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English Department English 10

Prepared by: Abel M. Cadias, MA-ESL


I. Listening Comprehension
Video clip:
Directions: Highlight the correct answer.

1. The presenter revealed that

A. he was allowed to interview Chinese farmers as long as he will not talk
to them about politics
B. he interviewed 1 billion Chinese peasants
C. traditional farmers in China are now rich because they produce food to
Chinas population
D. traditional farmers in China are empowered by its own government

2. The secret to the fertile soil of some part in China is the use of
A. buffalos to till the soil
B. gardening techniques
C. human manure
D. interplanting

3. The presenter disclosed that one-tenth of Chinese land is

A. occupied by 1.3 billion of people
B. able to grow crops
C. occupied by 1 billion farmer peasants
D. used to study ancient Chinese horticulture

II. Vocabulary
A. Noun that ends in -tion
Identify the root of a word and use context clues to provide
you a clue on the meaning of the unknown word.
Study the following underlined nouns:
1. The history of agriculture in China has been one of constantly improving
crop yields through innovations, improvements in techniques and
2. The resulting surpluses have allowed the population to grow.
3. Peasant farmers in the south have traditionally used water buffalo to plow
their fields, donkeys to carry goods and treadmills to pump water into
irrigation ditches.

B. Use one of the underlined nouns above in a sentence.

China has the most populations in the world.
III. Reading

The history of agriculture in China has been one of constantly improving crop yields
through innovations, improvements in techniques and intensification. The resulting surpluses
have allowed the population to grow.

English Department English 10
Prepared by: Abel M. Cadias, MA-ESL

In late imperial times the agricultural land in the north was worked by people who
Line 5 owned the land while the land in the south was owned by landlords who didnt work the land
themselves. Peasants who worked the land either paid for use of the land with a share of their
harvest, a fixed rent in crops or a fixed rent in cash. It was more of commercial arrangement
than a feudal one.
Agriculture in China is labor intensive. Women do about 60 percent of the work.
Line 10 Animals such as mules, oxen and water buffalo are considered luxuries and most plowing is
done with sticks or hoes by farmers in lamp shade hats and rubber boots. Human excrement,
urine and even burnt duck feathers are brought into the fields and used for fertilizer.
Chinese farmers are very efficient. In the Guangdong province farmers plant three
crops a year: two of rice and one of legumes. The rice paddies also double as fishponds, and
Line 15 the dikes between them are often planted with sugarcane and mulberry trees. Chinese farmers
can also be very clever. When the price of carrots went down one farmer found it was more
profitable to use the carrots to fatten his pigs, when the price of carrots went up he sold the
carrots on the market.
Peasant farmers in the south have traditionally used water buffalo to plow their fields,
Line 20 donkeys to carry goods and treadmills to pump water into irrigation ditches. Theft is
sometimes a problem. During harvest time families often sleep in the fields or by their fish

A. Complete the information in the web by describing Chinas

traditional farming practices.
Chinese people who have land own it in the

land owners
Landlord own
the land in the
three crops a year

Chinese traditional
efficient agricultural
farming practices

Women do
60% of work

Two rice and one of legumes intense

Use human manure labor use duck
feathers (how?)
use pubbing systems

English Department English 10
Prepared by: Abel M. Cadias, MA-ESL

B. Directions: Highlight the correct answer.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) type of Chinese farmers
(B) traditional Chinese agriculture
(C) irrigation systems in China
(D) animals used in Chinese agriculture

2. The word plow in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) bury
(B) shove
(C) cultivate
(D) plant

3. Farmers in Guangdong were efficient because

(A) they used animals to grow crops and sell water buffaloes
(B) they planted three different crops a year and use their land well
(C) they sold sea water fish as well
(D) they did not sell carrots when their price went down

4. The word peasant in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) clever laborers
(B) poor farmers
(C) strong farmers
(D) hard workers

5. The word It in line 7 refers to

(A) how peasants work
(B) how peasants pay for land rental
(C) how peasants communicate to landowners
(D) how peasants sell their harvest

6. Why were Chinese farmers known to be clever?

(A) They earned a lot of money by producing more crops
(B) They managed their own land and farms well
(C) They knew how to use their crops for better profit
(D) They knew a lot about Chinas economy

7. The word dikes in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) watercourse
(B) wall
(C) pond
(D) hole

8. What does women do about 60 percent of the work imply?

(A) Animals did the other 40% of the work

English Department English 10
Prepared by: Abel M. Cadias, MA-ESL

(B) Men were enlisted as soldiers which explains womens role

(C) Men were unskilled in farming
(D) there are more hardworking female farmers than male farmers

9. What can you tell about Chinas farming land ownership?

(A) the northern people were fortunate more than the southern farmers
(B) owning a land took centuries
(C) farmers needed to work hard first before owning a land
(D) landowners enslaved many farmers

10. Why did families sleep in the fields during harvest time?
(A) to avoid poachers
(B) to stop land grabbing
(C) to protect their crops from thieves
(D) to use their time wisely

IV. Structure
A. Active vs. Passive Voices
Active voice: subject of the sentence performs the action (verb).
Study the examples below:
1. Peasants who worked the land either paid for use of the land
with a share of their harvest, a fixed rent in crops or a fixed rent
in cash.
2. Women do about 60 percent of the work.
3. In the Guangdong province farmers plant three crops a year: two
of rice and one of legumes.

Passive voice: subject is acted upon by the verb. Study the

examples below:
1. In late imperial times the agricultural land in the north was
worked by people who owned the land while the land in the
south was owned by landlords who didnt work the land
2. Animals such as mules, oxen and water buffalo are considered
luxuries and most plowing is done with sticks or hoes by farmers
in lamp shade hats and rubber boots.

B. Follow the link for further explanation:

C. Transform the following sentences

from active to passive
1. Women do about 60 percent of the work.
60% percent of the work is done by women.
from passive to active
1. most plowing is done with sticks or hoes by farmers in lamp
shade hats and rubber boots.

English Department English 10
Prepared by: Abel M. Cadias, MA-ESL

Farmers in lamp shade hats and rubber boots do plowing with

sticks or hoes.

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