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Cassandra Iglesias

Mr. Qian

Physics B/ Period 2

10 March 2017

ISSN: Roller Coaster Physics Project

For this class we were required to construct a roller coaster. The goal for this project was

to construct the roller coaster for marbles using foam pipes and find out how much height is

required in order for the marble to be able to run through the loop. Our thoughts when we got the

project was that we knew it would be an easy project to do. However, we were a little concerned

in what would be able to hold the foam pipes but we managed to find a way how. Our hypothesis

for this project was that we were going to need a marble with the least mass in order to loop the

loop. Our goals for our project before we began working on it was that we needed to finish

before the due date. Another goal of ours that we had and were willing to accomplish was to be

able to have the marble run smoothly and have the marble moving at a high speed.

Throughout this project we took several steps and made certain decisions to get through

this assignment. We knew that the roller coaster was going to be needed to be put at a certain

height in order for the marble to go through the loops, so what we decided to do was put the

foam pipes at a certain height. We decided to brainstorm pretty much what and how we were

going to set the foam pipes for the marble. We knew that in order for the marble to have a higher

velocity the marbles mass had to be heavier in order to go around the loops. Taking these steps

and making these decisions helped us accomplish this project.

What we learned about the topic was that the marble had to be a little heavier so that it

would manage to get around both loops. Getting a marble with a higher mass helped get around

both loops. We noticed how that with the heavier marble it picked up a higher speed. We learned

was that in order to loop the loop friction was needed. The height of the foam pipes produced

potential energy to the marble. What we need improvement in was making the project seem a

little more presentable overall we were really happy with the fact that we got to have the marble

loop around the loop.

My partner and I communicated ideas by sharing our thoughts or opinions we had for this

project. We also took action in constructing this roller coaster. The materials that we used for this

project was foam pipes, glass marbles, tape, a utility knife, hot glue gun, measuring tape, and a

bookshelf for support to hold the foam pipes. However, our hypothesis turned out to be wrong

because we needed a marble with a higher mass in order to loop the loop. Even though we each

had different thoughts in getting through this project and accomplishing it we were able to

succeed and manage to get through it.

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