Nicolae Ceausescu

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Nicolae Ceausescus speech 21. August 1968

Dear comrades. Plenary Meeting of the Party Central Committee, the Council of State, the
Government, the leadership representatives of public organizations, syndicates, youth, women, the
creative union, unanimously decided to express full solidarity with the people of Czechoslovakia
and with the Czechoslovak Communist Party! Dear comrades, citizens of Romania. The entry of the
five Socialist countries into Czechoslovakia constitutes a big mistake. It is a big danger for the
peace in Europe and threatens the future of socialism all over the world. It is unthinkable in today's
world when people rise to fight to defend national independence for equal rights as a Socialist State,
the Socialist states to violate the freedom and independence of another State. There is no
justification and cannot accept any reason to admit for a moment only the idea of military
intervention in the affairs of a Socialist state. Our delegation of state and party last week visited
Czechoslovakia was convinced that the Czechoslovak people, the Czechoslovak Communist Party,
Czechoslovak working class elders, women, youth unanimously support the party and the state
leadership to ensure the triumph of socialism in Czechoslovakia. The problem of choosing the path
of socialist construction is a problem of every party, every state of every nation. Nobody can set
itself up as counselor, as a guide about the way in which you have to build the Socialism. It is the
job of every people and we consider that to put the relations between the Socialist countries
between communist parties, on a truly Marxist-Leninist we should once and forever to end the
interference in the affairs of other states, other parties! We are determined to act with full force,
with all our responsibility to contribute as faster we can for finding ways to resolve this situation
created with the entry of foreign troops in Czechoslovakia so that the Czechoslovak people will be
able to work in peace. We are firmly determined to act so that together with the other socialist
countries, with the other communist and workers' parties to contribute to the elimination of
divergences, to strengthen the unity of the socialist countries, communist parties, because we are
convinced thats the only way to serve the interests of the people. Socialism interests, worldwide!

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