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Candidate name: | p,; Kirk trick DISD district: 2 Please complete questionnaire below. You must send a completed electronic copy to or mail a completed copy to P.0. Box 192305 Dallas, TX 75219 by Monday, March 6th. You can download an editable Ms Word version of this document at the “Endorsements” page of our website at www.StonewallDemocratsOfDallas.ora 1. Your background and the LGBT community Please share any experience that illustrates your understanding and interest of the needs of LGBTQ Dallas residents. ZL. work or Parkend thoapttal, ur cer adverse fees ep ula Core cha and pide ousselts aS leeway On Incluswe heartyore, fFeuployan L sub port tus Muerto whole-heartedly, : ‘Stonewall Democrats of Dallas seek to inform members of the LGBTQ and Democratic Party ‘community of candidate's political background. Our organization's by-laws require us only to consider candidates with Democratic Primary voter history or affirms their party affiliation via an oath of allegiance to the Democratic Party. Do you qualify or would you be prepared to sign an oath of allegiance form from the Dallas County Democratic Party? Yes 2. Creating an inclusive community Cities and Counties compete for residents, tax payers, conventions and new businesses/economic development. As a member of the Dallas Independent School Board, how would you insure that Dallas County can compete effectively with other places in the area of LGBTQ inclusion? I Usould. pore and MERE 60 (idles, : ae er to enswie PID toa kader is equa v0 Ss tudowts aS wetlas shat “9 "et os Would you recruit and consider qualified LGBTQ constituents for your staffand appointments? test cleft wale 3. Dallas Independent School District (DISD) as a LGBTQ inclusive employer ‘The private sector has seen a large increase in policies and benefits for LGBTQ employees, how should the DISD remain competitive to attract and retain top LGBTQtalent? [ISD AMUSt ensure fo te, & leader in LORTR pon-descrwihation Polices SpeUtivln, unten Seyua | orlertactomn and gender idwohityy F° Do you support comprehensive LGBTQ and especially transgender-inclusive health benefits? As a DISD board member | will you work on lobbying the state and Teachers Retirement System to implement such benefits? yes It is great to have policies supportive of non-discrimination for LGBTQ personnel and students. Does DISD do any | diversity training of personnel related to non-discrimination and anti-bullying? - ayy ne aware | oF trauung SpeceFicalley tefatedto LORE dnersity ‘What will you do to support Gay Straight Alliances for your school district? =["_ a be. comp Supprbnve and Willa to guihate Such pel cigs died, 4. Current Events ‘What do you see as the top challenges for the DISD board going into the next school year, an priorities for your work on the board for DISD? 7 he- cha S of nesn an “oP Nef srenttion «These bol) are “sepa orp pan eer toc peng noes wrens, anes iverson of funds to privete: cdvcatun LeBTQ aus make up approxiniately 40% of the homeless youth population, but only 10% of the youth population as a whole. They also face considerable discrimination and abuse in traditional homeless assistance programs. Given these facts, is there anything that DISD can do to help this at risk population stay in school, and any other assistance | coho get them off thesreis? ph ae loos s0 peeps, ot cmp He "Bor Edyetiee Pragmm, iat are ypur personal | ee eee conwide rina artnering uta the Ccty ean tee eat eens is angen dea_fo ee accoMns ae County's Department of Elections has made it a priority to encourage new young voters to participate in elections more. In what ways would you attempt to increase participation in Dallas County's successful Student Election Worker program? Is there anything more that DISD can do to) help student voters participate in elections? \ ro Ne shoud acs chow cAvice prpcece PHe beg inctudgea Re hes om appropriate Campuses aS well ae ple —tegishation fo [rqergide ‘What are your concerns regarding the new A-F grading system for Texas public schodls that is being rolled out in 118? What mssrectici imoroyementsto this new schoo ma “pear shouign gD be pe lobbing for AE Systeme ts NOP Ce Crp hel gees an in tHe MS rooM 4 pet ee be ee mit te ver Seed r DOS. S YY, tel Zé ipl Lethe LP Lee hte Soap ial Ee oe, 1 sf ea AeA PALZE_, am sooking an endorsement rom the irene very 2017 Pallas Ing eta eedceees Schofs thaF > vate_3/a//F Need He Most,

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