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Yohimbe bark extract

Robert G. Perez, BS, CPhT

PHAR 531 Ethnopharmacology

Dr. Rebecca S. Linger, Ph.D.

Yohimbine chemical structure

Before advanced medicine produced commercially available products to treat diseases,

people used many herbs and vegetation as remedies. Herbal remedies were used to treat any and
every disease known, or at times unknown, to man. One of these herbals was Yohimbe bark
extract which was used to treat a variety of illnesses and diseases. Through the mechanism of
action, Yohimbe bark extract had varied outcomes. Yohimbe bark extract does have a variety of
drug-herb, herb-herb, and food-herb interactions. Unlike the interactions, toxicity of Yohimbe
bark extract is virtually non-existent. The Yohimbe herb has been known for many years and
thus has many commercial preparations and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval as a
Yohimbe bark extract has an active ingredient called Yohimbine (Summary). Yohimbe
bark extract is from the evergreen tree native to countries of central and western Africa and was
used as an aphrodisiac and to enhance sexual performance (Yohimbe). Other uses of the
Yohimbe bark extract include athletic performance, weight loss, exhaustion, angina,
hypertension, diabetic neuropathy, and postural hypotension. (Yohimbe). Along with the many
uses, Yohimbe bark extract works as an aphrodisiac by [g]enital blood vessel dilation, nerve
impulse transmission to genital tissue and increased reflex excitability in the sacral region of the
spinal cord (Yohimbe).
Yohimbine has many interactions with medicinal drugs, herbs, and foods. Most
interactions with medicinal drugs are mild except for the major interaction with monoamine
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (Yohimbe). Some of the herb-herb interactions with Yohimbe bark
extract are: decreased blood pressure with Berberine, increased risk of hypertensive crisis with
caffeine-containing herbs and ephedrine products (Yohimbe). Food-herb interactions were
mainly due to risk of hypertensive crisis with tyramine-containing foods, such as aged
cheeses, fermented meats, red wines, and vasopressor-containing foods, including
overripe fava beans, coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate (Yohimbe). According to research,
there are multiple interactions involving Yohimbine. Unlike the many interactions, toxicity was
not found. The closest evidence to toxicity for Yohimbine was [t]he structurally related
compound reserpine (Summary). [R]eserpine was carcinogenic in both mice and rats
(Summary). No literature was found to indicate that Yohimbine was carcinogenic.

Robert G. Perez Yohimbe bark extract

The commercially available products of Yohimbe bark extract was supplied as
capsules, tablets, and liquids (Summary). Today there are many over the counter Yohimbine-
containing products. From a single search on the Natural Medicines database, 711 products
containing Yohimbine were retrieved. In 1999 only Yohimbine hydrochloride [was] a(FDA)
approved prescription drug for the treatment of impotence (Summary). In 2017 there are
phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitors that are used for erectile dysfunction and are FDA
approved prescription medications.
For many years, Yohimbe bark extract was a major aid for erectile dysfunction and other
uses. Even though Yohimbine has many drug-herb, herb-herb, and food-herb interactions, most
of the interactions are mild except for MAOIs. With no literature available to dispute,
Yohimbine is non-toxic. Having a multitude of over the counter Yohimbe bark extract-
containing products, only the Yohimbine hydrochloride was FDA approved as a therapeutic
medication. Although not a first line product for erectile dysfunction, Yohimbine has been
replaced by PDE5 inhibitors that are indicated primarily for erectile dysfunction by the FDA.
With a plethora of Yohimbe bark extract-containing products available for consumption and the
many ailments treated, it is wise to understand the Yohimbine product to be of assistance to the
public with questions pertaining to the herb.

Robert G. Perez Yohimbe bark extract

Work cited (n.d.). doi:

SUMMARY OF DATA FOR CHEMICAL SELECTION Yohimbe bark extract / Yohimbine. (n.d.).

Yohimbe. (n.d.). doi:https://0-,-herbs-

Robert G. Perez Yohimbe bark extract

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