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Math 109 - Homework #6 Selected Solutions

Professor: Bejenaru
TA: Robert Won

1. Prove that if an integer n is the sum of two squares (n = a2 + b2 for a, b Z) then n = 4q or

n = 4q + 1 or n = 4q + 2 for some q Z. Deduce that 1234567 cannot be written as the sum of
two squares.

Proof. By homework problem 15.5, either a2 = 4p1 or a2 = 4p1 + 1 for some p1 Z. Similarly,
b2 = 4p2 or b2 = 4p2 + 1. Then we must have that

a2 + b2 = 4p1 + 4p2 = 4(p1 + p2 ) or

a2 + b2 = 4p1 + 1 + 4p2 = 4(p1 + p2 ) + 1 or
a2 + b2 = 4p1 + 4p2 + 1 = 4(p1 + p2 ) + 1 or
a2 + b2 = 4p1 + 1 + 4p2 + 1 = 4(p1 + p2 ) + 2.

So setting q = p1 + p2 , we conclude that n = 4q or n = 4q + 1 or n = 4q + 2.

Since 1234567 = 4 3086541 + 3, it cannot be written as a sum of two squares. 

3. Use the result of Question 2 (a2 is divisible by 5 a is divisible by 5) to prove that there
does not exist a rational number whose square is 5.

Proof. Suppose for contradiction that there existed a rational number whose square is 5. Write this
rational as p/q where p, q Z and gcd(p, q) = 1. Then p2 /q 2 = 5. Since p2 = 5q 2 , p2 is divisible
by 5, so by Question 2, we have that p is divisible by 5. Hence, p = 5r for some r Z. But then
p2 = (5r)2 = 25r 2 and so 25r 2 = 5q 2 q 2 = 5r 2 . Now by the same logic, q is divisible by 5. But
this is a contradiction, since gcd(p, q) = 1, but both are divisible by 5. 

4. Prove that there is no rational number whose square is 98.

Proof. Suppose for contradiction there existed a rational number whose square is 98. Again, write
this rational as p/q where p, q Z and gcd(p, q) = 1. Since p2 /q 2 = 98, p2 = 98q 2 is even. But
we proved in Problems I.7 that if p2 is even then p is even. So p = 2r for some r Z and hence
4r 2 = 98q 2 . So 2r 2 = 49q 2 . The left-hand side is even, so the right-hand side is even, hence q 2
must be even. But since q 2 is even, q is even. This is a contradiction, since gcd(p, q) = 1 but p and
q are both even. 

I will always provide full solutions to graded homework exercises. If I think I left something too unclear during
section, or if many students are having trouble with the same thing, I will post solutions to those problems as well.

6. Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisors of (i) 165 and 252, (ii)
4284 and 3480.

Proof. For (i),

252 = 165 1 + 87
165 = 87 1 + 78
87 = 78 1 + 9
78 = 9 8 + 6

so gcd(165, 252) = 3.
For (ii),

4284 = 3480 1 + 804

3480 = 804 4 + 264
804 = 264 3 + 12
264 = 12 22 + 0

so gcd(4284, 3480) = 12. 

7. Let un be the nth Fibonacci number. Prove that the Euclidean algorithm takes precisely n
steps to prove that gcd(un+1 , un ) = 1.

Proof. Note: This problem is not quite true, as stated. There are a few ways you can modify the
statement to make it true. We could prove that it takes n 1 steps for all n 2. Or we could
reindex the Fibonacci sequence so u0 = 1, u1 = 1, and prove the result for all n 1. Ill do the
Proceed by induction on n. For the base case, u1 = 1, u2 = 2. So the Euclidean algorithm

1 = 12+0

takes exactly 1 step to prove gcd(u2 , u1 ) = 1.

Now suppose the Euclidean algorithm takes k steps to prove gcd(uk+1 , uk ) = 1 for some k 1.
Now uk+2 = uk+1 + uk and 0 < uk < uk+1 (since uk+1 = uk + uk1 ). So performing the Euclidean
algorithm to find gcd(uk+2 , uk+1 ), the first step of the algorithm will be

uk+2 = uk+1 + uk .

But now this reduces to finding gcd(uk+1 , uk ), which will take an additional k steps by the induction
hypothesis. Hence, the Eucliean algorithm will take exactly k + 1 steps to find gcd(uk+2 , uk+1 ). 

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