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Case Study Format

An Integrated Research Based Evidence Nursing Process

Dr. Cyruz P. Tuppal RM, RN, RT, MSN, DMS, MASPED

A concept map care plan is a diagram of patient problems, supporting data, interventions and
evaluations. Your ideas about patient problems are the “concepts” that will be diagrammed. These maps
are used to organize patient data, analyze relationships in the data, and enable you to take a holistic view
of the patient’s situation. Concept mapping requires critical thinking to analyze relationships in clinical
data. Critical thinking and clinical reasoning are used to formulate clinical judgments and decisions about
nursing care. The important ideas that must be linked together during concept map care planning are the
medical and nursing diagnoses, along with all the pertinent clinical data. Through concept mapping of
diagnoses and clinical data, you can evaluate what you know about the care of your patient and what
further information you need in order to provide safe and effective nursing care.
The purpose of the case study is to apply nursing process to a patient/family under the students
care. In order to complete a case study the student must complete a health history and physical, analysis
data from assessment, diagnosis problems, plan actions to resolve problem, implement the plan and
evaluate the progress of the plan

Preliminaries Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

The Problem and Its Review of Related Methodology
Background Literature
Title Page Introduction Anatomy and Physiology Prospective , an in
Acknowledgment (on specific system depth exploratory
Significance of the study affected) research design

Objectives (General and Pathophysiology

Specific) (Concept Map/Schematic Data gathering
Diagram related to procedure
Scope and Limitation of patient’s disease process
the Study only)

The Client Physical Assessment

(Describes the client, all (Review of system,
pertinent information Gordon’s Health Pattern)
from day 1 up to the day
the client was handled Diagnostic
by the student nurse in Test/procedures/laborato
chronological manner) ries

Medical- surgical

Patient’s Medications

• All scientific basis

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Appendices
Presentation, Analysis Evaluation of Care,
and Interpretation of Teaching Plan,
Data Recommendations
Nursing Process Describes how students Physical Assessment
Concept Map and performed the care form
Analysis rendered to patients
Nursing health history
Summary of findings Teaching Plan for the
patient and family Drug study
Recommendations •
Presents as
tabular form
except for
Chapter 2
Remarks: Format: Cambria Math Font Size 11, double space in long bond paper

Sample Title Page

A Case Study of ________________________________:

An Integrated Research Based Evidence Nursing Process

Presented to the Faculty of College of Nursing

Arellano University College of Nursing
Jose Abad Santos
In Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements of Related Learning Experience
Nursing Care Management 104

Student’s Name

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