65 PDFsam Lte-Qualcomm-160517111238

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Interference 3GPP Terminology

Adjacent Channel Interference Power Ratio (ACIR)

ACIR is the ratio of the total power transmitted from a source to the total
interference power affecting a victim receiver, resulting from transmitter and
receiver imperfections.

Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR)

ACLR is the ratio of the transmitted power to the power measured after a
receiver filter in the adjacent RF channel.

Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS)

ACS is a measure of a receivers ability to receive a signal at its assigned
channel frequency in the presence of a strong modulated signal in the adjacent
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The tolerable level of ACIR at any 3GPP receiver is defined as the point where
a 5% degradation in system throughput occurs.
80-W2691-1 Rev A Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 64

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