QoS Metrics Oracle

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QoS Metrics

This section contains the QoS Metrics for the oracle probe.

QoS Name Units Description Version

QOS_ORACLE_active_connection_ratio pct Calculated as: (active/total) * 100. 4.6

Monitors % of active connections to total
allowed connections.

QOS_ORACLE_active_users count Counts the currently active Oracle users. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_buf_cachehit_ratio pct Calculated as: 4.6

(logical-reads - physical-reads)*100 /
Tells how often data has been found in cache
compared to how often it has to be read from
the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_buf_cachehit_ratio_users pct Same as buf_cachehit_ratio, only per user. It 4.6

helps to find a poor query or application.

QOS_ORACLE_check_dbalive State This checkpoint tries to connect to an 4.6

instance. In case the connection cannot be
established, an alert is generated.
Note: This checkpoint cannot be deactivated.

QOS_ORACLE_database_size Bytes Monitors the space size (in bytes) for each 4.6
database, log and data files together.

QOS_ORACLE_datafile_status State Reports all files being in other status as 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_gap Archivefiles Monitors the Dataguard Instance Gap. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_status State Monitors the Dataguard Instance Status. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_timegap Seconds Monitors the Dataguard Instance Timegap. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dbfile_io Percent Calculated as: 4.6

(Physical-reads / logical-reads) * 100
(Physical-writes / logical-writes) * 100
The greater of the above values is taken for
checking. It helps to identify database files
with higher I/O contention.

QOS_ORACLE_dict_cachehit_ratio Percent Calculated as: 4.6

(hits - misses) * 100 / hits
Measures number of times where Oracle
metadata are found in memory. It could be
low at the start of a new application, before
new data is placed into the cache.

QOS_ORACLE_enqueue_timeouts Timeouts Measures the number of table and row locks 4.6
(acquired and converted) that timed-out
before they could complete.

QOS_ORACLE_extents Extents Reports the tables that have more extents as 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_flash_recovery_area_memory_free Bytes Monitors the flash recovery area memory 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_Gc_av_lock_get_time Millisecond Measures the average interval global lock get 4.6
s time.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_blocks_corrupt Blocks Measures the number of blocks corrupted 4.6

during transfer.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_blocks_lost Blocks Measures the number of blocks lost during 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_gc_convert_timeouts Timeouts Measures the number of times lock converts 4.6

in global cache timed out.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_timeouts Timeouts Measures the number of times process 4.6

request for a consistent read block timed out.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_fusion_wrt_rto Percent Calculated as: 4.6

Fusion writes / physical writes
Measures percentage of blocks written to
disk that have been "global dirty".
High number can result from insufficiently
sized caches (SGA) or low checkpoint

QOS_ORACLE_gc_service_util Percent Calculated as: 4.6

Global cache service requests / logical reads
Measures global cache utilization.
High number can result from insufficient
cache size (SGA). Also, it can indicate
inappropriate spread of data and applications
in the RAC configuration.

QOS_ORACLE_lib_cachehit_ratio Percent Calculated as: 4.6

(hits - misses)*100 / hits
Measures percentage of times object
metadata have been found in memory.
This number can be lower at the start of new
application. If it is low for several intervals,
the SHARED_POOL_SIZE should be

QOS_ORACLE_lock_waits Seconds Measures number of time a user session was 4.6

waiting for a lock in last interval.

QOS_ORACLE_locked_users Count Counts the number of users suspended by 4.6

locks within a timeout.

QOS_ORACLE_login_count Users Measures the number of currently active user 4.6

session except for user "SYS" and

QOS_ORACLE_long_queries Count The checkpoint generates two kinds of 4.6

Alarm if number of long queries is higher
than threshold (called "count") - this value is
also used as QoS.

QOS_ORACLE_memory_usage Bytes Measures the total amount of memory (in 4.6

bytes) user sessions consume (PGA).

QOS_ORACLE_mts_response Millisecond Monitors the average MTS server response 4.6

s time in milliseconds.

QOS_ORACLE_mts_uga_memory Bytes Monitors the MTS user memory 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_mts_wait Millisecond Monitors the MTS server wait time in 4.6

s milliseconds.

QOS_ORACLE_resource_utilization_count count Monitors the database utilization for 4.6

resources (Processes, Sessions and
QQOS_ORACLE_resource_utilization_percent Pct Monitors the Oracle resource utilization 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_rollback_seg_status Availability Lists the rollback segments which are not 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_session_waits Waits Measures the number of waits in interval. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_sga_memory Bytes Measures the SGA memory usage in bytes by 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_sga_memory_free Bytes Measures the SGA free memory usage in 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_sort_ratio Percent Calculated as: 4.6

Memory sorts * 100 / total sorts
Too many disk sorts can cause performance
degradation. Check parameter

QOS_ORACLE_system_statistics Count Displays the available system statistics 4.6

counters. These counters contain number of
events since the instance start.

QOS_ORACLE_system_statistics_delta Count Displays the system statistics delta. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_system_waits Waits Measures the number of system waits by 4.6

These counters can be used to identify
system bottlenecks. Use the table
V$SYSTEM_EVENT to find the most
"expensive" event.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_alloc_free Pct Measures the percentage of free space in 4.6

already allocated files (not considering the
AUTOEXTEND parameter).
Note: This checkpoint is set inactive by

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_free Percent Measures the percentage of free space in a 4.6

tablespace, considering the maximal possible
tablespace size.
Note: If auto extend is enabled on your
database, this metric always returns
approximately 100% free space. To get an
accurate percentage of free space, use
Oracle Enterprise Manager Console does not
consider maximum possible tablespace size
on most of its screens.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_size MB Measures the total tablespace size. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_status Availability Lists the tablespaces that have status different 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_temp_free Bytes Monitors the temporary tablespaces for 4.6

remaining free space.

QOS_ORACLE_user_locks Locks Lists user holding a lock. 4.6

Helps to identify user, blocking other
sessions (checkpoint locked_users).

QOS_ORACLE_pdb_count Count Displays the number of pluggable databases 4.8

(PDBs) in a specific container database
Note: This checkpoint will work only for
those profiles that are linked to a CDB
connection. For other profiles, no result is
displayed even if the checkpoint is enabled.
This checkpoint does not have an alarm, by
default. However, you can create an alarm for
this checkpoint.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_count Count Counts the total number of disks per disk 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_bytes_read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes read from 5.1
the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_bytes_write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes written to 5.1

the disk.
QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_count Count Counts the total number of disk groups. 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_total_space Megabytes Monitors the total space size of each disk 5.1
group in megabytes.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_used_space Megabytes Monitors the used space size of each disk 5.1
group in megabytes.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_used_space_percen Percent Monitors the used space size of each disk 5.1
t group in percentage.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_read request Count Counts the total number of IO read requests 5.1
for the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_write_request Count Counts the total number of IO write requests 5.1

for the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_total_space Megabytes Monitors the total space size of each disk in 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_used_space Megabytes Monitors the used space size of each disk in 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_used_space_percent Percent Monitors the used space size of each disk in 5.1

QoS Metrics for the RAC common checkpoints

This section contains the QoS Metrics for the RAC common checkpoints in the oracle probe. RAC is supported and configured only through the
Admin Console GUI.
QoS Name Units Description Version

QOS_ORACLE_check_db_alive Availability Monitors connectivity to the database 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_free Percent Monitors tablespaces for the available space. 4.6

Note: If auto extend is enabled on your
database, this metric always returns
approximately 100% free space. To get an
accurate percentage of free space, use
Oracle Enterprise Manager Console does not
consider maximum possible tablespace size on
most of its screens.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_alloc_free Percent Monitors tablespaces for available space left 4.6

in allocated files.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_temp_free Bytes Monitors temporary tablespaces for the 4.6

available space.

QOS_ORACLE_flash_recovery_area_memory_free Bytes Monitors the available memory in the flash 4.6

recovery area.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_size MB Monitors tablespaces size in MB. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_database_size MB Monitors space size (in bytes) for each 4.6
database, log and data files together.

QOS_ORACLE_tablespace_status Availability Monitors the status of the tablespaces. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_rollback_seg_status Availability Monitors the status of the rollback segments. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_extents Extents Checks for data fragmented segments. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_count Count Counts the total number of disks per disk 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_count Count Counts the total number of disk groups. 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_total_space Megabytes Monitors the total space size of each disk 5.1
group in megabytes.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_used_space Megabytes Monitors the used space size of each disk 5.1
group in megabytes.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_group_used_space_percen Percent Monitors the used space size of each disk 5.1
t group in percentage.

QoS Metrics for the RAC node-specific checkpoints

This section contains the QoS Metrics for the RAC node-specific checkpoints in the oracle probe. RAC is supported and configured only through
the Admin Console GUI.
QoS Name Units Description Version
QOS_ORACLE_instance_status Availability Monitors the state of the current instance. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_active_services Count Checks for the currently running active services. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_access_latency Millisecond Monitors the overall latency. 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_blocks_served Count Monitors the total number of blocks constructed 4.6

by the BSP process.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_block_send_time Millisecond Monitors the total time spent by the BSP process 4.6
s in sending constructed consistent read (CR)

QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_blocks_received Count Monitors the total number of blocks received. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_block_receive_time Millisecond Monitors the total amount of time foreground 4.6

s processes waited for a CR block to be sent
through the interconnect.

QOS_ORACLE_RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME Millisecond Monitors the total number of hundredths of a 4.6

s second that Oracle processes have been in a
ready state.

QOS_ORACLE_AVG_BUSY_TIME Millisecond Monitors the number of hundredths of a second 4.6

s that a processor has been busy executing user or
kernel code.

QOS_ORACLE_buf_cachehit_ratio Percent Monitors the buffer cache-hit ratio. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dict_cachehit_ratio Percent Monitors the dictionary cache-hit ratio. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_lib_cachehit_ratio Percent Monitors the ratio how often SQL queries are 4.6
found in memory compared to disk.

QOS_ORACLE_memory_usage Bytes Monitors the memory consumption in bytes of 4.6

Oracle users (PGA).

QOS_ORACLE_login_count Users Checks for the currently running Oracle users. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_datafile_status Availability Monitors the status of the datafiles. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_enqueue_timeouts Timeouts Monitors the number of table and row locks that 4.6
timed out.

QOS_ORACLE_mts_response Millisecond Monitors the redo log contention. 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_mts_wait Millisecond Monitors the MTS server wait time in ms. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_sga_memory Bytes Monitors the SGA memory usage. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_sga_memory_free Bytes Monitors the free SGA memory. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_sort_ratio Percent Monitors the sort ratio (disk, rows and memory). 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_mts_uga_memory Bytes Monitors the MTS UGA Memory. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_user_locks Locks Monitors the number of active user locks. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_locked_users Count Monitors the number of users suspended by 4.6

locks within a timeout.

QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_status Avail Monitors the Dataguard Instance Status. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_gap Archivefiles Monitors the Dataguard Instance Gap. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_dataguard_timegap Seconds Monitors the Dataguard Instance Timegap. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_buf_cachehit_ratio_users Percent Monitors the user buffer cache-hit ratio. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_sessions_waits Waits Monitors the sessions wait counter. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_system_statistics Count Monitors the various system statistical counters 4.6
since start of the instance.

QOS_ORACLE_system_statistics_delta Count Monitors the delta of various system statistical 4.6

counters since start of the instance.

QOS_ORACLE_dbfile_io Percent Monitors the database file I/O operations. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_lock_waits Seconds Monitors time in seconds, sessions spent waiting 4.6

for a lock in interval.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_service_util Percent Monitors the global cache service utilization. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_gc_cr_timeouts Timeouts Monitors the global cache consistent read 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_gc_converts_timeouts Timeouts Monitors the global cache convert timeouts. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_gc_blocks_lost Blocks Monitors the global cache blocks that are lost. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_gc_blocks_corrupt Blocks Measures the number of blocks corrupted during 4.6


QOS_ORACLE_gc_av_lock_get_time Millisecond Monitors the average global lock get time in 4.6
s milliseconds.

QOS_ORACLE_gc_fusion_wrt_rto Percent Monitors the ratio between fusion writes and 4.6
physical writes.

QOS_ORACLE_long_queries Count Monitors the number of long running queries. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_resource_utilization_count Count Monitors the database utilization for resources. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_resource_utilization_percent Percent Monitors the database utilization for resources. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_system_waits Waits Monitors the system wait counters. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_active_users Users Checks for the currently active Oracle users. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_active_connection_ratio Percent Monitors the active connection ratio. 4.6

QOS_ORACLE_pdb_count Count Displays the number of pluggable databases 4.8

(PDBs) in a specific container database (CDB).
Note: This checkpoint will work only for those
profiles that are linked to a CDB connection. For
other profiles, no result is displayed even if the
checkpoint is enabled. This checkpoint does not
have an alarm, by default. However, you can
create an alarm for this checkpoint.
QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_bytes_read Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes read from the 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_bytes_write Bytes Monitors the total number of bytes written to the 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_read request Count Counts the total number of IO read requests for 5.1
the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_write_request Count Counts the total number of IO write requests for 5.1
the disk.

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_total_space Megabytes Monitors the total space size of each disk in 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_used_space Megabytes Monitors the used space size of each disk in 5.1

QOS_ORACLE_asm_disk_used_space_percent Percent Monitors the used space size of each disk in 5.1

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