why would they buy this one from _________________
me? What you have to remember is anybody who already _________________
has a web site, they probably spent a lot more than what _________________
youre offering if youre selling it for just a thousand dollars,
especially if you can include a year or two years of hosting _________________
on the Internet and make it a true package where they _________________
dont have to do anything else. The other valuable reason _________________
they want that product on a web site ready to go is, a) its
no additional work, but b) theyve already got traffic to their _________________
other web site that they can just funnel and direct right over _________________
to this new product. Theyve got the promotion angle done. _________________
Theyve got a web site with traffic, presumably, where they
can just say, Hey, heres a new page to go check out, and _________________
start seeing sales right away. So there is even more rea- _________________
son for someone who already owns a web site to buy _________________
another one than someone you have to convince to get
started from scratch. _________________
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Well, I think one of the great things about marketing to web
site owners is these are people whove already spent their

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 75
NOTES money. We are talking about the cost of a web site being
thousands of dollars. You can go to these people and you
know theyre proven buyers because theyve already
_________________ bought a web site, they maintain it, they keep it up and
_________________ going, and in many cases for them to pay $500, $1,000,
_________________ $2,000 to add a new product to their site and they know
theyre going to get that back ten, twenty, thirty times or
_________________ more. Thats a no brainer! They say, Hey, where do I send
_________________ the check? Or, Let me give you my credit card number!
_________________ So, you always want to be going to these type of markets
that have money and are buying, rather than like Alan said
_________________ going to someone who is just starting from scratch and try-
_________________ ing to twist their arm and beg them to buy from you.
_________________ T. J., you said something that I think is very important. You
_________________ said, You dont have to have an exclusive product. When
I would hear that in the past, I would say, Oh, thats not
_________________ true! Oh no! NO! Everything I read in the past...the old
_________________ mail order rule said you need to be the exclusive source of
_________________ a product. Well, that may have been true in the old days of
mail order when people sold from an ad. You didnt want
_________________ other ads appearing that offered the same product that you
_________________ did, in the same publications where they said, Clip the
_________________ coupon. and sent it in and bought a product. The rules
today are entirely different in that regard. People buy what
_________________ they want and they buy it when they see it! It doesnt mat-
_________________ ter that youre selling something on your site that is being
_________________ sold elsewhere. If that was the case, none of these affiliate
programs would be working and earning the big profits that
_________________ theyre earning! Exclusivity was true at one time - it is not
_________________ important today! What is important is control. It is important
_________________ that you have a price with a sufficient mark-up so that you
can make a lot of money. So in these pre-packaged web
_________________ sites that you talk about, people are not making the 10%,
_________________ or 5%, or 12% that some of these affiliate programs offer.
_________________ But on these web sites, youre offering them 80% and
sometimes 90% of the selling price. Thats like owning an
_________________ exclusive product! In fact, it is better because then you
_________________ dont have all the associated costs like warehousing, ship-
_________________ ping and handling, and that sort of thing.

The Lazy Web

76 Wealth Content System

Good point! Good point! Russ, weve got a few minutes to _________________
go here, about three minutes exactly, and I know you sold
a lot of the packaged web sites. Anything to add to help the _________________
listener? _________________
I would just add that probably the easiest person to sell a _________________
web site to is someone who already has one! I was on the
phone with a guy in Texas a couple days ago, actually on
Monday, and he was buying a packaged web site from me _________________
which has a lot of my books and home study courses on _________________
them and what have you. I said to him, Have you ever had
a web site before? He said, Ive got eleven of them. This
will be the twelfth. I said, Wow! He got some of them as _________________
free web sites, which are not really free because they end _________________
up paying all kinds of extra fees. He got them from all these
different sources, so Ive come to the conclusion that sell-
ing web sites to people who never had a web site; you can _________________
do that and it can be profitable. But you can make a lot of _________________
money selling web sites, including packaged web sites, to
people who already have one or more web sites. They
know something about what is happening and they make _________________
excellent customers. _________________
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Thats a good point. Too many people think that you can _________________
only sell one web site one time to someone. But I think
youll find if you look around at the Internet, the people that _________________
have one or more are likely to have more than one or sev- _________________
eral web sites. So that is definitely true! _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
I know I was talking to this one customer of ours and he
was bragging about how big his web site was. I just get the
feeling, and Alan I would like a little confirmation (or any- _________________
body else that has something), that a lot of these guys it is _________________
a macho thing almost. They want a BIG web site.

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 77
It is kind of like building a retail store and a lot of people
_________________ start with a little shop. As the business succeeds and more
_________________ people come in, they go to a bigger shop. Then they want
_________________ three stores in town. Then they open a store in the next
town, and another one. Then they move on over to the next
_________________ town and, pretty soon, theyve got a chain. It is so much
_________________ easier to do that on the web with site, after site, after site.
_________________ Like you said, with web sites bigger is always better! Peo-
ple like more to look at rather than less. They come back
_________________ to look more and more. As they see new things being
_________________ added and more material than they can possible browse in
_________________ one visit. So, as you add web sites to your web site it
becomes just an extension of that web site, and therefore,
_________________ your web site is just getting bigger and bigger. Yes, there is
_________________ a little personal pride in that!
_________________ Thats a good place to end this tape. Those listeners who
_________________ are interested in this, transcribe this tape and listen
closely. Weve basically given you a strategy that has put
_________________ millions of dollars in our pockets. On the next tape youre
_________________ going to hear even more strategies that can make you rich
_________________ on the Internet. So go to the next tape right now!


The Lazy Web

78 Wealth Content System
Tapes 5 & 6
THE LAZY WEB _________________
WEALTH CONTENT SYSTEM _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Okay, Alan, now it is time to hear another one of your best
strategies for getting rich on the Internet. _________________
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
Sure, T. J., I want to tell everybody how to build a business, _________________
part-time or full-time, by being an e-mail elephant. This is _________________
really very simple. It can be less work intensive than it
sounds. I am going to give you a couple of secrets. Its cre-
ating an e-mail reminder service. _________________
Now, you can remind know, how do you keep
track of all this stuff? Well, Windows these days on a com- _________________
puter comes with Outlook as part of the package, usually. _________________
Or, you can get Outlook as part of Office. It also has a per- _________________
sonal information manager. You can also even buy little
hand-held personal information managers. These all allow _________________
you to set appointments, dates, and reminders. The key is _________________
that you just set up reminders for everybody. _________________
Now, what you do is set up an e-mail address that youll _________________
use for people to reach you and tell you they want to use _________________
your reminder service. You can advertise this e-mail
address on pin-up bulletin boards, a business card, or a
tear-off sheet on bulletin boards around the local coffee _________________
shops. If you want, do it on a shoestring budget to get _________________
started. If youve got a little bit of money, you could run
small classified ads. Basically, the message would be
Never forget another important date! Free Service! E- _________________
mail. Then give your e-mail address. _________________
Now, when they e-mail you, you send back an e-mail form _________________
letter that just asks them to list birthdays by name and _________________
date; anniversaries by name and date; other important
dates by name, event and date. They then e-mail them
back to you and youll get started and let them know one

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 79
NOTES or two days ahead of time about all of their important dates
by e-mail. They will have an e-mail waiting for them. You
could even add appointments if youre up to it, although,
_________________ that gets a little more complex. Im not going to go into that
_________________ here within my time limit.
Now, you would enter, of course, these dates and informa-
_________________ tion, the e-mail address, and the persons name into your
_________________ personal information manager software. Set it to remind
_________________ you a couple of days before the dates. Every morning you
basically will come in, run your personal information man-
_________________ ager, there will be a list of people there that you need to e-
_________________ mail, and you just send out the e-mail. You can, literally, do
_________________ this by hand. It will get very intensive after a while. You
could hire somebody inexpensively to help you if you want
_________________ to do it that way.
There is also an interesting software program called Inter-
_________________ net Eureka that is absolutely free. You have to pay if you
_________________ like it - it is free to use. It is like shareware. I will be happy
_________________ to send that to anyone who sends an e-mail to me at: sup- In that message say, Please forward
_________________ this to Alan. I would like a copy of Internet Eureka. I will
_________________ e-mail you a copy back that you can set up and see how it
_________________ works. What is neat about this is it is like the personal infor-
mation manager software I mentioned, but it can also be
_________________ set up to e-mail someone a reminder. So it can, literally,
_________________ help automate this whole process.
Now heres where you make your money. You offered a
_________________ free service. Sell some advertising to local merchants.
_________________ Remember, you are telling people about birthdays,
_________________ anniversaries, and other important dates. Most often these
involve a lot of local merchants. Florists are going to want
_________________ to advertise in these messages, gift shops, card shops,
_________________ book stores, and anybody like that who has a gift item or
_________________ something of interest to people. You can literally charge ten
to twenty-five cents per message that youre sending out.
_________________ Thats the going rate for a good e-mail address if you sold
_________________ a list. I would sign up these merchants by the hundreds.
_________________ You know, I will send you a hundred messages out for
$250.00 or $45.00 or whatever amount you choose. You
_________________ could actually set this service up and send it to your own
customers if you were selling other products and services
yourself. Advertise your products and services with spe-

The Lazy Web

80 Wealth Content System
cials and coupons at the bottom. Either way, what you end NOTES & QUOTES
up with is a great way to set up a valuable free service that
will have your customers looking forward to hearing from _________________
you, and thats a valuable saleable resource on the Inter-
net. _________________
DON BICE _________________
Hey, good idea, Alan. Thanks.
I am going to talk about how to solve a common web site _________________
problem and get paid whenever a web site owner builds a
new site. You can get paid again whenever someone
enlarges their site. Also to be paid again when someone _________________
moves their site. _________________
One thing is constant and thats change. Thats true in the _________________
world around us and thats no different on the web. Were _________________
always expanding, creating, adding new ideas, and when _________________
we do that with our web sites there is an opportunity. As
many web sites as are out there, it is just a drop in the _________________
bucket compared to the potential web sites that are going _________________
to be out there. You can turn that into an opportunity! _________________
Whenever people build their first web site, it is something
and soon after they build their web site and get it up and _________________
running they realize they need more than it to be some- _________________
thing. They need for it to do something. They need for their _________________
web site to subscribe visitors to a mailing list. They need to
add subscribers to their e-zine. They need their site to _________________
admit visitors to a private area to view something or to par- _________________
ticipate in a group. They need to add a discussion group to _________________
their site. They want to count the visitors with a counter, or
they want a way that people can refer their site to a friend. _________________
Finally, they realize that they need to take orders and that
requires an order taking system or shopping cart. New
owners of a web site find when they are faced with all of _________________
this, the first reaction is to panic! They realize, I dont know _________________
how to do all of this! Because 1) they either dont have the
knowledge and when they look at it it is frightening. Or, 2)
they just are really busy setting up their business opera- _________________
tion and they dont have the time. That presents an oppor-
tunity for you! You can become what I call a CGI installer

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 81
NOTES for hire.

Most of all these features I talked about are simple little

_________________ programs called CGI programs or CGI scripts, I think. I
_________________ think CGI (you can correct me, Alan) stands for Common
_________________ Gateway Interface.

_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD

Thats correct.
_________________ DON BICE
So, in simple terms, it just means these are small programs
_________________ which you add to a particular location on the server. They
_________________ run on the server doing all the things that we just talked
_________________ about. CGI programs do everything from count the visitors
to operate shopping carts. But as simple as these pro-
_________________ grams are, they can be a nightmare to install because they
_________________ use terms that most people are not familiar with. It involves
_________________ configuration files and setting permissions. People really
freak when they run into all of these terms and situations,
_________________ particularly new owners! The truth is, these are very, very
_________________ easy to install. You dont need to know anything about
_________________ computer programming. You dont need to know anything
except how to follow instructions very well because almost
_________________ every CGI program that Ive ever seen comes with a read
_________________ me file that tells you exactly what to do. As soon as you
_________________ understand the terms and have installed a couple of pro-
grams, they are really a piece of cake!
_________________ So, heres an opportunity to charge site owners a flat fee to
install their scripts for them. Now, I say a flat fee because
_________________ once youve installed a few scripts youll know exactly how
_________________ much time it takes, which isnt much time at all! So if you
_________________ say you are going to charge so much an hour, that can
frighten an owner because they look at their site and they
_________________ dont understand it. And so they have this, Oh, Ive spent
_________________ hours working on this thing and I dont understand it.
_________________ They also assume it is going to take you hours. If you are
charging an hourly fee, theyre going to freak! The secret is
_________________ to charge them a flat fee because you know how quickly
_________________ you can really do it. So you can charge them $50, $75, or
$100 to install a CGI script (depending on what your time
configurations are) and you can do it very simply and very

The Lazy Web

82 Wealth Content System
quickly. Youll know exactly what to do and exactly where NOTES & QUOTES
to go.

The way to build this business, I think, is that the CGI

scripts are all over the Internet and theyre free. What you _________________
do is you go out and you find the ten most popular scripts. _________________
They are rated in various places. Get the ten most popular
scripts and you load them on your web site. Promote your
web site as a location to get the scripts, and they can _________________
download them for free. Now remember, you have to let _________________
them download them for free. But every place you have a
script listed, you also list your cost for installing the script.
So they can download the script for free and they know _________________
exactly what it is going to cost for you to do it. As soon as _________________
they look at it and throw their hands up in the air, then they
can give you a call. You take their credit card and you can
sit home literally in your underwear, and you can install _________________
CGI scripts any time of the day or night, right in the server! _________________
All they have to do is give you the information that you
require, the password to their server, and so forth. You can
go in and install the script very, very easily! I really do mean _________________
it is easy to do, once you are familiar with it. _________________
Now, if you dont want to do all this work yourself, it would _________________
be very easy to find some college students to use. You find _________________
a college student and you let each one of them specialize _________________
in one or two of the scripts. Every time you get an order
for the scripts, you pick up and phone and call them and _________________
say, Hey, install this script for me, heres the information. _________________
Then, you split the money. You could actually do this even _________________
if you dont want to get into the installation of the CGI
scripts yourself. _________________
How do you build your business? Well, youre going to list
all those programs that you have (like I said, I think you
should pick the ten most popular) and put them in different _________________
categories. For example, the very popular referral tell a _________________
friend program. Or, the real popular shopping cart pro-
gram. Right on down the line...calendar, order form, form
mail, so someone can get anything they want right off your _________________
site. They can download it and get it installed. _________________
Now, how does it keep making profits for you? People tend _________________
to the longer theyve been on the web, the more features
they want to add. Each time they do theres a good chance

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 83
NOTES that you can install another CGI script.

How do you make money when they move? Every web site
_________________ moves at some point. No one seems to be 100% satisfied
_________________ with their host. Its like, well the service wasnt good when
_________________ I called. I need more space than theyre giving me. I found
it cheaper some place else. And when they move their site,
_________________ its not just transferring the site. Most times all those CGI
_________________ scripts have to be reconfigured, because there are differ-
_________________ ent paths to the program and 90% of installing a CGI script
is just telling it where to find information and where to put
_________________ information. When they change servers that means there
_________________ is another opportunity for you to work for them again. And
_________________ so, you continue to promote your business by sending peri-
odic e-mails telling your customers about new CGI scripts
_________________ that you have on your site or other things that you can add
_________________ to their site which will enhance it. That should keep you in
_________________ more work than you can possibly handle!

_________________ Thats my suggestion. How about you, Ted?

_________________ Well, thanks, Don. I tell you what, that is a good idea. Just
_________________ a quick example: the guy who now does our programming
and all our work like that, hes on a retainer. He started one
_________________ day just as a friend. We had other things going and I was
_________________ complaining about the problems I was having. He said, I
_________________ will do it for you for a few bucks. I dont even know what
he charged. I needed him more and more, and then later
_________________ on he approached me with the idea of just being on
_________________ retainer. He gave me a slightly reduced rate and now I am
_________________ paying him outrageous sums every month as we continue
to grow! Not only that, he took that same idea that started
_________________ exactly what youre talking about, Don, and he started
_________________ doing this to other people. We just happened to be his first.
_________________ He stumbled into it! He was written up, now, (in one of
these southern states) in the newspaper. He is doing a bid
_________________ (hes got a bid in but hasnt won it yet) of $30,000.00 for a
_________________ city to do some work for them. It all started because he just
_________________ was being techy. Its what he likes to do!

_________________ DON BICE

Thats great!

The Lazy Web

84 Wealth Content System

Yeah! So what I want to talk about today is how to get the _________________
most powerful people in your market to create information
products for you for free. And, of course, those you can _________________
sell. _________________
Basically, it realizes that one of the great tenants of direct
response marketing is that it is a market driven philosophy. _________________
You go where the market is! In other words, what is the _________________
best product to create? The best product to create is some-
thing that people are already buying! Wheres the best
place to advertise? Its not off someplace where youll be _________________
the only place advertising. Go where others are advertis- _________________
Now youre seeing all these people on the Internet and _________________
youre seeing all these people getting rich with information _________________
products. By the way, it is the same on and off the web!
Well, what if you could learn how to get the most powerful _________________
people in your market to create these information products _________________
for you for free? It is very, very easy! It is so easy, in fact, _________________
if this is the first time youre hearing it you might discount
it. But please dont!! Please listen to it and take it for what _________________
it is worth! _________________
All you have to do is invite others to talk about their area of
expertise. Now, it could be anything. Normally, of course, _________________
when we are coaching people we say, Get an area that _________________
youre interested in. Then you go and pursue those
Just yesterday evening I was channel surfing on the TV a _________________
little bit and I saw a few little advertisements. One was for
guitar instruction. Another was for beautiful lawns. Some- _________________
one was talking about how to make flowers. There was a _________________
cooking guide. Of course, it was a money making opportu- _________________
nity and I saw some .com things. I was just reminded again
how we can make money with anything on the Internet. _________________
There are experts with anything! And so, basically, any of _________________
these areas that you feel comfortable with, you offer to _________________
interview these people or you can even invite them to write
a book or article. Of course, the interview is the easiest _________________
thing. Why? For less than $120.00 you can go down to
Radio Shack and get all the equipment you need to make

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 85
NOTES a good solid recording.

Now, how are you going to get them to make a product for
_________________ you for free? It is very simple! You are giving them a risk-
_________________ free deal! Here they are getting rich, but they know they
_________________ have a great need for information products. More product!
That is where your market driven philosophy is. Youre
_________________ offering them what they need most! You are going to share
_________________ the product with them. You are going to give them 100%
_________________ rights to own, copy, duplicate, and do whatever they want.
And, of course, you have identically the same rights.
_________________ Thats one way to do it. When you approach them, too, you
want to make it easy for them. For instance, if you
_________________ approach them for an article, many times thats very hard.
_________________ But if you approach someone for an interview and say, Ive
_________________ got a prepared list of questions. You have to talk a little bit
so they know you have some expertise in their area, and
_________________ that you would like 30-60 minutes of their time. Chances
_________________ are, if they judge you as being of good caliber, that you
_________________ indeed have that, that you are going to record it, and you
are going to give them a copy of it either on CD rom disk
_________________ or cassette. Lately, weve also been seeing more and more
_________________ people giving them a real player file - an audio file that they
_________________ can play. They can put it up on their Internet site. You might
even offer that to them! So youve made it easy for them!
_________________ There is no risk! There is no cost!
_________________ Now, youve given them the rights to the product. You
know, we sell some of the products that weve given rights
_________________ to just because there is a production cost. We make money
_________________ when we sell those and we dont hide that from anybody!
_________________ Well tell everybody exactly that were making money.
Were not going to hide anything, and you shouldnt either!
_________________ If you give them the rights, you give them a master prod-
_________________ uct, theyve got it. Now you have that product, too. You can
_________________ put that product on other sites for a royalty or you can ship
it out - drop ship. You can put that on your own site. You
_________________ can use that product as a lead generator or as a bonus.
_________________ You can sell through ordinary channels, too. (Ordinary
_________________ channels are what I call the public world.) You can put
together a product that sells through book stores. Basically,
_________________ it is just by having a product.

Now, youve got someone else to do the hard work, but lis-

The Lazy Web

86 Wealth Content System
ten to this! You have substantially upped your own pres- NOTES & QUOTES
tige, in the meantime, by being associated with this person.
Of course you are making money off the product by pro- _________________
viding it to other web site owners or by selling it off your
own product. It is so easy! All you need to do is find out _________________
who are the experts in your market, prepare a thoughtful _________________
list of questions, have your equipment ready to record the _________________
conversation, which you normally wouldnt do it right away.
Normally you would set up an appointment and make con- _________________
tact. Tell them what you propose to do. Tell them how you _________________
would like to share it with them. Youre going to find a will- _________________
ing audience and thats another way you can get rich with
the Lazy Web Wealth Content System. _________________
Jeff Gardner, how about you this morning?
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Great! Thank you very much, Ted.
I am going to reveal a mind-blowing $780,000,000.00 idea _________________
that pulls in money faster than the U.S. Mint can print it! I
know this may sound crazy, but it is true! By the time I get
done talking to you, I am going to prove it to you! _________________
Now, weve talked about content being articles, reports,
and even contests. But a service you offer your web site _________________
visitors can also be considered valuable content. Alan did _________________
a great job of explaining this before. A reminder service _________________
that he was talking about is valuable content, and it is a
service. After all, if its a service that people want and it _________________
makes them come back to your site again, and again, and _________________
again, thats the kind of content you want to feature. _________________
Now to explain the service I am talking about, I am going _________________
to have to give you an example of a successful company _________________
offering it on their site. That company is Blue Mountain
Cards at You may already know
about If you go to their site, you can _________________
send an unlimited number of electronic greeting cards to _________________
your friends and family. They have cards for virtually every
holiday and occasion from Christmas and Valentines Day
to Dentists Day, and even Elvis birthday! You simply go to _________________
their site, choose an occasion, pick a card, personalize it
right online, and thats it. An e-mail message is sent to the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 87
NOTES person you are sending it to and they can go to bluemoun- to pick it up.
_________________ Now, you may be wondering how in the heck giving away
_________________ free electronic greeting cards is a $780,000,000.00 idea,
_________________ but let me explain. has become one of
the largest, most popular sites on the Internet by using the
_________________ power of viral marketing. What is viral marketing? Well viral
_________________ marketing works like a virus. Now, not a computer virus!
_________________ But, like a virus that you would actually give to a friend. You
may contract it, then youre talking to people and it floats
_________________ through the air, and they get it. They give it to five other
_________________ people and those people give it to other people. It just
_________________ spreads like that! It spreads by the people who have come
in contact with it.
_________________ For example, when you send a card to a friend from blue-, there is an invitation at the bottom of that
_________________ card for the receiver to send their own cards to friends and
_________________ family. So when one person sends a card to five people,
_________________ those five people now discover they can send cards too. If
each of those five people send five cards, thats 25 new
_________________ people who learn about If each of
_________________ those 25 people send five electronic cards, thats 125 new
_________________ people who now know about It contin-
ues spreading and spreading until millions of people know
_________________ about their service.
_________________ This is a powerful marketing concept because viral mar-
keting costs nothing. Your visitors spread the marketing
_________________ message for you by sending electronic cards! This concept
_________________ is so powerful that was recently sold in
_________________ one day for a whopping $780,000,000.00. And, yes, that is
faster than the government can print it!!! In an average day
_________________ (and yes, I did check this out on the Internet) the Bureau of
_________________ Engraving and Printing can only print $696,000,000.00.
_________________ Can you imagine that? One web site giving away free elec-
tronic cards made more money in one day than the U.S.
_________________ Government can make? Incredible!!! It is a great opportu-
_________________ nity and a great idea!
_________________ Now how does this help you? There are companies that
_________________ can set you up with your very own electronic greeting card
service for a very minimal fee. You now have the ability to
add the service to your web site and pull in an army of traf-

The Lazy Web

88 Wealth Content System
fic every single day. Or, you could go a step further and sell NOTES & QUOTES
access to your electronic greeting card service to other
web site owners. For a small fee, maybe $50, $100, or _________________
$200 a year, they could include a link from their site to your
electronic greeting card site. Or, you could even go as far _________________
as having software created that allows them to host a ver- _________________
sion of your greeting card software on their site. Of course, _________________
the small fee you charge may just pay for the cost of buy-
ing and maintaining your greeting card site. You see, the _________________
real profits come from the millions of visitors who the greet- _________________
ing card service delivers to. Once youve built up this type _________________
of huge traffic to your web site, you now have the ability to
cash in by selling advertising or products on your site. Or, _________________
with the right amount of traffic, you may even discover that _________________
a very large Internet company wants to pay you millions for _________________
your web site.
And remember, the purpose of delivering content is to cre- _________________
ate traffic to your site. Once you have that traffic, especially
huge amounts of it, you can turn it into an amazing cash
profit. The best thing about this content idea is that the _________________
more you share it - both with your visitors and other web _________________
site owners - the faster your traffic will grow and the richer
youll get.
Thats my two cents worth. Now Ill pass the ball over to _________________
Russ von Hoelscher.
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
Two cents? It sounds more like $780,000,000.00. That is
great, Jeff! It is a hard one to follow because what a fan- _________________
tastic idea!!! _________________
So, back to the mundane. How advertising content can _________________
make you rich. Thats my topic. You know, when we think _________________
of content on the web, we naturally think about reports, _________________
articles, stories, product information on web sites, or an e-
zine. However, most web sites are not doing a good job _________________
getting classified and display advertising, links, and all that _________________
type of stuff that can make them so much money. Because _________________
advertising is what drives the web. It is a huge profit cen-
ter! _________________
So my idea is to offer pre-packaged advertising content to

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 89
NOTES specific sites and e-zines who are not doing a good job
with it. There are so many that are not doing a good job
with this! Now, in the regular mail order business, there are
_________________ several firms like National Mail Order out of Sarasota,
_________________ Florida, and Columbia Advertising out of Indiana, who put
_________________ classified advertising in hundreds of magazines. Then
there is a company called Select Advertising in Chicago
_________________ that does the same thing but with display advertising. Hun-
_________________ dreds of publications carry these ads and give them a good
_________________ rate to run the ads.
_________________ So the secret to making money with my concept is to do
_________________ the same thing but on the web. That is to choose a field
_________________ that you know there are tons of advertisers for, such as
entrepreneurship and money making, where you can sell
_________________ tons of advertising to people. Now you start by contacting
_________________ many small to mid-sized web sites who do not run many
_________________ ads, or no ads at all, and you offer them this pre-packaged
deal. If theyll just give you a little space, youll present
_________________ them with a diskette, such as once a month, where they
_________________ can place this advertising. Youll also give them some
_________________ money to run these ads and youll also sweeten the deal by
taking any ad they have and placing it on tons of other
_________________ sites. So it is a very good win-win proposition.
Next, you go to all the possible sites, e-zines, and newslet-
_________________ ters where there could be an ad section and you sell them
_________________ on the idea to do the same thing. Then you contact as
_________________ many people, as many sites as you can, that will advertise.
So you put the two together - those that will put the adver-
_________________ tising on their site with all the people who want to adver-
_________________ tise. I think you can make thousands of thousands of dol-
_________________ lars a month doing this. Another side bar of this, you can
get your own advertising, possibly on hundreds and hun-
_________________ dreds of sites absolutely free. It is easy to do because you
_________________ just put it in on the disk that you send to these people.
So I think it is a profitable concept and one for your con-
_________________ sideration. Now I would like to pass it on to Chris Lakey.
_________________ CHRIS LAKEY
_________________ Well, thanks, Russ. Boy, everybody has had great ideas on
this tape. Hopefully, Ill be able to continue that!

The Lazy Web

90 Wealth Content System
I am going to show people how to make thousands of dol- NOTES & QUOTES
lars a month by letting other people talk. Your web site
actually will automatically do most of the work for you! _________________
Now, there are a lot of discussion forums on the Internet.
People love to go to these discussion forums about various _________________
topics. There are as many discussion forum topics out _________________
there as there are web sites almost. There are discussion _________________
forums on gardening, marketing, or on cooking. There are
all kinds of discussion forums! People love visiting these _________________
discussion forums, posting questions, reading other peo- _________________
ples responses, sharing links to other web sites, and there _________________
is all kinds of information flowing from these people who
are talking on these discussion forums. _________________
Now, my idea is to start your own discussion forum and
then let other people link to it on their web site. The actual
forum would be hosted on your web site, but other web _________________
sites would tie into it through a special page on their web _________________
site. This would give those web sites the valuable content
they need to have their own discussion forum. There are a
lot of web sites already who have their own discussion _________________
forums, and if you spend much time on the Internet youve _________________
probably seen a discussion forum. Youve probably even
participated in one. If you havent, I certainly recommend it!
It is a valuable way to get information and to share your _________________
information with other people. It is certainly a good way to _________________
advertise your web site by participating on the discussion
Anyway, there are lots of web sites starting their own dis- _________________
cussion forums. There are lots of them that have been out
there for years now. They are finding that the results are _________________
amazing and it is a tremendous way to get your customers _________________
involved with your web site and keep them coming back _________________
again and again. The only problem is that there are still a
lot of web sites owners who are new to the business. As _________________
Don said, they are not really familiar enough with CGI _________________
scripts to actually start their own. They are a little afraid but _________________
they would like to benefit from them because they see how
powerful they are, they just dont know how to get started. _________________
What you can do is syndicate your own discussion forum.
I use the word syndication. I dont know if thats the right
word but it is the best word I can think of to describe what
you would be doing. You would simply let other people pro-

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 91
NOTES mote your discussion forum on their web site and they
would act like it was their own discussion forum, but the
link would actually take them to your web site.
_________________ So, thats one way to do it where you actually have it all on
_________________ your web site but then you just let other people link to it.
They can use it. They can say they have a discussion
_________________ forum that people can visit and participate in.
Another way you could do this is with todays technology
_________________ and Im sure it may already be being done somewhere. It
_________________ is possible, Im sure. What you could do is make some kind
_________________ of auto-duplicating discussion forum where different web
site owners would pay you, and then you automatically
_________________ through this special software, would create a
_________________ header...some kind of banner on the discussion forum that
_________________ displays their web sites name instead of yours. The trick is
the content for the discussion forum itself would be the
_________________ same for everybody, so that isnt going to change. You
_________________ would still be the owner and moderator of this discussion
_________________ forum. Everybody who comes to the discussion forum from
all of these web sites would see the same content. You
_________________ would still be in charge of it. You would still run the discus-
_________________ sion forum, but it would actually display each (through this
_________________ special software) header. It would show some kind of ban-
ner ad so that it would appear to be unique to that web site.
_________________ This would actually give more value to the web site owner
_________________ because they get to use your discussion forum as the con-
_________________ tent. The page itself through the self-duplication software
that you could have, would appear as though it belongs
_________________ exclusively to that web site owner.
_________________ Now, like Ive said, Ive never seen this actually done with
discussion forums but I know that the software does exist
_________________ that allows a web page to be automatically created with the
_________________ same text only a different web sites name at the top. Ive
_________________ seen that done for different offers. I know the software is
available that does this. I am sure it would be available to
_________________ be adapted to discussion forums, too.
It is certainly an idea that I believe would work for discus-
_________________ sion forums. It would provide valuable content to thou-
_________________ sands of other web sites because they would be allowed to
link in with it,. For a small fee every month (say $20 or $25,
you could set it at whatever you want) they would be able

The Lazy Web

92 Wealth Content System
to, through the software that you had, create an automatic NOTES & QUOTES
page where they would benefit from your discussion forum
that contained all of the same discussions and all of the _________________
same text. They would have it appear that it would be com-
ing from them exclusively. When their customers see that _________________
it looks like it is a part of their web site, naturally, these cus- _________________
tomers would keep coming back to that web site again and _________________
again to visit that discussion forum and participate. It would
allow the web site owners to advertise that they have that _________________
discussion forum and it is a great piece of content to have _________________
on their web site to use to keep customers coming back _________________
again and again.
Again, you could make thousands of dollars a month just _________________
by charging an ongoing monthly fee to the web sites who
want to benefit from having your discussion forum on their
web site. Or, by using the special software, actually doing _________________
it that way as well. _________________
Thats my idea. T. J., what do you have for us? _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Hey, Chris, that was so powerful, everything that people _________________
have said on this tape! These ideas can make our listeners _________________
millions of dollars! The secret, of course, is you have to find
the one that attracts you the most, get started in it, and
then expand from there! So I hope all of our listeners are _________________
getting excited! I want to do what I can to help excite you _________________
also. I am going to do this one in two parts. This is part one
and then on the next tape I am going to finish it up.
It is what I call The Money For Life System. Money for _________________
life, for the rest of your life. I am going to show you how you
can stay home every day, put in a few hours of pleasant _________________
work, and make more money than your lawyer or doctor _________________
earns. Now that is a bold promise, so listen carefully as I _________________
fulfill this promise to you!
This is a very simple business plan. Thats the thing that a _________________
lot of folks are lacking! They have the desire to make a lot
of money. What they dont have is a solid business plan
that can do it! This is such a plan and it happens to be very _________________
simple, as every idea that anybody will ever hear from me
is simple because I am a simple-minded person.

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 93
NOTES The idea is that you develop a course. A home-study
course for lack of a better word, but a course. In this exam-
ple, you would sell this course two different ways. You
_________________ would have a Basic Edition that would sell for $490.00, and
_________________ you would have a Deluxe Edition that would sell for
_________________ $785.00. Now, this is not some idea that I just dreamed up!
Believe me, Eileen and I know people that are making mil-
_________________ lions of dollars with this very simple system. They have a
_________________ course that theyve developed. It might have taken them a
_________________ year or so to develop the course, but now they have this
product and it can make them money (or is making them
_________________ money) for the rest of their lives. It can make you money
_________________ for the rest of your life!
It is very simple. What is this course? Well, the basic
_________________ course could consist of as few as six audio cassette tapes.
_________________ I think Ted Ciuba gave us a great idea on this type of inter-
_________________ viewing other people, getting it on tape, and then using the
transcripts of the tape as part of your course. Plus, some
_________________ other written materials, some free bonuses, and a three-
_________________ ring binder (maybe even a couple three-ring binders). Ill
_________________ show you later how you can easily put that together. I think
Ted gave you a good concept for coming up with the six
_________________ tapes. As for your total costs, you can put a nice package
_________________ together with shipping, and Im talking about second day
_________________ air shipping, for $45.00. It sells for $490.00 and costs you
_________________ For the Deluxe Edition, you add a few more cassette tapes.
All it is is just your basic with a little more meat to it. You
_________________ throw in a few more services. Thats what most of these
_________________ guys are doing. Theyre throwing in some special consult-
_________________ ing services. These consulting services have such a high
perceived value that now you dont have to add much more
_________________ to your actual course, but by using those services you can
_________________ really increase the perceived value. Many people will take
_________________ the Deluxe version rather than the Basic version because
they need help. They dont just need materials, they need
_________________ some hands-on help, support, and guidance. So your total
_________________ cost can be as low as $75.00 or less, and yet youre sell-
_________________ ing it for $785.00.
_________________ Now, the goal is to go out there and find a hundred good
joint venture partners. Remember, this is a business plan.
This is the goal. You are not going to reach it overnight, but

The Lazy Web

94 Wealth Content System
ultimately within a couple of years, youll want to have a NOTES & QUOTES
hundred good joint venture partners.

What is a good joint venture partner? In this example, it is

someone who can sell a minimum of one course a week. _________________
Some months they sell five and six. Some months they sell _________________
three, but they average one course a week. The key is that
you give them a link that they can hook from their web site
to you. Drive people from their web site to your web site _________________
and you give them 70% of the money. So, people go to _________________
their web site, it links with yours, you make the sale, you do
the follow-up with the customer, you provide all the serv-
ices, products and the shipping, and you give your joint _________________
venture partner 70%. Forget about all those wimpy little _________________
deals out there! There all kinds of these programs. These
affiliate programs that offer 5%, 10%, or 15%, forget about
those! What you want is to create the ultimate affiliate pro- _________________
gram! Give them 70%! _________________
I am going to share some numbers with you in my second _________________
half of this thing. I need to wrap this up because Ive run _________________
out of time here. But I just want to say that this can make _________________
you money for the rest of your life. And, if youll listen to my
presentation on the next tape, Im going to show you how _________________
you can make more money than your doctor or lawyer _________________
earns and never put in more than a few hours a day. Thats _________________
my presentation for this time. Wed like to maybe open it up
for some discussion. Weve got about another six or seven _________________
minutes to go, guys. _________________
Id like to throw something in, T. J. _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Okay. _________________
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
I was impressed, also, with Chriss idea. It kind of plays
along with what I was talking about also. I wanted to stress
to everybody that sometimes the best content you can sell _________________
people is created by the people visiting your site or your
web site itself. In my case, with the reminder service, the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 95
NOTES individuals who are partaking in this free service. By doing
this, you are creating a service and you are offering this
free service, but theyre also creating the content for you
_________________ that then comes back to them with ads attached. In Chriss
_________________ case, I have seen this time and time again. A good mes-
_________________ sage based system creates a community and people get to
know one another, they are messaging and chatting. They
_________________ come back night, after night, after night. They are exposed
_________________ to your web site and your advertisers when they do. It is
_________________ very very valuable.
_________________ Here is a good example: Yahoo. My wife loves playing
_________________ cards on Yahoo. They have free card games. At any given
_________________ time, you can pick from several different games, and she
likes Spades. There might be 3,000 people playing
_________________ Spades. I was thinking to myself, the money involved in
_________________ setting this system up and maintaining it...the servers, the
_________________ band that delivers all these card games and serves all
these people is being made up because while you are
_________________ playing there are ads being displayed. These visitors to the
_________________ site are creating the content that keeps the people coming
_________________ back. If you dont think this works, look at aol and how they
got rich. Their message bases are what made that com-
_________________ pany what it is today as an Internet service provider. Peo-
_________________ ple still get on aol because a) it is easy to get on, b)
_________________ because there is a huge number of communities that can
chat and e-mail among themselves, become friends and
_________________ form communities.
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Well, yeah, thats the whole foundation of the Internet, isnt
_________________ it?
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
_________________ Exactly. Especially in this day and age where it is increas-
ingly perceived to be dangerous to even leave your house,
_________________ more and more people are doing what they call cocoon-
_________________ ing.

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96 Wealth Content System

This doesnt kill the need to socialize, but it creates a fear _________________
of going out and socializing. The Internet is the ultimate
safe way to do that! _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
I think if there is anything people can look forward to on the _________________
Internet or as far as the Internet growth its the fact that _________________
more and more people are getting online and theyre find-
ing that theyre enjoying it. Take for example, Eileens
mother, heres a woman in her late 60s and she spends _________________
four hours every night on the Internet talking with her rela- _________________
tives. Anybody that gets on is going to get hooked on it and
the more tens and hundreds of millions of people that are
hooked on it, the more opportunities for the marketers. Isnt _________________
that the way you guys all feel about this? _________________
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
Yes. _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Right. It is a trend that is just going to continue to get
stronger, and stronger, and stronger!
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
You can find a way to form a community. Thats the current _________________
buzz word. In other words, just create a system where a lot _________________
of people can get together, through you. Youve got an _________________
advertising medium thats a killer.
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Right. Several of the ideas that weve heard on this tape
can do that for you, or you can help other web sites get that _________________
for them. Thats what I like! I so enjoyed the different ideas _________________
on this tape for helping other web sites become more suc-
cessful and to build that community by the services and
products that you provide for them. _________________

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 97
Well, T. J., you also brought up a really good idea with your
_________________ money for life system, which is the basis for direct
_________________ response marketing of information products. The listeners
_________________ understand that every one of us are creating products and
marketing products, and the Basic/Deluxe Edition is a tried
_________________ and true formula. People do buy the better formula. Our
_________________ costs are so low and the product has such a high per-
_________________ ceived value, this is a gold mine. A lifetime gold mine!
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Yes, sir, having your own product is power and part of that
power, if you pick the right subject like Russ, youve got a
_________________ stock market course. With just a few minor updates and
_________________ revisions, you can sell that course for the next 30 years.
_________________ Right?

_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER

Thats right. You know, the affiliate programs on the Inter-
_________________ net, Im just amazed at how little they offer people. Five
_________________ percent, ten percent, like it is a big deal! You come along
_________________ with a program like yours and you say, Were going to give
you 70% of the money. You just blow away all those
_________________ measly little deals that are not very exciting! Even though
_________________ there are thousands and thousands of affiliate programs,
_________________ not many people offering the huge profit margin that we as
information sellers can offer.
_________________ DON BICE
I think that got started mostly because of
_________________ They set the pattern for the affiliate programs, and
_________________ because they are selling books that they purchase they
_________________ dont have much margin for profit on those books. They
were offering very measly little discounts and everyone
_________________ who said, Oh, affiliate programs worked for Amazon. Lets
_________________ have an affiliate program. Well, they copied those measly
_________________ little discounts, too. When you have your own product, and
you control that product, you can offer the kinds of dis-
_________________ counts that T. J. has mentioned. It makes a big difference
in the kind of support you are going to get from affiliates.

The Lazy Web

98 Wealth Content System

Heres another little twist on that same idea. Even if you _________________
have a group of products where you dont have a large
margin that you can give those high percentages, you can _________________
still make a nice (very nice) profit by giving your joint ven- _________________
ture partners as much profit as you possibly can on every _________________
item, so that youre barely making any. Then you make
your money by setting up the joint venture program in the _________________
first place. You know, for $995.00 people can get into your _________________
program and you tell people very specifically, Im only _________________
making 2% or whatever. Youre getting the lions share of
the money. Im making my money by signing you up into _________________
the program. Thats the only way I make a profit. People _________________
will respond to that kind of message. _________________
DON BICE _________________
It makes sense.
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Right. Because you are giving them the chance to make
the most money and they see it, plus they know that you _________________
have to make a profit, too. _________________
We have clients doing that today. _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Right. It has been a good thing that works for us. When- _________________
ever you can sell some kind of a packaged distributorship
kind of program, you can make your money on the sale of _________________
the entry level fee alone. You dont have to make one sin- _________________
gle dime of profit on the sale of any of the products _________________
because your profit came from selling the entry level into
the program itself. _________________
Anyway, this has been a great tape! You guys have all had
so many powerful ideas for our listeners and now, lets
keep moving forward! We will wrap this program up on the _________________
next tape by sharing even more of our powerful and proven
ways that you can get rich with content. So lets go to the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 99
NOTES next tape right now!

_________________ Okay, Alan, now it is time to hear your next strategy for get-
_________________ ting rich on the Internet.
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
_________________ Okay, T. J., I want to tell everybody how to become an
invaluable copywriter for every local merchant in town. It is
_________________ really a very simple technique. You dont even have to
_________________ have a web site. All you need is e-mail. That has kind of
_________________ been my theme this tape and the last couple of tapes.

_________________ Basically, and I run into this problem all the time. Again,
_________________ one of the key secrets to a successful business of any kind
is finding a need and filling it. I run into countless local mer-
_________________ chants who are starting to ask for e-mail addresses from
_________________ their customers. They are asking for them because they
_________________ want to send them special offers, updates, and newslet-
ters. Guess what Ive found out? Of the 50% of the busi-
_________________ nesses that are starting to now ask for e-mail addresses, a
_________________ good 87% of them havent done anything with them. This
_________________ is because they are caught up in the day-to-day business
of running their businesses. They dont ever get back to
_________________ sending out those offers as they should!
_________________ This is where you come in. Offer to send coupons, special
offers, announcements of sales and arrival of new products
_________________ to local merchantss customer e-mail lists for them. Youll
_________________ write the copy. All they have to do is just give you the lat-
_________________ est sales items or whatever special they would like to offer.
Offer to send these out weekly. Set yourself a fee of $50 -
_________________ $100, or $200 a week depending on the size of the list. You
_________________ send out the e-mails to a list that youve created. You can
_________________ just set up multiple mail boxes right on any standard
browser with an e-mail service that will do that for you. You
_________________ just send these out to their customers. You will become an
_________________ invaluable resource for these people because you will also
_________________ always make every offer a coupon. Such as, Bring this in
to take advantage of this special sales price. The point is,
_________________ theyll see the return almost immediately! I guarantee this!
They will see a return almost immediately! You will become
an invaluable resource they will be calling on every week.

The Lazy Web

100 Wealth Content System
They would never dare let one of their checks miss you. NOTES & QUOTES
DON BICE _________________
Good idea, Alan, because when you can show results like
that you know youre going to keep that customer for a long _________________
time! _________________
I am going to talk about how to get the worlds greatest
writers to produce your content free and how to make _________________
money giving that content away. I guess on this tape weve _________________
pretty well established the fact that everyone is looking for
quality content. Here is a twist that gives you high quality
content to offer other web sites thats really not going to _________________
cost you anything. It is going to make you money! _________________
First of all, you need to decide on one or two topics (sub- _________________
ject areas) that really interest you, something that you _________________
enjoy reading about. Lets take, for example, small busi- _________________
ness home office operations. If small business home office
operations are really interesting and fascinating for you, _________________
well then go out and make a list of the top books - the best _________________
selling books in that subject area right now that are in the _________________
book stores or just coming out. Get copies of those books!
While youre at it, make arrangements to become a book _________________
seller. If you dont know how to do that, you can contact the _________________
American Book Sellers Association. They have some nice _________________
hand books and literature that tells you exactly how to do
that. What you want to do is be able to buy books at whole- _________________
sale, the books that are selling well. I am going to show _________________
you how youre going to sell those books very effectively. _________________
Now you have these basic books that youve gotten that _________________
you find interesting and now what you want to do is sit _________________
down and read them. Thats why I said you need a subject
area that interests you. You go through those, read the
books, and you extract the key ideas from each of those _________________
books. You are going to look for 20 - 30 ideas in each of _________________
those publications that are, first of all, it may be a surpris-
ing piece of information. A piece of information that is really
thought provoking. A piece of information that could save _________________
someone a lot of money, or something that is very inter-
esting and witty. You are just going to write these in short

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 101
NOTES paragraphs of two to four sentences and put them in little
attractive blocks so they can easily be inserted on a web
site. You are going to take each one of these and create a
_________________ headline that is appropriate for what the paragraph is
_________________ about. For example, how to reduce your printing costs
_________________ 15%. End your paragraph, and below that youre going to
put the signature that says the name, the author, and the
_________________ book that it was taken from. So far, so good. But how are
_________________ you going to make your money?
Well, you are going to contact web sites that would be
_________________ interested in this particular market. Web sites that talk to
_________________ home businesses and small business operators. Youre
_________________ going to offer them one of these blocks of type - a tip or
whatever it is. One of these blocks of type, every single
_________________ week, at absolutely no charge. Most of them will jump for
_________________ it!
_________________ So, how are you going to make your money? Well, at the
_________________ bottom of that tip or paragraph is a link and it says, For
_________________ more - click here. They are reading the paragraph, they
see something that is really interesting and fascinating,
_________________ and thats why they are reading it. They get to the end and
_________________ it tells them the book it is from, and it says, For more - click
_________________ here.
_________________ Most people are going to assume it means for more infor-
_________________ mation on this subject. But when they click, what it is going
_________________ to do is take them to your web site and not just a front page
web site. It is going to take them to a page you set up at
_________________ your web site that is a page about that book. Youre going
_________________ to put an illustration that you either scan from the cover
_________________ yourself, or have stolen from You put that on
your site, and Russ on a previous tape told you about how
_________________ easy it was to make up a book review by just listing the
_________________ paragraphs that were on the jacket. You dont have to
_________________ make it a full review but you can list the information off of
the flaps on the back jacket. You can put all that informa-
_________________ tion on the page and then, of course, you put an order
_________________ form. They can order the book directly from you. You dont
_________________ have to stock the books - you can stock the books, but you
can make arrangements with a book seller and distribu-
_________________ tors, probably, to do the drop shipping for you. Essentially,
you set up a selling machine where all this content youve
created is essentially a banner ad on other sites. Hundreds

The Lazy Web

102 Wealth Content System
of them, actually, that are bringing sales to you. Directly to NOTES & QUOTES
the page where they make the order. Of course, you have
a page for each book that youre promoting. You have a _________________
selling machine!
The first question that may come to your mind is, how in _________________
the world are you going to compete with Amazon?
Because you cant lose money as fast as they can. You
cant offer your books that inexpensively, possibly. Well, _________________
you know, people dont buy because of the price. They buy _________________
because of convenience! Its been demonstrated over and
over on the web. If you have given them information, they
have clicked on it, theyve come to your page, the see the _________________
information about the book they want, and all they have to _________________
do is order it right then and there! Theyre not going to
leave that page and go looking for a place to get it cheaper.
Theyre going to buy it right then! _________________
So, you have created an entire book selling operation by
giving away free content. Thats my idea. Ted, what do you _________________
have for everyone? _________________
Well, thank you so much! What I am going to talk about _________________
today is how to get paid $1,000.00 per hour surfing the
world-wide web in your spare time. Basically, what were
going to be talking about here is, like any good marketing _________________
consultant would, being aware when you are web surfing _________________
that there is a crying need that every web business person
has. All of us have been talking about this time and time
again. Those needs actually relate to three issues. _________________
1) They need to have product or products to sell.
2) They need to have a site that sells and that converts _________________
someone who comes as a customer to a client.
3) Of course, they need to have a mailing list. That is, a _________________
system of getting traffic (preferably qualified traffic) to _________________
the site.
Now, a lot of people havent paid as much attention to qual- _________________
ified traffic on the web as we have because of expenses on
the regular direct response marketing. But, what good is
traffic if theyre not buying is part of the issue. What youre

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 103
NOTES doing when you encounter a site that needs a product, and
needs some help selling, or that you have a list that you
could help them with, heres your opportunity!
_________________ Ive talked about product. T. J.s talking about product. Hes
_________________ got another part to come about it. What I want to talk about,
briefly, is how you can get paid for helping peoples web
_________________ site. Helping them get the conversion factor from a visitor,
_________________ to a serious prospect, to a customer.
_________________ Basically, the essence of it all is you surf enough that you
_________________ understand what is good, what is not. Youve got your own
_________________ business going inside. For instance, if you see someone
thats got a lousy shopping cart, theres an opportunity for
_________________ you. If you see someone whos got lousy copy, theres
_________________ another opportunity! Weve talked earlier in this tape set
_________________ about misspelling. All these are opportunities for you. So
what you do is you just make contact with them and offer
_________________ to get them straightened up. Unless you want to do this
_________________ work yourself, which is very possible, but you also can
_________________ make relationships with the other people too. For instance,
youre on a web site and you see that this web site is talk-
_________________ ing all about themselves. Theyre the greatest company in
_________________ 25 years, and theyve been working, and blah, blah, blah.
_________________ Wheres the customer benefit? Well, you know because
you recognize good copy, you know that someone else can
_________________ write copy. There are loads of copywriters that would love
_________________ to do that and a standard deal that we do with a lot of peo-
_________________ ple, well say, Hey, well make a presentation to you of this
client. (Now Im talking about an absolute copywriter.) You
_________________ then say, You give us 25% of the revenue that you get off
_________________ this client for this job. Give us 15% of the revenues that you
_________________ get throughout time, if you do repeat business. Now,
because you noticed the copywriting, you made an
_________________ approach to a web site owner and you talked with a copy-
_________________ writer, you put the deal together. In other words, you bro-
_________________ kered the deal. Youre going to get paid for doing nothing
and thats how you make $1,000.00 an hour because your
_________________ actual time after you make the initial introductions is zero
_________________ and youre going to be making percentages off of that.
Let me talk briefly about how you get paid. Your creativity
_________________ is really the only main factor. There are basically three
types. One is a fee based system. For instance, were talk-
ing about this copywriting as an example. You could say,

The Lazy Web

104 Wealth Content System
Hey, Ill make you an offer and well rewrite your site for NOTES & QUOTES
$1,000.00. Now this is assuming that you could get your
copywriter to rewrite it for $600.00. Thats a fee based sys- _________________
A contingency based system is where you can say, Hey, _________________
well rewrite your copy and any increased sales you get,
we get 5%, 10%, 20%, or whatever you negotiate on
those increased sales. There is software, by the way, _________________
where you can experiment and it will trigger in through a _________________
doorway. People go to one site with your sales material, to
another site with your old sales material, so you can eval-
uate increased sales. _________________
Then there is the fee based plus contingency. It is a com-
bination which a lot of people do. For example, you tell the _________________
person, Hey, I need a thousand dollars to write the copy _________________
and from that point on I will get 2 % of the sales. Well, _________________
imagine this. You did some work, you made a few intro-
ductions, and you got the deal going. You got your first _________________
check, but every month or every quarter, again, depending _________________
on how you set it up, youve got a check for $1,000, _________________
$4,000, or $5,000 coming in. Thats not too bad! You are
making this for work that is already done! Heres the great- _________________
est thing! This is why so many people really love the pro- _________________
fessional marketing consulting is because youre not lim- _________________
ited to the number of times you can replicate this process.
The number of people you can replicate it to, just keep _________________
coming and let the money roll! _________________
Jeff Gardner, how about you today?
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Great! Thank you very much, Ted. _________________
I am going to reveal how you can become an Internet ninja
using an age old stealth marketing trick virtually guaran-
teed to make you a fortune. Now, first, youre probably _________________
wondering what is a ninja? It is spelled n-i-n-j-a. A ninja _________________
(heres a history lesson for you) is a 14th century Japanese
mercenary. They dressed all in black, and at the time, peo-
ple believed that ninjas were able to become invisible. _________________
They were able to sneak into a place, do their job whatever
it was, and vanish when they were finished. They were the

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 105
NOTES ultimate stealth fighters of the 14th century!

Now, how in the heck does this help you? Well, this con-
_________________ tent secret uses the same tricks the ninjas used. They
_________________ were able to accomplish amazing things without people
_________________ discovering them. They were so good people tried to
explain away their skill by saying they were able to become
_________________ invisible. The content secret I am about to reveal is also
_________________ incredibly effective because your presence wont be seen!
_________________ You will become invisible like an Internet ninja!

_________________ Now, there are three simple steps to this content trick.
_________________ First, you create an electronic book. This is also known as
an e-book. An electronic book or an e-book is simply a
_________________ book that can be distributed easily over the Internet. You
_________________ can do this the hard way or the easy way. The hard way to
_________________ do this is to do a lot of research on a hot topic and then sit
down at your computer and pound out a 100-200 page
_________________ book. Thats the hard way and it could take you a few
_________________ months to a year.
However, there are a lot of easy ways to do this, too. You
_________________ could buy reprint rights to an existing paper and ink prod-
_________________ uct and turn it into an e-book using specialized software
_________________ such as Adobe Acrobat. You could record a few audio
tapes and have them transcribed to create an e-book. Or,
_________________ you could buy the rights to dozens of reports, compile them
_________________ into one product, and presto youve got your e- book! The
_________________ e-book should give valuable information about a topic that
ties directly into your web sites theme.
_________________ For example, if you sell personalized pet collars, you may
want to create an e-book titled 101 Secrets Your Pets
_________________ Wish You Knew. If you sell money making opportunities, a
_________________ hot e-book may be 138 Of The Hottest Internet Opportu-
_________________ nities. Or, Seven Fast Easy Ways To Make $100,000 A
Year On The Internet. Make sure that your web site
_________________ address is mentioned numerous times throughout the e-
_________________ book. In fact, you may even want to include it at the bottom
_________________ of every single page. Whatever you do, make sure your
web site address is easy for the reader of the e-book to
_________________ find. Put it throughout the entire book - front, back, and all
_________________ in between. You may even want to make the reader a spe-
cial offer to induce them to visit your site and to find out
more or look over your product. Thats step #1, creating the

The Lazy Web

106 Wealth Content System
e-book. NOTES & QUOTES
Once youve done that, it is on to step #2. Inside your e-
book, before the copyright information, before the Table of
Contents, you want to include a page that gives the reader _________________
of the e-book the ability to pass on unlimited copies. On _________________
this page you want the reader to understand that they can
post it on their web site, they can give it away to their e-
zine subscribers, they can print it and sell the paper and _________________
ink version, or they can e-mail it to friends, family, and busi- _________________
ness acquaintances. The e-book can now be used as con-
tent on their site, or in any way they want to use it, it is free
content. Once youve done that, it is time for the most _________________
important step. _________________
Step #3. You are now going to offer your e-book as free _________________
content to web site owners. Believe me, web site owners _________________
will eat this up! Theyre now able to give away hot, hot, _________________
valuable content! Your e-book, absolutely free! They real-
ize that the more they publicize it, they more visitors it will _________________
pull to their site. Now, of course, youve now become the _________________
Internet ninja! You see, you offer free content to web site _________________
owners, your e-book, and these web site owners offer it to
their visitors. Inside each e-book youve given all readers _________________
the ability to pass it on and post it at their sites. But by _________________
planting your e-book on just one site, it may be read by a _________________
hundred people! They each pass it on to another thousand
people, each of whom pass it on to 10,000 people. Soon _________________
you could have tens of thousands, or hundreds of thou- _________________
sands, or even millions of visitors to your web site every _________________
single month! Believe me, your e-book can spread like
wildfire and it can live for years and years. In all honesty, it _________________
can be passed on indefinitely! _________________
I recently discussed this with a gentleman who had created
an e-book about 101 of the hottest Internet businesses to _________________
start today. He told me that this is a book that he created I _________________
think a year or two ago and he has actually stopped pro-
moting it on his site. He told me that he still gets a major-
ity, over 50% of the traffic to his site, of people that tell him _________________
they came from that e-book. It is still traveling around out _________________
there even though he has now no control over it at all and
it is still generating traffic for him! You see, using this secret
content system your influence is invisible! It is the ultimate
in stealth marketing on the Internet and it can pull in tons

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 107
NOTES of traffic to your web site at virtually no cost to you!

So give it a try! See how it works and become an Internet

_________________ ninja!
Well, thats it for me. Before I disappear like the Internet
_________________ ninja, Ill pass it over to Russ.
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER

_________________ All right! I like that ninja idea!

I am also going to talk about how to build traffic on the
_________________ Internet, by telling you how to make huge profits giving
_________________ away free computers. Hey, everybody loves to get free
_________________ stuff on the Internet and a computer is the perfect prize to
give away free! Now there are already many big rich
_________________ famous web sites that are giving away computers. In fact,
_________________ theyre running contests and random drawings giving away
_________________ all kinds of stuff: software, even dream vacations. I even
saw one web site that was giving away, at a random draw-
_________________ ing, a motorcycle. These packages are give away pack-
_________________ ages, to build traffic to a web site and to capture e-mail
_________________ addresses, which is a very, very good idea!

_________________ But know this! There are millions and millions of small to
_________________ mid-sized sites who would love to offer a great giveaway
but they just cant afford to do it. Heres how you can make
_________________ some real money. What you do is you sign up as many web
_________________ sites as you can and it doesnt matter what their content is
_________________ or what their fields of interest because a free computer
drawing will work with almost any site. You go to the small
_________________ sites, the mid-sized sites, and you say you are going to
_________________ give away a great computer worth at least $1,000 on a
_________________ random basis. But, not just to the people of that one site,
but hopefully hundreds and hundreds of sites. You make
_________________ your money by charging, lets just say $10.00 a month,
_________________ anyone can afford that. The site owners pay you $10.00 a
_________________ month and you have these drawings once a month. Once
it becomes popular, you might even want to do it weekly.
_________________ But lets start out with $10.00 a month per site. Now if 500
_________________ sites are signed up, and this should not be hard to do
_________________ because there are millions and millions of small sites that I
think will jump on this idea. If you just sign up 500 of them
at $10.00 a month, thats $5,000.00! The math is pretty
simple! If you give away a computer that costs you

The Lazy Web

108 Wealth Content System
$1,000.00 each month, that leaves $4,000.00 to put right in NOTES & QUOTES
your pocket. Of course, you dont have to stop at 500 sites,
but well use that for the example. _________________
Now, I will caution you that you have to run this by an attor- _________________
ney. Any time you get into prizes, contests, and giveaways, _________________
thats a smart thing to do. You probably will have to set up
some type of mechanism how you do the random drawing.
Maybe you do that in an attorneys office too. Of course, all _________________
the sites would have to send you...guess what? All the e- _________________
mail and the names of the people who entered this draw-
ing! So, hopefully, youll have thousands, and thousands,
and thousands of these which you may or may not be able _________________
to use for your own interests, thats all negotiable. Then _________________
you would have the random drawing. You give away the
computer, but youre making huge profits above the cost of
the computer. _________________
I just think this is a way to make some good money and
provide a service that small and mid-sized sites absolutely _________________
need! All right, Chris, what can you do? What have you _________________
got? _________________
CHRIS LAKEY _________________
Thanks, Russ. Once again, everybody is coming through
with great ideas. As we wrap up this powerful program, I
hope this last idea that I have will inspire someone to go _________________
out there and use it! Or, just to get started using any of _________________
these ideas.
I am going to show people how to get rich with unique _________________
graphics and artwork that you dont even create yourself. _________________
Now, what I am recommending here is that you collect and
distribute graphics, logos, and specialized artwork for web _________________
sites to use. You basically would offer a library of artwork _________________
for people at your web site. They could see different logos, _________________
different graphics, and different specialized artwork that
they could just click on, save, and use for their own web _________________
site. Lots of web sites are in desperate need of logos and _________________
graphics. Maybe they have a simple logo but they would _________________
like something a little different. Maybe theyd like a few
more logos, a few more graphics on their site, and you _________________
could provide that for them without having to create it your-

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Wealth Content System 109
NOTES Now, I dont recommend that web sites are overflowed with
graphics because it tends to take away from the sales
message of the site. But, certain well placed graphics can
_________________ certainly enhance a web site and help with the view ability
_________________ of a web site.
Basically, you are going to create a web site that distributes
_________________ these graphics, logos, and specialized artwork for free. You
_________________ could charge for it but I wouldnt recommend it. Instead,
_________________ what I recommend is that you sell advertising on the web
site. Let me back up a little bit here and tell you how to go
_________________ about finding and distributing the artwork and logos, since
_________________ youre not going to create them. Now, if you are an artist,
_________________ of course, you probably could create and design logos, but
I wouldnt recommend that either. Instead, I recommend
_________________ you go out and search the Internet for other web sites that
_________________ offer free artwork and graphics that they make available to
_________________ people who just want to use them. You basically compile a
list of artwork and make it into one big directory on your
_________________ web site. You may also arrange to list copyrighted artwork
_________________ from other web sites as long as you get their permission.
_________________ Thats the key! You dont want to steal copyrighted material
from other web sites. If you happen to see a graphic that
_________________ you like, well, maybe you could get their permission and all
_________________ you have to do to be able to give that away is to simply list
_________________ that they are the owner and have a link to their web site, or
something like that. So, that is an option also. There are
_________________ lots of web sites out there that do list free graphics avail-
_________________ able to you for your to use. You could compile them using
_________________ the free sites, also.

_________________ Now, again, I dont recommend that you sell the artwork
_________________ and logos. If it was free to begin with, youre probably not
going to make any money selling them anyway. So the
_________________ best way to make money with this is to sell advertising. If
_________________ youve got lots and lots of graphics for many purposes on
_________________ your web site, you could be getting tens of thousands of
visitors every single day, or week, or month who are all
_________________ coming to your web site to get your free graphics. With that
_________________ much traffic you could be selling banner ads and links on
_________________ your web site for huge profits. You could make money
month after month!
One thing that I might also recommend while I am thinking
about it is you wont have to just do this with logos and art-

The Lazy Web

110 Wealth Content System
work. You could make this work very well with anything that NOTES & QUOTES
you compile on your web site and give away free. Just
about any kind of service that you can compile, or any _________________
products that you can compile and give away free. Think
about Yahoo and the way they make money. Theyre the _________________
biggest search engine on the Internet. They have thou- _________________
sands and thousands, actually millions, of links and yet _________________
they give them away free. People come there and they
enter a key word and they find places to go on the Internet. _________________
When I last checked they charge $88,000.00 for a two _________________
week banner, just a small banner on their front page. They _________________
make huge profits because they have lots of traffic coming
to their web site to get the free information they have avail- _________________
able. _________________
There is lots of money to be made giving away free stuff on
your web site and in selling advertising. So my idea to _________________
make money by distributing unique logos, graphics, and _________________
artwork that you dont even create is just one way. There
are many other things you can give away for free in order
to get that traffic that can allow you to sell the advertising _________________
for your web site. _________________
Thats my idea. T. J., what do you have for everybody now? _________________
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Okay. I am going to wrap this up by sharing the last part of _________________
my money for life system. But I do want to say this. A lot of _________________
the ideas that our listeners have heard on this program
have the same kind of common denominators attached to
them. It is what I call a win-win situation. Whenever you are _________________
doing things to sell advertising on your web site, which _________________
many of the ideas weve talked about involve selling adver-
tising, youre doing something that is a win-win proposition.
Youre making your money by helping other people make _________________
their money. I want everybody to think about that as we _________________
wrap up this program. Think about win-win situations.
When you use the money for life system that I shared with _________________
you on the last tape, you definitely have a win-win situa- _________________
tion. Its not a wimpy affiliate program like so many that are
out there. You are creating the ultimate fulfillment program! _________________
Even if you just give 60% to your joint venture partner, let
me just show you how much money you can potentially

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 111
NOTES make with that.

With your Basic course at $490.00 for the retail, counting

_________________ the costs that I told you about, your cost of $45.00. If you
_________________ had 100 joint venture partners and you were only giving
_________________ them 60%, which is still phenomenal compared to the rest
of those affiliate programs, and each one was just averag-
_________________ ing one sale a week - thats all, just one sale a week - you
_________________ would net before taxes $78,520.00.
_________________ Now, if each one of those were selling an average of one
_________________ of your Deluxe versions, again at 60% they get to keep the
_________________ lions share of the money, you still make $124,280.00. Lis-
ten, most doctors and dentists would love to make $78,000
_________________ - $120,000 a year. I know that many doctors and dentists
_________________ do earn that. I also know, having grown up and lived in
_________________ rural America for most of my life, I can tell you that there
are plenty of doctors and dentists out there that dont make
_________________ $100,000.00 a year. So this gives you the opportunity to do
_________________ it!
Here are a few fine points I would like for you to think
_________________ about.
First of all, as Ted Ciuba told you earlier, the market comes
_________________ first. So find a market that you love.
_________________ #2 - You find a subject within that market that you want to
know more about.
_________________ #3 - When youre creating your course, youre actually get-
ting paid (because of the money you are going to make in
_________________ the future) to learn about the things that now you want to
_________________ teach others.
So, you find a market that you love and you are crazy
_________________ about, that you want to be in for years. You find a subject
_________________ that interests you. And then, everyday, you just spend one
_________________ hour a day creating your program. Listen! If youll do that,
Ill make you this solemn promise. One hour a day, in six
_________________ months time, you will be shocked at the amount of material
_________________ that youve put together.
_________________ So, weve got some other programs available to any of our
listeners who are interested in developing their own infor-
mation products, you can get that from any of our panel

The Lazy Web

112 Wealth Content System
members. Weve created programs specifically for that. I NOTES & QUOTES
just want to say to you that this is a system that can make
you huge sums of money for the rest of your life. _________________
I liked the fact that most of our panel kept their ideas so _________________
simple. Complicated ideas will never make you rich. Sim- _________________
ple is best! Russ von Hoelscher first taught us this back in
1989. He first said, Look, if you cant write your business
plan on a napkin, I dont want to hear about it. Russ taught _________________
us early on to keep things simple! Years later I was read- _________________
ing a magazine about a famous Hollywood movie director,
and this is somebody who is a household name. He is one
of the most famous movie directors in Hollywood and he _________________
has a rule. If you are coming to pitch a story to him for a _________________
movie, and if you cant tell him in 30 seconds or less what
your movie is about, he is not going to do it. He looks at his
watch and he says, Youve got 30 seconds to tell me what _________________
this is about. If the 30 seconds are up and youre still talk- _________________
ing, you can forget about him ever directing your movie!
You have to keep things simple! These complicated ideas _________________
dont make money for anybody. Maybe thats a good place _________________
to wrap this up. Weve got about 14 minutes left on this pro-
gram. Wouldnt you guys agree that the complicated ideas _________________
are the ones that our listeners want to stay away from? _________________
Absolutely! But they are generally the first ideas that peo- _________________
ple are attracted to because of all the complications, and it
sounds exciting! It sounds big and impressive! The truth is,
it is just the reverse. Theyll spend their life bogged down _________________
in details trying to get it up and running rather than making _________________
JEFF GARDNER _________________
Well, I think one trap of people looking at simple ideas and
simple projects, and simple tricks like weve given on this _________________
program is that people think it is too easy. Oh, it is so sim- _________________
ple, that cant work! Something that simple could never _________________
make me a million dollars. Ive got to get into this big fran-
chise with a five pound operations manual and train all _________________
these people. Its got to be back breaking work! No, you
cant make money and have it be simple! Like you just

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 113
NOTES said, it is the exact opposite! The more hoops you have to
jump through, the more you have to do, the further away
success is. If it is simple it can work, but youve got to make
_________________ it work!
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
_________________ Jeff, your hobby is magic and you know from magic that it
_________________ is the simple tricks that are always the audience pleasers
_________________ and it is the complicated tricks that fascinate the magi-
cians. This is the same with a business opportunity.
_________________ JEFF GARDNER
_________________ Thats a great point, and I dont want to get off track here,
_________________ but thats an awesome point! Because we talk in the busi-
_________________ ness about two types of tricks. Tricks that entertain an
audience and those can be as simple as vanishing a coin
_________________ with a very simple trick. In some cases, it just drops into the
_________________ lap! I am not giving away any big secret! It is very simple,
_________________ but it fooled the person watching. Magicians, though,
theyre always looking for the most complicated way and
_________________ so now you know, youve got to have some really great
_________________ device that costs you $500.00 to do the exact same trick.
_________________ Well, what you are getting is exactly the same thing.
Wouldnt you rather have a million dollars using a simple
_________________ technique? Or, a million dollars using a very difficult tech-
_________________ nique that you have to run 18 hours a day, and it takes you
_________________ 20 years to do? It is your choice!
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
_________________ Well, with any project, your worst enemy is getting started.
Russ has said it very wisely. Just getting started - youve
_________________ just completed 25% - 50% of the task! The worst enemy I
_________________ know of to getting started is looking at something thats too
_________________ complicated. Start simple! You also want to start with
something that is going to generate revenue quickly. I say
_________________ this from the bottom of my heart, find the best simple tech-
_________________ nique that fits what you enjoy and would like to do, and
_________________ which fits your talents, that is going to be the simplest and
quickest cash generator. Then, slowly move as that is
_________________ working for you, into some more and more complex plans.
Because we have offered a few that are a little more com-
plex. But they are all, basically, very simple. You want to

The Lazy Web

114 Wealth Content System
build the long-term projects, like working on a book, or NOTES & QUOTES
manual, or a course to sell, (if its going to be 3 months or
6 months down the road) while you are offering an e-mail _________________
reminder service. Or, while you set up a chat base on your
web site that is generating some ad revenue right away. _________________
You just want to see the results as you go in little bits. _________________
While we are talking about getting started, there is one _________________
thing that I want to recommend. It has been said before
and I think it is worth reiterating, is just the fact that it is so
much easier to get started, first of all, if you do pick that _________________
simple idea and run with it. You should also pick one of the _________________
ideas that you are most excited about. Because when you
get excited about something, you will find that it is a lot
easier to get motivated to get started than if you are not _________________
really that excited in the first place. _________________
If you are listening to this tape again for the second or third _________________
time, and you are trying to pick the best of the best idea _________________
that you think will work for you, maybe start with one that _________________
is simple. You should also start with one that you are
excited about and that you first listened to and you said, _________________
Yes, thats something that I think I can do and that sounds _________________
like that would be exciting! Thats going to be the one that _________________
youre going to run with.
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
Thats a good point! Heres something that I also feel that
our listener can benefit from. Russ von Hoelscher used to _________________
have a business partner that he would tell us, this man was _________________
penny wise and dollar foolish. I think ever since Russ first
told us the story about this man, Ive been thinking about
that. You know penny wise, dollar foolish. A lot of people, _________________
there are so many different examples of that type of behav- _________________
ior. But one of the things that I think everybody should
focus on is, for instance, on this ultimate affiliate program
concept where you give your customer (your partner) the _________________
majority of the profit. You do things for other people to ben- _________________
efit them so greatly and youre not so interested in taking
the biggest piece of pie. Instead you make it up, you know
youre going to make it up in volume. You think a little bit
big! You dont try to squeeze every last dime out of every-

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 115
NOTES one. You try to set advantages and relationships with peo-
ple where you benefit. Of course, you want to make them
almost benefit greater than you!
_________________ I just think thats another powerful common denominator.
_________________ It is powerful! It is so powerful, T. J., because when people
have a perception that they can trust you and that they
_________________ know you are a giver not just a taker they really respond
_________________ to you. I cant imagine some of these affiliate programs. I
_________________ think Don Bice hit the nail on the head when he said, Ama-
zon started giving something like 15% away, so these
_________________ other companies are giving 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% away.
_________________ You can just blow them out of the water with an offer that
_________________ is like 50% even! Forget about sixty or seventy, but if you
can give 60% - 70%, it is going to be so easy for you to
_________________ take a major marketing advantage over these people (your
_________________ competitors) by even giving 50%.
_________________ Also, there is another thing that I wanted to talk about. I
_________________ liked the win-win thing. But in wrapping this up and helping
our listener be able to make the most money, there is
_________________ another concept and it is this. This is a concept that goes
_________________ way back. In fact, Thomas Fuller, who lived in the 1600s,
_________________ first wrote, Success begets success. He wrote that in the
1600s. I dont think we use that word begets anymore.
_________________ What we say now is Success creates more success.
Heres what happens. You get started and you develop
_________________ your knowledge as you go. You gain more experience and
_________________ then you get tremendous confidence. Once you have that
_________________ confidence, that can lead to even more successes
because the more wins you have, the more you want to
_________________ win! The more money you make, the more you want to
_________________ make! New worlds open up! New possibilities! Hasnt that
_________________ been something that each one of our panel has experi-
enced for themselves?
_________________ DON BICE
Absolutely! More opportunities present themselves. 1)

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116 Wealth Content System
Because you are visible, people come to you with opportu- NOTES & QUOTES
nities. And 2) because you are improving your skills, you
begin to recognize more opportunities that you would have _________________
overlooked in the past.
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
I was just going to say that some of the plans that you will
follow on these tapes lead to other opportunities naturally. _________________
I saw that, in fact, as I was working on the reminder serv- _________________
ice. The very local merchants that you are contacting to
sell advertising to on your reminder service are the same
ones that may be very interested in buying your copywrit- _________________
ing and list management services for their e-mail. This _________________
works on several of the other descriptions of plans Ive
heard on this tape.
JEFF GARDNER _________________
You know, along these same lines, too, I think we can _________________
glean something from what Don Bice said off tape. He was _________________
talking about how ideas flow through you and how, once _________________
you learn and once you start cultivating different ideas,
even if maybe one of the ideas you hear on this tape _________________
doesnt make you a million dollars. Maybe once you start _________________
using that idea it will lead to another idea, which will lead _________________
to another idea, which will lead to an idea that makes you
a million dollars. If you are always learning and you are _________________
always getting new ideas, and you are always cultivating _________________
those ideas, youll eventually work through the ideas that _________________
maybe arent as successful. Then, eventually, youll work
through that one that is successful for you! _________________
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
Good point, Chris. Keep this in mind. When you approach _________________
web sites about content, so that you can make money for _________________
yourself by helping them, always take the approach heres
a great way for you to make more money and build more
traffic for your web site. Be sure that you use that with your _________________
e-mail to these web sites! Always put the emphasis on _________________
what you can do for them, not what they can do for you!

The Lazy Web

Wealth Content System 117
Yeah, and then youre looking to continue to build that rela-
_________________ tionship into an ongoing relationship. And you just keep
_________________ adding more and more.
_________________ Thats right, too. Because once you take them an idea that
_________________ makes them more money and gets them more traffic, you
probably wont have to go to them again. Theyll come to
_________________ you and theyll say, Do you have anything else for me?
_________________ This last one worked great! I made this much money! I
_________________ would like more things. Do you have anything else? Once
you work a successful joint venture with them, dont be
_________________ afraid to go back with them again. Many times youll find
_________________ that theyll come back to you asking for more things that
_________________ they can put on their web site.
_________________ ALAN BECHTOLD
_________________ You know, one of the common themes that we always talk
about when were together, and this fits in directly with
_________________ what were saying about once you get going, you get the
_________________ opportunities coming your way, the biggest thing that we
_________________ see that stops people from having success is just the fact
of getting started. Its not information. Its not knowledge.
_________________ Its not intelligence, looks, sex, race, or anything except for
_________________ getting started!
_________________ Right. There is such a thing as momentum! You get started
and you experience some success. You create this
_________________ tremendous momentum! Alan Bechtold said something
_________________ and he quoted Russ von Hoelscher and I would like to just
_________________ re-emphasize it. Russs philosophy is so powerful. A job
well started is a job half done. I have implanted that on my
_________________ brain and, Russ, thats a powerful strategy for people.
_________________ RUSS VON HOELSCHER
_________________ It sure is!

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118 Wealth Content System

Something to really think about, getting off to a good start _________________

and then continuing to move forward. And, you know, a lot
of times there is such a myth out there for entrepreneurs. _________________
People see these entrepreneurial characters running _________________
around and they are so confident, they are just puffed up _________________
and inflated, and man theyre just going on about their life
like theyve got everything together and they know every- _________________
thing! Well, I just want to say that that confidence is devel- _________________
oped through experience. You gain that confidence! If _________________
somebody is just starting out of the gate and they are very
confident, good luck to that person because theyre going _________________
to go through some twists and turns. Wouldnt you guys _________________
agree that you develop it as you go? _________________
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
ALAN BECHTOLD _________________
you bet!
T. J. ROHLEDER _________________
I just want to encourage our listeners. Weve got a couple
more minutes here but I just want to encourage you to _________________
please get started. Be willing to continue to move forward _________________
and spend a few hours a day working on this, working
toward your goals! I know that each one of our panel mem-
bers has goals and the smartest people in the world are _________________
people that have solid goals and they are working towards _________________
them. Any last words for goal setting?
RUSS VON HOELSCHER _________________
I think what Jeff said about being a ninja. I mean, going in
there with self-marketing in the 16th century, thats incredi- _________________
ble that these people did as much as they did! These great _________________
warriors! Were warriors too. Were in the battle for profit, to _________________
have fun, and to enjoy our business. But it is a conflict of
sorts, but one that is very, very rewarding. I just love that _________________
ninja concept. Maybe, Jeff, you can say some more about

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Wealth Content System 119
Sure. One thing I wanted to point out is nobody starts out
_________________ as a ninja. No one starts out as a multi-millionaire. No one
_________________ starts out as the ultimate success, a guru, or an expert.
_________________ Nobody starts out as that. We all start out as babies and
we take steps forward. What we end up with, what we
_________________ become, is determined by the actions we take. So you
_________________ might see the end result. People out there who are super
_________________ successful, but you must realize they started at the exact
same point you are starting. They started at a beginning
_________________ point, at a zero, at a baseline. They decided to take action
_________________ and take that first step, stumble, and fall and have success
_________________ and build upon that. So, dont think that it is a daunting task
to be successful with this program! Take that first step and
_________________ you can achieve those results! Dont think they are above
_________________ you! They started at the exact same place you are starting
_________________ right now! I think that is a position of power.
_________________ T. J. ROHLEDER
_________________ Well, Jeff, that is a great place to end this program. Please
rewind that and listen to what Jeff just said. Set your goals
_________________ high! Set your goals higher than you even hope to achieve!
_________________ If you wanted to make a million dollars, set a goal for five
_________________ million dollars, ten million dollars, and get excited! Get
enthused! Play this program over and over again! Take
_________________ notes! Get out there and make it happen! Start getting your
_________________ share of the millions and millions of dollars that can be
_________________ made on the Internet!


The Lazy Web

120 Wealth Content System

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