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Matt Fureys May 2008

T h e Ne w s l e t t e r f o r O n l i n e E n t r e p r e n e u r s


By Matt Furey
Zen Master of the Internet
Imagine having something to write and theres no such thing in your mind
or body as writers block.
Imagine that theres no such word, term, or image in your mental dictionary
or encyclopedia for this condition so it doesnt even exist in your reality.
And so, any time you need to write a letter to a friend or a sales
letter or a book, a short story, a novel ANYTHING you simply sit at a
table and begin writing. And what you need to say POURS onto paper like water
cascading over Niagara Falls.
Now, lets go a step further and imagine that you can put yourself into a
peak state before you write on command. And because youre able to do this
virtually everything you write has a mysterious and mystical buzzzzzz
coming from it.
Truth is, everything you write whether a simple note to a friend or an
advertisement for your business or a chapter going into a book carries a
vibration of some sort, and the stronger your personal vibration while writing
the greater the likelihood that those who are somewhat sensitive will feel it.
If youre in a bad mood when you write, dont be surprised if the reader
doesnt like what you wrote. Conversely, if youre in an incredibly positive
and vibrant state, the reader may feel such a strong current coming from your
words that you lift him from the doldrums of depression into an exalted state
of mind.
Then again, if youre somewhere near neutral when you write, dont be
alarmed if no one bothers to read anything you put out. Make no mistake about
it, if you want your writing to get read, it better have some ZAP.

2 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 1


Many marketers and copywriters have bought into the ridiculous notion
that all they have to do to succeed is copy or model someone else who is
successful and that this method alone will help them succeed. No, it wont.
For two reasons:
1. It isnt the words as much as WHO wrote the words and the emotional state
he was in when he wrote them. Try all you want but you cannot duplicate
Beethoven. You can play his music but try writing it. Very different
ball game, eh?
2. Superstar copywriters or entrepreneurs who create a grand slam ad are
often unable to do it again EVER in their entire career. You can run
down the list and see over and over again how these copywriters continued
to write great stuff but nothing ever matched their grand slam effort.
Even when they copied their own formula, they still came up short. With
this in mind, how can someone else come along and copy the original
copywriter and think hes going to get similar results? Tis not going to
I say all of the above because it isnt just the words that do the
selling. Its the emotion behind the words. Remove the emotion and you
dont have great copy. So it makes sense to me that you spend as much time
learning how to raise your level of vibration as you do learning marketing
and copywriting strategies.
Trouble is, no one ever teaches how to INFUSE your writing and marketing
with a level of vibration that is so positive and potent that people can
literally feel the energy pouring off the words youve written.
Fact is, if your vibration level is high enough, you could put words in
print today and a couple of hundred years from now, when youre no longer
on this physical plane, those words would still carry a buzzzzzz that
others feel.
Let me give you an example.
A few weeks ago, I was in a bookstore. I had a stack of books in my hands
and was walking down the aisle toward the cashier. As I was walking past a
bookcase of hardback Agatha Christie novels, my eyes and head were pulled to
the left as if I was being magnetically pulled in that direction.
I took note that this was the third time in less than a week that I was
being pulled in the direction of this particular authors books. Well, as the
saying goes, third time is a charm.
This time, instead of continuing to walk on by, I stopped and picked up a
copy of Evil Under the Sun. I opened the book and turned to the first chapter.

The authors, publishers, contributors, and others involved in the creation, production, or marketing of this newsletter are not responsible in any
manner whatsoever for any loss resulting from the use or practice of the information presented herein. The content of this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is offered to assist people in their individual education and research. Inidividual results will vary in the quest to
increase personal wealth. No promise or guarantee of results is implied or suggested.

2 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 3

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

As I began reading, I was getting zapped. Buzzzzzz was hitting me so hard I

was getting knocked backward.
This is powerful, I said to myself.
But then I thought, this cant be true of ALL of her novels. Maybe the
first book Id picked out was an exception. So I picked up another, and
another, and another. Yet, each and every Agatha Christie book I picked up and
began reading carried a HUGE positive charge.
I bought two of the novels and took them (along with the other books I
bought that day) to my condo on the beach. Now, buying a couple novels was
more difficult for me than you may realize, because Matt Furey does NOT read
novels. I can count on one hand the number of novels I read per year and
that is being generous.
Once at the condo, I pulled out my laptop and Googled Agatha Christie
to see what I could find out about her. I had no idea that shed penned 66
novels during her lifetime and had sold over one billion copies of her books
second only to Wilhelm Shakespeare, who, in my opinion, never even existed.
(Im of the Mark Twain-ish belief that Shakespeare is a figment of peoples
imagination yet I digress.)
Heres my point: You cannot be the author of books selling over a billion
copies UNLESS you are operating at a highly charged frequency. The chances
that you are vibrating at a level way beyond the norm are 100%.
Agatha Christie is an example of what I call Zero Resistance Writing. She
was the type of person who could sit with a pad of paper or a typewriter (she
wrote before computers) and pound out words that captivate and intrigue.
She was the type of writer who writes without fear and without resistance.
Although I havent sold a billion books YET Ive been told that my
writing (especially my daily emails that so many people are literally hooked
on) also has this distinct and mesmerizing buzzzzzz that makes you want to
keep reading.
Wouldnt you like to hear things like that said abut YOU?
Last year, while in Japan, I met with Ajari-san, a marathon monk who is
82 years old. Hes called a marathon monk because he is only one of 49
men since the mid-1800s to do the impossible run the equivalent of 1,000
marathons in seven years and many of them were double marathons (84
kilometers per day).
Each morning, he would get dressed and begin his trek through the cold,
damp mountains in Mt. Hiei. Even if he was injured or feeling a bit off, he
would begin his journey.
With a smile on his face, he described how he carried a knife, a rope (for
hanging), and a handkerchief with him each day. The reason may shock you. Here
it is: If he were to give up or fail to reach his goal he would need to
take his own life.

4 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 3


Now THAT is commitment.

Unlike other monks who begin their training around age 20, this man started
at age 40. Upon successfully finishing the 1,000 marathons, he decided to
do the unthinkable. Not satisfied with merely finishing something that is
almost impossible to do he chose to do the 1,000 marathons again. This time,
he completed the goal in six years instead of seven. In Japan, anyone who
accomplishes this feat is considered a Living Buddha.
A couple of years ago, I went through an illness that led to what many
people would describe as a profound transformational experience. While I was
doing my best to recover from what nearly killed me, a man I met in China
gave me the story of this marathon monk. I read it over and over. Each day,
when I trained, I would picture this man, see him running through the rain-or
snow-covered mountains. I would picture him fighting off poisonous snakes and
wild pigs. And when I thought of what HE was able to do with the right mental
focus how could I give up on what I wanted to accomplish?
When I was given the green light and allowed to meet with him (no easy
task, I assure you), a dream had come to life. I came to thank him and tell
him how much his story helped me overcome some tough times. After I thanked
him and offered a copy of my book and some other gifts, he said, It is not ME
but YOU who got yourself better. I am just a man. It was you who, while lying
in bed, began to do Zen breathing exercises that opened you up to a new level
of being.
As I sat in Ajari-sans temple listening to his stories, I felt a
buzzzzzz going on inside. Hours passed by in minutes. He was telling simple
stories yet I was mesmerized the entire time. Several hours after our
meeting ended, I was still swimming in a current of electrical energy that
was out of this world.
What does this have to do with copywriting specifically, email
Let me tell you.
When someone writes, speaks, or even looks at you without resistance, you
feel it. When you read something written by the pen of a fearless man or
woman, you sense it. Its the kind of writing that is powerful, passionate,
and electric. It carries a charge that keeps you reading, even if its
simple words.
Astute readers of my daily emails can tell via the mere reading of my words
and the energy that comes from them that I write without resistance, without
blocks and without concern for what everyone else thinks. But they dont know
how I put myself into this state.
I cannot say what Agatha Christie did to ramp up her vibration, but I
can assure you that she did something because no one writes the way she did
without being deeply connected.
I believe the quality of being emotionally free, willing and able to express
yourself without resistance is the key to greatness in writing. Whether were

4 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 5

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

talking about copy writing, email writing, or book writing to succeed at the
highest levels you need to practice what Zero Resistance Writing.
To my knowledge, no one teaches you how to write without resistance, without
blocks, fear, or apprehension. Yet it is the KEY that unlocks the door to
Writers block and other self-limiting hang-ups do NOT need to exist in your
world. Imagine that you could delete from your mind all extraneous thoughts
anytime you wanted. Imagine that you could sit before your computer and crank
out extraordinary copy, on command. Imagine that you could do it day after day
after day, without fail.
Im telling you YOU CAN.
If interested in learning more on how to get into this fearless state of
mind when you write then youll want to get your hands on the DVDs from my
Zero Resistance Writing seminar held in May of 2007. To enquire send an email

Big Time Email Copywriting Mistakes
Before I begin teaching you how to write a money-drenching email in 10-12
minutes, theres something you need to know first. And that something is all
the mistakes you see being made by almost everyone. Thing is, you might not
think what you see in so many emails is a mistake because . everyone is
doing it.
Well, as your mother probably told you once or twice perhaps when you got
caught smoking, Just because you THINK everyone else is doing it doesnt make
it right.
Bear with me for a moment. I realize what Ive written above may come
off as arrogant. It may come off as I know everything and everyone else
is wrong. Not my point. My point is I have a different take on this matter
of Email Copywriting, and I have a different point of view for a damn good
reason. My emails kick butt and those who follow what I teach quickly learn
to do so as well.
So lets suspend judgment about me being pompous, at least momentarily, and
concentrate on whether or not you can learn something from me. Deal? Okay, let me
cover some mistakes I see being made in many, many emails mistakes that make
the reader stop reading. Not something you want to have happen to you, right?

Email Copywriting Mistakes
Mistake #1: Subject line ALWAYS begins with my first name
For example, I sign up for your email tips. And every time you email me the
subject line or headline says something like, Matt, Top 3 Ways to Burn Fat.

6 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 5


Or, Matt, How Do You Make Money Online?

Yes, this technique of using the persons first name may bump sales once
or twice, but that doesnt mean you use it EVERYTIME. As I learned in kung fu
years ago, A strength over-extended becomes a weakness. Using someones name
is good salesmanship. Using it in the subject line of every email is not.
Mistake #2: Top of message lists the contents of the email
Why on earth do I need to see the contents of an email at the top of an
email? Instead, why not suck me into your universe with powerful, riveting
copy? Chances are excellent that when I see the contents listed I will
quickly scan and say, Ah, not for me and move on. Not only that, but part of
being an effective email copywriter lies in your ability to convey warmth. How
warm is a table of contents at the top of an email?
Mistake #3: First sentence is boring, dull or too long to keep me jazzed
After someone reads your subject line and opens your email, you must not
take anything for granted. Your first sentence has to be powerful. It must
arrest the attention of the reader and make him so curious he has to keep
reading. For example, heres an opening sentence I read a few minutes ago in a
recent email, followed by what I wrote to make it more compelling:
First sentence: Do you know someone who will be going into surgery soon?
Rewrite: Surgery sucks. Especially open heart surgery. I know people who
almost died from it. Some who have.
Now, you might say, Hey, Furey, you cheated. You wrote four sentences
instead of one. And some of your sentences arent grammatically correct.
Theyre not even sentences. Your English teacher would flunk you for what
you wrote.
And in reply Id say, My English teacher never made a dime from her
writing, I do.
Mistake #4: Teaching
In our most recent MasterMind meeting I handed out a booklet containing
emails that several members had recently written. I read each email out loud
and stopped reading whenever I thought the writer had lost the reader OR
when I thought the writer satiated the thirst and hunger of the reader.
When I say satiated the thirst I mean that the reader would no longer
feel the need to BUY the product because he has just been fed. Instead of
being teased to the point that hell pay for his meal, hes been given enough
that hes forgotten he was hungry or thirsty in the first place.
Over and over you see emails being sent out that teach, teach, teach. The
emails scream, Let me show you how smart I am. Let me show you how much I
know. Want to know how to make money on the Internet well, Ill prove Im
your man. Here are five ways to do it.
Heres what happens when you do the above.

6 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 7

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

The prospect reads your five ways. He makes a note if you write something
good. Most of the time, though, he thinks to himself, Hey, I already know
that. Why should I pay for a product that tells me what I already know? Or
he doesnt agree with your tips. In fact, he strongly disagrees. Youve lost
him again.
If you only knew how to dangle the carrot youd have the money and the
prospect would have an entire system to look over to make the decision about
whether or not your product is worth a damn.
Thats how it works, my friend.
Mistake #5: No story
A couple months ago a member of my coaching told me that if he didnt send
informative nuts n bolts emails to his list they would begin opting out like
crazy. So what does he do? He teaches in his emails. Wrong answer.
The right answer is to figure out how to write incredible stories that make
people feel like they are getting more than theyd get if you gave them how
to. Fact is that the story is the only thing most people will remember. Not
the facts. Not the stats. Not the studies or theories.
People want to listen to and read stories. Imbedded in these stories are
instructions on how to live a better life as well as how to order your product.
If you lose a ton of people when you tell stories, then your stories need
a lot of work. At the same time, look at the people who opt out. Most are not
buyers. If youre not losing the non-buyers from your list each and every day,
youre lukewarm in your selling. And lukewarm gets spit out.
Recently I was talking to Pete Lillo about decisiveness and desire. I said
that any goal you have that you are lukewarm about, you might as well give
up on now because youll never create the result you want with anything less
than a burning desire. Not only did Pete agree but he went so far as to say
that he wont do business with anyone who signs his name after using the word,
Warmly. I agree.
Do business with people who are red hot. Not with the cold, the warm or
the lukewarm.

How to Write Red Hot Emails
For a moment, lets pretend youre witnessing a conversation Im having in a
bar with a few aspiring email copywriters.
After Ive had a few drinks, these men and women realize I am about three
sheets to the wind.
They figure the moment is NOW so they pop the question: Furey, without
all the B.S., whats the single biggest email copywriting mistake you see
people making?

8 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 7


Being that Im feeling totally uninhibited which is my normal state

anyway I dont hold back. Without hesitation, I say, The biggest mistake
of them all is over-teaching in your emails. Lets be honest, teachers arent
very highly paid. Theres no money in the profession. But there is big money
in copywriting, especially email copywriting and its the easiest way for a
copywriter to hit six figures per year.
When you hear this, your eyes pop with amazement. You can no longer stand
on the sidelines and watch. You jump into the conversation to say, But I
heard an email needs to be loaded with content. I heard it needs to teach.
It needs to teach all right, I reply. It needs to teach people to sit up
and pay close attention to everything you write. It needs to teach people to
be in AWE to be mesmerized. It needs to teach people how to laugh again,
how to enjoy life, how to be inspired to reach for the stars and go for it.
But anything beyond that is over-teaching and when you over-teach, you
cannot sell anything. That is where the fine line gets blurred.
Weve all heard the roar about giving away the store in terms of free
content in order to woo the buyer to purchase our products. But thats NOT the
best strategy. And so, as an email copywriter, you need to be keenly aware of
this important distinction.
Write copy that teaches too much, and sales suffer.
Write copy that gets the reader curious, excited, and eager for more then
sales will BOOM and those youre writing for will love you.
Your job is simple: You write emails that info-tain the reader so much he
cant wait to read your next dispatch.
Perhaps youre wondering, Info-tain? Are you serious?
Sure am. And do you want to know why? Its because those who entertain us
make a boatload of money. You, as an email copywriter, can do something great
with your talent and be totally free and open as you take off the hat of
expert and become an info-tainer. You entertain with information and that
leads to increased sales.

Matt Furey
Zen Master of the Internet

8 Copyright, 2008, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 9

Matt Fureys
The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs
August 2006

Fureyous E-mail Strategies

If you had to choose the one thing Ive done on the Internet better
than virtually anyone else, and taught better than anyone else, chances
are youd select the subject of email marketing. The writing of power-
packed, money-drenching emails is my forte and there are many reasons
why I believe my method of email marketing is best.
From time to time I think that this monthly newsletter could be a
compilation of good, great and ugly-bad emails, along with my critiques,
including but not limited to a psycho-analysis of why they do or dont work.
In this issue Ill do a little test and see how you like it. What Ill
do is give you an email strategy, then give examples of how it is applied.
The first strategy I reveal will give you a window into my world and how
my thinking about email differs from many other teachers. Read on and
see why I think youre well advised to follow my lead, and the lead of
dozens of people in my MasterMind who are already doing regular emails and
reaping major rewards.
Let me begin with this months key email strategy:
The primary purpose of an email is selling; not teaching. Give the
appearance of teaching but do so without teaching. Or teach that which
motivates and inspires or gives the person who reads a small whiff
(not a taste) of the bigger fish youve got cooking for him.
Okay, what do I mean by the appearance of teaching? And how can you
accomplish it without upsetting your list? Arent they going to be angry
because youre not revealing what you know for free?
There are numerous ways to sell in an email without teaching and
WITHOUT upsetting your list. In fact, if you follow what I teach, your list
will love you. But before I teach you how to give the illusion of teaching,
you have to understand why you DONT teach in an email. Heres the reason:

10 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 1


You dont teach in an email because it leads to fewer sales.

Now, if the above isnt a good enough reason to avoid the free teaching
email, then there aint a better one. MasterMind member John Wood www. earns well over six figures per year from his
website and hes only about 16 fully dedicated months into the business.
John first learned the dont teach in an email philosophy from me a
couple years back and naturally, as all marketers must test my premise,
he tracked his sales on the days in which he gave a training regimen or
program vs. the days in which he inspired, motivated and entertained. John
will tell you, unequivocally, that his weakest sales were always on the
days in which he stopped selling and put on the hat of teacher.

Free Content in Emails?

There are many Internet marketers who believe your job, in an email, as
well as on your website, is to provide tons of free content that teaches
what you know. I agree with the giving of a ton of free content BUT make
sure the free content is NOT instructing someone, in detail, about HOW to
do what you are selling.
Believe me, there is a reason why this Fure-cat has an email list in
which half the people are buyers. Other direct marketing companies would
be ecstatic to have a list in which 20% were buyers.
Sure, you may have more pretend friends when you teach in your emails.
You may get more praise from your list. But you need to detach yourself
from the need for praise and focus on building your business.
This does NOT mean that you should never, ever teach. Just understand
that teachers dont make much money, salespeople do. From time to time, if
you doubt my words, do a series of teaching emails and see how you do.
When Im at my vacation home on Chinas Hainan Island, sometimes I send
out an email that teach the culture, the diet and the exercise methods
of the Chinese. The readership of these emails is huge. Yet, I can show you
the numbers. Despite high readership and despite high praise, these emails
do not sell as much product as those in which I dangle the carrot.
Over a year ago, I ran a series of emails on the dangers of NutraSweet
and other artificial sweeteners like Splenda. We got hundreds and hundreds
of emails telling us how wonderful the advice was and how it had changed
their lives for the better.
In these instances, I guess I performed a great community service, which
is good to do from time to time but once again, mark my words, these

The authors, publishers, contributors, and others involved in the creation, production, or marketing of this newsletter are not responsible in any
manner whatsoever for any loss resulting from the use or practice of the information presented herein. The content of this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is offered to assist people in their individual education and research. Inidividual results will vary in the quest to
increase personal wealth. No promise or guarantee of results is implied or suggested.

2 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 11

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

emails did NOT move product faster than the illusion of teaching emails.
So you have a choice to make. Teach and get awards or sell and make

Okay, what is the illusion of teaching?

You can accomplish the illusion of teaching when you tell a compelling
story with a great message that people can latch onto. They will like it.
They will feel inspired (to take action, by getting your product). They
will even tell you how much youve taught them in what youve written.
Yes, in a sense, you have taught them something, but compared to what
you know, you didnt scratch the surface. Not only that but remember
this: The results you get from an email have a lot to do with the
intention of your email. Even if someone walked away with a tip, you know
that the PRIMARY purpose of the email was geared toward selling your
products and services.
For example, I recently wrote an email about the benefits of eating
watermelon. In a sense, it is an informative email yet that is not the
INTENT of the email. The intent is to sell subscriptions to the Matt Furey
Inner Circle and watermelon is the bait I use.
Sure, you CAN learn something from the email and start eating watermelon
to improve your health but chances are excellent that you wont eat
watermelon correctly and the way you do it wont lead to weight loss. Why?
Because the details are NOT in the email. They come in the paid newsletter.
In fact, in the August issue of the MFIC newsletter, I tell the story
of the man, who is not a subscriber, who read the email I wrote on
watermelon, bought one, wolfed half of it then threw up a half-hour
later. On top of that he got diarrhea. He told me so over lunch a few
weeks ago when he was introduced to me by a good friend. I smiled and told
him that those who are subscribers will get all the details about HOW to
eat watermelon so they dont make the same mistake.

Tell Them They Arent Getting It All

for Nuttin
I enjoy telling the readers of my newsletters that there are critical
details on the subject I am writing about that I will not give in the
email itself. Then I let the reader know that I willingly and freely give
to those who are members of the Matt Furey Inner Circle, or whatever the
product is that Im highlighting. In so doing, Im letting the reader know,
point blank, there is a marked difference between free and paid. This is
an example of knowing, as Kenny Rogers would sing, when to hold em, when
to fold em, when to walk away, when to run.
Now, lets take a quick peak at how I accomplished this in the email
I wrote last month on eating watermelons to shrink your prostate as well
as to lose weight. Read the entire email so you become aware of the set-

12 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 3


up. See how a whiff of information is brought under the readers nose so
that he begins to salivate. Then pay close attention to the sections I have
underlined. This is where I whisk the watermelon away and tell the reader
how he can get ALL the juicy details.

Watermelonize Your Prostate

and Lose Weight, Too
Hi Bob,
If youre a man you probably still have a prostate; unless
a doctor or wicked witch got hold of you. Maybe both.
Well, if youre still in business, pay heed and listen to
Fure-cat for a moment.
Around that 40-year mark, many men starts to thinks that
maybe, just maybe, the pee-line aint making a bee-line like it
used to. Or theyre a bit concerned about some swelling in the
hidden region.
To combat this youre often advised to take a variety
of supplements and increase uptake of lycopene
which were told comes from tomatoes.
Thing is the tomatoes need to be cooked, otherwise no
lycopene for you. So you get your lycopene from ketchup
and tomato sauce or stewed tomatoes NONE of which I
Yet, all along, theres this other food that you dont need to
cook. All you need to do is slice it and start chomping away.
And it contains MORE lycopene that tomatoes.
Its called WATERMELON.
Eat it daily and it may help keep the witch doctors away.
In the August issue of my Health & Fitness newsletter Ill go into
illustrious detail about this wonder fruit, including how to use it to lose
weight, get stronger, increase endurance, and so on.
To read what I have to say, youll need to be a member of the Matt Furey
Inner Circle.
There are two ways to enroll:
1. You can join for a full year and get 7 best-selling gifts absolutely
fu-reee. Just go to
and get on the train.
2. You can test drive the program for a month with incentives that rule.
Go to

4 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 13

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Get on the schtick, men. Make sure you enroll in the Matt Furey Inner
Circle NOW.
Matt Furey

How Did This Email Do?

Now, you might wonder how this type of email did in terms of sales for
the Matt Furey Inner Circle. Well, it kicked butt. No, it was NOT one of my
best emails. But for five minutes of work, I think it did pretty doggone
well. In fact, a series of emails I wrote promoting the MFIC over a one-
week stretch garnered over 300 NEW members. This is worthy of mention
because the MFIC is NOT new and my list hears about it all the time.

Valuable Lessons in Every Email?

What Im about to say may appear, at first, to run contrary to what
Ive told you so far in this issue, so pay close attention. Yes, there ARE
valuable lessons in every email I send.
Yet, the lessons are more about the mind and DOING something; moving
forward, persevering, having a burning desire, setting goals, focusing
on the task at hand, never giving up, and so on than they are about
techniques they can follow without getting my product. Never forget
that success is 90% mental and if this is the case a great deal of
the power of email marketing comes from an understanding of behavioral
Those who are bright will always gather something helpful from every
email I send, even the emails that are straight sales presentation without
a warm-up.
What can you learn?
For one, youll learn why MasterMind member, Mike Storms, refers to me as
Freaking Relentless.
Pete Lillo says that I understand what most
marketers never get. He calls it the 2 Rs Relentless Repetition.
Those who win in the game of life are heaven-bent on relentless
When I was in China I sent an email to Steve Chandler, thanking him for
his persistence in making contact with me. It took over a year. He wrote
back, telling me how he watched a pro football game one afternoon, and
saw the running back score a touchdown after getting whacked three times
behind the line of scrimmage. When Steve saw this he said he would run his
business the same way. Good idea!
Incidentally, if you havent gotten Steves books yet, youre really missing
out. He wrote about me in The Story of You and How to Create a New One.
This book is kick-rumpus. So is Reinventing Yourself.

14 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 5


Other things you can learn from my emails

You can learn something about good writing including how to use
improper grammar and slang deliberately; you can learn something about
how to get peoples attention with a good lead and/or story. You can learn
WHAT to do, as in eat watermelon but you arent taught HOW to eat it
for weight loss. And on the many, many occasions in which I write something
motivating, inspiring and heart-wrenching, you can learn, too.
Occasionally, I am mega-generous, have a bug up my kazoo, or have
something I want to express right away so I do it, and these emails
you could literally take to the bank in terms of hard-hitting how to
information. For example, I may do an email, as Ive done previously, on
the danger of drinking diet sodas. Or one with a specific recipe.
These sort of emails are okay now and then to break the ice but rest
assured, they dont make as much money as an email that gives the reader a
whiff of what is cooking in the kitchen.
Believe me, when Im selling, instead of telling people not to drink diet
soda I will tell them how next months issue of my monthly newsletter
and CD will reveal all the so-called health beverages people drink that
are making them fat and shortening their lifespan. See the difference? The
title and lead for an email would go something like:

3 Health Beverages That Make You Gain Weight

Dear Friend,
Everywhere you turn you are presented with a so-called
health drink. Red wine is supposed to be good for you. So is
coffee. So is fruit juice, vegetable juice, green tea, white tea,
beer, milk and so on.
Yet, if all of the above are healthy, why are Americans
getting fatter and fatter by the day? Not to mention the British,
the Australians and yes, the Chinese.
Something just doesnt seem right and Ive uncovered what
beverages are the real culprits. Ive nailed down precisely which
beverages are healthy and which are not. Ive cracked the code
on what beverages make for a bigger, fatter, more rotund YOU.
And in next months issue of the Matt Furey Inner Circle, Im
going to reveal all.
Etc. etc. etc.
Matt Furey

How long to write an email?

Now, I timed myself on the above. I wrote it stream-of-consciousness,
off-the-cuff, as I do all of my emails and it took about 2 minutes and
10 seconds.

6 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 15

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

As Dan Kennedy always says, Money is attracted to speed. The beauty of

what I wrote is that it was done fast and it will SELL my product. I didnt
have to do research for the email. That is something I do for the paid
newsletter. Nope, in an email I simply sit and crank.
Sure, in some emails I may talk about how much weight Americans, and
Australians, and Europeans have gained over the last 10 years and give
the poundage. I might even site a study here and there on the percentages
of fat people, obese people, people with diabetes and so on. But I will not
go overboard on this.

Eliminate the Need for Approval

Many Internet marketers feel the need to prove themselves, to let
everyone know theyre a nice person. Or that theyre generous, smart, an
expert, and so on. In order to get this approval these marketers give
their best stuff in their emails.
Very, very dumb.
Forget the approval seeking. People approve of you MOST when they make
a decision to buy your product or to attend your seminar or to join your
coaching. Everything else prior to them giving you money is poppycock. Its
glad-handing, aw shucks, youre wonderful, we love you hokum.
Heres an example of why I say this.
Back in the olden days, before I did seminars on Internet marketing
and BEFORE I formed my first MasterMind/Coaching program I mentored a
number of people, some of whom are quite prosperous today as a result of
what I taught them. Theyre involved in selling everything from fitness to
personal power.
These men told me how wonderful I was, how I taught them MORE useful
and practical know-how about making money online as well as offline,
than anyone else. They called me or emailed whenever they had questions,
and I was generous with my replies.
But when I made a transition from free coach to paid coach, they
quickly disappeared. These same people would fork over four or five
thousand bucks to go to someone elses seminar, or put out 10 grand or
more to join someone elses coaching and theyd tell me about it. After
the seminar they paid for, theyd tell me that they didnt learn a damn
thing that was practical or useful. Theyd tell me how they were bored to
death. Theyd once again acknowledge that I taught them FAR more than the
others and then, when my seminar arrived on the calendar they were
NOT attendees. They expected me to let them go for free. Afterall, we were
friends. HA!
One of my biggest lessons came in 2003, at the hands of a man I had
mentored from $1,500.00 per month to well over a half-million per year
(within 18 months, I might add). He was the only person I mentored for

16 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 7


free who attended one of my events as a PAID attendee (it was only $995.00
back then).
Toward the end of the event, I had a private closed-door meeting with a
group of attendees who wanted to be part of my first-ever MasterMind. This
man attended the meeting, mostly, I guess, to study my sales presentation.
There wasnt one. I simply passed out the forms (the attendees had already
been sold during the event) and the people sitting around the table started
filling them out.
When everyone else was filling out the forms, the ingrate said the
following out loud, for all to hear:
You know Matt, Im wondering WHY I should pay to be part of your
coaching when up til now youve coached me for FREE.
Without breaking stride or reacting in an explosive manner, I turned to
him and politely said, Well, its NOT free anymore.
He didnt fill out the form.
This taught me a valuable business lesson. Be generous with those who
are giving you money. Go the extra mile with those who are paying. Be
stingy with those who arent. Cut stingy people, freeloaders and glad-
handers out of your life immediately.
Now, dont go to extremes with what Ive just told you.
There is a time to give but you must understand that it is strategic
giving, not stupid giving. Strategic giving leads to more money, better
relationships and an improved career. Strategic giving also makes you feel
good about yourself.
Stupid giving leads to failure and frustration.

Examples of Strategic Giving

1. Send a daily email that entertains, motivates and inspires.
2. Give a free teleseminar that leads to the sale of your product
or service.
3. Give a free seminar that leads to the sale of products and/
or coaching.
4. Give your books, DVDs or courses to power players who might Joint
Venture with you or plug you.
5. Give your products to people in the media who can give you
free publicity.
6. Give gifts to your best customers to show how much you appreciate
them; afterall, theyve given you a good life.
7. Give money to those who are poor, less fortunate, etc. which puts
you in harmony with the Universe and creates greater abundance.
Zhannie and I have opened two schools in China in remote areas. The

8 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 17

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

kids we give to cannot give back in a monetary way. Yet, I believe

both of us will agree that weve increased our income dramatically
via doing this.
So, mark my words, theres a difference in HOW you give and WHO you give
to. Theres a difference between strategic and stupid giving.

Give em a List
Another example of appearing to be teaching, but not doing so, is when
you give the reader a list of three or five or seven things he can do to
make money, lose weight, pick up chicks, increase flexibility, remember
names, improve creativity, and so on.
You make a list alright. And you tell people the things that they can
do to improve. They will be ecstatic. They will be over-joyed. They will
acknowledge you as the expert. They will be informed (partly so). And you
have taught them something. Only thing is that the person must commit to
doing something. Otherwise the WHAT to do wont change a thing in their
lives. The reader must commit to transmuting what to do into HOW to do it
and this cannot be done without further study. This means if they really
want to learn, they better get the product, go to the seminar, and so on.
One of the product categories that has the best tag on the above is the
ingestible health supplements industry. Dr. Dave Woynarowski, M.D., www. has the distinct advantage of being able to tell you
everything under the sun about what you need in terms of supplements and
how they work to improve your health. Yet, none of what he says will do
you a rats ass of good unless you get his supplements.

Email Examples and Critiques

What Im going to do now is show you some examples of emails that were
written by members of my MasterMind along with comments on what was good
or great and what could be done to improve it. I think youll find this
section incredibly helpful in your own marketing efforts, whether it be
email or any other form of selling.
Lets look at John Wood to kick things off. John sent me two of his
emails. The first is one in which he was teaching. It didnt do very
well. In the second he motivated to take action. It kicked butt.
By the way, I will interject comments throughout blocked off with the
following: [Note:]
A Pair of Winning Exercise Combos
I believe that the relative worth of any exercise or group of
exercises has more to do with how they are performed than what they are.
This is why it is possible to make phenomenal progress on the simplest
exercises. Newtons Third Law of Motion states that For every action, there

18 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 9


is an equal and opposite reaction. Tis true, since almost every motion of
the human body is governed by the behavior of opposing muscle groups, one
to flex and one to extend and yes, both are involved in every motion to
some extent, not purely one or the other.
[Note: Utterly boring me to death. Sounds like college professor all
over again. Ugggh. Also, opening paragraph is too long.]
So, since this is the case, (and it is) an effective routine must attend
to the development of both structures within a given bodypart if you want
to achieve maximal development.
If you have ever wondered why Johnny Biceps at your gym, who does
nothing but curls, never got any bigger its because he forgot this (or
more likely just ignored it.)
Today I am going to tell you about two sets of exercises, both very
simple, which will build tremendous strength and power if done correctly.
With a free weights:
1. The standing curl
2. The standing military press
For the bodyweight oriented:
1. Pullups 2. Dips
Of course, there are many more combinations, these are just two of my
favorites. In fact, you can combine these two, add some leg work, neck,
abdominal training and a few grip exercises and you have yourself one heck
of an effective program.
[Note: Although John didnt give much here in terms of teaching, he
really did as many people know how to do all the exercises he listed.
In listing them the way he did, the reader now knows how to pair the
exercises for maximum benefit. He gave them too much. He satiated the
readers appetite with this, so they didnt buy that day.]
Train hard.
John Wood
P.S. This concept also applies to forearm and grip training which is
what makes The Formulator so incredibly effective. If you havent scooted
on over to check out our Brand New Formulator Training Guide, Now is your
Are There Really Secrets To Hand Balancing
I bet you didnt know that Ive been a fan of hand-balancing for
quite a long time now and have collected more than a bit of material
on that subject.
[Note: Opening is much more inviting than email # 1. Has zero

10 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 19

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Let me tell you, it aint easy to find either.

[Note: Setting up Law of Scarcity and Availability.]
About a year ago I hit the jackpot, a fellow came along with a treasure
trove of training courses from the personal collection of none other than
Professor E.M. Orlick.
You can bet I snapped those up quick, he was one of the very best Strength
and Physical Culture authors and his stuff is very hard to come by.
I would imagine that I happen to own the last surviving copies of some
of his courses since they were self-published in very limited numbers.
[Note: Psychology: I want it, too. Why are you the only one who
has them?
Here are some interesting things he wrote in one of his hand balancing
courses that you will find of great interest.:
Are there really secrets to handbalancing? The answer is very
definitely YES.
Every trade, art, profession and sport has its own special secrets and
handbalancing is no exception. This does not mean that those in the know
are deliberately conspiring to keep ignorant.
What it means is that there are short cuts to learning which only a
few people know.
Or special tricks of the trade which you ordinarily learn only by doing
something over and over again hundreds of times. Often those who use the
secrets dont even know them and are unable to teach them to others.
[Note: Oh boy, now I MUST have them.]
There is an old saying among gymnasts and acrobats that there is
a trick within every trick. In other words, each stunt has within it
something special , which if you knew, would enable you to learn that
stunt much more rapidly.
Every good coach is constantly trying to discover these special
secrets so that he can pass them on to those under his guidance.
He wants his men to learn as quickly as possible with the least
expenditure of time, effort and energy.
[Note: Me, too. How can I get this so I can learn easily?]
In handbalancing, little things often make a big difference when it comes
to learning a difficult stunt. In fact, the little things are frequently more
important than the big things because they are not so obvious.
Thus knowing the right position of even one finger can save you months
of unnecessary practice
There is a great deal of wisdom in those words.

20 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 11


Fortunately there are those willing to teach others their secrets.

[Note: Oh, goody!]
If you want to learn the ups and downs of hand balancing, we have the
latest and greatest training course written on the subject Right Here:
Or, if you prefer to have the ability to draw a crowd wherever you go,
and have a heck of a good time training for a very impressive feat, you can
learn how to rip a phonebook in half the right way with Dennis Rogers Brand
new How-To dvd:
Take your pick and wow em all.
Train hard.
John Wood
[Note: The only thing I dont like about this email is the switch to a
different topic at the end. I would have put that in a P.S. after his
signature. Otherwise, fantastic.]
Now lets look at William Huffs email
Attack Your Fear
This past weekend I was in Tampa, Florida for a Mastermind Meeting.
The Mastermind concept is a success concept that teaches you that if you
want to get something, be someone or improve yourself, get into a group of
other like minded individuals that want the same thing.
By doing so, you magnetize yourself and the others in the group to
attract and get what you want faster.
This Mastermind group is sharp. Like a razor. The energy in the room
is unbelievable and there are already people in the room who have seen
improvements of 100% to as much as 500% in their businesses and other
areas of their lives.
Some have started from scratch in January and already have a viable
business up and making money.
Some have quit their jobs, started new careers and have never been
happier. Others are still in the same career but are building businesses
in their spare time with the goal of switching careers.
Some shall we say are dragging their feet.
Now you might ask yourself, Self, why would anyone spend money to join
the group, travel thousands of miles and take time away from family and
friends to not take the action that they said they wanted to take.
Simple its Fear.
Fear of the unknown; fear of success, fear of failure fear of the
Boogeyman or the monster that you just knew was hiding under your bed when
you were a kid.

12 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 21

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Whatever the fear is about, it can hold you right in place, doing
nothing, going nowhere, living your life out one agonizing day at a time
while you long for something different.
Unless you attack your fear.
My Mentor taught me this weekend that logical thinking doesnt conquer
your fear. Writing out plan after plan and list after list wont do it.
Talking to your friends wont do it. Going to the gym to work out wont
do it. Having a drink will do it temporarily but the fear will be there,
along with a headache, when you get up in the morning.
Nope, one thing and one thing only beats Fear Action.
Action. Fast action. Decisive action. Action that gets you moving in a
forward direction towards what you want.
This weekend my Mentor used me to teach the group and myself this lesson.
He had me stand in front of the room in a neutral position. He told me
to relax, be grounded and breathe.
He began doing energy work on me; slapping different points on my body
that hold energy, hitting two energy points on opposite sides to free up
blockages, and also striking different points that had uneven or dirty
energy to get it released and moving.
While he was doing this, the crowd was cringing and making faces. They
thought he was hurting me, but the more he slapped and whapped me, the
bigger a smile I started to get.
Then, we got to the teaching part.
Here he told me he was going to hit me in the gut and I was not to take
a step back. I was to stand my ground and not let him knock me off balance.
I wasnt allowed to be in a deep stance or to put one foot back; I had
to stand there with my feet shoulder width, breathe and relax.
He said he was going to hit me three times and every time I took a step
back, we had to start over again at one.
For those of you that dont know, Im not a large man. At 56 and 161
pounds, I am what the Irish would call wiry.
My Mentor is a National Collegiate Wrestling Champion and World Champion
in Kung Fu. Hes about 58-ish and in the neighborhood of about 230 rock
solid pounds.
This was going to be fun.
After the first couple of shots to the body, I had moved on each one and
had to start over. Everyone in the crowd had graduated to the Oh My God
Hes Really Going to Kill Him looks on their faces.
While I was trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, he looked at
me and said, Stop trying to not fall over. Clear your mind and attack the
punches with your stomach instead.

22 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 13


Three solid punches, wham, wham, wham and I didnt move an inch.
The crowd burst out into applause as I bowed to my Mentor and showed
respect for the lesson I had learned. He turned to the crowd and told them
that what they just saw was a metaphor for fear.
When you feel fearful, you have to attack it. Instead of trying to
figure out why youre fearful and what might happen, just go.
Attack. Get after whatever it is thats making you afraid and as you
can see, youll come out on the other side feeling better than ever about
yourself and you will have achieved what you wanted.
I realized right then that while I had been taught this by my
Instructors in different ways, no one had explained it to me in this way
until now.
This is one of the most powerful lessons you or I could ever learn.
When youre in class and its time to spar, its okay to be anxious,
nervous and fearful. Almost all the students I work with and talk to,
especially the women, dislike sparring.
The cure is to do what thats right; get in there and spar.
Because as soon as you start and you take that first shot boom; no
more fear.
Attack your fear. Go after what you want. Dont worry about the what
ifs. Decide what you want, make your plan of action
And Attack Your Fear.
William Huff
P.S. To learn more about what your proper mental state should be and
how the ancient Shaolin Temple of China trains their Warrior Monks to be
the toughest on the plant, get over to and get
Secrets of the Shaolin Temple Volume I.
P.P.S. I havent forgotten about my promise. The announcement I have is
coming in the next couple of days. Stay tuned.
[Note: This entire email is a story designed to get people to ACT to
do something, to attack what they are afraid of. In the P.S. I would
not have talked about mental states. Instead I would have recapped the
central theme of the email and closed as follows:
Youve just read about something I did this past weekend to overcome
fear. Now its your turn. Im sure youve got at least one fear in
your life, something that is holding you back; something keeping your
from truly living the great life. Obliterate that fear, man. If youre
hesitating in the least about owning a copy of Secrets of the Shaolin
Temple .. then fear no more. MOVE. Get rid of this idea that you
can outthink your fear. Do something to rid yourself of it and do it
right NOW. Go to and place your order.]

14 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 23

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Okay, let me finish this issue with a brilliant email sent out by Lorrie
Morgan-Ferrero to promote a copywriting seminar shes having in September.
This email made me want to pay for the premium shes offering which
shows she has an enticing offer. When someone wants to pay for what youre
giving away, youve selected wisely.
Dan Kennedy Said OK!
Hi Matt,
Last year marketing great, Dan Kennedy approached me to do an exclusive
interview with him about how he ran the *business side* of things. This
was a high-end 4 hour intensive teleseminar filled with some of Dans most
proprietary (and unconventional) methods to squeezing the most money out of
every project, attracting and managing clients, negotiation techniques and
much, much more. While this was niched for copywriters, when you hear Dans
philosophy it is clear that all these lessons apply to any CONSULTANT,
[Note: Excellent how she tied this into MORE than copywriting.]
Now let me tell you, this material is NOT available ANYWHERE. It has
been in the back of my *Ill get to it someday* pile. For you, SOMEDAY is
now because guess what? Dan said it would be ok to give it to you as a
When this product is released to the open market, it will run $997. (The
content is just THAT good). But you get it for f*ree!
Here is some of the many, many things Dan covered
**How to go from zero to 60 and get those first clients, fast
**How to get to a 6-figure income even if youre a rank beginner in 12
months or LESS
**How to double your income OVERNIGHT if youre already an established pro
**What specific criteria you should use to choose which clients you
spend your valuable time with
**How to write sizzling hot copy for dull, boring, ordinary products
or businesses
**How to banish your own biases and buying patterns when it comes to
writing winning copy
**How to overcome shyness and develop the assertive sales mentality you
need to write exceptionally effective direct-response copy
**How to avoid ever doing proposals and break free of competitive
comparison to others willing to work for peanuts
**How to juggle multiple priorities, clients, projects, even a day
job and still be a prolific, effective entrepreneur (Remember Dan
himself works with 30-40 clients, multiple copywriting jobs, writes
one to several books a year, 3 newsletters a month, runs high end

24 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 15


coaching programs, consults, speaks and races horses. In fact, he

literally wrote the book on this subject *NO B.S. TIME MANAGEMENT
This was a life-changing event for me! I know it will be for you too.
See, rich people really DO think differently. When you shift your thinking,
you shift your bank account. See how you can tap into Dans knowledge
[Note: I am not in favor of emails sent en-masse, that only have the
first name. Never assume that anyone knows you by one name, unless
youre Madonna or Cher. I always sign my emails as Matt Furey as it
promotes Matt Furey (not Matt). How is Matt? Got a lot of them, out
there. You may assume that signing with one name is more personal.
Yet, the copy of the email is where you convey warmth and a down-to-
earth personality. Attempting to do it in the signature is too late.
Send a postcard and sign it Lorrie. Tis a good idea. But not online.]
Thats all for this issue, my friend. Except for one thing. Weve got
19 seats remaining in my October seminar. It's not an event youll feel
good about missing. It will give you a bigger, fatter, more prosperous bank
account. I think thats a better idea, dont you? At my seminar, The Science
of Super-Human Marketing, I will teach you the secrets of making a million
buckeroos per year as a coach, mentor, newsletter writer and story-teller
how could you miss this for anything in the world? It would be like
committing financial suicide. Go to www.knockoutmarketing and enroll today.

Matt Furey

16 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 25

Matt Fureys
The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs
September 2006

How to Force People to

Read Your Emails
Two days ago my father had a stroke. I didnt know about it until the day
after it happened as my mother and brother rushed him to the hospital and
they dont do the cell phone thing. And so, by themselves they waited with
my dad for five hours in Emergency. When my father was finally seen, not
much was said to him; instead they had him wait all night and part of the
next day before getting him a room. Imagine what the treatment would be if
something serious had happened.
Before I go on let me quickly contrast the above with my experiences
in China. Although Chinas population is 1.3 billion when I got sick over
a year ago, the treatment I got was almost immediate. How does that happen
when you have a billion plus people to look after in China and less than
300 million in the U.S.? Quick and dirty answer most of the U.S. is sick.
Now, in case youre wondering how my father is doing, the answer is that
he appears to be doing better. Hes a tough old bird. This month he is
due to turn 84; his father lived til 92 so Im pulling for him to break
the record. Afterall, its better to exceed what your parents were able to
accomplish. And yes, staying alive IS an accomplishment.
You dont know this, but much of my skill as a writer and speaker, I
owe to the teachings of my father. As a young boy growing up in parochial
schools, I was given the opportunity to be the lector at the weekly Mass
held for the entire student body. When my dad got wind that I was going to
be reading, out loud, in public, for all to hear, he recognized this as a
serious matter. He arrived home early from work with a couple booklets in
hand. These were the same booklets placed in the pews at church.
I hear youre going to be the lector on Friday, dad said.
Uh, yeah. I am.

26 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 1


Okay, well then, its time to practice, he said with a voice more serious
than a stroke. Dad pointed to the section of the Bible I would be reading and
said, Heres the section youre to read. Let me hear you read it out loud.
Do I have to? I questioned.
I began. A reading from the book of Deuteronomy.
Whilst reading I was seated on the edge of the bed; my father sat next
to me, looking over my shoulder. After I read the first sentence, without
pausing, I went to the next.
Wait a minute now. What do you think youre doing? my father questioned.
Did you see the punctuation at the end of the first sentence? Look right
here, what do you call that?
A period.
Thats right. A period. Now what do you think the writers of the Bible
put the period in there for? For you to skip over it? No. They put the
period in there because they want you to PAUSE before continuing. So you
pause when you come to a period. Now start again, from the top.
I began again. This time I paused at the period. Then I went to the next
sentence. It was a much longer one than the first, containing a comma. I
read right through the comma.
Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast, piped my dad. Do you see this little mark after
the fifth word? What do you call that mark?
A comma.
Thats right, a comma. Now why do you think the writers put that in
To get me to pause.
Right. So when you see a period or a comma, you stop. You pause. Let
what youve read sink into peoples minds a bit before you continue.
I began to read again. Dad, looking over my shoulder, never offering
a word of praise. Only correction. When I finished the passage he had me
start again. Over and over I read the passage and if at any time I read
quickly, he stopped me. Even if it was the last phrase, which at that time
was spoken as: This is the word of the Lord.
Matt, what youre reading here is important. Its the Word of the Lord.
And when you get to the end of the passage, you cannot go too fast. In
fact, you need to go even slower and enunciate each word. You see all the
other lectors at the Mass. Theyre awful. They get to the end of the reading

The authors, publishers, contributors, and others involved in the creation, production, or marketing of this newsletter are not responsible in any
manner whatsoever for any loss resulting from the use or practice of the information presented herein. The content of this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is offered to assist people in their individual education and research. Inidividual results will vary in the quest to
increase personal wealth. No promise or guarantee of results is implied or suggested.

2 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 27

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

and they read like they cant wait to finish. Instead of THIS IS THE
WORD OF THE LORD, punctuating each word for emphasis, they ramble
thisisthewordofthelord. Its awful. I dont ever want to hear that from you.
So let me hear you read that refrain again.
When the first reading was to my fathers satisfaction he had me go to
the second.
Now, before you begin, a word of advice, said dad. You see all these
other readers on Sunday. When they get to the second reading they start off
by saying, Our second reading this morning is from the Gospel of lets
say, John. Now, first of all, there is nowhere in your booklet that it says
that you are to tell the reader that this is the second reading. And second,
if the people in the pews cant tell that youre on the second reading, then
they must be complete idiots. You dont need to tell them its the second
reading because anyone who has a brain already recognizes this. Okay, lets
hear the next reading.

Time Out
What I have done to open this newsletter is an example, on many levels,
of what you as a marketer of goods and services on the Internet can imitate
in your email campaigns. Yes, the story above is true and it takes guts
to write what is weighing heavily on my mind but its part of the Furey
Method for becoming a great email copywriter.
Note: I did not say copy verbatim. Imitate the flow; the layout; the
type of story; the amplification of emotion and so on. But do not
copy the words themselves. They are mine. They come from my brain. So
should yours. And doing so is not difficult when you learn to write
email copy the way I write it.
There are several key elements to writing effective money-drenching email
copy. First and foremost, though, is learning to write like you talk. Most
people struggle because they try to write in a vernacular different from how
they would speak to a friend one-on-one. Big mistake.
The key to breaking out of this is to begin talking out loud and
after a sentence is uttered, you write what you said. This is the fastest
way of finding your voice. And, if you want to go further, if you want
to find someone elses voice then listen to him speak and write what
you heard. Theres nothing more to it and anyone who tries to teach you
otherwise is milking the process of email copywriting for all its worth.
Your key to success when writing emails is to uncomplicate things. Most
people do the opposite. They try to make everything more difficult than it
is. Imagine being the person who writes in a clear voice nearly everyone
easily understands. I think this ideal is a grand station in life to
attain, dont you?
Six months after my wife had emigrated to the U.S. (she arrived on
August 2, 1994), she could read my writings and clearly understand what I
was saying. This, my friend, was after having no more training in English

28 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 3


than what was provided at an adult school program, wherein she was tossed
into a room with dozens of other emigrants, most from different parts of
the world.
The average writing you see on the Internet today what we read in most
emails if I were a betting man, I would bet that after six months of
English Zhannie wouldnt have understood the message. Today, yes. Back in
1994, no.
We are often given the advice to write at the 5th or 6th grade level. Yet,
in todays global Internet world, youre probably better off writing at the
six months of English level. Clear, concise and colloquial, those are the
three Cs of writing youll want to work on.

Keys to Writing Clear, Concise and

Colloquial Emails
How about I give you some key concepts for writing kick-butt emails,
day in and day out? Bear in mind as I teach these concepts, many of them
simply flow out your mouth and onto the screen when you let go of the voice
in your head that wants to edit everything you write as youre writing it.
Silence! Get thee away from me, varmint. Let your voice be YOUR voice without
editing then, later on you can go back and edit what youve written. BUT
if you listen to me, most of the time there wont be a whole lot of editing
as youll nail 80% or more of what you want to say, and how you want to say
it, in the first draft.
I have proven this in a small group seminar on writing emails to make a
fortune. Everyone who attended entered the room with major self-doubts about
how to write emails. All left KNOWING they could write at a championship
level. Some, like Chet Rowland and Jake Ross, discovered they have a major
talent for writing stellar email copy.
My brother, Sean, with my permission, taught this same email seminar
twice and had samilar results. Students arrived lacking confidence. Two days
later they went home jumping for joy.
In Seans case, he is the perfect example of someone who learned how to
write Fureyesque or MachiaFurian emails in record time mostly because he
was willing to listen and learn. Twas a good thing because he went on to
easily clear six figures his first year, writing emails for me as well as a
number of others who saw some of his work and begged for his email address
(Ill show you an example of one of his emails later on). Now Seans started
a coaching program on email writing. If you want help with the writing of
stellar, money-grabbing emails contact Sean at

10 BIG Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make With Email

1. They use a weak headline. Their headline doesnt provoke enough
curiosity to get the email opened. Oftentimes the person writing the
copy tries to use headlines that work offline or in a salesletter, but
not for an email. There is a difference.

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

2. They use an impotent opening sentence. The reader finds it painful

to continue reading after the first sentence, so he stops and goes to
something else.
3. They dont write in clear, concise and colloquial language. Instead,
they try to impress others with how educated, smart, intelligent
or knowledgeable they are and to do this, they use high-falutin
language instead of down-to-earth speak.
4. They never write anything personal about their own lives. They never
reveal who they are to the reader in a friendly down-home way. In
short, they never let the reader be a voyeur.
5. They never tell a compelling story that grabs the reader by the
scruff of the neck and forces him to keep reading.
6. They rarely or never write anything funny or humorous. The reader is
never forced to laugh or smile.
7. They never write anything that makes the reader cry or pound his fist
on his desk in a fit of rage.
8. They think educating the reader is more important than entertaining him.
9. They are verbose. Emails contain tons of superfluous words.
10. They write emails lacking in POWER because they fail to tell the
reader to buy something. The main purpose of an email is to sell your
products and services. And so, if you dont use a voice filled with
deep conviction and enthusiasm you wont get many sales. To rewrite
Emerson, who said: Nothing great was ever accomplished without
enthusiasm I say, Nothing great was ever SOLD without enthusiasm.
Dont be wimpy. Tell the reader what he is supposed to do just as,
in the opening story for this n/l I reviewed how my father taught me
to read.
There are many other things I will cover about my style of email
copywriting in the future but this list of 10 can last you forever and
if you continually refine and hone your skills, continually looking at
whether or not youve hit the mark on these 10 things you will improve.

You Better Make Me Laugh or Im Outta Here!

What I am now going to tell you is something you might want to write on a
3x5 card and memorize. You might want to tack it to your bathroom mirror or
sticky note it to your laptop. Yes, it is THAT important.
Here goes:
When it comes to making money Entertainment is more important
than education!
Get mad all you want but this statement is fact. We pay our
entertainers FAR, FAR MORE than our educators. Frank Sinatra made people
laugh when he was on stage. He made them cry when he sang even when he

30 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 5


took the stage. He told stories. He was personal. He could have simply gone
on stage to sing and nothing more, yet he understood the value of making
a personal connection with his audience.
Reagan, the Great Communicator, was an entertainer first. He made most
Americans feel good about the country by telling stories, jokes and being of
good cheer.
How much money would Rush Limbaugh be getting for his radio show if
he didnt make people laugh as well as make others raging mad? He is an
Look at the salaries of our big league ball players. What do they do?
They entertain.
The other day I revealed this truism Entertainment is more important
than education to a member of my MasterMind. He broke out laughing. Couldnt
believe what I was saying. I then said to him, You have kids, right?
Where are they now?
Probably watching something on tee-vee.
Right or wrong Im not playing judge here. Im merely reporting the
truth. If you want to make the most out of your career you must learn
to MIX entertainment with what you do. And by entertainment, I mean, first
and foremost, MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH on a daily basis preferably. One laugh
per email is good. Two or more and youre doing great. But laugh your
reader must, if you want him or her to become a fan who buys from you
again and again.
[Note: In a direct response salesletter, I do not advise going after the
laugh. Its very hard to make it work. In an email getting regular
laughs is mandatory if you want to build a large following.]
Yes, I am an educator. I teach people how to do things in my books,
courses, newsletters, seminars and coaching programs. But Id be a fool to
think my success would be equal to or greater than what it is if I didnt
Read my emails. Study them. Each and every day there is at least one
instance in which I make the reader laugh assuming, however, he has a
pulse. You cannot make the dead laugh, Im told.

One Word Laughs

In a recent conversation with Eddie Baran he said there is rarely an
email I send in which he doesnt laugh and sometimes it isnt even a
funny line or phrase. Nope. Its nothing more than a funny word, such as
the one my brother Sean coined last year Lardassians a spin off the
Star Trek word Cardassians. One of my favorite concoctions is the term

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

How many people who write emails have colorful terms to describe who they
are? Call me Fure-cat.
Almost no one.
How many have names for their customers? I call mine the Furey Faithful.
Again, almost no one.
You might think these terms dont bring smiles to the faces of the
readers of my emails but youd be wrong to make that assumption. I can
tell you a great many Fellow Fure-cats (another name I use) write our office
and begin with the following: Hi, my name is Bob Jones and Im one of the
Furey Faithful.
Happens every day. I invent the terms, the fan base uses them.

Misuse of Your Business Name

Instead of creating single words that make your reader identify with you
and you with him, what we see many email copywriters doing is using the
names of the business as if its a person of substance.
We here at are proud to announce blah, blah. Tis
awful. Show me a freakin human being now, would ya? Show me more than a
face though. Show me the soul behind the face. Show me the emotional make-
up of the character.
Let me get to know him. Have him inject some laughter and joy into my life.
Thats what people want and thats what I want to give people.
And because of this, there are many top writers and entrepreneurs who
will tell you they read every email I send; theyll tell you they cant wait
for my email to arrive in their inbox. Im talking about men and women who
are worth tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars. People who
are best-selling novelists, movie stars, top names in pro wrestling, music,
and so on. And they tune into me each day. Its flattering, mostly because
when I sit to write I just write. I dont concern myself with whether or
not its good or bad. I trust my instincts and I let everything RIP. I let
everything out. I pour my soul onto the screen, then I hit send.
What I have described is what people want to read more than anything.
Anyone can research facts, figures, history, the latest study. Anyone can
pepper an email with famous quotes to make himself look erudite. But the
real champions are those who dont spend all their time quoting everyone
else. They spend 99% of their time quoting themselves.
Heres what I think. I am a unique voice to be heard and heres what I
have to say and why Im going to say it with gusto and enthusiasm.

Forget the Quotes

Speaking of quotes, I WIIL use them from time to time. And every once
in a great moon Ill quote a specific study. So Im NOT knocking them
completely. Im simply letting you know that, for many, many writers, if you

32 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 7


remove their quotes as well as their recitations from history books or the
latest studies, theyre aint a whole lot left for them to say because their
entire brain is little more than an accumulation of a bunch of everyones
elses facts.
Back in 1992, I attended a Robert Fritz workshop on Creating in Sonoma,
California. It was a wonderful life-changing event for me. One of the
reasons why happened on Day 3. When Fritz was grilling us with his Socratic
method, which he calls Structural Consulting, I shot back at him with a line
that went like this: Well, Dr. Wayne Dyer says
Before I could give the quote Fritz interrupted me. I dont want to hear
what Dr. Wayne Dyer says, or Dr. Joyce Brothers, or Deepak Chopra, or Norman
Vincent Peale, or Tony Robbins, or Mother Teresa, and so on. I want to know
what YOU think.
I sat motionless for a spell. Then a smile of embarrassment broke out on
my face. I realized, for the first time in my life, my mind wasnt much more
than a collection of what everyone else thinks and says and writes. There
was very little Matt Furey in my own brain. I was well-read but I was
uneducated. Never before have I felt so naked. It was a beautiful moment.
Keep this in mind when you sit before your keyboard and begin to write.
Give the reader part of yourself not a part of what everyone else says.
Be personal. Be down-to-earth. Be enthusiastic and authoritative. And damnit,
make people laugh.
Use quotes and studies but use YOURSELF even more. Give the reader a
window to view your life and youll attract a following who cannot wait for
your next message as well as your next product or service.

3 Points of Supreme Importance

Before I get into some email critiques, make sure you take another
gander at my opening story. Look at the headline I used. Look at the first
sentence. Notice how I began with something emotional and personal. Then
note how I told a story about how my father taught me to read. Note the
humorous undertones. Then understand this opening could have been the
opening for an email which then led to the sale of my product.
After youve noted all those elements, then I want to repeat one of the
most important elements previously mentioned, as well as give you a couple
more hard-hitting concepts that can turn your email writing into masterful
1. People are more interested in entertainment than education. This
doesnt mean theyre NOT interested in education; just that theyre
more interested in being entertained. So you MUST become an
entertaining Internet entrepreneur. To only educate misses half the
readers brains. Get the whole brain. Be funny.
2. Forget about proving how smart you are. This is a huge hurdle for many.
They view email copywriting as a means to showcase their superior
brain power, education, knowledge, and so on. This is a mistake.

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Youre far better off proving you can tell a good story and hook the
reader into reading whether hes being educated or not. Then, when
hes hooked, when hes on the edge of his seat listening to your
entertaining wit drop in a bit of knowledge and sell him something.
3. Nothing bad ever happens to an email copywriter: EVERYTHING is
MATERIAL. Share openly but intelligently about your life. Let the
reader have a peak behind the curtain; a look over the Great Wall.
Alright, now let me dig out my red pen and start going to town on some
emails Ive recently received. Per usual, my comments will begin whenever
you see the following: [Note:]. Because so many of my comments are brutal
names, products, websites and such have been omitted to protect the guilty.

How to Be a Hero
Hi Matt,
Ever notice how when they interview a hero the hero always says one
line. It may take slightly different forms, but theyll all say basically the
same thing.
[Note: Who is they? Be more specific and youll get more of the
readers attention.]
What is it?
Reporter: You were so courageous, Mr. Fireman, that was such an
extraordinary thing you did. Were all amazed and profoundly grateful. Please
tell us, what were you thinking?
You fill in the blank. I saw this many times yesterday on TV and I always
predicted what the person would say.
Come on, take a guess
Yes, they will say I was just doing my job.
How about if it is a non-service professional, some passer by? What will
they say?
Yes, I just did what anyone would do in that situation. I wasnt thinking
of being a hero, I just wanted to get the person out of there.
Inside these answers are two keys to confidence. Two keys to success. Two
keys to what you really want: to feel great.
[Note: Rewrite of paragraph above Contained within these seemingly
blah answers are two secrets of mega confidence; two keys to
unparalleled success; two keys to greatness. Would you like to know
what they are?]
They arent as easy to guess as the hero interview, but Im a trained
professional and will point them out:
Focus and Action.

34 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 9


These heroes were focused on what was most important. With my baseball
background I like calling it focusing on the MIT the Most Important Thing.
They were focused on the person in trouble and how to solve the problem.
They werent caught up in a psycho-drama full of emotions.
Confidence isnt even the issue. This might seem sacrilegious coming
from a guy who created a course called (xx), but I believe focus is more
important than confidence.
Focus powerfully and confidence comes along for the ride.
[Note: At this point youve given me too much and the possibility of
a sale is reduced. You need more curiosity here. Youve already solved
things for the reader.]
Then take action. Do whatever your focus is telling you to do.
So, how do you be a hero? You dont think about being a hero, you just
focus on whats most important and take action.
Now, it helps a lot if youre trained in this. Good training makes it a
lot easier to stay focused and take right action under pressure. Any high
stress profession involves high stress training.
[Note: Trained??? Oh boy, sounds like too much work. If youre going to
tell them they need to work you must glorify hard work by comparing
YOUR idea of hard work to someone elses lame idea of hard work.]
Pilots, soldiers, EMTs, firemen all train in simulated settings to
build their ability to focus and take action in spite of numerous possible
[Note: Im none of the above. Better relate it to me fast or Im
outta here.]
Their training makes them many times more likely to take effective action
when the heat is on and heroic deeds (as defined by others) are called for.
But there is stress in your job, in your relationship, in your life. You
would benefit from being trained to be better able to focus and take action.
That training would make you feel more confident.
[Note: What I want is Instant Confidence. To hell with my stress, my
job and all my problems. Give me a quick fix. Yes, I realize I will
have to train to get confidence, but if youre going to tell me this in
your email, youve got to make the idea romantic.]
That training is available at www.xxxxxxxxxx
p.s. Focus on that link and take action! (Youll be my hero!)
[Note: The close here is weak. On the enthusiasm scale, you get a zero.
Sometimes I will use a soft-touch close in an email but it is still
aclose. Youve got to tell the reader what to do. And youve got to tie
the main thrust of the email into the close. Your P.S. is a HUGE no-
no. Its totally self-serving. Turn it around so the focus is on the

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

prospect and what he will get from clicking the link. For example:
Perhaps youve never dreamt of doing something heroic. Join the club.
Most heroes dont either. But man, when an opportunity arises, theyre
ready. They know how to put themselves into a peak emotional state
instantly. Do YOU? Imagine how much your life might change if you
harnessed the easy-to-learn skills of the most confident men on earth?
Click the link and discover the secrets they possess.]

Why Frogs are Fat

Good Morning, Matt
Five frogs are sitting on a log. Three decide to jump off. How many are
Five. They decided to jump, but never jumped.
[Note: Beautiful opener.]
Unfortunately, many folks I work with are deciding frogs. They know they
need to improve their physical condition, but never jump. Their intentions
never turn into action.
Ironically, most people put-off exercising because they want to do a great
workout. They keep looking and searching and planning and scheduling and
ordering videos and google-ing but never do anything.
Its really just procrastinating, camouflaged as deciding.
A wise teacher once told me, Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly
until you can learn to do it well.
So, dont worry about the finding the best exercise program. Just get
started. There are more than enough ways to exercise (using just your body
and gravity) to keep you busy for years to come.
[Note: Why are you positioning your program as better than all those
theyre deciding on? Sounds like you dont believe your program is
any better than anything else on the market. Is that the message you
really want to convey?]
And if you havent been active for a while, then by all means start
Exercising slowly helps prevent injuries. Nothing is more frustrating than
trying to jump off the log if your knee is swollen (trust me). Exercising
slowly also helps you pay attention, engages all the smaller stabilizing
muscles, highlights your weak spots, and strengthens your Mind-Body
Here are a few ways to activate your body slowly:
Go for a walk after supper. Not a pep-step, just a walk. Focus on your
breath, relax and enjoy the walk. Work your way up to 20 30 minutes at a
moderate pace. You can pep-step in a few weeks. If youve been inactive for
more than six months, this is a good place to start til your body gets used
to moving again.

36 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 11


[Note: You stopped entertaining. Now youre educating.]

Do some light stretching to help loosen the joints and relax the
muscles. Breathe.
Try some yoga, Pilates, balance ball or other bodyweight exercises. These
help integrate the parts of your body, rather than isolating them (like
traditional weight training). Dont be fooled. Theyre not as easy as they
look (trust me). Definitely start with the Beginner tapes. And if you can
get a good instructor, all the better.
[Note: Are you selling the tapes listed above? If not, why are you
referring to them? Playing Good Samaritan, are you?]
You can feed two birds with one feeder by combining activities from
different spokes on the Wheel of Life. For instance, take a Family Walk
(combining the Family and Physical). Exercise slowly, without noise or music
blaring (helps you concentrate, strengthens the Mental and Physical)
[Note: Where are you going with this? Im totally lost now.]
Speaking of birds, six birds are sitting on a feeder. Little Jimmy shoots
one with his BB gun. How many are left?
None. The rest got scared and flew away.
[Note: Not funny this time. Technique overused. Once is enough. What
are you in this email? A professional visitor? Get to the point. Sell
something damnit.]
Live like you mean it,
Dr. V
P.S. Bonus Tip: When you aim and fire at one goal sitting on the feeder,
that energy and motion tends to bring the rest of your goals along with it.
[Note: Yeah, so what???]
P.P.S. I know some old guys up at the Fitness Center who workout just so
they can eat whatever they want. Not an ideal strategy, but at least theyre
making a plan and taking action. A better plan might be to eat better to
maximize your workouts and your health (link deleted)
[Note: This email is not selling and marketing a product. Writing an
email like this is wasting your freaking time. You started out great
with a joke that grabbed attention, then you rambled and rambled. Tell
people to buy something!!! Tell a story that ties into your product
somewhere and somehow.]

A pineapple shows how to speak to strangers

[Note: Headline is awful. Im not going to open this one, except to
do a critique on it. Why not Conversations With Pineapples or
something that has curiosity imbedded in it?]
Hey there Matt,
[Note: Hey there Matt??? If a chick is writing me and she has a soft,

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

sexy voice and a hot body, this might work. But I dont want a man
writing me with this kind of opening.]
I just had pineapple pie. Now I dont know about you but Ive never had
pineapple pie before, and I find it kind of strange.
Its strange because it sort of works.
[Note: Dude, Im already sick to my stomach reading this drivel. Let
me give you a different opener: Ever eat a pineapple pie? If you
have, you probably know what I mean when I refer to Conversations
with pineapples. Yes, when you eat a pie with pineapples, you might
even speak in tongues. Heres what I mean This is just off the
cuff not great but it beats the crap out of what you have here.
Speak in clear, concise and colloquial language. Take your sentence,
Its strange because it sort of works. Please tell me how that is a
clear, concise and colloquial sentence??? It makes about as much sense
as a fart in church. Back to the drawing board. Remember: Talk-write,
Its sweet, and fruity with a nice crust. And when you really think about
it, its very similar to apple pie, peach flan and every other variety of
fruit and pastry based desert.
The person who first made pineapple pie understood the general concepts
of making a fruit based pie. They understood the act of balancing the
sweetness of the fruit with the texture of the glazing with the floury,
crumbly taste of the crust.
Because they understood the concepts involved with the flavors of pies,
when they didnt have apples or any other standard fruits and there in the
fruit bowl is this honking great big pineapple they can work out how to use
that instead.
Necessity perhaps is the mother of invention but only to a skilled and
experienced mind.
And thats why someone whos confident in one area of their life is able
to adapt to any other area.
Ive seen a friend whos great on a snowboard get thrown into a new
situation at work. He leapt into it with the same gusto. Sure he made a lot
of mistakes at first but because he was confident hed succeed eventually he
kept at it and succeed he eventually did. Its because he understood how to
be confident in general.
But what if you dont have that initial confidence to draw upon? What if
youre like the many people who are stuck with a pineapple and dont know
what to do with it?
What if you need to speak to a group of new people at work, and all
youve got is a pineapple to work with?
I talk about this with my Silver members and you can also become one by
going to If you dont already have the
skill of confidence in one area of your life, you need to see it applied in

38 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 13


different examples before you can pick it up. The same goes with motivation
and the same with relaxation.
[Note: The transition here into the plugging of your Silver
membership is nonexistent. Everything must flow. This is
screeching halt bad transition.]
Thats why each week youll hear entertaining stories that are easy to
remember and yet by listening to them you automatically acquire the habit of
confident speaking, confident acting, purposeful doing. Its like getting the
lessons in these emails, but on steroids.
Push past your limits; love life doing it.
Ps. Im down to the last 12 places at the current introductory price. If
you like the idea of getting fresh motivation, inspiration and raw, honest
goodness sent to you for less than the cost of a meal out, then get over to
www.xxxxx and upgrade your membership now.
[Note: MW, youve gone to scarcity in the P.S., which is a powerful
selling tool, but the copy must be improved otherwise no one will
see your offer.]

Where Optimism Originates

Hi Matt,
Ever watch a movie without a soundtrack. Or a TV show without music. Not
a very appetizing thought.
[Note: Good opening.]
Music is a mystery. The power it wields on our imagination and wellbeing
is enormous. Like Confucius said, Music produces a kind of pleasure which
human nature cannot do without.
[Note: I would have put Confucius in the headline to make it more
compelling, such as: How Confucius Pleasured Himself.]
Theres another kind of music to your ears. Youre immersed in it day
in, day out. No one escapes these sounds. This music is comprised of the
words you speak, read and think about every moment of the day.
The sound of those words penetrate your wellbeing in a similar way that
music does. Immediately, deeply and irrevocably.
[Note: Great stuff.]
Add to that other peoples voices and youve got yourself a smorgasbord
of aural influences. Not to mention the emotional tinges of actors voices as
they bring to life one drama or another on teevee and film.
The list goes on I havent even mentioned the low frequency humming of
electronic equipment, heaters and A/Cs as well as traffic.
[Note: Need something humorous injected into this so that the depth of
this idea can sink in. Laughter opens the soul to receive your message.]

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The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Put together, this is the music of your life. Your aim is to minimize the
negative sounds, including much that teevee, movies, magazines and books
have to offer. Instead, simplify your sound palate by exposing your mind
and ears to the stuff that picks you up, makes you laugh, helps you think
creatively and calms you down.
Sounds and music are everywhere. Mostly unnoticeable, because theyve
become part of the fabric of our lives. But that doesnt mean these sounds
arent playing a number on your mind. They are, big time. Start paying
attention and youll be making changes pronto.
Listening to the xxxx
Immerse yourself in whats good for you. You wont regret it.
Warm Regards,
P.S. Ever wonder how you would feel if every obstacle was turned into an
opportunity a chance for getting rid of cobwebs. Listen to these xxxx
[Note: Overall, good email. To improve it lighten the topic with
something funny or humorous. Tell a story. Be personal. And tell people
how they will benefit by having your product.]

And Now, for the Grand Finale

Now, let me close out this issue with an email written by my brother,
Sean, a couple years ago for the Psycho-Cybernetics product Zero Resistance
Living. This one kicked major rumpus. Once you see how the story grabs you
youll understand why.

How One Girl Used Her Imagination to Score

Big Points
Dear Friend,
Last month a young female basketball player asked me if I could help her
improve her shooting. We went to the gym and I watched her shoot for about
twenty minutes. She did pretty well in the first few minutes and then her
shooting deteriorated. At the twenty-minute mark she was hitting about 2 out
of ten.
She stopped, walked over and said, I really stink, dont I ?
I said, No, you dont stink! You have no imagination.
What do you mean? she said.
You dont believe you are going to make the shot, so you dont. You have
to believe you are going to make the shot. You have to believe that your
teammates want you to shoot. You have to believe you are the best shooter
on the court.
Ill double my practice time, she said.
No, I said. I want you to stay out of the gym for a week. In fact,

40 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 15


I want you to play imaginary basketball for 7 days. Whenever you can, I
want you to play basketball in your mind. I want you to imagine that you
are the best shooter that ever played the game. I want you to take every
possible shot in the game and make it. On the last day, I want you to play
a championship game, and make the game winning shot. Then call me.
A week went by and I got a call. We met at the gym. Whats your favorite
team ? I asked. Tennessee, she said.
Okay, I said. Lay down on the floor, hold on to your ball, and imagine
that Pat Summitt is in the stands. Shes here to watch you play, because she
needs a shooter for her team. You are going to score 26 points. She is going
to walk down out of the stands and offer you a scholarship. When the game
is over you can start shooting.
After putting her through this powerful exercise, guess what happened?
She started shooting and she banked her first 24 shots. And on average, she
hit about 8 out of every ten shots during the entire practice. Now thats a
major improvement.
As we walked off the court she said, Tennessee, get ready, here I come!
Everything I was teaching this young girl is what I learned from Dr.
Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics.
But what she learned comes from Dr. Maltz most advanced and cherished
work. To read all about his mega-powerful program go to http://www.psycho-
Sean Furey
P.S. Last night I watched her play again. She shot 9 of 11 from the floor
and 4 of 4 from the line. After the game she said, I beat them before the
game started. I beat them Monday, Tuesday, and today at lunch. They didnt
have a chance. No one else will against you either once youre armed with
Dr. Maltz life-changing program. Go to
zrlcourse.html and order NOW.
[Note: See how this email is personal. See how it tells a story. Also
note how the reader is entertained but not taught anything valuable.
The reader must buy the course to get the most valuable imformation.
And finally, note how the reader is told to buy something.]
Well, my friend, thats a rap. Be back next month with a whole lot more.

Matt Furey
P.S. Two seats remain in my October seminar The Science of Super-Human
Marketing. This seminar is the MOST important one I have ever done. Go to www. and make sure your butt is in a seat on October 18th.

16 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 41

Matt Fureys
The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs
October 2006
Protecting Yourself on the Internet
Its OFFICIAL. I now own the U.S. Registered Trademark for Zen Master
of the Internet. Note the with a circle after the term. Yippee! Ive
got my Samurai sword out and am going for blood.
Dont know about YOU but because of the pirate culture of the
Internet, I think it is more important than EVER to think about
trademarking product names as well as identifying terms you come up
with, not to mention getting copyrights on all your works, including ALL
your webpages, blogs and emails as fast as you can. Believe me, once
you get a following on the Internet, and/or once other people know youre
making mucho smackola, the speed at which your ideas will be stolen
is staggering. And if you want to recoup the big bucks, get your stuff
trademarked and copyrighted so that you can collect damages as well as
attorneys fees.

The Meaning of Steal

Now, the word steal has, in the minds of many
marketers, more than one definition, one of which
is take someone elses IDEA and figure out how
to apply it in a UNIQUE way to your situation
meaning that you expand on the idea or figure
out how to apply it to your niche, presuming, of
course that youre NOT in the same market selling
to the same people.
Another definition of steal used by marketers
is copy the guy shamelessly, however you see
fit. I was at a seminar recently wherein one
well-known copywriter gave this shameless advice
to someone whose copy was being critiqued before

42 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 1


the group. I sat in the back of the room shaking my head, then leaned to
a friend and client and said, Make a note. NEVER do business with this
guy and NEVER tell him a freaking thing about YOUR business.
Later on during the event, said copywriter came up to us in the bar
and asked about email strategies and so on. I gave my stock facial
expression. In China they call it zhuang xia. Maybe sometime Ill show
you what it looks like and what the meaning of the phrase is. I think
youll get a chuckle out of it.
The lazy use of the word steal by marketing teachers has done more
harm than good as people who are fully capable of writing their own copy
or coming up with their own product ideas, are too bone-headed to do so.
Instead, they cut and paste others emails or ads.
A few weeks ago I was sent an email, driving me to a website where
a product for a red hot niche was being sold. As I read the copy I
was stunned at how I had read this same copy, virtually verbatim, on
another guys website selling to the same group. Two different people.
Two different business. Same market. Same copy. Somewhere along the line
this is blatant theft. I have no respect for this and anyone I know
in my own coaching group who behaves this way is G-O-N-E. Furthermore,
if I ever discovered who stole from whom, rest assured I would NEVER do
business with that person. Nor would I give him a shred of my knowledge.
Key thing to remember is this: Someone needs a lawsuit to wake his
ass up. In my own business, I now have a legal team looking for people
that I can thump. Incidentally, a single LOSS in a copyright violation
lawsuit can cost you $125,000.00 no small change. So if youve made cut
n paste part of your M.O. think seriously about a little mind shift.
Fix your ads pronto. Write things in your own words.
Now, to give you an idea about just one of the tools that makes it
easy to find those who steal your copy and use it online theres this
website and itll help expose the thieves
for you.

Applying an Idea
Theres a major difference between applying an idea to your business
and stealing the idea. For example, if you see the title of my product,
Combat Conditioning, it may give you the idea to name your product
Confidence Conditioning as MasterMind member Dr. Tom Hanson has done

The authors, publishers, contributors, and others involved in the creation, production, or marketing of this newsletter are not responsible in any
manner whatsoever for any loss resulting from the use or practice of the information presented herein. The content of this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is offered to assist people in their individual education and research. Inidividual results will vary in the quest to
increase personal wealth. No promise or guarantee of results is implied or suggested.

2 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 43

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

I have no problem with his selection. I think it is a wise application

of my idea. However, some months back another man I coach sent me his
ideas for a few titles that were not acceptable. They were too close to
what I have done and I requested he change the titles if he wanted to
continue getting my advice and help. He understood and did so. Smart move.

Start Your Day With

Now, lets say you see a headline like, Start Your Day With a Cup of
Coffee and a Cigarette. This is a famous headline used by newsletter
publisher, Agora, to sell the Dr. William Campbell Douglas Real Health
Breakthroughs. I used a variation of it Start Your Day With a 6-
Pack and a Couple Joints for an email I did over a year ago, and it
pulled extremely well. I know a lot of marketers who would have used the
headline verbatim, even if they were selling to the same group. Not only
that but theyd think they have a legal right to do so.
Start Your Day With is not owned by anyone. Same goes for How to
How I Secrets of Conversations With and a number of other
powerful opening words for headlines and titles.
You can use How to for you ads or for your products until the cows
come to eat scraps from your table and it is not stealing. But if you
use the trademarked terms Psycho-Cybernetics or Zero Resistance Living
which I also own, you are asking for trouble.
Last year a marketer thought it no big deal to put on a seminar called
Renegade Millionaire. He even put up a website that was directly swiped
from Dan Kennedy. Not rewritten. Stolen verbatim. Being the term was
trademarked, a simple cease-and-desist or else, caused the guy to wake
up and smell the morning brew.
There are a few guys that I have in mind right now who have stolen
chunks of my copy to sell to the same market Im in. Not verbatim theft
in terms of my entire ad but enough that anyone in the know has a
very clear idea of who originated it. All I can say is that these people
better cease and desist pretty fast as this Fure-cat has plenty of
aces up his sleeves, and just because he doesnt say anything right
away doesnt mean he isnt looking for the opportune time to drop the
hammer. And believe me, the prospect of drilling someone for 125K (per
infraction) is very appealing.
Now, some of the details of what I have just outlined for you are
important to understand, on many levels. One of which is to understand
the POWER of keeping your trap shut. Do not give any information
to anyone who aint paying for it. Be very leery of the bar-hopping
marketer who will buy you drinks or a big steak with the intention of
milking you for information. Sometimes this is OK, but most of the time
it is a bad idea.

44 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 3


Why The Cat is the Tigers Teacher

How about I tell you a little Chinese fable to illustrate the
importance of knowing when to shut up? Here goes:
Tens of thousands of years ago in ancient China, the cat and the
tiger were friends. The tiger admired the cat and wanted to learn from
his immense skills. So the cat took the tiger into his school and began
to teach him much of what he knew. He taught him to run. He taught him
how to hunt. He taught him how to wrestle, scratch, claw and fight for
his life.
Then it came to pass that one day the tiger was filled with pride, and
sought to destroy the very cat who taught him what he knows. The tiger
tried to sneak up on the cat, but to no avail. The cat saw him coming
and moved out of the way. Being the tiger was bigger, heavier, stronger
and more powerful than the cat, he chased after him, wanting nothing
more than to sink his teeth into the cats little neck.
Catch him he tried but just when the tiger thought hed have the cat
for lunch, it scampered up a tree. The tiger tried to climb the tree, but
failed. He bit into the bark, he pawed the tree with his claws, but it
was all for naught.
Meanwhile the cat sat on the top of the tree, doing a laughter
meditation. He was undisturbed. He didnt have a worry in the world.
As the cat meditated he gave thanks for having the wisdom to teach the
tiger everything the tiger knows, but not everything that HE knows.
Moral of the story: Understand who youre dealing with. If youre
dealing with another cat, both of you can climb the tree together, share
equally from the knowledge you have and get along famously. But if your
friend shows himself to be a tiger, if he tries to shove the bat up
your ass when all youre wanting to do is play baseball, well then, get
into a position of safety and laugh at him for being so foolish.
Get your stuff trademarked, copyrighted and whatever else you have to
do to protect yourself.

Figure Out How to Make Money Giving it Away

If youve been tracking my latest online maneuvers via my emails
and websites, you will have noted that I have made a MAJOR move toward
selling continuity memberships to the Matt Furey Inner Circle ($29.95 per
month or $249 for the year) as well as the Psycho-Cybernetics Success
Group ($39.95). Very soon Ill sell a separate membership to this very
newsletter, too, (probably for $129.95 a month).
This, by the way, should illustrate the LEGAL and fully-endorsed-by-
me STEAL you are getting by being a member of the Gold Crown Program.
You get 7 newsletters per month, plus bonus CDs and DVDs from time-

4 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 45

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

to-time, for $197.42 a month. An unreal value. If however, youre a

dummy who doesnt understand math, you can settle for all three of my
newsletters, minus the other four put out by Eddie, Pete the Printer
and Dan Kennedy for a whopping savings of well, ZERO. In fact, if
you get my newsletters without Gold Crown, youre paying a buck and some
change EXTRA. Not to mention that Dan Kennedys L.O.S. program is $250.00
a month, in and of itself. How anyone can cancel out on this program is
above and beyond me. You truly have to be an idiot!
Anyway, heres the Fure-Cat to Cat deal with my continuity programs:
1. Instead of fighting the pirates on ebay who sell my copied stuff
at discounted prices, Ive chosen to give more and more of my
stuff away for free, thereby giving the thieves less and less
leverage. Why buy it on ebay, afterall, if you can get it from me
for nothing?
2. Not only that, but anyone who buys my stuff on ebay does NOT get
anything from me. No connection whatsoever. Whereas those who get
my book for free by becoming a member of the Matt Furey Inner
Circle, why hell, they get access to me via a monthly newsletter
and CD, as well as my members only website.
3. In addition to the above, for the MFIC, I offer an unconditional
money back guarantee, something I have never done in my entire
info-publishing career. Why am I doing it NOW? Because I truly
dont care if a few idiots return my stuff after theyve read it.
Why dont I care anymore? Simple. The majority of people who opt-
in to the MFIC are sticking. This means that someone who used to
give me $29.95 for the book alone, NOW gives me $29.95 a month.
Instead of thirty bucks Im looking for $360.00 and then some.
And because we continue to upgrade and improve the MFIC only the
fools and losers will want to drop.
[Incidentally, if youd like a membership website, I dont suggest
trying to do all the technical stuff on your own. Contact Eddie Baran
at as well as Jerome Short jeromeshort@gmail.
com to help you set one up. They do all the work on my site and I am
thoroughly pleased.]
How has this approach worked for me?
Well, lets just say this. In the month of August we enrolled 1207 NEW
people in the MFIC. Do the math, my friend. This should show you HOW
you want to position your books and info-products with the objective of
driving people into your continuity program. Give the book away if you
have to. Who cares if it leads to a customer for life?

46 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 5


The Psycho-Cybernetics of Continuity

After seeing the tremendous surge in MFIC memberships I decided to
start another continuity stream with my Psycho-Cybernetics business. I
offered a newsletter and CD to the list for $39.95 per month, and thus far
Ive used the Lee Milteer interview CD and transcripts (sent to you last
month) as the freemiums. In the first 10 days we enrolled 228 people.
Interestingly, 80% of them have NEVER bought any Psycho-Cyb products from
me before.
Now, if I continue to enroll 10 people a day, or even 5 a day, lets
take a peak into the future. The Zen Masters crystal ball yields the
following (and Ill be very conservative with the numbers I project):
Daily Goal: 5 new memberships per day
Monthly Goal: 150 new memberships
Stick Goal: 2/3 will stick, meaning I keep 100
Yearly Goal: 100 people stick per month for 12 months
The Math: 1200 members stick per year at $39.95 a month
Grand Total: $47,940.00 per month or $575,280.00 per year.
Once again, this is what I consider a conservative estimate based on what
I am doing alone. On the other hand, if I continue to enroll 10+ people per
day, with the same stick rate, oh boy, it truly boggles the mind.
In addition to the above, I raised the amount for the Zero Resistance
Living program from $399.00 to $497.00. Then I added a forced continuity
with the program for the same $39.95 newsletter and CD.
Guess what? Same percentage of people buying this product and not
a single one of them complained, pissed, moaned or griped about the
continuity attached to the purchase.

How Much Are You Leaving on the Table?

Dan Kennedy estimated, on a recent teleseminar, that he has left at
least $20 million dollars on the table by NOT having continuity sooner
in his business. Thats a staggering sum, eh? But think of this: How
many hundreds of millions, collectively, are left on the table PER YEAR
by speakers, authors and info-marketers who either cannot sell from the
platform or flat out refuse to do so, not to mention those who are afraid
to attach continuity memberships to their products? At bare minimum it
would be wise to have an opt-in feature for your continuity, as I have
for the MFIC. And getting people to enroll is as simple as finding out
what the buyers want for FREE in exchange for their continued loyalty.
Again, for my health and fitness line I have chosen NOT to go the
forced continuity route, nor the two or three-months free route and

6 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 47

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

based on enrollments, Id say Im doing okay with this choice. Afterall,

how many info-marketers in my field who are doing forced continuity
or free trial offers for 2 or 3 months have ever enrolled over 1,000
members in a single month? My guess is ZERO.

The Easiest Continuity There Is

If youre selling any kind of product or service that is tied to
making money, I think its a mistake to NOT do forced continuity.
In a recent telephone consultation with MasterMind member Michael
Gravette he told me how he took my advice and
started offering continuity to those who buy his product. His biz-op
product goes for $1,495.00. The monthly continuity Michael just set up for
it is currently only $99.00 a month. Again, when we spoke it was being
offered as an option.
Even so, thus far, 50% of the buyers are taking the monthly auto
charge. With numbers like that I advised Michael to no longer make it
optional. Afterall, if the buyer can cancel out of the program at any
time, for any reason, and get a refund if unsatisfied, why give him the
option, especially when youre selling money at a discount?
Incidentally, if youre looking for products to sell online, Michael has
over 500 of them. His biggest sellers right now are video surveillance
cameras. This is a HUGE opportunity, me thinks, as more and more people
want to be able to watch their home and office remotely.
Imagine this: I can be in China with my wife and kids and watch what
is going on, via the Internet, at my home and office. Sounds like the
plan to me, pal. Sign me up.

How To Sell Continuity With An Email

Two of the biggest keys to selling continuity via an email are:
a. Scarcity
b. Curiosity
With these two concepts (or laws) in mind, take a look at a recent email
I sent, driving people into the Matt Furey Inner Circle. See how many
times I used scarcity numbers or words. Then go through again and count
how many times I said something in a way in which I dangled the carrot.

98 Left for Those Who Act FAST

Hi John
Just got a report from my fulfillment office about my October
newsletter. All subscribers letters have been mailed and we have 98
copies left that were going to send on a first-come first-served basis.

48 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 7


Heres why this issue is so doggone valuable:

1. You learn about an insidious food that weve heard called a
vegetable. Its not. Its a grain product that makes you fat as a
whale. And its put into virtually every type of packaged food you
eat. Even when you eat at a Chinese restaurant and order something
as harmless as egg drop soup dont think for a minute that
theyre only putting MSG in your food.
2. Youll learn how you can make your own gyro. And the ones you
learn to make are going to be FAR better than the stuff sold in
restaurants and pizza parlors. In fact, in my newsletter Im going
to reveal to you all the evil stuff thrown into restaurant gyros.
3. Youre going to learn 5 exercises that showcase the incredible
flexibility of the Fure-Cat and how you can use all five of these
exercises to simultaneously strengthen your muscles while making
them more elastic. These exercises will shut the traps of all the
idiots out there who think you cannot get stronger with bodyweight
exercises. Give me any of those bozos for five minutes and Ill
have them screaming in agony not from their lack of endurance or
flexibility either but from their lack of Functional Strength.
4. In the CD that comes with the newsletter, its called Fure-cats
Fitness Motivation, youre going to learn how to eliminate all the
bull-shit thinking that others try to shovel your way. Youre going to
eliminate fear of criticism. Youre going to be able to laugh in the
face of anyone who puts you down or tries to make you feel inferior.
5. For the past two weeks weve been adding video clips to the online
members only portion of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. Members are
raving about these clips. No one has seen me do the things I am
demonstrating in the way I am doing them. I have NOT put out a NEW
training series in four years, so if you want to know what I can
do NOW, if you want to see me in action TO-DAY then you must be
a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle.
Enroll today and youll get all of the above and much more.
Two ways to get the job done:
1. Go to and enroll as
an annual member.
2. Go to and sign on as a
monthly test-drive member.
Thats it, my friend.
Kick butt take names,
Matt Furey

8 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 49

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Rough Talk
Scarcity and curiosity aside, there are other things going on in this
email, one of which I covered in last months issue: injecting humor. Yet,
humor aside, theres another element I am using. For want of a better
term, lets just call it rough talk.
No doubt, there will be a few people offended by my use of the words
bull shit. Others wont like how I slighted those who pump iron or
prance before the mirror with a bikini on. Tough. I write things the way
I write them because I am filled with confidence and confidence sells.
Timid, fearful, I dont want to offend anyone language does not garner
attention rough talk does. Remember: People will not be bored in print.
So youre better off offending a few nitwits whilst entertaining an entire
herd of people who enjoy your writing.

Give em Options
The email shown above also gives the prospect two options. One, he can
enroll as an annual member or he can take a monthly test-drive.
The test-drive, however, is NOT free. It costs the same as the monthly
charge the buyer will pay for his membership. Only difference is hes
getting a lot of stuff FREE with the test-drive. In fact, everything is
free except the membership itself.

Crack Smokers Beware

12 months ago I sent out an email with an outrageous subject line
They Must Be Smoking Crack. It pulled in over 20K that day for The
Chinese Long-Life System a
program I made in China with my friend, Master Zhang DiYi.
Eight months later I used the same email, verbatim, and it pulled
below average. When this happened I figured most of my list had already
heard about the product and most of those who were going to buy it had
already done so.
Whenever I catch myself thinking this way I question my assumption and
try a slight change in the subject line to see what happens. Last week
I took this same email and changed the subject line to the one shown
below. All other elements of the email were the same. The email quickly
raked in another bundle of dough, teaching me theres still gold in them
thar hills.
Take a look at the copy for this email and see how I sell against
peoples belief systems, as well as how I use email testimonials and
comments to close the sale for me.

50 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 9


Hes a Crack Smoker

Hi John,
As you know, I released the Chinese Long-Life System several months
ago and the testimonials have poured in. There are many reasons for
this foremost of which is that the program flat-out works. And it works
whether you think it will or not.
Yes, the Chinese Long-Life System isnt about your belief system.
It isnt even about how much effort you exert. It has nothing to do
with whether or not your mother liked your sister better.
Its all about massaging three mega-powerful and incredibly influential
life-changing pressure points, then doing a few easy calisthenics, then
slapping along meridian lines.
You dont need to hypnotize yourself for the program to work. You dont
need to think positive. You dont need to believe a word Im saying. All
you need to do is take a few minutes each day to follow along with Master
Zhang and voila eureka and yao-zai, yao-zai, yao-zai the program does
what is is supposed to do.
Yesterday we received several comments from those forward-thinking,
industrious and creatively alive folks known affectionately as the Furey
Faithful. Heres what they had to say:
Did you say that some people are criticizing you for the cost of the
Chinese Long-Life System
Hopefully, they are getting on you because they are too cheap.
I have never seen anything like this compiled in such a format.
The people complaining about the price must be on crack.
I have been doing qi gong for many years, as well as other martial
arts and mixed martial arts. Let me tell you something. A good friend
of mine trains with one of the greatest tai chi/qi gong masters on the
planet, and he has showed me a few things. He told me to never, never
show the exercises to anyone as they have been passed down from a very
protective and secretive lineage. I have never broken his trust, but
after seeing your DVDs, shucks, many of them are already there, or at
least very close versions of them.
Your product is a steal.
Those getting it, and doing it should consider themselves lucky. Most
people learning those exercises have been selected by the teacher. All
of your products are worth their weight in gold. You are probably a
millionaire, and you know what; you should be. God bless you brother, and
keep putting the good stuff out there.

10 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 51

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

M.F. I have to agree with you on the price Scott. The information on
the DVDs is a steal at the current special, and will be going up again
soon. In fact, I let it slide for an extra week, but effective today, Im
only letting another 100 sets go at this amount. Thanks for your support.
Just got the Chinese System
html and Ive been massaging the 3 pressure points the last couple of
days. Its incredible! The energy increase and clarity of mind I get from
them is that normal. Does it take long to get used to
the effects.
M.F. So I guess it works, huh. Yes, the results are normal. I cant
really say how long it takes to get used to a clear mind and having so
much energy. It sure beats going through life with a body that is asleep
at the wheel.
Well, my friend, thats all for now. Be sure to get in while the
getting is good. Only 100 sets left and then the amount for this
extraordinary Chinese Long Life System is going up considerably.
Kick butt take names,
Matt Furey
P.S. Heres another good letter this one about my Combat Conditioning
Just wanted to thank you for your excellent book and DVDs on Combat
Conditioning I read
Barry Eislers excellent RAIN series, and when I asked about bodyweight
exercises, he referred me to your product.
I am 47 years old, and in May weighed in at 220 with cholesterol count
of 242. The doctor immediately recommended Lipitor, but I said no; give
me 3 months.
I started your program, plus biking, and eating healthy.
3 months to the day, my cholesterol dropped 60 points, bad cholesterol
70. The numbers impressed the hell out of the doctor.
I also surprised myself by doing 12 pull-ups and 25 chin-ups. Before
I could barely do 2-3. I feel stronger than ever. While my numbers are
not as impressive as some, for a 47 year old guy who simply follows your
program 6 days a week for 20-30 minutes a day, I am extremely pleased
with the results.

52 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 11


Keep up the good work,

M.F. Great work Joe, and your numbers are more impressive than you may
think. For those who havent read Barry Eislers books, you are missing a
real treat. The Rain series will stand with anything written by Michael
Connelly, Robert Crais, or Dennis Lehane, three other fine writers.

Pay Attention to the P.S.

In the P.S. on this email, also pay attention to what can only be
called the Columbo technique. My brother, Sean, invented this, me
thinks. What you do is say everything you have to say, answer all the
questions posed, reply to all the testimonials, then appear to be closing
the email.
But then, in the P.S. you introduce another letter. And this letter
needs to be hard-hitting. It cannot be weak or flimsy. Sean obviously
wrote this P.S. for me as I have no idea who Michael Connelly, Robert
Crais or Dennis Lehane are. Im still working on Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn, for crying out loud.

No-Holds-Barred Email Critiques

Okay, Ive put off my email critiques long enough. This issue Im going
to keep the names and products for the great emails in tact.
Fair enough?
The first one for you to study comes from Chet Rowland www. If you have an interest in SEX, as well as meeting
women, Im betting the subject line will reel you in. Note how Chet
explains to the men hes speaking to (men looking for success with women)
how THEY must give details when they write women otherwise they arent
going to get an answer.

She licked the white creamy drops

Hi Matt,
She licked the white, creamy drops as they slowly drizzled down her
skin. She took her time enjoying every last drop. Finally she took the
entire thing in her mouth until it disappeared.
I could have just written she ate the glazed doughnut and it would
essentially be the same as the paragraph above, but somehow it is very
Because it is specific, descriptive and detailed.
It paints a picture.

12 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 53

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

The details make all the difference in the world.

You want a woman to imagine how wonderful it will be to be with you.
How much fun she will have with you.
Details matter for another reason though.
Why else do you think they would matter?
How believable is a story when a person doesnt give details as opposed
to a person who describesan event in detail.
Arent you more apt to believe someone who tells you something in
vivid detail?
When you write to a woman you want to give details. You want her to
already begin to feel what you write about.
Take a look at the e-mails you send to women. Do they paint the
picture you want?
If not, that could be why you are not getting the results you desire.
Now go find the woman of your dreams,
Chet Rowland
P.S. I have created hundreds of template letters in my Online Dating
System so you dont have to waste time.
[Note: Very good email. I would have spent a bit more time on the
P.S., though, and tied it more closely to what you wrote about. I would
have also tied it to the desire for the reader to have a product that is
already done for him. Below is an example of what
I mean:
P.S. I realize that oftentimes it can be difficult figuring out
WHAT details to cover in an email (not to mention extremely time
consuming). And I realize a lot of times you may not know HOW to
write your first email that sets the stage for the woman of your
dreams to drool over you. Well, dont worry, my friend. I got you
covered. In Chets Dating System I have hundreds of emails ready
for you to use, almost as is. Take my emails as is, change a
word or two you have my express permission to do this then hit
send and watch the women compete for a piece of you. Go to www. and Ill give you all the tools you need to
lure the most beautiful women in the world right onto your lap.]

Lets Look at Real Estate

Our next email comes from Mr. Doug Doebler a real estate salesman
who did 100 million dollars of business last year with no slow down
whatsoever this year. Note the very personal tone of this email.

54 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 13


Hi Matt,
Its hard to believe that the summer of 2006 is over. Im not ashamed
to say that Ive taken advantage of the slow market conditions to re-
group and have some fun & relaxation. I have been involved in real
estate for the past 25 years. In my world, the summer months have always
slowed down a bit giving us a chance to sit back and enjoy life.
I was recently talking with my buddy, Real Estate Guru, Frank
McKinney. He was the guy that got me started in the pre construction
facet of real estate. Frank is quite famous for building the worlds most
expensive spec homes in Palm Beach, Florida. I was selling new homes
for a local New York state builder and tired of sitting in the model
homes day after day, weekend after weekend. I attended one of Franks
seminars in Florida.
After that seminar, I made my mind up no more model home sitting. My
eyes and ears opened wide at that seminar and here we are today working
on millions of dollars of pre construction condo sales.
Enough about me the purpose of this email is to share an email
I recently received from Frank. He talks about the current market
conditions I found his email very interesting a great perspective on
the current real estate market.
I hope you take the time to read Franks thoughts. Click on the link
If clicking on the link does not work for you, just highlight the web
address above, copy and paste to your browser.
Franks email is worth the read.
Frank uses his grand success to build homes for the homeless in some
of the poorest parts of the world. I am going to Haiti in February with
Frank to visit a village he is building and that I have contributed to.
Should be an interesting tour!
Doug Doebler
[Note: Doug, I loved this email so much I couldnt help but click
the link. What youve done in this email is important. Youre
providing confidence, reassurance and courage. You need to do more
of this. Using the higher authority is brilliant. Now it is both
of you telling me to stay the course or to jump in with both
feet. Far better than the nitwits on the nightly schnews with their
perpetual doom n gloom. Great work.]

14 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 55

The Newsletter for Online Entrepreneurs

Honey, My Wife Took Over My Business

In this months final email, lets look at a clever strategy that has
been used very successfully via direct mail. Its having your wife suddenly
sneak into your office to send a message to the list. How does it work via
the Internet? Well, lets read the email, then Ill give my opinion.
Dear Matt,
(Tims always writing these so I thought I would throw in my 2 cents
worth while hes watching football... again.)
Hi ladies. My name is Tammi and I had my fifth child (yes 5th) in
October of 2005. After having Keion I of course like everyone else wanted
to lose the weight that I put on during pregnancy which by the way was
43 pounds. I am a fairly small person to begin with so this was a lot of
weight to put on for me.
After having my fourth child I worked hard, ate somewhat healthy and
got down to a size 2 and some 4s. When I say that I worked hard, I mean
I WORKED HARD. I got up 5 days a week at 4:30 am to get to the gym to
get in my 1 1/2 hours. I did weights for about 40 minutes and the rest of
the time I spent on the cardio machines. I rotated between the treadmill
(which I HATE running), the elliptical, the stairclimber and all the
other machines at the gym. I got so that I could do 60 minutes of hard
intense cardio. I totally saw the results and really didnt have to curb
my eating habits. I am a totally chips and salsa girl. Anything with salt
and I am in heaven!
So right before I got pg with my 5th baby, I weighed about 117 pounds
and I am 57. I was fit beyond fit. I tried sticking with my workout
program once I got pg, but it is hard to stick with something so intense!
Especially the 4:30 am thing, I wanted to sleep.
So I am sure that if you have gotten this far you are wondering why
I am writing this and it is NOT to brag trust me! After babe #5 I just
still couldnt get motivated to eat healthy again and lose the weight,
plus there was no way that I was going to get back up at 4:30 am after
being up all night with an infant. I decided that I was just going to
have to be 15 pounds heavier and that I would have to learn to live
with it.
Then I listened to a wise man and tried hill sprinting. YES, I am the
one who hates running. But seriously all it has taken for me to lose the
weight and stick to my not so great diet has been hill sprinting. For
one, it takes only 15 minutes of my time a day and two it only takes 15
minutes of my time a day. I saw results within a week and I could still
eat what I wanted and was losing flab! I am not saying that working out
hard at the gym isnt worth it, but I know that we are all busy moms and
dont have that kind of time or money.

56 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 15


Believe me, I am the hardest person for Tim to convince about anything
but I had to admit that what he told me worked. Might be the second
time that Ive admitted thats hes right about anything.
If youre interested in getting the same kind of results look over
Tims letter here:
Tammi Kauppinen
PS This was fun. I think Ill sneak on here once in a while to give a
womans perspective on things...
[Note: Tim, I like this email a LOT. By direct mail this approach
can do very well, especially when theres a photo with your letter.
And if your letter is hand-written, then WOW it can have major
pop. By email, though, there is a feeling of insincerity that comes
through for some reason, even though the same exact approach works
great in another media. This is why I think youre better off
introducing Tammi. Begin to tell her story, then pass the torch.
For example:
Hi Matt,
My wife, Tammi, lost X pounds following my Uphill Fitness program.
And she did it in X weeks AFTER having our 5th child. Today I
thought youd like to hear her side of the story, so Im passing the
baton to her right now. I think youre going to love what she has to
say. Tim
With this approach you can work her emails into the mix more often
and never feel weird about it. Let me know how it goes.]
Well, my friend, thats a rap for this issue. Next month Ill have a
report for you thatll blow your brain wide open.
Kick rumpus,

Matt Furey
PS I'll be speaking at the Glazer-Kennedy Info-Marketing Summit, in
Atlanta, on November 2. Hope to see you there.

16 Copyright, 2006, Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 57


Dissecting the Psychology of Furey Emails

Russian Sumo Dope Smokers Nailed

The Japan Sumo Association just held its first ever drug test. They
decided to do this after a Russian sumo wrestler was arrested last
month for possession of marijuana.

And guess who got nailed in the drug test.

Two more Russians. Namely, brothers "Roho" (Boradzov Feliksovich)

and "Hakurozanb" (Baradzov Feliksovich).

Now, I didn't administer the drug test - but this Fure-cat tends to think
one of two things about this situation:

1. The Russians were set up because of nationalists who don't want

their sacred sport corrupted anymore with GaiJin blood


2. The Russians just don't get it that there are many ways to celebrate
in Japan - all of which are limited to being drunk on sake.

I, myself, have tasted sake a couple times, and believe me, it's
nothing to write home about. The same can be said of eating raw
squid, octopus and horse meat.

So maybe this is a third reason for the Russians using weed. If I had
to live on what they may be forced to eat each day, I may reach for
something much stronger, too.

But being I am not subjected to sushi, sashimi and sake - I prefer to

get high on life itself. From deep breathing and exercises that open the
meridians and promote greater chi flow.

By the way, one good reason (among many) NOT to use marijuana is
that it reverses the flow of chi in your meridians. Not a good thing, me

When your meridians are open, disease and sickness leave you alone.
So do the pangs of old age, weakness and lethargy. So it's a good idea
to follow exercise programs that open you up rather than close you

58 30

Two of my favorites, both of which come from China, where they don't
have any dope smoking sumo rasslers, are the Chinese Long-Life
System and Dao Zou.

Many people wonder what the difference is between the two programs,
as both of them lead to greater health and longevity.

First, the Chinese Long-Life System emphasizes pressure to various

acupuncture points. In fact, there are three that, if massaged each
day, can dramatically improve your health.

Second, in Chinese Long-Life System, you are given a few dozen

different exercises that hit every muscle in your body from head to

In Dao Zou, the objective is to rewind your mind, reduce stress and
improve balance through reverse training. When you train in reverse
you improve the functioning of your kidneys - and many of today's
diseases: senility, Alzheimers, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction,
weakness in the knees, and so on - are due, in part, to weakening

I realize in America you won't hear what I'm saying from too many
M.D.'s. But if you were to speak with an acupuncturist or doctor of
Chinese medicine - you'd find him agreeing on what I say.

The kidneys are virtually ignored in western society. We think of the

heart and occasionally the lungs - but the kidneys are HUGE in Chinese
medicine. And when they weaken the rest of the body, including the
heart and lungs, start to weaken as well.

When you do Dao Zou, your kidneys strengthen which will then show
in greater leg strength, a calmer mind and a better memory. Your
kidneys control short-term memory - your heart long term memory.
This, in part, is why those with senility and beginning stages of
Alzheimers have no trouble remembering what they did 50 years ago -
they just cannot recall what you said a minute ago.

As your kidneys get stronger, the overflow of chi moves to your heart
- and your heart regulates, among many other things, the strength of
your long-term memory. So don't be surprised if you begin to
remember things from your past that happened a long, long time ago -
if you're doing the Dao Zou program.

I know someone who suddenly began recalling his birth while doing
Dao Zou. This may sound far fetched to you now, but it won't be if

31 59

you do the training.

A good regiment is to do the Chinese Long-Life System program in

the a.m. - along with some of the Royal Court from Combat
Conditioning. Then end your day with Dao Zou.

All of these programs are currently being offered at half- off here.

Jump in and get the programs that truly make you healthy and vitally


Matt Furey

60 32

They Must Be Smoking Crack

Dear Friend,

As you know, I released the Chinese Long-Life System 17 days ago

and the testimonials are already starting to pour in. There are many
reasons for this - foremost of which is that the program flat-out works. And
it works whether you think it will or not.

Yes, the Chinese Long-Life System isn't about your belief system. It isn't
even about how much effort you exert. It has nothing to do with whether or
not your mother liked your sister better.

It's all about massaging three mega-powerful and incredibly influential life-
changing pressure points, then doing a few easy calisthenics, then
slapping along meridian lines.

You don't need to hypnotize yourself for the program to work. You don't
need to think positive. You don't to believe a word I'm saying. All you need
to do is take a few minutes each day to follow along with Master Zhang
and voila - eureka and yao-zai, yao-zai, yao-zai the program does what
is is supposed to do.

Yesterday we received several comments from those forward-thinking,

industrious and creatively alive folks known affectionately as the Furey
Faithful. Here's what they had to say:


Did you say that some people are criticizing you for the cost of the
Chinese Long-Life System

Hopefully, they are getting on you because they are too cheap.

I have never seen anything like this compiled in such a format.

The people complaining about the price must be on crack.

I have been doing quigong for many years, as well as other martial arts
and MMA. Let me tell you something.

33 61

A good friend of mine trains with one of the greatest tai chi/quigong
masters on the planet, and he has showed me a few things. He told me to
never, never show the exercises to anyone as they have been passed
down from a very protective and secretive lineage. I have never broken his
trust, but after seeing your DVD's, shucks, many of them are already there,
or at least very close versions of them.

Your product is a steal.

Those getting it, and doing it should consider themselves lucky. Most
people learning those exercises have been selected by the teacher. All of
your products are worth their weight in gold. You are probably a millllion-
aire, and you know what; you should be. God bless you brother, and keep
putting the good stuff out there.


M.F.: I have to agree with you on the price Scott. The information on the
DVD's is a steal at the introductory price, and will be going up soon. In fact,
I let it slide for an extra week, but effective today, I'm only letting another
100 sets go at this introductory amount. Thanks for your support.

Just received the Chinese Long-Life System and I've been massaging
the 3 pressure points the last couple of days. It's incredible! The energy
increase and clarity of mind I get from them is overwhelmingis that

Does it take long to get used to the effects.

M.F.: So I guess it works, huh. Yes, the results are normal. I can't really
say how long it takes to get used to a clear mind and having so much
energy. It sure beats going through life with a body that is asleep at the

Well, my friend, that's all for now. Be sure to get in while the getting is
good. Only 100 sets left and then the amount for this extraordinary
Chinese Long Life System is going up considerably.

Matt Furey

62 34

P.S. Here's another good letter - this one about my Combat Conditioning

Just wanted to thank you for your excellent book and videos on Combat
Conditioning. I read Barry Eisler's excellent RAIN series, and when I
asked about bodyweight exercises, he referred me to your product.

I am 47 years old, and in May weighed in at 220 with cholesterol count of

242. The doctor immediately recommended Lipitor, but I said no; give me 3

I started your program, plus biking, and eating healthy.

3 months to the day, my cholesterol dropped 60 points, bad cholesterol 70.

The numbers impressed the hell out of the doctor.

I also surprised myself by doing 12 pull ups and 25 chin ups when in May I
could barely do 2-3. I feel stronger than ever. While my numbers are not as
impressive as some, for a 47 year old guy who simply follows your
program 6 days a week for 20-30 minutes a day, I am extremely pleased
with the results.

Keep up the good work,


M.F.: Great work Joe, and your numbers are more impressive than you
may think. For those who haven't read Barry Eisler's books, you are
missing a real treat. The Rain series will stand with anything written by
Michael Connelly, Robert Crais, or Dennis Lehane, three other fine writers.

35 63

6,000,000 reasons - not a single

My new book, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money is quickly
becoming a best-seller. Testimonials are pouring in as well - so
are the FAXes to attend a special LIVE seminar to be held later
this year. Its gratis for all who get a copy of the book.

If you havent picked up a copy of 101 Ways to Magnetize

Money, youre missing out on some major life-changing

No, this is NOT just another book on the Law of Attraction,

written by an expert who has never really succeeded at a high
level - but is willing to tell you what to do - for a fee.

In my book, I tell you, flat out, what works and what doesnt -
based on MY EXPERIENCES of winning a world kung fu title,
operating a multi-millyun dollar business, writing an international
best-seller, holding sold out seminars - and so on.

Ive used the principles and LAWS in my book to succeed in

many, many areas. So what I have recorded for you is not mere
theory. Nor is it something I wrote to make people feel good -
with no tangible or practical application or results.

YES, my book teaches a combination of mind and elbow grease.

The key difference is that with MY approach - elbow grease does
not mean struggle, resistance or unnecessary effort.

It means acquiring the ability to use your mind and body in

harmony, in a spirit of relaxation. When you do it the way I
teach, you are able to exert maximum power over your
circumstances. You are able to change your life for the better.

Last week I was in California training with a kung fu master I

greatly admire. Over and over I was encouraged to relax into
each movement, each posture. The importance of relaxation is
something I already know - yet in being reminded of it I drive the
ability to a deeper level - and the power that comes forth is

64 36

You may find it ironic that LESS physical effort can bring you
more mental and spiritual power. But think of it this way, your
body is mighty small compared to the power of the wind. Yet, the
same Universal Power that gives power to the wind also gives
you power - and the more you choose to open yourself to it - the
greater that power becomes.

There is a reason why kung fu and tai chi masters in their 70s
and 80s can beat the tar out of their younger students. And it
isnt because their muscles are stronger. Its because they know
how to harness the power of imagination and combine it with
breath and a dynamic, fluid structure.

Last week each of my training periods was three hours long.

I trained with great focus the entire time. Yet, the three hours
was teaching me to let go and allow the mechanics of my
physical structure - combined with the chi of the Universe - to
deliver the power.

This is the same sort of thing I teach in 101 Ways to

Magnetize Money. You have an imagination. You also have a
body that can do things. The key is learning how to integrate the
two for maximum effectiveness with minimal effort.

Pick up a copy of 101 Ways to Magnetize Money today.


Matt Furey

P.S. the subject line of todays email comes from one of my

favorite quotes. There are 6,000,000 reasons for failure, but not
a single excuse. - Rudyard Kipling.

37 65

I Dare You
People will do some pretty amazing as well as outrageous things
- when someone dares them. But has anyone ever dared you to
become a success; has anyone ever dared you to make a fortune
providing great products and services to others.

Probably not.

Last night I was out bowling - and one of the people in my group
saw I was ahead of him on points. As I went up to the line to get
ready, he said, Come on, Matt. Throw a gutter ball. We need a
gutter ball.

I turned around, looked him in the eyes and pointed to the floor,
You must be talking to the little mat that is sitting right there.
You cant be talking to me. He smiled and shut up.

In a sense, the man was daring me to throw a gutter ball. He

was hoping Id pick up on his vibe and act it out. He wasnt
daring me to succeed. He was daring me to do something I didnt
want to do.

Not only did I block his comments overtly, as I stepped up to the

line I formed a mental picture of what I wanted - a strike - and
whammo - I got one.

My friend, Im daring you to succeed. Im daring you to overlook

the negative ideas, comments and looks of those who dont want
you to rise above them.

I dare you to pick up a copy of my new book, 101 Ways to

Magnetize Money - and apply the timeless principles, laws and
wisdom contained within. You can order it now by going to


Matt Furey

P.S. You wont be able to put this book down once you start. I
dare you to try.

66 38

The Finished Line

You need to finish something. These five words in quotes were
said to me by my wife in the summer of 1995.

She got tired of watching me start something - get an idea for

something else - drop what I was doing - start the new thing -
get a new idea - start on yet another new path - then get yet
another idea - and so on.

A few weeks after she said this I finished my first book.

But I didnt stop there. Soon after I wrote my first book I created
a set of three videos, then another book with a video - then
another book and a set of audio tapes to go with it.

A couple months later - two more videos.

I was finishing things.

In fact, over the next eight years I finished so many things that I
became prosperous in every sense of the word.

Then I backed off a bit on creating products and started doing

seminars and coaching helping others create.

Now, let me define the words backed off.

They mean: While coaching everyone in the creation process I

started to create fewer books and course than I used to, or at the
speed I once did.

Yes, I did write three newsletters each month, as well articles for
magazines, as well as my daily emails, as well as my monthly
CDs and DVDs.

Yet, even with the seminars, the coaching, the newsletters,

emails, DVDs and CDs being cranked out each month -
something was still stirring within my soul.

I felt I had done so little compared to what Im capable of. There

was so much more I wanted to write, to say, to record.

39 67

While this desire for more stirred within me - I also had to deal
with the reality that I could retire if I wanted to and live a life of

I must tell you - the words comfort and comfortable are

dangerous. You want to learn the art of mental, physical and
spiritual relaxation - but you dont want to learn the art of
comfort. As soon as you get comfortable with what you have or
what youve done - something inside you dies.

I can tell you, there are a lot of people who would love to write a
book or create a product - but their lives are too comfortable - so
they cant get themselves to do it.

The word maintain is another dangerous word. Success is not

about maintaining anything. Its about continually looking for
ways to make yourself better - no matter what.

And there is no better way to capture the feeling of success than

finishing things you set out to do - then going back and
recharging yourself by reliving those circumstances in order to
program yourself for more of the same.

Finishing things takes desire, imagination and goals that get you

Later this month Ill be releasing a couple new books that I

showed to members of my MasterMind last weekend. I think
youll be in awe when you read what Ive written. It most
certainly is NOT a rehash of everything else out there.

So stay tuned.

In the interim, take a look at the Zero Resistance Living


Matt Furey

P.S. 10 days remain before I put on my annual fitness seminar.

This one will be a total mind/body approach that you MUST go to.
Only 48 hours left before enrollment is closed. Sign on NOW.

68 40

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