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Copyright 2016 by Billy Taylor

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever including Internet usage, without written
permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, or events used in this book are the product of the authors imagination or used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, alive or deceased, events or locales is completely coincidental.

eBook design by Maureen Cutajar

Print ISBN: 978-1530511518

For my family x


April 16th
April 26th
May 1st
May 16th
May 22nd
May 23rd
May 24th
May 25th
May 26th
May 27th
May 31st
June 3rd
June 9th
June 10th
June 13th
June 14th
June 20th
June 21st
June 22nd
June 25th
July 1st
July 4th
July 5th
July 10th
July 21st
July 22nd
August 8th
August 9th
August 16th
August 17th
August 20th
August 27th
August 28th
September 1st
September 2nd
September 12th
September 13th
September 19th
September 20th
September 21st
September 29th
October 1st
October 5th
October 10th
October 11th
October 12th
October 19th
October 20th
October 31st
November 1st
November 3rd
November 15th
November 16th
November 20th
November 23rd
November 29th
December 1st
December 2nd
December 10th
December 16th
December 17th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 24th
December 25th

T oday is a special day for two reasons. The first is that its the twelve-year anniversary of meeting
my bestfriend Ethan Knight. The second is that its the nineteenth birthday of my bestfriend Ethan
Knight. Before I go on, the story of how we met should be told.
My parents and I had moved house, the small house we lived in had become too small. I was six
and had started at my new school with a whole load of kids Id never met. Ethan and I were in separate
classes during my first week of school, so we didnt meet. Until one day, his Dad asked my parents if I
wanted to go to his seventh birthday party. Ethans Dad knew I was new in school so it should be a
nice opportunity for me to try to make new friends. It was the last thing I wanted to do because I was a
stubborn child, but looking back on it now, Im glad my parents forced me to go. Meeting Ethan is my
favourite childhood memory.
I was still frowning at my freckled cheeks in the mirror even after they had dropped me off. I tied
my long, dark blonde hair up in the mirror. My Mum had spent forever brushing it, but I hated having
my hair brushed when I was younger. I ventured into the kitchen and grabbed a slice of cake that had
been placed on napkins along the side. It was an indulging chocolate fudge cake. I swear each slice
was the same size as my face. I popped it onto a plate. I was a clumsy kid and knew Id drop cake
somewhere. The other kids in attendance were all screaming and running around in the garden.
Meanwhile, I was sitting on the sofa inside, eating Ethans birthday cake, alone.
After two or three minutes of silence, a boy came running past wearing a top hat, cape and white
gloves. Dont forget the magic wand. Id never met Ethan before so I had no idea who I was looking
for to say happy birthday to. After he ran through the kitchen he casually walked backwards, poking
his head around the corner, staring at me. I gave him an awkward smile and wiped my fingers and
face with my napkin.
Who are you? He curiously asked, strolling over.
Im August, happy birthday by the way. I said with a mouth full of cake.
He removed his top hat, allowing his long, brown hair to fall across his forehead, half covering
his eyes. He extended his right hand towards me and said, Pleased to meet you August. Do you want
to see a magic trick? Ive been practising all day.
I paused and examined his appearance. He was so small. I was taller than him at this stage. He was
wearing the pearliest white tie I had ever seen. Not that Id seen many of them, but that tie couldve
advertised teeth whitening.
Ok. I said, shaking his hand.
I moved the plate off my lap and onto the sofa cushion beside me. He removed his gloves and
threw them over his shoulders onto the floor behind him. He then stuck his hand into his hat and
pulled out a deck of cards. Retrieving them from the pack he fanned them out in front of me.
Before you pick a card I want you to think of a number between one and ninety-nine for me,
I frowned at him and leant back on the sofa and hummed. After a few seconds of consulting in my
head I chose the number seventy-three.
You got one? He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
Yes. I replied, gripping my knees.
Magic bewildered me growing up. Although, not as much as the guys who could make balloon
animals. Those guys were literal geniuses. He shuffled the deck in an emphatic fashion before fanning
them out in front of me. I perused amongst them cautiously, I didnt want to make it too obvious.
We dont have all day you know. He said, nudging the cards closer.
I hadnt wiped my hands properly after eating the cake and my smudgy fingers marked the card of
my choice in chocolate cake. I selected my card and turned it over. And there it was, the seventy-three
of hearts. Well, a seven of hearts with a three drawn next to the seven in black marker pen. Still, I
found it astonishing.
How did you do that? I asked with a grin.
A magician never reveals his tricks, August. However, nothing is over yet. He pulled a lighter
and a black marker pen from his pocket and waved them around in front of me.
Will you write your name on the card for me please?
I rubbed my hands on the napkin again to prevent any further cake prints on the card. I didnt have
a signature or anything fancy at six years old, so I wrote my name and drew a smiley face next to it.
My fingers were still greasy so my handwriting appeared messy.
I will now set this card on fire, doing so will move the card into your shoe ready? He said,
holding the lighter up to the bottom of the card.
Wait youre setting my shoe on fire? I asked.
Why would I set your shoe on fire, August? He replied, blank faced.
You said youre going to set the card on fire and put it in my shoe.
This card will go into your shoe after Ive set it on fire, it wont be on fire in your shoe. Ok?
We looked at each other confused.
Can I take my shoe off first? I dont want it to burn my feet.
He flapped his arms by his side. August, the fire will come nowhere near your shoe or feet, ok?
I cheekily grinned at him. I was just kidding!
He angrily smirked at me and flicked the lighter on underneath the card. Suddenly it went up in
flames and within a second or two, dissipated into thin air. It didnt even leave a mark on the cream
carpet. I flicked off my shoes, to my disappointment there wasnt a card there. Ethan snatched at my
shoes and stuck his hands inside them.
Where is it? He whispered, sticking one of my shoes right into his face and peering into it.
I still liked it. I said, trying to encourage him.
He dropped my shoes by my feet and walked away. Before I could ask him to stay, hed gone. I
suddenly became so alone and wished for his return. Moments after feeling sorry for myself he ran
back in with two cartons of juice in his hands.
I got juice. He said, throwing one towards me.
I flapped it at and pushed it away from me, Im terrible at catching things, even now at eighteen
years old. He giggled at me, scooped it back up, placing it back into my hands and slumped beside me
on the sofa. I unhooked the straw from the back and pierced the foiling, then sipped away at the
blackcurrant juice. I looked over at him, he was observing me with delight.
What are you looking at? I asked, shuffling myself away from him.
He smiled, Youre very pretty.
Such a statement may have startled me and I may have spat out the juice in my mouth over him. I
tried to raise my hand and stop it, but my reactions were far too slow. He saw what was coming and
closed his eyes to prevent the juice from entering them. There was a brief silence between us where I
assumed I was in the worst possible trouble, ever. I watched in despair as the juice dribbled down his
face. He laughed and wiped his eyes. Thanks.
Im so, so sorry, I didnt mean to do it! I shouted.
Ethan stood and shook himself. Oh no my tie!
He grabbed it and attempted to wipe away the juice sprayed across it, but it smeared, making it
worse. Ah, this was Mums tie.
He ran off into the kitchen, stood on the stool infront of the sink and rinsed water over his tie,
scrubbing at it furiously.
I rushed behind him. Im sure shell have another one. My pathetic attempt at reassuring him. I
was a kid, so I wasnt superb at many social matters yet.
This was her only one. Dont worry, August, my Dad will clean it later.
I watched the purple coloured water flow down the drain, and guilt engulfed my emotions. Is
your Mum here? Ill go apologise now and say it was my fault. I asked, gripping his arm.
He looked at me from atop of his stool and smiled. She died not long after my birth.
I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked to the floor. Ive always done this when Im nervous
or embarrassed. Or in this case, both.
Im sorry. I said to the floor.
Oh its ok, I sometimes just wish I could have met her. Im sure she was a nice lady.
Ethans Dad then came into the kitchen. Hey bud, what happened to you? He asked.
My eyes bulged up at Ethan. I needed to avoid getting into trouble straight away.
Oh, the juice pouch had a leak in it and when I squeezed it, it sprayed onto me. Ethan replied.
At the time I thought hed saved my life. His Dads face dropped as he saw the tie. It wouldve had
significance to him too since it was his wifes. Ill see if I can get that cleaned up later kiddo. He
ruffled Ethans hair. Hey! Hop off your stool and have a photo with your friend here. September
right? Ethans Dad mood suddenly changed, pulling a camera out from his back pocket.
August. I corrected moodily.
Im winding you up August, stop being so grumpy!
I smirked through my sulk. Ethan hopped off his stool and put his arm over my shoulder as we
posed for the photo.
Weve been best friends ever since that day, and we still have a photo taken together every
birthday, and Christmas as well. Its our little tradition. I gave Ethan my old school tie to replace his
white one. It was a maroon and dark navy diagonally striped tie, and then I made my Mum take me
shopping to buy him another white one. I arrived at the party without a present, so it was the right
thing to do. We didnt find a white one, so we bought him a plain black one instead. His Dad managed
to get the stains out anyway. Every birthday and Christmas since, I have bought him a tie. It started off
as a joke, but then it became a genuine thing.
Choosing a tie for his nineteenth birthday I found difficult. After long searches online, I decided
upon a plain black tie with his initials stitched into it in white. He appreciated it more than I expected.
This morning, when he knocked on my door to walk me to college he wasnt wearing a tie, as he
knew he would receive one. Since hed received a tie on his birthday for the last twelve years. I tied it
for him and patted his chest once Id finished.
Very smart. I said and hugged him, wishing him happy birthday.
Youd think for his birthday wed organise a huge gathering and have a crazy party with our large
group of friends. But, we have no friends. One other friend to be exact, Max Parker, or Maximus, it
depends on how much he likes you. Max was the only one wed allow in our circle of friendship. We
run a tight shift. Max and I insisted we take Ethan to a bar to celebrate his birthday. Drinking isnt
something we look forward too. We dont go out often so we thought it would be fun. Our idea of a
night out or in is to order pizza and sit inside watching a movie, or Ethan will show off one of his
new magic tricks. Yes, twelve years on, he is still performing magic. Hes exceptional at it now. Hes
made the impossible appear possible.
So, Ethan, Max and I found this new bar not too far away from our homes and we sat and drank.
Rather responsibly too. It was a casual evening, but things would soon get out of hand.
Shall I get us another round? Max asked, already standing to make his way to the bar. We were
all on the verge of entering the quite drunken state, and I think Ethan and I both recognised this.
I think its time to go home now bud, Ethan said, glancing over at me in search of support with
his comment. I nodded. I think its time to go too, Max.
Max wafted his hands at us. Fine, let me go to the loo first.
Have you enjoyed your evening? I asked Ethan, resting my head on his shoulder.
I have indeed. Ethan replied, sipping down the last of his drink.
We sat there in silence for a minute or two before I saw Max return out of the corner of my eye.
He was holding a tray full of shots like your parents would hold a birthday cake. He sung happy
birthday as he placed the tray down in front of us. He had the silliest grin on his face and raised his
eyebrows to emphasis how pleased he was with himself. Ethan and I sighed in unison. The tray was
full with shots, and I mean full.
Jesus, how many did you buy, Max? Ethan asked, analysing the tray.
Well I made a deal with the barman and got six shots for ten pound, so I got us six each!
He passed Ethan and I a small shot of red liquid.
Bottoms up, Max said, wafting his brown-black hair off his forehead and tilting back his head,
downing the shot.
Ethan and I paused before clinking glasses and downing ours. The next thing I knew, Ethan was
carrying me in his arms. I must have passed out, too drunk to show embarrassment, and then I was
sick. Ethan isnt my best friend, hes more of a guardian angel. Hes always there to guide me and
look over me, or catches me when I fall. In this case, carry me home because I was too drunk to do so
I woke up the next morning laid on Ethans bare chest in his bed. I jumped up at once, tripping and
falling out of bed, dragging the bed quilt with me. It wasnt the smartest move. Ill admit my head felt
as if it was going to explode. I gripped my forehead as a blinding pain shot through it. My head spun
while I stared at the ceiling.
Twelve years and we finally slept together! Ethan said, rising upright after being awoken by my
No! I shouted at him in despair. We didnt!
He wafted his arms at me. No you moron, we didnt. You kept saying you were cold, so I stayed
with you, you should see your face right now! Ethan replied, bursting into laughter.
I threw a pillow at him and returned to clutching my head.

J ust before midday, I dragged myself out of bed, forcing myself to do something productive with
my Saturday.
What are you two doing? I asked as I entered the living room to find Ethan and Madeline sat on
the floor with a couple of arts and craft boxes out.
Were making friendship bracelets. Madeline replied, adding a couple of beads to the tiny tube
in her tiny hands.
Aw how cute. I replied, crouching beside her and brushing her beautifully long ginger hair aside
to kiss her freckled cheek.
Good morning dear. Ethan said, pushing his cheek in my direction.
I squinted at him for a moment. Fine you can have one as well, morning. I crouched over and
kissed his cheek.
He was still wearing the new tie I had bought him for his birthday. He always has a couple of
weeks after his birthday where he doesnt take off his new tie.
So are you making me one? I asked, feeling left out.
If you wasnt nocturnal maybe you could have made one with us. Ethan replied, nudging me
with his elbow.
Im one step ahead of you, Ive nearly finished yours now, August. He added, awkwardly
flapping with a bracelet in his hands.
Need a hand there? I asked sarcastically.
He looked me dead in the eye, I got it.
I noticed Mum and Dad werent around and since it was a Saturday they shouldnt be working.
Where are Mum and dad?
She tied the friendship bracelet together with her teeth. They asked Ethan to babysit while they
went shopping or something.
I frowned, Well why didnt they ask me? I can babysit you. I always do.
Her cute eyes flicked up and glanced over at Ethan. Hes not here to babysit me.
I rolled my eyes at them. How long have you been waiting to say that?
She grinned, Like an hour.
She giggled, then Ethan laughed. I sulked at them both.
I get yours, he gets mine, and you get his. See, She slid the bracelet along her wrist and raised it
to my face. It was miles to big for her, but Im sure that wont bother her. Shell grow into it as my
Dad would say. The well-arranged multicoloured bracelet was spectacular. She twizzled it around to
show me the side that had AUGUST spelt out. A different coloured plastic bead seperated each letter.
Ethan lifted his wrist to show me his. It was white and black, spelling out MADDIE. Only Ethan is
allowed to call Madeline, Maddie. She demanded everyone else call her Madeline.
Finished! Ethan shouted, holding the bracelet in front of me.
Mine was pink, hot pink. It fit perfectly, obviously spelling out ETHAN. Its sweet now that we
have our own friendship bracelets.

G ood morning dear. Ethan said as I opened the front door to him. We always meet before
college, mainly beside the tree outside college or Ethan often popped by my house and
walked me there. He was wearing one of his tartan ties today. He has a few now. They make him look
quite smart. I bought him this one for our sixth Christmas together.
What do you want? I sarcastically replied.
Im here to walk my delightful bestfriend to college.
Madeline came rushing to the door, pushing past me and cutely wrapped her arms around his
Hey you. He said patting her head.
Are you still wearing your bracelet? She asked, releasing her grasp from around him.
He dangled his wrist in front of her. Of course I am! He knelt down and kissed her cheek. You
best go and get ready for school, you. Dont want you to be late do we.
She sighed, then returned inside and raced back upstairs. I adore how well Ethan and Madeline get
along. He was so nervous when he first met her. She was such a tiny, delicate baby. Hes loved her
endlessly since that moment.
My Mum then came to the door. Hello Ethan, how are you? Have you two admitted youre both
perfect for each other yet?
Im well Mrs. Bishop, I trust youre well, too. As for August, shes too boring for me, like a
cat, Im more of a dog person. Ethan replied with a smug look upon his face.
Well this chat is fabulous guys. I do wish we could continue it, but we must dash, I announced.
Let me grab my bag and we can go. I said to Ethan, who nodded in acknowledgement.
My Mum grabbed my wrist before I rushed down stairs. Stop being boring. She said, raising her
eyebrows at me.
I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. She didnt mean it because she thought I was boring, she said
it because she wants us to be a couple.

S ince its the weekend, Ethan asked if I wanted to stay at his since his Dad is hardly around. Hes
occupied by travelling constantly to gamble. Apparently hes been doing well lately, but drinking
has now become a big problem in his life since the end of last year. Ethan claims he said it helps him
make risky decisions he wouldnt when sober. Im not sure why hes drunk when hes home then, if
thats the case. Ethans Dad is only home once every two or three weeks. The image I am painting of
Ethans Dad isnt pleasant, I know. It wasnt always like this. Its only been over the past year or so that
hes become a proper gambling addict. Hes gambled for a long time, but not like this. Im not sure
what caused him to become this way, maybe he doesnt even know. All that concerns me is that Ethan
is ok. As long as hes ok then Im ok.
Ethan ordered pizza, and it was delicious. I only eat plain pizza. Ethans favourite is pepperoni.
Since I hated the smell of pepperoni he decided to join me in eating the plain pizza. We sat and
watched an episode of Patrick Miller s chat show. I live for his show. It is my dream to appear on it.
He always interviews the coolest people and he has a great sense of humour! I love how Patrick is
always smiling, too.
Do you want something else? Ethan asked, passing me the last slice.
No, thank you. I replied, nurturing my stomach and flopping out along the sofa. I shouldnt have
accepted the last slice of pizza.

E than, Max and I ate outside at lunch. The sun was shining so we ventured out to make the most of
the rare warmth. The only decent empty seating area was the rickety old wooden bench near the
tree I meet Ethan at each morning if he doesnt meet me at my house. As we sat down, Ethan pulled an
apple out from his rucksack. He shut his eyes and looked up towards the sun, allowing it to shine upon
his face. Today he was wearing his hilarious dog tie. A springer spaniel tie if were being exact,
which I bought him for his fourteenth birthday. His tie has a black background and at the bottom is a
cartoon sketch of a dog sitting on grass outside its kennel, smiling at you.
So last night I came up will a simple, yet clever new trick to show you my dear. Ethan said,
holding the apple up in front of me.
Oh, I see. What happens in this one may I ask?
I snatched the apple off of him, biting into its succulent core. Wildly chewing it directly in front of
him and cheekily grinning afterwards.
Well one will require the apple back first to perform ones trick.
I rolled my eyes at him and passed him the apple back while maintaining a sarcastic look. He
frowned at me before holding up the apple. Showing the side that had the bite mark, as if Id never
seen it before. Then casually launched it a few feet into the air, reclaiming it in his hands as it fell. He
paused before spinning it around, to reveal the bite mark had disappeared.
Not your best work, but, I shall admit I am impressed. Am I going to be shown how this one is
done? I asked out of repetitiveness. The secrets to his tricks are kept a secret, as they should be
really. Ethan squinted at me for a second, Ah all right, I can part with the secret of this one, since its
so simple, He took a second to gather his explanation. It helps if you have two identical apples,
good slight of hand, and voil, the apple is replaced.
I remained puzzled. So what happened to the other apple?
He took a bite out of the apple in his hand. Check your lunch container my dear. Then all shall
become clear.
I looked at my lunch container anxiously. I opened the lid with one eye open, squinting with the
other. And there it was. The apple I had bitten. I looked back at Ethan, smiling in bewilderment. Well
played Mr. Knight. Well performed might I add? You set me up. You knew Id ask for it to be
explained as I always do.
Ethan tilted his head in acknowledgement.
When I got home I thought the trick over, while watching TV with Madeline and platting her hair. I
realised that the trick was actually very clever. Simple, but clever. How he got the apple into my
container Ill never know.

I met Ethan outside college by our tree this morning. He stood with his back against the trunk as I
Good morning dear. He said as he gave me a firm hug.
Good morning to you, too. I replied.
Today, he wore his elephant tie. A white tie, covered in a pattern of tiny miniature grey elephants. I
bought it him for our eleventh Christmas together. It surprises me how well I remember each one I
buy him. This tie is ranked in his top ten favourites. It may not sound like a big deal, however, if you
knew Ethan and his tie collection, youd understand its a big deal. Wed not taken five paces into the
college before calls of Breakfast from Verity came our way. Verity is a girl from college who has a
massive crush on Ethan. She calls Ethan Breakfast because hes so delicious, she doesnt need
anything to eat in a morning. Embarrassing, right? After a while we had gotten use to it. Most of her
friends call Ethan, Breakfast, too. As he walked me to first period, which he insists on doing, they
walked by checking him out from head to toe with no level of discretion. It doesnt seem to bother
As much as I love performing arts, I lacked the energy to take part with any enthusiasm today. I
wanted to go home, return to my bed and sleep. Its very rare for me to say otherwise. Ethan and I fist
bumped as we arrived outside my PA class.
Catch ya later dude. I said before entering.
Id just placed my bag on the back of my seat when a junior student walked in, explaining that Ms.
Andrews, my performing arts teacher, is off sick and our replacement teacher will be along soon.
This news saved me. Id never been happier. Not about Ms. Andrews being unwell. Although, now I
had two periods of doing whatever I pleased. Which I didnt waste, I got myself nestled in the corner
with my earphones in and read my Hallway magazine I had stolen from Madeline earlier. Eleanor
Walden the main subject printed amongst hundreds of articles the actress, taking the world by
storm. Without question the most beautiful woman the lord has ever created. Theres another section
about Natasha Thompson, the stunning model, too. But I paid little attention to her since Im more into
actors and actresses. Back to Eleanor Walden, words dont describe how much I envy her, the perfect
complexion, figure, career. Shes a Goddess. Her beautiful brown hair and eyes entice me. Shes
everything I aspire to be. The interview inside included her controversial on and off relationship with
former co-star, Cole Palmer. I didnt envy her relationship. Cole often disrespected her and cheated
on her many times. I dont know Eleanor personally, but I know for sure she deserves to be treated
with more respect than Cole showed her. I hope she finds her happiness one day, she seems like a nice
Ethan and Max waited for my exit as I stepped out.
Hey losers. I said as I walked over to them.
Ethan and I nearly burnt off our eyebrows in Science. I thought itd be a good idea to spray
deodorant into this chemical thingy and it didnt react well. Max replied.
I giggled at their childishness and shook my head.
This chemical thingy will not get you a good grade in your exam, Maximus, Ethan hinted.
He opened the college doors for us to head outside. We reclaimed the unoccupied bench we sat on
yesterday. We almost sat down before calls of, Breakfast, hey Breakfast! Came our way. Verity
enthusiastically trotted over. Verity is actually quite pretty. She has blonde hair, which she always ties
up in a messy bun, and she has a beautiful smile. She doesnt wear too much make up and shes always
dressed well. If someone said she was the hottest girl at college, Id probably agree with them. I sound
like I have a crush on her, I dont, I most certainly dont. Im sure wed talk to Verity more often, but
we dont like her friends, theyre too stuck up. So we have the odd chat in passing. I dont think Id
allow her into our group because, like I said, we run a tight a shift.
Ive been looking for you. She said with a huge smile on her face.
Ethan said nothing, he acknowledged what she said and waited for her to continue. Im having a
party tonight at mine. Would you like to come? Its sorta being planned last minute. August, Max
youre also welcome to come along if you wish. Her smile had now grown into a grin and it
worried me how long she held it for. Ethan looked over at us with an unsure image on his face.
I guess itd be cool to check it out, right guys? He asked, searching for our agreement with his
Max and I smiled and nodded.
I guess well see you tonight, what time?
Thats great! 9:00pm. Get there for 9:00pm.
She extended her cheesy grin before leaving. Max leant towards Ethan with a sarcastic expression
already poised. Well you handled that with ease, Breakfast. Max switched towards me. Are we
going to go?
I shrugged, I guess well need a sober designated driver. I pointed to Max as I spoke. Itd be
nice to go out for an evening. We can always leave if were not enjoying it, or whatever. I waved my
hands around to show I wasnt being serious but some seriousness remained.
I hope I dont have to carry you home, being sick on isnt how I intend to spend my evening
again, Ethan replied.
I punched his arm and sarcastically laughed.
When college came to an end, I was exhausted. All these essays and rehearsals for our final
assessment wear me out. We only have to prepare a couple of scenes from our favourite play, but
weve practiced and repeated them so many times. My partner for the assessment, Daniel, agreed we
did My Fair Lady. Its our favourite play, and now, we hate it. Daniel and I get along, but he doesnt
like to chat, he just likes to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse. So I dont really know anything about
him, apart from that he likes to rehearse. I cant wait until its over. I hope my parents have booked a
holiday to somewhere sunny. A holiday would be perfect right now. I sat at the base of mine and
Ethans meeting tree, and imagined I was sunbathing in Spain. I admired the sky while I had time to
spare. I love how calm it is, and how it slowly passes by. Its just so peaceful. I wanted the shade from
the tree to protect me from the blistering sunlight, but the branches didnt cover that far. So I had to
hold my hands over my eyes to avoid giving myself a migrane from constant squinting. I loved
listening to the leaves rustle in the wind. Other than listening to rainfall, listening to leaves rustle is
my favourite natural sound. A short time after my encounter with Mother Nature, Ethan walked over
and graced me with his presence. He looked upon me, dropped the rucksack off his shoulder and sat
down beside me. I shifted over, creating some more space. I lifted his arm, placing it over my
shoulders so I could tuck into him and rest my head on him.
Tough day, huh? He asked.
Im so tired, I swear I could fall asleep for a decade. I murmured.
Wow, you must be tired because thats a rather long time, especially if youre waiting for a
delivery. He laughed at his comment.
Youre such an idiot. I sniggered, but was too tired to maintain it for more than a second or two.
You dont have to come later if you dont want to. Max and I are big boys now. We can take care
of ourselves, believe it or not.
No, no. I need a short nap when I get home. Then Ill be fine. I smiled up at him. Our eyes met.
His brown eyes lit up in the sunlight as I lazily stared into them. Ethan lifted his left hand and tucked
my hair behind my ear before bringing his hand down to the edge of my chin squeezing my cheeks
So adorable. He blubbered.
I innocently rolled my eyes at him as my face remained in his hands.
I dont want to imply Im making an effort for Veritys party. Although I dont want to imply that
Im not making an effort for Veritys party. Does that make sense?
I watched an episode of Patrick Miller s show before drifting off to sleep. My outfit was laid out
anyway, in case an emergency quick-change was required. I dont wear much make up, so I didnt
need to worry about that, only mascara and eyeliner. Foundation makes my face feel horrible and
blotchy, I like to stay as natural as possible also. Thats how my Mum raised me, so it remains that
A car horn blazed from outside, awakening me from my nap. I realised my nap had lasted a lot
longer than I intended. I shot to my feet and threw my clothes off and snatched at the ones I laid out. I
struggled to jump into my jeans, whoever was downstairs must have thought I was trying to jump
through the floor. I eventually slotted into them and surrounded myself with a cloud of deodorants
and perfumes. I put on my black leather jacket that had been laid in my wardrobe for a while. The car
horn blazed from outside again. I hopped out of my room as I placed on my boots, and sprinted down
the stairs, jumping the bottom two steps. I Shouted goodbye to my parents who were sat at dining
table. I slammed the door shut, catching the edge of my jacket in it. The perfect way to start my
Sup bro. Max said as I paced up to the car.
Maximus. I replied, tilting my head in acknowledgement and hopping into the back seat of his
truck. Ethan had taken passenger alongside Max. As I was fastening my seatbelt, Ethan turned around,
Miss Bishop.
Mr. Knight. I replied with a thumbs up.
Max is a surprisingly good driver. Sure, the truck jolted at the start of our journey, he was a little
nervous. Its the first time we had been in his truck with him. It was nice. I wish I could afford a car.
Ive passed my test and everything, but I never manage to save enough money to buy one of my
own I drive my parents when its free, until I can afford one or have one bought for me. Ethan and
Max were strangely quiet in the truck during the journey to Veritys. Im sure theyre both anxious of
how the night is going to pan out. I gazed out of the window, focusing on the streetlights flowing by.
I must have dosed off for a few minutes, as Max banking the truck on the curb, woke me. He
probably hoped for a smoother arrival. Still, he stuck the handbrake on as if sharply banking the curb
was his exact intentions. I reached for the door handle before Ethan beat me to it from the other side.
Me lady. He said, offering his hand to help me out of the truck.
Ethans outfit didnt really surprise me; black fitted jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled
up to the hinge of his elbow. His typical everyday outfit except for his trainers, theyd been replaced.
Hed exchanged them for his smart black shoes with pointy ends, accompanied by the black tie with
white spots, I bought him for his thirteenth birthday. I pulled the back, tightening and readjusting it for
him. Max walked around to our side of the truck and huddled us in.
Right team, remember no man gets left behind or abandoned. Im not drinking tonight, so please
try to keep your behaviour to a mature level. I dont want to embarrass you guys tomorrow with
stories of unsuitable things you did while youre nurturing your aggressive hangovers.
Ethan laughed and put his hand on his shoulder, I doubt well even have that much tonight my
man. Were going to enjoy this on a sensible level.
Max nodded sarcastically, Whatever you say sargeant, right lets roll out team.
I couldnt help but smile at them for being such dorks. They really spent too much time watching
movies. I was genuinely expecting them to commando role and crawl up to the front door while I
walked behind them, questioning our friendship.
Breakfast, Hey you made it! I assumed you werent coming! Verity said, throwing herself at
Ethan, wrapping her arms around him as she opened the door. Theres booze in the kitchen and
downstairs. Try not to make a mess please. Itd help me out when it comes to cleaning afterwards.
She already appeared rather drunk she was swaying from side to side. It was only 9:17pm.
Seventeen minutes behind schedule. They must have started early. She grabbed Ethans wrist, Come,
let me show you around!
Before Ethan could turn around to say anything, Verity had already dragged him away. Most of the
attendees mustve been downstairs in the basement. The bass from the music vibrated the floor below
us. Almost shooting you off your feet. Max and I werent really in the mood to have bleeding
eardrums this evening. I wandered around Veritys living room while Max went into the kitchen to
grab us a drink. It was surprising to see how welcoming Veritys home was. I mean, its beautiful. Her
parents have great taste. It was like stepping into page twenty of a furniture catalogue. Everything was
perfectly positioned. I wanted to slip off my boots and scrunch my feet into the luxurious cream
carpet. As I stood and stared down at the carpet, debating whether or not to take my boots off and
scrunch my feet into it, something caught my eye. It was a framed photo booth picture of what I
assumed to be Veritys parents. I walked over to it, wanting to examine it further. They appeared to be
around the same age as me. It made me feel all warm and funny, to see them together at such a young
age and still be together now. That rarely happens anymore, everyones too busy cheating on one
another. I hope theyre still as happy now as they were in those photos.
Max re-entered the room accompanied by two tall glasses of orange juice. Dont worry, I
checked the carton, its not from concentrate. Max once gave us a big speech about how he hated
concentrated orange juice and forbid Ethan and I to drink it. I havent touched a single drop since.
What are you looking at? He asked, nodding towards the framed picture. Im guessing its
Veritys parents. I thought it was kinda cute, theyre so young. Max didnt seem to share the same
emotion as me. Shes hot.
I suppose so. I sighed. To be honest, Veritys Mum was gorgeous. Her and Verity could be twins.
Her Mums hair is just wavier and darker.
Shall we find Ethan? I asked.
I was expecting him to have rejoined us by now. Max nodded.
Ethans voice echoed throughout the room as we descended the staircase to the basement. Pick a
card, any card please. Hed been here no longer than fifteen minutes and hed already started
performing magic tricks. Max and I gathered around the crowd of fifteen or twenty people that made
up the basement population. They had formed a circle around two sofas where Ethan was sitting
across from Verity, holding out a fanned deck of cards towards her. She chose a card from the deck
after peering amongst them for several seconds.
Show everyone the card, but make sure I dont see it. Return the card to a different place in the
deck, Ethan announced as he placed his hands over his eyes. She held the card up so everyone could
see. It was the three of diamonds. She struggled to return the card back to the deck so used her other
hand in support.
Is August here? He asked, standing up as he surveyed the room.
He eventually found me at the very back.
He pointed at me. Come forward, please.
I crossed my arms, slowly making my way towards him.
Be a dear and shuffle the cards for me, please. He whispered in my ear. Even after all these years
Id spent with Ethan, I always struggled to shuffle a deck of cards to a decent standard. Nevertheless, I
unfolded my arms, snatched the cards off him and poorly shuffled them before handing them back.
He thanked me and returned to his seat on the sofa. Ethan grabbed Veritys hands, placing the deck
between them and based his hands on top of hers.
Your card has now vanished from the deck.
She stared at Ethan before she forced open her hands and searched through the deck for her card.
It wasnt there, of course.
How did you do that? Her drunken state seemed to enhance the amount of disbelief. Before
Ethan could reply with the corny line, magic I interrupted. Check your shoe, Verity. She stood
without questioning my odd comment. Flicked off one of her little blue slip-on pumps, right foot first.
The vanished card wasnt there. After discovering its emptiness, the left pump quickly flicked off into
her hands. A look of distraught spread over her face. She reached into her pump, pulling out a card. It
was the three of diamonds, in all its glory. Describing Verity as excited would be an understatement.
Oh my God, oh my God. How did you do that? Thats amazing!
She turned to her friends, handing them the card. They all snatched at it like it was a souvenir for
them to keep. The circle gathered around went wild clapping and cheering. Ethan bowed, before
offering his hand out to me. It made me blush, but I took a small curtsy.
Thank you everyone. I am humbled by your appreciation and applause. Ethan announced as if
hed just won a major movie award. Random shouts of another appeared from around the circle. In
support Max and I joined them. Ethan held up his hands. All right, all right. Will somebody pass me
two beers from the fridge over there please? Bottled not canned, otherwise nobody will see the trick.
It seemed before he could finish his sentence somebody had sprinted across and brought him what he
asked for. Verity, will you inspect these for me please? Check theyre normal? He handed the two
bottles to her, she lifted them up to the light, tilting her head and wincing at them.
Yep, they seem good, Breakfast.
So two normal bottles of beer everyone. I will now freeze them both, using only my hands.
He held the bottles five or six inches apart. He paused for a second before jolting the bottom of
each bottle against each other rather hard. It made me jump because I expected them to smash.
Everyone stared at them for a few moments before Ethan held them up for all to see. The circle
remained silent as they waited to find out if it had worked or not. You could see something rising
inside each bottle. Ethan handed Verity a bottle. What! Its frozen! What, how? Her excitement
exploded. Its frozen! Thats incredible! Ethan passed the other bottle around the crowd. When it got
to Max and I, we couldnt believe our eyes. Itd frozen solid. He couldnt have switched them or have
hidden them up his sleeve. It would take time for me to figure this one out, not that Id ever figured
any out.
The circle dispersed, and the music turned up again. Ethan sat down on the sofa to compose
himself, running his hands through his hair. Max and I shuffled through everyone to get over and
check up on him.
You ok, buddy? Max wrapped his arm around him as we slumped onto the sofa.
Yeah, Verity and I have been taking shots, not the best idea after what happened last time!
Ethan wrapped his arm around me. August, come do shots with me, its fun. He got to his feet
and tried to pull me up to join him.
Im fine with my orange juice, Ethan, you go have fun.
I figured Max would need a hand helping Ethan to the truck. It wouldnt help if Max had to carry
me out, too. Ethan flapped his arms at me and wandered over to Verity, who had occupied the table
where all the shots were lined up. As he downed a shot, his face grimaced. It was amusing to watch,
Max and I thought so anyway.
Another orange juice? Max grabbed my empty glass.
Lets go mad. I replied.
He smiled and headed back to the basement stairs. As he passed Ethan, Verity and her friends in
their drunken state, they pulled Max in for a group hug. I didnt have time to see much else as Mark
joined me on the sofa. Hes in my literature class. Id say hes five foot ten or eleven. He has short
light brown hair and green eyes. We never talk at college. I dont have an explanation as for why. I do
know that he played rugby at a high level when he was younger before he suffered a bad injury.
Hey August, enjoying the party?
Yes I am, thank you.
Your boyfriend is having fun. He focused his vision on Ethan.
Oh, hes not my boyfriend, weve been bestfriends for a long time.
He smiled, Really? Thats good.
Even in the darkness, it wasnt hard to notice how green his eyes were. You lost yourself in them.
But I wanted to know what he meant by thats good.
I frowned at him. How so?
I glanced over at Ethan again. Verity and him were giggling like a pair of kids. Marks eyes
flicked back between Ethan and me again.
Well, if I found out you and Ethan werent together. I was going to ask if maybe, possibly. Youd
like to go out with me sometime, get something to eat? He was embarrassed and shy, but it was kinda
Yeah, that would be nice. I was a little bashful myself.
Im free tomorrow, if thats any good, or is it too soon seeing as you asked me ten seconds ago?
No, no. Tomorrow would be great. How about the restaurant down from college?
I nodded, Yeah, would 3:30 be good for you?
I was worried I was being too forward and that I might frighten him off.
Max returned, he coughed. Sorry, am I interrupting?
No, No. We were just chatting. Mark stood and allowed Max to reclaim his seat. Ill see you
tomorrow, August. 3:30.
What did he want? Max asked, passing me my glass.
We have a date tomorrow. I replied in embarrassment.
Max stared at me.
What are you looking at? I asked. Im not sure whether he implied Mark was out of my league,
or vice versa.
Nothing, I always presumed if you would ever date anyone, it would be, you knowEthan.
I looked down at the floor. In the back of my mind maybe Id strangely always thought that, too. I
opened my mouth to reply but before any words escaped, Max stood. He was looking over at Ethan,
who had lain on the floor. Hed survived about an hour before his flop. Max walked over to Ethan and
knelt down beside him, followed by me. We lifted him upright.
How you doing Ethan? Max asked.
Im great, the room started spinning, so I thought Id lay down. Im such a light weight!
Ethan smiled up at me and shut his eyes. We struggled to get him to his feet and carried him to the
sofa. We didnt place him on the sofa, more of a catapult. I wasnt expecting Ethan to be so heavy,
saying that, Im not exactly the strongest. He exhaled as he slumped on the sofa, Guys, I dont know
about you, but I cant drive home. Max and I couldnt help but laugh as we sat either side of him.
Ethan then thought it would be more comfortable to sprawl himself across our legs. I love you guys,
you guys are the best. He kept repeating it over and over. Until it faded into a murmur and then he
fell asleep. Verity occupied the sofa opposite to us, her make-up had stained the pillows of the cream
sofa, a terrible choice of colour evidentially. Her emerald eye shadow however, remained on point.
On the downside, she had a bit of drool running out of the corner of her mouth.
Its 10:50pm, weve been here around an hour and thirty-five minutes, and its already time to
leave. Nevertheless, Ive had a wonderful time, even after spending most of the night babysitting. Max
and I decided it was time to take Ethan home. We woke him up and helped him to his feet. He managed
to stand on his own, so it would only be bundling up the stairs instead of horrendous bundling up the
stairs. I said goodbye to Veritys friends while Max helped Ethan upstairs. I asked if theyd tell Verity
we had a good time, but had to leave to take Ethan home. Bye Breakfast! They all shouted over my
shoulder as Max and Ethan stumbled up the stairs. I found it hard to grasp how many admirers Ethan
had. They seemed to increase by the day. Max and Ethan had made it to the top of the staircase as I left
Veritys friends. I think Ethan tried to make conversation, but all that came out was moans and groans,
and the occasional random giggle. Max opened the back door to the truck while I held Ethan. I could
barely hold myself when Im sober, never mind trying to help a drunk Ethan remain standing. We
stuck him in the back seat, promoting me to front passenger. I didnt fancy sitting in the back with
Ethan in case he threw up, which would have also made me throw up. Max decided Ethan should stay
at his. It wouldnt be fair to dump him at home on his own. The truck was silent throughout the first
couple of minutes of our journey back home. I kept looking back and checking if the sleeping Ethan
was ok. August? Max said, holding the steering wheel with one arm as if he was in a rap video.
Yes? I replied.
What are your plans for when this is all over?
You mean college or tonight? I said with a puzzled face.
He nodded, keeping his focus on the road. I hate when people do that. You ask them a question with
an optional answer and they reply with yes. How on Earth am I supposed to figure out what you
meant? Im not telepathic.
Well I suppose, if we dont go to university or whatever you will pursue your journalism career,
and Ill pursue my big break in my acting career. If that doesnt work out Id like to open a florist. As
for tonight Im going straight to sleep when I get home.
He had a concerned look upon his face as he stared into the rear view mirror, What do you think
hell do?
I turned around to check on Ethan, Im not sure Max, Im sure hell pursue his magic career. He
mentioned that he would like to open up his own bar when he retired. He may have to fetch it forward
a decade or two if it doesnt work out.
Ethan mustve heard our discussion coming from the front since a new lease of life came about
him. Hey guys, how are we, I love you, you know that right? Can we get pizza? I want a pizza.
I turned around to him and put my hand on his knee and smiled. He tried to force one in return, but
struggled. Do you want me to tell you how I did the apple trick, August? He closed his eyes and put
his head back. My response was like lightning. You already did?
Remember when I said you need two identical apples to perform the trick, well you need three
and a little varnish. The first apple I took a bite out of, varnished it so it wouldnt go off. It was in
your lunch container before you even got to first period. The second you took a bite out of. The third
was a simple whole unbitten apple to replace the second. Clever, huh?
It did amaze me. First, he explained it drunk. Second, he pulled the trick off without me noticing.
Ethan slipped back off into his sleep. We then pulled up at a set of red lights. Max stuck on the
handbrake. Im so tired, I cannot wait to climb in to bed. His tiredness mustve been contagious
because I yawned straight after. The traffic lights switched to green. Max removed the handbrake and
pressed the accelerator. At that moment, a huge bright light on my side of the truck came out of
nowhere, blinding us. The light got closer, and closer, and closer until something slammed straight
into us. There was a deafening sound of metal scraping on metal, the truck jolted, I couldnt tell if we
had flipped over or spun. There wasnt time to say anything or protect myself. I had my eyes closed
and kept them closed, hoping wed be ok. It lasted no longer than a few seconds, but it felt like an
eternity. Everything seemed to pass by in slow motion, the thudding beat of my heart echoed
throughout my body as I was tugged and thrown in all directions. My life flashed before my eyes, I
saw Madeline and Ethan making their friendship bracelets again. I saw my parents cuddling on the
sofa while I platted Madelines hair in front of the television. I saw myself spitting the blackcurrant
juice all over Ethan at his seventh birthday party. Then everything came to a halt. I tried to compose
myself and gather my bearings. My vision blurred, my head shaken and numb. I got a tiny glimpse of
Max turning around and saying, Oh my God, is everyone ok? Then everything went black.

M y ears woke up before my eyes, there was a strange beeping noise I couldnt comprehend. My
eyes took a few forced blinks to respond. I tried to sit up, but a huge stinging pain shot through
my head. I placed my hand on it, hoping the pain would decrease. Then I realised I was lying in a
hospital bed. Ive no idea how I got here. I was just happy to be alive. I couldnt see any other patients
as I was hidden behind a large white curtain. The unmistakable smell of hand sanitiser filled my
nostrils. My arm had a small plastic tube running from it into a little clear bag, held up by a thin metal
rod. A middle-aged black woman wearing a long white coat approached my bed after appearing from
behind a curtain.
Hi August. Good to see you coming around. How are you?
My mouth felt so dry I could barely speak. I glanced to my side to see a bottle of water on the
shelf. She must have noticed me looking at it as she grabbed it and poured me some into a small cup.
Never had water tasted so good.
My names Angela. Im a doctor here at Samuels Hospital. You were involved in a car crash last
night. You hit your head pretty hard. You suffered a mild concussion and a little cut to your head,
which luckily for you, didnt need stitches. We kept you sedated until the morning to be on the safe
side of things. How do you feel, dear?
Its a lot to take in after waking up from a car crash, but as soon as she said dear I immediately
thought of Ethan.
Im fine, my head hurts. How are my friends? Are they ok? Where are they? Are they dead?
I needed to know theyre ok. I began to panic, and breathing became a struggle. Angela crouched
alongside my bed. Relax, deep breaths in and out. Do you remember what happened last night? I
nodded as I followed her instructions. She held my hand as I maintained my breathing. One of your
friends is sat in the waiting room with your parents. Do you want me to send them in? I nodded and
wiped my eyes. She gave me a comforting smile before disappearing behind the curtain. My parents
worried if Im a minute late home, especially my Mum. I remember when I was younger I had an ear
infection. One night they had to take me to the kids hospital because the pain had become unbearable.
I was only a kid so I may have empthasised it a little. My Mum was crying because I was crying. After
a little medicine I was as good as new. But Ill never forget how worried my Mum was. It was like the
world was ending over an ear infection. I cant even begin to imagine what my parents are
currently going through. Mum wont have eaten, drank, or slept since hearing the news. I just wanted
them to hug me, and tell me everything would be ok. Mum appeared from behind the curtain first,
shed been crying.
Oh August, weve been so worried, are you ok my baby?
She crouched beside my bed and stroked my head. Her eyes filled with tears. I hated to see my
Mum cry. Theres nothing worse, its the most stomach churning feeling in the world.
Im fine. My head hurts a little, but its nothing to worry about.
Dad and Max then appeared from behind the curtain. I smiled at them and waited for Ethan to
follow. Then I remembered Angela saying, one of your friends is sat in the waiting room with your
parents. It kept repeating in my head over and over one, one, one, one, one, one, one. I started to cry.
My Dad crouched alongside my Mum and grabbed my hand. Were here August dont worry.
I wiped my eyes. Wheres Ethan? Is he ok? Please tell me hes ok.
I changed my focus to Max, whod stood at the end of my bed. He had a small black brace on his
right wrist and a plaster above his right eyebrow. He rubbed his nose before sticking his head out of
the curtain. I assumed he called Ethan, he mustve held back, waiting to see how I am. I calmed down,
wiped my eyes again and sniffled my nose. I smiled over at my teary eyed parents.
Is Madeline ok? I asked.
Shes fine. She stayed over at her friends last night. When we got the call we thought she would
be better staying there instead of sitting in the hospital. Its not always the nicest place for little girls.
We didnt want her to get upset.
I glanced over at Max. Are you ok Max?
He kept his eyes to the floor. Im good August.
Angela then returned from behind the curtain. When she reappeared my tears continued. Wheres
Ethan? Is he dead? Please tell me hes ok. I couldnt catch my breath. I could slowly feel my world
around me closing in on me. No, no. Mum hushed. She looked over at Angela for help. She held a
clipboard by her side with Ethans name written at the top of it. Ethan, is still sedated dont worry
hell be fine. Hed been hit pretty hard. A fractured radius and ulna in his lower left arm and a
fractured collarbone. These fractures thankfully werent compound fractures, meaning the bone
didnt penetrate the skin. And a few bruised ribs, but that will be the least of his worries. She paused
for a second, flicking onto the next page of her clipboard. As Mr. Knight was sat in the front
passenger seat, his side of the vehicle took the full force of the impact.
Angelas voice trailed off. My sight immediately switched to Max as Angela paused to write
something on her report. His eyes didnt shift from the floor. I remember little about the crash. But if
theres one thing I can remember its that Ethan wasnt sitting in the passenger seat next to Max. He
was most definitely sat in the back because I put him there. Didnt I? What am I saying of course I did.
What is going on?
If the impact would have been stronger it could have possibly killed him. Thankfully, the
reinforced sides of the truck absorbed most of the impact August, youll feel as good as new in the
next two to three hours. Your parents can sign you out then. If you want to see Ethan before you go,
Im around until five. Id be more than willing to take you to visit him.
I smiled, which she did in return. My parents thanked her for taking care of me, and once again,
Angela vanished behind the curtain. Everyone gave sighs of relief, but there was only one thing on
my mind.
Can I have a minute alone with Max, please?
I rolled my head over to my parents. Of course, My Dad said. Victoria, lets go to the caf we
saw earlier. You need a coffee and something to eat my love. He put his hand on Mums shoulder.
They both looked so tired and run down. Mum put my hand on her cheek and kissed it. Dad leaned
over and kissed my forehead. Max walked over and sat on the edge of my bed as they left.
Hey, rough night huh?
I wasnt in the mood for laughing about our situation as this moment.
What happened? I asked. I needed to get straight to the point.
Well, two idiotic guys had broken into the local jewellers. Theyd stolen over four hundred
thousand pounds worth of money, diamonds and jewellery. The police were supposed to be right
behind their 4x4. Although, I dont recall seeing any flashing lights. Anyway, they took a shortcut
through the car park of a grocery store. Hit a curb and lost control which lead to them smashing
into us. But on the bright side, we stopped a burglary last night.
We sat silently for a second while I processed everything he said. Only one thing replayed in my
mind. The one thing I needed to speak to Max about.
Max, I couldnt have said his name anymore seriously.
Please tell me you remember that I sat in the passenger seat, not Ethan.
It took a moment for him to open his mouth. I know August, I know. I cant get my head around it.
I dont know how he did it. No one here will believe us when we tell them. What can I say? He loves
you August. I hope you understand that. He didnt want you to be in the condition he is in now, and
thats why he did it, I have no doubt.
My mind went blank. Mainly because 1) Switching seats in a matter of nanoseconds is impossible.
2) He was severely drunk and shouldnt have been capable of completing the so called impossible.
Are you ok? I decided to change the subject. Over thinking the current situation wont help.
Yeah, Im fine. Only a sprained wrist, nothing serious. I asked the hospital for a brace to wear for
a week in case I catch my wrist on anything.
My head became heavy to hold as I listened to Max. I felt so weak. I tucked my fist under my chin
to keep my head upright.
I hope hes ok, I murmured.
Me, too. Max replied. Me, too.
My parents signed me out at 14:15pm after being awake for around four hours. Max and I
searched for Dr. Angela on the ward, the whole place smelt of cleanliness and rubber gloves.
Sanitation filled the air. We found Angela stood at one of the reception desks filling out paperwork.
Hi guys. How are you both? She asked.
Well be better once weve seen him. To settle our nerves, Max said.
I understand, follow me, Ill take you to him.
She leant over the desk, swapped her paperwork for a clipboard and walked down the hospital
corridor. Max and I shortly followed. Either side of the corridor had a few rooms containing five or
six patients in each. We passed each room too quickly to take in any further detail. We walked by a
further three or four more rooms before they became smaller with single patients occupying them.
Whats the difference between the conditions of the patients in the large rooms compared to patients
on their own in the smaller rooms? I asked.
Angela stopped at the third or fourth room we came across, on our left. She opened the door to the
room. In todays case, nothing. These rooms are supposed to be used for patients with life
threatening conditions. All our other rooms are full, so these patients including Ethan, have been
given upgrades, I liked how she tried to give it a positive appeal. After you. She said, holding the
door open for us. Max and I both thanked her as we walked into Ethans room. I heard his heart
monitor beeping as I stepped inside. I didnt know how to react when I saw him. The first thing that
caught my eye was the bright yellow cast on his arm. Other than waking to find himself in a hospital
with multiple injuries he wouldnt be too appreciative of the colour cast hed been chosen. Yellow is
his least favourite colour. White wouldve been the better choice. It broke my heart seeing him this
way. I could see the end of a scar along his collarbone underneath his hospital clothing. His hair
looked lifeless and dull, and his lips were almost blue. It seemed he had an endless amount of wires
and tubes running in and out of him. I knelt down beside his bed, held his hand and stroked it with my
thumb. Based upon on my evaluation of his condition, Ethan can be signed out in the next ten to
twelve days. Weve put several metal pins into his collarbone, which are permanent. The cast can be
taken off after around nine weeks. Everyones bones heal at different rates, so it could be sooner or
later. Hell be brought out of sedation tomorrow. Weve tried calling Ethans Father many times, but
weve been unable to get ahold of him. Ill excuse myself and leave you three alone. Theres a button
on the side of Ethans bed if you need emergency assistance. Dr. Angela finished before she left
Ethan, Max and I to get reacquainted. The door closed, leaving a disturbing atmosphere of heavy
breathing and beeping machines. I remained knelt as Max took a seat in the old leather chair in the
corner of the room.
Is this the first time youve seen him? I asked.
He nodded his head while biting at his thumbnail. I looked back at Ethan. My eyes welled up. I cant
imagine the pain and discomfort he will wake up to. He really is my guardian angel. It shouldve been
me laying there in his condition. He could have died switching places with me. I know its not my
fault, but I couldnt help an overwhelming feeling of guilt take over.
How did you do it? I whispered to him, stroking his hair.
Hell be thankful that he doesnt have any severe cuts or bruises to his face. He wouldnt want his
good looks to be ruined. A tear revealed itself from the corner of my eye when I glanced down,
noticing Madelines friendship bracelet on Ethans wrist. I twiddled the letters so MADDIE rotated
into position.
Shall we come back tomorrow? Hell be awake then. Max said.
Ok, sure, I need some sleep, Im exhausted and I feel crap, I replied.
Max smirked. Come on, lets go find the doctor and tell her well be back tomorrow. I turned
back to Ethan and kissed his forehead before leaving.
It felt so good to be back home. Id never been so happy to see it again. I had just closed my
bedroom door and slumped onto my bed, recalling everything that took place last night. As I tested
my memory I remembered my arranged date with Mark. Crap. I said aloud. Its not that I didnt want
to go. After suffering a concussion from a car crash the night before, I wasnt in the right mind to go
on a date. I checked my homemade clock that Ethan gave me, 3:05pm. I had twenty-five minutes to get
to the restaurant.
I should explain this clock of mine, Ethan gave it to me for my thirteenth birthday. Ethan explained
that my gift would be a month late because its taking him longer than expected to prepare it. At first it
confused me, but I went along with it. I was excited to see what he had gotten for me, the anticipation
of having to wait for another month was killing me. So on September the sixteenth I popped round to
Ethans house to open it. When I unwrapped my gift to find a small, wooden clock I wasnt sure how
to react. Giving a thirteen year old a clock isnt the most thrilling of gifts.
You dont like it? Ethan asked, squinting.
No, no I like it! Why a clock of all gifts?
He smiled at me, I wanted to give you a gift made by me, and I wanted it to mean something
you know, itll last longer than perfume.
The clock was excellently crafted not like one of those hideous ones youd make at school. It
was perfectly symmetrical and smooth, and well varnished. Im no expert on clocks, but this was a
damn good clock. Id say it was a mahogany colour. Brown would be easier to use for its
description, but brown is boring, and mahogany sounds so much cooler. It had a pearl white face, and
was marked in black Roman numerals.
Wheres the key for the back? I asked, examining the lock at the back of the clock.
Oh, I dropped it somewhere, when I find it Ill fetch it round to yours one day. Dont worry I
know where it is.
Some may think its a dull gift, but I appreciated it, and its been on my bedside table every day
since. Like Ethan said it means something and will last longer than perfume. So, returning to my
situation with Mark. Mum! I shouted as I opened my bedroom door.
August, whats wrong sweetie, are you ok? She sprinted upstairs within seconds of me calling.
Mum, Im fine. I need a lift to the restaurant. I can never remember what its called. The one down
the road. Will you take me please? I said I would meet someone there.
She panted as she turned the corner at the top of the stairs. Sure sweetie, you had me worried for
a moment there. Are you sure youre ok to go? She asked with a concerned frown.
I nodded, Mum Im fine.
She examined me with a glare, Ok, ok. So is this a date or are you meeting a friend?
I rolled my eyes at her. A guy named Mark from college asked me on a date last night, I didnt
want to be rude.
She grinned, I dont know why you and Ethan havent admitted youre perfect for each other, but
ok sweetie, Ill wait for you downstairs.

A s you can guess, my date was a complete success. Im joking. It was a total utter disaster. First, I
turned up looking like a homeless person. Second, I had to explain why I looked like a homeless
person. He was surprisingly understanding and reassuring. I dont think he even recognised me when
I approached him, thats how bad I looked.
Have a little something to eat, it sounds like you could do with some food. Then you can go
home and get some rest, he said as he passed me a menu.
We both had a bowl of tomato soup each while we waited for our mains. Mark had ravioli, and I
had a kids lasagne since I wasnt too hungry. We didnt discuss much, just college life and then wed
occasionally smile at one another. Mum was already waiting for me in car as we stepped outside. I
rolled my eyes in front of Mark, but he didnt see. Mark kissed my cheek and wished me well. He
waved to Mum before walking away. She seemed to scowl at him in an evil way. I dont know why.
Have you been sat outside waiting for me this whole time? I asked as I opened the passenger
Maybe, I assumed youd probably say something embarrassing and need to abort, so I kept the
car running outside just in case, Mum replied.
I stared at her for a few seconds, blank faced. Wow, thanks Mum. If you could say those kind,
reassuring words at my wedding Id really appreciate it.
She took my comment seriously. Just dont marry that guy, I dont like him, she said. Mark was
still visible but hed become a tiny dot along the path in the distance now.
Whats wrong with Mark? I asked with glaring eyes.
Hes not hot enough.
I shook my head at her and laughed. But never mind. Ive put that disastrous occasion behind me. I
doubt Mark will want to see me again.
Since Maxs truck is going to take around three weeks to fix, my parents gave us a lift to the
hospital. I needed to be there when Ethan woke up. I didnt want him to be alone and confused, without
a familiar face around to explain everything.
I sat myself in the chair in the corner of the room. Max is getting snacks and drinks from the
downstairs caf with my parents. They think it would be a tad overwhelming for Ethan to wake up to
everyone gathered around his bed, so they stayed downstairs. I stared at Ethan for a while, watching
his chest rise and fall.
Good news, I found you a Hallway magazine downstairs. Thats the girly gossip one isnt it? And
I got you a bottle of water. Max said as he entered Ethans room.
Thanks Did they not have any tea? I asked.
Oh blast, I forgot. He quickly placed two bottles of water onto the small coffee table with the
magazine and then rushed back out without another word. I reached over to the table grabbing the
magazine. Another huge photo of Eleanor Walden printed on the cover. Inside was a special interview
about her latest movie Hard Luck which is being released in the next month or two. That familiar
feeling of jealousy started to build up inside me. Until I dominate Britain and then the globe, knocking
her off her perch. My break big will come soon. I need it to. I have to fund my expensive taste
I read until the final paragraph of the interview and Max still hadnt returned. I dont know what
could be taking him so long. I folded up my magazine and dropped it on to the floor beside me. Then
out of nowhere I heard, So this is heaven. I glanced over at Ethan, his eyes were still shut but he had
the tiniest smirk on his face. I couldnt help but grin, I knew exactly what he was doing. Oh shut up!
How long have you laid there waiting to say that? I said, standing and pacing over to his bedside and
knelt on my knees beside him.
Not that long actually. About three minutes if were being precise.
Even after all hes been through in the past seventy-two hours he still hadnt lost his sense of
humour. Its good to see you awake. Ive missed you. How do you feel? The question I least looked
forward to asking him. His eyes opened, revealing his beautifully brown eyes. Ive missed them.
Oh, I feel fantastic, dear. Cant feel a thing! Which is a complete lie I feel dreadful.
I groaned and rested my head on his bed. He placed his hand on the top of it, brushing his fingers
through my hair and laughed. My eyes welled up as I raised my head. He pushed my cheeks together
and sulked childishly.
Why did you do it Ethan? I mumbled through my compressed cheeks.
It was the only thing on my mind from the second I found out. Ethan wiped a tear that strolled
down my cheek, dropped his hand and looked away. He let out a sigh. I he said before the door
flung open. Max stepped inside with the happiest look on his face, holding two cups in his hands.
Perfect timing, Max, I thought.
How are we feeling, bud? Max asked as he popped the cups on the table and sat onto the end of
Ethans bed, grasping his ankle.
Better now that everyone is here, Maximus my man.
I had zoned out daydreaming once those two reunited their bromance. I thought over what Ethan
had just said, better now that everyone is here. Everyone. Were everyone to Ethan. Hed lost
everything. Everyone. Other than his Dad, whos never around. Who doesnt even know Ethan is in
hospital. Max and I were his only family. Madeline is pretty much his sister.
Ethan, Im gonna come visit you every day ok? I interrupted without noticing if the conversation
had finished or not. He stopped mid conversation with Max. Rolled his head back towards me and
said, Ok August, and winked at me.

M adeline shouted me this morning, saying there was a lady on the phone for me. I rushed over and
grabbed the phone in case it was Dr. Angela calling me regarding Ethan. Hello? I said,
expecting to hear the doctor s voice.
Good morning, August. Its Ms Andrews, your performing arts teacher.
I let out a huge sigh of relief and slumped against the fridge. Hello?
Yes, sorry, hi Miss. Are you feeling better? I asked.
Better? Oh yes I was off ill, I do apologise! Yes Im much better! Your little sister is so adorable,
shes very well spoken for a seven year old.
Madeline was sat at the kitchen table watching me on the phone. I stuck my tongue out at her to
which she returned. At that moment she grabbed a kitchen chair and placed it beside the fridge,
standing on top of it and opening the freezer at the top. Madeline is addicted to ice cream; its her
favourite thing in the entire world. Bubblegum is strangely her favourite flavour, but it always has to
be Rons ice cream, thats her favourite brand. It also contains the least sugar so she doesnt turn into
a hyperactive lunatic. She eats so much of it that my parents have had to limit her to how much she can
Shes a little angel isnt she, so what can I do for you, Miss? I asked as stretched over and closed
the freezer, trapping in her ice cream. She sulked at me and vanished into the living room. Well, if
you could come to my office this morning instead of going to your first period that would be
marvellous. Ive spoken to your teacher already so they know you will be running a bit late. I just
have something to discuss with you if thats ok? I hope she didnt need to see me for a bad reason.
That wouldnt be the best start to the day. I thought I was doing well in Performing Arts, very well in
fact. Ok, Ill see you soon, I said as if a million things werent running through my mind. Perfect,
I walked to college, alone, worrying about my best friend, and what horrible news waited for me
in Ms. Andrewss office. Ms. Andrews is a no questions asked, smoking hot. I have no idea why she
isnt married or even in a relationship. She is forty-four or forty-five, I can never remember. But she
looks ten or fifteen years younger than her age. If I look even half as good as her at her age, I will be
one very happy lady. My hand hovered over the handle to her office as I reassured myself outside. I
took a deep breath and squeezed the handle but paused. I knocked, then twisted the handle to open the
August! Ms. Andrews said with delight. Please take a seat. She added.
She returned to the paperwork she was reading as I shut the door behind me and sat. I watched her
eyes flick along the final lines of the pages. My heartbeat began to thud. I really hope it wasnt bad
news. Bad news is the last thing I need.
So, I have some good news for you, August.
I dropped my shoulders and grinned.
You look surprised? She said with a frown.
I was expecting bad news thats all, Miss, I replied, fixing my posture.
Oh no! I feel I should begin with a small lie I may have told. I wasnt ill Friday. I was having a
meeting with a friend about a new job offer.
I felt like this was confidential information that I shouldnt be informed of. I didnt want her to
leave the college, why is she leaving? Shes my favourite teacher! Ok, I said, waiting for more
Youve heard of Stanley Tennant, havent you? She asked, interlocking her hands and twiddling
her thumbs.
Of course I have, you mean the director, right? I raised my eyebrows incase I had made a
collosal error.
She laughed, Yes, him. Well, Stanley and I have been very good friends since we were, oh,
fourteen maybe fifteen years old hes asked me to be the casting director on his new film because I
was on a previous one of his over a decade ago before I went into teaching.
My eyes lit up when I heard such news. I never knew that Miss, Im surprised you havent told me
She wafted her hands, I try and keep it a secret, you know, dont want people nagging me to get
his autograph and things.
I acknowledged her with a sincere nod.
Right, this is the important part. After our final assessment at the end of this week, my new job
will be Stanleys casting director. It took him a long time to persuade me, but as always, he persuaded
me. Im heading into London tonight to cast the lead role, Rachel. Hes given me strict instructions to
find him a star. Someone who takes the world by storm and everyone will know Stanley Tennant gave
that person her opportunity to be known. And that is when I mentioned you.
She extended her hand towards me. I laughed, a lot. Her brightened face dropped into a dark stare.
Oh, youre not kidding, I said, tucking my hair behind my ears and looking down.
Its not really a subject to kid about, August.
I sat upright and opened my mouth to speak, but couldnt find any words. She raised an eyebrow at
me, expecting a reply. I have fifteen girls from top colleges and universitys coming to London
tonight to audition for the role. If we can get your parents to sign a document, allowing you to join
me, I would very much like it if you would be my number sixteen.
I almost began to laugh again, but then I realised I had to take her seriously. This is something Ive
been dreaming to achieve since being a little girl, and now was my chance to prove myself.
Sixteen is my bestfriends lucky number so I think its a sign, Miss.
Excellent. Listen, I dont want you to get intimidated or worry about all these other girls
auditioning because you kick ass in my class. And you have just as much potential, if not more as
everyone else auditioning. So, if you want to call one of your parents and ask them to sign a letter of
consent, we can arrange you to join me on a train to London later.
I nodded, and without another word being said, I exited to call my parents. I rested my head against
the wall as I shut her office door. I felt like sprinting down the corridor and sliding on my knees and
cheering as loudly as I physically could. Instead, I told myself this is my time to shine, and walked
outside of college and called my Mum. It seemed before I hung up the phone she was already stepping
out of the car to rush into college.
I came as quick as I could! She shouted, jogging past in her high heels and up the college stairs.
Leaving me stood on the path outside questioning if she was actually a superhero. It seemed before I
could even open the college door to discuss things with her she was already sprinting back towards
her car to go back to work. I gotta go sweetie otherwise theyll fire me for leaving without telling
them where I was going! I love you so much! Ill see you at home later before you leave! My Mum is
the best, thats all I can say about that matter.
Ms. Andrews and I are on a train to London. After a very flustered day at college and rushing
home to make myself presentable, and millions of kisses and best wishes from my parents and
Madeline. I made it to the train station in time. Were only going to be on the train for an hour, so I
need to absorb as much advice as possible. Heres the script youre going to need, Ms. Andrews
said, passing me a few pages from her satchel. On the front it had the title TABLES OF TURNING
printed on it.
I know your performance capability, but Stanley doesnt. So, just be yourself, dont be nervous,
and you will be fine.
Wait, Stanley is going to be there? I asked.
She flicked her eyes up from the paperwork she was reading. Yes, now be looking over the script
if you dont mind.
The thought had never even crossed my mind. Im going to be auditioning in front of Stanley
Tennant tonight. I gazed upon the script Ms. Andrews had given me and turned the first page. A girl
called Rachel is sat in an interrogation room after she has witnessed a murder. She ran straight to the
police station and shes sat at her chair, shaken, in shock, and very upset. This shouldnt be a problem
for me to reproduce since they have being my exact emotions over the past few days. The only
difference between her and me is that I havent witnessed a murder. A policeman begins to interview
her, asking her about what she saw, who she saw, where she saw it take place. As the scene continues
Rachel becomes more and more upset. It finished with the policeman stepping out of the room to
answer a phone call. The scene shouldnt last any longer than two or three minutes. Im excellent at
remembering my lines. If someone asked me what my strongest attribute was, I would say its my
capability to remember my lines. Sometimes I cant remember the name of someone I met five
minutes ago, but if you gave me a ten paged script and five minutes, I could recite it to you
backwards. Its a gift I suppose. Mums superpower is to appear out of nowhere all of a sudden. Mine,
is the capability to remember scripts.
Its 6:14pm; we still have another twenty minutes to go until we arrive in London. I think Ms.
Andrews and I must be the only ones on the train because I havent seen anyone since we got on. Not
even a ticket officer.
Shall we run through your lines a couple of times? Ms. Andrews asked.
Yes please, if you dont mind. I replied.
Im glad I didnt wear mascara otherwise my face would look a mess after all the fake crying Ill
need to do.
After the third time of running through the script, Ms. Andrews smirked at me. Perfect, just
perfect, I have no doubt that Stanley will adore you, August.
It was rather humbling to hear, and I think a real tear began to run down my cheek. Whats
Stanley like in person, Miss? I asked, avoiding sounding like an emphatic fan. Oh, hes lovely. He
may come across as mean and rude, but I assure you, hes really a gentle sweetheart.
The auditions are being held in a small theatre in the centre of London. I dont know its name
because we came through the back entrance. Ms. Andrews has explained my audition will be the last to
take place, since mine was the last to be arranged. I can also watch all the auditions take place and
make mental notes of the approach each actress makes towards the character. Her and a few other
members of the casting team are all sat in the third row of the theatre. Stanley will soon be on stage,
acting as the role of the interviewing policeman. Im sat in the eighth row minding my own business.
Preparing myself for my audition, sweating and panicking. Ms. Andrews advice of not to be nervous
only increased my nerves. My body is shaking and I cant do anything to stop it. Ms. Andrews and the
other casting members sitting beside her, dropped into silence. Stanley Tennant had walked onto the
stage. He was wearing a very smart tweed suit. Stanley is bald, and wears glasses. Hes very tall and
well built. When I searched him online it said he was forty-five, but like Ms. Andrews, Stanley
appeared ten or fifteen years younger than his actual age.
Good evening. How are we all? Stanley asked, centre stage.
Very well thank you, Ms. Andrews replied on behalf of the casting crew.
Good. Stanley replied, wandering around the stage.
This man is worth millions and millions, and Im sat watching him dawdle along a stage in
London. Today has been weird. Two men appeared from stage right. One holding a table, the other
holding two chairs. The table was positioned front and center, and the chairs placed either side of the
table. Im guessing this is the interrogation room set up. Stanley sat down at one of the chairs. Dont
judge my performance, ok? Im a director, not an actor! He laughed as he finished his sentenced. Ms.
Andrews and the other members laughed, too.
Right, lets do this! Stanley said, wafting his hand.
A girl walked on from stage left, holding a rolled up script. Her audition was short and snappy.
She was good, but she made it too obvious that she was acting, it didnt seem to come naturally to her.
Maybe its because she was nervous. Which is understandable. Before they began they asked about
her. Her hobbies, things like that. I suppose they were trying to get a better perspective of who they
had auditioning for them. After each audition Stanley said one or two words about the girl he had just
ran through the scene with.
Too tall. Or Too scary. At the end of one audition he just said, No. That was after the tenth
audition. This wasnt helping my nerves at all. Stanley hasnt said one positive thing about any of the
girls yet, which is good for me, but also bad for me. My chances are increasing, but he may hate me
the most. What would he say about me? Stanleys phone went off in his pocket as the eleventh girl sat
down to audition. Stanley barked down the phone and said to get it rearranged, then hung up.
Im terribly sorry about that. Shall we begin? He said as he returned to his seat with the eleventh
Its 8:30pm, and my time is edging closer and closer. The eleventh girl walked off the stage after
shaking hands with Stanley. Perfect, Stanley said, brushing his glasses back and rubbing his eyes.
Perfect, he said again.
This made me angry. She wasnt even that good. You couldnt even hear her, she was almost
whispering. I almost booed her off the stage. The only mental note I have made for myself is that
Stanley doesnt seem to like when the girls over cry, a moaning cry, like a child who has been denied
something at the supermarket. And he doesnt seem to like it when they dont cry and just read the
script in a sad voice. So I have prepared myself to cry, but only tears running down my cheeks, cry.
Nothing over the top. Its easy to turn on and off, I do it to my Dad sometimes when he wont give me
the TV remote. Ms. Andrews walked to my row and sat beside me as the fifteenth audition took place.
If you perform exactly as you did on the train, you will be splendid.
As the fifteenth girl left the stage Stanley shouted, Not bad.
Ms. Andrews patted my knee, my cue to take my place on stage.
You really think I can do it? I asked.
She gave me a sincere nod and a smile.
I stood, rushed down to the front of the stage, jogged up the stairs and slowly sat into my seat
facing Stanley. The beaming stage lights almost blinded me, and the heat they produced was
overwhelming. I thought I might pass out as I sat in the chair. Stanleys very intimidating up close.
This man could make or break my dream and career within a matter of minutes.
Youre in a bit of a hurry arent you? Stanley said, leaning forward.
Well, she runs to the station. I figured that would make her rather flustered, so I thought Id see if
itd help to run from the eighth row. I replied, out of breath.
Stanley sulked and then raised his eyebrows, realising my actions kind of made sense. Did it
help? He asked with a blank face.
Not really, I just feel a little sweaty now. I answered with honesty.
He smirked, and rotated to Ms. Andrews and then back to me.
So you came with Jasmine, did you?
I didnt know who Jasmine was, but then it clicked that must have been Ms. Andrews first name.
Oh yes, we got the train together.
Interesting, whenever youre ready. Stanley said, offering his hand out, as if he dismissed my
knowing of Ms. Andrews. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My heart was pounding double
time, and the butterflies in my stomach felt as though they were about to erupt. But as soon as I opened
my eyes, all those nerves had vanished. It was like I was on autopilot. I was being controlled by a
remote. When I regained control of myself I had tears rolling down my cheeks, and I was scowling
deep into Stanleys eyes. He scowled right back at me. I wiped my eyes and sat upright, unsure to
whether or not I had just produced the worst audition ever. Stanley leant back on his chair. His dark
eyes faded innocently.
Where on Earth did you find this girl? He asked.
I taught her PA at the job you stole me from, Stan.
Stanley smirked, and returned his focus to me.
Incredible. He said. Incrediblethank you, August. He stood and shook my hand before
standing and making his way towards the exit.
I opened my mouth, there was so many things flowing through my mind, that I just didnt say
anything. My jaw just moved up and down, as I couldnt select a sentence.
Steve is waiting for me outside. Were having dinner. Ill call you tomorrow, Jazz. Stanley said
over his shoulder.
And just like that, he was gone. I didnt know whether to consider him cool or rude. I remained
poised at my chair. Baffled by what had taken place. I took a deep breath out and dropped my
How did I do? I asked nervously.
Like he said, you were incredible.

B y the time I climbed into bed last night, and rolled over to check Ethans clock, it was 12:36am.
What a long, bewildering, and exhausting day yesterday was. I finished college early today.
Which meant I could visit Ethan earlier since I broke my promise of visiting him every day. I felt
awful for breaking my promise. I wanted to see him so badly. To tell him about Stanley and the
audition, and to reassure myself that hes ok. We need to talk. Ill force it out of him somehow. This
isnt a show anymore. He will tell me how he switched seats or Ill be very mad. Even though I cant
really be mad at him.
I spent several minutes wandering down the maze like hospital corridors in a fluster. Luckily, I
stumbled upon Angela, who pointed me in the right direction. As I opened the door and stepped inside
Ethans room, I found Verity and her friends gathered around Ethan. I stared at them in silence. Verity
walked over and hugged me. Squeezing me for a few seconds before I put my arms around her,
giving her a comforting pat on the back. I flicked my eyes over at Ethan. His face has regained so
much colour in these past few days. He smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up, settling my nerves.
Hi guys, I said.
Scattered replies of, Hey August, came from Veritys friends. Five of them including her.
We didnt see you at college yesterday, August. We wanted to check how you were doing. Verity
said as she released her grasp from around me.
Oh yeah, Ms. Andrews planned this last minute audition for me.
The girls and I thought wed pop by and see him. We were all shocked when we heard the news.
Thats very thoughtful of you, thank you.
I appreciated them coming to visit Ethan, but I desperately wanted to be left alone with Ethan.
Verity must have psychic powers as she walked back over to Ethan and sat down beside him. I
promise well come and visit you again soon. She rubbed his un-bandaged arm and kissed his
forehead. I watched in discomfort. I felt a concerning jealousy come over me, like only I can kiss
Ethans head. Ethan briefly smiled at Verity, then her friends. Thank you ladies. It was nice to see you
all. His voice was croaky as he began his sentence, but it smoothened. See you later Breakfast, bye
Breakfast. They shouted as they left the room. I shut the door behind them, resting my head on it.
You look nice. Ethan said.
Thanks How you feeling?
I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed.
Well, Im being held together by metal. Other than that Im fine!
Ethan winced as he shuffled over, patting the space beside him with his unharmed right hand. He
raised his arm implying for me to sit beside him so he could put his arm around me. I rolled my eyes,
then sat down alongside him. I didnt want to sit on any important wires or knock him, a typical thing
for me to do. He put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. Now were alone. Tell me whats
on your mind. I know youre bottling everything up.
I rested my head on him and sighed. Yesterday, was a really, really good day. Im so sorry I didnt
come to see you, I was with Ms. Andrews, you know, my performing arts teacher, It turns out her best
friend is Stanley Tennant, the well-known director who hired her to be his casting director. She got
me an audition, and I think it went pretty well. Stanley seemed to like me.
He squeezed my shoulder. Dont worry. Theyd be stupid not to choose you.
I know Ethan is in a lot of pain. I know hes trying not to show it, but its so good to see him acting
like his usual self. Ive missed him.
Ethan you need to tell me what happened. Its driving me insane, you cant keep this from me and
expect me to be ok with it. Youre in hospital Ethan. You couldve died. Thats what Im thinking
about, its what Im always thinking about.
I nestled my head in further onto his chest. Ethan exhaled heavily.
August, sometimes these things, are best kept a secret. Believe me. I couldnt have allowed you
to be in the position I am. I spoke to the doctor. She explained if you were sitting in the passenger seat
with your seat belt on, you would have most likely died. If not instantly, shortly after attempted
treatment in hospital because youre a little dwarf and your positioning would have been different.
Tell me, what should I have done with those odds? So I switched with you. If anything ever happened
to you, I dont know what Id do. Youre all I have, August. I dont want to loose you, not now, not
His voice stuttered throughout his demanded explanation. Ive never seen Ethan cry. Even now he
wouldnt break. I delayed my reply, unsure of what to say. Im sorry, I am a dwarf arent I? I replied
with a groan.
Yes, yes you are. But youre my little dwarf. Listen, Ill make you a deal. You have until Saturday
to choose one of my tricks for me to reveal. All those year s and you get to choose one. Youll need
to test your memory. Apart from how we switched seats. Thats the deal. Any mention of seat
switching the deals off. You already know the one I told you in the truck about the apple. Thats a
bonus one. Then when you come in Saturday, well sit and Ill reveal the trick of your choice.
Ok. I said and closed my eyes.
Arriving home late last night must have tired me out because my eyes woke to Angela nudging
me. Sorry to disturb you, August, your Mum is here to take you home. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.
Ethan had fallen asleep, too. I stood and grabbed my things. I didnt want to wake Ethan, so I stroked
the hair off his forehead and kissed it. I dawdled out of the room still rubbing my eyes.
There you are, Mum said walking up to me and patting my head as I exited Ethans room.
Come on, lets go.

A s soon as I woke Saturday I rushed to the hospital to see Ethan. He was still asleep when I entered
his room. He was snoring which I thought was funny and somehow cute. I sat down on the chair.
I tried to budge it closer to his bed so we could talk better, but it screeched as I tried to drag it. So I
decided to leave it.
Either my pretending to be asleep skills are getting better or your spotting my pretending to be
asleep skills are getting worse. Ethan said with a smile as he sat up. I flapped my arms and raised my
eyebrows at him.
Drag the chair up my dear, not a moment to waste.
I frowned at the chair and dragged it again. My face grimaced as the wooden legs screeched along
the floor. I focused my sight back onto Ethan who had a straight face. Finished? I sat down in the
chair and wriggled in it to make the legs screech one last time, just to annoy him more. My face was
smug as I looked at him, he just shook his head.
Good morning by the way.
Good morning.
Can we eat before I begin? He asked. I sighed in annoyance. Id just sat down. Nevertheless, I
returned to my feet and headed over to the Caf to grab some sandwiches. The sandwich selection was
a limited one. Luckily there were three ham and cheese sandwiches left. I bought all three because Im
sure the third would be eaten at some point. I gently threw the sandwich and a bottle of water onto
Ethans lap as I retook my seat.
So, have you decided which trick I am revealing today?
I nodded as I was still chewing on my sandwich. Yeah. I said, spitting a tiny bit of food out I
tried to catch it, failing miserably. Ethan burst into an uncontrollable laughter. I laughed too because
his laugh always made me laugh. Stop, its embarrassing! I managed to say with a mouth full of
Ok, Im sorry! Ethan wiped his face with his hands and sighed.
He then grabbed his sandwich, taking a huge bite before looking back in my direction. I paused for
a second before I told him the trick I had chosen.
Ive chosen the frozen bottle one you did at Veritys party. The situation makes it difficult to pull
it off you know; first, youve got the crowd, so that means lots of people can spot anything
suspicious. Then you have the possibility of whoever fetched you the two bottles over, fetching over
the incorrect bottles. I stopped rambling and looked over at Ethan, who was gazing at me.
Sorry what, I phased out for a second there. Ethan replied in clueless manor.
Nothing, I was rambling. I replied, tucking my hair behind my ear.
He watched me for a second. So, the bottle trick eh? Are you sure thats your final choice?
I nodded a few times, One-hundred percent final choice.
Ive seen all of Ethans tricks. Most of them have been card tricks. To pick one out of all those
card tricks would be very difficult. Finding out one will make me want to find out another and thatll
send me crazy. The explanation might not even be as good as I was hoping, too.
Excellent choice my dear. So lets recap what happened before Verity opened the door and
dragged me away from you guys straight away. So when you were upstairs she kept nagging me to do
a card trick for her. I told her I would later after she asked for the fifth time. I smirked and nodded as
he continued. But Verity had a big role in this trick without even knowing. I asked her to put a few
bottles of beer in the freezer a couple of hours before we arrived as I mentioned I like beer ice cold. It
requires about three hours of cooling for this to work. Otherwise after time they expand and shatter. I
grabbed one and began drinking it for two reasons. 1) Because thats what they were intended for. 2) I
had to check they hadnt frozen already. Beer takes a long time to freeze, so I didnt need to worry
about it too much. Then when you and Max joined everyone downstairs and witnessed me performing
the card trick to Verity, which you so marvellously assisted me with. He extended his hand towards
me and I gave him the thumbs up. The beers were sitting neatly in the freezer, cooling, waiting. So
when I struck them together, the energy generated causes the liquid on the edge of freezing point, to
instantly freeze. Its all to do with science, I dunno, just thought it was cool. Basically when you hit
cold beers together, they freeze instantly. He handed me his bottle of water to open as he finished. I
visualised the whole event. Picturing every stage and figuring how much had to go right for the trick
to work
So, it could have all gone wrong? Had you practiced it before?
Yes. It didnt go to well though. The bottles smashed in my hands, Im surprised they didnt slice
all my hands open. Sometimes magic is all about luck. I took a shot, and it paid off, everyone
wouldve been too drunk to notice a difference either way.
I was too shy to tell Ethan how grateful I was for him opening up to me like this so I said, Thank
you, Ethan, placing my hand on his. I meant it. I truly meant it.

T hree more days until Ethan is released from hospital. Im happy and terrified. Itll be nice to have
my bestfriend back. Max spends his time in the library and Mark and I dont speak much. I want
to prevent the news about Mark and me from reaching Ethan because I want to tell him myself. Im
not sure how hell react. Thats why Im afraid to tell him. I dont mean he will freak out. I mean he
may think our friendship will be affected and well soon see less and less of each other. Who knows
what will happen. Honestly, spending much more time with Mark isnt something I intend on doing.
Hes a nice guy, but relationships are about finding that someone you want to spend the rest of your
life with. I certainly cant see myself getting married or having kids with him. That is how youre
supposed to feel about someone. Isnt it? Im telling myself thats why Ive not told Ethan yet. Mark
and I went for a walk the day after Ethan told me the secret to his bottle trick. Theres nothing I can
say about it really. It was nice, but theres no spark between us. When I picture myself sat next to the
person I want to spend the rest of my life with, I always see Ethan sitting right next to me. Maybe its
because hes been sitting there for the past twelve years.
Im furious with his Dad for not visiting him. After he wandered off to Italy to play poker, he
turned off his phone so no one can contact him to prevent distractions. The hospital has tried calling
him countless times, and so have I. What can kind of Father does that? I know hes been doing well
and fetching good money home. Still, his son is in hospital and he doesnt even know. His son could
have died and he wouldnt have known. Two weeks. Two weeks, not one call, not one text to check on
his son, the last of his family. Ethan deserves so much better. Its not that I dont like Ethans Dad, hes
a great guy, or was.

M onday, the day before Ethan returned to college. Ive missed him. I visited him Thursday, the day
before he was due to be released from hospital. He asked me to give him until Tuesday. That he
had things to sort out. I offered to help although his stubborn self refused.
Mark walked over during lunch today and we ate together. The awkwardness of it all didnt allow
me to enjoy it as much as I shouldve done. He kept saying, So. Like a weird amount of times. At
least ten times. Then he asked me out to go out with this evening, which I stupidly accepted. I
shouldve cut it off with him there and then, but I didnt have the courage. I decided Id tell him later at
dinner. Im rehearsing over in my head what Im going to say to him to stop our dating. Were
meeting at the restaurant we had our first date in. Ive never done this before, never. I at least wanted
to give him the decency of telling him in person, surely that is the right thing to do. Ive heard people
end it over the phone and it doesnt end well. My palms were sweating as I grabbed the handle to the
restaurant door. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Im sure Mark will be fine. He wont be too
heartbroken losing little old me. I recognised the back of his head as I entered the restaurant.
Hi. I said as I slid onto my seat.
Hi. He replied.
How are you? I asked, the only thing in my head was, how long do I leave it until I tell him? Do I
tell him now or leave it until later?
Im dreadful, what about you? He replied.
Whats wrong? I asked.
He sighed, Turns out my mum has been cheating on my dad with our neighbour for the past three
weeks. Theyre getting divorced, its like a war zone at home right now.
I glanced down at his hands. He held a glass of scotch in his hand. His eyes were watery. A mixture
of tears and alcohol. How could I break the news to him now? The last thing he needed was more bad
news. Maybe I was being too considerate.
Im so sorry to hear that Mark, but I really need to talk to you. I sucked in all my courage and
decided to go for it. It would give it time to marinate. With everything thats going off right now, Im
not ready for a relationship. There are too many things happening in my life and the time isnt there
for you. Im so sorry to tell you this now, its the last thing you need, but I didnt want to mislead
you. I felt so bad telling him this now although I knew if I didnt tell him now Id feel ten times
worse later. Itd only mislead him more.
Oh no, its fine. Im seeing somebody else anyway. At least lets have something to eat and let me
walk you home?
To be honest Im surprised I didnt throw my drink in his face. Hes seeing someone else and just
dismissed it as if wasnt a big deal. I wanted to stand up and leave. Instead I stupidly stayed and as time
passed Mark continued to drink more scotch. He attracted more and more attention to our table so I
called the waiter over to pay for our bill. I tried calling Mark a taxi although he insisted on walking
me home. He was managing to walk rather sensibly so I let him walk with me to save causing a scene.
I called him a taxi once we arrived at my front door.
Well, you take care Mark. I said as I placed the key into the door.
I will do, August. He slurred his words to the point they were almost unrecognizable.
I nervously laughed. The taxi couldnt arrive soon enough. I know Mark was going through a
tough time at home, but its no excuse to be an asshole. Im going through a tough time too, but I
dont solve my problems with alcohol or see other people. I guess people solve their problems
differently. I stayed with him to make sure he got into the taxi ok. I didnt like the idea of him hanging
outside my house drunk. I leant myself against the door and closed my eyes for a moment. I opened
them to find Marks face attached to mine. He was kissing me. I immediately tasted the scotch and felt
like throwing up. I pushed him away as hard as my arms allowed me.
What do you think youre doing? A few alterations may have been made to what I said.
Come on babe, dont be frigid. Lets go inside. Mark grabbed me by my waist, pulling me in to
him, kissing me once again, and groping my behind.
I used all my strength to try and release myself from his grasp, but I wasnt strong enough. I
shifted my head away from his. The only part of me capable to force away from him.
Mark, get off me! No! I yelled.
I nearly called for help before I remembered a program I watched on TV about self-defense.
There wasnt an alternative, I readied my knee and jolted it between his legs. His grasp instantly
released. He stumbled backwards holding himself. As I turned to open the door he swung me back and
smacked me across the face. Causing me to fall and hit my cheek on the side of the door handle. The
pain shot through me like a bullet, I quickly returned to my feet in a panic. My hands struggled to turn
the key as I fiddled with the lock. The door came to my saviour and finally opened. Madeline stood
there wide-eyed with shock implanted on her face. I pushed her back and slammed the door behind us
forcing my back against it.
Lock the door, lock it. I shouted.
She lifted the handle and turned the key. I dropped to the floor with my head in my hands. Thanks
Sis, youre a real life saver. Me and my friends were playing a game, and I was trying to hide from
them. I could sense her looking down at me silently. I parted my fingers and glanced up at her.
Tag? She asked with a blank expression poised upon her innocent face.
Yes, yes, tag, Im the winner! I murmured through my hand.
I turned and peeked through the keyhole to check if Mark had gone. The pain running through the
corner of my left caused me to squint. I caught the back of the taxi speeding away. I sighed and
returned my face back into my hands.
Madeline, why dont you go upstairs? Is Mum and Dad home?
They went out for food. Im getting ice cream, dont tell Mum or Dad and I wont tell them about
you and your friends playing tag. Madeline said, shes exceptional at making arrangements.
Deal, I shouted. I peeked through my fingers to see her skipping towards the kitchen. I stumbled
to my feet and ran upstairs. The pain on the side of my face gradually increased with each step I took.
I closed my bedroom door shut and raced over to the mirror. The whole side of my eye had gone red.
No cutting or bruising surrounded my eye, just redness. Tears had filled my eyes, blurring my sight. I
walked back downstairs. My face required something frozen to help numb the pain. Madeline had
stood on a kitchen chair, reaching into the freezer for her beloved ice cream. I leant past her,
grabbing a bag of frozen vegetables, gently placing it against my tender skin. I returned to my
bedroom, closing the door behind me and sat on my bed and cried. As the tears rolled down my face,
reality sank in. Im so disappointed and disgusted. I genuinely believed Mark was a nice guy. The
thought of seeing him at college tomorrow terrified me. Its Ethans first day back tomorrow as well.
I rolled over, sinking my head into my pillow. What is he going to say if he finds out? I hadnt even
told him about seeing Mark. I felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out. I tucked myself into
a ball, resting my hand under my face to keep the frozen vegetables in place and shut my eyes.

A s far as worst days go, yesterday topped the list by far. I feel awful. I stared down at my socks
before raising my head to check my reflection. The bruising wasnt as bad as I expected. A mark
still revealed itself beside my left eye, nothing noticeable from a distance. I considered not going to
college for the rest of the week. Im capable of pretending to be sick for the rest of the week, although
my parents can see through mine and Madelines attempts most of the time. I glanced over at Ethans
clock, ten minutes behind my usual schedule.
I left the house still planning how Id proceed with the day. I couldnt meet Ethan by our tree. Hed
be furious when he saw my face, too. Id need to enter college from the back entrance. Ill catch him
at lunch. By then Ill have a plan to explain the marking on my face.
During the first two lessons of PA I sat at the back, out of the way of everyone. I felt like throwing
The next two lessons I had free periods. I walked out the back entrance of college towards the wall
at the edge of the path. Max must have seen me exit because he jogged after me. He stared at me when
I turned to look at him.
Who did this to you August? He kept his distance.
Max, Im not in the mood for a chat. Dont worry Im fine. Have you seen Ethan? I snapped.
Max sighed. Hes here, hes looking for you. He will be furious when he finds you. Take it easy
on him, hes having a tough time at the moment, re-adjusting back to his life with his injuries.
I nodded and walked away, leaving him behind. I sat myself on the short wall surrounding college,
feeling sorry for myself.
After five short minutes of watching the world pass me by a shadow hovered over me. I knew who
it was when I saw the position of his arms in his shadow. I cant explain how much I wished to avoid
Why have you been avoiding me? Ethan asked.
Ethan.Im, before I finished my reply hed knelt down in front of me. Its the first time Id
seen him at college without a tie since the first day. I placed my head into my hands.
Whats wrong? Will you look at me please?
No. I replied. I began to cry because I knew what came next.
August. He softly grabbed my hands and lowered them, raised my chin and tucked my hair
behind my ears. I lifted my head, delaying what I wish he didnt have to see. I began to cry even more.
I glanced up to see Ethan, crying. The first time Id ever seen him cry. I saw the disappointment in his
eyes. He reached up, wiping my tears away with his thumb, and gently stroked the marking beside my
eye. Ethan removed his hand and held it up. It was shaking. He clenched his fist and wiped away his
tears. His eyes suddenly filled with rage. He stood, kissed the top of my head, and before I could say
anything, already walked back towards the college doors. I figured he was mad at me, then I realised
where he was going. I immediately got to my feet and chased after him.
Ethan wait, Ethan, come back! He ran up the stairs to the college doors, swinging one open. It hit
the stopper so hard the top glass panel shattered. I jumped back in case any of it flew my way. A few
students noticed the door smashing, too. Everyone else had stood further along the college corridors,
deep in gossip. Everyones attention switched to Ethan entering through the shattered door. Ethan
walked towards the main entrance of college where Mark and his friends were stood. I dont know
what worried me more, Ethan knowing I had been seeing Mark or that he was making his way over to
him now. I sprinted down the corridor. After a few seconds I gave up because I knew I wouldnt be
able to catch him. Everyone had fell into silence. All eyes focused onto Ethan. One of Marks friends
must have alerted him that Ethan was on his way over because he had turned around.
He held up his hands in front of him. Ethan listen- Mark started to say before he was stopped.
Ethan had punched him. His right fist connecting with the side of Marks jaw. The sound echoed
throughout the corridor. Mark stumbled to the floor, hitting his head hard against the ground. He
coughed and groaned as he sprawled out on his side on the floor. Ethan knelt down, grabbed him by
the scuff of his shirt and dragged him to his feet. If you ever, ever, touch her, if you ever speak to
her, if you ever go near her again. I swear to God, I will fucking kill you.
Ethan threw Mark into his friends then stormed out the college doors. He hurried down the stairs
before stopping. He turned and jogged back up the stairs, reopening the door and walked through the
crowds to me. He smiled and put his arm around me and walked me towards the college doors we
originally came from. I was so exhausted from everything that I really didnt care about what
happened. I just wished I never agreed to see Mark. One day, Ethan has been back one day. Not even
one day, a few hours, and hes already going to be kicked out of college, with less than a week to go.
Hi. I said to Ethan as he stood at his sink. I realised my choice of words couldve been better due
to the circumstances.
Will you give me a hand here please? He held up his hand, revealing his badly bruised knuckles.
I took ahold of his hand in my own, analysing it. It was still shaking.
Sit down and Ill get you some ice.
Hed already got a bag of ice scattered on the side. Obviously hes struggling to adapt with his arm
in a cast. I grabbed two sandwich bags from the draw placing one inside the other for strength. Filled
them with ice and cold water then tied a knot at the top. Ethan had sat on a stool at the centerpiece of
the kitchen. I walked over and pulled up a stool. Theyre big stools, so I always have to climb onto
them without looking like a toddler. I hopped onto mine and faced Ethan, our knees almost touching. I
lifted his hand onto the side, placing the bag of ice onto his damaged knuckles.
Better? I asked.
He nodded faintly in reply. He looked terrible, like he hadnt been sleeping well. His face had lost
its colour again, surely what happened back at college didnt cause all this?
I opened my mouth but Ethan beat me to it.
Why didnt you tell me? He asked, staring at his hand.
I dont know, I didnt know how to tell you.
Ethan continued to stare at the ice on his hand. Theres somethingtheres something, I need to
tell you.
Whats wrong? I immediately replied.
I heard in his voice that this was a serious matter.
My Dad died, last Thursday. I got a call after you left the hospital. He drank himself to death.
They brought him back a couple of times in the ambulance and in hospital. He kept slipping out of
their hands until they eventually had to give up on him.
I dropped my head and gazed at my lap. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.
Its my fault. Ethan added.
Dont be ridiculous. I snapped.
I couldnt believe he thought that, there was no saving his Dad.
Theres something else I need to tell you. Ive been keeping it from everyone, but I told my dad
before he left. The concern that rushed over me when he mentioned something else, how could his
situation get any worse?
What is it?
Ethan flopped the ice off his hand, rose from his stool and walked out of the kitchen. I heard a
door creak open and slam shut. He reappeared holding a black travel bag. He dropped it onto the
floor beside my stool. I hopped off my stool, crouching down alongside the bag. I anxiously dragged
the zip across to find it was filled with money. I glanced back up at Ethan, speechless. He focused on
the bag with disgust.
Is this your Dads winnings? I returned to my feet.
Ethan. I said louder, as I didnt receive an answer.
He took a deep breath in. No, theyre actually my winnings. You see my Dad hasnt been doing
well at all these past few months I have. Hes been doing terrible in fact. Hed go out to all these
casinos and return empty handed. If he earned anything hed have lost it soon after. Hed come home,
leave his bag at the bottom of the staircase and fall asleep on the sofa. Every morning when I came
downstairs Id check his bag. Empty. Always empty. Id had enough, I wouldnt allow him to send us
bankrupt. So the next time he went out, I myself went out. Ive lost count how many times Ive done it
now. Each time Id come back with a larger amount. When my Dad got back Id put some of the
money Id won into his bag. I thought hed maybe consider stopping for a while, but hed run on out
again to return with an empty bag. That was the disappointing part, he wouldnt even consider saving
some. Still, I kept doing it because I had no other choice. I didnt know what else to do. Before he left
for Italy, I cracked, and told him it was me putting the money in his bag, not him. He was furious, and
sober for once. He paused and rubbed his eye. I told him he needed to stop, but he refused to accept
it and stormed out. I mean, I didnt even get to say goodbye.
I walked over to Ethan and hugged him. Theres nothing I can say or do to help during this time. I
just want him to know that Im there for him. That Im always there for him, no matter what. I raised
my head and suddenly his lips appeared desirable. A sudden urge came over me to kiss them. Before I
could take action he rested his chin on the top of my head.
Are you ok? He asked.
Yeah, Im fine. I replied, resting my head against his chest.
Is there anything I can do? Is there anything you need?
Our hug parted. Ethan shook his head. Lets sit down, ok?
He nodded and made his way into the sitting room. I ran my hands threw my hair, joining them at
the back of my head as I stared back down upon the bag full of money. The craziest past couple of
weeks had now gotten even crazier. What is he to do with all this money? There is enough here to last
him for most of his life.
I picked up the bag and placed it along the side of the sofa. I avoided putting it in front of Ethan.
Right now Im sure he hated the sight of it, regardless to the amount. I sat beside him on the sofa. I
then noticed how much our lives were going to change. If I got the part for Stanleys film and had to
leave for a while to film, who would Ethan have left?
Who knows how long I will be gone. I dont want him to turn into his Dad.
What are you thinking about Ethan?
Do you want to stay here for a while? He quickly replied.
I opened my mouth to reply, but the answer I was searching for wasnt there. With everything
going on lately this seemed like a rushed decision. Ethan does have a big empty house and I suppose I
eventually have to move out of my small bedroom in my parents house.
Ill talk to my parents and see what they say. I dont have the I was about to ask about money,
but it occurred to me Ethan would insist it that wouldnt be a problem. Never mind.
Everything will get better with time Ethan, I promise. How about when youve had your cast taken
off, we take a break and go on holiday? Ive always wanted to go to France, lets go there.
He smirked. Sounds nice.
I better go home and speak to my parents. I need to be brave and tell them about Mark. Theyll be
back from work soon. Then Ill come back here and stay with you tonight. Ok?
Ethan got to his feet, sniffling his nose. Excellent plan, my dear. Im gonna head to the bank and
sort out this money then come back and take a shower. You have a key anyway so let yourself in. He
forced a smiled.
I grabbed hold of him again and gave him another hug before leaving for home.
Talking to my parents about recent events was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do. They
freaked out about the state of my face and that charges should be pressed against Mark. I explained
Ethan punched him very hard and they seemed to calm down after that. Telling them about Ethans
Dad was difficult. It upset them more than I expected, the only time they ever spoke was either at mine
or Ethans birthday parties as kids. Finally I told them Ethan asked me to stay with him. I said Id stay
tonight, but permanently was a big deal.
How are you going to pay for everything if you do move in? Mum asked.
Uhhhhhh, I stalled. Ethans Dad left plenty of money. Ethan insisted we used that. Until I make
my own money, then I can chip in.
My parents looked at each other and shrugged. See how tonight goes, if you still want to move
there tomorrow Im sure well agree youre fine to stay there until Ethan has returned to full health.
Well call it a trail run.
Madeline then entered the room and jumped onto the sofa beside me. She rested her head on my
lap and fell asleep without saying a word. I sat and stroked her forehead for five minutes before
slipping a cushion underneath her.
Be careful, please. Mum said as we pulled up outside Ethans. She gave me her serious frown. I
waved goodbye as I placed my key in Ethans front door.
August, is that you? Ethan shouted as I shut the front door.
Yep, its me.
Im in need of your assistance, dear.
I rushed to his aid in case hed hurt himself. I opened his bedroom door to find him sat on his bed
with his shirt half off. Itd got stuck midway between his arm and head, blocking his sight. He
appeared to be a tad frustrated.
As you can see, I cant get my shirt off.
I knelt down in front of him and unhooked his shirt from his elbow and raised it over his head,
exposing the large scar along his collarbone. I flicked my eyes up to Ethans. He quickly rose and
maneuvered past me, exiting the room without saying another word. I threw my things onto the floor
in the spare bedroom. After everything that has happened I figured Ethan wouldnt have been eating
properly. Over the weekend I bet he hardly ate anything.
I emptied a full bag of pasta into a pan of boiling water, allowing it to simmer on the stove whilst I
ran back upstairs. Ethan was still in the shower so I entered his room again, to observe his enormous
collection of movies along his shelf. Since Im a dwarf, I had to pull the chair from his desk to
analyse the shelf. I quickly hopped off the chair and shuffled it a few feet to my right. I had stumbled
upon my choice. No other film can cheer you up more than your favourite. The Usual Suspects. Ethan
lives for the ending. I think I like it because of how much he likes it.
Come on, eat up. I said, forcing pasta down him as we sat and watched our film in his bed. We
took it in turns to eat, Id have a mouthful of pasta then Id feed him a mouthful.
I can feed myself, August. Ethan growled.
This is cute though. I said making baby faces, feeding him more pasta.
We fell asleep after Id finished feeding him. In the middle of the night I was suddenly jolted
upright and awoken. Ethan had flicked me up with his arm.
Whyd you do that? I asked angrily.
He grabbed me and hugged me. Sorry I was having a nightmare.
I put my arms around him. Do you want to talk about it? Ethan looked like hed just seen a ghost
and it worried me. No, Im fine.

M y parents sat Ethan and me on the sofa as if we were two six-year-old kids who had misbehaved.
Your college called and asked us to stop by for a chat, my Dad began.
We met a principal or whatever you call them to discuss recent events. We should have been
shown the footage from the surveillance cameras. However, somehow they misplaced the footage, or
they werent working at the time of the incident. He stopped, allowing a disturbing silence amongst
us. Both my parents peered over at Ethan, who was analysing his bruised knuckles. I cautiously joined
them, was there something they knew that I didnt?
My Dad took a deep breath in. So, the kid who hit my Daughter has a broken jaw. Some
mysteriously lost camera footage, and thats it, I think. I covered everything didnt I? He stopped and
turned to my Mum who nodded. Right, so, all I have to say about the matter is, Ethan, good work.
August, youre banned from dating for life.
He walked into the kitchen without saying another word. My Mum shook her head sarcastically
and followed him. Later on my parents sat and talked to Ethan alone. Probably about his Dad. As I sat
on the sofa, watching them talking at the kitchen table. My phone buzzed in my pocket, alerting me
that I had a new voicemail. Which is strange because I didnt hear or feel my phone ringing in my
pocket. It had been playing up recently. Maybe its time for a new phone. I do still have the first flip up
phone my parents ever bought me. A bedazzled one at that too. I clicked play and placed the phone
against my ear.
Hello, August. Its Ms. Andrews. I suppose Jasmine would be more appropriate now. Ive heard
about recent activities taking place at college, I hope youre ok. So, first off, Ive graded your final
assessment based on what I have already seen, because lets face it Ive seen your performance a
million times already. So overall you got an A, congratulations, highest in the class might I add? Now,
this news may be of a little more interest to you. Stanley adored your audition. So basically the part is
yours if you want it my love. I insisted on you doing a call back audition, but Stanley said he knows a
star when he sees one. Stanley and I would love to stop by your house for tea sometime this week, we
can meet your parents and fetch along the contract you will need to sign. Call me back when you can
please! Goodbye!
I dropped the phone and jumped into the air, screaming. I sprinted into the kitchen. I got it, I got
the part! I yelled. My parents and Ethans faces looked as if they were about to burst. Suddenly I was
trapped in a giant screaming group hug. My little baby is gonna be famous! Mum cried.
Madeline came rushing into the kitchen, and clinched my leg and started screaming along with
everyone else. Within a matter of seconds she was then climbing into the freezer as she saw her
opportunity to have a bowl of her beloved ice cream. Madeline, no! Dad barked.
We all sat at the kitchen table and took a moment to compose ourselves.
So what happens now? Ethan asked, sitting Madeline on his knee.
Well, they want to pop round for tea and meet you guys!
Hurry and arrange it then sweetie! I want to meet him!
Ethan, Madeline and I went for a walk while I called Ms. Andrews back.
August! She answered in an ecstatic fashion.
Hello, I replied, remaining calm. Are you excited? She asked. Very! I screamed. My
calmness didnt last long. I cant believe it! I yelled. Thank you so so so so much.
It was all your own work, August. You should be extremely proud of yourself! Were running on
a small time frame because we dont have long until filming begins, Stanley has arranged this film
like no other and the turn around time will be phenomenal. Every tiny detail has been arrnaged. Is
tomorrow too soon for Stanley and I to come around for tea?
I nodded and then realised words were required. Tomorrow afternoon would be perfect!
Shall we say 4:30? Will everyone be home then?
I paused and went over my parents work schedules. Yes, that gives everyone plenty of time to be
ready. I placed my hand on my forehead, and ran my hand through my hair. This was really
happening. My dream is coming true, and Im going to be famous! We will see you then, August.
She hung up, leaving me staring at Ethan in bewilderment.
Everything ok? He asked.
Yes, everythings fine. Its just been such a crazy week, I replied.
He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. Ouch! Watch my ribs!
Im so sorry, why am I so clumsy!
He grinned and pointed at me, I got you!
I sulked at him and felt like punching him, but maybe that would actually hurt him. I hate you, I
mouthed. He nodded sarcastically, Of course you do.

H ow do I look? Mum asked, walking into the living room, wearing a rather revealing
summer dress.
Mum! I shouted, covering Ethans eyes as we sat on the sofa.
Too much? She asked, hunching over and fiddling with her boobs.
I placed an extra hand over Ethans. Go and change, please!
But Stanley is coming! I want him to know you have a hot Mum!
Why cant I see your Mums cleavage? Ethan asked.
Be quiet you. I whispered.
Dad appeared from the kitchen. Victoria, it isnt my birthday until February. Ethan laughed. I
frowned. Mum took it as a compliment.
Is this really what were talking about? This is the biggest moment of my life and were talking
about Mums boobs! I protested, dropping my hands from Ethans eyes.
Woah! Ethan shouted.
I placed my hands straight back over his eyes.
In my opinion you look very hot, Mrs. Bishop, Ethan added.
Thank you, Ethan, Im keeping the dress on anyway.
Madeline appeared from upstairs. Do you like my dress, Madeline?
Madeline didnt reply. She stood with her mouth ajar. Then vanished back upstairs. Mum gave us
all one quick look. Ok, Ill get changed.
I waited until she had gone upstairs to give Ethan his sight back.
Not bad. Ethan said, producing a slight smirk.
Madeline reappeared from the staircase and spread herself across our laps as we continued to
watch Patrick Miller s show.
Ill go see if your Mum needs a hand with anything. Dad said, venturing off upstairs. I placed my
head in my hands and laughed. My family is so weird. When I reemerged from my hands Ethan was
being a little too adventurous with his eyes at a certain department of mine that my Mum may have
Really? I said with a scowl.
He raised his eyebrows and returned his sight to the television.
A knock came at the door five minutes later. I glanced around at everyone.
Please dont scare them away! I instructed.
I took a deep breath before opening the door.
Theres my superstar! Stanley stated, and then hugged me.
Hi, I said, from over his shoulder. He was wearing a black bowler hat, and a long black scarf
and coat. A very fashionable attire to come to my house for tea. I stood aside and allowed them to
come in. Ms. Andrews and I share a smiled as she entered and made her way into the living room.
Stanley and Ms. Andrews were already hugging and kissing everyone as I locked the front door.
Its a pleasure to meet you. You have a lovely home, its so welcoming.
I was in charge of choosing the TV, everything else Victoria was in charge of. Dad replied.
Stanley and Ms. Andrews found him amusing and laughed more than I expected. Mum, Dad,
Stanley, Ms. Andrews and I sat at the kitchen table to discuss me. Ethan was keeping Madeline
entertained in the living room.
As Mum poured Stanley a cup of tea he began to explain the movie.
Were shooting the film in Philadelphia, USA. Youre a new girl in town, youve come over from
the UK to study at their university or college, whatever they call it. You become friends with your
roommate. Who youll meet over there, shes lovely, Im sure you two will get along. So let me
explain this as quick as I can. Your first night there as youre walking home, you witness a murder,
you run to the police station because it isnt far away. The interrogation room scene we did at your
audition is our next step, youre being questioned by a police officer. Your roommate from college
comes to support you. Then a load of bad guys pull up outside because a cop on the inside informs
them that theyve been caught. So all hell breaks loose, everyone is getting shot or killed. You and
your friend are hiding in the room, and to escape, you cant be afraid to get your hands dirty. You get
a gun, shoot a few people, have a few fights, get thrown through some glass, but in the end, you and
your friend are the last two left and walk off into the sunset.
Stanley took a sip of his tea. It will be a lot better than how I just explained it, trust me. We
laughed at his comment and everyone looked at me.
Sounds great, I said with a grin.
Perfect, Stanley replied.
Normally this movie would take about a year before it is released. But, I intend to have it ready
for the middle of November. The hopeful plan is to have you in Philadelphia by next weekend, spend
a couple of weeks doing script reads, dress rehearsals, stunt practices, little things so were ready for
the first day of filming. Following so far? He asked, pausing for a moment. We all nodded, allowing
him to continue.
The movie will take around two months to film, maybe a little less. This is because most of the
film is going to be shot in the same building, and we dont have that many changes to make. Ive also
arranged to have the editors on set with me, so at the end of each day, the filming we have done that
day can be given to them to be working on. If everything goes to plan the film should be ready well in
advance. But like I said, were aiming to have the premiere for the middle of November. Its costing
us a fortune so it better.
Madeline appeared from the living room as Stanley finished.
Mum, can I have some ice cream?
I smirked at her because she knew this was a situation where Mum couldnt say no. Mum scowled
at her realising this.
Of course sweetie, help yourself.
Stanley and Ms. Andrews found her adorable. Would you like some ice cream? Madeline said,
looking up at Stanley.
Stanley frowned. What flavours do you have?
We have bubblegum or chocolate.
Stanley frowned again. Ive never had bubblegum flavoured ice cream before. Have you,
Ms. Andrews shook her head. No, I dont think I have.
Madeline watched them unamused.
Well have two bubblegum ice creams if you dont mind little one.
Dad stood, and grabbed her the ice cream from the freezer. As she prepared their ice cream
Stanley pulled some paperwork out of his bag.
This is your contract. Weve made it as simple as possible to avoid complications and save time.
It basically says you agree to be in the film and play this character. And youll be well looked after
and how much you will be paid, and what is required of you and when.
He passed it over to me. I laid it out infront of my parents, so we could read it together. Madeline
placed two bowls of ice cream in front of Stanley and Jasmine and disappeared into the living room
once again. They ate their ice cream as we read through the contract. The only thing that caught my
eye was how much I would be paid. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I nearly fell off my chair.
Dads eyes nearly popped out more than when he saw Mum in her dress.
Ill get a pen. Mum said, rushing over to her bag.
This isnt bad you know, Stanley said, referring to the ice cream.
Not bad at all.
Are you happy with everything? Dad asked.
I nodded. Mum passed me the pen. I glanced down at the contract for a moment before signing it
and returning it to Stanley.
Youre going to break a lot of hearts, August. He said with a grin.
They didnt stay much longer as they had to attend to other business.
Mum wouldnt let go of Stanley when he gave her a hug. Thank you so much. She said,
squeezing him.
Well be in touch about flight details. Ms. Andrews said as we waited for Mum to release her
After I closed the door I rushed over to my parents and hugged them. Thank you. I said. They
had dedicated their lives to me for the past nineteen years and it has finally paid off.
Were so proud of you, August, Mum said, bursting into tears.
I want a new TV, Dad said.
Mum nudged him and then went upstairs to stop her crying. Dad followed her. I slumped onto the
sofa beside Ethan, resting my head on his shoulder. Congratulations. He said, kissing the top of my
Im going to be famous, I laughed. Who would have thought it?
I did, Ethan answered. I always have.

I ve just arrived into my hotel suite in Philadelphia. My transport here alone made me feel like a
rock star. Ms. Andrews insisted that I called her Jasmine from now on since well be working
together on a daily basis. Jasmine and Stanley arranged for us to travel first class from London to
here. Everything was so glamorous and luxurious. My seat moved backwards and forwards and I had
my own TV and my own little fridge beside me. I honestly felt like royalty, I must have taken a
thousand photos throughout the flight. My favourite photo was the one the flight assistant took of
Jasmine, Stanley and I, holding champagne glasses. I sent the photo to Mum once we landed so she
knew we were doing well. I had to leave two days before Madelines eighth birthday. I hate having to
miss it. I wrote her a letter during the flight since it would be eight hours before we landed. I thought
shed appreciate it more coming from the USA. Also, if I sent a text it could be deleted or forgotten
within a day. Letters can be kept and reread over time, as long as theyre not burnt.

Happy birthday Sis. Im so sorry I cant be there to celebrate with you. You wont be
disappointed when youre joining me on the red carpet and meeting all the hot male celebs! I
cant believe youre 8 now, youre making me feel old! I didnt buy you a present at home
because you already have everything you little spoilt thing! So Im going to get you something
over here and post it back to you soon. I know Mum and Dad can be frustrating but be patient
with them, chick. It wont be long until youre heading out here to visit me! Once youve
finished the next couple of weeks of school, well arrange for you all to come visit. Take care
Madeline, look after Ethan for me please. I know he will be missing me (even though he wont
admit it.) Im sure hell visit you at some point and wish you Happy Birthday.
All my love, August.

I havent been introduced to anyone yet. I was told to settle into my accommodation last night, and
I would be introduced to everyone today. My hotel suite is like something you would see out of
movie! I have two floors! Downstairs I have a kitchen and living room. Upstairs I have my bedroom.
Everything is so beautiful and modern. Theres a window in my bedroom, but Im too small to reach
it. So I dont have much of a view, but that doesnt bother me. My favourite piece of furniture is the
chair hanging from a wire on the ceiling. Its almost like a floating birds nest. I have to hop into it
since Im quite small, but once youre inside you feel like an astronaut. Its perfect for taking naps in
or watching TV. It still isnt home, so Ive fetched a couple of family photo frames from home and
also Ethans clock. There isnt a clock upstairs or beside my bed so its helpful that I fetched it.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are brought to my room by butlers, so I dont have to cook! For breakfast
they fetch up various cereals and fruits for me to choose from. While Im having breakfast they leave
you a little card to tick for your choice of lunch and dinner. Half of the things on the card dont make
much sense. It just needs to say pizza or spaghetti. Not leek and watercress, served with caviar and
spinach. I made that up, but the menu is very similar to that. This must be costing whoever pays for all
this a fortune to provide if I will be staying here for two months. Im extremely anxious to meet
everyone. I hope they like me. This wont be fun if no one likes me or we dont get along. Im
determined to make the right impression with everyone though.
At around 11:30am, Jasmine was at my door to escort me down to meet everyone.
Nervous? She asked.
A little, I replied, tying up my hair.
Dont be. Theyll love you.
We took the stairs down so it gave me time to compose myself and prepare myself for meeting
everyone. We stopped at a lounge door.
How many people are in there? I asked.
She winced. Thirty maybe forty people. Today were introducing everyone, and talking about
schedules, how we plan on making the movie. We start reading through the script tomorrow.
I nodded. Ok ready when you are.
She grinned and opened the door to the lounge. When it said lounge I was expecting a big sitting
room and everyone to be stood or squeezing onto a sofa. This was like a giant ballroom with a load
of desks joined together to make a giant square. Everyone was sat down, chatting. As soon as I
entered silence fell over the room and all eyes turned to me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. It
was far more startling and overwhelming than I expected. And there were nearly twice the amount of
people Jasmine said there was. I was guided to a chair and sat down between Stanley and a young girl.
Hello. How are we? Stanley asked.
Very well thank you, yourself? I replied.
A little stressed but thats very normal for a first gathering. Were just waiting on one of the
producers to join us and then we will begin.
I nodded and allowed to him to read the paperwork in front of him.
Hi, the girl whispered beside me. Im Eleanor.
I turned and holy moly there she was. Eleanor Walden. The hottest most stunning gorgeous actress
to ever grace this planet. Her eyelashes were so big and flattering. And her beautiful brown hair was
tied up in a messy bun, but it still looked perfect. She wasnt even wearing make up and she looked
like a Goddess. I stared into her captivating brown eyes for a concerning amount of time before
Hi, I replied with a grin. AugustI mean Im August.
She grabbed me and gave me a warm hug. Its nice to meet you, were going to be best friends
you and I.
It was so tempting to smell her hair, so tempting. But I need to act cool and normal around these
people. Not like a fan. I wanted to continue our conversation, but Stanley stood up and began an
announcement. He signalled with his hand for me to join him. I hopped up out of my chair and
awkwardly analysed everyone. Stanley is about a foot taller than me so I must have looked really
small beside him. I bet they could barely see me from behind the table.
This is August, he said, placing his hands on my shoulders.
Say hello, August. He whispered.
Hello, I said with a smile.
She is my star, Ladies and Gentleman. We love her lots. You can sit back down now, August.
I smirked and returned to my seat.
Stanley explained how everything would run. It didnt make much sense to me, so Im incapable of
repeating whatever he explained. It was all to do with sets and takes. It was mainly a meeting for the
technical people and for everyone to meet. But I cant believe I met Eleanor Walden! I mean were
going to be spending so much time together on and off set! And she likes me! How cool is that? It
only seems like yesterday I was reading an article about her in my performing arts class at college.
Its weird how much your life can change.

M y first read through. Far less people were in the lounge today. Maybe ten or fifteen, Stanley,
Jasmine and some producers, Eleanor and I, and a teacher from the university/college were
attending. Today were running through the start of the movie, moving in and meeting my roommate,
attending a couple of lectures. Those kinds of things. Basically were running up until I witness the
murder. Eleanor is very professional for such a young age. Shes only one or two years older than
me, well, shes sixteen months older than me. I thought Id pretend like I didnt know, but of course I
do. But shes such a good actress. I know I will learn a lot from her. I feel like maybe she should have
been the lead role instead of me. But Stanley wanted a star, and here I am, wondering how on Earth I
got here.
After we finished reading through I was given endless compliments. It started from Eleanor, but
after she began I was bombarded with them from the producers. You were marvellous. All I did was
read the script? This still feels like a dream Im due to snap out of any minute. I suppose this will take
time to get used to.

I ve been given the day off. Rehearsals have been going very well, and today theyre focusing on
the bad guys stunts and speaking roles. I only have to do one major stunt and they said that could
be taken care of on set because its simple and doesnt need to be rehearsed. Eleanor has had to return
to New York for a week, too. To discuss another film with her agent. Stanley seemed a bit annoyed
that she had to leave, but he said it wouldnt have any effect on our progress. Im going to miss her.
Ill miss the little giggles we have. Shell be back next week though, so I dont have to wait too long
for her return. I would tell you more about reading through the script, but its nothing exciting. The
only thing I can say is instead of running through the script in one go we have now cut it into chunks.
Well repeat a scene two or three times, until we feel it is perfect. Sometimes we may repeat it six or
seven times, it all depends on if we approve of it or not. Im proud of myself though. Ive kept up with
everything and anyone without struggling or complaining.
I decided today would be a good time to shop for Madelines late birthday present. According to
the production team, whoever they are, I need to be escorted by a member of security whenever I want
to leave. So Ill be shopping for my sister s eighth birthday present with my own personal bodyguard.
I found it rather amusing. My bodyguard is a tall, dark and fairly handsome man, Id say in his forties
with short hair. He is called Wayne.
Ive taken care of a lot of celebrities, most are very rude. But may I say youre one of the politest
Ive ever worked with, Miss Bishop. Wayne said as he opened the car door for me.
I smiled, Thank you, I would ask you to call me August, but Miss Bishop sounds too damn
Wayne chuckled and shut the door behind me. Madeline text me as Wayne and I were driving.
Shed sent me a photo of her and Ethan pulling funny faces. It put a huge smile on my face. Shortly
after I received that photo, I received another. A photo of Ethan asleep on our sofa. I miss him, more
than anyone else Im afraid to say. Its probably because Im used to seeing him all day, every day.
Shortly after that message my Mum sent me a photo of Madeline asleep on top of Ethan, she must
have cuddled up to him, bless her.
Im looking for a present for my sisters eighth birthday Wayne. What would you recommend?
Wayne hummed and sulked in deep thought. Ive got a friend not far from here who has an
excellent jewellery store. Necklaces and bracelets, those kind of things. As soon as he mentioned
bracelets I thought I could get Madeline one to sit alongside the friendship bracelet she had made with
Take me there, please.
Wayne nodded and put on his indicator to change our course.
His suggestion didnt disappoint. His friend had a wonderful store, filled with various types of
jewellery. Everything was covered in sparkling white and silver. It was in the middle of this huge
shopping mall. We didnt get to meet Waynes friend because he was on holiday, but his Nephew
helped me find a lovely silver chain bracelet with a silver plaque on it, which could be personalised. It
had a small dolphin charm hanging from it, too. Its nearly as cute as her. The bracelet was adjustable,
so Madeline could still wear it in thirty years time if she chooses.
I bought it and had a small message engraved on it: Madeline, on your 8th birthday. Love, A x

T oday Im rehearsing shooting people. Eleanor hasnt returned from New York yet, but she isnt
required because she isnt going to be shooting that many people. My character grew up on a
farm in England, where they did clay pigeon shooting and hunting, so Im supposed to be rather good
with a gun. Im going to look so badass in this film.
So, were in the lounge. All the desks have been cleared now. The floor has been laid out like the
police station. When I say laid out I mean some white Xs have been marked on the floor for people to
stand on, and some canvas screens have been popped up to act as a wall to hide behind. So Im hiding
behind a wall, using my hand as a pretend gun. Eleanor s character is supposed to be stood beside me,
but thats all she really needs to do so it wont be hard for her to catch up. Three bad guys are hiding.
Two behind their own desks, one behind a wall. Theyre shooting at us and I wait for them to reload
and then I step out and shoot them both in the head. I didnt know there is another guy behind the wall
and quickly drop down behind a desk before popping up and shooting him too. If someone walked
into the lounge by mistake they would have probably thought we were all loosing our minds. Having
this pretend shootout with our hands. Later on in the film I get to punch a couple of guys, but were
not rehearsing that because they dont want me to accidentally punch him in the face or damage my
wrist. Knowing me, I would have probably done both.

T oday is the day. The day that filming begins. Weirdly, I have no nerves. Im too excited and
pumped about starting. Wayne, Stanley and I drove over to the newly refurbished police station.
The whole placed was flowing when we pulled into the car park. Trailers and people scattered
everywhere. People rushing back and forth with different equipment.
Wayne opened my car door, Have a great first day on set Miss Bishop.
I thanked him and followed Stanley towards the station. He appeared to be in a rush, which is
understandable since its the first day and hell expect everything to be in position. I should mention
that movies arent filmed in order. We dont film one scene inside, then head outside and film there,
then head inside again. Thats how I thought it was done when I was younger. Were shooting in
sections and locations. This movie will be rather easy to film since the majority will be filmed in one
building, meaning the equipment and trailers neednt be re-located every other day.
Can we get our chairs, please? Stanley shouted as we stepped inside the building. Two hundred
million dollar budget and we dont even have any frickin chairs set up for us.
I smirked, but stopped in case he wasnt implying sarcasm. The station is not the cleanest place, but
it definitely looks the part. Obviously outside is the large car park. You come up the stairs inside and
theres a little reception desk at the front. You cant turn right so you turn left down a small corridor.
If you keep walking straight theres the interrogation room on your right and then an emergency exit
just past that. If you turn right before the interrogation room you enter a large floor, filled with desks,
running on the outside of the floor are separate offices and then theres two floors above us, but I
havent been up there yet. A woman rushed over with some chairs, she unfolded one in front of me. It
had BISHOP printed on the reverse. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. I pulled out my phone and
took a photo, sending it everyone at home.
The first few hours of filming were spent filming everyone apart from me, this was after Id spent
an hour in hair and make up. It got to lunch, and I still hadnt filmed one take. It was fun to watch at
first, but I wanted it to hurry and get to where Id be in front of the lens. While everyone ate lunch, I
headed outside and called Ethan. I needed to hear a familiar voice to settle down my frustration.
Hello, Ethan here.
Hey, its me. Im on set now well outside. Ive been sat around for three hours and not filmed
one take yet. I just needed to speak to someone to settle me down.
August, dont worry. How are you going to manage for the next couple of months if youre like
this after the first three hours? Youre gaining experience from watching remember. Consider this,
would you rather be sat watching or would you rather be back at college? I think we both know which
the obvious answer is. Appreciate it as much as you can August, because once its all over, youll
regret it.
I know, I know. Im just panicking, and Im nervous and anxious at the same time. Thank you,
Ethan. How are you? Are you doing ok?
Im fine, dont worry about me. I got my cast off early! They said I could take it off and replace it
with a brace. Its a lot more comfortable. I can take it off for showering and things now. And its black
instead of that disgusting yellow colour.
That yellow was horrible wasnt it? Well anyway I just wanted to call you and tell you how its
August, I need to speak to you about something.
Oh hold on. Theyre calling me back in. Ill call you later Ethan if I can. Lots of love, take care.
Its the most exhilarating moment, filming your first take. A lot has to be said before the scene
begins. Im sat waiting a minute for everything to be said before were actually rolling.
Going for a take. Quiet, please!
Camera running!
Then in quick succession some would shout Sound, and Speed.
Meanwhile Im sat wondering what the hell is going on.
MARK IT! A woman yells at the top of her voice.
A guy comes running from out of nowhere and sticks a clapperboard in my face and says, Tables
Of Turning scene thirty seven, take one.
All that is left now is Stanley to shout action. After all that screaming, shouting, marking and
yelling. Im left there, completely baffled. My first take didnt go well, because I was too confused by
everything that everyone was saying, but by my second take I was in full flow. Im afraid I cant say
that about the other thirteen takes we had to do because the guy in the background failed to fall over
the desk correctly. I had to act all shocked and upset, and after thirteen takes, I sensed I would have
meltdown and cry for real. The guy got it right eventually and we stopped shooting for the day.

W e had to be up at 7:00am sharp, prepared to be on set by 7.30am. Its not a problem for me
because Ive been getting up for school and college my whole life. Ethans clock said 6:04am
when I opened my eyes. Still, I got up and strolled downstairs for breakfast. Every time I have
breakfast now or hear someone mention it, I think of Ethan. I wish he could join me out here. Hed
love to stand and watch everything from behind the scenes. He loves all that kind of stuff.
Wayne was sitting and reading a newspaper at a breakfast table as I entered the lounge. He flattened
it and looked up, Good morning Miss Bishop, youre up early. I gave him a wave and walked to the
buffet area. I was starving. As I sat down Wayne handed me the newspaper. Take a look at the
headline. I budged over my plate, and grabbed the newspaper.
Who is Eleanors new mystery man?
What about Eleanor? I asked. The one underneath, silly. He replied.
Humble British girl announced to be leading role in upcoming Hollywood movie
I looked back up at Wayne, Hey, thats me! I couldnt believe it. Im in the papers now. In
America! I wonder if it had been published over in England. I took a photo and sent it to everyone at
home. I have so many messages to respond to, but I barely get any time on my phone. I quickly sent
everyone a text saying all was well, but I dont get any time on my phone and the service is rubbish. I
called Ethan before we left to see what he needed to talk about yesterday.
Hello, Ethan here.
Hello Ethan, its August.
Your bestfriend.
Sorry, I dont know anyone called August. Wait, does she smell quite bad?
Very funny, so what did you need to speak to me about?
Ummm, it can wait, nothing important.
Are you sure?
Yes, Im sure. Are you ok my dear?
Im very well, thank you. Did you get the photo I sent you?
The humble British girl article?
Thats the one.
Adorable dwarf wouldve been better.
They can hardly print that can they? Its not going to sell me well at all.
Itd work for me.
Maybe so, but thousands of people would find it weird.
I might send them an email and ask them to change it.
Youre such a idiot. Anyway Ive got to go now. I
I almost said I love you I panicked and kept silent, hoping he hadnt noticed.
August? You there?
Yeah, sorry. Ill speak to you soon.
I hung up before he could say goodbye. I placed my phone over my mouth and stared forward. Did
I mean what I nearly just said? I stared forward for a moment. Reassuring myself that it was a
mistake. Then I admitted something I never thought I would. Yes. Yes I do. I love him, and no longer
in the best friend way. In the, I want to be with you way. Oh my God, I love him. I miss his long hugs,
and him kissing the top of my head. Being away from him has put everything into perspective. Does
he share my feelings? How can I tell my best friend I love him?
Miss Bishop, its time to go. Wayne said, opening the car door for me.
I toddled over to the open door, collapsing into my seat and placing my head in my hands. If I tell
Ethan, itll either end in us being together or destroying our friendship. I dont want to lose him.
Everything ok? Wayne said as he got into the driver s seat.
I returned to a normal upright position. Yeah, Im fine.
At this moment in time I cant allow my newfound feelings for Ethan get in the way of my job. I
have to push them aside and focus on the movie. I made a deal with myself, that Id tell him once its

E leanor and I are like sisters. We have such a laugh on and off set. So many takes have had to be
stopped because were too busy laughing at one another.
Im so glad I have you! She always says.
The past couple of evenings weve eaten together, instead of sitting in our giant hotel suites alone.
Our hotel suites are next door to each other so were only two paces away from each other s door.
Today were shooting the scene where Jessica will comfort Rachel in the interrogation room before
all hell breaks loose. Ill be honest, every time I hear Tables Of Turning it makes me think that it
sounds like a crappy horror movie. I think the movie should be called, Twisted. Its simple and catchy
and explains the plot. I suggested it to Stanley on set this morning. He smirked at me when I
mentioned it sounded like a crappy horror movie. I think he appreciated my honesty. Everyone else is
scared of saying anything. Thank you August. I will consider it. He said.
Eleanor and I sat together, drinking green tea while we had our make up done. There was the same
newspaper Wayne had shown me, which I didnt get a chance to read.
Are you really reading that? Eleanor asked.
What do you mean? I questioned.
She pointed to the article on the front.
Who is Eleanors new mystery man?
Oh, no! Theres an article underneath about me. Its the first time Ive ever been in a newspaper.
Eleanor smirked, Soon youll wish they wrote nothing about you.
I thought back to the day I read Madelines magazine in class. Eleanor s boyfriend cheating on her
was distributed to everyone in the world. Nobody needed to know about her personal life. Thats her
business. I understood that now. I felt sorry for her, really, shes just a normal girl, like me, behind
that picture painted of her.
So is it true? I asked. I realised that I was being nosey and maybe offended her, but she blushed
and went red.
Yeah. Hes such a great guy. Weve only been dating a week, but hes so sweet and charming. Not
to mention his is super cute! Hes coming to visit me soon so youll be able to meet him then.
We both had huge smiles on our faces, I was genuinely so happy for her. After the previous
relationships shes had, she deserved to be treated well.

T oday is the day we move onto the shootouts and explosions, all the action packed stuff. Stanley
entered my trailer as I was having my make up done and asked the entire make up staff to leave.
He wanted to talk alone. I thought he was going to tell me Im doing a horrible job and he regrets the
day he met me.
August, youre doing wonderful so far. I thought Id check up on you and see how you were
finding things? Are you comfortable? Does anything need changing?
I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was expecting you to shout at me! Everything is perfect Stanley,
thank you.
Great ok. Weve changed the movie name by the way. Twisted is officially our new title. Pain in
the ass to change, but everyone agreed with you. For the record I didnt come up with the name. If you
need to talk about anything, anything at all, let me know.
He had a smug expression on his face as he left my trailer. I smiled at myself in the mirror before
the make up staff flowed in once again.
I shot the coolest scene today. Its the first time Ive been filmed shooting someone! Jessica and
Rachel or Eleanor and I, are hiding behind a desk while everyone is shooting at each other. An officer
stood next to us is shot and killed. He collapses to the floor and drops his gun and it slides towards us,
just out of reaching distance. There is only one guy left in sight. He notices the gun and then notices
us. He quickly tries to reload his gun, but me being the brave character I am, slide out and grab the
gun and shoot him. He drops to his knees and falls on his face. Im sure theres more action packed
scenes, although in my opinion, its the best action scene ever.

T his morning Eleanor rushed into my trailer in a giddy fit.

Hes coming today! Youre going to love him August!
She rushed out again before I could reply. I looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged. Im
excited to meet him, shes told me a lot about him. I want to see if hell earn my blessing of dating
Eleanor. Its so weird speaking like this. Two months ago I read a magazine about Eleanor, envying
her. Now two months on, were new best friends. The make up staff were still dabbing my face as I
exited my trailer. They always go over the top with make up. Its a nightmare to take off and irritates
my skin. I paused in the middle of the car park, allowing them to finish. Then a black car came
roaring into the car park. Ive no idea what type of car, but it looked expensive and fast. Could it be
Eleanor s mystery man? The door opened. But to my surprise, it was Ethan. Hed come to surprise
me! He had more of a tan and looked taller, somehow.
Guys, Guys, stop for a second, please. I said to the make up artists.
I immediately ran over to him. Hey you!
August my dear, how are you? He shouted back as he closed his car door. Where on Earth did he
get a car? He hadnt even taken any lessons or passed his test before I left. I gently hugged him to
avoid covering him in make up. He was wearing one of the ties I bought him for his fifteenth birthday.
A plain black tie that has a small white number sixteen in the bottom corner. Sixteen is Ethans lucky
number, because both our birthdays fall on the sixteenth.
Why didnt you tell me you were coming?
He looked down, August, we need to talk.
I frowned at him, Why? He only ever said we need to talk before revealing terrible news. Before
he opened his mouth to speak, a call of, Hey babe, came from behind me. It was Eleanor. She
walked past me, grabbed ahold of him, and stuck her tongue down his throat. NO, NO, NO. How
could this happen? How did they ever meet! What? How? Why? What? WHAT!
I wanted to fall to the floor and cry. I felt like pulling Eleanor off him and punching her. Im sure
that wouldve been fine. Instead I stood and waited for them to stop kissing, disheartened and broken.
Eleanor grinned, clutched Ethans hand and rested herself against him. She shrugged. I didnt know
how to tell you, August. You two are close and I thought it would be best to leave it as a surprise.
I forced myself to smile. Thankfully, someone shouted saying we were needed on set. Perfect
timing. Of all the people in the world, she had to meet him. She was right when she said I was going
to love him, because I am, in fact, in love with him. I needed to call Max. Normally, Id turn to Ethan
to discuss my problems with him, but since the problem is him, I cant talk to him.
The day dragged by. Every second Eleanor wasnt on set, she was kissing Ethan. God I hate her.
Funny how tables turn isnt it?
That evening, Eleanor insisted we went out for dinner. Its my own fault. Ive had well over a
decade to tell him I love him, and now its too late. Theyre going to get engaged, married, have kids.
Of course, make me bridesmaid and Godmother. Just to rub it in more.
So tell me, how did you meet? I asked. I knew Id regret asking, but I needed to know.
Well, I was in New York after having my meeting with my agent and I went to grab a coffee. I
walked into the first coffee shop I saw and was about to leave before I saw this handsome one sat at a
table by himself. So I walked over and sat with him and he fell in love with me instantly and began to
I didnt! Ethan said.
Well, it took you at least four or five attempts to finally say something to me. Eleanor said,
nudging him. Ethan blushed in embarrassment. She continued, We sat and drank coffee together and I
asked him out to dinner that evening, since he didnt have the courage to ask me. I think the brace on
his arm was too tight and affected his speech. She lightly punched him. I scoffed once. You know the
scoff you do instead of laughing. That scoff.
What were you doing in New York? I asked.
Cant tell you, top secret stuff. Ethan replied.
I frowned at him, but accepted his secrecy.
He didnt even recognise me! It wasnt until someone asked to have a photograph with me that he
asked if I was famous or not! He came into his own when he did a couple of magic tricks for me. I
found it so cute. I wasnt expecting him to be as good as he was!
Eleanor went on for what seemed like an eternity. Oh, and we went ice skating and we went to
movies and round museums and walked around the park! I swear she listed every activity possible.
And we made love under the stars whilst camping.
That was when I choked on my breadstick and nearly passed out. I just wanted to head back to the
hotel and sleep. When I eventually climbed into bed after an exhausting and demoralising night, I
could hear Eleanor and Ethan having sex. I glanced over at Ethans clock, 12:22am. That was
definitely my cue to exit my room and find something else to occupy me. I wasnt sitting and listening
in. I walked into the reception and called Max.
Max, its August.
Hey! How are you?
Have you spoken to Ethan?
Not since he left for New York. Why?
Why did he go to New York?
He went to buy something. Im not sure. Why are you asking me this?
Im in love with him, Max.
Well its about time!
Shut up! Hes seeing Eleanor Walden. Well right now hes seeing a lot of her.
Holy shit really? Good on him!
Max how is that helping me!
Sorry. Youve had forever to tell him, August. How long have you had these feelings? How did
he even meet her?
Its been like this for a while, but I only admitted it to myself recently. Ethan meeting Eleanor is
irrelevant right now.
Ah, August you should have said something. I cant believe hes banging Eleanor Walden,
though. Shes my dream girl.
Inappropriate right now, Max. Thanks for your helpful support anyway.
How is filming going?
Well, it was going great.
I see. Im sure they wont last long, and then youll be able to tell him.
Yeah, youre right. Thanks Max.
Youre welcome. I hope youre ok, Bye.
I suppose I cant expect much from Max. Hes not the best on giving advice. He speaks his mind. I
decided the advice he provided wasnt good enough. So I called my Mum. Mum always helps in
uncomfortable situations. I waited as the phone rang and rang, nervously preparing my confession.
August, is everything ok?
Im just going to get straight to the point, Mum. Im in love with Ethan.
Well its about time!
Why does everyone keep saying that?
Well, weve been waiting God knows how many years for you to admit it, sweetie.
Hes seeing the biggest actress in the world right now.
Oh great! Wait, is that you?
No its not me you fool, Eleanor Walden.
Fair play to him, hes not done bad there has he.
Mum, how is this helping me?
Im sorry, sweetie.
Ok I get it I should have told him sooner!
Im still half asleep August. Lets speak about this later, ok?
Ok. Bye.
The message was clear from Max and Mum. Its about time I admitted I loved him and too late to
finally tell him. Just the news I wanted to hear.

E than only stayed two days. He didnt say where he was going. We barely spoke to one another
since he arrived. Luckily for me, they required me on set throughout most of the day. Ethan and I
both knew there was awkwardness between us. Maybe we need time apart, or to be alone and talk.
Right now, I want to hurry and finish the movie. That way, I can focus on my personal life. Im sure
these feelings for Ethan will fade. Im trying to persuade myself that its only jealousy.
The first month of filming is over and the second is about to undergo. The final day of filming has
been set for the twenty-seventh. Three more weeks. How time has flown.
I need to straighten things up with Eleanor. Weve lost our sister like relationship, now we only
chat about the film. I dont want her to think I hate her. At this moment in time, I do, I really do. But I
cant blame her, shes chosen the right guy who makes her happy, which is what she deserves. I just
wish she couldve found someone else.
On set today, Im thrown through a glass window. Well, it wasnt real glass. The glass was
replaced with sugar glass. I believe thats its official name. Real glass would hurt, a lot. Sugar glass is
a really delicate glass they use for most action films and it breaks really easily. A man picks me up
and throws me through the windowpane. They placed this huge beanbag cushion on the other side so I
would land safely.
Action! Stanley shouted.
Then this guy called John, grabs the top and bottom of my jacket, picks me up, and throws me
through the glass. During this Im trapped in an uncontrollable laughter.
Im so sorry, John kept saying. He felt really bad for throwing me through the glass. He thought
he was being too rough.
Dont be silly, this is fun! I replied.
It took us many takes to perfect it because we couldnt stop laughing for the first few. When I say
we, I mean myself. I hope they place those takes of me laughing in the credits at the end, if theres any.
The window replacement people werent too appreciative of my laughing as you can imagine. They
mustve hated me. Most of the cast and crew saw the funny side of it. It was good for everyone to have
a little laugh and release some stress. Sometimes people forget that you need to have fun.

S tanley came into my trailer again this morning. I really thought hed shout at me this time for
laughing throughout the whole window scene.
Ive noticed youre behaving a little odd lately, August. Youve not been yourself. Is something
wrong? If there is you can tell me.
I shook my head. Im fine Stanley. Im sorry for laughing yesterday.
Stanley stroked his chin, deep in thought. Dont worry about that, everyone found it very
I giggled. Everythings fine Stanley, you neednt worry.
So the fact that your co-star is sleeping with your best friend isnt bothering you at all?
My face dropped. Why cant you call it dating? I snapped.
Theres my answer. He said, raising his eyebrows.
I placed my head into my hands and moaned. Come on, talk to Stanley. Whats wrong my
lovely? He placed his hands on my shoulders.
I love himmmmm. I murmured through my hands.
Are you sure its not because you dont want to loose your best friend?
I brought my head from out of my hands and checked my make up in the mirror. I dont
knowwww. I sounded like a child.
Ahhh. He paused. Well, I have experience in this field August. I too am stuck in this lagoon of
friendship with someone we know.
At first I didnt care if he had been in my position or not. But I realised who he was speaking
about. Ms. Andrews, well Jasmine.
I turned and faced him. Really? Did you ever tell her?
He shook his head. When the time came to tell her, I was too late. Shed already found someone.
I walked over to my trailer door and locked it. I didnt want anyone barging in on our heart to
heart conversation. Stanley found a seat on the chair I was sitting on. Ive always been afraid of
telling her.
I could see he was disappointed with himself. But I burst into laughter, which probably wasnt the
most appropriate thing to do.
Whats so funny? He asked before joining me in laughter.
Dont take this the wrong way, but I thought you were gay!
He stopped laughing and shook his head. Wow, thanks August! Great confidence boost right
I stopped laughing. Im sorry! You always seem flirty with the male producers! Why dont you
tell her? Its never too late, Stanley.
Stanley scrunched up his face. I cant August. What if she says no or doesnt feel the same way?
Or even worse, thinks Im flirting with the male producers like you!
I knelt down beside him after laughing. You wont know if you dont try, will you? If she doesnt
feel the same way you can play the school kid card. I was only joking or my friend dared me to do it.
Stanley smiled and stood. Ill make you a deal, August. Ill tell Jasmine, but only if you promise
to tell Ethan, when hes no longer with Eleanor. Lets face it shes useless at relationships. Ill admit
the last one wasnt her fault.
He offered his hand for me to shake in agreement.
I rolled my eyes at him. Fine, youve got a deal.
A knock came at the door. Are you guys finished yet?
Stanley unlocked the trailer door and opened it. Do we look finished?
A huge bundle of apologies came from outside the door. Stanley turned, smiled and winked at me.
Back to work, August.
He re-opened the door and stomped towards the station. Hes the best.

T oday is my nineteenth birthday. Its upsetting I cant spend it with my family. They always spoil
me on my birthday. Instead, I was thousands of miles away sat feeling sorry for myself in my
hotel room, staring at Ethans clock. Im living the dream, doing what I love. But I cant help feeling
empty and alone. Mum woke me at 5:00am, calling me to sing happy birthday. As you can imagine, I
wasnt too impressed with her. I growled at her down the phone.
Oh stop being a grumpy bum.
Its 5:00am Mum. I think you can allow my grumpiness.
Then there was a knock at my hotel door. Mum someone is at my door, Ill speak to you later
ok? She then said three thousand things at once. Why do Mums randomly shout all these things to
you at the end of phone calls?
Ok sweetie happy birthday, call me later, promise Ill come visit soon, I love you, I hope
everything is going well, say hello to everyone for me, dont forget to take plenty of photos for me.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
It was too early to be dealing with phone calls and people at my door on my birthday. I rolled off
my bed and kept the covers wrapped around me as I stumbled downstairs and dawdled to the door. I
begged it not to be everyone waiting on the other side ready to shout surprise! I looked hideous and
just wanted to sleep. I pawed at the door with my eyes closed in search of the handle. I swung the door
open to find Eleanor stood with a huge grin on her face and a bouquet of flowers in her arms.
Good morning birthday girl, rise and shine.
I wanted to slam the door on her and return to bed to tell you the truth, and almost did. I squinted at
her. My eyes were still half asleep.
Can we talk? I was hoping we could get Breakfast together. Sorry its so early, I couldnt sleep.
She said with a puppy dog expression on her face.
Sure, let me get ready. I replied, waving my hand at her to come in. She shuffled past me and
placed the bouquet on the table. Then planted her behind on the edge of the sofa with a grin on her
face. Let me have a shower first and then we can go down. I mumbled. Ok!
Since you found out about me and Ethan, I feel like weve been drifting apart. We always clicked
before. We were like sisters. I dont want you to think I will affect your friendship with Ethan.
Eleanor said as I poured my tea.
I appreciated her saying this because it was true, every word.
Ethans never had a girlfriend before, and I dont know how to react to it and I didnt speak to
Ethan at all when he was here.
Eleanor smiled and grabbed my hands. He adores you, August. We both do. Nothing will change!
You and I will see more of each other, thats all.
I accepted everything she said like a grown up best friend who wasnt in love with her boyfriend
August, can I ask you something? Eleanor asked with a serious stare.
I thought this was it. The moment she asked if I love him. What am I supposed to say? I cant lie to
her. Sure. My bottom lip started to tremble.
When you last saw Ethan was he having nightmares?
I immediately relaxed, but was concerned about the question she had asked me. A week before I
left we fell asleep watching a movie and during the night he jolted me up with his arm. He said he had
a nightmare and he didnt want to talk about it. I stared down at my teaspoon. This means that Ethan
has been having the same reoccurring nightmare for two months. Thats a worrying amount of time.
Maybe we needed to get him help.
He did the same with me. Woke me up during the night, but he refused to talk about it, too. Do
you think we should get him a psychiatrist?
It was an odd conversation to be having with Eleanor, but it was nice to finally talk to her about
Ethan. There isnt anyone else I can think of (other than me) that I would rather see Ethan with.
We sat and ate breakfast together. If her and Ethan werent together, this wouldve been the perfect
start to my birthday. We both agreed that if his nightmares continue after we finish the movie, then we
would get him a psychiatrist. As I entered my trailer that morning, there was a small white card on my
side. I slid the card off the edge of the table.
Happy birthday my dearest dwarf. Look outside x
It doesnt take a genius to figure out that it was from Ethan. I frowned at the card. I returned to my
trailer door and peaked out of it. Nothing caught my eye. I opened the door fully, still nothing. I
shrugged and shut the door. The card definitely instructed to look outside. I shuffled around, still
analysing the card. And there he was, sat in my chair.
How are things? Ethan asked, holding a bottle of foundation, looking upon it with mystery.
I rolled my eyes at him. Can you never use a door?
I walked over and hugged him around his neck. He was wearing one of his tartan ties. I bought him
this one for our seventh Christmas together.
You know me. I never like to do anything simple.
Whats wrong? I asked.
Nothing. Your presents are over there. He pointed at a two bags and a box lying on the sofa.
Thank you. I said, kissing his cheek and patting his shoulders.
His eyes met mine in the mirror for a second. I was hoping my eyes read I love you, pick me so I
wouldnt have to say it myself.
Right, open them before you have to go. He stood and picked up the bags, placing them on the
floor and sitting on the sofa. This one first. He passed me a small bag as I sat beside him. I squeezed
it before looking inside it felt soft and squishy, an item of clothing. It was a pair of socks.
You always need a boring gift on your birthday dont you. They have a letter A on them though. I
chose wisely.
Youre so clever. I joked.
Ethan passed me a package. It was a book. Theyre easy to identify. It was a brochure of an
apartment called The August Sky. I flicked through the pages to view the most breathtaking property I
had ever seen. It was like something you would see a villain use in a spy movie. Everything was so
bright and modern and pretty. I dont understand. Whats this?
This, my dear, is our new apartment in New York. I bought it the same day I met Eleanor. I named
it after you.
I nodded calmly, Cool. I dropped the book onto the floor and scratched my nose. Then flung
myself at him and hugged him. Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is the best gift ever! Its so
pretty and beautiful!
I was tempted to ask him how much it cost. I thought itd be best not to ask that question yet.
August youre choking me. He said wheezing through my grasp. I let go. And he passed me my
final gift. This box was only small. I emptied its contents into my hand. It was a key. It appeared to be a
key to a car.
Your final gift is outside, but before we go we need to uphold our tradition. Ethan pulled a
Polaroid camera upon a tripod out from behind the sofa. He unfolded the legs and adjusted the height.
Then shuffled closer beside me and puffed my cheeks together with his hand, whilst kissing one side.
I crossed my eyes and focused on my nose, since smiling wasnt an option. The camera flashed,
followed by the photo slowly printing out. I snatched at it and wafted it as the image faded onto the
paper. We looked so cute and happy. Well he did, I just looked like a girl with crossed eyes and a guy
kissing her puffy cheeks. I popped the photo onto the table and walked to the door.
Come on, I want to see this final gift!
He covered my eyes with his hands as we stepped outside. No peaking until we get there. He
whispered as we awkwardly dawdled forward.
August we need you on set in two! Someone shouted.
Okay, Ill be there! I shouted in reply.
I couldnt stop laughing because I kept stepping on Ethans feet. He removed his hands after a
minute or so. I blinked a few times as my eyes readjusted to the light. Before me, parked on the road
outside the station, was an identical car to the one I saw Ethan driving, but in white. I turned to Ethan
speechless. He dangled the keys in front of me like he was taunting a child. I snatched them off him
and skipped towards the car screaming. I unlocked it and slid inside. It was so pretty and the leather
interior smelt and felt so good. It was so beautiful and it was mine! I screamed with excitement and
stamped my feet. Ethan joined me in the passenger seat. The car only has two seats, but I dont think
Ill need anymore if its only going to be Ethan and me living together.
Were not going to drive it since you have to go on set now and the last time we were in a vehicle
together it didnt end too well. I will allow you to start it though.
I grinned wildly and started the ignition, and the car roared into life.
This is really loud. I said to Ethan.
Yeah it is! He replied.
I turned the ignition off and the car calmly quitened.
In the boot are a few pairs of running shoes and running bottoms. I know you dont run, but I
know you like to wear them because theyre comfortable. He said as we got out of the car. He opened
his arms and waited for me to enter them. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
Thank you, Ethan. I said against his chest.
The address for the apartment is in the brochure. Once you finish up here, you can drive to it and
Ill be there, waiting for you. The car is all registered, so you dont need to worry about that. Its
ready to go when you are. Oh, Ive sorted all our visas and permits and things! Your Mum and Dad
were very helpful with those, I didnt have a clue what to do!
He rested his chin on top of my head. Our embrace parted, and we smiled at one another. I turned
and began to walk back towards the station without another word being said. Nothing else needed to
be said. I glanced over my shoulder to check on him. Hed vanished of course. I smiled and picked up
my walk to a jog. Stanley was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the station with his arms folded.
You two make me sick. He said in a sarcastic tone.
I raised my eyebrows at him. He held the station door open for me as I jogged up the stairs. Is that
a hint of jealousy I am receiving from you, Stanley?
Stanley shook his head and whispered, Of course not. Who would wish for their best friend, who
theyre in love with, to spoil them with cars and apartments? Terrible gifts, just terrible I say. Happy
birthday by the way.
I laughed and thanked him as he closed the door behind us.

A s far as birthdays go. Yesterday topped the list. The talk with Eleanor, and Ethan visiting were
exactly what I needed. Obviously all the amazing gifts I received from Ethan werent too bad
either, they cheered me up a little. Its good that if Im ever in need of any help or advice, I can talk to
Stanley. Since hes been in my situation longer than me. Jasmine returns in three days. Im super
excited to see if anything happens between them. I hope something does. Itll give me hope that maybe
one day Ethan and I will work out. It no longer feels strange when I picture Ethan and me as an item.
Is that weird?
Today we filmed Rachel witnessing the murder and running to the station like a mad man. We did
ten takes, from different angles. I had to stand in the middle of the road and pretend to see someone be
murdered, then set off sprinting down the road. A track was set up at the edge of the road for the
camera to run along. The best way to describe it is that it looks like a tiny train track. The cameraman
was sitting on a seat that was fixed beside the mount holding the camera. As I ran, it ran alongside me.
It was very distracting because all I wanted to do was look at it. For a couple of takes the camera ran
slightly in front of me for a different shot and then behind me for the same reason. They wouldnt let
me put on some comfier shoes while running so my feet were in agony by the time wed finished. Im
not the quickest or the fittest, but I was proud of myself at the end of it for not complaining about it
once or asking for a break. When all the special effects are added and the takes of me laughing are cut
out, this movie should actually be very good. I cant wait for the premiere! Im eager to see how the
world reacts to me. I hope they like me. Otherwise what Ive been striving for all my life has been a
complete waste of time and Ill have to find something else to do.

E thans clock read 5:20am, and another knock came at my hotel door. What does Eleanor want
now? Unless she is pregnant, engaged or snuck out last night to marry Ethan in Las Vegas, I was
most definitely not interested in a conversation with her at this time of day again. I rolled off my bed
and kept the covers wrapped around me as I dawdled to the door, again. I pawed at the door with my
eyes closed in search of the handle, again. After a horrific battle in search of the handle I eventually
opened the door to find Stanley stood there.
You look terrible. He said.
What do you want at this hour? I replied with closed eyes.
Were picking Jasmine up from the airport in an hour, so move it!
I sighed. Ok. Ill get ready. I shut the door and stumbled into the bathroom. I tied my wild hair
into a messy bun and grabbed one of Ethans hoodies I had stolen off of him and put up the hood.
Somehow I didnt look that bad. I dont wear much make up anyway so it was no different to my
normal look. Maybe my tired eyes had lied to me.
Stanley drove to the airport. I scrunched myself up into a ball in the passenger seat and took a nap.
The hood of Ethans hoodie acted as a pillow. It still smelt of him as I snuggled into it. Not getting
enough sleep is the number one thing I despise. It is for a good purpose though.
I insisted Stanley purchased a bouquet of flowers from a florist in the airport. He obliged and
bought a huge bouquet of red roses. So big that it covered most of his face when he held them.
We arrived at the Jasmines gate with fifteen minutes to spare. Stanley bit his nails as he stared at
the door from our seats. He didnt move his eyes off the door for a second. There was a crowd of
fifty to a sixty people waiting for family and friends to depart from the plane. We sat and waited. And
waited. And waited. Until the door finally opened. Stanley jolted upright, picking up his bouquet.
Here I go. He said glancing back at me.
Good luck. I whispered.
He slowly strode forward. It was lovely to see members from the flight running over to greet their
loved ones. Others wearing suits just paced into the airport. Then the moment Stanley had been
waiting for arrived. Jasmines face searched amongst the crowd of people hoping to find a familiar
face. Stanley lowered the bouquet and raised his head over them. Jasmines face lit up once she
recognised him. They slowly walked towards each other and stopped shoe to shoe. I felt like I was
watching a romantic movie live, not behind the scenes. The fairytale was taking place right in front of
me. I could feel Stanleys nerves in my stomach. I watched on as Jasmine and Stanley were in deep
discussion. Suddenly Jasmine placed her hands over her mouth and swung her arms around Stanley. I
felt like crying, it was the sweetest, cutest, romanticist thing I had ever witnessed in my life, but the
only thing I wanted to do now was go back to sleep. They hugged and kissed, Stanley passed Jasmine
her flowers.
Its about time. I heard her say.
Stanley turned back to me, giving me a thumbs up, which I feebly returned. They walked over to
me, Stanley pulled Jasmines suitcase as she hid behind her flowers. She poked her head around them,
producing a shy smile. Can I go back to sleep now? I asked, shutting my eyes.
They both laughed at me. Lets get you to the car first. Stanley replied.

I ts the final day. This movie has changed my life forever and it will always be in my heart. Ive
had so much fun! My first movie ever I hope it isnt my last. Its not been a bad first film, to
say Stanley Tennant was the director and Eleanor Walden was my co-star. I cant wait for it to be
released now! Stanley gathered everyone around on set to make an announcement before our final
It has been an unforgettable time with you all. I may be grumpy sometimes, but that doesnt mean
I dont love you guys. He paused while everyone laughed. So, lets get this over and done with so we
can all go home early. The crowd cheered and clapped before dispersing back to their stations.
Today, Eleanor and I filmed the last couple of scenes of us stumbling out of the station. Eleanor s
character twists her ankle, so she has to limp and place her arm around my shoulder. The first take we
did we made it down the stairs, then our feet got tangled up and we fell over in a heap. We couldnt do
another take for a while because we were too busy laughing at one another. Were the only two left
alive after the eventful evening. Then we continue limping off into the distance. Once wed finished
laughing, of course. Thats when Id assume the end credits would feature. Eleanor hugged me firmly
after the final take.
Im so happy I met you. Her voice squeaked.
My bottom lip started to tremble as everyone started to hug. Was it like this at the end of every
movie? I hope not. Ill be a mess every few months. I flicked my eyes over to Jasmine and Stanley,
they were kissing. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy, I just smiled at them. Now I wanted to grab my
things and meet Ethan at our new apartment. Ive been dying to see it. I want to drive my new car, too.
I havent driven it since Wayne still chauffeurs me everywhere. I was desperate to hop in it and speed
away. I didnt want to hang around much longer as Id become an emotional wreckage. Before I did
anything else, I had to say goodbye to Jasmine and Stanley. The three of us embraced as I walked
Im going to miss you guys. I said to them.
We separated away from each other swiftly and shook hands before we all started weeping.
The car roared into life as I turned on the ignition. The car hadnt moved an inch, and I was
already in love with it. Eleanor shuffled herself onto the passenger seat as I entered the address into
the navigation system.
Ready to go? I asked Eleanor.
She nodded with a bright face. Then I remembered Ethan saying there was something else in the
boot for me. I slid out of the car and clicked it open. Laid amongst the boot were several pairs of Nike
running shoes and bottoms. He knows me too well, I said to myself. I returned to the driver s seat.
Ethan said to be careful. Eleanor said, peering down at her phone.
Im sure Ethan was saying something super cute like I love you baby girl, see you soon. I wanted to
snatch her phone off her and throw it out of the car window. I beeped the horn as we departed from
alongside the station. As weird as it may sound, I will miss that place. Id spent so much time that it
had started to feel like home. We popped back to the hotel to collect our things before rushing back to
the car. I was in that much of a rush I almost forgot Ethans clock. I had to sprint back inside and
collect it.
As Eleanor and I cruised along in my wonderful new car, I thought to myself, what should I spend
my earnings on? Jewellery? Clothes? Invest it? I dont want anything. Maybe get a house in England,
but Ethan has that taken care of, too. Im not sure what inspired him to purchase an apartment in New
York, but Im glad he did. Ive always wanted to visit New York, now Im going to live there! Itll be a
test for me to survive without my family. Ive managed three months so far and survived. I really want
to see them, though. They said theyd visit during the holidays when Madeline finished school. I miss
Madeline so much. I want to squeeze her and plat her hair.
As I gazed out of the window, a suggestion popped into my mind. Why dont I hire, Leonard
Phillips, the magician Ethan grew up watching. He could help me solve how Ethan switched seats with
me in the car. Leonard Phillips wasnt a magician on a kids television show whod pull a rabbit from
his hat. He performed ridiculous stunts. Like burying himself underground in a coffin or hanging
himself upside down from a rope over a tank of sharks and then setting the rope on fire. I know this
because Ethan use to make me watch Leonards shows all the time. Every Saturday at eight oclock.
We never missed one. We were only eleven or twelve. Leonard was the only magician who made
Ethan really think about how he did his tricks. He figured them out after a day or two. Wed watch the
show Saturday and by Monday afternoon, when he walked me home, hed explain how they were
done. I always found it fascinating listening to his explanations. Leonard must have given his wife a
heart attack every time he performed. Her blood pressure must have been off the scales. Im sure after
a discussion, hed be able to help me. I suppose it wouldnt hurt to ask. I grabbed my phone and text
Stanley while we waited amongst the queue of cars. I figured he would know someone who knew


Hey August. Why the sudden interest in such magician? Surprise for the love of your life, perhaps? Ive given my friend
who knows his agent your details. Im sure theyll be in contact soon. S x

T oday is my first full day in my new apartment. It is the most luxurious place Ive ever set foot in.
I pull up outside in my car. A man, dressed all smart, takes my keys and parks my car for me.
Another man in a suit then opens the door for me and they call me the elevator. Out of twenty-four
floors, our apartment is the sixteenth. Coincidental isnt it? Each apartment takes up a whole level so
theyre big. You walk along a spotless hallway to your door, opening it with your key. Entering the
apartment is like entering another world, filled with beautiful colours, turquoise and white mainly. To
your left, behind the centre island granite block, is the kitchen. Equipped with loads of ovens, stoves
and utensils. The kitchen will be disappointed when I make scrambled egg on toast. As you walk
forward to the open living room you will find an eleven-seated L-shaped black sofa, positioned
infront of a sixty-inch television. Youll encounter a staircase to your left. A wonderful, winding pearl
white staircase. After you encountered this staircase. There is a balcony stretching out the full length
of the apartment. You go out a door before the staircase on your left, or you can walk straight
through the living room to the other door. But I wont be going out there much because Im afraid of
heights. At night I could maybe go out onto it, because at night I cant really see whats below me. But
during the day its a definite no go. Walking up the wonderful, winding staircase youll find three
bedrooms. Ethan had already called dibs on the biggest room. Thats fair since he paid for everything
and, dare I say it, he will be having Eleanor over to stay. The apartment is full of furniture, but it lacks
things to make it feel like home. Adding Ethans clock and my photo frames to the mantelpiece helped
a little, but I still need to bring things over from home. Maybe now would be a good time to mention
we have a gym upstairs. I only poked my head around the corner, but it has plenty of equipment in it.
My bed feels like heaven, too. Its so soft.
Eleanor suggested we have a party here soon, so we can make some new friends. Ethan said as
we sat eating our cereal on the sofa. He was wearing the pizza tie I bought him for our fourth
Christmas together. Its like his tie is a huge weirdly shaped slice of pizza, topped with pepperoni.
Do we need to make new friends? I groaned.
We cant isolate ourselves from everyone for the rest of our lives, August.
I stared at him. Eleanor is turning into his wife.
Did Eleanor tell you about the television agency? He asked.
I raised my eyebrow at him. What about it?
He ate a spoon full of cereal. They want me to do a television programme. Street magic, things
like that. Eleanor told me to show her friend who owns the television company a magic trick or two.
Well I did five, and he liked what he saw and he said the show would have potential and would hardly
cost anything to make. Meaning good profit for them.
I was happy for him, but I could already sense him drifting away. Hell vanish off somewhere,
leaving me behind in the apartment alone.
Sounds great. I muttered. Our eyes met. I quickly looked away. I grabbed his empty bowl and
walked over to the kitchen. I placed the bowls in the dishwasher and when I raised my head from
behind the side, he had gone. I sighed. Whats wrong with me? Not even I knew the answer. Ethan must
think Im being a right arse. Hes given me everything, and now Im showing no interest in what hes
doing. Having his own show is such a big deal and I made out that I wasnt interested at all. I called
my Mum in hope hearing a familiar voice might enlighten my spirit.
Hi, sweetie
Hey, do you want to come to New York?
I thought youd never ask! Madeline and I have been waiting for your call!
Are you being serious?
Yes, Im being serious. Weve been waiting for your call to let us know that youre settled in,
sweetie. Madeline really wants to come visit!
When are you going to come?
Well, we can be over within a few days. Ill have to run it past your Father first. Is something
I just need to see a familiar face, thats all.
Whats wrong with Ethan?
Nothing. Hes going to be with Eleanor, isnt he?
Oh honey, Im sorry. Well be over as soon as we can, ok?
I love you.
I love you, too.
I called Max straight after.
Whats up bro?
Not much, you?
Other than sat in my room, reading all day, absolutely nothing. Im on my seventh book at this
moment in time.
Max thats pretty concerning you should consider going outside.
I would, but the skin might melt off my body if I do so.
If you say so. Listen, the reason I am calling you is Ill need an assistant type person soon with all
this publicity coming in, arent I?
Do you want to do it?
Yes, you.
Why not find a proper one?
Because I dont know any or anyone. Youre my friend and youre fairly intelligent. Im guessing
all you need to do is answer emails and arrange interviews and stuff for me. I doubt you will be busy
for a while. Ill find a proper one after Christmas because no one will know who I am until
Interesting proposal youre offering me here. Where will I stay?
Well my Mum and sister are visiting within the next week. After they leave you can stay with us
until you find somewhere? It depends if you get a visa sorted or not.
Have you spoke with Ethan about this?
Im sure hell be fine with it.
This is the worst job offer Ive ever been given. Ill take it.
Excellent. Arrange yourself a flight in two or three weeks time. Ill pay for your flight if you let
me know how much it is.
Im already searching for them and applying for my visa.
Perfect. Bye, bro.
Bye dude, speak to you soon.


Miss Bishop,
Ive been passed your details from Stanley Tennant. He informed me that you wished to discuss something with Mr.
Phillips? Leonard is currently away on holiday, but if youd like to send me what it is youre after, I can forward the
message to him. These past few years hes not interested in television or films, but I was assured this was a personal
Kindest Regards, Mary.

Hi Mary,
Thank you for emailing me! My friend Ethan is a magician. You wont have heard of him, but he will have his own TV
show soon! A few months back we were involved in a car crash. I was sat in the front passenger seat. Ethan was sat in
the back seat of my friends truck. A 4x4 appeared out of nowhere and slammed into my side of the vehicle. When I woke
in hospital, my friend and I realised Ethan somehow managed to switch seats with me, and suffered the injuries I should
have suffered. We both didnt see him do it. This event has been playing on my mind for a while now. Im sure you can
understand why. Ethan refuses to tell me how he did it. I want Leonard to help me solve how he did it. Ethan and I grew
up watching him and we admire him profoundly, I couldnt think of anyone else to help me solve this matter. If you could
forward this email to him I would deeply appreciate it.
Thanks, August.

I felt like a spy secretly doing undercover business as I typed out the email. I most definitely didnt
want Ethan to find out. Otherwise my job as a spy could be flushed down the toilet.


Were boarding the plane now. See u soon. Love u. xxxxx


I m so excited for my Mum and Madelines arrival. Its a shame Dad has to work. Ethan has
driven over to the airport to pick them up. I think hes excited to be reunited with them, too. I
logged into my email while I waited. No new emails. Its too early to conclude that Leonard Phillips
isnt interested. He is on holiday. He doesnt want to be disturbed, Im sure.
When I heard the key in the door I jumped up. Madeline looked like she was entering Disney land
for the first time. Her jaw was massively ajar. She sprinted off to view the apartment before even
saying hello. My Mum clambered through the door with a bundle of bags and suitcases.
Mum! I shouted as I ran over and hugged her.
August, at least let me get through the door first. She said as she dropped her bags. Ooo, this is
nice isnt it? I wouldnt mind leaving your Father and move in here. She wandered through the
apartment as if she was a lost child in a playground.
I looked at Ethan. He smiled. Hes wearing his golden star tie I bought him for his eighteenth
birthday. He picked up the bags my Mum had dropped on the floor and carried them upstairs.
Madeline shortly followed behind him skipping up each step. My Mum watched them as they
disappeared up the staircase and then ventured out onto the balcony
Mum, Mum. Theres an ice cream place not far from here. Can he take me, please? Madeline
asked, running back downstairs. Mum returned from the balcony and flicked her eyes at me before
returning to Madeline.
Dont have too much, ok?
Madeline frowned at our Mother, Fine.
Ethan jogged downstairs.
Mum says we can go! Madeline shouted to him.
He smiled and grabbed his keys and wallet off the side. Lets go Maddie!
Madeline rushed around and hugged me, allowing me to kiss her cheek before sprinting away. She
struggled to open the heavy door to the apartment. Ethan assisted her, allowing her to run along the
corridor to the elevator. Ethan smiled at Mum and me, and closed the door behind him. Silence
flowed through the apartment, but Madelines singing could be heard from along the corridor.
How the hell did he afford all this? Mum asked, as she stood and examined the mantelpiece. She
picked up the framed Polaroid picture Ethan and I took on my birthday. I wanted to tell her about
Ethan and his money, but I knew it wouldnt be a good idea. Ethan would be furious with me also.
I have no idea. Whats new with you? I asked.
Oh nothing. My Daughter is in L-O-V-E.
I blushed and buried my head into my hands. Oh please dont. I cried.
She leapt back onto the sofa beside me. Why! Lets talk about it. We never have a gossip
I removed my head from my hands to her sarcastic sulking face staring at me. I love him, he
doesnt love me. Theres nothing else to talk about.
What an absurd statement. He loves you. Youve both been too stubborn and stupid to admit it.
She reached for her handbag and pulled out an envelope.
Whats that?
These are all the photos from yours and Ethans birthdays since you were ten. I didnt bring the
earlier ones and Christmas ones because I was tired of taking them out of the big frame.
She laid them out on the table in front of us. Twenty photos, including the framed one from the
mantelpiece. Look at the photos and tell me what you see, please. Mum said in a teacher like attitude.
Why? I asked.
She rolled her eyes at me. You can tell where I get it from. Just do it.
I did as instructed and scanned through the photos. I havent seen them in a while. We looked so
cute, bless us. In the first one my face is so freckly, and my teeth were still a little crooked. Ethan was
missing one of his front teeth because I pulled it out when he kept complaining about it being wobbly.
It was odd looking at the photos from being ten to the one we had taken a few weeks back.
What do you notice? Mum asked. I shrugged.
Theyre all photos of me and Ethan? I guessed weakly.
No you moron, look again!
Annoyed, I scanned through the photos again. Nothing stood out.
I really dont know, Mum can you tell me?
She snatched at some photos and picked them up, fanning them out in her hands and holding them
Right. Ill explain this to you slowly. Here I hold six photos of you two, aged ten to twelve. On
these photos you and Ethan are sat or stood beside each other looking forward and smiling for the
photo, right? She said this as if I couldnt speak English, but I went along with it.
Right, I elongated.
She placed those photos back on the table and picked up the rest. She held them up and flicked
through them one by one, holding them up again. From thirteen to nineteen. Now hes looking at
you, see? Youre looking at the camera. He is looking at you. O-K?
I still didnt understand what difference that made.
So? Just because he is looking at me, it doesnt mean anything?
Ok, ok. Bare that thought in mind though, the fact hes looking at you.
She rummaged in her bag and pulled out another envelope. Now, these are photos of me and your
Father from when we were younger. This photo was when we were celebrating being together nine
months. Here your dad is looking at me, like Ethan was looking at you.
She flicked along to the next photo. This photo was the night your Father proposed, here he is
looking at me, like Ethan was looking at you.
She flicked onto the next photo. This photo was on our wedding day. Here your Father is looking
at me, like Ethan was looking at you.
She viciously swept away revealing the last photo. This photo, our honeymoon, again your
Father is looking at me like Ethan was looking at you. Dont you see what the common connection
I sighed because I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
I dont know Mum. Guys look at girls weirdly in photos after they reach a certain age?
She threw the photos in the air and ran her hands through her hair.
No. You bloody idiot. Ethan is or was in love with you. Like your Father was in love with me. Its
very fucking clear in the bloody presentation I put a lot of hard work into it. Pardon my French, but I
thought you were a lot more intelligent than this, August.
She picked up the photos and stacked them on the table. I sat silently, staring at her.
I need a wee. She said in a fluster.
I laughed and pointed towards the downstairs toilet. She smiled and rushed towards it. It shocked
me a little that she swore. Mum very rarely swears.
I returned to the photos on the table and picked them up. I compared the photo of Ethan and me at
his seventeenth birthday to the photo of Mum and Dad on the night he proposed. Mum was right. They
were both looking at us in the same unmistakable way. I cant believe I hadnt noticed this. Saying that,
if I couldnt see it when Mum explained it as clear as daylight, I wouldnt figure it out by myself,
would I? Does this mean Ethan loved me? Why didnt he say something? Does he still love me? Did
he ever love me?

W e visited the Empire State Building today. Since its Mums and Madelines final day, we decided
to treat them to a little sight seeing. I would tell you how magnificent the view is from the top of
the Empire State Building, however as we all remember, I am scared of heights. I had my eyes shut the
entire time. Even before we got in the elevator. I clung to Ethan like my life depended on it. The only
reason I agreed to go up was because it was something to cross off my list. I could actually say I
reached the top.
Youre such a loser! Ethan laughed.
I squeezed his arm and scrunched my face while shushing him.
Shes always been like this for some reason. Mum mumbled.
The elevator wobbled as it came to a halt. The doors beeped as they opened. I heard Madelines
patterned footsteps sprint out of the elevator and onto the roof.
Be careful! I yelled to hear. A whiteness flooded my eyelids as we stepped out. The suns heat
followed. It was warm, but the wind dimmed it.
Its so beautiful. Ethan whispered, escorting me out.
I dont care what you say, I am not opening my eyes. I muttered.
What if I told you Hugh Jackman was stood no further than ten feet away from us? Ethan said,
squeezing my arm.
Ethan, Hugh Jackman isnt here, that isnt going to work, you fool.
Mr. Jackman, were such huge fans. Its so nice to meet you, Ethan said in a brightened voice.
For a second I genuinely thought Hugh Jackman really was stood infront of me and I considered
opening my eyes for a moment.
Why thank you. Beautiful up here isnt it? I heard in an Australian voice.
Ethan that is the worst Australian accent I have ever heard. I said, turning my head with an
unimpressed look.
I thought it was quite good.
I shook my head. No, it really wasnt.
We continued wandering around in silence. Mum and Madeline had left us behind. I couldnt even
hear Madelines voice or her feet stamping around.
Arent you that magician? Ethan started in his pathetic voice again.
Yes I am! He replied to himself.
Im such a huge fan! Im sure you are a fan of Wolverine?
Who isnt, Hugh? I cant believe youre a fan of mine, this is so humbling!
Ethans one man show between him and a fake Hugh Jackman was equally annoying as it was
funny. I had a smirk on my face, but tried to hide it.
Youre such an idiot! I managed to say through my laughter.
Im just trying to keep you distracted! Ethan said, joining me.
I squeezed his arm and rested my head against his shoulder.
Its so weird walking around with your eyes closed. I whispered.
Ethan hummed as we continued to walk. A gust of wind would often lift my hair and chill the back
of my neck. Madelines voice started to become louder and clearer.
Ethan let go of my arm. Maddie, no! Get down from there!
Madeline! I yelled. Whatever youre doing, stop it!
My eyes remain closed as I helplessly stood still.
Maddie, just climb back over the fence, please, I dont want you to fall. I heard Ethan say.
Fence? I yelled. I thought the fence was huge?
Well shes on the other side of it. Dont worry, Ill get her. Ethan replied.
Madeline, climb back over it immediately! I screamed.
My heart began to race uncontrollably and my legs started to shake. I tried to force open my eyes,
but it was as if they were glued shut. I tried to follow Ethans voice, hoping to get closer to them.
August. Ethan said calmly.
What? I replied, distraught.
Were stood right infront of you, dear.
I felt Madelines tiny hand grab mine to prove his statement. My body filled with rage, this was a
cruel, cruel joke, that shouldnt be played on anyone. They started to giggle as I felt my anger rise
throughout my face.
You mean bastards! I screamed.
Everyone must have stopped to look at me in disgust. I took a deep breath and dropped my head.
Suddenly I was extremely embarrassed.
Do you really think Madeline could climb that? Ethan asked. I could sense the sarcasm on his
I dont know! I was just following what you were saying. Oh my God, I feel sick, can we please
They both continued to laugh as they took ahold of my hands.
Dont you ever do that again! I commanded.
The joys of having kids. Mum said from behind me.
Constant heart attacks. She added.
I took a deep breath and composed myself. I desperately wanted to open my eyes after this
dramatic ordeal, but I knew I would freak out and faint afterwards. They escorted me back to the
elevator and placed my hand onto the railing. I opened my eyes, expecting the elevator doors to have
already closed, and as they readjusted to the light, I caught a glimpse of the skyline of the beautiful
city I now called home.

I ve had the best time with my Mum and Madeline. I wish they couldve stayed for longer, ten
days wasnt enough. Its a shame Madeline has school.
Thank you. I whispered to Mum as I hugged her goodbye.
Ethan enjoyed having them over, too. He disappeared most nights with Eleanor so we didnt see
him much during the evenings. When he wasnt with Eleanor, he was taking Madeline to the ice cream
parlour. Its her new favourite place in the entire world. Ethan hated admitting it, but he was tired of
eating ice cream. Apparently, Madeline spent so much time in there that they named an ice cream
flavour after her. Im sure they called it obsessed or lunatic for ice cream. I bet she thought it was the
coolest thing ever, having her own ice cream. I wish I had an ice cream flavour named after me, but
then again, I have an apartment in New York named after me. So as far as getting things named after
you, I was kicking her ass. Bye Madeline, I said, covering her in kisses. She giggled and clung to
my neck.
Ready to go? Ethan asked, opening the apartment door. He wasnt wearing a tie today, which is
unusual. Very unusual. He insisted on driving them back to the airport.
A date has officially been set to start filming his new show in Los Angeles for two weeks. Not only
is he going to be gone for two weeks, hell be on the other side of the country. Hes leaving on the
twentieth and returns on the fifth of October. Hes only doing five episodes as a trial run. Its going to
be like a hand held camera view. Im guessing its a really good quality one if its going on TV. But
you will almost feel like a member of the crowd watching him. Thats how he described it. Ethan
being gone gives me time to bring Max over here and spend time with him. Ethan asked if I wouldnt
mind Eleanor staying with me while hes away. Which will be great.
Im glad Ethans been given this opportunity. He deserved his dream more than anyone. He
dedicated his life to magic, literally. I dont want him to be gone for too long, and suddenly he moves
to LA and leaves me alone. Our careers forcing us to go our separate ways. Thats what scares me the
most, losing him.

E than had another nightmare in the early hours of this morning. I was downstairs raiding the
fridge when I heard him shout my name. I dropped my milkshake and sprinted upstairs to his
room. I burst in to find him sat upright with his head in his hands.
Are you ok? I asked, flustered and out of breath.
This nightmare is driving me insane!
I closed the door and turned on his bedside lamp. I snuggled alongside him in bed and put my arm
around him.
Ethan, whats going on? What arent you telling me? You know what happened last time you kept
things from me. I said, rubbing his shoulder with my thumb.
He kept his head in his hands and sighed. Im back in Maxs truck. Im sat in the passenger seat.
The 4x4 is heading straight for me and smashes into the car. And then I wake up.
As I gazed into his eyes they appeared possessed. He was so shaken by it, and he was covered in
I rested my head on his shoulder. Im here.
We laid back and he rested his head on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair until he fell
Since I was trapped underneath Ethan, I stayed with him. I didnt want to disrupt his sleep. It was a
slight shock to be woken up by Eleanor. Her eyes beaming down upon me with rage, maybe because
were we sharing a bed and he was still asleep on me. I slid out from underneath him and stood up.
Morning. I whispered to her.
What were you doing? She whispered back.
He had a nightmare during the night, so I stayed with him.
She nodded suspiciously and then sat alongside him in bed, nudging him awake. Baby, wake up,
baby. She said.
I felt like screaming, Just call him Ethan, you idiot! Does she really need to call him baby? Really?
I left them be and walked out of the room. Eleanor had popped over to help Ethan pack since hes
leaving tomorrow. Normally that would be my job, but I guess shes beaten me to it since shes now a
higher authority in Ethans life.

Dear Miss Bishop,
My agent, Mary, forwarded your email onto me. Forgive me. Its been a while since anyone has contacted me for
business. So this friend of yours, Ethan, switched seats with you in a car crash? And hes been a magician for the
majority of his life? This sounds like an interesting act given the time he had to complete it, but Im always up for a
challenge. Since my Granddaughter is a latest fan of yours from all the magazines she reads, Ill do it for free if you send
her an autograph or something nice. It would really put a smile on her face. Send me all the details you can about
locations and times. I have friends who will track down the CCTV footage. It wont be easy, but I wont know until I have
seen the footage.
Best Regards, Leonard.

It was weird receiving that email from Leonard. I watched his show growing up, and now were
going to be doing business together. Even though I was never a huge fan of his it was still cool to
receive an email from him! All I need now is a letter from Scooby-Doo and my list would be
complete. I sent Leonard an email regarding all the details I knew about the crash. I wasnt much help,
but he said hed make do with it. Max has planned to arrive on the twenty-first. Ethan agreed Max
could stay for a month or two. Im glad hes coming. Im sure he would be more than happy to help
me keep Eleanor entertained due to the fact he adores her. Im sure he envies Ethan sincerely.

E leanor couldnt keep her hands off Ethan as she said goodbye to him this morning. I practically
had to drag her off him so I could hug him and say goodbye myself. He was wearing the black
tie with his initials in I bought him for his birthday this year. I focused down at his bag, the more I
stared at it the more saddened I became. He raised my chin with his finger and his eyes looked into
mine. We didnt saying anything we just looked at each other. I forgot Eleanor was standing right next
to us so I gave him a firm hug to avoid her becoming suspicious. He kissed the top of my head as he
always does and let go of me. It was sad watching him leave. But hell be doing the thing he loves, and
hell only be gone for two weeks. Id be more upset if it were two months. I offered to drive Ethan to
the airport, but he preferred driving himself. Then he just left, leaving Eleanor and I staring at the
door. We sat in silence for at least five minutes.
Chinese? I asked, I was starving, and Id been craving one.
You read my mind. Ill order now. Eleanor said, reaching for her phone. Within thirty minutes
of me asking, our living room was filled with Chinese food. I insisted we sat and watched Eleanor s
film Hard Luck to brighten the mood. She made mental notes on herself as she watched.
My ass looks so small on that shot. I need to squat more, dont I? Eleanor asked, picking at her
I stared at her behind on the screen, maybe for too long.
Um Im not sure I should comment on that subject. Kinda weird isnt it? She scrunched her
face at me and shuffled her bottom on the sofa. Im gonna head upstairs and do some squats.
I was eating noodles, and I considered carrying on watching the rest of the film. I swallowed them
and nodded. I placed the box of noodles onto the table and followed her upstairs. I suppose joining
her in the gym would be more beneficial than sat watching a movie and eating noodles.

E leanor and I were sat having breakfast, finishing the film we started last night. Five minutes after
it finished a knock came at the door.
Ill get it. Eleanor shouted, running over to the door like an excited toddler. She swung the door
open to reveal Max stood with his mouth ajar. He stared at her for a good seven to ten seconds before
I shouted, Max, I thought I was picking you up from the airport? Max said nothing. He remained in
his stare.
Hi. she said enthusiastically, Im Eleanor. Max grinned.
H-h-h-hi-hi, he replied.
Smooth Max. I said with a mouthful of cereal. He stepped inside and scanned the apartment in
What happened to picking you up from the airport? I asked.
Max returned his sight to Eleanor. Can I have a hug?
Sure. She said opening her arms.
Max dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around her. I bet you all the money in the world he
smelt her hair. He definitely smelt her hair.
Max, time to let her go, bud. I said.
Oh hey August. He said, walking over and fist bumping me.
Anyway, Im gonna get ready. Eleanor said, disappearing upstairs.
Max tilted his head as he watched her go upstairs.
Could you make it any more obvious, Max? I punched him in the arm to regain his attention.
Would it be weird if I asked her to marry me?
I rolled my eyes at him. Youve been here thirty seconds. Maybe when she knows who you are
and wait until she isnt in a relationship with Ethan before doing so?
He nodded. Good idea, he began to walk upstairs. I was beginning to regret my remark of
complimenting his intelligence. Ill ask her which room is mine. I laughed because I knew this was
either going to be a nightmare or loads of fun.

M ax and Eleanor are inseparable. Its like theyre the ones in the relationship. They clicked from
the second they met. Obviously, theyre not kissing or sleeping together, but they understand
each other s humour. Theyve barely spoken to me over the past few days. Its like Im invisible. I
hope Ethan realises this when he returns. That they make a cute couple, and that August; his smoking
hot best friend is the better choice for him.

Dear Miss Bishop,
I have returned from Italy. I shall begin right away on your demands. The thing that is taking the most time is finding the
camera footage, but Ill get ahold of them.
Our investigation is underway basically, Leonard.

I was unsure whether to inform Max of my recent arrangements with Leonard. Hes probably
never heard of him. He cant hold his own water, too. Ethan would find out within five minutes of
Max finding out. Moving off subject here, but, I think Max is in love with Eleanor. He was before
even meeting her, but now he has, he really is. I know this because hes acting the same way I was, did
or do with Ethan. Shes been away for an audition the past day and a half and I can see that he misses
her, even though shes only known of his existence for a week. I saw them out on the balcony before
she left. He cant take his eyes off of her. There was one moment I saw and I immediately knew.
Eleanor was gazing over the city and chatting. I couldnt hear what she was saying, it was a distant and
unclear noise. Max turned and looked at her, and he smiled, not a grin, just a slight unmissable and
unmistakable smirk. And I knew right then he was in love with her. Eleanor turned and blushed. There
may have even been a slight spark between them there, but one cannot be sure. Ive arranged to have
dinner with Max later to talk about being my assistant person. Though Im really planning to speak
about Eleanor.

Do you think I should go to LA and surprise Ethan? xoxo

Its hard to say. Do you know exactly where he is? I dont want to encourage you to go and then you cant find him! xoxo

Maybe youre right. Hell be back next week, wont he? Max and I were supposed to be grabbing lunch at my friends
restaurant tomorrow as well. I dont want to let him down! xoxo

Yeah maybe if he were gone for longer it would have been a nice surprise! Hey, thanks for inviting me! You and Max
seem to have gotten close over the last week! Youre inseparable! xoxo

Thats true. Sorry I discussed it with Max and forgot about you, sorry! I guess were lol. Im beginning to think I chose
the wrong friend to date! xoxo

Oh its fine dont worry about it! & You dont say xoxo

How are you finding life in New York, Max? I asked as we found our seats at our table in the
new Italian restaurant we had discovered.
I love it. Im so glad you asked me to come out here, August. I took a sip from my glass of
On a scale of one to ten. How in love with Eleanor are you? I smugly asked. My intentions of
sneaking it into the conversation lasted approximately seventeen seconds. Now I understand how
Stanley felt when he asked how I was coping with Ethan.
Max looked down at his glass of water. That obvious, huh?
You could see it was playing on his mind. I felt like someone was showing me a reflection of
myself a month or two ago. In male form of course.
Max, I know how you feel, and you know I know how you feel. If you want to talk about it we
can, and yes it is obvious.
I wanted to tell him that Eleanor might feel something for him too. But I didnt want to mislead
him in case it wasnt true, or she was joking.
Thanks. Its just Ive never had a relationship before and this is all new to me I just want her to
be mine, you know. You mustve felt horrible when you found out.
It honestly felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. Just give yourself false hope and pray
they dont get engaged. Maybe talk to her tomorrow when you go for food and see how she feels?
He frowned at me immediately. Weve only known each other for a week, are you mad? Youve
had twelve years to tell Ethan. I think youre unable to provide advice on telling or asking them how
you, or they feel. But this is Ethans girlfriend. I couldnt do that to him.
His comment hurt slightly, but it was true, so I couldnt argue otherwise.
All Im saying is dont leave it until its too late, like I did. In my case until its a bloody long time
too late.


Dear August,
Ive tracked down the case file for your accident. (I told you it wouldnt take long.) Im going to peruse over it now. The
camera footage is going to take a while longer to be sent over to me, but that shouldnt be too long. I will update you once
I have received the footage or if anything of significance comes to my attention, Leonard.

O nly one week until Ethans return, give or take half a day. He hasnt text me since hes been away.
I dont know if hes busy or isnt interested in talking to me. I hope it isnt the second one. Ive
been thinking about what Mum presented with the photos. I wish it was easy to ask Ethan about the
photos and if it was true. Life would be so much easier if we had the courage to ask the questions we
fear the most.
As I sat and ate my morning bowl of cereal alone on the sofa, I noticed Max and Eleanor werent
around. They went out for dinner last night didnt they? I wonder if anything happened between them.
I headed upstairs and checked Ethans bedroom, empty. Then I checked Maxs room, knocked, no
answer. I slowly opened the door. The room was empty. Where on Earth were they? I headed back
downstairs and called Max.
Max? Where are you? Did you go out this morning?
Im at Eleanor s. I cant remember a thing from last night we drank so much.
Do you want me to pick you up?
Please August, Im freaking out right now. I dont know what happened
Are you in bed with her?
No, were on the sofa.
Ill leave now. Give me five minutes.
The apartment stank of booze as Max opened the door. Morning, I said.
He scowled at me. Lets go. Shes still asleep.
He walked over to her and kissed her head before quietly closing the door behind us. He hid
himself under his shirt as I drove back home.
Do you remember anything?
I remember being in the restaurant and we fancied a drink, so Eleanor said lets go back to hers.
We had these really strong shots, they burnt your throat they were so strong. Then we kissed and thats
it. He remained hidden under his shirt. It was surprising to hear how casual he sounded about the
kissing part.
You kissed? I shouted, punching his arm.
Ow! Yeah she kissed me
I couldnt believe it! The cheating bitch! Saying that, Max was hardly going to avoid kissing her.
Do you think it meant anything? Or was it just a drunken kiss?
He sighed. I dunno. God, what have I done?
Ethan isnt going to like this. Eleanor is going to be in big trouble, which was perfect. I would be
the one to swoop in and be his shoulder to cry on.
Max stumbled upstairs to the bathroom as we got back to my apartment. As I closed the door and
locked it, I heard a familiar voice.
Where were you guys? Ive been waiting for you! It was Ethan.
I stared at the door. He doesnt know anything. Let Max or Eleanor tell him. Keep your mouth shut.
My conscience told me. I prepared my smile and twisted.
Hey! I ran over and hugged him. He was wearing the tie I bought him for his sixteenth birthday.
Its a dark navy tie covered in a pattern of small yellow suns. Its not my favourite if Im honest.
Ethan mustve appeared from the balcony when he heard the door open.
How come youre back so soon? I asked in a surprised, delighted high-pitched voice.
We worked longer during the day so we could finish early. He said, hugging me again and
swinging me around.
Patrick Miller wants me to be on his show on Christmas Eve! Can you believe that? Ive been
dying to tell you! He stopped and I regained my balance.
Thats so cool! Im so jealous! I cant believe you beat me to it, I always thought Id be the first
on the show!
Well Im cooler than you so its a clear choice.
I opened my mouth in disbelief. Impossible!
He grinned and tilted his head. That is true. Is Max here? I think I saw him on the staircase?
Max appeared at the stairs. Hey dude.
I took a few steps back in case he decided to tell him straight away.
Maximus, Ethan formally replied. Im going over to Eleanor s now. Have you guys seen her
My eyes felt like they were going to pop out. I shook my head furiously.
Nope. I glanced up to Max who was staring at the floor.
Can we speak when you get back? He said to Ethan.
Ethans eyebrows dropped. Sure bud. We can go for lunch when I get back.
I had no idea what Eleanor would tell Ethan. I had no idea what Max and her did. Max doesnt
remember much. Is Max lying? I couldnt help but feel guilty. My stomach was churning and I felt
sick. What was I supposed to say? Max kissed your girlfriend last night. Good to have you back!
Max or Eleanor need to own up to their actions. I hate them for placing me into this uncomfortable
Ethan had been gone an hour and fifteen minutes. I knew hed be back any moment. Ethan isnt one
to argue. His arguments are fairly short and snappy.
Max slumped alongside me on the sofa with his head in his hands.
Can you remember anything else?
He sat silently for a moment. Nothing I can be sure of.
Then the door opened. Maxs head shot out of his hands. I was too scared to turn around and look
at Ethan entering. I tried to see his reflection in the TV, but I couldnt catch a proper glimpse.
Shes all yours bud. I was heading over to break up with her anyway. Ethan said as he opened the
door to the fridge.
I was debating over in my mind, How long do I leave it before I rush over and snog him? Five
minutes? Five hours? Five days? Five weeks? Knowing me Id leave it five months or five years.
Ethan took a few gulps of something before placing it back into the fridge.
I think it would be best you go stay with her. Im not mad. Im just disappointed Max. I expected
better from you.
Max wiped his eyes as he rose from the sofa, heading straight upstairs. I assumed he was going to
pack up his things. Ethan sat beside me on the sofa and patted my knee. I grabbed his arm and put it
over my head and onto my shoulder. I tucked my legs up and laid my head on his chest. Im so sorry,

I was awoken to Ethan shouting my name again at 3:00am. It was even more terrifying than the
first time. I shot up and burst into his room. I sat beside him and put my arms around him. Ethan
has had a rollercoaster of a journey over the past few months. He needs a holiday or something to
take his mind off of things. It must be driving him crazy. Im not sure if breaking up with Eleanor was
part of his plan, but more and more bad things keep popping up for Ethan and he definitely doesnt
deserve them to.

Dear August,
I have received the camera footage from your crash. Hopefully Ill be able to piece what I have together and take a
proper look at them. From what Ive heard and read, it sounds like your friend is extremely lucky to be alive, Leonard.

Ethans new show is scheduled to start broadcasting on the twentieth of October. Itll be so exciting
and weird seeing Ethan have his own show. It only seems like yesterday we were kids sat watching
Leonard Phillips. Now kids would grow up watching Ethan.


Ive pieced together the camera footage, but somehow it doesnt cover the side of the vehicle where it was hit. Meaning
Ive watched a lot of footage from the other side. Im almost guessing. Its like watching the TV from behind someones
head. You werent kidding when you said he swapped seats with you in a matter of milliseconds. All I can see so far is
before the crash youre sat in one seat, the next second, youre in the back. This may be best trick I have ever seen.
Maybe trick is the wrong word to use given the circumstances. Act would be more suited to the situation. Ill continue to
analyse the footage. Im using my office at the moment to plan the act how I would myself. Hopefully this will open a new
perspective. I havent been here in years! Leonard.

Ethan here. Big fan. As humbling as it is to hear youre having trouble solving how I switched seats. I will save you time
and effort and tell you, youre wasting your time. Im sure this wont affect you at all to stop your pursuit, but I ask you to
stop your pursuit of emailing August. I also ask you to send her one last email saying the act is unsolvable. I will delete
this conversation between us so she wont know of our discussion.
Im sure well meet one day. Until then, Ethan Knight.

W hat are you doing on my laptop? I asked Ethan as I entered the apartment.
I thought I told you to drop it. Ethan Snarled, grabbing his jacket from the hanger.
What are you talking about? I knew exactly what he was talking about.
Dont play stupid August! He stormed past me, his eyes filled with rage. Like when he saw the
marking on my face after Mark hit me. Surely he was overreacting a little. Max entered the apartment
behind me and closed the door. Ethan walked straight past him, too. They still werent talking.
Ethan, Im sorry! I shouted in despair.
What did you do? Max asked.
I sighed. I hired someone to figure out how Ethan switched seats with me in the truck.
Ethan walked down the corridor and called the elevator.
Max sighed. He never told you did he?
Told me what? My concern rocketed. These moments never end with good news.
He looked down, then at Ethan and then looked down again.
My bottom lip started to tremble.
He died August his heart stopped in the impact. They brought him back in the ambulance on the
way to the hospital. I stayed with him for as long as I could. I asked them not to say anything because I
knew he would want to be the one to tell you.
I turned my head and looked at Ethan with tears rolling down my cheeks. His back facing me and
his head to the floor. I fell to the floor and cried. Like Ive never cried before. I screamed through my
tears. I couldnt breath. I was gasping for air. I really thought my lungs were not functioning properly
and I was going to pass out. I wrapped my arms over my head as I curled up on the floor. Darkness
engulfed my body. I thought I was going to pass out.
I heard rushing footsteps, Ethan asked Max to leave.
Dont cry August, please dont cry. Ethan said as he sat beside me and stroked my back. Please
dont cry.
I couldnt stop. It felt like the world around me had collapsed. My lungs then kickstarted and I
coughed as I tried to inhale. He scooped his arms underneath me and lifted me to his chest. I wrapped
my arm around him and cried into his neck. We slumped onto the sofa. He tucked my hair behind my
ears with his free hand. He hushed me silently as he rocked me in his arms.
August youre breaking my heart. Please stop crying, please.
He rested his forehead against mine. Im sorry I didnt tell you, but I knew this is how you would
react and I hate to see you cry. Its my least favourite thing. I hate it more than smoking.
I giggled through my tears.
It was never me sat in the passenger seat in my dream. It was you. Im sat in the back. Youre sat
in the front and the car is heading straight for you. I cant move. My belt is stuck and Im fighting to
unclip it, but it wont budge. The car hits us and I wake up calling out your name.
I opened my eyes and looked up, deep into his distressed eyes. My tears stopped. I desperately
wanted to grab him and kiss him.
I saw it when my heart stopped, it was just like a dream or a vision and when I woke there were
two defibrillators attached to my chest.
I sat up and tightened my arms around his neck. He was wearing the plain yellow tie I bought him
for his seventeenth birthday. It tangled in our arms. Ethan pulled on it, allowing it to fall free,
smirking as he did so. This was the moment. The moment I tell him. I couldnt hold it back anymore. I
I took a deep breath, Ethan, I I said nervously. My jaw was still trembling from crying. He
shushed me and covered my lips with his thumb.
It can wait, dear. He wiped my cheek and kissed it.

W e fell asleep on the sofa, nose-to-nose, and woke up later that evening. I feel awful. My heart is
aching. A horrible feeling of guilt builds inside of me. My stomach is bubbling. I dont know if
its hunger, nerves or I have the flu. I was too tired to drag myself upstairs and into bed so I insisted I
slept on the sofa. Ethan wouldnt have any of it, picking me up and flinging me over his shoulder as
he carried me to my room.
Will you stay with me please? If you have a bad dream I dont want to force myself up and check
on you. Ill be laid here beside you when you wake up.
I know what youre thinking, youre thinking, Well played August. Im sure thats the real reason
you asked him to stay with you. To tell you the truth, I just wanted him to hold me. Thats all I want.
I nestled my head into his chest as we snuggled into my bed together. He softly played with my
hair as I shut my eyes. I snatched at his hand when he stopped. I placed my right arm across his chest,
resting my hand on his shoulder. I wanted to feel the beat of his heart against me. If his stopped again I
think mine would, too.
We had breakfast at the ice cream parlour he and Madeline went to. They serve pancakes and
waffles. Ethan had a huge smirk on his face as we waited for our food.
I selected his tie today. I chose his cute sunflower one I bought him for his eighth birthday. Its a tie
filled with hundreds of sunflower heads, like hundreds place on top of each other.
Why are you smirking? I finally asked.
Its about time! He rolled his eyes at me. The roles had been reversed.
I rolled my eyes at him rolling his eyes.
I have good news for you. He said with a mouth full of pancake.
I scooped pancake into my mouth. What is it? I coughed and spat it back onto my plate. Almost
choking on it. Ethan coughed because he was choking on his food from laughing at me. I covered my
face in embarrassment. He almost fell of his chair from laughing at me. I threw my napkin at him.
Everyone around us mustve thought we were a set of lunatics. After he finally composed himself
he said, Guess who will be joining me on Patrick Miller s chat show in the December?
Puzzled and oblivious I asked, Who?
Ethan frowned at me. You, you fool!
The biggest smile came across my face. I was visualising it.
I can see Patrick stood there.
And my next guest, the one the world has been dying to meet the beautiful, the amazing, the
talented, the Goddess herself, the next big star you get the idea AUGUST BISHOP!!
Then I would walk onto the stage and smile and wave to the wildly applauding audience. Id run
over to Patrick and wed kiss on both cheeks.
August? Ethan said, leaning forward.
I shook myself and reemerged from my daydream. Sorry. I cant believe it! This is a dream come
true! Im going to be on the show I grew up watching. Its amazing how much your life can change. I
always said to myself I would be on the show although I never thought I actually would!
Are you excited? Ethan asked.
Of course I am! Will you be on the show with me then? There was no one else I would prefer to
sit next to on my first appearance than my bestfriend.
Kind of He said, scooping more pancake into his mouth.
What exactly does kind of mean? How can you kind of be on a show? You either are or you
Ethan chewed his pancake and swallowed. I will be in a different location, performing a magic
trick. It will be broadcasted live on the show. So youll be on the sofa watching it with Patrick while
Im performing my trick. The production company of my show organised it with his producers
because theyre predicting this will be huge.
It was disappointing to hear. I was thrilled to be on the show, and I was thrilled for Ethan, but I
wanted us to go on the show together. Just go on the show, laugh, talk, have a good time. Just
something simple. I gazed out of the window, considering the possibilities of why he would need to
be in another location to perform a magic trick. What trick are you going to do? I hated the feelings
he created where it gave me such a rush of worry. Why couldnt he tell the bit Ill be worried about
first? It would save me a lot of stress.
He coughed and cleared his throat before mumbling.
I frowned, What?
He mumbled again.
My frown increased and I leant forward, What?
A building is going to collapse on top of me.
I returned to my upright position. Cautiously looking into his confident eyes. What do you mean
a building is going to collapse on top of you?
He shushed me and suggested with his hands for me to lower my voice. Ill explain it to you later.
Here isnt the best place to talk about it. I dont want anyone finding out. Ill explain how I will do it so
you wont be worried about me, ok? He tapped the top of my hand twice.
Ok, I said uneasily.

S o, yesterday evening Ethan sat me down on the sofa and explained this fantastic new trick he will
perform on Patrick Miller s show. Hed invested in a board to help with his explanation.
Before I begin, I want you to know that Ive thought this through a million times. Nothing will go
wrong. I want to reassure you of this because I know you will be worried. Ethan said, crouching in
front of me with his hands on me knees. He stood and walked over to his board. I saw this newly
closed hotel set to be demolished later this year. This appeared as an opportunity to produce
something spectacular. Following so far?
I nodded.
Ethan drew a vertical rectangle on the board and a few squares inside that rectangle. (He was
poorly trying to represent the hotel with windows.)
Excuse the horrific drawing but Im a magician, not an artist.
I smirked and allowed him to continue by waving my hand.
I will be inside the building.
I immediately interrupted, No you wont.
Ethan sighed. Can all comments please be reserved until the end, please? Thank you. As I was
saying, I will be inside the building.
I immediately interrupted again, No you wont.
Why wont I? He asked, blank faced.
You dont have my permission to do so. I replied.
I dont want him anywhere near that building during its demolition.
Would you like me to call Patrick Miller and tell him I cant be on his show Christmas Eve
because you wont give me your permission to do so?
I nodded. Yes, if you could please. I dont want you anywhere near that building when its being
Butbut, but thats the trick!
I pulled a funny face and shrugged. Tough.
This is why I am explaining it to you though, so you wont have to be worried. Look.
He drew more detail onto his drawing. He added what looked like a pipe running underneath the
hotel. This is a tunnel. The basement staff used it as an emergency exit or something. I will exit
through here and escape with plenty of time to spare before the building collapses, ok?
He was trying his upmost hardest to seek my approval. Although I wasnt having any of it.
Youre not doing this trick, but please continue. I said bluntly. I bit my fingernails as he
hopelessly stared at his board.
The hotel will be lined with dynamite or C4, whatever they use these days. It will come down
floor by floor. Ill be in handcuffs that Ill get out of quicker than anyone can say August is the
greatest person ever. Ill pop down the tunnel, which is directly beneath where Ill be standing, and
escape from demolishment with plenty of time to spare. I might even catch the ending of it.
I stared at him with an unsure look. He stared right back at me. He soon broke from our stare and
sat beside me. August, Im going to do this regardless of what you say. Ive explained this to you so
you wont have anything to worry about. You can sit and watch all relaxed because you know I will be
fine. I want to perform something no one has ever seen before. Something that will go down in
history, an opportunity I have to grab with both hands.
I rolled my eyes at him. Ethan I will beat you up myself if you keep saying youre going to do
He laughed. Youre so adorable when youre angry.
He went to grab my cheeks, but I karate chopped his hand away. And glared into his eyes with my
mean look and flared nostrils.
What are you doing, you weirdo? He asked, moving away from me.
Im giving you my super serious Ill kick the poop out of you look.
He nodded. I thought it looked familiar. But, you just look like you need a poop, August. Its not
scary at all.
I tutted in disappointment, and stuck two fingers up at him.

Dear Leonard,
You must keep everything I am about to say to yourself. First off, I apologise for Ethans rudeness the other day. The
crash isnt his fondest memory. Im sure its been playing on your mind, so if anything pops up please discreetly let me
know. Ethans street magic shows starts on the twentieth. I thought maybe you would like to watch it. I wanted to email
you because, of course youve been a magician previously, but if you were going to drop a building on top of yourself,
whist handcuffed, how would you escape?
Thanks, August.


Youll never guess who got married!

I havent heard anything on the news. Spill it!

Me! Jasmine and I had a secret ceremony in Cuba yesterday!

No way!! Thats so great! Im so happy for you! Congratulations!

Thank you! We wouldve invited you, but we didnt even invite our families. We felt like being spontaneous as we strolled
along the beach one day, so we got our friends whos villa we were staying in to be our witnesses!

Im so thrilled for you both! I bet the ceremony was so cute and romantic!

Its so weird being married! But I wanted to thank you, August. Without you I would never have sucked up the courage to
tell her. How are things with you and a certain someone? A little birdy told me he is single

Awww, youre welcome! The birdy informed you correctly. Ive been dying to speak to him and weve been really close
lately... but I dont want to spoil anything. Hes gone & going through so much and I want to wait until the right time,
eventually itll be so obvious hell probably just ask me

Oh August stop being a wimp & tell him! Promise me you will tell him before the year is out? I wish I told Jasmine

Fine, Ill tell him by then. Ill be seeing you for the premiere soon, wont I?

Yes, you will. November seventh were having 5-10 days of premiere & promoting so well see you then! This film has
cost a fortune to prepare in a ridiculously short time. Lets hope its paid off!

Ok haha! See you then Stanley, congrats again!

W hat shall we do for Halloween? Ethan asked as we brushed our teeth.

I held my hair and spat. Yesterday I spat all into my hair, which sent Ethan into one of his
audacious laughters.
Im not going trick or treating if thats what youre asking?
Ethan spat. Of course not, I mean, should we have a costume party?
I gave him a puzzled scowl in the mirror. Who are we going to invite?
He scrunched his face before spitting again, We could ask Eleanor and Max? Its time I spoke to
them again isnt it?
I smiled. Maybe. Why dont you call them? I wasnt going to allow him to persuade me to call
them for him. He rinsed his mouth and popped his toothbrush back into the holder. Fine, Ill call
I watched him on the phone as he stood on the balcony. He was out there for a long time. Eleanor
was probably crying down the phone begging him to take her back. It would infuriate me if she were.
Everything is going rather well between Ethan and I recently, compared to a few weeks ago. If he
agreed to take her back I would probably attack him. She had feelings for Max, too. She cant have
both. My poop stare, as Ethan calls it now, increased by the second as I watched him. He strolled back
in, tapping the phone in his hands.
Ive made up with Max. Eleanor wants me to visit her so we can talk.
I sighed, because I knew if he went over shed flash her beautifully long eyelashes at him and hed
be hers. I wanted to tell him he shouldnt, but then hed ask why and I wouldnt have a valuable
explanation. Im still not ready to tell him. Ive set myself a goal of telling him before Christmas, or
New Years Eve. It provides me with the perfect opportunity to kiss him. I want to see how we do over
this next month or two with the premiere and the launch of his TV show. Which was due to start in a
couple of hours.
Are you going to see her? I asked.
Ethan paced around the apartment.
It wouldnt hurt to pay her a visit. If I leave now I can make it back in time to watch my show with
Without consulting me, he vanished out onto the balcony. I assume to call Eleanor back, and this
was the moment my misery restarted. Theyll get back together and my life will become a total an
utter disaster. Ethan ran and grabbed his jacket of the stand. I wont be long. He said, walking over
to me and kissing the top of my head. I closed my eyes and preserved it. The door closed behind him
before I could say goodbye. My eyes didnt move from the door the whole time he was gone. I kept
saying to myself, Hell be back any minute now, every minute.
An hour and twenty-four minutes later, the door re-opened. Ethan reappeared from behind it blank
How did it go? I urged.
He slowly walked over and sat back beside me. Weve decided to give it another go, shes been
on the set of another film these past few weeks and shes taken time to think about it and wants to be
with me. I want to give her one last chance because I like her.
He knew that I didnt like it. Each word he spoke brought me more misery and anger. It felt like
turning back the clock a couple of months and seeing them together for the first time. I sighed as he
stopped talking and dropped my head, quickly raising it again before he noticed anything suspicious.
He had the biggest grin on his face.
Im just kidding! God, can you ever be happy for me!
The fury that rose inside me was indescribable. I gritted my teeth and punched his shoulder. Stop
it with all these jokes!
Aww come here. He opened his arms and I foolishly fell into them. He patted me on the back as I
rested on him.
Stop being so stubborn. He whispered in my ear.
Eleanor has feelings for Max apparently. She hasnt spoken to him because she has been away
filming. We agreed that they have better chemistry.
Cute. I was still recovering from his cruel joke.
Right, lets watch how amazing I am shall we? He said, grabbing the remote, flicking through
the channels to find his show.

E thans show is nothing short of magnificent. Its called Deception. Its nothing like the stunt is he
hoping to perform in December. Its simple street magic. Well, according to him its simple. It
involves him walking around performing card tricks to small groups of pedestrians. The more tricks
he did, the more the crowds around him grew. He wore the other tie I had bought him for our fifth
Christmas together throughout his first show. It was a charcoal grey tie with purple spots dotted on it.
In his second show, aired on the twenty-seventh, he wore the red tie I bought him for his ninth
birthday. A normal red tie, thats it, nothing too special about it. In his second show, Ethan is by the
beach, continuing his card tricks. He performed his usual slip the card in your shoe trick although he
was working with flip-flops. I dont know if that made it more difficult for him or not. Im sure he
had figured it all out before performing them.
He met Natasha Thompson along the beach, the tall, wonderfully tanned and beautiful model. Id
never paid much attention to Natasha. She was stunning, drop dead stunning. However, modelling
isnt something I follow, so I dont know much about her. Ive been asked to do some photoshoots for
magazines, so I suppose I will be a modelling soon, too. As an interest though it isnt something I
follow with passion. The producers of Ethans show thought it would be a good idea for him to
perform a trick for her. Ethan somehow forgot to mention this. I find it hard to believe hed forget to
mention such huge news.
What was she like?
He shrugged. Shes cool.
It wasnt the exciting explanation of their encounter I was expecting.
They sat in an empty beach bar, drinking coconuts through a straw. If I remember correctly,
Natasha is twenty-two or twenty-three. She looks about the same age as Madeline to be honest. The
beaming sunlight lit up her face, making her hazel eyes appear even more indulging. Ethan and
Natasha shared a smile for a moment before he asked for the ring she was wearing.
Dont worry youll get it back. He said smoothly.
She had a sly grin on her face as she handed the ring over.
Ethan examined it in the sunlight before grabbing an empty clear glass bottle from the bar. He
passed the bottle to Natasha, asking her to inspect it and making sure the lid was securely fastened and
not capable of leaking.
It looks good to me, Ethan. She replied, returning it, and taking another sip from her drink. She
had such a broad English accent. I mean Im English and I guess mine is plain-ish. But hers was
very posh, I guess would be the best word to use.
Now watch closely. Ethan said, holding the ring against the bottle. He moved them apart from
one another before snapping them together, transporting the ring inside the bottle. The jolt startled
Natasha, but amazement soon followed. Oh wow! She said as she snatched the bottle off him,
tapping away at it. How am I supposed to get this out now? She flirted. She was definitely flirting.
The bitch.
I snarled at the TV over her overreaction and perfection. Ethan held the bottle over her hands, and
the ring dropped back into them. Just like that. Astounded, Natasha gazed down at her ring. I could
have gone into further detail regarding this encounter, but its annoying me and Im jealous. I also
wasnt too fond of the trick Ethan did for the Brazilian girls on the beach. Lets just say their breasts
were rather noticeable, well huge. With these girls, instead of putting the card in their flip-flops, Ethan
was slightly more adventurous with the placement of the hidden card. Im sure you can guess it was
placed in one of their bikini tops. I shook my head at Ethan, he didnt notice though. He was too busy
giggling at himself. They performed a magic trick of their own by slipping their phone numbers into
his pocket.
Im so pleased for Ethan, his show is doing great. The amount of viewers he received for his
second show tripled the viewers from the first. The first two episodes were brilliant. I just get jealous
easily when I see him performing another trick for another girl. Im his magic girl.
Hes leaving again in a few days to film the next series ahead of the New Year. Theyve made a
huge profit from it already just with advertising so they want him straight back out there ahead of the
New Year. Hes also got to plan everything ahead of his special appearance on Patrick Miller s show
on Christmas Eve. Im starting to develop a real dislike for magic.
Tonight were having a Halloween costume party that Eleanor has arranged. Ethan and I have
spent all day shopping for costumes. Ethan was insistent that he wasnt wearing make up or face paint.
My upmost best to persuade him otherwise, failed. He was decisive that he would go as a magician. I
went along with his decision and sat on the stool in the store, watching him try on a million top hats.
Im getting you one. Ethan said as he tilted the hat on his head.
No, no youre not! I joked.
Ethan took the hat off and turned to the assistant beside him. Can I get two of these, but one in the
smallest size, please?
The assistant bowed their head and took the hat away.
Youre having a hat August. We need matching suits now.
I rolled my eyes at him. Do I not get a say in this?
He shook his head, Naa.

Hi August,
Sorry I havent replied. Ive not checked my emails for a while. There is no need to apologise. Ive spent a lot of time re-
watching the footage of the crash. However, Im still no closer to solving it. I watched Ethans show and I must admit it
was impressive. He has a certain swagger about him. I think it will take him far in the world of magic. As for bringing a
building down on top of myself, I would pre-record it, using special effects. Id sit and watch myself perform from my
trailer without lifting a finger. I hope this helps, Leonard.

Ethan, isnt there any way you can use special effects to bring the building down on top of you
instead of risking your life? I asked while we were looking through suit colours and materials.
He looked at me with disappointment. How would that make it the best trick ever, August? Magic
is about leaving people on the edge of their seats. The audience wants to feel like this could genuinely
kill me, and theyre waiting to find out if Im alive or not. Thats the beauty of it. Never knowing how
they did it. Everyone has their suspicions, but theyll never be told if they were correct or not. If
anything slips up from one of the special effects people, the entire press will jump on it and call me a
joke. Then for the rest of my life Ill be known as the coward who used special effects.
I couldnt argue with him, he was right. Please come back in one piece.
He grabbed a top hat off a shelf and popped it on my head.
I will. The hat slipped over my ears and covered my eyes.
Im serious Ethan. We both know what happened last time.
Whats got into you lately? Youre always worrying. Dont you trust me?
I removed the hat from my head, examining it in my hands. Of course I trust you. But bringing a
building down on top of yourself has nothing to do with trust. Im making one rule.
Ethan winced his eyes. Ok, lets hear it.
I rolled the hat around in my hands. If you even so much as receive a scratch from this, Ill beat
you up and you can go back to putting cards down Brazilian chicks bikinis.
My eyes didnt blink to make my intentions clear and then I brought out the poop stare. Ethan
tucked my hair behind my ears and then pulled a small section forward so my ears poked out. He
thinks this makes me look like an elf.
Ok my tiny mean elf wife. Youre so demanding!
I karate chopped his hands away and ruffled my hair.
Ethan couldnt choose a suit for us to wear, so he chose one at random since I was uninterested in
doing so. I sulked through the entire measuring fitting as an elderly lady with her tape measure, sized
us up.
Youre so adorable when youre grumpy. Ethan said with a grin on his face as he sat and
watched the elderly lady measure me to his amusement.
I hate you. I replied. I wanted to dress up as someone hot, like Catwoman or some other sexy
character. Not some ridiculous sidekick for Ethan wearing stupid top hats.
Ethan grinned. You love me.
I remained silent because it was true, but not in the way he implied. The suit Ethan had chosen was
green, a hideous green. Like the colour furniture your Grandparents would have in their house,
Why New York Ethan? I asked as we drove home. We hadnt spoken about the sudden idea of
moving to America and buying an expensive apartment.
I wanted to move somewhere we would enjoy. I figured with your acting career taking off as well
it would be perfect for you.
I raised an eyebrow. So, you did this all for me?
Ethan gazed out of the window. Well, yeah. Who else do I have to spoil? If your acting career
took off, I decided being in New York meant I would be closer to wherever you would be filming,
and wed be able to see each other more than me being in England.
My stomach fluttered from his cute considerableness. I quickly peeked over at him before
returning my attention to the road. Why couldnt he tell me he loved me too? If he ever did. He must
do. If what Mum explained was true that means all those years growing up together and he never
mentioned it once. Why?

L ast nights party was, lets say, eventful. Around fifty or sixty came, thanks to Eleanor s
organisation skills. I felt utterly ridiculous having to wear my top hat and suit. Ethan thought we
looked cute, I disagreed.
We met some interesting new people. I doubt well become friends with any of them. Their egos
are too big and came across as snotty.
I did meet the singer, Alex Farrell. His new album has broken nearly every record in music. Hes
super sweet and not to mention gorgeous. Ethan was standing beside me, though, so I tried my best to
keep my cool. The girl he had with him was lovely, too. She was called Wednesday. We clicked
because both our names are based on the calendar. When I asked if she was his friend or girlfriend
she smirked and glanced over at Alex.
We dated before fame interrupted, now were just friends its complicated. She whispered.
Im in a complicated situation myself. I hinted over to Ethan discreetly.
Wednesday winked, nodded, and then zipped her lips shut.
I enjoyed talking to Her and Alex. It was a shame they had to leave early. Max still hadnt spoken to
Eleanor properly since the day Ethan returned. He spent his night on the balcony sulking in his
hilarious dragon costume. By the far the best costume of the evening, maybe ever. Everyone else had
focused on showing cleavage or being a metaphorical emotion.
Why dont you talk to her, Max? I said, wearily standing beside him.
Its pointless, August. She wont be interested in my pathetic speech of how much I love her.
Max, shes a normal girl. Ethan told me shes been away filming. Thats why you havent heard
from her. She deserves someone to love her after the horrible previous relationships shes had. The
last one she kinda messed up by herself, with your help of course. She likes you more than you think.
My encouraging words raised his head. Ethan then joined us out on the balcony. Whats wrong
with you, grumpy? He was wearing the tie I bought him for Halloween a few years back, its black,
and covered in a pattern of bright orange pumpkins with various scary faces carved into them. Ethan
was drunker than I assumed, he appeared high-spirited due to their recent circumstances.
Nothing, just enjoying the view. Max replied.
Max, buddy, I will do a magic trick for you. As an apology for my unnecessary behaviour. Ethan
Max frowned, and so did I.
Hold your arms out in front of yourself, please, keep them strong.
Max followed as instructed and held out his green and red dragon arms.
Now, I will count to ten in a moment. When I start, I want you to reverse into the apartment, ok?
Max closed his eyes and laughed once in amusement.
Ten-nine-eight-keep those arms strong, Max-six-five.
Ethan grabbed my arm as Max walked back, Look at the bottle at the door there. he whispered in
my ear.
It confused me, still, I did as he instructed. An empty wine bottle laid alone on the floor inside the
apartment stared back at me.
Three-two-one Max stopped. Then a loud cry came from the apartment. Eleanor suddenly
came flying out of nowhere and landed straight into Maxs arms. Her eyes closed, with a look of
shock on her face. Max was equally astounded for another reason. The bottle Ethan asked me to focus
on was behind Eleanor s foot while she stood chatting. She fell over the bottle and straight into Maxs
Thanks, Max! Cool outfit. Eleanor cried out desperately in his arms.
Dragons are cool, arent they? It was a cringeful moment, but cute.
I rolled my eyes at his blabbering comment and turned to Ethan while they got reacquainted.
Its all about timing sometimes, dear. Lets move before she sees us.
He grabbed my hand and walked around the balcony towards the other door. As we re-entered Max
and Eleanor were busy sticking their tongues down each other s throat to notice everyone was staring
at them.
Ethan, if you hadnt had died for me. Id have to admit that was the best trick you have ever done.
He let go of my hand. I didnt want him to, it was nice.
They needed a small push. He replied. Im going to grab us a drink, Ill be back in a second,
Ok, Ill stay here. Ethan swiveled and wandered towards the kitchen. Max and Eleanor were now
stood talking on the balcony and kissing every three seconds. Things then plummeted downhill. A
drunk guy walked over after Ethan left, he was one of Eleanor s ex-boyfriends. But they were now
friends. I dont understand how people can do that. I spoke to him as he swayed beside me. The longer
he stood with me the more I began to feel more and more uncomfortable. I was having flashbacks of
my time with Mark and I needed to get some air. I excused myself and tried to exit, but he grabbed my
Where are you going? He asked. His breath stunk of liquor. I could feel a rush come over
myself, like I was about to have a panic attack. My pulse throbbed in my ears as my heartrate rose.
Let go of me. I quietly and politely said.
Id do as she says. Ethan appeared from behind me.
Sorry, I meant nothing by it! He replied, holding up his hands.
Who are you here with? Maybe you should go find them and leave. Ethan said, stepping in front
of me.
Well I came with your Mother, she disappeared a while ago so Im just waiting on her. Of all the
shit comebacks for this fool to say he had chosen by far, the worst possible one. And then thats when
Ethan knocked him out, and his two friends who came rushing over to his aid. Security seemed to
have no issues dragging them out of the apartment and escorting them from the building.
I announced to everyone that the party was over and that they should all leave peacefully. Max and
Eleanor stayed. Eleanor wasnt pleased with Ethan knocking out three of her guests including her ex-
boyfriend, but she understood. Her and Max tidied up the apartment while I fixed Ethan with some ice
for his bruised knuckles.
Im sorry. Ethan said, rocking back his head.
I grabbed his cheeks with my hand and pushed them together. Youre being silly. Dont waste
another second thinking about it, ok?
Ethan couldnt say or do anything because Id squeezed his cheeks together. He looked cute with
them squished together. I dont know why I dont do it more often. Max wandered over and hugged
Ethan from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Thank you. He said, resting his head against his back in his stupidly brilliant dragon costume.
Dont mention it. Ethan replied.
Max that is the best outfit I have ever seen, ever.
I couldnt stop laughing at him. Max released his grasp from around Ethan and patted him on the
Youre not staying here tonight, though, dont push it. Ethan shouted as Max flew away.
Ethan glanced down at me, and then I realised something. He pretended to be drunk earlier with
Max on the balcony, what if he pretended to be drunk during the crash? It seemed stupid, but it played
on my mind. I stopped what I was doing and ran upstairs.

Leonard, Did I mention that Ethan was drunk during the crash? August.

Impossible!! If he was I will happily write a newspaper column and announce he is the best magician the world has ever

August, Leonard.
I thought we discussed we wouldnt talk about this matter anymore? Leonard, Ill tell you how I did it. Just so I can sit on
my balcony enjoying my cereal while reading your article about how I am the greatest magician ever.
August we need you downstairs, Ethan.

August, if I were you Id marry that boy. Leonard.

I dont know what was in that email from Ethan to Leonard and I never will. Thats the magicians
code. Ethan remained silent as I returned downstairs, obviously he didnt want to cause a scene in
front of Max and Eleanor, even if there was one to cause. Our eyes met, as if an understanding took
place between us. Then he tried to recreate my poop stare, but failed horribly.

W hy do you have to go back to LA? I groaned to Ethan, holding onto his leg as he dragged
me along the floor towards the door.
August let go of my leg, you weirdo! Ill see you soon dont worry. I will only be gone a few
days. Is it because I cant to make it to your premiere?
I tightened my grip around his ankle. I will be lonely and alone and by myself. I have no one to be
my date for the premiere either. Max is going with Eleanor, obviously.
Ethan bent down and picked me up like a small child and stood me on my feet. Im sorry ok, this
is the last time for a few months. Once I get back Im all yours, ok?
I sulked and crossed my arms, Fine. I grabbed ahold of his Rubiks cube tie I bought him for our
ninth Christmas together as he kissed my forehead. He swiveled and picked up his bags. My head
suddenly screamed Kiss him you fool, kiss him! But by the time I lifted my head, the door had already
closed behind him. I stared at the door for a minute or two in hope he would return and sweep me off
my feet. Instead, I found myself in his room, wrapping myself in his clothes and duvet.

Are you free to discuss work stuff with me?

How long has it been since Ethan left?

I think its been fifteen minutes now.

LOL, Im on my way.

I was gonna send you an email with all this information in. But, I might as well tell you in person
now Im here. Ill email it all over to you anyway, in case you forget. Recently, Ive had hundreds of
emails, asking for interviews and photo shoots. Ill send you the list of them for you to take a look
at, Max said as we sat down to discuss taking my career forward.
Ive had three movie auditions sent in my direction for you. The first; is a film directed by your
last director, Stanley Tennant. Its another action film. This one however has mythical creatures or
zombies. Something that isnt real anyway. They want to start filming in January or February. The
second; a romantic film. You play a small town girl who falls in love with a pop star, cheesy I know.
Apparently it will be huge. Theyre willing to push the start date back for it until June if you get the
part for the film directed by Stanley. The third; you play an astronaut whos on the moon with your
team. You wander off, stumbling into another dimension or something, discovering this whole new
planet and aliens and blah blah blah. Theyre also willing to push the start on that one, too, to
November. These guys love you. Everyone does. Youre a massive star behind the scenes already with
no one really knowing who you are yet! Newspapers have worked in your favour so far! Stanley
hasnt stopped talking to everyone about you also. The good thing about all these productions is there
no further than two hours away from New York. So when you and Ethan finally admit that youre
madly in love with each other, and cant live without one another then its perfect for you. You best
get your audition game ready!
I nodded. You think hes in love with me?
Max flapped his arms. Ive just presented three auditions to you, and thats what you ask me?
I grinned, Im kidding! Ill audition for them all, please. Ill read the scripts later, they all sound
good, especially the astronaut one, thanks Max. Shall we have lunch?
Max jotted in his notepad, Right ok, Ill get back to all of them for you. Yes, lunch sounds great,
Im starving.
And just like that I casually landed three more major movie auditions.


Im so sorry we cant be there, sweetie. Dad has to work, as always, and so do I. Madeline is dying to visit, but we know
youre busy so we dont want to just drop her on you. She still has school for another couple of weeks before she
finishes for Christmas and New Year. Please come visit soon, August. I hope the premiere goes splendidly. Take plenty
of photos for me! I love you lots.

T oday is the final day of promotion. Tonight Ill be walking down the red carpet signing
autographs as we end with the premiere. The past few days have been spent doing private
interviews, radio shows, and press conferences. At first I found them overwhelming, and they scared
me. I soon got use to them though. I have to. This is what the rest of my life will be like. I enjoyed
doing the radio shows most. Theyre a lot more fun and relaxed. You just have a laugh and then have
a slight discussion about the film. Simple really.
Stanley and Jasmine have organised a dress for me to wear for the premiere. As a thank you for
everything Ive done for them. I dont know why they keep thanking me. I didnt really do much. I just
gave Stanley the encouraging push.
Im hoping my size hasnt changed at all since filming. Ive been working out at the apartment, and
Ive started to develop the cutest little six-pack, so Im praying itll fit me. Otherwise Ill forever be
known as the wonder girl whos dress didnt fit her. Great start to my career. Way to go August. Im a
little nervous. Maybe its because the time had arrived for the world to meet me, and for me to meet
the world.
Its been great spending time with Stanley and Jasmine again, and Eleanor. We have rekindled our
sister like relationship now shes sleeping with the friend Im not in love with. I wish Ethan could
make it tonight. My first big event and hes missing it. I know what hes doing is equally important,
but I wanted him to be by my side.
We have one final press conference before we need to get ready for tonight. Everyone is only
interested in asking me questions during these conferences. Ninety percent me, ten percent Eleanor,
Stanley and the others. Its becoming tiring telling everyone how long Ive wanted to be an actress.
Eleanor and I shared a dressing room to prepare ourselves for tonight. We had our own make up
teams at our disposal. I would die for Eleanor s eyelashes. We used the same mascara, but somehow it
made her lashes appear miles better than mine. We both hate fake eyelashes, too. Eleanor s hair looks
amazing, too. The hair stylists told me she is having a straight, centre-parted style, which will come
over her shoulders. And Im having a messy chignon with tousled strands to frame my face. It baffled
me, but I still pretended like I understood what they meant and that it was exactly what I wanted.
Jasmine knocked on the door as she entered. August, I have your dress! Its so beautiful! She had
such a bright, bubbly grin on her face. She trotted over with the dress bag in her arms. Eleanor,
Jasmine and I gathered around it as if we had discovered a treasure chest. Jasmine opened the bag and
removed the cover to reveal what can only be described as perfection. The make up staff gathered
around. I swear I saw a tear come out of the corner of one girls eye. We all admired it as if it were a
painting at a gallery. The lights shun upon it and it sparkled beautifully. Not too bright so I looked like
a disco ball, but not too dull so Im dressed for a funeral. Its a mysterious black, and so elegant. Im
concerned at the length around the chest area however. Im worried my breasts would be the slightest
bit exposed.
Oh August, if youve got them, flaunt them. Jasmine said as I slid into the masterpiece behind a
I took a deep breath before turning and checking myself in the mirror and I have to say, I looked
hot. I mean I was smoking in this dress. I performed a twirl and for a second I felt like a Princess.
The gown only dragged behind me a couple of inches, so I wouldnt clumsily trip over it. Im sure
Ill somehow find a way. I stepped out, holding my chest and allowed Jasmine to zip up the back.
I think Ive chosen the wrong gender friend altogether. Eleanor said, scanning my figure. I
blushed because she didnt look as though she was joking. The make up staff once again gathered
around and admired. This time there were definite tears shed. The dress felt so smooth and soft.
Whoever designed and created this piece of perfection was a genius. My concerns were correct, a lot
of my upper torso is on show. I doubt people will complain about that though. I just hope nothing that
shouldnt pop out, pops out. All I could think about since then was how much this dress must have cost
Stanley and Jasmine.
Stanley has a friend. I wish I got a wedding dress made by this guy. I might have to get married
again just to wear one! Jasmine replied when Eleanor asked which planet the dress came from.
Im anxiously sitting in my limo on the way to the red carpet. My heartbeat is throbbing in my
ears. I poured myself some champagne and gulped it, carefully avoiding smudging my lipstick. The
fizzing flowed into my churning stomach and didnt produce a good combination with my
Nervous? My driver asked as he rolled down the privacy glass.
The throbbing in my ears made the voice sound a lot quieter than it should have been. Petrified, I
He stuck his head around the privacy glass and smiled, it was Wayne.
Hey! What are you doing here? I asked.
They asked me to drive you! Since were bestfriends. He chuckled.
Its good to see a familiar face. Ive been worrying my ass off, I mean look at me, look at my
He flicked his eyes in the rear-view mirror. The dress looks wonderful, and so do you! What are
you worrying about? Is it because you dont have a date tonight?
Affirmative, I wanted someone to be here to support me, you know.
Wayne nodded, I understand.
I poured myself more champagne, taking a sip this time.
I will not throw up. I told myself.
We came to a halt at some traffic lights.
Were coming around the final corner now, Miss Bishop, so you better prepare yourself. Stanley
told me to tell you there is a final gift for you in the compartment behind me here. Wayne said,
rolling the privacy glass back up.
Ok. I softly said as I inhaled, and exhaled. I leant forward, clicking a small button. A flap
dropped. Inside was a small navy blue velvet box with a small note on top. I opened the box. It
contained a sterling silver chain necklace, with a small key attached to it.
Over the past few months Ive received so many extraordinary gifts. Some big, some small and
Im running out of profound adjectives to describe them all. I snatched at the card and read the
This will look nice with the dress x
I grinned and held the box close to my chest. I delicately took the key chain necklace from its box.
It was so beautiful. It glistened below the dim lights above me. Suddenly a huge burst of flashing
lights and screams erupted as we turned the corner. The limo stopped in a queue behind the others as
the guests exited their limos and made their way along the red carpet. I was the last to arrive, to
increase the anticipation. I quickly struggled to clip the necklace around my neck. The tiny handle on
the back was too small for my trembling fingers, but I got there in the end. Im surprised to meet
myself, if that makes any sense. This is the biggest moment of my life. Only two cars waited now,
Max and Eleanor s, and mine. Their limo door opened, and the cameras flashed. Max mustve been
terrified. Eleanor almost had to drag him forward.
Here we go, good luck! Wayne shouted.
My heart was beating out of my chest. The throbbing in my ears had returned. Even with my
throbbing ears the roar from the crowd was deafening. This was it. The moment wed all been waiting
for. I checked my reflection in the privacy glass, practicing my smile. The last thing I want is
criticism over my smile.
This is it. I shuffled over to the door as it opened, carefully hoisting my feet out. Maneuverability
in this dress is limited. The cold bitter air struck my face, chilling my cheeks. A hand extended
towards me, offering assistance. I reached out and grabbed a hold tightly. I gazed up to thank them.
And there he was, with the biggest smirk on his face, knowing I was oblivious to his presence. I
stood up with beaming smile on my face. My nerves and unassurances vanished. I had my bestfriend
here with me now. All was well.
You really thought Id miss your first premiere? Ethan said in my ear.
Id completely forgotten about everyone else. The blinding camera flashes reminded me to remain
focused. There were hundreds of cameramen squeezing forward holding their cameras in the air to
capture a glimpse of my arrival.
I thought you couldnt make it? I shouted into Ethans ear.
We were stood no further than a foot away from each other, but the noise made it hard to hear.
I planned this from the beginning! I wanted to surprise you! You look as beautiful as ever, my
dear, a little too beautiful. Its giving me flashbacks to your Mums dress when we met Stanley. He
flicked his eyes down to my cleavage to which I raised an eyebrow up at him. For the first time in,
well ever, he had a bow tie on instead of a tie. He looked rather handsome and dashing.
I hate you. Im bloody freezing! I shouted to him.
You love me and this is the best surprise ever, so shush you. You can have my jacket after weve
done all these photos.
I rolled my eyes at him, linked my arm with his and we took our first steps together down the red
carpet. We stopped on the marker positioned infront of the cameramen. All the flashing cameras sent
my eyes funny. I turned to Ethan to block some of the beams and regain my sight. I noticed he was
already looking at me before rotating his head swiftly away. It made me think of Mums explanation
with the photos. Could he have been doing the same just then?
After we passed the cameramen we entered the next group, fans. Far more overwhelming although
there werent as many flashes now. Eleanor and I wandered off down the crowds signing books,
magazines, and photos. One girl asked us to sign her forehead. We laughed, but we signed it. Ethan
and Max stood aside and watched in a clueless fashion. Ethan may be use to fame since his shows
release, Max however, is new to this. He couldnt have chosen a bigger event to make his first major
public appearance with Eleanor. I looked over my shoulder to check on them and saw them both
posing for a few photos with a group of screaming girls. I smiled at them before posing for a photo
myself with a little girl who was wearing the cutest dress.
You look very pretty, I said with a comforting smile. She was being held in her Mother s arms. I
think the loud atmosphere scared her.
Say thank you. Her Mother said.
Thanks, my Mummy bought it me. She murmered before clinging to her Mother, hiding her
face. She was so adorable. She eventually came out of her shell and gave me a hug before I had to
attend to the other screaming fans.
It made me think of Madeline, and how I wish I could have brought her here. She would be
skipping up and down the carpet with great excitement. And striking many poses infront of the
All the continuous signatures made my wrist ache. I was exhausted after spending twenty or thirty
minutes with everyone. Many members of the crowd were so sweet and lovely, they all commented on
how beautiful I looked and said how they loved me. It was so humbling to hear. I couldnt have
dreamed for a better reception. I wish I could have spent more time with everyone.
We were then escorted to the next department, interviewing. Sweat had gathered at the top of my
forehead. I wanted to wipe it away, but knowing me Id wipe my entire make up off and leave a blotch
of it on Ethans jacket. The interviews didnt last too long, they were short and sweet.
- Whats your favourite meal for breakfast?
- What book was your favourite growing up?
- Who is your idol/role model?
- Dogs or cats?
- Whos your favourite Friends character?
- Are you in a relationship or do you have a special someone in your life?
My eyes darted over to Ethan after the last question, I snapped them straight back before a
connection was made.
Uh, no. I replied and laughed it off.
Everyone then made their way into a cinema screen. Eleanor and Max, Ethan and I, were all seated
together alongside Stanley and Jasmine.
Stanley sat beside me. Excuse me, August Bishop is supposed to be sitting there. Do you know
where she is, because youre clearly not her?
I smiled and shook my head. I cant thank you enough, Stanley. I feel so beautiful in this dress.
Stanley slumped into his seat then leant on the armrest. Its the other way around. The dress feels
so beautiful on you.
I blushed. Thank you for the necklace, too.
What? Oh the necklace! Youre welcome. I figured youd probably lose a ring. He joked.
The screen then started to flicker.
Everyones conversations died into silence.
Ethan patted my hand to reassure me. You can relax now.
I rearranged my posture slightly to not appear so upright and eager. It was hard to change my
shape because of the dress.
Stanley leant over his armrest with a look of delight stamped on his face, Here we go!
Theres something odd about watching myself in a movie that made me nervous. Maybe its
because Im scared that I might not approve of my performance. I made mental notes in my head
throughout the movie:
- Look more upset when youre fake crying.
- Sound more posh.
- Have better eyelashes than Eleanor.
- Become less cool. (Everytime I shot someone it was the coolest thing ever.)
And finally:
- Do more squats.
A huge applause erupted from everyone as the end credits ran. Everyone started shaking Stanleys
hand, congratulating him on his phenomenal production. I didnt think it could be done in the time
given, Stanley my boy. One man said, kissing Stanleys cheek.
Ethan pretended to be asleep for the final moments of the film, I nudged him and he grinned like a
We stood in appreciation for everyones reaction, Ethan and Max remained seated. It was so
humbling. Since walking into my first acting class as a kid Ive worked my ass of my entire life and
its finally paid off. Ive made it. My dream had come true.
After being bombarded by everyone waiting to shake my hand, and even more photographers.
Wayne drove us all home in his limo. Ethan and I were seated at the section nearest Wayne while Max
and Eleanor sat across from us. Eleanor had spread herself out and rested her head on Maxs lap and
fallen asleep. He gently stroked her hair behind her ear in a smooth rhythm.
Its midnight and were still another hour away. I flicked off my heels and tucked my legs up while
spreading myself across Ethans lap, mirroring Eleanor s position. I watched the dim yellow
streetlights flow by in the dark night sky, quickly drifting off to sleep.
When I woke Ethans face was hanging over me. We were in the elevator heading up towards our
apartment. He was carrying me in his arms like your Mum or Dad would carry you to bed when you
had fallen asleep on the sofa.
I can walk now, thanks.
Oh now you can walk, can you? Ethan joked.
He placed me on my feet as the elevator door opened. I dawdled forward and fiddled with the key
in attempt to open the door. Ethan took the key off me and opened the door.
Thanks, I whispered. Will you undo my dress, please?
I needed to get to bed as soon as possible, but more importantly, I didnt want to ruin this dress. I
walked into the apartment and stood still, waiting for him to undo my zip. There was a small pause
before he zipped down my dress and unhooked the clip.
Thanks. I whispered before slithering out of it, and placing it over the back of the sofa. I
shivered and then realised I was stood in nothing but my underwear. It was the last of my concerns.
Sleep was more important, and it was calling me. It may work in my favour anyway. I flopped onto
my bed. Tucking myself underneath the heavy cold covers. I laid on my back and gazed up, suddenly
Ethan I shouted.
The door creaked open marginally and he poked from behind it. Yes?
Will you stay with me, please? I asked, patting the bed beside me with a sulk on my face. I wasnt
trying it on, promise. I wanted someone to cuddle and warm me up. I always crave that.
Put some clothes on first. He replied.
Give me your shirt, Im too tired to move. I groaned.
Fine. The door creaked open and shut.
I switched my bedside lamp on so he could see where he was going, theres nothing worse than
stubbing your toe on the corner of your bed during the middle of the night. He unbuttoned his shirt,
and threw it over me. It floated down, landing on my head.
Thank you. I murmured from under it. I leant forward and flung the shirt over me, buttoning it
up. Ethans shirts are like wearing a small nightgown. It was warm and hugged my body.
Ethan snuggled in beside me. Youre freezing!
I shushed him and rested my head on his chest as he tucked his arm underneath me. I placed my
arm across his chest and rested it on his left shoulder, so I could feel his heart beating against my arm
Thank you for surprising me tonight. I mumbled, since my cheek was squished against him.
I wasnt going to miss it, was I? He replied, rubbing my shoulder.
I smiled and drifted off to sleep as he softly played with my hair.

E verywhere I look I see my face. Im becoming tired of seeing myself; newspapers, magazines,
news channels, gossip channels. The movie was released into cinemas the day after the premiere.
Around twelve more movie parts have been sent my way. Over half of them are ones I wouldnt
benefit from doing. After reading through the detail of the movies, only two tempted my interest. Max
emailed them and both productions replied saying they would love me to audition. Meaning I have
five auditions lined up. I hate that everything takes a while to sink in with me, I have five movie
auditions and Im casually sat eating a fruit salad like nothing has happened.
Ethan and I are going to visit home before Christmas. Time has just flown by and its taken a while
for me to notice how long it has been since I left home. Mum and Madeline came to visit not long
ago, but I havent seen my Dad for six months. Ethan said he has booked us a private plane to take us
home next week. Ethans house had been left unattended for a while, too. Well need to check on it.
Im not sure what he intends to do it with it. I doubt hell want to sell it. Its his parents house, so Id
assume hed keep it, and then when were in England wed have somewhere to stay. The house means
more to Ethan than he knows. It means a lot to me, too. I spent as much time in Ethans house as I did
my own.
Ive noticed I need to hurry with purchasing my Christmas presents. I have given little thought to
what I will get everyone. For Max, Im thinking of buying him tickets to a concert. Not sure which
one, Eleanor will help me. Purchasing anything for Eleanor is going to be difficult. Its hard to think
of anything she doesnt already own. Ill speak to Max or Ethan about that one. Maybe we could buy
her something from us all. I always say we should do joint gifts so then the blame cant just be pinned
on one person if it goes wrong. For my Mum and Dad I cannot explain how much I would love to
give them a new house. The house they have is too small. Even with me not living there. It may have
three bedrooms, but it is still very cramped. All their hard work has paid off and I want to thank them
for it. Ethan is considering giving them the house of his. That would eliminate my gift. They wont
want two houses. Maybe a holiday or a villa abroad is the only other idea I had. They deserve a
holiday at least. I dont want to see them waste their lives away working. They still have Madeline to
take care of so they cant disappear until shes old enough to be alone, I suppose. This is why I hate
shopping, you never know what to get anyone. Im tempted to insist Ethan and I send gifts from the
two of us. It saves messing around with individual presents. Ethan will obviously need a few more
ties. Money isnt an issue since being in the film, but I dont want to get him loads of expensive
pointless ties. That isnt the tradition. So Im on the hunt for some funny or patterned ties. Im
considering finding a tie production place and getting a photo of us put onto a tie. I hope they dont
make me purchase a thousand of them. That would be such a hilarious present. One thousand ties all
with the same photo on. At least they would last him a long time. Ties are a side gift. I want to get him
something extra special for Christmas. The things he has done for me are beyond meaning, and I am
so grateful for having him. I dont know what Id do without him. So my main agenda this Christmas
is to purchase Ethan the best, most brilliant, fantastic, amazing, awesome present in the entire world.
Max suggested I bought myself some lingerie, to which I replied, Go away, in a much more
offensive way. After he left I secretly added it to my list. It is a most definite last resort.

R eady to go? Ethan asked, picking up our bags and holding the door open with his foot. I
planted myself in the middle of our wonderful living room and rotated on the spot,
scanning the apartment in one final search of anything we would need for our ten-day trip home to
visit our family. I snatched at our passports on the side, placing them inside the handy pocket inside
my bag.
A new bag is what I am in need of. I hardly use bags, although when I do, my previous college bag
isnt the most glamorous accessory for a rising star. Im holding out until Christmas because no
doubt Ethan will buy me a magnificent one made of a material man wasnt even aware existed. Thats
not what I want though. I want a satchel, a normal leather satchel. With my initials on it, and inside a
cute message from Ethan telling me how much he loves me. If that turns out to be the only gift I got
for Christmas, I would be the happiest girl. Anyway, I placed the passports in my bag and shut the
door behind us.
Ethan hired a private car to take us to the airport, where his private jet would wait for us. I glanced
over at Ethan. He was wearing his second favourite tie today. He must have been considering today as
a special occasion. This tie I bought him for his eleventh birthday. It was a white tie covered in a
splattered paint design. Red, blue, yellow, green, and black squirted onto a blank white canvas. Its
very artistic.
He says when we return to New York he will take me around the site of the hotel . I dont want to
go, but I will try and show my support. Ethan handed me a bottle of water as we sat in the plane.
Too early for champagne. I thought to myself.
I fell asleep during take off. Ethan and I were listening to some classical music on his MP3 player
and I dozed straight off. Somehow I remained in that slumber. We did wake up during the early hours
of the morning so I suppose I hadnt gotten as much sleep as I would normally do. I do love my sleep.
Why didnt you wake me? I asked Ethan as the captain called over the speaker that we were
coming in to land.
You looked so cute and peaceful and I didnt want to wake you. I know how grumpy you can be
when someone wakes you up. You were snoring, too.
I scowled at him.
We could be the cutest couple ever. I said to him telepathically.
Ethan and I stood waiting outside Madelines school. We wanted to surprise her by picking her up.
I told Mum to let us pick her up so she could go straight home without having to rush over and collect
her. Our surprise was almost ruined when crowds of people gathered around us for photos and
autographs. We rushed through the crowds, most were Mums sneaking a picture kissing Ethan on the
cheek. My crowds were kids asking for autographs. A lot of them were so young, their parents
shouldnt be letting them watch me shoot people at such a young age!
Madeline appeared from school, scanning the yard for Mum, as she always picked her up. I
grinned at her. It took her ten seconds or so to spot us. Her face lit up and she sprinted towards us. I
held my arms open and crouched to embrace her. She ran straight past me and wrapped herself
around Ethan. Squeezing her arms around him. Ethan picked her up and swept her around
Whats happening Maddie, you miss me? He placed her down.
Madeline wobbled in her dizziness. Where have you been? She shouted, folding her arms and
Ive been looking after August! What else would prevent me from seeing you! He said,
matching her sulk. He placed his hands on her shoulders and twizzled her around to face me.
I raised my eyebrows, with my arms still spread. Dont forget about me!
Madeline grinned and dawdled into my arms. How Ive missed her ginger hair, and her cute
freckled cheeks, and her bossy attitude.
Shes such a delicate little flower, I didnt want to let her go.
Did you get married yet? Madeline whispered.
To who? I giggled in her ear.
She released her arms from around me, planting her hands on either side of my face. I stared into
her adorable, serious eyes, awaiting her reply. She stared right back at me and then attempted to roll
her eyes. She was clearly trying to indicate Ethan, she tilted her head in a further attempt to imply him.
I laughed again. No, no, why would we get married, Madeline? I asked with curiosity, holding
up my hand to reveal I wasnt wearing a ring.
She squinted at me and raised her head. Im just checking cus Im supposed to be the bridesmaid.
I bit my lip and peeked up at Ethan, he was smiling down at her as if he were her parent. I imagined
thats how he would look at our kids if we ever had any. Madeline was still wearing the bracelet I
bought her, along with her friendship bracelet from Ethan. They slid down her arm as she raised it to
grab a hold of Ethans hand. They started to walk out of the school gates and towards the car. She
squeezed her right hand as they walked away, implying for me to grab hold of it. I lunged forward
and linked my hand with hers. She jumped into the air, lifting her feet off the floor, swinging
forwards and backwards on our arms, nearly pulling me over. Im too small and weak to sustain a
good frame for swinging. Within the first five seconds of clambering into the saloon car
chauffeuring us around, Madeline has pressed every button possible in the car. The electric windows
jolted up and down repeatedly to her amusement. She loved when the TV screen unfolded down from
the roof. Patrick Miller s show was on. Id seen it already, but we watched it on our trip home anyway.
My Dad was sitting at the kitchen table as we entered through the front door. I crept on my tiptoes
as far as I could before sprinting behind him and covering his eyes with my hands.
August, I saw your reflection in the mirror as soon as you walked in.
I cuddled his neck and kissed his cheek. Did ya miss me? I asked, squeezing him.
August youre choking me, love. Of course I missed you. He coughed and rose from his chair
and hugged me. Im tired of seeing you on the bloody television and in all the newspapers, though!
Cant catch my breath without seeing you!
He avoided hugging Ethan. Instead they shook hands in a manly ordeal. Loving the TV show,
Victoria and I are hooked! That model you had on was smoking, wasnt she?
I was unsure as to whether Dad knew of my love for Ethan or not, perhaps Mum hadnt told him.
Either way, his comment made me roll my eyes.
Natasha is very nice, and funny too. Ethan replied.
Suddenly my Mum came bolting downstairs, sliding on the wooden flooring in her fluffy socks
and swooped Ethan and I into a group hug.
Did everything go ok collecting Madeline? She asked.
Everything went well, no need to worry Mrs. Bishop. Parents and children swarmed us as we first
set foot on site, but they soon disappeared. Madeline looked so adorable when she recognised us and
sprinted over to us. Ethan replied, patting Mum on the back.
Oh Ive missed you both so much. Since your faces are everywhere it reminds me youre all
grown up and dont need me anymore. Now I have to pretend I like talking to your father.
Madeline raced over and huddled into the middle of our hug.
August that dress you wore for your premiere, my word it was beautiful! You nearly looked as
hot as your Mum! Where did you get it? He can sell the car and buy me one for our anniversary or
Christmas, a dress for both occasions perhaps. Mum asked with bulging eyes.
Stanley, the director of the movie has a friend who creates masterpieces. Well sort you one out,
dont worry. I replied.
Whos this model chick youre seeing then Ethan? She suddenly turned and asked with a blank
Ethans eyes lit up. Natasha? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, were only friends Mrs. Bishop. He
stuttered back to her.
Smooth. I said, nudging him with my elbow.
Mum winced her eyes at him, Ok, sweetie.

W e stayed at Ethans house. We didnt want to cramp up my parents house. Only my bed was
available, my Dad made it very clear that Ethan and I wouldnt be sharing it.
Ethan stood and observed the deserted house as we first entered. He paced around the room,
stroking his hand across the dusty furniture. I felt so helpless watching him. I just wanted to give him
a crushing hug and reassure him that everything would be ok. It saddened me so much knowing he
was the last of his family. He has me and my family, and were a family. The Knights however could
become extinct unless Ethan decides he wants a family of his own. I cant imagine a world without an
Ethan Junior or his little princess of a Daughter.
Were cleaning Ethans house today, throwing anything out that isnt needed, tidying up and
packing up anything Ethan wants to take with him to New York. Hes finally decided he wants to give
my parents his house for Christmas. Our home, Ethan calls it our home, not his. Our home is far more
spacious, so we agreed they shouldnt turn down the opportunity to live here. The house they live in
now could be saved for Madeline when she decides she wants to move out. They can rent it out until
then. This is currently the plan we have lined up. We can hardly wrap the house up in wrapping paper,
so I suggested we give them the key in a little box with a note.
Ethan was in charge of rearranging everything downstairs while I took care of his parents
bedroom. His parents bedroom had a depressing ambiance. It was tidy, but there wasnt much to tidy.
The wardrobes were almost already empty. Ethans Dad didnt have many clothes. I removed the
clothes from their hangers and stuffed them into a bag. I dragged the bag to the top of the staircase.
Ethan said he didnt want me to carry anything downstairs, because he knew I would trip and break
my neck.
Then I rummaged through the cupboards, I found more screws and instructions on how to build
the wardroabe in the wardroabe than anything else. I sighed as I shut the final door, flopping onto the
bed and stared at the ceiling. It was tougher than I had expected.
As I sat up, I realised I hadnt checked the bedside drawers. I shuffled my bottom along the bed and
opened the first of three drawers. Nothing. Disappointed, I frowned and shut it, opening the second
draw. Nothing. I sighed and opened the final draw to also find nothing. Angered, I slammed the
draw shut. Who doesnt contain one item in their bedside draw?
I fiddled with my thumbs then peered over my shoulder, maybe that wasnt Ethans Dads drawer.
Maybe it was his Mums. I stood and walked over to the other drawer, refusing to part my sight from
it. I thought maybe everything would escape if I removed my eyesight from it for more than a second.
I knelt down and took a deep breath to calm myself. Opening the first draw, it contained a pair of
earphones and many packets of headache tablets. The next two draws were empty. I gritted my teeth as
I closed the final drawer, I thought I would find something, anything.
Wow, this was boring, I said to myself. I misplaced my foot as I got to my feet and kicked the
corner of the drawer. I mumbled many words that shouldnt be repeated, hopping on my uninjured
foot and holding my agonised foot in my hands, rubbing my big toe in hope to cease the pain. Out of
the corner of my eye, I noticed an object under the drawer I had just searched. After I rubbed my toe
to a bareable pain. I knelt, dropping my head to the floor. It was a small dusty wooden box, no bigger
than an A5 piece of paper. I held it between my fingers, scraping it along the floor. This hadnt been
opened in years. The surrounding dust had almost created a cocoon layer of protection around it. I
wiped the dust off the lid in disgust. It was a dark mahogany and had a smooth finish once the dust had
been removed. I rubbed the rest off with my sleeve. It had ETHAN engraved on the top of it. I ran my
fingers over the letters, wiping away the molded dust. What do we have here? I unclipped the latch
at the front of the box. The lid hinges squeaked as I folded them back. It contained an envelope and
taped on the inside of the lid was a square Polaroid picture. I delicately tore off the tape and blew the
thin layer of dust covering the photo. It was a picture of a woman, smiling and holding a baby in her
arms in a hospital bed. After a moment or two, I figure out who it was. It was Ethans Mum. Id never
seen a picture of her before, ever. Ethans Dad removed all the photos from the house after she died
and put them into storage. She was a beautiful woman, but you could see by her skin and expression
she wasnt well. She had shoulder length brown hair and such a beautiful smile. Ethan definitely has
her eyes and her smile. I forced a smile as my eyes began to fill, trying to convince myself that I was
happy to finally see an image of her, not sad. I carefully stuck the photo back into its original position
and grabbed the envelope. It wasnt sealed, but the back had been folded in to prevent the contents
from falling out. I did the same with my envelopes. I hated having to lick them. My hands trembled. I
suddenly became angry with myself for not being able to open the envelope. I pinched the letter inside
with my thumb and finger and shook the envelope to bring it free. I inhaled and exhaled a few times to
compose myself, August, stop being an idiot. I unfolded the letter onto the bed. Then I paused.
Should I read this? If its meant for Ethan he should be the first to read it. Should I give it to him now?
Maybe I should check it first and see if it was something he would need right now. The handwriting
was messy. I understood why when I saw Mum x signed at the bottom.

My darling Ethan,
Youre such a beautiful baby boy. So sweet and beautiful. Weve only known each other for
two days, although it seems I know you so well already. Your tiny little hand wrapped itself
around my finger for the first time today. My heart is aching knowing I wont be there with you
to watch you grow up. As you lay on me, Ive forced the final strength inside of me to write to
you. I didnt want to leave you with nothing to remember me by or think I didnt have anything
to say to you. You wont see me when you first learn how to tie your shoes or have your first kiss
or at your graduation, but Ill always be there with you, dont forget that. I hope you find love
Ethan, and you live long and happy lives and will have children of your own one day. It should
be easier for you if you have my looks and not your Fathers! Youre my greatest achievement,
Ethan, and I want you to know Ill always be proud of you. I know you will achieve greatness in
whatever profession you choose. Look after your Father for me, Ethan, he may be stubborn, but
he always gives his everything. Hes a first-time parent, so you will have to help him out as best
you can. Things may get a little messy! You will forever be with me, and I with you. I dont want
to go Ethan, but its my time. Tears roll down my face as I say my final goodbye to you. I
desperately look forward to the day I will be reunited with my grown up beautiful baby boy.
Until then I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness and affection.
I love you so much, forever and always, Mum x

I placed the letter onto the bed. I didnt want the stream of tears running down my face to drip
down onto the letter. I wiped my eyes and cheeks with the back of my hand. My face uncontrollably
winced during my struggle to stop crying. I tucked my head into my knees, allowing my emotions to
get the better of me. I honestly wished she was still here, I bet shed be one of the coolest chicks ever
and wed get along like two peas in a pod. I assumed Ethan had never received this letter, which the
cleanliness of the box containing it suggested. Maybe his Dad was waiting for the right opportunity to
give it to him? Something as precious as this isnt forgettable. After five minutes of rocking myself I
finally calmed down. I wiped my hands on my shirt and carefully folded the letter, returning it into its
envelope and neatly placed it back into the box. Im glad I decided not to wear mascara today,
otherwise I would be a total mess. I grabbed a small spare towel from the upstairs cupboard,
wrapping the box in it and hid it in my suitcase, where it would stay hidden until I knew what to do
with it. Handing it to Ethan wont be easy, finding the right moment will be difficult. How would I give
it to him? What would I say?
When I popped downstairs Ethan was walking around topless. I was maybe staring at him for too
long before he saw me stood there.
You ok? He asked, turning around with a puzzled look.
I stared at him for another few seconds before snapping out of my gaze. Oh, Im finished

S ince weve been back weve seen our family every day. Ethan picks Madeline up from school
while I helped Mum prepare food, and Dad, well, hes always late home from work. He likes to
keep out of the way, anyway. Mum can be aggressive if shes disrupted in the kitchen. He sits and
reads the newspaper that either has mine or Ethans face printed in it somewhere. Its gotten to the
stage where Mum has given up on saving all the articles of me because there are too many.
Were leaving tomorrow. I dont want to leave my family again, especially at Christmas. I suppose
Ive got to return to New York now and prepare myself for Patricks show. Ethan needs time to sort
out his performance for the show as well, that cant be done in a matter of hours. I dont know what
preparations he needs to do, but as long as his escape tunnel is there and keeps him safe then thats
fine. Ethan hasnt told my parents about Christmas Eve yet, nor have I. We want it to be a surprise. Im
sure every single advert leading up to Christmas will say dont miss our amazing guest stars, and
witness Ethan Knights exhilarating escape from the plummeting hotel. Max and Eleanor will be
joining me on the show now, too. Shes coming on so we can do some final promotion work for
Twisted. Im glad theyre going to be there with me. Id be a mess otherwise. I wouldnt be able to
speak because of the amount of worry running through me. A familiar face by my side would surely
help me remain calm. Max will be nervous too, I bet. Now everyone knows who he is they want him
to be in the spotlight more often. Eleanor has got Max a job at Hallway magazine. He gets to write
reviews on movies. So all he has to do is go to premieres or cinemas and watch films, then say how
good they were. Thats like the best job ever, isnt it? Im actually seriously jealous of him. I wish I
could do that on the side as well as being an actress. But at least now Max has a proper job and he
should hopefully get a proper visa and wont have to fly back home. Jasmine says she knows a
representative who will be able to replace him.
My parents booked today off work so we could all go for a walk by the coast. Hardly the best time
of year to plan such a trip with the cold, but we all went anyway. Madeline ran along the vast beach
like a dog chasing a flock of seagulls. She was wearing her cute little yellow wellingtons
accompanied by her lilac raincoat, as she ran, circling around us all. I kept grabbing her and kissing
her when she came too close. Mum and Dad held hands while Id pinned myself to Ethan because I
thought I might come down with a case of hyperthermia. Ethan was wearing a ridiculous orange
bobble beanie and a rather large padded winter coat. He may have looked a fool, but at least he was
warm. I had enough layers on to protect the whole family, somehow it wasnt enough. Ethan and I
stayed on the beach while Mum, Dad and Madeline nipped into the nearest fish and chip shop for
August its like Im in the middle of an earthquake with your shivering.
Sorry. I mumbled.
Come here. He said, pulling me off his arm.
He unbuttoned his jacket and hugged me, wrapping me in his jacket with him. My cheek pressed
against his warm chest, instantly soothing my frozen skin. He was so warm and snuggly, how was this
possible? Hes literally a walking radiator, and there I was freezing to death with ten times the amount
of layers he had on. Ethan rested his chin on the top of my head. I couldnt have wished for anything
else more perfect. I only wish the weather was warmer. I nearly drifted off to sleep once Id stopped
Better? Ethan asked. His voice was soft.
I nodded my head against his chest, wiggling my nose to bring it back to life. Ethan was wearing
the autumn leaves tie I bought him for our third Christmas together. Its just an image of a stack of
fallen leaves on a tie.
He released his grasp around me momentarily, allowing the chilling cold to chill me once more.
He placed his hideous orange on my head, pulling it down over my eyes before tightening his grasp
back around, and sealing me back into his warmth.
You did that on purpose. I mumbled.
He laughed and placed his chin back on the top of my head before letting out a sigh.
Is it your collarbone? I asked.
The cold makes it feel like Ive got an icicle in my collarbone.
Whenever anything pops up regarding the crash I suddenly feel awful. I still feel responsible
Stop it! He snapped, shaking me.
Whaaaaat? I groaned.
Stop over thinking it, why do you do it? He squeezed me this time.
You died Ethan. I will never be fine about it, will I? I replied, squeezing him weakly.
Our heart to heart conversation couldnt be taken seriously by myself due to the fact my sight was
blocked by Ethans gloriously warm, but ridiculous beanie.
Youre so adorable. He kissed my forehead protected by the beanie.
Why does he do this? I wanted to shout, Just tell me you love me you moron and stop being so
sweet, and stop smelling so good!
Before I opened my mouth, my Dad shouted from behind us. Enough of that, thank you!
Of all the times to be an over protective Father, he had to choose now.

M adeline refused to let go of Ethan as we tried to leave our parents house. We made the correct
decision of packing all our bags and putting them into the car before stopping to say goodbye.
Madeline was ready to leave for school.
I dont want you to go! She shouted and started to cry.
I knew my emotions were not capable of lasting long so I quickly hugged everyone and rushed
back to the car. Ethans emotional side was far stronger than mine. Are you ok? He asked, sliding
into the car alongside me.
Im fine. I replied.
Today Ethan was wearing his piano tie I bought him for our first Christmas. The design of it is
very self-explanatory, it was a sideways keyboard printed along the tie. Is there anything you want
for Christmas? I asked to distract myself. Ive decided to give him the letter from his Mum on
Christmas Day. Anytime before then may affect his concentration towards his performance on
Christmas Eve.
I havent given it much thought to be honest, ties are clearly essential, but you only need to buy
me one or two. Theres no point buying loads because itll ruin the tradition. Ethan replied, peering
out of the window.
You must want something?
Ethan wiggled his face. I already have everything.
I scowled at him in sarcasm. Stop turning into my Mum and tell me what you want.
How about a holiday? He responded quickly.
I thought for a second, You already have a plane?
He patted my knee, Yeah, but the holiday still needs organising, doesnt it? The plane gets us to
wherever were going.
I nodded, Ok. My mind began to wildly search for the perfect holiday destination. Ill surprise
you, I added.
Perfect, thanks August.

B etter late than never as my Dad would always say. So now I am frantically arranging all of my
Christmas presents. Today was a productive day. I spent the entirety of my morning working out
in the gym. My New Years resolution is to work out more and stay in shape. Im trying to make my
six-pack appear a little more prominent. I can also wear all the running clothes I own for what theyre
supposed to be used for.
After my workout, I took a shower and grabbed my laptop and searched online for my Christmas
presents. I had written a list of everyones gifts.
Mum High heels
Dad New TV
Madeline Sneakers, tour around ice cream factory
Max Concert tickets
Eleanor The same gift as Mums
Ethan Holiday, personalised playing cards, ties
Since Ethan is giving my parents our house from us both, I realised my gifts to them should be
more normal. So, I got Mum, Eleanor, Jasmine and I, four of the same sized black high heels, we
all have the same size feet. I added Jasmine to the list when I decided to call the genius who designed
and created my dress. He also does heels. He explained he would deliver my Mums shoes in person
since hes visiting his boyfriends family for Christmas, and they only live thirty minutes away from
my family. So thats very, very, very convenient and cute. Hes extremely nice and polite. Hes French,
and has a very lovely broad accent. He wasnt too happy with the short notice I left him with, but
because I looked so good in his dress he made an exception for me. He said he would surprise us, too.
So Im super excited to see what these shoes look like. If theyre as good as my dress I dont think
well be taking them off!
I ordered Madeline six pairs of Converse purple, red, black, white, blue and pink. I know shell
love them. Its the unwrapping Im sure she will enjoy the most, having all those boxes piled up for
her. Her excitement will be uncontainable. And I called Rons ice cream and organised a tour around
their factory or whatever they call it where they make the ice cream. So shell be able to see how her
beloved bubblegum ice cream is made! Its going to be the best gift ever! I can just imagine walking
around and turning to find Madeline had vanished, then the next moment I just see her swimming in
the bubblegum ice cream mixer.
When I spoke to Eleanor about a gift for Max she explained that Max would like two tickets for the
ballet. Obviously theyre for her, but she said to get them for him anyway. I know it doesnt really
make sense, but I followed her instructions. Her happiness brings him happiness I guess.
Relationships are weird.
As for Ethans gifts, Ive designed him some golden playing cards that have his own cool design
on the back with his initials inscribed on them. Every card is the same, apart from the Queen of
hearts; on that one it has a photo of me with a cheesy childish grin and two thumbs up. I thought itd
be funny. They come in a lovely wooden box. I hope he likes them because I spent the forever
designing them!
As for a holiday I booked a trip to the Maldives. The main reason I booked this holiday is because
its beautiful and sunny and well be marooned on a small island for ten days. Meaning well be able
to spend lots and lots and lots of time alone.
And of course, ties. I had a long search through a huge collection of ties, although none appealed
to me. The perfect one inevitably showed itself. Nothing else came close to this tie. It was a sky blue
tie with falling snowflakes draping on it. It even came in a unique crafted box, how cool is that? Out
of all of his ties, this one would be my favourite.
I shut my laptop after ordering everything, letting out a huge sigh of relief. Ethan was doing press-
ups in the gym when I emerged from my bedroom. I rushed in and laid across his back as he
continued, wrapping my arms around his chest. Were by far the cutest couple, not to be a couple,

I ts almost midnight. Ethan and I are sat in bed watching an episode of Patrick Miller s show. I
wasnt watching it to tell you the truth. I was drifting off to sleep. Something had been on my
mind all day though, the source of where all this came from. Ethan paid for it all, but the money in
that bag I saw a while ago hasnt paid for everything.
Ethan? I whispered, rolling over and onto his chest.
Yes, dear? He replied, flicking his eyes off the television.
How did you pay for everything? Honestly.
I closed my eyes in hope hed think I was adorable, so he wouldnt get mad at me for asking.
He inhaled and exhaled deeply. My Dad didnt drink himself to death. He was shot, because he
owed a casino owner in Italy a severe amount of money. When the owner found out he didnt have the
money he was owed, he shot my Dad. I went over to Italy as soon as I left the hospital, saw my Dad
one final time before having him sent back home to be buried next to my Mum. The casino owner had
twelve casinos scattered around Europe. They all closed that same weekend. Each one mysteriously
emptied of its sixty or seventy million banks... I walked away with seven hundred and seventy three
million by the end of the weekend. I bought myself a private plane with the money from the first
winnings, to fly me to every other casino. Then I went to Switzerland, to open a bank account where
the money remains now not bad to say Id just come out of hospital, huh? I think we can both agree
that Im pretty good at roulette.
I remained silent. A tear ran down my cheek as I winced my eyes. I know why he had kept this a
secret, its not easy telling someone your Dad was murdered. And then so many questions would have
to be asked. I felt nothing needed to be said, so I cuddled up to him and squeezed him, snuggling my
head into his chest more. He already knows that Im sorry and Ill always be there for him. Our
emotional moment was interrupted when I burped out of nowhere. Ethan laughed so hard he had to
roll out of bed to compose himself.
Way to brighten the mood, August! He joked.
Embarrassed, I laughed with my head underneath the pillow, desperately wishing that didnt just

H orrible cramps struck me at lunchtime, resorting me to my bed, feeling sorry for myself. Ethan,
being the annoying person he is, brought me a hot water bottle, a basket of assorted muffins, a
large tub of Rons cherry ice cream, a huge bunch of flowers, and last but not least a massive teddy
bear bigger than me. He stumbled into my room, dropping the bear beside my bed as he scanned my
room to find a suitable place to put it. He was wearing the love heart patterned tie I bought him for
our eighth Christmas together.
Sorry I didnt come to your aid earlier, I was busy searching for things I thought would help.
I snatched the hot water bottle off him, settling it on my stomach.
Come here. Ethan said, sliding into bed and cuddling me.
I want my bear. I murmured into his chest.
Next thing I knew, there was a teddy bears face smothering us both.
Where on Earth did you get this? I asked.
He laughed, Teddy bear shop. He kissed my forehead and squeezed me.
No kissing. I growled.
Ok sorry. He released his grasp and rolled the teddy bear off of us. A muffin then appeared in
front of my eyes, which I immediately inhaled.
Youre so adorable. He whispered.
I reached over him and grabbed a couple of muffins, stuffing one into my mouth and one into his.
We spent the whole day laying in bed and watching movies. If I werent in so much pain this would
have been a wonderful day.
We shared the ice cream while watching When Harry Met Sally. Not the most convenient film to
watch regarding my situation in all honesty. So I fell asleep. Later on at 11:42pm, I woke up, still in
Ethans arms. I slipped out of bed and wandered to the bathroom.
When I came back, Ethan was still asleep. I sat beside him and watched him sleep peacefully for a
minute or two before kissing his forehead and whispering, I love you, making sure I avoided
waking him.

A s I strolled downstairs this morning, the biggest bare Christmas tree I had ever seen in my entire
life was planted in the corner of our living room.
How the hell did that get in here? I asked as I descended the stairs.
Thats for me to know, and you to find out. Ethan replied.
I shook my head in disbelief, and wandered into the kitchen after gazing upon its magnificence.
Theres no way that tree could have fit into the elevator. It mustve been fifteen feet high.
Well decorate it later, we need to get decorations first. I figured youd want to go shopping with
me for decorations. Ethan said as I sat on the sofa, observing the tree while eating our breakfast. He
was wearing his lovely bird tie today. A dark navy tie, with a pattern of white birds on it. However,
theyre not proper birds. Can you remember drawing at school, instead of drawing a seagull or a
bird, youd draw a funny styled tick? Like the tick you would use to mark someones question
correctly on a paper? The tie had those ticks on it anyway, showing them as birds. I bought Ethan this
tie for our tenth Christmas together.
Later on, Max and Eleanor and Ethan and I all went shopping for Christmas tree decorations. Since
Eleanor has lived here longer than us she knew all the handy places to get all the required essentials
from. We bought several boxes of lights, and a cute little, huge star to go on top of the tree. We found
loads of boxes of nutcrackers and snowflakes, the typical Christmas tree decorations. We didnt have
a colour scheme, we just chose the coolest looking decorations. My favourite was the small snow
globe you can hang on your tree. Inside, Santa and his reindeer are flying over a village. So cute! I
kept it aside and left it until every other decoration had been hung up since it was easily breakable.
Ethan bought some funny styled Christmas jumpers to wear while we decorated our tree. Ethans had
a big snowman on the front with googley eyes, and mine had a Christmas tree on the front with little
tiny bells hanging from it. Ethan thought it would be funny to buy me a jumper thats six sizes too big
for me. So the jumper pretty much covered my knees and the arms almost touched the floor. Ethan
threw me onto his shoulders to try and place the star on top of the tree. But we failed because we were
too busy laughing at one another. We hadnt thought it through. I was still a few feet away from
reaching it, too. So the star, unfortunately, didnt make it to the top of the tree. We placed it on the
mantelpiece instead.

A s I lay in bed this morning the floor below me started to vibrate. Like a booming noise, shaking
the whole room in a repeated pattern. I threw my dressing gown on and rushed downstairs. Ethan
had discovered the surround sound button for the music system, but didnt know how to turn it off. He
was wincing with his fingers in his ears. Sorry! He was wearing his coffee beans tie I bought him
for his twelfth birthday. I rolled my eyes at him, snatched the remote off him and turned the music
I didnt know we had that. He said, removing his fingers from his ears. He examined the remote
with great wonder, and skipped through the songs, stopping on a song, Elvis Presley Cant Help
Falling In Love one of Ethans favourite songs. I rolled my eyes at him when he grabbed my hands
and began to sway. He raised my right hand, placing it into his shoulder. Linking his right hand with
my left, he lowered his left hand onto the small of my back, smirking in amusement as I tripped over
his feet. He lifted me off the ground and slotted my feet on top of his. Thats better. He whispered as
we gracefully swayed around the living room. I blushed as he moved his arms around my waist, to
which I joined my hands at the back of his neck.
You have bad morning breath. He said as we gazed into each others eyes.
Oh shut up! Where did you learn to dance?
I took dance lessons for prom.
I looked into his eyes as he looked beyond me, focusing on his steps. I was a second away from
grabbing him and kissing him. Ethan that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I replied,
tightening my hands around his neck.
Being August Bishops prom date was a big deal, I didnt want to disappoint you.
This was possibly the most romantic gesture I had ever heard. I dont know what came over me. I
was leaning in to kiss him. I really was.
Then a knock came at the door, breaking our trance. Whoever it was on the other side I may attack.
Ethan walked over to reveal Max.
I was walking by and I remembered I left my rubber duck radio in your shower, so I thought Id
collect it, Max said.
Ethan laughed and turned to me to see if I found it as funny as him. I forced a fake smile, but
quickly returned to my poop stare at Max.
Ethan ventured upstairs to retrieve Maxs stupid radio duck. Meanwhile I wandered over to Max
and punched his arm.
Ouch! What was that for?
I was about to kiss him you moron! And you bloody interrupted for a radio duck. Are you
kidding me? Some swear words may have been replaced with non swear words in that sentence, but I
can neither confirm nor deny I said such things.
I wont disturb you with my radio duck issues anymore. Max smirked.
Better not. I snarled with glaring eyes.
Ethan returned and handed Max his stupid radio duck. And I slammed the door on him before he
could say another word.

O f all times for Ethan to plan a last minute trip to Miami to meet Natasha, he had to choose today.
Of course Im jealous, its a natural thing for me to feel. Its his relationship with Eleanor all
over again. I tried to not let it bother me, still, it constantly toyed with my mind. The TV even
appeared to be against me, repeating all of Ethans shows ahead of Christmas Eve. Then the next
channel was repeating episodes of Patrick Miller s show. So, I popped over to Max and Eleanor s. I
hadnt discussed my schedule recently with Max, and was hoping a few more movie roles had come
along to attract my interest.
My first article will be in next weeks magazine, Max said as he passed me my cup of tea.
Great work Max, congratulations!
Can I speak to August alone for a moment, Max? Eleanor asked, raising her eyebrows.
It concerned me because I was certain Id done something wrong although I wasnt sure what, and
Id only been here two minutes.
Oh, ok. Ill go. and buy you some flowers from across the road. He replied, swiftly leaving
the apartment.
Eleanor sat beside me on the sofa, almost knee to knee. August, I know.
Know what? I replied, my voice shaking.
She squinted, About Ethan and the crash.
I dropped my sight to the floor. I thought he wouldve told you when you saw his scars. It
surprised me that he didnt tell Eleanor about the crash, his scars are hardly discreet.
He told me it was a sporting injury, I dont know I didnt want to upset him, so I avoided
mentioning it.
Max obviously broke the news to Eleanor, I still was unsure how much she knew. Did she know his
heart stopped?
What else do you know about the crash? I asked.
Her eyes suddenly darted at me with a look of sorrow.
Oh. Her response wasnt required.
I know its a hard subject, but I wanted to speak to you and see how you were doing? Does it still
bother you?
I took a sip from my tea. It was too hot, so I placed it straight back down.
It plays on my mind now and again. I replied.
She hugged me and rubbed my back. Do you want to talk about it?
I shook my head on her shoulder.
Are you sure?
I nodded my head on her shoulder.
Why do I feel so guilty? I asked in a weirdly exhausted voice.
I dont know August, its one of those things you cant change and you have to accept that.
Our hug parted, I know, I replied, I know. I stared at my tea and sighed.
You love him, dont you? She asked.
Without thinking I nodded. After a few seconds I realised what I had admitted and I glanced up
sharply. Eleanor smiled, not a happy or sad one. Just an understanding one.
He loves you, too. She said.
How do you know? I breathed, trying to not let it show that my heart was dancing.
Its the way he looks at you. Every girl dreams of being looked at like the way he looks at you.
Even me when I was with him. You just never catch him when he does.

M ax messaged this morning saying there was an interesting article in the newspaper about Ethan.
So I bought a newspaper, expecting to see a photo of him with Natasha, kissing and holding
hands along the beach.

My work is built around phone calls. Phoning up the latest celebrities and interview them because everyone wants to
know what he or she are doing. This months hot topic for me was Ethan Knight, the magician everyone is talking about.
Strangely on this occasion, a phone call wouldnt help me. Ethan Knight was unreachable, maybe because hes a
magician, or maybe he doesnt like to be disturbed. Either way, this required me to find him and speak to him in person.
Verging me on the cliff of becoming more like a paparazzi than a writer. Nevertheless, I set off in pursuit of him after
hearing he was in Miami. He wasnt hard to find. I encountered him helping an elderly woman carry her shopping home. A
sincere gesture of good will, regardless of his stature. I walked beside him and introduced myself, he knew who I was
and we walked and talked about his upcoming appearance on Patrick Millers chat show, and his successful TV Series.
The elderly womans name was Jean, a very polite and lovely lady. After five minutes, Ethan stopped, and placed down
the shopping in his hands. He asked me how much I made a year and if I had a family. Surprised, I answered his query
and asked why he wanted to know. He reached his into jacket pocket and wrote me a check for two years wages. Go
and be with your family, take a break, go on holiday. Before you know it, youll be paying for their tuitions, and theyll be
gone. Spending time with your family is far more important than walking beside me helping this lady carry her shopping
home. Id give anything to spend Christmas with my family. He said. He slipped the check into my pocket and continued
on his way with Jean, and her shopping. This kid is nineteen years old, nineteen, and wrote me a check for two years
wages. Bearing in mind he has never met me before. But he couldnt have been more right, family is the most important
thing in the world. And as I click send on the email with this file attached, Im currently sipping a glass of wine with my wife
as I watch my children run around on the beach in Portugal. I guess what Im trying to say is, Ethan Knight, Thank you.

T oday is the day I make my appearance on Patrick Miller s show. A moment I have dreamt of my
whole life. Ethan is taking me to the demolition site of the hotel, romantic I know. However, I
want a million reassurances that everything will be fine and Ethan will return unharmed. After my talk
with Eleanor yesterday, I havent been able to stop thinking about what she said. Was it true? Ethan
came home late, and we didnt really speak this morning because he had arranged for us to head
straight over to the site once we were ready. He insisted we went in his car, but I insisted we went in
my car. I won of course.
The site was overflowing with men and women wearing yellow and orange high visibility jackets,
and white safety helmets. Ethan forced me to wear the same outfit due to safety reasons.
Aw, you look so adorable. Ethan said.
I hate you. I replied with a frown.
He took a step back, pulling out his phone. Say cheese.
No. I said, folding my arms and increasing my frown.
He smiled down at his phone after taking the picture.
Thats my new screen saver right there. I might even get it framed and put on the wall, youre so
cute in your helmet.
I gazed upon him straight faced and uninterested. Im not five years old.
He passed his phone to a workman and asked him to take a photo of us.
Stop being so stubborn! He said before kissing my cheek for the photo. He patted my helmet
after. Right, lets go inside then, shall we?
I rolled my eyes and rearranged my helmet, Lets. I felt so stupid having to walk around in that
ridiculous outfit. My helmet didnt even fit my head right, and the jacket was three times too big for
me. I looked like the child of a builder who they had brought to work for the day. I dont know what
Ethan was excited to show me, all that remained inside was concrete and a few chairs for the workers
to sit on. Its so weird seeing the inside of the building, everything has been stripped from it. Lifeless.
Its completely lifeless. I expected all the carpets and the furnishings to remain, but no, nothing,
nothing to represent that this was once a hotel. Just cold, miserable and dusty.
As we entered there were two young men sat on a ruined sofa on their laptops, shouting at one
another. Their argument faded as we approached them.
These are two of the computer chaps who helped edit my show. Ethan slumped beside them on
the sofa and put his arms around them. Strangely, they didnt say a word. They were just staring at me.
I smiled, unsure how to react to such odd behaviour.
Guys! Ethan said clipping the back of their heads with his hands.
They jump and stood up extending their hands. Yeah, were his team who make everything
happen. Hi, Im Bryan. One said, rubbing the back of his head with a huge smile on his face. I shook
his hand while keeping weary eye contact with him. These guys only looked the same age as me,
maybe older, but they looked so young, it was tempting to ask them why they werent in school.
The first was a tanned, chubby guy with glasses and long brown hair and wore a T-shirt with a
picture of a slice of pizza on the front.
Can I get your number? The other snapped, extending his hand. He was the opposite of the first.
Small, skinny and as pale as a ghost, and had short spikey hair. I raised my eyebrow at him, avoiding
the handshake.
Toby youre not having her phone number, sorry. Ethan said, standing and put his hand on
Tobys shoulder. There are many reasons why, but I wont hurt your feelings by telling you them
Sure. Toby replied.
But the main reason is that shes too good for you, and shes my girl chaps. He added. What did
he mean shes my girl? Can you be more specific?
As I thought it over I started to sing, I got sunshine on a cloudy day. When its cold outside Ive got
the month of May.
Ethan shouldnt have said that, now I looked like a lunatic randomly singing My Girl infront of
two guys who helped run his show.
Ethan turned and gave me a puzzled frown, but a smirk replaced his frown. Our eyes instinctively
knew what wed have to do next.
I guess youd say, what can make me feel this way? We sang in unison.
I sang the first, my girl, while Ethan carried on the next two that repeated.
Talkin bout my girl. We sang in unison again.
We both pointed to Bryan to sing the final, my girl, and he backed us up perfectly.
Ethan and I high fived and laughed at one another for a good minute before we eventually calmed
down. I apologise if we now have My Girl stuck in your head and youre singing it for the rest of the
Youre sleeping with that? Toby then asked inappropriately, unimpressed by our excellent,
synchronised, harmonised vocals.
It hurt a little because I thought Ethan would be lucky to be sleeping with someone as funny and
hilarious as me. Not to mention a great spontaneous singer, too. Ethans brightened mood dampened
as quickly as it had been created. Toby Im this close to firing you, youre in the presence of the
most beautiful woman on the planet and you refer to her as that? Sit back down, please, before I get
mad. He held his fingers no further than an inch apart in front of his face.
Toby turned red and slouched onto the sofa, sulking and tapping away at the keyboard.
Sorry about that. Hes a constant pain in the ass. Ethan said. I need to check on a few things, are
you ok to wait here for two minutes?
I smiled, Sure, Im not going anywhere.
He stepped forward, stopping toe to toe with me, tucked my hair behind my ears and then pulled a
small section forward. Elfie, think of a card and I bet you five bucks its in your shoe.
Ok, I said as he jogged away.
It was tempting to turn and ask Bryan, You heard him call me the most beautiful woman on the
planet, right? And you saw the spark between us there?
Instead, I sighed, ruffled my hair and sat down on the sofa, as far away from Toby as possible. I
untied my white Converse shoelaces. My card was the King of Clubs. Nothing. Bryan held the first
shoe as I untied the second. It didnt surprise me to find a card facing down in the sole of my shoe.
Hed become too good at it for me to doubt his ability. I reached in, and there it was. The king of
clubs. I grinned.
Is that the card you were thinking of? Bryan asked.
It is. I replied, placing my shoes back onto my feet.
So, wheres this tunnel? I asked.
Oh its underneath there. He said, turning and pointing to a big white X painted in the centre of
the floor of the dusty lobby.
I rose from the ruined sofa and observed the marking on the floor from what I thought was a safe
distance. I couldnt see a door, but I guess thats the idea, otherwise people would know its there.
What tunnel? Toby asked.
I swiveled around and scowled at him.
The one we were supposed to tell her about in which he escapes in, that one, remember? Bryan
Oh shit, right, yeah, its under the big white thing over there, yeah. Toby said, waving his hand at
I flicked my eyes between them, Bryans expression dropped.
There isnt a tunnel is there? I asked, lowering my head.
Duh. Toby snapped.
I dropped my head further and stared at the floor.
Ok Toby, youre done. Pick up your stuff and go. Youre lucky other people are around you.
Ethan snarled from over my shoulder.
My eyes filled up and my bottom lip trembled. How could I have been this nave? Toby smacked
down his computer screen and took off towards the exit. Bryan remained silent.
August. Ethan said.
I took off my helmet and examined it before furiously throwing it to the ground as well as my
stupid jacket and walked away.
August, please wait. I wiped my eyes as I paced to my car.
August! Ethan shouted again. He jogged behind me. Where are you going? He stopped in
front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders.
Im not standing around and watching you kill yourself, Ethan! I yelled, pushing his arms away
and walking past him.
August, please dont go. He groaned and walked beside me.
You lied, Ethan! How do you expect me to react to this? I want no involvement in this, Im going
The car was still another couple minutes walk away, but I persevered at my fast pace.
Why dont you trust me? He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.
I flung it off. No! None of your stupid cuddling or kissing, its either me or your stupid fucking
trick. Im sure Natasha will approve of it. See what she thinks about it!
What are you talking about? Is that what this is about? Natasha?
I remained quiet and kept walking. I suddenly noticed he was no longer walking beside me. I
glanced over my shoulder. Hed stopped and had his hands held in front of him. They were shaking. I
stopped and watched him for a moment. He looked up at me and then walked back towards the hotel.
Instead of making things worse, I returned to my car.
As it burst into life I punched the steering wheel, setting off the horn, startling myself. I needed to
be at Patricks studio in a few hours, and now I felt so bad I didnt want to go. This isnt an evening I
can just avoid or postpone. The dust from the site made me feel unhygienic and clammy. So I told
myself to take it a step at a time and just return home to freshen up. I ran my hands through my hair
and fastened my seat belt, jolting it twice before it clicked into the buckle.
I drove home, upset and angry. I slammed my car door shut as I pulled up outside our apartment
block and rudely threw the key at the man who parks the cars for us.
Ethan was already leaning against the sofa, waiting for me as I stepped inside. I rubbed my face,
slamming the door behind me in frustration to him being home before me. Nevertheless, I walked
straight past him.
Are we going to talk about this? He asked, following me.
I have nothing to say. I replied, maintaining my course.
August, dont make me leave like this. He said, still following me.
Im taking a shower and then heading over to the studio. You do what you need to do. I closed
my bedroom door behind me, and sat on my bed with my head in my hands.
The moment the shower water struck me I started to cry. The bathroom door creaked open not
long after.
August, theres something I need to say.
I sighed and wiped my eyes. Ethan what is it? Cant I have two minutes in the shower, please?
Silence. The falling shower water echoed.
Ive been waiting twelve years to tell you. I think Ive waited long enough. He then said, his
voice sounded clearer than before. He must have stepped further into the bathroom.
Im naked, this isnt the best time, Ethan. Just go.
The flow of the shower water suddenly slowed to a stop. The soft touch of his finger rose from the
bottom of my spine, gently moving my hair off my back and placing it over my shoulder. A kiss
pressed against my neck and another behind my ear. I closed my eyes as he rested his head on my
shoulder. We deeply exhaled in unison.
I love you Ive loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you, and I will do until my
dying day. I will always, always, always love you. So badly, it hurts. He whispered into my ear,
kissing it afterwards.
A smile developed into a grin as I opened my eyes. Ethan kissed my neck once more before the
flow of water restarted. I glanced over my shoulder, but he was already gone.
The nerves inside me amplified as each second passed as I stood behind the set of Patrick Miller s
show. Max and Eleanor were already sat on the sofa waiting for me, after having a gossip with Patrick
about their newfound love for one another. Despite Ethan telling me he loved me, Im still furious
with him for lying about the tunnel. I just dont want anything to happen to him. Especially with the
whole world watching. Im wearing a black shift dress with a collar according to my stylist lady. Its a
very pretty dress, but it doesnt come close to my premiere dress. Thats like the Queen of dresses.
Time is edging closer to the moment Ive always wished would happen. The churning butterflies
in my stomach are making me feel like throwing up.
Youll be fine once youre out there. I told myself. Focus on yourself for a moment, Ethan can take
care of himself.
Hell announce you on any second. The assistant said beside me.
The moment has arrived. Im sweating furiously. I looked up at the screen showing the live
broadcast. Patrick rose from behind his desk.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Its the moment youve all been waiting for, the moment Ive been waiting
for. Shes ruling the world right now guys. AUGUST BISHOP!
The lady with the headset on behind me placed her hand on my back and gave me a slight nudge
forwards, breaking me from my trance. I forced myself forward, down the small tunnel towards the
applauding audience. The studio lights blinded me as I took my first steps on to the stage I had heavily
dreamt of stepping on. Remember to smile good. Now curtsy and wave to audience, perfect. Now
walk over to Patrick and then sit down and relax. My conscience helpfully instructed.
Patrick stood, opened armed. I walked over and embraced him. He smelt terrific, although the
smell of hairspray was quite prominent.
I cant believe Im finally here! I said into his ear.
Please, please take a seat, August. He said, guiding his hand to the sofa occupied by my friends.
Max and Eleanor smiled at me as I sat alongside them. They look so cute. Max is wearing a smart suit
and Eleanor is wearing a beautiful cream dress. I wish I could tell Max about my encounter with Ethan
earlier, although its not the time or place. No matter how quiet I whisper it to him. The microphone
clipped to my dress would surely pick up what I was saying.
Its great to have you on the show, August! Patrick said.
I smiled at him and then the audience, allowing myself to soak in the atmosphere. I cant tell you
how long Ive wanted to come on this show.
Well, weve been dying to have you on here, havent we guys? Patrick shouted to the audience,
in which they replied with huge screams and cheers. It was so humbling to receive such a reception.
Its a wonderful Christmas present having you on the show, August. So, first things first, well
definitely be seeing you in another movie soon, wont we?
I nodded. Yes, for sure. People seem to like me, which I hoped for, and the parts have come
flooding in for new films. So, youll be seeing a lot more of me over the next year or two.
Patrick looked overjoyed, it was like hed had horrible plastic surgery and itd left him with a
permanent grin.
Suddenly, a male shouted from the audience, I love you, August!
The audience burst into laughter. I gazed at Patrick and laughed at them.
Thanks, Dad! I replied.
My Dad wasnt in the audience I was just trying to be humorous. Im sure he was snuggled up on
the sofa with my Mum, watching me right now. The audience and Patrick laughed as well as Max and
On a serious note, tonight, yourself, Eleanor and Max are here to support your good friend, Mr.
Ethan Knight, who is performing something that is going to shake the world, literally. This guy is
risking his life, doesnt that scare you?
This was the question I was hoping to avoid, now I had to make up something to show everyone I
had complete and utter faith in Ethan and everything is going to be fine, and well all live happily ever
Max answered first, The guy is insane. Hes taking magic to a whole new level. Personally, Ive
seen him produce the impossible many times, so each time he comes up with a new idea I dont doubt
him for a second.
Patrick replied, I understand, but for the world at home and for myself, weve only seen his
series, performing cool, quirky card tricks and hand magic. This is a massively defining stage in his
career, dont you think?
Eleanor answered now. I couldnt produce a sensible sentence in my head. I should have thought of
this before coming on. Ive had weeks to prepare.
Absolutely. Im still getting use to his tricks, so Im on the same page as everyone else. This is a
gigantic moment. Max is so laid back about it. He hasnt shown a seconds doubt, which has helped
settle my nerves.
Patrick nodded. What are your thoughts about this, August? I know you and Ethan are close and
have been for over a decade now.
I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked down. Umm, hes my bestfriend and I dont want to
see him get hurt. Ive always supported Ethan and I always will. But this is a little out of my comfort
zone. In all honesty, I didnt approve of this trick and it has caused arguments, but hes my bestfriend
and this is something he has to do, so I will show him my full support.
Patrick gave me a reassuring smile. I would be the same if I was in your position, August.
Dropping a building on top of yourself isnt the news any best friend wants to hear.
I raised my head and smiled in attempt to show that it wasnt playing on my mind.
So your first film, August, your first role with Eleanor. Any gossip to expose? What were your
thoughts on your first part as the leading actress?
I put my arm around Eleanor, We clicked right from the word go. We had so much fun filming
together. I didnt want it to end!
Eleanor rested her head on my shoulder. I feel like shes my momma goose, even though shes
younger than me.
We giggled at each other. I guess it was kind of true.
You appear like sisters! Which is great to see because most people would assume there is a lot
intimidation between you. Did you guys not feel any of that at the beginning?
I turned to Eleanor and we winced at one another.
Naaah. We said, and giggled at each other once more.
I mean I was star struck when we first met, but I soon settled down afterwards. I added.
I thought you were a little nervous when you first spoke to me! Eleanor replied and squeezed my
All of a sudden a huge screen descended from the ceiling behind us.
Right everyone, Ive been made aware we will be heading over to Ethan now so we can see how
he is doing. Were approaching the seven-minute countdown. Patrick announced, walking towards
the screen.
It flickered for a brief second before a view of the towering hotel was shown from a helicopter. It
then switched onto Ethan who was standing on the X in the middle of the once hotel lobby. I smiled at
the screen when I caught sight of which tie he was wearing. My AB maroon and blue school tie. The
first tie I ever gave him. His favourite tie.
Hello Ethan, can you hear me? Patrick yelled to the screen.
Hello, Pat, is that you? Ethan replied, fiddling with his earpiece.
The audience laughed again at Ethan calling him Pat. Patrick shrugged at the audience. Yes Ethan,
its Pat. How is everything going?
Ethan rotated in search of the camera positioned on the inside of the hotel.
To your left. Patrick assisted, recognising what he was searching for.
Ethan looked up, spotted the camera and pointed with his cuffed hands. Oh thanks, I got you. Hi
everyone, everythings going well, I suppose. Not much to do for a few minutes anyway. The
explosives are set and Im in the middle of them all. Its absolutely freezing here, though. I wish I
wore a jacket.
Patrick laughed along with the audience this time. Our sofa remained silent. The throbbing in my
ears was gradually building.
Are my friends ok? Ethan asked.
Yeah, were fine, bud. Max shouted at the screen.
Good. August, are you ok? He asked, readjusting his tie.
I grinned as I blushed at him. Im fine, Ethan. Nice tie.
He smiled and stopped fiddling with his tie. Patrick glanced at me, and then at the screen. From the
expression on his face, I think he recognised the spark between us. I twisted back on the sofa to look at
Max and Eleanor, who were already studying me. Max raised his eyebrow at me and I smirked,
tucking my hair behind my ears. Max had definitely figured out what was going on. Id completely
forgot where I was for a second and realised everyone in the audience and at home could probably
see my feelings towards my friend. I raised my head and acted as if everything was fine.
Ethan, well leave you to it, buddy. Make sure you come back in one piece. Patrick said. The
camera returned to the helicopters view of the hotel. Suddenly I felt sick, the size and weight that will
be dropping on top of him worried me. How many seconds would he have to escape?
Only four minutes and twenty-seven seconds to go Ladies and Gentlemen, Patrick announced,
reclaiming his seat.
I flicked my eyes back to the screen, thousands had gathered around the safe zone to stand and
watch. A certain section was boxed off. I assumed that was the explosive controls area.
Where do you think he will reappear after? Eleanor asked.
We all pondered, none of us had stopped to think about that.
I think the dust will settle and hell be stood on the rubble once it clears, acting all casual. Max
I like that, standing like hes set foot on the moon! Patrick added.
Yeah, I didnt know if he would just appear from somewhere random and be like, Im here guys!
Eleanor said.
All three heads moved towards me in search of my thoughts on his reappearance.
Maxs idea sounds good. I answered.
We all nodded and glanced up at the clock. Two minutes and forty-six seconds to go. The churning
inside my stomach had rejoined the throbbing in my ears. Eleanor grabbed Maxs hand and rested it
on her lap. The camera had now moved back onto Ethan, who was sitting on a chair on the X, biting
his nails.
Were taking a short break now guys. Rejoin us with a minute to go! Patrick circulated to the
audience and to the cameras, broadcasting to the world. The lights dimmed and the make up staff
rushed onto the stage, dabbing the sweat off Mr. Miller s forehead. A few rushed over to us also,
although now wasnt the time to be bombarded by make up staff.
Sorry, but now isnt a good time. I politely said to one lady dapping at my forehead. She bowed
her head and stood aside.
Relax, August. Youll give yourself a heart attack. Eleanor whispered.
I smirked and gripped the sofa tightly with my hands. I shut my eyes in one desperate last attempt
to calm myself.
Were back in twenty! Someone shouted.
I sharply twisted around to see what was happening on the screen. Ethan waved at the camera, it
was almost as if he knew I was watching him at that moment. I felt like waving back, then I realised
how pathetically stupid that would be. The studio lights ignited again. Patrick focused upon the rolling
cameras. Welcome back, everyone. One minute to go now on Christmas Eve, before we head on
over to the demolition site, what emotions are you feeling right now guys? Patrick asked.
Excited. Max replied.
Yeah me, too. Eleanor added.
I paused, Nervously excited.
Patrick rubbed his chin, Yeah me, too. Im dying to see where he will appear! Right! Without
further delay, were going back over to Ethan now with thirty-three seconds to go!
Everyones attention now focused on the screen and the studio lights dimmed to almost darkness.
A great way to amplify my concern. I could feel my eyes welling up. Patrick sat on the armrest of the
sofa, placing his hand on my shoulder. He will be fine. He whispered.
The clock reached fifteen seconds. The chair Ethan was sitting on had vanished, and he was now
planted in the middle of the X, alone. My hand started to shake. Dont throw up. The clock reached
nine seconds. Dont throw up. The camera zoomed in on Ethan. He kept his sight fixed on the floor.
Ethans head rose with two seconds to go, and he winked into the camera. Then zero, the camera
snapped to the helicopters view and the top floor of the hotel exploded. Within a few seconds the last
floor blew and the once grand hotel, plummeted into a massive pile of dust and rubble. I closed my
eyes, forcing a tear down my cheek. The crowd behind gasped. A huge cloud of dust still covered
where the hotel had once been, blocking our view. Silence echoed throughout the studio as we waited
for the dust to settle. I wandered my sight around the studio, all eyes remained on the screen. The dust
had now settled, and the high visibility staff rushed towards the rubble. More tears rolled down my
face as I watched the screen, waiting for him to reappear. The studio lights reignited. I squinted to
allow my pupils to readjust to the light. I glanced over at Max. I could the see the worry spread across
his face as each second passed.
Patrick crouched down infront of me. August, dear, dont worry hes fine.
Eleanor placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. A tear revealed itself and flowed down her
cheek. Patrick clapped his hand three times, and span round towards the audience on the ball of his
shiny black shoes.
Do you want to know how I know Ethan Knight is ok, Ladies and Gentlemen? He shouted.
Now most definitely wasnt the best time for him to be a chat show host, right now he needed to be
a considerate man and respect his guests. I felt like charging at him. Patrick rotated towards me,
staring into my eyes, pausing for a moment. I poop stared right back at him. Patrick raised his hand
high above his head randomly. The whole world was watching, my best friend and the love of my life
was probably dead and this was the pathetic distraction he had created.
The reason I know Ethan Knight is ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, is because Patrick started to
say, clearly running out of ideas to draw the attention away from Ethan. He unbuttoned the top two
buttons of his shirt. Great. Hes stripping on global television on Christmas Eve. Exactly what we
need. My opinion of Patrick lowered. I thought he was the third greatest person on the planet, behind
Ethan and Dad of course. Patrick reached into his shirt and pulled his skin up. My face winced at
whatever weird stunt he was trying to perform. But as he pulled on his skin more, I realised, it wasnt
skin, it was a mask. The mask slowly rose above his neckline. Suddenly everything appeared to pass
by in slow motion. My heartbeat was pulsating, blocking out everything around me. The identity of
the person hidden under the mask was revealed before it came off when Madelines bracelet slipped
down onto his wrist as he went to take it off. The mask flew off, and there he was. Covered in sweat,
and dust. He looked as if hed been stuck up a chimney.
The reason I know Ethan is ok Ladies and Gentlemen is because, I am, Ethan Knight. He winked
at me before pivoting around to the audience, opening his arms to accept their reaction. The floor
below us started to shake, everyone jolted to their feet and erupted as if their favourite team had just
scored. I casually smiled out of pure happiness and placed my head into my hands, wiping my eyes.
The deafening roars and screams continued, and continued.
As I lifted my head Ethan crouched down in front of me.
Hey you. He said, wiping my cheeks with his thumb.
Hey, dont you scare me like that again! I replied.
He placed his finger and thumb on my chin, elevating it. My hair flicked forward from behind my
ear. He smirked and combed it back behind my ear. My feelings couldnt be withheld any longer. I
lunged forward, swinging my arms around his neck and kissed him. It wasnt the most glamorous
first kiss since his lips were dry and gritty and covered in dust, but it was still perfect.
I love you so much. I whispered as we rested our foreheads together.
Well its about time. He laughed.
While we were protected by our own little bubble, I hadnt noticed the crowds uproar during our
kiss. The real Patrick Miller then ran onto the stage. How about that, Ladies and Gentlemen! Lets
hear it one more time for Ethan Knight, absolutely phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal! He shouted,
jumping into the crowd and celebrating with them.
Hey guys. Ethan said to Max and Eleanor.
Hey bud. You had us worried for a moment there. Max replied.
A woman jogged onto the stage and handed Ethan a towel. He rubbed his face as he slotted himself
beside me on the sofa, letting out a huge sigh of relief. He put his arm around me and kissed the top
of my head once he was clean.
Wasnt it just the greatest magic trick youd ever seen in your entire life, though? Ethan asked
like an excited school child.
The best! Max replied.
Ethan rubbed my chin and nose with the towel. You gotta little dirt on your face thats better.
He joked.
Thanks. I murmured underneath it, unamused.
Patrick jogged up to Ethan, shook his hand and applauded him as he returned to his desk. I found
Patricks reaction weird because he must have had a certain involvement in Ethans trick. How much
of an influence he had is another story. Maybe Ethan asked him to leave the stage during a certain
point. However they did it, it would play on my mind for the rest of my life. Even if Ethan agrees to
tell me how he did it, I dont think I would want him to. The secret to the greatest trick ever should
remain a secret.
Whoa! Patrick shouted, slamming his hands on his desk. How? How did you do that?
Ethan grinned, A magician never reveals his tricks, Patrick. You of all people should know that.
Patrick took a moment and looked at the audience with an open mouth. Im speechless. What is
next for you? Surely topping that is impossible?
Ive got to see what this one says first. Ethan squeezed my shoulder.
Oh, so you two are like a thing now? Patrick asked, eyebrows raised.
Ethan squeezed my cheeks together and kissed me.
Just friends. He replied with a grin.

M erry Christmas. Ethan said, nudging me awake.

I flung my hand at him and wafted him away.
Sleeping. I muttered.
Ethan then thought it would be a good idea to jump on top of me to get my attention. His head
rested next to mine. Wake up. He moaned. Blowing into my ear. My eyes took a moment or two to
come alive. I feebly rolled over underneath him. His cheesy grin hovered over me. He was wearing
the Santa Claus tie I got him for our second Christmas together. Hes worn it every Christmas Day
Morning. I groaned.
You feel asleep in the car so I carried you up ya little sleepy head. Ethan said, tickling my feet.
I jolted upright and lightly punched his shoulder. Why didnt you carry me to bed? I asked,
stretching out along the sofa.
Oh Im sorry, Ill make a note of your complaint and be sure to do so next time. He sarcastically
I winced at him, then I realised I wasnt wearing my dress. I was wearing one of his T-shirts and
his jogging bottoms.
Why am I wearing your clothes?
His face lit up, Are you being serious? This is what I found in your wardroabe, my clothes you
have clearly stolen!
Borrowed. I corrected.
He gave me a disinterested look, Whatever. Your entire wardrobe is filled with my clothes. Dont
ask how you got into them, Im a magician ok.
I grinned at him while biting the sleeve of his jumper. I love stealing his clothes. Wheres my
necklace? The one from Stanley! I asked, gripping my neck.
Ethan flicked his hand towards the direction of the table. I had to take it off while changing you
because it wouldve caught on something and broke knowing me.
I sighed in relief and slumped back into the sofa.
Now hurry and take a shower so we can open our presents. We need to be at Max and Eleanor s
soon for dinner. You know how grumpy he can be when were late! He said, dragging me to my feet.
Carry me please, Im too tired. I whined, clutching his neck and wrapping my legs around his
Youre always tired. He muttered, walking towards the stairs.
Why do you have to be so cute? He mumbled.
I hummed into his neck as we climbed the staircase. I was still clutching to him when he turned the
shower on for me.
August, stop being childish and get in the shower, please!
I dropped my legs down and sulked at him as he grabbed me a towel.
No sulking. He said, throwing the towel over me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back,
kissing him firmly. Ill be down in a minute. I said afterwards as we grinned at each other.
Come on, you know Im impatient to open my presents! Ethan shouted as I took my time
walking downstairs.
I fluffed his hair as I walked past him, and then kissed him. I love how I can stick my tongue down
his throat whenever I wish. Its fun.
The tree had a pile of presents stacked next to it.
Alternative gift swapping? I asked.
Ethan stared at the presents.
Ethan, I whispered, nudging him.
Im trying to figure out which one to give you first. He wandered over to the pile of presents,
and fetched them over to the coffee table. Scattering them around, his presents to me remained on his
side, my presents to him remained on my side. The first present I opened had To, August/Ethan From,
Ethan/August written on the label. Confused, I ripped open the paper to find a mens tracksuit inside.
Lets hear your explanation then. I joked.
He laughed. Since youre always stealing my clothes, I figured that this is really a present for me
to wear for a day and then you can steal it like every other item of clothing of mine.
I smirked, Very clever. I was hoping for something designer, but you know, this is perfect.
Well before youre too conclusive why dont you open your next gift from me? He passed me
a small long box.
Ethan if this is a pair of socks I will punch you!
Just open it!
I rolled my eyes at him and opened the box. It contained and Eiffel Tower pencil sharperner. I
flicked my eyes up to him, awaiting his explanation.
Were going to Paris, so you can go shopping for all your designer clothes and you can
purchase whatever you like. Ill be your personal shopping assistant who will watch you try on all
your clothes and carry your bags, and then we can explore the city.
Yeah, I figured thats what the pencil sharpener indicated. I replied, raising a sarcastic eyebrow.
I wanted to spoil you, you know. If I decided to buy you clothes instead of taking you to Paris and
letting you select your own, then the apartment would be overflowing with bags and wrappings and
labels. I mean, your happiness is pricesless to me, August, and I will buy you as many dresses and
clothes as you like until youre satisfied. But even then I know youll still steal my clothes.
God, I love you. I put my arms around him and gave him a big, hearty hug. What more can I
say? Hes perfect, hes honestly so perfect. I wouldnt change even the tiniest detail about him, and I
question why I am so lucky to have him.
I got the satchel I wanted as well! Its a natural brown leather colour, and it has AUGUST etched
into it in white and the buckles are golden. Its the most wonderful bag ever. It smells great, too. Much
better than the one I used for college. I love it!
He also got me a magic set for beginners which should be fun
Ethan adored his new tie and his cards, especially the one with my face on, and our holiday to the
He placed his arm around me and kissed my forehead. You always get me the most thoughtful
gifts, August.
We paused for a moment as we scanned over our gifts.
Right, webetter go now, we dont want to be late! He patted my thigh, then wandered over to the
mantelpiece, grabbing his clock.
This still works? He asked, surprised.
I nodded. It hasnt stopped since the day you gave it me. Im surprised you havent noticed it
The excellent craftsmanship made me think it was a high quality clock! He smirked and placed it
onto the coffee table. Ill go and get changed, be back in two. He kissed my forehead one more time
before rushing upstairs.
I placed my head in my hands and smiled, just smiled. Ive never been so happy, and my life has
never been so perfect.
I went to twiddle the necklace around my neck, forgetting it was on the coffee table. As I leant
forward to pick it up, something clicked in my mind. I changed my sight to the clock. No, it cant
be. I said under my breath.
I turned around to check if Ethan was there. He wasnt. I shuffled forward, unfolding my legs and
grabbing my necklace and my clock. Rotating the clock in my hands, I searched for the keyhole. I
peered behind me again to check if Ethan was there. He wasnt. I ran my finger over the key slot in the
clock and carefully placed the key from my necklace into it. It fit, perfectly. I smiled, because for
once, I was a step ahead of Ethan. The key was a lot harder to turn than expected and took a few
attempts to turn the tiny key in the tiny lock on the tiny clock. The back popped up, startling me. I
stuck my fingernail in, forcing the back off. Inside was a small black velvet box. Almost like one you
would contain a ring in. I tilted the clock backwards, allowing the black velvet box to fall onto my lap.
I looked over my shoulder one final time to see if Ethan was there. He wasnt. I gently placed the
clock and its back onto the table. My heart started to race. I tried to open the velvet box, but failed
since I was opening it at the wrong end. I giggled at my stupidity and then opened it from the other
side. Inside was a diamond ring, an exceptional diamond ring. A gloriously huge shining diamond
ring. So many questions flowed through my mind, but there was no time to consider them. I removed
the ring from its box and inspected it. It sparkled as the light from the balcony shined upon it. The
silver ring had a small bracket connected to it to hold the might fine square diamond. I closed the ring
in the palm of my hand and shut my eyes, appreciating its beauty. A hand placed itself on top of mine.
I opened my eyes, and there he was. Knelt down in front of me, wearing a tie with the words Will You
Marry Me? running down it.
So what was the deal with Natasha? I asked.
She was helping me shop for your satchel, you moron.
He took a deep breath. August, on April the sixteenth, twelve and a bit years ago. I met the
prettiest girl I had ever seen in my entire life. She was so shy and sweet, her eyes captivated me and
her smile, her smile was perfect. She was perfect, even when she spat blackcurrant juice all over me.
And every day since, I contemplated. Do I tell her? How do I tell her? That Im so madly in love with
her. To ask her to be mine. When I was in hospital and I found out you were seeing somebody else, it
broke my heart because I thought I was too late. Too late to tell you that youre the first thing I think
about in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night, and all the spaces in between. You were
always meant to be with me, always were, always will. Ill never want to be with anyone else, never
ever, ever. Before I ask my next question can I ask you something?
I tried to compose myself, I tried, but tears kept flooding out of my eyes.
Hey, hey, come here. He shuffled me forward and wiped my eyes.
Can you remember when I gave you that clock?
I flicked my eyes over to it. My thirteenth birthday.
Can you remember when exactly? He asked.
I frowned, what did this have to do with him proposing?
Well you gave it me like a month late, so September?
He nodded, Correct, do you know how long ago that was?
My frowned increased. Six years. Ethan, is this relevant right now? Cant I just say yes? My tears
stopped momentarily as I changed focus to his irrelevance.
Last question, dont worry. How many months ago was that?
I rolled my eyes at him and wiped my eyes while genuinely thinking of the answer. Seventy
three or seventy four months ago? As soon as I answered my eyes lit up. No! I shouted at him,
placing my hands over my mouth and restarting my tears.
Check your shoe. He replied smugly.
No. I blubbered, wafting my hands over my eyes.
He rolled his eyes at me and slipped off my shoe, since I wasnt capable of doing so myself, and
pulled out a card.
And there it was. The seventy-three of hearts. Well, the seven of hearts with his pathetic number
three drawn beside the seven, signed by my six-year-old self with the smiley face. It still had the
smudge from my chocolatey fingers. I could barely see the card through my flowing eyes.
You kept it? I asked, carefully taking it from him.
Of course I kept it! There it is, August. Theres the best magic trick you will ever see. No
buildings being collapsed on top of anybody, and no switching seats in cars. To complete my magic
trick, I need to ask you one final question.
Why couldnt I be stronger emotionally? Ethan constantly has me crying, its not natural. I
exhaled, Ok.
He signalled down at his tie and wafted it. August Victoria Bishop. Will you marry me?
Ive never cried and laughed and smiled and sulked and winced in such a short time. All these
emotions were combining and I couldnt help but cry. I cant believe he kept that card. I cant.
I wiped my eyes, and smiled, nodding my head, Yes.
He quickly leant forward and kissed me. He had the biggest grin on his face. Id never seen him so
happy as he placed the ring onto my finger.
It was my Mums. My Dad bought it as soon as he won his first big payout. Growing up my Dad
didnt give me much advice. But one day he crouched down in front of me and handed me the ring,
telling me to give it to you when we were old enough. He said my Mum would want me to have it.
I held his head next to mine and caressed the back of his neck. I held my hand up over his shoulder
and admired the ring I possessed on my finger.
When he mentioned his Mum though it made me think of the letter, maybe now I should give it to
him, now is the right time. Leaving it any longer could only make things worse.
Ethan I need to show you something.
Ok. He replied.
I rose from the sofa, seating him on it, and walked over to the cabinet I had kept it hidden in. I
regret keeping it from him for as long as I had. Still, I passed the box to him. The moment I gave it to
him I think he knew who it was from. I sat quietly, allowing him to examine it in peace. Ethan
removed the envelope containing the letter from his box and began to read it. I watched his eyes as
they flicked along each line. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he folded the letter into the envelope
and returned it to its box. I shuffled behind him and put my arms around his waist, resting my head
against his back.
I just wish she was still here, you know. To see how well Im doing. To see you. Its not fair.
I know its not. I replied. Shell be watching over you, and Im sure she is so proud of you,
We sat silently as he wiped his eyes.
Im such a baby! I dont cry my entire life and Ive cried twice this year!
We both giggled. I kissed the back of his neck and gave him a squeeze.
Will you be ok?
Ill be fine Mrs. August Bishop-Knight. He replied.
Did you notice we kinda sound like the beginning of a chess set? I asked with my cheek squished
against him.
Oh yeah. He replied with amusement.

A HOUSE! A BLOODY HOUSE! IS HE MAD? August, if you dont marry that boy I have failed as a Mother! Tell him
thank you, honestly thank you so much. Thank you for my shoes and the Tv, too. Madeline is running around like a
lunatic and she went crazy over her presents. Your Father cried, but he wont admit it. He also asked me to remind you to
keep your tongue out of Ethans mouth while on live television, lol! God, I need a lie down, its too much to take in! All my
love to you couple of goofballs, we love you so so so so much. Merry Christmas my angel! Xx

Im sure you can imagine my Mums overwhelmed reaction when I replied to her text with a photo
of me and Ethan kissing as I flashed my engagement ring. Believe it or not Ethan had already spoken
to my Dad about proposing to me. I didnt see that coming. When we arrived at Max and Eleanor s,
Ethan introduced me as his fiance. It was the strangest most wonderful feeling, and I thought I was
going to burst with excitement. Max and Eleanor were thrilled as I held up the huge rock on the end of
my finger. My fiance, wow its even more wonderful to say it, was creating our surprise dinner with
Max while Eleanor and I enjoyed a glass of wine. Whatever it was they were making it smelt great.
The reason it smelt great was because when we sat down we had four pizzas waiting for us at our
table. Eleanor and I were laughing for a good minute or two. Ethan and Max didnt find it too
amusing because they had spent a long time preparing them for us. Pizza is hardly a traditional
Christmas meal, but Im glad we didnt have anything else. We sat and ate our pizzas prepared for us
by our partners. Then I snuggled up into Ethans arms on the sofa and we had a nap while Max and
Eleanor did the same. I shuffled my head back and pouted my lips, in an attempt to show that I wanted
a kiss. I had to nudge him with my head before his hands grasped my cheeks and kiss my pouted lips.
We didnt stay much longer because Ethan was still a bit shaken by his Mums letter from earlier. I
secretly made Max and Eleanor aware of it and they completely understood.
My fiance had one more surprise for me as we reentered our apartment. He took my coat off me
as I obliviously wandered straight past the gift he had hanging on the wall.
August, you missed something, dear. He said, pointing to the wall.
I slumped my arms, as to say How on Earth did I walk past that without noticing it?
I strolled over to him and gazed upon his final gift. It was a framed black and white photo of the
moment he surprised me at my premiere. It was so pretty. He looked so smart and dashing in his suit,
and I had the largest surprised smile on my face. And the flashing cameras were in the background. It
would make the perfect movie poster!
He kissed the top of my head and put his arm around my shoulder as I admired the frame. Do you
like it? He asked, resting his chin on the top of my head.
I love it! I dont know what happened, but as I said that a burp sneaked its way up and surprised
us both. Ethan burst into one of his uncontrollable laughters, and I hid under my shirt in
Youre so adorable. He said, pulling my shirt from over my head. We laughed at each other
I love you. He said, tucking my hair behind my ears, then bringing a small section forward, My
little elf.
I sulked at him. I love you, too.
Ethan placed his arm around me as we turned and faced the beautiful photo of us, newly hung on
the wall. Nothing else was said, because, nothing else needed to be said.

October 31st
Theres a solution, a simple one, to how we will resolve this matter. And that is no one will ever find out how it was done,
not even me. Because I dont remember how I did it. There it is, the truth. However, the footage taken from the side of
the vehicle where you would see how it was done, is in my possession, or was, who knows. I had the tape in my hand,
just like the footage I took from my college surveillance cameras when I broke a guys jaw for hurting the girl I love.
Thats why Augusts parents didnt see the footage. This is irrelevant to you, but I wanted you to know why you couldnt
get ahold of the footage. No one needs to know the truth, Leonard. I thought maybe I did, so I placed the footage from
the crash into the player. But then I removed it. Because I realised, maybe this should remain a secret from everyone.
Even from the one who performed the act, and thats how it shall remain. I think we both know how I did it, Leonard, but I
think we both dont believe it because, it is as they say, impossible.
Ethan Knight.

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