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Candidate Name: Tiffinni A.

Young Council District: 7

Please complete questionnaire below.

You must send a completed electronic copy to or mail a completed copy to
P.O. Box 192305 Dallas, TX 75219 by Monday, March 6th, 2017.

1. Your background and the LGBTQ community

Please share any experience that illustrates your understanding and interest of the needs of LGBTQ Dallas residents.

I have worked in the community for past 22 years and am involved with a wide range of organizations.
As a result, I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and appreciation for all residents and
continue to learn more to ensure that I understand the needs of all Dallas residents, including the
LGBTQ community. I also continue to support and work with organization that serve the LGBTQ

Stonewall Democrats of Dallas seek to inform members of the LGBTQ and Democratic Party community of candidate's
political background. Our organizations by-laws require us only to consider candidates with Democratic Primary
voter history or, in the case of someone having some history of voting in Republican Primaries, affirms their party
affiliation via an oath of allegiance to the Democratic Party. Do you qualify or would you be prepared to sign an oath
of allegiance form from the Dallas County Democratic Party?

The Dallas City Councilmembers are elected on a non-partisan basis; however I will sign an oath of allegiance
form from the Dallas County Democratic Party.

2. Creating an inclusive community

Cities compete for residents, tax payers, conventions and new businesses/economic development. As a member of
the Dallas City Council, how would you insure that Dallas can compete effectively with other cities in the area of
LGBTQ inclusion?

As a councilmember I have advocated and will continue to advocate for and support policies that allow Dallas to
not only remain competitive, but make sure that we are operating in an effective and efficient manner
exhibiting excellent service for all residents of the City of Dallas.

Would you recruit and consider qualified LGBTQ constituents for your commission and board appointments?

Yes. I currently have several LGBTQ constituents serving as District 7 board and commission members.
Will you support a Dallas City Council's resolution for a statewide ban on LGBTQ employment discrimination?

I support the comprehensive statement of support that the Dallas City Council passed in 2014 and I
also support a statewide ban on LGBTQ employment discrimination.

3. The City of Dallas as a LGBTQ inclusive employer

The private sector has seen a large increase in policies and benefits for LGBTQ employees, how should the City of
Dallas remain competitive to attract and retain top LGBTQ talent?

I am a proponent of any non discrimination policies that are established to provide a conflict free and
harassment free work environment; that will ensure that we are competitive in retaining all talent as
we continually strive to be a world class city.

Do you support comprehensive transgender inclusive health benefits and as a council member work with the City
Manager to implement such benefits?

I support ensuring that city employees have health benefits and ensuring that the City of Dallas policies
relating to health benefits are fair for all employees. I will work with the City Manager and my
colleagues on the Council in making sure that benefit plans are implemented properly.

4. Current Events

The Governor and many state legislators continue to push legislation to curtail the current scope of
governance for home rule cities like Dallas. This could remove local control over matters such as drilling within city
limits, LGBT protections, etc. Do you favor or oppose this, and what do you plan to do in response?

I oppose the push from the State that lessens the control of local government on issues that directly
impact their local constituency. I will continue to work with District 7 constituents, state legislators,
and my colleagues to make sure that our voice continues to be heard.

What are your thoughts on the current campaign finance rules for Dallas elections which set donation amount limits
on people newly seeking office but essentially place no donation amount limits on incumbents via unrestricted
officeholder accounts which may be used for campaign purposes?

The rules were changed in February 2015 to restrict incumbents from using no more than $100 from their
officeholder account for campaign purposes.

How do you plan to address the Police and Fire Pension crisis? How would you support a tax increase to address the
ongoing funding deficits for the Police and Fire Pension System's benefits?

I will continue to work with my colleagues and all interested parties to address the Police and Fire Pension crisis
in a fair and equitable manner.
What is your position regarding current state legislation to regulate public facility access and keep transgender Texans
from using restrooms that align with their gender identity? Will you defend the existing non-discrimination city
ordinance for LGBTQ individuals, including public accommodations?

Yes, I will continue to defend the existing non-discriminatory city ordinance for LGBTQ individuals, including
public accommodations.

Homelessness affects marginalized communities, such as the LGBTQ community, at a disproportional rate. Given the
increasing problem of homelessness in Dallas and efforts to minimize it, what would your approach be to address this
crisis? Do you support a Housing First initiative for Dallas?

District 7 has experienced the effects of homelessness for many years. Our new City manager is working with
the council to develop a more comprehensive and responsive plan to address the issue and I am supportive of
the direction he is taking at this stage. Recently, I implemented a Hire the Homeless initiative in District 7 in
partnership with the South Dallas Fair Park PID and it is going well. I have been critical of the Housing First
model, but continue to work with the City Manager and my colleagues to find solutions that will be sustainable
and I continue to advocate for focusing on the root causes.

What are your Ideas to address income inequality in the City of Dallas? Do you support implementing living wage
rules for city employees, city contracts, and subcontractor workers? How will you support the use of city subsidies or
tax abatements for housing development that substantially benefit the growing number of working poor and
struggling middle class residents in the City of Dallas?

Yes. I support a living wage for the City of Dallas and was proud to fight for the ordinance we passed in 2015. I
will continue to advocate for equitable distribution of city subsidies and tax abatements.

What do you think the role of local law enforcement should be in the enforcing of federal immigration law?

Our city resources are limited and are police officers should be focused on public safety. As former Dallas Police
Chief Brown said, we are asking our officers to do too much!

What are your thoughts about the Dallas County Commissioners' recent resolution declaring Dallas County a
Welcoming County, particularly as it pertains to the City of Dallas? Do you support this resolution?

Yes. I support the resolution.

Do you support ensuring that all residents of the City of Dallas have access to city services, regardless of immigration
status? Why, or why not?


Last fiscal year, the Dallas City Council approved an ongoing $15 million dollar bailout for ATTPAC with little support
for small arts organizations in return. Critics argue that the real need is for support in local neighborhoods outside the
Arts District that are cultural deserts. What are your thoughts on revising or canceling the annual $1.5 million bailout
and use those funds to support small to mid-size arts groups in underserved neighborhoods as well as the downtown
I, Tiffinni A. Young, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2017 Dallas City Council

Signed Tiffinni A. Young (electronically signed)_ Date___3/8/2017___

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